Debating Challenge Book 1 Word List - 151207 - ÷ Ñ [PDF]

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Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 1: Read a Book or Watch a Movie? No.



1 2 3

enjoy storyteller

4 5


v. to find pleasure in something v. someone who tells stories v. to accept what is said by someone as true n. knowledge gained given; facts n. a person portrayed in a work of art, such as novel, play, or movie n. a situation or background which action takes place v. to make better of high quality n. the words used in speaking or writing a particular language n. the accepted rules by which words are formed and combined into sentences n. the power, skill or knowledge to do something n. a justification or motive for an action, belief, etc. n. a motion picture; movie v. to rest n. the creative ability of the mind adj. having or showing highly developed mental ability n. a small dry cell designed to power an electric device n. an artistic technique that produces a specific impression adj. astonishing; wonderful n. the process by which a computer produces and displays information as picture and charts, etc. adv. in addition to what has already been said

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


character setting improve vocabulary grammar ability reason film relax imagination intelligent battery effect amazing graphics



Translation in Korean 즐기다 이야기 작가 믿다, 신뢰하다 정보, 자료 등장 인물 배경, 환경 개선하다 단어, 어휘 문법 능력, 실력 이유 영화 편히 쉬다 상상(력) 총명한 전지, 배터리 효과 놀랄 만한 그래픽스, 그래픽 아트, 게다가, 더욱이

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 2: Eating Insects Instead of Animals No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Word insect bug ugly cause occur contain protein vitamin fat citizen element careful dirty farm taste vegetable silly delicious moment meat


n. any small animals with three main divisions, and usually two pairs of wings n. an insect living in dirty houses adv. unpleasant to look at v. to make happen v. to happen or take place v. to hold or be able to hold n. a compound that contains nitrogen n. a compound that are needed in small amounts for normal growth n. any of a large number of oily white or yellow compounds n. an inhabitant of a city or town n. a part of anything adj. giving or showing care and attention adj. marked with dirt; soiled v. to grow crops or raise livestock v. to have a distinct flavor n. a plant other than fruits and seeds, that is used for food adj. not sensible; foolish adj. with a very pleasing taste or smell n. a particular point in time n. the flesh of any animal used as food

Translation in Korean 벌레, 곤충 벌레 추한 일으키다 일어나다, 생기다 들어있다, 포함하다 단백질 비타민 지방 시민 요소, 성분 주의 깊은 더러운 사육[재배]하다 맛이 나다 채소 바보 같은 맛 좋은 순간, 시기 고기

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 3: Public Holidays in South Korea No.



1 2 3

public holiday

adj. relating to the people or community n. a day when one does not have to work n. the period from Friday evening to Sunday night adj. more than is usual, necessary v. to permit someone to do something v. to stop work, or activity v. to keep a fact in one’s mind n. something that occurs or happens v. to conflict with each other v. to intend something v. to fail to keep or obtain something v. to spend or use something foolishly v. to use or devote time, energy, etc. v. to have something as a price v. to observe a special occasion with festive activity n. an outcome or consequence of something n. the state of being active or busy phr. to be concerned or interested v. to injure or cause physical pain to someone adj. full of energy

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


weekend extra allow rest remember event disagree mean lose waste spend cost celebrate result

17 18 19

activity care about




Translation in Korean 공공의 공휴일 주말 여분의 허용[허락]하다 쉬다, 휴식하다 기억하다 행사, 일 의견이 다르다 뜻하다, 의미하다 잃다, 분실하다 낭비하다 쓰다, 바치다 돈이 들다 축하[기념]하다 결과 활동 신경 쓰다 다치게 하다 활동적인

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 4: Four Seasons or One Season? No.


1 2


3 4 5 6 7

activity nature change blossom



8 9


10 11 12

warm area

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


clothes condition comfortable boring cheap cost experience guess weather


n. a nation or state n. any of the four major periods; spring, summer, autumn, winter n. the state of being active or busy n. the physical world not made by man v. to make or become different v. to come into flower n. the degree of hotness or coldness of an object adj. rather old v. to change in position from one place to another adj. moderately hot n. a region or part n. articles of dress for covering the body for warmth n. a particular state of existence adj. in a state of wellbeing adj. not interesting; dull adj. low in price; inexpensive v. to have something as a price v. to participate in something personally v. to assume something n. the condition of the atmosphere at a time or place

Translation in Korean 나라, 국가 철, 계절 활동, 행동 자연 바뀌다 꽃이 피다 기온, 온도 나이가 지긋한 움직이다, 이동하다 따뜻한 지역, 지방 옷, 의류 형편, 상태 편안[쾌적]한 따분한, 지루한 싼, 염가의 비용이 들다 경험[체험]하다 추측[가정]하다 날씨, 기상

