ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator PDF [PDF]

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference :

DATA General parameters


Main span



6.200 m

Width on the left

L1 =

2.600 m

Max. participating width

L1 =

1.300 m

Width on the right

L2 =

2.600 m

Max. participating width

L2 =

1.300 m

Intermediate beam

Slab Slab with profiled sheeting

Total thickness = 16.00 cm

Profiled steel sheeting ''HI BOND_55.750 t=1.00'' , perpendicular to the beam (h = 55.0 mm ; e = 150.0 mm ; b1 = 61.5 mm ; b2 = 88.5 mm ; t = 1.0 mm ; 2 2 fy = 320 N/mm ; M = 12.83 kg/m ) Section

IPE A 330 - S275 ht bf tw tf r

= = = = =


E 

= 210000 N/mm 3 = 7850 kg/m

Steel grade S275



275 N/mm

fck =

25 N/mm

Ecm =

31476 N/mm

Modular ratio for LONG TERM

Ceq =


Modular ratio for SHORT TERM

Ceq =


Density of the concrete (slab)


327.0 mm 160.0 mm 6.5 mm 10.0 mm 18.0 mm

A Av Iy Iz It Iw Wel.y Wpl.y

= = = = = = = =


54.74 cm 2 26.99 cm 4 10230.83 cm 4 685.16 cm 4 19.57 cm 6 171501.20 cm 3 625.74 cm 3 701.93 cm

Materials 2


Concrete slab C25/30 2



25.00 kN/m

User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference : 2

Reinforcement steel

fyk =


Connectors HILTI X-HVB 125 (Normal weight concrete)

500 N/mm

PRd = 30.0 kN (Connector parallel / beam) PRd = 30.0 kN (Connector transverse / beam) Main span

L = 6.200 m

e = 0.300 m

n = 2 row(s)

longitudinal direction / beam

Total number of connectors : 42 Lateral restraint of the beam - The beam is laterally restrained at supports x = 3.10 m

Main span

Propping in the construction stage

(upper and lower flange laterally restrained)

No propping

Loads Loads at construction stage Dead weight of the profile

Permanent loads (g)

0.42 kN/m 2

Dead weight of the slab ( 3.31 kN/m ) 2

Qc = 1.50 kN/m

Construction load (Qc)

8.61 kN/m 3.90 kN/m

Loads at final stage Dead weight of the profile

Permanent loads

0.42 kN/m 2

Dead weight of the slab ( 3.31 kN/m ) Span

Surface load = 2.00 kN/m


Surface load = 2.50 kN/m


8.61 kN/m

Live load case n° 1 ( 0 = 0.70) Span Partial Factors Permanent loads

Live loads

G.sup = 1.35

Structural steel


= 1.00

G.inf = 1.00

Structural steel (instabilities)


= 1.00



= 1.50

Reinforcement bars


= 1.15


= 1.50

User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference : Connectors


= 1.25

Shear resistance of the steel sheeting


= 1.10

Combinations of actions ULS combination (construction stage)

1.35 G + 1.50 Qc

ULS combination(s)

1.35 G + 1.50 Q1 1.00 G + 1.50 Q1

SLS combination(s)

G + Q1

User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference :

CONSTRUCTION stage Moment resistance

Section Class 1

Plastic shear force resistance

Vpl.Rd =

MRd =

428.46 kN

193.03 kN.m

( = 1.20)

No risk of shear buckling ( hw / tw < 72  /  EN 1993-1-1 § 6.2.6(6) ULS combination (construction stage) : 1.35 G + 1.50 Qc Support reactions

RV 1 =

55.92 kN

RV 2 =

55.92 kN

Critical amplification factor / Lateral Torsional Buckling

cr = 3.86 (LTBeam calc. module)

MEd,max(+) =

86.68 kN.m

VEd,max =

55.93 kN

MEd,max(-) =

0.00 kN.m

M =


(x = 3.100 m)

V =


(x = 6.200 m)

MV =


(x = 3.100 m)

