Your Exam Success Workbook
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R. sz.: NT-56506/M/NAT ISBN 978-963-19-6468-4

A munkafüzet egy tankönyvcsomag része, amelyet a középszintű érettségi vizsga előtt álló, 12. évfolyamos tanulók számára fejlesztettük ki.

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2021. 05. 24. 9:05:28


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2021. 05. 23. 19:39:50

A kiadvány 2018. 02. 28-tól tankönyvi engedélyt kapott a TKV/153-10/2018. számú határozattal. A tankönyv megfelel az 51/2012. (XII. 21.) EMMI-rendelet 3. sz. melléklet: Kerettanterv a gimnáziumok 9–12. évfolyama számára (, (, (3.3.1.); 4. számú melléklet: Kerettanterv a gimnáziumok 7–12. évfolyama számára (, (, (4.3.1.); 5. számú melléklet: Kerettanterv a gimnáziumok 5–12. évfolyama számára (, (, (5.3.1.); 6. sz. melléklet: Kerettanterv a szakközépiskolák 9–12. évfolyama számára (, (6.3.1.), (6.4.2.); és a 7. számú melléklet: A miniszter által egyes iskolatípusra, pedagógiai szakaszra, tantárgyra vagy egyes sajátos köznevelési feladat teljesítéséhez készített kerettantervek (7.1.1.), (7.1.2.) megnevezésű kerettantervek előírásainak, valamint a 17/2004. (V. 20.) OM-rendelet 3. sz. melléklet megnevezésű kerettanterv előírásainak. A tankönyv megfelel a NAT 2012 előírásainak: 110/2012. (VI. 4.) Korm. rendelet (NAT 2012). A könyv megfelel az érettségi vizsga követelményeinek [40/2002. (V. 24.)]. Anyanyelvi és szakmai lektor: Andrew Reid Tipográfia és fedélterv: Bajtai Zoltán Grafika: Gombos Gáspár, Sirály Dóra Fotók: Herr Milán,,, Oktatási Hivatal archívuma Felelős szerkesztő: Ungor Barbara A tankönyvvé nyilvánításban közreműködő szakértők: dr. Számadóné Bíró Alice Anikó, Zarubay Attila © Fehér Judit, Oktatási Hivatal (Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Zrt.), 2008 Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítás, a mű bővített, illetve rövidített változatának kiadási jogát is! A kiadó írásbeli engedélye nélkül sem a teljes mű, sem annak része semmiféle formában nem reprodukálható. ISBN 978-963-19-6468-4 Oktatási Hivatal • 1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 10–14. Telefon: (+36-1) 374-2100 • E-mail: [email protected] A kiadásért felel: Brassói Sándor mb. elnök Raktári szám: NT-56506/M/NAT Tankönyvkiadási koordinációs osztályvezető: Horváth Zoltán Ákos Műszaki szerkesztő: Knausz Valéria, Orlai Márton Grafikai szerkesztő: Görög Istvánné Terjedelem: 21,63 (A/5) ív Tömeg: 360 gramm 1. kiadás, 2021 Nyomdai előkészítés: HarVar-d Kft. Gyártás: Könyvtárellátó Nonprofit Kft. Nyomta és kötötte az Alföldi Nyomda Zrt., Debrecen Felelős vezető: György Géza vezérigazgató A nyomdai megrendelés törzsszáma:

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2021. 05. 23. 19:39:51

Table of Contents Unit 1 Knowing me, knowing you .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 2 Human Touch .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 3 Sort it out! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 4 There’s no place like home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 5 You are this land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 6 Learning and studying .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 7 Earning a living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 8 Business as usual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 9 You are what you eat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 10 As fit as a fiddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 11 Relax! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 12 Let’s go out! .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Unit 13 Moving about .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Unit 14 Hoorah, it’s a holiday! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Unit 15 Technically speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Key to the Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Audio Scripts (Coursebook) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Audio Scripts (Workbook) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Minden munkafüzeti fejezetben található egy érettségi típusú, hallott szöveg értési feladat. Az érettségi vizsgának megfelelően, valamennyi szöveg kétszer hangzik el: U 1, AS 1: U 2, AS 2: U 3, AS 3: U 4, AS 4: U 5, AS 5:

tracks 1-2 tracks 3-4 tracks 5-6 tracks 7-8 tracks 9-10

U 6, AS 6: U 7, AS 7: U 8, AS 8: U 9, AS 9: U10, AS 10:

tracks 11-12 tracks 13-14 tracks 15-16 tracks 17-18 tracks 19-20

U11, AS 11: U12, AS 12: U13, AS 13: U14, AS 14: U15, AS 15:

tracks 21-22 tracks 23-24 tracks 25-26 tracks 27-28 tracks 29-30

Az első Unit-ot kivéve, csak a feladat-meghatározás szerepel a hanganyagon, a meghallgatás módjára vonatkozó instrukciót nem ismételjük meg. Ez minden esetben a következő:  Az első meghallgatáskor a Unit első track-jét, a második meghallgatáskor a második track-jét használja.  A szövegek második meghallgatásakor három részletben hallgassa meg a szöveget.  A részek közötti 30 mp-es szünetek helyét sípszó jelzi. Ennek elhangzásakor a hanganyagot fél percre állítsa le és írja le a válaszait.

Jelmagyarázat: = érettségi típusú feladat

= hallott szöveg értése

= önálló témakifejtés szóban

= olvasott szöveg értése

= páros feladat

= fogalmazási feladat

= csoportos feladat

= kulcs

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2012.01.17. 6:23:56


Knowing me, knowing you

UNIT Section 1 1 Section

With a handshake

1 You are going to read someone’s first message on an Internet forum. Some words are missing

from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (110) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Tina says


Hello there, My name is Tina and I just (0) ….. to join this forum. I wondered what it was all (1) ….. and decided to jump in and participate. A (2) ….. about me: I’m a 21-year-old college student (3) ….. lives in Ontario, Canada. I love photography, movies, travelling, and of (4) ….. blogging. As well as doing my own blogs, I’ve got a couple of websites on the (5) ….. in the next month or two, so I gotta love the Internet, don’t you (6) ….. ? You can (7) ….. me on my main blog (8) ….. googling “Tina Saliven’s Blog”. Well, that’s all about me in a (9) ….. I’m looking (10) ….. to meeting some of you, Tina


A find B about C who D she 0

E  happened F think G by H course 1





I way J forward K little L nutshell 6






2 On the Internet you’ve found a blog you really like. You decide to write to them and join their

forum. Write a short letter of 50-80 words to introduce yourself. Include the following points: ƒƒ Why you decided to join the forum ƒƒ Who you are and what your interests are ƒƒ Where people can contact you.

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You and yours 1

Section 2 2 Section

Read Charlotte’s letter to her friend about a family event and her family. Fill in the missing words using the photo. You need one word for each gap. Read the whole text first to identify the people. Start filling the gaps only when you know who is who in the picture.

Dear Henna, It was my sister, Jill’s wedding yesterday and I can’t wait any longer to tell you about it. Of course Jill looked great as a bride (1) …………………….. her white wedding dress, but Oscar, my brother-in-law (you can see him (2) …………………….. Jill’s left), had this horrible khaki suit on with an awful striped tie! He wasn’t dressed like a bridegroom, really. He is a nice person, but has no taste in clothes. It’s hard to understand because all his family was very well-dressed. You can see his Mum (3) …………………. front of him, his younger sister next (4) …………………….. him, and his elder sister (5) ……… Jill’s right. His Granny is an absolute sweetheart. She is the elderly lady (6) ……………………. on a chair in the (7) ……………………... . Would you believe she is 94 years old? My Granny, who you can see right (8) ……………………..the dogs, doesn’t look much younger at all, even though she is nearly 20 years younger than Oscar’s grandma. What do you think of the lady (9) …………………….. my Granny’s left? Isn’t she just stunning? She is my sister, Mae! I suppose you recognise my Mom and Dad on the right (10) ………….………… Mae. And now we come to the most important person: the Japanese boy you can see (11) …………………… His name is Toshi. He is Oscar’s best friend, so he was the Best Man. He was SO kind to me all day and he’s asked me (12) …………………….. next weekend. Oscar said to me that Toshi had asked him about me and that he looked very interested. I’m so excited! You wouldn’t believe I also caught Jill’s bouquet. I may be in luck! I can’t wait until next weekend! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please! Love and hugs,

Charlotte XX

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2012.01.17. 6:24:00

1 Section 3


Section 3

1 The words in the sentences below are jumbled up. Write the

correct sentences on the dotted lines. The first word is there for you. You have to use each word. Do not change the form of the words.

