Bài Thi Semantics [PDF]

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Bài Thi Semantics - 1 Đáp án Semantics - 4 Lý Thuyết Semantics - 14 Thi Hết Môn Semantics - 18 1. Semantics * What is polysemy? Give one example to illustrate your presentation? Polysemy is a sense relation in which a single word has two or more slightly different but closely related meanings. * What is anomaly? To illustrate your presentation, give a semantically anomalous sentence and explain why it is semantically anomalous. * What is entailment? Give one example to illustrate your presentation? * Compare the following terms and give one example to illustrate : a- hononymy/synonymy b- live metaphors/dead metaphors * Compare the following terms and give one example to illustrate : a- antonymy/synonymy b- lexical ambiguity/structural ambiguity * What are the four maxims of the cooperative principle? * Identify the difference between denotation and connotation. Give one example to illustrate each. * What is deixis? Give examples? * Identify the semantic properties of the following words : aunt, crawl, virtue, cygnet. * Identify the relationship (hyponymy, homography, homophony, homonymy, synonymy, binary antonymy, gradable antonymy, relational antonymy, polysemy) between the following pairs of italicized words. The words given in brackets are to clarify the meaning in question of the italicized words. a- pass – fail e- sight – site

b- love – hate f- employer – employee c- sigh – vision g- sight (to ability to see) – sight (a thing one can see) d- clothes – jeans h- desert (as in the Sahara desert) – desert (abandon) * What are semantic features? How can you distinguish the words given in the following table from one another, considering their semantic features? Malay English Vietnamese Chinese sadara Brother Anh Huynh em Đệ Sister Muội chị tỷ * What is the connotation of a word? Identify three possible (positive or negatibe) connotations of the word Titanic. * What are proforms? Give two example to illustrate. 2. Distinguish an utterance from a sentence? Give two examples to illustrate each. * Distinguish an explicit performative from an implicit performative? Give one examples to illustrate each. * Distinguish locution from illocution? Give one examples to illustrate each. * Distinguish binary antonymy from gradable antonymy?. Give one example to illustrate each. * Distinguish presupposition from entailment * Distinguish true synonymy from partial synonymy? Give two examples to illustrate each. 3. Indentify the persupposition(s) in the following utterances: - The CD you gave me is quite interesting - I regret mising the last lecture - Can you stop coming home after midnight? - I’m going to buy some milk for the little child

- My wife pretended to be pleased with my answer - On the occasion of my friend’s birthday, I intend to buy her a vase. - He didn’t manage to support himself - It’s odd how tricky the final exam is. - He pretended to be pleased with the gift - When will she graduate from high school? - The didn’t manage to hand in their paper on time - I wish I hadn’t turned down his proposal - John was quite unpopular - He didn’t realize he had been taken in - When did you quit smoking? - The examination in Semantics is so easy this time. - I am not able to go to Hanoi this weekend. - Did you return the book to the library? - She pretended that the gift had pleased her - They were rich. - You will be amazed when you see the view - Their son is not naughty. - You can try asking Martin for help - I regret drinking so much last night - Even Bill could solve that problem - She pretended she was not at home when the bell rang. - I’ve been dreaming of having a house of my own - If they hadn’t waited until the last minute, they would have passed the exam. - Where did you buy the motorbike? - You are late for the meeting again. 4. Interpret the following sentences and identify the fingure(s) of speech employed - Why don’t you recognize the power of her purse? - Never in a million years will he admit defeat. - I don’t know much about the childhood of the world - Take the bad with the good.

- One more old Forsyte went to his long rest… wonderfully how he had held on. - The skinheads have constituted a social problem in the west. - Here’s the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. (Lady Macbeth is remorseful over the murder of the king). - She is a girl of twenty summers - A cloud appeared over their friendship. - When the speaker finished his talk, we knew that we had been listening to a great mind. - I want to take part in the contest bit I don’t have the nerve - As we are sailing into this millennium, we should know there are still many difficulties. - I know he’s your brother, but you shouldn’t let your personal feelings cloud your judgment - The president claimed that his administration contained the best brain in the country. - Duty commanded and he obeyed - He said it to my face - Her beloved father was laid to rest in this cemetery - Don’t live in such a sea of doubt. 5. For each of the following utterances, provide two situations so that one utterance performs two different acts. Interpret the utterances and identify the acts performed in the light of the situations you provide. - Who will pay for such a loss? - The gun is loaded. - It’s cold in here - Why don’t you study French? - What a nice hat you’re wearing ! - Look before you leap. - Do you know what time is it? - Smoking is strictly prohibited here.

- We’re running out of time. - The ice cream is in the fridge. - The ticket cost 50 dollars - There’s a lot of humor in the story. - What are you waiting for? - He needs some ice for his sore shoulder. - These two books are due tomorrow - None of the supermarkets in our town sells fresh fish today. - Why don’t you live with your parents? - You’re home early. 6. What is the implicature you can draw from Mrs Nelson’s final utterance? Mrs Nelson : “You’ve misspelled the customer’s name. It should be Snelling not Smelling”. Debbie: “Hee - hee” Mrs.Nelson: “It’s not funny, Debbie. If I hadn’t noticed it, we could have lost the order ” 7. Interpret meaning of the following sentences, and identify the kinds of figurative language employed. - Their next strategy is to expand their business to less developed countries. - The huge locomotive snorted and belched its way across the plain. - Don’t substitute the good for the bad. - The man is a demon of energy. 8. Give situation, interpret the meaning and then classify the following utterances into different kinds of speech acts : - It’ll be ready tomorrow - We are going to turn you in - Authors always pay their debts - The food is really awful - We are going to be in the rainy season! - What time is it according to your watch? - We always call him “Jack of all the trades” 9. Write down one implicature that can be drawn from the second speaker’s response in each

of these two dialohues. a- A : “Did you finish your report?” B : “ I started it” b- A: “Coffee?” B: “It would keep me awake all night”. a- A: Did the band play for two hours? B: I left in the middle of the performance b- A : The library is open on Saturday, isn’t it? B: Let’s find out. a- A: Shall we sit here and talk? B: There’s no better place than here b- A: How do you like the new librarian at the information desk? B: You mean Ron? He’s been here as long as I have. 10. Which of the sentences is lexically ambiguous? Which is structurally ambiguous? Provide two sentences that paraphrase the two meanings of each ambiguous sentence. - They are cooking apples - They didn’t recognize the new Prime Minister. 11. Explain why the following sentences are said to be semantically anomalous - What are your intentional plans for the summer holidays? - He stormed out of the room, slamming the door silently behind him. 12. Decide whether each of the utterances below is performative; it not, why not. - You congratulate me - I envy you 13. Using the locution, illocution, perlocution analysis, analyse Steve’s utterance - You interrupted me again - I was ride 14. In each of the following decide whether the interference in brackets is a presupposition or an implicature derived from the underlined utterance. State the kind of the presupposition

