Ahlam [PDF]

Abban Ramdan High School Duration : 2Hs rd Level : 3 year L&Ph School Year :2020/2021 Part One  : Reading and Inter

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Abban Ramdan High School

Duration : 2Hs


Level : 3 year L&Ph

School Year :2020/2021

Part One  : Reading and Interpreting a) Comprehension  : Read the text carefully and do the activities below. Counterfeiting means copying an original item, especially consumer products, with the intent of deceiving or defrauding the buyers. Unfortunately, counterfeiting has become so pervasive in Nigeria that it involves every consumer product in the market place, ranging from household items to automobile spare parts, telecommunication devices, among others.  The ill of counterfeiting is sometimes seen by society as a victimless crime with fakes simply constituting a cheap alternative purchase. At other times, consumers are constrained by ignorance, poverty, inability to detect counterfeit products. They simply go ahead to purchase fake products that may be rather harmful to them.  Incidentally, the case of consumers and buyers of mobile phones and their accessories is not different, as many consumers go for substandard or counterfeit mobile phones because they are cheap and look like the originals. All these are informed mainly by the advancement and sophistication of counterfeits in recent times and compounded by the lack of enthusiasm of producers to collaborate with regulators in the education of consumers and removal of fake products from the market.  In-spite of the efforts made by government agencies like the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (Son) to combat counterfeiting in Nigeria, the business starts to make progress and achieve its goals and consequently causing damage to consumers, manufacturers and government alike. Adapted from  : https://www.studymode.com/

1. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the statement. (1.5pt) a- Counterfeiting refers to the production of genuine products. b- People buy fake products because they are disable to discover its origine. c- Producers are enthusiastic to take part in the elimination of counterfeits from the market.  2. Indentify the paragraphs in which the following ideas are mentioned.(1pt) a. Counterfeiting hides the truth from consumers. b. The corrupt practice of counterfeiting doesn’t damage consumers. 3. Answer the following questions according to the text.(3pts) a. What types of goods does counterfeiting include ? b. Mention 2 reasons behind choosing forged products. c. Did the Nigerian government succeed in eradicating conterfeiting ? 4. Find What or Who the underlined words refer to in the text.(1pt) a. it (§1)……………….. b. them (§2)…………………. 5. Choose the correct answer. The text is ………………. (0.5pt) a. Argumentative b. Expository c. Descriptive

d. Narrative

B/ Text Exploration 1. Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to : (1.5pt) Authentic (§1) = …………………... fight (§4)=……………… damaging (§2) = ……………………

2. Complete the chart below as shown in the example. (1.5pt)

3. Combine each pair of sentences with the connectors given between brackets. Make changes where necessary. (2pts) a. Verb Noun Adjective To counterfeit Counterfeit Counterfeited/ counterfeit ……………………….. ………………………… deceptive ……………………….. production …………………………….. To criminalize ……………………… …………………………… Counterfeiters use tricky ways. They succeed in making perfect counterfeits. (such that ) b. Countries attack illegal practices. Countries create stability and security. ( so long as) 4. Classify the following words according to the number of syllables.(1pt) production – criminalize – ethics - buy 1 syllable

2 syllables

3 syllables and more

5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list given. (2pts) Authorities - Consumers - Health - Effects – endangers - benefits Counterfeiting is a criminal act. It ………………. the life and well being of consumers. Consumers must be alert to the ……………………….of buying counterfeit products, particularly …………… and safety risks. Fake goods may seem attractive, but they can be dangerous to …………………….. . Part Two  : Written Expression  : (5pts) Choose one of the following topics. Topic One  : « Counterfeiting is a criminal phenomenon that is gradually increasing in our modern society. Write a composition of about 100 to 120 words to explain some measures to fight counterfeiting. The following notes may help you :

  

Sensitize consumers/ harmful effects of fake products Pass strict laws/ fight imitations Reduce the price/ genuine products.

