Alchemy &amp Artifice [PDF]

1 Alchemy & Artifice 2 First of all, thanks to Lynn Willis, Ben Monroe, Mark Morrison, and friends for giving us such

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Alchemy &amp Artifice [PDF]

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Alchemy & Artifice

2 First of all, thanks to Lynn Willis, Ben Monroe, Mark Morrison, and friends for giving us such a rich place as Magic World to adventure in. (Lets see some more campaign books, folks! Would love a city guide to, say, Lashingport, Drumhold, or Belehold!) A big thanks to Jason Durall and Sam Johnson for the Big Gold Book which changed how I roll. Thanks to Chaosium, inc. for making their materials available. Before I forget...again...thanks to Trifletraxor, Administrator of for allowing so many to share in the love of the games. This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. A lot of the art and most of the descriptions were “borrowed” from many other, much more talented people from other books and around the internet. The more creative artwork was done by Ken Seward, AKA Simlasa, from BRP Central. Thanks for your works! I did, however, do my best to convert most of the information from an old school source to be playable in my favorite Role playing System. While it did take some long and tedious work, it is my love for the system that brings me to share the work. I hope it helps make your game more enjoyable. My ultimate goal is to make it easier to run fantasy games using the BRP/MW/CF systems, which means more people play, which means more people BUY products associated with such great systems. And finally, I’m not a writer, an editor, or a spelling bee champion. Please pardon all of the:

Table of Contents on page 89


The Art of Alchemy Since the earliest writings, man has endeavored to better control the world around him. From making fields more fertile for farming to curing ailments, even the most ancient civilizations have striven to become more enlightened concerning the physical world and the elements it, and we, are composed of. The list of such discoveries, while varies depending on the Chroniclers campaign, includes chemical solutions to make soil more fertile, as native Americans taught the English to plant a fish carcass with corn seeds for a richer harvest. The ancient Egyptians learning how to preserve a body for the afterlife or how they took a thin, reed like plant and developed papyrus. Various Asian cultures discovering the flammable power of Saltpeter which burned a hot purple flame and could scare away evil spirits. The Assyrians discovering that mixtures of sulpher and bitumen could be used in pots for great explosive devices, which in turn lead to the Greeks mixture of the same ingredients combined with pine resin and quicklime to make Greek fire. Metallurgists from many cultures experimenting with various metal ores to make a better weapon, or hot to make fires hot enough to smelt such metals into a more pure form. Hunters and gatherers alike experimented with herbal remedies ranging from bulls blood to every type of weed or flower. Some successful. Some deadly. In a fantasy world ripe with the mystic energies of the universe and higher powers, there are countless more plants, minerals, ores, and creatures of myth to fill the greatest libraries with possible uses, both common and obscure. Those learned people who hold a belief that everything in the material world is not in chaos or random but that there is a natural order to all things. That that order can be manipulated. Added to or subtracted from to obtain fantastic result. They would devote their lives to unlocking the secrets of the physical and metaphysical realm around them in the hopes of unlocking the secrets of unbreakable metals, eternal youth, destroying all


sickness, transmuting one element into another (such as lead to gold), or the ultimate goal of immortality. This book will detail an occupation, the alchemist, who begins with the studies of physical science and combines it with the magical unknown to create unique elixirs, dusts, oils, toxins, potions, and even items of great power using the magic inherent in all things material. For all of creation has such energies locked away within itself. From common metals to rare gems. From the weeds in the field to rare subterranean mushrooms. From common insects to the heart of a dragon. The beginning Alchemist is considered to have undergone apprenticeship prior to starting his or her career. This tutelage, under the training of a master, typically takes 8-10 years during which time the pupil spends much of their time learning metallurgy, glass blowing, paper making, preparing ingredients, learning anatomy, and studying ancient scripts and languages involving alchemy. This training is usually complete once the pupil reaches a skill of 40% in one of those fields and creates his or her first elixir. This success demonstrates the students knowledge of the field and the ability to comprehend the natural order of things in the physical world, as well as properties of the metaphysical. After this training the alchemist may chose to leave the master and follow their own studies or remain as an assistant. Each choice has it’s positive and negative aspects as described later under experience. The Alchemist Occupation Occupation Skills: Other Language (Alchemist Script), Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Evaluate, Nature, Craft (Alchemy), Potions, and two of the following specialties: Repair, Scribe, Craft (Any), Knowledge (Metallurgy), Craft (Tinker), Physik Extra Money: None. (or 100 BP per year as assistant) Allegiance to Balance Benefits: given Allegiance with the Balance, the Alchemist learns enough knowledge of the physical and metaphysical realms to reach into his or her mind for the answers that are locked away there. Doing so causes the player to gain up to 1/5th (round up) of current Balance points and subtract that total from any skill roll involving alchemy. The Alchemist must undergo an Allegiance check at the end of the adventure.

APOTHEOSIS Once an Alchemist reaches 100 in Balance AND at least one Occupation skill they reach an enlightened state concerning that skill and gain a benefit based on that skill as follows: Physik: The alchemist learns the secrets of restoring life to the lifeless. This allows the creation of a homonculous or even new lifeforms. Nature: A pinnacle in achievement, the Alchemist has discovered the secrets locked in flora and unlocked the secrets to Aqua Vitae. Knowledge(Metallurgy): The master alchemist has discovered the secret


essences that lie hidden in all minerals and can make metals that are more susceptible to enchantments. Other Language (Alchemist Script):The alchemist has learned the materials necessary to prove the quill is mightier than the sword. By utilizing the correct mixtures he or she can now pen magic scrolls in the alchemist language of math that replicate Deep Magic spells (from Advanced Sorcery) Craft(Alchemist Procedures): The character has achieved a level of expertise rare in his or her occupation. The knowledge gleaned from years of experience have worked the mind of the alchemist into an analytic tool allowing them to produce more product with less waste, and higher levels of success. All alchemist Procedures now are at 1/2 the normal cost and each point over 100 in Balance may be subtracted from Craft(Alchemist Procedures) skill rolls allowing a better chance of success. Craft(Tinker): This master craftsman has learned how to make complex machines that can mimic lifeforms and contain enchanted properties. Craft(Alchemy): The alchemists understanding between the physical and magical realms has become so enhanced that the two almost enter twine with one another. The alchemist has learned to harness the very essence of life and, with help, may create semi-sentience in inanimate object such as golems. This is the only specialist allowed to create advanced potions. (Details can be found for all of these under the chapter for Enlightened Alchemy)

Skills of the Alchemist Other Language (Alchemist Script): This language is more of a set of symbols that are used by alchemists to denote minerals, herbs, plants, organs, ores, gems, alchemical processes, and mathematics. Only alchemists and wise scholars are privy to the definitions and translations of these symbols, as much of the alchemists work is private and even secret. Some alchemists even go so far as to create a completely different set of symbols to represent his own work, which other alchemists would not recognize. Craft (Alchemist Procedures): The work of an alchemist encompasses a wide variety of tasks used in the preparation phases of the alchemical procedure. These include: Isolating Rare Earths: The ability to break down materials into their primal, most basic state, releasing properties that are otherwise inaccessible. Weighing: Using a balance and weights scale to determine the proper amount of a given ingredient. Powdering: Grinding materials, using mortar and pestle, into fine powder. Mixing: Simple stirring for dry mixtures; mixing into a solution for liquid mixtures. Heating: Using a very hot flame to cause materials to react differently. Smelting: Melting down metals into a molten state using extremely hot fire. Casting: Pouring molten metals into molds. Metal Working: Hammering and shaping pieces of metal. Equipment: set of jeweler's tools. Glass Working: Cutting, blowing, shaping glass. A very hot fire is needed.


Polishing: Grinding and sanding to create alchemist fire in order to oxidize them in preparation for powdering. Distillation: Purifying liquid mixtures by heating. drawing off gasses, and allowing Gasification: Subjecting an Alchemical Dust to acid and heat until the mixture dissolves into gaseous form. Dousing: Subjecting a device, article of clothing, piece of jewelry, Weapon. etc., to daily sprinkling and washing with certain of the liquid Essences to create items of power. Sublimation: Passing materials from solid to liquid to gaseous form and back (several times over) by subjecting them to diluted doses of universal solvent positive and negative and the Alchemist's Fire. Evaluate: Knowing how much to pay for materials can be very important to an alchemist. Nature: Unless the alchemist plans to purchase all the ingredients needed for his or her creation, this skill is very important. It allows the alchemist a chance to successfully find and identify materials like plants, herbs, animals, and knowing where they might be found. Craft (Alchemy): This is the skill roll needed to successfully create almost all of the Devices, Dusts, Gasses, and Acids in this book. Liquid substances (excluding acids) receive a bonus equal to 100% of the characters Potion skill. Potions: The alchemist knowledge of this skill allows for success or failure in creating Elixirs and Potions. When brewing or mixing such, he or she receives a bonus equal to 100% of their

a smooth surface. Calcination: Heating metals in an the gasses to cool and return to liquid form. A fairly hot fire is needed. Fermentation: Allowing a mixture to sit and mature for a period of time. Craft (Alchemy) skill. This does not apply to Acids, Dusts, Gasses, or Devices he or she may attempt to craft. Knowledge(Metallurgy): Higher skill levels here allow the alchemist a better chance of success in not only forging weapons and armor of perfect metals, but drawing the essences from certain metals for other uses. (Craft is still required for certain objects) Craft(Tinker): Many of the creations within require either a hired tinkerer or knowledge of this skill. From the creation of metal tools, weapons, armor, shields, and other objects, to talismans and even living machines. Physik: A working knowledge of anatomy is important in identifying organs and tissues needed for some alchemical experiments. Dissecting a creature is included in this skill for alchemists, although such skill rolls are always difficult if the character has never examined the species previously. Scribe: When not writing in the Alchemist Script of secret symbols, this skill can be important for written instructions to hired labor besides apprentices. Repair: A high score in this skill can aid the alchemist in fixing gear in the field or in the lab, saving valuable time and coin.


Rare Earths Rare Earths are easily the most important ingredient to alchemist experiments. Within material elements such as soil and sand, are minuscule combinations of every element known to man. An alchemist, using an Alchemists Fire, is able to break these down into their most primal and basic components, separating the useful elements hidden within. These Rare Earths are used in conjunction with herbs, plants, once living tissues, and even other elements, as a catalyst that brings their innate properties to the surface, ready to be utilized by the skilled and knowledged hand. An alchemist must sift through the raw materials, powder them, and then smelt them in a sanitized pot over an alchemist fire. This calls for a successful Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill roll. When complete, the process yields 1d4 drams of Rare Earths. The Alchemist Fire Many of this professions experiments require a flame hotter than the brightest furnace. More destructive than even dragons fire. This is the secret weapon known as Alchemist Fire. Not a weapon, in the sense of war, but in the battle of discovery. This secret is kept close to all alchemists. Only sharing it with their apprentices, and only then after trust is earned. The Alchemist Fire must be ignited in a purified furnace, usually in his or her lab, but rumors have passed that the furnace itself does not matter so much as the ingredients needed to start the flame, which could, in theory, be started anywhere a fire might burn. Starting the Alchemist Fire requires 1 dram of Rare Earths, 1 dram of Sulfur, 500 B.P of Powdered Ruby, and flammable oil. As long as 1 day worth of oil is added to the furnace, it will burn for a full week without needing to be

restarted. Restarting an alchemists fire is rather expensive (because of the Powdered Ruby) so great care is taken, usually by apprentices, to ensure it doesn't go out. The following section has been included for those players and/or judges who wish to add a bit of "color" to their campaign, and to serve as an explanation of the system of weights and measures commonly used by the alchemist. Signs and symbols may be substituted for abbreviations whenever the player or Game Judge desires.


Alchemist Equipment Device





OWNING AND OPERATING A LABORATORY As soon as an alchemist becomes established and has managed to raise a fair sum of money , he or she may wish to build or purchase a laboratory. Costs for such an operation will be as follows: 1. A solid, stonework building will cost 1500 B.P. per 100 sq. ft. of lab "area". At least 200 sq. ft. will be needed. (prices may very) 2. The Furnace. Perhaps the most important part of the lab is the furnace, where the Alchemist's Fires must be kept burning at all times. A furnace will cost 300 B.P. to build and install. Once completed, it will take 1-4 weeks to 'cure", after which the Alchemist's fire may be started. The fire will have to be constantly attended (usually by a young assistant), and it will take an additional 1-4 weeks to get it ready. It will cost only 10 B.P. worth of oil, per year, to keep the Alchemist's Fire burning at the correct temperature, and there is a 5% chance (-1% per assistant employed in the lab) per month that the fire will go out. 1 day worth of oil will keep the fire hot for a full month! Standard salary for a semi-skilled lab assistant is 100 B.P. Month. 3. Standard lab equipment; beakers, vials, measuring tools, glassware, braziers, parchment, ink, storage shelves, tables, stools, ect.. will cost around 600 BPs with upkeep for replacing broken items at about 50 BPs per year. This does not include large vats or special equipment for some more advanced procedures, nor any ingredients, herbs, ect. HIRELINGS During the course of an alchemist's career, he or she will probably need to acquire the services of one or more hirelings. The following is a list of prices and general

information concerning the most commonly used hirelings: Assistants: Not to be confused with apprentices, these hirelings are basically unskilled or at best semi-skilled laborers. They are primarily used to watch the Alchemist's Fire and perform errands, cleaning, etc. If an alchemist owns his or her laboratory, then at least one assistant must be hired Per each 200 sq. ft. of lab space. Note that if an alchemist who owns a lab doesn't hire such help, the work area will become so cluttered that the chance of success for all operations will suffer a cumulative -1% penalty per month. Salary for an assistant is usually 100 B.P. per month Engineer: Similar to an architect in ability, an engineer can be hired to design and draw up plans for any construct or mechina. The fee for an engineer is usual1y 1d4x100 B.P. per job. Tinker: These skilled metal workers can be hired to assist in the building of any Metal Construct, or device with moving parts. Salary is a minimum of 350 B.P. per week. Sculptor: These artisans tend to be moody, sometimes arrogant, and usually unappreciated. They can be used to carve statues for an alchemist and their price is typically 100 B.P. Per % in skill they have, per job. Or per month for bigger jobs. Jeweler: Sometimes the alchemist may

10 want a particularly beautiful piece for their finished products. An exquisite talisman, ornate ring, ect. Such crafters usually require about 2 B.P per % in skill for each job, as long as materials are provided. Armorer: Many of the alchemists experiments may require a weapon, shield, or armor to be forged. An armorer will usually charge about 1 B.P per % in skill for special jobs. APPRENTICES When an alchemist owns and runs his own lab , he or she will begin to attract candidates for the position of apprentice. Chroniclers should note the following: 1. There is a 20% chance each week that an applicant will call on the new master. For every % point over 50% of the alchemists highest rated Alchemy based skill, add +1% to the chance an apprentice comes calling. 2. Applicants will generally not have any special equipment or abilities, however: a. At least 50% of all applicants will be obviously unqualified for the position due to a lack of intelligence, dedication, etc. b. 20% will have combat capabilities of 40%+1d20% in 1 weapon. c. 10% will be from wealthy families, and therefore can offer to pay their room and board, and expenses (which will otherwise cost the master 120 B.P. per month). d. 5% will have dabbled in magic prior to their deciding to study alchemy) and knows 1d4+1 spells. e. 5% will be out and out frauds who will lie about their qualifications. f. 2% will be either thieves or suspicious characters. 3. The maximum number of apprentices a Master can keep employed is one for

every 200 sq. ft. of lab area. 4. The advantages of having apprentices are as follows: a. Apprentices can accompany their master on adventures , perform errands, do menial labor, etc. And, generally, will never complain as long as they are learning something. b. Each apprentice will gather common herbs and plants for the laboratory at the rate of 4-24 (4d6) dr. (random types) per week , depending on what the local terrain consists of. c. Each apprentice will add 2% to the master's chance of success (by making the master more efficient and taking care of minor procedures and preparations) for the following operations: Mixing Compounds, making Devices, Potions, Dusts , Solvents, and Gasses. ASSISTANTS Apprentices who have served and raised an alchemy related skill to at least 50% can start their own labs or elect to stay on with their Master as assistants for an additional 1-4 yrs. Assistants grant the following: 1. The salary of assistants is 3x their highest alchemy related skill % per month. 2. Alchemists can add a 10% bonus to his or her skill rating for every assistant who succeeds in his or her skill roll. Special or critical successes grant bonuses of 15% and 20% at the chronicler’s discretion, while fumbles incur a –10% penalty. The maximum bonus your character can receive from helpers is an amount equal to his or her own skill rating. 3. Assistants can be assigned projects like brewing potions, Elixirs, dusts, ect... 4. Each assistant will gather common herbs and plants for the laboratory at the rate of 4-24 (4d6) dr. (random types) per

11 week, and 1d3 dr. rare herbs per week, depending on what the local terrain consists of. 5. Each assistant will donate 1d4+1 Rare Earths to the lab per week. 6. Assistants will want time to explore THEIR OWN experiments as well. They are not paid slave labor like apprentices. INGREDIENTS This section contains lists of all the most commonly used alchemical ingredients, their innate properties, and what they will cost if they can be found in an herbalist's or alchemist's shop. A rather high price reflect the fact that these ingredients take time to gather, prepare and preserve. Some are difficult (at best) to obtain, while others may be very rare in some area. There is a list of herbs, on the following pages, for the player/chronicler who wishes a bit of more realism in their campaign, but each formula will have a Spot Rule Recipe requiring common or rare herbs in place of actual names. This is for simplicity sake alone. The prices of herbs, both common and rare, are not listed individually in the herb charts below due to the vast variables in location of herbs grown, availability, rarity, and the size of a shop (if any) that may sell them in any inhabited settlement. Different region refers to the difference between where the seller is and where the herb grows. Ie: The town is in the mountains but the herb grows in the forest a few miles far away. Different climate is used instead of region, Ie. if the same town is in mountains but the herb grows in the desert regions. As a rule of thumb, if a region is more than 500 miles away from the buyer, use the x5 pricing, or more if the chronicler sees fit. Below is a table that represents this random factor for such prices.