or the implicature and explain. a- John : My girlfriend lives in Luton Bill: My girlfriend lives in Paris (Bill has a girlfriend) b- Jane: Did you finish the report? Mary: I started it (mary didn’t finish the report). 15. Read the following sentence carefully and answer the questions English is spoken in more parts of the world than in any other language by more people than any other tongue except Chinese. 1. Is there any instance of synonymy in the above sentence? 2. What is the sense relation between the terms English, language, Chinese in the above sentence? 3. Like many other words in English, tongue is a polysemous word, which can lead to lexical ambiguity when it is used in a certain utterance. Is the word tongue in the above sentence an instance of ambiguity? 4. What is the figure of speech expressed through the use of tongue in the above sentence? 16. Identify the speech acts performed in the following underlined utterances. 1. A: Hey buddy! There’s a big hole in front of our classroom! B : Thanks 2. A : You know what I found on he first day of my new school year? There’s a big hole in front of our classroom! B : Really? 3. A : Oh my God! There’s a big hole in front of our classroom! B : It’s not unusual around here. Đáp án đề 1 Part one : SEMANTICS ( 6 marks ) 1. Polysemy ( 1 m ) Polysemy is a sense relation in which a single word has two or more slightly different but closely related meanings. The English noun chip, for example, can have the three following meanings:

( i ) a small piece of some hard substance which has been broken off from something larger : a chip of wood / glass. ( ii ) a small cut piece of potato which is fried for eating : can I try one of your chips ? ( iii ) a small but vital piece of a computer : Thí computer has got a faster hip than the old one. The three meanings are closely related because they all contain the semantic feature [ + small piece ]. 2. Utterance vs. sentence ( 1 m ) An UTTERANCE is the USE by a particular speaker, on a particular occasion, for a particular purpose, of a piece of language, such as a sequence of sentences, or a single phrase, or even a single word. A SENTENCE is a string of words put togetther by the grammatical rules of a language. It is an IDEAL string of words behind various realizations in utterances and inseriptions. Jane : “ Coffee? ” Would you like some coffee ? Steve : “ Sure! ” I’m sure to love it. Jane : “ white? ” Would you like ( black coffee or ) white coffee? Steve : “ Black. ” I’d like black coffe, please. ( one – word utterances ) ( Well – formed sentences ) 3. Presuppositions ( 1 m ) ( a ) The utterance presupposes that you gave me a CD ( b ) The utterance presupposes that I missed the last lecture ( c ) The utterance presupposes that you often come home after midnight (d ) The utterance presupposes that the little child drink milk 4. Figures of speech (1m) (a) Pure, which is [+ container], stands for money, which is [+ what is kept] This is a metonymy. The whole sentence means you should recongnize the power that is accompanied by her money (b) Never in a milion years is an overstatement/ a hyperbole.

The whole sentence means he will never admit defeat 5. Speech acts (2m) (Anwers to this part of the test vary depending on the situations provided by the student) (a) “Who will pay for such a loss? ” SITUATION 1 A: “Who will pay for such a loss? ” B: “I will” A direetly asks B for a piece of information. This is A ROGATIVE. SITUATION 2 A: “We have to do it depite ane loss” B: “Who will pay for such a loss? ” (I’m afraid that I can hardly agree with you). B indirectly rejects A’s suggestion. This is AN EXPRESSIVE (b) “The gun is loaded” SITUATION 1 A: “Be careful! The gun is loaded” (= “Stay away from the gun”) B: “Thanks for your timely warning ” A indireetly asks B to stay away from the gun. This is A DIRECTIVE SITUATION 2 Robber “Raise your hands!The gun is loaled” (= “I’ll kill you”) Passer – by: “OK! OK! ” (By stating the fact the gun is loaded) The robber indirectly thereatens to kill or injure the passer – by (if the latter does not raise his/ her hands). This is A COMMISSIVE. Part two: WRITING (4 marks) Organization (1m): Clear outline as follows: 1. Introduction: Thesis statement 2. Body: Developmental paragraphs: topic sentence, transision, coherent supporting ideas, comcluding sentence. 3. Conclusion • Contents ( 1 m ) : informative, abundant, clear.

• Vocabulary ( 1 m ) : precise. • Grammar ( 1 m ) : right sentence patterns, no grammar mistakes. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ 2 Part one : SEMANTICS ( 6 marks ) 1. Anomaly ( 1 m ) Anomaly is a violation of semantie rules to create nonsense. That bachelor is pregant, for example, is semantically anomalous because the meaning of bachelor ineludes the semantic feature [ + male ] whereas pregnant is [ + feamale ]. 2. Explicit performtives vs implicit performatives ( 1 m ) Explicit performatives are those that contain A PERFORMATIVE VERB while impicit performatives are those that do not. For “ I hereby WARN you that you will fail ” is an explicit performative. 3. Presuppositions ( 1 m ) : ( a ) The utterance presupposes that my wife was not pleased with my answer. ( b ) The utterance presupposes that I have a friend, and soon comes her birthday. ( c ) The utterance presupposes that he tried to support himself. ( d ) The utterance presupposes that the final exam is tricky. 4. Figures of speech ( 1 m ) : ( a ) The childhood of the world is an expression of personification / a metaphor meaning the period of time during which the world was formed. ( b ) The sentence consists of two metonymies : the bad stands for the neative aspects of life and the good stands for the positive ones. 5. Speech acts ( 2 m ) : ( Answers to this part of the test vary depending on the situations provided by the student. ) ( a ) : “ It’s cold in here .” STUATION 1 : A : “ It’s cold in here. ” ( = “ Do something to warm the room up, please .” ) B : “ I’ll shut the windows .”

A indirectly asks / requests B to do something to warm the room they are in up . This is A DIRECTIVE. SITUATION 2 : A : “ I don’t think I stay in. It’s cold in here .” B : “ All right. Let’s go out for some exercise .” A directly gives the reason why / explains why he / she doesn’t like to stay in. This is A REPRESENTATIVE. ( b ) “ Why don’t you study French ? ” SITUATION 1 : A: “ Why don’t you study French ? ” ( = “ You should study French .”) B : “ That’s what I thought. Too ” A indirectly advises B to take a course in French. This is A DIRECTIVE. SITUATION 2 : A : “ Why don’t you study French ? ” B : “ Because I don’t have time for it right now .” A directly asks for the reason why B refuses to take a course in French. This is A ROGATIVE. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ 3 Part one : SEMANTICS ( 6 marks ) 1. Entailment (1m) Entailment relationship that applies between two sentences, where the truth of one implies the truth of the orther beacause of meanings of the words involved. There are two types of entailment. One way entailment: Alferd saw a bear asymmetrically entails (=>) Alferd saw an animal. If Alferd saw a bear then he necessarily saw an animal; but if Alferd saw an animal, he could have seen a bear but not necessarily. It could be a big bad wolf, for example. Two way entailment: Paul borrowed a car from Sue symmetrically entails () Sue lent a car to Paul. The entailments between this pair of sentences are mutual since the truth of

