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Aerobask Phenom 300
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High quality interior and exterior 3D model High quality PBR 4K textures Flight model and performances based on the real datas. Custom FADEC, ATR and Thrust Levers behaviour. Realistic engine behaviour (as far as XPlane allows us to customize it). X1000 PFD and MFD from Laminar Research - Custom system pages, EIS, VSpeed and CAS Synthetic Vision made by Oscar Pilote and Aerobask Aerobask X1000 TouchScreen feature GFC700 autopilot with custom CSC mode (FADEC-based cruise adaptive thrust system) + 2D popup GCU477 (alphanumeric keypad) supporting new LR commands for XP11.50 + 2D popup + physical keyboard on-demand capture Accurate custom coded IESI with 2D popup High quality FMOD sounds (recorded from a real aircraft) from Daniela Rodríguez Careri Full-mode FMOD aircraft - Accurate doppler, distance attenuation and flyby effects. Enhanced night-time lighting ambience with spill lights for a great rendering Simulated Stall Protection and Stick Pusher system Custom Electrical, Bleed Air, Fuel, Pressurization (ECS), Engine Fire and Ice Protection systems. Avitab support in 3D tablet (requires the Avitab free plugin). Animated Cabin with Passenger Control Tablet (Shades, Tables, Doors and “airshow” system). Various 4K PBR liveries and additional 2K PBR livery for low-spec hardware VR-ready and VR-friendly Custom documentation based on AFM, POH, PTM and QRH. Tested and approved by real EMB-505 Phenom 300 pilots
DISCLAIMER All the data and procedures shown in this document are extracted from the official AFM, POH, QRH, PTM and the Prodigy 300 Pilot Guide. However, as some systems are not simulated and the previously mentioned documents might be out-of-date, some parts might not be present in this document because they were judged irrelevant for our reproduction of the Phenom 300 in a home simulator use case. In that regard, you must not use this document for any form of real flights operation related activity such as Training and Operating an aircraft. Aerobask and the author cannot be held, in any case, responsible for such usage of this document.
Getting Updates
To fully enjoy these features, your computer should meet the following minimum requirements: CPU: Intel i5-6600 @3.3 GHz GPU: Nvidia GTX960 VRAM: 4 GB RAM: 16 GB Using such a system, you will be able to achieve stable 25 to 30 FPS in most situations, depending on installed scenery and other addons you might use. 25 FPS are sufficient for a real-time simulation. The plane will even load and run if you have a system weaker than shown, but you may want to switch off anti aliasing (AA), set reflections to “low”, reduce texture size to “high” in your X-Plane settings. We also provide a low-resolution livery which needs less VRAM.
Recommended System For a better overall experience, we recommend the following system: CPU: Intel i7 @4.4 GHz GPU: Nvidia GTX1080i VRAM: 8 GB or more RAM: 32 GB
Installation Purchase the plane and download the zip archive of the plane from the x-plane.org store. You should find it in your customer account.
Take note of the serial key you have received after your purchase. You may also want to copy the key into your clipboard, because you’ll need it soon. Extract the zip archive to your “Aircraft” folder. The resulting folder structure should, for example, look like “X-Plane 12/Aircraft/Aerobask Phenom 300”, with all the aircraft files in this folder. Start X-Plane and create a new flight. Your new Phenom 300 will be shown in the “General Aviation” category. Select this plane. After loading the flight, X-Plane will ask you to enter your serial key. If you have copied the key into your clipboard, simply hit the “paste” button. Otherwise, you can type the key manually into the text field. Finally, press the “Activate” button. Using your Internet connection, the key will now be checked and the aircraft will be activated. You will be notified of the success on your screen. After activation, reload the plane by first loading the default C172 and then switching back to the Phenom. (There is also a reload option in X-Plane’s developer menu, but this does not initialize the plane correctly, so please use the steps outlined above.)
