30 Đề Speaking VSTEP [PDF]

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Let’s talk about holiday. What did you do on your last holiday? Who do you prefer spending your holiday with? Relatives or friends? Do you prefer going on holiday abroad?

Now, let’s talk about TV programmes. How many hours a day do you watch television? Which programmes do you like? Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?


Situation: If you won the lottery of 1 billion VND, what would you do with the money? There are THREE options for you to choose: -

Buy a new house. Start a business. Deposit the money in the bank.

Explain the option you have chosen.


PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Online courses have changed the way people learn

Provide new learning experience

Be more convenient to study

Online courses

Your own ideas

Be independent in learning

Now, What advice would you give someone on how to study English? Do you think being a student is the best time of your life? Why/ why not? Should a student’s university education be free or should the student have to get a loan? Explain your choice.


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 2 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about birthday When is your birthday? What do you usually do on your birthday? What is your favourite family celebration? Why?

Now, let’s talk about public transportation What is the best way to travel in your town/city? What is your favourite mean of transportation? Do you think people should use public transportation more? Why? Why not? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins)

Situation: You have just received a sum of money from your father as a birthday present. How would you use the money? There are THREE options for you to choose: - To buy a laptop for your study. - To buy a fashionable smart phone. - To save up for future. Explain the option you have chosen.



Topic: Examinations are not necessary.

Time consuming



Your own ideas


Now, do you think schools are necessary? Why? Why not? How do modern technologies change the way people study? Do you think that traditional schools will disappear in the future because of the development of modern technology?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 3 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about music. Do you like music? If yes, what kind of music do you like best? Why? If no, why not? What is the most popular kind of music in your country? How is music good or not good for people?

Now, let’s talk about English as a school subject. Did you learn English at secondary school? What do you think about how English is taught at school now? In what ways has children’s English much improved nowadays? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins)

Situation: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students in your city. Three options are suggested: - photograph - swimming - dancing Which do you think is the best option for secondary students?



Topic: It is good to learn about a culture when you learn a language.

Language: the best means of culture

Better communication

Language and culture

Your own ideas

Culture shocks

- Do you think it’s good to understand other people’s cultures? Why? - What would you introduce first to a foreigner about the Vietnamese culture? - What would you like to learn about English-speaking cultures?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 4 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about your favourite places. Where do you usually go when you have spare time? Are there many interesting places where you live for people to go at weekends? In what way is café a great place for people to enjoy their free time?

Now, let’s talk about the subjects taught in schools in Vietnam. What subject did you like most when you were at school? Do you think English is a good subject for all students to learn at school? Why? Do you think students are learning too many subjects at school now? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins)

Situation: You are going to take your secondary students to a private cinema. Three options of movies are suggested: - cartoon - action movie - detective movie Which do you think is the best option for these students?



Topic: Punishment by teachers at school is good for students.

Obey teachers


Your own ideas

Minimise misbehaviour

Concentrate better on study - Do you think punishment by teachers to students at school should be encouraged? - Do all students obey their teachers whenever they receive punishment? - What are the downsides of overuse of punishment at school?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 5 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about your hometown. Where do you come from? Do you like living in... (candidate’s hometown)? What is it famous for?

Now, let’s talk about your career. What is your job? How long have you been working as ......... (candidate’s job)? Why do you like your job?

Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins) Situation: Your school, college or workplace is organizing an Open Day. When visitors come to see and find out about the place, people will be asked to help with various aspects of the event. There are THREE options for you to choose: - A tour guide - A traffic instructor - A master of ceremony Which job do you think would be most suitable for you?



Topic: Smoking should be banned in public places.

Smoker’s health

Second-hand smoker’s health


Your own ideas

Financial burden - Do you smoke? - Why do many people want to smoke? - What should you do to prevent smoking in public places?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 6 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about your hobby. What do you like doing in your free time? Why do you like doing it? How much time do you spend doing that?

Now, let’s talk about English. Do you like English? When did you start learning English? How do you improve your English? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins) Situation: Your family is making a plan for this weekend. There are THREE options for you to choose: - Going to the cinema - Having dinner in a restaurant - Going to the beach Which plan do you think is the best choice for your family?



Topic: Describe a teacher who has influenced you.

