Zoran Radosavljevic - Brush Up On The Vedic Astrology Basics-1-1 [PDF]

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Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Zoran Radosavljevic

Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha


Many people may question the need for a new book on the basics of Vedic astrology. However, this is not an ordinary book for beginners. This book is conceived as a brush up tool on various basic and even advance concepts of traditional Vedic astrology. I am writing this book having in mind myself many years ago, buying tons of books in India, living with an obsession to read every possible copy. It was a phase of my life, when I used to buy all Vedic astrology books from both eastern and western markets, and compulsively read them. I was young and had an insatiable thirst for Vedic knowledge. Having read hundreds of books, there were many questions unanswered, and many things missing. There was no consistency and agreement even in the basic matters such as signification of houses, methods of houses, signification of planets etc. Each book offered its special set of judgment rules, which worked in some cases, and failed miserably in others. This long journey through books left me in astrological "constipation", where I learnt many things, and actually knew nothing. Being stuck in astrological literature was a hard and frustrating thing. I spent many years studying this subject, spent a lot of money on books, and I was left with pieces of information and unclear picture. It took me a lot of time to understand the reasons why?! We can group jyotish literature into Parashara, Jaimini, Garga and vriddha teaching, which are considered to be very old. Written works trace back to four or five thousand years (opinion of the east scholars), and more than two thousand years (opinion of the west scholars). Ignoring their disagreements, we are still speaking of the written pieces. As a matter of fact, tracing back oral traditions becomes an impossible task. Some texts claim to be divinely and supernaturally revealed or inspired, written by a succession of teachers who inhabited soil of ancient India.


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Another huge bulk of jyotish literature traces back roughly to 6th century. All these works were concentrated around Varaha Mihira School. This school of thought is greatly followed by modern astrologers, while vriddha karika teachings are almost lost or kept only within few traditions. Today, many astrologers believe that astrology can be learnt from books, and they ignore the role of a teacher. As a result, they learn many shlokas (or verses) from classical texts (both old and from Varahamihira schools). However, once they try to apply them in practical charts, many rules and formulas simply do not work. Some of them reject the texts questioning their authenticity, while some of them try to work out some modem types of astrological formulas and rules. As a matter of fact, Prithuyasas the son of Varahamihira addressed this issue long time back in his treatise "Horasara". In the seventh chapter of this work, he mentioned that students should learn particular calculations from their Gurus. Therefore, all the authors in Varahamihira School (which serves as the basis for many modern astrologers) actually wrote their masterpieces having in mind the trend of the time where students studied jyotish under the qualified masters. Normally, without such training from a teacher, it is not possible to understand classical astrological books. What is astrological constipation? I believe that K. N. Rao introduced this term. Astrological "constipation" is bound to occur during your astrological studies. Once you read many books and learn various principles, you will also examine number of charts. At that stage of learning, you can definitely understand that certain jyotish principles work. However, you will stumble on certain charts, where you will not be able to explain nor understand what is going on. Let us say that you want to analyze children in person's horoscope. You will know that you have to study the 5th house, its lord and Guru (karaka). However, when you try to pinpoint exact events, and determine each child and their destiny, you will be in trouble. In addition, you can easily see that maha and antardasa are either good or bad, but exact events and timing will become a difficult issue to deal with.


Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Here is an example of "constipated" learning: It is common knowledge that 4thbhava stands for mother, vehicles, comforts, property, etc. If we want to examine any of these aspects, we should analyze the planets in the fourth bhava, its lord and various karakas such as Moon for mother, Mars for property, Jupiter for sukha or happiness, etc. There are additional techniques such as aspects, varga charts, etc. Many astrologers already know this, and they use this procedure. This is actually nothing new. In spite of this, there are some questions which are quite difficult to answer at this stage. Imagine if a client starts asking the following questions: 1. How long will my mother live? 2. Where is the problem in my relationship with my mother? Am I wrongly behaving, or is she torturing me? 3. Can you describe my mother's character? Shall we look at the Moon, the fourth bhava, the fourth lord or aspects? 4. How is her own fortune? What's her fortune with my father? What was her childhood like and what was her fortune and relationship with her parents? What is the state of her finance, her job, etc.? All these questions should be clearly seen from our own chart. The easy way out would be to look at mothers chart separately. A Vedic astrologer should be able to answer all these questions. We should be able to give the exact number of children, describe their characters, destinies, marriages and so on. We should be also able to describe exact characters and lives of our parents, even grandparents, and all the people we are directly or indirectly related to. All these information should be seen from one's own chart. Therefore, if you have read many well known astrology books, and perhaps finished courses and studies, and still can not answer these questions, then it is the time to genuinely brush up your knowledge.


