1. Đề Chính Thức Open Cloze 1 (10Pts) Small Talk [PDF]

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CLOZE TEST (2017) (1-10) 1. ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC OPEN CLOZE 1 (10PTS) SMALL TALK "It's often said the British talk about the weather more than any other nationality in the world. Some people even go so far as to claim that they talk about little (1)………. But while it may seem that the British alone have an undue (2) ………. with the weather, the fact is, climatic conditions are a common topic of conversation all around the world. This is hardly surprising. After all, the 12 weather is one of the few things that we all have in common, and it influences us profoundly. It affects our (3) ……….. of mind, our daily activities, our weekend plans and more But that's only (4) ………. of the story. There's really a lot (5) ………. to it than that. In Britain, conversations about the weather are usually not really about the weather at all. The British use comments about the weather to (6) ……….. The ice in social situations, (7) ………. awkward or uncomfortable silences during conversations, or, (8) ………. as a greeting. Remarks like “Nice day, isn't it?", “Ooh, isn't it hot?" and “Looks like rain, no?" are not requests for meteorological data. Rather, they are ritual greetings used to indicate someone wishes to engage you in conversation; or they are just signs of friendliness. Learners of the English should do (9) ………. to understand the fundamental function remarks about the weather (10) ………. in British social interaction. OPEN CLOZE 2 (10 PTS) AIRPORT AVATARS Smiling, computerized, talking avatars are being introduced at airports around the world in a bid to make travelers journeys more efficient. The life-sized hologram projections which are situated at key points in airports such as just before security, read out pre-recorded messages designed to help passengers – anything from the location of bathrooms and taxi stands (1) ………. on-flight liquid restrictions and security regulations. Some of these virtual assistants, which have been unveiled at New York's JFK and Paris Orly airport among others, have a sensor which activates their (2) ………. when a person walks (3) ………. a few feet of them. (4) ………. repeat their pre-programmed speeches on a loop. All dispense their information in comforting and informative voices intended to calm passenger's nerves. So (5) ………. are these latest airport employees faring? According to airport staff, feedback from passengers has been largely positive. More importantly, though, these avatars are proving effective. Because they are so lifelike, passengers can't help but look at them and take notice of what they are saying. Thus, they are doing what they were designed to (6) ………. ease the workload on the airport's flesh-and-(7) ………., staff. Will we one day see avatars at all airports? Perhaps. But with one (8) ………. The current avatars are not interactive - they cannot hold conversations with (9) ………. Developers are hopeful that (10) ………. additions to this series of avatars will be active. 2. (ĐỀ NGHỊ) BẾN TRE CLOZE TEST 1: THE EFFECTS OF ACID RAIN When acid rain gets into lakes and streams, it kills the fish and other (1) ………. and plants that live there. Many rivers in Scandinavia no longer have any fish. All the fish have

been killed by acid rain. Acid rain can also (2) ………. plants on land, including farm crops and forests. By the mid- 1980s, acid rain had damaged or killed almost half of the trees in Germany's Black Forest. The (3) ……….. surfaces of stone buildings and monuments can also be corroded, or worn (4) ………., by acid rain. Some of the world's greatest buildings and monuments show signs of damage caused by acid rain. Acid rain eats away (5) ……….. the steel in bridges and railings as well. REDUCING ACID RAIN Most of the (6) ………. that produce acid rain come from power stations, factories, and vehicles. Power stations and factory (7) ………. can be fitted with devices that remove these gases. (8) ………. can be fitted with catalytic converters, which reduce the pollution in exhaust fumes. (9) ………. the devices to reduce the acid gases are expensive. Not all governments, companies, and individuals are willing to spend the (10) ………. money on them. OPEN CLOZE 2 (10PTS) HOW DO REEFS FORM? Coral reefs play an important role in ocean life. Many kinds of plants, fish, and other animals live (11) ………. and around a coral reef. Even the reef itself is made mostly of tiny coral animals, both living and dead. Coral animals do not move around. These tiny (12) ………. live together in groups called colonies. One single coral animal is called a polyp. It