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A new format for the medium-class car. The medium-class car has been given a new forwardlooking format: the compact BMWs. They are the logical conclusion of the concept introduced by BMW in 1966- an efficient, high-performance car with compact dimensions. The new, comRact BMW: not a larger small car - but a smaller large car.

With their new power unit and drive mechanism ... their safety features ... their new driving philosophy ... their interior luxury ... and their new system of passive safety equipment, the new BMW 316, 318, 320 and 320 i models have the same robustness and technical advantages as the larger BMW models. Because of their extra-

ordinary sophistication and reliabil ity, these high-qual ity detai ls have been transferred to the medium-class models, developed a stage further, and completely re-adapted. We have designed the new BMWs so that they are ahead of their time. Which ensures that they are not less advanced than their drivers.

The balance between the extremes of the large car and the small car - BMW. window to produce a balance between overall dimensions ftt=:;:;;;~+~:::::i4:=~=:'.::::~ and interior space - resu It i ng in economy outside, and generosity inside. The new compact BMW is a A clear, external difference in comprom ise between two the. two categories, BMW 316 seemingly contradictory extre- and 318, and BMW 320 and mes in motor car design: the 320 i, can be seen in the car that is too large for normal halogen twin-headlamp units of the two-litre models. With the use in traffic, and the car that is too small for safety. The compact BMW is the answer. It is ideally suited to traffic, yet at the same time incorporates a high degree of technical safety - it is an extremely safe. yet a distinct and vital car. It manages to combine ideally the characteristics of a fast. comfortable touring model with those of a smaller and li velier town model. The compact BMW is avail able in four different models: the BMW 316, 318, 320 and 320 i. These different models are ta ilored to meet different requirements, while retaining the overal l identity of a range. A lthough striving for perfection in a motor car is not cheap, it is worth while. For the discerning driver. therefore. it is not so much a question of whether he buys one of the new compact BMWs, but rather. wh ich one. The unmistakable visual appearance of independence of the compact BMW is created by the combination of dynamic contours and a shape that is both straightforward and discreet. The body is of a flat and elongated design, which comb ines with the large area of

exception of the number plate. the tail is identical . It is so arranged that the tail corners of the vehicle all lie within the driver's range of vision. The reversing lights are bu il t into the large indicator units. The compact BMWs offer a high standard of design with an excellent finish - including the paintwork. Rugged durability is ensured by conscientious attention to detail in corrosion protection. In a special process, the chassis is given a corros ion resistant primer in an immersion bath during the pre limi nary treatment and the electrophore-

tic priming. It is then given a number of coats of paint. A careful and practically proven underbody protection and the special BMW system of hollow cavity seal ing, which reaches even th e furthermost corne rs, guarantee durabi lity and a high resale value. One example of this high grade finish on the detail level: the critical parts of the exhaust system - both ·inside and outside - are aluminium coated. This prolongs the life of the system considerably.

Effortless manoeuvring and parking as a result of a perfect interplay of seating and viewing positions in relation to the pedals and the steering wheel.

Air extraction through ventilation slots behind the rain guttering on lhe rear roof pillar

Seat belts can be fastened or unfastened with one hand.

Large. tinted outside wing mirror.

Rev. counter from the BMW 320 upwards. otherwise available as an optional extra.

In a BMW comfort is more than just comfort- it is safety.

Because of its advanced design and high-quali ty engineering, the compact BMW is a decisive step forward in the development of the mediumclass motor ca r: it creates a balance between sportiness and comfort. It offers more power and performance, but also refined, mature driving manners. · This new balance of forces gives the driver the ability to adapt himself quickly to any situation and also the comfort for relaxation and reserve. In this way, he has all the technical cond itions to ensure that he is an outstanding, fair and responsib le driver. SuReriority is also a matter of detail. The seats of the compact BMW models have been designed with great structural 'and material care and satisfy strict ergonomic requirements. They combine an excellent sitting position through the shape and hardness of the padding, with a perfect lateral hold of the body. The seat springing and the vehicle springing and suspension are a single functional unit and are therefore exactly interrelated .

ed reliability - an important factor in interior safety in a co ll ision. Whether yo u are yourself a driver or a passenger - the extraordinary phi losophy behind the fin ish of the com pact BMWs is obligatory for all co mfortab le seats. The high performance, high-power engine is a reliable basis for a comfortable ride, even on long journeys. Wide opening, generously dimensioned doors make getting in and out easy, while a high quality interior with tasteful attention-to-detail makes your journey a pleasant one. Parcels and the like can be placed in the illuminated glove compartment, on the instrument ledge, and on the central console. A further major co ntribution to driving comfort is the w ide range of measures included for noise level reduction. All noise sources have been examined in thorough tests, and the vibration behaviour of all details of construction has been studied. The result: a new and costly mounting for the transmission, drive mechanism and gearbox systems, together with a re-designed system of suspension for the radiator and exhaust system. The advanced, stable design of the window frames and high-quality sealing materia ls are further noise-reducing factors. For the compact BMW, a well-

The seat anchoring and the balanced range of special extras are en tire seating mechanics are of available, with which the driver can absolutely solid, ca refully-test- make his vehic le respond to his every

wish. One particular luxury element, for example, is the newly developed ZF automatic transmission system (available for the BMW 318 and 320 models) perfectly geared to the current range of power units. It has the effect of a co-pilot - doing all the hard work for the pi lot, without laking away any o f his freedom of decision. This is the foundation for the optimum matching of the new automatic transmission system to the entire drive and power transmission systems, which guarantee a high torque throughout a wide speed range.

