Copy Trading Secrets Guide [PDF]

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COPY TRADING SECRETS How to Automatically Copy the Winning Strategies of Professional Traders




Introduction: The Copy Trading Secret There is a revolution at hand. Most people don’t realize it, but technology is once again changing the game. If you wanted the services of a professional trader not too long ago, you would need to invest in a hedge fund or a managed account. That is, if you could stomach the significant fees and huge minimum deposits. Lately, there’s a much easier way. By using a copy trading service, you can follow the winning strategies of professional traders, with returns such as +151%, +295%, +385%** and more. The fees are reasonable, and the investment is only ever what you want it to be. It’s about access. Access to knowledge, access to expertise, and access to results. Copy trading is democratizing what used to be exclusive to the very wealthy. In the past, it was not worth it for a top trader to manage small sums, with all the effort that goes into setting up the account, compliance and ongoing management. Technology – copy trading to be exact – is bridging that gap magnificently. A few Innovative companies are at the forefront, making the strategies of institutional and ex-bank traders available for you to follow though their copy trading platform. But that is not the copy trading secret. The secret is this: Brokers are clambering over each other to get a chunk of this business. So much so that if you conduct your business through them, they will foot most (if not all) of the fees that you would ordinarily pay to the trader. That’s right. You pay only a small fee for this service, and the broker will pay the rest. What’s more, things can only get better. As more in the industry start waking up to the potential copy trading offers, competition for your business will increase, and the deals will get even more appealing. In this guide, we will cover the ins and outs of a successful copy trading strategy, while teaching you how to manage your risks, so you can make the most out of this significant opportunity. Read on…

*The typical fee for a hedge fund is 2% of assets under management, and 20% of profits, though this does vary depending on the fund. In addition, most successful strategies have significant deposit minimums of $250,000 or greater. **Based on live performance results as at 15/04/2015. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.



How Copy Trading Works Copy trading is, in essence, actually quite simple. To begin copying the trades of another trader, you simply establish your Forex trading account with a supporting broker. Once the account is established and ready to go, the trades that are placed in the master account are simultaneously placed into your account.

Of course, your account will have a different amount of capital to the master account, so these trades are scaled by percentage to your account size. This means that the returns on the master account will be mirrored (as accurately as possible) in your account, based on your account equity. In some cases you will may also need to provide an authority/letter of direction for the trader to execute trades on your account. Note: The trader does not have access to your funds. No one but you has access to your funds. The trades are simply copied from the master account into your account.

Quick Start Ready to get started? Simply click on the link below to choose from a variety of ex-bank and industry traders with live track records.

Get Started Copy Trading Ex-Bank and Industry Traders



Let’s look at an example: Joe is looking to invest in a copy trading provider, and likes the look of Trader A who has had a return of 292% over the last 3 years*. To begin following Trader A, Joe first opens an account with a supporting broker, and subscribes to the signal by paying a $59 monthly fee. He then provides written authority for the trader to operate on his account. Next, Joe funds his account with $10,000 of investment capital. At the same time, the copy trading provider connects his account to the trader’s account, and configures it according to his risk management preferences. After this, trading commences on his account, and he generates the same percentage return as the master account. In the first month, the trader makes 10%, so Joe’s account is now worth $11,000. In the following month, the trader loses 4%. So does Joe, who now has $10560 in his account, having lost $460. The returns will continue to be mirrored until Joe decides to close the account and withdraw his capital, which he is free to do at any time. It is important to note that clients can unsubscribe very easily in the back office. There are no lengthy contracts or “lock up” periods like hedge funds and managed accounts. *This number is taken from the actual returns of the Lambda Ascent program. Please note that past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


The Vetting Process For a trader to be selected as a copy trading provider, they go through a rigorous due diligence process.