either sentence guarantees the truth of the other. 2. Locution vs illocution (1m) The locution of a speech act is it’s basic litearl meaning, which is conveyed by its particular words and structures. The illocution of a speech act is it’s intended effect(s): accusing, announcing, admitting, apologizing, begging, ordering, etc. Take the utterance “I’m thirsty” as an example. Sam: “I am thirsty” Annie: I’ll bring you a glass of water. The locution of “I am thirsty” is my body dose not obitain enough water. The illocution of “I am thirsty” is Sam requests Annie to give him something to drink. 3. Presuppsitions (1m) ( a ) The utterance presupposes that he was not pleased with the gift ( b ) The utterance presupposes that she will graduate from high school ( c ) The utterance presupposes that they tried to hand in their paper on time ( d ) The utterance presupposes that. I turned down his proposal. 4. Figures of speech (1m) (a) Went to his long rest is a metaphor/a cuphemism which means died or breathed his last. The whole sentence means it was wonderful how long old Forsyte had been on his death – bed before he breathed his last. (b) The skinheads which is [+ part] is a syneedoche meaning young people with very short hair, which is [+whole] 5. Speech acts (2m) (Answers to this part of the test vary depending on the situations provided by the student.) ( a ) : “ What a nice hat you’re wearing .” STUATION 1 : A : “What a nice hat you’re wearing”

B : “ Thanks for your nice comliment .” A directly compliments B on her new hat. This is AN EXPRESSIVE. SITUATION 2 : A : “What do think of this hat.” B : “ What a nice hat you’re wearing.” (= “Get rid of such an awful hat”) (Since nice may be an expression o irony which means quite opposite) B indirectly asks A to get rid of such an awful hat. This is A DIRECTIVE. ( b ) “ Look before you leap ” SITUATION 1 : Teacher : “ John, read the first sentence on page 14 ? ” John : “ Look before your leap ” John just reads aloud what the teacher asks him to do, describing the content of the first snetence on page 14. This is A REPRESSENTATIVE SITUATION 2 : A : “ Look before your leap ” B : “ Thanks for your advice .” A directly gives a piece of advice. This is A DIRECTIVE ĐÁP ÁN 4. Part one: SEMANTICS (6 marks) 1a. Homonymy vs synoymy (1m) Homonymy is a relation in which various words have the same (written and sound) from but have different meanings. For example, the noun bear, which refers to a large heavy animal with thick fur, the verb bear 1 , which means give birth to and the verb bear 2 means tolerate, are homonymy. Synonymy is a relation which variuos words have different (written and sound) forms but have the same or nearly the same meaning. For example, the four E noun kind type, sort and

variety are synonymys: they all refer to a group having similar chcaracteristics. 1b A live metaphors vs a dead metaphor (1m) A dead metaphor is used so often that is has lost its metaphoric characteristics, the face of the table, the back of the chair, the mouth of the river, the head of the state.etc. A live metaphor is an implied or indirect comparion which has a variety of figurative meanings through it’s endless use. For example: Tom is a pig may be interpreted as Tom is short and fat. Tom is slow and lazy. Tom is greedy, Tom is not intelligent. Tom is neither intelligent nor ambitious.etc 2a. Presuppsitions (1m) ( a ) The utterance presupposes that the hearee already knows who John is ( b ) The utterance presupposes that he hea been taken in. ( c ) The utterance presupposes that you quit smoking ( d ) The utterance presupposes that.there have been a number of examinations in Semantics so far. 2b. Figures of speech (1m) The smell of blood is implicitly compared to the murder of the king. This is a metaphor. The little hand, which is [+ part] is a syneedoche referring the Queen herself, which is [+whole]. This sentence means there is nothing that can completely erase the terrible sin of murdering the king. Summer, which is [+ part] is a syneedoche which stands for years, which is [+whole]. This sentence means she was twenty years old/ twenty years of age. 3. Speech acts (2m) (Answers to this part of the test vary depending on the situations provided by the student.) ( a ) : “ Do you know what time it is? .” STUATION 1 :

Mary : “Oh, I forget my watch. Do you know what time it is” Tome : “ It ‘s 7:05 .” Mary asks Tom for the time. This is ROGATIVE. SITUATION 2 : John : “Hurry up or else we’ll miss the train. Do you know that time it is?.” Linda : “Wait a minute!” A is really upset because B is too slow. This is AN EXPRESSIVE ( b ) “ Smoking is strictly prohibited here ” SITUATION 1 : Jack : “ Dose my smoking bother you? ” Gina : “ It doesn’t matter to me, but smoking is strictly prohibited here ” Gina directly informs Jack of the prohibition of smoking in that place. This is A REPRESNTATIVE. SITUATION 2 : Alfred : “ Don’t you know that smoking is stictly prohibited here ” (= Do not smoke in here) Kevin : “ Sorry .” Alfred indirectly orders Kevin not to smoke in the place . This is A DIRECTIVE Đáp án đề số 5 Part one: SEMANTICS (6 marks) 1a. Synonymy vs. Antonymy (1 m) Synonymy is a relation in which various words have different (written and sound) forms but have the same or nearly the same meaning. For example, the four English nouns kind, type, sort and variety are synonyms; they all refer to a group having similar characteristict. Antonymy is a relation in which words have different (written and sound) forms and are opposite in meaning. For example, true false, big small and buy sell are three pairs of antonyms. 1b. Lexical ambiguity vs. structural ambiguity (1 m) A sentence is considered as structurally ambiguous when its structure permits more than one

interpretation. For example, Fred said that he would pay me on Thursday is structurally ambiguous because the adverbial on Thursday can modify either said or would pay. Any ambiguity resulting from the ambiguity of a word is lexical ambiguity. For example, that robot is bright is lexically ambiguous because the adjective bright has two slightly different but closely related meanings: shining and intelligent. 2a. Presupposition (0.5m) (i) The utterance presupposes that the speaker is supposed to go to Hanoi this weekend. (ii) The utterance presupposes that the hearer had borrowed a book from the library 2b. Conversational implicatures (0.5 m) Mrs. Thompson’s final utterance may implicate that Debbie is not allowed to misspell her customers’ names. 3. Figures of speech (1 m) (i) A cloud was implicitly compared to something that had happened and threatened to destroy their friendship. This sentence is a metaphor which means there was something wrong with their friendship. (ii) A great mind. Which is [+ part]. Is a synecdoche meaning an erudite scholar, which is [+ whole]. 4. Speech acts (2 m) (answers to this part of the test vary depending on the situations provided by the student.) (a) ‘We’re running out of time’ SITUATION 1: A: ‘How much time have we got for the project?’ B: ‘We’re running out of time’ B states the fact that there is no time left. This is A REPRESENTATIVE. B gives a piece of information (to answer A’s question).