Gems Stones Precious stones can be found in any corner of the world and are often used in place of large piles of bronze pieces. Gems in circulation tend to be cut and polished but this does not dictate their value as far as an alchemist is concerned. A raw, fresh from the earth ruby can be just as useful as a beautifully sculpted ruby. The quality of the stone itself gives the alchemist a bonus that can adjust any difficulty in using the stones for experiments and procedures

involving them. The gemstone chart below is more of a generic pricing guide with bonuses as applicable. The following chart shows a relative, common value and properties value for a small stone of normal or flawed quality. This is by no means a list of the only gems that have special properties locked within them. The Alchemist should feel free to experiment with other type of stones, with the chroniclers guidance.


Elements and Metals

(These prices are based on MWs value of 1 Bronze Pieces equaling 100 Gold Pieces)

Alchemical Solution This is mentioned several times for various recipes and always includes the following ingredients as a base: 1 ct. (powdered) of any twelve different Gemstones, 1 dr. of Rare Earths, and 1 fl. oz. of clear water.


Common Herbs


Common Herbs


Common Herbs


Rare Herbs

Finding Herb in the Wild A successful Nature skill roll will allow an alchemist to find herbs growing in the wild based on the regions or climates they are searching. On a normal success 1d4 drams of the herb is located. Special Success yields 2d4 drams and 1d4 drams of a random herb (that grows in the search area) A critical success allows the alchemist to find a bounty of 3d4 drams of harvest-able material and 1d4 drams of a random herb (that grows in the search area) Random searches should be rolled on the following tables based on terrain and climate. At times when the alchemist is travelling through a certain area the chronicler may allow a LUC roll of accidentally spotting a common or rare herb, also rolled on the following tables. (Rare Herbs are prefixed with an ‘*’ )





ELIXIRS, Common Alchemists that complete their apprenticeship are able to concoct minor potions made from herbs and plants. An alchemist must study the recipe for an hour for normal elixirs and two hours for rare Elixirs before attempting the process. For every point of INT above 10 the alchemist can keep one such recipe in memory without having to re-study the formula between mixings. Elixir Potency is as follows on a MATERIAL: As below plus 1 dram of Rare Earths, and 1 fl.oz. of water. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing TIME: (assuming all materials are at hand) 10 minutes MODIFIERS: +1% for every point of Knowledge(herbalism) over 40%, +1% for every point in Potions skill on Craft(Alchemy) roll. DIFFICULTY: Normal CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy)skill, Normal POT 10, Special POT 11, Critical POT 12 DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=a foul tasting, useless liquid, Success= produces 1 dose of elixir with a 10 POT., Special=produces 2 doses of elixir with a 12 POT.Critical=produces 4 doses of elixir with a 15 POT. DURATION: 15 minutes, 30 minutes for critical success. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 10% on failure, 25% on fumble Temporary Amnesia Ingredients: 1 dram of of Absinthe. Spot Rule: 1 dram common herb Description: Drinker loses all memories for duration of elixir. This includes all knowledge skills. Aphrodisiac Ingredients: 1 dr. each of Caraway, Dill. Ginseng, and Jasmine. Spot Rule: 3 drams

22 common herbs Description: Causes target to fall in love with first person they see after drinking. Duration for this elixir is 2d4 hours, but even after they will have fond feelings for the target if reciprocated. Aphrodisiac Antidote Ingredients: 4 drs. Hellebore Spot Rule: 4 drams common herbs Description: Completely removes and feelings of love or adoration from the victim of an aphrodisiac Elixir, potion, or spell if a CON:10 resistance roll is made. Drinking this elixir does not call for a resistance roll in of its self. The roll is against the previous affect. Beauty Ingredients:2 drs. Cinquefoil, 2 drs. Jasmine Spot Rule: 4 drams common herbs Description: When rubbed into the skin of the face, this elixir causes blemishes and wrinkles to fade granting a +1d4 APP score. Relevant skills are likewise increased by this increase. Charisma Ingredients:4 drs. Cinquefoil Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: The drinkers effective Charisma becomes 7xAPP instead of 5xAPP Cure Blindness Ingredients:4 drs. Anemone. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: When poured on the eyes this elixir is 75% effective in restoring sight not lost through removing the eyes or magical means. Restores damaged eyeball to healthy state as long as it is present in the socket. Cure Disease Ingredients:2 drs. Angelica, 2 drs.Agrimony, 1 dr. of Coriander Spot Rule: 5 drams common herbs Description: Drinking this elixir cures the effects of any non-magical diseases 75% of the time. It does not restore lost HPs or Characteristics caused by the disease. Cure Insanity Ingredients: 4 drs. Peony Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description:Drinking this potion will remove any negative mental effects from the character, including psychic damage, 75% of the time. Cure Paralysis Ingredients: 4 drs. Asparagus Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Pouring this elixir into a paralyzed creatures mouth will remove those effects 75% of the time.

Detect Illusions Ingredients: 4 drs. Purslane Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb

23 Description: Whoever imbibes this tonic will be able to see illusions as a transparent image up to 20 feet away. This only works on visual illusions and not psychic projections. Flying Ingredients: 2 drs. each of Belladonna and Hemlock. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herbs Description: The drinker can fly at their MOV rate and gain the Fly skill at DEXx5%. Friendship Ingredients: 2 drs. each of Chicory and Celladine. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herbs Description: All creatures who come within 20’ of the drinker while this duration is in effect must make a POW:POT resistance roll or act in a friendly manner toward the drinker. Heroism Ingredients: 2 drs. each of Euphorbia and Vervain. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herbs Description: Temporarily adds +25% to the drinkers combat skills and adds a 2 point chart shift to any resistance rolls against fear. Invisibility Ingredients: 4 drs. Fern. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Allows the drinker to move unseen but not unheard. Any offensive action breaks the elixirs effect. Manual Dexterity Ingredients: 4 drs. Mistletoe. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Drinking this elixir enhances the characters lock picking and traps skill by 1d4x10% Luck Ingredients: 4 drs. each of Saffron and Lotus. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herbs Description: Whenever the character has to make a resistance roll they receive a +1d4 shift in the resistance chart. Minor Healing Ingredients: 2 drs. each of Amaranth, Daffodil, and Bindweed Spot Rule: 6 drams common herbs Description: pouring this tonic over an open wound or drinking it will heal 1d4 points from a single wound. Poison Antidote Ingredients: 6 drs. Basil. Spot Rule: 6 drams common herb Description: This elixir removes negative effects of any natural or created poison as well as animal and monster venoms 75% of the time. It has no effects on magically created poison spells or spell like effects.

24 Premonition Ingredients: 4 drs. of Mugwort. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: The drinker is allowed to make a LUC roll anytime he or she is in danger within 100’. Success shows them an instant vision in their mind of that danger. This happens instantly and takes no time. Protection from Evil Ingredients: 4 drs. Nettle. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Any creature of Shadow that is summoned or created, such as undead, must make a POW:POT resistance roll or stay at least 20’ away from anyone who pours this elixir on their clothing, armor, or skin. They will not make attacks of any sort, even ranged, against him or her. Protection from Lightning Ingredients: 4 drs. Laurel. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Any resistance roll allowed against shock, electricity, or lightning is granted a 2 point shift in the resistance chart. Also any damage taken is reduced 1 HP per die of damage. This elixir must be drunk to be effective. Protection from Were-Creatures Ingredients: 4 drs. Wolfsbane. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Any lycanthrope creature, that is repelled by wolfsbane, must make a POW:POT resistance roll or stay at least 20’ away from anyone who pours this elixir on their clothing, armor, or skin. They will not make attacks of any sort, even ranged, against him or her. Protection from Spirits Ingredients: 4 drs. Fennel. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Any non-corporeal creature, spirits, wraiths, ghosts,ect, must make a POW:POT resistance roll or stay at least 20’ away from anyone who pours this elixir on their clothing, armor, or skin. They will not make attacks of any sort, even ranged, against him or her. Protection from Vampires Ingredients:4 drs. Garlic. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Any vampire must make a POW:POT resistance roll or stay at least 20’ away from anyone who drinks this elixir. They will not make attacks of any sort, even ranged, against him or her. Also, drinking this potent Elixir will cause nausea in a vampire who drinks the users blood. Magic Resistance Ingredients:2 drs. of each Ash buds, Elder Berries, and Rowan. Spot Rule: 6 drams common herbs Description: Grants the drinker a 1d6+4% magic resistance. Any spell cast upon the drinker must beat this % to be effective. Even beneficial magics.

25 Mana Drought Ingredients:2 drs. Bryony, Ash Buds, and Daffodill, or 1 dr. of each and a dr. of blood from any magical creature, even a sorcerer. Spot Rule: 6 drams common herbs +blood Description: Restores 1d4 MP when drunk. Cannot raise above maximum and MP will fade after duration if not used. When duration expires, if spell casters MP would have fallen below 1 (because of this bonus) they are set to 1. Strength Ingredients: 3 drs. Betony, 1 dr. Bulls blood. Spot Rule: 3 drams common herbs +blood Description: Temporarily increases the drinkers STR by 1d4+1 points. Truth Ingredients: 4 drs. Sunflower. Spot Rule: 4 drams common herb Description: Anyone drinking this tonic must succeed at a CON:POT resistance roll to tell any falsehood during the duration.

ELIXERS, Rare DIFFICULTY: -10% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score Augury Ingredients: 2 drs. Prophet Tree Fruit Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: The person who drinks this elixir will enter a hallucinatory stupor for 1d6 minutes during which time they will be shown a vision revealing a truthful answer to a single Yes or No question. Climbing Ingredients: 2 drs. Spider Plant, 1 dr. Spider webs or blood. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb+Spider webs or blood Description: The drinker will have a bonus of 1d4x10% bonus to Climb skill, use-able on any surface. Diminution: Ingredients: 2 drs. Shrinking Violet. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Anyone drinking this elixir will have their size reduced to 20-POT inches & STR Characteristic reduced to 1. Growth Ingredients: 1 dr. each of Shrinking Violet and Agonist Seeds. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herbs. Description:Anyone drinking this elixir will have their SIZ & STR increased .5/ POT. Extra Sensory Perception Ingredients: 2 drs. Black Lotus. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Allows drinker to read surface thoughts of anyone within 2 feet per POT.


26 Ingredients: 2 drs. of Mugwort, 2 drs. Black Lotus. Spot Rule: 4 drams rare herbs Description: When the character drinks this elixir he or she receives an brief glimpses into the immediate future, just a few seconds ahead, which allows them to a bonus of 25% to all skills used because they can see the outcome of decisions before they are made. Visions Ingredients: 2 drs. K'Tallah Leaves, 1 dr. Prophet Tree fruit juice. Spot Rule: 3 drams rare herbs Description: When this elixir is poured over hot coals it produces a hallucinogenic cloud. Breathing deeply of this cloud will induce a dream like state for 2d6 minutes in which the user will see obscure visions of the near future. Cold Resistance Ingredients: 2 drs. Calamus Root. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Cold based attacks will only do 1 damage to the drinker. Fire Resistance Ingredients: 2 drs. Fire Lilly. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Fire based attacks will only do 1 damage to the drinker.


TOXIC POWDERS MATERIALS: Variable, some common. All toxic powders require 1 dram of RARE EARTHS as a BASE. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Simple Heating. TIME: 1 hour. YIELD: 1 dose per operation. 2 doses on a critical success. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Toxic Powders can be hurled in vials (range: per STR) expelled from blow-tubes (range: 10') or poured into drinks or food . Area of effect in the first instance is a 5' radius from point of impact. Like Elixirs, these mixtures can also be made outside the laboratory. Toxic Powders cannot be applied to edged weapons like swords, knives, etc. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy) skill, Normal POT 12, Special POT 14, Critical POT 15 DIFFICULTY: -10% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 25% on Fumble roll when making INCENDIARY POWDER only. TYPES OF COMMON POWDERS WHICH CAN BE MADE 1. Sneezing Powder: Ingredients: 1 dr. of pollen from any flowering weed or grass (such as hay, ragweed, etc.. 1 dr. fine dirt or dust. Description: Causes violent sneezing. watery eyes and related symptoms for 5-10 (d6+4) minutes. Victims who fail a CON:POT resistance will suffer -25% combat capabilities (or 25% chance of spell-failure in the case of a spell caster) for the duration of the POWDER'S effect.

28 2. Powder of Temporary Blindness: Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered limestone (or sea shells) Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll are blinded for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. 3. Powder of Nausea: Ingredients: 2 drs. Cyclamen. Spot Rule: 2 drams common herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll are incapacitated for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds due to extreme nausea. Combat or spell casting is impossible until the effects wear off. 4. Powder of Hallucination: Ingredients: 2 drs. Nightshade. Spot Rule: 2 drams common herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll experience hallucinations of frightening intensity for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. Combat or spell casting is impossible, and there is a 5% chance for each round of hallucination that the victim may go “permanently” insane. 5. Powder of Vertigo: Ingredients: 2 drs. Yellow Melilot. Spot Rule: 2 drams common herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll experiences severe dizziness for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. If the victim does not sit or lie down immediately, there is an Agility-50% chance each round that he or she will lose their balance and fall. 6.Powder of Paralysis: Ingredients: 2 drs. Liverwort. Spot Rule: 2 drams common herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll are paralyzed for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. Movement and speech will be impossible during this time. 7.Type 1 Poison Powder: Ingredients: 2 drs. Mandrake Root. Spot Rule: 2 drams common herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll suffers 1-8 (d8) points of poison damage, and will be incapacitated for 10-60 (d6x10) rounds. 8.Type 2 Poison Powder: Ingredients: 2 drs. Monkshood. Spot Rule: 2 drams common herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll suffers 2-16 (2d8) points of damage, and will be incapacitated for 10-60 (d6x10) rounds. 9.Smoking Powder: Ingredients: 1 dr. charcoal, 1 dr. (any green leaves). Description: After mixing, this powder must be kept in an airtight vial or canister, for upon contact with the air, it will create a billowing cloud of smoke ( 10 'x10 'x10 ' area) which will last 5-10 rounds. Those caught in the cloud of smoke will suffer no ill effects, but will be unable to see for the Powders duration.

29 10.Incendiary Powder: Ingredients: 2 drs. charcoal. Description: Again, an airtight container is needed. Upon contact with the air or water, Incendiary Powder will explode for 4- 16 (4d4) points of fire damage in an area of effect 5' radius from point of detonation. RARE HERB AND PLANT TOXINS: DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score 1. Powder of Madness: Ingredients: 2 drs . Black Mushroom. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll go stark-raving mad, Victims of this substance generally tend to rant and rave about"evil spirits” and the like. They will be of no use to anyone until cured of this malady. 2. Powder of Contrariness: Ingredients: 2 drs. Agonist seeds. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll behave (in all respects) exactly opposite as they would normally. i.e., attack friends, embrace former or traditional enemies, etc. for 5-10 rounds. 3. Type 3 Poison Powder: Ingredients: 2 drs. Skullcap. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll suffer 4-24 (4d6) points of poison damage and be incapacitated for 2-24 (2d12) hours. 4. 4. Type 4 Poison Powder: Ingredients: 2 drs. Deadman. Spot Rule: 2 drams rare herb Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll die within 1-10 seconds.


COMPOUNDS & BLADE VENOMS MATERIALS: Variable , most are common (see RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS) . PROCEDURES: Weighing, Mixing, Simple Heating. TIME: 1 week per compound. 1 day per venom YIELD: As stated below. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Note that animal ingredients are necessary for Blade Venoms. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy) skill, Normal POT 12, Special POT 14, Critical POT 15, Failure requires a LUC roll or process must be started over. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 10% on a fumble TYPES OF COMPOUNDS WHICH CAN BE CREATED: 1. Alchemist' s Glue: Ingredients: 20 BP worth of common ingredients (such as honey, pitch, resins, etc.) + 1 dr. Rare Earths. Description: Alchemists Glue can be used to bond together any two items or objects. It takes one full minute to dry, after which the “bond" will support up to 300 Ibs. of weight before it will break. Only those with maximum human strength (or better) will be able to separate anything held together by this adhesive. Alchemist's Glue is, however, water soluble. Yield: 1 fl. oz. (enough to cover 10 sq. ft.)

2. Oil of Slipperiness: Ingredients: 1 flask of common lamp oil, 1 dr. of finely powdered sand, + l dr. of Rare Earths. Description: Surfaces covered with this compound are so slick that any who step upon them are Agility-50% liable to slip and fall. This compound also can be applied to objects, weapons, etc. making them Effort-50% liable to be dropped when grasped. Yield: 1 fl. oz. (enough to cover 100 sq . ft.)


3. Invisible Ink: Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered Fern, 1 fl. oz. ordinary ink, 1 dr. Rare Earths. Description: Invisible Ink can only be read by its creator or those with the ability to Detect Invisibility or use Witch Sight. Yield: 1 dose (enough for up to 10 pages or 1 scroll of writings). 4. Fragrance of Aphrodisia: Ingredients: Aphrodisiac Elixir. Description: Heated in the alchemist's fire for 1 week, this elixir will become so concentrated and potent that it may be worn as a perfume. Effects and duration are the same as for the elixir. Range: 10' radius around the wearer. Yield: 10 doses (1 fl. oz). 5. Salve of Sharpening: Ingredients: 10 BP. worth of common ingredients (such as unguents, ointments, gels , etc.) + 1 dr. of Rare Earths. Description:When applied to any edged weapon (such as a sword, dagger, ax, arrow head, etc.) this salve will cause the weapon to become extremely sharp so that it can easily cut through any non-magical substance , even the plate armor, effectively removing any protection an armor score might provide. It takes a full round to coat any weapon with this compound, and the sharpening effect will last for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. Yield: 1 oz. (enough to coat one sword or ax , 2 hand axes, four spear or javelin heads , six daggers, or 10 arrow or crossbow heads). 6. Blade Venom: Ingredients: All venoms require 1 dr. of Rare Earths as a base, 2 drs. venom. Description: These sticky resinous poisons can be applied to pointed or edged weapons of all sorts. It takes 1 round to coat a weapon. Any venom may be used for his and the POT of the poison is based upon the creature it is removed from. A successful CON:POT means the victim takes 1/2 the POT in damage. A fail means victim takes full POT. Some creatures have a poison that has effects other than damaging venom. These properties are use-able as well. 7. Greek Fire Ingredients: 1 dr. of Rare Earths, 5 drams Sulfur, 5 drams pine sap, honey, or other sticky resin. Description: These solutions are usually placed in corked earthen or glass jars with a rag or bit of rope coming from within. When the “wick” is lit and thrown they can have devastating effects. The target area of 10’ radius is engulfed in flames that stick to anything struck causing 1d6+1 damage each round for 1d4+1 rounds. This fire cannot be extinguished with water, in fact it will burn ON water as its material is lighter. The flames can be patted out or smothered in dirt, powder, dust if sufficient quantities are at hand.


