Advanced Online Speaking - Writing [PDF]

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WRITING TASK 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 2 SENTENCE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................... 2 LINE GRAPH ................................................................................................................................................... 5 BAR CHARTS .................................................................................................................................................. 8 NATURAL PROCESS .................................................................................................................................... 11 MANUFACTURING PROCESS ..................................................................................................................... 11 MAP ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 TABLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 PIE CHARTS .................................................................................................................................................. 22 WRITING TASK 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 24 INTRODUCTION + IDEA EXTENSION ....................................................................................................... 24 OPININON ESAY .......................................................................................................................................... 27 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................. 28 DISCUSSION- OPINION ............................................................................................................................... 28 CAUSES – SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 31 PROBLEMS – SOLUTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 31 SPEAKING PART 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 34 PART 2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 49 PART 3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 55 TOPIC VOCABULARY………………………………………………………...………………………………………...60



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N tăng

V giảm

N giảm



















Drop/ Dip

Drop/ Dip

Go up

Không có

Go down

Không có


Không có

Soar, Rocket, Surge,

Soar, Rocket, Surge

Plummet, Plunge,

Plummet, Plunge,

Nosedive (giảm mạnh)


Balloon (tăng mạnh) Inch, Crawl


(tăng nhẹ) V đạt đỉnh

V chạm đáy

Peak at/ Top at

Bottom at

Reach a peak of

Hit a trough at

Hit the highest value on record of

Hit the lowest value on record of

Hit a record-high of

Hit a record-low of

Adv nhanh/ đáng kể/

Adj nhanh/ đáng kể/

Adv chậm/ không đáng

Adj chậm/ không đáng



kể/ nhỏ

kể/ nhỏ







Steadily (Đều đặn)




Gradually (Dần dần)


















Số liệu/ xu hướng trong tương lai Is/ are predicted/ projected/ estimated/ calculated/ expected to V: được dự đoán là sẽ V (chiếm) + % Account for/ Make up/ Take up/ Constitute/ Comprise


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II. SENTENCE STRUCTURES Giá dầu tăng đều đặn từ $5/l đến $7/l vào năm 2012 đến 2015. 1. The price of oil STEADILY GREW from $5/l to $7/l between 2012 and 2015. 2. The price of oil STEADILY GREW BY $2/l to reach $7/l in 2015. 3. The price of oil WITNESSED/ SAW/ EXPERIENCED/ EXHIBITED A STEADY GROWTH OF 2/l to reach $7/l in 2015 4. A STEADY GROWTH OF $2/l to reach $7/l was SEEN/ WITNESSED/ EXHIBITED IN the price of oil in 2015. 5. There was A STEADY GROWTH OF $2/l to reach $7/l IN the price of oil in 2015. 6. 2015 SAW/ WITNESSED/ EXHIBITED A STEADY GROWTH OF $2/l to reach $7/l IN the price of oil. 1. S adv + V from Số to Số + time. 2. S adv + V BY Số chênh lệch to reach Số cuối + time. 3. S witnessed/ saw/ experienced/ exhibited a/an adj + N OF Số chênh lệch to reach Số cuối + time. 4. A/an adj + N OF Số chênh lệch to reach Số cuối was seen/ witnessed/ exhibited IN + N + time. 5. There was a/an adj + N OF Số chênh lệch to reach Số cuối IN + N + time. 6. Time + witnessed/ saw/ exhibited a/an adj + N OF Số chênh lệch to reach Số cuối IN + N.

1. Chỉ số giá tiêu dùng đã tăng đều đặn từ khoảng 60 vào năm 1979 tới hơn 200 vào năm 2009. .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Giá cả đối với mặt hàng hoa quả tươi và rau củ quả nhìn chung giảm mạnh, đặc biệt là sau năm 1989. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Trong giai đoạn từ 1979 đến 2004, đất nước này đã chứng kiến một mức tăng trưởng mạnh về lượng thịt gà tiêu thụ - khoảng 250g. ................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................


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4. Có một sự tăng lên đều đặn trong khoản chi phí cho sách ở Pháp, và cuối cùng nó đã đạt đến con số 75 triệu đô vào năm 2005. .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Có một sự giảm nhẹ trong thời gian sản xuất trung bình của Toyota và Honda, để mỗi công ty có thể sản xuất 1 chiếc xe trong vòng 20 tiếng vào năm 2005. .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6. Dù đôi chỗ biến động nhưng nhìn chung tỉ lệ sinh giảm cho tất cả phụ nữ ở nhóm tuổi trên 35. .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7. Năm 1990, chỉ có khoảng 8 triệu thùng dầu được sản xuất mỗi ngày và nó tăng dần, đạt đỉnh khoảng hơn 14 triệu thùng mỗi ngày vào năm 2010. ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8. Số liệu ở Mĩ và Anh dao dộng, tuy nhiên luôn duy trì ở mức thấp hơn so với 2 nước Ý và Bồ Đào Nha. ..................................................................................................................................................................................


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3. The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited four different attractions in Brighton. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


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2. The chart below gives information about the most common sports played in New Zealand in 2002.


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NATURAL PROCESS 1. Sau khi con ong đẻ trứng, chúng phát triển thành ấu trùng sau 10 ngày. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Sau một thời gian, những con nòng nọc nhỏ này trở nên lớn hơn và các chi bắt đầu hình thành. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Khi ếch con trưởng thành, chúng mất đuôi và 4 chi phát triển hoàn thiện. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Sau 30 ngày kể từ lúc bắt đầu vòng đời, ong con xuất hiện sau giai đoạn lột xác cuối cùng và nó đạt đến độ trưởng thành sau 4 ngày. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

MANUFACTURING PROCESS 1. Sau khi nước biển được xử lí, các tạp chất bị đẩy khỏi hệ thống và ra biển. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Nhiều chất có hại xuất hiện sau phản ứng hóa học. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Nhiều chất bị loại bỏ khỏi hệ thống, trong khi một số được giữ lại. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Nước được chuyến hóa thành một dạng chất lỏng đặc biệt sau khi được trộn lẫn với một số chất hóa học. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Những vật dụng đã được phân loại sẽ được vận chuyển đến các nhà máy để được tái chế. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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1. The diagram shows the life cycle of the honey bee.



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3. Processes of either recycling plastic items to produce goods, or trash into dust bins to fill land.



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MAP 1. Rất nhiều ngôi nhà đã bị phá hủy ở phía tây thành phố, sau đó là sự xuất hiện của siêu thị và sân vận động. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Khu rừng bị chặt để mở đường cho sự xây dựng của trường học và bệnh viện. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Trong khi các ngôi nhà bị phá hủy ở phía bắc vào năm 1997, cây cối giữ nguyên hiện trạng. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Phía tây của ngôi làng không có thay đổi gì qua các năm. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Khu vực này đã được cải tạo thành 1 sân golf.



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TABLE 1. The table shows the amount of money given to developing countries by the USA, EU countries and other

countries from 2006 to 2010 (Figures are in millions of dollars)




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PIE CHARTS 1. The pie charts below show electricity generation by source in New Zealand and Germany in 1980 and 2010. Electricity Generation by Source in New Zealand

Electricity Generation by Source in Germany

[1] more units of electricity were used in both countries in 2010 than in 1980 [2] in 2010 nuclear power

became the predominant fuel source in Germany, in contrast to coal in NZ. •

Body 1: compare total units of electricity generated in both countries in 1980 and 2010.

Body 2: compare the fuel sources in both 1980 in NZ and Germany.

Body 3: do the same for 2010. Note changes over the two years.


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WRITING TASK 2 INTRODUCTION + IDEA EXTENSION 1. Introduction - 2-3 câu gồm: + topic background (chủ đề bài viết): câu này paraphrase lại đề bài + essay’s purpose (mục đích của bài viết): trả lời câu hỏi của đề bài (Có 5 dạng chính: Opinion, Discussion, Discussion + opinion, Problems + Solutions, 2-part question.) - Starting sentences: It is a common thought/ belief that… Many people think/ believe that… It is commonly thought/ believed that… It is true that… Example: Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football. Other people think that taking part in individual sports like tennis or swimming is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. →It is true that people have different views about which type of sports is better for them to participate in. While there are certain benefits of playing team sports, I would argue that taking part in individual sports is a better option. 2. Idea extension – Giải thích nguyên nhân vì sao lại có main idea (nếu như main idea của bạn chưa thật sự thuyết phục). – Đưa ra kết quả tích cực hoặc tiêu cực mà main idea sẽ dẫn đến (nhằm nhấn mạnh hơn mặt tốt hoặc mặt xấu mà bạn đang nói đến). – Đưa ra ví dụ thật cụ thể (làm sinh động hơn main idea, giúp người đọc dễ hiểu idea của bạn hơn).