The Back Bay vetting process 1. We start by reaching out to our network of professional traders, commodity trading advisors, and asset managers, to ascertain what programs might be a good fit. To be safe, we only reach out to traders who have a minimum of one year of live and audited trading results. Most traders have five or more years of professional money management experience. 2. Our analytics team goes through an all-encompassing statistical and risk analysis process to determine whether the program will suit our client’s needs. 3. If the program makes it to the gestation period, we then put it on a live account with Back Bay Markets. The account will need to trade under our umbrella for a minimum of three months before it can be offered to clients. 4. Once properly vetted and tested, we are ready to release the program to our clients. Clients should never expect to have more than five to ten programs available at any time with Back Bay. We believe in a small amount of high quality solutions for our clients. Currently, there are four live providers that have made it through the rigorous vetting process, and another close to launch in Beta mode. 1. The Omega Program. The Omega program is managed by a well-respected 15-year industry professional. Historical performance: +151% 2. The Omicron Growth Program. Omicron is managed by a 10+ year industry professional, having spent their entire career in the financial markets, including five years of private retail Forex trading, consulting with numerous investment firms to develop and test trading strategies in the Forex market. Historical performance: +385% 3. The Lambda Ascent program. The chief overseer of this program, which works by exploiting market anomalies, has 10+ years FX experience. It works partly by using customer sentiment pulled from one of the world’s largest retail Forex brokers. Historical performance: +293% 4. The Theta Program. The program is managed by a 30+ year Forex veteran and well-respected analyst, who uses a discretionary trading approach combined with a comprehensive risk management plan. Historical performance: +93% 5. The Alpha Major Program. Alpha Major is managed by a professional money manager with over 50 million in client assets, utilizing a mix of proprietary indicators to generate returns in a variety of market conditions. Historical performance: Currently in BETA, this product will be launching soon. You can learn more about these programs later in this guide or visit:




Selecting a Strategy Once you have decided you want to invest in copy trading, it’s time to decide which strategy best fits your needs. Here is the information you will have available to you, and how to make sense of it.

About the trader Generally, you will want to follow a trader with a decent amount of industry experience. Look for traders that have five or more years within the industry.

About the strategy There are as many different approaches to the market as there are traders, but they do tend to fall into broad categories. Some of these you will want avoid, while others will give your insight into what type of risk vs. reward to expect.

Algorithmic trading strategies Many trading strategies rely on computerized models to determine when to buy and sell. This typically is represented in the EA/Robot market, where clients buy the algorithm for a 1 time fee. These types of strategies can generate significant returns but if the market conditions change, the algorithm may not adapt as quickly as other trading styles or change at all, so there may be periods of losses. We look for Algorithmic traders who employ discretionary oversight and constantly make adjustments to compensate for market changes. The goal of the program manager will be to run several different algorithms that counter balance each other – so when one is losing another one is winning and vice versa. An example of an algorithmic copy trading program with discretionary oversight is: Omega Genesis.

Discretionary trading strategies A discretionary trader places trades based on their own analysis of the markets. While they will sometimes use statistical models or algorithms to assist in the decision making process, generally they take into consideration both fundamental and technical factors before making a decision to place a trade. A good discretionary trader will have years under their belt, as well as a carefully crafted and comprehensive risk management framework. Discretionary traders don’t always generate the same kinds of returns in the short term as algorithmic traders, but they do tend to be consistent and reliable so you may feel comfortable investing larger sums in discretionary trader with good track record. An example of a discretionary copy trading program is Theta Trader.

Martingale – stay away Lastly, there are some strategies that you may want to sidestep. Anything that includes a “martingale”



style money management model is dangerous. These types of strategies “double down” when they are losing, but this can only last for so long, before a trend will cause a significant loss.

Maximum drawdown An important consideration in selecting a copy trading provider is the previous drawdown that the system has experienced. While it would be nice if our investments always went up in value, that is not the reality. They all go through losing periods on occasion, before recovering to new highs. When a system is in one of these losing periods, it is called a drawdown. When assessing the copy trading profile you want to engage, look at the maximum drawdown and see if it fit your personal risk profile. Generally you would look for a drawdown of no more than 40% at most, with around 20-50% preferable. Some drawdown is inevitable, but it’s important to limit this based on what you’re comfortable with. In addition please see “altering your drawndown” below. Having said that… be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water. It is quite possible for an excellent money making strategy to have suffered a drawdown due to a market event. That does not mean that the strategy is not going to perform in future. Always reach out to your signal or system provider to discuss any questions with a particular drawdown. Below are some skills that will help you manage drawdowns effectively.