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Constipated learning continued When people try to ask questions about the mother, astrologers do the following: 1. Some would study all influences on a fourth bhava, its lord, and a karaka (Chandra), and blend all effects. 2. Some would focus more on Chandra as karaka, ignoring or giving less importance to the fourth house. 3. Some astrologers opine that a planet in 4thbhava dominates over the 4th lord or karaka Moon. If that is the case, how can you make a difference between that planet influence on a mother, and another significations of 4th bhava? Does it mean that Saturn in 4thbhava will have the same impact on a mother and on a property? 4. Many astrologers resolve this issue using the karaka. Then, the Moon as a karaka for mother is also a karaka for my own mind as well. How can we see the difference between the two? Nowdays, the internet (youtube) is full of videos of prominent astrologers explaining these by mixing influences, or stating that contradictory results will give 50 % of good and 50% of bad, without addressing these questions. My point is that this approach will never give correct and clear answers. You cannot take all influences, blend them, and give some mixed indications. Another aspect terribly missing in the books is proper Vedic philosophy. I have asked so many learned pundits some philosophical questions, and no one was ready to give me a clear answer. I remember asking them simple questions in the beginning stages of my learning: "Why the Sun and the Moon do not have lordships in trimsamsa varga (divisional chart)?" It was my jyotish Guru Pt. Sanjay Rath who answered this question. He simply explained: "This varga deals with the dark side of our soul, and the lights have nothing to do there".


Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha During my reading studies, many questions were troubling me for years. The methods as how to find out exact number of children and their fortune was not explained properly in any book. I have found in some books that we should take the number of planets having aspect on the fifth house, fifth lord, or Guru whichever is stronger. If you try this method, it would never work consistently. Some learned pundits told me that they predicted children by judging the antardasas. Therefore, Guru Antardasa should give a male child, while Shukra antardasa should give birth to a daughter. Does it mean that we have to see a person getting married and pregnant, and then predict a birth of a child? Some books advise calculation methods, which never give consistent results. Others take astakavarga bindus in the fifth house from Guru, which again never gives exact results by itself. I have studied all these methods and never reached a satisfactory answer. There are so many disagreements and inconsistencies, and it would take a lot of time and space to list them one by one. Those of you, who have read so many books will understand my words. Therefore, with all these questions in my mind, I used to collect more and more books, browse through internet sites and wait for my answers. I used every opportunity to talk to other astrologers, and ask them different questions, trying to learn whatever I could. Some senior astrologers used to tell me that I was too "budding", and that I would learn by experience and intuitional approach. Great Sage Parashara said that in Kali Yuga, human mind was full of sins and thus unable to comprehend this knowledge. This was the satisfying statement to me, so I used to explain all my personal failures by my "sinful" mind, which was not able to understand it. In this way, I was sailing through books for more than seven years, and collected almost all English books which were available in the market. I used to spend five to seven hours a day reading each book carefully and taking down my own notes. I had so many doubts and unanswered questions in my mind, that I started silently praying to God, to give me a guide (Guru) who would set me on this path, or remove me from the same, if it was not my destiny. With the grace of God, I met Pt. Sanjay Rath in 1997 and started my long journey studying under his feet. After so many years, I think I am mature enough to turn back to the basic principles, and help those


