All Clear For Ukraine [PDF]

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For Ukraine MliS

macmillan education




page 4

1 Onscreen page 8

Possessive's / s'

Grammar •


Subject pronouns

• Film types

Present simple

• TV programmes

Question words

Reading •

Possessive adjectives

• Forum discussion:

Mehemet's Movie Blog

there is / there ore Adverbs of frequency

2 Outdoor survival

• Outdoor activities

Present continuous

• Feelings

Present simple and present continuous

page 18

• Microblogging and

a wiki page: Adventures of a wild camper

Present continuous for future arrangements

3 Historical events

• Travel verbs

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

• Natural disasters

• A magazine article:

Food origins

be: past simple

page 28

Past time expressions could / couldn't

Revision Units 1-3

page 38 Vocabulary

4 Tales from the past


Cultural awareness Media Q

• Character adjectives

• Past continuous

• Verbs of movement

• Past simple and past

• Book summaries:

Fact or fiction?


page 42

when / while

5 Personal possessions

• Money

Comparatives and superlatives

• Computer


Expressions of quantity

• Consumer advice

leaflet: How to save money

page 52

6 Good citizens page 62

• Jobs

be going to, should / shouldn't

• Health problems

and first aid

Revision Units 4-6

page 72 Vocabulary

Plan the future page 76

must /m ustn't


• Life events

The global water crisis

Cultural awareness Appearance Q

will / won't

• Musical instruments

• A blog post:

• Future time expressions

• An infographic: Demographics

• First conditional

8 Our world page 86

• Materials and containers

Present perfect ever and never

• Endangered animals

9 Having fun page 96

Revision Units 7-9 Culture

Lost at sea

• Playing games

Tense review

• Places to visit

Time expressions

page 106 Vocabulary

• A newspaper article:


Discover Kyiv page 110

• A factual text: Board games: from cardboard to pixels

Cultural awareness Landscape Q

• Visiting Kyiv and London page 112

CLC Competence in linguistic communication • CMST Competence in mathematics, science and technology DC Digital competence • L2L Learning to learn • SCC Social and civic competences • SIE Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship CAE Cultural awareness and expression

Writing Clothes

Listening •

School subjects

• A review


• Looking at

• Capital letters

family photos

and punctuation

A blog post

Life with a Tribe

Conjunctions: and, but, because

A biography Time prepositions

Famous natural disasters

Speaking Classroom language

Key competences \

Culture •


Talking about Vikes and d'isVikes / Talking about films


Making plans/ Before a weekend trip

Reading: Summer camps

Asking for information / At the library



TWm awards Pronunciation: I d /u:/ /ai/


Pronunciation: /s/

R eading:



Pronunciation: /u / /oil /ei/


Reading: Castles and legends


Digital competence A digital wall

• A narrative

• April Fool's Day!

• Time connectors: One day, Then, Later, In the end A description Adjective word order

Talking about the past/Talking about the weekend

Pronunciation: /wdz / or / w e z/

The Online Swap Shop

Buying and selling / Going shopping

Reading: Charity shops


Pronunciation: comparative -er endings

A description of a person

Mountain rescue!

Giving opinions/ Talking about jobs

Reading: The police


Pronunciation: Sentence

too and also

stress: be going to Digital competence A wiki

• A class survey • Expressions of amount

• A competition entry

• The road to success

• Adopt an animal

• Asking for and giving advice/ In a music shop

Reading: Music in schools

• Giving directions/ On a bike ride

Reading: Cycling in the UK


Pronunciation: will ('ll)


• Formal writing





Contractions • End of exams

• An email • Verb tenses

• Expressing preferences / At a holiday camp

Reading: Beaches in the UK

Pronunciation: Present simple and past simple

Digital competence A presentation


page 116

Irregular verbs

page 120

Phonetic symbols

page 122





Vocabulary Clothes


Listen and repeat the words. Match them with 1-11 in the pictures.

boots • dress • jacket • jeans • jumper • sandals • shirt • shoes • skirt • trainers • T-shirt


Anil's jeans are blue.

Use's after a name or singular noun. Magda's coat is blue.


Use 'a fte r a plural word ending in -s. The boys'jeans are blue.

In pairs, talk about your partner's clothes.

| David’s T -shirt is green.

School subjects Listen and repeat the words. How do you say them in your language?











ICT (information and communication

PE (physical education)


Write sentences about your school week in your notebook.

I've got science and PE on Mondays.

Family o


Listen and repeat the words. How do you say them in your language?









father sister

grandad son




Copy and complete the table with the words in the box. Which word can be for both males and females?