Altering the drawdown profile You can effectively alter the drawdown profile of a strategy by allocating less funding to the strategy. For example, if a program has a drawdown of 30%, you could allocate it half of the normal amount, effectively reducing your overall drawdown potential to 15%. Of course returns would be halved in that case, too. This can sometimes be done by editing the settings in the copy trading back-end, rather than by moving funds to and from your account.

Understanding returns When you assess a trader, you will see monthly, weekly, and annual returns per trader. Of course the greater returns the better, but you must consider this alongside the maximum drawdown. For example: if one trader returns 100% with a 40% maximum drawdown, they will have the same risk profile as a trader with a 50% return and a 20% maximum drawdown. Look for traders with a proven track record of consistent returns over a period of time. Don’t judge a program but any performance outliers. If a program is up huge or down huge in one particular month it could be due to a extreme market move. Base your analysis on the historical performance collectively. It is also helpful to look at the biggest winning and losing months to get an idea of what to expect from the system.



Understanding the equity curve One way to tell if a trader produces consistent returns is to look at the equity curve. The equity curve is simply a graph of performance over time. The smoother the equity curve the better, as long as it is sloping upwards of course! For example, you can see the equity curve here of the Lambda ascent program taken from myfxbook:

Lambda Ascent’s verified myfxbook equity curve In this case, the equity curve shows that the trader continues to grow his account consistently over time.

How long the strategy has been trading The longer a strategy has been trading, the more it is proven to stand up to different market conditions, and the more confidence you can have investing in it. While sometimes it can be good to get into a new program while it is running “hot” you will want to have very tight risk management rules in place. This is the topic of the next section.


Understanding MyFXBook What is Myfxbook? Myfxbook is an online automated analytical tool for forex traders.  It supports over 100 brokers, enabling clients to track, compare, verify, analyze and share live and demo trading results/activity.  Trade data is posted on their live servers to allow clients to see authenticated results in real time.

Why do we use it to verify performance? We wanted to find the most transparent and widely accepted means for individual clients to view live results on any trader we post – for FREE.  As a totally independent 3rd party, there is no conflict of interest. Thus, the results don’t lie.  If it is posted on the site on a live account, it happened and there is no way to change or hide any details.  Real time reporting allows clients to see audited style results without having to wait for the auditor on a monthly basis. Here is a breakdown of the terminology you need to know when using myfxbook: “Gain” – total historical performance of the program. “Drawdown” – the total amount the program has ever gone into the negative. It measures the largest single drop from peak to bottom in the value of a portfolio (before a new peak is achieved). “Track Record Verified” (with a green check mark) – is visible when the data myfxbook receives matches the data supplied by the broker about the live account. “Monthly” – average percentage of Historical “Gain” divided monthly “Real” – is the term that refers to a live account with real money at a particular broker (not a demo account). “Profit Factor” – is the sum of winning trades vs losing. The higher the number the better. “Monthly Analytics Tab” – this is a good way to look at the monthly historical results to gauge momentum / consistency of the strategy.




Mastering the Art of Managing Risk and Protecting Profits The best traders are risk managers first, and traders second. Before they worry about profits, they take care of how they manage risk exposure and losses. This is the approach that you should take as well.

“You are a risk manager first and a trader second.” Remember, although you have another trader placing trades on your behalf, you are still ultimately responsible for your own profits and losses. Think of it like you are a money manager, allocating your funds to other managers to trade. You will still have rules around how much you will allocate to each strategy, what returns you expect to achieve, and how much of a loss you would be prepared to take before you withdraw your funds from the trader. Having a plan like this will allow you to invest with confidence.

How much funding to allocate to a trader Your first decision as a “risk manager” is to decide how much capital to allocate to copy trading. Copy trading is considered a high risk/high reward investment strategy. While the potential returns can be large, there is also the risk of loss. Because of this, generally a small portion of your overall portfolio should be allocated to Copy Trading. While we cannot suggest what the right amount will be for you, there are minimum investments that are typically used by each copy trading provider. These suggested minimum amounts are listed in the profiles we include later in this report. The good news is you can get started with far less than what you would have had to in the past, investing in a managed account or hedge fund, with minimum amounts starting at around $1000 for some strategies. Of course, you need to consider the impact of costs on a small account and many traders prefer to start with an amount of $10,000 or greater because of this.