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 5: Do We Still Need Libraries? No.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

library information borrow useful find out favorite subject

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

amount travel miss disagree public concentrate on snack librarian correct

n. a room where books are kept for study n. knowledge gained or given v. to take something from another adj. serving a helpful purpose phr. to get information adj. liked the most among the others n. a matter, topic that is under discussion v. to put something back in its previous position n. a total or extent; a quality v. to go from place to place; journey v. to notice the loss of something v. to have a different opinion adj. relating to all the people phr. to give full attention to something n. a light meal often taken quickly n. someone who works in a library adj. free from error v. to transfer from one computer to another v. to go or come to see a person or place socially n. a booklet of comic strips, usually telling only one or two stories

19 20  


download visit comic book

Translation in Korean 도서관 정보 빌리다 유용한 알아내다 제일 좋아하는 주제, 논제 교체[대체]하다 액수, 양 여행하다 잃다 의견이 다르다 대중[공공]의 ~에 집중하다 스낵, 간단한 식사 사서 올바른 다운로드하다, 내리다 찾아가다, 방문하다 만화책

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 6: House or Apartment? No. 1 2 3 4

Word prefer much space floor

5 6 7

basement privacy

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

relax neighbor noise elevator convenient security guard close

16 17 18 19 20

decorate owner electricity fix haircut




v. to like someone or something better than another adv. to a large extent n. the familiar three-dimensional region of everyday experience n. all the rooms on the same level in a building; the story of a building n. the lowest floor or a building n. the condition of being left alone n. a piece of land used for growing flowers, vegetables, or fruit v. to become less tight or tense n. someone who lives near you n. a sound that is loud, unpleasant n. a person or thing that elevates adj. not causing trouble or difficulty n. a guard who keeps watch adj. near in space n. people who are under 19 years old but over 13 years old v. to beautify something with ornaments n. someone who owns something n. an electric charge or current v. to mend or repair something n. the cutting of someone’s hair

Translation in Korean 더 좋아하다 훨씬 공간 층 지하층, 지하실 사생활 뜰, 정원 편히 쉬다 이웃사람 소음 승강기, 엘리베이터 편안한 경비원, 경호원 가까이 있는 십대 청소년 꾸미다, 장식하다 임자, 소유자 전기 고치다, 수리하다 이발

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 7: What Should We Learn in School? No.


1 2 3

subject score

4 5 6 7

perfect useful waste




practical skill

9 10 11 12

tool healthy past

13 14




15 16 17 18

trouble fix useless

19 20





n. a course or an area of study v. to gain in a game or contest n. anything used as the basis of an examination or trial adj. complete in all essential elements adj. able to be put to various purposes n. the act of wasting adj. concerned with action rather than theory n. ability that results from training or experience n. something used to accomplish a task adj. having or showing good health n. the time before the present n. the physical world and processes that affect events in it v. to function in a particular way n. a thing that is typical of a whole class or group n. a source of worry or concern, anger v. to mend or repair something adj. serving no practical purpose v. to find an answer or solution to a problem adj. based on science n. a trial carried out in order to test a theory

Translation in Korean 과목 득점하다 시험, 테스트 완벽한 쓸모 있는 낭비 실질[실용]적인 기술, 능력 도구, 수단 건강한 과거 자연 작동하다 예, 보기 말썽, 소란 고치다 쓸모 없는 풀다, 해결하다 과학적인 실험

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 8: Choosing Where to Go on Vacation No.



1 2 3

vacation excited

n. time spent away from work or school adj. thrilled n. the sandy or stony shore of a sea or lake v. to make the final result of something certain adj. unhappy because something that you hoped did not happen v. to take or select from a larger number n. the place to which someone is going or being sent v. to bring someone or something from the past to mind n. a journey from one place to another v. to say that one is suffering from a pain, disease, etc. n. a person between the ages of 13 and 19 adv. nevertheless v. to dislike intensely v. to admit or agree to a point n. a parent of one’s mother or father v. to fail to fulfill the hopes of someone adj. not correct; mistaken v. to take place or occur n. the cost of getting something adj. costing a great deal

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

beach decide disappointed choose destination remember trip complain teenager still hate allow grandparent disappoint wrong happen price expensive

Translation in Korean 휴가 흥분한 물가, 바닷가 결정하다 실망한 고르다, 선택하다 목적지 외우다, 기억하다 여행 푸념[불평]하다 십대 그럼에도 불구하고 아주 싫어하다 허락하다 조부모 실망시키다 잘못된 생기다 값, 가격 값비싼

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 9: Cars that Drive Themselves No.



