A2 Progress Test [PDF]

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0 I am her son. She is my ... m o t h e r 1 You have the same mother but a different father with this boy. He is your ... h _ _ _ b _ _ _ ___ 2 Her mother and my father are married. s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 The teacher speaks and the students ... l _ _ _ _ _ 4 My dad’s ... is a photographer. j _ _ 5 He isn’t married, he’s … s _ _ _ _ _ 6 She is your brother’s daughter. n _ _ _ _ 7 This person writes for news websites. j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 They are husband and ... w _ _ _ 9 We … the internet to talk to people. u _ _ 10 My sister is my grandfather’s … g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 points) 2 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 IKEA™ is a famous shop from ____________ . A Swedenese B Swedish C Sweden 1 Millions of people have ____________ and other things from IKEA. A furniture B apartments C bedrooms 2 In the United Kingdom many people have an IKEA clock. Their favourite colour is ____________ . A braun B oringe C yellow 3 IKEA’s _______ are popular in living rooms around the world. A sofas B beds C desks

4 Every year, IKEA makes about 2,500 ____________ products. A lovely B new C fast 5 One product, the Poäng ____________ is over 40 years old. Many students have one to sit on in their house. A armchair B cupboard C lamp 6 The IKEA ____________ is useful for going shopping, to school or to work. A table B bicycle C letterbox 7 One of the top ten products is a ____________ . Millions of people have one on the floor in their homes. A glove B map C rug 8 You can also buy plants in IKEA if you want something ____________ . A green B grey C blue 9 I’m ____________ , but I live in Germany. A France B French C Frenches 10 I bought a really cheap, useful and ____________ bookcase yesterday. A large B good C modern (10 points) 2 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Many actors work in the theatre______ . 1 I have a doctor’s appointment at six o’clock and it’s q____________ past. I’m fifteen minutes late! 2 If you’re from France, your first language is F____________ . 3 When Alison needs a quiet place to study or read, she goes to the l____________ . 4 There are sixty seconds in a m____________ .

5 The road outside my apartment is so n____________ at night, I can’t sleep. (5 points)


Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Many people like reading ____________ , but they don’t like e-books as much. A books B phone calls C text message 1 I don’t like going to the ____________ very much, but I need to keep fit. A gym B shopping C skiing 2 A lot of businesspeople play ____________ and do business at the same time. A friends B golf C sailing 3 Famous people often play ____________ and can sing well. A gardening B the gym C musical instruments 4 A good way to relax is to do ____________ . A yoga B camping C computer games 5 Martin loves ____________ swimming and he’s a great swimmer. A doing B going C playing 6 Sue always finds time during the week to meet ____________ . A books B concerts C friends 7 ____________ films at home with friends is a great pastime. A Make B Seeing C Watching

8 In the summer, people often play ____________ on the beach. A frisbee B surfing C swimming 9 Do you ____________ online shopping or do you prefer going to the shops? A make B do C buy 10 People often love ____________ social media because they can talk to friends. A seeing B using C watching (10 points)

2 Complete the sentences. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 I like playing c r i c k e t , but it’s not an easy game to understand. 1 I love going s _ _ _ _ _ _ in the summer when the water is warm. 2 Do you make many p _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ when you’re at the office? 3 Do you watch v _ _ _ _ _ or films on your computer? 6 Please don’t t _ _ _ your friends at the dinner table! Put your phone in your pocket! 8 You need special shoes for r _ _ _ _ _ _ , but you can do it in the park or on the street. (5 points)

4 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the text. There is an example at the beginning (0). Imagine (0) ____________ aren’t any mobile phones or computers, and your house (1) ____________ internet. It’s the perfect holiday! Our computer doesn’t (2) ____________ help us relax. It (3) ____________ us work and work. But with no phone and no computer, you (4) ____________ make phone calls to the office or to your family and people (5) ____________ you. The computer doesn’t make any noise. You can (6) ____________!

But we like (7) ____________ a mobile phone and it (8) ____________ a bad thing. We know that. But you can have a ‘no phone’ hour once or (9) ____________ day, and watch a film or meet your friends. (10) ____________ imagine that? Try it! 0 A there B they C we 1 A doesn’t have B don’t have C haven’t 2 A every day B never C usually 3 A make B makes C to make 4 A can B can’t C can to 5 A can’t text B can text C not texts 6 A relax B relaxing C to relax 7 A have B having C to have 8 A always is B always isn’t C isn’t always 9 A twice a B two C two a 10 A Can you B You can C You can’t (10 points) Complete the recipe with ONE word in each gap. Don’t use any numbers. There is an example at the beginning (0). The dish salmorejo is from the south of Spain and it (0) ____ is_____ very popular in summer. It’s easy to make, and there aren’t (1) ____________ ingredients. You need (2) ____________ fresh tomatoes, (3) ____________ glass of olive oil, salt – not a lot (4) ____________ salt, a little is enough – (5) ____________ egg, and bread. You need garlic too, but a (6) ____________ of people don’t like it, so be careful! Do you have (7) ____________ old bread from yesterday? That’s the bread to use. Cook the egg. Mix the ingredients together, and taste them. Remember you don’t need too (8) ____________ salt, because there (9) ____________ usually some salt in bread. Serve the salmorejo with ham. If you like, fry a second egg, cut it into small pieces, and serve the salmorejo with (10) ____________ fried egg, too. Enjoy! (10 points)

Complete the text using the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. There is an example at the beginning (0). Hilary Mantel is an author. Her name (0) ___was______ (be) Hilary Thompson when she was born in 1952, but she (1) ____________ (change) it to Hilary Mantel, her stepfather’s surname. Her real father left home when she was eleven she (2) ____________ (not see) him again. She (3) ____________ (write) her first two books in 1985 and 1986, but they (4) ____________ (not be) very popular. She (5) ____________ (not have) the same problem with her next book, A Place of Greater Safety. It’s about three men who (6) ____________ (be) important during the French Revolution. Nowadays, Mantel usually writes about lives from the past. Her book Wolf Hall is very good, and it (7) ____________ (win) prizes when it came out. How long (8) ____________ (she/spend) writing it? She says she (9) ____________ (spend) five years and she (10) ____________ (be) scared of forgetting all the names. She used cards to remember all the characters. (10 points)

Writing Read the personal information and write a personal profile (25–35 words).

Personal information First name

Samir (Sam)





Home country



English, German, Arabic


wife, three children, brother, sister

Personal profile

________________________________________________________________________________ ____

________________________________________________________________________________ ____

________________________________________________________________________________ ____ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____

(10 points)