DEVICES MATERIALS: Variable. A set of jewelers tools and molds will be needed as well as glass-working equipment. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Smelting, Casting, Glass-Working and/or Metal-Working, Polishing. TIME: 1 week per Device, except for a Rod of Detection; 2 weeks. YIELD: One Device per operation. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: If the alchemist has no skill as a tinkerer some items may need to be purchased or made for him or her.(mechanical devices) DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -10% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill roll, Craft(Tinker) skill roll, and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll. Failure requires a LUC roll or process must be started over. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 10% on a fumble TYPES OF DEVICES: Secret Compartment Ring: Ingredients: Minimum 1 oz. of any metal. Description: This ring has a hinged top and hollow inside compartment which may be used to contain 1 dose of any toxic powder (except Incendiary or Smoking Powder) or anything of similar size. Poison-Needle Ring: Ingredients: Minimum 1 oz. of any metal. Description: This ring has a number of fake (or real, if you like) stones set in it. Pressing the correct stone(s) will cause a 1" needle to spring forth from either the palm side or the back side (or both) of the ring. The point of the needle can be laced with any desired venom.

33 Prisms: Ingredients: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead) plus 1 dr. of Rare Earths are used to create the glass for this device. Description: When cast into a polyhedron-shaped crystal and finely polished, the alchemist can use this device to Detect Illusions. The refracted light (as seen through the prism) must be examined for 1 full round before a determination can be made. Prisms allow an Easy Search skill with regard to this procedure, and only an alchemist can use them for this purpose. Cusps: Ingredients: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead) plus 1 dr. of Rare Earths are used to create the glass for this device, plus a drop of eye fluid from any creature with night or infra-vision. Description: Cusps are small glass lenses which are worn like the eye glasses of today. Any alchemist who wears them can see in the dark (night vision) to a range of 60'. Cusps cannot be worn for more than one hour without risking permanent eye damage (+5% chance per 10-round period beyond the 1 hour limit); neither can they be used in conjunction with other optical device. Lenses: Ingredients: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead) plus 1 dr. of Rare Earths are used to create the glass for this device. Description:Lenses are concave optical devices (like magnifying glasses) which can be used to examine structures which may contain secret doors, traps, etc. One full round of scrutiny is necessary for each l0'xl0' area of ceiling, wall. or floor the alchemist wishes to inspect. For each 1 round period of scrutiny. The alchemist can make an Easy Search skill for a chance of noticing any irregularities in the area. Note that such scrutiny will not determine what type of trap is present, if any, nor will it be able to detect magically concealed traps or doors. Spy Glass: Ingredients: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead) plus 1 dr. of Rare Earths plus 1 lb. of any strong malleable metal are used to create the glass for this device. Description: A spy glass is 1ike a small telescope, and consists of two lenses encased in a tubular metal housing. Usually, the strongest magnification possible in such a device will be 100x. Any character can use a spy glass. Puzzle or Combination Locks: Ingredients: Minimum 2 oz . iron, steel, or other metal depending on the size of the lock. Description: Combination locks can have an many as six variables; Puzzle locks should actually be designed by the player/alchemist. Skeleton Key: Ingredients: Minimum I oz. of any strong metal. Description: Each Skeleton key the alchemist makes will be 15% (+100% Pick Lock skill) likely to open any single locking mechanism. Any number of keys may be made.


9. Wand Of Phosphorescence: Ingredients: Minimum 2 doz. fireflies, 1 oz. toadstool, 1 dr. Rare Earths, plus prism ingredients. Description: These glass wands will glow in the dark for 2-5 (d4+1) hours, and illuminate a 10' radius around the holder. A Wand of Phosphorescence can be recharged by exposing it to sunlight for a minimum of 1 hour. 10. Rod of Detection: Ingredients: 1 oz . each of Rare Earths, Lead, Mercury, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum; 2 oz. of Sulfur (for bonding), and 2 oz. of lodestone (for attraction); I carat (powdered) of each of the twelve Gemstones. A plaster mold must be made to pour the molten ingredients into. Description: The finished product will resemble a divining rod (12” in length, “Y"-shaped), and can be used to detect any single metal, element, or Gemstone (1x per day, per 10% of Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill of the alchemist using it). Range: 20 ft radius. Rods of Detection can only be used by alchemists. The "detecting" ability of these devices lasts 10 minutes per usage.


TALISMAN MATERIALS: Variable per talisman type. All require a base of 1 dr. of Gold, Silver and Platinum, and a minimum of 10 cts. (powdered) of the particular gemstone being used. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Calcination, Smelting, Casting, Metal-Working, and Polishing. TIME: 2 Weeks. YIELD: One Talisman per operation. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Number of Talismans which may be worn at a time = the alchemist's POW/6. Talismans' effects last for 10 rounds. Each can be used 1x per day. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -20% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill roll, Craft(Tinker) skill roll, and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll. Failure requires a LUC roll or process must be started over. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 20% on fumble TYPES OF TALISMANS 1. Agate: Description: Detect Lies. The language being spoken must be known by the wearer of this talisman in order for it to be effective. 2. Amethyst: Description: Emotional influence. Allows the wearer to instill sympathy. antipathy. or apathy in up to 4 beings . RANGE: 20' . 3. Bloodstone: Description: For the duration of the talisman the character can regenerate 1 HP every 2 rounds. This will heal any eye of wound but will not regrow amputated limbs. 4. Diamond: Description: Detect Invisibility. RANGE : 20’. 5. Garnet: Description: Fast movement. For the duration the wearer can add 1d6 to their MOV.

6. Jade : Description: Neutralize Poison in anyone being, talisman must be worn or waved over individual when activated.

36 7. Onyx: Description: Invisibility. Any hostile actions cancels the effect beginning of the next round. 8. Opal: Description: Blinking. On a random DEX rank in any round (1d10), the wearer will change location to within 5’ of current location. He has no control over which direction he is teleported. If this Blink takes place the segment before anothers attack, they must make a difficult attack roll to hit the wearer, if still within range of their weapon. 9. Pearl: Description: Allows the wearer to know the value of any gem or piece of jewelry. 1 round of examination is required. and up to 10 items can be examined per usage. It does not detect magical values or worth. Just because the piece or gem is worth a certain amount does not mean the buyer will pay that much. 10. Ruby: Description: Fire based attacks will only do 1 damage to the wearer. Natural or ambient heat (from the burning desert sun to being boiled alive) will have no effect while worn without needing to be activated. 11. Moonstone: Description: Cold based attacks will only do 1 damage to the wearer. Natural or ambient cold (from arctic winds to falling in ice water) will have no effect while worn without needing to be activated. 12. Turquoise: Description: Pass through up to l00’· (10· per round) of stone or earth. Wearer passes through as if the earth/stone were insubstantial. doesn't leave a tunnel. 13. Malachite: Description: Water Breathing. Cannot breath outside of water while in effect. 14. Sapphire: Description: Flying at normal MOV speed 15. Emerald: Description: Luck; +1d4 slot shift on Resistance roll tables per roll needed.


POTIONS MATERIALS: Variable. All Potions begin with a fluid base of 1 ct. (powdered) of each of any twelve Gemstones, 1 dr. of Rare Earths, and 1 fl. oz. of clear water. This fluid base is called Alchemical Solution. PROCEDURES: (1) Base: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (2) Ingredients: Weighing, Calcination, Powdering; (3) Mixing: (1+2+into solution) subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire. Distillation. Fermentation. TIME: 8 hours per Potion. YIELD: Normal success 1 dose, Critical Success 2 doses RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Elixir (herbal) ingredients can be added to Alchemical Solution to create Potions, but they are -25% less likely to succeed unless the quantity of powdered Gemstones used in the base is doubled [i.e .• 2 cts. powdered of each of the twelve Gemstones]. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -20% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy) skill. DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=a foul tasting, useless liquid, Success= produces 1 dose of potion with a 12 POT., Special=produces 1 doses of potion with a 14 POT. Critical=produces 2 doses of potion with a 15 POT. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 25% on fumble TYPES OF POTIONS WHICH CAN BE MADE: 1. Aging Ingredients: 2 drs. of thread from a Ghost's shroud. Description: CON:POT resistance or the drinker ages 10 years.

38 2. Charm Ingredients: 1 dr. each of Harpy's tongue and Dryad's hair, 1 dr. each of powdered Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Description: Drinker's gaze will act as a Charm spell to any who behold it. POW:POT Range: 20' 3. Detect Illusion Ingredients: 2 drs. Efreeti horn, 1 ct. powdered Agate. Description: Whoever imbibes this tonic will be able to see illusions as a transparent image up to 20 feet away. This only works on visual illusions and not psychic projections. 4. Detect Invisibility Ingredients: 2 ct. powdered Diamond. Description: Drinker can detect invisible creatures in a 20' radius. This only reveals magical invisibility, not mental where the invisible creature blocks its presence. 5. Detect Lies Ingredients: 2 ct. powdered Agate. Description: The drinker can automatically tell when anyone within hearing is telling a falsehood (as long as the target indeed KNOWS he or she is lying.) The language being spoken must be known in order for it to be effective. 6. Detect Magic Ingredients: 2 drs. Imp's Blood, 1 dr. each, powdered Silver, Gold, Platinum, and 1 ct. powdered Pearl. Description: Any and all active magic in a 20' radius glows with a blue aura. 7. Detect Metals, Elements, and Gemstones Ingredients: 2 drs . powdered Lodestone, 1 ct. powdered of each of the twelve Gemstones, 1 dr. powdered of each of the Metals and Elements. Description: Any single metal, element, or Gemstone in 50 ft radius will glow in the alchemists vision(even through obstacles), the aura becoming brighter as he or she gets closer. 8. Emotional Influence Ingredients: 2 drs. each of powdered Silver, Gold. Platinum, and 1 ct. powdered Amethyst. Description: The drinker will be able to produce the emotional response of sympathy, antipathy, or apathy in up to ten creatures or beings within a 20 ' radius. 9. E.S.P. Ingredients: 4 drs. Doppleganger's brain, 1 ct. powdered Pearl. Description: The drinker can detect and read surface thoughts of any creature in a 20' radius by concentrating on the creature. Language is not a barrier.

39 10. Flying Ingredients: 2 drs. of Hippogriff or Roc's feather; or 2 dr. of Manticore (or Chimera) wing. Description: The drinker can fly at MOV +1/2 POT 11. Gaseous Form Ingredients: 2 drs. of Vampire's blood, 1 ct. each of powdered Sapphire and Onyx. Description: Drinker can change his or her body from solid to gaseous form and MOV at 1/2 normal as long as there are no strong winds. 12. Healing: Ingredients: 2 drs. Sulfur, 2 dr. Troll 's blood (or any naturally regenerating creature), and 2 cts. powdered Jade or Bloodstone Description: Heals 2-8 (2d4) points of damage to all wounds. 13. Extra-Healing Ingredients: Healing potion ingredients x3. Description: Heals 3-24 (3d8 ) points of damage. 14. Immunity to Cold Ingredients: 2 drs. of Yeti's hide (or any creature who thrives in arctic) or Mummy's flesh, and 1 ct. powdered Moonstone. Description: Drinker will be immune to cold-based attacks so long as the effect s of this potion last. However, fire-based attacks will do double damage. 15. Immunity to Control Ingredients: 2 drs. Zombie's bones (or other physical undeads) and 1 ct. powdered Emerald. Description: Drinker will be immune to all types of magical control, but Dodge and Parry skills suffer a -20% penalty while in effect. 16. Immunity to Fire Ingredients: 2 drs . Salamander scales(or any naturally fire resistant creature) and 1 ct. powdered Ruby. Description: Drinker will be immune to fire-based attacks so long as the effects of this potion last. However, cold-based attacks will do double damage. 17. Immunity to Petrification Ingredients: 3 drs. Gargoyle's horn and 1 ct. powdered Jade. Description: Drinker will be immune to petrification attacks, but electrical attacks do 2x damage. 18. Immunity to Poison Ingredients: 1 dr. Unicorn horn and 1 ct. powdered Jade. Description: The drinker will be immune to all types of poison

40 19. Invisibility Ingredients: 1 dr. Sylph. Leprechaun. or Pixie hair. and 1 ct. powdered Onyx . Description: Invisibility. Any hostile actions cancel the effect beginning of the next round. 20. Longevity (youth) Ingredients: Aging potion ingredients plus 2 drs. Mercury. Description: Drinker becomes 1d4 years younger. 21. Magic Resistance Ingredients: 2 drs . Demon's heart and 2 dr. powdered Lead. Description: Drinker will acquired a temporary 20-50% (d4+1x10) magic-resistance. 22. Night Vision Ingredients: 2 Fl drs. Eyes fluid from any creature who has night or infra-vision, and 1 ct. powdered Diamond. Description: Range : 60' 23. Passive Action Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered Copper and 1 ct. powdered Amethyst. Description: Any who drink this potion will become completely non-violent for the duration of the mixture's effect. 24. Regeneration Ingredients: 2 drs. Troll's blood(or 4 ct. powdered Bloodstone), 2 dr. Sulfur. Description: Drinker will regenerate 1 point of damage for each minute this potion is in effect. If poured onto destroyed or removed areas of the body, these will regenerate as well.

25. Speed Ingredients: 2 Fl drs. of Pegasus' blood. (or 4 ct. Powdered Garnet) Description: The drinker' s combat capabilities and movement rate are doubled for the duration of this potion. He or she acts first in any round. An unfortunate side-effect of this potion is that the drinker also ages 1 year for each dose taken. 26. Stone-to-Flesh Ingredients: 1 dr. of Medusa or Basilisk eye. plus 2 drs. of Mercury. Description: Antidote for Flesh-to-Stone attacks when poured over form. (this potion will actually cause anyone splashed to turn to stone is the Mercury is left out of the solution.CON:POT) 27. Giant Strength Ingredients: 2 Fl drs. Giant's blood, 2 drs. powdered Iron. Description: Drinker will have the strength of the giant the blood was removed from.

41 28. Ogre Strength Ingredients: 2 fl. drs. Ogre's blood and 2 drs. powdered Iron. Description: Drinker will have the maximum strength for his or her race. 29. Titan Strength Ingredients: 2 fl. drs. Titan's blood and 2 drs. powdered Iron. Description: Drinker will have the strength of the titan it was removed from. 30. Vision Ingredients: 2 ct. powdered Diamond. Description: Drinker will be able to see clearly up to 1 mile or l0x his or her normal sight range. 31. Water Breathing Ingredients: 2 drs. Merman's or Triton's scales (or any other humanoid who can breath under water) and 1 ct. powdered Malachite. Description: The drinker will be able to breathe while underwater, but not out of water. 32. Potions of Control Ingredients: All Potions of Control are made with 2 drs. of powdered Tin, 1 dr. each of powdered Gold, Silver, and Platinum, and 2 drs. of the specific Animal ingredient desired; i.e . if a potion of Dragon's control is to be made, then the alchemist will need to acquire 2 drs. of Dragon's blood, bones, hide, etc. Description: These powerful concoctions give the drinker the ability to charm or control 1-4 creatures of any single, specific type. Controlled creatures will follow the drinker's commands and serve him or her until the potion's effects wear off, after-which they will become extremely hostile towards their former "master" (Note - while a Potion of Control can be made for any type of creature or being, those with INT of 10 or greater, are allowed a POW:POT resistance.) * If 2 drs. of Mercury are added to any potion ingredients, the effects of the potion will be reversed. Also note that many types of potions can be transformed into “Cursed potions" by adding 2 drs. of powdered Mercury to the mixture before the fermentation period, in which case: 1. Potions of Immunity will be changed into Potions of “Susceptibility”, which will bestow -1d4 slot change on resistance charts or do extra damage for whatever attack form the potion was supposed to protect against. 2. Potions of Hea1ing or Extra-Healing will be changed into potions which actual1y cause the same amount of damage that would normally heal. 3. Additionally, Cursed potions are quite difficult to identify by test with any degree of accuracy, there being a -50% chance that any test will indicate the presence of Mercury.