has a body (13) ………. like a tube. Its mouth is on the top of the tube. Little tentacles around the mouth help the coral polyp catch food that (14) ………. by. Coral animals eat microscopic sea creatures called zooplankton. The reef-building polyp makes a hard (15) ………. shell for itself from materials found in seawater. When the polyp dies, the shell is left behind. The shells from colonies of polyps build up (16) ………. time to form a rock called limestone. This limestone becomes the inner part of the reef. The living coral animals form the (17) ………. part of the reef. As each layer of polyps dies, their stony skeletons get added to the reef. A new layer then grows on top of the (18) ………. . This is how a reef gets bigger. Tiny (19)……….-celled algae called zooxanthellae live in coral polyps. The polyp and the algae make (20) ………. for one another. The polyps could not live without the algae. 3. BẢO LỘC- LÂM ĐỒNG TEST 1 Stress problems are very common. The American Psychological Association's 2007 "Stress in America" poll found that one-third of people in the United States report experiencing extreme levels of negative stress. In (1) ………. nearly one out of five people report that they are experiencing high levels of negative stress 15 or more days per month. Impressive (2) ………. these figúres are, they represent only a cross-section of people's stress levels at one particular moment of their lives. When stress is (3) ………. as something that occurs repeatedly across the full lifespan, the true incidence of stress problems is much higher. (4) ………. "stressed out" is thus a universal human phenomenon that affects (5) ………. everyone. What are we talking about when we discuss stress? Generally, most people use the word stress to (6) ………. to negative experiences that leave us feeling overwhelmed. Thinking about stress exclusively as something negative gives us a false impression of its true nature, however. Stress is a reaction (7) ………. a changing, demanding environment. Properly considered, stress is really (8) ………. about our capacity to handle change than it is about (9) ………. that change makes us feel good or bad. Change, after all, is (10) ………. to stay and stress is in large part what we feel when we are facing it.

TEST 2 The word cyberbullying did not even exist a decade ago, yet the problem has become a pervasive (1) ………. today. Cyberbullies do not have to be strong or fast; they just need access to a cell phone or computer and a 40 (2) ………. to terrorize. Anyone can be a cyberbully, and such persons usually have (3) ………. worries about having face-to-face confrontation with their victims. In fact, the anonymity of cyberbullying may cause students who normally would not bully in the tradition-sense to become a cyberbully. The double-edged (4) ………. of modern technology, continuously balancing between risks and opportunities, manifests itself clearly in an emerging societal problem known (5) ………. cyberbullying. More than 97% of youths in the United States are connected (6) ………. the Internet in some way. The number of children and teens who use the Internet at home is rapidly (7) ………. with now over 66% of fourth to ninth graders able to go online from the comfort of their bedrooms. Children can (8) ………. in numerous Internet-based activities such as game playing, seeking information, and talking with friends. The constellation of benefits, however, has been recently eclipsed by numerous accounts of the Internet's undesirable social implications, (9) ………. appear in both scholarly literature and popular media. A fair amount of attention has been given to Internet offenses, including cyberstalking, sexual predation, etc. collectively placing the safety of children and teens who use the Internet into (10) ………. 4. BẠC LIÊU Autism is a mental disease which prevents those who suffer from it from communicating with the (1) ………. world. Victims seem to live in a world of their own which, (2) ………. now, doctors are unable to penetrate. The illness was first (3) ………. a name in 1943, and yet doctors have made very little progress in their understanding of the disease since then. According to statistics, (4) ……….. two and four children out of every 10,000 are born autistic. Often victims are not able to (5) ………. ,read or write. But (6) ………. is most extraordinary about illness is the fact that in other areas many of the children can perform almost super-human feats of the brain. One of the more common skills these so-called autistic savants have is calendrical calculation, (7) ………. is the ability to say which day of the week a particular date falls (8) ………. .Jackie, for instance, who is now 42 years old, could do