3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description (V100R017C10 - 01) (PDF) - en [PDF]

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station V100R017C10

Technical Description Issue





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Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


Contents 1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description.................................................1 1.1 Changes in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description..................................................................... 2 1.2 Network Architecture............................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2.1 BTS at the RAN Physical Layer........................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2.2 BTS at the RAN Logical Layer.......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2.3 BTS Mapping Between the RAN Physical Layer and RAN Logical Layer....................................................... 10 1.3 Logical Structure................................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.3.1 BTS Subsystems.................................................................................................................................................................. 12 1.3.2 BTS Functional Structure.................................................................................................................................................13 1.3.3 Deployment of 3900 & 5900 Series Base Stations.................................................................................................14 Co-MPT Multi-RAT Base Stations............................................................................................................................. 15 Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations............................................................................................................... 16 Different Functions with Different Deployment Methods............................................................................... 17 1.4 Operation and Maintenance............................................................................................................................................. 19 1.4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................................... 20 1.4.2 Operation and Maintenance for Single-mode Base Stations.............................................................................21 1.4.3 Operation and Maintenance for Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations...............................................................22 1.4.4 Operation and Maintenance for Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations...................................................23 1.5 Hardware................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 1.6 Product Specifications......................................................................................................................................................... 30 1.7 Reliability................................................................................................................................................................................. 31

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Huawei 3900 & 5900 series base stations adopt a uniform modular design for multiple radio network systems. These base stations support the co-existence of devices serving different RATs at the same site, sharing of base station resources, and unified operation and maintenance. With these merits, operators' requirements of evolution to multimode base stations become possible. This document describes the network architecture, logical structure, hardware devices, operation & maintenance methods, and reliability of 3900 & 5900 series base stations. NOTE ● 3900 & 5900 series base stations described in this document do not include the DBS3900 LampSite or DBS5900 LampSite. For details about the DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite, see LampSite solutions. ● In this document, G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, N is short for NR, and M is short for LTE NB-IoT. ● Unless otherwise specified, in this document, LTE and eNodeB always include FDD, TDD, and NB-IoT. In scenarios where they need to be distinguished, LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NBIoT are used. The same rules apply to eNodeB.

Product Version The following table lists the product versions related to this document. Product Name

Solution Version

Product Version

3900 series base stations



5900 series base stations

Intended Audience This document is intended for: ● Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Network planning engineers Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Field engineers

System engineers

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1.1 Changes in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description This section describes the changes in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description. 1.2 Network Architecture Radio access network (RAN) consists of the RAN physical layer and RAN logical layer. 1.3 Logical Structure This section describes the logical structure of base stations in terms of subsystems and functional structures. 1.4 Operation and Maintenance Huawei provides convenient and flexible operation and maintenance methods for 3900 & 5900 series base stations. 1.5 Hardware 3900 & 5900 series base stations adopt a modular design, which consists of function modules (the BBU and RF modules) and cabinets. The BBU and RF modules can be combined with different types of cabinets to adapt to different application scenarios and meet customer requirements for fast and cost-effective network deployment. 1.6 Product Specifications Product specifications of the 3900 & 5900 series base stations include technical specifications and engineering specifications of function modules, and engineering specifications of each type of cabinet and auxiliary product for base stations. 1.7 Reliability Huawei base stations adopt a platform design so that hardware can be shared on this platform. This provides mature communications technologies and stable transmission reliability.

1.1 Changes in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description This section describes the changes in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description.

01 (2021-03-05) This is the first commercial release. Compared with Draft A (2020-12-29) of V100R017C10, this issue does not include any new topics or exclude any topics. Compared with Draft A (2020-12-29) of V100R017C10, this issue includes the following changes.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


Change Description

1.5 Hardware

Deleted the descriptions of BookBBU5901 and DBS5900E.

Draft A (2020-12-29) This is a draft. Compared with Issue 01 (2020-04-07) of V100R016C10, this issue does not include any new topics or exclude any topics. Compared with Issue 01 (2020-04-07) of V100R016C10, this issue includes the following changes. Topic

Change Description

1.7 Reliability

Changed "GPS" to "GNSS."

1.5 Hardware

Added the descriptions of the DBS5900A and DBS5900E.

1.2 Network Architecture Radio access network (RAN) consists of the RAN physical layer and RAN logical layer. ●

The RAN physical layer consists of physical devices in a base station and base station controller. Base station devices communicate with base station controller devices through the transport network.

The RAN logical layer consists of logical functions implemented on a base station and base station controller. Base station logical functions communicate with base station controller logical functions through interface protocols.

1.2.1 BTS at the RAN Physical Layer The RAN physical layer consists of BTS Node, BSC Node, and the transport network that connects them. shows the position of BTS Node at the RAN physical layer. Table 1-1 describes the RAN physical layer.