Mi Complete the sentences with words in exercise 6 in your notebook.

1 My mum's sister is my .... 2 My dad's daughter is my .... 3 My uncle is my grandmother's__ 4 My aunt's child is my .... 5 My cousin Mary is my dad's ....


Grammar be Write true sentences with the affirmative or negative form of

1 I ... from Ukraine.

4 My favourite hobby ... swimming.

2 My best friend ... 14 years old.

5 Madrid ... the capital of the UK.

3 We ... in maths class.

have got Write the correct words in your notebook. 1 I have got / has got two sisters and one brother.

2 My father haven't got / hasn't got a red car. 3 We haven't got / hasn't got an English exam tomorrow. 4 She have got / has got white trainers. 5 They have got / has got new mp3 players. Copy and complete the tables with the words in the box.








Subject pronouns






Possessive adjectives






Listening o

i ^

Listen to Sally talking about her family. How many brothers has she got?

Listen again. Copy and complete the sentences about Sally's family in your notebook.

Laura is her mum. 1 Michael is... 2 Nicole is ... 3 H arriet... 4 Tom ... 5 Margaret... Write sentences about your family.

My mum is Sonia and my dad is Daniel. I have got a brother. His name is Juan.

Speaking Introducing yourself / First day at school M odel Dialogue (Qfc

Jason Marcia


Hi, I'm Jason.

Hello, my name's Marcia. Where are you from?

I'm from Manchester. What about you?

I'm from London. I'm 13. What are your hobbies? My hobbies are football and art. Football and art? That's interesting. My hobbies are athletics and art.


Listen to the dialogue. What are Jason and Marcia's hobbies?


Listen again and repeat the dialogue.


Match questions 1 -4 with answers a -d in your notebook. 1 How old are you?

a) My hobbies are video games and films.

2 What's your name?

b) I'm 14.

3 Where are you from?

c) My name's Joe.

4 What are your hobbies?

d) I'm from Liverpool.

S o e a k in a T a s k r *


O Talk about yourself


Read the information and choose two people.

Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.

1 Harvey: New York / 15 / singing and dancing 2 Nisha: 13 / Cambridge / computers and sport 3 Hammed: Birmingham / 14/comics and


Prepare a dialogue


In pairs, practise your dialogue.

cycling Hi, I’m Hammed.

4 Jasmine: London 7 1 6 / music and cinema

Useful Language

Introducing yourself

Hi, I'm Jason. I'm from Manchester. What about you? How old are you? What are your hobbies?

Hello, my name’s Nisha.

Hello, my name's Marcia. Where are you from?

I'm from London. I'm 13. My hobbies are football and art.


Film types;TV programmes Present simple; question words; there is / there are; adverbs of frequency


Talking about likes and dislikes


A review; capital letters and punctuation

Vocabulary Film types 9


Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1-6 . What film type can't you see?

action • adventure • animated • comedy • fantasy • horror • musical • romantic comedy • science-fiction • thriller • war • western

Write one example of a film for each film type in exercise 1 Listen to Jake and Isabel. What are their favourite film types? In pairs, ask and answer questions about your favourite film types,

What are your favourite film types?

Vocabulary Reference


Forum discussion Home

M ehm et's M@vie Blog M ovie questionnaire




screens Topics j Review

4 responses to Mehmet’s Movie Blog’

films? Where do you watch them? What

I usually watch films on my computer and on my smartphone. I hardly ever go to the cinema because it’s expensive. I like science-fiction and fantasy films with good special effects, but I hate 3D.

types of film do you like? Why do you


Hi everyone! Today’s post is all about film­ watching habits. How often do you watch

44 minutes ago ■■

decide to watch a film? I want to know!


50 minutes ago


Top 10 I

I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends. We like thrillers, horror films and romantic comedies, but we often c hoose a film because we like the actors. We go to a cinema that has eight screens at my local shopping centre.

42 minutes ago


I always watch films on my dad’s tablet. I love action and adventure films but I like all film types except musicals. Oh, and I don’t like westerns much.

36 minutes ago

Mike I never watch films. I prefer television, especially comedies and sports programmes. My brother watches films all the time. His favourite is The Hobbit He watches it once a week!


Read the text quickly and choose the best title. a) New films at the cinema

British teenagers go to the cinema more often when they are 13 and 14. This is because when they are 15, they have to pay the adult price.

b) Teenagers and their favourite films c) Film-watching habits o


Read and listen. Who says these things? Write the names in your notebook.

My favourite film types are science-fiction and fantasy.

Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1 What is Mehmet's blog post about today? 2 Why does Rudy hardly ever go to

Rudy 1 I don't like musicals but I like all other film types. 2 I don't watch films, I only watch TV. 3 My friends and I like watching our favourite actors. 4 He watches The Hobbit all the time! 5 I really don't like 3D films.

the cinema? 3 Who does Katy go to the cinema with? 4 Where does Mike watch films? 5 What types of TV programmes does Eliza watch?



Grammar Present simple A ffirm ative



Short answers


1don't like

Do 1like ... ?

Yes, 1do.

He /She / I t likes

He / She / It doesn't like

Does he / she / it like ... ?

No, he / she / it doesn't.

We / You / They don't like

Do we / you / they like ... ?

Yes, we do.

Write the correct words in your notebook.

Question words

^We / You / They like

1 My sister choose/chooses a film

because she likes the actors.

Question words What is your favourite film type?

2 You p u t/p u ts films on your tablet.

Where do you watch TV?

3 We like / likes romantic comedies.

When do you go to the cinema?

4 My friends use/uses their phones to

Who is your favourite film director?

watch films.

Why do you like science-fiction films? How often do you watch films?

Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form. Write the correct words in your notebook. Write complete sentences. Use the present simple.

1 W h o /W h at is your favourite film?

2 Where /W h o do you watch films?

Isabel / enjoy / science-fiction films.

3 Who / When is your favourite actress?

Isabel enjoys science-fiction films.

4 W h y/W h at do you like going to the

1 She / not like / fantasy films very much. 2 Jake and I/n o t like/musicals. 3 Her b ro th e r/b u y /film magazines and

cinema with your friends? 5 How o ften /W h o does your friend go to

the cinema?

Isabel / read / the film reviews. 4 They / love / westerns, but I / hate / them.

Match questions 1-5 in exercise 5 with answers a -e in your notebook.

Order the words to make questions.Then write answers so they are true for you.

a) I usually watch films at home.

like / Do / 3D films / you / ?

c) Because it's fun.

Do you like 3D films?

d) She never goes to the cinema.

1 your best friend / watch / Does / films / on

e) The first film in The Hunger Games trilogy.

b) Jennifer Lawrence.

a com puter/? 2 film magazines / Do / read / you / ? 3 your classmates / old films / enjoy / Do / ?

4 prefer / y o u / films or TV series /D o /?

Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5.

j_W hat is your fa vo u rite film? I M y favourite film is Avatar. | . ^


there is I there are O

Complete the sentences with there is or there are.

1 In London ... a cinema called the Electric. It opened in 1911! 2 ... three The Lord of the Rings films. 3 I like cinemas because ... drinks, sweets and popcorn. 4 I don't like cinemas because... a lot of noise. 5 I like science-fiction films because ... some great special effects. Use there is for uncountable nouns and singular countable nouns: There's good ice cream at my local cinema. There's an IMAX cinema in my city. Use there are for plural countable nouns: There are seven screens at the cinema.

Adverbs of frequency A dverbs of frequency

She never watches films.


1hardly ever go to the cinema.

She sometimes goes to the cinema. They often choose a film because of the actors. You usually watch films on your tablet. J00%



He is always on his computer.


Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb and after the verb be and auxiliary verbs.

Write the sentences with the verbs and adverbs of frequency in brackets. Our class survey says that:

1 Students ... (never / use) films to help with their homework. 2 They... (always/choose) a variety of films online. 3 Their favourite types ... (usually / be) action films and comedy. 4 Boys ... (often / go) to the cinema on Thursdays. 5 Students ... (hardly ever/copy) DVDs because it's illegal.


rA ll C lear

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Josh How often (1)... you ... (watch) films? Liz

Oh, two or three times a week.(2)... you ... (like) documentaries?

Josh No, I don't. I l3)... (prefer) science-fiction.(4)... you ... (like) science-fiction films? Liz

They're OK.(5)... you ... (have got) a favourite film?

Josh I'm not sure. Avatar(6>. .. (be) good. Liz

W ho(7)... (be) the director?

Josh James Cameron. He's also the director of Titanic.

How about you? W hat(8). .. (be) your favourite film? Liz

The Ring.

Josh Oh no! I (9)... (not like) horror films.

( B


Listen and check your answers.

t X M

- ■ ■

Vocabulary TV programmes O


Listen and repeat the words. How do you say them in your language?

cartoon • chat show • comedy • documentary • drama • game show • reality show • soap opera • sports programme • the news Match pictures 1-6 with the programmes in exercise 1. Which programmes are not in the pictures?


Write sentences about your favourite TV programmes using the words in exercise 1.