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Practice 1 1. Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree? 2. When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3. Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits? 4. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative development? 5. Nowadays, young people admire sports stars though they often do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 6. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views. 7. Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise. Others think that they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 8. Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how to encourage them to spend their time walking? Practice 2 1. Main idea: One of the main causes of obesity is unhealthy diets General example: processed food has become very common Explanation 1: high levels of sugar and salt Specific examples: soft drinks e.g. coke, fast food e.g. burgers, pizza Explanation 2: lots of marketing – especially aimed at children Result: kids have bad habits – continue when adults


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LINKING PHRASES The main causes of _______ is… This situation is made worse because… This results in… Good examples include… This has been confirmed by….

2. Main idea: Facebook and other social networking sites have negative effects on societies and local communities. Explanation: people take more interest in people online rather than taking part in their local community Result: no close or supportive relationships Further result: society as a whole becomes disjoined and fragmented LINKING PHRASES This is because…./ In other words,…. Consequently, This results in… Furthermore….

3. Main idea: most first-time offender commit crimes again after being released from prison is due to the lack of rehabilitation. Explanation: not given a chance to retrain and learn new skills for their future or develop an understanding of correct moral behavior Result: unable to find employment --> struggle financially → commit crimes again 4. Main idea: meeting people online can be risky Explanation: people can assume fake identities online / hide true characteristics Result: impressionable teenagers can be led to dangerous situations → parents cannot monitor online interaction and protect their children


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OPININON ESAY I. BALANCED OPINION 1. Introduction: Introduce the topic . While I agree that , I believe that 2. Body paragraph 1: On the one hand, I agree that (support the statement) . 3. Body paragraph 2: On the other hand, I believe that (give examples or arguments to point out that the statement is wrong) . 4. Conclusion: In conclusion, while (restate the statement) _ , I do not believe that (you reject the statement in some cases) . II. ONE-SIDED OPINION 1. Introduction: Introduce the topic. Personally, I completely disagree/agree with this view. 2. Body paragraph 1: For a variety of reasons,_ . Firstly, secondly, for example, finally 3. Body paragraph 2: Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that . 4. Conclusion: In conclusion, I believe that . EXAM QUESTIONS 1. Some people say that school children should be mainly taught about the literature (e.g fiction and poetry) of their own country because it is more important than that of other countries. To what extent do you agree? 2. Museums and art galleries should focus on works that show the history and culture of their own country rather than works of other parts of the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3. Climate change is a phenomenon that affects countries all over the world. Many people strongly believe that it is the responsibility of individuals, rather than corporations and governments, to deal with this problem. To what extent do you agree? 4. After leaving school or university, young people should choose a job or career that they love, rather than one that pays the best salary. To what extent do you agree with this statement?


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DISCUSSION 1. Introduction - While there are benefits to…, there are also goods reasons why it might be beneficial to…/ Many people believe that …, whereas others believe that … 2. Body 1 On the one hand, the option to … is attractive for several reasons/… is beneficial in some ways - Firstly… - Secondly… 3. Body 2 On the other hand, there are a variety reasons why... - First … - Furthermore... 4. Conclusion In conclusion, it seems evident that both … and … have their own unique advantages.

DISCUSSION- OPINION Discuss both views and give your opinion?

1. Introduction (It is true that the question of whether to … or … remains a source of controversy in the … field) While a number of people believe that …, I would argue that … 2. Body 1 On the one hand … - Firstly,..... For instance - Secondly… 3. Body 2 On the other hand, I believe that .... - For example… - Another reason is that… 4. Conclusion In conclusion, although both views certainly have some validity, it seems to me that it is better to…

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion? 1. Introduction


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(It is true that these days ...) While I accept that there are benefits and drawbacks of this …, I would argue that it is better to… The trend/option/decision ….is disadvantageous to some extent. 2. Body 1 - The main shortcoming is that … - In addition,... 3. Body 2 On the other hand, I believe that…because of some undeniable advantages. - Firstly,… -Secondly,... 4. Conclusion In conclusion, it seems to me that there are many advantages for …, although this …has some notable disadvantages. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 1. Introduction (It is true that ….) Despite some obvious disadvantages of this trend, I would argue that these are outweighed by the advantages. On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks when… 2. Body 1 -Firstly …For example.. -Secondly… 3. Body 2 On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such disadvantages. -One reason for this view is that.... -Another reason is that....


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4. Conclusion In conclusion, it seems to me that the advantages of this … are more significant than the disadvantages. EXAM QUESTIONS 1. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views. 2. Some people believe that crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think that crime is a result of bad person’s nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 3. Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 4. Nowadays more and more young people hold the important positions in the government. Some people think that is a good thing while others argue that it is not suitable. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 5. In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education. Some people believe that the problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 6. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 7. It is suggested that everyone wants to have a car, a television and a fridge. Do the disadvantages of this development for society outweigh the advantages? 8. The development of tourism contributes to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world? 9. Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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CAUSES – SOLUTIONS 1. INTRODUCTION It is true that ... There are a number of reasons behind this phenomenon/tendency/trend/view and several solutions should be adopted (by governments and individuals) to improve the situation. 2. BODY 1: CAUSES/ REASONS There are two primary reasons why the … - One reason is that … - Furthermore … 3. BODY 2: SOLUTIONS Fortunately, several measures could be taken to prevent this problem - The first solution would be … - A second measure would be … 4. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for …, and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.

PROBLEMS – SOLUTIONS 1. INTRODUCTION It is true that ... Several problems have resulted from this tendency and they should be tackled by a number of effective solutions from (both individuals and the government). 2. BODY 1: PROBLEMS - Firstly, due to............ As a result/ consequence,...... - Secondly, stemming from the fact that S+V, ......... This may lead to........... 3. SOLUTIONS Since such issues are serious, the government and individuals should take steps immediately to address these problems. - The first solution would be …


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- A second measure would be … 4. CONCLUSION In conclusion, there are various negative consequences of .........................................and appropriate steps need to be taken to tackle these problems, not only by the government but also by individuals. EXAM QUESTIONS 1. Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes. 2. The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions? 3. The older people who need employment have to compete with younger ones. What problems can this create? What are some solutions? 32 4. Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how to encourage them to spend their time walking? 5. People today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions? 6. In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them? 7. Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the 1st punishment. Why is this happening and what can be done to tackle this problem? 8. An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What can be done to deal with this situation?


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1. Do you like running? → YES → helps keep my mind off things + keep fit → spend … minutes jogging everyday without fail → NO → prefer other sports like …./ not a fan of sports or workouts at all → prefer ….to keep myself in shape 2. Have you ever taken a running class? → NO → an easy form of exercise → no need to take a class → read about how to run effectively like breathing techniques and such 3. Where do you think is a good place to run? → open spaces like a park, around a lake → fresh air, large space, especially early in the morning 4. Do you like watching running race on TV? → NO → too boring → prefer watching other sports such as…



1. Have you ever taken science classes? → Of course → compulsory subjects at school → learnt many science subjects such as physics, bilogy and such → really enjoy these subjects because they are fascinating/ really hate these subjects because they are so tedious 2. Is science important? → Yes for sure → helps people understand the way the world functions and teaches people about basically every aspect in life, such as health, technology, you name it 3. What kind of science do people usually study? → it largely depends on their interest and the career they want to pursue → many options nowadays: computer science, engineering and so on

III. Pencil/ pen 1. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? → don’t really remember → prefer typing to handwriting → bcz typing is faster and easier to read IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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→ not long ago → … 2. Do you usually use a pen or pencil? → PEN → I can write faster and I feel like my handwriting is neater and therefore → PENCIL → jot down ideas → can erase mistakes easily 3. What do you think when someone gives you a pen or pencil as a gift? It’s the thought that count → gladly receive the gift no matter what it is

IV. Voice 1. Has your voice ever changed? → my voice cracks/ breaks when I turn … → used to have high-pitched voice → now I have more modulated/ pleasant voice → never → have always sounded like this my whole life → happy with it/ want it to be more…. 2. Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it? → YES → a great way to practice speaking skills → can learn to control my pronunciation and intonation → NO → weird to listen to my own voice 3. Are there some people’s voices you don’t like?