This plane can be used together with the SkunkCrafts Updater, to receive online updates (bug fixes, new features) from within X-Plane, without the need of re-downloading the whole package from the store. The updater will check if new versions for supported installed aircraft (such as the Phenom 300) are available and optionally download these updates for you. To use the SkunkCrafts updater, download the free updater plugin from the following link: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php ?/forums/topic/144828-updater-dow nload-page-v22-available/ To install the updater, first close X-Plane. Unzip the component of the downloaded zip to “X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins”. Be careful to use this location; never install the Updater to an aircraft or scenery folder. You can configure the Updater’s behavior. This is explained in the Updater’s online documentation, which is available here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php ?/forums/topic/166005-skunkcrafts-u pdater-v2x-documentation/
⚠️ You might get a “VR Config” error. Just click “Understood”. 4
SPECIFICATIONS This reproduction of the Phenom 300 is based on the AFM (Revision 12 - 12/2015) data for : - Post-Mod. SB 505-00-0001 - Post-Mod. SB 505-00-0008. General Specifications -
Powerplants : (2) Pratt & Whitney Canada PW535E (3360lbs of thrust each) ● Recommended TBO : 5000h Airframe Length : 15.64m (51ft 4in) Airframe Height : 5.10m (16ft 9in) Wingspan : 15.90m (52ft 2in) Wing Area : 28.43m² (306.8sq.ft) Seats : 9 + 1 crew (or 8 + 2 crew) + 1 lavatory. Fuel Capacity : 2428kg (5353 lbs) FWD Baggage capacity : 226.5 liters (8 cu.in) / 30 kg (66 lbs) AFT Baggage capacity : 1869 liters (66 cu.in) / 210 kg (463 lbs)
⚠️ This airplane is not equipped with Electronic Checklists.
LIMITATIONS STRUCTURAL (Speed) Vmcg (Velocity Minimum Control Ground - OEI)
97 kias
Vmca (Velocity Minimum Control Air - OEI)
86 kias
Vso (Velocity Stall in Landing Configuration - F.Full + Gear)
89 kias
Vse (Velocity Stall in Clean Configuration)
100 kias
Vfe Flaps Full
160 kias
Vfe Flaps 2 & 3
170 kias
Vfe Flaps 1
180 kias
Vlo/Vle (Landing Gear Operation/Extended)
250 kias
Vo (Operating Maneuvering Speed)
205 kias
Turbulent Air Penetration (Recommended)
232 kias (below FL320) 232 kias / 0.65M (Above FL320, whichever is lower)
MMO (Maximum Mach Operating)
VMO (Velocity Maximum Operating) at Sea Level
320 kias
Maximum Tailwind (Takeoff & Landing)
10 kts
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind (Takeoff)
25 kts
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind (Landing)
28 kts
Maximum Crosswind for Static Takeoff Power (0kts)
18 kts
STRUCTURAL (Weight) MAX Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW)
MAX Ramp Weight (MRM)
MAX TakeOff Weight (MTOW)
MAX Landing Weight (MLW)
NOTE (2) : Normal Take-off (TO/GA) ratings are limited to 5 minutes duration. NOTE (3) : Maximum Takeoff is intended for emergency situations with One Engine Inoperative (OEI) and Anti-Ice “ON”. Total of 10 minutes is allowed for any combination of Normal Takeoff Thrust (TO/GA) and Maximum Takeoff Thrust (MAX or RSV). NOTE (4) : Maximum Climb (CLB) is the maximum thrust rating in normal operations (AEO). Maximum Continuous (CON) is automatically selected when an OEI event is detected by the FADEC. NOTE (5) : For operations in severe cold environments and following engine start, it is acceptable to operate the engine up to 70% N2 in order to warm the oil up to the minimum operating temperature (10 °C). 7
STARTER LIMITS In case of a failure to start the engine or in case of a “Dry Motoring”, please refer to the table below to avoid any damage to the starter. Apply the “Cool Down Time” before having another “Motoring”. Motoring Number
Cool-Down Time
60 seconds
60 seconds
15 minutes
30 minutes
⚠ Minimum Battery Voltage to start is 24V ICING NOTE : Icing conditions may exist whenever the Outside Air Temperature (OAT) is 10°C or below and visible moisture of any form is present (such as clouds, visibility less than 2km/1SM, precipitation of any form). Refer to “Procedures - Operations in Icing Conditions”. NOTE : Maximum Altitude for Takeoff or Landing with Anti-Ice ON : 10 000ft (refer to the Performance Manual).
(text extracted from the official AFM - Revision 12 of December 15, 2009)
(Icing Risk Table - Extracted from AOPA SA-11/08 - 2008)
TIPS & TRICKS This is a compilation of tips that we found useful during our testing and were given by real Phenom 300 pilots. Nothing said here is mandatory to use the airplane but will, in our mind, improve greatly your flying experience and enjoyment. ●
This aircraft is known to fly at touchdown attitude (pitch) at Vref with full flaps. There is little to no flare to be done at landing if you maintain Vref from Threshold and idle at 50ft AGL.
At level flight and constant altitude, below 7000ft, a 45% N1 setting will hold +/- 180kias. On a standard 3°/5% Slope approach, in Flaps Full landing configuration, a +/- 42% N1 will hold Vref. Below 3000ft at level flight, with Flaps 3 and Gear Down, 45% N1 will hold around 130-150kias.
