5 Perc Angol Magazin - 2020-Aprilis PDF [PDF]

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Kincsem, Rin Tin Tin és a többiek

Húsvéti finomságok


All About

Easter szókincsfejlesztés húsvét témakörben


Idioms Bolondos idiómák és kifejezések

Képleírás a nyelvvizsgán

Kereskedelmi forgalomba nem khozható!

5Perc Angol Magazin 2020 Április


alap-, közép- és felsőfokon

Feast Hello

Hanover! Alsó-Szászországba látogatunk

Steve Buscemi The Boss from Hollywood

SZALAI NÓRI Tanulj te is velem ingyenesen angolul!


12. évfolyam


www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020




Kedves Olvasó! Rendhagyó lapszámot tartasz a kezedben, hiszen ez a 127. a sorban, viszont az első, amely a földünkön tomboló világjárvány okozta nehézségek miatt csak digitálisan jelenik meg, és teljesen ingyenesen elérhető mindenkinek. Szeretnénk ezzel is segíteni nektek az otthon töltendő idő hasznos eltöltésében, hiszen ez a nyakunkba szakadt kényszerpihenő remek alkalom a nyelvtanulásra és nyelvfejlesztésre. Ebben a számban is minden megszokott rovatot megtalálsz, sőt néhány írásunkat ki is bővítettük, így olvashatsz egy érdekes történetet Petrik Arankáról, Bodrogköz egyetlen egykori fotósáról, akinek a képei időutazásra visznek minket a múltba. Utazásrovatunkban ezúttal Hannoverbe látogatunk, receptrovatunkban pedig húsvéti finomságokat hoztam nektek, de az ünnepek apropóján lesz húsvéti szókincsfejlesztés is. Hollywood fura figurája, Steve Buscemi életéről és filmjeiről is olvashatsz a magazinban, és ha időd engedi, nézz bele legújabb sorozatába is az HBO műsorán! Magyarországról szóló rovatunkkal ezúttal virtuális sétát teszünk több múzeumban és városban, illetve ajánlunk néhány remek irodalmi élő közvetítést is nektek. Természetesen továbbra is megtalálod a többi megszokott rovatot is, így lesznek állatos olvasmányok, tudományos és technikai újdonságok, divat, filmajánló és top 10 érdekesség is. A magazin második részében nyelvvizsgára és érettségire felkészítő írásbeli és szóbeli feladatsorokat találsz megoldással együtt.

Szalai Nóri Főszerkesztő és laptulajdonos [email protected]

Ne feledd, hogy a legtöbb cikk QR-kód segítségével (vagy a weboldalról letöltve) meg is hallgatható! Vigyázzatok nagyon magatokra! Jó tanulást kívánok! Szalai Nóri

A magazin cikkeihez tartozó hanganyagokat a www.5percangol.hu weboldalon találod, amelyek továbbra is ingyenesen letölthetők MP3-as formátumban!



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a cikkhez hanganyag tartozik

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Kedves új Olvasónk! Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy letöltötted te is az 5 Perc Angol magazin áprilisi, digitális lapszámát. Ha eddig még nem találkoztál a nyomtatott kiadvánnyal, akkor engedd meg, hogy röviden bemutassam neked a magazinunkat. 2009 októberében indítottuk el az 5 Perc Angol magazin nyomtatott változatát, egy bulvár-nyelvoktató havilap formájában. Magazinunk létrehozásakor az volt a célunk, hogy egy olyan újságot alkossunk meg, amely egy bulvár-életmód magazinnak „álcázott” nyelvoktató lap. Az olvasók így olyan, egyébként érdekes, hasznos és szórakozatható cikkeken keresztül tanulhatják, gyakorolhatják az angol nyelvet, amiket egyébként is valószínűleg elolvasnának egy magyar nyelvű újságban. Így egyszerre tudnak kikapcsolódni és észrevétlenül tanulni is. A kiadvány cikkeinek nagy részéhez hanganyag is tartozik, amelyet egy brit rádióállomáson veszünk fel havonta anyanyelvi előadók közreműködésével. Az audiók QR-kóddal, okostelefonnal azonnal meghallgathatók, de weboldalunkról ingyenesen le is tudod tölteni őket. 4

Erre a hónapra is számos érdekességet hoztam nektek, de ne feledjétek el követni Facebook-oldalunkat sem, ahol heti több alkalommal is élő videós órákon is tanulhatsz velem, szintén teljesen ingyesen. Bízunk benne, hogy hamarosan minden jóra fordul, májusban pedig minden visszatér a régi kerékvágásba, és ismét megjelenhetünk a magazin nyomtatott változatával is. Amikor ezeket a sorokat írom, akkor sajnos nem tudja senki teljes mértékben garantálni, hogy az árus terjesztésben nem lesznek fennakadások, vagy hiányok, ezért, ha nem szeretnél lemaradni a következő lapszámokról, akkor javasoljuk, hogy fizess elő a magazinra – most kedvezményesen – webáruházunkon keresztül, mert előfizetőinknek biztosítani fogjuk a nyomtatott példányt. ELŐFIZETEK KEDVEZMÉNYESEN A MAGAZINRA: https://5pa.me/elofizetesek Vigyázz magadra! Jó tanulást kívánok! Szalai Nóri

www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


Tanulj angolul Szalai Nórival, az 5perc Angol alapítójával és a GLAMOUR-ral

Ha már beszélsz angolul, akkor is tanulsz majd újat, ha pedig most kezdenéd, ne tétovázz, növelheted az esélyeidet a munkaerőpiacon. MINDEN HÉTFŐN, SZERDÁN ÉS PÉNTEKEN 10 ÓRAKOR VÁRUNK A GLAMOUR KÖZÖSSÉGIMÉDIAFELÜLETEIN!

Maradj otthon és légy egyre okosabb!






Gary Barlow – A Take That egykori sztárja

Érdekes hírek a nagyvilágból feladattal és audióval




April Fools' Day - Érdekes olvasmány olvasmány a bolondok napjáról

TRAVEL 12 Hello Hanover! – Irány Németország!



Steve Buscemi legemlékezetesebb filmjei

56 57 58

Két aranyos állatos történet

FASHION 26 Johanna Ortiz for HM – Itt a HM új női kollekciója

74 76


IDIOMS Fool Idioms – Bolondos idiómák


HALLÁS UTÁNI ÉRTÉS Hallott szöveg értését ellenőrző feladatsor minden szinten


ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGÁK Kitöltős szöveg, olvasásértés és fordítás


SZÓBELI VIZSGÁK Pandemic and Quarantine T https://cloud.5perc.hu/s/ pkydgAD99stDS3c imes – Szókincsfejlesztés koronavírus idején

LIFE AND STYLE 30 Colour Explosion at an Incense Factory - Színes füstölők üzeme

NYELVTANI TESZT Feleletválasztós nyelvtani teszt

HEALTH AND FITNESS 28 What is Down Syndrome? - Minden, amit a Down szindrómáról tudni kell

BOOKS LECKÉK KEZDŐKNEK Leckék teljesen kezdőknek - Unit 8

Hírek és pletykák a sztárok világából


TV SHOWS Avenue 5 – Az HBO műsorán

Easter Feast – Hangolódjunk a húsvét ízeire!





Mind the Game! – Bevezetés a szellemi sportokba


www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


level: upper-intermediate and above erős középhaladó szinttől



News Of The World

Ebben a rovatban olyan érdekes hírekről olvashatsz, amelyek a közelmúltban történtek a nagyvilágban. A cikkekhez egy rövid feladatsort is találsz a magazin 8. oldalán, sőt meg is hallgathatod őket weboldalunkon (www.5percangol.hu).

Oceans can be successfully restored by 2050, say scientists Despite being treated as humanity's rubbish dump for decades, the oceans of the world are proving remarkably resilient, says a new scientific review. Building on that resilience could lead to a full recovery within three decades, the researchers argue. Climate change, and the challenges of scaling up existing conservation efforts, are the big hurdles, they say. The researchers caution that the window for action is now very narrow. The oceans have been exploited by humans for centuries, but the negative impacts of our involvement have only become clear over the last 50 years or so. Fish and other marine species have been hunted almost to extinction, while oil spills and other forms of pollution have poisoned the seas. Over the last few decades, the growing influence of climate change has bleached corals and seen the ocean's acidity increase. This was documented in last year's special report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This new review recognises the scale of the problems but also points to the remarkable resilience of the seas. Humpback whale numbers have rebounded since the ban on commercial whaling. The proportion of marine species assessed as threatened with global extinction by the IUCN has dropped from 18% in 2000 to 11.4% in 2019. "Our study documents the recovery of marine populations, habitats and ecosystems following past conservation interventions. It provides specific, evidence-based recommendations to scale proven solutions globally," said lead author Carlos Duarte, who is a professor of marine science at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. "We know what we ought to do to rebuild marine life, and we have evidence that this goal can be achieved within three decades. Indeed, this requires that we accelerate our efforts, and spread them to areas where efforts are currently modest."

marine habitats such as oyster reefs, mangrove swamps, and salt marshes - which keep our seas clean, our coasts protected and provide food to support entire ecosystems," said co-author Prof Callum Roberts from the University of York, UK. "Science gives us reason to be optimistic about the future of our oceans, but we are not currently doing enough in the UK or globally," he added.

The researchers identified nine components that are key to rebuilding the oceans: salt marshes, mangroves, seagrasses, coral reefs, kelp, oyster reefs, fisheries, megafauna, and the deep ocean.

A big challenge is climate change, which is raising sea levels and making the waters more acidic. The amount of warming that has already taken place will likely make rebuilding tropical reefs quite difficult.

The scientists recommend a range of actions that are required including protecting species, harvesting wisely and restoring habitats.

"If we don't tackle climate change and raise the ambition and immediacy of these efforts, we risk wasting our efforts," said Prof Duarte.

source: BBC

"We now have the skills and expertise to be able to restore vital rubbish dump resilient recovery researcher existing conservation effort hurdle to caution narrow to exploit impact marine species extinction oil spill pollution to poison to bleach acidity humpback whale to rebound



[ˈrʌbɪʃ dʌmp] [rɪˈzɪlɪənt] [rɪˈkʌvəri] [rɪˈsɜːtʃə] [ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ] [ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən ˈefət] [ˈhɜːdəl] [tə ˈkɔːʃən] [ˈnærəʊ] [tu ɪkˈsplɔɪt] [ɪmˈpækt] [məˈriːn ˈspiːʃiːz] [ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən] [ɔɪl spɪl] [pəˈluːʃən] [tə ˈpɔɪzən] [tə bliːtʃ] [əˈsɪdəti] [ˈhʌmp bæk weɪl] [tə rɪˈbaʊnd]

hulladéklerakó rugalmas, ellenálló helyreállás, gyógyulás kutató létező természetvédelmi erőfeszítés akadály óvni, figyelmeztetni szűk, keskeny lehasználni, kizsákmányolni hatás tengeri állatfajok kihalás, kipusztulás kifolyt olaj, olajfolt szennyezés megmérgezni elszínteleníteni savasság púpos/hosszúszárnyú bálna visszaugrani, felugrani

| Szalai Nóra | www.5percangol.hu

ban whaling to drop habitat evidence-based to accelerate to spread modest salt marsh mangrove seagrass coral reef kelp oyster fishery to harvest expertise acidic to tackle sg immediacy

[bæn] [ˈweɪlɪŋ] [tə drɒp] [ˈhæbɪtæt] [ˈevɪdənsbeɪst] [tu əkˈseləreɪt] [tə spred] [ˈmɒdɪst] [sɔːlt mɑːʃ] [ˈmæŋɡrəʊv] [ˈsiːɡrɑːs| [ˈkɒrəl riːf] [kelp] [ˈɔɪstə] [ˈfɪʃəri] [tə ˈhɑːvɪst] [ˌekspɜːˈtiːz] [əˈsɪdɪk] [tə ˈtækəl] [ɪˈmiːdɪəsi]

tilalom, betiltás bálnavadászat csökkenni, esni élőhely bizonyítékon alapuló felgyorsítani kiterjeszteni szerény szikes/sós mocsár gyertyafa, mangrove tengeri fű korallzátony hínár, moszat osztriga halászterület halászni szakértelem savas foglalkozni valamivel sürgősség

hanganyag lejátszásához kattints a QR-kódra



hanganyag lejátszásához kattints a QR-kódra


The Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Guy Gives His ‘PPAP’ Song A Coronavirus Update Pikotaro has created a new message for his 2016 record-breaking hit. Japanese comic Daimaou Kosaka, better known as Pikotaro, has given his 2016 music sensation a makeover for the coronavirus era. “In a hurry, I made a new version of PPAP,” he wrote on Twitter. “What I want to tell the whole world is ... Wash! Laugh! Pray! The song is no longer about pens, pineapples, apples, and pens, but clean hands and overcoming the pandemic. message record-breaking hit makeover era in a hurry

[ˈmesɪdʒ] [ˈrekɔːd breɪkɪŋ] [hɪt] [ˈmeɪkˌəʊvə] [ˈɪərə] [ɪn ə ˈhʌri]

üzenet csúcsot megdöntő sláger felújítás, átalakítás korszak sietve

J.K. Rowling launches Harry Potter At Home to spread a little magic during lockdown J.K. Rowling has just announced the launch of Harry Potter At Home - and honestly, it couldn't have come sooner, what with us all being stuck at home on lockdown. The brand new website was created to "cast a banishing charm on boredom" and help add a touch of Harry Potter magic to our daily lives. According to the site description, it features "all the latest magical treats to keep you occupied - including special contributions from Bloomsbury and Scholastic, nifty magical craft videos, fun articles, quizzes, puzzles and plenty more for first-time readers, as well as those already familiar with the wizarding world." The website is broken down into a number of different sections, including news and features, quizzes, J.K. Rowling Archive, House Pride, Discover, Hogwarts Sorting, Fan Club, Gold and Shop. to announce launch to be stuck at home lockdown brand new to cast a charm banishing boredom


[tu əˈnaʊns] [lɔːntʃ] [tə bi stʌk ət həʊm] [ˈlɑːkˌdaʊn] [brænd njuː] [tə kɑːst ə tʃɑːm] [ˈbænɪʃɪŋ] [ˈbɔːdəm]

bejelenteni elindítás otthonra beszorulva lenni karantén vadonatúj varázslatot bocsátani valamire elűző unalom

to wash to laugh to pray pineapple to overcome pandemic

[tə wɒʃ] [tə lɑːf] [tə preɪ] [ˈpaɪnæpəl] [tu ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] [pænˈdemɪk]

(kezet) mosni nevetni imádkozni ananász legyőzni világjárvány

As well as learning more about the wizarding world, users can also watch a tutorial for drawing a Niffler, play a Triwizard Tournament word search, take a guided tour of the Hogwarts paintings and relive some of the best moments from the books and films. Rowling announced the new project on Twitter, saying: "Parents, teachers, and carers working to keep children amused and interested while we’re on lockdown might need a bit of magic, so I’m delighted to launch harrypotterathome.com." source: Mirror

to add magic contribution nifty wizarding world pride sorting to relive

[tu æd] [ˈmædʒɪk] [ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃən] [ˈnɪfti] [ˈwɪzədɪŋ wɜːld] [praɪd] [ˈsɔːtɪŋ] [tə ˌriːˈlɪv]

hozzáadni varázslat hozzájárulás klassz varázslóvilág büszkeség kiválasztás újra átélni

www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


level: intermediate and above


középhaladó szinttől


Exalted Church in Roanoke holds drive-in service Church-goers have been finding creative ways to worship while following social distancing guidelines. Exalted Church on Williamson Road in Roanoke has held its first drive-in church service. Members sat in their cars in the parking lot, while the pastor held a service with prayers and singing. Instead of clapping and shouts of praise, members honked their horns. "What happens when I look in this parking lot like I do, I'm reminded church-goer to worship social distancing parking lot pastor service

[ˈtʃɜːtʃˌɡəʊə] [tə ˈwɜːʃɪp] [ˈsəʊʃəl ˈdɪstənsɪŋ] [ˈpɑːkɪŋ lɒt] [ˈpɑːstə] [ˈsɜːvɪs]

that we're all just, we know where our hope is, and the church has to assemble together. We may not have been inside of the building today, but the church was assembled together," Jim Asberry, Founding

gyülekezetbe/templomba járó istentiszteletre járni társadalmi távolságtartás parkoló lelkész istentisztelet

Pastor of Exalted Church, said. The service was also live-streamed so other members could watch from their homes. source: WDBJ

prayer clapping to honk sb’s horn hope church to assemble

[preə] [ˈklæpɪŋ] [tə hɒŋk hɔːn] [həʊp] [tʃɜːtʃ] [tu əˈsembəl]

ima tapsolás megnyomni az autódudát remény gyülekezet összegyűlni

to breed archduke empire noble famous imperial courtyard

[tə briːd] [ˌɑːtʃˈdjuːk] [ˈempaɪə] [ˈnəʊbəl] [ˈfeɪməs] [ɪmˈpɪərɪəl] [ˈkɔːtjɑːd]

tenyészteni főherceg birodalom nemes híres császári udvar

Lipizzan horse-breeding to become part of World Heritage? Together, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Romania requested Lipizzan horse-breeding to be added to UNESCO’S Intangible Cultural Heritage list at the end of 2017. UNESCO is to decide about adding it to the list at their World Heritage Committee’s annual congress, in December of 2020, reported Sokszínű Vidék. The Slovenian government handed in the official application to UNESCO’s Parisian office. The traditional breeding of Lipizzan horses is part of the Croatian cultural heritage in Baranya (Hungary), Slavonia and Syrmia (Croatia). Lipica horses are still bred in all the countries taking part in the joint application for World Heritage status. Archduke Charles II created the breeding ground in 1580, in Lipike – Lipica today –, a part of the then-Habsburg Empire. The noble horses became famous in the Habsburg Imperial courtyard. source: Daily News Hungary horse-breeding intangible cultural heritage annual to hand in official application



[ˈhɔːsˌbriːdɪŋ] [ɪnˈtændʒəbəl] [ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈherɪtɪdʒ] [ˈænjuəl] [tə hænd ɪn] [əˈfɪʃəl] [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən]

lótenyésztés eszmei kulturális örökség éves, évenkénti benyújtani hivatalos kérelem

| Szalai Nóra | www.5percangol.hu




News of the World rovatunkhoz kapcsolódóan csináld meg az alábbi feladatsort! A megoldásokat a magazin végén találod! II. The Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Guy Gives His ‘PPAP’ Song A Coronavirus Update

Fill in the gaps with the words from the table. There is one extra. message makeover pandemic update era hit 1. The arrival of the famous coach marked the beginning of a new ……… for the team. 2. As a result of the ………. the restaurant attracted much more guests. 3. The …….. had a bad impact on the new enterprise. 4. The new cake became a real …….. among the patrons of the shop. 5. The song had a hidden …….. that only few people understood.

III. J.K. Rowling launches Harry Potter At Home to spread a little magic during lockdown

I. Oceans can be successfully restored by 2050, say scientists Pick the best possible way to fill in the gaps in the sentences. 1. The researchers ….. oceans can fully recover in thirty years. A) are not sure if B) argue about whether C) think it is possible that 2. They ….. in this situation. A) warn of the shortage of time we have to act B) are cautious about what steps we can take C) are worried about the narrow-mindedness of the people 3. The study ….. . A) doesn’t give enough consideration to the damage in the oceans B) points out how easily oceans can be damaged C) focuses on the results of previous conservation efforts 4. The researchers emphasized ….. . A) that we have to act faster B) that the key components are yet to be found C) the role of modesty in our efforts 5. Scientists are optimistic ….. the current intensity of efforts that are being made. A) because of B) in spite of C) concerning 10

True or false? 1. The new website couldn’t come sooner because of the lockdown. 2. It is designed to help its visitors to stop feeling bored. 3. It contains a lot more fun stuff for first-time readers than those who are familiar with the books. 4. Some sections, including news and features, have broken down. 5. It also teaches visitors how to draw one of the characters from the book.

IV. Exalted Church in Roanoke holds drive-in service Match the words with the definitions. 1 a group of people a hope meeting for a religious gathering 2 an occasion when b service one speaks to God 3 a formal religious c prayer ceremony 4 a leader in d church Protestant churches 5 a positive e pastor expectation about the future

V. Lipizzan horse-breeding to become part of World Heritage? Match the words with their synonyms. 1 yearly a noble 2 abstract b official 3 aristocratic c annual 4 formal d famous 5 well-known e intangible

www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől

April Fools’ Day

or Is Everyone a

FOOL? by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi

“This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.” (Mark Twain) There exists a day in a year when playing practical jokes on others is acceptable and if they’re played well, they cause no offense. The day is also called All Fools’ Day and is a day of light-hearted pranks. April Fools’ Day is dedicated to smiles, laughter, and fun and is a good occasion to show the funny side of human nature.

The origins Different explanations exist, but the most likely is that April Fools’ Day is connected to a change in the calendar in 1582 when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Before 1582, the new year began on 1st April. When New Year Day was moved to 1st



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January in 1582, some people hadn't heard of or didn't believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year's Day on 1st April. These "April fools" were often ridiculed by being sent on "fool’s errands" or were the subjects of other practical jokes. The pranks included placing paper fish on their backs and calling them “Poisson d’Avril” (April fish) that symbolizes a young, easily caught fish and a gullible person. Another theory suggests that 1st April became the fools’ holiday due to Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th -century collection, The Canterbury Tales, where Chaucer included a playful reference to “32nd March,” or 1st April.

Witty jokes April Fools' Day is observed throughout the world. Pranks include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things. Funny fool's errands include sending the victim for a left-handed screwdriver or wrench, a stick with one end, a bucket of striped paint, a bucket of steam, pigeon milk, a jar of elbow grease or a fallopian tube. In Scotland, April Fools’ Day is called Hunt the Gowk Day. Gowk is another name for the cuckoo, which is a common symbol of the fool. The pranks also continue on 2nd April, Tailie Day, when people attach a paper tail (or a “kick me” sign) to their friends’ backs. A traditional prank used to be sending the “gowk” to deliver a sealed message. The message instructed the recipient, “Dinna laugh, dinna smile. Hunt the gowk another mile” (meaning: “don’t laugh, don’t smile, send away the fool for another mile”). The recipient would then send the victim to another 11



person, with an identical sealed message. The joke went on until either the “gowk” realised what was going on, or someone took pity on him. In France, the customary prank is pinning a paper fish Poisson d’Avril in French - to a friend’s back. In Portugal, April Fools' Day is celebrated on the Sunday and Monday before Lent. The big trick there is to throw flour at your friend's face. In Poland, everyone takes part in April Fools' Day, including the media and public institutions. All serious activities are completely avoided for the day. Pouring water on people is a favourite activity. In certain areas of Belgium, children lock out their parents or teachers and only let them in if they promise to give them sweets.

Some famous pranks In 1957 the BBC – the inventor of numerous pranks fooled the nation with a spoof documentary broadcast about spaghetti crops in Switzerland. The documentary featured a family in Switzerland carrying out their annual spaghetti harvest carefully plucking strands of spaghetti from a tree and laying them in the sun to dry. Apparently, millions were duped – calling in to ask how they could grow their own spaghetti trees. In 1965, a Copenhagen newspaper reported that Parliament had passed a law that all dogs should be painted white to improve road safety because they could then be seen clearly at night. In 1976, BBC radio astronomer Patrick Moore stated to listeners that an astronomical event (the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto) would take place at 9:47 a.m. that day, which would noticeably decrease gravity on Earth. If listeners were to jump into the air at that exact moment, they would find they would lightly float in the air.

In 1980, BBC pranksters announced that Big Ben, London’s historic clock tower, would undergo a facelift and become digital to keep up with the times. Enraged callers flooded the station with complaints. In 1985 Sports Illustrated wrote an entire article about a great new pitcher the New York Mets had found. His name was Sidd Finch and he could throw the ball 168 miles per hour. The Mets fans were excited. The only problem was, the story was a joke. Hidden in the title of the article were the words "Happy April Fools’ Day". According to Le Parisien in 1986, the Eiffel Tower was going to be dismantled and rebuilt inside the new Euro Disney Park in France. In 1987, after reading that the government was planning to distribute 10,000 litres of wine confiscated from smugglers, hundreds of citizens turned up carrying empty bottles and buckets in Norway. In 1996, fast-food chain Taco Bell announced it had purchased the famed U.S. Liberty Bell, and claimed they were renaming it the “Taco Liberty Bell” and relocating it from Philadelphia to their headquarters in California. The company later claimed publicity from the hoax increased sales by $1 million over a 24-hour period. In 1998, Burger King published a full-page advertisement in USA TODAY introducing the newest menu item: a “Left-Handed Whopper.” They claimed that they designed the new sandwich by rotating the ingredients of the regular Whopper 180 degrees to accommodate lefties. The prank fooled thousands of left- and right-handers who began ordering the sandwich corresponding to their dominant hand. In 2008, the BBC ran a video clip of flying penguins as part of a story for its series "Miracles of Evolution." The presenter explained that the penguins escaped


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THIS MONTH the cold, harsh Antarctic weather flying to the tropical rainforests of South America. In 2009, the Taipei Times claimed that “Taiwan-China relations were dealt a severe setback yesterday when it was found that the Taipei Zoo’s pandas are not what they seem.” The paper reported that


the pandas, a gift from the Chinese government, were brown forest bears dyed to resemble pandas. Among the complaints sent to the paper was one from the zoo’s director. Also in 2009, YouTube turned some of its videos upside down. A page on “Tips for Viewing the New Layout” suggested that users should hang their monitors upside down from the ceiling. Twitter jumped on the April Fools’ Day bandwagon in 2013 to announce that they were shifting to a twotiered service. Those who wanted to use their services for free could use Twttr, where they could tweet only consonants. Those who paid $5 monthly could use consonants and vowels. In 2016 Google introduced "Mic Drop," a G-mail feature that enables users to send e-mails with an animated gif depicting a minion dropping a microphone. The prank went awry when people accidentally clicked on the button and sent business e-mails with the whimsical animation. The feature was removed after several hours of confusion.

When it’s no prank In 1946, the weather broadcast department announced a tsunami on a Pacific island on 1st April. Because of the date, many people thought that it was only a prank, but it wasn’t. The tsunami was generated by an 8.6 magnitude earthquake near Unimak Island and killed 167 people, mostly in Hawaii. Google was so infamous for pranking that when they launched their G-mail service on 1st April 2004, few people believed that the company was serious. They were convinced that it was only a joke. to be reminded of sg [tə bi rɪˈmaindɪd əv] acceptable [əkˈseptəbəl] offence [əˈfens] light-hearted [lait ˈhɑːtɪd] prank [præŋk] to be ridiculed [tə bi ˈrɪdɪkjuːld] fool’s errand [ˈfuːlz ˈerənd] subject [sʌbˈdʒekt] gullible [ˈɡʌlɪbəl] witty [ˈwɪti] victim [ˈvɪktɪm] screwdriver [ˈskruːdraivə] wrench [rentʃ] stick [stɪk] striped [straipt] steam [stiːm] elbow [ˈelbou] fallopian tube [fəˈloupiən tjuːb] cuckoo [ˈkʊkuː] sealed [siːld] recipient [rɪˈsɪpiənt] identical [aiˈdentɪkəl] to take pity on sb [tə teik ˈpɪti ɒn] Lent [lent] flour [ˈflauə] to pour [tə pɔː] to lock out [tə lɒk ˈaut] inventor [ɪnˈventə] to fool [tə fuːl] spoof [spuːf] crop [krɒp] harvest [ˈhɑːvɪst] to pluck [tə plʌk] to dupe [tə djuːp] to improve [tu ɪmˈpruːv]



emlékeztetve lenni valamire elfogadható sértés vidám ugratás, tréfa kinevetnek valakit teljesíthetetlen feladat/út alany hiszékeny szellemes áldozat csavarhúzó franciakulcs bot csíkos gőz könyök petevezeték kakukk lezárt, lepecsételt címzett ugyanolyan megsajnálni valakit, könyörülni nagyböjt liszt önteni kizárni kitaláló, szerző becsapni rászedés, svindli termés aratás leszedni bolonddá tenni, rászedni javítani

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conjunction [kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən] együttállás to decrease [tə dɪˈkriːs] csökkenteni to float [tə flout] lebegni to undergo [tu ˌʌndəˈɡou] átmenni valamin face-lift [ˈfeis lɪft] fiatalítás, arcfelvarrás to keep up with the times [tə kiːp ʌp wɪð ðə ˈtaimz] követni az idők szavát enraged [ɪnˈreidʒd] dühös complaint [kəmˈpleint] panasz pitcher [ˈpɪtʃə] dobójátékos to dismantle [tə dɪsˈmæntəl] szétszedni to confiscate [tə ˈkɒnfɪskeit] elkobozni smuggler [ˈsmʌɡlə] csempész famed [feimd] híres to rotate [tə rouˈteit] elfordítani to accommodate [tu əˈkɒmədeit] kielégíteni az igényeit miracle [ˈmɪrəkəl] csoda harsh [hɑːʃ] zord setback [ˈsetbæk] hátráltatás to dye [tə dai] festeni to resemble [tə rɪˈzembəl] hasonlítani upside down [ˈʌpsaid daun] fejjel lefelé ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] plafon two-tiered [ˈtuːtiəd] kétszintű consonant [ˈkɒnsənənt] mássalhangzó vowel [ˈvauəl] magánhangzó to go awry [tə ɡou əˈrai] balul elsülni accidentally [ˌæksɪˈdentəli] véletlenül whimsical [ˈwɪmzɪkəl] szeszélyes confusion [kənˈfjuːʒən] zűrzavar tsunami [tsuːˈnɑːmi] szökőár, cunami earthquake [ˈɜːθkweik] földrengés infamous [ˈɪnfəməs] hírhedt to launch [tə lɔːntʃ] bevezetni, elindítani to be convinced [tə bi kənˈvɪnst] meggyőződve lenni





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level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől



Hello HANOVER! by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi

If you don’t like crowds and wouldn’t like to travel to a place that attracts a lot of people Hanover (the traditional English spelling) or Hannover (the German spelling and the more recent English spelling) is a good choice. Though it’s the third-largest city in Northern Germany after Hamburg and Bremen it’s not a tourist magnet. From Budapest, you can get there by bus, train or plane, and the city has its own airport. Few people know that the city of Hanover is strongly related to the British and the British Royal Family. The House of Hanover started with George I, who succeeded to the British crown in 1714. The dynasty provided six monarchs: George I (reigning 1714–27), George II (reigning 1727–60), George III (reigning 1760– 1820), George IV (reigning 1820–30), William IV (reigning 1830–37), and Victoria (reigning 1837–1901). It was succeeded by the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was renamed the House of Windsor in 1917. Hanover was joined to the British until 1837 when Victoria inherited the British crown but being a woman she was barred from the succession to Hanover.