House or Flat

1. What kind of housing do you live in? → an apartnment/ a studio/ a house → everything is accessible → is within walking distance to… 2. Which is your favorite room in your home? → bedroom → my own private corner

VI. Number 1. Are you good at remembering numbers? → YES → can work well with numbers → NO → terrible with numbers IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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2. Do you often use numbers? → I’m a student → maths is compulsory → have to work with numbers on a daily basis 3. Is there any special number you like? …. → I believe it brings me good luck NOT REALLY → every number is the same to me → however in my culture, ….. is believed to be a lucky number

VII. Sweets 1. Do you like to eat sweets? YES → have a sweet tooth → especially love …. NO → don’t really have a sweet tooth → rarely eat sweets → prefer snacking on …… instead 2. Do you like sweets now compared to when you were a child? NO → sweets were a luxury → couldn’t afford to buy them everyday → didn’t taste as good as the sweets now but I liked them better YES → many flavors and brands to choose from 3. Why do people like sweets? → people generally have a tendency to prefer sweetness over other tastes → many people believe eating sweets boosts their mood 4. Have you ever tried to make sweets? YES → tried to make ….. before by ….. → had a lot of fun NO → not really good at cooking or DIY stuff → prefer buying sweets at the store → so many options

VIII. Being alone 1. Do you like to be alone? YES → I’m a loner → enjoy my own company NO → I’m extroverted → spend a lot of time hanging out with my friends → I’ll be bored out of my mind being alone IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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2. When was the last time you were alone and what did you do then? NOT LONG AGO → just relaxed, binged watching …. On TV 3. What do you like to do when you are alone?

IX. Scenery 1. Is there any beautiful scenery in your hometown? YES → lots of beautiful attractions such as….. 2. Do people like to take photos of beautiful scenery? It depends → I guess most people just love to take photos of every single thing they see → personally, I prefer…. 3. Why do people prefer to use mobile phones to take photos of beautiful scenery? It is handy >< carrying a camera around can be a hassle



1. Have you had any field trip to museums to learn history? YES → back in primary school → was taken to HCM museum to learn about his life and his role in Vietnamese history 2. Do you learn a lot of history at school? YES → a compulsory subject from primary school to high school → learnt a lot of interesting historical facts NO → a compulsory subject from primary school to high school BUT it was too boring → didn’t bother to really learn it, only memorized enough to pass the exam 3. When was the last time you read a history publication? NOT at all interested in the subject → never read any history publication

XI. Art 1. Do you like arts? It depends on which types of arts → not interested in painting bcz sometimes it is too abstract → however, i’m a big fan of music


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2. Have you ever visited an art gallery? YES → only once ….. ago → was just curious NNO → have never set foot in an art gallery 3. Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?

XII. Laugh 1. Do you like to watch movies or Tv shows that make people laugh? YES → I’m relaly into/ I do take a liking to comedy → my all-time favorite TV comedy show is…. NO → prefer shows that deal with serious issues such as…. 2. Do you usually make your friends laugh? It depends → I cracked my close friends up all the time because we have the same sense of humor → other friends who are not very close sometimes think I’m weird

XIII. Water sports 1. Have you done any water sports? YES → I love being under water → …. is my favorite activity NO → I hate/ I don’t feel comfortable being under water 2. Are water sports popular in Vietnam? Swimming is popular but sports like surfing or water motorcycling are not → however they are starting to pick up because of the development of tourism

XIV. Teacher 1. Do you like any teachers of yours? 2. Do you want to be a teacher?

XV. Park 1. What do people often do in the park? → all sorts of things: jogging, taking a leisurely stroll, you name it IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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2. Did you often visit the park when you were a child? YES → there was a small park in my neighborhood → often went there with….. to….. NO → there was no park in my neighborhood/ never really liked going to the partk

XVI. Breaks 1. Do you prefer long or short breaks? → a short break from time to time → can recharge my mind because it can be draining after a long period of working hard 2. Why are breaks important? Woring for long stretches without break can lead to stress and exhaustion → taking breaks helps refress the mind and increase creativy and productivity 3. What do you often do in your breaks?

XVII. Animals 1. What wild animal do you like most? → Wolves → something mythical about them → cannot be tamed or domesticated by humans 2. Have you ever seen any wild animals before? → only in the zoo or natural park → would be fascinating to observe wild animals in their natural habitats 3. Do you like to go to the zoo? → NO → zoos in VN are poorly maintained → do not have wide varieties of animals → YES → often take my niece/ nephew/ … to the zoo → fun and educational activity → kids can learn to care about and respect animals 4. Have you ever kept pets? → YES → a puppy/ kitten/ bunny…. → chubby, adorable and smart → NO → difficult to take care of a pet → have to take responsibility for its well-being


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XVIII. Friends 1. What kinds of people do you like to make friends with? → kind and genuine people → confide in 2. Do you think you are a good friend for others? → YES → pretty consider about other people’s feeling → a good listener 3. What do you think makes good friends? → a good friends should have many qualities → mainly: kindness, consideration and genuineness

XIX. Maths 1. Do you think mathematics is important? → YES → the most widely used subject in the world → help the mind to reason and organized complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps 2. Do you think it is difficult to learn mathematics well? → YES → an abstract subject → advanced and challenging → difficult to comprehend numbers and abstract math concepts 3. Are girls generally good at mathematics? → has nothing to do with gender → require logical thinking, patience and hard-work 4. Do you often use a calculator? → YES → I work with numbers/ my major is related to numbers → a must-use item → RARELY → do not work with numbers/ do not have a lot of math-related subjects → only use calculators for some simple calculations

XX. Patience 1. Do you think patience is important? YES → helps us think clearly and make informed decisions


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2. Have you ever lost your patience? YES → lost my cool a few times when …. NEVER → learnt to be patient since I was a kid → always try to stay calm no matter what

XXI. Tea/ coffee 1. Do you like tea or coffee? 2. Do you think people in your country like drink tea or coffee? 3. Do you buy tea & coffee for your family or your friends?

(Đề có thể ra) XXII. Jeans 1. Do you wear jeans? → YES: easy to mix and match → for example: mixed with some formal dress wear or worn casually 2. How often do you wear jeans? → a pair of jeans is versatile → wear it quite often/ daily/ 2-3 times a week… → comfy and stylish 3. Why do you think jeans are popular in Vietnam? → reasonable prices and easy to wear → many types of jeans to choose from: ripped jeans, high-rise jeans, slim fit…. → suitable for everyone

XXIII. Tiredness 1. What things make you tired? → a sedentary lifestyle/ inadequate or poor-quality sleep/ stress 2. What do you do when you feel tired? → do some stretches and light work-out → help me feel energized → take a leisurely stroll outdoors and soak in some fresh air → feel more relaxed and energized → take a rest, listen to music, binge watch a movie → great stress-reliever → feel decompressed and energized


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3. Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel mentally tired, your friends or your family? → emotionally exhausted → talk to a close friend who understands me → seek advice and get it all out → emotionally drained → be alone to sort myself out → talk to somebody who doesn’t understand will make the situation worse 4. Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired? → sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers → a brief conversation → no harm

XXIV. Sun 1. Do you like sunshine? → YES: bask in the sunshine → an instant mood-booster → feel happier and more energetic on a beautiful sunlit day → NO: can get scorching especially during summer → makes me feel exhausted if I’m out in the sun for too long 2. What do you do on sunny days? → if it’s not sweltering → plenty of ways to enjoy a warm sunny day → take a leisurely stroll → makes me feel alive and make my spirits high → or have a picnic with my family or friends → perfect to spend quality time with the people I treasure 3. Have you ever used sunscreen? →wear sunscreen → on a daily basis → minimizes the penetration of UV rays into the skin

