Chap 10 - Leadership [PDF]

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Chap 10. Leadership 1. Differences between management and leadership Managers •

1. Approaches

Tend to adopt impersonal or passive attitudes towards goals. Need continually to co-ordinate and balance in order to compromise conflicting values. Maintain a low level of emotional involvement. See themshelves more as conservators and regulators of the existing order of affairs with which they indentify and from which they gain rewards.

Leaders •

Adopt a more personal and active attitudes towards goals. Creates excitement in work and develops choices that give subtance to images that excite people. Have empathy with other people and give attention to what events and actions mean. Their sense of identity does not depend upon membership or work roles and they search out opportunity for changes.

a. The qualities or traits approach • Leaders are born and not made! • It focuses attention on the man or woman in the job and not on the job itself, attention is given to the selection of leaders rather than to training for leadership. • Limitations:

✔There is bound to be some subjective judgement in determining who is regarded as the good or successful leader. ✔ The lists of possible traits tend to be very long and there is not always agreement on the most important. ✔ It ignores the situation factors. a. The functional (or group) approach • View leadership on terms of how the leader’s behavior affects, and is affected by, the group of followers. • Concentrate on nature of group, the followers and subordinates. • Believe that the skills of leadership can be learned, developed and perfected.

a.Leadership as a behavioural category • Attention to the kinds of behavior of people in leadership situations • The focus was in the effects of leadership style in group performance • Two dimensions:

✔Consideration: The leader establish trust, mutual respect and rapport with the group and show concern, warmth, support and consideration for subordinate. => Participation and human ralation approach to leadership.

✔Structure: The leader defines and structures group interactions towards attainment of formal goals and organize group activities => Achieve organizational goals. 1. Contingency theories of leadership Emphasize the sitiuation as the dominant feature in considering the characteristics of effective-leadership.

• Favourability of leadership situation Three major variables:

✔Leader – member relations – the degree to which the leader is trusted and liked by group members, and their willingness to follow the leader’s guidance.

✔The task structure – the degree to which the task is clearly defined for the group and the extend to which it can be carried out by detailed instructions or standard procedures.

✔Position power – the power of of the leader by virtue of position in the organization, the leader an excerise authority to influence rewards and punishments, or promotions and demotions. 1. Task behavior and relationship behavior

• Task behavior is the extend to which the leaders provide ditections for the actions of followers, set goals for them and defines their roles and how to undertake them.

• Relationship behavior is the extend to which the leader engages two – way communication with followersm listens to them and provides support and encouragement. • Situation leadership model

✔Telling – high task behavior, limited relationship behavior. This style is the most appreciate for the unable and unwilling or insercure followers.

✔Selling – high task and relationship behavior, most appreciate for unablebut willing and confident followers.

✔Participating – high relationship behavior but low task behavior, appreciate for able but unwilling or insecure followers.

✔Delegating – little direction or support with low levels of both task and relationship behavior, qppreciate for able and willing and confident followers. 1. Transformational leadership • Transactional leadership Focus on the clarification of goals and objectives, work task and outcomes, rewards and punishment => “I will give u, if u do that!” • Transformational leadership Higher levels of motivation and commitment among followers Focus on generating vision for the organization The leader’s ability to appeal to higher ideals and values of followers, creating trust, loyaty and justice. Transformational leadership is comprised of four basic components:

✔Idealised influence – the charisma of the leader, and the respect and admiration of the followers

✔Inspriational motivation – the behavior of the leader which provides meaning and challenge to the work of the followers

✔Intellectual stimulation – create novel approaches for the performance of work and creative problem solutions form followers

✔Individualize consideration – leaders who listen and give special concern to the growth and developemtal needs of the followers 1. Power and leadership influence

• Reward power: Leader has the ability and resourcs to obtain rewards for those who comply with directives

• Corecive power: Leader has ability to punish or to bring about undesirable outcomes for those who not comply with directives

• Legitimate power:

Leader has the right to exercise infuence dur to his roles or position in the organization

• Referent power: Leader exercises influence because of his charisma (perceived attractiveness, personal characteristics, reputation)

• Expert power: Leader is someone who has special knowlegde or expertise in an given area