A green city Hanover is home to enormous parks that are not far from the city centre. Ellenriede Park is a 640-hectare forest. It is the largest urban city forest in Germany, and it’s one of the largest in Europe. It is nearly twice the size of Central Park. Eilenriede is translated into English as alder moor meaning a marsh populated with alder trees. Eilenriede Park is home to Hanover Zoo which contains about 3,400 animals in 237 species. The different zoo worlds show animals in scenic habitats where you can see them living as if they were still in 2020


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TRAVEL it was nicely rebuilt to its former glory. There is an observation platform in its dome at 97.73 m high. The lift taking people up to the observation platform is unique in Europe. It runs a parabolic, arched course following the shape of the dome. The lift climbs the 50 m shaft at an angle of up to 17° to the gallery of the dome and moves over 10 metres in the process. During the trip, two weight-bearing cables wind up on three double rolls in the wall of the shaft. The original lift was built in 1913 and moved in steam-bent oaken tracks. A new lift was installed in 2007. A steep spiral staircase leads to the observation level from the exit of the lift. The view is well worth climbing the stairs, in clear weather, you can see very far in the distance. On the ground floor of the Town Hall, four city models are exhibited portraying the development of the city. They are very detailed and it’s quite interesting to compare them.

the wild. A 5 km long explorer path leads through the different exhibits that recreate the African savannah, Yukon Bay, an Indian rain forest, and the vast, remote interior of Australia to name only a few sights. There is also a lake in Hanover (the Maschsee) of about three km length and 500 m width near the city centre.

Herrenhaus Palace and Gardens The summer residence of the Hanover Royal Family is a magnificent building. It was destroyed in World War II. It was rebuilt in the traditional style but the interior is state-of-the-art. It’s a cultural and congress centre and a business meeting place. The castle is surrounded by a garden that is a ’jewel in Hanover’s crown’. It’s a beautiful Baroque garden with opulently designed flower beds, splendid sculptures and artistically clipped, illuminated hedges. There is an impressive 70-metre fountain called the Great Fountain in it accompanied by several smaller ones creating a nice babbling noise in hidden corners. The hedges and statues in the garden are arranged in geometrical patterns.

The Nanas Hanover is a city of sculptures and statues but the most distinctive of all are probably the Nanas, Hanover’s most famous daughters. The word ’nanas’ means ‘girls’ and refers to three joyfully dancing figures. They are the work of French sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle who became an honorary citizen of Hanover in 2000. Though found controversial when first installed the voluptuous, buxom curved and fluorescent-coloured ‘Sophie’, ‘Charlotte’ and ‘Caroline’ sculptures have become one of the city’s most recognisable, and most loved landmarks.

Hanover old town Before World War II Hanover’s old town was characterized by its numerous half-timbered buildings but most of them were destroyed in the war. After the bombing raids, there was almost nothing left of the old town. During the rebuilding of Hanover, parts of the remaining old buildings, mainly the facades, were transferred to the old town area. Hanover's oldest church, the Kreuzkirche is close by the old buildings. It was built in 1333. Its altar was designed by Lucas Cranach the Elder.

The New Town Hall and its lift The Town Hall of Hanover dates back to 1913. In World War II it was badly damaged by American bombs but 16

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spoken here making German easier to understand than in regions with distinctive dialects. The German here is very similar to the so-called standard or written German. Of course, it’s not totally true to the vocabulary as Hanover – just like most regions or cities – also has its words specific to this area but at least their pronunciation is standard. Hanoverians really like to boast of speaking perfect High German.

Hanover facts Hanover is home to big industry companies like Volkswagen (cars and vans), Continental (tyres), Varta (batteries) and TUI (tourism). Celebrities of the town include rock band Scorpions, former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder and former football player Per Mertesacker.

Meet me under the tail! There is an unmissable landmark in front of the main train station of Hanover. The Ernst August Memorial was erected in 1861 in honour of King Ernst August. It’s a tall equestrian statue of the king in hussar uniform. Ernst August became King of Hanover in 1837 when his niece, Victoria, became Queen of the United Kingdom and the union between Britain and Hanover that had existed since 1714 ended.

Hanover has a famous football club, Hannover 96, a member of the first German football league, the Bundesliga since 2002. Its home stadium is the AWDArena with a 49,000 spectator capacity. Hanover is also a centre for ice hockey. The second-largest Oktoberfest is held in Hanover.

The statue – also called ’Unterm Schwanz’ - is a popular meeting point in the city. Unterm Schwanz means ’under the tail’. When the people of Hanover agree on meeting ’under the tail’ it always means the tail of the Ernst August statue’s enormous horse. Though in his lifetime Ernst August wasn’t a popular ruler but his statue - especially the tail of his horse – definitely made the monarch a king close to people.

Music to your ears If you speak or learn German the way people speak German in Hanover will be surely music to your ears. ’Hochdeutsch’ or ’Standard High German’ is to succeed to [tə səkˈsiːd tuː] to reign [tə reɪn] to inherit [tu ɪnˈherɪt] to be barred from sg [tə bi bɑːd frəm] urban [ˈɜːbən] alder [ˈɔːldə] moor [mʊə] marsh [mɑːʃ] scenic [ˈsiːnɪk] habitat [ˈhæbɪtæt] vast [vɑːst] remote [rɪˈməʊt] state-of-the-art [steɪt əv ði ɑːt] jewel [ˈdʒuːəl] opulently [ˈɒpjuːləntli] clipped [klɪpt] illuminated [ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪd] hedge [hedʒ] fountain [ˈfaʊntɪn] babbling [ˈbæbəlɪŋ] half-timbered building [hɑːf ˈtɪmbəd ˈbɪldɪŋ] bombing raid [ˈbɒmɪŋ reɪd]



örökölni uralkodni örökölni kizárva lenni valamiből városi égerfa mocsár mocsár látványos, festői élőhely hatalmas távoli korszerű, csúcstechnológiás ékkő pazarul nyírt kivilágított sövény szökőkút csobogó favázas épület bombatámadás

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façade former glory observation platform arched shaft angle oaken steep spiral staircase distinctive honorary citizen controversial voluptuous buxom curved recognisable unmissable to erect equestrian statue music to your ears to boast of sg tyre battery

[ˈfæbjʊləs] homlokzat [ˈfɔːmə ˈɡlɔːri] régi dicsőség [ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃən ˈplætfɔːm] kilátóterasz [ɑːtʃt] ívelt, íves [ʃɑːft] liftakna [ˈæŋɡəl] szög [ˈəʊkən] tölgyfa, tölgyből készült [stiːp] meredek [ˈspaɪərəl ˈsteəkeɪs] csigalépcső [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv] jellegzetes [ˈɒnərəri ˈsɪtɪzən] díszpolgár [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl] ellentmondásos [vəˈlʌptʃʊəs] érzéki [ˈbʌksəm kɜːvd] telt, testes [ˈrekəɡnaɪzəbəl] felismerhető [ʌnˈmɪsəbəl] kihagyhatatlan [tu ɪˈrekt] emelni, felállítani [ɪˈkwestrɪən ˈstætʃuː] lovasszobor [ˈmjuːzɪk tə jər ɪəz] öröm hallgatni [tə bəʊst əv] dicsekedni valamivel [ˈtaɪə] gumiabroncs [ˈbætri] akkumulátor

Kattints ide a videó megtekintéséhez



The Wonders of


Online from your Couch by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi

In the present situation when everybody is asked to stay at home we just long to participate in cultural events or to hop in the car and see the wonders Hungary has to offer. If you have online access on your phone or on a computer, you don’t have to miss out on entertainment or travelling, lots of fun things are just a click away. To help you spend your time usefully we’ve collected a bunch of the available ones. 18

Museums Several museums offer to guide you through their exhibitions virtually. Whether you are interested in paintings, sculptures or literature you will most surely find interesting places to explore. Have you ever been to the Vigadó? Now you can take an online walk in the beautiful building. Visit here: https://5pa.me/vigado Műcsarnok offers as many as 65 virtual walks through its exhibitions mostly in modern art. You can zoom in on anything you would like to have a closer look at and can spend unlimited time exploring all the details. Visit here: https://5pa.me/mucsarnok Országos Színháztörténeti Múzeum (National Theatre History Museum) has assembled virtual exhibitions about the history and the different types of puppets, about actress Gizi Bajor whose acting and personality were one of a kind, about actresses Katalin Karády and Irén Psota to name a few. Visit here: https://5pa.me/oszmi PIM (Petőfi Literary Museum) true to its fame offers cool virtual exhibitions about János Arany, Magda Szabó, Sándor Petőfi, and Júlia Szendrey on their webpage as well as on their YouTube channel. You can read Hungarian authors’ works in digital form on their Digital Academy platform. Visit here: https://pim.hu/ Magyar Nemzeti Galéria (Hungarian National Gallery) presents virtual exhibitions to the admirers of classical Hungarian paintings such as e.g Munkácsy or Mednyánszky. Visit here: https://5pa.me/mng www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől


Virtual Hungary Even if we are stuck at home life doesn’t stop. Spring is in the air, trees bloom, birds chirp and nature is full of wonders. Enjoy some of them virtually. Take a virtual walk in Hortobágyi Madárpark and find out more about some wonderful species of birds. Visit here: https://5pa.me/madarpark Nyíregyházi Állatpark (Nyíregyháza Zoo) showcases the life of their animals in short videos (YouTube) they’ve started creating. You can take a glimpse at how the animals live or are fed. We don’t know whether the animals miss their human visitors, but regular zoo visitors surely miss the visits to the zoo. The beautiful sunny spring weather would be ideal for sightseeing but social distancing means that we have to make sure to avoid meeting as many people as possible. So sightseeing is out of the question for a while. But if you miss the experience and would like to see the iconic sights of Budapest city walks are available on YouTube, what’s more, you can see the city with English commentary as if you were a tourist. Theatre, movies, readings, songs, concerts Countless theatre performances are on offer online. Partly on YouTube where you can mostly find older performances but you can also find real treasures browsing the websites or Facebook pages of theatres.

wonder couch to long to do sg to participate to hop in the car to be just a click a bunch of sg to explore unlimited to assemble puppet to be one of a kind fame admirer to be stuck at home to bloom to chirp to take a glimpse social distancing



[ˈwʌndə] [kaʊtʃ] [tə ˈlɒŋ tə də] [tə pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] [tə hɒp ɪn ðə kɑː] [tə bi dʒəst ə klɪk əˈweɪ] [ə bʌntʃ əv] [tu ɪkˈsplɔː] [ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd] [tu əˈsembəl] [ˈpʌpɪt] [tə bi wʌn əv ə kaɪnd] [feɪm] [əd.ˈmaɪə.rə(r)] [tə bi stʌk ət həʊm] [tə bluːm] [tə tʃɜːp] [tə teɪk ə ɡlɪmps] [ˈsəʊʃəl ˈdɪstənsɪŋ]

csoda kanapé vágyakozni valamire részt venni beugrani a kocsiba csak egy kattintásnyira van egy csokornyi valamiből felfedezni korlátlan összeállítani báb egyedülálló, különleges hírnév csodáló bezárva lenni otthon virágozni csiripelni pillantást vetni valamire távolságtartás az emberektől

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Artists and theatres suddenly lost the chance to perform so they use their creative energies to entertain online and to bring some meaningful fun into the quarantine days. If you love stories but you’re not really into reading it’s a good way to listen to authors or actors reading out books loud live regularly from chapter to chapter. Some fine examples for that are writer Gergely Péterfy reading out his novel every day (https://5pa.me/ peterfy) and actor Márk Ember reading out a Poket book of which he is the ambassador. Poket books are cool little books that can be purchased in vending machines throughout Hungary but they are also available through online order. To thank for the conscientious and hard work of health care workers, teachers and those who work in jobs that are indispensable for us to carry on with our lives and so they cannot stay at home, 43 artists collaborated from their homes in singing Gábor Presser’s iconic song Neked írom a dalt (I’m writing this song to you). Each artist sang a line of the song and the outcome is a wonderfully harmonious and touching version of the song. Watch here: https://5pa.me/nekedirom Leonard Cohen’s song Halleluja inspired author János Lackfi to write a poem with the title Quarantine Hallelujah and then the poem was an inspiration for singers to try and sing it. The results are amazing as the videos show. Watch here: https://5pa.me/lackfi Watching movies can make the days pass more quickly and more meaningfully. 90 classic Hungarian films are available free during the period of the quarantine including adaptations of compulsory readings, cartoons, and historical films. Watch here: https://5pa.me/filmarchiv As you can see even if you are asked to stay at home for the greater good Hungary has much to offer online until the time comes when you will be able to enjoy its wonders in person again. So keep it up, stay at home and try to enjoy these peaceful days as much as you can. to make sure to do sg [tə ˈmeɪk ʃʊə tə də] to avoid [tu əˈvɔɪd] countless [ˈkaʊntləs] treasure [ˈtreʒə] to be into reading [tə bi ˈɪntə ˈriːdɪŋ] chapter [ˈtʃæptə] ambassador [æmˈbæsədə] conscientious [ˌkɒnʃɪˈenʃəs] indispensable [ˌɪndɪˈspensəbəl] to collaborate [tə kəˈlæbəreɪt] outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] touching [ˈtʌtʃɪŋ] to inspire [tu ɪnˈspaɪə] compulsory reading [kəmˈpʌlsəri ˈriːdɪŋ] cartoon [kɑːˈtuːn] in person [ɪn ˈpɜːsən] for the greater good [fə ðə ˈɡreɪtə ɡʊd] to keep it up [tə kiːp ɪt ʌp] peaceful [ˈpiːsfəl]

törekedni, igyekezni valamire elkerülni számtalan kincs szeretni olvasni fejezet nagykövet lelkiismeretes nélkülözhetetlen együttműködni eredmény megható ihletni kötelező olvasmány rajzfilm személyesen a közjó érdekében kitartani békés




Easter Feast

Easter Lamb

serves: 8 preparation: 15 min cooking: 3-4 hours ingredients: scones: • 1 leg or shoulder of lamb • Salt • 5 ml (1 t) ground cumin • 3 star anise • 5 ml (1 t) black peppercorns • 15 ml (1 t) aniseed • handful of thyme sprigs 20

Celebrate the holiday with traditional lamb and unleavened bread. Add other flavours from the Middle East such as dates, figs, pomegranates, honeycomb, and couscous. Instead of hot cross buns, make a delicious fig cake that will keep for the whole weekend and can be served either with tea or as dessert.

• 2 ml (½ t) dried chilli flakes • 1 ml (¼ t) nutmeg • 3 bay leaves • Salt • 1 celery stalk • 2 carrots, scraped • 1 onion, peeled • 2 cm fresh ginger • 1 litre (4 c) stock thyme salt: • equal parts sea salt flakes and thyme • a little ground mixed peppercorns preparation: 1. Preheat the oven to 120 °C. 2. Cut a crisscross pattern in the skin side of the meat. Season well with salt and rub with the ground cumin. 3. Put the meat and remaining ingredients in a roasting pan, adding enough stock to cover. Cover with

aluminum foil and bake for 3-4 hours or until tender. 4. Remove the foil, increase the oven temperature to 200 °C and roast until the meat is nicely browned. 5. Slice the meat or use two forks to shred it. 6. Thyme salt Mix the salt, thyme and ground pepper. 7. Serve the meat with the thyme salt and roast brinjals (see recipe). TIP: If you’re on a tight budget, use shanks instead of leg or shoulder of lamb. The method and cooking time remain the same. Or stew the shanks on the stovetop.

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level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől



Unleavened Bread With Chickpea Spread Bread Blitz together 500 ml (2 c) cake flour, a pinch of salt, 60 ml (¼ c) olive oil and 160 ml (²⁄3 c) iced water in a food processor to make a smooth dough. Chill for 10 minutes. Break off 8-10 pieces and roll into balls. Roll out until thin and bake at 190 °C for 5-8 minutes.

Spread In a food processor blitz together 2 x 410 g cans chickpeas, 3 garlic cloves, a handful of parsley, the juice and zest of 2 lemons, 5 ml (1 t) ground cumin and about 125 ml (½ c) olive oil until smooth. Serve with the bread.

Manna Salad Soak 250 ml (1 c) couscous in 250 ml (1 c) hot chicken stock until soft. Add 80 ml (¹⁄3 c) cranberries, 125 ml (½ c) chopped Turkish apricots, ¹⁄3 each diced red, green and yellow peppers and 1 diced red onion. Add 80 ml (¹⁄3 c) each chopped parsley and coriander and 100 g chopped salted almonds.

Dressing Mix 1 crushed garlic clove, 80 ml (¹⁄3 c) freshly squeezed lemon juice, zest of 1 lemon, 80 ml (¹⁄3 c) olive oil, 15 ml (1 T) mustard seeds and 15 ml (1 T) honey. Pour over the salad and toss. 2020


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Fig Cake With


In a saucepan bring to the boil 125 g each dried figs and dates, 50 g butter, 160 ml (²⁄3 c) honey, 250 ml (1 c) water, a pinch of salt and 5 ml (1 t) bicarbonate of soda. Set aside to cool. Add 2 whisked eggs. Sift together 500 ml (2 c) cake flour, 10 ml (2 t) baking powder, 5 ml (1 t) ground ginger and 5 ml (1 t) ground cinnamon and add to the fig mixture. Add 100 g chopped walnuts and spoon the mixture into a medium loaf tin. Bake at 180 °C for 50 minutes or until done. Set aside to cool.

icing: Mix 30 ml (2 T) honey and 230 g cream cheese and spread over the cake. Spoon honeycomb on top and serve with fresh figs.

feast fare unleavened bread date fig pomegranate honeycomb lamb cumin peppercorn thyme sprig nutmeg bay leaf ground to season to rub tender brinjal


[fiːst] [feə] [ˌʌnˈlevənd bred] [deɪt] [fɪɡ] [ˈpɒmɪɡrænɪt] [ˈhʌnɪkəʊm] [læm] [ˈkʌmɪn] [ˈpepəkɔːn] [taɪm sprɪɡ] [ˈnʌtmeɡ] [ˈbeɪ liːf] [ɡraʊnd] [tə ˈsiːzən] [tə rʌb] [ˈtendə] [ˈbrɪndʒəl]

lakoma étel, étkezés kovásztalan kenyér datolya füge gránátalma lépesméz bárány kömény szemesbors kakukkfű ágacska szerecsendió babérlevél őrölt fűszerezni bedörzsölni puha padlizsán

shank chickpea spread a pinch of salt dough garlic clove parsley zest cranberry apricot diced almond crushed to bring to the boil ginger cinnamon walnut

[ʃæŋk] [tʃɪk piː] [spred] [ə pɪntʃ əv sɔːlt] [dəʊ] [ˈɡɑːlɪk kləʊv] [ˈpɑːsli] [zest] [ˈkrænbəri] [ˈeɪprɪkɒt] [daɪst] [ˈɑːmənd] [krʌʃt] [tə brɪŋ tə ðə bɔɪl] [ˈdʒɪndʒə] [ˈsɪnəmən] [ˈwɔːlnʌt]

lábszárhús csicseriborsó (kenyérre kenhető) krém egy csipetnyi só tészta fokhagymagerezd petrezselyem héj vörösáfonya sárgabarack kockára vágott mandula zúzott felforralni gyömbér fahéj dió

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level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől

Dear Robert Downey, Jr., WE LOVE YOU! On the 4th April, the Iron Man star celebrated his 55th birthday and paid tribute to healthcare workers and frontline responders with a quote from Maya Angelou to pay tribute to sb [tə peɪ ˈtrɪbjuːt tə] leróni a tiszteletét frontline responders [ˈfrənˌtlaɪn rəˈspɑːndərz] első vonalban dolgozók amid sg [əˈmɪd] valami közepette novel [ˈnɒvəl] új pandemic [pænˈdemɪk] világjárvány attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd] hozzáállás necessity [nɪˈsesɪti] szükségszerűség



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amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. “‘If u don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude…’ #mayaangelou #happybirthday #Poet#Activist 1928-2014 It’s an honor to share a birthday with this great #woman,” he wrote on Instagram, as Angelou also celebrated her birthday on April 4. “And a necessity to express my #gratitude to the following— #Healthcare workers, Personal care and home health aides, First responders, Anyone in an active service job, As well as law enforcement, the National Guard, all Armed Services, etc… Anyone braving exposure in the #service of others— Proudly, RDJ,” he added. source: Yahoo gratitude aide service job law enforcement armed services to brave exposure

[ˈɡrætɪtjuːd] [eɪd] [ˈsɜːvɪs dʒɒb] [lɔː ɪnˈfɔːsmənt] [ɑːmd ˈsɜːvɪsɪz] [tə breɪv] [ɪkˈspəʊʒə|]

hála segítő szolgáltatói munka rendvédelem fegyveres erők dacolni valamivel valaminek kitettség



Bruce Willis reunites

with ex-wife Demi Moore for isolation in matching pyjamas

to reunite to self-isolate matching divorce striped to beam

hanganyag lejátszásához kattints a QR-kódra


[tə ˌriːjuːˈnaɪt] [tə ˈselfaɪsəleɪt ] [ˈmætʃɪŋ] [dɪˈvɔːs] [straɪpt] [tə biːm]

újra összejönni önkéntes karanténban lenni egymáshoz illő, passzoló válás csíkos ragyogni

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore have reunited as they selfisolate together, even wearing matching pyjamas, 20 years on from their divorce. The former couple posed for a cute photo together in green and white striped pjs along with two of their children. Also wearing the pyjama set are Tallulah, 26, and Scout, 28, with her husband Dillon Buss. The whole family is beaming and in one snap Bruce and Demi even have their arms around each other as they give the photographer a thumbs up, proving they are on great terms. They married in 1897 but split in 2000, with three children including Scout and Tallulah, and also Rumer, who is 31. Bruce attended Demi's wedding to Ashton Kutcher in 2005, proving they have remained friends after their split. It's unclear if Rumer or Bruce's wife Emma Hemming Willis are also in self-isolation with the rest of the family. Their daughter Tallulah posted snaps on her Instagram as they posed for a family photo shoot with the pups. It looks like great fun as the family are joined by six small dogs and some giant cutlery, for some. source: Mirror to prove to be on great terms to split to remain friends pup giant

[tə pruːv] [tə bi ɒn ˈɡreɪt tɜːmz] [tə splɪt] [tə rɪˈmeɪn frendz] [pʌp] [ˈdʒaɪənt]

bizonyítani remek kapcsolatban lenni szakítani barátoknak maradni kiskutya óriási

Mariah Carey thanks NHS during coronavirus crisis Mariah Carey thanks the NHS after healthcare choir leaves her feeling all emotional. Mariah Carey has publicly thanked the NHS, after coming across a video of a healthcare choir singing her song on Twitter. The Breathe Harmony NHS Choir came together to sing Mariah’s track Anytime You Need a Friend in a new campaign video highlighting the work of all healthcare workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Breathe Harmony is the staff choir at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital in London, run by Breathe Arts Health Research, and they put together an international recording now doing the rounds on YouTube. And they’ll be pleased to hear that their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed, with Mariah personally thanking all NHS staff for their hard work. After coming across the beautiful video, Mariah tweeted: ‘This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much to all the people at NHS. choir emotional publicly to come across sg to highlight


[ˈkwaɪə] [ɪˈməʊʃənəl] [ˈpʌblɪkli] [tə kʌm əˈkrɒs] [tə ˈhaɪlaɪt]

kórus elérzékenyült a nyilvánosság előtt rábukkanni valamire kiemelni

We are so grateful to you.’ Mariah, herself, had taken part in a benefit concert to aid coronavirus relief efforts over in the US hosted by iHeart Radio. source: Metro pandemic [pænˈdemɪk] effort [ˈefət] to go unnoticed [tə ɡəʊ ˌʌnˈnəʊtɪst] to bring tears to sb’s eyes [tə brɪŋ ˈtɪəz tə aɪz] grateful [ˈɡreɪtfəl]

világjárvány erőfeszítés észrevétlennek maradni könnyeket csalni a szemébe hálás

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Jane Fonda joins TikTok and revives her iconic 'Jane Fonda Workout'

Jane Fonda posted her very first TikTok of herself doing the famous "Jane Fonda Workout" in order to raise climate crisis awareness. "Hello to the people of TikTok" she said, "My name is Jane Fonda and I am going to bring back the Jane Fonda workout." Fonda also urged fans to join the very first virtual Fire Drill Friday rally. "Whether you are on your couch or on your yoga matt, will you join me for virtual Fire Drill Fridays? The future needs you. I need you," she said. Fonda and Greenpeace USA are hosting the rally throughout the month of April. Fonda has also enlisted her celebrity friends, including Chelsea Handler, Piper Perabo, Amber Valetta, Alyssa Milano, Norman Lear, and Marisa Tomei to encourage supporters to join the movement. source: CNN to revive workout to raise awareness to urge couch

[tə rɪˈvaɪv] [ˈwɜːkaʊt] [tə reɪz əˈweənəs] [tu ɜːdʒ] [kaʊtʃ]

feléleszteni edzés felhívni valamire a figyelmet sürgetni, biztatni kanapé

yoga matt future to enlist to encourage supporter

[ˈjəʊɡə mæt] [ˈfjuːtʃə] [tu ɪnˈlɪst] [tu ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] [səˈpɔːtə]

jógamatrac jövő megnyerni bátorítani támogató

Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Ditch Their Shirts for the Handstand Challenge The Handstand Challenge is slowly becoming the next celebrity trend on social media, thanks to Tom Holland. After the SpiderMan star recently posted a video on his Instagram Stories showing his attempt at putting on a shirt while doing a handstand, Jake Gyllenhaal took him up on his offer to do the challenge himself. handstand attempt to put on a shirt to take up on sg



[ˈhændstænd] [əˈtempt] [tə ˈpʊt ɒn ə ʃɜːt] [tə teɪk ʌp ɒn]

Wow, thank god for social media, right? Tom also nominated Ryan Reynolds to follow suit, but sadly, he declined. Jake, however, kept the challenge going by nominating Hugh Jackman, 50 Cent, and his

kézenállás kísérlet felvenni egy inget elfogadni valamit

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offer to nominate sb to follow suit to decline

sister Maggie. As we wait to see if they take Jake up on his offer, please enjoy these photos of Tom and Jake doing the Handstand Challenge. source: Popsugar [ˈɒfə] [tə ˈnɒmɪneɪt] [tə ˈfɒləʊ suːt] [tə dɪˈklaɪn]

ajánlat nevezni valakit hasonlóan cselekedni visszautasítani




Protective Squirrel


Deadly Cobra A deadly orange cobra rears its head as a squirrel confronts it while protecting its young. The cape cobra was hunting in the area when it was approached by the bushy-tailed rodent. A tense standoff ensued between the venomous snake and the protective parent.