Table 1-1 RAN physical layer Object



Mobile station.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description




User equipment.

BTS Node

A physical base station which provides the infrastructure and application platform for a base station to deploy GBTS Service, NodeB Service, gNodeB Service, and eNodeB Service.

BSC Node

A physical base station controller which provides GBSC Service or RNC Service.

Transport network

Forwards data between BTS Nodes and BSC Nodes and between BTS Nodes and the OMCc. Multiple RATs can share one transport network or use an independent transport network.


Mobility management entity.


Serving gateway.


Evolved packet core.


5G Core Network

a: mobile station b: user equipment c: operation and maintenance center d: mobility management entity e: serving gateway f: evolved packet core g: 5G Core Network

1.2.2 BTS at the RAN Logical Layer The RAN logical layer is classified into the 5G RAN, GBSS, UTRAN, and E-UTRAN according to protocols used by each network. The RAN logical layer consists of logical functions implemented on base stations and base station controllers. Logical functions of base stations include gNodeB Service, GBTS Service, NodeB Service, and eNodeB Service. Logical functions of base station controllers include GBSC Service and RNC Service. GBSS is short for GSM base station system, UTRAN is short for universal terrestrial radio access network, and E-UTRAN is short for evolved universal terrestrial radio access network.

GBTS Service in the GBSS Logical Network The GBSS logical network consists of GBTS Service and GBSC Service. Figure 1-1 shows the position of GBTS Service in the GBSS logical network. Table 1-2 describes the GBSS logical network.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Figure 1-1 GBTS Service in the GBSS logical network

Table 1-2 GBSS logical network Object



Mobile station.


GBTS Service communicates with the MS through the Um interface.

GBTS Service

Services provided by GSM base stations. This object performs logical functions of GSM base stations and is controlled by GBSC Service. These functions include radio channel management, physical layer protocol processing, and signaling procedure processing.


GBTS Service communicates with GBSC Service through the Abis interface.

GBSC Service

Services provided by GSM base station controllers, which provide logical functions of GSM base station controllers. These functions include radio resource management, base station management, mobility management, and access control.


GBSC Service communicates with another GBSC Service through the Iur-g interface.


GSM base station system.

a: GSM base station system

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

NodeB Service in the UTRAN Logical Network The UTRAN logical network includes NodeB Service and RNC Service. Figure 1-2 shows the position of NodeB Service in the UTRAN logical network and Table 1-3 describes UTRAN logical network. Figure 1-2 NodeB Service in the UTRAN logical network

Table 1-3 UTRAN logical network Object



User equipment.


NodeB Service communicates with UEs through the Uu interface.

NodeB Service

Services provided by WCDMA base stations. This object performs logical functions of WCDMA base stations and is controlled by RNC Service. These functions include radio channel management, physical layer protocol processing, and signaling procedure processing.


NodeB Service communicates with RNC Service through the Iub interface.

RNC Service

Services provided by WCDMA base station controllers. This object performs logical functions of WCDMA base station controllers. These functions include radio resource management, base station management, mobility management, and access control.


RNC Service communicates with another RNC Service through the Iur interface.


Universal terrestrial radio access network.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


a: universal terrestrial radio access network

eNodeB Service in the E-UTRAN Logical Network The E-UTRAN logical network includes the eNodeB Service. Figure 1-3 shows the position of eNodeB Service in the E-UTRAN logical network, and Table 1-4 describes E-UTRAN logical network. Figure 1-3 eNodeB Service in the E-UTRAN logical network

Table 1-4 E-UTRAN logical network Object



User equipment.


eNodeB Service communicates with UEs through the Uu interface.

eNodeB Service

Services provided by LTE base stations. This object performs logical functions of LTE base stations. These functions include radio resource management, radio channel management, mobility management, physical layer protocol processing, signaling procedure processing, and access control.


eNodeB Service communicates with another eNodeB Service through this interface.


eNodeB Service communicates with the EPC through this interface.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description




Evolved packet core.


Evolved universal terrestrial radio access network.

a: evolved universal terrestrial radio access network

gNodeB Service in the 5G RAN Logical Network The 5G RAN logical network consists of gNodeB Service. Figure 1-4 shows the position of gNodeB Service in the 5G RAN logical network in non-standalone (NSA) networking. Table 1-5 describes 5G RAN logical network in NSA networking. Figure 1-4 gNodeB Service in the 5G RAN logical network

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Table 1-5 5G RAN logical network in NSA networking Object



User equipment.


gNodeB Service or eNodeB Service communicates with UEs through the Uu interface.


gNodeB Service communicates with eNodeB Service through this interface.


eNodeB Service or gNodeB Service communicates with the EPC through this interface.


Evolved packet core.

