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208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

39. The package ---------- shipped from the warehouse yesterday, so it should arrive no later than tomorrow afternoon. (A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were

46. After Peter Saks ------- the Sales Department, he eliminated the policy that let sales staff use company cars for personal business. (A) joins (B) joined (C) is joining (D) has been joining

40. The satisfaction level of the employees --------tremendously since the completion of the renovations on the main office building. (A) will increase (B) has increased (C) increasing (D) increase

47. The revised version of an unpublished manuscript ------ due to arrive this morning at 10 shipping. (A) was (B) were (C) is (D) are

41. By the time the police discovered the location of individuals they were looking for --------. (A) are disappearing (B) will have disappeared (C) disappear (D) had disappeared 42. After the applications have been submitted, Fred and Lisa ------- which individuals they would like to interview. (A) will choose (B) was choosing (C) choose (D) has chosen 43. By the time Ms. Venarde joined the staff, she -------- in a similar capacity for many years already. (A) has worked (B) works (C) will work (D) had worked 44. The secretary ------- copy paper and toner every Monday, so please let her know if she needs to procure a larger amount this week. (A) orders (B) ordered (C) order (D) to order 45. When Mr. Marino -------- to London next month, he will meet with several influential businessmen and politicians. (A) goes (B) to go (C) was going (D) going

48. When I closed the window, all of the files and folders on my desktop computer -------- except for the icon. (A) are disappearing (B) will have disappeared (C) had disappeared (D) disappear 49. OFA representatives recently ------- on-line tours and found those kinds of tours to promote their products the most effective. (A) conduct (B) conducted (C) to conduct (D) will conduct 50. Mylan is a leading pharmaceutical company in the field of preventive medicine, for which it -------- multiple awards over the past ten years. (A) has received (B) is receiving (C) received (D) would receive 51. Before Mr. Kim joined our company as a sales analyst, he ------- in the sales sector for several years already. (A) works (B) has worked (C) will work (D) had worked 52. After all entries have been submitted, a panel of independent judges --------- the winning slogan based on originality. (A) will choose (B) was choosing (C) choose (D) has chosen

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

53. The Trattoria Restaurant requests that patrons ------ reservations for a table at least two weeks ahead of time. (A) makes (B) making (C) made (D) make

60. The final report should ------ on the more recent findings rather than on the data collected a few months ago. (A) basing (B) based (C) be based (D) to be

54. The fee must ------ within two days if you do not wish to forfeit your reservation. (A) paid (B) be paid (C) to pay (D) have paid

61. Only after one of the employees expressed concern did they ------ investigating harassment claims against the supervisor. (A) started (B) starting (C) starts (D) start

55. It is essential that no unauthorized persons -----into the building once it has been locked by the security personnel. (A) admitted (B) to admit (C) be admitted (D) admittance 56. The notice on the community bulletin board requested that the purse ------ to its owner and stated that a small reward would be given. (A) returns (B) returning (C) be returned (D) to return 57. Once all the proposals have been submitted, we will ------ which company is best suited for the new construction project. (A) determination (B) determine (C) determined (D) determines 58. The canned chicken soup manufacturer insists that all the cans ------, regardless of losses to the company. (A) to recall (B) recalling (C) be recalled (D) are recalled 59. A test was given to the applicants to eliminate those who did not ------- the basic knowledge requirements for the job. (A) meet (B) meeting (C) be met (D) to meet

62. As there are so many calls for computer system repairs, the company technician has ------ his supervisor to hire additional workers. (A) ask (B) asking (C) asked (D) to ask 63. Please remember that all application materials should -------- by next Friday. (A) send (B) be sending (C) be sent (D) sending 64. Money refunds will ------- into your account within 7 days of your claim. (A) deposited (B) to deposit (C) depositing (D) be deposited 65. Though a great deal of money had -------, the project was a failure. (A) invested (B) be invested (C) been invested (D) invest 66. Public buildings throughout the country will soon ------- a no-smoking policy. (A) implement (B) implementation (C) be implemented (D) implementing 67. It is a great pleasure to inform you that your company has -------- as our new supplier. (A) selecting (B) selected (C) be selected (D) been selected

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

68. Because of a mechanical problem, the replacement parts could not ------- by tomorrow. (A) shipped (B) be shipped (C) be shipping (D) ship 69. A special luncheon will be held in honor of the sales department, which has ------- monthly sales goals. (A) reached (B) been reached (C) reaching (D) reaches 70. the banking sector, a massive wave of liquidations ------ eventually. (A) has occured (B) will occur (C) has been occuring (D) would have occured 71. According to a new policy, overnight camping in all national parks is no longer --------. (A) permits (B) permitting (C) permitted (D) permission 72. A replacement for the outgoing advertising manager has not yet been -------, but the possibilities have been narrowed down to five applicants. (A) chose (B) choice (C) chosen (D) choose 73. Each year, Gibbins Foods, a local food manufacturer, -------- five thousand cans of (A) donates (B) to donate (C) donating (D) are donated 74. Caley-Hibernia management asks that cameras and mobile phones ------ at the security desk before the tour of the facility commences. (A) left (B) were left (C) will be leaving (D) be left

75. All commuters ------- the main highway to get to the center of the city will face delays of up to hour today because of on-going construction. (A) use (B) used (C) using (D) will use 76. However, no liability can be accepted by INTERWORLD for any loss or damage ---- by any passenger or inconvenience experienced due to a delay for whatever reason. (A) incur (B) incurred (C) incurring (D) to incur 77. Ace Supplies, a Paris-based firm ---------- in office supplies, announced its plan to relocate its. (A) is specializing (B) specializes (C) specialize (D) specializing 78. Sales personel ---------- office supplies should get permission from their supervisor. (A) purchasing (B) to purchase (C) purchased (D) have purchased 79. Travelers ---------- the local airport in Hopkins are international customers. (A) use (B) using (C) used (D) will use 80. All products in the catalog are available in our online store -------------- customers to shop from the convenience of their homes. (A) allows (B) will allow (C) allow (D) allowing 81. Adequate storage space is very important to companies ---------- large quantities of materials. (A) produced (B) produces (C) produce (D) producing 82. Anyone --------- the product through e-mail should send an appropriate amount of money and keep the receipt. (A) orders (B) ordering (C) ordered (D) will order

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

83. People wearing carnival costumes ------ the streets of Rio de Janeiro. (A) filled (B) to fill (C) was filling (D) filling 84. The women ------- our organization are either full-time housewives or college students who want to make a difference in our community. (A) join (B) joining (C) will join (D) will be joining 85. We are sorry to announce that we will not ----any credit cards starting since a cash deposit is required. (A) accepts (B) accepting (C) accept (D) accepted 86. During the sessions, speakers will discuss the process of -------- a global sevice by opening doors to economic opportunities. (A) establish (B) establishing (C) establishes (D) established 87. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, and I look forward to ------ from you soon. (A) hear (B) hears (C) heard (D) hearing 88. It is imperative that computer passwords ------kept confidential. (A) were (B) be (C) being (D) had been 89. Orders ------- the weight limit are subject to additional shipping fees. (A) exceed (B) exceeded (C) exceeding (D) excessive 90. Mr. Thomas and Ms. Vasquez -------- to work together on the market research project. (A) assigned (B) assigning (C) will assign (D) have been assigned