Additional items of equipment (available as optional extras): laminated windscreen (standard in BMW 320i), heat resistant glass all round. air conditioning system from the BMW 320 upwards. rev. counter (standard on th e BMW 320). radios o f different types, 3-point automatic scat belts at the rear. metall ic paint, light alloy sports wheels, H-4 headlamps on th e OMW 316, halogen fog headlamps, log tail lamp. headlamp washer system. Sec technical data for further changes in the equipment.

The ergonomically designed bucket-type seats satisfy all conditions for comfortable seahng. I

The head-rests are height adjustable in each case. The adjustment is effected by turning the button situated on the left hand side of each seat.





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Generous illuminated glove compartment (lock optional extra) with snap closing.




Infinitely adjustable reclining seats. easy seat adjustment on roller bearings.

The optionally extra three point automatic seat belts at the rear increase the safety of rear seat passengers.


The chassis of the compact BMW: the art of making futuristic designs safe - always.

Every BMW has one of the most effi cient - and thereby one of the safest - chassis designs in the wo rld. The technical formu la for this is front spring struts and rear semitra iling arms. For the compact BMW, this chass is design was comp letely overhauled. As a result of this, the already outstanding driving characteristics are not only tailored to su it the new design of the vehicle, they are also clearly improved and brought up to a level approaching that of motoring perfection . As a resu lt of this process of optimisation, the compact BMW has extraordinaril y precise running characteristics at both fast and slow speeds, and under all types of road surface cond itions. In this respect, it offers a new dimension in driving ph ilosophy and comfort, even greater driving safety at critical speeds, and an unusually sporting ability. The front axle geometry was again revised and improved for the compact BMW models. New spring struts with track alignment ensure increased lateral guide forces and significantly lower steering effort, particularly during parking. A widening of the track guarantees even higher reserves of safety in critical ranges. In the rear semi-trail ing arms, springing and suspension have been combined in spring struts. An add itional link support in the differential

gear optimises the rear axle steering behaviour on corners. As a result of the very careful tuning of the springing in relation to the suspension, a new balance between sporting "hard" and comfortable "soft" was created. The new precise, but flexible, steering system ensures precise steering - even at high speeds without any nerve-wracking corrections having to be made, thereby ensuring a relaxing but fast drive. The braking system is always a match for the high powered performance of the compact BMW. It has, at the front, disc brakes with an en larged disc thickness providing better heat absorption and therefore higher resistance. The rear brakes are enlarged drum brakes. An efficient servo-assisted braking system reduces the pedal pressure required to operate the brakes and also permits a much finer selection of braking pressure. The dual circuit brake system has a pressure regulator for the rear circuit, plastic coated brake lines and a level control for the brake flu id with a level ind icator in the cockpit Testing the chassis on the hydropulse test stand with test programmes simulating different road sur-

faces and on the "torture section" of the BMW test circuit (2, 5). Front wheel suspension: individual suspension on offset (track adjustment) spring struts with helical springs and add itional rubber shock absorbers, torsion bar stabilisers. Hinged steering wheel with 2 universal joints, rack and pinion steering, and steering wheel damper on 318, 320 and 320 i (6). Differential drive with universal joint shafts with maintenance-free, homo-kinetic joints. Rear wheel suspension: ind iv id ual suspension with rubber mounted trail ing arms, spring struts with hel ical springs and additional rubber shock absorbers, link supports (1, 4, 9). Disc brakes tested and improved in a wide range of tests for improved heat absorption and higher resistance. The brake lines are additional ly protected against corrosion by a plastic coating (7, 8, 10).

The power unit of the compact BMW: an improvement on established superiority. Nowadays it is not so much the designers that set the pattern for the character and the capacity of a power unit, but more the conditions and requirements of traffic. Adaptation and adaptability are expected from drivers. And because this flexibili ty is much easier to achieve with a strong power unit than with a smaller one, the superior capacity of the BMW range of power units is not just an end in itself, but an essential pre-requ isite for mobility and, therefore, for safety. For the compact BMW mod els, the famous BMW power


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For the power units for the compact BMW models, the famous triple hemisphere swirl action combustion chamber was uprated, in order to provide a softer, even more advantageous combustion process using the same grade of petrol, a greater degree of economy with the same high output, less noise emission and particularly favourable exhaust values. In this, new cylinder heads, new pistons, DIDTA register carburettors with automatic starting systems and a new fuel injection system were all introduced. All of the power units

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BMW 316


BMW 318

The high performance power unit technology of BMW engines is not least a result of unusually wide experience in successful sporting enterprises.

