API 936 Quiz Test [PDF]

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After refractory specimens have been fully cured and removed from forms and or cut to required dimensions what is then required?: Specimen shall be marked with temperature resistant pain (to prevent burn-off during firing), dried, and / or fired


As part of Applicator Qualification Testing, List 4 contractor responsibilities: 1. Scheduling of Materials Qualifications test and delivery of those materials and test results to the site 2. Scheduling and execution of work to qualify all equipment and personnel needed to complete installation work, including documentation and verification by the inspector 3. Preparation and identification of all testing samples and timely delivery to the testing laboratory 4. Advance notification to the owner of the time and location where work will take place so that this information can be passed on to the inspector


As part of refractory installation, list 4 contractor responsibilities: Advance agreement with the owner on all installation details Execution of installation work Inspector verified documentation of installation records Accountability for installed refractories meeting specified standard


Briefly describer metal fiber concentrations and dimension requirements: typically range 1-4wt percent with effective diameters of 0.010 in. - 0.022in (0.3mm - 0.6mm) and lengths 3/4 or 1 in (19mm or 25mm)


Briefly describe the procedure for adding metal fibers during lining installation: Loading castable into mixer and pre-mix Add pre-wet or mixing water Using a dispersing device, such as 1/2" (13mm) hardware mesh, sieve fibers into castable with mixer operating


Define Independent Laboratory: refractory testing facility not affiliated with the manufacturer or contractor


Define Material Qualification Testing: Pre-installed testing of refractory materials in which production lots of refractories manufactured for a specific installation are sampled and tested to confirmed that they meet specified physical property requirements


Define Monolithic Refractories: Castable or plastic refractory applied by casting, gunning, or hand/ram packing to form monolithic lining structures


Define the Heating Contractor?: The contractor or subcontractor who specialized in the dry out of monolithic refractory linings


Describe alternative panels that may be used in lieu of "wire mesh basket: Alternatively, panels with enclosed sides may be used in place of the wire basket if the panel dimensions are at least 18in x 18in x 4in (450mm x 450mm x 100mm) and test specimens are cut from the center of the panels to avoid possible rebounds traps along the sides of the panels


Describe a Test Specimen: Test Specimens are either individual cubes, bars, or plate test pieces used for physical testing


Describe oven drying that is required for Heat Setting plastics only: Oven dry ( required for heat-setting plastic only) 12hrs minimum at 220F - 230F (104C - 110C) in a force air convection dryer. Heating to this level shall be per manufacturer's recommendation


Describe Oven firing temperatures: Oven fire, heat at 300F per hour (170C per hr) to 1500F (815C) hold for 5hrs at 1500F (815C) cool at 500F per hour (280C per hour) maximum to ambient


Describe the beginning gunning operations: Start gunning at the lowest elevation, building up the lining thickness gradually over an area of not more than 10ft 2in (1m2) to full thickness and working in an upward direction to minimize the inclusion of rebound. Rebound material shall not be reused


Describe the contractors responsibility for material qualifications testing: Arrange for testing at either an independent laboratory or the manufacture's plant Direct the work to assure the missing techniques, water contents, ambient temperatures, mix temperatures and so on adequately represent those needed for production installation


Describe the density testing procedure as per API 936: Measure specimen dimension to the nearest 0.02in (0.5mm) and weight to the nearest 0.002 lb (1.0g) Calculate density by dividing weight by volume and report in units of pound per cubic ft. or kilograms per cubic meter


Describe the installations for each a) vibration cast b) pump cast c) hand pack d) gunning e) plastic and other ramming: a) vibration cast - may be used in forming of the test specimens b) pump cast - installation refractory shall be poured into forms c) hand pack - refractory shall be hand packed d) gunned - refractory shall be gunned or cast (alternative specimens may be hand packed subject to prior approval by the owner) e) plastics and other ramming - may be formed using a mallet or handheld pneumatic rammer


Describe the operative testing party's responsibilities: To conduct of sampling specimen preparation, testing, and documentation of results


