Am Jetstream Pre-Int Unit 8 Lesson 3 [PDF]

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Unit 8 Lesson 3

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Deadline:  2021-10-20, 03:00 pm points: 61 / 63 points (96%) exercises: 9 / 9 exercises (100%)

Details: Grammar – Possessive pronouns: mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs 2021-10-18, 05:34 pm 6 / 6 points (100%) Details: A

Whose glasses are these? Are they yours?


No, they're not mine. Helen wears glasses. I think they're hers.


Are these Antonio's discs?


Yeah, they're his. He left them here for you.


Has everybody got a copy of the report?


Yeah, I think so.


We don't have copies yet. These two copies must be ours.


Can Deniz and Elif pick up their tickets for the conference from you?


No, they can't. Mehmet has the tickets now. They'll have to get theirs from him.

Reading – Using Drama For Writing Skills (1) 2021-10-18, 05:34 pm 5 / 5 points (100%) Details: Using drama in class made students more confident. TRUE

At the end of the project, the students' speaking skills were not very good. FALSE

The survey found that boys preferred non-fiction. FALSE

Stories don't make students use their imagination. FALSE

At the end of the project, teachers felt positive about using drama. TRUE

Reading – Using Drama For Writing Skills (2)

2021-10-18, 05:34 pm 5 / 5 points (100%) Details: Drama helped the boys to improve their writing skills.

Drama made writing more fun.

Drama didn't make the students' attitude about writing less positive.

The teachers chose scenes from two books. Fiction helps students to be more creative.

Vocabulary plus: Dialogue – Phrasal verbs with give and take 2021-10-18, 05:35 pm 5 / 5 points (100%) Details: A

Are you still playing tennis on the weekends?


Yeah, but I want to stop. (give it up)


Oh, that's too bad. I thought you enjoyed it.


I do enjoy it, but Jake has asked me to play squash with him. I'm going to start playing squash. (take up)


In that case, you can return the tennis racket I lent you. (give me back)


Yeah, of course. Do you have a squash racket you could lend me?


No, I don't, but Sarah doesn't need hers any more. I'm sure she'll let you have it. (is giving hers away)


Really? I'll give her a call then and ask her.


It's a little hot in here.


Remove your coat then. (take off)

Language in Action: Dialogue – Beginning and ending a talk 2021-10-18, 05:43 pm 6 / 6 points (100%) Details: Teacher Now we've listened to the presentation. Let's discuss the language, the speaker used. How did the speaker begin her presentation? Can anyone remember? Yeah, Elif. Elif

I'm delighted to be here this evening to talk about

Teacher Yeah, thank you, Amy. That's a good way to begin. It's really formal. Can anyone think of another way to begin? Yeah, Andre. Andre

How about, Good evening. Thank you so much for coming.

Teacher Yeah, that's good. You can thank everyone for coming. Well, we're coming to the end of the lesson now. Are there any questions? Elif

Yeah. If I'm giving a presentation, and I want to direct the audience to my website. What should I say?

Teacher Any ideas? Yeah, Antonio. Antonio And if you want to know more, just go to my website. Teacher Perfect. Yeah, Andre. Andre

You haven't told us how to end a presentation.

Teacher No, I haven't. What did the speaker say? Can you remember? Amy

She said, 'That brings me to the end of my presentation.'

Teacher Yeah that's right. And if you want to summarize your presentation, you could say To sum up, what I'd like to say is .... That’s another option. Any more questions? (pause) No. Well, then. That brings me to the end of my lesson.

Vocabulary – Presentation equipment

2021-10-18, 05:50 pm 9 / 10 points (90%) Details: shlaf vride

memory stick (flash



drive) bleca




motere trolcon

remote control











Vocabulary – Presentation equipment 2021-10-18, 05:48 pm 6 / 6 points (100%) Details: A

I've saved everything onto my flash drive for you.


Thanks. I've saved everything onto my laptop too.


You'll need to take a European plug with you.


OK. Do you think I need to use a microphone?


No, I don't think so. The room is really small. I think they'll all be able to hear you without one.


I won't use a mouse. I'll just use the keyboard on my laptop.


OK. Well, good luck!

Vocabulary plus – Nouns- adjectives 2021-10-18, 05:47 pm 14 / 14 points (100%) Details: adjectives with suffix -ful: wonder, pain, peace, help, use, success, color, stress

nouns: knowledge, control, comfort, nerve, project, show

Vocabulary plus – Nouns- adjectives 2021-10-18, 05:47 pm 5 / 6 points (83%) Details: The artist has used lots of colors. The picture is very colorful.

I think everybody enjoyed the conference. It's been very successful.

Giving a lecture is always stressful. I'm always nervous.

Thank you very much. You've been very helpful.

That's a very uselful (useful) piece of information. I'll include it in my presentation.

Miranda gave a wonderful presentation. Everybody really enjoyed it.

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