4. in the mixture. Note that magical attempts at Identification will also suffer this


ALCHEMICAL DUSTS MATERIALS: Variable. All Alchemical Dusts begin with a base of 5 drs. Rare Earths, 4 dr. of Sulfur, and 1 dr. of powdered Silver, Gold, and Platinum. PROCEDURES: (1) Base: calcination, powdering, weighing, mixing, subjecting to the alchemist's fire, (2) Ingredients: weighing, calcination, powdering, (3) Mixing (1 + 2), and subjecting to the alchemist's fire. TIME: 2 weeks per Alchemical Dust. YIELD: 1 dose of Alchemical Dust per operation. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Alchemical Dusts may be hurled in vials (range: dependent on STR), dispersed into the air by using a blow-tube (range: 20'), or sprinkled on an area (area of affect: 1000 cu. ft. - 10'x10'x10'). Note that Alchemcial Dusts are somewhat heavier than Toxic Powders which makes them more effective when expelled from a blow-tube or used outdoors. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -25% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy) skill. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 35% on fumble TYPES OF ALCHEMICAL DUSTS WHICH CAN BE MADE: 1. Amnesia Ingredients: 6 drs. Absinthe. Description: Causes a complete memory loss. Duration: 1 hour. with a 6% chance that this condition will persist until a cure (or a “wish-type" spell) has been given to the victim. 2. Blindness Ingredients: Cure blindness ingredients, plus 2 drs. of powdered Mercury. Duration: 1 hour. 3. Confusion Ingredients: 2 ct. powdered Amethyst, and 2 drs. of powdered Mercury. Description: Victims will be completely confused and indecisive. It is only 10% likely that such victims will be able to decide upon a course of action and actually do something. Duration: 1 hour. 4. Contrariness Ingredients: 6 drs. Agonist Seeds Description:Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll behave (in all respects) exactly opposite as they would normally. i.e., attack friends, embrace former or traditional enemies, etc. for duration. Duration: 1 hour.

44 5. Control Ingredients: Ingredients from any desired Potion of Control. Description: Like the specific Potion of Control in effect. Duration: 1 hour. 6. Desire Ingredients: Aphrodisiac elixir ingredients, plus 2 ct. of powdered Amethyst. Description: Causes target to fall in love with first person they see after drinking. Duration is 2d4 hours, but even after they will have fond feelings for the target if reciprocated. Duration: 1 hour. 7. Detect Illusion Ingredients: 2 drs. Efreeti horn, 1 ct. powdered Agate, plus 2 ct. of powdered Diamond. Description: Illusory objects and/or creatures sprinkled with this Dust will glow faintly and appear unreal. Duration: Works on contact, but the "glowing” effect lasts only a few seconds. 8. Disappearance Ingredients: Invisibility potion ingredients, plus 2 ct. of powdered Onyx. Description: Objects and/ or creatures sprinkled with this Dust become invisible. Duration: 1 hour . 9. Appearance Ingredients: Dust of Disappearance ingredients, plus 2 drs. of powdered Mercury. Description: Invisible objects and/ or creatures sprinkled with this Dust become visible. Duration: 1 hour. 10. Half-weight Ingredients: Flying potion ingredients, plus 2 ct. of powdered Sapphire. Description: Reduces weight a any non-living materials by 50% . Duration: 24 hours. 11. Hallucination Ingredients: 6 drs. of Nightshade. Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll experience hallucinations of frightening intensity for 1 hour. Combat or spell casting is impossible, and there is a 5% chance for each round of hallucination that the victim may go “permanently” insane. Duration: 1 hour. 12. Instant Ice Ingredients: 2 ct. each of powdered Malachite and Moonstone plus 4 drs. of Rare Earths. Description: Freezes 1000 cu. ft. of salt or fresh water. Duration: 1 hour.

45 13. Madness Ingredients: 6 drs. of Black mushroom. Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll go stark-raving mad, Victims of this substance generally tend to rant and rave about"evil spirits” and the like. They will be of no use to anyone until cured of this malady. Duration: Permanent, or until cured. 14. Magic Detection Ingredients: 2 drs. Imp's Blood, 1 dr. each, powdered Silver, Gold, Platinum, and 1 ct. powdered Pearl, plus 2 ct. of powdered Diamond. Description: Magical objects, creatures and/or areas sprinkled with this Dust will glow faintly. Duration: Works on contact, but the “glowing” effect last only a few seconds. 15. Nausea Ingredients: 6 drs. of Cyclamen. Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll are incapacitated for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds due to extreme nausea. Combat or spell casting is impossible until the effects wear off. Duration: 1 hour. 16. Non-Detection Ingredients: 4 drs. of powdered Lead, plus 2 ct. of powdered Onyx. Description: Hidden objects or traps sprinkled with this Dust will be undetectable by magical means of any sort. Duration: Permanent, or until: (a) the object or trap is sprinkled with Dust of Appearance, (b) a Dispel Magic is cast upon the object or trap. 17. Panic Ingredients: 2 drs. of powdered Dragon's bones or Devil's horn. Description: Victims will drop whatever they are holding (weapons, wands, treasure, etc.) or anything else weighing them down, and flee in panic for the duration of the Dust's effect. Duration: 1 hour. 18. Paralysis Ingredients: 6 drs. of powdered Liverwort. Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll are paralyzed for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. Movement and speech will be impossible during this time. Duration: 1 hour.

46 19. Passive Action Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered Copper and 1 ct. powdered Amethyst, 2 drs. of powdered Copper. Description:Any who drink this potion will become completely non-violent for the duration of the mixture's effect. Duration: 1 hour. 20. Poison Ingredients: 6 drs. of any Single Poison Powder (Types 1-4). Description: Effects are the same as for the specific type of poison used. Duration: Also as per the type of poison. 21. Rage Ingredients: 2 drs. of powdered Minotaur horn plus 2 ct. of powdered Amethyst . Description: Victims will fly into a terrible rage and attack anyone (even friends) in sight. Duration: 1 hour. 22. Sleep Ingredients: 2 drs. of powdered Satyr' s pipe. Description: Victims fall into a deep sleep. Duration: 1 hour. 23. Trail Erasure Ingredients:Oust of Disappearance ingredients, plus 4 drs. of Rare Earths and a pinch of common soil. Description: This Dust can be used to erase any and/or all traces of tracks. It can be used indoors or outdoors, and will erase the equivalent of a path 10' wide and 100' long. Duration: Permanent. 24. Vertigo Ingredients: 6 drs. Yellow Melilot. Description: Victims who fail a CON:POT Resistance roll experiences severe dizziness for 5-10 (d6+4) rounds. If the victim does not sit or lie down immediately, there is an Agility-50% chance each round that he or she will lose their balance and fall. Duration: 1 hour. 25. Water Evaporation: Ingredients: 2 drs. each of Rare Earths and powdered Mercury, 2 ct. of powdered Ma1achite Description: Evaporates 1000 cu. ft. of salt or fresh water, or dries up 10,000 sq . ft. of swamp or marshland. Duration: Permanent.

47 26. Dust of Control Ingredients: (Any) Potion of Control ingredients. Description: Effects are the same as per the type of potion used , but the area of effect is as per Dusts. Duration: 1 hour 27. Blessed Growth Ingredients: 2 drs. each of Rare Earths, 1 ct. powdered Turquoise, 2 ct. of powdered Ma1achite, 4 drams Cinnamon, 100 lbs of sand or fine granule. Description: When this mixture is combined with the sand it becomes an easily spread fertilizer that will cover up to 50 acres of farmland. The following seasons crops will produce twice the normal harvest. Any individual plants sprinkled with this powder will grow at nearly twice their normal rate and repel plant damaging insects. *2 drams of Mercury will cause the fertilizer to blight the soil, producing 2d4x10% less produce at end of harvest.

SOLVENTS MATERIALS: Variable, plus 1 oz. alchemical solution (1 ct. powdered of each of the twelve Gemstones, 1 dr. of Rare Earths, and 1 fl. oz. of clear water) and 2 drs powdered Mercury. PROCEDURES : (1) Base: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (2) Ingredients: Weighing, Calcination, Powdering; (3) Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire. TIME: Standard Acid, 1 week ; Organic or Inorganic Solvents , 2 weeks. YIELD : 1 dose of the desired Solvent. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Note that combining Organic Solvent with Inorganic Solvent yields Universal Solvent. DIFFICULTY: -30% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -35% to Craft(Alchemy) skill CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy) skill. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 40% on fumble TYPES OF SOLVENT WHICH CAN BE MADE: 1. Standard Acid Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered Mercury. Description: This corrosive liquid will do 2-12 points of damage to any living creature and do 1d4 damage (1d6:HP resistance roll) to any non-organic substance except glass or ceramic items. Standard solvent can only be contained in glass or ceramic vials. 2. Organic Solvent (Universal Solvent Positive) Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered Mercury. 1 additional dr. of Rare Earths. 1 drop of blood from each of the following classes: Mammal, Reptile, Fish, and Bird kingdoms, and a pinch of any powdered herb or plant. Description: Organic solvent will do 6-36 (6d6) damage to any living organism and dissolve any organic material (such as wood, leather, cloth, etc.) at the rate of 1 cubic foot per round. Duration of effects 1-4 (d4) rounds. Organic solvent can be contained in any glass, ceramic or metal vial. Note that this fluid has no effect on non-organic materials of any kind.


3. Inorganic Solvent (Universal Solvent Negative) Ingredients: 2 drs. powdered Mercury, a pinch a powdered Lead, iron, copper, Silver, Gold. Platinum and Lodestone, 1 ct. (powdered) of each of the twelve Gemstones. Description: Inorganic Solvent will dissolve any non-organic materials (such as stone, metals. glass. ceramics. etc.) at the same rate and with the same duration of effect as for Organic Solvent. This substance is ideal for dissolving locking mechanisms, doors, walls, etc. It can only be carried in a container made of some organic substance, such as a wooden vial or a small wine-skin. Inorganic Solvent has no effect on any living organisms or organic materials of any kind . 4. Universal Solvent: Ingredients: To create Universal Solvent. 1 dose of Organic Solvent (Universal Solvent Positive) is mixed with 1 dose of Inorganic Solvent (Universal Solvent Negative). Any type of container or vial may be used as the two solvents take 2-12 seconds to inter-react, and for that brief interval, the mixture is inert. Description: This volatile substance is never mixed until the moment it is needed. as it is incredibly dangerous to work with. As soon as the solution commences working, it will begin dissolving anything it comes in contact with at the rate of 1 cubic ft. per second, with the duration of the effect being 10-60 (10d6) seconds . So much as a splash of Universal Solvent will never do less than 8-80 (10d8) points of damage to any living creature, while the victim of a "direct hit" will be disintegrated in 10-60 (10d6) seconds. There is no "antidote" for Universal Solvent, and disintegrated victims cannot be raised or resurrected.

GASSES MATERIALS: Various, as per Alchemical Dust used (See types), 1 dose of Standard Acid. PROCEDURES: Alchemical Dust procedure, Gassification. TIME: 2 weeks per Gas. YIELD: One dose of Gas per operation. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Gasses must be contained in vials, spheres, or canisters. Area of effect: a cloud l00’xl00’ in width and 10' high. Notes that Gasses dissipate and lose effectiveness beyond this radius. Also note that these substances are difficult to use outdoors where factors such as wind speed, wind direction, and weather conditions may modify their effectiveness. DIFFICULTY: -30% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -40% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS : Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy) skill. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 10% on fumble


*Regardless of the alchemist's skill scores, a Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill roll of 95% or more means that a leak in the alembic has allowed the Gas to seep into the laboratory. Should this occur, the CHANCE OF EXPLOSION increases to 25% (no modifiers) and CHANCE OF EXPLOSION must be rolled, even if it’s a second time! If no explosion occurs on the second dice roll, the alchemist (and any others in the lab) must still resist vs. the GAS effects before anyone can attempt to repair the leak in the apparatus.

Purified Metals The alchemist has learned to burn impurities from metal ores with fire and acid, then enhance their innate properties with rare earths. MATERIALS: 12 ounces(coin weight) of the desired Metal, 1 dose (each diluted with 24 fl. oz. of clear water) of Universal Solvent Positive, 5 drams rare earths PROCEDURES: Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire (all materials placed in an air tight alembic), Sublimation, Dousing. TIME: Variable. Minimum of one week.** YIELD: One Purified Metal RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: 20% of the alchemist Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill can be added to the Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill score for these procedures. DIFFICULTY: (Special) -40% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -40% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score, or as below. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (special) Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy). After the two week minimum has elapsed, a Craft (Alchemist Procedures) check is made 1x per week for up to 4 weeks. If after this time the experiment has still not been successful. it must be scrapped and begun over again. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 15% on fumble TYPES OF PURIFIED METALS: 1. Purified Iron: By removing waste material from iron ore, the alchemist can make it incredibly strong. For every week of the smelting process the weapons crafted from the purified iron gain an additional 25% to its HPs. Armor will gain an additional +1 to their armor rating for every two weeks. This does not give the alchemist any skill at crafting such items. 2. Purified Copper: Items crafted from this material grant the person holding or wearing it a magical armor bonus, as if they were wearing actual armor, of +1. This is in the form of a personal force field that absorbs 1 HP of any physical damage the wearer takes. It does not protect against area of effect spells.The item most be doused daily for a week, gaining the protection after a week. A Craft (Alchemist Procedures) roll is required every 2 days for a total of 4 checks.


3. Purified Silver: This shiny silver liquid (1 fl. oz.) will impart +10% - +30% points of magical bonus to the skill of any single tool that requires a skill roll such as locksmith picks, jewelers tools, a armorers hammer, climbing claws, an artists paint brush or musical instrument, a scribes quill, etc. Procedure is the same as per True Copper, including the 4 week maximum for the process. The item most be doused weekly, gaining a 10% bonus each week to a maximum of 3 weeks. A Craft (Alchemist Procedures) roll is required each week with a cumulative +15% difficulty after the first week. 4. Purified Gold: DIFFICULTY: (Special) -50% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -50% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score. If a spell caster is involved in the crafting of the item, the alchemist receives a synergy bonus equal to 1/2 the spell casters arcane knowledge skill. This shimmering yellow fluid will turn any rod, staff, or wand into an item of Mana Storing. The item must be Doused daily for at least a week, after-which it will have the capacity of storing 1d8 MPs. The item may be doused up to 3 weeks gaining an additional 1d4 MPs per week. A Craft (Alchemist Procedures) roll is required each week with a cumulative +15% difficulty after the first week. Special: On a special success the item can contain maximum MPs for that weeks dousing instead of the random die roll. On a critical success the item can contain maximum MPs+1d4 for that weeks dousing. The item must be recharged after the MPs have been expended. 5.Purified Platinum: DIFFICULTY: (Special) -60% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -60% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score. If a spell caster is involved in the crafting of the item, the alchemist receives a synergy bonus equal to 1/2 the spell casters arcane knowledge skill. This clear grayish fluid (1 fl. oz.) will turn any object, weapon or device into an item of spell storing. The item must be Doused daily for at least 1 week, after-which it will be capable of "storing" 1 spell level. A one shot item holding any spell placed within at completion of the project. The item may be doused up to 3 weeks gaining an additional 1 spell level per week, for a maximum of 3. A Craft (Alchemist Procedures) roll is required each week with a cumulative 15% difficulty penalty after the first week. Any object or item (regardless of how extraordinary or mundane it may be) can be enchanted in this manner. Once discharged, the item must be recharged with a spell to be of use, but is not limited to the spell that originally charged in the item. Cursed items can also be created by this process if 1 fl. oz. of any cursed potion is added to Purified Platinum prior to Dousing. Special: On a special success during any week of the items dousing the item actually recharges itself once per day without needing the spell recast into it. On a critical success on any week of the dousing the item recharges every 12 hours without needing the spell recast into it. Unlike normal successes, the spell cast into the item cannot be changed later.

51 Enlightened Alchemy

My son, after having imparted to thee a knowledge of all things, and after having taught thee how to live, after what manner to regulate thy conduct by the maxims of a most excellent wisdom, and after having also enlightened thee in that which concerns the order and the nature of the monarchy of the universe, it only remains for me to communicate those Keys of Nature which hitherto I have so carefully held back. When one is in possession of this Key, the rich become miserable in our eyes, inasmuch as there is no treasure which can possibly be compared to it. The Philosophers Stone is not a stone per se, but an ideal. The pinnacle of achievement for all alchemists. No other accomplishment could bring as much prestige as one of the following: 1. The Philosophers Stone (Aqua Regia) Within all metallic ores are trace elements of all other ores. This procedure allows the Enlightened Master Alchemist to smelt and dissolve metals away to reveal other elements hidden within, based on the materials used in the work. Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) skill 100% OR Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill 100% MATERIALS: 12 drs. of the desired Metal or Element, 1 dose (each diluted with 24 fl. oz. of clear water) of Universal Solvent Positive and Universal Solvent Negative. PROCEDURES: Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire (all materials placed in an air tight alembic), Sublimation, Dousing.* TIME: Variable. Minimum of two weeks.** YIELD: One Essence. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: *The Dousing procedure is only used in conjunction with certain types of essences and is done only after the Essence has been successfully created. **The Sub1irnation stage of this operation requires the full concentration of the alchemist. After the mixture has passed from solid to liquid to gaseous form and back again for two weeks, only his or her skill can cause the process to stop at the correct stage. Hence, it can be seen that the alchemist directly influences the outcome of this operation, not assistants. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -20% to Craft(Alchemy), -15% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (special) Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill. After the two week minimum has elapsed, a Knowledge(Metallurgy) check is made 1x per week for up to 8 weeks. If after this time the experiment has still not been successful. it must be scrapped and begun over again. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 10% on fumble