NOTE ● In NSA networking, 5G access is deployed based on the existing LTE radio access network and core network as anchor points for mobility management and coverage. For details on NSA networking, see NSA Networking based on EPC and X2 and S1 Self-Management in NSA Networking. ● Option 3 and Option 3X are 5G NSA networking architectures defined by 3GPP. Data split anchors are different in these two architectures. For details, see NSA Networking based on EPC.

Figure 1-5 shows the position of gNodeB Service in the 5G RAN logical network in standalone (SA) networking. Table 1-6 describes 5G RAN logical network in SA networking. Figure 1-5 gNodeB Service in the 5G RAN logical network

Table 1-6 5G RAN logical network in SA networking Object



User equipment.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description




gNodeB Service communicates with UEs through this interface.


gNodeB Service communicates with another gNodeB Service through this interface.


The gNodeB communicates with the 5GC through this interface.


5G Core Network

NOTE For details on SA networking, see NG and Xn Self-Management.

1.2.3 BTS Mapping Between the RAN Physical Layer and RAN Logical Layer The logical functions of a base station are deployed on physical devices. One physical device can be deployed with one or several logical functions. The following figure shows the BTS mapping between the RAN physical layer and RAN logical layer.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Figure 1-6 BTS mapping between the RAN physical layer and RAN logical layer

The red, green, purple, and blue lines in the figure indicate the mapping of each Service in the logical layer to each BTS Node in the physical layer. BTS Node is classified into single-mode or multimode base stations based on the types of services deployed. ●

Single-mode base station: Only one type of service is deployed.

Multimode base station: At least two types of services are deployed. NOTE

● A single-mode base station has only one mode while a multimode base station has at least two modes. ●

Example 1: GSM base stations and UMTS base stations only have one mode. They are single-mode base stations.

Example 2:

● The mapping between GBTS Service and BTS Node1 indicates that BTS Node1 is a GSM base station. The mapping of BTS Node2 to NodeB Service and eNodeB Service indicates that BTS Node2 is a UL dual-mode base station or ULM triple-mode base station. This method applies to other base stations.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1.3 Logical Structure This section describes the logical structure of base stations in terms of subsystems and functional structures.

1.3.1 BTS Subsystems The BTS subsystems include the control subsystem, transport subsystem, baseband subsystem, radio frequency (RF) subsystem, clock subsystem, and power and environment monitoring subsystem. Figure 1-7 shows the BTS subsystems and Table 1-7 describes the subsystems. Figure 1-7 BTS subsystems

Table 1-7 BTS subsystems No.

BTS Subsystem



BTS CTL subsystem

The BTS control subsystem controls and manages resources in a base station. This subsystem provides the management plane interface between the base station and the OMC, the control plane interface between the base station and other NEs, and the interface for controlling and negotiating common devices in a multimode base station.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


BTS Subsystem



BTS TRP subsystem

The BTS transport subsystem forwards data between the transport network and the base station. This subsystem provides physical ports between the base station and the transport network, and the user plane interface between the base station and other NEs.


BTS BB subsystem

The BTS baseband subsystem processes uplink and downlink baseband data.


BTS RF subsystem

The BTS radio frequency subsystem receives and transmits radio signals, and provides ports to connect the base station and antenna system. The baseband subsystem is connected to the RF subsystem through CPRI ports. CPRI links support multiple topologies, such as star, chain, ring, and dual-star.


Clock subsystem (BTS TAS subsystem)

The BTS clock subsystem synchronizes the base station clock with external clock sources. This subsystem provides ports to connect the base station clock to external clock sources. Multiple RATs can share one clock or each RAT uses an independent clock.


BTS MPE subsystem

The BTS power and environment monitoring subsystem provides power supply, dissipates heat, and monitors the environment for a base station. It also provides monitoring ports for devices.

1.3.2 BTS Functional Structure From the external function structure perspective, a base station consists of BTS Node and eNodeB Service/GBTS Service/NodeB Service/gNodeB Service. The following figure shows the functional structure of a BTS. A BTS Node shields software and hardware differences from Services by using abstracted resources and a unified interface design. In this way, Services can be flexibly deployed on each type of resources and share these resources.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Figure 1-8 BTS functional structure

Table 1-8 BTS functional structure Object


BTS Node

For details, see 1.2.1 BTS at the RAN Physical Layer.

eNodeB Service/GBTS Service/NodeB Service/ gNodeB Service

For details, see 1.2.2 BTS at the RAN Logical Layer.


Interface provided by BTS Nodes to control Services, including service deployment, version upgrade, start and restart, and status monitoring.


Interface provided by BTS Nodes to control the common resources in a base station, including resource application, release, activation, and reconfiguration. Common resources such as SCTP links, RF TX/RX channels, and CPU processes in a base station include transmission resources, carrier resources, and universal resources.