My favourite cartoon o


is ...

In pairs, ask and answer questions about your favourite TV programmes.

jW h a t ’is your favourite cartoon? | I t ’s __ What about you? |



Listen to the news report. Do teenagers watch more hours of TV than their parents?

Listen again. Write true or false in your notebook.

1 Parents usually watch TV for about three hours a day. 2 Teenagers prefer computers and phones to television. 3 Young people usually watch TV on their computers. 4 More than half of young teenagers have a computer in their bedroom. 5 Teenagers often sleep for only four hours.

Speaking Talking about likes and dislikes/Talking about film s M odel Dialogue (s j^

Tim jc ;


What film do you want to see? I can't stand them. What about Dark Summer! It's a horror film.

I don't mind science-fiction. What do you think of animated films?

I want to see About Last Night. I like romantic comedies. I don't like horror films. They're awful. How about TomorrowlandlDo you like science-fiction? I really like them. They're great.

Let's see The Lego Movie! Good idea.


Listen to the dialogue. Which film do Tim and Suzie decide to see?

Listen again and repeat the dialogue.

Write complete sentences. Use really like © ©, like ©, don't mind ©, don't like © or can't stand © ®.

I / © / romantic comedies. don't mind romantic comedies. 1 My frie n d s /© © / horror films. 2 My d a d / © © / animated films.


3 W e /© /g o in g to the cinema. 4 My te a ch er/© /w atchin g films on TV.

Speaking Task

0 Talk about film s Look at the film posters and choose a film.

0 Prepare a dialogue Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.

© Speak In pairs, practise your dialogue. W hat film do you w ant to see?

Step 3

Step 4


of the wiki. Add them to the wiki. k— — —

When the

work. Then invite other people to view it. --------------- ) j

Plan the future


Life events; musical instruments


w ill/ won't; future time expressions; first conditional


Asking for and giving advice


A class survey; expressions of amount

fWISB Life events

Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1-12. be born • buy a house • get a job • get married • go to university • have children • learn to drive < leave home • leave school • start school • train to be a ... • work

Write the correct words in your notebook. 1 When I am 18,1want to start school / go to university to study chemistry. 2 My brother learned to drive / trained to be a car last year. 3 In the UK, you can leave / start school when you're 16. 4 My mum left home / worked as a doctor in Madrid. 5 They want to have children / be born when they are 30. o o

e ©

Listen to Alice and Matt. What are their future ambitions? In pairs, ask and answer questions about your future ambitions.


do you want to do in the future? I want to learn to drive when I’m 1 7 .J


eading _



. .

[ demographics

An infographic





DEMOGRAPHICS If you want to know your future, look at the demographics for your country, not your horoscope. Demographics are real statistics about real places. Here are a few examples. . .

LEAVING HOME If you’re a British girl, you’ll probably leave home when you’re about 23. The average British boy won’t leave home until he’s nearly 25. In Spain, a girl will leave home at about 27, but a boy won’t leave until he’s nearly 30. In Finland, the average girl will leave home at 21 and a boy at 23.

GETTING MARRIED A person born in the UK, Spain or Japan will get married for the first time at about 29 years old. In Bolivia or the USA, you’ll be 23 or 24. If you’re German, you’ll get married at 30.



In the USA, you’ll probably have two children. British families will have 1.9 children and in Spain they’ll have 1.5. In Bolivia, the average family has 2.8 children.

How long will you live? Spain is a good place to live as you’ll probably live to around 81. This is the same as Iceland (81) and better than the UK or the USA (80).

Read the sentences. Which ones do you think are true? 1 British boys leave home later than girls. 2 People get married younger in Spain than in Germany. 3 The Spanish have more children than people in the USA.

The country with the longest life expectancy in the world is Monaco.

4 The Spanish live longer than the British.

O il ^

Read and listen to check your answers.

Read the text again. Answer the questions in your notebook. 1 How old are most British girls when they leave home? 2 In which country will you get married at 30? 3 How many children does the average family in the USA have? 4 Which country has the most children per average family? 5 According to the text, is Spain a good place to live? Why?

Grammar w ill! w on't Affirmative



Short answers

i'll go

I won't go

Will I g o ... ?

Yes, I will.

You'll go

You won't go

Will you go ... ?

No, you won't.

He / She / It'll go

He / She / It won't go

Will h e /s h e /it go ... ?

Yes, he will.

We'll go

We won't go

Will we go ... ?

No, we won't.

You'll go

You won't go

Will you go ... ?

Yes, you will.

They'll go

They won't go

Will they go ... ?

No, they won't.