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics who were passing, or are still passing through astrological "constipation" process. My intention is to help all those who already studied this subject, as well as to those who are starting this journey now. I am going to give out all digested principles and rules, which will unanimously work all the time. This book should become a needle, which serves to patch up various pieces of jyotish information and knowledge. I can not say that the credit goes to me. The knowledge was given by the Guru and blessing of the Holy Father (Shiva), and I can not claim that it is mine. It has never been mine, nor it will be mine, because it is the knowledge of the soul. It belongs to the soul, and we can only awaken to the fact that we may receive it, if blessed enough. Therefore, a certain number of similar and seemingly illogical questions, together with some people somewhere in the world searching for the truth in this knowledge, have left the door open for me to write this book. This book is my humble attempt to answer all those questions which were literally torturing me during my initial years of studies. There are many questions at every phase of learning, and it is impossible task to address them all. However, if God permits, this book may be one in the line of "brush up" books at various stages of learning. Having in mind the purpose of this book, which is to brush up on various basic levels of understanding jyotish, it is my imperative not to do the following: Repeat the basics of Vedic philosophy and astronomy, which is correctly explained in various other books. Repeat the schemes of signs, planets and naksatras and various other information, as they are provided in so many other books. Repeat rules, which are already well known and described in so many astrology books. This book will fail to serve its purpose, if it becomes one among many books, "chewing" the subject in different words and sentences, and telling the same. This book will fail to serve its purpose, if it leaves questions unanswered, and becomes one among many books, where


Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha only bits and parts will be useful for your learning. This book is not meant for absolute beginners, who may find hundreds of beginner's books on the subject, and are advised to read any of them first. If you use this book as a textbook and study each chapter and all rules carefully, it will replace years of self-study, and many Vedic astrology courses. Practical example charts from my own practice with real life (ordinary) people as well as famous and well known people supplement each chapter and many rules. This volume covers many important beginners' topics, where I illustrated all points with a few hundred astrological charts and examples. I would also ask you to understand my language limitations, which normally occur when a person who is not a native speaker writes a book in English language. In order to maintain the flow of my thinking, I relied on my knowledge of English language, giving priority to the content rather than a form. In the end, I must thank my dear student Marko Radzic who made this edition possible. Stasa and Divna Cvejic, helped in editing and designing the covers. Krsna Chaturdasi, 18. 04. 2015 Novi Sad, Serbia


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 Introduction Kala and Kala Purusha Kala and Kala Purusha Vedic Definition of Time Kala Purusha Rule number one Example/Problem Examples Rule number two Basic levels of bhava, bhava lord and karaka affliction Intensity of Affliction Rule Number Three Detriment places Rule number four Lagna and Seventh bhava Mangal and Shukra Chandra and Budha Fourth and Tenth Bhava Rule Number Five Kala Purusha and Bhava Lords derivation Other applications of this rule Rule number six Rule number seven CHAPTER 2 Pancha Tatva and Panchanga


5 23 23 23 26 28 28 30 33 34 37 38 38 40 45 47 49 49 52 52 54 54 59 63 65 68 68

Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Another Perspective Agni Tatva or Vara Leo or Si mho rasi Mesha rasi Vrschika or AH Rasi Opposite tatvas Jala tatva Vayu tatva Rahu influence Makara Rasi Varesha Rules for Varesha study Rule One Rule Two Rule Three Rule Four Other general rules Sankranti Rule Varesha and Arudha Lagna Jala Tatva Karka rasi Vrsha Rasi Tula Rasi Mina Rasi Tithi Lord Additional Rules Prithivi Tatva Mithuna Rasi Sixth Bhava Karana Use Additional Rules Rule about Varesha Karana of the Saints and Spiritual People Other examples Ordinary People Vayu Tatva

68 70 70 74 76 80 80 82 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 97 98 103 105 110 110 112 116 118 119 122 124 124 125 128 131 133 134 137 138 139


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Kumbha Rasi Makara Rasi Tula Rasi Akash Tatva Dhanu Rasi Mina Rasi Scale of emotions and love Karka Rasi Yoga lord in charts ofspiritual people Yoga in ordinary peoples chart Rahu and Ketu Ketu CHAPTERS Brushing up on Bhavas First to Sixth Bhavas Lagna Bhava Lagna Lord Lagna and Intelligence Lagna lord dispositor Planets in Lagna BeneficGrahas in Lagna Functional Benefics and Malefics Naisargika or Nature of grahas Tatkalika or Temporary (functional) Nature of grahas Conclusion: Malefic Grahas in Lagna Lagnesha in Lagna as malefic Special Rule Surya as Karaka for Lagna Karaka Yoga Lagna Lord position, benefic or malefic? Dhana Bhava or 2nd house Lord of 2nd bhava Special Rules for 2nd lord Family Consumption 14