91. By the time the magazine article on home security devices -------- on the newsstands, the pricing information was already outdates. (A) appears (B) appeared (C) will appear (D) appearing 92. A quarterly survey ------ by Car Trade magazine shows that customers prefer fuel-efficiency over size or price when purchasing a new automobile. (A) performed (B) performs (C) had performed (D) to perform 93. Before ------- the envelope, please be sure you have enclosed all of the documents listed in your orientation packet. (A) seal (B) sealing (C) is sealed (D) was sealed 94. The technician ------- repairs on the machinery, so production of the X220 will resume when she has finished. (A) making (B) had made (C) will have been made (D) has been making 95. At the end of next month, executive chef Tracy Nakagawa --------- the kitchen at the Hokulea Cafe for 10 years. (A) has supervised (B) will have supervised (C) had been supervising (D) is supervising 96. Baggage will not be ------- for check-in more than three hours before the departure of any Blue Skies Airline flight. (A) accepted (B) accepts (C) accepting (D) acceptingly 97. The company-sponsored five-kilometer run will be held on October 15, and all employees -----to participate. (A) to invite (B) invite (C) inviting (D) are invited

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

98. By the time Clear Blaze Technology's word processing program goes on the market, software engineers ------ its remaining flaws. (A) will have corrected (B) had been correcting (C) are correcting (D) will correct 99. Maria Vega's keynote address at next month's Entrepreneurs Symposium in Singapore ------ by a short video. (A) was preceded (B) will be preceded (C) would precede (D) were to precede 100. Seating in the Bogor Stadium completely -----the field so that all visitors are afforded excellent views of events. (A) surround (B) surrounds (C) surrounded (D) surrounding 101. Mr. Jung ------ his position as Chief Executive of Cosmic Gaming Company had the merger with Starzan Enterprises succeeded (A) is being relinquished (B) would have relinquished (C) has been relinquishing (D) will be relinquished 102. Despite ------ declines in revenue over the past six months, the Mori & McGee firm intents to hire three new patent lawyers next year. (A) will experience (B) having experienced (C) has experienced (D) have been experiencing 103. Inclement weather and a reduced workforce ----the greatest challenges to the renovation of the Kern Science Center. (A) have posed (B) is posing (C) does pose (D) will have been posed 104. ------ by the product demonstration last week, the operations manager has decided to order several of Handimaid's appliances. (A) Impressed (B) Impressive (C) Impressing (D) Impression

105. The Globe Lighting Supply handbook ------ a list of important company telephone numbers. (A) contain (B) containing (C) is contained (D) contains 106. The Watertown South bus station is ------ for repairs until May 16. (A) close (B) closes (C) closed (D) closings 107. The quality-control process will be revised due to the lager number of product flaws -----reported. (A) is (B) are (C) were (D) being 108. Visitors are asked to turn off their electronic devices when ------ the laboratory. (A) enters (B) entering (C) enter (D) entered 109. The manufacturer ------ the warranty on its latest camera models by twelve months. (A) extend (B) was extended (C) extending (D) has extended 110. Recent research on battery life shows that the battery in our newest mobile phone ------ better than those in similar products. (A) perform (B) performing (C) performs (D) performance 111. The airport shuttle ------ every hour from the hotel's front entrance. (A) depart (B) was departed (C) are departing (D) departs 112. Guitarist Carlos Roldan ------ his newest music at a fund-raising concert in Madrid last month. (A) performed (B) performs (C) performing (D) will perform

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

113. By the time Ms. Valspar retires as president of Movene Technologies, she ------ to increase the company's market share significantly. (A) manages (B) will have managed (C) managed (D) has been managing 114. Candidates for the position must ------ their applications by the end of the month. (A) submitted (B) submitting (C) submit (D) be submitted 115. Our chief operating officer was very ------ by the latest sales figures. (A) impress (B) impressing (C) impressed (D) impressive

121. Ms. Waston looks forward to ------ possible investment options at the November meeting. (A) explore (B) exploring (C) exploratory (D) exploration 122. For the last fifteen years, Matlock, Inc., has consistently ------ among the nation's ten leading toy manufacturers. (A) rank (B) ranked (C) ranking (D) ranks 123. The engineers had only begun analyzing the problem when a new discovery ------ their working model obsolete. (A) rendering (B) rendered (C) renders (D) will render

116. The Ashford Chamber of Commerce invites visitors ------ the restaurants, and theaters on the city's waterfront. (A) patronize (B) patronized (C) to patronize (D) be patronizing

124. For a full refund, please ------ the product in its original packaging. (A) returns (B) returned (C) return (D) returning

117. You will find the manual very helpful ------ any problems you encounter when you first use the software. (A) must solve (B) be solved (C) will solve (D) in solving

125. According to the Harton Fashion Chronicle, many designers ------ green and brown fabrics for their autumn collections this year. (A) to use (B) are using (C) had been used (D) are used

118. Rebuilt Ltd. Pledges that all appliances will be properly ------ the first time. (A) repair (B) repairs (C) repaired (D) repairing

126. The use of flash photograph is ---- in this building. (A) prohibited (B) to have prohibited (C) been prohibiting (D) to prohibit

119. To ensure prompt return of your laundry, -----your hotel room number on the tag provided. (A) wrote (B) written (C) write (D) writing

127. Keyomon restaurant can be ------ in a wide variety of locations, from urban centers to coastal towns. (A) finding (B) found (C) having found (D) find

120. The Silvau Division is now ------ a full line of steel products at a new modern facility just outside the city. (A) manufacturer (B) being manufactured (C) manufactured (D) manufacturing

128. Cancellations must be made in accordance with the police that is ------ on the Skovronski Hotel's Web site. (A) outline (B) outlining (C) outlines (D) outlined

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

129. To receive discounts at Hillson's Department Store, ------ your Hillson's Awards card to the cashier. (A) present (B) presenting (C) presented (D) presents

137. Checks or money orders in support of the Theater for All project ------ payable to Alio Actors Organization. (A) to make (B) are making (C) should be made (D) will have made

130. Today Tenopy Tech announced its plans -----with Shaffly Energy Systems to manufacture solar panels in Quito and Caracas. (A) to partner (B) be partnering (C) is partnered (D) will partner

138. The menu at Mirnara Café changes weekly -----on the availability of seasonal ingredients. (A) depend (B) depends (C) depended (D) depending

131. ------ the range of articles in our publication has undoubtedly helped attract new readers. (A) Diversity (B) Diversifying (C) Diversify (D) Diversification