^ j | Complete the sentences with will / won't and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Write complete questions with will. your family / always / live / in the same

You won't have 15 children!


1 I ... (go) to university when I'm 18.

Will your family always live in the same

2 He thinks he ... (be) a famous scientist.


3 My friends ... (not leave) school next year. 4 We ... (not get) married before we're 25.

1 y o u /tra in /to be a v e t/a t university?

5 She studied a lot. She ... (not fail) her exams. Write complete sentences with will / won't.

2 you / leave school / at 16? 3 you / have / a good job / one day? 4 your best friend/play basketball/

1 I/le a rn to d riv e /a t 18.


2 He / not leave home / at 30.

5 everybody / buy / big cars?

3 T h e y/n o t have two children. 4 We / buy / a big house. Complete the text with in the box. be

not get



/ won't and the verbs

We can use time expressions to make predictions.

Ithink I'll travel to the USA next year. study


travel Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 I hope w e 'll... tomorrow. 2 I w o n 't... when I'm older. 3 I think I 'll... next summer. 4 W e'll... one day soon. 5 We w o n 't... next month.

I think I (1). .. home when I'm 18 years old. I think I (2)... to university. I

Read the sentences. Do they ask for advice (A) or give advice (G)? 1 What do you think of these two?

Listen again and repeat the dialogue.

2 You should buy a second-hand computer. 3 I think you should get this computer. 4 Which one should I buy?

Speaking Task

(Qp> "'N

© Talk about a musical instrument

0 Prepare a dialogue

Look at the musical instruments and decide which one you want to buy.

Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.

0 Speak In pairs, practise your dialogue.


IIw< want to buy a harmonica. Which one should I buy? V' You should buy a second-hand one. If you buy a new one, it will be more expensive.

Useful Language

Asking for and giving advice

I want to buy a guitar. Which one should I buy? You should buy a second-hand guitar. Good idea! What do you think of these two?

They both look fine.

What should I do?

I think you should get an electric guitar. You'll need one if you want to play rock.

A class survey


Read the Model Text and listen. Which graph matches the text?

I asked my classmates about their future. Will you leave school when you are 16? No one will leave school when they are 16. Most students want to go to university. Will you learn to drive when you are 17? 50 per cent of students will learn to drive when they're 17. A few students will learn to drive when they are older. Will you get married before you are 25? No one will get married before they're 25. Everyone wants to get a good job and buy a house first. Will you have children? Most students will have children. A few students will have three children or more.

Look at the All Clear Tips. How do you say the sentences in your language?

O P Ian Expressions of amount Use these expressions to talk about the results of a survey. Everyone wants to get a goodjob. Most students will have children. 50 per cent of students will learn to drive when they are 17. A fewstudents will have three children or more.

Read the results of the other graph in exercise 1 and make notes:

0 W rite Use the Model Text, the graph and this structure: Introduction The number of people in the survey

Complete the sentences with expressions from the All Clear Tips.

Paragraph 1 The question, the results Paragraph 2 The question, the results Paragraph 3 The question, the results

No one will get married when they are 16. (0/20 students)

0 Check

1 ... will train to be nurses. (3/20 students)

0 will / won't

2 ... will g o to university before they get a job.

0 vocabulary for life events

(10/20 students) 3 ... will buy a house first.Then they'll get married. (18/20 students) 4 ... wants to have children. (20/20 students)

0 amount: everyone, most, (50) per cent, a few, no one __________________ ________________


Many teenagers in the UK form bands when they are at school. They practise in their parents' houses or garages. Some hope that they will be famous one day but, in reality, most won't be. Famous bands that formed at school include the Beatles, U2 and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. If you want to be successful like these bands, you'll need talent, practice and luck! A lot of children learn to play musical instruments when they are at school. The violin, piano and guitar are popular. Some schools have an orchestra. The orchestras sometimes compete against other schools in regional and national competitions. They sometimes travel to other countries. Some teenagers sing in school choirs. Choirs sometimes sing classical songs, religious songs or traditional folk music. Gospel choirs are also popular in both the USA and the UK. ■ ■


Read and listen.Then answer the questions. 1 Which famous bands formed at

toam iiSdB aD will {'II)

school? 2 What will you need if you want to be like U2? 3 What do school choirs sing? What musical activities can you do at your school? Would you like to be in a band, an orchestra or a choir?

Listen and repeat. 1 a) I play the guitar.

b) I'll play the guitar,

2 a) I sing in a choir.

b) I'll sing in a choir.

Listen to the sentences again. Can you hear a) or b)?