BMW 320 BMW 3201

comply with the new legislation concerning lead emission. The efficient electrically and ther316 66 (90) 160 (100) mostatic~lly controlled auto318 72 (98) 165 (103) 320 80 (109) 170 (106) matic starting system ensures 320 i 92 (125) 180 (111) perfect cold running characteunits of 1.6 to 2.0 litres capacity ristics and also increases have been enlarged according- economy. ly. The unusually demanding In the BMW 320 i, the objective: normal petrol conK-Jetronicfuel injection system sumption with an increased ensures the right balance of capac ity, higher stab il ity than fuel and air at all times for the ever before, durability, economy respective driving cond itions, and driving philosophy. which-with the favourab le fuel BMW DIN (DIN km/ h kW BHP) (mph) max.

0-100 km s (0-60 mph s) 13 8 (13 3) 11 .9 (1 1.5) 11 2 (10 8) 9 9 ( 9.6)

Fuel consumption ace 10 DIN 70 030 9 9 I 100 km 9 9 1 100 km 10 0 11100 km 8 8 11100 km

consumption - increases the response and the temperament of the power unit and leads to combustion with less exhaust gas emission and greater respect for the environment.

The safety features included in the compact BMW are not cheap. But the benefits obtained are invaluable.

Safety in the motor car must obey the necessities of practice as well as the possibilities of theory. The safest vehicle in theory would be too large, too heavy - and impractical. As far as traffic is concerned, the most practical vehic le would be too small, too short and - unsafe. BMW offers a forward looking, technologically high-powered and traffic-orientated solution to this problem: the compact BMW range. Exceptional ly safe yet vital, mobile cars without any light construction compromises. For the compact BMW models, BMW developed a systematic safety procedure in one of the most modern plants in Europe for the testing and research of vehicle safety equipment, which combines the most advanced knowledge into new and compact dimen sions. The name for this technical safety procedure, wh ich is except ional for both its cost and its extent is: th e BMW Life Conservation System. Th e BMW Life Conservation System. Extremely st rong safety cell wit h specially constructed roof p illars, reinforcements above

Rigid cardan shaft tunnel and instrument panel zone (4) both prevent the engine and gearbox from penetrating into the interior of the car in the event of a frontal collision. The outer door handles are recessed and child-proof locks are fitted (5). Buckling safety steering the windscreen and rear wincolumn, safety steering wheel , dows with integrated roll-over steering mechanism situated bars, cross struts in the vic inity well away from the crumple of the instrument panel, in.the zone (6) . form of a hat rack, and behind Fuel tank in a protected positherearseat-aswellas special, tion in front of the rear axle (7). rigid longitudinal struts(1 ). The vehicle interior is designControlled, energy-absorbed to absorb energy and is ing crumpling effect at the fitted with non-inflammable front and rear, with controlled upholstery, 3-point automatic deformation of the front of the seat belts and height-adjustvehicle interrelating w ith the able head rests as standard action of the automatic front for front seats (8). seat belts (2). The safety concept of BMW: Pre-determined crumpling even the most exRensive safety zone in the bonnet w ith special features are worthwhile. They safety locking system (3) . are only paid for with money.;

Curve of the pre-programmed front deformation of the BMW 316, 318, 320 and 320 i. Coll ision speed 50 kph (31 mph). Deformation approx. 0.6 m (2 ft). Delay up to 45 g. The system-controlled, deformable, energyconsuming front part of the BMW does not just "brake" continuously. It interrupts, through pre-determined detail zones. the braking process with the aim of providing a

perfect balance with the hold-back system. At the point when the bodywork deformation of the front part is at its greatest, and therefore when the delaying forces are at their lowest (bottom of the curve), the occupants of the car are held by their seat belts, producing a delay that is acceptable for both the vehicle and its occupants.

•Crash tests to optimise the deformation behaviour or the front and rear vehicle ends

Controlled crumpling behaviour of the bonnet. which buckles outwards and not back into the interior or the vehicle.

Safety on overturning by means or integrated roll-over bars and reinforced cross struts on the 1nstrumen1panel. hat shelf and behind the rear seat.

Collapsible steering column and steerrng system protected outside of the crumpling zone.

The onteroor design os based around technieal safety features - the instrument panel controls berng elastic and deformable.

Specially constructedcardan tunnel and rigid front face prevent the engine and gearbox from being pushed into the passenger compartment on the event of a frontal co11is10n The 1llustrat10n shows the BMW 320 and ots system of engine suspens10n





Systematic safety by a standard combination of he1ght·ad1ustable head rests. .idrusted by the touch of a button. and three-point automatic safety bells


Special bonnet locking system with safety hooks.

In extreme situations, a BMW does not give up, but gives in. Systematically.

Lateral overturn - testing lhe stnbtlity ol the salety cell.

Strength tests on the front panel. the seal, and seat belt anchoring points.

Testing the strength of roof struts and roll-over bars - simulating overturning.

Testing the strength of a side door.


Collision simulation al slow speeds on the pendulum.

Testing the safety equipment in the cockpit through simulated collisions using lest sleds.

,.,. --

Load-testing the integrated unit seal/headrest.