Managing drawdowns A drawdown occurs when there is a loss from an equity high in an account. For example: if your account had lost 5%, then it would be said to be in a 5% drawdown. Drawdowns are part and parcel with trading and are to be expected and planned for. There are two types of drawdown that you might experience. The first is a drawdown on your initial investment. As an investor, it is critical that you protect your “core capital” – otherwise you cannot continue to invest. For example, if you invested $10,000, and your account drew down to $9,500, this would be a drawdown to your initial capital.



The second type of drawdown is a drawdown to your profits. For example: if you started with $10,000, went up to $15,000 and then had a drawdown to $14,000, you would have a drawdown to your profits. Both types of drawdowns require slightly different management techniques. As an example, you might be less willing to risk your core capital and more willing to risk your profits. This is a good example of the old investing adage “cut your losses short, and let your profits run”.

“Cut your losses short, and let your profits run.” To do this, you first need to understand the previous maximum drawdown the trader has had. For example, a trader may have had a drawdown of 20% previously. This will be a good guide of what to expect. This means that in the long-term (when you have some profit), you might be quite happy to keep following the trader as long as they don’t go beyond the 20% drawdown threshold from the highest point. But for your initial capital, you may not want to allow this. Instead, you might allow for a 5% drawdown, after which point you might cut your trade size in half (you can do this though the copy trading service) until your loss is recovered. You might then allow for another 5% drawdown at the smaller size, before stopping trading. That means that even if the strategy does have a 20% drawdown, you will have lost only 10% of your initial capital, leaving you in good shape to allocate your funds to a better performing manager. While the likelihood of this scenario is relatively low, it is better to be prepared. While the numbers above serve as an example, you will need to determine the right number for you based on your investment objectives.

Taking profits Key to an effective money management plan is having rules for profit taking. Over time, your copy trading investment is going to produce profits, which need to be managed just as your risk does. Again, when developing your profit taking plan, you want to think about your objectives. While it may be tempting to simply “shoot for the stars”, over the long-term this is going to mean you end up leaving money on the table. All traders run hot and cold, and it’s your job to make the most of it when they run hot… and then keep your profits when they run cold. There are several ways to design a profit-taking plan, and here are some considerations to take into account: • What percentage of your profits do you want to withdraw, as opposed to leave in to compound? Compounding your account is an excellent way to grow your investment, but it needs to be balanced with a prudent approach to locking in your gains.



• How often will you withdraw profits? You may decide to withdraw some profit each month, quarter or year. • Will you withdraw profits based on a percentage return figure? For example, will you take profits out when your account is up by 20%? 30%? What are your goals? • How will you handle a large windfall profit? For example, a trader may have an exceptionally good month, and it may be prudent to take some of those profits. • How much of your profit might you be willing to give back, before you withdraw some? For example, if a trader has a 5% drawdown, you might use this as an indication of when to take profit. As a professional investor, you want to design a method of profit taking that uses these considerations to achieve your goals, and not be too cautious or greedy. In other words, it’s best not to leave it all in, and it’s best not to take it all out. Your job as an investor is to find the line.

When to stop following a trader You don’t need to wait until a drawdown level is hit before you stop following a trader. In fact if you understand the expected performance of the strategy, you can cut your allocation, or stop following a trader, if their performance falls outside of expectations. For example if a trader typically has returns of +3 to + 10 percent per month, and all of a sudden he has 3-4 months with returns in the negative, you might want to cut back your allocation and consider restoring it gradually over time as results improve again. This limits your risk in terms of that trader, and frees up some capital to be allocated elsewhere if this is in line with your investment plan. We always tell investors to set their own drawdown level. It is good to use the actual historical numbers as a barometer, but also have a number in mind as a personal risk threshold. You will want to get out when/if a trader hit that number whether it is smaller or larger than the actual systems historical Max DD number.