If possible, map a key on your joystick/throttle to : sim/autopilot/take-off_go-around in order to control the Takeoff / GoAround (TO/GA) Flight Director (FD) mode. Beware that this mode doesn’t affect the Thrust Setting as the Phenom 300 is not fitted with an auto-thrust system.
If possible, map a key on your joystick/throttle to : sim/autopilot/control_wheel_steer as it will greatly help you while hand-flying in TO/GA mode by re-centering the FD cue at the present attitude when depressed.
At TO/GA Thrust, this aircraft climbs like a rocket. The TO/GA FD cue will initially indicate a +10° pitch but Aerobask recommends +12° to +17° pitch (after retracting the undercarriage) to avoid flying “through” Vfe with your flaps out.
Following the actual AFM, Aerobask doesn’t recommend you to use AP or YD below 600ft AGL.
Aerobask recommends to use the “FLC” mode combined with “CLB” Thrust Rating to climb. A typical Climb profile will look like this : 180kts until 5000ft, 225kts until FL300 and .060M until Cruise.
This Aircraft is CAT I certified only, no autoland. On that behalf, it uses BARO minimas only and is RNP BARO-VNAV capable.
This Aircraft is fully RVSM & RNAV/RNP Oceanic (MNPS) to LPV capable. For you, online simmers, here are the ICAO codes of the radio equipment found in the aircraft as well as the PBN/ codes for your flight plan filling. You’re welcome :
/10 = BDGRSWXY/LB2 ●
/18 = PBN/A1D2S2
You will find helpful data in the “Performance” file found in the “Manuals'' directory of the Phenom 300. These documents are also accessible in-flight via the AviTab. Information such as Vspeeds, minimum runway length and climb performances will be available in that document. You also will find a file named “Procedures” which contains the necessary Normal and Abnormal & Emergency Procedures to operate this airplane. 9
DARK AND QUIET COCKPIT The concept used to design and operate the airplane is based on the assumption that while in flight, all systems are normal when: ● Lights, main, glare-shield and control pedestal panels have no lights on; ● No CAS messages or aural warnings are being issued; ● The selector knobs are positioned at twelve o’clock. A white striped bar illuminates on any button to indicate that it is not in its normal position.
GENERAL COCKPIT LAYOUT As the E55P is a Single Pilot certified airplane, all the controls are accessible from the left seat. On the left side of the CPT seat can be found : Emer. Oxy. Mask, Electrical Panel, Bleed Panel, Test Panel. On the front of the CPT seat, behind the Yoke and below the PFD you can find : Fuel Panel, Hydraulics Pumps Panel, ELT Control, Passengers Signs, Stick Pusher Cutout as well as the Ice Protection Panel. On the Pedestal can be found : Thrust Levers, Parking Brake, Speed Brake Switch, T/O Config button and Flaps Lever. In front of it you will find : Engine Control Panel, BackUp Trim Panel and Fire Panel. Above the Pedestal and below the MFD is located the GCU477 (more details at page 19). Just to the right of the GCU can be found the Pressurisation (with the ECS) and A/C Panel (Page 22) Above the MFD, in the middle, you can find the IESI and GFC700 AFCS Unit (more pages 12 & 18). 10
As shown on the picture above, each Thrust Lever controls independently its associated engine (Left TL for Engine 1, Right TL for Engine 2). There are no Thrust Reversers on this aircraft. From IDLE to TO/GA, the Thrust Levers move freely across the whole range. To apply the desired Thrust Setting (for exemple CON/CLB), move the Thrust Levers while watching the EIS until the desired Thrust Settings is displayed on it (more details about the EIS at page 14). From TO/GA to MAX, there is a strong physical detent. Beware that MAX Thrust is only intended for Emergency Usage (OEI). Please refer to the Power Plant Limitations (Page 7) for more details. In case of an OEI event detected by the FADEC, the APR (Automatic Power Reserve), if armed, will engage and force the operating engine into MAX Thrust Rating without the need of pushing the Thrust Lever to the MAX Position. Reducing the Thrust to CON will, however, disengage APR and switch to CON Thrust Rating. In Normal Operations, passed a certain altitude while climbing, it is normal to have the same N1% Output in TOGA, CLB or MaxCRZ, even if you engage TOGA Thrust. That being said, it is recommended to keep the Thrust Rating to CLB while climbing. The Red Arrow and Yellow Circle points the TO/GA switch found on the Thrust Levers. There is one on each Lever. Please note that the Phenom 300 is not equipped with an Auto-Thrust system and therefore, the TOGA Switch only commands the Flight Director into TO or GA mode without any impact on the Thrust Rating (except for the CSC. see p18). Aerobask recommends you to map this button to your Joystick/Throttle for the best experience. (See page 9 for more informations).