In the compact BMW range, the exact relationships between all possible vehicle deformations and the effectiveness of safety measures are tested and improved to the point of perfection in unusual and systematic collision tests. The objective was not just to produce high performance and effective safety and detail constructions, but also to develop a system compris ing a combination of precise, interreacting ind ividua l elements, which effectively comp lement each other in sequence. The deformable front part, for example, interrupts (through pre-determined detail zones) the delaying process in a frontal collis ion in such a manner that an ideal balance of function and hold-back system is obtained. The front part was designed for this purpose and provided with specific buckling points and special crumpling zones in the front wings and wheel housings. To deal w ith side-on collosions or overturning, the compact BMW has a speciall ydesigned, exceptionally stable cell w ith systematically calculated and ca refully tested reinforcing. The roof pillars of the strengthened chass is cell have been completely revised and considerably strengthened .The roof is fitted with an integrated rol l-over bar, and special bearing elements are incorporated above the w indscreen and the rear window.

Repetition impact lest on the upholstered. energy-absorbing instrument panel section.

The doors have window frames, wh ich provide a further roll-over safety feature for the safety cell.

Expertly trained specialists in BMW servic ing departments

All of these technica l achievements have their price. But the 12rice is not the price of the car - it is the price of your safety-' The jgy of motoring" The driver of the compact BMW two-door model will not only take his pleasure in the precise mechanics of the design, the careful finish and the efficiency of the most up-todate interrelated individual components. He wi ll also appreciate the independent superiority that stems from the best possible comb ination of man and machine, which resu lts in the total mastery of the car's lively mobility on the road. The high-quality standard of finish ... unique attention to detail . .. and a first-class service network are your

guarantee of the compact BMW's worth. Superiority always matures - but never ages. This, too, is one of the pleasures of driving.

around the enti re world are a guarantee that BMW cars are treated and serviced with the same expertise and professional care with which they were designed and built.

Technical Data BMW316 Bodywork Measurements, Weights



BMW320i 1)

Two-door saloon. torsionally rigid safety cetl. pre-determined shock·absorbong zones 1n the fronl and reas.1nlegral roll-over bar. proiec11ng bonnet with safely IOck Length 4355 mm (t7t 111). Width t6t0 mm (63 on), hetghl (unladen) t380 mm (54 1n). wheelbase 2563 mm (100 on). lurmng corcle t0.3 m (406 in). dOof Oj)('llong Width t0t5 mm (40 on). shoulde< width (front) t3t5 mm (52 on). d1llo (rear) t300 mm (5t 1n). headroom lront 900 mm (35 on). rear 870 mm (34 on). sc.1l vodlh front 550 mm (22 on). rear t320 mm (52 on). seat depth front 480 mm (t91n). rear 480 mm (t9 1n) Track Wldlh. front t386 mm 4 on). rear t377 mm (54 on) reao 1399 mm !55 1n) Luggage compartment absolute approx 460 I (16 cu !I). acc. to VOA apPfOX 404 I (14 cull) Fuet tank capacity 52I(t144 galSJ including 7 I reserve (1 54 gals) We.ghl unladen: t010 kg (2227 lb) We.ghl unlade.i 1010 kg (2227 lb) WCtglh unlade11: 1030 kg (227t lb) Weight unladen t050 kg (:>3t5 lb) (au1oma11c· t030 kg. 2:>7t lbl (automaloc 1050 kg. 2315 lbJ Peump -C ~1f:--c· ~ 0 IJ:i]ll;'j:(:' ii: t,: (J' 1:. ~ b/ ~-17y71(: b t.';A,t,:'Illl'"-t o 7.:i:ifill't~t.c '/- Y Y?' • .:f::7''1v0)~ c/J,~-cll't:1~:ft 7 t/ y .:i.- 7-.'' • .:f:: 7''1vO)g 1:. ?:- Jll~~.!.l(1'.J (: ~ :t -Cl· ii: T o O)~l11 ;/) '



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BMW 3231 "."'" · Sonderauss~g: Lelchtmetallfelgen, Stahlkurbel· rtfebeda~ortlenkrad ·r -


reached its greatest crumpling effect, Qi thus reducing the impact forces to a 0 minimum (bottom of curve), the driver and passengers will be held back by their seat belts. This means that retardation will be kept within relatively low and bearable limits both for the vehicle . and for its passengers (3).






Collision time in milliseconds











..... ..


- - ·- -

Cru~pling in metres :


of the compact BMWs are combined with a roll-over bar (14) and specialprofile front (16) and rear roof pillars, all of which act together to guarantee specific rigidity of the roof. The window frames have also been designed for maximum safety. Due to their inherent strength and together with the rigidity of the doors, they further improve the stability of the bodywork. Obviously, even the safest bodywork design can only provide its full effect if it is complemented by systematic safety inside the passenger compartment. This is why the interior fittings of a BMW offer far more than just superficial comfort: To provide an absolutely reliable system of additional safety, all interior fittings have been designed within the overall concept of BMW safety. Both below the windows and in the head and shoulder zone, the interior