His/her appearance

His/her personality


Your own ideas

His/her influences

- When did s/he teach you? - Do you still keep in touch with him/her? - How often do you see him/her?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 7 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about your home town. When is the best time to come to your hometown? Why? What do you like best about your hometown? Do you think your hometown is the best place to grow up? Why/ Why not?

Now, let’s talk about your best friend. What does your best friend look like? How did you meet your best friend? In your opinion, what is the best quality of a good friend? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins) Situation: Your friend is going to have his first date this weekend. He would like you to give advice on where to go. There are THREE options for you to choose: - Restaurant - Cinema - Shopping malls Which do you think is the best place for the first date?



Topic: Airplane is the best transport means to travel long distance.



Traveling by airplane

Your own ideas


- Do you think airplane is the most important transport means of all time? Why/ why not? - Are there any disadvantages of traveling by airplane? - What are some ways that airlines could improve the flying experience for passengers?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 8 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about your leisure time. What do you often do in your free time? Have your leisure time activities changed since you were a child? Do you prefer to spend you leisure time alone or with other people? Why?

Now, let’s talk about books. What kind of books do you like to read? Do you read the same kind of books now that you read 5 years ago? When do you think is the best time to read? Why? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins)

Situation: Your parents’ wedding anniversary is coming. You and your sister are thinking of giving them a great present. There are THREE options for you to choose: - A wedding cake - A 5-day tour to the beach - An album of the whole family Which do you think is the best present for their wedding anniversary?



Topic: Traditional festivals present important values.

Honor community strength

Improve spiritual life

Traditional festivals

Your own ideas

Teach history and culture - What local festival in your area or country would be most interesting for a foreign guest, do you think? - Do people nowadays appreciate public holidays like they did in the past? - What are some ways that the government should do to preserve traditional festivals?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 9 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about: Social networks Do you like social networks? What kind of social networks are you using now? If yes, which social network are you using? Why? What is your advice for social network users?

Now, let’s talk about: Fashion matters How important is fashion to you? What sort of clothes do you prefer to wear? Do you ever have to wear things you don’t really like? If so, when, and why? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins) Situation: You were a lottery winner. You won one billion VND. There are THREE options for you to choose: - Put all in a bank to receive monthly interest - Bought some valuable things such as a car, a house or a piece of land - Gave some to a charity organization. Then, went travelling with your family or friends with the rest. Which will you choose? Remember that you don’t have to tighten your belt to live a living day (you earn enough money to meet your everyday needs). Explain your choice.



Topic: How important are your friends to you?

Share life



Your own ideas

Get together (have fun) - Do you think you make friends easily? Why?/ Why not? - What is the most important quality to you in a friend? - Do you sometimes get on with your friends better than with your family? Why?/ Why not?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST No. 10 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about: Games and Sports Which indoor games do you play regularly? Which indoor games are common in your hometown? Do you take part in any outdoor sports regularly? (Which?)

Now, let’s talk about: Keeping Fit How often do you do any exercise? Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a class? Why? What do you think is the best type of exercise? Why?   Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~ 4 mins) Situation: You are invited to a new working place. You have decided to go. There are THREE reasons that make you go: -

You go because you are paid much higher than the old working place


You go because you are respected (needed) in a positive work environment with high salary


You go because it is simply that you will be paid higher and can do whatever you want in a competitive work environment. Which will you choose? Remember that you are an educated person, you are an expert in your field. Explain your choice.


Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Crimes are increasing in modern society?




Your own ideas

TV programme

- What do you think are the causes of crime? - Do DVDs and TV programmes about violent crime help to cause more crime? Why?/ Why not? - Is prison really the answer to crime? Why? OK. Thank you. That is the end of Part III and also the end of the speaking test. Good luck!


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 11 PART 1 Let’s talk about rooms in your house Which room in your house do you like best? What do you like doing there? Do you like having guests in your room? Why? Why not? Now, let’s talk about sports Do you play any sports? What sports do you enjoy watching? What sports do you enjoy playing? PART 2 Situation: Some of your friends are visiting you this weekend. You would like to do something fun with them. What will you do? There are THREE options for you to choose: -

Cook a meal together in your apartment.


Go to a local restaurant together.


Take your friends out for sightseeing.