This is A REPRESENTATIVE SITUATION 2: Janet: ‘Our oral presentation is not as well-prepared as it should be.’ Mary: ‘We’re running out of time’ (By stating the fact that there is no time left to do anything more to their oral presentation), Mary indirectly suggests that Janet should accept what they’ve done for the presentation. This is A DIRECTIVE. (b) ‘The ice cream is in the fridge’ SITUATION 1: A: ‘Where’s the dessert?’ B: ‘The ice cream is in the fridge’ B directly informs A of what is prepared for dessert and where it is kept. This is A REPRESENTATIVE SITUATION 2: A: ‘The ice cream is in the fridge’ (= ‘Have some ics cream, please’) B: ‘No, thanks, I’m full.’ A indirectly invites B to have some ice cream. This is A DIRECTIVE. Đáp án đề 6 Part one: SEMANTICS (6 m) 1a. Maxims of the cooperative principle (1 point) The four conversational maxims of the co-operative principle are: 1. The maxim of Relevance: what we say should be relevant. 2. The maxim of Quality: what we say should be true. 3. The maxim of Quantity: what we say should be brief. 4. The maxim of Manner: what we say should be clear. In fact, these conversational maxims are not always observed. 1b. denotation vs. connotation (1 point) The denotation of a word is the core, central or referential meaning of the word found in a dictionary. It is the meaning that may be described in terms of a set of semantic features that serve to identify the particular concept associated with the word.

The connotation of a word is the additional meaning that the word has beyond its denotative meaning. It shows people’s emotions and/or attitudes towards what the word refers to. For example, woman is denotatively described as [+ human], [+ mature] and [+ female]. Ubder a certain circumstance, woman may positively be connoted as [+ devoted]. Under another circumstance. woman may negatively be connoted as [+ talkative]. 2a. Presupposition (1 m) (i) The utterance presupposes that the gift did not please her. (ii) The utterance presupposes that the hearer already knows who they are. 2b. Figures of speech (1 m) (i) Less developed countries is a euphemism which really means poor countries. (ii) The huge locomotive is given two human actions: snorted and belched. The sentence in questions an expression of personification which means the huge locomotive made a string of strange, irritating sounds and released a lot of smoke while it was moving across the plain. 3. Speech acts (2 m) (Answers to this part of the test vary depending on the situations provided by the student.) (a) ‘It’ll be ready tomorrow.’ Mary’s boss: ‘When will I have your report?’ Mary: ‘It’ll be ready tomorrow.’ (= ‘I’ll finish it tomorrow.’) Mary indirectly promises to finish the report the next day. This is A COMMISSIVE. (b) ‘You’ll be too hot in the sun.’ A: ‘I think I’ll put on the wool suit.’ B: ‘You’ll be too hot in the sun.’ (= You shouldn’t wear the wool suit.’) B indirectly advises A not to wear the wool suit. This is A DIRECTIVE. (c) ‘Authors always pay their debts’ A: ‘Authors always pay their debts’ B: ‘I can’t agree more.’ A directly states the fact that no one can avoid paying his/her own debt(s).

This is A REPRESENTATIVE (d) ‘The food is really awful.’ A: ‘I love this pizza. Why don’t you try it?’ B: ‘Already. And the food is really awful to me.’ B directly shows that he/she extremely dislikes the food. This is AN EXPRESSIVE. Đáp án đề 7 Part one: SEMANTICS (6 m) 1. Deixis and examples (1 m) A word/phrase which directly relates an utterance to a time, place or person. Person deixis, time deixis, space deixis. 2. Semantic properties (1 m) Aunt (human, ascending generation, female) Crawl (motion, horizontal, four limbs involved, two limbs always on surface) Virtue (abstract notion, moral goodness) Cygnet (animate, young, swan) 3. Presuppositions (0.5 m) a. The utterance presupposes that there is a beautiful view somewhere. b. The utterance presupposes that they have a son. 4. Conversational implicatures (0.5 m) a. B’s utterance may implicate that he/she didn’t finish the report. b. B’s utterance may implicate that he/she won’t have any coffee. 5. Figures of speech (1 m) a. I want to take part in the contest but I don’t have the nerve. Metonymy Being one of the groups of the fibers controlling our movement, feelings and mental states such as fear or determination (literal meaning), “the nerve” is figuratively used to substitute for “determination”, “bravery” or “courage”. In this case. The controller substitutes for the controlled. b. As we are sailing into this millennium, we should know there are still many difficulties.

Đáp án đề 11 Part two: Semantics (30 điểm = 3/10) 1. Semantics features (6 điểm) Semantics features are the smallest units of meaning in a word. The meaning of a word may be described as a combination of its smallest units of meaning – its semantics features a. Sibling has only one semantic feature: [+ born by the same parents]. b. Brother and sister both have two semantic features: [+ born by the same parents] and [ male]. c. Anh and chị both have three semantic features: [+ born by the same parents], [ male] and [ older]. d. Em has only two semantic features: [+ born by the same parents] and [younger]. e. Huynh, đệ, muội and tỷ all have three semantic features: [+ born by the same parents], [ male] and [ older]. 2. True synonymy vs. Partial synonymy (6 điểm) 2.1 True synonymy is a relation in which various wors have different (written and sound) forms but have the same or nearly the same meaning. For example, the four English nouns kind, type, sort and variety are synonyms; they all refer to a group having similar characteristics. 2.2 Partial synonymy is a relation in which a polysemous word shares one of its meanings with another word. For example, one meaning of broad is synonymous with wide: This river is very broad/ wide at this point. 3. Presuppositions (6 điểm) (3a) I haven’t had/onwed/possessed any house (yet). (3b) They waited until the last minute (and thus they failed the exam)

4. Figures of speech (6 điểm) (4a) Was laid to rest is a euphemism meaning was buried. (4b) Live in a sea of doubt is an overstatement/ an expression of hyperbole meaning be too suspicious. Doubt is implicitly compared to a sea, both being characteristic of their immeasurability. This is a metaphor. 5. Speech Acts (6 điểm) Answers to the questions in this part vary depending on the situations provided by the student. If there is no situation provided, there will certainly no mark counted) Đáp án đề 12 I. Semantics (10 points) Part I (3 points) I.1 It is said that sense and reference are two aspects of the meaning of a word because the meaning of a word comes to our mind sometimes as sense (0.3 point) and sometimes as reference (0.3 points) the meaning of a word that comes to our mind can be established as the intralinguistic relationship between the word (in question) and another word or orther words that are semantically equivalent to the word in question (0.3 point). This is called sense (0.3 point) sense (meaning) word semantically equivalent word(s) The meaning of a word that comes to our mind can also be established as the extra-linguistic relationship between the word (in question) anh its referent(s)(i.e.the thing(s) in the read world in question refers to) (0.3 point). This is called reference.(0.3 point) 1.2 The aspect of meaning that first comes to mind of a child who is exposed to his/her native language (from the age of 8 months to the age of 15 months) is reference