1.3.3 Deployment of 3900 & 5900 Series Base Stations Base stations are classified into single-RAT and multi-RAT ones based on the number of deployed Services. In a single-RAT base station, only one Service is deployed. Single-RAT base stations include GBTS/eGBTS, NodeB, gNodeB, and eNodeB. 1.2.2 BTS at the RAN Logical Layer shows the corresponding Services. Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

In a multi-RAT base station, at least two Services are deployed. Depending on whether Services of multiple RATs are deployed on one or multiple BTS Nodes, multi-RAT base stations are classified into co-MPT and separate-MPT base stations. Co-MPT Multi-RAT Base Stations In a co-MPT base station, Services of all RATs are deployed on one BTS Node for unified management at the OMC. The following figure shows a co-MPT base station. Figure 1-9 Co-MPT multi-RAT base station

In a co-MPT base station, the BTS Node manages the software and hardware platforms. Resources can be shared or used independently for each Service to achieve flexible resource scheduling and allocation. This facilitates the evolution of multimode base stations.

In a co-MPT base station, different modes can be flexibly combined to implement GSM, UMTS, LTE, and NR single-mode base stations, or multimode base stations including RATs above.


If operations that affect services are performed on the shared resources, services of RATs that share these resources will be affected. These operations include parameter adjustments, resets, board additions and removals, power-off, blocking, loopbacks, offline tests, offline performance tests, and software upgrades and rollbacks.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations In a separate-MPT multimode base station, the Service of each RAT is deployed on an independent BTS Node and is managed by the OMC through an independent O&M channel. Figure 1-10 shows different applications of a separate-MPT multimode base station. Table 1-9 describes the deployment of a separate-MPT multimode base station. Figure 1-10 Separate-MPT multimode base station

Table 1-9 Deployment of a separate-MPT multimode base station Base Statio n Type



3900 series base stations deployed only with GBTS Service


3900 & 5900 series base stations deployed only with GBTS Service


3900 & 5900 series base stations deployed only with NodeB Service

eNode B

3900 & 5900 series base stations deployed only with eNodeB Service

gNode B

3900 & 5900 series base stations deployed only with gNodeB Service

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

In a separate-MPT base station, each RAT has an independent software platform and an independent hardware platform. However, these RATs can still share part of the resources, such as site devices, cabinets, the BBU, transmission resources, clocks, RF modules, and the antenna system. The fewer the resources are shared, the fewer each Service depends on each other. The more the resources are shared, the more each Service depends on each other. The BTS Nodes communicate with each other through the Itf_RBS_MRI interface to negotiate how to allocate shared resources and prevent resource conflicts. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

A separate-MPT base station can be an NR, LTE, UMTS, or GSM single-mode base station, or a multimode base station involving any combinations of NR, LTE, UMTS, and GSM. NOTE

5900 series base stations support eGBTSs, and do not support GBTSs. Different Functions with Different Deployment Methods To meet the requirements of different application scenarios and promote the competitiveness of Huawei base station products, Huawei 3900 & 5900 series base stations can provide different functions if deployed in different ways. NOTE ● 5900 series base stations support eGBTSs, and do not support GBTSs. ● In the Multi-RAT column, Can be shared means that multiple RATs can either share this function or not. Cannot be shared means that multiple RATs cannot share this function. In this case, this function can be enabled independently for each RAT. ● The GBTS, eGBTS, NodeB, eNodeB, gNodeB, and MBTS in the following tables are separateMPT base stations. ● To obtain the following reference documents, choose Description > Function Description in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

Clock Synchronization The following table lists different functions implemented by separate-MPT and coMPT base stations. Table 1-10 Clock synchronization differences in different deployment modes Base Station

Clock over IPa



Separa teMPT


Not supported

Not supported

Not supported


Not supported

Not supported

Not supported



Not supported

Not supported









Multimod e

Cannot be shared

Cannot be shared

Cannot be shared





a: Clock over IP (using Huawei proprietary protocols) b: RGPS clock synchronization c: 1PPS+TOD clock synchronization

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Transmission Protocol The following table lists different functions implemented by separate-MPT and coMPT base stations. Table 1-11 Different protocols supported by transmission ports in different deployment modes Base Station

E1/T1 Transmission Port

Separate -MPT










Not supported


Can be shared



NOTE For details on ATM transmission, see ATM Transport. For details on IP transmission, see IPv4 Transmission or IPv6 Transmission. For details on the networking where multiple RATs share the transport network, see Common Transmission.