Topic: Things that affect people’s job satisfaction? Qualifications

Attitude to work

Job satisfaction

Your own ideas

Relationship with colleagues

Further questions: 1. Do you think companies should promote workers who are experienced? 2. Do you think that workers should change companies often? Why? Why not? 3. What is better motivated for workers? Salary or working condition?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 12 PART 1 Let’s talk about your reading habits Do you enjoy reading? Why? Why not? What types of books/magazines do you enjoy reading? Where do you prefer reading? Now, let’s talk about your free time What do you like doing in your free time? Who do you enjoy spending your free time with? Where would you prefer spending your free time? Indoor or outdoor?


PART 2: Situation: You are about to study at university. Which of these is most important? There are THREE options for you to choose: Cost of the course Reputation of the university Distance from home Part 3:


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 13 PART 1 Let’s talk about ways of relaxing What do you do to relax? Where do you want to go to relax? Do you like relaxing on your own or with other people? Now, let’s talk about rooms at home Which is the most important room in your house? What make it important? What do you do in the room


Part 2 Situation: Your university offers free courses for graduate students. Which would you choose? There are THREE options for you to choose: A time-management course. A public speaking course. A team work course. Part 3:




Let’s talk about films Do you like films? What type of films do you like? Who do you enjoy watching films with? Now, let’s talk about mobile phones Do you use a mobile phone? What are the good points of mobile phones? What are the bad points of mobile phones? Part 2: Situation: A student wants to do a part-time job where he can practice his English. Which job would be best for him? There are THREE options for you to choose: A job at a souvenir shop A job at a travel agency A job at a take-away shop Part 3:


SPEAKING 15 PART 1 Let’s talk about sports. 1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why? 2. Which sports do you like best? Why? 3. Do you know why people like to play sports? Let’s talk about food 1. What kind of fast food do you like best? 2. Is fast food good for your health? 3. In your opinion, why is fast food popular? PART II: Situation: Your friend is going on a long journey by train on his own. Which do you think is the best way to pass time on a long journey? There are THREE options for you to choose: - Talking to other people - Reading books - Sleeping PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins)



SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 16 PART 1 Let’s talk about your habits. What is your typical day like? Do you have any habits that annoy other people? What do you usually do when you are upset? Let’s talk about weather. What’s the weather like today? Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Why? Could you recommend some activities to do in different kinds of weather? PART II: Situation: A group of people is planning a trip from Thai Nguyen to Ha Giang. Could you suggest the best means of transport? Which do you think is the best choice? There are THREE options for you to choose: - Train - Boat - Coach PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Reading should be encouraged among teenagers. Gain knowledge

Reduce stress

Your own ideas


Learn a language

- What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’ generation and those read by your generation? - Do you think that governments should support free books for all people? - In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading?



Let’s talk about your cooking. Who does the cooking in your family? Do you think cooking is a task that only women should do?Why?/ Why not? Do you like cooking by yourself? Why?/ Why not? Now, let’s talk about TV programs. What’s the worst TV programs you’ve ever seen? How much TV do you watch every day? What are some advantages of watching TV? PART II: Situation: Your brother is going to hold his wedding. He would like you to give advice on who should be invited. Which do you think is the best choice? There are THREE options for you to choose: - All acquaintances - Only close people - Only the ones that invited you to their weddings PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Too much TV can harm children.

Affect children’s behaviour

Further questions: 1.How much TV is enough for children? 2.Do you think that governments should limit the programs for children? Why?/ Why not? 3.How can parents control what their children watch on TV?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 18 PART 1 Let’s talk about money. 1. How much did you spend last week? 2. What do you spend most of your money on? 3. Can money buy happiness? Why?/ Why not? Let’s talk about shopping. 1. What is your favorite place to shop? 2. What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Where and why did you buy it? 3. Do you prefer going shopping on your own or going with other people? Why? PART II: Situation: Your brother would like you to give him some advice on how to lose weight. Which do you think is the best choice? There are THREE options for you to choose: - Skip meals - Use drugs - Exercise regularly PART III: Topic: Online shopping is a convenient way for people to buy things.