(0.3 point). The reason is that there is only one way for an adul /earetaker/babysitter to communicative with a child of this age, which is to point to specific referents of word whenever using that word talking to the child (e.g. point at a teddy bear when saying “ bear” to the child) (0.3 points) Part 2 (1.5 points) The connotation of a word is the association(s) that the word has over and above its denotation (0.3 point). A word like titanic(Whose denotation is[+ huge] (0.3 point) may have such connotations as [+ romance/romantic] (0.3 points), [ + ship] (0.3 points). [ + sacrificial] (0.3 points),etc. Part 3 (3.5 points) 1. There is an instance of synonymy in the above sentence (0.25 points). The synonymy found here are language and tongue( 0.25 points). 2. The sense relation between these word is hyponymy (0.25 points) because the supberordinate term (or hypernym) langauge (0.25 points) can be english(a hyponym)(0.25 points), chinese( anther hyponym)(0.25 points), etc. language English Chinese …. …… …… ……… (0.25 points) The classification of language into english, Chinese, etc. Is often referred to as taxonomy (0.25 points). 3. The word tongue in the above sentence is not an instance of ambiguity (0.25 points) because the context “ English is spoken…by more people than any other tongue…” is clear that tongue here can only be interpreted as a synonym of language(0.25 points). 4. The figure of speech found in the use of tongue in the above sentence is metonymy ( 0.25

points) because tongue, which is associated with language (0.25 points), esbecially spoken language, is substituted for language (0.25 points). However, native speakers of English use the word tongue with this sense so naturally that many of them are unaware that this is aninstance of metonymy (0.25 points). Part 4 ( 2 points) 1. In this utterance, the speaker an illocutionary act of warning (0.4 points). This speech act is a directive (0.4 points). 2. In this utterance, the speaker perporms illustration act of stating/ reporting a fact (0.2 points). Thic speech act is a representative ( 0.4 points). 3. In this utterance, the speaker performs an illocutionary act of exclaiming (0.2 points). This speech act is an experessive (0.4 points). Đáp án đề 13 PART II. SEMANTICS (3m) Ia. What are PROFORMS? Give two examples to illustrate. (0.5m) Definition: proforms which can serve as replacements for different clements in sentence. (1/4m) 1) A: I hope you can come B: I hope so (So replaces that I can come) (1/8m) 2) A: I like green tea. B: I do too (Do replaces like green tea) (1/8m) Ib. Identify PRESUPPOSITIONS in the following sentences: (0.5m) 1. Where did you buy the motorbike? (You bought the motorbike) (1/4m) 2. You are late for the meeting again (You were late before) (1/4m) 2.Interpret the meaning of the following sentences and then identify the kind of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE used (0.5m) a. Don’t substitute the good for the bad. … the good and the bad in this context means good work and bad work. This is metonymy (1/4m)

b. The man is a demon of energy. … a demon of energy in this context means the man is very energetic/ Full of energy/very active. This is metaphor (1/4m) Lý Thuyết Semantics THE LESSON SEMANTICS – Semantics is a study of context free meaning. Semantics : Components, features, properties. – Progmatics study of context dependent meaning – Semantics : “What does the sentence means” – Pragmatics : “What does the speaker means by the sentence” – Semantics features we can ask the meaning of words never finish an answer. Man : [+human, +male, +adult ] – Primitive : they’re the first concept of human mind. – Universal : that are shares by human being features/ com ponential/ analysis (listing). – Method of analyzing word meaning in terms of semantics features. (Khi phân tích thành tố nghĩa phải được đặt giữa 2 dấu ngoặc vuông) – Presence of meaning of word – Absence – Binary opposition (đối lập lưỡng phân) Human Male Aldult Married Man + + + +/Woman + - + +/Boy + + - NA (not apply) Girl + - - NA Bachelor + + + Spinder + - + Semantics field in a group of words which share one or more semantic feature. [+female] : pregnant (adj), wife (n), breastfeed (v) : semantic field * Sự khác nhau giữa Denote và Connotation : Denote Connotation : 1. Basic meaning of a word Additional meaning Identify a concept Speaker’s attitude/feeling/evaluation of the concept

2. Basic meaning in share by all speaker’s of the language Varies from individual to culture 3. is listed in dictonary Not find in dictonary – Denotation/denotative (cognitive) meaning/dictonary (conceptual) meaning/conctation >. Taboo, euphenism. – Conotative meaning/emotive/affective/evaluative. – Taboo comes from Togan, a polynesian language togan in language. In togan the word “taboo” refers to atcs which one forbidden or so usually unaceptable. – Taboo word are acts words denotinarts “pies” dirty word. – die = pass away > euphenism – bastard = love child – belly = abdomien – Jesus christ = Gee whiz – Taboo liên quan tới conotation – Reference : constant, variable (khả biến) – When a word or an expression can be used to refer to one or the same object in the world only it’s reference constant. + Hầu hết các trường hợp có sở chỉ khả biến sense : is the relationship inside the language : ý nghĩa của 1 từ ta gán vào nó đối lập với các từ khác gọi là sense. Cái gì nói lên tính chất của nó gọi là tự nhiên. – Reference : relationship between language and the word relationship inside the language. Proper name : noun People : from Place : many Reference sense : sense relation Rose [ flower {hypernym/generic/supervordinate term {hyponym/specific/term/subordinate {hyponymy Beauty [+abstract] Chair [+furniture] Rose [+flower, +thorn] “Rose” và flower : sense relation : Hyponymy (quan hệ tính bao nghĩa)

* Hyponymy is a sense relation in which the sense of a word in included in the sense of another word. – Sense of rose include sense of flower – bed/furniture : is a type of relation, is hyponymy 2. Hyponymy (below) > bird, fish/ Animal (1) : Hypernym (above) > reptile (snack, crocodile, etc) > ect. – The word higher is call Hypernym – The word lower is call Hyponyms – Reptile is the hyponym of animal. Reptile is the hypernym of snack, etc – bird, fish, reptile, etc is co – hyponym of animal. * TAXONOMY : Horse Stallion (M) mare (F) foal (Y) Sheep Ram (F) ewe (M) lamb (Y) Dog Bitch puppy Lexical gap Bull Cow Calf A lexical gap : the absense of a term in a particular place in a lexical field of a language. * Xác định quan hệ các cặp từ : a bed/furniture, hypernym & hyponym = hypponym. Dog & cat : animal > multiple incompatielity Dog & cat is a co – hyponym of animal. Pen & rule is a hyponym of stationary. Stationary is the hypernym of pen/ruler. * Phân biệt giữa Hypernym và Hyponym : – Hypernym is a word whose sense in included in the sense of another word. – Hyponym is a word chose sense includes the sense of another word. * Synonymy (quan hệ đồng nghĩa) : is a sense relation in which two or more non have the same or nearly the same sense. Synonyms are words which have the same sense. Synonyms is special case of hyponymy (quan hệ cấp loại) in that it is a two way sense of inclusion.