139. Anisk Pharmaceuticals makes every effort -----the confidentiality of all participants in the clinical study. (A) to maintain (B) maintains (C) will maintain (D) is maintaining

132. This week only, spend $200 and your order -----for free overnight shipping. (A) qualification (B) qualifies (C) qualify (D) qualifying

140. During the busy tourist season, you should -----hotel reservations several weeks ahead of time. (A) make (B) makes (C) making (D) made

133. Employees ------ in joining the company's sports teams should contact Meredith Lo by May 1. (A) interesting (B) interests (C) interest (D) interested

141. Everyone at the concert was ------ by Ms.Vinenzi's outstanding performance. (A) impressive (B) impressionist (C) impressed (D) impressing

134. If orders ----- at the current pace all summer, Turramurra Luggage Company will meet its sales goal one month early. (A) receive (B) are received (C) will receive (D) will be receiving

142. Unless she is in a meeting and canot be interrupted, the director would like to ----- when an important client arrives. (A) notifying (B) have notified (C) notify (D) be notified

135. Sylvia Cho ------ her training at Frio Country Animal Hospital last week and will begin working as a veterinary technician. (A) will conclude (B) to conclude (C) concludes (D) concluded

143. The Franklin Health Clinic is ------ to offer extended weekend hours to accommodate the needs of all patients. (A) please (B) pleasure (C) pleased (D) pleasing

136. If the cost of raw materials rises, it ------ the price of the finished product. (A) will affect (B) to affect (C) is affecting (D) affected

144. Mrs. Tanaka not only ------ report but also produced the graphs. (A) writing (B) wrote (C) written (D) to write

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

145. After ------ their travel reservations online, airline passengers should arrive at the airport at least an hour before departure. (A) confirmation (B) confirmed (C) confirming (D) have confirmed

153. Biofishery, Inc. plans to develop a natural -----system that uses algae to detect changes in toxin levels found in lakes. (A) was monitored (B) monitors (C) to monitor (D) monitoring

146. The Hong Kong office of Huang Associates will be closed temporarily while renovations -------. (A) will be completed (B) are completed (C) being completed (D) completing

154. The largest tour company in Florida has decided to reduce fees on some packages as a way of ------ customers. (A) attracts (B) attraction (C) attractive (D) attracting

147. Professional Photographic Arts Studio requests that applicants ------ a porfolio of black-andwhite photographs. (A) to submit (B) submitted (C) submit (D) would submit 148. By recyling the wood shavings ------ by its paper-making process, Paperwide saves thousands of dollars each year. (A) generate (B) generates (C) have generated (D) generated 149. ------ the completion of 90 days of employment, workers are entitled to receive bonuses. (A) Follow (B) Follows (C) Followed (D) Following 150. MKT Advertising, ------ for creating advertisements, often produces commercials that make a strong impression on viewers. (A) know (B) known (C) knowing (D) is known 151. All patients are advised to ------ a reservation before they come. (A) make (B) makes (C) made (D) making 152. The recent study says that Newton, a popular cold medicine, may ------ sleep. (A) include (B) included (C) including (D) will include

155. The company encourages all employees who lack experience with the Empire computer software to ------ a training workshop. (A) attend (B) attendance (C) be attended (D) attending 156. As an electric supply wholesaler, we have to keep track of how each vendor defines its scheduled shipping dates and ------- delivery dates. (A) expected (B) expecting (C) expectation (D) expect 157. Frank is widely considered the most likely person ------ Mr. Reed as the director of the Research and Development Department. (A) successive (B) successor (C) succeeded (D) to succeed 158. The Marketing Department ------ several new campaigns designed to increase sales last year. (A) implementation (B) implements (C) implemented (D) implementing 159. To help employees of McFaul Manufacturing ------ productive, managers encourage them to take short breaks throughout the day. (A) remain (B) remained (C) was remaining (D) have remained

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

160. The decrease in retail sales last month indicates that ------ is falling at a faster rate than expected. (A) spenders (B) spent (C) spend (D) spending 161. The annual ASEAN meeting will be ------ in Hau Hin, 150km from Bangkok, from February 28 to March 1. (A) holds (B) holding (C) hold (D) held 162. Ms. Dorsey encouraged her employees ------ the quality control seminar tomorrow. (A) attend (B) will attend (C) was attending (D) to attend 163. We ------ by Mr. Wei that our overall goal is to improve the management program. (A) were informed (B) informed (C) have informed (D) are informing 164. The special sale on clothing at the Aberdeen Mall ------ next Sunday. (A) will begin (B) begin (C) has begun (D) began 165. If you want to get a 10% discount, please -----the questionnaire and send it to us by the end of December. (A) complete (B) completion (C) completely (D) completed 166. All employees are very pleased with the progress the construction crew ------ on the new office. (A) will make (B) made (C) has been made (D) making 167. According to a survey ------ by the Fielding Institute, advertising on the Internet accounted for 10% of total advertising. (A) conducted (B) conductor (C) conducting (D) conducts

168. The Research and Development Department has submitted a proposal which is about a new line of compact appliances designed for customers who ------ in small apartments. (A) residence (B) resident (C) residing (D) reside 169. Ms. Walters ------ to another branch, so your new financial advisor will be Mr. Merenda. (A) transfer (B) transferring (C) has transferred (D) transferable 170. CTC announced on Monday that a European media group is expected to ------ its online music store. (A) buy (B) buying (C) bought (D) has bought 171. ------ by the audience's positive reaction to its music, the Gary Jones Band played well past midnight. (A) Delighted (B) Delightedly (C) Delightful (D) Delight 172. If you ------ additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. (A) to require (B) requiring (C) require (D) requires 173. The two companies are now ------ the price Luco Ltd. will pay Gnose for the property in Quebec. (A) negotiate (B) negotiating (C) negotiation (D) negotiated 174. We will be hiring five part-time employees to ------ staff in the operations department. (A) assist (B) assists (C) assisting (D) assisted 175. When you ------ your loan application, please remember to sign and date the last page. (A) completed (B) had completed (C) are completing (D) were completing

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

176. Before you use the Workstation XQ scheduling software, please take some time to ------yourself on the basic keyboard shortcuts. (A) education (B) educate (C) educating (D) educates

184. The cabinet in the laboratory is designated for ------- instruments, and no other items should be


185. After months of pressure from the media, Aurora Manufacturing has finally ----- that it is responsible for the contamination of Sussex Lake. (A) admitted (B) admit (C) admitting (D) admits

-------- to appear at twelve press events in the next two months. (A) obligated (B) obligating (C) having obligated (D) obligate