- Have you ever bought something online? Which? - Do you think that online shopping will be more popular in the future? Why?/ Why not? - Are there any disadvantages of online shopping?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 19 PART 1 Let’s talk about museum. Do you like visiting museums? If yes, how often do you visit museums? If no, why not? What are usually displayed in the museum where you live? How is visiting museum good or not good for young people? Now, let’s talk aboutspecial events of your country. What are important events of your country ? Can you name one or two things in common that people in your country celebrate all events? Do you think it is a good idea to celebrate all such events in the same way? PART II: Situation: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students in your city. Which do you think is the best option for secondary students? THREE options are suggested: - cooking - swimming - sewing PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins)





Let’s talk about secondary schools around where you live. Are there many secondary schools where you live? What do these schools have in common? In what ways do you think schools play an important part in the Vietnamese educational system? Let’s talk about English. When did you start learning English? Do you think English is a good subject for students to learn at school? Why/ Why not? Do you think that students are learning too many subjects at school now? PART II: Situation: You are planning to take your students to participate in outdoor activities. Which do you think is the most suitable one for your students? THREE options of activities are suggested: - visiting the zoo - camping - drawing PART III: PART 3.20 Topic: Marking by teachers at school is good for students. Motivate students to learn

Create a competitive learning environment

Teachers’ Marking

Your own ideas

Facilitate students with better teaching methods

Further questions: 1. Do you think marking by teachers to students at school should be encouraged? 2. Do you think teachers’ marking at school always work? 3. What are the downsides of overuse of punishment at school?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 21 PART 1 Let’s talk about health. What do people where you live do to keep fit? Do you think that they are practising in the right way? In what ways is doing gyms good or not good for old people? Now, let’s talk about healthcare service where you live. What do people in your area usually do when they have health problems? Do you think that it is good to open private clinics ? What are the downsides of having too many private clinics? PART II: Situation: You are planning to take your secondary students to participate in outdoor activities. Which do you think are the most preferable to them? THREE options of dressing for girls are suggested: - uniforms - selected tops and shorts - skirts PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins)


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 22 PART 1 Let’s talk about happiness. What do you think happiness is? Do you think that rich people are always happy? What do you do to make yourself happy? Now, let’s talk about money. Do you think money is more important than any other aspects of life? What would you do if you had a lot of money? What are the downsides of having too much money? PART II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: You are planning to take your students to participate in outdoor activities. Which do you think are the most preferable to them? THREE options of dressing for girls are suggested: - uniforms - selected tops and shorts - skirts PART III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Disadvantages of owning a car. Expensive


Your ideas

Not green

Stuck (traffic jam) - What are advantages of having a car?





- Do you think it is better to use a bicycle than a car? - How do you think traffic jam can be solved with the increased number of cars ?

SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 23 PART 1 Let’s talk about restaurants. Tell me about your favourite restaurant. What is your opinion of foreign food? Why do people like to eat out? Now, let’s talk about relaxation What activities can people do to relax? Tell me about how you like to relax. In what ways can you relax without spending any money? Part 2: Situation: You are planning a holiday and you will be staying in a hotel. You will decide which feature you consider to be the most important when choosing a hotel to stay in. There are THREE options for you to choose: - The location of the hotel. - The comfort of the hotel room. - Reasonable price. PART III: Topic: Living in the countryside?


- Do you think companies should promote workers who are experienced? - Do you think that workers should change companies often? Why? Why not? - What is better motivated for workers? Salary or working condition?

SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 24 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about housework. How do you share housework in your family? Do you think children should help with the housework? What are some of the things that your family usually do together? Now, let’s talk about fashion. Do you try to follow the latest fashion? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Which do you prefer, shopping in a small shop or a supermarket? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: You are giving a short talk on language learning. You will decide which activity is the best way to learn a new language. There are THREE options for you to choose: Join a class. Self-study. Talk to native speakers Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Being famous? 11

- Which qualities should a famous person have? - Why does the young generation copy them? - If you had a chance to become famous, who would you like to become? SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 25 LEVELS 3 – 5 PART I: SOCIAL INTERACTION (~ 3 mins) Let’s talk about friends. Could you tell me about your best friend? What is important about a friend for you? What kind of people do you like to spend time together with? Now, let’s talk about houses. Would you rather live in a big city or in the country? Why? Could you describe your house/flat and the rooms in it? Which is your favourite place at home and why? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: You have been asked to give a presentation in your English class on a famous city. Decide which aspect you think is the most important one to focus on in your presentation. There are THREE options for you to choose: History of the city. Tourist attractions in the city. Famous citizens of the city. Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMNT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Benefits of zoos