XXV. Bags 1. Do you use bags often? → YES → carry a messenger bag/ backpack/ clutch bag → store my bare essentials like phone, money… → very handy 2. What types of bags do you like? → Backpack → lightweight, simple and handy → great for everyday use → carry books or clothes or electronic devices → Messenger bag → smart and casual + convenient and practical to use → easier to access items than a backpack → a large number of pockets → easily organize all of my belongings


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→ Clutch → trendy and fashionable → works wonderfully as an an accessory for my outfits

3. Do you have different bags for different occasions? → YES → backpack for work/ study and travel → can store more items → messenger bag for every day use because it is handy → clutch for going out/ parties because it’s a fashion item

XXVI. Haircut 1. What is your favorite hairstyle? → pony tail/ shoulder-length/ pixie/ undercut… → an important part of your look → gives u beauty as well as personality → simple, smart and stylish 2. How often do you have your haircut? → prevent damaged, tired and flat looking hair → cut it frequently/ when I notice breakage or split ends → keep my hair strong and healthy 3. How much do you usually spend on your haircut? → a hefty amount/ a reasonable amount 4. Do you often change your haircut? → not often → choose a style and stick with it → easy to take care of

XXVII. Language 1. Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language? → YES → it takes time and effort → master a language 2. Will you learn another language in the future? → YES → take up … in the near future → a beautiful language and probably can come in handy when I travel to…./ a very useful language because many … companies are penetrating the Vietnamese market



1. When do you need to focus? → when I try to produce good results → studying/ working/ doing housework


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2. What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused? → I’m not easily distracted → can work well even when being interrupted or disturbed → I’m easily distracted → the smallest background noises like music, people taking…. → get on my nerves 3. What do you do to help you concentrate? → find a quiet place → work early in the morning/ late at night → most effective

XXIX. Trust 1. Who do you trust most? 2. Have you ever lost trust in someone? → YES → broke my heart → somebody betrayed my trust → foundation of all meaningful relationships → cannot trust that person again → NO → careful about who to trust → nobody ever fails me → hope I never have to be in that situation 3. What kind of people do you trust? → do not throw my trust around → put my trust in someone → expect them to honor that trust → best friend/ dad/ mom…. 4. Do you trust artificial intelligence? → NO → a system that allow machines to compute actions or knowledge from a set of data → prone to make mistakes → YES → many cutting-edge technologies nowdays → able to process data and find patterns human cannot

XXX. Street market 1. Are street markets common in your country? → an inherit to the Vietnamese culture and the lifestyle of the country → holds a special place in Vietnamese culture, not just as retail space but also a communal and social space → usually occupy a central spot in the town → frequented by locals and nowadays tourists 2. What is usually sold there? → offer wide varieties of products, from clothes to food and electronic items, you name it → bargain to score a great deal


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3. Do you think people like street markets? Why? → YES → a great place to find dirt cheap stuff → a vibrant atmosphere → fun to walk around at weekends + a great way to explore local lifestyle for foreigners → NO → always crowded → local vendors tend to rip off tourists and clueless buyers → low quality merchandise

XXXI. Borrowing/ lending 1. Have you borrowed books from others? → YES → a friend of mine is an avid reader → has all kinds of books, from comics to novels → borrow a book whenever I’m bored out of my mind and want to read something → NO → I’m an avid reader → have all kinds of books, especially… 2. Have you ever borrowed money from others? → NO → money can break a relationship → can cause guilt, resentment and a loss of trust → try to avoid bringing money into a relationship 3. Do you like lending things to others? → It depends → if the borrower is mindful → no big deal → if that’s an inconsiderate person then most probably not 4. How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you? → feel disrespected and annoyed → break my trust and do not keep their words → cause inconvenience for me as well

XXXII. Sky 1. How often do you look at the sky? → has never crossed my mind → can’t remember the last time I → too busy with other important things to bother looking at the sky → often in a dreamy mood → often look at the sky and ponder/ think about life 2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night? → never spent time looking at and appreciating the beauty of the sky → if I have to choose: + morning → looking at a beautiful blue sky → watch the clouds float → feel positive IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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+ evening → sky is glimmered with stars, the moon is reflected on the sea → calm my mind and make me appreciate the beauty of life 3. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live? → NO → hazy sky → light pollution 4. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?



1. Do you use perfume? → YES → wear different fragrances depending on the season → citrus scents for hot summer days → fruity scents for colder weather → NO → high quality perfumes are expensive, cheaper ones do not last long and do not smell as good → can annoy other people 2. What kind of perfume do you like? 3. What does perfume mean to you? → different scents and the way smb wears perfume → speak volume about their personality → wear a lot + choose a strong scent → convey that he or she is powerful, passionate or simply wants to draw attention 4. Do you give perfume as a gift? → It depends + YES → a close friend who I know well → can guess his or her favorite fragrance based on the personality → wear every day → a sign of affection + NO → just an acquaintance → may not like the scent and will not use it → a waste of money



1. Do you like to smile? → YES → wear a smile every day → want to look pleasant and amicable → a way to reassure myself that everything’s gonna be ok → the key to a stress-free life → NO → feel like I’m putting on a mask → to be happy doesn’t mean it has to be physically expressed with a smile


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2. When do people smile at others? → a sign of kindness, encouragement and friendliness → especially when directed at another person 3. Do you smile when people take pictures of you? → YES → give a radiant smile before the cameras → love to see photos of myself smiling → make me happy → NO → feel awkward when I’m the subject of a photo → camera-shy → do not like being taken photos of 4. Can you recognize a fake smile? → YES → can totally tell when smb forces a smile → look at the eyes → not expressive → the smile is not genuine

XXXV. Garbage 1. Why do some people throw garbage on the street? → laziness, lack of awareness and basic manner → have no idea what harm it could do to the environment or the scenery 2. What do you do with garbage when you are on the street? → throw it into the trash cans → if not, put it in my bag and throw it away when I find one → hate littering 3. How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street? → extremely annoyed → especially when bins are nearby → people should be mindful about not destroying the environment and atmosphere 4. Do you think your city is clean or not? → NO → a decline in the air quality → filled with emissions from traffic and factories → lack of green and open spaces → no where to go for a breath of fresh air


Visit Relatives

1. Do you often visit your relatives? → YES → a family-oriented person → pay a visit to my close relatives every now and then → strengthen the family bond → NO → live far away from my family + have a lot of work to do → give them a phone call every once in a while IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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2. What do you do when visiting relatives? → nothing in particular → spend time talking and catching up → always fun because they are all pleasures to be around 3. Why do people visit relatives? → not sure about people from other countries → Vietnamese culture is family-oriented → make efforts to keep in touch and maintain a good relationship with both blood and distant relatives



1. Have you ever been to an island? → YES → plenty of time → visited …. Island located in ….. a while ago → a tourist hotspot → crystal clear water, white sands, wide varieties of recreational activities → had a whale of a time → NO → haven’t got the chance to because I got carried away with work/ study/ I don’t have a lot of money for travelling → would love to visit … island located in …. 2. Are there any island in your country? → YES → VN has a coastal line of 3600km → home to plenty of the world’s most breathtaking islands → ideal destination for those who want a sun-soaked holidays → Phu Quoc island, Con Dao island → idyllic beaches, romantic sunsets and a serene atmosphere 3. Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance? → YES → after retirement/ when I earn a lot of money → enjoy life → watch sunset, take a leisurely stroll along the beach, go for a dive to explore the world under the water → NO → exciting at 1st but can get boring after a while → many islands are packed with tourists → if not, too isolated and mundane


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PART 2 1. Describe an intelligent person

(v) have a sharp mind

You should say:

(v) have a knack for

Who this person is

(v) instill in smb smt

How you know this person

(n) a pleasure to be around

What this person does And explain why you think this person is intelligent

2. Describe a person who helps others

(v) lend people a helping hand

You should say:

(adj) compassionate

Who this person is

(adj) full of energy

How he/she helps others

(v) radiate warmth and compassion

Why he/she helps others

(v) hold smb in high regard

And how you feel about this person 3. Describe an energetic person You should say Who this person is How you knew this person Why you think this person is energetic And explain how you feel about this person