178. Tim Clark, the senior technician in the main office, was only able ------ the failing radiator by substituting a part from the backup radiator. (A) repair (B) to repair (C) repairing (D) had repaired 179. For being the worker who ------ most positively, Eliza received a small cash bonus. (A) is evaluating (B) have evaluated (C) was evaluated (D) is being evaluated 180. Hines Gym has distributed promotional flyers focused on ------ residents to get in shape for the summer. (A) persuading (B) persuade (C) persuades (D) to persuade 181. The files relating to the case are highly -------and are only accessible with a security clearance. (A) classify (B) classification (C) classifying (D) classified 182. After ------- interest in the Web site, Arcadian Apparel will follow up on targeting specific consumers with an ad campaign by mail. (A) generating (B) generate (C) generated (D) to generate 183. The waiter ------- the soup for the second course (A) pour (B) will pour (C) was poured (D) poured

(A) to sterilize (B) sterilized (C) sterilize (D) sterilizes

186. The life of Henry Ford ------- extensively in our upcoming documentary about early American industrialists. (A) has featured (B) will be featured (C) had been featured (D) featured 187. Industry insiders ------ the upcoming Catastrophe Pictures movie to gross over 200 million dollars. (A) expecting (B) expects (C) expect (D) to expect 188. The maintenance team had to disassemble and move the shelving unit before the window could ----------. (A) measure (B) being measured (C) measuring (D) be measured 189. The owner of Print Depot personally wrote a letter -------- for the typo that appeared on the (A) had applogized (B) apologizes (C) apologizing (D) will apologize 190. The rental fee for the storage units ------calculated on a weekly basis unless otherwise stated in the agreement. (A) being (B) are (C) will be (D) been

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

191. To ------ to any of advertisements, please mark the reference number clearly in the subject of the e-mail. (A) replies (B) replied (C) replying (D) reply 192. Technicians at Standford Communications ----their schedules to guarantee that assistance can be offered around the clock. (A) alternative (B) alternate (C) alternating (D) to alternate 193. The advertising agency expected that the social media campaign -------- Additional clients to Halliwell Enterprises. (A) will be attracted (B) would attract (C) had been attracted (D) has been attracted 194. This cleaning solution can be used without -----additional chemical treatment such as bleach. (A) applies (B) applying (C) apply (D) application 195. Next Tuesday at noon, the Gibson Institute -----the nominees for this year's Practical Science Awards. (A) announced (B) has announced (C) to announce (D) will be announcing 196. If the government hadn't stepped in to subsidize the banking sector, a massive wave of liquidations --------- eventually. (A) has occurred (B) will occur (C) has been occurring (D) would have occurred 197. The studies revealed that most employees -------by increases in status rather than just financial compensation. (A) are motivated (B) to motivate (C) motivating (D) motivate 198. The composition of the new temporary task forces ------- once everyone has registered. (A) determines (B) will be determined

(C) is determiming (D) have been determined 199. The incredibly low sales figures of the past two quarters -------- stockholders and employees alike. (A) have been disappointed (B) disappointment (C) have disappointed (D) disappointing 200. Our research team -------- a head representative by the time we rehearse our presentation next Monday. (A) selected (B) have selected (C) selects (D) will have selected 201. When Mr.Fritz oversaw the department, all of the team members ------- directly to him. (A) report (B) can report (C) reports (D) would report 202.

- standing tradition of having open borders ------- in the large groups of German immigrants found here. (A) reflects (B) is reflected (C) have reflected (D) is reflecting

203. Crewe Publishing -------- producing its encyclopedia series from next month due to a sharp decrease in revenue. (A) ceasing (B) ceased (C) will cease (D) has been ceased 204. Samples of the new laundry detergent will be sent to individuals on the list ------ by Ms.Bsons. (A) to compile (B) compiling (C) compile (D) compiled 205. It is a necessary procedure ------- your personal information in this security database to ensure safe online banking. (A) to register (B) will register (C) register (D) is registering 206. Our manager, Mr Mullis , is admired for -----his employees to exceed their own limitations.

208 câu VERB FORM

So n b i: Mr Hoàn TOEIC - https://www.facebook.com/mrhoantoeic

(A) motivation (B) motivate (C) motivating (D) motivated 207. At the next meeting , the board of directors -----a new chairperson for the forthcoming fiscal year. (A) elected (B) elects (C) will elect (D) will be elected 208. Once your payment has cleared , you ------- with a membership pass that is valid for twelve months from the purchase date. (A) to issue (B) to be issued (C) have issued (D) will be issued 209. 210.

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

39. The package ---------- shipped from the warehouse


yesterday, so it should arrive no later than tomorrow



Lô 6 Quán Nam


afternoon. (A) is

(B) are

(C) was

(D) were


40. The satisfaction level of the employees ---------


tremendously since the completion of the renovations


on the main office building.


(A) will increase

(B) has increased

(C) increasing

(D) increase



41. By the time the police discovered the location of


individuals they were looking for --------.



(A) are disappearing (B) will have disappeared (C) disappear (D) had disappeared 42. After the applications have been submitted, Fred


and Lisa ------- which individuals they would like to interview.


(A) will choose

(B) was choosing

(C) choose

(D) has chosen

43. By the time Ms. Venarde joined the staff, she ------



in a similar capacity for many years already. (A) has worked



(B) works (C) will work (D) had worked 44. The secretary ------- copy paper and toner every


Monday, so please let her know if she needs to


procure a larger amount this week.


(A) orders

(B) ordered

(C) order

(D) to order

ko The secretary Every Monday

i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

45. When Mr. Marino -------- to London next month,




he will meet with several influential businessmen and politicians.


(A) goes

(B) to go

(C) was going

(D) going

46. After Peter Saks ------- the Sales Department, he

Next month


eliminated the policy that let sales staff use company cars for personal business.


(A) joins

(B) joined

(C) is joining

(D) has been joining

47. The revised version of an unpublished manuscript


------ due


unexpected problems delayed the shipping.





48. When I closed the window, all of the files and



folders on my desktop computer -------- except for the


(A) was

(B) were

(C) is

(D) are


icon. (A) are disappearing

(B) will have disappeared

(C) had disappeared

(D) disappear

49. OFA representatives recently ------- on-line tours



and found those kinds of tours to promote their products the most effective.


(A) conduct

(B) conducted

(C) to conduct

(D) will conduct


50. Mylan is a leading pharmaceutical company in the


field of preventive medicine, for which it --------


multiple awards over the past ten years.

hoàn thành

(A) has received

(B) is receiving

(C) received

(D) would receive

51. Before Mr. Kim joined our company as a sales

WHICH Over the past ten years


analyst, he ------- in the sales sector for several years already.


(A) works

(B) has worked

(C) will work

(D) had worked


Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng (ko

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

52. After all entries have been submitted, a panel of


Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng


independent judges --------- the winning slogan based on originality.


(A) will choose

(B) was choosing

(C) choose

(D) has chosen

53. The Trattoria Restaurant requests that patrons -----



reservations for a table at least two weeks ahead of

Requests that THAT

time. (A) makes

(B) making

(C) made

(D) make

54. The fee must ------ within two days if you do not


wish to forfeit your reservation.