this from the age of six, when she first began to talk. She can tell you what day of the week it was on 1 April 1933 with (9) ………. a moment's hesitation. But if you ask her (10) ………. she does it, she'll say she doesn't know. THE SAHARA MARATHON One of the most amazing marathon races in the world is the Marathon of the Sands. It takes place every April in the Sahara Desert in the south of Morocco, a part of the world where temperatures can reach fifty degrees centigrade. The standard length of a marathon is 42.5 kilometres but (1) ………. one is 240 kilometres long and takes seven days to complete. It began in 1986 and now attracts about two hundred runners, the majority of (2) ………. ages range from seventeen to forty-seven. About half of them come from France and the rest from all over the world. From Britain it costs £2,500 to enter, which includes return air fares. The race is rapidly becoming more and more popular (3) ……….. the harsh conditions that runners must endure. They have to carry food and (4) ………. else they need for seven days in a rucksack weighing no more than twelve kilograms. In (5) ……….to this, they are given a litre and a half 50 of water every ten kilometres. Incredibly, nearly (6) ……….the runners finish the course. (7) _man, Ibrahim El Journal, took part in every race from 1986 to 2004. Runners do suffer terrible physical hardships. Sometimes they lose toenails and skin peels (8) ……….their

feet. However, doctors are always on hand to deal (9) ………. minor injuries and to make sure that runners do not push (10) ………. too far. 5. HOÀNG LÊ KHA- TÂY NINH TEST 1 CELEBRITY CROSSOVER It is not surprising that actors want to be pop stars, (0) and vice versa. (1) ………. that is deep in a part of our brain that most of us manage to keep (2) ………. control, we all want to be pop stars and actors. Sadly, there's nothing about the former profession that automatically qualifies you for the other, (3) ……….of course, for the fact that famous actors and singers are already surrounded by people who never say no to them. On the whole, pop stars tend to fare better on screen than their opposite numbers (4) ………. on CD. Let's face it: not being able to act is (5) ………. big drawback in Hollywood, whereas not being able to play or sing still tends to count (6) ………. you in the recording studio. Some stars do display a genuine proficiency in both disciplines, and a few even maintain successful careers in both fields, but this just (7) ………. а bad example for all the others. For every success, there are two dozen failures. And most of them have no idea (8) ………. terrible they are. Just as power tends to corrupt, so celebrity tends to destroy the ability to gauge whether or not you're making a fool of (9) ……….. But perhaps we shouldn't criticize celebrities for trying to expand their horizons in this way. (10) ………. there is one good thing about actors trying to sing and singers trying to act, it is that it keeps them all too busy to write books. TEST 2 A new television programme in America - Blind Hate – plans to show couples spitting up! The programme is already advertising in the papers for (1) ………. “contestants”. The makers of the programme have come up with a plan to tempt one partner into being unfaithful to the other - with them being chatted up by an attractive "stranger" - so that the second partner then has a good (2) ………. for being able to get rid of the first one! All of this will take place under the observation of a secret camera, (3) ………. both the partners subsequently being invited into a television studio where the film will be shown to a studio audience. Only one partner will know what the show is really (4) ………. about, with the unfaithful one suddenly (5) ………. confronted with their own infidelity. The show boasts that it will have special counsellors on (6) ………. to help deal with the split and its psychological impact. However, it has already (7) ………. in for severe criticism from religious and other bodies who claim that it is potentially very dangerous as well as in very bad (8) ……….7. The Church in particular says that it damages the value of marriage and is highly immoral. Many psychologists too have condemned it (9) ……….some of their colleagues taking part in the spectacle. Whether the show actually finally gets (10) ………., go ahead remains to be seen, but its makers are optimistic that it will be a great success! 6. HÙNG VƯƠNG- GIA LAI CLOSE TEST 1 The first London to Brighton run took place on November 14, 1896. It was organized to celebrate the (1) ……… of a law which made it easier for cars in Britain to be driven on the roads. (2) ………then, the law required a driver and an engineer in the car and a man walking in front of the vehicle with a red flag warning of its approach. 71 events on Since then, this