52 Description: Aqua Regia is considered to be the essence locked away in all metal ore. When a combination of 5 drams of Rare Earths and 1 dram of each type of metal is smelted with Alchemist Fire for an hour. The remaining ore is then doused in Universal Solvent for a week, which removes all impurities, leaving an acidy sludge. This sludge is once again burned over an Alchemist Fire for an hour and cooled, revealing 1d4 drams of a red liquid known as Aqua Regia. By smelting 1 dram Aqua Regia with mercury over an Alchemist Fire for an hour the resulting mixture forms 1d4 drams of a grainy, sand like substance. If 1 dram of this granule is then mixed with 100 pounds of molten lead, it will instantly turn 50 lbs of the lead into the purest cold, dissolving away the rest into unusable gasses. 2. The Philosophers Stone (Panacea) All living things have an energy within called soul, spirit, aura, or in this work, an essence. This essence can be fouled with taint, poison, and disease causing death and rot in the living host. However, it can also be purified into a state of near perfection. This procedure allows the Enlightened Master Alchemist to alter and transform this essence to remove diseases, remove toxins, and even restore life to the recently deceased. When 5 drams of Rare Earths,1 dose of any Healing Potion, 1 dose or any Remove Disease, and 1 dram of powdered Jade are distilled together, the gasses collected become 4 drams of liquid once again when cooled. Mixing this with 1 dram of Universal Solvent to remove any impurities, it is distilled once again. The remaining 1 dram of sparkling liquid is known as Panacea. Requirements:Nature skill 100% MATERIALS: 12 drs. of the desired Metal or Element, 1 dose (each diluted with 24 fl. oz. of clear water) of Universal Solvent Positive and Universal Solvent Negative. PROCEDURES: Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire (all materials placed in an air tight alembic), Sublimation, Dousing.* TIME: Variable. Minimum of two weeks.** YIELD: One Essence. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: *The Dousing procedure is only used in conjunction with certain types of essences and is done only after the Essence has been successfully created. **The Sub1irnation stage of this operation requires the full concentration of the alchemist. After the mixture has passed from solid to liquid to gaseous form and back again for two weeks, only his or her skill can cause the process to stop at the correct stage. Hence, it can be seen that the alchemist directly influences the outcome of this operation, not assistants. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -20% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score,-25% Nature skill CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (special) Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), Nature skill. After the two week minimum has elapsed, a Nature check is made 1x per week for up to 8 weeks. If after this time the experiment has still not been successful. it must be scrapped and begun over again. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 10% on fumble Description: All living things contain an essence. A spiritual energy that defines who and what they are. Panacea, when ingested, purifies this essence. When drank by a living

53 creature it immediately heals all injuries, restore any lost characteristics, cures all diseases (even magical), and removes all poisons. Furthermore, the drinker will have a renewed vitality, increasing his or her CON to racial maximum for 3d4 hours. If Panacea is poured into the mouth or in the wounds of any creature who was deceased for less than 1 day, they will be restored to life and full health, benefiting from all of the above effects as well. 3. The Philosophers Stone (Aqua Vitae) Aqua Vitae is the catalyst in the creation of Artificial Life, the substance from which Homonculi are grown, and even knew life forms. Aqua Vitae consists of 1 dram each of 20 different Common Herbs and Plants(that don’t have poison properties); 10 ct. each of Pearl, Diamond, and Jade. Furthermore, 2 drs. of powdered Iron and 48 dr. of Rare Earths will be required along with 1 dose each of both Universal Solvent Positive and Negative, and 48 fl. oz. of clear water. This is sufficient for operations involving creations up to SIZ 15. For every 2 SIZ thereafter multiply the ingredients by 2(round up). I.E. A SIZ 17 creation would require twice the listed ingredients. A SIZ 20 creature would require 3 times the listed ingredients. Note that a copper vat must be acquired in which to grow this life. It must be large enough to accommodate the type of creature which is to be created ( size,human size,dwarf size,ogre size,etc.) and have a well-fitting lid, also made of copper. Requirements:Physik skill 100% MATERIALS: Variable. All Homonculus; mixtures begin with Aqua Vitae as a base. Aqua Vitae consists of 1 dr. each of 20 different Common Herbs and Plants; 1 dr. each of 30 different Animal Ingredients; 10 ct. each of Pearl (knowledge), Diamond (sight), and Jade (life force). Furthermore, 2 drs. of Iron (strength) and 48 dr. of Rare Earths (organic activators) will be required along with 1 dose each of both Universal Solvent Positive and Negative, and 48 fl. oz. of clear water. PROCEDURES: Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire (all materials placed in an air tight alembic), Sublimation, Dousing.* Once the Essence of this mixture is achieved (known as Aqua Vitae), it must be poured into the a fore mentioned vat. According to the alchemist's designs, 8 drams (fluid or solid) of Animal Ingredients must be added to the Aqua Vitae and mixed in the vat. The type of ingredients added will determine what type of Homonculous will be created; that is, if an alchemist wishes to create an Ogre, 8 drams of ingredients such as Ogre's claws, fangs, eyes, blood, etc. must be used. Any type of known creature (even a clone) can be created in this manner (See STANDARD LIFE FORMS). The alternative to this procedure is to create new life forms by mixing ingredients from different types of creatures. Ingredients must still total 8 drams with up to 8 different types/attributes possible. (See NEW LIFE FORMS). YIELD: One Homonculous. See NEW LIFE FORMS for details. TIME: The mixture will take a full 2 months to take form and grow. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The vat containing the mixture must be covered, sealed with wax and placed in a cool dark area. During the "growth" stage, the lid cannot be opened. for if the seal is broken prematurely, the experiment will be ruined. DIFFICULTY: -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -20% to Craft(Alchemy) skill score,-25% Physik

54 CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (special) Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), Physik skill. The Physik skill must be rolled once per month. If after this time the experiment fails at any point it must be scrapped and begun over again. To make a Homonculous, see NEW LIFE FORMS for additional % Chance of Success. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: Only as pertains to the creation of Aqua Vitae, 15% on fumble Description: The secrets of life itself are revealed at last as the Enlightened Master Alchemist has learned to harness the powers of the soul and place it within a form of his or her own creation. The alchemist must acquire the creature parts he or she wishes to replicate for this new creation. As an example, if the alchemist were creating a new life form that had the appearance of a human but dragon wings, the formula may call for the alchemist to procure a suitable corpse and attach a young wyrms wings to its back prior to placing it in the vat.


56 4. The Philosophers Stone (Essences) Every metal ore contains scant traces of magic within known as an essence. These essences, once harvested can be brought together in a way that can give the metal a pure quality without imperfection that weaken it and even improve it by enhancing its own latent magical properties. By smelting 12 drams of the desired Metal or Element over an Alchemist Fire for 1 hour then pouring the molten material into a sealed Alembic with 1 dose of each Universal Solvent Positive and Universal Solvent Negative and 24 fluid ounces of clear water the material undergoes Sublimation, passing materials from solid to liquid to gaseous form and back (several times over). The result differs by the original material used listed below. Requirements:Apothosis Balance and Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill 100% MATERIALS: 12 ounces(coin weight) of the desired Metal or 12 drs. Element, 1 dose (each diluted with 24 fl. oz. of clear water) of Universal Solvent Positive and Universal Solvent Negative. PROCEDURES: Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire (all materials placed in an air tight alembic), Sublimation, Dousing.* TIME: Variable. Minimum of one week.** YIELD: One Essence. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: *The Dousing procedure is only used in conjunction with certain types of essences and is done only after the Essence has been successfully created. **The Sub1irnation stage of this operation requires the full concentration of the alchemist. After the mixture has passed from solid to liquid to gaseous form and back again for two weeks, only his or her skill can cause the process to stop at the correct stage. Hence, it can be seen that the alchemist directly influences the outcome of this operation, not assistants. DIFFICULTY: (Special) -20% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and -20% to Craft(Alchemy), -20% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score, or as below. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (special) Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill. After the two week minimum has elapsed, a Knowledge(Metallurgy) check is made 1x per week for up to 8 weeks. If after this time the experiment has still not been successful. it must be scrapped and begun over again. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION: 15% on fumble Description: Master Alchemists are able to harvest and collect Essences, the strange and wonderful substances that form the basis of all the Great Works of alchemy. While a blacksmith attempts to burn impurities from metal in the fires of a furnace, Essences are created from metals or elements by subjecting them to minute doses of Universal Solvent under strict laboratory control. The theory behind the nature of Essences is simply that while Universal Solvent will dissolve and seemingly disintegrate any substance, matter can never be destroyed, only altered. Therefore, Universal Solvent does not destroy matter, but transmutes matter to its purest and most basic state, known as the Essence. It is the goal of the Enlightened Alchemist, then, to capture this elusive substance which exists on the border between physical reality and subjective reality.


Essences which can be made: 1. True Lead: Appears as 1 fl. oz. of smokey-gray liquid. When True Lead is mixed with 1 gallon of paint or lacquer, it produces a quantity of liquid which will be sufficient to cover an area of up to 1000 sq . ft. Objects such as boats, full suits of armor, etc. , which have been coated with this substance will be 75% resistant to any type of spell casting. Note that anyone wearing such armor will find that any magic used by him or her will be just as likely (75%) to fail. This includes magic items, spells, etc., but excludes magic weapons. 2.Essential Lodestone: Appears as a dull Frey stone (1 oz. by weight). of this stone can use its magnetic powers to create a 10’ radius force-field (duration 1 hr . ) or effectively dispel any similar force-field 1x per day. This force field gives any metal object passing through it a -50% modifier to hit anything within. A critical success gives a -75%. 3. Essential Tin: DIFFICULTY: -30% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score This Essence appears as a violet-hued liquid, If an amulet, rod, or wand is Doused in this liquid each day for 1 week, it will confer the following powers to whoever wears it: a. Immunity to Control Spells: Spells such as Charm. Hold Person, Slow, etc., will have no affect on the wearer. b. Rulership: Up to 200 POW worth of any type of creatures can be compelled to obey the holder. Note that only those creatures with POW or INT of 15 or greater (or those with more HPs than the holder has MPs) are allowed a POW:12 resistance roll. (Essential Tin can also be added to any Dousing mixture prior to the preparation of any magic item. This will allow any such item to be "triggered" or activated only by those who know its command word. Any word or name can be made to serve this function.) 6.True copper: This amber liquid (1 Fl oz.) will impart powers of protection to any single item such as a ring, necklace, cloak. etc. The specific item must be Doused daily for 1 week, after-which it will confer +1 defensive abilities to the wearer. This process can be repeated up to 4 times (4 weeks) with a maximum +4 defensive capability per individual object. This defense is in the form of a magic field, much like armor, that subtracts the defense ability in HPs of damage from any attack in a round. This does protect against area of effect spells and is not stack-able with Purified Copper. There is no penalty to the chance of success for the first week, after-which the chances of success are penalized by -25%. Failure does not ruin previous successes and failure may be reattempted by dousing for another week. 7.True Iron: This peacock-colored liquid (1 fl. oz.) will impart +1-4 bonus points of magic damage to any single weapon such as a sword, dagger, spear, ax, bow, up to 20 arrows, crossbow bolts. etc. Procedure is the same as per True Copper, including the 4 week maximum for the process.

58 8.True Silver: DIFFICULTY: -30% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score This clear liquid (1 fl. oz.) will impart +10% - +40% bonus points of magical bonus to the skill of any single. Procedure is the same as per True Copper, including the 4 week maximum for the process. 9.True Gold: DIFFICULTY: -40% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score This shimmering yellow fluid will turn any rod, staff, or wand into an item of Mana Storing. The item must be Doused daily for 4 weeks, after-which it will have the capacity of storing 2-20 (2d10) MPs The item must be recharged after the MPs have been expended. 10.True Platinum: DIFFICULTY: -50% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score This iridescent fluid (1 fl. oz.) will turn any object, weapon or device into an item of great power. The item must be Doused daily for 6 weeks, after-which it will be capable of "storing" 1-10 (1d10) spell levels. Any object or item (regardless of how extraordinary or mundane it may be) can be enchanted in this manner. Once charged, the item will recharge itself each day. Cursed items can also be created by this process if 1 fl. oz. of any cursed potion is added to True Platinum prior to Dousing. 11.Glassteel: DIFFICULTY: -25% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score This greenish fluid (1 fl. oz.) will make any non-living material bathed in it more hardy and, eventually, even indestructible. The item must be Doused daily for at least 1 week in a mixture of True Platinum,True Gold, True Silver, True Iron, and True Copper, which will grant the object twice as many HPs. as it previously had. Dousing for an additional week grants it three times as many HPs. Dousing for four weeks will make the item impervious to damage, bending, or breaking. Procedure is the same as per True Copper, including the 4 week maximum for the process. 5. The Philosophers Stone (Machina) The most elaborate of all Constructs, Machina, are machine-like creatures which can be built to resemble various types of creatures and animals. The mechanical apparatus of these Constructs are cleverly fashioned to imitate the abilities of the creatures they resemble. Machina all have the following features and attributes in common: a. Constructed of any type of metal. b. Immune to all non-magical weapons. c. Immune to all poisons and gases. d. Immune to all magical spells and effects except those which are electricalor acid in nature. e. MOV rate as per the creatures they resemble. f. Machina HPs are equal to their SIZ. g. Machina have the same STR as their SIZ. h. There are no specific size 1imits for Machina.

59 Requirements:Craft(Tinker) skill 100% MATERIALS: Variable for each type of Construct. All require the following mixture of Purified metals, in order to be "imbued with sentient life"; 1 fl. oz. each of the following Essences: Purified Copper, Purified Iron, Purified Silver, Purified Gold, and Purified Platinum. PROCEDURES: (1) Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (2) Special: Building the Construct. (See below for details). TIME: 15 weeks (for SIZ 5 and below), +1 week per +1 SIZ over SIZ 5. YIELD: One Construct. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Constructs are not capable of independent thought. They can be “programmed" to retain up to 3 simple commands, such as: "Let no one pass through this door", "Destroy any intruder who enters” , etc. If no commands are programmed into the Construct, then it will simply obey any command given by its master, so long as the master is present. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (Special) The alchemist may build the Construct himself or enlist the aid of an Engineer or Tinker. If he chooses to work alone, the chances of success for manufacturing a Construct are equal Craft(Tinker) skill minus difficulty modifier. DIFFICULTY: -50% Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill score MODIFIERS: Engineer: If an Engineer is hired to help design a Construct, the DIFFICULTY is improved by +15% and time required is reduced by 1 week. Tinker: If a second Tinker is hired, the DIFFICULTY is improved by +25% and time required is reduced by 2 weeks. A Tinker can work with an Engineer on any Construct, combining their efforts and bonuses (Note: These modifiers to time are cumulative if the Master Alchemist hires more than one specialist, and only two helpers are productive per 5 SIZ. Ie: if a machina is SIZ 3, the alchemist could hire 2 helpers. SIZ 5 could have 2 helpers, SIZ 10 could have 4 helpers, ect.) FAILURE: If a die roll indicates failure, it will take the alchemist one additional week to locate the problem and attempt to correct it. After this time, another die roll may be attempted to see if the project is now successful. If the result indicates failure again, another attempt can be made (after an additional week has passed) and so on, with up to 4 attempts. If failure is still the result after 4 weeks, the project must be scrapped and started over from the beginning. Constructs are 50-90% (d4+5x10%) salvageable, saving that extra coin. CHANCE OF EXPLOSION : 3% on any fumble Description: Enlightened Master Alchemists who specialize in the tinkerer craft skill are able to create the massive machine-like entities known as Constructs. Constructs are always built from inorganic materials and can be imbued with a very basic, sentient life by coating a mixture of five different Purified Metals over the completed subject. The materials to be used on its construction are as follows: +500 BP worth of metal, gears, springs, hinges, ect per SIZ. +2000 BP for complex machinery like special locomotion such as burrowing or flying.

60 +1000 BP for a poison/elixir/potion delivery system +50+SIZ in BPs per point of Armor protection 1000 BP for additional attack modes such as claws or tail attacks.(+100 BP per 10% skill over 30%) Maximum load (Half MOV) is 300 lbs per SIZ, and normal load is 150 lbs per SIZ. MOV is equivalent to an equal creature type. Specific Machina examples and their characteristics are: Iron Spider: SIZ 10. Material cost for this basic Construct is 5000. It can be built to include a mechanism (+2000BP) which will allow it to “spin" up to 100 sq. ft. of metal webbing per foot of length and/or a mechanism which will give it a “poison bite" (will hold 2 doses of any venom; sufficient for 20 bites+1000BP). Both the web and the poison bite mechanisms can be refilled. Iron Spiders have the combat capabilities of Bite 30% (+0BP) 1d4+SIZ (plus poison, if applicable). They have an armor value of 4 (+240 BP). Iron Cobra: SIZ 6. Material cost for a basic Iron Cobra is 3000 BP. These Constructs may contain an apparatus which enables them to “spit" venom up to 10 feet, or deliver a poisonous bite. This apparatus costs an additional 2000 BP(1000 BP per delivery system) and can hold 2 doses of any venom, which is enough for 20 bites or 10 "spitting attacks". They have the combat capabilities of bite 50%(+200BP) 1d4+ (plus poison) and is also capable of doing constriction 70% (+400BP) 1-6+DB damage per round. They have an armor value equivalent to plate mail. Iron Horse: Material cost for basic Iron Horses 15000 BP(SIZ 32) for one the size of an average war horse. If a larger horse is desired, an additional 1000 BP worth of materials will be needed for each +1 SIZ. Iron Horses are primarily used for transportation, as they are tireless runners that can easily carry up to 5000 lbs. of weight, even at top speed. At walking or trotting speed, up to 10,000 lbs. of weight can be carried. This Iron Horse has no practical fighting abilities, but has an armor value of 3(+246BP). Iron Dragon: SIZ 70. Material cost of an Iron Dragon is 35,000 BP. Their inner apparatus could include a device which enables them to "breathe" large doses of fire. This "breathing" apparatus costs an additional 1000 BP and is capable of storing 120 gallons of a pitch-oil concoction similar to "Greek Fire" and costing per gallon. The 24-gallon quantity is sufficient to allow 3 "breath” attacks (8d6 fire damage per attack) per day. The Iron Dragon can also be outfitted with a flying mechanism, at an additional cost of +2,000 BP. Iron Dragons have the combat capabilities as follows: They can do 1-6+DB damage with each of their 4 claws 80%(+4000 for 4 additional attacks and +500 BP per claw for bonus skill), and the bite of this Construct will do 1d8+DB points of damage and has a skill of 50% (+200BP). Iron Dragons have an armor value of 8 (+960BP) (Special attributes can also be added to improve performance, such as adding 8 doses flying potion to the above iron dragons frame or skin(1 dose +1 dose per 10 SIZ) when smelted would allow flight without the use of a wings apparatus. Or dousing its teeth in True Iron for 3 weeks to add 3 magic damage to its bite. Feel free to experiment with other additions or changes with the chroniclers permission)