TEST, ELECTRICAL, BLEED, FUEL & HYDRAULICS The Test Panel allows for test operations of the systems. In Normal Operations, the TEST KNOB is in the “OFF” Position. It can test : Engine & Baggage Fire Detection loops, Annunciators, Stall Protection (Stick Pusher) and ICE Protection (more details found below). To test a system, select it with the Knob and then press & hold the “Start Test” button located to the left of the Knob. The Pneumatic (BLEED) system of the Phenom allows for easy X-BLEED operations in case of an OEI. In Normal Operations, all the switches are in the “AUTO” position. Bleeds are required to operate the Ice-Protection system for the Engines and Wings/Stabilizer (WINGSTAB). NOTE : Currently, there is no “BLEED” MFD Synoptic. As with the majority of the systems, the Phenom 300 is equipped with a very automated Electric System. You will control it via the panel located by the left of the Captain’s seat. In Normal Operations, all the switches are to be in the AUTO position. Details about GPU and ELEC EMER operations can be found in the “Normal Procedures” section of the “Procedure Manual”. NOTE : While operating a system, it is good practice to check the system behaviour on the corresponding Synoptic page on the MFD. (More details in the EFIS/MFD part of this Manual). The Fuel Panel allows control of the Fuel X-FEED of the aircraft in order to balance fuel tanks quantity. In Normal Operations, PUMPS are AUTO and XFEED is OFF. Please see “FUEL” synoptic for detailed system state. The HYD PUMP controls the Engine Driven engine pumps. Normal operations, pumps are “OPEN” The “PUSHER CUTOUT” is an emergency switch used in case of a Stick Pusher malfunction. ELT should be in the ARM position. It can be tested if required. SIGNS/OUTLET controls the Cabin Signs and the Lavatory state. Please refer to the “Normal Procedures” for more details about its operations. 12
PRESSURIZATION & ECS The Phenom 300 is equipped with a highly automated Pressurization and Environmental Control System (ECS). To summarise, the pressurization system works from the Engine Bleed Air and the Air Conditioning from the Electrical System. The pressurization is Automatic in Normal Operations and Both ECS are engaged (as shown above).
ICE PROTECTION & HEATING WSHLD & ADS PROBES Controls the Windshield and ADS Probes electrical heating. See “Icing Conditions” in the Procedures Manual (included) for more. TAWS Allows to INHIBIT some functions of the TAWS system. In Normal Operations, TAWS is operating normally. ICE PROTECTION Controls the “HOT Air” Ice Protection system. To be used with the “Anti-Ice” MFD system page and in accordance to “Operations in Icing Conditions” of the included “Procedures Manual”. Engine and Wing/Stab Anti-Ice elements are heated using the BLEED Air system of the aircraft. WING INSPECTION LIGHT The wing inspection light provides illumination of the left wing leading edge for the pilot to inspect for ice formation if required. NOTE : To perform the ICE PROTECTION test, it is required to have >= 72 N2% on both engines. Aerobask recommends to stop the aircraft and engage the Parking Brake BEFORE performing the test. NOTE : In order to have enough bleed air, the WINGSTAB mode requires the N1% to be >XX% (marked by a cue on the N1% gauges on the EIS).
INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC STANDBY INSTRUMENT (IESI) The Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI) permits the computation and display of the following functions as a backup in case of a major avionics failure : ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Attitude (pitch and roll) Standard or barometric-corrected altitude Indicated airspeed and VMO Limitation Indicated Mach number and MMO Limitation Lateral acceleration/slip indication Vertical speed ILS Altitude in meters Heading
IESI DESCRIPTION 1 – BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT BUTTONS Adjust brightness. 2 - ILS BUTTON Selects the source that is being currently used for obtaining ILS information. In case of failure, a red X replaces the annunciation. 3 - STANDARD BUTTON Sets the barometric pressure to standard atmospheric pressure. Hold to switch between “hPa” and “in.hg”. 4 - BARO KNOB Allows barometric settings. 5 - CAGE BUTTON (not simulated) When pressed for more than 2 seconds, resets attitude to zero, eliminating accumulated drift. When pressed, a yellow CAGE flag is displayed on the upper right corner of the IESI.