annual run has become one of the most (3) ………. the British motoring calendar, (4) ……… crowds of over one million lining the route. Only the very oldest cars, constructed during the ten years between 1895 and 1905, are allowed to take part in it. Lovingly polished by their drivers, who are dressed in the clothing of the (5) ……… the cars leave Hyde Park in London at 7.30 am and (6). ………, hopefully, in Brighton some three hours later. The 60-mile run is not a race- there's an official coffee stop on the way and the cars are restricted to an average speed of only 30kph. The only (7) ……… for finishing is a medal, which is awarded to everyone who (8) ……… Brighton before 4pm. The run traditionally (9) ……… participants from all four corners of the world, (10) ……… Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Since the youngest car is nearly a hundred years old, some of them break down of course. But for the owners of the 400-plus vehicles, it's simply being there that brings he greatest pleasure. CLOZE TEST 2 Parents- as you are probably well aware - are easily shockable. No matter (1) ………. hard they try to be trendy and to keep up to date with modern fads, they (2) ……… never quite help being a generation removed. Life simply moves too quickly for them. They will in (3) ……… likelihood attempt to maintain some sort of dialogue with you by going out and buying the latest CDs, only (4) ……… find a few months later the charts are filled by acts (5) ……… names they have never heard of. Then they get frustrated and it all comes pouring out during an edition of some chart show on TV when they moan that there has never been anything (6) ……… listening to since their day- whenever that happened to be. Other parents don't even try to understand their kids. They occupy the moral high (7) ……… and dismiss anything that has happened since their youth (8) ……… decadent. Naturally, as lovers of folk music or slushy ballads, their principal complaint against rock music is that they can't make (9) ……… the words. Hardly a day seems to go by without you incurring their displeasure one way or another, whether it's your hair, your clothes or the fact that you stayed out till three. So why bother trying to please them? You might just as well wind them (10) ……… even more. 7. HUỲNH MẪN ĐẠT- KIÊN GIANG NEW ROLES FOR WOMEN AND MEN IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY The forces changing American women's lives that (1) ……… become evident by 1950s accelerated in the following decades. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination not only (2) ……… racial minorities but also (3) ……… the basis of sex. At the same time, the women's liberation movement led to a rethinking of gender roles. People of (4) ……… sexes increasingly came to see careers for women as an alternative to women as full-time homemakers. By the end of the 1980s, (5) ……… than half of women over sixteen were in the labour force. Public opinion began to look with favour on men (6) ……… shared housekeeping and children with their wives. This included kitchen duties. Men (7) ………cooking expertise had (8) ………limited to grilling bacon or boiling an egg began to take a deeper (9) ……… in cooking. Simultaneously, the trend toward convenience continued with the spread of gadgets like food processors and automatic dishwashers, which (10) ………now standard equipment. THE END OF AN ERA ... Well, it's three days to go before my twentieth birthday. I'm finding it very difficult to come to (11) ……… with the fact that that word teenager is not going to (12) ……… to me for much longer. Teenagers can get away with so much whereas 'twenty somethings' are expected to be far more (13) ……… Two years ago I was so

excited about turning eighteen. I couldn't wait to become independent but suddenly I've found myself getting (14) ……… 100 more nostalgic about my carefree childhood days when nothing really seemed to matter. I don't feel I can spend hours in front of the television any more because there's a far (15) ……… more pressure on me to stop being idle and get a part- time job to save up for my university fees now. There are some aspects of being a teenager that I'm definitely not going to miss though. I feel an (16) ……… lot more self-confident and emotionally (17) ……… than I used to and I know I'm not (18) ……… as confrontational as I was - I certainly won't miss all those rows that I used to have with my parents and the sheer (19) ……… of not being understood. I'm also really looking forward to going to university next year. It'll be the first time I've lived away from home and the first time that I'll truly be left to do my own (20) ……… 8. LÊ HỒNG PHONG- HỒ CHÍ MINH OPEN CLOZE 1 Environmental issues are harmful (1) ……… of human activity on the biophysical environment. Environmental protection is a (2) ……… of protecting the natural environment (3) ……… individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the environment and humans. (4) ……… a social and environmental movement, addresses environmental issues through advocacy, education and activism. The carbon dioxide (5) ……… of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere has already (6) ………. 