(A) paid

(B) be paid

(C) to pay

(D) have paid

55. It is essential that no unauthorized persons ------



into the building once it has been locked by the

Essential that THAT

security personnel. (A) admitted

(B) to admit

(C) be admitted

(D) admittance

56. The notice on the community bulletin board


requested that the purse ------ to its owner and stated


that a small reward would be given. (A) returns

(B) returning

(C) be returned

(D) to return

57. Once all the proposals have been submitted, we

Requested that

án C


will ------ which company is best suited for the new

WILL + Ván B

construction project. (A) determination

(B) determine

(C) determined

(D) determines

58. The canned chicken soup manufacturer insists that all the cans -------, regardless of losses to the company. (A) to recall

(B) recalling

(C) be recalled

(D) are recalled


Insists that THAT

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

59. A test was given to the applicants to eliminate



DID + V-



those who did not ------- the basic knowledge requirements for the job. (A) meet

(B) meeting

(C) be met

(D) to meet

60. The final report should ------ on the more recent findings rather than on the data collected a few months ago. (A) basing

(B) based

(C) be based

(D) to be

61. Only after one of the employees expressed concern -

DID + V-

did they ------ investigating harassment claims against the supervisor. (A) started

(B) starting

(C) starts

(D) start

62. As there are so many calls for computer system


HAS + V3/V-ed

repairs, the company technician has ------ his supervisor to hire additional workers. (A) ask

(B) asking

(C) asked

(D) to ask

63. Please remember that all application materials

- Sau

should -------- by next Friday.


(A) send

(B) be sending

(C) be sent

(D) sending

64. Money refunds will ------- into your account





65. Though a great deal of money had -------, the


HAD + V3/V-ed

project was a failure.


within 7 days of your claim. (A) deposited (B) to deposit (C) depositing (D) be deposited

(A) invested (B) be invested (C) been invested (D) invest


Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

66. Public buildings throughout the country will soon -


----- a no-smoking policy.


(A) implement

Lô 6 Quán Nam

0969.229.625 WILL + V-

A no-smoking policy )

(B) implementation (C) be implemented (D) implementing 67. It is a great pleasure to inform you that your


company has -------- as our new supplier.


HAS + V3/V-ed

(A) selecting


(B) selected (C) be selected (D) been selected 68. Because of a mechanical problem, the replacement


parts could not ------- by tomorrow.



(A) shipped (B) be shipped (C) be shipping (D) ship 69. A special luncheon will be held in honor of the


sales department, which has ------ monthly sales goals.


(A) reached

HAS + V3/V-ed



(B) been reached (C) reaching (D) reaches -


the banking sector, a massive wave of liquidations ---eventually.

WOULD + HAVE + V-ed/V3

(A) has occured (B) will occur (C) has been occuring (D) would have occured 71. According to a new policy, overnight camping in


all national parks is no longer --------.


(A) permits

(B) permitting

(C) permitted

(D) permission

IS + V-ing/V-ed/V3

i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

72. A replacement for the outgoing advertising

Lô 6 Quán Nam



BEEN + V-ing/V-ed/V3

manager has not yet been -------, but the possibilities have been narrowed down to five applicants. (A) chose

(B) choice

(C) chosen

(D) choose

73. Each year, Gibbins Foods, a local food




manufacturer, -------- five thousand cans of vegetables (A) donates


(B) to donate (C) donating (D) are donated 74. Caley-Hibernia management asks that cameras and -

Asks that

mobile phones ------ at the security desk before the


tour of the facility commences.


(A) left

(B) were left

(C) will be leaving

(D) be left

75. All commuters ------- the main highway to get to



the center of the city will face delays of up to hour today because of on-going construction. (A) use

(B) used

(C) using

(D) will use


the main highway

10. 11. 76. However, no liability can be accepted by




By any passenger

INTERWORLD for any loss or damage ---- by any passenger or inconvenience experienced due to a delay for whatever reason. (A) incur

(B) incurred

(C) incurring

(D) to incur

12. 77. Ace Supplies, a Paris-based firm ---------- in office




supplies, announced its plan to relocate its. (A) is specializing (B) specializes (C) specialize (D) specializing 13.



i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

14. 78. Sales personel ---------- office supplies should get

Lô 6 Quán Nam



i Phòng


permission from their supervisor. (A) purchasing (B) to purchase (C) purchased (D) have purchased



office supplies A

15. 16. 79. Travelers ---------- the local airport in Hopkins are

- Câu


international customers. (A) use (B) using (C) used (D) will use


the local airport B

17. 18. 80. All products in the catalog are available in our



online store -------------- customers to shop from the convenience of their homes. (A) allows (B) will allow (C) allow (D) allowing 19. 81. Adequate storage space is very important to

ALLOWING không làm v



companies ---------- large quantities of materials. (A) produced


large quantities

(B) produces


(C) produce (D) producing 20. 82. Anyone --------- the product through e-mail should



send an appropriate amount of money and keep the receipt. (A) orders


the product

(B) ordering


(C) ordered (D) will order 21. 83. People wearing carnival costumes ------ the streets



of Rio de Janeiro. (A) filled (B) to fill (C) was filling (D) filling



BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

22. 84. The women ------- our organization are either full-


time housewives or college students who want to


Lô 6 Quán Nam


i Phòng


make a difference in our community.


(A) join (B) joining (C) will join (D) will be joining 23. 85. We are sorry to announce that we will not ___ any



credit cards starting since a cash deposit is required. 24. (A) accepts

(B) accepting

25. (C) accept

(D) accepted

86. During the sessions, speakers will discuss the



process of -------- a global sevice by opening doors to economic opportunities.


(A) establish


a global service

(B) establishing


(C) establishes (D) established 87. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me,



and I look forward to ------ from you soon. (A) hear

(B) hears

(C) heard

(D) hearing

88. It is imperative that computer passwords -------


Imperative that

kept confidential.


(A) were


(B) be (C) being (D) had been 89. Orders ------- the weight limit are subject to



additional shipping fees. (A) exceed

(B) exceeded

(C) exceeding

(D) excessive

90. Mr. Thomas and Ms. Vasquez -------- to work


the weight limit



together on the market research project. (A) assigned

(B) assigning

(C) will assign

(D) have been assigned



BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

91. By the time the magazine article on home security

Lô 6 Quán Nam


i Phòng


devices -------- on the newsstands, the pricing information was already outdates.



(A) appears


(B) appeared (C) will appear (D) appearing 92. A quarterly survey ------ by Car Trade magazine




By Car Trade magazine

shows that customers prefer fuel-efficiency over size or price when purchasing a new automobile. (A) performed

(B) performs

(C) had performed

(D) to perform


93. Before ------- the envelope, please be sure you


have enclosed all of the documents listed in your orientation packet. (A) seal

(B) sealing

(C) is sealed

(D) was sealed

94. The technician ------- repairs on the machinery, so


production of the X220 will resume when she has finished.