offers a complete system of passenger restraints (adjustable for height simply by pressing a bi1tton) and three-anchor protection designed to take up all the impact energy in the event of an acci- inertia-reel safety belts on the front seats, which are fitted as standard, dent: The instrument panel, handles and mirror are elastic and deformable. all 8MWs offer systematic safety The safety padding extends all the way inside the passenger compartment from the instrument panel to the knee (18). The head restraints are fitted firmly area (17). Even with the most compact BMW, into the front seat backrests and can be adjusted accurately to suit the the instrument panel is elaborately height of the driver and front passendesigned to provide a high standard ger. This is an important precondition of safety: Generous padding reduces the risk of injury in a head-on collision. for avoiding neck injury and its severe consequences. The metal reinforcements in the The automatic belts can be locked instrument panel are designed in such and released easily with one hand. a manner that the edges point away They also have a dual retention from the car's interior (12). function by responding not only to The starter/ignition lock has been the deceleration of the car but also to carefully integrated in the steering column to keep the key away from the independent tension on the belt. driver's knee. This eliminates the risk of injury and keeps the lock within easy Safety:: a matter of common sense. reach. Since the BMW safety system Thanks to the combination of head



depends on the proper use of the seat belts, wearing the belts is absolutely essential for the sake of obtaining maximum safety.


\ •

·~ 14




There are many reasons for buying a BMW. And all of these . reasons are equally convincing. At BMW there are thousands of specialists who produce vehicles to the very highest standard of quality. And there are a few hundred specialists whose one and only job it is to destroy this quality as systematically as possible. Part by part, component by component, and car by car. In highly-specialized test stations, using the most modern equipment, and on test tracks, comprehensive live and simulated tests are carried out on complete assemblies and individual components, which are subjected to extreme conditions in all kinds of rollovers and collisions. In these tests particular emphasis is given to the interaction of individual parts and the practical effect of all the safety components, which can thus be improved to a standard of perfection. Two examples are the impact test on the instrument panel (19) - which is rounded off and deformable to avoid head injury - and the load test of the seats and head restraints, which always form one integral safety unit (20). In another s imulated collision, a test bed is used to check and optimize the seat belts and cockpit safety features (21). Since the safety belt and seat anchorage points are of particular significance in providing absolute safety inside the car, these parts and their inherent stability receive special attention (22). With the help of a swing generator, the shock absorbers are checked for correct functioning at low speeds (23). Door stability (24), which is of importance in front/ side impacts, is also tested with extreme accuracy. The jQy of motoring ~ The driver of the compact BMW two-door model will not only take his pleasure in the precise mechanics of the design, the careful finish and the efficiency of the most up-to-date interrelated individual components. He will also appreciate the independent superiority that stems from the best possible combination of man and



machine, which results in the total mastery of the car's lively mobility on the road. This, too, is one of the pleasures of driving. Expertly trained specialists in BMW servicing departments around the entire world are a guarantee that BMW cars are treated and serviced with the same expertise and professional care with which they were designed and built.

BMW 318i"





