API 936 Questions 01 [PDF]

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API 936 Questions -1 1.

Which function of refractories is to resist temperature. a) b) c) d)


The functions of refractories include resistance to other destructive influences such as abrasion, pressure, chemical attack and or rapid changes in temperature is called. a) b) c) d)


Low temperatures Average temperatures High temperatures None of the above.

In ceramics, the property of resistance to melting, softening or deformation at high temperature is called. a) b) c) d)


Hard to fuse Hard to test Hart to set None of the above

Refractories chemically and physically stable at a) b) c) d)


Primary function Secondary function Tertiary function None of the above

Refractories means a) b) c) d)


Primary function Secondary function Tertiary function None of the above.

Refractoriness Pyrometric cone equivalent Cold crushing strength None of the above.

For fire clay and some high alumina materials, the most commonly used index of refractoriness is known as: a) b) c) d)

Refractoriness Pyrometric cone equivalent Refractoriness under load None of the above.


Materials having refractory properties which form a refractory body when bonded into a conglomerate mass by a matrix is called a) b) c) d)


Cementious concrete Refractory mass Refractory aggregate None of the above.

Fused silica aggregate is used as a raw material in a castable providing a) b) c) d)


Low thermal conductivity Low thermal expansion Low thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion None of the above

Forms (types) of refractory a) b) c) d)


shaped unshaped refractory (ceramic) fibre all above

Brick, tile, fired shapes and fused cast shapes are a) b) c) d)


shaped refractory unshaped refractory refractory fibre all above

Castable, gunning mixes, ramming mixes, plastics and mortars are a) b) c) d)


Shaped refractory Unshaped refractory Refractroy fibre All of the above

Blanket, Module, Bulk paper, rope and vacuum formed shaped are: a) b) c) d) 13.

shaped refractory unshaped refractory refractory fibre all of the above. Based on screen analysis, the size of Alumina – silicate aggregate in typical modern castable is a) b) c) d)

50 – 60% 60 – 70% 70 – 8-% None of the above


Based on screen analysis the fines (cement, fume silica, fine alumina) in typical modern castable is a) b) c) d)


The most commonly used binder for refractory concrete is a) b) c) d)


mortar castable ceramic modules all of the above

Compostions of ground refractory materials which develop a strong bond at air ambient temperatures by virtue of chemical reactions within the binder phase that is usually activated by water additions. These refractories include cement and phosphate bonded castables is called: a) b) c) d)


calcium aluminate cement cements silicates all of the above

A combination of refractory grain and suitable bonding agent that, after addition of a proper liquid, is generally poured into place to form a refractory shape or structure which becomes rigid because of a chemical action is called a) b) c) d)


40 – 50% 30 – 40% 20 – 30% None of the above

Air setting refractories Heat setting refractories Air and heat setting refractory None of the above

Compositions of ground refractory materials which require relatively high temperatures for the development of an adequate bond (commonly called the ceramic bond) is called a) b) c) d)

air setting refractories heat setting refractories air and heat setting refractories none of the above


Alumina – silica refractories containing 45% or more alumina, materials used in their production include diaspore, bauxite, gibbsite, kyanite, sillimanite, alusite and fused alumina (artificial corundum) is called a) b) c) d)


A high alumina mineral usually consisting of rounded concretionary grains embedded in clay – like mass, and believed to consist essentially of alumina tri hydrate (Al2O3 3H2O) and alumina hydrate (Al2O3 H2O) in varying proportions is called a) b) c) d)


65% fused silica 60% alumina 65% alumina None of the above

A natural or synthetic mineral theoretically consisting solely of alumina (Al2O3), specific gravity 4.00 – 4.02, melting point 3720˚ F. (2050˚ C) Hardness 8.8 is called a) b) c) d)


kyanite bauxite fused alumina alusite

Commercially on a calcined basis bauxite must contain at least a) b) c) d)


fire clay refractory insulating refractories high alumina refractories all of the above

corundum kaolin mica none of the above

A group of rock minerals having nearly perfect cleavage in one direction and consisting of thin elastic plates and most common varieties are muscovite and biotite is called a) b) c) d)

corundum kaolin mica none of the above


A group of impure magnesium silicate minerals that occur in a fiberous form is known as a) b) c) d)


Cristobalite is an important constituent of a) b) c) d)