4. Describe an old person that you know and respect You should say: Who this person is What you know about his/her younger life What you usually do together And explain why you respect this old person


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5. Describe a friend that you got in contact again

(n) leadership quality

You should say

(v) radiate confidence

Who he or she is

(v) reminisce about

What he or she is like

(v) flash through my mind

How you got in contact with him or her again And explain how you felt about it

6. Describe a foreign country u want to learn (n) bucket list about

(n) internship

7. Describe a job u want to do short term in a (n) trainee program foreign country You should say What the job is Where you want to do it How you knew it And explain why you want to do it 8. Describe a part of the city where you often visit (v) splurge on to relax

(adj) frugal

You should say:

(v) melt the city’s hustle and bustle away

- where the place is

(v) allow myself to forget all about my stressors

- what the place looks like

(v) give myself a treat

- how you spend your time in this place

(v) feel pampered

And explain why this place helps you to relax

(v) get my money’s worth

9. Describe an activity u do occasionally which is expensive You should say What it is Who you do it with Why it is expensive And explain how you feel about it


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10. Describe a film that makes u laugh

(v) crack me up

You should say

(adj) hilarious

What it is

(adj) relatable

When you watched it

(n) comedic timing

Who you watched it with And explain why it made you laugh

11. Describe an useful book

(v) give me profound insight into

You should say:

(v) read smt from cover to cover

What it is

(adj) be completely hooked

When you read it Why you think it is useful And explain how you felt about it 12. Describe a tradition in your country

(n) the veneration of the dead/ ancestor worship

You should say

(n) filial piety

What it is

(n) joss paper/ spirit money

Who take part in it

(v) make offerings

What activities there are

(v) burn incense sticks

And explain how you feel about it

(n) after life (n) the deceased (n) the living

13. Describe an area of science that interests u

(adj) mind-boggling

You should say:

(adj) captivating

What it is

(n) cosmology

When you knew it

(n) celestial objects and phenomenon

How you learned it

(n) meteor shower

And explain why you are interested

(n) shooting star (n) myth (v) pique smb’s interest and curiosity (n) speck of dust in the universe

14. Describe a piece of good news u received

(adj) be at a loss for words

You should say:

(v) break the news to smb

What it is

To my great surprise


51 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja

When you knew it

It feels like a huge weight was lifted off my chest.

How you learned it

(v) gather myself

And explain why you are interested 15. Describe an ambition u have had for a long time (n) perennial desire (v) get away from work drudgery and obligations (v) attain a goal 16. Describe a skill you think you are good at (n) a critical lifesaving skill teaching other people

(adj) informative (v) do chest compression and rescue breaths (v) practice on dummies (n) 1st aid response drills (n) sudden cardiac arrest

17. Describe a time u saw a child behave badly in (v) grate on smb public

(v) tick smb off (adj) stern (v) keep it down (adj) mis-behaved (adj) ignorant

18. Describe an occasion u wore the best clothes

(adj) candid

19. Describe a photo somebody took of you

(adj) dressy (v) compliment my figures (v) look flattering on me (n) a designer suit (adj) revealing (adj) fit → slim fit (adj) dashing

20. Describe a thing u once forgot to do

(v) work to tight deadlines (v) breathe on smb’s neck (adj) be cut out for

21. Describe an important decision

(adj) be in a tight spot (v) take a chance (v) weigh up the pros and cons of smt (v) give smt a serious thought


52 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja

(v) rush into a decision 22. Describe a time when you had to learn the (v) recite words of something and then say or sing it from (adj) nerve-racking memory

(v) pluck up my courage to V (n) an indelible memory

23. Describe a time when you worked with people (v) track each other’s progress and coordinate the flow in a group

(v) stick to the plan (v) split all the work among us

24. Describe an event u didn’t like the music

(adj) blaring (adj) grating (v) sound like a bag of cats

25. Describe a time when you watched a live sports (adj) thrilling event

(v) Enjoy the game to the fullest

26. Describe a time when you had to wait in a long (adj) be biased toward line of people/queue

(adj) leave me totally spellbound (adj) intriguing (adj) riveting

27. Describe a time when you felt very bored

(adj) be bored to death (v) bore smb to death

28. Describe a time when you first communicated in a foreign language 29. Describe an interesting conversation that you remember well 30. Describe a conversation that you were not (adj) dreadful interested in

(v) ramble on about (v) go on and on about (v) cut smt short (adj) be bored out of my mind

31. Describe a time when you worked with people (v) track each other’s progress and coordinate the flow in a group

(v) stick to the plan (v) split all the work among us (n) common room

32. Describe a time u got lost


(adj) be frantic with worry 53 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja

(adj) be on the verge of tears (v) freak smb out (v) keep a clear head


54 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja


(n) the aesthetic quality of

1. What kind of art do you enjoy?

(v) enrich smb’s imagination

2. What are the traditional art forms in your (n) contemporary arts country? 3. What makes a good painting? 4. Do you think children should study art at school? 5. How can children benefit from learning art? 6. How has art changed in the last few decades in your country? CLOTHES

(v) speak volume about smb

1. Can clothing tell you much about a person?

(v) become recognizable by customers

2. Why do some companies ask their staff to (v) promote a brand wear uniforms?

(n) fashion sense

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having uniforms at work? 4. When do people wear traditional clothing in your country? 5. How have clothes fashions changed in your country over the last few decades? 6. What is the difference between clothes that young people and old people like to wear? EDUCATION

(n) attribute/ quality

1. What makes a good student?

(v) assimilate knowledge

2. What role should the teacher have in the (adj) engaging classroom?

(adj) be superseded with

3. Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom? 4. How has teaching changed in your country in the last few decades? 5. What is the difference between the way children learn and the way adults learn?


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6. How can a teacher make lessons for children more interesting? FAMILY

(n) a family-oriented culture

1. Is family important in your country?

(n) a nuclear family

2. How has the size of the family changed in (n) an extended family the last few decades in your country? 3. How do you think the family will change in the future? 4. What role do grandparents play in the family in your country? 5. Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the family or the government? FOOD

(n) food hygiene

1. Do you think diet is important?

(v) have a healthy/ poor diet

2. What is a balanced diet?

(adj) be rich in

3. What is the typical diet of people in your (n) staple food country? 4. Do many people eat in restaurants in your country? 5. Why do some people enjoy eating out? 6. What’s the difference between restaurant food and home cooked food? HEALTH

(v) lead a/an healthy/ active lifestyle

1. How can people improve their health?

(n) compassion

2. Do elderly people do much exercise in your (n) ability to work under pressure country?

(n) medical breakthroughs

3. Do you think all illness can be prevented? 4. Do you think there will be less illness in the future? 5. Do you think health care should be free? 6. What makes a good doctor? INTERNET


(adj) easily accessible 56 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja

1. Do most people have a computer at home in (v) Surf the internet your country?

(n) a reliable source of information

2. Do you think all information on the internet (v) interact face to face is true?

(n) rigorous content check

3. How can people find reliable information on (n) the imposition of censorship the internet? 4. How has the internet changed the way we live? 5. How has the internet changed the way we work? 6. Do you think the internet is safe for children to use unsupervised? MEDIA& NEWS

(n) educational channel

1. Do you believe everything you read in the (adj) entertaining newspapers?

(v) act a certain way

2. How do most people get their news in your (n) technological breakthroughs country? 3. How do you think people will get their news in the future? 4. How has TV changed our lives? 5. Do you think TV influences the way we think? 6. Should children be allowed to watch a lot of TV? 7. Are all people on TV famous? 8. Do you think famous people have a responsibility to act as role models for the younger generation? NATURE

(adj) environmentally conscious

1. What are the main environmental problems (n) wild life conservation in your country?

(v) raise smb’s awareness of

2. Why should people be concerned about the environment?


57 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja

3. How can people protect the environment? 4. Do you think money should be spent on protecting animals? 5. Do you think more should be done to protect natural beauty spots in your country? SOCIETY

(n) poverty

1. What social problems are there in your (n) income gap country?

(n) social status

2. What can be done to alleviate poverty?

(n) underprivileged individual

3. Are there many charities in your country? 4. What is the difference between major crime and minor crime? 5. Do you think all criminals should go to prison? 6. Why do so many people move to live in cities? 7. What problems does over population cause? TRAVEL

(n) a symbol of status

1. Why do some people prefer to travel abroad (adj) open-minded rather than in their own country?

(v) develop different approaches to a problem

2. Do you think traveling to another country can change the way people think? 3. Do you think it is good for children to experience life in a foreign country? 4. How have holidays changed over the past few decades? 5. Do you think it is safer to travel now than in the past? WORK

(v) take into consideration/ take into account

1. Do you think job satisfaction is more (n) gender equality important than salary when choosing a job?

(v) have the right to V

What skills do you think are needed to get a (n) labor-intensive tasks good job these days?