400 parts per million (with total "long- term" GHG exceeding 455 parts per million). This level is considered a tipping point. "The amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is already above the (7) ………. that can potentially cause dangerous climate change. We are already at risk of many areas of pollution... It's not next year or next decade, it's now." "Climate disasters are (8) ……… the rise. Around 70 percent of disasters are now climate-(9) ……… up from around 50 percent from two decades ago. These disasters take a heavier human (10) ……… and come with a higher price tag. In the last decade, 2.4 billion people were affected by such disasters, (11) ……… to 1.7 billion in the previous decade. The cost of responding to disasters has (12) ……… tenfold between 1992 and 2008. Destructive sudden heavy rains, intense tropical storms, repeated flooding and droughts are likely to increase, (13) ……… will the vulnerability of local communities in the absence of strong concerted action." "Climate change is not just a distant (14) ……… threat. It is the main driver behind rising humanitarian needs and we are seeing its impact. The number of people affected and the (15) ……… inflicted by extreme weather has been unprecedented." 94 at preventing monopoly, be some rules and regulations OPEN CLOZE 2 An economics professor, trying to explain "monopoly” to a freshman class, could (1) ………. find a more illuminating example than professional sports. The major leagues maintain (2) ……… control over the supply of their sports. The United States does (3) ……… these might as well not exist where sports are (4) ……… Every league operates effectively as a cartel a group of competitors joined together for (5) ……… economic benefit. The cartel arrangement gives participating teams the best of two (6) ……… It reduces competition among members, but still allows them freedom of action in areas not (7) ……… by the cartel agreement. Thus the league members agree on matters of common interest, such as game rules, number of teams allowed in the league, promotional campaigns, and media contracts. The competition takes place' mainly on the field, when the athlete-employees of two teams meet in a (8) ……… Being an economic cartel creates enormous benefits for a sports league, by reducing competition in areas that would (9) ……… cost owners more money. When teams bid against each other for the services of talented players, for example, the process is controlled by league, rules regulating contracts, drafts and trades. In the annual college football draft, for instance, proteams must take turns designating individual college athletes they wish to hire. The cartel

also decides how many teams can be in the league, and where they can locate, thus limiting the number of potential employers the (10) ……… can choose from. 9. LÊ KHIẾT- QUẢNG NGÃI PASSAGE 1 THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS Man has always depended on plants (1) ……… food and many other useful products. For this reason, farming is one of the world's most important industries. At first, (2) ……… man did not know how to plant seeds and raise crops. He (3) ……… wild fruits and vegetables where he found them. Then man discovered how to grow his own food. He (4) ……… seeds and waited for the crop to grow. For the first time, he could be reasonably sure of his food supply. He could settle down and (5) ……… shelters in the places where he grew food. As populations began to increase, the (6) ……… for food became greater. Old-fashioned tools and farming methods were insufficient in meeting the demand, so man cultivated more and more land and invented complicated machines to make his work easier. Tractors replaced horses and other farm animals. Scientists studied and (7) ……… with plants. They told farmers how to (8) ……… plant diseases, and how to grow bigger and better cro Now one man, with a knowledge of plants and the (9) ……… of machines, can cultivate hundreds of acres. He can raise plants which did not originally grow