CPRI Topology The following table lists different functions implemented by separate-MPT and coMPT base stations. Table 1-12 CPRI topology differences in different deployment modes Base Station

Ring Topology

Load Sharing Topology

Dual-Star Topology

Trunk Chain Topology

Separat e-MPT



Not supported

Not supported

Not supported



Not supported

Not supported

Not supported



Not supported

Not supported





Not supported


Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Base Station

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Ring Topology

Load Sharing Topology

Dual-Star Topology

Trunk Chain Topology



Not supported

Not supported


Multimo de

Cannot be shared

Cannot be shared

Can be shared

Can be shared



Not supported



NOTE For details on the CPRI ring topology, load sharing topology, and dual-star topology, see RF Unit and Topology Management. For details on the CPRI trunk chain topology, see RMU.

CPRI MUX The following table lists different functions implemented by separate-MPT and coMPT base stations. Table 1-13 CPRI MUX differences in different deployment modes Base Station Separate-MPT


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported


Can be shared



NOTE For details on the CPRI MUX, see CPRI MUX.

1.4 Operation and Maintenance Huawei provides convenient and flexible operation and maintenance methods for 3900 & 5900 series base stations. Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1.4.1 Overview This section describes the related concepts of operation and maintenance (OM) for 3900 & 5900 series base stations in terms of OM methods, base station types, and NE types.

OM Methods 3900 & 5900 series base stations can be maintained using the following methods: ●

Local maintenance: OM personnel maintain the base station on the base station SMT or LMT through the local maintenance port on the base station.

Remote maintenance: OM personnel maintain the base station on the (OSS for short) or LMT in the equipment room or the centralized management center.

Base Station Types On the OSS, the base station is a management entity providing RAT Services of one or multiple RATs. Base stations are independent of each other and have different deployment IDs (DIDs). In this document, the RAT Services provided by a base station include GBTS Service, NodeB Service, gNodeB Service, and eNodeB Service. For related function descriptions, see section 1.2.2 BTS at the RAN Logical Layer. Based on the number of RAT Services deployed, base stations on the OSS are classified into the following two types: ●

A base station deployed with only one RAT Service is called a single-mode base station.

A base station deployed with two or more RAT Services is called a multimode base station. Multimode base stations such as separate-MPT and co-MPT multimode base stations are indicated by Multi-RAT Base Station or Multimode Base Station on the OSS. To simplify base station classification, a co-MPT base station deployed with only one RAT is also classified as a multimode base station.

NE Types Each BTS Node in a multimode base station has an independent OM channel. The BTS Node together with the RAT Service deployed on it are called an NE, which can be independently managed by the SMT, LMT, or . The following figure shows the NE management architecture of 5900 series base stations on the OSS. The NE management architecture of 3900 series base stations is similar to that of 5900 series base stations. They only differ in NE names.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Figure 1-11 NE management architecture

NOTE ● The GBTS is managed by the BSC and is not an independent NE on the OSS client. Therefore, the GBTS is not displayed on the OSS. For details about the operation and maintenance of a GBTS, see GSM Initial Configuration Guide and GBSS Reconfiguration Guide. ● The eGBTS has the same OM system as a co-MPT multimode base station. The NE type of the eGBTS is BTS3900 or BTS5900.

1.4.2 Operation and Maintenance for Single-mode Base Stations This section describes NE types and OM systems of single-mode base stations.

NE Types A single-mode base station has one OM interface, represents one NE, and is connected to one OSS. NE types for 3900 series single-mode base stations are as follows: ●

A NodeB is displayed as BTS3900 WCDMA on the OSS.

An eNodeB is displayed as BTS3900 LTE on the OSS.

A gNodeB is displayed as BTS3900 5G on the OSS.

NE types for 5900 series single-mode base stations are as follows: ●

A NodeB is displayed as BTS5900 WCDMA on the OSS.

An eNodeB is displayed as BTS5900 LTE on the OSS.

A gNodeB is displayed as BTS5900 5G on the OSS.

OM Systems Figure 1-12 shows the OM systems of the NodeB, gNodeB, and eNodeB of 5900 series base stations. The OM system of 3900 series base stations is similar to that of 5900 series base stations. They only differ in NE names. Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Figure 1-12 OM systems of the NodeB, eNodeB, and gNodeB

1.4.3 Operation and Maintenance for Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations This section describes NE types and OM systems of co-MPT multimode base stations.

NE Types Multiple RATs in a co-MPT multimode base station are deployed on the same main control board. These RATs share one OM interface, represent one NE, and are connected to one OSS. A 3900 series co-MPT base station is displayed as BTS3900 on the OSS. A 5900 series co-MPT base station is displayed as BTS5900 on the OSS.

OM Systems Figure 1-13 shows the OM system of a 5900 series co-MPT base station. The OM system of 3900 series base stations is similar to that of 5900 series base stations. They only differ in NE names.

Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Figure 1-13 OM system of a co-MPT base station

1.4.4 Operation and Maintenance for Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations This section describes NE types and OM systems of separate-MPT multimode base stations.

NE Types Multiple RATs in a separate-MPT multimode base station are deployed on different main control boards. These RATs have different OM interfaces, represent different NEs, and are connected to one OSS through their own OM channels. NEs in a separate-MPT multimode base station are independently managed on the base station SMT or LMT. On the OSS, NEs in a separate-MPT multimode base station have the same DID. The OSS provides a unified GUI to manage NEs in a separate-MPT multimode base station. The separate-MPT multimode base station is indicated by MBTS on the OSS. Different RATs have different NE types, including BTS3900 WCDMA, BTS3900 LTE, BTS5900 WCDMA, BTS5900 5G, and BTS5900 LTE.

OM Systems Figure 1-14 shows the OM system of a 5900 series separate-MPT base station. The OM system of 3900 series base stations is similar to that of 5900 series base stations. They only differ in NE names.

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Figure 1-14 OM system of a separate-MPT multimode base station

Management Method of Shared Resources Shared resources are physical and logical resources shared among multiple NEs in a separate-MPT multimode base station. For details, see Table 1-15. Resources used exclusively by only one NE are not shared resources. In a separate-MPT multimode base station where multiple NEs share resources, the shared resources must be coordinated. There are two methods for managing the shared resources: ●

Unilateral management: The shared resources are managed by and displayed to only one NE.

Multilateral management: The shared resources are collectively managed by multiple NEs. The operating personnel need to prevent operations that may cause management conflicts.


If operations that affect services are performed on the shared resources, services of RATs that share these resources will be affected. These operations include parameter adjustments, resets, board additions and removals, power-off, blocking, loopbacks, offline tests, offline performance tests, and software upgrades and rollbacks.

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1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Table 1-14 lists the difference between unilateral management and multilateral management. Table 1-14 Difference between unilateral and multilateral management Functi on

Unilateral Management

Multilateral Management

Config uration manag ement

Only one NE is configured with resource sharing parameters. The shared resources can be used on other NE sides without configurations.

For multiple NEs, all are configured with resource sharing parameters and these parameters must have consistent settings to prevent resource conflicts. The multi-node OMC configuration tool can automatically associate with the shared resources to ensure consistent parameter configuration.

Fault manag ement

Only one NE reports, locates, and clears alarms related to the shared resources.

For multiple NEs, all report alarms related to the shared resources. On the multi-node OMC alarm management tool, the O&M personnel can specify one NE to locate and clear the reported alarms while alarms reported by other NEs are shielded. When handling an alarm related to shared resources (excluding an inter-NE configuration conflict alarm), operators need to handle it only on one NE. After the alarm is cleared on the NE, the alarm is also cleared on other NEs.

Perfor mance manag ement

Only one NE reports performance measurement results of the shared resources.

For multiple NEs, all report performance measurement results of the shared resources.

Softwa re manag ement

Only one NE manages the resource sharing software.

For multiple NEs, all manage the resource sharing software. The operating personnel can grant loading control rights to one NE for software upgrades and rollbacks. Loading control rights can be automatically configured by the multi-node OMC software management tool if the base station uses Huawei standard version mapping. Loading control rights must be manually configured if non-standard Huawei version mapping is used. In principle, the loading control rights are configured in descending order of version and RAT (for example, NR > LTE > UMTS > GSM).

Invento ry manag ement

Only one NE reports the inventory information about the shared resources.

Multiple NEs report the inventory information about the shared resources. The multi-node OMC software management tool can automatically associate with the inventory information about the shared resources.

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

NOTE ● Consistent parameter configuration: Parameters configured for the same object must have the same values for different NEs. Parameters configured for different objects cannot have same values for different NEs. ● For details about parameter settings for shared resources, see 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station MO and Parameter Reference. ● For details about reporting and handling alarms related to shared resources, see 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Alarm Reference.

When unilateral management is used, the personnel can specify one RAT to manage the shared resources based on site conditions. For example: ●

Newly deployed base stations: Different RATs of newly deployed base stations are listed in descending order of management priority: GSM > UMTS > LTE > NR. For example, in a newly deployed GU base station, it is recommended that GSM manage the shared resources.

Capacity expansion: It is recommended that the existing RAT manage the shared resources. For example, during an evolution from GSM to GU, it is recommended that GSM manage the shared resources.

The management method varies according to different types of shared resources. Table 1-15 lists the management method for different types of shared resources. Table 1-15 Method for managing different types of shared resources Shared Resources

Management Method

Site devices

Unilateral management: Site devices are managed by one RAT in the BBU to which the site devices are connected.