(adj) highly-respected 58 Facebook page: Ielts Ninja

2. Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do? 3. How has technology changed the way we work? 4. What is the difference between white collar and blue collar jobs? 5. What jobs do you think are most valuable to society?


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VA1: THE ART 1. the aesthetic qualities of smt: The qualities related to beauty and understanding the beauty of smt Một trong những ưu điểm của việc học nghệ thuật là học sinh có thể hiểu và trân trọng chất lượng thẩm mỹ của những bức họa, tác phẩm văn học và âm nhạc.. 2. the imposition of censorship: the act of preventing something from being available to the public, because it is considered offensive or a political threat Tôi tin rằng kiểm duyệt bắt buộc có những lúc là cần thiết để bảo vệ thanh thiếu niên khỏi những hình ảnh đồi trụy. 3. to appeal to audiences: to attract or interest those who go to watch a play or film Những vở kịch nói về các vấn đề đương thời thường hấp dẫn người xem. 4. literary and artistic heritage: the traditon of writing or painting that a country, city or town has had for many years, distinguishing it as an important part of its character Du khách đến Anh có thể thưởng thức di sản văn hóa nghệ thuật phong phú bằng cách đến những điểm du lịch như nơi sinh của Shakespeare và Viện triển lãm quốc gia tại London. 5. genres of music: particular types or styles of music Những thể loại âm nhạc khác nhau được yêu thích bởi những lứa tuổi khác nhau, như là nhạc cố điển thì được người cao tuổi ưa thích hơn. 6. a literary genius: a person with outstanding ability in writing Dù không phải đứa trẻ nào cũng sẽ là thiên tài văn học, nhưng việc cho học sinh sáng tác văn học ở trường vẫn là rất quan trọng. 7. works of literary fiction: types of literature which describe imaginary people and events, not real ones Phải sáng tạo rất nhiều mới có thể viết được những tác phẩm văn học giả tưởng, và những tác giả vĩ đại thường được coi là những thiên tài văn học thực thụ.. 8. funding for the arts: the act of providing money for artists, writers, musicians etc Quỹ nghệ thuật của nhà nước khuyến khích người có năng khiếu nghệ thuật thể hiện tài năng của họ tới công chúng.


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VA2: BUSINESS AND MONEY 1. To break into a market/ to penetrate a market: to enter a market Rất khó khăn để thâm nhập thị trường quần áo thể thao do sự cạnh tranh mạnh từ các thương hiệu dẫn đầu như Nike. 2. To reach a consensus: to come to an agreement Các giám đốc của công ty đã đạt được thỏa thuận về kế hoạch kinh doanh mới. 3. To go out of business/ to go bankrupt: if a company goes out of business, it stops doing business permanently, especially because it has failed Nếu ta bán thực phẩm với mức giá đó, không sớm thì muộn ta cũng sẽ phá sản. 4. To make cutbacks: to reduce smt (especially a company’s spending) Công ty giảm ngân sách ở các cửa hàng tại New York khiến nhiều nhân viên bị sa thải. 5. To squander a chance/ savings: to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage James đã lãng phí tất cả tiền tiết kiệm vào vụ kinh doanh mạo hiểm không thanh công khi bán kem ở Alaska. 6. A heavy workload: having many tasks to perform Rất nhiều nhân viên của công ty đã xin nghỉ do ốm đau và áp lực tới từ khối lượng công việc quá lớn. 7. Enhance their public image: to make their company appear more attractive to people Để nâng cao hình ảnh của mình với công chúng, một số công ty đã quyên góp một số tiền rất lớn cho việc từ thiện. 8. To gain a competitive edge: to achieve an advantage over another company or organization, often by providing the same goods or services at a lower price Chất lượng cao của những chiếc ô tô Volks Swagen, cùng với giá cả hợp lý đã khiến công ty có lợi thế cạnh tranh hơn tất cả đối thủ trên thị trường thế giới. 9. Pension scheme: a system in which you and your employer pay money regularly into a fund, to use when you retire from work Một trong những lợi ích của việc làm cho công ty liên doanh lớn là những công ty lớn thường có chế độ lương hưu rất tốt. 10. To be made redundant: to lose one’s job Nhà máy sản xuất ô tô bị đóng cửa và 1000 nhân viên bị mất việc.


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VA3: MEDIA AND ADVERTISING 1. to carry a story: to include an item in a news report Truyền thông ngày nay thường truyền tải quá nhiều câu chuyện về người nổi tiếng và không có đủ các tin tức quan trong khác. 2. to make front page headlines: to be an important item of news in the newspapers, on radio or TV Có vẻ như từng sự kiện không quan trọng trong cuộc sống của người nổi tiếng đều có thể trở thành những tin trang nhất các báo. 3. up to the minute: having the latest information Báo chí không thể cập nhật tin tức từng phút về sự kiện ngay khi vừa diễn ra. 4. celebrity endorsement: a form of brand or advertising campaign that involves a well known person using their fame to help promote a product or service Sự tham gia của những ngôi sao truyền hình nổi tiếng thường được các công ty sử dụng để khuyến khích người tiêu dùng tin và mua sản phẩm của họ. 5. to slash the prices of products: to reduce the price dramatically Các siêu thị luôn tiến hành các chương trình xúc tiến lớn tại chỗ khi họ giảm giá sốc các sản phẩm. 6. to buy goods impulsively: to buy things suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have Quảng cáo kích động người tiêu dùng mua hàng một cách bốc đồng. 7. to be swayed by advertisements: to be influenced to buy things as a result of advertising Nếu người tiêu dùng không dễ bị dao động bởi quảng cáo thì ngành công nghiệp quảng cáo đã không tồn tại. 8. to launch a product: to introduce a new product Công ty đã nhận ra dịch vụ marketing là rất cần thiết để phát hành sản phẩm thành công. 9. brand awareness: the action of bringing the name of a company to the attention of the public Quảng cáo, chứ không phải chất lượng của sản phẩm, là điều tạo nên sự nhận thức thương hiệu của người tiêu dùng. Điều này có thể thấy bởi sự thành công của những doanh nghiệp dẫn đầu thị trường như Nike hay Coca Cola. 10. prime time television: the hours during which most people are watching TV Dù quảng cáo vào giờ vàng rất đắt, nhưng lại đảm bảo tiếp cận được số người xem rất đông. 11. to impose regulations on: to control something by means of rules Chính phủ cần đặt quy định cho ngành quảng cáo để bảo vệ người tiêu dùng.


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VA4: TOURISM 1. Peak season >< Off season: time of the year during which demand is highest/ lowest Một số công ty du lịch có các chương trình khuyến mại hấp dẫn ngay cả vào mùa cao điểm. 2. To swarm with tourists: when people swarm somewhere, they move there in a large group or in large numbers Vào mùa cao điểm, thành phố này đầy du khách. 3. An outing: a short journey made by a group of people, usually for pleasure or education Hàng năm, các giáo sư đưa sinh viên đi thăm quan ở phòng lưu trữ của thư viện quốc gia. 4. A boost to tourism: the act of improving the development of tourism Kì nghỉ lễ quốc khánh, cùng với rất nhiều gói tour hấp dẫn và các hoạt động giải trí cung cấp một đòn bẩy để phát triển du lịch. 5. A bucket list: a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die Tôi còn rất nhiều điều chưa thực hiện hết trong danh sách những việc cần làm trước khi chết. 6. Vantage point: a place, especially a high place, that provides a good, clear view of an area Từ đỉnh cao sừng sững, chúng tôi có thể nhìn thấy thành phố trải rộng trước mắt. 7. To break the bank: to use up all one's money/ to cost too much Vào kì nghỉ sắp tới, tôi muốn đưa gia đình đi nghỉ ở nơi nào đó đẹp nhưng cũng không quá đắt đỏ. 8. Intangible cultural heritage: non-physical aspects of culture that a group or society inherit from past generations, Tuy mong manh, di sản văn hóa phi vật thể là một yếu tố quan trọng trong việc duy trì sự đa dạng về văn hóa khi chúng ta đang phải đối mặt với toàn cầu hóa. 9. Hustle and bustle: a large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding Sự ồn ào náo nhiệt trong cuôc sống thành thị gây phiền nhiễu cho rất nhiều người. 10. To get away from it all: to have a holiday in a very quiet place where you can relax Du khách luôn tới những cảnh đẹp tự nhiên để tránh đám đông ồn ào và thoát khỏi nhịp sống vội vã thường ngày.