The squirrel tried to make itself look as big as possible, before jumping back as the reptile strikes towards him. The unusual photographs were captured in the north of protective squirrel to square up to sb to rear its head to protect to hunt to approach bushy-tailed rodent tense standoff


[prəˈtektɪv] [ˈskwɪrəl] [tə skweər ʌp tə] [tə rɪər ɪts hed] [tə prəˈtekt] [tə hʌnt] [tu əˈprəʊtʃ] [ˈbʊʃi teɪld] [ˈrəʊdnt] [tens] [ˈstænˌdɒf]

hanganyag lejátszásához kattints a QR-kódra

oltalmazó mókus kiállni ellene, megverekedni vele felágaskodik a fejével óvni, megvédeni vadászni közelébe jönni bozontos farkú rágcsáló feszült patthelyzet

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa. Amateur photographer and management consultant Nina Waffenschmidt, who took the photo, said: "I was absolutely stunned as I have never witnessed such interaction and behaviour before. "It was absolutely amazing to see the parent protecting its offspring from the cape cobra in any way possible, including risking its own life." The 34-year-old, from Hamburg, Germany said local rangers told her it was an extremely rare sight to see. She continued: "I believe the cobra was looking for some food and wanted to eat the young squirrel babies. The snake was roaming around the area of the squirrels' burrow. The squirrel parent saw the snake and went for it to keep it away from its burrow and young. The parent attacked the snake, which in turn tried to strike the squirrel. The squirrel made itself as tall as possible, but also jumped away very quickly when the snake went for a strike in order to not be bitten by the venomous snake." Ms. Waffenschmidt said that after the confrontation the defeated snake slithered away into the bushes. to ensue venomous snake reptile to witness offspring to risk sb’s life rare sight burrow in turn defeated to slither away

[tu ɪnˈsjuː] [ˈvenəməs sneɪk] [ˈreptaɪl] [tə ˈwɪtnəs] [ˈɒfsprɪŋ] [tə rɪsk laɪf] [reə saɪt] [ˈbʌrəʊ] [ɪn tɜːn] [dɪˈfiːtɪd] [tə ˈslɪðər əˈweɪ]

következni eredni mérgeskígyó hüllő valaminek tanúja lenni kölyök, utód kockára tenni valaki életét ritka látvány odú válaszul, cserében legyőzött elsiklani

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level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől


Seal Pupping Season Boom

IN NORFOLK As climate change threatens wildlife across the planet, a seal colony in the UK is experiencing an unexpected boom. The population of grey seals at Horsey, Norfolk is growing with over 2,300 pups born this season, which local residents say is more than they've ever seen before. Around half of the world's grey seal population is found in the UK, with nearly 120,000 found on beaches across the country. They are a protected species and come to the Norfolk coastline to have their babies and breed. seal pupping season boom climate change to threaten unexpected protected species to breed spectacularly to migrate wind farm



[siːl] [ˈpʌpi ˈɡəʊɪŋ ˈsiːzən] [buːm] [ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ] [tə ˈθretən] [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd] [prəˈtektɪd ˈspiːʃiːz] [tə briːd] [spekˈtækjʊləli] [tə maɪˈɡreɪt] [wɪnd fɑːm]

fóka kicsinyek születésének időszaka fellendülés, növekedés klímaváltozás fenyegetni váratlan védett faj szaporodni, utódot nemzeni látványosan vándorolni szélfarm

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The images were taken by wildlife photographer Andrew Mason who said that no-one is quite sure why the seal colony in Horsey has grown so spectacularly in recent years. The 50-year-old from Admaston, Staffordshire, said: "Climate change may be a factor that has caused the grey seals to migrate southwards from their northern breeding sites. "The construction of offshore wind farms may also be a factor as they create a habitat for the fish that the seals feed on." Grey seals spend most of the year at sea but from September to January they come ashore to give birth to their pups in colonies along the coast of the United Kingdom from Wales to the Shetland Islands. Grey seals grow up to 2.6 metres in length with males weighing up to 300kg and females up to 200kg. Mr. Mason continued: "As the seal pups feed on their mother's fat-rich milk, they rapidly grow, put on weight and develop an insulating layer of blubber. At around three weeks after being born, the pups will have been weaned and will moult out of their white coat and into a mottled grey coat. This layer of blubber and new grey coat will allow them to survive in the sea." habitat to come ashore pup male female rapidly insulating layer blubber to wean to moult mottled

[ˈhæbɪtæt] [tə kʌm əˈʃɔː] [pʌp] [meɪl] [ˈfiːmeɪl] [ˈræpɪdli] [ˈɪnsjʊleɪtɪŋ ˈleɪə] [ˈblʌbə] [tə wiːn] [tə məʊlt] [ˈmɒtəld]

élőhely kijönni a partra (állat)kölyök hím nőstény gyorsan szigetelő réteg zsírréteg elválasztani, szoptatást befejezni vedleni foltos, pettyes




Johanna Ortiz LAUNCHES FULL Collection with H&M

Following an exclusive pre-drop of four dresses, H&M is delighted to announce that its collaboration with the Colombian designer Johanna Ortiz will launch in full in March 2020. The 19-piece collection – which spans feminine dresses, tops, skirts and swimwear – features the exotic colour palette, tropical florals and dramatic silhouettes that have become synonymous with Ortiz’s statementmaking label. The collaboration is a true meeting of minds: the H&M design team travelled to Ortiz’s native Cali – also known as Colombia’s Salsa capital – to fully comprehend the complex construction behind the designer’s ultra-flattering designs. Hosted by Johanna in her elegantly decorated home, the team was immersed in Ortiz’s sophisticated bohemian world, examining her archive to revisit her signature tropical prints in re-energised colourways. Key pieces include the vibrant red floral maxi dress, the magenta midi dress in broderie anglaise, the black patterned floor-length column dress in viscose crepe – one of Ortiz’s personal favourites – and the ruffled wrap skirt in black and white cotton-poplin. Extravagant ruffles are an important design feature, even appearing on asymmetric swimsuits. There are also some more pared-back styles including a cotton-poplin tunic shirt and monochromatic blouses are palette-cleansing in their simplicity. “The imprint of Colombia – the rhythm of the Salsa dance, the beauty of the elegant orchids and the effortless palm trees dancing in a balmy pink sunset – can be felt in every Johanna Ortiz design. I’m thrilled to be able to infuse this H&M collection with effortless glamour and introduce some Latin American festivity to the H&M customer’s wardrobe. I hope customers wear the pieces barefoot and with a beautiful flower in their hair” to announce collaboration to launch tropical florals synonymous label to comprehend to immerse in sg sophisticated


[tu əˈnaʊns] [kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən] [tə lɔːntʃ] [ˈtrɒpɪkəl ˈflɔːrəlz] [sɪˈnɒnɪməs] [ˈleɪbəl] [tə ˌkɒmprɪˈhend] [tu ɪˈmɜːs ɪn] [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]

bejelenteni együttműködés piacra dobni, bevezetni trópusi virágos darabok rokonértelmű, szinonim márka megérteni, felfogni megmerülni valamiben kifinomult

signature vibrant floor-length ruffled pared-back effortless balmy barefoot

[ˈsɪɡnətʃə] [ˈvaɪbrənt] [flɔː leŋθ] [ˈrʌfəld] [ˈpeədbæk] [ˈefətləs] [ˈbɑːmi] [ˈbeəfʊt]

jellegzetes, rá jellemző élénk, vibráló földig érő fodros visszafogott, szolid könnyed balzsamos mezítláb

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level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől




14 995 Ft

14 995 Ft

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12 995 Ft

12 995 Ft

9 995 Ft

9 995 Ft

9 995 Ft

8 995 Ft

8 995 Ft

9 995 Ft

9 995 Ft


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What is DOWN

Syndrome? by Kitti Bába

Knowing about different health What is Down syndrome? It is important to state that Down syndrome conditions can allow our society to is not a disorder or disease. It is a naturally be more understanding and openoccurring condition in which a person has an minded. One of the many health topics extra chromosome. In every human body, there is a nucleus, where genes are stored. Genes carry is Down syndrome. Down syndrome genetic codes called chromosomes. Typically, each is a special condition caused by an cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are extra chromosome. It is associated inherited from each parent. In the case of Down syndrome, a person has an extra copy of one of with intellectual disability and a the chromosomes, chromosome 21. Chromosomes characteristic facial appearance. determine how we form in the womb and how we However, people with Down syndrome grow after birth. This extra copy of chromosome 21 changes these developments causing physical can live a full life, they can work and and mental challenges to the person with Down maintain social relationships and syndrome. It also causes the characteristics associated with the syndrome, such as a flattened even romantic relationships. To avoid face or almond-shaped eyes. However, not misconceptions, it is important to each person with Down syndrome has the same characteristics.  learn more about the condition. 30

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level: upper-intermediate and above erős középhaladó szinttől



increasing factor of the syndrome might be the mother’s age, as women who are over 35 when they become pregnant are more likely to have a pregnancy affected by the syndrome. The syndrome is often detected during pregnancy by basic tests. It is the most common chromosomal condition, with 1 out of 700 babies born with Down syndrome in the United States every year. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition; however, this does not mean that a person with the condition cannot live a full life. They might need extra help in school, but most of the children are included in regular classes. Each person with Down syndrome has different talents and abilities. 

World Down Syndrome Day

When was it discovered?  Down syndrome was discovered by an English physician, John Langdon Down. In 1866 he published an accurate description of a person with the syndrome. With his work, he earned recognition of the syndrome and became the “father” of it. Although people had recognised the syndrome, it was Down who first described it. Later, advances in science and medicine allowed researchers to understand Down syndrome better. In 1959 a French physician Jérôme Lejeune identified the syndrome as a chromosomal condition. In the year 2000, thanks to an international scientist team, doors opened to great advances in Down syndrome research. 

World Down Syndrome Day – or shortly, WDSD - falls on 21 March each year. It is celebrated in more than 60 countries worldwide. Many organisations around the globe promote this day, to raise awareness and understanding of Down syndrome. On this day, you may see people wearing odd socks as a sign of solidarity and to raise awareness. You can wear brightly coloured, long socks with funny prints, the main idea is to wear different pieces, or to wear only a half pair of socks. With this movement, people support those living with the syndrome and also highlight the uniqueness of these people. A better understanding of Down syndrome can increase the quality of life for people living with the condition. 

What causes it? The cause of the extra chromosome causing Down syndrome is still unknown. There is no evidence indicating that the condition is caused by any environmental factor or the parents’ activities before or during pregnancy. Most of the time Down syndrome isn’t inherited. The only society condition chromosome disability misconceptions disorder disease nucleus genes inherited womb



[səˈsaɪəti] [kənˈdɪʃn̩] [ˈkrəʊməsəʊm] [ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪti] [ˌmɪskənˈsepʃn̩z] [dɪsˈɔːdə] [dɪˈziːz] [ˈnjuːklɪəs] [dʒiːnz] [ɪnˈherɪtɪd] [wuːm]

társadalom állapot kromoszóma fogyatékosság téveszmék rendellenesség betegség sejtmag gének örökölt anyaméh

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almond-shaped physician scientist unknown pregnancy talent ability organisation awareness odd solidarity

[ˈɑːməndʃeɪpt] [fɪˈzɪʃn̩] [ˈsaɪəntɪst] [ˌʌnˈnəʊn] [ˈpreɡnənsi] [ˈtælənt] [əˈbɪləti] [ˌɔːɡənəˈzeɪʃən] [əˈweənəs] [ɒd] [ˌsɒlɪˈdærɪti]

mandula alakú orvos tudós ismeretlen terhesség tehetség képesség szervezet tudatosság párban nem összeillő szolidaritás




Colour Explosion

at an Incense


A colourful explosion of powder surrounds workers at an incense factory. 32

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level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől



The factory workers can be seen covered in the pink and yellow dust from the incense sticks as they tend to them.

Some of his shots show the incense bunched together like a 'flower' - a traditional drying method which is not used as much now.

This explosion of colour is caused by the workers smashing the sticks against their work station to remove excess powder.

Dr. Lin Lin, from New Jersey, USA, said: "The air inside the factory was full of powder. It got everywhere on me including my camera.

Photographer Dr. Kah-Wai Lin said even his clothing and his camera were left covered in pink and yellow when he visited this factory in Yongchun, China.

"The bamboo sticks were cut into small pieces and sent here so glue can be applied to them before powders of different colour can be put on. They are then taken outside for drying under the sun before being packed."

Dr. Lin, 36, said gluing bamboo sticks allows the colour to be applied and also said after the excess dust is removed the sticks are taken to dry under the sun.

He added: "It was a very busy day for the workers because it was a sunny day. They work harder in sunny weather because more incense can be made and dried."

explosion to surround incense dust stick to tend to sg to smash to remove



[ɪkˈspləʊʒən] [tə səˈraʊnd] [ɪnˈsens] [dʌst] [stɪk] [tə tend tə] [tə smæʃ] [tə rɪˈmuːv]

robbanás körülvenni tömjén, füstölő por rúd foglalkozni valamivel nekicsapni valaminek eltávolítani

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excess to glue to dry under the sun shot bunched together to pack to add

[ɪkˈses] [tə ɡluː] [tə draɪ] [ˈʌndə ðə sʌn] [ʃɒt] [bʌntʃt təˈɡeðə] [tə pæk] [tu æd]

fölösleges ragasztani száradni a napon kép, fénykép csokorba kötve csomagolni hozzátenni







Take part in an amazing time travel by watching the old negatives and photographs taken by Aranka Petrik, the only professional female photographer of the past century in the then Eastern corner of Mezdibodrožie, Slovakia Aranka Petrik's loved ones said she was a true photography lover. Her husband László was the first in the family who learned and practiced the profession, and after they got married, she became obsessed with it too. 34

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“I remember my father and mother working long hours in the darkroom to develop pictures, often at night.


My father died in 1988, and after that, my mother carried on taking photos for only a few more years. I remember helping her with some bits and pieces, and all of a sudden, one day she stopped taking photos for good” – said László Petrik, the successful photographer's son.

A very special job As László described, during those times they didn't just photograph the holidays and joyful parties, but they took photos of some of the saddest events too. “When I was a kid, I used to carry a battery pack on my shoulder and a huge lamp in one of my hands. I used to assist with them while my mom took the pictures. Photographing dead people was also a pretty common thing. Even in the late 36

fifties and sixties, very few people had cameras, so we were attending almost every important event” – said László.The remaining images show the lives of not only the working couple but also their two sons. Their accurately and regularly archived negatives captured family celebrations, the birth of their grandchildren, most of the local village events, but there were also some negatives that Aranka's husband created in the early 1940s, just before World War II. These pictures include village people, the Hungarian military, local gypsies, the old face of river Tisza, local boatmen, various interesting portraits, and even a gypsy band. “I know most of the photos, even though there are hundreds of them. My grandparents preserved the developed photos and the negatives as well. The oldest recordings show the old people of the village, their costumes and moments of their everyday life. Those, who are no

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PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD longer with us are smiling back at us through these photos, so for me, these pictures are part of an invaluable collection” – concluded Péter Petrik, grandson of Aranka.

Connections to Robert Capa The famous photographer, Robert Capa was born to the Jewish family of Júlia and Dezső Friedmann in Budapest, on October 22nd, 1913. His father, Dezső Friedmann came from the Transylvanian village of Ciucea, Romania and his mother Julianna Henrietta Berkovits was a native of Veľké Kapušany, a city that is only 25 kilometres away from Malé Trakany, the place where Aranka Petrik was born and bred. Capa at the age of 18 was accused of alleged Communist sympathies and was forced to flee Hungary. He witnessed the rise of Hitler, which led him to move to Paris,


where he met and began to work with Gerta Pohorylle. Together they worked under the alias Robert Capa and became photojournalists. Though she contributed to much of their early work, she quickly created her own alias 'Gerda Taro' and they began to publish their work separately. Capa subsequently covered five wars: the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II across Europe, the 1948 Arab– Israeli War, and the First Indochina War. His photos were published in major magazines and newspapers around the world. During his career, he risked his life numerous times, most dramatically as the only civilian photographer landing on Omaha Beach on D-Day. He documented the course of World War II in London, North Africa, Italy, and the liberation of Paris. His friends and colleagues included Ernest Hemingway, Irwin Shaw, John Steinbeck, and director John Huston. In 1947, for his work recording World War II in pictures, U.S. general Dwight D. Eisenhower awarded Capa with the Medal of Freedom. That same year, Capa co-founded Magnum Photos in Paris. The organization was the first cooperative agency for worldwide freelance photographers. Hungary has issued a stamp and a gold coin in his honor.

time travel [ˈtaɪm ˈtrævəl] időutazás attic [ˈætɪk] padlás to become obsessed with sg [tə bɪˈkʌm əbˈsest wɪð] megszállottjává válni valaminek darkroom [ˈdɑːkruːm] sötétkamra to develop pictures [tə dɪˈveləp ˈpɪktʃəz] fényképeket előhívni to carry on doing sg [tə ˈkæri ɒn ˈduːɪŋ] folytatni valamit bits and pieces [bɪts ənd ˈpiːsɪz] kis dolgok all of a sudden [ɔːl əv ə ˈsʌdən] hirtelen for good [fə ɡʊd] örökre remaining [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ] a többi to capture [tə ˈkæptʃə] lekapni, lefényképezni military [ˈmɪlɪtri] katonaság gypsy [ˈdʒɪpsi] cigány, roma to preserve [tə prɪˈzɜːv] megőrizni, megtartani costume [ˈkɒstjuːm] viselet invaluable [ɪnˈvæljʊəbəl] felbecsülhetetlen értékű



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Transylvanian to breed to be accused of sg alleged to flee to witness alias to contribute to sg separately liberation to include to co-found to issue stamp gold coin in honor of sb

[ˌtrænzilˈveɪniən] [tə briːd] [tə bi əˈkjuːzd əv] [əˈledʒd] [tə fliː] [tə ˈwɪtnəs] [ˈeɪliəs] [tə kənˈtrɪbjuːt tə] [ˈseprətli] [ˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən] [tu ɪnˈkluːd] [tə ˈkəʊfaʊnd] [tu ˈɪʃuː] [stæmp] [ɡəʊld kɔɪn] [ɪn ˈɒnə əv]

erdélyi felnevelni valamivel gyanúsítva lenni állítólagos elmenekülni tanúja lenni valaminek művésznév hozzájárulni valamihez külön-külön felszabadítás magában foglalni valakivel együtt megalapítani forgalomba hozni, kiadni bélyeg arany érme valakinek a tiszteletére




Top 10 Famous

ANIMALS by Ágnes Salánki

Animals can sometimes be as famous as people. What makes an animal renowned worldwide? What brings fame to them? Read the stories of 10 special animals. Kincsem, the horse

ones - and signed his own contracts for 22 movies using a paw print. He was a celebrity with his own radio show, a 6,000 dollar weekly salary and 10,000 weekly letters from his fans. He had his own chef to prepare his meals and he consumed his food while listening to classical music.

Cher Ami, the pigeon In World War I a group of 200 American soldiers was trapped in a small depression of a hill surrounded by Germans. Their fellow Americans didn't know their location either and began firing shells at them. A homing pigeon named Cher Ami was released by the soldiers with a desperate plea: "For Heaven's sake stop it." The Germans fired on Cher Ami. It took him 25 minutes to fly through a rain of bullets and got shot in his breast and blinded in one eye. One of his legs was so badly shot it dangled by a tendon but the metal case carrying the life-saving message was still attached to that dangling leg, so the battalion was saved. The surviving men made sure that the little bird received the best medical care and carved him a tiny wooden leg to replace his blown-off one. The French army awarded him their Croix de Guerre medal for his bravery.

Paul, the octopus Paul the octopus was considered to be an animal oracle who could predict the results of football matches. His keepers presented him with two boxes containing food. The boxes were decorated with the different team flags of the competitors in an upcoming football match. The box Paul ate from first was considered his prediction for which team would win the match. Paul chose the winning team in four of Germany's six Euro 2008 matches correctly, and all seven of their matches in the 2010 World Cup. He also correctly chose Spain as the winner of the 2010 FIFA World Cup final. In all, Paul had an overall record of 12 correct predictions out of 14: a success rate of approximately 85.7%

Heidi, the opossum

Hungary’s legendary mare, Kincsem – true to her name - was a national treasure indeed. Her career started when she was two years old. During her life, she ran a contest 54 times and won every single one. No other racehorse has been able to achieve similar good results ever since. The Hungarian Wonder – her popular nickname – was a sensitive and whimsical animal. She was choosy considering her drinking water. She refused to drink common tap water. Nearing the end of her life she drank only Evian mineral water. She was accompanied by her best friend, a black and white cat called Csalogány (Nightingale) to every race. Without the cat being present Kincsem was reluctant to run her race. She died at the age of thirteen on the same day when she was born on 17th March.

Heidi the cross-eyed opossum was an Internet celebrity in 2011. She first appeared in a photo collection of new zoo animals. Her unusual, cross-eyed face was considered to be cute and attracted huge attention. A German song - Das schielende Opossum - about her appeared on YouTube in December 2010, and a stuffed toy version of her was also created. Her Facebook page had some 285,000 fans, more than German chancellor Angela Merkel had at that time.

Dolly, the sheep

Rin Tin Tin, the dog An international movie star who even has a star on the Walk of Fame. He was rescued from a World War I battlefield by an American soldier, Lee Duncan, who gave him the nickname "Rinty" and taught him to play tricks. The dog is famous for his huge leaps. He starred in 27 films – mostly Warner Brothers


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Dolly was the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell. The nucleus of the somatic cell was removed and put into an unfertilised egg cell. This process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer. She was cloned at Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland and all her life she lived there. It took 277 attempts to create Dolly. She was bred with a Welsh Mountain ram and had six lambs in total called: Bonnie, Rosie, Lucy, Sally, Darcy, and Cotton. In 2003, she was euthanised because she had a lung disease and severe arthritis.


experienced weightlessness on October 18, 1963. She was chosen for the task from among thirteen other cats. She survived the experience and later stamps were issued to commemorate her flight.

Koko, the gorilla Koko was a female gorilla who learnt a lot of hand signs from a modified version of American Sign Language. Her instructor, Francine Patterson, reported that Koko had an active vocabulary of more than 1,000 signs. This is the same level as a 3-year-old human’s vocabulary. Moreover, Koko understood approximately 2,000 words of spoken English, in addition to the signs. What made him especially famous was that she adopted a kitten and created a name for him.

Wojtek, the bear Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear rescued and adopted by Polish troops in Iran. He was tame and gentle, he often played fight with the troops and even learned to drink beer. He was enlisted and given a service number and the rank of private. Wojtek wasn't just a mascot but he was valuable on the front-line, carrying heavy shells and ammunition. Wojtek survived the war, and later travelled with the unit to Scotland, and he lived in Edinburgh Zoo until 1963. Many of his Polish friends regularly visited him.

Laika, the astrodog Laika was one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. She was a Soviet stray mongrel dog, a mix of a Siberian Husky and a terrier. He was sent into space to get information about how living organisms behave in the space environment. Scientists knew there was no way for Laika to survive her trip, but it was necessary to send a dog first because they thought that humans couldn’t live in outer space. Laika died within hours from overheating. Her body temperature got too hot for her to survive. A monument was built in honour of her in Moscow.

Félicette, the astrocat The first and only feline to travel to space was a French cat named Félicette. She launched in a Véronique AG1 rocket and flew nearly 157 kilometres above the Earth, where she renowned fame mare treasure contest nickname whimsical choosy tap water mineral water to accompany sb reluctant Walk of Fame to rescue sb battlefield leap contract paw print to consume pigeon to be trapped depression to be surrounded to fire shell homing pigeon desperate plea for Heaven’s sake a rain of bullets breast to dangle



[rɪˈnaʊnd] [feɪm] [meə] [ˈtreʒə] [kənˈtest] [ˈnɪkneɪm] [ˈwɪmzɪkəl] [ˈtʃuːzi] [tæp ˈwɔːtə] [ˈmɪnərəl ˈwɔːtə] [tu əˈkʌmpəni] [rɪˈlʌktənt] [wɔːk əv feɪm] [tə ˈreskjuː] [ˈbætlfiːld] [liːp] [kənˈtrækt] [pɔː prɪnt] [tə kənˈsjuːm] [ˈpɪdʒən] [tə bi træpt] [dɪˈpreʃən] [tə bi səˈraʊndɪd] [tə ˈfaɪə] [ʃel] [ˈhəʊmɪŋ ˈpɪdʒən] [ˈdespərət] [pliː] [fə ˈhevənz seɪk] [ə reɪn əv ˈbʊlɪts] [brest] [tə ˈdæŋɡəl]

híres hírnév kanca kincs verseny becenév szeszélyes válogatós csapvíz ásványvíz elkísérni, társul szegődni vonakodó hírességek sétánya megmenteni valakit csatatér ugrás szerződés mancs lenyomat elfogyasztani galamb csapdába esni mélyedés, völgy bekerítve lenni lőni gránát, lövedék postagalamb kétségbeesett könyörgés, esedezés az isten szerelmére golyózápor mell himbálózni

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tendon battalion to carve bravery oracle to predict cross-eyed stuffed toy mammal somatic cell nucleus unfertilised attempt to breed ram arthritis to orbit stray mongrel dog to survive overheating feline weightlessness stamp to commemorate to adopt troops tame to be enlisted private mascot ammunition

[ˈtendən] [bəˈtæljən] [tə kɑːv] [ˈbreɪvəri] [ˈɒrəkəl] [tə prɪˈdɪkt] [ˈkrɒsaɪd] [stʌft tɔɪ] [ˈmæməl] [səʊˈmætɪk sel] [ˈnjuːklɪəs] [ʌnˈfɜːtəlaɪzd] [əˈtempt] [tə briːd] [ræm] [ɑːˈθraɪtɪs] [tu ˈɔːbɪt] [streɪ] [ˈmʌŋɡrəl dɒɡ] [tə səˈvaɪv] [ˌəʊvəˈhiːtɪŋ] [ˈfiːlaɪn] [ˈweɪtləsnəs] [stæmp] [tə kəˈmeməreɪt] [tu əˈdɒpt] [truːps] [teɪm] [tə bi ɪnˈlɪstɪd] [ˈpraɪvɪt] [ˈmæskət] [ˌæ.mju.ˈnɪʃ.n̩]

ín, ínszalag zászlóalj faragni bátorság jós megjövendölni kancsal plüssállat emlős testi/szomatikus sejt sejtmag nem megtermékenyített kísérlet párosodni kos ízületi gyulladás (körbe) keringeni kóbor (kutya) korcskutya életben maradni túlmelegedés macska súlytalanság bélyeg emléket állítani valaminek örökbe fogadni csapatok szelíd besorozva lenni közlegény kabala lőszer





An Introduction to Mind Sports

by Balázs Dezsényi

What is there to do when most team sports are suspended around the world? For one, it is always possible to work out at home alone or keep fit with friends using the Internet and the right videos. However, it might also be just the right time to take a look at sports that involve more clashes of the mind than physical contact. Playing board games with your friends is not just a casual activity, after all – it is a whole sports discipline of its own. What are mind sports? Why are people so serious about them? And what does it take to win gold at the Mind Sports Olympiad? 40

Mental challenges, board games, and memory training all have a long history, but it’s only recently that many of them have started to be known as a form of sports. Perhaps the biggest event for them, the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO), started in 1997, in London. It was a serious affair right away, with a £100,000 prize pool: not something you expect to win for playing some checkers against your friends! The event has been held in London ever since, and it introduced two “Olympic” disciplines of its own: the first being the Decamenthatlon (modelling the decathlon), where players compete in bridge, chess, creative thinking, checkers, go, intelligence, mastermind, memory skills, mental calculations, and Othello. The winner of this complex challenge might not be wrong in claiming they are the best all-rounder games player on the planet. The other mixed event is called Pentamind, the pentathlon of mind games, which can consist of any five events from the MSO schedule as long as they are not too similar. Lately, there has been a new event even closer to an actual Olympics of mental challenges and board games. The World Mind Sports Games (WMSG) were held every four years, beginning in 2008. The first edition happened in the Olympic city of Beijing just two months after the Summer Games there, and the 2012 competition was overlapping with the 2012 London Olympics. The official sports of the WMSG include classics like chess, draughts (or checkers), go, bridge, and poker, as well as xiangqi (Chinese chess), and mah-jong. Although the 2016 event didn’t seem to take place, the International Mind Sport Association keeps organizing similar competitions with participants from all over the world. www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


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Boards and Pieces, Pegs and Turns

Building a Mind Palace

What are the games that these dedicated athletes at “mind Olympics” compete in? To start, many of them are old and beloved classics. Chess and draughts (checkers) probably need no explanation. Perhaps the oldest and most traditional form of mind sports is the game of go, a strategy board game where players try to surround more territory than their opponent. Go is often called the oldest board game still played in the world today, with its history reaching back some 2500 years in ancient China. Speaking of China, another unique and traditional game is xianqi, also known as Chinese chess. It bears many similarities to the classic form of chess most of us know. It is a battle between two armies, where the goal is to capture the general (king) of the enemy. The pieces are placed on intersections on the board as opposed to the squares, and there are special locations (a river and a palace) where pieces can move differently than usual. Other rules include cannons capturing other pieces by jumping, and generals never being allowed to face each other directly. For more recent additions, Othello can be a fun game that’s especially easy to pick up but challenging to master. Othello is a modern version of reversi, a game where players place disks on the board and try to surround the other player’s disks so that they can flip them over and make them their own. Mastermind is also an updated version of an old paper-based game: it includes codebreaking, secrecy, and logic. The two players take turns trying to guess what the other player’s row of pegs looks like, giving feedback on each other’s guesses. And if this doesn’t sound competitive enough, it could prove especially fun to try a game of chessboxing, a mix of the ancient sports of chess, and… boxing. Chessboxers take turns sitting at the board and punching each other in the ring. After a maximum of six rounds of chess and five rounds of boxing with one-minute breaks, the winner is the player who has knocked out the opponent, won the boxing referee’s call, achieved checkmate on the chessboard, or seen their opponent run out of time for their chess moves. A real challenge for the brain in multiple ways.