⚠Do not move the aircraft while the IESI is in the “align” state
ENGINE, TRIMS & FIRE CONTROL ENGINE FIRE EXTINGUISHING The Engine Fire Extinguishing System includes two fire shutoff buttons (SHUTOFF 1 and SHUTOFF 2), and one BOTTLE switch on the ENG FIRE EXTINGUISHER control panel. SHUTOFF : Each engine possesses his own “Shutoff” button, named SHUTOFF 1 for Engine 1 and SHUTOFF 2 for Engine 2. Pushing the SHUTOFF button initiates the following on the corresponding engine : PUSHED IN: Closes the respective side fuel, bleed shutoff valves and hydraulic fire shutoff valve (FSOV) and enables the fire extinguisher bottle to discharge into the associated engine. PUSHED OUT: disables the fire extinguisher bottle discharge.
Setting the BOTTLE Switch to the: DISCH position causes the fire-extinguisher agent to discharge inside the enabled engine cowl, selected by the push of the Shutoff button of the impacted engine. Only one bottle shot is available for both engines. OFF position means that the discharge circuitry is inhibited. Caution : after landing, you will need to reload the aircraft to reset it.
ENGINE START/STOP The Engine Start/Stop Knobs allows for normal control of engine start and stop. Once the engines are started, the normal position for those knobs is “RUN”. ENGINE IGNITION Controls the engine electric ignition system. Normal position is AUTO TRIM This is your Backup Trim panel, used to trim Yaw and Roll. Normal trimming of the pitch is done by the trim switches on either yokes. We highly recommend that you map “Trim Pitch Up” “Trim Pitch Down” on your joystick. VR Users : You can use this method to trim !
LANDING AND TAXI LIGHTS SWITCH LDG: only landing lights are turned on. TAXI: only taxi lights are turned on. OFF: landing and taxi lights turned off. NAV LIGHTS When turned on, it will illuminate the NAV lights + Red Beacons. STROBE LIGHTS When turned on, it will illuminate all White Strobe Lights. It is common practice to turn them on when cleared to cross a runway or cleared for Take-Off. It is also common practice to turn them off when vacating the runway. It is recommended to turn them off when entering IMC at night to avoid stroboscopic effects. COCKPIT LIGHTING DIMMER The cockpit lighting electronic dimmer provides the necessary dimming function for the illumination of the lighted push buttons and panels located in the overhead, main, pedestal and lateral consoles zones as well as dimming function for displays. The control switch (CKPT PANEL) is located on the LIGHTS panel. CABIN EFFECT LIGHTS SWITCH BRT: turns on cabin effect lights at 100% intensity. DIM: turns on cabin effect lights at 50% intensity. OFF: turns off cabin effect lights. DOME LIGHT SWITCH Turns on/off dome light. You also have the possibility to activate it in the cockpit by using the button on the light unit. SHIELD LIGHT SWITCH There is a small switch with 3 positions : off/dim/max READING LIGHTS Click the reading lights to turn on/off the lights. You can adjust the brightness with the arrows. NOTE : The beacon light is automatic and will be turned on if at least one Engine Start/Stop knob is on another position than “OFF”. 16
ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEM (EFIS) The Aerobask Phenom 300 integrates the Laminar Research X1000 EFIS modified to match (to some extent) the Prodigy Flight Deck 300 EFIS found in the Phenom 300 . We will only cover added features. Please refer to the Laminar X1000 manual to get information about the basic system management (PFD Layout and Usage) as well as how to enter and manage your flight plan in the system.
PRIMARY FLIGHT DISPLAY (PFD) SYNTHETIC VISION The Aerobask Phenom 300 includes a new PFD Synthetic Vision plugin made by Oscar Pilote. To enable this feature, open the Options menu by clicking the Aerobask logo or by using the X-Plane Plugins menu. Enable the checkbox to activate the Synthetic Vision and its other options.
AFCS STATUS BOX (FMA) The Aerobask modified X1000 includes a standard Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) located on top of the PFD. The AFCS Status Box should be your only source of information about what your Flight Director’s (FD) engaged or armed modes are as well as your Autopilot (AP) and Yaw Damper (YD) state.
In the example above, we are following a GPS Track (NAV), AutoPilot and YawDamper are engaged, the airplane is pitching for a 180kts Climb (FLC) and will Capture our “bugged” (target) Altitude when reaching (ALTS “white” = armed). The ALTS will transform to an ALT “green” when the altitude is captured.