LT =


Maximum criterion for bending resistance

M.max =


Maximum criterion for shear force resistance

V.max =


Maximum criterion for bending moment - shear force interaction

MV.max =


Maximum criterion for lateral torsional buckling

LT.max =


User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference :

Serviceability Limit States (CONSTRUCTION stage) Deflections per load case Case 'Dead weight'


vmax =

8.1 mm (L / 767)

Case 'Construction load' (Qc)


vmax =

3.5 mm (L / 1775)

Total deflection

vmax =

11.6 mm (L / 535)

User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference :

FINAL stage Participating width

on left support

1.163 m

L / 4 (= 1.550 m)

1.550 m

3 L / 4 (= 4.650 m)

1.550 m

on right support

1.163 m mid-span

Moments of inertia



31179 cm


45303 cm


PRd =

Resistance of the connectors

26.14 kN

Verification of the degree of connection Minimum degree of connection = 0.400 FSteel


1505.25 kN



2305.63 kN

Degree of connection = 0.347 < 0.400 The degree of connection is calculated for the section with maximum bending moment Insufficient degree of connection for plastic design >>> ELASTIC design Plastic shear force resistance

Vpl.Rd =

428.46 kN

( = 1.20)

No risk of shear buckling ( hw / tw < 72  /  ) ULS combination : 1.35 G + 1.50 Q1 Support reactions

MEd,max(+) =

139.14 kN.m

VEd,max =

MEd,max(-) =

89.77 kN

0.00 kN.m

RV 1 =

89.77 kN

RV 2 =

89.77 kN

M =


(x = 3.100 m)

V =


(x = 6.200 m)

MV =


(x = 3.100 m)

s =


User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference :

Vh =


RV 1 =

74.33 kN

RV 2 =

74.33 kN

M =


(x = 3.100 m)

V =


(x = 6.200 m)

MV =


(x = 3.100 m)

s =


Vh =


ULS combination : 1.00 G + 1.50 Q1 Support reactions

MEd,max(+) =

115.21 kN.m

VEd,max =

MEd,max(-) =

0.00 kN.m

74.34 kN

Longitudinal shear resistance of the slab - Transverse reinforcing bars Minimum transverse reinforcement ratio : (EN 1994-1-1 § & EN 1992-1-1 §9.2.2(5))

w,min = 0.08 %

Reinforcement ratio (EN 1992-1-1 §6.2.4) :

At > 0.84 cm /m



At + Ab > 2.12 cm /m Note: this result is provided as an indication. Calculations must be performed in order to take into account specific conceptual details. Note particularly that the calculations do not include the design of the slab. Maximum criterion for bending resistance

M.max =


Maximum criterion for shear force resistance

V.max =


Maximum criterion for bending moment - shear force interaction

MV.max =


Maximum criterion for shear connector resistance

s.max =


Maximum criterion for longitudinal shear force resistance of slab

Vh.max =


User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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ANDREJA Project name : Project reference : ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator v3.02

Beam reference :

Serviceability Limit States Deflections per load case Case 'Dead weight'

vmax =

8.1 mm (L / 767)

Case 'Other permanent loads'

vmax =

1.5 mm (L / 4041)

Case 'Q1'

vmax =

1.3 mm (L / 4706)

Case 'Shrinkage'

vmax =

2.5 mm (L / 2507)

Deflections per combination vmax =

Combination SLS ' G + Q1'

10.9 mm (L / 567)

Estimation of the first natural frequency G + 0.00 Q1 :10.46 Hz G + 0.10 Q1 :10.23 Hz G + 0.20 Q1 :10.01 Hz G + 0.30 Q1 : 9.81 Hz G + 0.40 Q1 : 9.62 Hz G + 0.50 Q1 : 9.44 Hz G + 0.60 Q1 : 9.27 Hz G + 0.70 Q1 : 9.10 Hz G + 0.80 Q1 : 8.95 Hz G + 0.90 Q1 : 8.80 Hz G + 1.00 Q1 : 8.67 Hz Resistance criteria satisfied in the CONSTRUCTION stage Resistance criteria satisfied in the FINAL stage

User's name : ANDREJA Date : 01-05-2018

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