* Antonomy (quan hệ trái nghĩa) : is sense relation in which two or more words are opposite in meanings. Antonyms are words which are opposite in meaning : a. Binary/complementary antonyms b. Gradable antonyms c. Relational/recipracal antonyms * Ambiguity is a case in which one sentence can be interpreted/ understood is more than one way. * Ambiguous sentence : câu mờ nghĩa. - If / When the ambiguity of sentence is caused by a word, it is called lexical ambiguity. - If / When the ambiguity of sentence is caused by the structure of sentence, it is called lexical ambiguity. * Anomaly : is violation of semantic rules to create nonsense. - An anomalous sentence is a sentence which is perfectly grammatical but which violates the semantic rules. - Furniture/ bed : hyponymy ; Light (adj)/ light (n) : hononymy - Pass/ fail : antonymy ; Dog/cat : multiple inconaparinity * Figures of speech : - Simile is a figure of speech in which two objects are explicity/ compared through the use of “like” or “as”. - Metaphor is a figure of speech in which two objects are implicity compared * Metonymy : is a figure of speech in which the name of something is used to refer to something else which is closely associated with it. - from the cradle to the grave, from born to dead. * Synecdoche : is a figure of speech in which the part is used to stand the whole. * Personification : is a figure of speech in which an inanimate object is endowea with human qualities.

* Euphenism : * Hyperbole/ exaggeration/ overstatement * Litotes : is a figure of speech in which the speaker says less than is required by situation. * Irom : is a figure of speech in which the speaker mean just the opposite of what he say. * TYPE OF SENTENCES : - Analytic sentences is a sentence which are necessary true as a result of the sense. Ex: All uncles are male (T). Câu phân tích - Contradictory sentences is a sentence which are necessary false as a result of the sense. Ex: Boys will be boys. Câu mâu thuẫn - Synthetic sentences is either is one which true or false, depending on the way the word is. Ex : My uncle is nice. Câu tổng hợp, câu trần thuật (chỉ đơn giản là miêu tả sự tình, chức năng nhận định và phán đoán ). Thi Hết Môn Semantics 1.Lý thuyết Semantics : Semantics and pragmatics are branches of linguistics which deals with meaning. (Semantics and pragmatics là những ngành của ngôn ngữ học nghiên cứu quan hệ nghĩa giữa các từ). * Semantics is a study of context free meaning. Pragmatics is context – dependent meaning. (Semantics là môn học về nghĩa tự do của ngữ cảnh. Pragmatics là môn học về nghĩa phụ thuộc của ngữ cảnh). Ex : A: Would you like a piece of cake? B: “I’m on a diet”. ⇒ Semantic meaning of “I’m on a diet” is “I want to lose weight by eating the food which is not rich in fat, sugar”. ⇒ Pragmantic meaning of “I’m on a diet” is “I don’t want any piece of cake” or “ I’m afraid that I have to refuse your invitation”.

* What are semantic features? How can you distinguish the words given in the following table from one another, considering their semantic features? Semantics features are the smallest units of meaning in a word. They’re primitive and universal. They’re left undefined. (Thành tố nghĩa là đơn vị nhỏ nhất của nghĩa trong 1 từ. Nó mang tính nguyên thủy và phổ quát. Chúng chưa được định nghĩa) e.g: Semantic feature of the word “Child” are [+human], [+young], [+_male], [+innocent (vô tội)]. Semantic feature of the word “Bachelor” (Người đàn ông độc thân) are: [+human], [+mature (trưởng thành)], [+male], [+stay single]. a. Sibling (anh chị em) has only one semantic feature: [+ born by the same parents]. b. Brother and sister both have two semantic features: [+ born by the same parents] and [ +_male]. c. Anh and chị both have three semantic features: [+ born by the same parents], [+_male] and [+older]. d. Em has only two semantic features: [+ born by the same parents] and [younger]. e. Huynh, đệ, muội and tỷ all have three semantic features: [+ born by the same parents], [ +_male] and [ +_older]. *Semantic field? (Trường ngữ nghĩa) Semantic field is the organization of related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another. (là sự thiết lập của những từ và những từ ngữ có liên quan trong cùng một hệ thống để chỉ ra mối quan hệ giữa chúng với nhau) e.g: Semantic field of [+human] : “man”, “woman”, “ girl”, “boy”,etc. * Identify the semantic properties of the following words : aunt, crawl, virtue, cygnet. Aunt (Dì) [human, ascending generation, female] Crawl [motion, horizontal, four limbs involved, two limbs always on surface] Virtue (Đức hạnh) [abstract notion, moral goodness] Khái niệm trừu tượng, đạo đức

tốt Cygnet [animate, young, swan] (Thiên nga con [có sức sống, trẻ, thiên nga]) * Identify the difference between denotation and connotation. Give one example to illustrate each. (Sự khác nhau giữa nghĩa đơn thuần và nghĩa rộng. Cho ví dụ minh họa) The denotation of a word is the core, central meaning of the word found in a dictionary. It is usually described in terms of a set of its semantic features. (Nghĩa đơn thuần là nghĩa cốt lõi, trọng tâm của 1 từ được tìm thấy trong từ điển. Nó thường được mô tả trong một tập hợp những trường ngữ nghĩa của nó). The connotation of a word is the additonal meaning that the word has beyond its denotative meaning. It shows people’s emotions and / or attitudes towards what the word refers to. (Nghĩa rộng của 1 từ là nghĩa bổ sung của từ đó vượt ra ngoài nghĩa đơn thuần của nó. Nó chỉ ra cảm xúc hay thái độ của con người đối với những điều mà từ đó muốn đề cập tới) Ex : “ Woman” is denotatively described as [+human], [+female], [+adult] Woman may positively (tích cực) be connoted as [+devoted] or [+patient] (nhiệt tình, nhẫn nại) Woman may negatively (tiêu cực) be connoted as [+wicked] or [+talkative] (thâm độc, ba hoa) Denote (nghĩa đơn thuần) Connotation (Nghĩa rộng) 1. Basic meaning of a word (Nghĩa cơ bản của 1 từ) Additional meaning (Nghĩa bổ sung) Identify a particular concept (Xác định 1 khái niệm cụ thể) Speaker’s attitude/feeling/evaluation of the concept (khái niệm của thái độ/cảm giác/đánh giá của người nói)