SO -



(A) making (B) had made



(C) will have been made (D) has been making 95. At the end of next month, executive chef Tracy


Nakagawa --------- the kitchen at the Hokulea Cafe for


Tracy Nakagawa

10 years. (A) has supervised



will have supervised (B) had been supervising (C) is supervising 96. Baggage will not be ------- for check-in more than


three hours before the departure of any Blue Skies Airline flight.


(A) accepted

(B) accepts

(C) accepting

(D) acceptingly

BE + V-ing/V-

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

97. The company-sponsored five-kilometer run will be


held on October 15, and all employees ------ to participate.

Lô 6 Quán Nam


i Phòng



(A) to invite

(B) invite

(C) inviting

(D) are invited

98. By the time Clear Blaze Technology's word


processing program goes on the market, software engineers ------ its remaining flaws.



(A) will have corrected (B) had been correcting


(C) are correcting


(D) will correct 99. Maria Vega's keynote address at next month's


Entrepreneurs Symposium in Singapore ------ by a


short video.


(A) was preceded

(B) will be preceded

(C) would precede

(D) were to precede

100. Seating in the Bogor Stadium completely ------





the field so that all visitors are afforded excellent views of events.


(A) surround

(B) surrounds

(C) surrounded

(D) surrounding

101. Mr. Jung ------ his position as Chief Executive of




Cosmic Gaming Company had the merger with Starzan Enterprises succeeded.


Had the merger succeeded = IF the merger had succeeded

(A) is being relinquished (B) would have relinquished

WOULD + HAVE + V-ed/V3

(C) has been relinquishing


(D) will be relinquished 102. Despite ------ declines in revenue over the past



six months, the Mori & McGee firm intents to hire three new patent lawyers next year. (A) will experience

(B) having experienced

(C) has experienced

(D) have been experiencing


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

103. Inclement weather and a reduced workforce -----


the greatest challenges to the renovation of the Kern



Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng

Inclement weather and a reduced workforece

Science Center. (A) have posed


the greatest challenges

(B) is posing (C) does pose (D) will have been posed 104. ------ by the product demonstration last week, the


BY the product demonstration

operations manager has decided to order several of Handimaid's appliances. (A) Impressed

(B) Impressive

(C) Impressing

(D) Impression

105. The Globe Lighting Supply handbook ------ a list


of important company telephone numbers.


(A) contain

(B) containing


(C) is contained

(D) contains


106. The Watertown South bus station is ------ for


- Sau Tobe




repairs until May 16. (A) close

(B) closes

(C) closed

(D) closings

107. The quality-control process will be revised due to the lager number of product flaws ------ reported. (A) is

(B) are

(C) were

(D) being

108. Visitors are asked to turn off their electronic



devices when ------ the laboratory. (A) enters

là B

(B) entering


the laboratory

(C) enter (D) entered 109. The manufacturer ------ the warranty on its latest


camera models by twelve months.


(A) extend

(B) was extended


(C) extending

(D) has extended


MANUFACTURER the warranty

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

110. Recent research on battery life shows that the


battery in our newest mobile phone ------ better than


those in similar products.


(A) perform

(B) performing

(C) performs

(D) performance

111. The airport shuttle ------ every hour from the


hotel's front entrance.



Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng




(A) depart


(B) was departed (C) are departing


(D) departs

112. Guitarist Carlos Roldan ------ his newest music at


a fund-raising concert in Madrid last month. (A) performed


(B) performs (C) performing



(D) will perform

113. By the time Ms. Valspar retires as president of


Movene Technologies, she ------ to increase the company's market share significantly.



(A) manages (B) will have managed


(C) managed (D) has been managing 114. Candidates for the position must ------ their


applications by the end of the month.


(A) submitted

(B) submitting

(C) submit

(D) be submitted

115. Our chief operating officer was very ------ by the latest sales figures. (A) impress

(B) impressing

(C) impressed

(D) impressive


MUST + Vtheir applications


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

116. The Ashford Chamber of Commerce invites



Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng


visitors ------ the restaurants, and theaters on the city's


waterfront. (A) patronize


(B) patronized (C) to patronize


Invite Sb TO DO Sth

(D) be patronizing 117. You will find the manual very helpful ------ any



problems you encounter when you first use the software. (A) must solve

(B) be solved

(C) will solve

(D) in solving


118. Rebuilt Ltd. Pledges that all appliances will be


properly ------ the first time.


the main highway

BE + V-ing/V-ed/V3

(A) repair (B) repairs


(C) repaired


(D) repairing 119. To ensure prompt return of your laundry, ------



your hotel room number on the tag provided. (A) wrote (B) written


-chia 12 thì)

(C) write (D) writing


120. The Silvau Division is now ------ a full line of


steel products at a new modern facility just outside the


BE + V-ing/V-ed/V3

city. (A) manufacturer

(B) being manufactured

(C) manufactured

(D) manufacturing

121. Ms. Waston looks forward to ------ possible investment options at the November meeting. (A) explore

(B) exploring

(C) exploratory

(D) exploration



BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

122. For the last fifteen years, Matlock, Inc., has


Lô 6 Quán Nam


i Phòng

HAS + V-ed/V3

consistently ------ among the nation's ten leading toy manufacturers. (A) rank

(B) ranked

(C) ranking

(D) ranks

123. The engineers had only begun analyzing the



problem when a new discovery ------ their working model obsolete.

A new discovery

-chia 12 thì) = -

(A) rendering (B) rendered


(C) renders


HAD án B

(D) will render 124. For a full refund, please ------ the product in its



original packaging. (A) returns

(B) returned

(C) return

(D) returning

125. According to the Harton Fashion Chronicle,


many designers ------ green and brown fabrics for their autumn collections this year.

-chia 12 thì) => Lo -

(A) to use (B) are using


green and brown fabrics

(C) had been used


(D) are used 126. The use of flash photograph is ---- in this building.


IS + V-ing/V-ed/V3

(A) prohibited (B) to have prohibited


(C) been prohibiting (D) to prohibit 127. Keyomon restaurant can be ------ in a wide


variety of locations, from urban centers to coastal towns. (A) finding (B) found (C) having found (D) find

BE + V-ing/V-ed/V3 ,B


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

128. Cancellations must be made in accordance with

Lô 6 Quán Nam



i Phòng

IS + V-ing/V-ed/V3

the police that is ------ on the Skovronski Hotel's Web site.


(A) outline

(B) outlining

(C) outlines

(D) outlined

129. To receive discounts at Hillson's Department



-chia 12 thì)

Store, ------ your Hillson's Awards card to the cashier. (A) present

(B) presenting

(C) presented

(D) presents

130. Today Tenopy Tech announced its plans ------





with Shaffly Energy Systems to manufacture solar panels in Quito and Caracas.

là A

(A) to partner

(B) be partnering

(C) is partnered

(D) will partner

131. ------ the range of articles in our publication has


A -

undoubtedly helped attract new readers. (A) Diversity

(B) Diversifying

(C) Diversify

(D) Diversification

132. This week only, spend $200 and your order ------




for free overnight shipping.