Some mental challenges don’t need a board to be played. The perfecting of memory skills reaches back to ancient Greece and “the art of memory”, and mnemonic challenges still make up an important part of mind sports events. At a memory competition, you would see events such as “5-minute Images”, “15-minute Names & Faces”, “Spoken Numbers, and “Speed Cards”. What do these mean? Names and Faces refers to memorizing and recalling names, then linking them to faces. The world record holder (Jan-Hendrik Bischer from Germany) memorized 127 of them in the 10-minute challenge. In a Random Numbers challenge, participants memorize as many random digits in neat rows of 40 as possible. Andrea Muzii from Italy holds the world record here with a whopping 1,122 digits. There is also a challenge for memorizing separate decks of 52 playing cards or memorizing a single deck in the shortest time possible (the world record here is 12.74 seconds by ShijirErdene Bat Enkh of Mongolia!).

to be suspended [səsˈpɛndɪd] fel vannak függesztve for one [fə wʌn] először is board game [bɔːd geɪm] társasjáték casual [ˈkæʒjʊəl] könnyed discipline [ˈdɪsɪplɪn] sportág recently [ˈriːsntli] nemrég serious affair [ˈsɪərɪəs əˈfeə] komoly ügy right away [raɪt əˈweɪ] nyomban, mindjárt prize pool [praɪz puːl] nyereményalap of its own [əv ɪts əʊn] saját decathlon [dɪˈkæθlɒn] tízpróba to claim sg [kleɪm] valamit állítani all-rounder [ɔːl ˈraʊndə] sokoldalú, mindenes pentathlon [pɛnˈtæθlən] öttusa to overlap with sg [ˌəʊvəˈlæp wɪð] átfedésben állni valamivel xiangqi [ˈʃɑːŋtʃi] kínai sakk mah-jong [ˌmɑːˈdʒɒŋ] madzsong, kínai dominó dedicated [ˈdɛdɪkeɪtɪd] elszánt beloved [bɪˈlʌvɪd] szeretett to surround sg [səˈraʊnd] körbevenni valamit to bear many similarities to [beə ˈmɛni ˌsɪmɪˈlærɪtiz tʊ] sok mindenben osztozni piece [piːs] bábu intersection [ˌɪntə(ː)ˈsɛkʃən] metszéspont as opposed to sg [əz əˈpəʊzd tʊ] valamivel szemben



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Various techniques can help players memorize these seemingly impossible amounts of information. The so-called major system, for example, converts numbers into consonants, then adds vowels to make them into words. The first few digits of pi, for instance, would give MTR for 314, which becomes meteor, and TL for 15, which turns into tail. The Dominic system, on the other hand, assigns sounds and letters to digits, then uses those as the initials of someone’s name, and pictures that person doing a typical action. For instance, 15 could be A+E, the initials of Albert Einstein, who is then pictured writing on a blackboard. This mental image can be filed away in a mental image of a familiar space (like the rooms of your house, or a museum). We call this a “mind palace”. Whether or not you plan on competing in a global mind sports event, these techniques can certainly come in handy. cannon to capture a piece to pick up sg to master sg secrecy peg to take turns referee checkmate mnemonic to recall sg to link sg to sg digit neat whopping deck various seemingly impossible amounts consonant vowel initials to file sg away to come in handy

[ˈkænən] [ˈkæpʧər ə piːs] [pɪk ʌp] [ˈmɑːstə] [ˈsiːkrɪsi] [pɛg] [teɪk tɜːnz] [ˌrɛfəˈriː] [ˈʧɛkmeɪt] [ni(ː)ˈmɒnɪk] [rɪˈkɔːl] [lɪŋk tʊ]  [ˈdɪʤɪt] [niːt] [ˈwɒpɪŋ] [dɛk] [ˈveərɪəs] [ˈsiːmɪŋli ] [ɪmˈpɒsəbl əˈmaʊnts] [ˈkɒnsənənt] [ˈvaʊəl] [ɪˈnɪʃəlz] [faɪl əˈweɪ] [kʌm ɪn ˈhændi]

ágyú leütni egy bábut megtanulni valamit elsajátítani, tökéletesíteni titokzatosság szeg, pöcök felváltva csinálni valamit bíró sakk-matt emlékezeterősítő felidézni valamit valamit összekötni valamivel számjegy takaros, rendezett óriási, bámulatos pakli különféle látszólag lehetetlen mennyiség mássalhangzó magánhangzó kezdőbetűk, név monogramja valamit elraktározni hasznossá válni, jól jönni




Gar y Barlow

by Melanie Cork

“I don't think you'll ever be happy about anything unless you've done it.” 49-year-old Gary Barlow OBE is an award-winning singer, songwriter, and record producer. He is best known as the lead singer of the British pop group Take That. He is a hugely successful songwriter with many number one albums and singles. He is currently entertaining us during the COVID-19 lockdown with his “Crooner Sessions” on Twitter from his home studio. Barlow was born on 20 January 1971 in Frodsham, Cheshire, England and is the second son of Colin and Marjorie Barlow. Barlow says that his love of music began at an early age. Barlow won a TV competition when he was 15 and went on to tour and gig in the North of England. It was agent Nigel Martin Smith who decided to use Barlow as the frontman for a new boy band – Take That.

Take That The award-winning group started in 1989, with Barlow writing and lead singing most of their famous songs. They have had sell-out tours, top 40 albums, singles and number ones including Back for Good, Never Forget, and Greatest Day. 42

Robbie Williams left the band in 1995 while the four remaining members completed their world tour before splitting in 1996. After filming a 2005 documentary and releasing a new greatest hits album, a four-piece Take That (without Williams) went on a 2006 reunion tour around the UK. Their fourth album, Beautiful World, was released in 2006 and followed up with The Circus, in 2008. The group achieved new success as a four-piece, and Williams re-joined them in 2010 for the band's sixth album Progress. In 2014, the band with Barlow recorded a seventh number one album III, this time as a three piece.

Solo Career Barlow's first two solo singles released in 1996, Forever Love and Love Won't Wait, went to number one in the UK. His first album Open Road reached number one in the UK and sold 2 million copies worldwide. His second album was released in 1999 - Twelve Months, Eleven Days, with the main single "Stronger" but the UK media and former bandmate Robbie Williams had turned against Barlow and it did not do well. Later in 1999, Barlow left his career as a singer and wrote for other artists such as Shirley Bassey. Barlow made up with Robbie Williams and they released a duet together in 2010 called "Shame". Barlow has recorded several duets over the following years including Michael Bublé. Barlow was a judge www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


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Personal info Barlow married Dawn Andrews in 2000, who was a dancer on Take That's 1995 Tour. They have three children, sadly their fourth child was stillborn. Barlow is a football fan supporting Liverpool FC. In June 2012 Barlow, along with several celebrities, was accused of tax avoidance and asked to repay money.

Inspirations Barlow said his early inspirations were British band Depeche Mode and Elton John. Later Barlow said about "Don't Give Up", the 1986 song by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush - “I don't think you can listen to this song without feeling inspired, it could save anybody.”

Awards He was honoured in the 2012 Queen's Birthday Honours and appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the Queen on 16 June 2012, for "services to the Entertainment Industry and to Charity". He has many music awards including Brit Awards and Ivor Novello Awards. on X-Factor for two series from 2011. The Queen asked Barlow to organise her birthday party and Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012. The concert took place outside Buckingham Palace with superstar artists. Barlow appeared alongside Andrew Lloyd Webber and his own Commonwealth Band to perform their official jubilee single "Sing”. Barlow then went on a solo tour. His platinum solo album Since I saw You Last was released in 2013, followed by a tour.

Musical theatre

2020 Barlow will release an anniversary album of his debut solo album Open Road this year. The Crooner Sessions: Barlow is keeping everyone entertained during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown with daily live duets with his friends such as Ronan Keating, Jason Donovan, Howard Donald, and Katherine Jenkins. A new clip is released across Barlow's social media accounts and on YouTube at 5 pm each day.

Most recently Barlow has written and produced music for theatre shows including Finding Neverland, The Girls, and the Take That musical The Band. Barlow had small acting roles such as in ITV drama  Heartbeat, cameos in the film Keith Lemon: The Film, the hit BBC1 show Miranda, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Charity work Barlow does lots of charity work, he has organised events, including a sponsored climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and ‘Children in Need Rocks’. In 2016, Barlow became a Patron for Child Bereavement. award-winning record lockdown competition to gig agent remaining to split to release reunion to re-join to turn against sb



[əˈwɔːd ˈwɪnɪŋ] [rɪˈkɔːd] [ˈlɑːkˌdaʊn] [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən] [tə ɡɪɡ] [ˈeɪdʒənt] [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ] [tə splɪt] [tə rɪˈliːs] [ˌriːˈjuːnɪən] [tə ˌriː ˈdʒɔɪn] [tə tɜːn əˈɡenst]

díjnyertes lemez karantén verseny koncertezni ügynök megmaradó felbomlani kiadni újraegyesülési újracsatlakozni valaki ellen fordulni

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to make up with sb alongside sb cameo bereavement stillborn to support to be accused of sg tax avoidance to repay to appoint anniversary pandemic

[tə ˈmeɪk ʌp wɪð] [əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd] [ˈkæmɪəʊ] [bɪˈriːvmənt] [ˈstɪlbɔːn] [tə səˈpɔːt] [tə bi əˈkjuːzd əv] [tæks əˈvɔɪdəns] [tə rɪˈpeɪ] [tu əˈpɔɪnt] [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri] [pænˈdemɪk]

kibékülni valakivel valaki mellett, valaki oldalán híres ember epizódszerepe gyász koraszülött szurkolni valamivel gyanúsítják adóelkerülés visszafizetni kinevezni évfordulós világjárvány

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Buscemi by Melanie Cork

“I can’t relate to 99% of humanity”

62-year-old Steve Buscemi is a highly respected American actor, director, writer, producer, voice actor and former firefighter. With his unusual look, skinny body, crooked teeth and bulging eyes he is known for playing a bad guy and has been in several successful movies including Reservoir Dogs, Armageddon, and Pulp Fiction as well as a critically acclaimed role in the series Boardwalk Empire.


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level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől



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Background Steven Vincent Buscemi was born on December 13th, 1957 in Brooklyn, New York to a Catholic family. His father John was a sanitation (garbage) worker and had fought in the Korean War, and his mother Dorothy was a restaurant hostess. His father was of Italian descent; and his mother’s background was Irish, English, and Dutch. Buscemi has three brothers—Jon, Ken, and Michael. Michael is also an actor. Buscemi grew up pronouncing his name as boo-SEM-ee. In Sicily, it is pronounced as boo-SHEM-ee. He once said, "I had to go to Sicily to find out I pronounce my name wrong." The family moved from New York to Valley Stream in Nassau County and Buscemi graduated in 1975. In high school, Buscemi was in the wrestling team and the drama group. He went to Nassau Community College for a short time before moving to Manhattan and joining the Lee Strasberg Institute. Early jobs included stand-up comedy and bar work; he also drove an ice cream truck. What he is perhaps most proud of is his job as a firefighter in New York City from 1980 where he worked on Engine Co. 55 in Manhattan for four years.


Acting Buscemi has made many movies, his first in 1985 - The Way It Is. Other early films include Parting Glances, Slaves of New York, In the Soup, and the first of the six Coen Brothers' movies he worked on - Miller’s Crossing.  His role as criminal Mr. Pink in Quentin Tarantino's 1992 Reservoir Dogs was his breakthrough and Buscemi became a favourite choice for many directors often playing a bad guy or odd characters. He is versatile and in 2001, he was the romantic lead in the dramatic comedy Ghost World. In The Grey 46

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Personal Buscemi married Jo Andres in 1987, and they lived together until her death in January 2019. They had one son, Lucian. Buscemi has said he will not alter his crooked teeth, "I've had dentists who have wanted to help me out, but I say, 'You know, I won't work again if you fix my teeth. Buscemi is known for his bulging eyes and the wrinkles around his eyes, giving him an older appearance.

Zone, he was one of the Jewish prisoners in a concentration camp. He has made comedy films often working with Adam Sandler, including I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, and Grown Ups.

cousin of Tony Soprano. Other TV roles include The Simpsons, ER, and 30 Rock but his biggest was the lead role in Boardwalk Empire as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson.

Buscemi has received praise as a director, most notably for Trees Lounge, Animal Factory and several episodes of The Sopranos.

Most recently he has been working on the comedy series Miracle Worker. The story follows an angel in heaven played by Daniel Radcliffe tasked by God to deal with all the prayers from Earth.

Voice work



Buscemi has provided his voice for several children's films, including Monsters, Inc., Charlotte's Web, G-Force and Monsters University.

Television Buscemi joined The Sopranos in the fifth season as Tony Blundetto, to relate to highly respected firefighter crooked teeth bulging eyes critically acclaimed sanitation worker of Italian descent wrestling team to be proud of sg criminal breakthrough bad guy odd versatile lead



[tə rɪ.ˈleɪt tuː] [ˈhaɪ.li rɪ.ˈspek.tɪd] [ˈfaɪə.faɪ.tə] [krʊkt tiːθ] [ˈbʌldʒ.ɪŋ aɪz] [ˈkrɪ.tɪk.l̩ i ə.ˈkleɪmd] [ˌsæ.nɪ.ˈteɪʃ.n̩ ˈwɜːk.ə] [əv ɪ.ˈtæ.ljən dɪ.ˈsent] [ˈres.l̩ .ɪŋ tiːm] [tə bi praʊd əv] [ˈkrɪ.mɪn.l̩ ] [ˈbreɪk.θruː] [bæd ɡaɪ] [ɒd] [ˈvɜː.sə.taɪl] [liːd]

Buscemi won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Actor for Reservoir Dogs; the Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor for ‘Ghost World’ and he was nominated for Screen Actors Guild Awards, Golden Globe Awards and a Primetime Emmy Award for his work on Boardwalk Empire.

kapcsolódni, viszonyulni nagyra becsült tűzoltó girbegurba fogak kidülledő szemek kritikusok által elismert köztisztasági dolgozó olasz származású birkózócsapat büszkének lenni valamire bűnöző áttörés rosszfiú furcsa, különös sokoldalú főszereplő

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In 2001, Buscemi was in North Carolina, making the film Domestic Disturbance. He was stabbed many times after trying to break up a bar fight between actors Vince Vaughn, Scott Rosenberg, and two local men, and was released from hospital after treatment. He still has a scar on his face from this. After the tragic 9/11 terror attacks, Buscemi returned to the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) with his old team Engine 55 and worked 12-hour shifts alongside other firefighters to sift through the rubble of the World Trade Centre.  In 2014, Buscemi starred in and voiced the HBO documentary A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY, in which he revisited his work with fellow firefighters. He stands up for firefighters’ rights and in 2014 he was made Honorary Battalion Chief of the FDNY. “I've never had a grand plan. I've only just tried to keep open to many different possibilities, have fun and work with people who are passionate about what they do.” Steve Buscemi

Jewish [ˈdʒuːɪʃ] prisoner [ˈprɪz.nə] praise [preɪz] miracle [ˈmɪr.ək.l̩ ] heaven [ˈhev.n̩] prayer [preə] to be nominated for sg [tə bi ˈnɒ.mɪ.neɪ.tɪd fə] to alter [tu ˈɔːl.tə] wrinkle [ˈrɪŋk.l̩ ] to stab [tə stæb] treatment [ˈtriːt.mənt] scar [skɑː] to sift through [tə sɪft θruː] rubble [ˈrʌb.l̩ ] to stand up for sg [tə stænd ʌp fə] passionate [ˈpæ.ʃə.nə]

zsidó fogoly dicséret, elismerés csoda menny ima valamire jelölve lenni rendbe hozni, megváltoztatni ránc leszúrni kezelés sebhely átszűrni, valamiben keresgélni törmelék kiállni valamiért szenvedélyes

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Harder? Better?

Faster? Stronger?


during Lockdown by Balázs Dezsényi

Recent coronavirus measures have shut down much of in-person social activity, but they have generated a giant wave of extra Internet use. In some countries of Europe, Vodafone has seen a 50% increase in Internet traffic, including a 30% increase in the UK by mid-March. Speaking to The Guardian, the company noted that temporary peaks in data usage had been starting at much earlier hours than usual, from lunchtime already, underlining a trend of more and more people switching to working from home. The same changes are apparent in Hungary, according to Magyar Telekom, who saw a 20-30% rise in Internet use as well as a 50% increase in calling time in the first weeks of March. On the entertainment front, Netflix has been delivering so much content that the European Commission asked the company to slow down its streaming speed to its 51 million European users. The streaming giant agreed to curb its speed by 25%. Gaming is soaring, too: online platform Steam has recently seen an all-time high of 20 million simultaneous players, and some estimates say data traffic related to online gaming has increased by 400 percent, prompting limits on download speeds for new games.

With millions of people suddenly finding themselves home for a good chunk of the day, the Internet has become not just the main way but almost the only way for many forms of entertainment and social connection. Streaming videos from Netflix, catching up with friends in a 12-person Skype call, Good Connections for Everyone watching free theatre performances online, It sounds reasonable, then, to think about ways of following your favourite yoga teacher’s video protecting our networks from crashing or faltering when we most need them. One of the things that saves instructions, or competing in a pub quiz data but doesn’t make life more difficult is being more via Zoom add up to a significant amount thoughtful about e-mail attachments and big files. In general, use cloud services (Google Drive, Dropbox, big of data flowing through our cables. While Hungary has not been experiencing serious file sharing websites, etc.) instead of attaching files to your e-mails, and compress your files (.zip or .rar files) capacity problems, it might be useful to whenever you can. On the receiving end, only download remember these tips in case you have attachments if you really need to do so, and try to do it in started paying attention to your Internet. the morning or late-night hours for best results.


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level: upper-intermediate and above erős középhaladó szinttől



do the same data-heavy tasks. You could also work ahead and, instead of streaming, download video (e.g., series episodes or movies) for offline viewing whenever you want.

It can be similarly effective to minimize your streaming needs and resolutions. During the day, especially during peak hours, try to avoid streaming too much data (e.g., with videos or online gaming) unless you really need it. When you watch videos, you can save bandwidth by reducing your resolution (e.g., using 480/720p instead of 1080p or 4K). If you happen to need to read a tiny detail on the screen, you can always switch back temporarily. When it comes to video calls, of which there have been unbelievable amounts lately, make sure to only use video if you really need it. Otherwise, it’s perfectly fine to turn it off and use the call as a simple voice call, whether at work or with friends and family.

In terms of technical details, your means of connection and potential barriers are both important. If you need the biggest speed available, it might be useful to connect an Ethernet cable to your computer directly instead of using the wireless router. Cables are usually more reliable and often faster, and they can easily be obtained, or you may have a few lying around in the house. As long as you do use your Wi-Fi, it’s important to clear the area around your router. Make sure that the router is not shielded by house plants or books, and try placing it on a shelf or a desk instead of the floor. Don’t forget that some electronic devices can interfere with your Wi-Fi signals, too: baby monitors, halogen lamps, stereos, televisions, monitors, and speakers can all decrease your Wi-Fi speeds if they are too close to your router. Microwave ovens can also interfere, so try not to use them when you are in an important video conference.

A Good Connection for You The most important thing you can do for your home Internet is to literally ease its burdens and to cooperate with your family and/or flatmates. Your Internet speeds depend on the devices connecting to your network: the more devices use it simultaneously, the lower your speed gets. If you don’t use your phone for an hour or two, try turning off its Wi-Fi connection! If you know you will be giving your router a real workout like high-definition videos, games, or important video calls, it’s good advice to check with others in your home and ensure there aren’t multiple people trying to lockdown a good chunk of sg to catch up with sb to shut down sg in-person increase to note sg temporary peak apparent to deliver sg to curb to soar to prompt sg to falter thoughtful to compress sg on the … end resolution



[ˈlɒk.daʊn] [gʊd ʧʌŋk ɒv] [kæʧ ʌp wɪð] [ʃʌt daʊn] [ɪn ˈpɜːsn] [ˈɪnkriːs] [nəʊt] [ˈtɛmpərəri] [piːk] [əˈpærənt] [dɪˈlɪvə] [kɜːb] [sɔː] [prɒmpt] [ˈfɔːltə] [θɔːtfʊl] [kəmˈprɛs] [ɒn ði … ɛnd] [ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən]

lezárás, zárlat valami jókora része „felzárkózni”, beszélgetni megszüntetni, lezárni valamit személyes növekedés megjegyezni valamit átmeneti csúcs, tetőpont látható, nyilvánvaló kézbesíteni, biztosítani csökkenteni, mérsékelni szárnyalni valamit kiváltani meginogni megfontolt, figyelmes tömöríteni valamit a ... oldalon felbontás

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peak hours [piːk ˈaʊəz] to avoid sg [əˈvɔɪd] to happen to … [ˈhæpən tʊ] when it comes to … [wɛn ɪt kʌmz tʊ] lately [ˈleɪtli] to ease sb’s burdens [iːz ˈsʌmbədiz ˈbɜːdnz] simultaneously [ˌsɪməlˈteɪniəsli] a real workout [ə rɪəl ˈwɜːkaʊt] high-definition [haɪ ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃən] advice [ədˈvaɪs] to ensure sg [ɪnˈʃʊə] data-heavy [ˈdeɪtə ˈhɛvi] means of connection [miːnz əv kəˈnɛkʃən] barrier [ˈbærɪə] reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl] to obtain sg [əbˈteɪn] shielded [ˈʃiːldɪd] to interfere with sg [ˌɪntəˈfɪə wɪð] to decrease [diːˈkriːs]

csúcsidő elkerülni valamit éppen úgy esik, hogy ... ami ...-t illeti újabban enyhíteni valaki terhét párhuzamosan igazi kihívás nagyfelbontású tanács biztosítani valamit sok adatot használó csatlakozási mód akadály megbízható, biztos beszerezni valamit árnyékolt zavarni valamit csökkenteni





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level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől



MOVIES by Melanie Cork



King of New York (1990) Abel Ferrara’s cult crime movie features Buscemi in a serious role as Test Tube, a member of Frank White’s (Christopher Walken) criminal organisation.

Reservoir Dogs (1991) Buscemi’s breakthrough role. As Mr. Pink, the nontipping, non-conformist member of a group of diamond robbers, he made a big impression as part of the killer team in Quentin Tarantino’s debut film, with Michael Madsen and Harvey Keitel. Tarantino originally wrote the part for himself and his dialogue is perfect to show off Buscemi’s cool delivery.

Pulp Fiction (1995) In a short memorable cameo, Buscemi plays Buddy Holly, the waiter at 1950s rock’n’roll themed diner Jack Rabbit Slims.

As well as famous TV roles in the Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire, Buscemi is one of the most recognisable character actors in movies. He has made many films and whether he is the lead or in a cameo role a highly enjoyable, watchable performance is guaranteed. Here are a few movies not to miss. Miller’s Crossing (1990) Buscemi worked with the Coen brothers for the first time in this violent gangster film. It stars Gabriel Byrne as a hard-drinking right-hand man of an Irish gangster caught up in a war with a rival gang that makes him question loyalties. Buscemi is a fast-talking character mixed up in the story.

Fargo (1996) This is a dark, comedy thriller film written and produced by the Coens. Frances McDormand is a pregnant police chief investigating murders that start after a desperate car salesman (William H. Macy) hires two criminals (Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare) to kidnap his wife to get a ransom from his wealthy father in law. Fargo received seven Academy Award nominations. As criminal Carl Showalter, Buscemi gets shot in the face when a ransom goes wrong. This story of murder, deceit and dark comedy is seen as one of the Coens’ best films. Fargo gives Buscemi a bigger role than usual. Everything that can go wrong does, as Buscemi and his crime partner visit bars, brothels and motels.



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Trees Lounge (1996) A darkly funny drama, Trees Lounge was Buscemi’s directorial debut. It’s a well-acted film, featuring Buscemi alongside Chloë Sevigny. Buscemi’s character Tommy Basilio is a regular at the Trees Lounge bar, where he’s stuck in a cycle of self-destruction, alcohol, and drugs.

Con Air (1997) This action thriller film also stars Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, and John Malkovich, the film got mixed reviews but praised the cast performances as well as its action and stunts. Buscemi is a serial killer who 52

“makes the Manson family look like the Partridge family”. He is strapped to a chair, with a Hannibal Lecter style mask on. Screenwriter Scott Rosenberg wrote the part with Buscemi in mind.

Armageddon (1998) This science-fiction disaster film follows a group of deep-core drillers sent by NASA to stop a gigantic asteroid on a collision course with Earth. It stars Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Billy Bob Thornton, Owen Wilson with Steve Buscemi. Though the film was released to negative reviews, it was an international box-office success, becoming the highest-grossing film of 1998. www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől



power by scaring human children. The monster world believes that children are toxic, and when a small child enters the factory, Sulley and Mike must return to her home before it is too late. This box office hit is exciting and funny, with a fantastic voice cast that included Billy Crystal and John Goodman, and Buscemi as the nasty monster Randall Boggs.

Coming up – 2020 The King of Staten Island is due for release soon. Judd Apatow co-wrote and produced this comedy, it stars Pete Davison, Marisa Tomei, and Buscemi. Hubie Halloween is an American comedy film starring Adam Sandler, Kevin James, as well as Buscemi. Good-natured but eccentric community volunteer Hubie Dubois (Sandler) finds himself at the centre of a real murder case on Halloween night.

The Big Lebowski (1998) In this comedy classic from the Coen brothers, Buscemi plays nice guy Donny, a quiet, confused 10-pin bowler. Always unclear as to what’s happening around him, Donny annoys his friend Walter played by John Goodman.

Ghost World (2001) Buscemi is awkward Seymour in this comic book adaptation. It’s a teen drama where Thora Birch is a sarcastic and cynical high school student. After playing a cruel joke on Buscemi’s character, Birch finds herself drawn to him. This is an interesting story of how she tries so hard to prove she doesn't care while secretly having the same anxieties as everyone else.