Bodvwork Measurements, weights

Two-door saloon, torsionally rigid safety cell, pre-determined shock-absorbing zones in the front and rear, integratE I roll-over bar with all-round reinforcement, cantilevered bonnet, hinged at front, with special safety catches Length 4360 mm (171 in), width 1610 mm (63 In), hel?,ht (unladen) 1380 mm (54 in), wheelbase 2563 mm (100 in). turnir g circle 10.3 m (406 in), door opening width 1015 mm (40 in), shoulder width (front) 1315 mm (52 in), rear 1300 mm (51 in), elbow width, front 1330 mm (52.5 in), rear 1385 mm (54.5 in), headroom front 900 mm (35 n), rear 870 mm (34 In), seat width front 550 mm (22 in), rear 1320 mm (52 In), seat depth front 480 mm (19 in), rear 480 mm (19 in), fore-and-aft seat adjustment 250 mm (9.8 in) Track width, front 1388 mm (55 in), rear 1401 mm (55 in) Track width, front 1387 mm (55 in), rear 1396 mm (55 in) Track width, front 1366 mm (54 in), rear 1373 mm (54 In) Luggage compartment capacity absolute approx. 460 I (16 cu ft), acc. to VOA approx. 404 I (14 cu ft). Fuel tank capac y 11.77 gals including 1.54 gals reserve Weight unladen: 1110 kg (2448 lb) (automatic 1120 kg/2470 lb) Weight unladen: 1090 kH (2403 lb), (automatic: 1100 kg . 2426 lb) Weight unladen: 1030 kH (2271 lb), (automatic 1040 kg, 2293 lb) Weight unladen: 1020 kH (2249 lb) (automatic: 1030 kg, 2271 lb) Permitted load: 430 kg (948 lb) (automatic 420 kg/926 lb) Permitted load: 430 kg 948 lb), (automatic: 420 kg, 926 lb) Permitted load: 430 k~ 948 lb), (automatic: 4 0 kg, 926 lb) Permitted load: 430 k~ 948 lb) (automatic: 420 kg , 926 lb) Permitted gross weight: 1540 kg (3396 lb) Permitted gross weig t: 1460 kg (3219 lb) Permitted gross weight: 1520 kg (3352 lb) Permitted gross weig t: 1450 kg (3197 lb) Permitted trailer load braked 1200 kg (2646 lb), automatic transmission models: 1000 kg (2205 lb), 323i: 1200 kg (264 lb) to a gradient of max. 12%; unbraked 500 kg (1102 lb), permitted roof load 75kg (165 lb) Water-cooled, four cylinder, four-stroke in-line engine, longitudinally mounted and inclined, light alloy cylinder head, cross-flow principle, Water-cooled six-cylinder, four-stroke in-line engine. longitudinally mounted at the front, alloy cross-flow cylinder head with hemispherical hemispherical combustion chamber, overhead 3-point mounted camshaft. parallel inclined overhead valves in V-arrangement, chain drive, combustion chambers, overhead 7-point mounted camshaft and parallel inclined overhead valves in V-arrangement, toothed belt drive, pressurised oil circulation with ~ear pump, full-flow oil filter, viscous fan coupling (speed-related), on BMW 320 Automatic and pressure oil circulation with Eaton pump and full-flow oil filter, engine suspension with additional shock absorber 323i Automatic with additional t ermostat control circuit ' Seven main crankshaft bearings with 12 counter-weights Five main crankshaft bearings with four counter-weights Bosch K-Jetronic mechanical fuel injection, automatic cold start fuel Bosch K-Jetronic mechanical fuel injection, r utomatic choke 4 A 1 twin-choke carburettor with automatic choke (TN-choke), 2 B 4 downdraught carburettor with TN choke for very enrichment device continuous cold running enrichment and accelerator pump accurate cold running enrichment Capacity 2316 cc. stroke 76,8 mm, bore 80 mm Capacity 1990 cc, stroke 66 mm, bore 80 mm Capacity 1766 cc, stroke 71 mm, bore 89 mm Output 90 kW (122 DIN BHP) at 6000 rpm Output 105 kW (143 DIN BHP) at 5800 rpm Output 77 kW (105 DIN BHP) at 5800 rpm Output 66 kW (90 DIN BHP) at 5500 rpm Torque 160 Nm at 4000 rpm. Compression 9.2:1 Torque 190 Nm at 4500 rpm. Compression 9.5:1 Torque 145 Nm at 4500 rpm. Compression 10.0: 1 Torque 140 Nm at 4000 rpm. Compression 9.5:1 Alternator 12 Volts, 55 A/770 W Alternator 12 Volts, 65 A/910 W Alternator 12 Volts, 45 A/630 W Alternator 12 Volts, 65 A/910 W Battery 12 Volts, 55 Ah Battery 12 Volts, 44 Ah Battery 12 Volts, 36 Ah .. Contactless trans1stonzed ignition (hybrid technology) Hydraulically actuated single-plate dry clutch with plate spring, torsional damper and automatic adjustment. Option ~I automatic transmission; with torque converter and transmission oil cooler 4-speed synchromesh gearbox: 13.764; 112.043; 1111.320; IV. 1.0; R 4.096; option of 5-speed 'economy' gearbox: 13.682: i 2.002; 1111.330; IV 1.0; V 0.805; R 3.682; split universal joint shaft with flexibly mounted central bearing and 2 universal joints; rear wheel drive through double universal joint shafts with maintenance-free homokinetic joints Final drive 3.64:1 Final drive 3.45:1 Final drive 3.91:1 Max. speed 190 km/h (118 mph) (automatic 185 km/h115 mph) Max. speed 171 km/h (106 mph), (automatic 1 6 km/ h, 103 mph) Max. speed 181 km/h (112 mph), (automatic 176 km/ h. 109 mph) Max. speed 163 km/h (101 mph) (automatic 158 km/h, 98 mph) Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 9.5 s (~O mph in 9.1 s) Acceleration from Oto 100 km/h in 10.7 s (~O mph in 10.3 s) Acceleration from Oto 100 km/h in 11.5 s (~ mph in 11.1 s) Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 12.5 s (~O mph in 12.1 s) (automatic 11.8 s) (automatic 13.2 s) (automatic 13.6 s) (automatic 14.7 s) Acceleration from Oto 120 km/h (75 mph) in 13.6 s Acceleration from Oto 120 km/h (75 mph) in 15.8 s Acceleration from Oto 120 