Cae 2014 [PDF]

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2014 1.

They have just received a pay rise. The company they work for has pockets. A. large B. wide C. big

My daughter …………… pass the driving test last year. A. could B. was able to C. achieve to 3. We found him …………… extraordinarily skilful.

…………… D. deep



A. to be B. be C. being I wish I …………… to see the match, but I didn’t. A. went B. had gone C. have gone


D. as being D. go

If only Tom …………… so much! A. doesn’t smoke


D. succeeded to

B. isn’t smoking

C. didn’t smoke

Suppose he …………… you stealing, what would you do? A. caught B. catches C. has caught

D. won’t smoke D. will catch


Longfellow’s “Footsteps of Angels” contains …………… to the death of his wife. A. illusions B. delusions C. allusions D. disillusions


He worked hard under the …………… of a desire to get rich. A. stimulant B. stimulus C. stimulation


D. stimuli

The members of the cabinet form a sort of secret …………… of the President. A. counsel B. committee C. table D. council

10. If you twist his …………… hard enough he’ll probably see that you’re right. A. leg B. arm C. wrist 11. I asked if he’s ever been tempted to bend the …………… for a good cause. A. strings B. rules C. law

D. hand D. restrictions

12. A. 13. A. 14. A.

He gave me something to …………… my pain. relieve B. heal C. cure They parted with …………… good feelings. common B. alike C. same His stupid jokes drive me …………… the wall. on B. off C. up


During our course, you will mostly practise your speaking and listening …………… .

A. ability 16. A. 17. A.

B. skills

C. knowledge

Everyone should travel; it really …………… the mind. broadens B. develops C. opens I always try to keep a positive …………… on life. overview B. overlook C. insight

D. pass D. mutual D. against D. results D. widens D. outlook

18. The researchers …………… many experiments to find the most effective materials. A. confirmed B. conducted C. considered D. conduced 19. People who are colour blind can’t …………… between red and green. A. see B. differ C. perceive D. distinguish 20. Our car broke down twice on the way to the wedding. …………… to say we arrived 2 hours late. A. Needless 21. A. 22. A.

B. Pointless

C. Regardless

D. Worthless

Air …………… is cheaper than other forms of long-distance transport in my country. trip B. journey C. travel D. voyage The population of wild birds peaked …………… approximately 400.000 before falling rapidly. at B. for C. in D. of

23. We’ve known each other for years and I’ve always had a soft …………… for Gerri. A. spot

B. thing

C. word

24. She carried a …………… for the boy next door all through their teenage years. A. burden B. candle C. flame



D. patch D. torch

2014 25.

The management is under a lot of financial pressure so you will be your eggs in one …………… . A. basket B. bag C. bucket 26. Our last holiday in Italy was …………… marvellous. A. quite B. fairly C. exceedingly

putting all D. nest D. somewhat

27. Zoos should try to re-create the animals’ …………… habitat rather than keeping them in cages. A. nature B. native C. natural D. naturalist 28.

My grandmother had to work her …………… to the bone in the kitchen with no electrical appliances.

A. fingers B. palms C. hands 29. I never know if he’s serious or if he’s pulling my …………… . A. arm B. hand C. leg 30.

D. back D. foot

Given the rapid growth of our population, there is a …………… need to improve our infrastructure.

A. demanding B. despondent C. pressing D. booming 31. Every household should be more careful in the way that they …………… of waste. A. dispose B. discard C. eliminate 32. We’ve done the hard work – it’ll be …………… sailing from now on. A. calm

B. rough

C. plain

D. throw D. fast

33. The lecturer …………… our attention to a large screen at the back of the room. A. drew B. attached C. caught D. paid 34. This medicine should help, but if the problem …………… come and see me again. A. rises B. raises C. recurs D. resounds 35. The small statements at the bottom of a contract renouncing legal rights are called …………… . A. disclaimers B. defaults C. collateral D. liabilities 36.

When you redress a situation, you …………… it.

A. ignore

B. correct

C. finish

D. report

37. She prefers an evening at the cinema …………… to bars or clubs. A. to going out B. rather than go C. than going out D. to go out out 38. I managed to avoid that awful Mrs. Lee in the supermarket but it was a close …………… . A. cut B. escape C. luck D. shave 39. A.

He …………… after his father; they both have gorgeous blue eyes. looks B. takes C. stands

40. A.

After 30 years of marriage they are still good friends and have never …………… . hit off B. taken off C. stood by D. fallen out

41. The lecture's been cancelled, so we …………… as well go for lunch now. A. might B. could C. should 42. 43.

The mailman delivered the heaviest parcel first to …………… his load. A. dwindle B. lighten C. relieve

D. resembles

D. will D. relax

The house had little protection from the wind as the hillside on which it was situated was only …………… covered with trees. A. rarely B. sparsely C. occasionally D. lightly

44. A.

It’s …………… the cards that he’ll be the next prime minister. to B. up to C. in

45. A.

After the injection, you’ll experience a …………… burning pain and slight swelling at the site. meek B. calm C. feeble D. mild

46. A.

Imagine that you have won a lot of money. What …………… you do? will B. would C. do

47. A.

When a fire broke …………… at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed. out B. off C. up D. through

48. 49.

D. on

D. shall

You look very unhappy, Doris. What’s the matter? Is something getting you ……………? A. along B. in C. down D. off If we …………… salt, the soup would have been tastier.



2014 A. add

B. would add

C. added



added 50.