Unilateral management: If one cabinet is connected to the BBU or another cabinet housing the BBU, the PMU, TCU, CCU, FMU, and EMU in the prior cabinet are managed by one RAT in the BBU. If one cabinet is not directly connected to the BBU or another cabinet housing the BBU, but directly connected to RF modules, the preceding modules in the cabinet are managed by one RAT in the BBU connected to the RF modules.

BBU subrack

Multilateral management: All RATs in the BBU collectively manage the UPEU, UEIU, and FAN.

Multimode RF modules

Multilateral management: Multimode RF modules are managed by the RATs that the multimode RF modules serve. For example, a multimode RF module working in GU RAT is managed collectively by GSM and UMTS.

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Shared Resources

Management Method


Unilateral management: The ALD is managed by one RAT whose RF modules are connected to the ALD. ALD is short for antenna line device.

BBU interconnection module

Unilateral management: BBU interconnection modules are managed by one RAT that shares one BBU with this BBU interconnection module.


Unilateral management: When multiple RATs share the transmission ports and bandwidth, the transmission ports and the board that provides transmission ports are managed by one RAT in the BBU.


Unilateral management: When multiple RATs share one external clock source, the clock source is managed by one RAT in the BBU.

CPRI links

Unilateral management: When multiple RATs share a CPRI link, the CPRI link is managed by the RAT whose baseband board provides CPRI ports.

NOTE The CCU can be managed by only one RAT.

1.5 Hardware 3900 & 5900 series base stations adopt a modular design, which consists of function modules (the BBU and RF modules) and cabinets. The BBU and RF modules can be combined with different types of cabinets to adapt to different application scenarios and meet customer requirements for fast and cost-effective network deployment. 3900 & 5900 series base stations are classified into macro and LampSite base stations. This document describes only macro base stations. For details on LampSite base stations, see "LampSite Solution Description."

3900 Series Base Stations Based on application scenarios, macro base stations are classified into separated base stations (BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900A, and BTS3900AL), outdoor mini base stations (BTS3900C), and distributed base stations (DBS3900). The following table lists the function modules and cabinets applicable to macro base stations.

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1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Table 1-16 Function modules and cabinets applicable to macro base stations Application Scenario

Base Station Model

Function Module


Separated base station (indoor)


3900 series BBU+RFU

BTS3900 and IMS06


3900 series BBU+RFU

BTS3900L and IMS06


3900 series BBU+RFU

BTS3900A series cabinets:

Separated base station (outdoor)

● Power cabinet: APM30H ● Transmission cabinet: TMC11H ● RF cabinet: RFC ● Battery cabinet: IBBS200D and IBBS200T


3900 series BBU+RFU

Power cabinet: BTS3900AL (Ver.A) Transmission cabinet: TMC11H Battery cabinet: IBBS700D, IBBS700T, IBBS300D, and IBBS300T

Outdoor mini base station


3900 series BBU+RRU

OMB+RRU subrack

Distributed base station


3900 series BBU+RRU or 3900 series BBU +AAU

Power cabinet: APM30H, OMB, and IMB Transmission cabinet: TMC11H Battery cabinet: IBBS20D, IBBS200D, IBBS200T, IBBS300D, IBBS300T, IBBS700D, and IBBS700T Auxiliary device: INS12

5900 Series Base Stations Based on application scenarios, macro base stations are classified into separated base stations (BTS5900, BTS5900L, and BTS5900A) and distributed base stations (DBS5900 and DBS5900A). The following table lists the function modules and cabinets applicable to macro base stations.

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1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Table 1-17 Function modules and cabinets applicable to macro base stations Application Scenario

Base Station Model

Function Module


Separated base station (indoor)


BBU5900+R FU

BTS3900 (Ver.E_A~D) and BTS5900 (Ver.A)


BBU5900+R FU

BTS3900L (Ver.E_B~D) and BTS5900L (Ver.A)


BBU5900+R FU

BTS5900A (Ver.E) series cabinets:

Separated base station (outdoor)

● Power cabinet: APM30H (Ver.E) ● Transmission cabinet: TMC11H (Ver.E) ● RF cabinet: RFC (Ver.E) ● Battery cabinet: IBBS200D (Ver.E) and IBBS200T (Ver.E) Distributed base station


BBU5900+R RU or BBU5900+ AAU

Power cabinet: APM30H (Ver.E), APM5930, and IMB05 Transmission cabinet: TMC11H (Ver.E) Battery cabinet: IBBS200D (Ver.E), IBBS200T (Ver.E), IBBS300D, IBBS300T, BBC5200D (Ver.A), and BBC5200T (Ver.A) Auxiliary device: INS12

Distributed base station

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BBU5900A +RRU or BBU5900A +AAU

● Power cabinet: OPM200 ● Battery cabinet: IBBS50L

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1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