This is your life

Count the number of words in your answer to make sure that you have not missed or added any.

(0)  you / were / When / born

were you born When .............................................................................................................................................. ? (1)  did / Where / grow / you / up Where ............................................................................................................................................. ? (2)  started / primary / in / in / I / school / Szeged / 1997 I ........................................................................................................................................................ . (3)  Pécs / We / moved / I / was / when / to / eight We .................................................................................................................................................... . (4)  you / Which / school / do /to / go / secondary Which .............................................................................................................................................. ? (5)  for / the / What / plans / future / your / are What ............................................................................................................................................... ? (6)  would / a / for / to / abroad / year / university / work / like / I / before I ........................................................................................................................................................ . (7)  would / at / subject / to / What / study / like / university / you What ............................................................................................................................................... ? (8)  secondary / after / to / I’m / work / planning / finishing / start / school I’m .................................................................................................................................................... . (9)  you / family / will / start / When / a When .............................................................................................................................................. ? (10)  been / English / you / have / long / studying / How How ................................................................................................................................................. ?

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2012.01.17. 6:24:01

This is your life

Section 3 3 Section

2 David is a 17-year-old secondary school student from England. He decided to spend a school year

in Hungary. In his new school, they interviewed him for the school paper. All the questions the interviewer asked him have been removed. Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes below. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) for you. (0) _______________ I’d always dreamt of spending a school year in a different country. I looked on the Internet for English-language secondary schools with a special focus on science. I contacted quite a few. This school seemed the most welcoming. It also has good results. (1) _______________ I started school in Whitstable, but when I was 9, we moved to London. I went to Green Park Primary until I was 11 and then I went on to Green Park Comprehensive. (2) _______________ No, I wasn’t. We only moved there when I was two. (3) _______________ In Canterbury. (4) _______________ Physics. (5) _______________ I’d like to work as a researcher.

(6) _______________ It can wait until I’m around thirty. A Were you born in Whitstable? B What would you like to study at university? C Why did you decide to spend a school year in Hungary in our school? D How about a family? E Which schools did you go to before coming here? F Have you got any plans after finishing university? G How many children would you like to have? H Where were you born then? 0








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1 Section 4


Special days in life

Section 4 1

Match the postcards with the events. Some of them may be appropriate for more than just one event. New Year,


Birthday, A new baby is born, Graduation, Funeral, Christmas, Easter, Wedding, Wedding anniversary, Valentine’s Day

Wow! You did it! Congrats! …………………………………………….

3 Many happy return s of the day! With love and hugs, Julia XX00 …………………………………………….

5 I realize all over again how luck y I am to be sharing life with you . Your lovi ng husband, James ………………………………………… ….


Merry Xmas! …………………………………………….


Bright spring and happy Easter! …………………………………………….



Season’ s gree tings! ………………………………………… ….

e go in g to be 4 Jean an d To m , Yo u’r l our love, Chris wonderf ul paren ts. Al an d Pa t ………………… …………………………

6 Wishing you many wonderful years of happiness together! …………………………………………….

8 San dy, nothin g makes me hap pier than bein g with you! ………………………………………… ….


My deepest sym pat hy. …. …………………………………………

You are going to read three short texts about Christmas in three different countries. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Christmas in Hungary In Hungary the main Christmas celebrations (0) ….. place on Christmas Eve. The evening is (1) ….. Holy Evening. Before attending Midnight Mass, families (2) ….. around the Christmas tree to sing carols and open the presents (3) ….. by Baby Jesus and the angels. A couple of weeks before Christmas, on December 6th, the children receive a visit from Mikulás, or St Nicholas. He arrives (4) ….. red clothes and he carries a sack full of small presents.