6. The Philosophers Stone (Essential Earths) The Enlightened Master Alchemist who specializes in Craft(Alchemy) can extract Essential Earths, the building blocks of creation, from Rare Earths. When these are mixed with certain ingredients as listed below, they can have miraculous effects. Requirements:Craft(Alchemy) skill 100% CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (special) Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy). The Craft(Alchemy) skill must be rolled once per week. If after this time the experiment fails at any point it must be scrapped and begun over again. Description: This Alchemist has discovered the secrets locked within Rare Earths. The secret that matter and energy are one and the same in different states of composition. By Specially preparing Essential Earths, potions of great power can be created, unparallel to even mighty spells. Elixir of Elements MATERIALS: 80 drams of Rare Earth Minerals, and 16 fl.oz. of water. TIME:(assuming all materials are at hand) 2 weeks to make, 8 weeks for effect. MODIFIERS: +1% point of Potions Skill DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=no effect, retry. Success= produces 8 dose of elixir. DURATION: Permanent If the alchemist drinks one of these Elixirs per week for eight weeks , he or she will have a 30% (+10% of the total Idea score) chance of permanently acquiring one of the four Elemental Powers. Only one such Power may ever be acquired by an alchemist in his or her life, so the alchemist should consider the choices carefully before starting the "treatment". Once the choice has been made, the alchemist need only concentrate on the Elemental Power's sigi1 (known as its Focus) and ingest the Elixirs. a.Elemental Earth: Alchemists who gain this Elemental Power will have maximum strength of their race as long as they stand upon earth or stone. Note this ability will not be effective in situations where the alchemist's feet are not in direct contact with the above, such as on board ship, on horseback, in wooden structures, etc. Additionally, the alchemist will be able to speak the language of Earth Elementals and see normally in underground darkness. b.Elemental Air: A alchemist with this Elemental Power will be capable of "limited flight". They will be able to glide for unlimited distances outdoors so long as there is the slightest breeze, and will never suffer any damage from falls of any sort. Note, however, that gliding in underground areas is limited to normal MOV speed, and gliding speed indoors is only 2x normal MOV while on foot. Also, an alchemist will not be able to carry any more than his or her normal encumbrance total while gliding. Alchemists with this Power will also be able to speak the language of Air Elementals. c.Elemental Fire: Alchemist's who gain this Elemental Power will be completely immune to the effects of any kind of fire or heat. Furthermore, they will be able to cause their body temperature to "super-heat", so that flammable materials will ignite at their touch, and any metal weapon held by such an alchemist can be made to become so hot that it

63 will do 1d4 extra points of heat damage to its victims. Alchemists with this Power will also be able to speak the language of Fire Elementals, but unfortunately suffer a penalty of -2 slot penalty on the resistance chart for rolls vs. cold or water-based attacks. d.Elemental Water: Alchemists with this Elemental Power will be able to breathe water, walk upon water, and speak the language of the Water Elementals, and all water-breathing creatures. Such alchemists will also be able to swim for unlimited distances, suffer no movement penalties while underwater, and be able to move or swim (underwater) with the speed of a shark(MOV12). Ice and cold will do no harm to the possessor of this Power, but suffer a penalty of -2 slot penalty on the resistance chart for rolls vs. heat and fire-based attacks. Potion of Ultimate Persuasiveness MATERIALS: Potion of Emotional Influence ingredients, Charm Potion Ingredients, 2 drs. of honey. a lark's tongue. plus 1 dr. of shavings from the fret-board of a Magical Lute. TIME:(assuming all materials are at hand) 3 weeks MODIFIERS: +1% for every point of Potions skill. DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=a foul tasting, useless liquid, Success= produces 1 dose of elixir, Special=produces 2 doses, and Critical=produces 3 doses of elixir. DURATION: 1 day, 1 week for critical success The drinker of this potion will be 95% able to convince any listener that what he or she says is the absolute truth. Even those using a Detect Lie Potion or magic will still only be 20% more liable to determine if the drinker is lying or not. Note that the most outrageous, idiotic, and unbelievable lies will sound completely convincing if spoken by one who drinks this potion. Potion of Immortalitity MATERIALS: 1 dose, Waters of Sulfur, Potion of longevity ingredients, plus 2 Feathers (powered) from a Phoenix. TIME:(assuming all materials are at hand) 3 weeks MODIFIERS: +1% for every point of Potions skill. DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=a foul tasting, useless liquid, Success= produces 1 dose of elixir (better success yields no other effect) DURATION: permanent The drinker of this potion need never fear the effects of age and will always appear to be between 20-30 years of age. While the effects of this potion are permanent, the drinker might of course still die from other than natural causes, such as accidents, poison, etc.


Potion of Body Transmutation MATERIALS: 1 dose each of variable Mercury and Waters of Sulfur, 1 dram each of the 10 Metals and Elements, and 2 drams of Rare Earths. TIME:(assuming all materials are at hand) 3 weeks MODIFIERS: +1% for every point of Potions Skill DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=a foul tasting, useless liquid, Success= produces 1 dose of elixir, Special=produces 2 doses of elixir, Critical=produces 3 doses of elixir DURATION: 1d4 hours, 2d4 hours for critical success. The drinker will be able to transmute the substance of his or her body into any Single Metal or Element. While in this transmuted state, the drinker can do most anything he or she could do in "normal" form (such as move, cast spells, fight, etc.). though it would be impossible. for instance, for a Metallic transmutation to swim or even run as fast as usual. Potion of Heroic Endurance MATERIALS: 1 dose each of Waters of Sulfur and True Iron. 2 drams of flesh from a Lion's heart, and 2 fl. drams each of Pegasus and Ox blood. TIME:(assuming all materials are at hand) 1 week MODIFIERS: +1% for every point of Potions Skill DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=a foul tasting, useless liquid, Success= produces 1 dose of elixir, Critical=produces 2 doses of elixir DURATION: 1d4 hours, 2d4 hours for critical success. The drinker will realize several benefits from this powerful mixture. For the duration of the potion's effect, the drinker will have maximum human strength; be utterly tireless no matter what task is being performed; be able to move at 2x his or her normal movement (as per Speed Potion); and gain 5-20 (5d4) additional hit points. The additional hit points, while only temporary, are quite real, so that any damage the drinker may suffer while this potion is in effect is subtracted from the additional hit points first. Furthermore, a Potion of Heroic Endurance will not cause its drinker to age 1 year as a Speed Potion does. 7. The Philosophers Stone (Runic Script) There is power in words, symbols, and sigils. The Enlightened Master Alchemist has discovered the formula for unlocking their potential. Requirements:Other Language (Alchemist Script) skill 100% MATERIALS: 1 dram each of Silver, Gold, and Platinum, 1 drams of Rare Earths, 1 ct. Crushed pearl, 1 dram Madder Root (or Catechu), 2 drams clear water TIME:(assuming all materials are at hand) 1 week for ink, 8 hours for scribing MODIFIERS: +1% for every point of Potions Skill CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), Other Language (Alchemist Script) DIFFICULTY: -25% DEGREES OF SUCCESS: Failure=non magical yet expensive ink, Success= produces

65 1 dose of ink, Critical=produces 1 dose of enhanced ink. DURATION: until used Description: Through years of tedious scribing, the alchemist has discovered there is power in the alchemist script. All of the symbols, sigils, and mathematics studied over the years have formed an image in his or her mind, unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Using a specially prepared ink, the alchemist can exert willpower over the process, imbuing it with power by spending 2 MPs per day during the ink creation process (even if the alchemist is not a spell caster) The rules pertaining to 0 MPs remaining applies. Once the ink is completed successfully, the alchemist can focus on one sphere and one glyph from Deep Magic (Advanced Sorcery) and scribe a single spell using mathematics and Alchemist Script that may later be read and cast from the scroll by anyone who can read it. The scribing process takes 8 hours. It takes 2 rounds to read from the scroll(because of the complicated formulas involved), the magic taking effect in the third round. The alchemists POW is still used when determining spell variables, as normal. Enhanced Ink: On a critical success during the creation of the ink, the formula becomes extra potent causing any spell cast from a scroll scribed with it to be more powerful. The effective POW of the reader is treated as being 1d4+1 points higher in respect to area of effect, range, and resistance rolls.

Advanced Operations CONSTRUCTS Enlightened Alchemists are able to create entities known as Constructs. Constructs are always built from inorganic materials and can be imbued with a very basic, sentient life by coating a mixture of five different Purified Metals over the completed subject. Requirements:Apothosis Balance, Craft(Alchemy) skill 100%, and as listed below. MATERIALS: Variable for each type of Construct. All require the following mixture of purified metals, In order to be "imbued with sentient life"; 1 fl. oz. each of the following metals: Purified Copper, Purified Iron, Purified Silver, Purified Gold, and Purified Platinum. PROCEDURES: (1) Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (2) Special: Building the Construct. (See below for details). TIME: Two weeks for (1) variable; (2) YIELD: One Animated Construct. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Constructs are not capable of independent thought. They can be “programmed" to retain up to 3 simple commands, such as: "Let no one pass through this door"; "Destroy any intruder who enters” ; etc. If no commands are programmed into the Construct, then it will simply obey any command given by its master, so long as the master is present. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (Special) The alchemist may build the Construct himself or enlist the aid of a Tinker for Metal golems, or Sculptor for the others. If he chooses to work alone, the chances of success for manufacturing a Construct are based on a Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll for the creation and application of the Purified Metals, but these have no impact on the quality of the golem crafted. For

66 such a Craft skill must be used, such as Craft Statue, Craft Clay, Craft Metal, ect. 1. Clay Golem: DIFFICULTY: -40% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill rolls. Description: This construct is made of dense mud. Edged weapons such as swords, spears, arrows, etc. Do 1/2 damage to Clay Golems while blunt weapons such as maces, clubs, staffs, etc. will do full damage. Clay Golems require approximately 50 lbs. of materials per 3 SIZ, and can be constructed up to any SIZ but each 5 SIZ more than 15 requires double the ingredients required. Only spells which affect earth will be effective against these Constructs, and their armor value is 1d4+1. Clay Golems can withstand 2 points of damage and have 1.5 STR per SIZ. They have the combat capabilities of Fist 80% 1d4+DB, or by great weapon 70% by weapon+DB

2. Stone Golem: DIFFICULTY: -50% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill rolls. Description: Golems fashioned out of stone are rough in appearance. The creator not caring as much for aesthetics as brute power. Edged weapons will do full damage to a Stone Golem but if the damage done exceeds the weapons HPs, it will break. Blunt weapons do full damage and do not suffer the above risk (except for those made of wood). Stone Golems require approximately 75 lbs. of any type stone per SIZ and can be constructed to any SIZ but each 5 SIZ more than 15 requires double the ingredients required. Only spell s which affect stone will have any affect on Stone Golems, and their armor value is 1d6+2. Stone Golems can withstand 1 point of damage and have 2 STR per SIZ They have the combat capabilities of Fist x2 70% 1d6+DB, or by great weapon 60% by weapon+DB

67 3. Metal Golem: Additional Requirements: DIFFICULTY: -50% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill rolls. Description: Golems fashioned out of metal tend to be very clunky in appearance, but can be smelted by a crafter to any appearance. Edged and blunt weapons only do 1/2 damage to Metal Golems. Metal Golems require approximately 100 lbs. of any type metal per SIZ and can be constructed to any SIZ but each 5 SIZ more than 15 requires double the ingredients required. Metal Golems are immune to all magical attacks except those which are electrical in nature and their armor value is 1d10+2. Stone Golems can withstand 2 points of damage and have 1.5 STR per SIZ They have the combat capabilities of Fist x2 60% 1d6+DB, or by great weapon 50% by weapon+DB 4. Living Statue: DIFFICULTY: -50% to Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill rolls. Description: Living Statues have exactly the same attributes as Stone Golems except that they may be fashioned or sculpted in any form desired, have no size limitations, and can be quite elaborate in design. Mythical creatures such as manticores. hippogriffs, and unicorns are quite popular, and gargoyles have long been a favorite of alchemists through the ages. Appropriately fashioned "living" Statues (that is, those with wings) can be given limited powers of flight by adding 12 doses of flying potion to the aforementioned mixture of Purified metals before dousing. Living Statues will have the same number of attacks (60% skill) and do the same damage as the creatures they are fashioned after, +additional DB if of greater SIZ. Such Constructs will, however, only have 1/2 the normal movement rate of the creatures that they are made to resemble. A sculptor is usually used for this creation, however any stone (carved) statue would be adequate for the dousing process.

Servant of the Bones Requirements:Craft(Alchemy) skill 100%, AND Nature 100% OR Physik skill 100% MATERIALS: (step 1)12 ozs. of Purified Gold, 1 dose Healing Potion, 1 Potion of Amnesia. (step 2) 1 oz. each of Purified Silver and Purified Platinum, 2 doses of Organic Solvent, 12 Gallons of clear water. (step 3) 1 gal on clear water, 1 dose of either Panacea or Aqua Vitae PROCEDURES: Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (Step 1) Special: Coating layers of Gold mixture onto a living recipient.(Step 2) Dousing the victim in cauldron of step 2 mixture for 2 hours to burn away organic tissue. (step 3) Dousing remaining bones in step 3 mixture. (step 4) Reheating Purified gold and coating remaining bones. TIME: Normal time for Purified Gold and Panacea or Aqua Vitae creation.(step 1) 4 hours (step 2) 2 hours, (step 3) 1 hour. YIELD: Enough Purified gold to paint one human sized target, and 1 cauldron of other materials. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Creation of this device is an evil act equivalent to murder as far as allegiance is concerned. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) , Craft(Alchemy), and Nature OR Physik skill rolls.

68 Description: A living human sized or smaller intelligent humanoid is coated in a mixture of thin, warm Purified Gold and Healing Potion. The potion keeps the recipient from burning or being poisoned as the gold is applied. This coating is done four times, taking an hour per coat, to ensure a thick, unbroken layer around the subject with only the eyes, ears, and nose remaining unobstructed. Once the gold cools and hardens the victim is lowered into the cauldron of step 2 materials, still alive, to have all organic tissue within the gold shell eaten away. The gold outer layer adheres to the bones within. Once the bones have been removed from the first cauldron they are dipped into a second cauldron of step 3 materials. This revitalizes the bones with the spirit or ghost of the victim, who will have no memory of the process, or who he or she was in life. (This can be circumvented by removing the potion of Amnesia ingredient) This ghost is tied to the bones and must obey whoever possesses them, unfailingly. More over, the ghost believes it only exists because of the owner of the Bones and serves faithfully. The Servant of the Bones INT: As in Life POW:As in Life Mov: equal to POW! Attacks: POW:POW resistance or target loses1d4 MP. If reduced to 0 MPs the ghost can possess the victim and cause it to attack others, or kill itself, depending on the masters wishes. Special Abilities: (These are treated as skills and start at 50%) 1. Telepathy 100’ A. Read Minds 1 MP/6 POW of target B. Send Message 1 MP 2. Advanced Telekinesis (special) A. Lift Enemy 1 MP per 6 SIZ B. Throw Object 1 MP per 2 SIZ C. Kinetic Storm 20’ radius 10 MP, All within are pummeled with small objects for 1d4 damage per round, all visual skills, including combat, are at -50%. D. Flight 1 MP per 5 MOV per hour. +1 MP per 6 SIZ of passenger. E. Force Field 1 MP per point of Armor. Max of 1 per 4 POW. F. Take form. For 1 MP per SIZ per hour the Servant can give himself a solid form by bringing particles together using Telekinesis and controlling their shape. This form is only limited to his or her imagination. If taking a creature shape, use that creatures statistics and natural weapons. This cannot include special abilities such as a Basilisks gaze or Dragon breath but may include flight if it has wings. If this material form is destroyed it does not damage the Servant but he cannot reform for 1 hour.