km/h (75 mph) in 1~.3 s Acceleration from 0 to 120 km/h (75 mph) in 18.3 s ' (automatic 19.9 s) (automatic 19.3 s) (automatic 16.2 s) (automatic 22.4 s) Standing-start kilometre in 32.4 s (automatic 35.1 s) Standing-start kilometre in 30.9 s (automatic 33.4 s) Standing-start kilometre in 34.3 s (automatic 36.3 s) Standing-start kilometre in 33.0 s (automaticb4.9 s) Fuel consumption at a constant 90 km/h (56 mph): 36.2 mpg (Imp), Fuel consumption at a constant 90 km/h (56 mph): 37.7 mpg (Imp), Fuel consumption at a constant 90 km/h (56 171ph): 39.8 mpg (Imp). Fuel consumption at a constant 90 km/h (56 mph): 41.5 mpg (Imp); Automatic 37.2 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version): Automatic 37.7 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed geatbox ~conomy version): Automatic 27.4 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version): Automatic 35.3 mpg (Imp); with 5-sr.eed gearbox (economy version): 41.5 mpg (Imp). Premium-grade fue , 98 octane (RM) 39.2 mpg (Imp). Premium-grade fuel. 98 octane (R M) 45.6 mpg (Imp). Premium-grade fuel, 98 octane (RM) 44.8 mpg (Imp). Premium-grade fuel, 98 octa11e (R ) consumption at a constant 120 km/h (75 mph): 27.7 mpg (Imp), Fuel Fuel consumption at a constant 120 km/h (75 mpg): 31.0 mpg (Imp). Fuel consumption at a constant 120 km/h (75 mph): 28.0 mpg (Imp), Fuel consumption at a constant 120 km/h (75 mph): 30.4 mpg (Imp); Automatic 27.4 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version): Automatic 28.5 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gea ~ox (economy version): Automatic 27.4 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version): Automatic 26.9 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version): 31.0 mpg (Imp). 29.4 mpg {Imp). 34.0 mpg (Imp). 33.6 mpg (Imp). Fuel consumption in city traffic: 21.9 mpg (Imp), Fuel consumption in city traffic : 27.2 mpg (Imp). Fuel consumption in city traffic: 21.7 mpg (Imp), Fuel consumption in city traffic: 25.7 mpg (Imp); Automatic 27.4 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version) : Automatic 30.4 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearuox (economy version): Automatic 23.5 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version): Automatic 22.8 mpg (Imp); with 5-speed gearbox (economy version) : 21.7 mpg (Imp). 21.9 mpg (Imp). 27.2 mpg (Imp). 25.7 mpg (Imp). .. Front suspension: independent wheel suspension on inclined spring struts (anti-roll bar) with coil springs and addl11onal rubber springing, stabiliser (anti-roll bar) Rear suspension : independent wheel suspension with semi-trailing arms in rubber bushes, spring struts with coil s~rings and additional rubber springing, link support ~-"-~~~~~~~~~-'-----='--'=--~~-'-'-~~----------------=-..,-...,---,-----,,...---,,,.,----...,...--:-;.....,--....,.----:;---:-~ Front anti-roll bar stiffened Sports-tuned suspension with progressive roll damping on front Rear anti-roll bar spring struts Collapsible safety steering column with 2 universal joints, rack and pinion steering, overall steering ratio 21.1:1 Steering damper BMW steel rims 5•'2 J x 13 H2 BMW steel rims 5 J x 13 H2 Tyres: 165 R 13 82 S (165 SR 13) steel radials Tyres: 185/70 R 13 84 H (185/70 HR 13) steel radials Dual twin-circuit braking system with brake servo and rear axle brake pressure limiter Front: fixed caliper disc brakes with automatic pad wear compensation, disc diameter 255 mm (10 in) (vented on the SMW 323 i), sensor for brake lining wear on the front left disc brake Rear: leading and trailing shoe drum brakes with self-centering shoes, drum diameter 250 mm (10 in), handbrake achn_g_m_e-c"""h-a""n"'"ic-a"""l,...ly_o_n-re_a_r-w"""h,..e~ e l-s-"----------------------~....,2~5~8-m-m-(""1"' 0"'"1n-c"""h""")-d""iam e""te-r-r-e-a-r""' d,... is-c""'b-r-a'" ke - s- ,-m - ec """h,..a-n"""i-ca""'l""ly- o-p e - r-a-=-te - d..,.handbrake acting on twin 160 mm (6 1/• inch) diameter auxiliary drums at rear, additional sensor for brake lining wear on the rear right disc brake All-round parking protection through rubber trimmed bumpers extending round the side of the car and rubber side·n1 bing strips, deep front ai r dam, bonnet with spring release and special safety lock with catch hooks, fully retracting crank windows at the front, anti-dazzle driver's door mirror adjustable electrically from inside; chrome-plated tail-pipe (twin pipes on 323 i), fuel tank lock with standafd key, fuel tank with recessed filler cap covered by a hinged flap; 2 reversing lights, rear fog warning light integrated in rear light cluster. automatic headlight extinction when switching off Ignition, heated rear window, laminated front windscreen _ _ _ _ __ _ __._I_D_o_u_b_le_ h_ al_o.:gc... e_ n_h_e_a_d_li.