2. Basic meaning in share by all speaker’s of the language (Nghĩa cơ bản chia ra bởi ngôn ngữ của người nói) Varies from individual to culture (từ cá nhân đến văn hóa khác nhau) 3. is listed in dictionary (liệt kê trong từ điển) Not find in dictionary (không tìm thấy trong từ điển) 4. denotation of a word, we use componential analysis (sử dụng phân tích cấu thành) To analize the connotation of a word, we use differential analysis (sử dụng phân tích khác nhau) * Taboo and Euphemism (Từ cấm kỵ và nói tránh) Taboo refers to acts which are forbidden or socially unacceptable. Taboo refers to words denoting these acts.(Từ cấm kỵ có liên quan tới hành động bị cấm đoán hay XH không chấp nhận. Từ cấm kỵ có liên quan tới hành động của nghĩa đơn thuần của từ). Euphemisms are nicer more pleasant expressions used in place of taboo words. (Nói tránh là những từ ngữ tốt và dễ chịu hơn là sử dụng từ cấm kỵ) e.g: - die is a taboo for pass away(qua đời) Pass away is a euphemism for die. - Poor countries are a taboo for developing countries Developing countries are a euphemism for poor countries. ⇒ Differences: Taboo words are words which have very bad connotation. (nghĩa rộng xấu) Euphemisms words are words which have very good connotation. (nghĩa rộng tốt) * Reference and sense : (Sự định danh và ý nghĩa) The referent (biểu vật): is an object (or an entity) in the real world or in the imagination world, that is talked about. E.g: your school, your teacher, your classmates… (là 1 bổ ngữ hay 1 thực thể trong thế giới thật hay thế giới ảo, được nói tới)

The reference of a word: (or a linguistic expression) is the relationship between the world or expression and the thing (book), the action (read), the event (graduate from university), etc. it refers to. (Sự định danh của 1 từ (hoặc 1 từ ngữ trong ngôn ngữ học) là mối quan hệ giữa từ hay từ ngữ và sự vật (quyển sách), hành động (đọc), sự kiện (tốt nghiệp ĐH)… mà nó đề cập) e.g: The reference of peter’s house is the relationship between this English noun phrase i(ngữ danh từ tiếng Anh) and the house that belongs to Peter. Peter’s house ßà the house that belongs to Peter. (in the Eng. Language) REFERENCE (in the real world) The sense of a word or a linguistic expression shows the internal relationship between that word or expression and others in the vocabulary of a language. (Ý nghĩa của 1 từ hay 1 từ ngữ trong ngôn ngữ học cho thấy mối quan hệ bên trong giữa từ hay từ ngữ đó và những từ ngữ khác trong từ vựng của 1 ngôn ngữ). e.g: “A dog is biting (cắn) a bone” has some sense. However, “a dog is human” has no sense. ⇒ Compare reference and sense: The reference: - relationship between language of the words. - is the relationship between that word or expression and the thing (book), the action (read), the event (graduate from university), etc. it refers to. Sense: - relationship inside the language - shows the internal relationship between that word or expression and others in the vocabulary of a language. * Constant / Variable / Co - reference.( bất biến / khả biến) The reference of a word or a linguistic expression is the relationship between language and the world. (giữa ngôn ngữ và từ) - Constant reference: When a word or an expression can be used to refer to one and the same object( một haycùng đối tượng), it is said to have constant

reference. e.g: The sun, the moon, etc. - Variable reference: When a word or an expression can be used to refer to different objects, it is said to have variable reference. e.g: my mother, my wife,etc. - Co.reference: When 2 or more linguistic expressions refer to the same referent, they have co.reference e.g: the morning star and the evening star both refer to the Venus planet. * Hyponymy is a sense relation in which the sense of a word is included in the sense of another word. (hiện tượng hàm nghĩa là 1 quan hệ nghĩa mà trong đó nghĩa của 1 từ bao hàm nghĩa của 1 từ khác). * Phân biệt giữa Hypernym và Hyponym : – Hypernym is a word whose sense is included in the sense of another word (là nghĩa của 1 từ bao gồm nghĩa của 1 từ khác) – Hyponym is a word chose sense includes the sense of another word. (là nghĩa quyết định của 1 từ bao gồm nghĩa của 1 từ khác) Ex : Animal / dog is relation hyponymy, “ animal” is the hypernym of “dog” and “dog” is the hyponym of “animal”. - “dog”, “cat”, “bird” are the hyponyms of “animal”. - “animal” is the hypernym of “dog”. animal ( hypernym) / dog ( hyponym) : hyponymy fruit ( hypernym) / banana ( hyponym) : hyponymy banana / mango : incompatibility (không tương thích) Lexical gap (Khoảng trống từ vựng): The absence of a word in a particular place in a lexical field of a language is called a lexical gap. (sự vắng mặt của 1 từ trong 1 nơi đặc biệt trong khoảng trống của ngôn ngữ gọi là khoảng trống từ vựng) Ex : Lexical gap Bull (bò đực) Cow Calf (con bê) * Synonymy : is a sense relation in which two or more words have different sound and

spelling but have the same or nearly the same sense. (Tính đồng nghĩa là 1 quan hệ nghĩa mà trong đó 2 hay nhiều từ có g âm hay phát âm khác nhau nhưng có cùng nghĩa hay gần giống nghĩa) e.g: hide – conceal (ẩn – che giấu), father – dad, unhappy – sad * Compare the following terms: hyponymy/synonymy Hyponymy: Hyponymy is a sense relation in which the sense of a word is included in the sense of another word. Synonymy: Synonymy is a sense relation in which two or more words differ in sound and spelling but have the same or nearly the same sense. Difference: - Synonymy is a especial case of hyponymy in that is a two-way sense inclusion. (đồng nghĩa là 1 trường hợp đặc biệt của hàm nghĩa trong đó bao gồm là nghĩa 2 chiều). * Antonymy : is a sense relation in which two words have different forms ( wriiten and sound) and are opposite in meaning. (Tính trái nghĩa là 1 quan hệ nghĩa mà trong đó 2 từ có dạng khác nhau và có nghĩa đối lập nhau) e.g: pass – fail, hot – cold, big – small, buy – sell 3 types: 1. Binary antonymy / complementary (đối lập lưỡng phân/bổ sung) - Mutually exclusive. (loại trừ lẫn nhau) E.g: not alive is dead not dead is alive - cannot be used in questions with “ how” to ask about degrees. (mức độ) E.g: “How single is he” is wrong. - cannot be used in comparisons. (so sánh) E.g: “”More single” is wrong. 2. Gradable antonymy: (trái nghĩa theo cấp độ) - not A ≠ B A ≠ not B - can be used in questions with “how” - can be used in comparisons

e.g: tall and short, long - short, hot – cold, difficult – easy 3. Relational antonyms ( đối xứng về nghĩa): display symmetry in their senses –ER/ -EE (tính đối xứng của nó thể hiện trong nghĩa của nó) e.g: employer – employee, buy – sell, lend – borrow, teach – learn (chủ nhân – nhân viên, mua – bán, cho mượn – vay, dạy – học) * Polysemy is a case in which one word has several closely related senses. (tính đa nghĩa là trường hợp mà trong đó 1 từ có nhiều nghĩa liên quan chặt chẽ với nhau) e.g: “Head” has 2 senses _ “ my head” – top part of the human body (primary sense) – một phần trong cơ thể người (nghĩa chính ) _ “department head” _ person holding the top position (người nắm giữ vị trí hàng đầu). * PRIMARY MEANING / SECONDARY MEANING (nghĩa chính và nghĩa phụ) Primary meaning: of a word is the first meaning or usage that the word will suggest to most people when the word is used alone. (nghĩa chính của 1 từ là nghĩa đầu tiên hay thông thường sẽ gợi ý cho hầu hết con người khi từ được sử dụng một mình). Secondary meaning: of a word are the meanings besides its primary meaning. (Nghĩa phụ của 1 từ là những nghĩa bên cạnh nghĩa chính của nó). * Homonymy (tính đồng âm khác nghĩa) : is a case in which 2 or more words are the same in spelling and / or sound but differ in their senses. (là trường hợp mà 2 hay nhiều từ có cùng âm hay phát âm nhưng khác nhau về nghĩa). e.g: bank1: a financial institution; bank2: the shore of a river (một cơ sở tài chính, bờ sông) 3 types: - Homographs are a word which have the same spelling but differ sound and senses. (đồng phát âm nhưng khác âm và nghĩa)