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Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Maraka Two methods to determine disease Third Bhava or Sahaja Bhava Lord of the 3rd house Maithuna or Copulation Creative Talents Comfort Level Duschikya or mental troubles General Rules for Grahas in 3rd bhava Shortage or deficit Important Tatva Rules: 3/11 Bhavas Fourth Bhava or Sukha Bhava Fall in Dharma (Narka) Mind and Consciousness Trust or Trustworthiness Vidya or Education Fourth Lord Vishnu Purity and expansion Grha or Marriage Marriage and Childhood link Fourth Lord Vastu and Flome Fifth Bhava Individual Traits or Character Sixth and Eight bhava placements Understanding, intelligence Planets in the 5th bhava Power and status Knowledge, what you know to do naturally Bhakti or Sneha Financial resource Children Sixth house Vices and Shadripus Danda orpunishment Visible Disease and Troubles Planets in 6th house

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Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Planets as Karakas in the 6th house Sixth Bhava and disease CHAPTER 4 Brushing up on Rasis Primary definition Pancha Tatva definition Deva Dosha Important Points Jala Dosha Mithuna rasi Vayu Dosha Kanya Rasi Agni Dosha. Tula Rasi Prithivi Dosha Dhanu Rasi Akash Dosha Makara Rasi Jala Dosha (Chandra) Kumbha rasi Agni Dosha (Surya) Mina Rasi Other specific points about rasis Mesha Rasi Vrsha Rasi Mithuna Rasi Karka Rasi Simha Rasi Kanya Rasi Tula Rasi Dhanu Rasi Makara Rasi Kumbha Rasi Mina Rasi Important Points and Use Lagna and its characteristics


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Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Satvic and Benefic rasis Vrschika and Kumbha Vrschika Rasi/Amsa Ketu Kumbha Rasi/Amsa Rahu Kanya Rasi CHAPTER 5 Dristhi Graha Dristhi Why do grahas have drsti? Malefic Drsti Shani Drsti Mangal Drsti Rahu drsti Benefic Drsti Guru Drsti Parivartana Rule Shukra Drsti Budha Drsti Chandra Drsti Tatva Drsti Jala Drsti (watery element) Vayu Drsti (airy element) Agni Drsti Prithivi Drsti Akasha Drsti Rasi Drsti Achadana Drsti Special Drstis of Grahas How does these drstis work? CHAPTER 6 Karaka Principles Karakas and Bhava lords relationship Bhava

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Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Bhava lord or Bhavesha Karaka or Fortune/Destiny Specific points about Kanakas Surya as a destiny and financial resource Chandra as a mind, mental peace, home and family Mangal as my strength, security, defense and battles Budha Guru as my knowledge, happiness, good fortune and luck Shukra as love (marriage), enjoyments and pleasures in life Shani as diseases, suffering and pain Rahu as shock, changes and enjoyments Ketu as denials/losses (cruelty), my mistakes and karmic debts Lagna Lagna rules my intelligence and my decisions Lagna lord rules my bodily happiness Lagna lord with malefics Bhavesha and Karaka relationship Karaka and Bhava The importance of dispositor Rudra Bhavas Rudra Bhavas from Karakas Karaka Bhava Nashaya Karakas and Karaka Bhava Native CHAPTER 7 Uchcha and Neecha Positions Exaltation or Uchcha Sthana Graha as karaka in exaltation What does an exalted planet do to a house? Exalted Graha and its dispositors Complete Exaltation of planets Specific Rule Bhavesha in exaltation Debilitation or Neecha Sthana Graha in Neecha (debilitation) Bhavesha in Neecha (debilitation)


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Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Neecha Bhanga Yoga explained First Neecha Bhanga Second Neecha Bhanga Third Neecha Bhanga Fourth Neecha Bhanga Application in Various Principles Dustana Group CHAPTER 8 Surya Lagna Graha Yantras Hora Importance of Surya Lagna Udaya Lagna Surya conjunctions Surya Lagna and its Kendra Fourth bhava from Surya Abhijit rasi in the charts of Avatars Seventh bhava from Surya Tenth Bhava from Surya Grahas affecting your fortune/destiny/luck and finance Surya Yogas Veshi Yogas Pancha Tatva Grahas Mangal in 2nd from Surya Budha in 2nd from Surya Guru in 2nd from Surya Shukra in 2nd from Surya Shani in 2nd from Surya Voshi Yoga Chaya Bhava Sixth bhava from Surya Eighth bhava from Surya Jyoti Bhavas Trines to Surya Fifth from Surya Ninth from Surya