(A) qualification


(B) qualifies (C) qualify


green and brown fabrics

(D) qualifying 133. Employees ------ in joining the company's sports



teams should contact Meredith Lo by May 1. (A) interesting


(B) interests


(C) interest



(D) interested 134. If orders ----- at the current pace all summer,


Turramurra Luggage Company will meet its sales goal


one month early. (A) receive

(B) are received

(C) will receive

(D) will be receiving


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

135. Sylvia Cho ------ her training at Frio Country

Lô 6 Quán Nam


- Liên


i Phòng


Animal Hospital last week and will begin working as a

-chia 12 thì)

veterinary technician. (A) will conclude


(B) to conclude (C) concludes


(D) concluded 136. If the cost of raw materials rises, it ------ the price



of the finished product.


(A) will affect


(B) to affect (C) is affecting


(D) affected 137. Checks or money orders in support of the Theater


for All project ------ payable to Alio Actors Organization.


(A) to make (B) are making



(C) should be made


(D) will have made 138. The menu at Mirnara Café changes weekly ------



on the availability of seasonal ingredients.


(A) depend


(B) depends


(C) depended


(D) depending 139. Anisk Pharmaceuticals makes every effort ------



the confidentiality of all participants in the clinical study.


(A) to maintain

(B) maintains

(C) will maintain

(D) is maintaining

140. During the busy tourist season, you should -----hotel reservations several weeks ahead of time. (A) make

(B) makes

(C) making

(D) made

chia 12 thì)




BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC


141. Everyone at the concert was ----- by Ms.Vinenzi's


outstanding performance.


(A) impressive

(B) impressionist

(C) impressed

(D) impressing

142. Unless she is in a meeting and canot be


interrupted, the director would like to ----- when an


Lô 6 Quán Nam


important client arrives. (A) notifying

(B) have notified

(C) notify

(D) be notified

143. The Franklin Health Clinic is ------ to offer


extended weekend hours to accommodate the needs of


IS + V-ing/V-ed/V3

all patients. (A) please

(B) pleasure

(C) pleased

(D) pleasing

144. Mrs. Tanaka not only ------ report but also


produced the graphs. (A) writing


(B) wrote


(C) written (D) to write 145. After ------ their travel reservations online, airline



passengers should arrive at the airport at least an hour before departure. (A) confirmation

(B) confirmed

(C) confirming

(D) have confirmed

146. The Hong Kong office of Huang Associates will



be closed temporarily while renovations -------. (A) will be completed


(B) are completed (C) being completed



(D) completing 147. Professional Photographic Arts Studio requests


Requests that

that applicants ------ a porfolio of black-and-white




(A) to submit

(B) submitted

(C) submit

(D) would submit

i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

148. By recyling the wood shavings ------ by its paper-


Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng


BY its paper-making process



making process, Paperwide saves thousands of dollars each year. (A) generate (B) generates (C) have generated (D) generated 149. ------ the completion of 90 days of employment, workers are entitled to receive bonuses. (A) Follow (B) Follows


the completion

(C) Followed (D) Following 150. MKT Advertising, ------ for creating



advertisements, often produces commercials that make a strong impression on viewers. (A) know



(B) known


(C) knowing (D) is known 151. All patients are advised to ------ a reservation




MAY + V-

before they come. (A) make (B) makes (C) made (D) making 152. The recent study says that Newton, a popular cold medicine, may ------ sleep. (A) include

(B) included

(C) including

(D) will include

153. Biofishery, Inc. plans to develop a natural ------



system that uses algae to detect changes in toxin levels found in lakes.

C -

(A) was monitored

(B) monitors

(C) to monitor

(D) monitoring

To develop án D


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

154. The largest tour company in Florida has decided

Lô 6 Quán Nam




i Phòng


to reduce fees on some packages as a way of --------



Attraction vì


A WAY không

(A) attracts (B) attraction



(C) attractive

-chia 12 thì) =

(D) attracting 155. The company encourages all employees who lack




experience with the Empire computer software to ----a training workshop.


(A) attend

(B) attendance

(C) be attended

(D) attending

156. As an electric supply wholesaler, we have to keep -


track of how each vendor defines its scheduled shipping dates and ------- delivery dates. (A) expected

(B) expecting


(C) expectation

(D) expect

Ngày giao hàng

157. Frank is widely considered the most likely person


------ Mr. Reed as the director of the Research and Development Department.



(A) successive (B) successor


Mr. Reed

(C) succeeded


(D) to succeed 158. The Marketing Department ------ several new



campaigns designed to increase sales last year. (A) implementation


(B) implements


(C) implemented (D) implementing 159. To help employees of McFaul Manufacturing ------ productive, managers encourage them to take short breaks throughout the day. (A) remain

(B) remained

(C) was remaining

(D) have remained


HELP Sb DO Sth = g -

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

160. The decrease in retail sales last month indicates


that ------ is falling at a faster rate than expected.


(A) spenders

(B) spent

(C) spend

(D) spending

161. The annual ASEAN meeting will be ------ in Hau

- Sau

Hin, 150km from Bangkok, from February 28 to



Lô 6 Quán Nam

i Phòng



March 1. (A) holds (B) holding (C) hold (D) held 162. Ms. Dorsey encouraged her employees ------ the



quality control seminar tomorrow. (A) attend

(B) will attend

(C) was attending

(D) to attend

163. We ------ by Mr. Wei that our overall goal is to

12 thì) -


improve the management program. (A) were informed



-chia 12 thì) - Sau c

BY Mr. Wei

(B) informed (C) have informed (D) are informing 164. The special sale on clothing at the Aberdeen Mall


------ next Sunday.



(A) will begin

(B) begin


(C) has begun

(D) began


165. If you want to get a 10% discount, please ------




the questionnaire and send it to us by the end of December. (A) complete

(B) completion

(C) completely

(D) completed

166. All employees are very pleased with the progress



the construction crew ------ on the new office. (A) will make

(B) made

(C) has been made

(D) making

A,C -


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

167. According to a survey ------ by the Fielding



Lô 6 Quán Nam

BY the Fielding Institute

Institute, advertising on the Internet accounted for 10% of total advertising. (A) conducted

(B) conductor

(C) conducting


168. The Research and Development Department has


submitted a proposal which is about a new line of


compact appliances designed for customers who -----in small apartments. (A) residence

(B) resident

(C) residing

(D) reside

169. Ms. Walters ------ to another branch, so your new



financial advisor will be Mr. Merenda. (A) transfer


Ms. Walters

(B) transferring (C) has transferred (D) transferable 170. CTC announced on Monday that a European



media group is expected to ------ its online music store. (A) buy

(B) buying

(C) bought

(D) has bought

171. ------ by the audience's positive reaction to its


music, the Gary Jones Band played well past midnight. (A) Delighted

(B) Delightedly

(C) Delightful

(D) Delight

172. If you ------ additional assistance, please do not


hesitate to contact us.