MONSTERS, INC. (2001) This animated film is based on two monsters, Sulley and his one-eyed best friend Mike Wazowski, employed at the factory Monsters, Inc, which generates to commit role lead cameo role violent hard-drinking right-hand man rival loyalty to feature criminal breakthrough role diamond robber impression killer debut film to show off memorable diner pregnant to investigate murder desperate to hire to kidnap wealthy



[tə kəˈmɪt] [rəʊl] [liːd] [ˈkæmɪəʊ rəʊl] [ˈvaɪələnt] [ˈhɑːddrɪŋkɪŋ] [ˈraɪt hænd mæn] [ˈraɪvəl] [ˈlɔɪəlti] [tə ˈfiːtʃə] [ˈkrɪmɪnəl] [ˈbreɪkθruː rəʊl] [ˈdaɪəmənd ˈrɒbə] [ɪmˈpreʃən] [ˈkɪlə] [ˈdeɪbjuː fɪlm] [tə ʃəʊ ɒf] [ˈmemərəbəl] [ˈdaɪnə] [ˈpreɡnənt] [tu ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt] [ˈmɜːdə] [ˈdespərət] [tə ˈhaɪə] [tə ˈkɪdnæp] [ˈwelθi]

elkötelezni szerep főszerep híres színész epizódszerepe erőszakos iszákos, keményen ivó valakinek a jobbkeze rivális, versengő hűség valakihez szerepeltetni bűnöző áttörést/sikert hozó szerep gyémántrabló benyomás gyilkos bemutatkozó film fitogtatni emlékezetes falatozó, étkező állapotos, terhes nyomozni gyilkosság elkeseredett, kétségbeesett felbérelni elrabolni gazdag, módos

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ransom deceit brothel self-destruction stunt serial killer to be strapped to sg screenwriter disaster driller gigantic collision course box-office success highest-grossing confused to annoy cruel to prove sg anxiety monster toxic nusty release eccentric volunteer

[ˈrænsəm] [dɪˈsiːt] [ˈbrɒθəl] [ˈselfdɪsˈtrʌkʃən] [stʌnt] [ˈsɪərɪəl ˈkɪlə] [tə bi stræpt tə] [ˈskriːnraɪtə] [dɪˈzɑːstə] [ˈdrɪlə] [dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk] [kəˈlɪʒən] [kɔːs] [ˈbɒks ˌɒfɪs səkˈses] [ˈhaɪɪst ˈɡrəʊsɪŋ] [kənˈfjuːzd] [tu əˈnɔɪ] [krʊəl] [tə pruːv] [æŋˈzaɪəti] [ˈmɒnstə] [ˈtɒksɪk] [ˈnʌsti] [rɪˈliːs] [ekˈsentrɪk] [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə]

váltságdíj (ügylet) becsapás bordélyház önpusztítás attrakció sorozatgyilkos hozzászíjazva lenni valamihez forgatókönyíró katasztrófa fúrómunkás hatalmas ütközés pálya kasszasiker legtöbb bevételt hozó összezavarodott idegesíteni kegyetlen bizonyítani valamit szorongás szörny mérgező undok forgalomba hozatal különc önkéntes

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“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” Dr. Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall:

THE HOPE In April 1970, millions of people around the world mobilized to demand protection of the planet we call home. That historic day gave birth to the modern environmental movement known as Earth Day, and 50 years later, it’s become the planet’s largest civic event with more than a billion people participating each year. But with the alarming, rapid progress of climate change and ecosystems changing like never seen before, Earth and humanity alike are facing a most dire situation, making this year’s call to action even greater. 54

This April 22 marks the milestone 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and National Geographic celebrates this massive cultural movement with two primetime global, emotionally evocative specials that raise awareness of our dynamic planet and its animal inhabitants and inspire stewardship for this generation and future ones to come. The two-hour documentary special JANE GOODALL: THE HOPE will take viewers through chapters of Goodall’s journey, highlighting ways in which she inspires future generations. JANE GOODALL: THE HOPE is part of a companywide Earth Day celebration being planned by National Geographic and The Walt Disney Company. At National Geographic, the Earth Day celebration will harness the company’s full portfolio to make an impactful difference for the planet. These projects include full-day programming events on National Geographic and Nat Geo WILD. “The need to protect our planet has never been more urgent and we’re using Earth Day 50th as an opportunity to showcase the wonder of our planet and its incredible species to viewers around the world,” said Courteney Monroe, president, National Geographic Global Television Networks.  “With the www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


TÉVÉMŰSOROK Earth Day takeover across all of our networks and platforms, we will be able to reach the largest audience possible to celebrate this momentous day and ensure viewers fall in love with our planet and act to protect it.”

ABOUT JANE GOODALL: THE HOPE Continuing the widespread celebration of Earth Day, the two-hour documentary JANE GOODALL: THE HOPE premiers on the same night on National Geographic and Nat Geo WILD. The sweeping documentary special highlights Dr. Goodall’s vast legacy of four decades transforming environmentalism, nonhuman animal welfare, and conservation through her innovative approaches, becoming a worldwide icon. This special depicts the formation of the Jane Goodall Institute’s (JGI’s) “Tacare” community-centred conservation approach and Roots & Shoots youth empowerment program, her remarkable advocacy and leadership on behalf of chimpanzees and humanity, as well as the next chapter for generations to come. This singular story is of one remarkable woman who not only hoped for a better world — she achieved it! “Being out in the forest of Gombe, I had a great sense of spiritual awareness; I began to realize that everything is interconnected,” says Goodall. “Since then, every day, it’s become clearer that climate change is an existential threat to our natural world, and if we destroy this world, we destroy our own future. Each day, every single person has the chance to make an impact through small, thoughtful choices, and when billions of people make the right choices, we start to transform the world. Don’t give up; there’s always a way forward.” Picking up where National Geographic Documentary Films’ 2017 award-winning JANE left off, the two-hour special follows Goodall throughout her never-ending travels, capturing her relentless commitment and determination to spread a message of hope. The film offers an intimate perspective of Goodall’s pivotal transformation from scientist to inspirational activist and leader in holistic conservation through JGI, and the to demand [ tə dɪˈmɑːnd] protection [prəˈtekʃən] to participate [tə pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] alarming [əˈlɑːmɪŋ] rapid [ˈræpɪd] dire [ˈdaɪə] milestone [ˈmaɪlstəʊn] primetime [ˈpraɪmˌtaɪm] emotionally evocative [ɪˈməʊʃənəli ɪˈvɒkətɪv] to raise awareness of sg [tə reɪz əˈweənəs əv] inhabitant [ɪnˈhæbɪtənt] stewardship [ˈstjuːədʃɪp] chapter [ˈtʃæptə] to highlight [tə ˈhaɪlaɪt] to harness [tə ˈhɑːnəs] impactful [] urgent [ˈɜːdʒənt] to showcase [tə ˈʃəʊkeɪs] wonder [ˈwʌndə] incredible [ɪnˈkredəbəl] species [ˈspiːʃiːz] takeover [ˈteɪkəʊvə] audience [ˈɔːdiəns] momentous [məˈmentəs]



követelni védelem részt venni nyugtalanító, riasztó gyors szörnyű, ijesztő mérföldkőnek számító főműsoridős érzelmeket előhívó/provokáló tudatosítani valamit lakó sáfárkodás, gondoskodás fejezet kiemelni használni, hasznosítani hatásos sürgető, sürgős megmutatni, bemutatni csoda hihetetlen faj birtokba vétel, kisajátítás közönség nagy jelentőségű, fontos

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harrowing obstacles she has faced throughout her remarkable career. Featuring an extensive collection of photographs and footage that spans over seven decades, the documentary illustrates how her passion for wildlife and unshakable drive has persevered, making her one of the most important figures in wildlife conservation and galvanizing a future generation to create lasting change. Expanding upon Goodall’s past and highlighting the ways in which she has changed the world, the film features His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex Prince Harry, who has been a leader in conservation and global environmental issues, and presents exclusive interviews with James Baker, U.S. secretary of state who received the first JGI International Conservation Award for his work with chimpanzees; Dr. Richard Wrangham, a professor of biological anthropology at Harvard University who founded the Kibale Chimpanzee Project; Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) who championed for the retirement all government research chimpanzees from the NIH after speaking with Goodall; world-famous Dr. Robert Gallo, co-founder and director of The Institute of Human Virology who co-discovered HIV, the cause of AIDS, in 1984; and many more. JANE GOODALL: THE HOPE is produced by Lucky 8 for National Geographic, in partnership with Dr. Jane Goodall, scientific advisor, and filmmaker Bill Wallauer and the staff of the Jane Goodall Institute. For Lucky 8, executive producers are Kim Woodard, Greg Henry, George Kralovansky and Isaac Holub. The special is produced and directed by Kim Woodard and Elizabeth Leiter. For National Geographic, executive producer is Tracy Rudolph Jackson, senior vice president of development and production is Janet Han Vissering, and executive vice president of global unscripted entertainment is Geoff Daniels. A Jane Goodall: A remény című filmet április 22-én, szerdán 21 órakor tűzi műsorra a National Geographic. to ensure sg vast legacy decade welfare conservation approach to depict remarkable advocacy to achieve sg threat to destroy to give up relentless commitment determination pivotal harrowing obstacle unshakable drive to persevere to champion for sg

[tu ɪnˈʃʊə] [vɑːst] [ˈleɡəsi] [ˈdekeɪd] [ˈwelfeə] [ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən] [əˈprəʊtʃ] [tə dɪˈpɪkt] [rɪˈmɑːkəbəl] [ˈædvəkəsi] [tu əˈtʃiːv] [θret] [tə dɪˈstroɪ] [tə ɡɪv ʌp] [rɪˈlentləs] [kəˈmɪtmənt] [dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən] [ˈpɪvətəl] [ˈhærəʊɪŋ] [ˈɒbstəkəl] [ʌnˈʃeɪkəbəl] [draɪv] [tə ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪə] [tə ˈtʃæmpɪən fə]

biztosítani valamit hatalmas örökség évtized jóllét megőrzés megközelítés ábrázolni figyelemre méltó pártfogás elérni valamit fenyegetés elpusztítani, lerombolni feladni tántoríthatatlan, hajlíthatatlan odaszánás, elköteleződés elszántság alapvető szívet tépő akadály rendíthetetlen, tántoríthatatlan lendület, hajtóerő, energia kitartani síkra szállni valamiért




Avenue 5 Created by Armando Iannucci of “Veep,” AVENUE 5, debuted in January, is a new HBO comedy set 40 years in the future when traveling the solar system is no longer the stuff of sci-fi fantasy, but a booming, multibillion-dollar business.

AVENUE 5 stars Hugh Laurie as Ryan Clark, the confident and suave captain of “Avenue 5,” a space cruise ship with luxury amenities like gourmet buffets, a spa, an observation deck, and yoga classes. As the series begins, Avenue 5’s eight-week journey around Saturn is underway and its systems are optimal. But when the ship suddenly encounters technical difficulties, it’s up to Ryan and his crew to calm the disgruntled passengers and find a way to deal with unexpected events onboard – though they may or may not be equipped for the task. The cast includes Hugh Laurie (Emmy® nominee for “Veep,” Golden Globe winner for “House M.D.”); to debut solar system stuff booming confident suave luxury amenities spa


[tə ˈdeɪ.bjuː] debütálni, elindulni [ˈsəʊ.lə ˈsɪ.stəm] naprendszer [stʌf] dolog, anyag [ˈbuːm.ɪŋ] virágzó [ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt] magabiztos [swɑːv] barátságos [ˈlʌk.ʃə.ri ə.ˈmiː.nə.tiz] luxusfelszereltség [spɑː] fürdő

Új sorozat hamarosan az HBO GO-n

level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől

Josh Gad (“Murder on the Orient Express”) as billionaire Herman Judd, the mercurial face and name behind Avenue 5; Zach Woods (HBO’s “Silicon Valley”) as head of customer relations Matt Spencer; Rebecca Front (“Poldark,” BAFTA winner for “The Thick of It”) as strong-willed passenger Karen Kelly; Suzy Nakamura (“Dr. Ken”) as Iris Kimura, Judd’s right-hand woman; Lenora Crichlow (“Being Human”) as engineer Billie McEvoy; Nikki Amuka-Bird (CINEMAX’s “Quarry”) as Rav Mulcair, head of Judd Mission Control; and Ethan Phillips (“Inside Llewyn Davis”) as Spike Martin, a space enthusiast, and former astronaut. Armando Iannucci has written, directed and produced numerous critically acclaimed television and radio comedy shows. “Veep,” the HBO comedy series created by Armando, has picked up numerous awards including three Emmys® for Outstanding Comedy Series. In 2017 he published Hear Me Out, a new book on classical music, and released the feature film “The Death of Stalin,” which was nominated for two BAFTAs and won Best Comedy at the European Film Awards. Armando’s latest film “The Personal History of David Copperfield” to be released in the U.S. in 2020, has received eleven British Independent Film Award nominations. observation deck [ˌɒb.zə.ˈveɪʃ.n̩ dek] disgruntled [dɪs.ˈɡrʌn.tl̩ d] unexpected events [ˌʌ.nɪk.ˈspek.tɪd ɪ.ˈvents] onboard [ˈɑːn.ˌbɔːd] to be equipped for sg [tə bi ɪ.ˈkwɪpt fə] strong-willed [strɒŋ wɪld] enthusiast [ɪn.ˈθjuː.zɪæst] critically acclaimed [ˈkrɪ.tɪk.l̩ i ə.ˈkleɪmd]

kilátóterasz háborgó, elégedetlen váratlan események a fedélzeten felszerelve lenni valamivel határozott, erős akaratú rajongó jó kritikákat kapó

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könyvajánló Ebben a hónapban talán még a szokásosnál is több időnk lesz olvasni, így most is, mint minden hónapban, hoztam neked három könyvet és két weboldalt, amelyek segítségedre lehetnek a nyelvtanulásban és nyelvgyakorlásban. Az első a szótanulásban segíthet, az eredményes

szótárhasználat megtanítását tűzte ki célul. A második sokak kedvencének, Snoopy kutyának a történeteit tartalmazza angolul, így gyerekeknek is kiváló választás nyelvtanuláshoz. A harmadik pedig Anne Frank naplójának gyönyörűen illusztrált változata.

P. Márkus Katalin:

Ari Folman:

Szótárhasználati munkafüzet - Angol tanulószótár

Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation

A szótárhasználat az idegennyelv-tanulás elengedhetetlen része, a nyelvvizsgák sikerének is sokszor kulcsa. Bár a mindennapok során többnyire a telefonunkon vagy a számítógépen található online szótárakat használjuk, tanácsos megismerni a papíralapú szótárak felépítését, és megtanulni minél hatékonyabban használni őket. Ez a szótárhasználati munkafüzet azzal a céllal készült, hogy segítse a nyelvtanulókat és tanáraikat az eredményes szótárhasználat alapjainak megteremtésében, valamint elméleti összefoglalók és gyakorlati feladatok révén lépésről lépésre vezesse be a tanulókat a szótárazás folyamatába. Minden fejezet egy rövid elméleti bevezetővel, példával kezdődik, majd ezt követik a feladatok, amelyek gyakorlati oldalról mutatják be a helyes szótárhasználatot. Kapható: nyelvkonyvbolt.hu Ára: 1680 HUF

Anne Frank története biztosan sokaknak ismerős. A II. világháború és a német megszállás idején a 13 éves Anne Frank két évig rejtőzködött nővérével és szüleivel egy hollandiai ház hátsó traktusában, amely nem volt könnyű időszak. Anne naplójában beszámol a napi történésekről, érzéseiről, gondolatairól, bontakozó szerelméről. Két év elteltével a búvóhelyet felfedezték, és a családot koncentrációs táborba hurcolták, amit csak az apa élt túl. Ebben a kiadásban gyönyörű grafikák illusztrálják a történetet. Kapható: gyereknyelvkonyvbolt.hu Ára: 5050 HUF

Charles M. Schulz:

Snoopy - A Peanuts Collection Snoopy sokunk kedvence, rajzos történetei nemcsak a gyerekeknek érdekesek. Már több mint 65 éve élvezhetjük a kedves kiskutya rövid képregényes történeteit újságokban és könyvekben. Ebben a könyvben sok-sok Snoopy történetet olvashatsz el angolul, és élvezheted a vidám, kedves rajzokat. Kapható: gyereknyelvkonyvbolt.hu Ára: 5050 HUF



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Fizess elő a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol magazinra, így évente két lapszámot ajándékba kapsz, sőt a magazint minden hónapban el is küldjük neked postán! Az előfizetéseket is megtalálod webáruházunkban! Klikkelj a QR-kódra!



Hasznos weboldalak A következő weboldalak amellett, hogy szórakoztató és hasznos információkat tartalmaznak, még a nyelvgyakorlásban is segítségedre lehetnek, hiszen minél többet olvasol angolul, annál gazdagabb lesz a szókincsed, és magabiztosabb a szövegértésed.

Dictation https://dictation.io/ Időnként kényelmesebb írás helyett diktálással leíratni egy szöveget. Titkárnő híján a számítógépnek is diktálhatunk, például ezen a weboldalon. A szolgáltatás az angolon kívül sok más nyelven is működik, többek között magyarul is diktálhatunk. Az írásjeleket, bekezdéseket szóban kell bemondani, és a diktálás végén a szöveg szabadon formázható.

Describing words https://describingwords.io/ Ha esszét, fogalmazást írsz, és jelzőket szeretnél találni egy-egy főnévhez, ezen az oldalon érdemes keresgélni. A keresőbe beírt főnévhez használható mellékneveket kínál több ezer könyv adatbázisa alapján. A melléknévre kattintva a melléknév definícióját is elovashatod.


5 perc Angol






2019 szeptemberétől teljesen kezdőknek is hozok leckéket, hogy a így, a magazin segítségével is belevághassanak a tanulásba, akár egyedül is. A leckéket meg is hallgathatod, sőt, le is töltheted, így a helyes kiejtést is gyakorolni tudod. Az első leckében megtanultuk, hogyan kell angolul bemutatkozni, illetve másokat bemutatni, és elsajátítottuk az országok és nemzetiségek nevét is, illetve a különböző köszönési formákat, majd átvettük, hogyan mondunk el alapinformációkat magunkról és másokról. Ezt követően pedig megtanulunk a lakókörnyezetünkről és családunkról beszélni. Februárban átnéztük, hogyan kell megkérdezni, hogy hány óra van, megtanultuk a napok, hónapok és évszakok neveit is. Átvettük, hogyan kell a mindennapi tevékenységeinkől beszéleni, és megtanultuk a Present Simple igeidőről is az alapokat. Márciusban a szabadidős tevékenységekről, és a ’the’ határozott névelőről volt szó. Most pedig a házimunkáról és a két első, és talán legfontosabb módbeli segédigéről, a NEED-ről és a CAN-ről lesz szó.

Can you start next week? Mrs Robinson: So, Miss Smith, can I ask you a few questions? Miss Smith: Certainly. Mrs Robinson: Well Miss Smith, as you know, we are very busy at this time of the year. Can you work 6 days a week? Miss Smith: Yes. I’m single, I have no family, so I can work 6 days a week. Mrs Robinson: That’s great! Miss Smith: I can do the cleaning, I can do the washing and the ironing. Mrs Robinson: And can you use the washing machine and the dishwasher? Miss Smith: Of course! I can use any kind of electrical appliances. Mrs Robinson: Perfect! And Miss Smith, can you cook as well? Miss Smith: To tell the truth, I can do any kind of housework but unfortunately I can’t cook. Mrs Robinson: OK, it doesn’t really matter. I’m just curious. And Miss Smith, we have two dogs. Can you take the dogs for a walk in the mornings? Miss Smith: That’s not a problem, I like animals. I have two cats at home. Mrs Robinson: Thank you Miss Smith. I think you are the person we need. I have a final question. Can you start tomorrow? Miss Smith: I’m very sorry, but I can’t start tomorrow, but I can start on Monday. Is that all right for you? Mrs Robinson: Oh, absolutely. It is not a problem if you can’t start tomorrow. You can start on Monday. Miss Smith: Thank You Mrs Robinson. Mrs Robinson: Thank You Miss Smith. See you on Monday at 7.00 am! 58

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5 perc Angol

Tehát akkor jöjjön az első két módbeli segédigénk: CAN és NEED. Ahhoz, hogy helyesen tudd használni őket, el kell olvasnod az összes tudnivalót róluk a nyelvtani részben.

HOUSEWORK AND MENDING The Browns are a very busy family. Mr Brown is a bank manager, his wife, Mrs Brown works as a doctor in a private health care centre. They hardly have time to do the housework, so they pay a cleaning lady to help them with the housework. Mr Brown is not a ‘Jack of all trades’; he can’t even change a bulb. When something goes wrong in their house they need to call a repairman who can fix it. If you don’t have a cleaner, you have to do the housework at home.

Do you have a cleaner? Who does the housework in your family? Who makes the beds every morning? Who prepares the meals? 1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

to do the washing 2. to hoover the carpets to do the washing up/do the dishes 4. to do the cleaning to do the ironing 6. to do the gardening to mop the floor 8. to water the plants to sweep the floor 10. to mow the lawn/grass













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5 perc Angol


What do you need if you want to do the dishes? I need some washing up liquid and a sponge or a dishwasher. a. What do you need if you want to mop the floor?


b. What do you need if you want to do the ironing?


c. What do you need if you want to do the cleaning?


d. What do you need if you want to do the gardening?


e. What do you need if you want to hang up a painting?


f. What do you need if you want to cut the grass?


g. What do you need if you want to wash the dirty laundry?




washing up liquid

(all purpose) cleaner

window cleaner

mosószer, tisztítószer


(mindenre jó) tisztítószer (pl. fürdőszoba, konyha)

ablaktisztító folyadék



mop and bucket



felmosófa és vödör

vacuum cleaner porszívó

iron vasaló

ironing board vasalódeszka

washing machine mosógép

dishwasher mosogatógép

Hoover (BR)/

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5 perc Angol

Most néhány nagyon fontos és hasznos párbeszédet fogunk megtanulni, amelyeket a mindennapi életben jól tudsz majd hasznosítani! Mivel az angol nyelv nem tesz különbséget a tegezés és a magázás között, így a mondatokat bármilyen helyzetben használhatod! Én most az egyszerűség kedvéért csak a tegezést adom meg!


(GAS STATION – in American English) Man: Attendant: Man: Attendant: Man: Attendant: Man: Attendant: Man:

Good morning! Can you help me? Of course. What can I do for you? Fill it up, please Can you give me the key to the fuel tank? Here you are. Can you check the oil as well? Yes, of course. Hmm. You’re a bit low on oil. Do you need to change it? Yes, and you also need some windscreen liquid. OK. Thank you for your help. Where can I pay?

PRACTICE: Can you help me? What can I do for you? Can you give me the keys? Can you give me a pen? Can you check the oil? Can you check my spelling? Do you need to change it? Do you need a pencil? Do you need money? Where can I pay? Where can I stay?

Tudsz nekem segíteni? Mit tehetek érted? Ide tudod adni a kulcsokat? Tudsz adni egy tollat? Tudnád ellenőrizni az olajat? Tudnád ellenőrizni a helyesírásom? Szükséges kicserélned? Szükséged van egy tollra? Szükséged van pénzre? Hol fizethetek? Hol maradhatok?/ Hol tartózkodhatok?

CAN YOU PASS ME …? Maggie: John, can you pass me the dictionary please? John: Certainly. Maggie: Thanks very much. John: And the exercise book? Maggie: Oh, no, thank you. Just the dictionary is fine. 2020


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PRACTICE: Can you pass me Ide tudnád adni a the dictionary? szótárt? Can you pass me a Ide tudod adni a glass? poharat? Can you pass me Ide tudod adni a the salt, please? sót? Just the dictionary A szótár elég lesz. is fine. Just one glass is Egy pohár elég lesz. fine. Just the salt is fine. A só elég lesz. Certainly.



5 perc Angol


Az előző kis dialógusból megtanulhattad, hogy hogyan kérj meg valakit, hogy adjon neked oda valamit (ami általában az ő keze ügyében van).

’Can you pass me the …?’

Nagyon egyszerű, használd ezt a szerkezetet: Ha megkaptad, amit akartál, és már nincs szükséged másra, akkor csak mondd ezt:

‘Thank you, just the … is fine.’

A következő rövid párbeszédből pedig megtanulhatod, hogy hogyan kell kölcsönkérni valamit valakitől.

’Can you lend me …?’

Van ezzel kapcsolatban még egy nagyon fontos ige, a kölcsönkér:

’Can I borrow you umbrella?’

ami ugyanazt jelenti, mint a

’Can you lend me your umbrella?’

Ne keverd a két igék össze, légy szíves! Tehát:

to lend – kölcsönad to borrow – kölcsönkér

CAN YOU LEND ME …? Maggie: Oh, it’s raining again! John: Are you going out? Maggie: Yes, and I don’t have an umbrella. John: I have one. Maggie: Can you lend me your umbrella please? John: Certainly. Here you go. Maggie: Thanks a lot!

PRACTICE: Can you lend me your umbrella? Can you lend me £ 10? Can I borrow your umbrella? Can I borrow £ 10?

Kölcsön tudod adni az esernyődet? Kölcsön tudsz adni 10 fontot? Kölcsön kérhetem az esernyődet? Kölcsön kérhetek 10 fontot?

Ha nagyon esik az eső, akkor az angol a következő közmondást használja: ‘It’s raining like cats and dogs.’ Kb. annyit tesz, mit magyarul az „Úgy esik, mintha dézsából öntenék.”


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5 perc Angol

CAN YOU GIVE ME …? Maggie: I need a German teacher. I study German twice a week but I’m not very good at languages. John: Really? My brother is not bad at languages. Actually, he is a German teacher. He gives private lessons. Maggie: That’s great! Can you give me your brother’s phone number? John: Certainly! It is 247-852 (two-four-seven-eight-five- two). Maggie: Thank you very much!

PRACTICE: Can you give me your brother’s phone number? Can you give me a glass of water? I’m thirsty. Can you give me a pen? I need your brother’s phone number. I need a pen. I need to call your brother.

Meg tudnád adni nekem a fivéred/ testvéred/ tesód telefonszámát? Tudsz adni nekem egy pohár vizet? Szomjas vagyok. Tudsz adni nekem egy tollat? Szükségem van a fivéred/ testvéred/ tesód telefonszámára. Szükségem van egy tollra. Fel kell hívnom a fivéredet/ testvéredet/ tesódat.

ASKING FOR INFORMATION Agency: Hello. Sun and Fun Travels. How can I help you? Maggie: Hello. I am interested in holidays in Italy. Do you have holidays in Italy? Agency: Yes, of course. We have several hotels in Italy. Where do you want to go? Maggie: I want to go to Sicily. Agency: When do you want to leave? At the end of June or at the beginning of July? Maggie: I don’t really know. Can you send me a brochure about your travels? Agency: Yes, certainly. I’ll send you one out. What is your address? Maggie: My address is 32 Camden High Street, London NW1 ONE.

PRACTICE: Can you send me a brochure about your courses? Can you send me an email with your contacts? Can you send me a brochure by post?



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CAN, CAN’T A módbeli segédigék (modals) és a „sima” segédigék (auxiliary verbs) között lényeges különbség van! Kérdések feltevéséhez és tagadáshoz használjuk a segédigéket (pl. do, did, have, stb.), a módbeli segédigéket pedig akkor szoktuk alkalmazni, amikor egy igének szeretnénk a jelentését módosítani. A can az első módbeli segédige, amit érdemes angolul megtanulnod. A can segédigének sok jelentése van, azonban mielőtt rátérnénk ezekre külön-külön, nézzük az általános tudnivalókat:


önmagában jelen időre vonatkozik


nem kell ragozni semmilyen számban és személyben, tehát minden létező alany után a segédige ’can’ lesz


kérdés feltevésekor és tagadáskor nem kell más segédigét (pl. do) használni: Can you drive? Can she play the guitar? I can’t dance.


a can után rögtön az igét (pl. go) tesszük, és nem főnévi igenevet (pl. to go) használunk (Ezt azért emelem ki, mert nagyon sok magyar anyanyelvűnek gondot okoz ez, amikor szó szerint próbálja a mondatokat lefordítani: Tudok úszni – I can swim. Láthatod, hogy a magyar a tudni ige után főnévi igenevet tesz (úszni), míg az angol a can után csak az igét to nélkül.)


jövő időben a can helyett a to be able to szerkezetet kell használni


múlt időben a can -ből could lesz (bár nem mindig, erről majd később)


a can –nek két formája is van tagadásban: cannot (ez egy kicsit formálisabb) és a can’t

A can -nek 5 fő jelentése van, ezeket fogjuk most egyenként megnézni: • • • • •

képesség (ability) lehetőség, kilátás (possibility) lehetőség, alkalom (opportunity) engedély (permission) kérés, kívánság (request)


Jelen idejű képességek kifejezése:

This is Julie. She is the best student in her school. She is a real nerd. She is only six but she can read, write and count. She takes part in a lot of after-school activities so she can swim, play tennis, too. She can also play the piano. KIJELENTÉS


She can swim.


Tud úszni.



She can’t swim./ She cannot swim.

Nem tud úszni.

Can she swim? 64

Tud úszni?

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További példák erre: Can you swim?

Tudsz úszni?

Can your grandma drive?

Tud a nagymamád vezetni?






She could swim.

Tudott úszni.

She couldn’t swim. Could she swim?

Nem tudott úszni.


She will be able to swim.

Tudni fog úszni.

She won’t be able to swim. Will she be able to swim?

Tudott úszni? Nem fog tudni úszni. Fog tudni úszni?

Általános képességek kifejezésekor a can múlt ideje a could.


Lehetőség és kilátás kifejezése: KIJELENTÉS




You can pass the exam.

You were able to pass the exam.

You will be able to pass the exam.



Át tudsz menni a vizsgán.

You can’t pass the exam./ You cannot pass the exam. Can you pass the exam?

Át tudtál menni a vizsgán.

You weren’t able to pass the exam./ You couldn’t pass the exam. Were you able to pass the exam?

You won’t be able to pass the exam. Át fogsz tudni menni a vizsgán. Will you be able to pass the exam?

MAGYARUL Nem tudsz átmenni a vizsgán. Át tudsz menni a vizsgán? Nem tudtál átmenni a vizsgán. Át tudtál menni a vizsgán? Nem fogsz tudni átmenni a vizsgán. Át fogsz tudni menni a vizsgán?

További példák erre: We can sleep at my brother’s.

Alhatunk a testvéremnél.

You can’t use your driving licence in the States.

Nem tudod a jogsidat használni az Államokban.