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VA5: EDUCATION 1. To cover a lot of ground: to deal with much information and many facts Bài giảng lịch sử hôm nay sử dụng rất nhiều tài liệu. 2. A high-flyer: someone who is therefore expected to achieve a lot




of ability and

a strong

wish to

be successful and

Những người tham vọng thường kiếm được 25% hơn đồng nghiệp cùng ngành của họ. 3. To grasp smt: to understand something, especially something difficult Chính phủ nhìn nhận rằng tình trạng vô gia cư là 1 vấn đề cần giải quyết nhưng lại thất bại trong việc hiểu tầm quan trọng của vấn đề này. 4. To be out of one’s depth: not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation Tôi không theo kịp khi học lớp cao cấp, nên phải chuyển qua lớp trình độ trung cấp. 5. In the top tier of smt: the most important people in a group, companies in an industry, etc. Các ngân hàng danh tiếng thường cung cấp dịch vụ tuyệt vời cho những khách hàng giàu có. 6. Top-tier institutions: leading or prestigious educational institutions Các trường danh tiếng thường có yêu cầu đầu vào khắt khe. 7. Streaming in schools: the policy of dividing pupils into groups of the same level of ability Việc phân loại học sinh là 1 chính sách quản lí nhằm phục vụ cho các học sinh có khả năng khác nhau ở các trường học. 8. Extracurricular activities: not part of the usual course work or studies in school or college Nhìn chung, các hoạt động tình nguyện không phải lúc nào cũng là hoạt động ngoại khóa. 9. Tertiary education/higher education: education at college or university level Hơn 60% học sinh tốt nghiệp phổ thông ở Mỹ tiếp tục theo học đại học. 10. A virtual classroom: an online classroom Một trong những bất cập của một lớp học trực tuyến đó là học sinh không có cơ hội trao đổi trực tiếp với bạn học.


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VA6: SPORT AND EXERCISE 1. An extreme sport: a sporting activity which is very dangerous Cá nhân tôi không hiểu tại sao một vài người có thể tham gia chơi môn thể thao mạo hiểm, họ nên nghĩ đến các rủi ro trước. 2. To have a knack for smt: to have a skill or an ability to do smt easily and well Bơi lội không phải là sở trường của tôi. Tôi học bơi từ bé nhưng không giỏi lắm, tôi đoán nói chung là tôi không có năng khiếu thể thao. 3. To give smt a go: to attempt smt Chỉ một số ít người có thể trở thành vận động viên chuyên nghiệp, nhưng nếu có đam mê thì cũng đáng để thử. 4. To shy away from smt: to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about Ngày nay, hầu hết mọi người đều có lối sống lười vận động và thường có xu hướng ngại đi tập gym. 5. To foster a competitive spirit: encourage the desire to beat others in a sports event Vấn đề của việc khuyến khích thể thao ở trường học đó là do thể thao đẩy mạnh tinh thần cạnh tranh giữa các học sinh thay vì dạy cho chúng hiểu được rằng chỉ cần làm tốt nhất những gì chúng có thể trong mọi mặt của cuộc sống. 6. Essential sports gear: the equipment and clothing needed to practice a particular sport Để giảm thiểu rủi ro của các môn thể thao nguy hiểm, người chơi cần phải trải qua một khóa huấn luyện kỹ càng và sử dụng toàn bộ các thiết bị thể thao cần thiết được yêu cầu. 7. The endorsement of sporting goods: an advertising statement, usually by a famous sportsperson, saying that they use or like a particular product Bên cạnh mức lương hấp dẫn, các ngôi sao thể thao nổi tiếng còn kiếm được rất nhiều tiền từ việc làm đại diện cho các sản phẩm thể thao chẳng hạn như máy tập hoặc quần áo tập hoặc sản phẩm khử mùi


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VA7: HEALTH 1. Eating disorders: problems which occur when people are unhappy with their bodies, and therefore eat far too much or far too little Ám ảnh với đồ ăn, cân nặng và hình dáng cơ thể có thể là dấu hiệu của rối loạn ăn uống. 2. The outbreak of an epidemic: a large number of diseases occurring at the same time in a particular community Việc thiếu hụt các chương trình của chính phủ cho vắc xin phòng bệnh và chăm sóc sức khỏe thường xuyên có thể dẫn tới sự bùng phát của dịch bệnh, nhất là tại các nước đang phát triển. 3. A sedentary/ inactive lifestyle: involving little exercise or physical activity Lối sống thiếu vận động làm tăng nguy cơ chết sớm. 4. A strict regimen: any set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows, especially in order to improve their health Sau cơn đau tim, bác sĩ đã thiết lập một chế độ nghiêm ngặt cho anh ấy. 5. Inadequate development: insufficient or obstructed growth of the body Một trong những vấn đề mà lối sống thiếu vận động gây ra đó là béo phì hoặc chậm phát triển. 6. Strain: stress or overwork, physical or mental Dạo này anh ấy rất hay bị căng thẳng. 7. To ameliorate the physical effects: to make the health problem less damaging Nhằm giảm nhẹ các tác động do chấn thương, bệnh nhân cần được điều trị bằng vật lí trị liệu. 8. Pursuits: hobbies or sports which people do for enjoyment Tôi thích những hoạt động ngoài trời như đạp xe hay trượt tuyết. 9. To have a regular check-up: to have a regular examination carried out by a doctor or dentist Để xác định các vấn đề sức khỏe ở giai đoạn đầu, mọi người nên đi khám bệnh thường xuyên để có thể có các biện pháp ngăn chặn nếu cần thiết. 10. To carry health risks: have effects which could be bad for one’s health Nhiều nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng sự nghèo nàn và thứ bậc thấp trong xã hội cũng đem lại những rủi ro sức khỏe tương tự như là thuốc lá hay đồ uống có cồn. IELTS NINJA- MS. QUỲNH MAI

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VA8: THE ENVIRONMENT 1. To discharge chemical waste: dispose of waste products from chemical processes Hàng ngày, một lượng lớn rác thải hóa học bị thải ra biển, gây hại cho rất nhiều loại cá và sinh vật biển. 2. Environmental degradation: the process or fact of the environment becoming worse Chặt phá rừng là một trong những nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến suy thoái môi trường. 3. To be bio-degradable: a substance or chemical that can be changed to a natural harmless state by the action of bacteria Bao bì phân hủy sinh học giúp làm giảm lượng chất hóa học có hại thải vào không khí. 4. To deplete natural resources: reduce in size or amount Nếu chúng ta tiếp tục làm suy giảm nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên, chúng ta sẽ gây hại nghiêm trọng đến môi trường. 5. Soil erosion: the loss of soil by wind and rain activity Chặt phá rừng đã làm tăng cao một cách nghiêm trọng sự sói mòn đất ở Brazil. 6. Landfills: organised areas where waste is buried in the ground 90% lượng giác thải ở Mỹ được vứt bỏ ở các bãi rác vệ sinh. 7. Habitat loss: destruction or disappearance of an animal’s natural home Việc đốn gỗ đã gây ra việc mất môi trường sống của động vật hoang dã ở rất nhiều nước trên thế giới. 8. Endangered species: may soon not exist because there are very few now alive Chặt phá rừng, phát triển đô thị và săn bắt trái phép đã khiến nhiều giống loài có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng vì chúng bị mất môi trường sống. 9. Food chain: the natural system of animals eating other animals and plants Chuỗi thức ăn bị phá vỡ vì sự mất đi của nhiều loài sinh vật, gây ảnh hưởng lớn đến toàn bộ động vật. 10. Famine: situation in which there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death Mất mùa có thể gây ra nạn đói lan rộng. 11. Irrigation: supplying water to land for agriculture Sự tưới tiêu và các phương pháp trồng trọt tốt hơn là bước đầu để đối phó với nạn đói.