- Homophones are a word which have the same sound but differ spelling and senses. (đồng âm nhưng khác phát âm và nghĩa) - Homonyms are a word which have the same spelling and sound but differ senses. (đồng phát âm và âm nhưng khác nghĩa) Spelling Sound Sense Homographs S D D Homophones D S Homonyms S S * Compare Polysemy and Homonymy: Polysemy: is a case in which one word has several closely related senses (tính đa nghĩa là trường hợp mà trong đó 1 từ có nhiều nghĩa liên quan chặt chẽ với nhau) Homonymy: is a case in which 2 or more words are the same in spelling and / or sound but differ in their senses. (là trường hợp mà 2 hay nhiều từ có cùng âm hay phát âm nhưng khác nhau về nghĩa). Compare: - Homonymy and Polysemy are similar in that they involve one form with several senses. (giống nhau ở chỗ chúng bao hàm một dạng với nhiều nghĩa) - The difference is that in polysemy the senses closely related while in homonymy the senses totally unrelated. (khác nhau là Polysemy thì nghĩa có liên quan chặt chẽ trong khi Hymonymy nghĩa hoàn toàn không có liên quan). * Compare Homonymy and Synonymy: Homonymy: is a case in which 2 or more words are the same in spelling and / or sound but differ in their senses. (ghi ví dụ) (là trường hợp mà 2 hay nhiều từ có cùng âm hay phát âm nhưng khác nhau về nghĩa). Synonymy is a sense relation in which two or more words differ in sound and spelling but have the same or nearly the same sense. (ghi ví dụ) (Tính đồng nghĩa là 1 quan hệ nghĩa mà trong đó 2 hay nhiều từ có g âm hay phát âm khác nhau nhưng có cùng nghĩa hay gần giống nghĩa)

- Homonymy is a case in which various words have several senses but have the same form while Synonymy is a case in which various words have several forms but have the same sense. (Homonymy là trường hợp mà trong đó các từ khác nhau có nghĩa khác nhau nhưng có cùng một dạng trong khi Synonymy là trường hợp mà trong đó các từ khác nhau về dạng nhưng lại giống nhau về nghĩa). * Ambiguity : is a case in which one sentence can be interpreted in more than one way. (Hiện tượng mờ nghĩa là trường hợp mà trong đó 1 câu có thể được hiểu theo nhiều cách) e.g: They waited at the bank. she can’t bear (chịu đựng) children. _ put up with (kiên nhẫn chịu đựng) _ produce (kết quả) Ambiguous sentence is one which can be interpreted in more than one way. (Câu mờ nghĩa là câu có thể hiểu theo nhiều cách) * Compare the following terms: lexical ambiguity/structural ambiguity (mờ nghĩa từ vựng và mờ nghĩa cấu trúc) Ambiguity is a case in which one sentence can be interpreted/ understood is more than one way. (Hiện tượng mờ nghĩa là trường hợp mà trong đó 1 câu có thể được hiểu theo nhiều cách) - If / When the ambiguity of sentence is caused by a word, it is called lexical ambiguity. For example, that robot is bright is lexically ambiguous because the adjective bright has two slightly different but closely related meanings: shining and intelligent. (Nếu/Khi sự mờ nghĩa của câu được gây ra bởi 1 từ, nó được gọi là mờ nghĩa từ vựng. Vd : Robot đó sáng dạ là mơ hồ vì tính từ Sáng có 2 mặt khác nhau nhưng liên quan về nghĩa : sáng và thông minh).

- If / When the ambiguity of sentence is caused by the structure of sentence, it is called structural ambiguity. For example, Fred said that he would pay me on Thursday is structurally ambiguous because the adverbial on Thursday can modify either said or would pay. (Nếu/Khi sự mờ nghĩa của câu được gây ra bởi cấu trúc câu, nó được gọi là mờ nghĩa cấu trúc. Vd : Fred nói anh ta sẽ trả cho tôi vào ngày thứ 5 thì cấu trúc ngày Thứ 5 là không rõ ràng vì trạng từ đó có thể sửa đổi hoặc nói tôi sẽ trả tiền). * PARAPHRASES (câu có cùng nghĩa): is sentences which have the same or nearly the same meaning. (là những câu có cùng nghĩa hoặc gần như cùng nghĩa) e.g: The dog bit me; I was bitten by the dog. (Vd : con chó cắn tôi ; Tôi bị con chó cắn) Form Meaning WORD Homonymy S D SENTENCE Ambiguity WORD Synonymy D S SENTENCE Paraphrase *ANOMALY (hiện tượng vô nghĩa): is a violation of semantic rules to create nonsense. (là sự vi phạm những nguyên tắc ngữ nghĩa để tạo ra vô nghĩa). An anomalous sentence is one which is perfectly grammatical but which violates the semantic rules. (câu vô nghĩa là câu đúng hoàn toàn ngữ pháp nhưng vi phạm các quy tắc ngữ nghĩa) e.g: Colorless green ideas sleep furiously; He sliced the idea. (Vd : ý tưởng những chiếc lá màu xanh ngủ một cách giận dữ ; Anh ta đã cắt ý tưởng). * Identify the relationship – xác định cách mối quan hệ (hyponymy, homography, homophony, homonymy, synonymy, binary antonymy, gradable antonymy, relational

antonymy, polysemy) between the following pairs of italicized words – giữa các cặp từ sau. The words given in brackets are to clarify the meaning in question of the italicized words. a- pass – fail : binary antonymy (đối lập lưỡng phân) b- sight – site : homophony (phát âm giống nhau) c- love – hate: gradable antonymy (trái nghĩa cấp độ) d- employer – employee : relational antonymy (đối xứng về nghĩa) e- sigh – vision : synonymy (Đồng nghĩa) f- sight (to ability to see) – sight (a thing one can see) : polysemy (đa nghĩa) g- clothes – jeans : hyponymy (hàm nghĩa) h- desert (as in the Sahara desert) – desert (abandon) : homorgraphy (đồng âm khác nghĩa) * Distinguish binary antonymy from gradable antonymy?