We walked along the …………… of the river. A. coast B. beach C. bank D. shore 51. The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people …………… into the icy water. A. dipped B. immersed C. sank D. plunged 52. The accused denied …………… in the vicinity of the murder scene. A. to have ever B. have ever C. having been ever D. ever having been been been 53. The candidate …………… to have withdrawn her application. A. claimed B. said C. denied D. reported 54.

In ……………, it was obviously the wrong thing to do.

A. hindsight 55.

B. the wake

C. retrospect

D. the whole

Given the chance, many children …………… TV uninterruptedly for hours.

A. are watching

B. will have C. will be watching watched 56. It’s by …………… means the best book I’ve ever read. A. no B. all C. every

D. will watch D. certain


The company was quick to reassure shareholders that its cash …………… is in a very healthy state and that there is no liquidity issue. A. flow B. ladder C. bond D. crunch 58. We’re just going to play it …………… ear. A. on B. by C. to 59. I can’t work with you breathing down my …………… all the time. A. neck B. face C. back

D. behind D. head


He invested in the company as a …………… partner, leaving the running of the business entirely in the hands of the other owners. A. sleeping B. hidden C. hush D. intangible

61. To …………… a law, the bill proposing to do so must be passed by both houses of parliament. A. vote B. jump C. renege D. amend 62. I have been claiming unemployment …………… since I lost my job in April of last year. A. 63. A. 64. A.

insurance B. benefit C. slip D. appraisal Please, if you have a grievance, do …………… it; we don’t want there to be any bad feelings. air B. table C. hand D. call We had no chance but to …………… off two-thirds of the workforce. put B. take C. lay D. call


She was …………… for the position because the interviewing panel felt there were other candidates with more relevant experience. A. overlooked B. relieved C. rejected D. dismissed

66. You have started off the wrong …………… by arriving late for your appointment. A. side B. leg C. limb D. foot 67. That's strange - I sent the parcel by courier, so you …………… have received it by now. A. must B. couldn’t C. should 68. How could you have …………… him for your brother?

D. needn’t

A. 69. A. 70.

D. mistaken

confused B. considered C. thought There’s a fine …………… between fact and fantasy in this TV programme. line B. limit C. restraint If a bus doesn’t come, you can always flag …………… a taxi.

A. after B. for C. down 71. The rain was simply …………… down on the deserted street. A. pelting B. spraying C. showering 72. A. 73. A.

This is …………… to be the best film the famous director has made. argued B. accepted C. hoped I expect the new trend will soon …………… here. catch up B. catch on C. take up



D. mark D. off D. dripping D. thought D. identify with

2014 74. Their train is …………… to get in at 19.05. A. bound B. likely

C. due

D. sure


Scientists …………… a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus.

A. 76. A. 77. A.

carried over B. measure out C. carried out D. put up As darkness fell, there was nothing for it but to …………… for the nearest village. call B. go C. make D. stand Owning an animal can really tie you …………… . out B. down C. back D. off

78. Whenever I read a story with a(n) …………… in it, I tend to miss the double meaning. A. tragicomedy B. melodrama C. allegory D. drama 79. Delilah wasn’t at all hungry, and could only …………… with the food on her plate. A. finger B. toy C. snack D. side 80. As the years passed, Joe’s memories of his terrible experience …………… away, and he began to lead a normal life again. A. faded B. backed C. passed D. got 81. Unfortunately, …………… children nowadays are able to read classic works in the original versions. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 82. I presume you declare any private …………… to the appropriate authorities. A. income B. revenue C. interest D. allowance 83.

…………… her excellent qualifications, she hasn't yet found a suitable job.

A. Thanks to B. Despite C. Although 84. I’m afraid your baggage is 10 kilos ……………; you will have to pay extra. A. above

B. excess

C. heavy

D. As a result of D. overweight

85. Hardly …………… for the independent candidate. A. voted anyone B. did anyone vote C. anyone voted

D. did vote anyone

86. The new sports centre …………… for all kinds of leisure activities. A. caters B. deals C. furnishes

D. supplies

87. New students must …………… for classes before term begins. A. enrol B. enter C. join

D. teach

88. The family has agreed to turn …………… a new leaf in their relations with each other. A. down B. off C. over D. on 89. The local amateur dramatic group are going to …………… a play by O. Wilde. A. make up B. put on C. show up D. take up 90.

The girl said she went up the tree because her brother …………… climb it.

A. had dared her

B. had dared her C. was dared D. dared her to 91. These figures …………… a peak in 1982 when over 2 million new machines were sold. A. got B. achieved C. rose D. reached 92. It …………… my mind that I hadn’t heard the children for a while. A. occurred B. changed C. sprang D. crossed 93. They want to negotiate and we’re very willing to …………… them halfway. A. meet B. bend C. keep D. hold 94. The government finds it easiest to …………… the other way regarding this issue. A. look

B. glance

C. glimpse

D. glare

95. It’s obvious that she’s lying through her …………… . A. teeth B. ears C. eyes D. skin 96. I’ve written to the newspapers until I’m blue in the …………… but they do nothing. A. fingers B. palms C. skin D. face 97. It seemed like a good idea but I fell …………… on my face. A. down B. belly-up C. flat D. dead 98. If you …………… keep teasing the dog, you shouldn't be surprised that it snaps at you. A. do

B. will

C. shall



D. did

2014 99.

I'd rather …………… all those stories about me as a child to my new Mum. I was awfully embarrassed. A. not have told B. you didn’t tell C. you wouldn’t tell 100. Look on the …………… side. You still have a job. A. happy B. good C. joyful



boyfriend, D. you hadn’t told D. bright