Describe the requirement for vibration cast installation: The mock-up shall demonstrate the adequacy of vibration equipment and attachment method of vibrators, along with the general installation procedures, such as mixing, handling/delivery to lining cavity and associated quality control requirements


During the curing period the refractory shall be covered or sealed and maintained at what temperature range?: During the period of time the refractory shall be covered or sealed with an impermeable material and maintained at an ambient temperature of 70F-85F (20C-30C)


Erosion Services can be defined as:: Fluid solid units, such as transfer and overhead lines Cyclones Linings Deflector Shields


For casting applicator qualification testing, what mandatory item is required for the installation?: a mock simulating the most difficult piece of the installation work or the size/shape agreed to in the documentation phase shall be completed, and applied materials sample and tested


For Casting installation what type of testing is required?: Specimen shall be tested for density permanent linear change, and cold crushing strength or abrasion resistance


For Casting Testing, what is the minimum sample requirement?: A minimum of 1 sample shall by each mixing crew per material per shift


For Chemically bonded refractories, what specific requirement shall be done during the curing stage?: For chemically bonded refractories, the lining surface shall remain uncovered and free from contact with moisture during the curing period


For gunning operations, what 2 items shall be used to terminate areas?: Shot boards or perpendicular edge shall be used to terminate work areas


Forms for Casting operations shall have, what 2 mandatory items?: Waterproof and leak free


For Permanent Linear Change Test specimens, describe how to calculate the length change: Calculate length for each of the four measurements per specimen and divide by the initial green or dried dimension. Report permanent linear change green to fired, and dried to fired as total average percentage shrinkage in length for each specimen to +-0.05%


For placement of Thin Layer, Erosion Resistant Linings, how shall air setting phosphate bonded refractories be mixed?: All airsetting phosphate bonded refractories shall be mixed in a rotating paddle mixer, such as those manufactured by Hobart


Give 2 primary duties of the inspector: To monitor refractory installation work being conducted by the contractor Supply materials and manufactures


Give 3 examples of Hexalt type Anchors: S-Bar Hexcel Curl and Tacko anchor


How are densities determined as per API 936 requirements?: Densities shall be determined at room temperature on specimens after firing per 5.2.5b testing procedures


How long is the cure time before larger dimensions may be cut to the required dimension?: A minimum of 24 hrs


How many test specimens are normally taken for testing?: The average of two or more specimens made up from the same sample


How shall chemical setting refractories be packaged?: in heat sealed plastic to assure vapor-tight enclosure


How shall dryout heating be controlled?: Heating shall be controlled using either process or temporary thermocouples to monitor gas temperatures throughout the newly lined areas


How shall dryout heating of Cold Wall refractory be done?: Cold wall refractory lined components shall be dried out by heating from the refractory hot face only, with approved dryout procedures


How shall dryout heating of Hot Wall refractory be done?: Hot wall refractory line component shall be dried out by the application of heat from either the inside or outside surface or placed within an oven and heat soaked from both sides, in accordance with approved dryout procedures


How shall hydraulic bonded castable refractories be backed?: in moisture-proof bags with the product name, batch number, and date of manufacture clearly shown


How shall Permanent Linear Change test specimens be measured?: Test specimens shall be measured along the 9in. dimension at each of the same four corners of the specimen to the nearest 0.001 in (0.025mm)


How shall the initial dryout heating of newly installed linings be performed?: Initial heating of newly installed refractory linings shall be performed by process heating devices or temporary equipment such as electric heating elements or portable burners


How shall Thick Layer, Plastic Installations be installed?: Refractory shall be ram packed in successive handful sized clumps using a handheld, reciprocating pneumatic rammer fully consolidating each clump into a uniform mass and compacting the material in and around anchor supports to form a homogenous lining structure free of voids and lamination that is greater than the desired lining thickness


How shall Thin Layer, Erosion Resistant refractory linings be applied?: Refractory shall be applied using a handheld, reciprocating pneumatic rammer, rubber mallet, and/or wood block as demonstrated in applicator qualification test