in the soil or (10) ……… of his community. PASSAGE 2 Remarks by President Obama at YSEALI Town Hall Student: “Hello, sir. I'm a student in Vietnam National University. You are a very great leader, and we are young leaders. Do you have any advice that how can we be great like you?" President Obama:. "When I was at your age, I wasn't as well-organized and sophisticated as all of you. When I was young, I fooled (1) ……… a lot. I didn't always take my studies very seriously. I was more interested in basketball and girls. I wasn't always that serious. You're already way (2) ……… of me. Whenever I meet with young people, my most important advice is to find something you care deeply about, find something excites you and (3) ……… all energy into it. Everybody's (4). ………is different. Sometimes it's education, medicine, business. So no one's path is to end being a leader. Some people think you have to make great speeches, or be in politics but there're a lot of ways to (5) ………Some are behind the (6) ……… For example in the U.S., civil rights movement, when all heard of Martin Luther King but also Moses, John Louis going to communities, getting people to (7) ………They were big leaders, even though they didn't make speeches. Don't worry so much what you want to be. Worry more about what you are going to do. If you're (8) ……… about your work. Over time, you will rise and people will respect. But if you just think I want to be a member of the National Assembly or rich then you will pay less (9) ……… to your work. Most successful people do. Bill Gates didn't start thinking I want to be rich. I like computers and want to build software. I decided that I wanted to help poor people to have opportunities. So I went to work in poor communities in Chicago because I was interested in the work. I started to ask questions: how can I help young people? How can I (10) ……… How can I build organizations? That's my most important advice. Decide what you care about deeply and put all into that. If you are interested in social media, make a company and focus on that". [The White House - Office of the Press Secretary] 10. LÊ QUÝ ĐÔN- BÀ RỊA VŨNG TÀU

CLOZE TEST 1 Dunking yourself in cool water is a remedy so old that Hippocrates recommended it, and Charles Darwin famously 1. ………a regime of being "scrubbed with a rough towel in cold water for two or three minutes” to improve a his ailing health. For present-2. ………scientists, the fascination with the power of cold continues, with 3. ………from a blast of icy water during a morning shower to walking topless in winter 4. ………studied as a possible quickand-simple path to a healthier life. A new report from the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands has linked global warming with a 5. ............. in type 2 diabetes, and numerous studies in the past few years have 6. ............. credence to the idea that artificial heat may be a contributing factor to obesity, 7. .............. it has caused our metabolisms to slow down. The theory goes that 8. ............. the two types of fat in the body (white and brown) brown fat burns calories, and there's evidence to 9. ............. that when you're cold, brown fat is either produced, or activated. In our world of central heating and controlled environments, we simply aren't cold often 10. ............. So which of all the practical cooling tips may actually improve our health? CLOZE TEST 2 The 3rd December was a turning 1 ............. for Virgin Galactic's plans for space tourism. Lifting 2. ............. from California's Mojave Air and Space Port, Space Ship Two - dubbed VSS Unity - and its carrier craft, the White Knight Two, flew for 3. ............. total of one hour and 20 minutes. Flights using the White Knight Two carrier craft had been undertaken before, 4 ............. this was the first where the VSS Unity flew for a period under its own control. The journey 5 ............. ten minutes of free flight, where the space plane detached from the carrier and was piloted safely back to Earth. The success is great news for Virgin Galactic, who had seen their plans delayed 6. ............. the VSS Unity's predecessor, VSS Enterprise, crashed in October 2014, tragically 7............... the copilot. The test is scheduled to be the first of many, and will eventually 8. ............. to ascents where the VSS Unity will climb even higher than the carrier craft. When these tests are completed, and the first commercial flights begin, the journey will become a unique public 9 ............. Passengers will soar higher than any current commercial aircraft, experiencing several minutes of 10 ............. in microgravity.