Topic Two : « Your teacher of English asked you to conduct a research on historical sites in Algeria. Write a paragraph of about 60 words to tell her about one of these heritage sites.

Abban Ramdan High School

Level : 3rdyear  FLg Year :2020/2021

First Term Exam Of English

Duration : 2Hs


Part One  : Reading and Interpreting a) Comprehension  : Read the text carefully and do the activities below. In today's high tech digital age, it has become increasingly more difficult for lawbreakers to conceal their illegally obtained funds through criminal business practices. Criminals are being forced to hide their money from government institutions to avoid taxation and investigations into their shady dealings. One way criminals go about hiding this ill gotten cash is to launder their money through banks, brokerage houses, investment firms and many other financial businesses to make it appear as if the money is clean and obtained legally. Money laundering is a method used by criminals to conceal their income obtained from criminal activities such as drug trafficking and organized crime. This process allows criminals to effectively legitimize their dirty money by mixing it with clean money. It usually involves a series of transactions from bank account to bank account with the hope of thwarting law enforcement and remaining unnoticed as a criminal. Money laundering has become a worldwide problem that has globally devastating effects. After the money is laundered it usually returns to the hands of drug dealers, terrorists, gun traffickers and other criminals so they may continue their harmful and dishonest illegal operation Adapted from  : https://www.studymode.com/

1. Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer.(1.5pt) 1) People who act against the law are obliged to………………………….their gains from the authorities. a. expose b. secret c. give 2) Money laundering permits corrupt people to legalize their…………………….. a. lawful funds b. unclean funds c. both of them 3) When legitimizing their gains, criminals desire not to be……………………. a. unnoticed b. ignored c. observed 2. Identify the paragraphs in which the following ideas are mentioned.(1p) a) The reason behind not exposing the origin of illegal money . b) The sending back of cleaned money to wrongdoers . 3. Answer the following questions according to the text.(3pts) a) How do criminals clean their illegaly gained money ? b) Mention the 2 sources of ill gotten gains? c) What measures can the government undertake to fight money laundering  ? 4. Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.(1pt) a.Their(§1) ……………………….. b. this process(§3) ……………………… 5.Choose the correct answer : The text is : (0.5pt) a. Narrative b. Descriptive c. Expository

d. Argumentative

B/ Text Exploration 1 Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to : (1.5pts)

Wrongdoers (§1) = …………………... gained (§2)=……………… …………………… 2. Complete the chart below as shown in the example.(1.5pts)

Verb To corrupt ……………………….. ……………………….. To legitimize

Noun Corruption ………………………… Laundering ……………………….

Destructive (§4) =

Adjective Corrupt legal …………………… ……………………

3. Combine each pair of sentences with one of the connectors provided. Make changes where necessary.(2pts) Though - as long as - before - such that a. Money laundering is a dangerous phenomenon. It destroys the people’s integrity. b. People know that corruption is a crime. People participate in illegal and non-transparent activities. 4. Classify the following words according to their stressed syllable.(1pt) Corruption – legitimize – ethical – ethics 1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable

5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list given. (1pt) Community – extortion - Conducts – decrease – damaging – beneficial Corruption is a dishonest behavior by those in positions of power, such as business managers or government officials. Its forms include bribery, ……… 1…… and many other unlawful…..2……. . This evil phenomenon has a wide range of ................3............ effects on societies. It can increase criminal activity and organized crime in the …………4……….. Part Two  : Written Expression  : (6pts)

Choose one of the following topics.

Topic One  : « Corruption includes any illegitimate use of office. Write an article of about 80 to 100 words to your school magazine to inform your classmates about the different unethical practices. The following notes may help you :

  

Not paying taxes – child labour Nepotism / embezzlment Counterfeiting - fraud

Topic Two : « The Islamic empire experienced a period of scientific and artistic achievements .It was called the Golden Age of Islam. Write a composition of about 80 to 100 words to highlight the great accoplishments made by this great civilization. »