Be2 Multiple Choice Questions [PDF]

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Complete the following sentences with the best alternatives. UNIT 9 1. The concept of the 4Ps of product, price, place and _____ was defined by Jerome McCarthy in 1964. A perception B productivity C promotion D period 2. Some marketing theorists believe that the 4Ps model is able _____ to the changing face of marketing in the digital world. A to adapt B to change C to put D to define 3. Some marketing theorists believe that _____ is now obsolete and a new paradigm is required to meet the new challenges. (Nói đến P trước – Price.. rồi mới update lên C) A the 4Os B the 4As C the 4Cs model D the 4Ps model 4. Three new Ps have been added to the 4Ps model by some marketers. These include People, _____, and Physical evidence. A Purchase B Process C Production D Practice 5. People in the 4Ps model encompasses the skill levels of _____. A employees B stakeholders (các C shareholders (chủ sở D bondholders bên có liên quan) hữu) 6. _____ in the 4Ps model means the tools to ensure you offer a consistent service. A Place B Process C Product D Progress 7. _____ in the 4Ps model includes premises (building, factory, warehouse, showroom), employees and paperwork. A Process B Price C Physical evidence D Product 8. Recent marketing theory has added the more _____ -orientated 4Cs. A employee B employer C customer D shareholders 9. Customer wants and needs is included in _____. A Place B Product C Process D Price 10. _____ is included in Price. A Cost to the customer B Communication with C Competitor of the D Cost to the company the customer company 11. Convenience for the customer is included in _____. A Price B Process C Product D Place 12. _____ is included in Promotion. A Cost to the customer B Communication with C Communication with D Cost to the company the customer the shareholders 13. Dell's customer-orientated focus, which also allowed customers to customise their purchases during the ordering process, differentiated Dell from its _____ from the start. A employers B employees C stakeholders D competitors 14. _____ may turn into demonstration showrooms where people can try out the products. A High street shops B Traditional shops C Bricks and mortar D A, B and C are shops correct 15. The _____ can give instant responses to customers' questions. A visual assistant B virtual assistant C digital assistant D automated assistant 16. All calls can be logged by the company, which means that they can use this information to develop the service _____ what their customers are asking for. A with regard to B with regards to C in regards to D with regards as 17. Some customers will prefer to speak to a real person, so they are more likely to buy their tickets from a _____. 1|Page

A telephone service

B internet service

C online service

D virtual service

18. Direct mail is often described as _____ . A 'junk mail' B advertisement mail C D 19. E-marketing would be defined as the use of electronic media for _____. A marketing plans B advertising purposes C marketing purposes D marketing decisions 20. _____ usually means the Internet, email, mobile phone marketing. A Electronic B Electric media C Electronic media D Electric tools information 21. _____ has radically changed marketing because it means you can have a much closer relationship with the customer. A E-marketing B traditional C word of mouth D conventional marketing marketing 22. In E-marketing, you're using _____ approaches that you would traditionally use in marketing, but just using them through different channels. A same B different C various D similar 23. Dell traditionally started off as primarily a _____ PC manufacturer and service provider. A employer-focused B company-focused C business-focused D employee-focused 24. The _____ of marketing is a recent marketing theory considered highly relevant for retailers selling direct to the consumer via virtual or high street stores. A 4P framework B 4A framework C 4S framework D 4C framework 25. The _____ will focus on selling the product, yet the 4C managers will look instead at satisfying cost to the customer. A 4D managers B 4C managers C 4A managers D 4S managers 26. In the world of _____, managers will be preoccupied with how to place their products in their customers' hands. A 4A marketing B 4S marketing C 4P marketing D 4O marketing 27. _____, marketeers will be working out how to locate their stores both virtually and physically to provide maximum convenience to the customer and make them easy to find. A In the world of 4C B In the world of 4P C In the world of 4A D In the world of 4S 28. For the bricks retailer, ‘Place’ incorporates what can be the most critical decisions concerning ‘location’, reflecting _____ for short travel journeys. A sellers’ preferences B shoppers' C wholesales’ D manufacturers’ preferences preferences preferences 29. For the e-retailer, many customers prefer a _____: browse on the web, buy instore or vice versa - or buy on the web and then return to the store for a refund! A multi-internet B multi-newspaper C multi-mass media D multi-channel approach approach approach approach 30. ‘Location’ for the e-retailer also means _____ and the ease of finding the website. A Virtual location B viral location C real location D bricks and mortar location 31. ‘Convenience’ also includes key aspects of website design such as _____, layout and ease of purchase. A driving B running C navigation D operation 32. An essential task of retail and e-retail is selecting the range of products offered for _____ for target markets from diverse sources. A sale -assembled B sales-assembled C income-assembled D purchase-assembled 2|Page