Unique Devices 1. Extensible Cage: Requirements:Craft(Alchemy) skill 100%, AND Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill 100% OR Craft (Tinker) skill 100% MATERIALS: 12 ozs. of Iron, 1 oz. each of Silver, Gold, and Platinum, 1 Potion of Diminution, 1 Potion of Enlargement, 4 drs. of Mercury, 1 dose Purified Platinum PROCEDURES: (1) Mixing, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (2) Special: Building the cage. (See below for details). TIME: Two weeks for (1) variable; (2) YIELD: One 10” cube to be fashioned into device shape. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (Special) The alchemist may fashion the cage or cage himself

69 or enlist the aid of a Tinker or Metal sculptor. If he or she chooses to work alone, the chances of success for manufacturing the cube is based on a Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll for the creation and application of the Purified Metals, but these have no impact on the quality or appearance of the finished product. For such a Craft skill must be used, such as Craft Metal, Craft Mold Metal, ect. Description: These ingredients must be placed in a crucible and smelted down, after-which a small (10 inch cube) bird cage-like device must be fashioned from the resulting alloy. The completed “cage” must then be Doused daily (for 1 additional week) with 1 dose of Purified Platinum. After this time, the Extensible cage is completed, and it may be programmed to work upon the utterance of any single command word. At the command of its owner, the Extensible Cage can be made to shrink to a 1 inch cube or enlarge to a maximum size of 10'xl0'xl0' thereby creating a protective shelter which may be entered and locked from within. The bars of the Extensible cage cannot be broken or bent by creatures of any size, and only solvents or magical disintegration will affect them. Some alchemists claim that Extensible Huts. Boats, and even Towers can be made by using the procedures outlined above. 2. Living Weapon: Requirements: Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill 100%, AND Craft(Alchemy) skill 100% MATERIALS: 5-10 lbs. of Iron, 2 ozs. each of Silver, Gold, and Platinum, 2 drs. of Rare Earths, 1 dose each of Aqua Vitae and True Platinum, and 1 fl.oz the blood of a master or the equivalent weapon. (skill 100% or better) PROCEDURES: (1) Mixing, Smelting, Subjecting to the Alchemist's Fire; (2) Special: Crafting Weapon. (See below for details). TIME: Two weeks for mixture. Weapon smithing is separate. YIELD: One metal blank to be fashioned into a weapon. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Only a character with less than base skill score in the weapon created can effectively use it. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (Special) The alchemist may fashion the weapon himself or enlist the aid of a weapon smith. If he or she chooses to work alone, the chances of success for manufacturing the blank is based on a Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), and either the Knowledge(Metallurgy) OR Craft(Alchemy) skill roll for the creation and application of the Purified Metals, but these have no impact on the quality or appearance of the finished product. For such a Craft skill must be used, such as Craft Dagger, sword, ax, ect... Description: These ingredients must be placed in a crucible and smelted down; trace amounts of carbon in the Rare Earths wil1 turn the Iron to steel, after-which the cooled alloy must be forged and hammered until a weapon has been made. The weapon must then be heated in the Alchemist's Fire and quenched in a vat which contains a mixture of Aqua Vitae, True Platinum, True Iron, and an ounce of blood from a Champion or other powerful fighter. The result of this operation will be a Living Weapon with one of the following attributes based on the Alchemists Knowledge(Metallurgy) skill roll success. Normal = +1 damage; wielder has the combat capabilities of 40%. Weapon POW 10 Special = +1d4 damage; wielder has the combat capabilities of 60%. Weapon POW 12 Critical = +1d6 damage; wielder has the combat capabilities of 75%. Weapon POW 14 A Living Weapon will seem to possess a life of its own and can only be used by an

70 alchemist or one who is similarly untrained in fighting. This is because it is the "ego" of the weapon which guides it, not its wielder, and no trained fighter would ever be able to use a weapon that fights as it sees fit. The only drawback to using a living Sword is that, once drawn, such a weapon will have a tendency (POW:POW) to continue fighting regardless of what its wielder wants to do; i.e., if such a circumstance should occur, a Living Weapon will drag its wielder into the thick of the action and prevent him or her from retreating, falling back, taking prisoners, or (especially) surrendering. If no living enemies are at hand the weapon will force the user to continue pummeling fallen foes, but not friendlys. This roll is made per round until the resistance roll is made. (The POW of the weapon only comes into play for this roll alone.) 3. Wind Ship: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures)skill 100% MATERIALS: 1 Boat/Ship, minimum 6 Flying Potions, 4 doses of Dust of 1/2 weight, 3 cts. of powdered Sapphire and 5 dose of Purified Platinum. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Mixing, Smelting. TIME (2) Special: Crafting Ships. (See below for details). TIME: Two weeks for mixture. Boat/Ship construction is separate. YIELD: Enough material to coat 1 large boat or small ship. Fishing boat to skiff sized. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: For Barge sized boats materials are doubled, Merchants are tripled, Warships require quadruple materials listed above. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (Special) The alchemist may reconstruct the ship himself or enlist the aid of a Shipwright or Sailor with the knowledge. If he or she chooses to work alone, the chances of success for manufacturing the required mixture is based on a Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll for the creation and application of the mixture, but these have no impact on the quality or appearance of the finished product. For such a Craft skill must be used, such as Craft Ship Description: Any finely-made, small sized sailing ship or boat must be completely disassembled and stripped of excess weight, after-which its remaining parts must be Doused daily for 1 week with the above mixture. Once the ship is reassembled, it must be rigged with sails made of the finest silk, after-which it can, upon the utterance of a command word, be made to fly (as long as there is wind) for unlimited distances. The ship itself merely hovers if there is no other propulsion. A Wind Ship will be able to carry up to its normal capacity. These devices are navigated much in the same way as a standard ocean-going vessel, and the Wind Ship can withstand the same amount of of fire or other damage before it will be destroyed as the original ship. 4. Bag of the Four Winds: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures)skill 100% MATERIALS: A leather bag, 12 cts. of powdered Sapphire and 1 dose each of Purified Platinum and Purified Silver. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Mixing, Smelting. Spell Castings TIME: 2 weeks for mixture. YIELD: 1 bag. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Item may only be used once per week.

71 CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll, which must be made once each week, for the creation and application of the mixture. Description: A fine leather bag must be made or purchased and embroidered with purified silver buttons, buckles, ect.. The completed bag must be Doused daily for 2 full weeks with the above mixture. Once this has been done, a spell caster (or an alchemist with the appropriate scroll(s)) must open the bag holding it in turn to the north, south, east, and west, cast four levels of any type of "Wind" spell into the bag. The bag will be permanently imbued with the four spells and can thereafter, upon the utterance of a command word, be used to call forth a great, gusting wind, The wind will last for one full day and be strong enough to double the speed of any ocean craft or quadruple the speed of a Wind Ship, A Bag of the Four Winds can be used only Ix per week. If the bag is punctured, it will be completely ruined. 5. Magic Mirrors: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures)skill 100% MATERIALS: 12 cts. Each of powdered Garnet and powdered Opal and 2 doses of Purified Platinum. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Mixing, Smelting, Glass Blowing, Spell Castings, mirror construction. TIME: 3 weeks for mixture (2) Special: Crafting mirror. (See below for details). YIELD: Enough Purified Gold to coat 2 large Frames. Enough Purified Platinum to coat 1 side of 2 mirrors. Mixture of powdered Garnet and Opal to be combined with glass blowing materials in making of mirrors. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Only items large enough to fit in the frame of the mirrors may use it. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: (Special) The alchemist may reconstruct the mirrors himself or enlist the aid of a glassblower or mirror maker with the knowledge. If he or she chooses to work alone, the chances of success for manufacturing the required mixture is based on a Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll, which must be made once each week, for the creation and application of the mixture, but these have no impact on the quality or appearance of the finished product. For such a Craft skill must be used, such as Craft Glass Blowing or Craft Mirror. Description: Two mirrors, at least 4’ in height and 2’ in width, must be fashioned using purified gold for their frames and fine crystal surfaces. Each crystal surface must be coated (on one side only) with 1 dose of Purified Platinum and secured within its respective frame. The two mirrors must then be placed back-to-back, and a Summoning and Banishment spell must be cast upon both of them. Once this has been done, the two mirrors will each be permanently imbued with a powerful enchantment, and anyone who walks into one will emerge from the other no matter where it is placed. Note that if one of the Magic Mirrors is broken, the second will not cease to function, so that if any person steps into a Magic Mirror whose twin is broken, he or she will become trapped in the first mirror. Undo Sorcery can remove someone who is trapped inside a Magic Mirror, but breaking the second will kill the trapped creature instantly.

72 6. Cusps of Protection: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures)skill 100% MATERIALS: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead), 1 dr. of Rare Earths, 1 dose of Purified Copper and 6 cts. of powdered Diamond. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Mixing, Smelting, Glass Blowing, polishing TIME: 1 week for mixture, 1 day for cusps YIELD: 2 lenses RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Wearers eye sight limited to 60’ CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll, Description: Cusps of Protection will afford the wearer 95% immunity to any type of "gaze" weapon or attack such as the type used by basilisks, medusae, etc. The only drawback of these useful devices is that they limit the wearer's sight to a maximum range of 60'. Cusps cannot be worn for more than one hour without risking permanent eye damage (+5% chance per 10-round period beyond the 1 hour limit); neither can they be used in conjunction with any other optical device. 7. Prisms of True Sight: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures)skill 100% MATERIALS: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead), 1 dr. of Rare Earths, 1 dose of Purified Platinum, 12 cts. at powdered Diamond and 6 cts. of powdered Pearl PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Smelting, Glass Blowing, polishing TIME: 1 week for mixture, 1 week for Prism YIELD: 1 polyhedron-shaped crystal RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll Description: Standard prism crafting procedures. A Prism of True Sight will allow any who peer through it to see all things as they truly are; i.e., invisible objects or creatures will be visible, illusions will appear as mere shadows, and even disguised or polymorphed beings will be seen in their actual forms. This device will not, however, reveal objects hiding in natural shadows or creatures hidden behind any real substance such as a wall, bushes, etc. 8. Crystal Ball: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures)skill 100% MATERIALS: 1 BP. of materials (silica. potash. lime, lead), 1 dr. of Rare Earths, 1 dose of Purified Platinum, and 24 cts. powdered Diamond. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Smelting, Glass Blowing, polishing TIME: 1 week for mixture, 2 weeks for device YIELD: 1 polyhedron-shaped crystal RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: every 2" in diameter above 6” of the crystal ball requires 2x ingredients. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll Description: These scrying devices can be made to contain additional powers if the appropriate spells are cast upon the ingredients prior to the crystal's completion. One of the following powers may be added by this method: E.S.P., Clairaudience, Telepathy, or any single type of curse (to keep unauthorized personnel from using the crystal).


9. Portable Smelter: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) AND Craft (Alchemist Procedures) skill 100% MATERIALS: 5 lbs of Purified Iron, 1 dr. of Rare Earths, 1 dose of Purified Platinum, Gold, and Silver, and 24 cts. powdered Ruby. PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Smelting, Spell Casting TIME: 1 week for mixture, 2 weeks for device YIELD: 1 cooking pot sized Cauldron RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: every 1 gallon in capacity above 1 gallon of the smelter requires 2x ingredients. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures) and Craft(Alchemy) skill roll Description: When these ingredients are cast into a mold, and any fire spell is cast upon the molten material, the finished, cooled, bowl can be made to super heat by filling it with flammable oil and dropping a pinch of powdered ruby into it. The oil will burn as per lantern oil and will extinguish if further oil isn't applied when it runs out. This device will produce heat equivalent to Alchemists Fire, over which a second pot can be used to make or melt other materials. 10. Soul Stone: Requirements: Craft(Alchemy) skill 100%, and Nature 100% or Physik 100% MATERIALS: 2 dr. of Rare Earths, 1 dose of Purified Platinum, Gold, and Silver, 2 drs. Sulfur, and 4 cts. of both powdered Opal and Jade. 1 dose of either Panacea or Aqua Vitae PROCEDURES: Weighing, Powdering, Mixing, Smelting TIME: 1 week for mixture, +time for Panacea or Aqua Vitae. 1 week for stone. YIELD: 1 Soul Stone RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Craft (Alchemist Procedures), Craft(Alchemy), and either Nature or Physik skill roll. Description: Once the ingredients are mixed and cooled, they form a lump of clear greenish stone with gold, silver, and platinum veins running through it. If this stone is placed on a creature (with a soul) within a few minutes of death and a dose of Panacea or Aqua Vitae are poured over the stone, the soul of the departed will return, believing to be resurrected, but instead be imprisoned within the stone. When this occurs, anyone holding the stone and concentrating on it for a full round, can make a LUC roll. Success allows the holder access to whatever POW the creature had in life in the form of Magic Points. These can be used to instantly replenish the holders own MP on a 1 to 1 ratio. If the soul within is reduced to 0 POW the stone shatters releasing the spirit to its afterlife. If not, the POW regenerates like Magic Points every day. Breaking the stone also releases the spirit, and it has HPs equal to 1/2 the prisoners total (not temporary) POW. An alchemist may have any number of Soul Stones in his or her possession. These are said to be very valuable to devils and demons, when a soul is trapped within. When an extra-planar soul, such as a demon or angel, is trapped within the Soul Stone it’s POW can be used regenerate the casters own POW instead of transferring MPs. The Caster must spend 5 MPs to siphon 1 POW from the demon and requires a POW:POW resistance roll on he demons part to avoid the effect, unless it was previously bound or it’s true name is known to he caster.

74 If the demon succeeds this roll, no POW is transferred but the caster still wastes the MPs. If the demons POW is reduced to 0 the stone shatters, returning the soul to it’s home plane, severely weakened. The Casters POW can be raised above their previous score in this manner and can be used to power spells while it’s effects remain. This temporarily increased POW begins to fade back down to the casters previous score at a rate of 1 POW per hour after being siphoned. Rumor has it that a dying alchemist trapped his own spirit in a Soul Stone, had his apprentice place it in a Machina, (some stories say golem) and he was able to continue living through the machine.

Working with an Enchanter Many alchemist projects can be made much simpler (and cheaper) with the aid of an Enchanter. A spell caster able to channel his or her own MPs and/or POW into a prepared item through the use of a Ritual (Enchant Item) skill could supplement some of the more expensive material components of an alchemists project. materials such as True/Purified Platinum, Gold, or Silver might be excluded all together. (with the chroniclers permission)

Witchcraft and Alchemy Witches, Tribal Shamans, and Hedge Wizards have a long tradition of being able to complete some of the recipes listed in this book. When such is called for, these occupations may substitute the Alchemists Ingredient Rare Earths with a mixture of herbs, uncommon and unusual ingredients which are mixed in a “Witches Brew” Whenever Rare Earths are called for, such practitioners may boil an (equivalent in price) list of common herbs for 1 hour and use the results in place of Rare Earths.


Enchantment and Artifice Once upon a time, great magics infused the realms. During the years the fey inhabited this world freely, great mages worked the weave of sorcery in such ways that they could create relics with mana. Allowing such trinkets to call on great power at no cost to or from the wielder. These arts and arcane architecture has been lost in the fading of fey from this world. As such, only such artifacts that surface from years gone by exist, and nothing new of its kind may be produced in the Southern far as the wise know. Since the fey fled this realm, sorcerers, priests, and mages alike have striven to unlock the secrets of mana. To solve the mystery of unlimited power. All efforts have been in vain. However, some of the secrets involving empowering items with the power of mortals has been gleaned through research, experiments, and long lost texts involving such knowledge. Sorcerers can store part of their own essence in their staves. Mages can likewise do so, as well as within their familiars. Priests have turned these hidden skills into blessings for symbols relating to their own belief systems. Items have been made to hold sorcery that can be powered by the wielder own essence on command. Witches can store a single incantation in devices known as talisman. A very few Master Alchemists have discovered that purifying certain metals with other ingredients can produce even greater power within an item, with a spell casters aid. The power of an item to reproduce magic effects with no sacrifice eludes sorcerers still, but the knowledge must still be out there in some long lost tome, an animal skin scroll buried in some undiscovered cache, or perhaps it lies hidden, in plain sight, among a thousand mundane texts in some ancient library. Until such a time as it surfaces, the search continues...


The Ritual The Ritual (Enchanting) skill imbues an item with a spell that the caster has prepared or a portion of his or her own MPs. This requires a great deal of time and concentration as well as the MP cost of the spell/power to be imbued, plus typically a POW sacrifice. Note that this usually at least tires the enchanter and may very well leave him exhausted from the effort. The sacrifice of POW makes the enchantment permanent, provided the enchanter succeeds the Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll. There are many types of magic items: The power point reservoir or MP Adder, the one shot item, the daily usage item, items that grant access to a power (but use the wielder’s Power Points), and constant effect items. The specifics for making these items are detailed below. Cost of the ritual is 500 BP worth of materials per week of enchantment. This covers the costs for purifying the item for the process, special candles, incense, dyes, chalks, or other special materials needed. It does not include items that may modify difficulty modifiers, such as Titans Blood, or eye of zombie. Some items have additional costs based on their power levels and ritual complexity.

Using an Alchemists aid Some master alchemists can craft items of purified materials that become naturally able to contain power. If this material is used for the spell casters item it does not replace the cost of the ritual material components, but DOES replace the need for any permanent POW sacrifice upon completion. Constant items still require any POW sacrifice stipulated during the ritual but not the additional POW sacrifice at the end for the item to be permanent. Special: An enchanter who has a Soul Stone (see Art of Alchemy), with a extra-planar soul within it (such as a demon), may use this souls POW as the sacrifice for the ritual, instead of his own. These POW never regenerate while the soul remains in the stone. DIFFICULTY MODIFIERS: If the enchanter actually crafted the item he/she receives a +10% to the ritual skill check. If the enchanter oversaw the entire creation of the item he/she receives a +5% to the ritual skill check. If the crafted item is of superior quality ( 2xNormal value or crafted by a master 100%+ skill) add +10% to the ritual skill check. If the item is crafted with or out of special ingredients add modifiers as stipulated.

77 Unique Ingredients Occasionally the enchanter may come across items that may be used in the Enchanting Ritual or in the actual crafting of the item that the chronicler may allow a special quality, a reduced ritual cost, or a bonus to the ritual skill roll. These are usually rare items that have something specific to do with the item to be created. Such properties are entirely up to the chronicler, as well as any special qualities or bonuses appropriate, however, here a some examples:

Attunement When a spell caster first comes across an enchanted item that stores MPs he or she can attune themselves to the item by spending a temporary POW point that regenerates 12 hours later. A spell caster may be attuned to any number of items, and once attuned it doesn’t become necessary to do so again. Attunement requires 5 Min of contact with the item and overcoming the current Magic Points (POW vs MP) of the item on the resistance table. If the roll is failed the POW sacrifice is not lost.


The Various Rituals Magic Point Adder Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item. (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual, sacrificing 1 point of permanent POW and 1 MP per MP infused. TIME: 1 day per MP sacrificed to the items creation. YIELD: One MP reservoir item with +5 HPs. RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used are wasted but the item is still useful for another attempt, starting the ritual over again. No more than 5 hours a day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll during the first day of the items enchantment process and know if it has failed when first attempting to store a MP in it. He or she may then start the ritual over again without losing the permanent POW. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Normal Description: Magic Point Adders are reservoirs that work much like a rechargeable battery. A spell caster who attunes the item to themselves can store 1 MP per point of

79 POW of the creator. The caster can recharge these items by grasping the item and spending 1 MP per MP stored within. This process takes 10 minutes per MP using an item already crafted for such use. Creation of the item requires the caster to spend a permanent point of POW to enchant the item and permanently attune it to the caster. Then, during the ritual, sacrifice as many MPs as he or she wishes the item to contain MPs. These MPs return to the caster at the normal rate MPs return. Others may use this reservoir if they attune themselves to it.