= g_ h_ts_,_tw _ in_·_ t o_n_e_h_o_r_n_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ Halogen H-4 headlights Hollow cavity preservation, underbody protection Instruments and operating elements arranged in a semi-circle around the driver, easily readable and clearly mountec. Instruments with a quartz clock (and a rev counter with integral digital quartz clock on the 320 and 323 i). fuel and cooling water temperature gauges, trip recorder, two wiper speeds, repeat sw itch and electric screen washers with intermittent wash/ wipe phase, operated from the steering column, infinitely adjustable orange instrument panel illumination, additional warning lights for fuel, brake lining wear, handbrake " on" and brake fluid level, foam-padded 4-spoke steering wheel (380 mm [15 in) diameter) with padded boss and 4 horn buttons, controls with illuminated symbols, illuminated hazard warning flasher switch Heating and ventilation : water temperature controlled fresh air heating with finely adjustable rotary controls; quiet th ree-speed blower, defroster outlets for windscreen and side windows, fresh air input through grilles at the side. well to the front, and in the centre, also horizontal and vertical with separate adjustment for driver and front seat passenger, heating diagram illumination (can be switched off), air extraction through slots in rear roof pillars Front seats with finely adj us table backrest, front passenger seat back push-button adjustable from driver's positioni e_a.:..:sy"'"le-n-g""'t7h-a-d""Ju-s""'t,.m_e_n...,t"'o-n_r_o..,.ll""e-r7b_e_ a..., ri-ng-s-,"""h'-e...,i_ g,... ht,...a-d""j,. u_s,... ta"'"b"'le "- :h-ead..,....re_s...,t_s_c_o_n..,.tr-o""ll"e"""' d'"'b_y_a_p_u_s=-h-= -b-u-=t,...to_n_a_n_d-:-: d-et,...a-c7h-a.,..b.,..le-,-=3-.p-o"""i,n.7t .,.. i n-,e-rt"i'-a- r-ee - l""s-a""f-e"ty"-:b-e""'lt,...s- a-:t-:f"" ro- n-:t-w""'i"' thc-concealed reels and swivel mountings, belt lock fastened to seat, 3-point inertia-reel safety belts on the outside rear ileats, hip belt in the middle. door arm rests with integral grab handle on the passenger side, rear roof grab handles with clothes hooks, additional roof grab handle for front seat passenger (from 320, but not with sliding roof) I Luxurious seat upholstery, door linings with upholstered centrepiece, rear side linings with upholstered armrest Fully carpeted Interior, carpet on the rear shelf, easily accessible storage facilities in the illumin ated glove compartme it, on the dashboard, in the central console and storage compartments in the doors. Cigar lighter illuminated, safety ashtray in the instrument panel, 2 ashtrays in the rear, large anti-dazzle safety rear-view mirror, door locks with safety anti burst strikers, storage spaces on the right . nd left in the luggage compartment, tool box in boot lid, fleece carpeting on floor of luggage compartment Parking light switch, interior light with door contact switches, indirect luggage compartment illumination (additional luggage compartment light from 320), socket for rechargeable hand lamp (optional extra) in the glove compartment Light-alloy rims (on BMW 316/318i in conjunction with 185/70 HR 13 tyres), 185/70 HR 13 steel radials (standard from tjMW 320), decorated hub caps. Front stabiliser reinforced and rear stabiliser (standard fittings as from 318i), trailer suspension, tow bar with removable coupling knob (if car is used frequently to tow trailer, we recommend that this 1s used with the heavy-duty suspension option). limited sli p differential, three-speed automatic transmission, 5-speed 'economy' gearbox for 316 to 320, 5-speed sports gearbox (BMW 320/ 323i), power-assisted steering, sports-tuned suspension (standard on 323 i), sports-tuned suspension with gas pressure shock absorbers Leatherette upholstery, 380 mm (15 inch) diameter leather-covered sports steering wheel, two rear-seat headrests, Recaro seats for driver and front seat passenger with head rest and adjustable upper le!! supports, air conditioning including green tinted glass all round, velour floor mats, lockable love compartment with same key, low front seats (standard with sliding steel roof), larg~ toolkit inside luggage compartment lid, warning triangle with holder, 2-kg fire extinguisher with holder, no model designation Green or brown tinted heat-insulation glass all round, steel cranked sun roof, mechanically operated, low ered front eats, metallic paint, second door mirror, rear side windows front-hinged Halogen fog lamps with second rear fog light, headlight wipers/washer, rev counter with built-In digital quartz clocks ndard (as from 320), driver's external rear-view mirror electrically adjustable from inside, exterior driving mirror fitted to offside, electrically adjustable from inside, radios mono with 2 loudspeakers, stereo and cassette with 4 loudspeakers and balance control, radio interf!lrence s ppress1on, electrically retractable aerial fitted at rear, more powerful battery and/or alternator


Transmission Performance

Suspension and brakes

Exterior fittings Interior fitting s

Optional extras


•The BMW 3181 ls not available in the UNITED KINGDOM.


UR8AH mpg

316 u&oon 320


3201 S:alOol'\

According to the requirements of particular export markets alterations in models, standard and optional equipment , as described in the text and Illustrations, may occur. Precise information should be obtained from your BMW distributor or im porter.

3?31 saloon

25.S 21.7 23.S 19.8

IMPERIAL 545 mph 75 mph moa mpg

382 37.7 37.7 36.7

28.0 28.0 27.4 26.9

URBAN l/100km 11.t

13.0 12.0 14,3

METRIC 90 kph 11100 km 7.• 7.5 7. 5



1/100 m 10.1 10.1 10.3 10.5

© 1980 Bava rian Motor Wo rks (BMW) AG, Muni ch/West Germany Not to be reproduced wholly or in part without written permission of BMW AG, Munich. 011030220 2/80VM Printed in West Germany





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