Acid refractories Basic refractories Natural refractories None f the above

In API RP 936, the referenced ASTM standard procedure for cold crushing strength and modules of rupture is a) b) c) d)


Acid refractories Basic refractories Natural refecatories None of the above

Refractories whose major constituent is lime, magnesia, or both and which may react chemically with acid refractories, acid slags or acid fluxes at a high temperature is known as a) b) c) d)


Alumina bricks Silica brick Magnesia brick Insulating brick

Refractories containing a substantial amount of silica which is reactive with basic refractories, basic slags, or basic fluxes at high temperature are known as a) b) c) d)


Asbestos Mineral fibre Fused silica None of the above

C 133 – 97 C704 – 01 C181 – 91 None of the above

The test specimen of castable refractory for cold crushing strength shall be a) b) c) d)

2 in. (51mm) cubes Cylinders, 2 in. (51mm)in dia. by 2 in.(51 mm) height. a or b none of the above


The selected compression test section of specimen for CCs test shall be free from a) b) c) d)


All the samples for CCs test must be dried at 220 to 230˚C (105 to 110˚C) for a) b) c) d)


228 x 114 x 64 or 76mm 150 x 114 x 76mm 200 x 150 x 76mm None of the above

Modulus of rupture test for castable refractories, the test specimen shall be a) b) c) d)


at least five at least three at least four None of the above

For modules of rupture test of brick and shapes, the preferred test specimen shall be standard a) b) c) d)


12 hrs (overnight) 18 hrs (overnight) 20 hrs (overnight) 24 hrs (overnight)

To compose a sample for CCS test from an equivalent number of refractory shapes the specimen should be a) b) c) d)


cracks chipped surfaces other obvious defects all of the above

9 x 2 x 2 in (228 x 51 x 51mm) 8 x 2 x 2 in 6 x 2 x 2 in None of the above

To compose a sample for modulus of rupture test from an equivalent number of refractory shapes, the specimen should be a) b) c) d)

At least two At least three At least four At least five


As per ASTM C- 704, for the erosion tests, silicon carbide grit to be used by a) b) c) d)


Standard test method for abrasion resistance of refractory materials at room temperature is a) b) c) d)


erosion of refractories spalling of refractories crumble of refractories none of the above

The air pressure to blast the 1000 g of size graded silicon carbide grain for abrasion resistance test should be a) b) c) d)


Thermal expansion Expansion joint Thermal conductivity None of the above

Mechanical wearing away of the surfaces of refractory bodies in service by washing action of moving liquid or gases is called a) b) c) d)


C 181 – 91 C 704 – 01 C 133 – 97 None of the above

A separation between adjoining parts of a refractory lining which allows small expansive movements, such as those caused by thermal change is known as a) b) c) d)


one time two time three time none of the above

448 KPa (65 PSi) 450 KPa 400 KPa None of the above

The property of matter by virtue of which heat energy is transmitted through particles in contact. a) b) c) d)

thermal expansion thermal conductivity thermal shock none of the above.


The increase in linear dimensions and volume which occurs when materials are heated and which is counter balanced by contraction of equal amount when the materials are cooled. a) b) c) d)


The exposure of a material or body to a rapid change in temperature which may have deleterious effect a) b) c) d)


a cyclone plenum riser of FCU none of the above

Enclosure inside the top head of a reactor or regenerator vessel which supports the cyclones and in which gases exiting the cyclone outlets are collected is called a) b) c) d)


erosion and corrosion thermal shock and mechanical abuse overheating and chemical attack all of the above

An internal component used for the separation of solids from flue or product gas in a fluid coking unit is called a) b) c) d)


thermal expansion thermal conductivity thermal shock none of the above

Refractory failure mechanism are. a) b) c) d)


thermal expansion thermal conductivity thermal shock none of the above

cyclone of FCCU Plenum of FCCU Riser of FCCU None of the above

Section of transfer line in which flow is in an upward direction is called a) b) c) d)

cyclone of FCCU Plenum of FCCU Riser of FCCU None of the above


Metallic anchor made from rod or bar stock that is configured in a Vshape is called a) b) c) d)


Metallic anchor, usually V-stud which has a foot shaped configuration at the base to aid weld attachment to the shell is called. a) b) c) d)