IF -

(A) to require

(B) requiring

(C) require

(D) requires

- Xét

173. The two companies are now ------ the price Luco

- Sau To

Ltd. will pay Gnose for the property in Quebec.


(A) negotiate

(B) negotiating

(C) negotiation

(D) negotiated


ARE + V-ing/V-ed/V3


i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

174. We will be hiring five part-time employees to ----


Lô 6 Quán Nam


i Phòng



staff in the operations department. (A) assist

(B) assists

(C) assisting

(D) assisted

175. When you ------ your loan application, please



remember to sign and date the last page. (A) completed


-chia 12 thì) -

(B) had completed


(C) are completing



(D) were completing


176. Before you use the Workstation XQ scheduling




software, please take some time to ------- yourself on the basic keyboard shortcuts. (A) education

(B) educate

(C) educating

(D) educates


-------- to appear at

twelve press events in the next two months.


IS + V-ing/V-ed/V3


(A) obligated (B) obligating (C) having obligated (D) obligate 178. Tim Clark, the senior technician in the main


office, was only able ------ the failing radiator by substituting a part from the backup radiator. (A) repair

(B) to repair

(C) repairing

(D) had repaired

179. For being the worker who ------ most positively,


Eliza received a small cash bonus.



The worker

(A) is evaluating (B) have evaluated


(C) was evaluated (D) is being evaluated



BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

180. Hines Gym has distributed promotional flyers

Lô 6 Quán Nam



i Phòng


focused on ------ residents to get in shape for the summer.


(A) persuading

(B) persuade

(C) persuades

(D) to persuade


181. The files relating to the case are highly --------


and are only accessible with a security clearance.


(A) classify

(B) classification

(C) classifying

(D) classified

182. After ------- interest in the Web site, Arcadian

D ON + V-ing


ARE + V-ing/V-ed/V3




Apparel will follow up on targeting specific consumers with an ad campaign by mail. (A) generating

(B) generate

(C) generated

(D) to generate

183. The waiter ------- the soup for the second course


(A) pour


(B) will pour


The waiter the soup

(C) was poured (D) poured


184. The cabinet in the laboratory is designated for





------- instruments, and no other items should be ED) (A) to sterilize

(B) sterilized

(C) sterilize

(D) sterilizes

185. After months of pressure from the media, Aurora Manufacturing has finally ----- that it is responsible for the contamination of Sussex Lake. (A) admitted

(B) admit

(C) admitting

(D) admits

- Sau


BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

186. The life of Henry Ford ------- extensively in our

Lô 6 Quán Nam



upcoming documentary about early American industrialists.


(A) has featured (B) will be featured


(C) had been featured


(D) featured 187. Industry insiders ------ the upcoming Catastrophe


Pictures movie to gross over 200 million dollars. (A) expecting



(B) expects (C) expect (D) to expect 188. The maintenance team had to disassemble and


move the shelving unit before the window could ------.



(A) measure (B) being measured (C) measuring (D) be measured 189. The owner of Print Depot personally wrote a



letter -------- for the typo that appeared on the law

(A) had applogized (B) apologizes (C) apologizing (D) will apologize 190. The rental fee for the storage units -------


calculated on a weekly basis unless otherwise stated in the agreement.


(A) being

(B) are

(C) will be

(D) been

191. To ------ to any of advertisements, please mark the reference number clearly in the subject of the email. (A) replies

(B) replied

(C) replying

(D) reply




i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

192. Technicians at Standford Communications -----


their schedules to guarantee that assistance can be

Lô 6 Quán Nam

0969.229.625 THAT -

offered around the clock. (A) alternative

(B) alternate

(C) alternating

(D) to alternate

193. The advertising agency expected that the social


media campaign -------- additional clients to Halliwell


Enterprises. (A) will be attracted

additional clients

(B) would attract (C) had been attracted (D) has been attracted 194. This cleaning solution can be used without ------



additional chemical treatment such as bleach. (A) applies

(B) applying

(C) apply

(D) application

195. Next Tuesday at noon, the Gibson Institute ------



the nominees for this year's Practical Science Awards. (A) announced


(B) has announced (C) to announce


(D) will be announcing


196. If the government hadn't stepped in to subsidize


Xét c

the banking sector, a massive wave of liquidations ---eventually.

WOULD + HAVE + V-ed/V3

(A) has occurred

(B) will occur

(C) has been occurring

(D) would have occurred

197. The studies revealed that most employees -------by increases in status rather than just financial compensation. (A) are motivated

(B) to motivate

(C) motivating

(D) motivate


BY increases

i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC

198. The composition of the new temporary task


forces ------- once everyone has registered. (A) determines

Lô 6 Quán Nam


The composition -

(B) will be determined (C) is determiming



(D) have been determined


199. The incredibly low sales figures of the past two


quarters -------- stockholders and employees alike. (A) have been disappointed



(B) disappointment (C) have disappointed (D) disappointing 200. Our research team -------- a head representative


by the time we rehearse our presentation next Monday.

i gian luôn. -


(A) selected (B) have selected (C) selects (D) will have selected 201. When Mr.Fritz oversaw the department, all of the


team members ------- directly to him. (A) report

the team members -

(B) can report


(C) reports


(D) would report 202.

- standing tradition of having


open borders ------- in the large groups of German immigrants found here.

tradition -

(A) reflects

(B) is reflected

(C) have reflected

(D) is reflecting

203. Crewe Publishing -------- producing its


encyclopedia series from next month due to a sharp decrease in revenue.


(A) ceasing

(B) ceased

(C) will cease

(D) has been ceased


i Phòng

BT Verb Form

Mr. Hoàn TOEIC


204. Samples of the new laundry detergent will be sent -

Lô 6 Quán Nam

BY Ms. Bsons

to individuals on the list ------ by Ms. Bsons. (A) to compile (B) compiling (C) compile (D) compiled 205. It is a necessary procedure ------- your personal



information in this security database to ensure safe online banking.


(A) to register (B) will register (C) register (D) is registering 206. Our manager, Mr Mullis , is admired for ------ his


employees to exceed their own limitations.



(A) motivation (B) motivate

là C

(C) motivating


D his employees

(D) motivated 207. At the next meeting , the board of directors ------


a new chairperson for the forthcoming fiscal year.


a new chairperson

(A) elected (B) elects



(C) will elect (D) will be elected 208. Once your payment has cleared , you ------- with


a membership pass that is valid for twelve months from the purchase date. (A) to issue (B) to be issued (C) have issued (D) will be issued



i Phòng