In the example above, we are following a heading (HDG) and the aircraft will intercept the LOC course when reaching (LOC “white” = armed). AP and YD are engaged, we are descending at -1300fpm (VS) and the FD will capture our “bugged” altitude when reaching (ALTS), with the same process as in the previous example. 17
CREW ALERTING SYSTEM (CAS) As standard with the X1000 system, the CAS system of the Aerobask Phenom 300 will display WARNING, CAUTION and ADVISORY (White) alerts, in that order of priority. Please refer to the “EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES” found in the “Procedures” manual to learn more about the associated procedures of each CAS message. Not implemented yet : The last CAS message to be displayed or the one with the highest priority will be highlighted in the corresponding color of its priority rank and blink until “Acknowledged” by a press of the ALERT PFD softkey. NOTE : Due to the X1000 limitations, the Alert Page is inactive and will not display any information. There is no way of “Acknowledge” the CAS messages.
The “ICE” CAS messages shown on the right are expected during the ICE PROTECTION test. See “Icing Panel” above for more information.
⚠SWPS UNTESTED : Refer to the
“Procedures” Manual to test the Stall Warning and Protection System.
Vspeeds We added custom VSpeeds indications on the PFD Speed Tape. Those Vspeeds are to be seen as “key speed” which are unique to each flight because they depend on the flight’s conditions (Altitude, Temperature, Weight…). You will find more information and tables to “calculate” your Vspeeds for each flight in the “Performances'' manual. Vspeeds are adjusted in the “Options Menu” (see below) (What it looks like on the PFD during Take-off)
NOTE : IAS will switch to MACH when reaching .55M and >26500ft AMSL 18
MULTI FUNCTION DISPLAY (MFD) TIP : During the avionics startup, the MFD displays your current AIRAC cycle validity state (Valid or Expired).
Four custom coded synoptics pages are displayed to the Multi-Function Display (MFD). The MFD synoptic indication is designed to provide additional information to the flight crew about the system state and operation.
N-EIS Button Show the narrow reversion-mode for WIDE FPL page.
ELECTRICAL Page The Electrical Page shows a synoptic of the state of the Electrical System of the aircraft. It describes in a graphic presentation, the state of the electricity production and storage units (GEN and BAT) as well as their respective Output and Charge. It also indicates the state of the Electrical Buses, each of which supplies their dedicated servitudes, separated by importance in case of failure.
STATUS Page The Status Page description is as follows, from top to bottom: ● ● ● ● ●
Flight Data Reminder (XPDR ID, SAT, TAT, TAS) Engine Data Reminder Battery Charge Hydraulic, Oxygen and Emergency Brake Accumulator Pressure. Door Status.
NOTE : The hydraulic system of the Phenom 300 provides hydraulics pressure to operate the following systems : - Landing Gear and Wheel Brakes - Spoilers / Speed Brakes - Rudder Booster (Yaw Damper) and the “Stick Pusher”.
FUEL Page The Fuel Page (picture 1 of this page) describes the status of the Fuel System. From top to bottom and left to right, it displays : Total Fuel on Board (FOB) Used Fuel since start 19
Left Fuel Tank remaining quantity (Numeric and Gauge) Left Fuel Tank XFeed pump status Left Fuel Tank mechanic pump (To feed Engine 1) XFeed Main Valve status Right Fuel Tank remaining quantity (Numeric and Gauge) Right Fuel Tank XFeed pump status Right Fuel Tank mechanic pump (To feed Engine 2) NOTE: For details about the FUEL system operations, see the “Procedures” Manual.
ICE PROTECTION (Anti-Ice) Page The Anti-Ice page (picture 2 of this page) displays the status of the Anti-Ice system. It is to be noted that the Phenom 300’s Anti-Ice system being a “Hot Air” system, it requires the BLEED valves to be on the AUTO position to work. Only the windshield is electrically heated. In general, when the ice protection system is operating normally, all activated Anti-Ice systems are shown in green, all non-activated systems in white and all failed systems will display a red “X”. From Top to Bottom and Outside to Inside, it displays : ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Windshield Heaters Left and Right Wing Leading Edges lines Anti-Ice Valve (AIV) 1 & 2 Engine Anti-Ice Valve 1 and 2 Pressure Regulated Shutoff Valve (PRSOV) 1 & 2 Cross-Bleed Valve (XBV) Horizontal Stabilizer Leading Edge lines
NOTE : For more information about the Ice-Protection system limitations and usage, please see “Limitations, Icing”.. To understand it’s impact on your flight performances, please see the “Performances” Manual. To understand how and when to operate it, please see the “Procedures” Manual.
ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) The Aerobask fully custom coded EIS provides informations about : 20
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
The engaged Thrust Rating (MAX/TO/GA/CLB/CON/CRZ) and its associated maximum rated N1% Speed The ATR (Automatic Thrust Reserve) status (Armed /green/, Enabled /white/, Activated in at least one engine /blue/ ). The engines (N1%, ITT, N2%) including “OFF” and “CSC” cues as well as the minimum N1% for Anti-Ice in flight. ; Engine Oil Pressure and Temperature; Fuel Display (Fuel Flow, Fuel Quantity and Temperature); Pressurization Display; Landing Gear Status (RED is an abnormal situation. Yellow, White and Green are to be expected in normal operations); Spoiler state (Anything other than Green is abnormal) Flaps and Trims position (Yaw, Roll, Pitch).
The custom coded EIS is also available in Reversion Mode. To access it, just press the red “Display Backup” on the lowest part of any audio panel to enter in Reversion Mode, press again to exit it. The Phenom 300 presents a unique feature called “Automatic Thrust Reserve” or ATR. This FADEC mode is armed by default (and we recommend you to keep it that way) and will provide additional Thrust if you push the Thrust Levers to the MAX position. It is mostly used in Emergency situations (such as an OEI event) but can still be enabled on both engines at the same time if required. CAUTION : MAX or RSV Thrust is allowed for 10 minutes maximum See the Limitations section (page 9). NOTE : If required, the ATR can be disabled in the “Options Menu / Vspeeds”.
MULTI-FUNCTIONS SPOILERS The Aerobask Phenom 300 is fitted with an advanced, semi-automatic, electrically commanded and hydraulically powered Spoiler system that acts as a : - Ground Spoilers System (on Ground) - Automatic Roll Spoiler (in Flight) - Speed Brake (in Flight) In order to use them in the correct way, you will have to map the following custom commands : ● aerobask/speedbrakes_open ● aerobask/speedbrakes_close And/or : ● aerobask/speedbrakes_toggle
AEROBASK TOUCHSCREEN FEATURE (PFD & MFD) For easier usage, you can manipulate many important values directly by touching the screen (i.e. clicking the values or using the mouse scroll wheel to adjust them). For example, for changing a radio frequency, you can use the mouse scroll wheel, which is much easier than turning the knobs in the 3D cockpit (of course, this is still possible). To pop-up the EFIS, click the small airplane icon in the center of the HSI on the PFD, or the information bar on the top of the MFD. When your mouse is in the right position, the cursor changes to a small windows-icon.
1. Click a value, for example ALTITUDE 2. Use on-screen keypad, or your physical keyboard, to change value 3. Click the green input field to confirm Alternatively, you can also use your mouse’s scroll wheel for adjusting values
To pop-up the EFIS, ● PFD: click the small airplane icon in the center of the HSI ● MFD: click the information bar on the top of the MFD. When your mouse is in the right position, the cursor changes to a small windows-icon.
GFC700 - AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM (AFCS) Click one of the four corners in the 3D cockpit to display the 2D popup.
GFC 700
The GFC 700 is an AHRS-based automatic flight control system. It brings a high level of digital automation. Please refer to the X1000 manual to get more information about the :
● FD, NAV, HDG, AP, YD, ALT, VNV, VS, FLC, APR, BANK automation modes.
⚠ In any case while using automation, make sure to rely on the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) on your Primary Flight Display (PFD) to see which modes are engaged or armed. (More information at Page 13). Note : The CPL mode is not simulated.
CSC Mode The Phenom 300 simulates the CSC mode : CURRENT SPEED CONTROL (CSC). The CSC can be considered as a “basic autothrust” system. It can be only activated while the autopilot is engaged and Altitude Hold Mode is active. During CSC, the FADEC varies engine thrust to maintain the desired airspeed (blue airspeed bug on the PFD), within a certain control range (green arc on the N1% gauge as shown by the picture). When CSC is active, CSC will be displayed in blue and the green arc appears on the N1 gauges. The N1 gauge flashes ‘LIM’ in yellow (as shown) if the CSC maximum authority limit has been reached.
GCU 477 LINE REPLACEABLE UNIT (LRU) The GCU 477, also known as “Keypad” provides alphanumeric, softkey, and flight planning function keys used to interface with a Garmin Integrated Flight Deck. For more informations about its basic capabilities, please refer to the X1000 documentation from Laminar. The Aerobask Phenom 300 includes the Laminar Research commands for the GCU47X (X-Plane 11.50+ required). This unit is available in the 3D cockpit and 2D popup. Click one of the four corners in the 3D cockpit to display the 2D popup.
GCU 477 Advanced Features : The GCU 477 allows for XPDR code control & IDENT from the unit. To do so, press the XPDR key on the unit, then dial the desired code. When the 4 digits are entered, the PFD sub-menu will return to default.
⚠While in the XPDR mode, the FMS knob of the unit is disabled. When done, do not forget to press the XPDR key one again otherwise, the FMS knob of the GFC will remain disabeled.