NOTE ● A base station may have multiple types of cabinets. The preceding table provides only a general overview. For details on the mapping between base stations and cabinets, see "3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Cabinet Description". For example, see APM30H Hardware Description for specific information. ● To meet customer requirements, Huawei also provides the macro + distributed base station solution. The function module RRU/AAU of a distributed base station receives power from the power cabinet in a separated base station. This solution enables flexible networking and large potential for future capacity expansion and evolution. For details about a macro + distributed base station, see sections describing the base station configured with RFUs and RRUs in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Model Description. ● To obtain the information, choose Description > Hardware Description in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

1.6 Product Specifications Product specifications of the 3900 & 5900 series base stations include technical specifications and engineering specifications of function modules, and engineering specifications of each type of cabinet and auxiliary product for base stations.

Function Modules For details on technical specifications and engineering specifications of BBUs, see BBU Technical Specifications. For details on technical specifications and engineering specifications of RFUs, see RFU Technical Specifications. For details on technical specifications and engineering specifications of RRUs, see related RRU technical specifications. For example, see RRU5909 Technical Specifications for specific information. For details on technical specifications and engineering specifications of AAUs, see related AAU technical specifications. For example, see AAU5726 Technical Specifications for specific information. NOTE ● For details on input power specifications of RF modules, see the section related to power requirements in the corresponding base station in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Model Description. ● For details on specifications of RRU/AAU power cables, see the section related to power cables in the corresponding RRU/AAU hardware description. ● To obtain the specifications, choose Description > Technical Specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

Cabinets and Auxiliary Products for Base Stations For details on engineering specifications of cabinets for base stations, see related descriptions of the cabinets for 3900 & 5900 series base stations. For example, see APM30H Hardware Description for specific information. For details on engineering specifications of auxiliary products for base stations, see the corresponding user guide. Issue 01 (2021-03-05)

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1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

NOTE To obtain the user guide, choose Installation and Commissioning > Auxiliary Product Installation Guide in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

1.7 Reliability Huawei base stations adopt a platform design so that hardware can be shared on this platform. This provides mature communications technologies and stable transmission reliability.

System Reliability Base stations feature a reliability design with load sharing and redundancy configuration, optimized fault detection and isolation technologies for boards and the system. This greatly enhances system reliability. Table 1-18 System reliability Item

Way of Design

Redundancy configuration

Units such as the power supply unit all support redundancy configuration. CPRI ports that connect the BBU and RF modules support the ring topology. When one CPRI link becomes faulty, services are automatically switched over to the other CPRI link. Key data such as software versions and data configuration files all supports redundancy backup.


The system automatically detects and diagnoses faults in the software, hardware, and environment, and reports alarms. Then the system automatically rectifies the faults using self-healing measures. If the faults cannot be rectified, the faulty units will be automatically isolated.

Hardware Reliability Table 1-19 Hardware reliability Item

Way of Design

Anti-misinsertion of boards

When a board is incorrectly inserted into the slot for another board, this board cannot be connected to the backplane. In this way, the equipment is free from damage.

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3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description


Way of Design

Over-temperature protection

When the temperature near the power amplifier (PA) in an RF module is too high, the base station reports an over-temperature alarm and immediately shuts down the PA. This function protects the PA from damage caused by over-temperature.

Reliable power supply

Wide voltage range and surge protection Power failure protection for programs and data Protection of power supply against overvoltage, overcurrent, and reverse connection of positive and negative poles on boards

All-round surge protection design

Surge protection is provided for AC and DC power sockets, input and output signal ports (E1/T1 port, FE/GE ports, ports for combined cabinets, and Boolean alarm ports), antenna connectors, and ports.

Software Reliability Table 1-20 Software reliability Item

Way of Design

Redundancy backup

The system stores key data such as software versions and data configuration files to ensure normal operation of the system when errors occur in the data.

Error tolerance

Software versions

The system stores software versions. If the current version is abnormal, the system switches over to the backup version, which ensures normal operation of the base station.

Data configuration files

The system stores data configuration files in different partitions. If files in the current partition are damaged, the base station can continue working properly by loading backup files.

When software errors occur, the self-healing capability prevents the system from collapse. The error tolerance of the software covers the following aspects: Scheduled check of key resources

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The system checks software resource usage periodically. If resources cannot be released because of software errors, the system can release the occupied resources in time and export logs and alarms.

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1 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Technical Description

Way of Design Task monitoring

When software is running, monitoring processes check for internal software faults or certain hardware faults. If an error occurs in a task, an alarm is reported and self-healing measures are taken to restore the task.

Configuration data check

The system performs scheduled or event-driven configuration data consistency checks, restores configuration data selectively or preferably, and generates logs and alarms.


When a software error occurs, the base station detects the error using the software and hardware watchdogs and automatically resets.

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