Is copy trading right for you? If your risk threshold for a Max Drawdown is less than 10% then this may not be the right investment for you. Investing in the currency market is high risk and involves understanding the risks. There will be equity fluctuations + or – 10% in any high risk investment opportunity.



Creating a Copy Trading Portfolio One of the best ways to limit your risk and improve your returns is to diversify across a number of traders. Ideally, you want to create a portfolio of non-correlated trading styles and strategies. In simple terms, what this means is that when one trader is not performing, you have another trader that is making up for it. This will help you to have what is called a smooth equity curve:

When choosing your “basket of traders” you want to consider the following: • Do the traders historically have non-correlated returns? Take a look at the winning and losing months of the traders and see if you can find ones that tend to win while others are losing. • Do they use different trading styles such as discretionary, algorithmic, trend following, countertrend? It is good to have a mix of styles and approaches. • How many traders to have in a portfolio? While it is good to diversify, you need to make sure you have enough capital to allocate to each trader so any expenses are covered and you have the potential for profits. This may mean if you have a small account you need to stick to one or two traders at most. Most importantly, you want to take time to answer the “how much” question.

How much to invest in each trader? It is the “how much” component of your investment strategy that determines if you achieve your objectives or not. When deciding how much to allocate to each trader, you could split your funds evenly across each trader. But this might not get you the desired effect of balancing one trade against another to diversify



your risk and performance. A more effective way to allocate capital is consider the risk vs. returns profile of the trader. Look to understand the previous drawdown and returns, and allocate capital to even out the impact of each trader on your portfolio. For example, if one trader’s returns and drawdown are typically twice as big as another’s, then you might allocate half as much to that trader. This ensures that any one trader does not have an outsized impact on your returns positively or negatively. Remember that smooth equity curve you were after? This is central to how you get it.

Rebalancing Running a portfolio of traders requires some active management. As one trader makes profits, their proportion of your portfolio will increase, leaving it “unbalanced”. To counteract this effect, you may want to rebalance your portfolio. This could be done simply by taking some profits out of your account, or by moving funds from one copy trading provider to another when things become uneven. Perhaps you could schedule this on a set timeframe, such as every three months, or you may decide to rebalance when a trader’s returns increase past a certain point.

About Back Bay Markets Back Bay Markets consists of an experienced team of Forex veterans who work through an established network of Banks, Brokers, Introducing Brokers, Money Managers, Signal Providers, and partners around the globe. They have cultivated these relationships over the past 10 years and leverage these connections for their investors. Back Bay Markets is at the forefront of the copy trading revolution. Our vision is to use copy trading to “democratize” access to professional money managers. We have made a science of matching professional traders with retail clients.  By using our existing relationships from years in the Forex industry, we are able to get access to ex-bank traders, professional fund managers, and talented independent traders around the globe.  This, combined with our technological edge and rigorous vetting process, leaves us in a unique position to change the game in your favour. To find out more about Back Bay Markets visit



Why Use Back Bay Markets’ Copy Trading Service Not all copy trading providers are the same. In fact, it may seem like most are not even on the same planet! Too often a copy trading provider will let any old trader offer their services to the customers, with little or no vetting process. This usually means the trader has little experience managing money, or a track record that does not stand up to scrutiny. With us it’s different. We know that: We only bring you the cream of the crop, and only after they have been though our stringent evaluation process. This means you can invest with confidence and surety, knowing that we have done the hard work on your behalf. In addition, clients know they have the resources of our significant support infrastructure at their back, to help navigate them though this opportunity. With a core belief in exceptional customer service we ensure our clients know that they can always contact us with ANY questions.

The technological edge While the process itself is simple, the technology behind the copy trading solution needs to be robust and functional. We believe that having the best traders is not enough: we also have a strong technological edge. Back Bay Markets’ trade copying technology is truly world-class. You may have read about other trade copiers using multiple VPSs and a “master server” processing all of the data – we, however, have tied into the MetaQuotes (MT4) API directly, allowing our clients to receive the cleanest fills in the shortest amount of time. This allows our clients to mirror our master traders’ accounts almost seamlessly. By tying directly into the MetaQuotes API and the brokers’ trade servers, we have eliminated the need for clients to keep their platform running 24/7 as trade copiers in the past have often required. Our trade copier eliminates the latency delay in placing trades across sub-accounts that older trade copying setups have been plagued with, and can copy accurate lot sizing whether your account size is $500 or $500,000. Our trade copier is not limited by order types as other trade copiers are. We have extensively tested Market orders, Pending orders, Partial closes, and the closeby function.