One Shot Item Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item. (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual costing 1 point of permanent POW and casting a spell onto the item. TIME: 1 day per MP sacrificed to the items creation. YIELD: One One-Shot item RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used are wasted but the item is still useful for another attempt, starting the ritual over again. No more than 5 hours a day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll during the first day of the items enchantment process and know if it has failed when first attempting to store a spell in it. He or she may then start the ritual over again without losing the permanent POW. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Normal Description: These items have a spell stored within them that can be released when the wielder wishes. Once the spell has been cast, any applicable spell can be re-cast into the item to be reused again, but requires an hour per MP of the spell to infuse the spell and an enchant item ritual skill roll. Anyone can use this item, therefore many enchanters embed a required trigger word or action to activate the item.

Charged Item These are much like One Shot Items as in they hold a single spell but when enchanted the spell caster can place more MPs into the casting, allowing more than one use between recharges. This has the same stipulations as the previously listed One Shot Items but requires 1 day and an additional 100 BPs in ritual cost per MP sacrificed to the items creation and once the spell has been decided it cannot be changed later. Recharging only takes 1 hour per MP of the spell times the number of charges recharge the items charges and an enchant item ritual skill roll, but costs no further BPs.


Multi-use Item Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item. (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual costing 2 points of permanent POW and casting a spell onto the item. TIME: 1 day and an additional 100 BPs per MP of spell cast into the items creation. YIELD: One Multi-Use item RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used are wasted but the item is still useful for another attempt, starting the ritual over again. No more than 5 hours a day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll during the first day of the items enchantment process and know if it has failed when first attempting to store a spell in it. He or she may then start the ritual over again without losing the permanent POW. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Ritual (Enchanting) skill-25% Description: When properly prepared, these items can hold a spell that stays in the device, but requires the wielder to spend the required MPs to activate the spell. Once a spell is placed into the item it cannot be changed short of re-enchanting the item. Only a user who is attuned to the item and touching it may use it.

Reinforced Enchantment Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item, +150 BPs ritual cost per HP increased. (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual costing 1 point of permanent POW and 4 MPs per additional HP the item is to have. TIME: 1 day per MP used in the items creation. YIELD: One reinforced item RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used for the previous week are wasted but the item still contains any previously successful HPs. No more than 5 hours per day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll once per week, spending 1 permanent POW at the end of the ritual. If the skill roll fails at the end of one of the weeks the ritual is over and the item has only the previous weeks additional HPs. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Normal Description: The enchanter uses this ritual to magically increase the durability of an item, gaining bonus HPs.


Ley Lines and Vortices The sorcerers of the Southern Reaches have long believed that the magic of the world has weakened with the exodus of the Fey. That true enchantments are no longer possible due to the waning of the age. The spell casters of the distant past knew the truth of the matter. Magic hasn’t ebbed but is still a very strong force of nature, when it’s uses are understood. The most powerful sources of magic are not energies that can come from within but that infuse the world itself. This energy radiates across the lands along invisible, yet tightly focused rays, or Ley Lines. Places where these Lines intersect one another form powerful Vortices. The more rays that contact each other, the greater the magical energies that radiate within. Those ancient wizards of the previous ages could douse with divining methods to locates these nodes of energy and utilize that power to create mighty spells and works of great power. Among these were items of True Enchantments. The picture of the Reaches above is a representation. Not a map of lines locations. Such placement is up to the chronicler. These areas were often thought to have religious significance, healing properties, and many other phenomena attributed to them. Such locales often became shrines, temples, holy ground, or even cursed lands. Great and small monoliths, pyramids, or other structures often marked such locations and some remain standing centuries later. The Fey were intimately familiar with such areas as well and also marked them with rune carved monoliths, or strange writings on rock outcrops. Thousands of these lines traverse the realms in an unending pulse of energy that those with the knowledge can utilize to their own ends. Some lines are mobile yet always follow the same paths at the same rate. Many intersect with current vortices once a year, once a decade, once a century, or even longer. The ancient wise men attributed these to celestial events, although this was just a natural cycle of the lines and the heavens. A coincidence that repeated itself, naturally. Any two lines may intersect in any place the Chronicler wishes. More than two lines intersecting is rare, but more than three intersecting becomes a place of great power. Perhaps only a handful of such vortices can be found in the entire realm, unless it’s a roving Ley Line and a temporary phenomena.


New Fey Spells & Rituals Divine Ley Lines Range: Sight Resisted: No When a spell weaver casts this spell he or she can see any of invisible Ley Lines within line of sight. They appear as a wispy, pulsing curtain wall about 10 feet thick, that goes from the lowest point of the ground up into the sky past vision. If any two or more of these lines intersect their point of contact is a radius sphere of the same energy, equal to 20’ r per line intersecting.

Vortex reservoir Range: Self Resisted: No When two or more Ley Lines converge they form a Vortex of power. Those who know this ritual can use this energy to power their own rituals, spells, and enchantments. This ritual causes the caster to spend a temporary point of POW to become attuned to the vortex, just as she might become attuned to a magic item like a wizards staff. Once attuned to the vortex, the caster can siphon POW at a rate of 1 per week for a vortex with 2 Ley Lines, 1 POW per 3 days for 3 converging Ley Lines, and 1 POW per day for four converging Ley Lines. Any ritual that calls for a temporary or permanent expenditure of POW may use the power of the vortex to satisfy the requirement. Also, while attuned to that specific vortex, the caster regains spent MPs at a greater rate. Normally MPs return at a rate of one-fourth of total POW at the end of every six hours, until all have returned at the end of the 24th hour. Vortices with 2 Ley Lines converging allow a regeneration of MPs at one-fourth rate per 4 hours. Vortices with 3 Ley Lines converging allow a regeneration of MPs at one-fourth rate per 2 hours. Keep in mind that roving Ley Lines ARE moving, albeit slowly, and may or may not cause a vortex for more than a couple of hours, or a couple of days, depending on the chronicler. Ley Line convergences are sources of infinite power and several spell casters who perform the ritual at once and attune themselves to the vortices have no effect of the POW that the vortex generates. Several sorcerers could siphon at the same time, if so desired. Once an attuned caster leaves the area of the vortices they must re-attune themselves to it when returning to access the reservoir.

Spot Rule:

Roving Ley Lines The Chronicler may decide that ALL Ley Lines are roving and only come together in vortices Occasionally. These could coincide with celestial events, seasons, phases of the moon, religious holidays, ect.


Spot Rule:

Temporary Vortices The Chronicler may decide that certain major events (either current or historical) can cause temporary Vortices to appear without Ley Line convergiance. Such occurrences may coincide on the date with the destruction of a major demon or devil, the place where an angel or avatar fell from the heavens, a place of mass genocide, the domicile where an Arch Wizard died of old age, a monastery where a bishop received Apothosis, ect... These Temporary Vortices last only a short period of time, from minutes to a day. They are usually on the anniversary of the event. At the Chroniclers discretion they may last longer on the millennial anniversary of the date. As example: 10 years after Asmodeus was Rebuked by an Avatar of Light and sent back to the hells, the spot where the arch devil descended is marked by unholy blight in the form of a Vertex of negative energy. Plants die, animals flee, humans (not in allegiance with shadow) become ill within a 20’ radius on the day of the event. On the 1000 year anniversary, this vortex lasts an entire year.

Blood Rituals Humans and other sentient creatures who have a “soul” have power in their blood. The life essences that sentient people have flowing through their veins, and various organs, are nothing compared to the power of nature. However... There are various rituals that a sorcery, a shaman, a priest, or other spell caster can learn to gain access to the “power within”. The purpose of this book is not to introduce new magic systems into your MW game but the creation of enchanted items. The following are meant to allow players an alternate way to gather MPs and POW points through more...nefarious means than self sacrifice. Some of these are inspired by other sources, whose inspiration undoubtedly came from others as well, but I’ve attempted to convert them to be more compatible with this work. The chronicler should feel free to change them in any way he or she sees fit. The following are individual rituals that must be learned separately. Exsanguination Some demons, devils, and other powers of Shadow offer “favors” for the sacrifice of blood. The blood of the innocent or the blood of the righteous. Sometimes the blood of children or virgins. The power is, however, in the blood. The individual tastes of the power accepting the sacrifice is all that really matters. When a sentient body is bled to the point of unconsciousness over an altar or holy/unholy area during a successful ritual the spell caster is granted 1 MP per HP the sacrificed creature has drained. If a sentient creature is allowed or forced to slip away during the ritual the caster can also gains a temporary point of POW for every 4 the victim had in life. Cruciation Some higher powers delight in the suffering of others. Some respect the sacrifice their subjects make in subjugation or worship. When this ritual is successfully performed and

84 either the caster or a victim is tortured, causing actual physical damage, the spell caster is granted 1 MP per HP above 1/2 the victims original HPs that are taken. If a sentient creature is allowed or forced to slip away during the ritual the caster can also gains a temporary point of POW for every 4 the victim had in life. Cannibalism As stated above, the power within sentient creatures is not only in the blood, but in the organs as well. Some tribes of orcs, goblins, and even humans (usually primitive) have learned a ritual that allows them to prepare and consume these body parts to absorb the power trapped within. Consuming any of the main organs (the heart, brain, liver, ect) allow the one consuming to absorb 1/3 of the victims total POW in temporary MP and 1/4 of the victims total POW in temporary POW. These POW can be used to regenerate lost POW on a permanent basis as well.

Limits of Power It is up to the Chronicler how long points absorbed through sacrifice remain in the caster performing the ritual. In my own campaign these bonus points degrade and vanish at the same rate as lost points normally regenerate.

Advanced Ritual Enchantments These rituals, in Magic World, have been lost to the ages. Since before the fey retreated from the Reaches, few have the power to create such wondrous items. The Chronicler may rule that such rituals are outside of human learning or that these powerful enchantments can only be performed inside the vortex of converging Ley Lines.

Enhancement Items Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item. +100 BPs per MP spent (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual costing 1 point of permanent POW and 2 MPs per additional factor of 1 the item is to have. TIME: 1 day per MP used in the items creation. (1 week minimum) YIELD: One enchanted item RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used for the previous week are wasted but the item still contains any previously successful HPs. No more than 5 hours per day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll once per week, spending 1 permanent

85 POW at the end of the ritual. If the skill roll fails at the end of one of the weeks the ritual is over and the item has only the previous weeks additional increased factors. These factors are the % of skill that is increased while holding or using the item. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Ritual (Enchanting) skill-15% with a cumulative -5% each week of the ritual. Description: These items are permanent works that increase the users % in a certain skill decided at the beginning of the ritual. Such items may include a weapon that increases the users skill with that weapon, a ring that increases the wearers confidence giving them a bonus to Fast Talk skill, a set of locksmith tools that increase the users Locks skill, a quill that increases the users Scribe skill, a pair of boots that increase the wearers Move Quietly skill, a medallion that increases the users Search skill, ect...

Daily Use Item Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item +500 BPs per MP. (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual costing 1 point of permanent POW per number of daily uses of the item, plus the enchanter must cast the spell once per day into the item for each number of uses per day of the item. TIME: 1 week per MP of the spell the item will emulate, +1 day per POW sacrificed. YIELD: One Daily Use Item RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used are wasted but the item is still useful for another attempt, starting the ritual over again. No more than 5 hours per day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll once per week during the entire process and spends 1 POW at the end of each cycle of days per use of spell. If the skill roll fails at the end of one week he or she may then start the ritual over again. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Ritual (Enchanting) skill -20% with a cumulative -10% penalty each additional week of the ritual. Description:These rare items don’t require the sacrifice of MPs to power the spells placed within them at the time of use. They allow the wielder to use the spell enchanted within 1 or more times per day, depending on how many POW are used in the original enchanting ritual. Anyone can use this item, therefore many enchanters embed a required trigger word or action to activate the item.


Constant Items Requirements: Creator must be capable of spell casting MATERIALS: Any item +1000 BPs per MP of the spell. (some materials may grant modifiers) PROCEDURES: Performing the enchant item ritual costing 2 points of permanent POW per MP of spell imbued in the item, and casting a spell onto the item every day during the ritual, and then an additional 1 POW sacrifice at the rituals completion. A level 3 spell would require a total sacrifice of 7 permanent POW. TIME: 1 week per MP of spell cast into the items creation +1 day per POW sacrificed. YIELD: One enchanted item RESTRICTIONS/COMMENTS: Only spells with a duration and those that target the caster or an item (or bundle of small items like arrows) may be made to have constant effects. The enchanter must be in proximity of the item during the entire ritual and concentrating on the item during most of the ritual. Any major distraction, not including small breaks to eat and rest, requires an additional Ritual (Enchanting) skill roll to maintain concentration. Failure means the MPs used are wasted but the item is still useful for another attempt, starting the ritual over again. No more than 5 hours per day can be used to rest and the caster must stay within proximity to the item. The caster makes the Ritual (enchanting) skill roll once per week, spending 1 POW at the end of each week, during the entire process of enchanting the item. If the skill roll fails at the end of one week the ritual ends causing the enchanter to lose any POW sacrificed previously and the item can never be enchanted again. CHANCE OF SUCCESS: Ritual (Enchanting) skill-25% with an additional -10% cumulative penalty per week of the ritual. Description: Even more rare than Daily Use Items, these relics allow the enchanter to store any spell with a range of self or item and a duration of greater than instantaneous. When attuned to the item, the wielder can use the spell within at will. Anytime the wielder wields, wears, or holds the item the spell effect within is also used, not requiring a MP sacrifice. These items usually have constant effects, such as a sword with Sorcerers Razor cast on it would have a constant damage bonus of +1 per level of spell. If the item is a ring with Sorcerers Strength spell imbued in it allows the wearer a +3 STR whenever worn. A necklace with Cloak of Night spell the wearer is granted +20% to hide skills. Anyone can use this item.


Spot Rule:

Fey Smiths Some races, still maintaining their fey heritage, can create wondrous items of great power using rituals passed down through generations. There is magic inherent in nearly all that Elves create. When using this secret lore elves never have a penalty to their Ritual enchantment skill rolls. When creating a weapon, elves may add a +10% to the use of the weapon due to it’s keen edge and perfect balance, with no additional cost. Dwarves, likewise, have their own secrets of the forge. When using special tools and anvils engraved with runes of power they may wave 1/2 of any enchantment ritual costs. When they create an item it can be made sturdier, gaining an additional HP bonus equal to 1/2 the items original HPs, at no additional cost.

Enchanting Large Magic Items When a PC becomes a master enchanter he or she may wish to tackle bigger projects. What good are a castles fortifications if they can be swept aside by a blast of sorcery? What about those flying boats you see in other campaign worlds? What about those castles in the clouds that giants like? Better yet, Just HOW THE HECK can Eidolon, the whole city from Shadow World, float??? These are prime examples of how a master

alchemist (or a dozen) can aid a spell caster (or a gross of casters) to achieve mighty goals of awe inspiring power. Granted, they may still require a dragons hoard to fund the project. This also brings into importance Vortices created by Ley Lines. Such monuments as Stone Henge, the great Pyramids of Giza, The temples of Tibet, the shrines at Machu Pichu, or even the Bermuda Triangle are prime examples(on Earth, of course) of the

88 power these vortices hold. There are several ways to enchant larger than normal magic items. A good rule of thumb is using the Magic World/ Advanced Sorcery Rule of using area of effect in the enchanting ritual. With every point of POW a spell caster has, he can effect up to 10 lbs of material and/or 10 square feet of area. Every area or object not encompassed in this requires a separate ritual and separate MP/POW sacrifice. So, as an example, say a Priest wishes to fortify a city wall which is 5000’ in length x 10’ high. This would be 50,000 square feet. The area is this total divided by 2, which comes to 25,000 feet squared. A priest with a 20 POW can cover 200 square feet of area so 250 separate rituals would be required. If the priest is using the Reinforced Enchantment Ritual and giving the entire wall an additional 5 HPs it would cost 250 POW and 5000 MPs. That’s a lot for one caster! But within a Vortex of converged Ley Lines this becomes more plausible if several casters work in unison. Using sacrificial rituals described earlier can also boost the power of the caster. Such creations are purposely put on the outskirts of the realm of possibility, However... If this same project were undertaken by the caster and a master alchemist, the alchemist could circumvent the POW

costs (not the MP cost) by dousing the materials to be created in the appropriate Purified or True Essences. For large items this could get very expensive. (see Art of Alchemy) Also the caster can make use of the Alchemists Soul Stone. (see Art of Alchemy) When an inter-planar soul, such as a demon or angel, is trapped within the Soul Stone it’s POW can be used regenerate the casters own permanently drained POW instead of MP. The Caster must spend 2 MPs to siphon 1 POW from the stone and requires a POW:POW resistance roll on he souls part to avoid the effect, unless it was previously bound or it’s true name is known to the caster (in the case of demons). If the soul succeeds this roll, no POW is transferred but the caster still wastes the MPs. If the souls POW is reduced to 0 the stone shatters, returning the soul to it’s home plane, severely weakened. The Casters POW can be raised above their previous score in this manner and can be used to power spells while it’s effects remain. This temporarily increased POW begins to fade back down to the casters previous score at a rate of 1 POW per hour after being siphoned, unless sacrificed in an enchantment or used in some permanent way.

Spot Rule: Instead of allowing the caster to drain POW from a inter-planar soul trapped within a soul stone, the chronicler may allow the caster use that souls POW to add to his or her own POW concerning area of effect. According to MW, Advanced Sorcery a mage can affect their POW x 10 in pints of liquid, pounds of solid mass, or feet in radius. This spot rule would allow the caster to use whatever POW a trapped extra-planar soul my have on top of his or her own. As example if the caster has 19 POW and a trapped demon has 16 POW the casters total POW, as far as the area of effect is concerned, would be 35. Any spell effects used in this way still require MPs that can be taken from the trapped soul as well.



Well, that’s all I’ve got, for now.

Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to Moonowol67 (he says its a typo, but...LOL) from BRP Central for some inspiration in the crafting rituals and Ken Seward, AKA Simlasa, from BRP Central for the great art in the Art of Alchemy portion of this work. This work is yours to change, update, or tear apart as you see fit to work in your own campaigns.

Thrown together by your friend, Chris Tooley