514 516 517 519 520 520 522 524 524 526 526 528 529 532 537 538 541 542 544 546 546 547 547 547 548 549 550 551 553 558 559 561 562 562 563 564 19

Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Third bhava from Surya Eleventh bhava from Surya CHAPTER 9 First Part Chandra Janma Rashi What is Shubhapati? Well placed Shubapati Chandra as Shubapati Shubapati in Multrikona Shubapati in bad positions Best and worst Shubapati How to study Shubapati? Shubapati and Chandra Other uses of Shubapati Shubapati and people Shubapati involved in Yogas Janma Naksatra Brief reminder Chandra yuti (conjunction) with other grahas Chandra yuti Surya Lagna or Chandra Chandra yuti malefic grahas Chandra yuti Mangal Chandra yuti Rahu Chandra yuti Shani Chandra yuti Ketu Four types of people Gunas of the mind Second Part Chandra Kendras and Yogas Major Chandra Yogas Sunapha, Anapha and Duradhara Yogas Sunapha yoga Anapha Yogas


567 569 571 571 571 572 574 576 577 578 580 581 582 586 586 586 588 591 591 597 598 598 599 599 601 601 602 602 603 604 604 604 605 605 607

Introduction - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Duradhara Yoga Chandra Adhi Yogas Seventh bhavafrom Chandra Inside Outside Sixth from Chandra Eighth from Chandra Fourth from Chandra Tenth from Chandra Trines from Chandra Ninth from Chandra Fifth from Chandra Eleventh from Chandra Third from Chandra Kemadruma Yoga Keshari and Gaja Keshari Yoga Shakata yoga. Mukuta yogas. CHAPTER 10 The Tripod of Life Two ways to remedy a chart Planet in a bhava Drsti Argalas Bhava Lord Karaka Simple rules BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Chapter 1 - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha Chapter 1


Kala and Kala Purusha

During the years of your studies in jyotish, you will certainly come across many questions, which are quite difficult to answer. Many of them are related to principles of understanding and judgment of a horoscope. Parashara and Jaimini have not given any results of planetary placements in different houses. Medieval authors explained results of planetary positions in their works, and there are many modern authors who also tried to clarify effects of planetary positions in all twelve houses. Parashara gave effects of different bhava lords, yet, due to poor translations of the text, as well as uncertain principles, these formulas are often ignored, and many astrologers do not follow them. That of course, does not mean that Parashara's principles are not true. On the contrary, tradition keeps keys which can unlock many ancient shlokas (verses), and that is the subject of this book as well. As I mentioned, all medieval authors, including Varahamihira and Saravali, gave the effects of planetary positions, yet if you try to apply them verbatim in a chart, you will fail miserably. For that reason, many modern authors discard these texts and try to replenish the formulas explained in these books. However, once you try these "new" formulas given by modern authors, you will again stumble upon the same problem: they simply do not work. Modern books list out readymade formulas of effects of planets in different houses, as well as positions of various house lords in different houses. However, most of these formulas simply do not work, or they work in some cases, while in others they fail. This is a very discouraging fact for beginners, who may remain trapped in this pattern for years.


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Where is the catch? There are three basic problems when you start reading classical books: They are meant to be studied under a teacher (Guru), who is supposed to explain correct meanings of Sanskrit verses (shlokas), and give their correct translations, as well as explanations. At that time, jyotish or Vedic astrology was taught only within traditions or paramparas. People within traditions were protecting the knowledge from outsiders, and they purposely avoided to give out rules and formulas in their books. For example, in Hora Sara, 7th chapter, the author mentioned certain calculations and stated that those calculations should be learnt from a Guru. Then he simply continued with the text, not explaining them. Certain authors had different understandings of ancient books (vriddhas) and they infiltrated their own conceptions into the original knowledge. Some of those principles were simply wrong, and teachers were supposed to explain this to their students. From my own personal experience, my Guru used to tell me that the whole text of Saravali should have different order of learning. In other words, you should not learn by the order of chapters laid out in the book, but certain chapters should be clubbed together. Also, we do not always agree with commentaries given by the translator of the text. In this way, it is very difficult to learn astrology from classical texts without a guidance of a competent teacher. Modern authors have gone a step further. They have hugely infiltrated their own understanding into their books, while many of them had studied the subject on their own, without teachers. In this way, they embedded disagreement into the very basic principles, not to mention some complicated and advanced concepts. As a result, already confused students, who study from modern books will get even more confused. To be honest, there are some good books available on the market, however the authors were not interested in sharing all principles in them. My advice is:


Chapter 1 - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha 1. Do not blindly accept everything written in books. The principles laid out in books must have a practical use. 2. You should understand principles behind statements. We believe that only Parashara and Jaimini are undisputed authorities. However, you must have a correct translation of a text. Keep in mind the language barrier. For example, different Sanskrit words were translated into one English word. Words like "vidya", "gyana", "vigyana" and even "prajna" were all translated as "knowledge". But, there are four different words having different meanings and relating to different aspects of knowledge. What form of knowledge are we talking about, spiritual or mundane, formal education or wisdom? 3. There are principles behind every shloka or verse of the ancient authors. Once you understand them, the rest is easy. Then the whole text will get a new meaningful picture. 4. Learn principles and solid rules first, then you will be able to understand planetary positions in different houses, as well as planetary lords placements. This book has the purpose to teach you so. Kala Purusha or the natural zodiac is one of the most important tools in understanding planetary positions in different houses, as well as planetary lords' placements. If you have a proper understanding of Kala Purusha chart, you will be able to understand many principles explained in the classical texts. This is the reason why I am going to open this book with the first chapter on Kala Purusha. Example 1 - Kala Purusha Chart 1

Three signs play important role in Dhimantha Yoga (Dhi is intelligence, Mantha is possessor). 3rd and 6th bhava in Kala Purusha are ruled by Budha, and 5th by Surya, both planets of intelligence and learning.


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics If you look at Kala Purusha chart, you will see that Budha or Mercury, planet of learning and intellect, rules the third and sixth house. The fifth house is Leo or Simha, ruled by Surya. Surya is the planet signifying dhi, or more precisely, Budhi. Budhi is an aspect of intelligence responsible for learning and understanding. Now, Maharishi Jaimini gave out a very specific combination called dhimanta yoga. Dhimanta can be loosely translated as intelligent and learned. It is formed when there is a sambhanda (link) of Lagna lord, the third, fifth and sixth house. If you know this principle, understanding of dhimanta yoga becomes easy. If you follow the books blindly without this understanding, you will not be able to connect 3rd and 6th houses with intelligence. What is more, you will not be able to understand why Jaimini chose only these three houses. Therefore, I am opening this chapter with an explanation of the time, the time concept, and Kala Purusha chart.

Kala and Kala Purusha

There are many definitions and meanings of the word "Kala". It is roughly translated as "time". What is "time"? It is a very difficult task to explain the time. It cannot be understood easily, since universal or cosmic time is a very broad concept. However, we can understand time from the geocentric position (as viewed from the Earth), where time is perceived by movement of celestial bodies (Sun and the Earth) through the space. Therefore, certain movements in space reoccur in patterns, and by studying them, we get to perceive time. As observed from the Earth, time is based on the movement of the Sun, and the period required for it to move through certain space. Therefore, the whole life is observed in cycles measured in certain time patterns, which are based on movement of the Sun (as viewed from the Earth). The Earth revolves around the Sun, which defines what is known as a year. Each degree of the Sun's trajectory represents a day (measured by rotation of the Earth around its axes). The day comprises twenty four hours, and there is a certain number of days to define each