Our trade copier also allows subscribers to modify their risk settings. If, for example, you’re following a trader who has very large swings (perhaps the trader is up 50% one month, down 40% the next month, and up 10% the following month), our trade copying technology permits you as a subscriber to modify your risk settings to scale down the orders placed. Say you chose 10% instead of 100%: in this scenario, although the master account had the wild swings, your account would’ve been up 5%, down 4%, and up 1% - with our trade copier, you have a great sense of control over your account. We have also equipped our trade copier with emergency fail-safes. Stop losses and take profits rest not only on the master account, but are copied to all sub-accounts individually as well. So, should the master account ever become disconnected, your account will still follow all existing trades flawlessly. There’s also no need to worry about latency (ping, lag, call it what you will). If a trade cannot be copied within 100ms, and the price has moved over an acceptable threshold that you can set, the trade will simply not be copied.

The Back Bay Markets Multi Account Manager The Back Bay Markets Multi-Account Manager (MAM) software is a powerful tool for professional asset managers and signal services to trade simultaneously on several investor accounts. It is an essential integrated software tool to quickly execute block orders with one click under a master account arrangement and conveniently automate trade allocations to customer accounts. All account processing is centralized and server based, which allows the fastest and most reliable execution. Our software allows for hundreds of accounts to be traded with one click and virtually no delay in allocations.



Strategy Profiles Omega Genesis The Omega Genesis Methodology is based on a technical evaluation of multiple markets. It uses hyper-sensitive algorithmic analysis of trading ranges, trends, and support/resistance levels with proprietary indicators determining levels for trading.  Dynamic stops and targets are internally managed as trades’ progress.   Managerial oversight is implemented to cut the duration of certain trades short, or add to existing positions based on the progression of market conditions.  It is important to note that there are no grid, martingale, or hedged trades employed in the system.  Most major pairs are addressed, and crosses are monitored for trading. Recent trading has included more than 10 different currency pairs.

About the trader The Omega program is managed by a well-respected 15-year industry professional, previously only managing professional and institutional funds. • Historical performance: +154.50% • Average Monthly Performance: +16.79% • Max Drawdown : -15.82% • Number of trades a month: 60 • As at X date: 4/15/15

Theta Trader The Theta Trader program is based on constructing a big picture of where a particular currency pair may be headed.  Using technical and fundamental analysis, and by researching the economic outlook, the manager is able to build a macro long-term view.   The Theta system then develops a shorter term trading outlook for each currency pair over the next 24 hours.   Careful not to overcomplicate things, the system uses a combination of 3 momentum indicators, Fibonacci, resistance and support levels (and also refers to Ichimoku analysis for the longer term trends).

About the trader Theta Trader is a 30+ year Forex veteran and well-respected analyst. Theta Trader began his career working the commodity markets in London in the 1970’s. After a brief stint as a floor trader, he shifted into the foreign exchange market, where he has held a range of senior trading positions in financial centres across the globe. Currently Theta Trader resides in Sydney where he operates his trading business. • Historical performance: +93.88%



• Average Monthly Performance: +2.58% • Max Drawdown: -22.67% • Number of trades a month: 15 • As at X date: 4/15/15

Omicron Growth The Omicron Growth HFT trading strategy is a technical system that looks for high probability market entries.  Based on a proprietary combination of technical indicators, the System combines its indicators with a strong belief in risk management.  Omicron always trades with stop losses in place.  By focusing mostly on the majors and major crosses, the system does not risk dealing in less liquid / more volatile pairs, eliminating a large amount of risk.  The Omicron strategy has been built and optimized over the last 10 years, and looks to continue to improve on the trading results.