Unit 7 Language Reference Life events


be born

. I buy a house

learn to drive

leave home

Musical instruments Grammar

*■* ^ get a job

get married

go to university have children

start school

train to be a ...

mm leave school


acoustic guitar drums electric guitar flute keyboards tambourine piano saxophone trumpet violin

will I won't

Affirm ative



Short answers

1will go to town.

1won't go to town.

Will 1go to town?

Yes, 1will.

He /She / I t will go to town.

H e /S h e /It won't go to town.

Will h e /s h e /it go to town?

No, he won't.

We/You / They will g o to town.

We won't go to town.

Will we g o to town?

Yes, we will.

First conditional I f d a use


If 1get a good job,

1w ill buy a house.

If he practises,

he will be better.

If we study,

we w ill pass the exam.


If clause

1w ill have children

if 1get married.

He will be famous

if he practises.

We w ill get a job

if we study.


Asking for and givin g advice

I want to buy a guitar. Which one should I buy?

You should buy a second-hand guitar.

Good idea! What do you think of these two?

They both look fine.

Rock. What should I do?

I think you should get an electric guitar. You'll need one if you want to play rock.

Unit 7 Progress Check Life events



Identify the life events.

w ill I won't

Complete the sentences with and the verb in brackets.


In 2020,... 1 more people ... (be) older than 65. 2 I ... (have) a good job. 3 we ... (use) computers to study. 4 more people ... (not get) married. 5 I ... (not drive) a car. 2 s ls l Order the words to make questions. 1 you/W ill / live abroad / ? 2 go to university / you / Will / ? 3 be / you / Will / tomorrow / at school / ? 4 you / one day / train / Will / to be a doctor / ? 3 g

4 g


5 your te a m /W ill/o n e day s o o n /w in /?


First conditional Write complete sentences. 1 If he ... (want) to be an actor, he ... (go) to drama school. 2 If he ... (go) to drama school, they ... (teach) him to speak clearly. 3 He ... (change) his accent if they ... (teach) 5 I


him to speak clearly.


4 If he ... (change) his accent, we ... (not recognize) his voice.

Musical instruments

5 He ... (live) in Hollywood if he ... (become) a successful actor.

Order the letters and write the musical instruments in your notebook. 1 oxophsaen

4 rutgia

2 mudrs

5 nliivo

3 tpmtreu

Check your answers Write your scores for exercises 1-5 in your notebook. What did you get for:


Unit 7 Grammar Reference

• life events?

Unit 7 Vocabulary Reference

• musical instruments?

Unit 7 Grammar Exercises

Unit 7 Vocabulary Exercises

• will /

'tw n? o

• first conditional? V


Our w o rld

1 Vocabulary

Materials and containers; endangered animals


Present perfect; ever and never


Giving directions


A competition entry; formal writing

Vocabulary Materials and containers

o n

Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1-10. Some pictures have more than one word.

aluminium • bag • bottle • box • can • cardboard • carton • cotton • glass • jar • metal • paper • plastic • wool

Which of the words in exercise 1 are materials? Which are containers? aluminium = material Match materials with 1-5 containers a-e in your notebook.



Listen to Aaron and Anna. Then answer the questions.

1 metal

a) bottle

1 What does Anna recycle at school?

2 cotton

b) bag

2 How often does she recycle?

3 paper

c) box

3 What does she do with her old

4 cardboard

d) T-shirt

5 glass

e) can



In pairs, ask and answer the questions in exercise 4 so they are true for you.

I What do you recycle a t school? j I recycle metal cans and plastic bottles. |



Word Check wonder

A newspaper article






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In January 1992, a metal container fell off a ship in the Pacific Ocean. Inside the container, ini there were 28,000 plastic ducks. The ducks floated away on the ocean’s currents. From that moment, they have appeared on beaches all over the world. They have landed p fin Canada and Alaska. People have found them in Scotland and the Arctic. They have travelled thousands of miles to the coasts of Europe, South America and Australia. But they ''Jfey haven’t finished their incredible journey. Scientists have studied the ducks’ journey around the world and have learned a lot about the ocean’s currents. They think that about 2,000 ducks are still at sea more than 20 years later!

A writer, Donovan Hohn, has written a book about them. Its title is because his favourite book is Moby-Dicka classic novel about a sear a white whale. Moby-Duck is about a search for thousands of yellow bath ducks! But it is much more than that. It has brought attention to the terrible problem of plastic pollution: how bags, bottles, and other containers form islands of rubbish that float around the world for years, poisoning our oceans.