Y shape V shape U shape All of the above

Metallic anchor used to attach ceramic anchors to the casing or shall of a process unit is a) b) c) d)


V-anchor Footed anchor Stud weld None of the above

Metallic anchor made from rod or bar and usually used for dual layer linings that is configured in a) b) c) d)


V-anchor Footed anchor Stud weld None of the above

Welding method utilizing an arc-welding machine in conjunction with a timer and a gun is called a) b) c) d)


V-anchor Footed anchor Stud wed None of the above

Claw anchor C-clip U – anchor None of the above

Hexmesh supplied in flexible rolls and ready fit to curved surface is called a) b) c) d)

Flexmesh Hexalt anchor Hexcel All of the above


The typical example of hexalt anchor is a) b) c) d)


The most common sizes in thickness fo hexmesh are a) b) c) d)


304 304L 310 None of the above

The colour of stripe for 304L alloy material of metallic anchor is a) b) c) d)


carbon steel SS304 SS310 None of the above

1 solid black is the colour of stripe for alloy material a) b) c) d)


¾ in or 1” (19mm or 25mm) (20 – 25mm) (10 – 20mm) None of the above

Colour coding does not require for anchor alloy of a) b) c) d)


S-bar Hexcel Curl and Tacko anchors All of the above

1 solid black 2 solid black 1 solid grey None of the above

The colour of stripe for Inconel 600 alloy material of metallic anchor is a) b) c) d)

1 solid black 2 solid black 2 solid blue None of the above


The vessel in which cracking reaction occurs or is completed and product gases are separated from coke and / or catalyst particulate is called a) b) c) d)


The vessel in which coke and residual hydrocarbons are burned off the catalyst and the flue gas is then separated from the catalyst is called a) b) c) d)


Transfer line of FCCU Stand pipe of FCCU Fractionator of FCCU None of the above.

The vessel down stream of the reactor used to separate different product fractions is called a) b) c) d)


transfer line of FCCU riser of FCCU stand pipe of FCCU none of the above

Refractory lined pipe used for the transport of hot particulate medium and gases between process vessels is called a) b) c) d)


Reactor of FCCU Regenerator of FCCU Cyclones of FCCU None of the above

Section of transfer line in which flow is in a downward direction is called a) b) c) d)


Reactor of FCCU Regenerator of FCCU Cyclones of FCCU None of the above

stand pipe of FCCU transfer line of FCCU Fractionator of FCCU None of the above

As per API recommended practice 936, the standard test method for reheat change of refractory brick is a) b) c) d)

C113 – 02 C 133 – 97 C 181 – 91 none of the above


API 936, standard test method for workability index of fire clay and high alumina plastic refractories is a) b) c) d)


API 936, standard test method for abrasion resistance of refractory materials at room temperature is a) b) c) d)



Execution details Design details Quality standards All above

Testing frequency for material qualification of refractory for erosion service requires a) 1 sample per pallet or less from each production run b) 1 sample per pallet or more from each production run c) 2 sample per pallet or more from each production run d) None of the above Testing frequency for material qualification of refractory for other service requires a) b) c) d)


C 113 – 02 C 704 – 01 C 181 – 91 None of the above

API 936 documentation should content a) b) c) d)


C 113 – 02 C 133 – 97 C 181 – 91 None of the above

1 sample per pallet or less from each production run 1 sample per 3 pallet or less from each production run 1 sample per 3 pallet or more from each production run None of the above

Arrange for testing at either an independent laboratory or the manufacturer’s plant is a) b) c) d)

owner responsibility inspector responsibility contractor responsibility manufacturer responsibility


The terminology for testing refractory that was sampled during installation in order to confirm that they meet specified physical property standards is called a) b) c) d)


The standard size of a fabricated test panel for pneumatic gunning qualification is a) b) c) d)


laboratory test visual inspection of the castable physical property test None of the above

Refractory cast into a mock up may be stripped and visually inspected after a minimum curing of a) b) c) d)


45 ˚ 30 ˚ 60 ˚ None of the above

Gunning test panels are constructed with removable backs as required for a) b) c) d)


(500 mm x 500 mm) (600 mm x 600 mm) 24 “ x 24” (700 mm x 700 mm) None of the above

Test panels for pneumatic gunning are inclined above the horizontal at an angle of a) b) c) d)


As – installed testing physical property test both of the above None of the above