Chapter i - Introduction - Kala and Kala Purusha month, and twelve months to define a year, and so on. There are various definitions of day, month, and year. Since time immemorial, people followed various calendars, based on the movement of celestial bodies (Sun and Moon). Even the definition of twelve months are based on "twelve" oppositions or conjunctions of the Sun and the Moon. Many books which deal with astronomy basics explain this and give details of various definitions of a day, a month, and a year. Still, one question arises. How can we measure time on the Sun? As a matter of fact, can we do it at all? Our day is equal to 24 hours based on the Earth rotation. How can we measure time on other planets or in other corners of this universe? Therefore, we can understand that time is a relative concept, which is different here on the Earth from the other parts of the universe. Vedic texts clearly make difference between the time of the humans, and the time of the Gods. The very moment we are born, our mind acquires the concept of linear time, and we start believing that the time is sequential, arranged in a nearly straight line. Time is seen sequentially, as a series of events that are leading towards something: beginning and an end. In Newtonian theory it is something absolute in reality, regardless of human perception. Sometimes we also believe that time is circular, not necessarily leading towards something, but repeating itself in a cycle of events. Not understanding the concept of time causes a major warp in our mind, preventing it to understand reality of life and the concept of karma. We all talk and try to understand karma within the concept of time linearity/circularity, which is not possible. Therefore, the very concept of past and future and of past life becomes wrong. In simple words, how can we understand the past life or existence, if the concept of past is related to this Earth plane? How can we measure the past in other planes outside the Earth? How can we equate time here and in other parts of the universe? If you try to think more about these questions, you will understand that theory of karma is not always properly explained in books. So, from time immemorial, time has often been referred to as God. It is ever changing phase of manifestation, sustenance and dissolution. Smaller cycles of time are measured by movements of planets, and this is the subject of jyotish. Once again, the whole concept of time measured from the minutest interval (blink of an eye),


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics to the longest is the subject of Brahma vidya (knowledge of time and its division). In this edition, I will focus on time definitions relevant for jyotish understanding.

Vedic Definition of Time

Vedas define time as Kala. "Ka" is Prajapati or Brahma (the first aksara or syllable among the consonants symbolizes the beginning of the manifested creation). "A" is the first vowel, unstoppable, with no obstruction by teeth, tongue, or lips. This vowel symbolizes everlasting sustenance of Vishnu in the form of Vasudeva. The last syllable or "La" is the forceful consonant, formed by the complete obstruction of the breath flow, where the tip of the tongue completely blocks the flow. This consonant symbolizes the power of destruction/dissolution, or the power of Rudra. "Ka" is the past (athita), "A" is the present (varthaman), and "La" represents the future (bhavisya). Consequently, Kala is God in Its threefold aspects of Prajapati, Vasudeva and Rudra, eternally creating, manifesting and destroying this manifested creation. It is Time in its threefold aspect of past, present and future. Kala has the power to destroy both body and mind of any living creature. Actually, the whole concept of jyotish is based on time or Kala. What is my time of birth? What is the best time for having children, marriage, and doing so many things? How was the quality of time during a birth? Was it a good or bad time, and good or bad time for what? Using various calculations, Vedic astrology explains the right and wrong time in human life, as well as right and favorable time for various activities and events in our lives. Once we understand the word Kala, we can focus on Kala Purusha chart, or the chart of the Time Personified.

Kala Purusha

What is Kala Purusha? It is what we astrologers call natural zodiac chart. It is the chart starting from the sign Aries (Mesha) and ending with the sign Pisces (Mina). It is a well known chart used for 28

Chapter i - Introduction - Kala Purusha explanation of various principles. My intention here is to explain basic points relevant for this chart. The more you study jyotish the more you will be revealing the subtle principles hidden in this chart. Therefore, in this chapter I am going to give you at least seven astrological principles as how to use this chart. This should inspire you to think more about the wealth of information, which can be intelligently drawn from this chart. Kala Purusha is "the ideal being" chart. Mesha or Aries is a natural ascending sign or the first house of this chart. So it is the God of all human beings. It is like the mould according to which all human beings are made, Prajapati or the Creator. This chart always implies the world around us, or all souls co-existing with ours within a certain time framework (sarva atmas). Signs or rasis do not stand for "me" or "my". They indicate the world around me, and imply a much higher concept. For example, if we say that 2nd bhava is "my" dhana or finance, the sign Taurus or Vrsha will indicate world resources or finances. Many astrologers today mix these two concepts, freely interchanging the sings and houses, which should not be the case. Let us say that you have 10th lord signifying your career direction in 2nd house. It may indicate a career linked with "my" family, community. In case of 10th lord placement in Taurus or Vrsha, it may indicate career with "world" resources, families or communities, which is a much broader concept. Whether a house or a sign is more important, should not confuse you right now. I will cover this issue in the following chapters. Therefore, the basic difference between Kala Purusha and our horoscope is simple: Kala Purusha is a perfect replica of God.


Brush up on the Vedic Astrology Basics Example 2