⚠This method does not allow to change the “Mode” (STBY, ON, ALT) of your XPDR. To do so, use the PFD associate “softkeys”. (For more information, please refer to the X1000 documentation). Physical Keyboard Support : Click the ‘K’ to enable/disable your physical keyboard to use the GCU unit. Press ESC to quickly restore your keyboard.
Keyboard Shortcuts : Home → “Direct To” key End → “FPL” key Page Up → “Menu” key Page Dn → “Proc” key 24
EXTERNAL ELEMENTS & PANELS STATICS ELEMENTS Click the wheel chocks to show/hide all the static elements on the ground or use the Options Menu. This feature works with XP11.50+ Vulkan only.
⚠Caution: You cannot start the engines with the engines covers in place. REFUELING PANEL The single-point refuelling hatch is located to the aircraft right side, in the front of the wing. You can directly access it by clicking on the dedicated button in the menu.
GPU HATCH The GPU hatch is located to the rear-left part of the fuselage, below the n°1 engine and between the trailing edge of the wing and the cargo door. It is here that the GPU will connect to the aircraft. In the options menu, you can control the hatch and the GPU state. Please note that the hatch needs to be opened before trying to connect the GPU.
⚠ The GPU being behind the flight-deck view, please refer to the Electric Synoptic page and the electric control
panel (left of the Captain Seat) to make sure that the GPU and the hatch are in the proper conditions according to your operational needs (more details in the “Procedures” Manual).
OPTIONS MENU To open the options menu, either: • Click the Tailnum on the upper panel, or • Take the tablet and use the tablet (recommended for Virtual Reality).
“Ground” Tab In the Ground tab, you set weight and balance, add or remove static elements (e.g. wheel chocks), show/hide the copilot (internal view), request ground power and close or open the door. “Options” Tab In the Options tab, you control certain simulation behaviors.s. You can switch on or off our custom G1000 features (see previous manual page), reflections on cockpit instruments and the windshield. Finally, you can control if our 2D popup can be moved only inside or also outside the screen. “Sound” Tab The Sound tab enables you to control the volume of various aircraft and simulation sounds. “About” Tab The About tab is a list of all people who were involved in creating and testing the Aerobask Phenom 300.
“V-Speeds” Tab The V-Speeds tab allows you to enter the Vspeeds calculated from the “Performance” file (found in the aircraft “Documentation” Directory) and display them directly on the Speed Tape of your PFD. You can also enable or disable the ATR (Automatic Thrust Reserve) as required. (We still recommend you to leave it ON)
VIRTUAL TABLET (AviTab) Showing & Hiding the Tablet The tablet is stored on the pilot’s left side. Click on the tablet to display it. The tablet is by decision no 2D popup, but a 3D object, therefore it is usable easily in virtual reality, too. If you are a VR user, you surely like this convenience. To dismiss the tablet, click the button right of its bezel. It will be stored in the storage box.
Tablet Features The tablet pages are organized in a similar manner as our options popup. You can see all options pages in the tablet and use it just as the standard option popup (as described on the previous page). The other big feature is the AviTab support. AviTab is a free 3rd party plugin similar to an electronic flight bag. Using AviTab, you can: • view PDF files (such as the included documentation) • show airport information • view a moving map • View Navigraph (Jeppesen) charts by linking your Navigraph account or, • View free ChartFox airport charts by linking your ChartFox account You can download AviTab (for free) here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/44825-avitab-vr-compatible-tablet-with-pdf-viewer-moving-maps-an d-more/
⚠Please refer to AviTab’s own documentation on how to set up the plugin correctly. 28
CABIN We chose to reproduce the cabin of the newer Phenom 300E, even if all the systems are created based on the original Phenom 300 , because we preferred it. You can see this as our “personal touch”. In that regard, the cabin can seat up to 8 passengers, has an enclosed lavatory in the back of the cabin and has an “Airshow” system (by Lufthansa Technik) composed of two screens that pivots to fit in the ceiling in the middle of the cabin. This “Airshow” displays flight data to passengers like Departure Airport, Arrival Airport, actual altitude, actual GMT time and distance remaining to destination. You can extend or store the screens individually by a simple “LMB” click on each one. The cabin is fully animated (Tables, Lavatory doors and window shades) and features a passenger control panel located in the vertical panels armrests, hidden under a leather cover. This allows to control all the lighting of the passenger cabin as well as all the shades.
LOW RES LIVERY The Aerobask Phenom 300 features high resolution textures 4K, for the best rendering. For users with low-end or older graphic cards (