1 2 3 4 5 6

drive billion driverless dangerous traffic

v. to control the movement of a vehicle n. a thousand million adj. not driven without a driver adj. likely or able to cause harm adj. the movement of vehicles, passengers n. an unexpected event which causes damage or harm n. an error resulting from a lack of judgment adj. exhausted; weary n. something that people do for pleasure, interest, exercise, etc. n. people who transact business n. the state of being mistaken adj. with no faults, flaws v. to bring about something v. to make less tense v. to feel uneasy or concerned about something v. to operate, regulate a machine v. to fail to keep something adj. having a physical or mental handicap

7 8 9

accident mistake tired activity

10 11 12 13 14 15

businesspeople error perfect cause relax

16 17 18

control lose

19 20


disabled traditional technology

adj. of or relating to tradition n. the practical use of scientific knowledge in industry and everyday life

Translation in Korean 운전하다 10 억 운전자가 없는 위험한 교통 사고 실수 피곤한 활동 회사원, 실업가 잘못, 실수 완전한 원인이 되다 편히 쉬다 걱정하다 조종하다 잃다 불구가 된, 장애인용의 전통적인, 재래의 과학[공업] 기술

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 10: Children Doing Chores No.


1 2


3 4 5

housework dirty adult laundry

6 7 8 9 10 11

practice practical exercise spend allow

12 13 14

dangerous cleaning

15 16





schoolwork teamwork

18 19






n. a boring or unenjoyable task n. the work involved in keeping a house clean and tidy adj. marked with dirt n. a fully grown person n. clothes that have just been or will be washed v. to make a habit of something adj. effective in actual use n. an activity intended to develop a skill v. to use or devote time v. to permit oneself to do something n. a mark showing the quality of a student’s work adj. involving danger; hazardous n. the act of making something clean n. a substance obtained by or used in a chemical process v. to harm or spoil something n. lessons done at school or to be done at home n. co-operation between those who are working together on a task adj. diligent; industrious n. a force that tends to strain physically or emotionally adv. in or into a building

Translation in Korean 허드렛일 집안일, 가사 더러운 어른, 성인 세탁물 익히다, 연습하다 실용적인 연습 시간을 들이다 ~하게 하다 점수, 평가 위험한 청소 화학 제품 피해를 주다 학업 팀워크, 협력 부지런히 일하는 스트레스, 긴장 옥외에(서)

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 11: Students Should Have Part-Time Jobs No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Word part-time subject country teenager skill store look after treat customer work responsible

12 13 14 15

behavior lower successful

16 17


18 19 20

protect including focus




adj. done during only part of the full working day n. a course or an area of study n. a nation or sate n. a person between the ages of 13 and 19 n. a talent developed through training n. a place where goods are sold phr. to take care of something v. to regard or handle something in a certain way n. someone who purchases goods from a shop n. one’s place of employment adj. having charge or control over something n. the way of behaving or conducting adj. situated below a similar thing adj. with a favorable outcome n. a person’s general mental or physical condition v. to gain money by working n. a statement that tells what is true in most or all cases v. to keep something from harm prep. in or a part of a group or set v. to concentrate attention or energy

Translation in Korean 시간제의 과목 나라 10 대 기술, 능력 가게, 상점 돌보다, 관리하다 다루다, 취급하다 고객, 손님 일터, 직장 책임이 있는 행동, 행위 아래의 성공적인 건강 벌다, 얻다 규칙, 규정 지키다, 보호하다 ~을 포함하여 집중하다

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 12: Money Is the Best Gift No. 1

Word gift

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

celebrate event sure solve save worry

9 10


11 12


surprise result turn off

13 14

instead of

15 16 17

terrible cause

18 19 20

prefer quickly



junk food


n. something nice that you give to someone v. to mark an occasion with festivities n. something that occurs or happens adj. undoubtedly true or accurate v. to discover the answer to a problem v. to prevent something for future use v. to be anxious v. to be given or accept something offered n. hard mental or physical work v. to amaze someone by unexpected event n. an outcome or consequence of something phr. to stop the operation, activity, or flow of something phr. in place of something or someone n. coins or paper money as distinct from credit cards, etc. adj. very bad v. to make happen n. the condition that can result from being under pressure v. to like something or someone better adv. with speed; very soon n. food that is high in calories but low in nutritional value

Translation in Korean 선물 축하하다 행사 확신하는 풀다, 해결하다 저축하다, 아끼다 걱정[근심]하다 받다, 수령하다 노력, 수고 깜짝 놀라게 하다 결과, 결말 ~을 끄다 한 끼니의 식사 현금 끔찍한 생기게 하다 스트레스, 긴장 더 좋아하다 곧, 재빨리 정크 푸드, 즉석 식품

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 13: Teacher or No Teacher? No.