Mm Look at the picture and title. What do you think the article is about? o



Every year

... (visit) a museum, I mbMiB

jacket /'d3£ekit/ niflxaic, xaxeT

action /'3ekJ(a)n/ 6 owobhk

jeans /d 3i:nz/ axmho /i

adventure /ad'ventja(r)/ npi/iroAHi/ipbKi/ii/i

jumper /'d3Ampa(r)/ ,qxeMnep

animated /'aem,meitid/ aHiMapitiHuii

sandals /'saend(a)ls/ 6ocoHixKi/i, caHAani

fantasy /'faentasi/ cj)eHTe3i

shirt /J3i(r)t/ coponica

horror /'hora(r)/ cj^i/ibM xaxiB

shoes Ju:z/ B3yrra

musical /'mju:zik(a)l/ mk)3i/ik/i

skirt /sk3:(r)t/ cniflHupa

romantic comedy /rau'masntik 'kmnadi/ pOMaHTHMHaKOMeflifl

trainers /'treina(r)z/ KpociBKn T-shirt / ’t i: j3 :( r )t / xye 3HMKHeHI-m


e l e p h a n t / ' e l i f s n t / c /i o h

/'lep 3 (r)d / z i e o n a p f l

o ra n g -u ta n

/ o : 'r a e r j

3 ,tasn,


u i.t s e n /

opaHryiaHr p an d a


n a H fla

p o l a r b e a r / ' p 3 u l 3 ( r ) , b e 3 ( r ) / 6\nv\v\ B e f l M i f l b r h in o c e r o s

/rai'nDs(3 )r 3 s/ Hocopir

s n a k e / s n e i k / 3M isq t ig e r t u r tle

/'ta ig sfr)/


market /'mcn(r)kit/ pi/mox monument /'mtmjumsnt/ naM'HTHwx, MOHyMeHT safari park /sa'fcnri ,pai(r)k/ cacj>api-napx

T M rp

/ 't 3 :(r)t( 3 )l/ Mepenaxa


sq u are

w a te r p a r k

p o i s o n / ' p o i z ( 3 ) n / O T p y i'T H , O T p y i a

le o p a r d

, p o : ( r ) t / p n 6 a / ib C b X M M

s t a t u e / 's t a e t j u : / C T a T y a

s t il l / s t i l / m e , i flo c i

d o lp h in

p o r t / 'f ij i g

/'taun ,skwe3(r)/ Micbxa n/ioLpa

/'wo:t3(r) ,pa:(r)k/ axBanapx


Past sim ple

Past participle

be /bi:/ beat /bixt/ become /bi'kAm/ begin /bi'gin/ bite /bait/ break /breik/ bring /brig/ build /bild/ buy /bai/ catch /kaetj/ choose /tju:z/ come /kAm/ cost /kDSt/ cut /kAt/ do /du:/ draw /dra:/ dream /driim/

was, were /woz, W3i(r)/ beat /bixt/ became /bi'keim/ began /bi'gasn/ bit /bit/ broke /brauk/ brought /bra:t/ built /bilt/ bought /bait/ caught /kait/ chose /tjauz/ came /keim/ cost /kDSt/ cut /kAt/ did /did/ drew /dru:/ dreamt, dreamed

been /biin/ beaten /'bi:t(a)n/ become /bi'kAm/ begun /bi'gAn/ bitten /'bit(a)n/ broken /'braukan/ brought /brait/ built /bilt/ bought /bait/ caught /kait/ chosen /'tjauz(a)n/ come /kAm/ cost /kost/ cut /kAt/ done /dAn/ drawn /drain/ dreamt, dreamed

drink /drirjk/ drive /draiv/ eat Iht/ fall /foil/ feed /fixd/ feel /fill/ fight /fait/ find /faind/ fly /flai/ forget /fa(r)'get/ get /get/ give /giv/ go /gau/ grow /grau/ have /haev/ hear /hia(r)/ hide /haid/ hit /hit/ hold /hauld/ hurt /h3i(r)t/ keep /kixp/ know /nau/ learn /l3i(r)n/

drank /draerjk/ drove /drauv/ ate /eit/ fell /fel/ fed /fed/ felt /felt/ fought /fait/ found /faond/ flew /flu:/ forgot /fa(r)'gDt/ got /got/ gave /geiv/ went /went/ grew /gru:/ had /hasd/ heard /h3i(r)d/ hid /hid/ hit /hit/ held /held/ hurt /h3i(r)t/ kept /kept/ knew /nju:/ learnt, learned