Who is that by the door? It can only be the postman.

Ki az az ajtónál? Csakis a postás lehet.

It can’t be true.

Nem lehet igaz!

Lehetőség és kilátás kifejezésekor kijelentő módban és kérdésfeltevéskor, ha a mondat múlt időben van, akkor a to be able to szerkezetet kell használnod a could helyett. Tagadáskor lehet a to be able to szerkezetet és a couldn’t kifejezést (could not) is használni. 2020


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Lehetőség és alkalom kifejezése: MAGYARUL



Tudok most segíteni neked.

I can’t help you now./ I cannot help you now. Can you help me?

Nem tudok most neked segíteni. Tudsz nekem segíteni?


I was able to help you.

Tudtam neked segíteni.

I wasn’t able to help you. I couldn’t help you. Were you able to help me?

Nem tudtam neked segíteni. Tudtál nekem segíteni?


I’ll be able to help you.

Tudok majd segíteni neked.

I won’t be able to help you. Will you be able to help me?

Nem fogok tudni neked segíteni. Fogsz majd tudni nekem segíteni?



I can help you now.

Egy-két további példa erre: She can lend us some money.

Kölcsön tud adni nekünk egy kis pénzt.

Can Herbie come with us?

Velünk tud jönni Herbie?

Lehetőség és alkalom kifejezésekor kijelentő módban és kérdés-feltevéskor, ha a mondat múlt időben van, akkor a to be able to szerkezetet kell használnod a could helyett. Tagadáskor lehet a to be able to szerkezetet és a couldn’t kifejezést (could not) is használni.


Engedély, kérés és kívánság kifejezése:









Carola is here, I can borrow her car.

Carola itt van, kölcsön kérhetem a kocsiját.

Carola isn’t here. I can’t borrow her car./ Carola isn’t here. I cannot borrow her car. Carola is here. Can I borrow her car?

Carola nincs itt. Nem kérhetem kölcsön a kocsiját. Carola itt van. Kölcsön kérhetem a kocsiját?

Carola was here. I was able to borrow her car.

Carola itt volt. Kölcsön kérhettem a kocsiját.

Carola wasn’t here. I wasn’t Carola nem volt itt. Nem kérable to borrow her car. hettem kölcsön a kocsiját. Carola wasn’t here. I Carola nem volt itt. Kölcouldn’t borrow her car. csön tudtad kérni a kocsiCarola wasn’t here. Were ját? you able to borrow her car?

Carola’ll be here. I will be able to borrow her car.

Carola itt lesz. Kölcsön fogom tudni kéri a kocsiját.

Carola won’t be here. I won’t be able to borrow her car. Carola won’t be here. Will I be able to borrow her car?

Carola nem lesz itt. Nem fogom tudni kölcsön kérni a kocsiját. Carola nem lesz itt. Kölcsön tudom majd kérni a kocsiját?

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NYELVTAN - 5Perc Angol

Még példák: Can I ask you something?

Kérdezhetek valamit?

Can I use the toilet?

Használhatom a WC-t?

Sheila’s here soon, so you can ask her what you want.

Mindjárt itt van Sheila, és megkérdezheted tőle, amit akarsz.

Engedély, kérés és kívánság kifejezésekor kijelentő módban és kérdésfeltevéskor, ha a mondat múlt időben van, akkor a to be able to szerkezetet kell használnod a could helyett. Tagadáskor lehet a to be able to szerkezetet és a couldn’t kifejezést (could not) is használni.

NEED A need egy igen fura szerzet! Az a helyzet vele, hogy lehet sima, normális ige, és módbeli segédige is, ráadásul a jelentése gyakorlatilag mindkét esetben tökugyanaz.

1. Nézzük először azt az esetet, amikor a need sima főige, tehát például olyan, mint a want vagy a like: I need water!

Vízre van szükségem!

I need to drink water!

Vizet kell innom!

Láthatod, hogy ebben az esetben a need után használhatsz főnevet, - tehát elmondod, hogy mire van szükség – vagy igét is. Ez utóbbi esetben infinitive alakot (főnévi igenév) kell használnod, tehát az ige elé kell tenned egy to-t. You don’t need to worry about it! I’ll take care of everything. Nem kell aggódnod emiatt! Majd én gondoskodom mindenről!

Ilyenkor, tehát amikor a need úgy viselkedik, mint egy sima ige, akkor természetesen kérdezni és tagadni is ugyanúgy kell, mint bármilyen más ige esetében, tehát a megfelelő segédige (do, did, stb.) használatával. Nézzünk erre is példákat: I don’t need your help. I can do it alone!

Nincs szükségem a segítségedre. Meg tudom csinálni egyedül.

Sheila doesn’t need to take part in the exam.

Sheilának nem kell részt vennie a vizsgán.

You need to learn more if you want to pass the exam.

Többet kell tanulnod, ha át akarsz menni a vizsgán.



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5Perc Angol - NYELVTAN


NEED(S) + IGE + ING A példákból láthatod, hogy ezt a szerkezetet akkor használjuk, ha azt akarjuk kifejezni, hogy valamire „ráférne” valami (tehát szükséges, hogy meg legyen csinálva).

2. Most pedig nézzük azt az esetet, amikor a need nem normál igeként, hanem módbeli segédigeként viselkedik. Mielőtt nekiállnék ennek az esetnek a taglalásának, el kell mondanom, hogy ez a használat főként Nagy-Britanniára jellemző, de már itt is egyre ritkább. (Tehát elég, ha a need-et tudod főigeként használni… persze, azért olvasd el ezt is, mert feladatokban és tesztekben azért előfordulhat!) Leginkább a negatív formájával lehet találkozni, ami így néz ki (az 1. pont mondatát használva):

You needn’t worry about it! I’ll take care of everything. Nem kell aggódnod emiatt! Majd én gondoskodom mindenről!

Nagyjából ennyit kell tudnod a need-ről. Zárásképpen azért még megjegyeznék egy-két fontos dolgot: A must módbeli segédigének a tagadása is a needn’t és nem a mustn’t! Erről bővebben a must segédigéről szóló fejezetben olvashatsz. A need-nek kétféleképpen lehet a múlt idejét is képezni, igazodva ahhoz, hogy a need lehet főige és módbeli segédige is. 68

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Ha a NEED sima főige, akkor a múlt ideje így néz ki: You didn’t need to prepare lunch for me.

Nem volt szükséges ebédet főznöd nekem. Tehát a használt szerkezet a sima Past Simple!

Ha a NEED módbeli segédige, akkor pedig így: You needn’t have prepared lunch for me.

Nem kellett volna ebédet főznöd nekem.

Ebben az esetben a használt szerkezet a

NEED(N’T) + HAVE + ige 3. alakja. Amint a példákból is láthatod a két múlt idejű mondat jelentése hasonló azonban van különbség is a kettő között: a ‘You needn’t have prepared lunch for me.’ mondatban az is benne van, hogy te ennek ellenére csináltál nekem ebédet. Mindemellett a

need(n’t) have + ige 3. alakja szerkezet ritka a mai beszélt angol nyelvben.



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All about

EASTER by Ágnes Salánki

„All about” rovatunk tematikus, szókincsfejlesztő leckéket kínál a nyelvtanulóknak, legyenek bármilyen szinten is. A téma legegyszerűbb szavaitól kezdve a bonyolultabb, elvontabb

kifejezésekig gyűjti csokorba egy-egy témakör főneveit, igéit és mellékneveit. A rovattal az eddigiekben már sok-sok témában kalandoztunk, ebben a hónapban a húsvétról lesz szó.

Easter keywords: Jesus Christ, Saviour/Redeemer, God, resurrection, third day, renewal, rebirth, church service, Christianity, chick, lamb, bunny, egg hunt, family reunion, sprinkling, Easter Bunny, Easter sunrise, sunrise service, Easter ham, Easter story

Easter gifts: chocolate bunny, Easter egg, dyed hardboiled egg, money, candy/sweets, jelly beans

Easter venues: church, park, garden, home

Jesus Christ God third day rebirth Christianity lamb egg hunt sprinkling Easter sunrise

Jézus Krisztus Isten harmadnap újjászületés kereszténység bárány tojáskeresés locsolkodás húsvéti napfelkelte

Saviour/Redeemer resurrection renewal church service chick bunny family reunion Easter Bunny sunrise service

Easter ham chocolate bunny dyed hard-boiled egg candy/sweets church garden

húsvéti sonka csokinyúl festett keménytojás édesség templom/gyülekezet kert

Easter story Easter egg money jelly beans park home


Megváltó feltámadás megújulás istentisztelet csibe, csirke nyuszi családi összejövetel húsvéti nyúl húsvéti napfelkeltés istentisztelet a húsvét története a Bibliában húsvéti tojás pénz zselés cukorka park otthon

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level: upper-elementary erős újrakezdő szinttől



HÚSVÉTTAL KAPCSOLATOS FŐNEVEK: tradition moveable feast

hagyomány vándorünnep

custom festivity

basket Easter card

kosár húsvéti képeslap

perfume Easter service

Easter holiday religion congregation Shrove/Fat Tuesday Maundy Thursday Easter Sunday Holy Week

húsvéti szünet vallás gyülekezet húshagyókedd

Easter food prayer Palm Sunday Ash Wednesday

nagycsütörtök húsvét vasárnap nagyhét

nagypéntek húsvét hétfő húsvéti ünnep

Lent sacrifice hope ceremony

nagyböjt áldozat remény ceremónia, szertartás nagy evés, lakoma ünnepi étel fészek nyúl

Good Friday Easter Monday Easter celebration fasting faith love togetherness blessing culinary delights grass spring cleaning crown of thorns crucifixion

áldás ínyencségek fű tavaszi nagytakarítás töviskoszorú keresztre feszítés

salvation palm branch forgiveness Holy Scriptures bell psalm

megváltás pálmaág megbocsátás Szentírás harang zsoltár

apostle/disciple Doubting Thomas tomb glory

apostol hitetlen Tamás sír(kamra) dicsőség

feast festive food nest hare Last Supper the Passion of Christ cross candle mass Bible gospel hymn hymn book donkey grave holiness

utolsó vacsora Jézus kínszenvedése kereszt gyertya mise Biblia evangélium himnusz, egyházi ének énekeskönyv szamár sír szentség

szokás ünnepség, ünneplés parfüm, kölni húsvéti istentisztelet húsvéti étel ima virágvasárnap hamvazószerda

böjtölés hit szeretet együttlét




to celebrate


to search/look for to collect to be happy to suffer to whip to be born again

keresni gyűjteni örülni szenvedni megkorbácsolni újjászületni

to defeat/conquer death to visit to cook

legyőzni a halált

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meglátogatni főzni

to paint/decorate/ dye eggs to hide to find to rejoice to believe to crucify to come back to life/rise from death to roll away the stone to prepare to bake

tojást festeni elrejteni, eldugni találni örülni, örvendezni hinni keresztre feszíteni feltámadni elgördíteni a követ készülni, készíteni sütni 71

SZÓKINCSFEJLESZTÉS to feel festive to gather/assemble to dress up to go to church


ünnepi hangulatban lenni összegyűlni

to lay the table


to wear your Sunday best/ festive clothes to worship God

ünneplőbe öltözni

templomba/ gyülekezetbe menni kikelni

to be together

megteríteni az asztalt együtt lenni

imádni Istent

to hunt for eggs

tojást keresni ablakot mosni

meglocsolni, locsolkodni harangozni

to wash/clean the windows to recite a poem to pray


to repent

to purify


to make new

megtérni, megbánni a bűnöket megújítani

to die for sb

meghalni valakiért böjtölni

to take communion to feast

to hatch to do the cleaning to sprinkle to toll/ring the bells to kneel

to fast


(locsoló) verset mondani imádkozni

úrvacsorázni nagyot enni, lakomázni


keresztény újjászületett feltámadott

religious resurrected triumphant


keresztre feszített színes tiszta megújult különleges, egyedi cukros örvendező finom


vallásos feltámasztott győzedelmes, győztes élő

fresh vivid joyful blessed

friss élénk örömteli áldott

sweet abundant sparkling clean hairy

édes bőséges patyolattiszta






örök, örökké tartó mennyből jövő, mennyei szimbolikus







szertartásos, rituális tavaszi


ünnepi, ünnepélyes megváltott


boldog, vidám

elrejtett, eldugott hús nélküli

quadragesimal self-restraining

nagyböjti, negyven napos önmegtartóztató

colourful pure renewed special/unique sugary jubilant delicious/ yummy fluffy eternal/everlasting heavenly

spring/springtime hidden meatless




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I. A húsvét története. Ki tudod egészíteni a szöveget a hiányzó szavakkal? basket







third day

Easter Bunny

Good Friday



Easter is a ……………….. (1) holiday that celebrates the ……………….. (2) of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Friday before Easter is called ……………….. (3). It is the day when Jesus was ……………….. (4) on the ……………….. (5). According to the Christian faith Jesus Christ is the Son of God who has come to live on Earth as a man to bring ……………….. (6) to people. Jesus was perfect and never ……………….. (7) in his life. He died for mankind’s sin and rose from death on the ……………….. (8) after He had been crucified. Easter Day moves around on the calendar each year, but it is always on a Sunday. It can occur anytime between March 22nd and April 25th. It is the most important of the Christian holidays. Many people go to ……………….. (9) on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A lot of people travel to visit family and relatives over the Easter weekend. After church there are often family ……………….. (10) and large meals to celebrate the occasion. There are some secular traditions as well e.g. the Easter……………….. (11) hunt. Tradition says that the ……………….. (12) hides eggs, candy or chocolate for children to find. Kids collect them into their Easter ……………….. (13).

II. Elhagytuk a kifejezésekből a jelzőket. Mivel tudod őket kiegészíteni a tanultak alapján? 1. ……………….. Easter eggs 2. ……………….. feast 3. ……………….. clothes 4. ……………….. best 5. ……………….. food 6. ……………….. Jesus Christ

III. Most pedig igékkel egészítsd ki a kifejezéseket! 1. to ……………….. the stone 2. to ……………….. to life 3. to ……………….. from death 4. to ……………….. a poem 5. to ……………….. the table 6. to ……………….. the bells 2020


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Going to the

dentist Alapfok


Képek általában minden vizsgán szerepelnek. De mit kellene, és mit lehet mondani róluk? Rovatunkban ehhez szeretnénk segítséget nyújtani úgy, hogy bemutatjuk, ugyanarról a képről mind a három fokon lehet beszélni. Természetesen csak ötleteket adunk, amit mindenki kiegészíthet még a sajátjaival. Ugyanakkor azoknak a nyelvtanulóknak is szeretnénk hasznos olvasnivalót kínálni az egyegy téma szókincsébe való betekintéssel, akik nem készülnek vizsgára, akármilyen szinten tartanak is. Áprilisban gondolatban fogorvoshoz megyünk.

In the picture, a little girl is lying in a dentist chair. A dentist is standing in front of her and she is checking the little girl’s teeth. The girl is not afraid of the dentist. Her mouth is open but she seems to be smiling. I don’t think she has a toothache at the moment. It’s probably just an appointment for a check-up. Dentists say that people have to see a dentist every six months for a check-up but most people don’t really like going to the dentist. They think that a dentist’s office is a scary place and they’re afraid that the treatment will hurt. If the dentist is kind kids won’t be scared of him or her. Dentists can teach kids how to brush their teeth. If a child behaves well the dentist gives him or her a sticker or a colouring book about teeth. It’s fun for children that the dentist chair lifts up and down and some kids also like the sound of the drill.

As for me, I don’t like going to the dentist, but brush my teeth at least three times a day instead. 74



That’s a picture of a happy little girl who is sitting or rather lying in a dentist chair. Her mouth is wide open and a dentist is checking her teeth. She looks calm and probably she won’t make a scene. A dentist’s office is usually a frightening place for people and most patients are terrified if they have to see a dentist. They keep postponing the visit and they only go if their teeth hurt so much that they can no longer bear the pain. It’s not a good policy because dentists recommend a check-up every six months to prevent bigger trouble. The first step towards having strong and healthy teeth is to wash them at least twice daily and for a minimum of two minutes each time. Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and when you’ve finished brushing your teeth rinse your mouth and spit out the remaining toothpaste from your mouth. The younger you go to see the dentist regularly the easier it is to get used to the experience. If there’s no pain and the dentist appointment is a pleasant www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020




experience with a kind and smiling dentist kids will hygiene is crucial and should be paid more attention to. probably think that the dentist is their friend and they In our western society, sugar and sugary food intake won’t throw a tantrum when it’s time for a dental are a daily part of our nutrition. Excessive sugar intake check-up. Of course, the situation is different if a child is a major cause of tooth decay as it creates good has a toothache. Nobody likes pain and toothache conditions for bacteria to grow intensively. To maintain can be very painful indeed. If there is a cavity in healthy teeth they should be cleaned regularly a tooth as a consequence of tooth decay and seeing the dentist at regular intervals the dentist puts a filling in it to prevent is inevitable. The dentist will cure a bad further damage or infection. Before prevention is better tooth before it starts to hurt and thus than cure starting the process the patient is given saves you from a lot of suffering. [prɪˈvenʃən z ˈbetə ðən kjʊə] anaesthetic in the form of injection Maintaining good oral hygiene is one jobb a megelőzés, so that their mouth will become numb of the most important things you can mint a kezelés and they won’t feel any pain. do for your teeth and gums. Healthy dental procedure Before permanent teeth start to teeth enable you to look and feel [ˈdentəl prəˈsiːdʒə] grow, children’s milk teeth usually good and they also make it possible fall out on their own without a dentist’s fogászati beavatkozás to eat and speak properly and good help. They can put them under their oral health is important to your overall pillow for the tooth fairy who in exchange well-being. Daily preventive care, including for the tooth will put there a small present. proper thorough brushing and flossing, will However, sometimes a milk tooth just gets stuck and help stop problems before they develop and is much comes out only when a dentist extracts it. This little girl less painful, expensive, and worrisome than treating in the picture is young so her milk teeth are still intact conditions that have been allowed to progress. You so certainly nothing painful will happen and she will should use dental products that contain fluoride, eat a leave the place with a smile on her face. balanced diet and limit snacks between meals. As for being scared of dentists, I can sympathize with people who postpone their visit to the dentist until they Felsőfok C1 cannot bear the pain. I know it’s not sensible to do It’s good to see someone smiling in a so but it’s ingrained in human nature that we try to dentist chair. It’s an unusual sight as the avoid pain at all costs and the dentist’s cure - even if it majority of people are scared to death if they have to set foot in a dentist’s surgery. helps in the end - just increases the pain for a while. I remember the painful days after my wisdom tooth had Not without a reason, as whatever been extracted. It took about a fortnight to get rid of happens in a dentist’s office is almost the pain even if I took strong painkillers. If someone has always painful and is difficult to bear. Although there is a toothache it also means loss of sleep and if it goes a saying that prevention is better than cure even the on for a few days it exhausts you so much that you are most conscientious teeth care won’t guarantee that barely able to stand. you will be able to escape painful dental procedures. This little girl’s precious smile makes you want to hug Oral health usually is not too good among people the kind dentist for being a wizard who can conjure and oral hygiene isn’t considered to be an important smiles even from someone sitting in a dentist chair. factor when talking about health measures. But dental dentist chair toothache appointment check-up scary treatment to behave sticker drill to make a scene to postpone to bear the pain to recommend to prevent pea-sized to rinse to spit out to throw a tantrum tooth decay cavity filling infection anaesthetic numb permanent teeth



[ˈdentɪst tʃeə] fogászati szék [ˈtuːθeɪk] fogfájás [əˈpɔɪntmənt] időpont [ˈtʃekʌp] szűrés, ellenőrzés [ˈskeəri] félelmetes, rémisztő [ˈtriːtmənt] kezelés [tə bɪˈheɪv] viselkedni [ˈstɪkə] matrica [drɪl] fúró [tə ˈmeɪk ə siːn] jelenetet rendezni [tə pəˈspəʊn] elhalasztani [tə beə ðə peɪn] elviselni a fájdalmat [tə ˌrekəˈmend] ajánlani, javasolni [tə prɪˈvent] megelőzni [piː saɪzd] borsónyi [tə rɪns] öblíteni [tə spɪt ˈaʊt] kiköpni [tə ˈθrəʊ ə ˈtæntrəm] hisztit levágni [tuːθ dɪˈkeɪ] fogszuvasodás [ˈkævɪti] lyuk [ˈfɪlɪŋ] (fog)tömés [ɪnˈfekʃən] fertőzés [ˌænəsˈθetɪk] érzéstelenítés [ˈnʌm] zsibbadt [ˈpɜːmənənt tiːθ] állandó fogak

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milk teeth [mɪlk tiːθ] to fall out [tə fɔːl ˈaʊt] pillow [ˈpɪləʊ] tooth fairy [tuːθ ˈfeəri] in exchange for sg [ɪn ɪkˈstʃeɪndʒ fə] to extract [tu ɪkˈstrækt] intact [ɪnˈtækt] to be scared to death [tə bi skeəd tə deθ] conscientious [ˌkɒnʃɪˈenʃəs] intake [ˈɪnteɪk] nutrition [njuːˈtrɪʃən] excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] inevitable [ɪnˈevɪtəbəl] gum [ɡʌm] preventive care [prɪˈventɪv keə] thorough [ˈθʌrə] flossing [flɒsɪŋ] worrisome [ˈwʌrɪsəm] sensible [ˈsensəbəl] ingrained [ˌɪnˈɡreɪnd] wisdom tooth [ˈwɪzdəm tuːθ] fortnight [ˈfɔːtnaɪt] precious [ˈpreʃəs] wizard [ˈwɪzəd] to conjure [tə ˈkʌndʒə]

tejfogak kiesni párna fogtündér valamiért cserébe kihúzni hiánytalan, ép halálosan félni lelkiismeretes bevitel étkezés, táplálkozás túlzott nélkülözhetetlen íny megelőző kezelés alapos fogselymezés gyötrő, félelmetes értelmes, józan beleivódott, rögzült bölcsességfog két hét becses varázsló varázsolni




FELELETVÁLASZTÓS NYELVTANI TESZT Bár a nyelvvizsgákon már egyre kevesebb helyen találkozhatsz feleletválasztós nyelvtani tesztekkel, a nyelvtani ismeretek mindenképpen fontosak, és nem nélkülözhetők. Ha nem vagy tisztában a nyelvtannal, akkor előfordulhat, hogy nehezen tudod megfogalmazni a gondolataidat írásban vagy szóban, vagy az is megeshet, hogy a hibák miatt félreértenek. Természetesen a vizsgákon továbbra is kell írni és beszélni, és a nyelvhelyesség is az egyik, ha nem is a legfontosabb értékelési szempont maradt. Ezek a tesztek hasznos eszközök arra, hogy ellenőrizd a nyelvtani ismereteidet, és gyakorolod a nyelvtant. A megoldásokat a magazin végén találod. 1. I like his trousers. I would like ….. like that. A) one B) a trousers C) a pair D) any 2. What will happen if they ….. working? A) will stop B) stop C) would stop D) are stopping 3. She …… in this town. A) was grown up B) was brought up C) brought up D) has brought up 4. I saw three men ….. the building. A) enter B) to enter C) to entering D) have entered 5. I hope I will have …... of time in the summer. A) lot B) a lots C) enough D) plenty 6. I can’t find my pen. Can you lend me ….. ? A) your B) your’s C) yours D) your one 7. It’s cold here. You ….. the windows open. A) mustn’t have left B) shouldn’t have left C) shouldn’t to leave D) mustn’t left 8. Most people don’t like ….. . A) being kept waiting B) being kept to wait C) to be kept to wait D) waiting to be kept 9. We have had no problem with this car ….. . A) till then B) so long C) up to that time D) so far 10. You have a really good job. Don’t ….. . A) give it up B) give it away C) refuse it D) refer it


11. The man …. photo you saw in the magazine is my old friend. A) who’s B) whose C) of whom the D) of whose 12. I’d like ….. informed about the situation as soon as possible. A) being B) be C) to be D) to have 13. I ….. this dress and now I’d like to buy shoes that match. A) had bought B) have bought C) was buying D) buy 14. The hotel ….. when I was there. A) has renovated B) renovated C) would be renovated D) was being renovated 15. I don’t know how ….. home so quickly. A) we got B) did we get C) we did get D) we were got 16. We will stay inside ….. it’s raining. A) during B) until C) while D) so far 17. ….. emergency just call this number. A) In case B) In case of C) In the case of D) In the case of the 18. Jane couldn’t …. the stress at her workplace. A) used to B) got used to C) get used to D) be used to 19. He is ….. his father. A) so tall than B) such tall as C) as tall than D) as tall as 20. I asked ….. . A) the waitress for a cold drink B) the waitress a cold drink C) a cold drink from the waitress D) from the waitress a cold drink

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Fool IDIOMS by Ágnes Salánki

Ebben a hónapban bolondozással kapcsolatos idiómákat és kifejezéseket fogunk megtanulni! A feladat a lecke végén csak hab a tortán!

78 78

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level: all levels minden szintnek



to live in a fool’s paradise

to be nobody’s fool

fool’s gold

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

definition: to be happy for foolish or unfounded reasons or because of false hope magyarul: álomvilágban, boldog tudatlanságban élni example: Do you think you’re going to get a raise soon? You’re living in a fool’s paradise. – Azt gondolod, hogy nemsokára fizetésemelést fogsz kapni? Álomvilágban élsz. definition: something that seems more promising than it really is, or a shiny mineral called pyrite, which is similar to and is often confused with real gold magyarul: bolondok aranya example: Don’t let your eyes deceive you. It may look like gold but it’s only fool’s gold. – Ne hagyd, hogy becsapjon a szemed! Lehet, hogy ez aranynak néz ki, de igazából csak bolondok aranya.

One fool makes many.

definition: Foolish habits are contagious and spread. magyarul: Egy bolond százat csinál. example: Anne started wearing purple tights last week. Now all the girls in our class wear purple tights. One fool makes many. – Anne kezdett el múlt héten lila harisnyát hordani, mostanra pedig minden lányon lila harisnya van az osztályunkban. Egy bolond százat csinál.

Fools are wise until they speak.

definition: there is wisdom in silence magyarul: Ha hallgattál volna, bölcs maradtál volna. A bolondot is bölcsnek tartják, amíg meg nem szólal. example: You shouldn’t have said anything concerning the matter. Fools are wise until they speak. – Nem kellett volna semmit sem mondanod a dologgal kapcsolatban. Ha hallgattál volna, bölcs maradtál volna.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

definition: It’s easy to sell something to someone foolish. magyarul: A bolondnál nem marad meg sokáig a pénz. example: Did you really manage to sell that old car of yours to Uncle Bob? Oh, yes. You know him: A fool and his money are soon parted. – Te tényleg rá tudtad sózni az öreg kocsidat Bob bácsira? Persze. Ismered őt: A bolondnál nem marad meg sokáig a pénz.

definition: to be sensible, reasonable magyarul: tudja mit csinál, helyén van az esze, józan example: Don’t worry, I’ll manage. They won’t deceive me, I’m nobody’s fool. – Ne aggódj, fogok boldogulni. Nem fognak becsapni, tudom, hogy mit csinálok.

definition: you shouldn’t trust someone who has already tricked you magyarul: Okos ember nem hagyja magát kétszer becsapni. Kétszer nem sétálsz bele ugyanabba a csapdába. example: He has already fooled you once. I wouldn’t let it happen again if I were you. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. – Ő már egyszer becsapott téged. Ha a helyedben lennék, nem hagynám, hogy ez még egyszer megtörténjen. Okos ember nem hagyja magát kétszer becsapni.

to fool around

definition: to joke about something magyarul: bolondozni, hülyülni example: Come on, don’t get offended. They’re not serious they’re just fooling around. – Ugyan már, ne sértődj meg! Nem gondolják komolyan, csak bolondoznak.

Children and fools tell the truth.

definition: children and fools are sincere and don’t lie magyarul: a gyerekek és a bolondok szájában van az igazság example: I was mortified when my daughter told mum’s best friend that she was ugly. Well, children and fools tell the truth. – Majd elsüllyedtem a szégyentől, amikor a kislányom azt mondta az anyám legjobb barátnőjének, hogy csúnya. Persze a gyerekek és a bolondok szájában van az igazság.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

definition: Foolish people make decisions quickly, with little serious thought. magyarul: A bolond ember a vesztébe rohan. example: I shouldn’t have tried diving without any previous experience. I almost drowned. Typical: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. – Nem kellett volna előzetes tapasztalat nélkül kipróbálnom a búvárkodást. Majdnem vízbe fulladtam. A bolond ember a vesztébe rohan tipikus esete.