1 2


3 4


n. the fact of knowing; awareness v. to become informed or to hear of something n. a course or an area of study v. to put something back in its previous position adj. free from error n. something said or done in response to a question, request, etc. adj. most recent n. a worldwide network that connects other networks or computers v. to bring into focus adj. especial; exceptional n. the important or essential part or idea v. to make something known; share v. to make something clear or easy to understand v. to make sure of something adj. proved or known beyond doubt v. to behave badly adj. low in price n. the condition of being important v. to give support or hope to someone adj. with good manners; courteous

5 6 7 8


replace correct answer latest Internet

9 10 11 12 13

focus particular point communicate

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

check certain misbehave cheap importance encourage polite


Translation in Korean 지식, 학식 배우다, 익히다 과목 대신하다 올바른 대답, 회답 최근[최신]의 인터넷 집중하다 특별한, 특정의 요점, 주안점 전달하다, 알리다 설명하다 조사[검사]하다 확신하는 버릇없이 굴다 싸구려의 중요[중대]성 격려하다, 권하다 공손한, 정중한

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 14: Using Public Transportation No.






3 4

choice drive








traffic jam

9 10

travel destination




pick up







16 17

passenger fuel







Translation in Korean


adj. of, for, or pertaining to all members of a community n. any type of vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in n. an act of choosing or selecting v. to operate a vehicle n. the sum of everything that surrounds animals and humans in the natural world v. to bear or support while moving; transport n. contaminating material that pollutes n. a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward because of too much traffic v. to journey from place to place n. the planned end of a journey adj. suitable and easily turned to one’s needs, purposes, or comfort Phr. pick up somebody if a bus, etc. picks up somebody, it stops and allows them to get on adj. too full v. to release air noisily and spasmodically from the lungs v. to convey or move from one place or person to another n. a person who is transported in vehicles n. a source of energy v. to exercise the power to regulate, dominate, or manipulate v. to disturb or interrupt n. suitcases or bags to carry belongings during travel

대중의 교통 수단 선택 운전하다 환경 나르다, 운반하다 오염, 공해 교통 체증 여행하다 목적지, 행선지 편리한, 손쉬운 (사람 등을) 태우다 붐비는, 혼잡한 기침하다 이동하다 승객 연료 제어하다, 관리하다 방해하다 짐

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 15: I Want to Be Famous! No.



1 2 3

amazing fantastic

4 5


6 7 8 9

disadvantage privacy photographer

adj. astonishing, wonderful adj. based on fantasy, excellent n. a man or woman who performs in plays or films adj. having great power n. the last or one of the last in a series of contest n. an unfavorable situation n. freedom from interference n. someone who takes photographs adj. making someone feel angry or impatient adj. fearful of losing affection or position to another adj. causing horror; dread or fear n. information passed from person to person which has not been proven n. something known only to oneself or to a few n. a signature, usually of a famous person n. the skill or practice of controlling or planning something n. a situation in which someone is liked by many people v. to continue; go on n. something produced through manufacture or agriculture n. a separate object or unit, especially one on a list adj. sad at being alone

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



annoying jealous horrible rumor secret autograph management popularity last product item lonely

Translation in Korean 놀라운, 경탄할 환상적인 배우, 연기자 강력[유력]한 결승전 불리, 불이익 사생활 사진가 짜증나게 하는, 귀찮은 시기하는, 질투가 심한 무서운, 끔찍한 소문, 풍문 비밀, 기밀 자필 서명 관리, 경영 인기 계속되다 제품, 생산물 품목, 종목 고독한, 외로운

Debating Challenge Book 1

Unit 16: Spend or Save? No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Word spend save parent pocket learn waste

7 8


9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


bank result quite need cost silly adult bored magazine delicious university


v. to pay out money on busying something new v. to keep something for future use n. a father or mother n. a small pouch, open at the top, sewn into clothing v. to be informed or to hear of something v. to spend or use something foolishly or needlessly adj. serving no particular purpose n. an experience or example from which one can learn n. the time to come n. a place or a business organization in which money is kept n. the consequence of a particular action; an outcome adv. to a high degree v. to be required to do something v. to have something as a price adj. not sensible; foolish n. a fully grown person adj. feeling tired and uninterested n. a book that is published every week, month, or season adj. with a very pleasing taste or smell n. an institution of higher learning that includes one or more colleges and a graduate school and professional schools

Translation in Korean 쓰다, 지출하다 저축하다 부모 호주머니, 포켓 배우다, 익히다 낭비[허비]하다 쓸모 없는 교훈 미래 은행 결과, 결말 몹시, 꽤 필요하다 비용이 들다 바보 같은 어른, 성인 지루한 잡지 맛있는, 맛좋은 종합 대학교