About the trader Omicron is managed by a 10+ year industry professional.  The manager/programmer has spent his entire professional career in the financial markets, including five years of private, retail Forex trading, consulting with numerous investment firms to develop and test trading strategies in the Forex market. • Historical performance: +385.28% • Average Monthly Performance : +21.77% • Max Drawdown: -41.69% • Number of trades a month: 76 • As at X date: 4/15/15

Lambda Ascent Lambda Ascent utilizes proprietary algorithmic systems, based on various market conditions, volatility, and customer sentiment data.  Allocation of trading systems is based on trends, breakouts, and range analysis in the market environment.  Set up as a multi-model alternative investment vehicle with a low correlation to equity and fixed income markets, it takes advantage of market anomalies using market flow/customer sentiment pulled form one of the world’s largest retail Forex brokers.  The Systems are non-discretionary, highly scalable algorithms that don’t rely on high frequency or machine gun trading systems that Liquidity Providers and banks target as predatory.

About the trader The chief dealer responsible for program oversight has 10+ years of extensive FX experience, and has full discretion in implementing and monitoring specific systems against any market backdrop. • Historical performance: +295.56% • Average Monthly Performance: +2.54%


• Max Drawdown: -25.60% • Number of trades a month: 96 • As at X date : 4/15/15

Alpha Major (Currently in BETA Testing) Alpha Major recognizes naturally evolving price movements, which are present in most market conditions. It conducts on-the-fly analysis as to whether movements are volatile, nonvolatile or trending, the three important components of a market environment we look for. These proprietary price movement analyses are conducted with tools including (but not limited to): Moving Averages (MA5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200), Relative Strength Index, Stochastic oscillators, and MACD, with filters such as ADX, Time of Day, News, Fibonacci, Pivot Points, and Support/Resistance.

About the trader Alpha Major is managed by a professional money manager with over 50 million in client assets. Historical performance: (Beta Testing – Launching SOON!)




Getting Started If you would like to get started following one of our traders, you can follow the instructions below. Alternatively, you can visit:

Step 1 Select A Plan $59/month


Back Bay Markets’ algorithmic signals are available at an affordable rate of $59/month when you open your live trading account at ILQ Australia.

Back Bay Markets’ algorithmic signals are available at an affordable rate of $179/month when you open your live trading account at ILQ Australia.

Back Bay Markets’ long-standing relationship with ILQ Australia has allowed us to offer our clients access to signals and a customized price feed at a very affordable rate. ILQ is registered and regulated in Australia by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) registered financial with an AFS license number 424122 ACN 159166739.

Back Bay Markets’ long-standing relationship with ILQ Australia has allowed us to offer our clients access to signals and a customized price feed at a very affordable rate. ILQ is registered and regulated in Australia by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) registered financial with an AFS license number 424122 ACN 159166739.

The following programs are available on our $59/ The following programs are available on our month plan: $179/month plan: • Omega Genesis

• Lambda Ascent

• Omicron Growth

• Theta Trader

Step 2 Fund Your ILQ AccountTitle here There is a $500 minimum account deposit, which can be completed by wire transfer, check or credit card. Fund your ILQ account by clicking on the link below:



Step 3 Activate your signal Pay for your signal activation by clicking on the link below

If you have any questions throughout this process, or would like to know more please contact us: Toll Free Phone: +1.855.TRADE FX (1.855.872.3339) Email: [email protected] Skype: BackBayMarkets

High Risk Warning: Foreign Exchange, Futures, and CFD trading are high risk and not suitable for everyone. You should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite before making a decision to trade. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. There is considerable exposure to risk in any off-exchange transaction, including, but not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility that may substantially affect the price, or liquidity of the markets that you are trading. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of funds and be required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. If you fail to meet any margin requirement, your position may be liquidated and you will be responsible for any resulting losses. By using any free or paid product/s developed by Back Bay Markets, LTD or any partners, you acknowledge that you are familiar with these risks and that you are solely responsible for the outcomes of your decisions. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of any products available on our website. It’s to be noted carefully in this respect, that past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. This website or any information included on the website is not intended for the solicitation of US clients. Back Bay Markets does not accept clients from The United States of America. Please view our entire Risk Disclosure: Click Here