Only a few words of the idioms are given. Can you recall the idioms? 1.

children, truth


around, fool


fool, paradise


wise, speak


one, many


fool, nobody


rush, tread


money, parted


fool, gold

10. once, shame

2020 március SzalaiNóra Nóra| www.5percangol.hu | www.5percangol.hu április | |Szalai






értés Dezsényi István és Salánki Ágnes

Ebben a rovatban a hallás utáni értés gyakorlásához és a beszédértést mérő vizsgafeladatokra való készüléshez szeretnénk segítséget nyújtani. Rengeteg vizsga és számtalan feladattípus létezik, ezért a gyakorlófeladatokban mi is törekszünk a változatosságra. Így a feladatok között egynyelvűeket és kétnyelvűeket is találsz. Akármilyen vizsgára is készülsz azonban – vagy akkor is, ha csak tanulni és gyakorolni szeretnél –, ami igazán számít, az az, hogy megértsd a szöveg lényegét és egyes fontosabb részleteit is. Minden feladat alkalmas arra, hogy ezt valamilyen módon és szinten ellenőrizze, ezért mindenképpen hasznos és érdemes kipróbálni velük a tudásodat. Ha úgy gondolod, magasabb szinten vagy, akkor is kezdheted a könnyebb feladatokkal, a sikerélmény sosem árt! A feladatokhoz tartozó hanganyagokat a weboldalunkon – www.5percangol.hu – hallgathatod meg, a megoldásokat pedig a magazin végén ellenőrizheted.

the summary of the conversation and fill in ALAPFOK (B1) Read the gaps with information that you have heard.  

Buying ham for Easter

The woman wants to order ham but she doesn’t know ……………….. (1). She only knows she will have ……………….. (2) to feed. The man thinks she needs a piece of ham that weighs ……………….. (3). The woman is afraid it would be ……………….. (4). She also asks the man if ……………….. (5). It will cost ……………….. (6). The man can guarantee that it’s ……………….. (7). The woman believes the man that their customers ……………….. (8). The ham will be delivered to the woman’s home on ……………….. between ……………….. (9). She will pay ……………….. (10). 80

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do you hear about the following in KÖZÉPFOK (B2) What the recording?

World's oldest man's 112th birthday celebrations cancelled 1. The Japanese man 2. Bob Weighton’s profession 3. His 111th birthday. 4. The Spanish flu epidemic and him 5. Great-grandchildren 6. The things he does now and the things he can’t do now 7. The secret to long life 8. His hobby 9. Birthday cards from the Queen 10. Britain’s oldest woman

meg a beszélőt és válaszolj a kérdésekre FELSŐFOK (C1) Hallgasd magyarul!

How to keep children happy, learning and entertained at home 1. Milyen tevékenységgel lehet a legkisebbeket órákon át elszórakoztatni? Miért? 2. Mi az, ami még érdekli őket? 3. Miért jó ötlet a 4-6 éveseket bevonni a főzésbe? 4. Mit mond a nő a szabályokról velük kapcsolatban? 5. Mire lehet jó a szobában elkészített kuckó? 6. Mivel lehet lefoglalni a 7-9 éves korosztályt a lakásban? 7. Hogyan építsük be a természetet a tevékenységükbe? Milyen példákat hallunk erre?

8. Miért nehéz a kiskamaszokkal és miben adhatunk nekik önállóságot? 9. Mire érdemes bátorítani őket? 10. Milyen személyes példákat említ? 2020


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ALAPFOK (B1) hanganyag szövege Buying ham for Easter A (Woman): Hello there, B (Man): Hello, can I help you? A: Yes, can I order ham for Easter? B: Sure. We have a large selection of ham. What size would you like? A: I don’t exactly know. I would say something big. B: Well, let’s look at it this way, then. How many people do you need to feed? A: There will be four adults and three children. B: Then I would say you’ll need about five kilograms for that many people. A: I’m afraid it would be a bit too much. Are you sure? B: Yes, if we don’t calculate just for one meal but for the whole holiday season. A: All right. Maybe you know better than I do. But do you have ham as big as that? B: Yes, we do. Don’t worry about that. A: Fine. And how much will that cost? B: 6 pounds per kilo. A: That sounds a bit expensive to me.

B: But it’s top quality, I can guarantee that. You can find cheaper ham, of course, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want to enjoy your meal. Our customers never complain. They are always satisfied. A: Well, I believe you. How much do you charge for delivery? B: It’s free if your order is more than 20 pounds. A: Great, that’s really good. B: When do you want it to be delivered? A: Can I have it on Easter Saturday? B: Yes, we can deliver between 9 and 12 in the morning. What’s your address? A: 23 Hanover Road. How can I pay? B: You can do it by bank transfer or you can pay on delivery if you prefer that option. A: Do you accept credit cards? B: I’m sorry, we don’t. A: I think I will choose the latter anyway and pay by cash. B: Thank you for your order, then. Have a Happy Easter. A: Thanks, have a Happy Easter, too.

KÖZÉPFOK (B2) hanganyag szövege World's oldest man's 112th birthday celebrations cancelled The world's oldest man had to cancel his 112th birthday celebrations because of the UK lockdown. Bob Weighton only took up the title of the oldest man in the world last month after the previous holder, Japanese man Chitetsu Watanabe, died aged 112. Last March, the former teacher, and engineer celebrated his 111th birthday with his many friends but this year he had to be alone due to the coronavirus lockdown. "Everything is cancelled, no visitors, no celebration," he said. Mr. Weighton, who was born in Hull on 29 March 1908, was 10-years-old when the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic broke out. The coronavirus pandemic is said to be the worst outbreak since then, although Mr. Weighton said he does not remember it as he didn’t know anybody who had it and children do not read newspapers. He said the "world is in a bit of a mess" at the moment and he is concerned because "nobody knows what is going to happen". The father-of-three, who has 25 great-grandchildren, said being in self-isolation meant he has become more dependent on the care home where he lives,

especially for meals and help from his assistant. "It means that I have to be more self-sufficient, I spend the days doing my own cooking, cleaning and reading the books that I haven't read. I am less capable of doing things for myself than I was 10 years ago - I can't lift weights, I can't move as fast, I can't even dress myself properly. I depend very much on other people these days." When it comes to the secret to long life, Mr. Weighton said he doesn’t know one. He said: "I never intended to be this old. When you are young, you don't think about what is going to happen and when you're old you only think about the here and now. Mr. Weighton said he reads a lot and his hobby is constructing model windmills to keep himself active and young. As for the traditional birthday cards from the Queen, he has had about ten already. "I don't see why the Queen should keep sending me cards" he said. “It costs the taxpayers money so I have selected one in which she is smiling, looking happy and that’s the one I like and I keep that." Mr. Weighton was born on the same day as Britain's oldest woman, and although he does not know her he said he would like to "send her his best wishes"I’m a kindergarten teacher.

FELSŐFOK (C1) hanganyag szövege How to keep children happy, learning and entertained at home As parents up and down the country are facing the prospect of several weeks at home with their children – indoors for much of the time and without the welcome distraction of playmates or playgrounds – I want to share with you some of the entertainment tricks I have used while working from home for the past 15 years. First, about toddlers. This age group, about two and three years old, has a keen eye for the smallest things, so if you are not self-isolating, a trip to the park, woods or beach will keep them amused for hours as they hunt out shells, bugs, and other treasures. If you’re staying closer to home, the same can be done in the garden. Another curious toddler interest is sorting stuff – laundry into piles, toys into categories, shoes into pairs – so find or create jumbles of items and get the kids to order them. Then, ages four-six. This age group is still wonderfully curious and aside from the usual baking activities, my kids also “helped” with dinner – with plastic utensils, they chopped and peeled, stirred and mashed. This not only kept them busy and by my side while I was cooking, but it also gave them a sense of achievement and the motivation to eat what they had prepared. I would encourage everyone to relax the rules over the next few weeks and allow kids to spread out their playing space – setting up various worlds involving dinosaurs, dolls, trucks, farm animals, whatever, can take hours


and even if the actual game only lasts 30 minutes, trust me, they will spend forever setting the scene. Dens in the living room or bedroom are always fun and once set up can be a magical place to bring books and treats. Drawing pictures, or printing outlined images off the Internet for colouring in are always good for keeping busy, and when you need a solid hour to finish some work. As for kids between seven and nine, if you haven’t got any outdoor space, get them to find different things around the house and bring to you for inspection and make sure it’s a long list. The nature haul can be turned into an art project (outdoors if possible but with newspaper over the kitchen table, if not). Stones can be turned into ladybirds, twigs painted to make a display, flowers pressed and bugs photographed and returned to the wild. Tweens, about 10-12 years old, are a tough bunch as they are kids who think they’re older. They enjoy the best of both worlds – so get them involved in projects such as preparing the evening meal. Let them choose and follow recipes themselves. But it’s also worth encouraging them to use their imagination to put on a play to be practiced and performed at the end of the day or even to write a book and design its cover. I also set my kids challenges such as finding the meaning of difficult words by looking through dictionaries, and playing language games with homemade cards featuring French and Spanish words and their English equivalent. www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020




Írásbeli vizsgák, Olvasott



Dezsényi István és Salánki Ágnes

Ebben a rovatban az írásbeli készségek fejlesztéséhez, az írásbeli vizsgákra való készüléshez szeretnénk segítséget nyújtani. Igyekszünk olyan feladattípusokat válogatni, amelyek rendszeresen előfordulnak a népszerűbb vizsgarendszerekben. Ebben a hónapban különböző olvasott szöveg értését mérő feladatokat mutatunk be. Ha magasabb szintű vizsgára készülsz is, érdemes lehet alacsonyabb szintű feladattal kezdeni a gyakorlást, hogy gyakorlatot, magabiztosságot és sikerélményt szerezz. Szótárt általában használhatsz a megoldáshoz, de mielőtt vizsgázni mész, feltétlenül győződj meg róla, hogy az adott vizsgarendszerben ez valóban engedélyezett-e. A megoldásokat a magazin végén ellenőrizheted.

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Alapfok (B1)

OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Olvasott szöveg értése

Olvasd el a szöveget és válaszolj a kérdésekre magyarul.

Fun Easter Facts The Christian tradition of painting Easter eggs started with the Christians of Mesopotamia. They painted their eggs red to represent the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. The egg later became a symbol of Jesus’s resurrection. Some Christians believed that cracking an Easter egg open symbolized the empty tomb of Jesus. Exchanging painted eggs started in ancient civilizations with people such as the Egyptians and Persians. They exchanged eggs as a symbol of fertility and new life. The idea of the Easter Bunny originated in Germany and it was brought to the US by German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the 1700s. The Germans believed the Easter Bunny was a white hare that would leave colorful eggs for good girls and boys on Easter Morning. The girls and boys woke up on Easter morning and built nests out of sticks and leaves so the Easter Bunny could leave them the eggs. Original Easter baskets looked like birds’ nests. Now children receive colorful baskets filled with eggs and candies from the Easter Bunny. The first edible Easter Bunnies were made in Germany in the early 1800s. They were made of pastry and sugar. Easter is the second-largest candy consuming holiday in the US after Halloween. 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are made for Easter in the US. Interestingly, when most people eat chocolate Easter bunnies they eat the ears first. Every year there is a big Easter Hunt at the White House in Washington D.C to celebrate Easter. The tradition started in 1878. The largest Easter Egg Hunt, however, happened at an adventure park in Florida and it consisted of 501,000 Easter eggs! source: www.kidsplayandcreate.com

Középfok (B2)

1. Milyen jelentése volt a tojásfestésnek kezdetekben? 2. Mit szimbolizált a tojás feltörése? 3. Mire utalt az, hogy tojást adtak egymásnak az emberek? 4. Hol jelent meg először a húsvéti nyúl? 5. Mi volt a szokás a gyerekek körében húsvét reggel? 6. Milyenek voltak a húsvéti kosarak eleinte? 7. Milyenek voltak az első ehető húsvéti nyuszik? 8. Mikor eszik a legtöbb édességet Amerikában? 9. Mi érdekes a csokinyuszik fogyasztásával kapcsolatban? 10. Miért említi a szöveg Washingtont és Floridát?

Olvasott szöveg értése

Read the text and fill the gaps with the expressions . There are two extra expressions you don't need.

86-year-old man teaches himself to knit so he can give 300 hats to premature babies Ed Moseley asked his daughter to buy him ……B…… (0) and instructions; now he can knit a hat in an hour. It’s a story to warm the heart – and the head. An 86-year-old grandfather taught himself to knit, just so he could ………. (1) for premature babies at an Atlanta hospital. 84

Several months ago, the Dogwood Forest assisted living facility in Acworth, Georgia, set its residents the challenge of knitting hats for infants born early. Retired engineer Ed Moseley didn’t know how to knit, but for ………. (2), he felt compelled to take part. “I told my daughter about it and I said, ‘How can I knit? What do I need to do?’,” Mr. Moseley told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Bless her heart, she went … and got a starter loom kit, yarn and an instruction kit for me. So I started slowly and learned ………. (3),” he said. Mr. Moseley started knitting while watching TV, ………. (4) to complete a hat in about an hour. Then he offered ………. (5) how to make the hats, too. Eventually, the facility donated more than 300 hats, of which Mr. Moseley himself made 55. www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020




The hats went ………. (6) at Atlanta’s Northside Hospital, which delivers more babies than any other hospital in the US – including some 2,000 premature babies per year. It is also where Mr. Moseley had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Doug Bunt, whose new-born son Matthew was born prematurely, told ABC News it was “really nice to know” that someone was ………. (7) of these babies. The fact this man is ………. (8) to help the kids really means a lot to us.” Mr. Moseley’s achievement ………. (9) at the school where his granddaughter teaches to learn knitting. He is now ………. (10). “I am taking orders right now,” he said. “As they long as they provide the yarn, I don’t charge anything.” source: independent.co.uk A. to attract the attention of the media F. make dozens of woolly hats K. to teach his fellow residents and staff

B. basic knitting equipment

C. caused quite a sensation

D. has even inspired children

E. it just takes patience

G. making caps for friends and family L. thinking about the well-being

H. to the neonatal intensive care unit M. training himself

I. reasons of his own

J. taking time out of his day –

Felsőfok (C1) Közvetítés Fordítsd le a szöveget magyarra!

Mountain goats roam the streets of Llandudno After 200 years of being mostly confined to limestone bluffs, packs of wild Kashmiri goats — seizing an opportunity presented by the national lockdown in response to the coronavirus — have taken its rightful place as rulers of the seaside town in northwest Wales. With the town now deserted as residents shelter inside, goats have descended on the picturesque resort town, blocking traffic, grazing on local people’s hedges, lazing about on the church’s green, and strutting by shuttered shops, like local boutiques that sell all things wool. 2020


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Photos of the goats have gone viral in recent days after a journalist posted a thread about his encounters with the goats on Twitter. According to local lore, the goats are descendants of a pair that were gifted to Queen Victoria by the Shah of Persia for her coronation. However, a local historian thinks that the goats gifted to Queen Victoria may have only been added to a flock that was already there. Either way, the goats are considered to have a royal status, known around these parts as the Windsor herd. The relationship between the goats and the people of Llandudno has long been rather complex, kind of a two-pronged thing. As one of the residents explained: Everybody loves them, but they make an awful mess, eating plants and fouling everywhere. source: buzzfeednews.com 85



Pandemic and

Quarantine Times:

KEEP CALM and Carry On by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi

COVID-19 is an abbreviation everybody must have heard of recently. That’s the name of the virus- inducted disease that is causing worldwide havoc at the moment and few people, if any, can be totally free of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. 86

Even if you don’t get infected with the virus you’re probably sitting at home now in a quarantine – self-imposed or compulsory – actively practising social distancing. The aim of the “Stay at home” movement is to prevent people from getting sick in great numbers and provide the health care system space to be able to cope with the serious cases of the coronavirus epidemic. Living in plague times is difficult. Schools, businesses, restaurants, theatres, concert halls, and churches close down. Students are taught on digital platforms and those who can, work in home office. Life slows down, the streets are empty, www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől


journeys are cancelled and people use only the most necessary and indispensable services. It’s not easy to carry on with our everyday life in the shadow of the unknown. Nobody knows when the pandemic will end and how many months it will take until everything gets back to near normal. Of course, the world is not going to be the same after the pandemic. Heaps of people are losing their jobs and most probably an economic crisis and recession are ahead of us.


There are lots of films free to watch and you can even walk through museum exhibitions online. If you’ve had enough of the screen, reading is a good pastime, too. Finding a long book that you’ve always wanted but never had time to read will provide you with pleasant experiences for long hours. These quiet days are also good for language learning and brushing up your English or French or whichever language you’re presently learning. You can learn from live lessons or podcasts and you don’t need to give up your private lessons either as most language teachers – though they sorely miss meeting their students in person - teach online on various platforms. To counteract fear and fearmongering that often accompany pandemics and disasters it can help to show sympathy towards those who need it. You don’t even have to leave your home to show someone that you care. There are heartening examples of people who strive to counter the sense of helplessness and fear, such as the Spanish pianist who gave a concert on his balcony to quarantined residents who listened from their own balconies. Or Italian people who sang together standing on their own balconies. Hungarian people are encouraged to clap for health care workers from their windows at 8 pm every day and it was touching to see an empty and dark hotel building in Budapest with only a few windows lit. The lit windows formed the shape of a heart to show that there is no need to lose heart because better times are surely coming soon.

In the digital world, news travels fast and most people spend too much time listening to news reports of body counts and the relentless progress of the virus. To preserve our mental as well as our physical health it’s important to unplug from the tiresome cycle of negative news and do something joyful. There are ways of spending this self-isolation time well and usefully. The Internet has soon accommodated to the challenge and there have never been as many cultural and educational online events as nowadays. You can watch live theatre performances, concerts and listen to actors and authors reading out stories, novels or poems loud. pandemic to carry on abbreviation havoc self-imposed compulsory social distancing to prevent plague indispensable in the shadow of sg unknown heaps news travels fast body count



[pænˈdemɪk] [tə ˈkæri ɒn] [əˌbriːviˈeɪʃən] [ˈhævək] [selfɪmˈpəʊzd] [kəmˈpʌlsəri] [ˈsəʊʃəl ˈdɪstənsɪŋ] [tə prɪˈvent] [pleɪɡ] [ˌɪndɪˈspensəbəl] [ɪn ðə ˈʃædəʊ əv] [ˌʌnˈnəʊn] [hiːps] [njuːz ˈtrævəlz fɑːst] [ˈbɒdi kaʊnt]

világjárvány kitartani rövidítés káosz, felfordulás önkéntes kötelező távolságtartás az emberektől megelőzni, megakadályozni járvány nélkülözhetetlen valaminek az árnyékában ismeretlen egy csomó gyorsan terjed a hír halálesetek száma

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relentless [rɪˈlentləs] to unplug [tu ʌnˈplʌɡ] tiresome [ˈtaɪəsəm] self-isolation [ˌselfaɪsəˈleɪʃən] to accommodate to sg [tu əˈkɒmədeɪt tə] to brush up sg [tə brʌʃ ʌp] to sorely miss sb [tə ˈsɔːli mɪs] to counteract [tə ˌkaʊntəˈrækt] fearmongering [ˈfɪəməŋɡərɪŋ] sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθi] heartening [ˈhɑːtənɪŋ] helplessness [ˈhelpləsnəs] resident [ˈrezɪdənt] to clap [tə klæp] to lose heart [tə luːz hɑːt]

könyörtelen, kérlelhetetlen kikapcsolni, lekapcsolódni fárasztó, idegesítő másoktól való elkülönülés alkalmazkodni valamihez felfrissíteni, feljavítani fájón hiányolni valakit ellensúlyozni félelemkeltés, megfélemlítés együttérzés bátorító tehetetlenség lakó tapsolni elkeseredni, elkedvetlenedni







Husband: Wife:

Husband: Wife:

Husband: Wife: Husband: Wife: Husband: Wife:

We’ve been at home for two weeks now with the kids and I must tell you I’m going crazy. I work in home office, I have to do the cooking and the housework and I function as a teacher for the kids. I’m on the verge of crying all the time and I feel that nothing works out well. Yes, I feel a bit overwhelmed myself. We should work out some solution. How about letting the kids do their own schoolwork? I don’t think you should act as a teacher. You can’t be serious. They’re not old enough to manage everything on their own. They cannot even use the required online platforms and their teachers seem to think that the kids have all the time in the world and give them very timeconsuming and complex tasks. And this little flat is crammed with the three kids and they have nowhere to let off steam. How about involving them in the housework to give you some more time? Well, it doesn’t work either, because I have to supervise them and every little task needs twice as much time when a child is involved. I don’t seem to find any time for home office during the day and I’m so exhausted by the evening that I immediately fall asleep and sleep like a log all night. And cooking? Why do you do the cooking every single day? We’ve ordered food until now. The company we ordered food from stopped operating. They had so few customers left because of the quarantine that they couldn’t afford to operate further. So I thought the reasonable solution is to do the cooking for us. We’ve got loads of ingredients, but the process of cooking takes up a lot of time. Are there any home food delivery services still operating? There must be, I haven’t checked. Then do it, please. You need some time to be able to work as well. And I will try to spend more time with the kids. Maybe we could work out together to blow off steam. I would appreciate it if you could do that. I hope, it will work. I wish this quarantine time was over. Oh, me too, you can bet.


I’m going crazy. – Kezdek megőrülni. I’m on the verge of crying. – Majdnem elsírom magam. Nothing works out well. – Semmi sem sül el jól. I feel a bit overwhelmed. – Nekem is sok ez egy kicsit. You can’t be serious. – Ugye nem gondolod komolyan? to have all the time in the world – végtelen idővel rendelkezni I sleep like a log. – Alszom, mint a bunda. every single day – minden áldott nap They couldn’t afford to operate further. – Nem engedhették meg maguknak, hogy tovább működjenek. I would appreciate it. – Értékelném. I hope it will work. – Remélem, menni fog. I wish this quarantine time was over – Bárcsak vége lenne már a karantén időszakának! 88

IMPORTANT WORDS home office – otthonról dolgozás solution – megoldás to manage sg – boldogulni valamivel time-consuming – időigényes, időrabló crammed – zsúfolt to let off/blow off steam – kiereszteni a gőzt to supervise – felügyelni exhausted – kimerült customer – ügyfél ingredient – alapanyag, hozzávaló food delivery service – ételt házhoz szállító cég to work out – tornázni, edzeni www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020



Több mint üzleti nyelvvizsga:

LCCI Dezsényi István és Salánki Ágnes

Nyelvvizsgákat bemutató sorozatunk következő részében az LCCI üzleti nyelvvizsgát mutatjuk be. Alan és Krisztina Godsave-vel beszélgettünk. Could you introduce yourselves in a few words?  Bemutatkoznátok néhány szóban? 

Alan – I’m British, in fact, English and from London. Much of my life has been spent in Marketing, Retail, and the Tourism Industry. I came to Hungary to do a consultancy job in 1990 and I’ve pretty much been here ever since. After a number of years as the Regional Director of the World Travel & Tourism 2020


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Council, I turned to lecturing and I’ve been teaching at IBS, the International Business School in Budapest for over 15 years. In addition, I’m also responsible, as the Academic Head of LCCI in Hungary, for maintaining the standard of the exams and for examiner and teacher training. Alan: Brit vagyok, pontosabban angol, és Londonból származom. Életem nagy részét a marketing, a kiskereskedelem és a turizmus területén töltöttem. 1990-ben érkeztem Magyarországra tanácsadói munkára, azóta nagyrészt itt élek. Miután néhány évig az Utazási és Turisztikai Világtanács regionális igazgatója voltam, egyetemen kezdtem tanítani. Az IBS-en tanítok már több mint 15 éve. Emellett az LCCI magyarországi szakmai igazgatójaként én felügyelem a vizsgákat, valamint a vizsgáztató- és tanárképzést. Krisztina – I’m Hungarian and my background is in Business Administration, Interpretation and Customer Care training. We accredited the LCCI English for Business examinations in Hungary in 2004 and since then I’ve been responsible for managing the day to day operation of the exams, keeping in touch with our centres around the country, the Ministry and the Head Office in London (LCCI is now owned by Pearson). What I used to teach in Customer Care I can now practice whilst looking after the needs of our candidates, examiners and centres. Krisztina: Én magyar vagyok, üzleti managementtel, tolmácsolással és ügyfélszolgálati képzéssel foglalkoztam korábban. Az LCCI üzleti angol nyelvvizsgát 2004-ben akkreditáltattuk, azóta a vizsgák napi működtetésével, valamint vidéki központjainkkal, a minisztériummal és a londoni központunkkal (amely most a Pearsonhoz tartozik) való kapcsolattartással foglalkozom. Amit korábban az ügyfélszolgálati képzésen tanítottam, azt most gyakorolhatom a vizsgázók, vizsgáztatók és a központok igényeinek kielégítése során. 89


USEFUL INFORMATION tions in most aspects of our daily lives, so from time to time we are bound to find ourselves involved in ‘talking business’. Much social interaction requires an understanding of such ‘business’ issues as credit cards, working from home or transportation. Whilst the vocabulary is focused, it doesn’t require an in-depth knowledge of a particular topic. These are English exams with a business focus, not tests in Marketing or Finance, so the content is positioned accordingly. Nagyon kevés olyan ember van manapság, aki teljesen távol áll az üzleti élettől. Mindnyájunknak kell kommunikálnia vállalatokkal és szervezetekkel a mindennapi életünk legtöbb területén, ezért időről időre azt vesszük észre, hogy „üzleti dolgokról” beszélünk. A társas érintkezés során tisztában kell lennünk olyan „üzleti” kérdésekkel, amelyek a hitelkártyákhoz, a távmunkához vagy a közlekedéshez kapcsolódnak. A szókincs ugyan bizonyos területekre összpontosul, de nincs szükség egy bizonyos téma mélyebb ismeretére. Ezek angol vizsgák, amelyek az üzleti területre összpontosítanak, nem marketing vagy pénzügyi vizsgák, ezért a tartalmukat is ennek megfelelően alakítottuk ki.

Alan és Krisztina Godsave

What are LCCI exams about? Why can they be a good choice and for whom? Milyenek az LCCI vizsgák? Miért és kinek jelenthetnek jó választást? Krisztina: In Hungary, we offer the LCCI English for Business Exams. They have the advantage of being accredited by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and at the same time, as a Pearson product, are internationally recognized by companies and organisations worldwide. Anyone contemplating a career in business or students graduating from university would find the exams ideal, not just for obtaining a prestigious qualification, but also for the valuable vocabulary and communication skills they would acquire as part of the learning and preparation process. Krisztina: Magyarországon az LCCI üzleti angol nyelvvizsgát lehet letenni. Előnye, hogy az Oktatási Hivatal akkreditálta, ugyanakkor, mivel a Pearsonhoz tartozik, a vállalatok és a szervezetek világszerte elfogadják. Ideális lehet azoknak, akik üzleti pályára szeretnének lépni vagy végzős egyetemi hallgatóknak, nem csak azért, mert egy elismert képesítést jelent, hanem a vizsgára való felkészülés során elsajátítandó komoly szókincs és kommunikációs készségek is hasznosak lehetnek.

Do you need some professional expertise in business to take the exam or do you just have to be familiar with the vocabulary of the field? Szüksége van üzleti szakértelemre a vizsgázóknak vagy elég, ha csak ismerik a téma szókincsét? Very few people nowadays are totally remote from business. We all need to communicate with companies and organisa90

How can you prepare successfully for the exam? What tips can you give and what are the pitfalls to be avoided? Hogyan lehet sikeresen felkészülni a vizsgára? Milyen tippeket tudtok adni, és milyen csapdákat kell kikerülni? Fortunately, there is a wealth of English language material available, both in print and in the media, so reading and listening to English is the first step that we advise. Articles such as 5 Minute English are a great place to start, as are news broadcasts where the items can be listened to and the text read. Publications such as Market Leader are designed to focus on the grammar and content needs at the various levels and the sample examinations available on the LCCI Hungary website allow for practice and self-assessment. It is also advisable to find a teacher familiar with the LCCI English for Business exam, since learning the techniques of answering the written questions and successfully completing the Speaking Test help to remove much of the apprehension associated with taking exams. This is particularly important to avoid one of the biggest pitfalls in taking these (and indeed other) exams, and that is poor time management. If you only answer 3 questions out of 4, then your chances of success are somewhat limited. Szerencsére az angol nyelvű anyagoknak egész tárháza áll rendelkezésre, nyomtatott formában és a médiában is. Úgyhogy azt tanácsoljuk, hogy angol szövegek olvasása és a hallgatása legyen az első lépés. Az 5 Perc Angol cikkeivel például nagyszerűen el lehet kezdeni, és az olyan hírekkel is, amelyeknél az elhangzó szöveget el is lehet olvasni. Az olyan kiadványok, mint a Market Leader a különböző szinteken elvárt nyelvtanra és tartalomra ös�szpontosítanak, és az LCCI Hungary weboldalán rendelkezésre álló vizsgaanyagminták lehetőséget adnak a gyakorlásra és az önwww.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


USEFUL INFORMATION értékelésre. Emellett érdemes olyan tanárt találni , aki ismeri az LCCI English for Business vizsgát, mert az írott kérdések megválaszolásának és a szóbeli vizsga sikeres teljesítése technikájának megtanulása segít megszabadulni sok olyan félelemtől, szorongástól, amely a vizsgázáshoz kapcsolódik. Ez különösen fontos azért, hogy el lehessen kerülni az egyik legnagyobb csapdát ezzel a vizsgával kapcsolatban (és igazából a többivel kapcsolatban is), ami a rossz időbeosztás. Ha csak 3 kérdésre válaszolsz 4-ből, akkor az esélyed a sikerre már korlátozott.