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VA9: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT 1. Crime of passion: refers to a crime, especially murder, caused by sexual jealousy Những người phạm tội do ghen tuông sau đó thường rất hối hận khi nghĩ lại những gì đã làm. 2. To serve a prison sentence: to carry out confinement in prison as a punishment Họ phải chịu mức tù phạt dài vì tham gia vào vụ ám sát. 3. To turn to crime/ drugs: to start committing crimes or using drugs Trong thời gian còn trẻ mà thất nghiệp, nhiều người trẻ bắt đầu dấn thân vào con đường tội phạm để kiếm tiền. 4. To be tough on crime: to punish crime severely (>< to be soft on crime) Tỉ lệ tội phạm chắc chắn sẽ giảm nếu chính phủ có những biện pháp mạnh tay và đưa ra hình phạt nghiêm khắc với những kẻ phạm tội. 5. To reintegrate/ re-assimilate into society/ community: to restore someone through education or therapy Chính quyền địa phương đang tập trung vào việc xác định các chương trình và chiến lược giúp người phạm tội tái hòa nhập cộng đồng thành công. 6. To act as a deterrent: smt which makes somebody less likely to do something Thời gian thi hành án dài hơn sẽ là rào cản và là một biện pháp hữu hiệu để giải quyết vấn đề tệ nạn gia tăng. 7. To put on probation: to make a convicted person see an official at regular intervals to check on their good behavior, as an alternative to going to prison Thanh niên phạm tội được hưởng án treo vì tội trạng của anh ta không nghiêm trọng tới mức phải ở tù. 8. A non-custodial sentence: a sentence which is not served in prison Có rất nhiều hình thức phạt một tòa án có thể đưa ra: phạt tiền, án treo và lao động công ích. 9. To impose a ban on sth: to enforce an official rule which says that something is not allowed Hầu hết các chính phủ đều ban hành lệnh cấm bán thuốc lá cho người dưới 16.


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VA10: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT 1. To convict a criminal: to find an offender guilty and to punish them Một khi tòa đã tuyên án, hình phạt phải được thực thi. 2. Law-abiding citizens: people who obey and respect the law Chính phủ cần có biện pháp hiệu quả để bảo vệ những công dân tuân thủ pháp luật. 3. To enforce the law: to make sure that the law is obeyed Vai trò của cảnh sát và tòa án là thực thi pháp luật. 4. Capital punishment: punishment by death Ở một số bang của nước Mỹ, những người phạm tội giết người phải chịu án tử hình. 5. Forensic evidence: connected with the scientific tests conducted by the police when investigating a crime Những phương pháp hiện đại của cảnh sát bao gồm việc sử dụng các bằng chứng pháp y, ví dụ như lấy mẫu DNA để điều tra tội phạm. 6. To punish wrongdoers: to punish people Những biện pháp nghiêm khắc hơn cần được chính phủ đưa ra để trừng trị kẻ phạm tội. 7. To arrest suspects: to stop and hold people who the police think may have committed a crime Chính phủ cần trao quyền hạn nhiều hơn cho cảnh sát để bắt tạm giam kẻ tình nghi. 8. To install surveillance cameras: to install security cameras Công ty an ninh đã cài đặt những camera giám sát ở tất cả cửa ra vào và cửa thoát hiểm của khu mua sắm. 9. Juvenile delinquency: criminal acts committed by people between the ages of 10 and 18 Có nhiều người cho rằng thiếu sự dạy dỗ của bố mẹ nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến sự gia tăng tỉ lệ tội thực hiện bởi trẻ vị thành niên.


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VA11: TECHNOLOGY 1. A technological breakthrough: an important new discovery Một đột phá công nghệ của năm vừa qua đó là trí tuệ nhân tạo có thể học giống như người mà không cần hướng dẫn rõ ràng. 2. Real-life interactions: face-to-face communication with other people Mạng xã hội không chỉ làm giảm sự tương tác trực tiếp mà còn làm thay đổi chất lượng các mối quan hệ vì có nhiều người thường chỉ thích trò chuyện và giải quyết các vấn đề thông qua tin nhắn hoặc email. 3. Cutting-edge technology/ leading-edge technology/ state-of-the art technology: the most advanced position in technology Qua thời gian, các nhà khoa học đã mang đến những công nghệ tiên tiến nhằm mang lại cuộc sống tiện nghi hơn cho mọi người. 4. To be obsolete: not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer and better or more fashionable Chúng ta đã quen với màn hình cảm ứng, Internet nhanh và việc có thể kết nối với thế giới trong vài giây và dần dần có những thứ từng được coi là mốt đã trở nên lỗi thời. 5. Labor-saving appliances: machines that reduce the amount of work or effort needed to do smt Ở Việt Nam vài thập niên trước, chỉ một phần nhỏ dân số có điều kiện tiếp cận với các thiết bị tiết kiệm sức lao động như máy giặt, máy sấy, nhưng ngày nay, những sản phẩm tiện nghi này có mặt ở mọi nhà. 6. A driverless car/ an automated car/ an autonomous vehicle/ a self-driving car: a car that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input Ngày nay, xe không người lái không còn là 1 chủ đề lạ lẫm nữa. Trí thông minh nhân tạo ngày càng trở nên công phu hơn và nó có thể làm nhiều thứ hơn là lái và điều khiển một phương tiện. 7. To be superseded by: to be replaced by smt Những đổi mới công nghệ mới nhất thường nhanh chóng bị thay thế bởi những thiết bị mới và tiến bộ hơn. 8. The delicate touch of the human hand: the carefulness of a human Những công việc nặng nhọc và tốn sức có thể được thực hiện bởi máy móc một cách dễ dàng và chính xác. Tuy nhiên, luôn có những công việc yêu cầu sự cẩn thận của bàn tay con người. 9. Technophile >< technophobe (n): someone who is loves >< afraid of technology Tôi không phải là người thích công nghệ cho lắm nên tôi không thực sự quan tâm điện thoại hay máy tính mình sử dụng là của hãng nào, miễn là chúng hoạt động tốt.


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VA12: TRANSPORTATION 1. To upgrade and expand public transport provision: to improve bus and train services and to make these services more available Một cách để giảm lượng phương tiện trên đường là nâng cấp và mở rộng hệ thống giao thông công cộng. 2. To invest in transport infrastructure: to spend money on improving roads, railway lines, train and bus stations Chính phủ cần đầu tư vào giao thông hạ tầng để việc di chuyển trên đường bộ và đường tàu hỏa an toàn hơn. 3. An integrated transport system: a system of timetables so that bus and train services are connected and work together successfully Một hệ thống giao thông có kết nối sẽ tạo thuận lợi cho người đi đường đổi chuyến xe bus và tàu để đến nơi mà không cần chờ đợi quá lâu. 4. Free bus/train passes: documents which allow you to travel free on buses or trains Cung cấp vé đi tàu xe miễn phí cho trẻ em và người già sẽ khuyến khích nhiều người sử dụng phương tiện công cộng hơn. 5. Dedicated bus lanes/cycle lanes: a section of a road, indicated by white lanes that only buses or cycles are allowed to use Chính quyền thành phố nên dành ra những phần đường ưu tiên cho xe bus và xe đạp để khuyến khích mọi người dùng phương tiện giao thông công cộng hoặc đạp xe trong thành phố. 6. To ease traffic flow: to enable traffic to move more easily Việc dành đường ưu tiên cho xe bus và xe đạp sẽ giúp giảm lưu lượng giao thông tại các trung tâm thành phố. 7. Road safety measures: actions to ensure that the roads are made safer Số người tử vong trên đường bộ sẽ giảm đi nếu chính quyền đưa ra các biện pháp an toàn giao thông đường bộ chặt chẽ hơn


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