How soon shall all refractory be applied of initial qualifications?: Every refractory shall be applied within 4 months of initial qualification test, or 3 months of a succeeding qualification test per the procedures here in API 936


If a sample fails to meet specific results may it be retested?: Yes, it may be rested and shall be conducted using the same testing facility and inspection, or at a different subject to the owner approval


If the initial qualification period of 4 months of initial qualification test or 3 months of a succeeding qualification test is exceeded may the respective batch be re-qualified?: Re-qualification permits usage for an additional 3 months after each succeeding qualification test up to the manufacture's recommended shelf life


Is field water addition or reconditioning permitted for heat-setting refractories?: NO - Field water addition or reconditioning is not permitted


Is "water slicking" of the finished lining surface permitted?: No- water slicking of the lining surface is not permitted


List 4 physical property requirements required for Material Qualification Testing: Density Permanent Linear Change (PLC) Cold Crushing Strength (CCS) Abrasion Resistance (where applicable)


May aluminum paddles and bowls be used?: Aluminum paddles and bowls shall NOT be used due to their potential to react with the acid component in the refractory


May cutback material be reused?: Cutback material may be reused of workability characteristics are not diminished. under no circumstances shall dry or crumbly material be installed


Name 3 items that shall be included in the Execution Details: Installation and quality control procedures Designation of responsible Parties Curing and dryout procedures


Name 3 items the test specimen shall be tested: physical property standard for density permanent linear change cold crushing strength or abrasion resistance


Name 3 items to be used to aid refractory flow: Pouring or pump casting, submersion vibrators or roding may be used to aid refractory flow and filling of the formed enclosure


Name 3 release agents required in casting forms: grease, form release, or wax shall be used to facilitate stripping of the forms


Name 4 items to be included in the design details: Lining products, thickness, method of application, and extent of coverage Anchor material, geometry and layout. Suggested color coding for metallic anchors is given in appendix B Surface preparation, welding procedures and anchor attachment integrity When used, details of metal fiber reinforcement including dimensions, concentration, type, and metallurgy


Name 5 results taken from a Test Sample: Compressive Strength Erosion Resistance Density Linear Change Any other physical property determination


Name and describe 5 requirements in Quality Standards: Physical Property Requirements - to be used for qualification and installation quality control by specific product and where it is being utilized. these requirements shall be in with manufacturer's datasheet claims or compliance unless amended by prior agreement with owner Sampling Procedures - Applicable to designations of products to be used in either erosion service or other service as defined in para 4.2.4 The Lining Thickness Tolerances - the tolerance shall be accepted as per original design details and owner agreement Acceptance criteria for hammer test - A subjective test of green or fired refractories in which the lining is impacted with a hammer to gauge soundness and uniformity via audible resonance Allowable cracking in the applied lining


Name at least 2 types methods of providing excess moisture during the curing stage?: Applying membrane type (nonreactive) curing compound to all exposed surfaces before the surface is dry to touch. No part of the lining shall be allowed to air dry more than 2hrs prior to the application of curing compound Wetting the exposed surfaces of the newly installed lining with fine water spray at approximately 2hrs interval


Other than the acceptance rejection criteria required by para 1.3.3 and para 4.1.2, what additional requirements are required?: The inspector to verify all record kept by the contractor to identify samples and the areas that represent. Failure to meet the preceding criteria shall be caused for rejection, in the even of disagreement over installed refractory quality, core samples may be taken and retested


Satisfactory examination and test results for pump and cast installation will also qualify what?: Qualifies the missing and installation procedures as well as mix water levels


Sealing or excess moisture is allowed for what type of refractory during the curing stage?: Sealing and / or excess moisture shall be provided for the curing of hydraulic bonded castable


Under who's direction shall the test sample refractories be mixed and formed?: The contractor is responsible


Vibration is only allowed to be used in the actual installation of what 3 types of casting?: Pump and Cast installation


What 2 items shall be used for thickness measurement guides during gunning operations?: Shot board height and depth gauges shall be used for thickness measurement guides