8 hrs 12 hrs 16 hrs 24 hrs

Applicator qualification for thin layer erosion resistant lining, each applicator shall pack a test panel of size. a) b) c) d)

12” x 12” x ¾ or 1” (300 x 300 x 20 or 25mm) 500 x 500 x 25mm 450 x 450 x 50 mm None of the above


Applicator qualification for plastic thick layer, the test panel with an applied lining thickness and anchorage shall be a) b) c) d)


For air-setting phosphate bonded, erosion – resistant refractories mixing , the mixer’s paddles and bowls shall be a) b) c) d)


0.2 – 0.3mm 0.3 – 0.6 mm 0.4 – 0.8mm None of the above

The length of metal fiber is a) b) c) d)


1 – 4 wt percent 1 – 3 wt percent 1 – 2 wt percent Any of the above

The effective diameter of metal fiber is a) b) c) d)


Aluminium Steel Carbon None of the above

Fiber concentrations typically range is a) b) c) d)


600mm x 300 mm (24” x 12”) 300 x 300 mm 500 x 500 mm None of the above

19mm or 25mm 30 or 40mm 10 or 15mm None of the above

Additives used to facilitate moisture removal of refractory linings during dry out is called a) b) c) d)

metal fiber organic fiber mineral fiber none of the above


As installed testing is the terminology for testing refractory that was sampled during installation in order to confirm that they meet specified. a) b) c) d)


The surface of a refractory section not exposed to the source of heat a) b) c) d)


structural deterioration explosive spalling chemical attack none of the above

The loss of fragmented refractories from the face of the refractory structure, through cracking and rupturing which results in the exposure of the original inner portion of the refractory lining is called a) b) c) d)


hot face cold face smooth face None of the above

Heating the new refractory too rapidly will cause a) b) c) d)


hot face cold face smooth face None of the above

The surface of a refractory section exposed to the source of heat a) b) c) d)


Physical property standards Chemical property standards Both as above None of the above

By passing Erosion Spalling Sheeting

Spalling of layers from the hot surface of a refractory lining is called a) b) c) d)

spalling sheeting crumbling erosion


The term that describes the condition of pre-set refractory in which gravitational forces cause it to lose its desired shaped is called a) b) c) d)


A condition describing a refractory lining that is soft and friable a) b) c) d)


Bloating Punky Slumping none of the above

Bloating Plunky Slumping None of the above

The formation of slag take place by chemical action and fusion at furnace operating temperature in the way of a) In smelting operation, through the combination of a flux, such as limestone, with the gangue or waste portion of the ore. b) In the refining of metals by substances such as lime added for the purpose of affecting or aiding the refining. c) By chemical reaction between refractories and fluxing agents such as coal ash, or between two different types of refractories d) All of the above


Destructive chemical reaction between refractories and external agencies at high temperatures, resulting in the formation of a liquid is called a) b) c) d)


slagging of refractories slumping of refractories dusting of refractories None of the above

A moldable refractory material that can be extruded and has a level of workability that permits it to be pounded into place to form a monolithic structure a) b) c) d)

Ramming mix Plastic refractory Monolithic refractory None of the above


A refractory materials, stiffer than plastic, that cannot be extruded but has suitable properties to permit ramming into place to form a monolithic structure a) b) c) d)


Refractories that are resistant to chemical attack by both acid and basic slags, refractories or fluxes at high temperature is a) b) c) d)


±1% ± 2% ± 3% ± 4%

Packing of chemical setting refractories should have mechanical protection by a) b) c) d)


at least 6 months prior to turnaround at least 12 months prior to turnaround at least 8 months prior to turnaround any of the above

Refractory packing requirements, the weight in the bag, shall not deviate by more than a) b) c) d)


Acid Basic Neutral None of the above

Pre-turn around planning means a) b) c) d)


Plastic refractory Ramming mix Monolithic refractory None of the above

cardboard rigid plastic metal outside any of the above

The application of monolithic refractories by means of air placement guns is a) b) c) d)

gunning placing pouring casting

API 936 Questions -1 Answers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

a b a c a b c c d a b c b b a b a b c b c a c a b a b a c d d a a a

35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

d a b b a a b a c d a b c a b c a b a d a a a b c a b c a c a c b d

69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

a b c a b a b b a a b a b a b a b a b c b c b d a b b c a b d a