What wild animals do you like? Do you like visiting zoos? Do you think we should teach children something that is related to wild animals?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 26 PART 1 Let’s talk about schools. What were your favourite subjects/lessons at school and why? What is an ideal teacher like for you? What are some of the best memories of your school years? Now, let’s talk about jobs. Could you tell me about the job you would like to have in the future? Would you like to be self-employed or an employee? Why? Have you ever had a summer job? If yes, could you tell me about it? / If no, would you like to have one this summer? Why/Why not? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: Your local council has been allocated money to add one new entertainment facility to the community in your area. Decide which one you would choose. There are THREE options for you to choose: - A sports centre - A park with a lake. - A children’s playground. Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMNT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Disadvantages of tourist developments

- - Why do you think people like to travel to different places in their free time? - - Should your government invest more money in attracting tourists? - - How do you see tourism changing in your country in the future?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 27 PART 1 Let’s talk about food. What do you normally have for your breakfast / lunch / dinner? How healthy is your diet? Where do you like to eat? Why? Now, let’s talk about sports What do you do to keep fit? How important is sport to your family members? What sports are you interested in? Why? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) . Situation: You have been asked to advertise a play which is being produced by your school or college. Decide which way you will choose to use. There are THREE options for you to choose: - Local television. - Leaflets. - Websites. Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Solutions to improving educational system in your country?

- Is a good education more important to a boy or a girl? Why? - Do you think schools should teach subjects like arts, music and dancing? Why (not)? - Is the Internet a valuable education tool?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 28 PART 1 Let’s talk about watching TV. Could you tell me about your family’s TV viewing habits? What are your favourite TV programmes and why? Which do you prefer, watching a film on TV or going to the cinema? Why? Now, let’s talk about transport. What’s your favourite means of transport and why? What do you think of the traffic in your area/town? Could you give me directions to the nearest shop from here, please? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: Your local council wants to make your area more environmentally friendly. Decide which way you would choose as being the best one to make your area greener. There are THREE options for you to choose: - Recycle bins in public places. - Plant trees. - Educate the people on the environment Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMNT (~ 5 mins)

Too much responsibility

High cost


Reasons for not having children

Your own ideas




No freedom - What morals and values do you think children should learn? Should these be taught at home or at school? - “Children should be given whatever they want.” Do you agree? - What responsibilities do children have towards their parents?


SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 29 PART 1 Let’s talk about holidays. Could you tell me about a holiday you enjoyed a lot? What kind of holiday do you prefer and why? What way of travelling do you prefer when you go on holiday? Why? Now, let’s talk about transport. What’s your favorite means of transport and why? What do you think of the traffic in your area/town? How do you travel to work/school everyday? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: You have been asked to give a presentation in your English class on a famous city. Decide which aspect you think is the most important one to focus on in your presentation. There are THREE options for you to choose: - History of the city. - Tourist attractions in the city. - Famous citizens of the city. Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: An ideal job?

High salary

A comfortable reliance working on memory environment

An ideal job

Your own ideas 18

SHAPE A comfortable reliance working on memory environment

An ideal job

Your own ideas

Long and paid holidays



- - What skills do you think are needed to get a good job? - - How has technology changed the way we work? - - “Work is becoming more stressful and pressurized”. Do you agree?

SPEAKING PRACTICE TEST 30 PART 1 What do you like doing when you are on holiday? Could you tell me about your dream holiday? How do you prepare for a holiday? Now, let’s talk about food. What does your family usually eat and drink on special occasions (e.g.Christmas, Easter, birthdays)? Where do you like to eat? Why? Do you prefer traditional restaurants or fast-food places? Why? Part II: SOLUTION DISCUSSION (~4 mins) Situation: The government is going to give an award to individuals from different professions who have contributed positively to your country. Decide which category most deserves to receive an award. There are THREE options; - Scientists - Politicians - Teachers Part III: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (~ 5 mins) Topic: Solutions to transport problems



What forms of transport do you use? Do you think that transport problems are worse in urban or rural areas? Has the way people travel changed much in the last few decades?