What 2 materials are allowed for forms?: Metal or plastic forms may be used at the required specimen dimensions


What 2 types of anchoring systems maybe used in thin layer erosion resistance refractories?: Hexmesh or hexalt anchoring system (as the case may be) shall be attached to a backing plate such that the backing plate may be removed and the applied refractory lining examined from the backside


What are the acceptance / rejection criteria for as-installed testing?: Based on criteria and procedure prior to work to start


What are the codes / standards / specifications that are cited in this recommended practice?: C113 - standard test method for Reheat Change of Refractory Brick C133 - standard test method for Cold Crushing Strength & Modulus of Rupture of Refractory C704- standard test method for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Temperature


What are the curing times and requirements for Heat Setting and Plastic Refractories?: Heat-Setting, plastic refractories shall be allowed to air dry at an ambient temperature of 70F - 85F (20C-30C) for a minimum of 24hrs and oven dried in a form suitable for drying temperatures


What are the other references recommended practice?: API Std 560 - Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service ACI 3 547R - Refractory Concrete: Stage-of-the-Art Report


What are the qualifications of inspection personnel?: 1. The inspector shall have no commercial affiliations with the contractor or manufacturer(s), unless otherwise agreed to by the owner 2. The inspector shall have a working knowledge of applicable standard and terms as defined in attached appendixes of this document 3. The inspector shall have a working knowledge or requirements defined in this document, owner specifications and job specific requirements outlined by the owner or manufacturer.


What are the responsibilities of inspection personnel?: 1. The inspector shall monitor qualification and production work conducted by the manufacturer(s) and contractor to ensure compliance with job specifications and agreed-to-quality standards 2. The inspector shall notify the owner and the contractor in a timely manner of any work deficiencies or potential deficiencies based on his or her monitoring of material qualification and the installation process 3. The inspector shall make no engineering decisions contrary or in addition to specified requirements 4. Any conflict between specified standards and installed refractory quality shall be submitted to the owner for resolution 5. In cases involving repair and maintenance of existing equipment, the owner may request the inspector to provide recommendations concerning the need and extent of repairs and procedures to be used to make those repairs 6. The inspector shall inspect the hammer test newly-installed lining before dry out and after dryout (when possible), and report any anomalies to the owner 7. The inspector shall ensure the material and applicator qualification test results are fully documented and the contractor is provided with all applicable data for the materials being installed 8. The inspector shall check and verify that accurate installation records are being documented by the contractor as per 4.4.8 9. The inspector shall record all nonconformance and/or potential problems to which the inspector has alerted the contractor and owner


What are the temp. limits for refractory and water mix?: in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. in the absence of manufacturer's mix temp limits, mix temp shall be between 60F (15c-27c)


What are the testing frequencies for erosion service or other services?: Erosion Service - one sample per pallet or less from each production run other service - one sample for 3 pallets or less from each production run


What ASTM standard is required for all Abrasion (Erosion) Resistance type refractory testing?: ASTM C704


What ASTM standard is required for all Cold Crushing Strength Testing?: ASTM C133


What does the scope of API 936 provide?: Provides installation quality control guidelines for monolithic refractory lining and may be used to supplement owners specifications


What down hand gunning limit is prohibited?: Down hand gunning beyond 30 degrees below horizontal is prohibited unless agreed to otherwise by the owner


What initial steps must the contractor take for applicator qualification testing?: Prior to the installation, the contractor shall take the material qualified to job, and using equipment and personnel to utilize for the installation work, demonstrate that specified quality standards can be met


What installation method may be used in testing of casting s: Vibration may be used in casting of samples as applicable to simulate installation work


What is a Production Run?: Quantity of refractory having the same formulation that is prepared in an uninterrupted manufacturing operation


What is "flashing"?: a layer coat of refractory usually gunned which is applied over refractory that has already been applied and allowed to set up


What is required for dryout heating of complex vessels, or vessel/duct/pipe systems that have more than one burner, more than two flue gas exit points, or eight or more thermocouples?: The dryout plan should be reviewed by an engineer experienced in dryout of complex systems. The dryout plan should include heat up/cool down rates for all control temperature indicators and the maximum difference between temperature indicators