/dremt, driimd/

/dremt, driimd/

drunk /dr 13k/ driven /'driv(a)n/ eaten /'i:t(a)n/ fallen /'failan/ fed /fed/ felt /felt/ fought /fait/ found /faund/ flown /flaun/ forgotten /fa(r)'gDt(a)n/ got /got/ given /'giv(a)n/ gone /gon/ grown /graun/ had /haed/ heard /h3i(r)d/ hidden /'hid(a)n/ hit /hit/ held /held/ hurt /h3i(r)t/ kept /kept/ known /naun/ learnt, learned a

leave /li:v/ lend /lend/ let /let/ lose /Iu:z/ make /meik/ mean /mi:n/ meet /mi:t/ pay /pei/ put /put/ read /rixd/ ring /rip/ run /rAn/ say /sei/ see /si:/ sell /sel/ send /send/ shine /Jain/ shoot /Ju:t/ show /Jou/ shut /JAt/ sing /sip/ sit /sit/ sleep /sli:p/ speak /spiik/ spell /spel/ spend /spend/ stand /stasnd/ steal /stid/ swim /swim/ take /teik/ teach /ti:t J/ tell /tel/ think /0ipk/ throw /0rou/ understand /,And3(r)'st£end/ wake /weik/ wear /weo(r)/ win /win/ write /rait/

left /left/ lent /lent/ let /let/ lost /lost/ made /meid/ meant /ment/ met /met/ paid /peid/ put /put/ read /red/ rang /rrep/ ran /ran/ said /sed/ saw /so:/ sold /sould/ sent /sent/ shone /Joun/ shot /Jot/ showed /Joud/ shut //At/ sang /saep/ sat /sast/ slept /slept/ spoke /spouk/ spelt /spelt/ spent /spent/ stood /stud/ stole /stoul/ swam /swaem/ took /tuk/ taught /to:t/ told /tould/ thought /0o:t/ threw /0ru:/ understood /,Ando(r)'stud/

woke /wouk/ wore /wo:(r)/ won /waii/ wrote /rout/

left /left/ lent /lent/ let /let/ lost /lDSt/ made /meid/ meant /ment/ met /met/ paid /peid/ put /put/ read /red/ rung /rap/ run /ran/ said /sed/ seen /si:n/ sold /sould/ sent /sent/ shone /Joun/ shot /Jot/ shown /Joun/ shut /jAt/ sung /sAp/ sat /saet/ slept /slept/ spoken /'spoukon/ spelt /spelt/ spent /spent/ stood /stud/ stolen /stoulon/ swum /swAm/ taken / ‘teikon/ taught /to:t/ told /tould/ thought /0o:t/ thrown /0roun/ understood /,Ando(r)'stud/

woken /'woukon/ worn /wo:(r)n/ won /wAn/ written /'rit(o)n/

Phonetic,sym bols Vowels


1 /P/ 2 Ibl

as in

3 It/

as in

4 IdJ

as in

5 Ik/

as in

as in

6 /g/

as in

7 m

as in

8 Iv l

as in

9 /s/

as in

10 /z/ 11 III

as in

12 /m l

as in

13 Ini

as in

14 lb/

as in

15 M

as in

16 1)1 17 /w /

as in

18 /e/

as in

19 /a/

as in

20 / ;/ 21 W

as in

22 / t j /

as in

23 % / 24 /g/

as in

as in

as in

as in

as in

pen big tea dog cold go foot very sell zoo leg milk nose happy river yoghurt want thanks the short television chair enjoy English


25 /i:/

as in


26 hi

as in

/ t ii/

as in


27 m 28 Id


29 /ae/

as in


30 /a:/

as in

/fu t/

31 / d/

as in

/ 'veri/

32 / oi/

as in


33 /u/

as in


34 /u:/

as in


35 / a/

as in


36 /3l/

as in


37 /a/

as in

as in

sea his twenty ten man father hot talk football lose cut girl letter

/si:/ /hiz/ /'tw e n ti/ /ten/ /maen/ /'fa:da(r)/

Ihntl /ta :k/ /'fu t,b o :l/ /lu:z/ /kAt/ /g3i(r)l/ /'leta(r)/

/'haepi/ /'riva (r)/ /'jo g a (r)t/

Diphtongs (two vowels together)

/w rm t/

38 /ei/

as in


39 hoi

as in


40 lail

as in


41 laul

as in

/'te li,v i 3(a)n/

42 h i/

as in


43 /ia/

as in

/in 'd 30i/

44 /ea/

as in


45 /ua/

as in

take phone my house boy year where tour

m mIm '

/te ik / /faon/

/mail /haus/ /boi / /jia (r)/ /wea(r)/ /toa(r)/



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