(sale: việc bán hàng) (sales: doanh số bán) 33. The lowest price does not always result in the highest _____, as many shoppers may value aspects such as style, design and fashion. A income B sales C salary D expenditure 34. For ‘clicks’ e-retail, there are also the _____ and perhaps taxes to be added to the quoted prices. A price of carrying B costs of carrying C price of carriage D costs of carriage 35. _____ suggests ways in which companies persuade people to buy products. A Promotion B Price C Place D Product 36. _____ is a two-way process also involving feedback from customers to suppliers. A Cost B Convenience C Communication D Customers’ want 37. _____ is not just advertising, though, but all the ways in which retailers communicate with their customers, including, for example, direct mail, marketing database and loyalty schemes. A Cost B Communication C Convenience D Customer 38. E-retailers can create a _____ using music and visuals such as 3D displays and downloadable video clips. A web atmosphere B internet atmosphere C PC atmosphere D laptop atmosphere 39. _____ enables companies to analyse online customer feedback and enquiries with powerful software. A Database marketing B Data marketing C Information D profile marketing marketing 40. _____ schemes are an example of customer relationship marketing, whereby retailers can deepen their relationships with customers. A Current account B Smart card loyalty C Statement D Credit limit 41. _____ is all about how companies can best design their website by making it fast and easy to navigate, a pleasant place to browse, and above all, easy to find via search engines. A Web usefulness B Web penetration C Web optimisation D Internet optimisations 42. Social media marketing helps companies create new _____ using blogs and social network sites to interact in a two-way process with their customers. (For the short time only) A media strategy B media campaigns C media plan D medium campaigns 1.


Complete the following sentences with the best alternatives. UNIT 10 1. If all consumers were to have a sudden lapse of memory and forget everything related to Coca-Cola, the company would _____. A go on business B go into business C go out of business 2. A measurement of the number of people who know the brand is _____.

D go out business

A brand awareness B brand image 3. _____ means the public perception of the brand.

D brand extension

C brand equity

A Brand equity B Brand extension C Brand awareness 4. The value the investors put on a brand is called _____.

D Brand image

A brand extension B brand equity C brand awareness D brand image 5. The use of an established brand name with a different product is known as _____. A brand extension B brand equity C brand positioning D luxury brand 6. A brand that is used by the company that developed and produced the product is _____. A licensed brand B brand equity C manufacturer’s brand D product 7. A(n) _____ means a brand that is used by the distributor or shop selling the product, not the manufacturer. A brand equity

B brand extension

C manufacturer’s D own brand brand 8. _____ is leased to a manufacturer, who then makes the product under that name. A brand product B Licensed brand C own brand D brand extension 9. _____ refers to the location of a particular brand in relation to the competition. A manufacturer’s brand B luxury brand C Brand positioning 10. A(n) _____ is a high-priced product aimed at the top of the market.

D Licensed brand

A brand extension B brand product C brand positioning 11. _____ means changing the image of a brand to attract new market segments.