Alan, as a native speaker and a lecturer, how do you see the strengths and the weaknesses of Hungarian language learners? Alan, anyanyelvi beszélőként és egyetemi előadóként, hogyan látod a magyar nyelvtanulók erősségeit és gyengeségeit? I’ve certainly noticed a significant change over the past 30 years. Possibly due to the particular focus on grammar and accuracy in those early days, Hungarian learners were often scared to open their mouths! That is changing as it is realised that English can still be understood in spite of mistakes in syntax. Hungarians also tended to have limited exposure to English due to the media, since films were usually dubbed. Nowadays, with English being the universal language of computing, travel and many other industries, even people that have never formally studied English manage to pick up a smattering through observation and repetition – which is, of course, the way that the native speakers learned anyway. Jelentős változásokat tapasztaltam az elmúlt 30 év során. Feltehetően amiatt, hogy a kezdeti időkben különösen a nyelvtant és a nyelvhelyességet hangsúlyozták, a magyar nyelvtanulók gyakran féltek kinyitni a szájukat! Ez kezd megváltozni, ahogy rájönnek arra, hogy az angolt a szintaktikai hibák ellenére is meg lehet érteni. A magyarok kevés angol beszédet hallottak a médiában amiatt is, hogy a filmeket általában szinkronizálták. Manapság, amikor az angol a számítógépek, az utazás és számos más iparág általános nyelve lett, még azok is, akik soha nem tanultak angolt formális oktatás keretében, magukra szednek egy kis angolt megfigyelésen és ismétlésen keresztül úgy, ahogy természetesen az anyanyelvű beszélők is megtanulják a nyelvet.

What do you think they need to improve their English skills? More time, a change of attitude or something else?   Mire lenne szükségük szerinted annak érdekében, hogy fejlesszék az angoltudásukat? Több idő, más hozzáállás vagy valami egyéb? With the opportunities presented through increased globalisation, we’ve seen a change in attitude away from learners just wanting the language qualification to get a degree, to a motivation to perform well in their careers. That is foremost for people already employed and indeed, we even have some students who take lessons with just the objective of improving their English communication skills. In particular, we also have corporate clients who realise that the best method for staff to improve their English, is to have courses in such areas as Presentations and Negotiations, where they actually get to use the language in a practical way. A növekvő globalizáció nyújtotta lehetőségekkel párhuzamosan változásokat láthattunk abban a tekintetben, hogy a nyelvtanu2020


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lók nem csak azért akarnak nyelvvizsga-bizonyítványt szerezni, mert kell a diplomához, hanem motiváltak arra, hogy jól teljesítsenek a szakmájukban is. Ez különösen fontos azoknak, akik már alkalmazásban állnak, és tényleg vannak olyan tanulóink, akik csak azért járnak órára, mert fejleszteni akarják az angol kommunikációs készségeiket. Ezen belül ott vannak a vállalati ügyfeleink, akik rájöttek, hogy a legjobb módszer arra, hogy az alkalmazottjaik fejlesszék az angoltudásukat, ha például prezentációs vagy tárgyalástechnikai tréningen vesznek részt, ahol a nyelvet gyakorlati módon használják.

You work together as husband and wife. Does it make work more effective and more fun? Or does it have its drawbacks as well? How do you cope with the difficulties that may arise out of this arrangement? Mint férj és feleség dolgoztok együtt. Hatékonyabb és szórakoztatóbb így a munka? Vagy vannak ennek hátrányai is? Hogyan birkóztok meg a nehézségekkel, amelyek ebből a helyzetből adódnak? Having been married for almost 27 years, we find we have a synergy based on a common aim, but one to which we bring different skills since we are both focused on helping people succeed, whether it’s a candidate in a B1 exam or a student who needs direction to complete a Master’s thesis. Over the years we have collected a ‘family’ of successful learners who stay in touch and it’s a great pleasure to observe their progress and know that in some way, we contributed to this. We, however, have a rule for ensuring harmony – we don’t talk about business after 8 pm! Már majdnem 27 éve vagyunk házasok, és azt tapasztaljuk, hogy együtt tudunk működni egy közös cél érdekében, de ebbe az együttműködésbe különböző készségeket hozunk, mivel mind a ketten arra összpontosítunk, hogy segítsünk az embereknek sikereket elérni, akár egy B1 szintű vizsgázóról van szó, akár egy olyan hallgatóról, akinek a mesterdiploma elkészítéséhez van szüksége útmutatásra. Az évek során kialakult körülöttünk a sikeres tanulóknak egy olyan „családja”, akikkel kapcsolatban maradunk, és nagy örömünkre szolgál figyelni a haladásukat, majd tudni, hogy bizonyos módon mi is hozzájárultunk ehhez. Van azonban egy szabály, amit az összhang megtartása érdekében hoztunk – nem beszélünk munkáról este 8 után!

What plans do you have for the future? Milyen terveitek vannak a jövőre nézve? If you’d asked this question a month or so ago, then it would have been easier to answer. Assuming that the world one day returns to ‘normal’, (albeit having learned some lessons) then our plans are unchanged. We aim to go on helping others to succeed through providing relevant qualifications, engaging teaching methods and above all encouragement. We feel privileged to be in positions where we can influence so many people for good. Ha egy hónappal ezelőtt teszitek fel ezt a kérdést, könnyebb lett volna válaszolni. Feltételezve, hogy a világ egyszer még visszatér a normális működéséhez (bár bizonyos tanulságok levonása után), akkor a terveink ugyanazok maradnak. Célunk az, hogy segítsük mások sikereit azáltal, hogy megfelelő képesítéshez juttatjuk őket, releváns tanítási módszereket biztosítunk, és mindenekelőtt bátorítjuk őket. Kiváltságnak tartjuk, hogy olyan pozícióban vagyunk, ahonnan ilyen sok embert befolyásolhatunk jó irányba. 91


INTERVIEW Bemutatnád magad röviden? 1990 őszén kezdtem el nyelvoktatással foglalkozni. Óraadóként a városligeti Teleki Blanka Gimnáziumban tanítottam angolt három tanéven keresztül – méghozzá az egyetemi tanulmányaimmal párhuzamosan! Érdekes korszak volt ez, amikor a kötelező orosz megszűnését követően szinte minden diák angolul szeretett volna tanulni, de képzett nyelvtanárok még nem voltak hozzá elegen. 1993-ban végeztem az ELTE angol nyelvtanár szakán. A diploma megszerzése után néhány évig fordítóként dolgoztam, majd 1999-ben megpályáztam az Oxford University Press nyelvkönyvszerkesztőségében egy állást. 12 éven át dolgoztam a kiadónál, elsősorban középiskolai és általános iskolai felsőtagozatos könyveken, többek között az itthon is népszerű Project, Matrix, Horizons vagy Solutions sorozatok kötetein. 2012 óta már saját vállalkozásomban foglalkozom nyelvkönyvek írásával, szerkesztésével és tanárképzéssel különböző nemzetközi könyvkiadók, nyelvvizsgaközpontok és oktatási intézmények megbízásából.

Milyen tapasztalatokat szereztél tankönyvszerzőként? Mire kell figyelni a tankönyvírásnál?

Változó nyelv, változó nyelvkönyvek:

INTERJÚ Rézműves Zoltánnal Dezsényi István és Salánki Ágnes

Az angol nyelvkönyvek piaca zavarba ejtően széles, és nem könnyű a választás, hogy miből is jó és érdemes tanulni, tanítani. Milyen a jó nyelvkönyv? Mire figyeljünk a választásnál? A nyelvkönyv-e a legfontosabb tényezője a nyelv-tanulásnak vagy tankönyv nélkül is lehet eredményesen tanulni? Rézműves Zoltánnal beszélgettünk. 92

Egy tankönyv kidolgozása komplex feladat, amit csak csapatban lehet jól és eredményesen elvégezni. A szerző is csak egy tagja ennek a csapatnak, de a többiek észrevételei, elképzelései ugyanolyan fontosak, mint a saját koncepciónk. Persze azért jó, ha van a szerzőnek valamilyen koncepciója, mert az adja meg a könyv egyéniségét, az különböztetheti meg a boltokban kapható többi kötettől. A tanmenet és a könyv (illetve többnyire könyvek, hiszen a nyelvtanulás hosszú évekig tartó folyamat, amit csak egy-egy sorozat remélhet lefedni) szerkezetének átgondolása, megtervezése legalább annyi időt vesz igénybe, mint a konkrét leckék, szövegek, feladatsorok megírása. Az elsődleges szempont azonban az, mire van szüksége a leendő felhasználónak ahhoz, hogy eredményesen és egyben élvezetesen sajátíthassa el a különböző nyelvi (és a nyelven túlmutató, de a kommunikációban elengedhetetlen) készségeket. Ehhez meg kell ismernünk az igényeiket, eddigi tapasztalataikat és meglátásaikat is, hogy ezeket beépíthessük a tananyagba.

Mit tanácsolsz a tankönyvek felhasználóinak? Ők mire figyeljenek? Hogyan lehet jól, illetve rosszul használni a tankönyveket? Mondhatnám, hogy mindenki használja a könyveket saját szája íze szerint, és ez részben igaz is lenne. A könyv csak eszköz, segédlet. A tanulás sikerét a tanár és a tanulók közös munkája www.5percangol.hu | Szalai Nóra | 2020


INTERVIEW élvezetes legyen a kihívással megbirkózni, akkor az eredmények sem fognak elmaradni. Én úgy látom, az használja rosszul a tankönyvet, aki valamiért makacsul ragaszkodik ahhoz a könyvhöz, amely mindezeket nem adja meg – más szóval, aki rosszul választott, de ezt nem látja be időben. Mindig érdemes a kollégák tapasztalatait meghallgatni, javaslataikat kikérni, de mérlegelnünk kell, nekünk mennyiben mások az igényeink, elvárásaink, miben más az ízlésünk. Csak azért ne válasszunk könyvet, mert más odavan érte! Kissé leegyszerűsítve az lenne a tippem: ha szívesen tanulnánk a kézbe vett könyvből a diákjaink helyében, akkor valószínű, hogy tanítani is szívesen fogjuk majd.

Időről időre új kiadványok illetve a régi könyvek átdolgozásai jelennek meg a tankönyvpiacon. Mi teszi ezt szükségessé? A körülöttünk levő kultúra vagy a nyelv változása is?

határozza meg: azaz egy motivált, együttműködő csoport egy jó tanár mellett még egy vacak tankönyvből is eredményesen megtanulhat angolul. Csak persze egy jól kiválasztott, az adott korosztálynak szóló, és a tanulók szintjének megfelelő tananyagból sokkal könnyebb. De nincs egy olyan tankönyvcsalád sem, amely minden diák, minden csoport számára tökéletes! Az első fontos lépés tehát a könyv kiválasztása. Ha a tanár szereti tanítani az anyagot, mert jól felépített, kiegyensúlyozott, változatos és megbízható, és a tanuló szeret belőle tanulni, mert érdekes, motiváló és éppen csak annyira nehéz, hogy 2020


Az egyik ok az, hogy a világ változik. A tizenévesek világának fontos része például a popkultúra, és bizonyos témákat (mint a siker, népszerűség, életcélok, közös kulturális élmények témakörei) a popkultúrán keresztül lehet legéletszerűbben, a diákok számára legmegfoghatóbb módon megvitatni. De ki emlékszik ma már arra, hogy kik voltak a New Kids On The Block vagy a Backstreet Boys? Vagy fordítva: akár öt éve is, mi jutott elsőre egy angolt beszélő eszébe, ha azt hallotta: fortnight? 2015-ben ez még egy formális stílusú szó volt arra, hogy két hetes tartózkodás: We spent a fortnight in Ibiza, mondta a nyaralásból hazatérő. Ma, ha kimondjuk a szót, a tizenévesek rögtön az online konzoljátékra gondolnak, és úgy írják le, nagybetűvel: Fortnite. Ezeket a változásokat egy tankönyv sem hagyhatja figyelmen kívül. Ha mégis megteszi, azt kockáztatja, a tanulók számára irrelevánssá válik.

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De a nyelv is változik. Ez elsősorban a szókincsben érhető tetten. Egyes szavakra idővel kevésbé lesz szükségünk, más szavakra pedig annál inkább. A technika szókincse erre talán a legérzékenyebb. A kilencvenes évek végén használtuk a pager (személyhívó) vagy a dial-up modem (betárcsázós modem) szavakat, ma már elmagyarázni is nehéz, ezek mire voltak jók. De a nyelvhasználat, sőt, a nyelvtan is változik, ha sokkal lassabban is. Ma már szinte senki nem mondja, még formális közegben sem, hogy I shall és we shall, az angol beszélők szinte kizárólag az I will és we will formákat használják. A filmeknek, tévésorozatoknak köszönhetően korábban amerikanizmusnak tekintett kifejezések is szervesen beépültek a brit angolba, sőt, sokszor még a magyar nyelvbe is. Hogy csak a legfrissebb jövevényeket említsem: núb (noob, azaz kezdő, tapasztalatlan újonc), deb és debel (dab, sikert ünneplő kézmozdulat és az ebből képzett igealak). És hogy miért jelennek meg régi sorozatok új kiadásai is? Azért, mert ugyan ezek egyes részletei elavultak az idők során, de a lényeg, az alaposan kidolgozott tanmenet, vagy a hatékony gyakorlattípusok ma is ugyanolyan jól működhetnek, csak a tartalom szorul némi frissítésre.

Mennyire változnak a nyelvtanítás módszerei? A technikai eszközök milyen hatással vannak ezekre a módszerekre? A technikai lehetőségek felhasználásán kívül lehet-e még valami újjal előállni a metodológia, a módszerek területén? A technikai lehetőségekkel kapcsolatban én óvatosságra intenék. Nem attól jó vagy hatékony a nyelvtanítás, hogy alkalmazza-e a technikát. Az elsődleges, hogy mik a pedagógiai céljaink. Ha ezeket a technikai eszközök segítségével könnyebben, élvezetesebben, változatosabban tudjuk megvalósítani, akkor hajrá, jöhetnek a gépek! De 93



ha könyvből vagy akár könyv nélkül érünk hamarabb célt, akkor mi szükség a technikára? Csak azért ne használjunk valamilyen funkciót, mert elérhető, vagy mert sokat költöttünk a masinára. Sokszor a kiadók is azt nézik előbb, mit tud, mire képes az eszköz – és nem azt, akarjuk-e, szükség van-e rá, hogy bevessük egy adott cél érdekében. Persze a technika rengeteg, más módon nehezebben megvalósítható lehetőséget megnyit. Digitális tananyagokkal a távoktatás, az egyénre szabott haladás, az adaptív nyelvtanulás, az automatizált visszajelzés szinte magától értetődően elérhetők. Ezek hasznos dolgok – de csakis akkor, ha

amúgy érvényes pedagógiai elveket követnek. A módszertan terén amúgy én azt látom, hogy ugyan vannak hangsúlybeli különbségek egyes tankönyvcsaládok között, de fokozatosan uniformizálódnak közben. Húsz éve módszertani szempontból sokkal jobban különböztek egymástól az egyes tankönyvek. Ma már szinte mindegyikben az eklektikus kommunikatív módszertant találjuk: négy készség, pármunka-csoportmunka, tematikus fejezetek, és így tovább. Ami új talán, az a 21. századi készségek közé sorolt kritikai gondolkodásra támaszkodó központi kérdés (amit sokszor big question-ként emlegetnek) köré épített fejezetek megjelenése. Szerintem annál, hogy mit tanulunk, fontosabbá válik majd az, hogyan tanulunk. A tanulási készségek átadása, a rugalmas alkalmazkodóképesség elsajátíttatása előtérbe kerül majd a lexikális tudással szemben.

Sok időt töltöttél Angliában. Hogyan lehet felhasználni hatékonyan az idegen nyelvű környezetben töltött időt? Érdemes-e rövid időre is kiutazni nyelvtanulás céljából? Minden célnyelvi környezetben szerzett élmény hasznos a motiváció, 94

és a való életben szerezhető gyakorlat szempontjából. Persze csak akkor, ha tényleg az idegen nyelven kommunikálunk minél többet, és be merjük vetni magunkat a mély vízbe. Azaz nem a csoport legerősebb diákját vagy a tanárt küldjük be mindannyiunk nevében ezt-azt intézni, hanem mindannyian bevállaljuk, hogy vásárolunk, érdeklődünk, azaz használjuk a nyelvet a való életben. A kommunikatív kényszernél jobb motiváció talán nem is létezik: ha muszáj megértetnünk magunkat valakivel, akkor mindent el is fogunk követni, hogy ez sikerüljön! Csak ne legyenek irreális elvárásaink azzal kapcsolatban, mennyit fejlődünk majd egy rövid látogatás alatt, mert igazából valószínűleg nem sokat. Kevesebbet, mint egy jól összerakott, élvezetes tantermi órán.

Milyen terveid vannak? Milyen célokat szeretnél megvalósítani, mit szeretnél jobban megismerni, elsajátítani? Én már abban a korban vagyok, amikor főleg a gyerekeim céljainak, terveinek megvalósításában találom meg az örömömet. De azt nem bánnám, ha még egy-két idegen nyelvet megtanulhatnék jobban: a török és német nyelvtudásomat szívesen felturbóznám, de kérdés, találok-e rá elég időt.

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I. 1-C, 2-A, 3-C 4-A, 5-B; II. 1. era, 2. makeover, 3. pandemic, 4. hit, 5. message; III. 1-false, 2-true, 3-false, 4-false, 5-true; IV. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-e, 5-a; V. 1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d; ALL ABOUT – 68. oldal I. 1. Christian 2. resurrection 3. Good Friday 4. crucified 5. cross 6. salvation 7. sinned 8. third day 9. church 10. reunions 11. egg 12. Easter Bunny 13. basket II. 1. colourful/dyed/painted/decorated 2. moveable/religious 3. festive 4. Sunday 5. delicious/yummy/festive 6. crucified/resurrected/ risen/triumphant III. 1. roll away 2. come back 3. rise 4. recite 5. lay 6. toll/ring FELELETVÁLASZTÓS NYELVTANI TESZT – 74. oldal 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A IDIOMS – 76. oldal 1. Children and fools tell the truth. 2. to live in a fool’s paradise 3. One fool makes many. 4. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 5. fool’s gold 6. to fool around 7. Fools are wise until they speak. 8. to be nobody’s fool 9. A fool and his money are soon parted. 10. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. HALLÁS UTÁNI ÉRTÉS – 78. oldal Alapfok: Buying ham for Easter 1. what size she would like 2. four adults and three children 3. five kilograms 4. (a bit) too much 5. they have ham as big as that 6. 6 pounds per kilo 7. top quality 8. are always satisfied/never complain 9. Easter Saturday, 9 and 12 (in the morning) 10. by cash Középfok: World’s oldest man’s 112th birthday celebrations cancelled 1. He died last month at the age of 112, he was the world’s oldest man. 2. He was a teacher and engineer. 3. He celebrated it last March with his many friends. 4. He was 10 years old when it broke out. He doesn’t remember it because he didn’t know anybody who had it (and he didn’t read newspapers). 5. He has 25 great-grandchildren. 6. He does his own cooking, cleans, and reads the books that he hasn’t read. He can’t lift weights, he can’t move as fast as ten years ago, he can’t dress himself (properly). 7. He doesn’t know. 8. Constructing model windmills. 9. He has about ten. He doesn’t understand why she sends them to him, it costs money, so he selected one to keep (in which she is smiling and happy). 10. She was born on the same say as him. He doesn’t know her but sends her his best wishes. Felsőfok: How to keep children happy, learning and entertained at home

2. Dolgok (mosnivaló, játékok, cipők) szétválogatása. 3. Lefoglalja őket és az anyukájuk mellett lesznek. Úgy érzik, elértek valamit és motiváltak lesznek megenni, amit elkészítettek. 4. Vegyük őket lazábban a következő hetekben és adjunk nekik több teret a játékhoz. 5. Könyveket és finomságokat lehet odavinni. 6. Kérjük meg, hogy keressenek különféle dolgokat a lakásban és hozzák oda nekünk, hogy megvizsgáljuk – lehetőleg sok dolgot. 7. Kézműveskedjünk. A kövekből katicabogarat lehet készíteni, a gallyakat lefesteni és kiállítani, a virágokat lepréselni és a bogarakat lefényképezni. 8. Mert azt hiszik, hogy idősebbek. A vacsorarecept kiválasztásában. 9. Használják a képzelőerejüket, próbáljanak el és adjanak elő színdarabot, írjanak könyvet és tervezzék meg a borítóját. 10. A gyerekeinek ki kellett találni szavak jelentését szótár segítségével és nyelvi játékokat játszani házi készítésű kártyákkal, amin francia és spanyol szavak voltak és az angol megfelelőjük. ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGÁK – 81. oldal Alapfok: Fun Easter Facts 1. A pirosra festett tojás Jézus Krisztus vérét jelentette a kereszten. 2. Jézus üres sírját. 3. Termékenységre és új életre. 4. Németországban. 5. Gallyakból és levelekből fészket készítettek, hogy a húsvéti nyúl abba rakhassa a tojásokat. 6. Úgy néztek ki, mint a madárfészkek. 7. Tésztából és cukorból készültek. 8. Halloweenkor. 9. A legtöbb ember a fülénél kezdi enni. 10. Washingtonban minden évben húsvéti tojáskeresést rendeznek a Fehér Háznál. Floridában zajlott a legnagyobb tojáskeresés. Középfok: 86-year-old man teaches himself to knit so he can give 300 hats to premature babies 1.F 2.I 3.E 4.M 5.K 6.H 7.L 8.J 9.D 10.G Felsőfok: Hegyi kecskék kószálnak Llandudno utcáin Miután 200 évig leginkább a mészköves hegyoldalakra szorultak, vad kasmírkecskék csapatai – kihasználva a lehetőséget, amit a koronavírus miatt elrendelt országos karantén nyújt – elfoglalták méltó helyüket az észak-walesi tengerparti város uralkodóiként. Miközben a város mostanra elhagyottá vált, mivel a lakók otthonukba zárkóznak, a kecskék lejöttek a hegyről a festői üdülőhelyre, akadályozva a forgalmat, lelegelve a helyiek sövényeit, bóklászva a templom melletti parkos területen és parádézva a lehúzott redőnyű boltok előtt, mint például a butikok előtt, amelyek mindenféle gyapjúból készült dolgot árulnak. A kecskékről készült fotók elárasztották az internetet, miután egy újságíró sorozatban posztokat tett fel a kecskékkel való találkozásairól a Twitterre. A helyi hagyomány szerint a kecskék attól a pártól származnak, amelyet Viktória királynő a koronázása alkalmából a perzsa sahtól kapott ajándékba. Egy helytörténész szerint azonban a Viktória királynőnek ajándékozott kecskék lehet, hogy csak csatlakoztak egy már meglévő nyájhoz. Akárhogy is volt, a kecskékre úgy tekintenek, hogy királyi státuszuk van, és ezen a vidéken Windsor nyáj néven ismeretesek. A kapcsolat a kecskék és a llandudnoi emberek között már régóta elég összetett, ahogy egy helyi lakos magyarázta, ilyen is, olyan is. Mindenki szereti a kecskéket, de borzasztó mocskot csinálnak, lelegelik a növényeket és mindenhova odapiszkítanak.

1. Kertben, kagylókat, bogarakat és más kincseket keresni. Mert éles szemük van a legkisebb dolgokra is. 2020


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Lépj te is akcióba ezekkel a gyorsan összedobható családi vacsorareceptekkel!

5 perc Angol Magazin 2020/04. szám (XII. évfolyam) Megjelenik havonta Ára: 845 HUF, ISSN: 2061-2109 Kiadó és szerkesztőség: 5 Perc MEDIA Kft. 1136 Hegedűs Gyula u.9. (az udvarban) Telefon: 783-0207 www.5percangol.hu E-mail: [email protected] Szerkesztőségi munkatársak: Pölczman Ildikó [email protected]


A világ legmagasabb hegyének, a Mount Everest-nek az otthonába látogatunk.

Főszerkesztő és felelős kiadó: Szalai Nóra Szerkesztők: Szalai Nóra, Dr.Bülgözdi Imola, Spencer Cork, Ray McManus, Dezsényi István, Salánki Ágnes, Bába Kitti, Melanie Cork Lektorok: Megyery Pál, Frank Prescott, Tervezőszerkesztők: Molnár F. Péter, Baróthy Andrea, Szőke Balázs Hirdetésfelvétel: E-mailben: [email protected] vagy telefonon: 783-0207 Fotók: Tóth Péter, Istockphoto, Getty Images, Shutterstock,Graphicsnews.com, Corbis.com, Profimedia, PuzzlePix, Rexfeatures, Pitrolffy Zoltán Nyomda: Ipress Center Central Europe Zrt. 2600, Vác Nádas utca 8. Felelős vezető: Borbás Gábor Terjesztésgondozás: Hírvilág Press Kft., Telefon/Fax: (+36-1)411-0491, email: [email protected]


Terjesztés: Kapható a Lapker Zrt. hírlapárusainál, illetve megrendelhető a kiadótól postai úton (5 Perc Csoport Kft., 1136 Hegedűs Gyula u.9.), telefonon (783-0207) vagy e-mail-ben a [email protected] címen.

Májusban az anyákat ünnepeljük, idióma összeállításunkat is nekik szenteljük.


- felkészítő feladatok írásbeli érettségire és nyelvvizsgákra - kidolgozott tételek szóbeli vizsgákra - üzleti angol - hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladatok sok-sok audióval - nyelvtan - tanári resource-pack



Előfizetési információk: Telefon/Fax: 783-0207 Posta: 5 Perc Media Kft., 1136 Hegedűs Gyula u.9. E-mail: [email protected] Az 5 Perc Angol Magazin előfizethető a szerkesztőségnél az alábbi módokon: – készpénzben a szerkesztőség címén (hétfőtől péntekig 09:00–17:00 óráig) – csekken, amely a szerkesztőségtől rendelhető e-mailben ([email protected]), telefonon/faxon (783-0207) vagy postai úton (5 Perc Csoport Kft., 1136 Budapest Hegedűs Gyula u.9., az udvarban) – átutalással a 10700378-68725521-51100005 bankszámlára. Az átutalás közlemény rovatában kérjük tüntesse fel a pontos címet, ahová a magazint kapni kívánja. Előfizetésben terjeszti még a Magyar Posta Zrt. Hírlap Igazgatóság, Postacím: 1900 Budapest Előfizethető az ország bármely postáján, a hírlapot kézbesítőknél, valamint megrendelhető: e-mail-en: [email protected] címen, és telefonon a 06-80/444-444 számon. Észrevételeiket a +36-1-767-8262 számon jelenthetik be. Külföldön árusításos úton és online terjeszti a COLOR Interpress Kft. 1039 Budapest, Hatvany Lajos utca 14. Tel: 06-1/243-9232 Előfizetési díjak: Negyedévre: 2535 forint (845 Ft/példány) Félévre: 5070 forint (845 Ft/példány) Egy évre: 8400 forint (700 Ft/példány)

LEMARADTÁL A KORÁBBI SZÁMOKRÓL? MÁR KAPHATÓ A TELJES ÖTÖDIK ÉVAD! 2013. október – 2014. szeptember - 12 lapszám - több mint 800 oldal - több mint 12 órányi ingyenes hanganyag - kiegészítő feladatok a weboldalon - érdekes videók

A CSOMAG ÁRA: 5500 forint

A kiadványok megvásárolhatók szerkesztőségünkben, vagy megrendelhetőek webáruházunkban! (Az ár nem tartalmazza a szállítási költséget, amely az ország teljes területén 1000 forint/csomag.)

Szerkesztőség és mintabolt: 1136 Budapest, Hegedűs Gyula u.9. (az udvarban) Nyitva tartás: minden hétköznap 09.00-18.00-ig



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5perc Angol Szalai Nóra


Több mint 250.000 regisztrált olvasó • ingyenes, névre szóló napi nyelvleckék • 1300 órányi ingyenesen letölthető hanganyag • írásbeli és szóbeli nyelvvizsga felkészítő feladatsorok • tematikus nyelvleckék kezdőknek és újrakezdőknek • országos nyelviskolakereső • nyelvoktató termékek széles választéka webáruházunkban • 11000 ingyenes nyelvlecke

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