What is required for visual inspection of the test panel?: shall be constructed with removable back for visual inspection of the castable


What is required when installing all heat-setting plastic refractories?: All heat-setting plastic refractories shall be installed at the manufactured consistency


What is testing machine minimum sensitivity and maximum loading rate for Castable type refractory rated > 100lb.ft3: Testing machine minimum sensitivity and maximum loading rate shall be castable type is >100lb/ft3 (>1600kg/m3), testing machine sensitivity rate 500c (2222) note: c50% of the expected load may be applied initially at any convenient rate, the loading rate 2500c (290)


What is the acceptance / rejection criteria for qualifications testing as per API 936?: For both material and applicator qualification testing, the average physical properties for each sample shall fully meet the criteria established for that material in API 936


What is the application temperature for installation of refractory?: the temperature of the air and shell at the installation site shall between 50F (10c) minimum and 90F (32c) maximum during refractory installation and the 24hr there after


What is the cool down temperature rates when included in the dryout plan?: Cooling rates shall not exceed 150F (85C) per hour


What is the cure time for newly installed linings?: Newly installed air-setting, hydraulic, and chemically bonded lining shall be allowed to cure at 50F - 90F (10C-32C) for 24 hrs minimum before initial heating of the lining


What is the max weight of refractory in the bag?: The weight of the refractory in the bag shall not deviate from this value by more than +-2%


What is the minimum curing time for refractory cast in mock-up panels?: Refractory cast in the mock-up shall be cured for 12hrs minimum and then stripped of forms for visual inspection only


What is the minimum sample requirement for gunning as-installed testing?: A minimum of 1 sample of applied refractory shall be gunned by each gunning crew per material per shift using a "wire mesh basket" which is about 12in x 12in (300mm x 300mm) and at least 4in (100mm) deep


What is the minimum sample requirement for placement of thin layer, erosion resistant linings and plastics?: a minimum of 1 sample shall be packed by each applicator per material per shift


What is the minimum time required for curing freshly placed air-setting and cement bonded refractories?: Freshly placed air setting and cement-bonded refractories shall be allowed to cure for 24hrs minimum before being removed from the molds or being cut into bar specimens


What is the minimum time requirement before moving the form piece or stripping the forms?: The newly applied lining shall cure per the manufacturer's recommendation (minimum of 24hrs) before moving the piece or stripping the forms


What is the minimum time that air setting, phosphate bonded castable refractories must be cured?: Air-setting phosphate bonded castable refractories shall be air cured, uncovered for a minimum of 24hr after forming


What is the minimum time the hydraulic bonded castable refractory shall be cured?: Hydraulic bonded castable refractories shall be cured for a minimum of 24hrs after forming


What is the mixer capacity requirement for pump casting?: Pump casting mixer capacity shall sufficient to allow for continuous pump operations without stops and starts to wait for materials


What is the mixer capacity requirement for vibration casting?: Vibration casting, 2 or more rotary vibrators shall be mounted externally on the equipment or component to be line


What is the mixer capacity requirement for vibration casting in pipe sections?: Should be sufficient to facilitate placement with no more than 10 minutes between successive mix batches


What is the number of specimens to be taken "For Erosion Service" type of test Abrasion Resistance?: For Erosion Service type of test abrasion resistance 2 number of specimens shall be required (size of specimens 4 1/2 x 4 1/2in (114 x 114 x 25mm) table 3. II For other service type of test cold crushing strength 3 number of specimens are required (2x2x2in (50x50x50mm)


What is the optimum amount of mixing for gunning?: of the pre-wetted material shall be per the applicator qualification testing. Use of pre-wet may be waived for some products, subject to the manufacturer's recommendation and the owner's approval


What is the panel dimensions required for Thick Layer, Plastic Installations?: The test panel shall be 24in x 12in (600,, x 300mm) with applied lining thickness and anchorage that are the same as the actual installation