D luxury brand

A Brand positioning B Brand repositioning C luxury brand D brand extension 12. A _____ is simply anything that satisfies customer needs, it has a functional value, a utility that hopes to satisfy our needs as consumers. A brand B product C trademark D brand positioning 13. A _____ is the name, term, symbol, design or any combination of these which is used to identify good sorts of services and therefore differentiates them from other functional products on the market. A brand B product C trademark D brand positioning 14. From a _____, the fact that things are branded allows us to recognize the brands and the choices that we usually make. A customer's point of B retailer’s point of C manufacturer’s point D brand’s point view view view of view 15. From a _____, brand gives us fast recognition but also an assurance of quality and performance. 4|Page

A customer’s point of B consumer's point of C retailer’s point of D A and B are correct. view view view 16. From a _____, obviously the branding process increases profitability quite substantially. A customer’s point of B consumer’s point of C firm's point of view D A and B are correct. view view 17. Although products are manufactured, brands are sold and constitute important elements that guide _____. A consumer behavior

B customer behaviour

C customer point of D customer profile view 18. _____ is what it costs you to put the product in the market, and you have to keep trying to get that unit cost down. Price is what the market will pay you. A Tax B Price C Cost D Branding 19. If the price is too high people can't afford to buy, that's assuming you have a _____. A perfect competition B monopoly C rivalry D customer profile 20. If the price is too low we can't make money, so our price is really determined more by _____. A competition


B cost

C monopoly

D price

Complete the following sentences with the best alternatives. UNIT 12 1. Microfinance is the provision of financial services to _____. A poverty people B low- income people C rich people D wealthy people 2. Low-income people are consumers and the self—employed who live on less than _____ a day. A $1 B $100 C 1000 VND D 100,000 VND 3. Low-income people lack access to _____ banking services. A luxury B old-fashioned C traditional D real 4. _____ banking services include current accounts, savings accounts, credit facilities, insurance and the ability to transfer funds across borders. A Traditional B High C Luxurious D Low-income 5. The reasons why low- income people lack access to traditional banks mainly because they do not have the assets served as _____. A asset B collateral (tài sản C security D B and C are correct. đảm bảo) 6. Microfinance is considered a tool for _____ development and is not part of the charitable network. A socio-economic B socio-environmental C socio-cultural D socio-payable 7. Microfinance is hoped to help low-income people out of _____. A taxable B management C prosperity D poverty 8. A person is a 'known risk' when he/she has a _____ of previous borrowings, and so will be categorised as a low risk compared to people with no assets or credit history. A historical credit B credit history C credit loan D credit limit 9. Good presentations have a defined purpose and structure, create interest in the topic and use key phrases to _____ essential information and emphasise the main points. A outline B draw C prepare D sketch 10. Eventually I offered myself as the _____ who will sign all the papers, and take the risk of borrower’s default. A guarantee B insurer C poverty D guarantor 11. Default means the borrower become _____ and cannot repay the debt. A unsolvent B insolvent C insolvency D discretion 12. The conventional banks are based on one basic principle: the more you have, _____ you can get. A the little B the much C the less D the more 13. The micro finance institution’s principle is the less you have, _____ attractive you are. A the more B the little C the less D the much 14. A current bank account pays little or no interest to the holders. It allows the customer to _____ their money at any time. A attract B manage C access D open 15. A long-term bank loan has a _____ of more than 5 years and it is a(n) secured loan. A maturity (thời hạn, B profile C portfolio D mature kỳ hạn) 16. A _____ helps the customers to increase their income when they get retired. A switch plan B pension plan C retirement plan D maturity plan 17. SWIFT is a method for _____ from one country to another. A cash transfer B account transfer C money transfer D banks transfer 18. A _____ is a convenient way for the holder to settle their daily finance. A Online banking B ATM card C savings account D debit card 6|Page

19. A savings bank account is a _____ which offers higher interest rates to the depositors. A demanding account B statement account C demand deposit D term deposit account account 20. A mortgage is a kind of _____ for the borrower to buy real estates like a house. A security loan B unsecured loan C secured loan D secure loan 21. _____ is a kind of a short-term bank loan offering money for household appliances. A Consumer credit B Long-term loan C Short-term loan D Consuming credit 22. A _____ with a specified credit limit requires the holder to pay a minimum amount of the money spent to avoid penalties. A ATM card B credit card C debit cards D consumer credit