What is the qualification test shall apply to set the refractory shelf life?: Refractory materials shall be stored in a weather protected area. Time limits for material qualification test shall set refractory shelf life. If the manufacturer's shelf life recommendations are more stringent; the manufacturer's restrictions shall apply


What is the testing measurement as per ASTM C113?: All testing shall be determined on the 2in x 2in x 9in (50mmx50mmx230mm) specimens per ASTM C113


What is the test panel position for the nozzle / gun operator to demonstrate their abilities?: The test panel shall be inclined 45 degrees above the horizontal and supported on a frame so that panels midpoint is approximately 6ft (1.9m) above ground level


What kind of water is to be used for missing in the refractory?: Potable


What section of API 936 mentions the responsibilities of the inspector?: The scope of the inspector responsibilities who monitor and control the quality control process are also defined


What shall the backing plate to be used for Thick Layer, Plastic Installations be coated with?: The backing plate shall be coated with parting agent to facilitate removal from the applied refractory


What size test panel is required for pneumatic gunning?: The test panel shall be fabricated measuring 24in x 24in (600mm x 600mm) with thickness and anchors the same as the actual installation job


What size test panels is required for thin layer erosion resistance refractories?: A test panel 12in x 12in x 3/4 or 1 in (300mm x300mm x 20 or 25mm) shall be packed by each applicator and examined


What two items if using API 936 are mandatory to be done?: The refractory applied by this guideline shall be sampled and tested to verify that physical properties meet intended criteria


What type of refractory does NOT require air curing?: Heat Setting refractories DO NOT require air curing, but they shall not be exposed to moisture or freezing conditions prior to initial heating


What type of test shall be made of test specimens for Thin Layer Erosion Resistance Refractories?: Specimens shall be tested for density, permanent linear change and abrasion resistance


When gunning stoppages are greater than 30min or the initial set is determined by the inspector, what thickness lining shall be retained?: Only full thickness shall be retained


When is "flashing" not permitted?: after initial set as defined by the surface being exposed for more than 20min or becoming dry to the touch


When may the inspectors participation be waived or reduced by the owner?: Where an independent laboratory is utilized or the contractor assumes complete accountability for as-installed testing results


When may the removal of the back panel be made?: Sectioning for breaking of the panels is permitted 18hrs after completion of the panel unless otherwise directed by the owner


When shall metal fiber reinforcement be allowed?: Metal fiber reinforcement shall be used only when specified by the owner


When shall the backing plate be removed when using Thick Layer, Plastic Installations?: After refractory installation is completed, the test panel backing plate shall be removed immediately and examined for consolidation and voids


When the inspector is engaged as a witness what are his duties?: The inspector shall select the container to be tested and observe all sampling Specimen preparation Testing


Who is responsible and what is the time requirement to measure the workability index on plastic refractories?: The manufacturer shall measure the workability index on plastic refractories per ASTM C181 seven days after manufacture and provide this to the contractor


Who shall inform the owner of testing arrangement and timing so that notification to the inspector is made?: The contractor shall inform the owner


Who shall prepare a detailed specifications and or execution plan?: The owner shall prepare a detailed specification and or refer to the contractor to prepare a detailed execution plan subject to the owner approval


Who shall review the dryout plan prior to submitting for approval with the owner?: The contractor shall review dryout provisions with the manufacturer based on the above criteria and submit a procedure to be approved by the owner


Why are organic fibers sometimes installed in the refractory?: They are used to facilitate moisture removal of refractory lining during dry out and shall be used with owners approval. Fiber additions shall be performed during manufacture of the castable or plastic refractory


You as an inspector reviewed a test report for an "As installed material" you discover that the density was reported at +6 lb/ ft 3. Is this acceptable?: No - Maximum density according to Table 2 is 5 -5lb / ft 3.


You as the inspector reviewed a test report for "As installed material" you discover that the density cold crushing strength is reported at 50%. Is this acceptable?: Yes - According to table 2, the minimum cold crushing strength allowed is 80%