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Special days in life

Section 4 4 Section

Christmas in Great Britain On Christmas Eve youngsters hang up their stockings on the ends of the beds or by the chimney so that when Father Christmas comes he can (5) ….. them something. On Christmas morning, the family traditionally (6) ….. their presents and prepare for a big meal which is typically (7) ….. just after midday. At every place on the table there is a cracker. The meal begins with a toast, (8) ….. by the popping of the crackers. Christmas in Brazil Papai Noel or Father Noel is the gift bringer in Brazil. According to legend, he (9) ….. in Greenland. When he (10) ….. in Brazil, he usually wears silk clothing due to the summer heat. (Adapted from


E take F open G wearing H followed

celebrated called left served 0





I leave J arrives K lives L gather 5








Get prepared to tell your classmates how you celebrated your last birthday. Include the following points: When your birthday is Where you celebrated your birthday Who you celebrated it with What you ate and drank The present(s) you got Anything special that happened.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ


Use some of this language: ƒ My birthday is on the … of … ƒ We went … / I threw a party at home. ƒ All my friends came. / It was only me and … ƒ We had … ƒ The best thing I got was … ƒ The most interesting / the best thing was when …

Write an email of about 50-80 words to your classmates in which you invite them to your New Year’s Eve party. Include the following points: ƒ When and where the party is ƒ What are the arrangements / preparations ƒ Who agreed to do what.

Start your email like this:

Hi Everybody, This is to invite you to …

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2012.01.17. 6:24:07

1 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 AS 1

In this section, you are going to hear a dramatised joke about divorce. Your task is to fill in the gaps in the sentences with one word. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you.

When you study the sentences before listening, predict the content of the recording.

son Mr Morris calls his …………….…..……..……………………………………..……........................ . Mr Morris tells his son that he’s ………………………………….......................…... his mother. Benny is Mr Morris’s ………………… …………………………..............................………..child. Benny’s father and mother have been …………………………..................……. for 54 years. Mr Morris doesn’t want to ………………………………....................……. about his decision. Mr Morris wants Benny to tell his ……………….....................…………….about the divorce. Mr Morris hasn’t told his wife about his decision ………................….................................. . Mr Morris has an appointment with the lawyer the ……...........………... after tomorrow. Mr Morris promises to Benny that he’ll postpone seeing the lawyer until ..………………… Thanksgiving. (9) …………………. ……………………………................….the kids are coming to see Mr Morris. (10) What Mr Morris said about his divorce wasn’t ………………………............…………………. . (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


Read about Brad Pitt’s family. Give short answers (maximum 3-5 words) to Questions 1-6. There is an example (0) for you. Brad Pitt, the first man ever to be named “Sexiest Man Alive” twice by People Magazine (in 1994 and in 2000) is a family man. He was born to Bill and Jane Pitt on December 18, 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Brad grew up in Springfield, Missouri. Pitt is married to Angelina Jolie. He adopted her children Maddox and Zahara. Maddox was adopted from Cambodia and Zahara was adopted from Ethiopia. Shiloh Nouvel was born in Namibia, Africa on May 27, 2006. Shiloh is the biological daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Pitt was present at her birth. This is what Brad says about parenting: “You feel you want to be there and not miss out on anything. It’s a true joy and a very profound love. You can write a book, you can make a movie, you can paint a painting, but having kids is the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever taken on.” (Adapted from

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Bill and Jane Pitt. What are Brad Pitt’s parents called? ...................................................................................... Where did Brad spend his childhood? .................................................................................... What is his wife’s name? ......................................................................................................... How many children has he got? ............................................................................................. Who adopted Maddox and Zahara first? ............................................................................... How many biological children has he got? ............................................................................ What does Brad say is the most special thing in his life? ......................................................

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2012.01.17. 6:24:09

Skills Practice Skills Practice 3

Your school paper started a series on students’ plans for the future. They have asked you to write a short text on how you imagine your life in the future. Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ


What you would like to do immediately after your school-leaving exam What you would like to study What kind of job you would like to have When you would like to get married and start a family.

Your class decided to have some contact with children who do not live with their parents. You sent a letter to a foster home in America – a home for children whose parents cannot look after them. Your class has received several letters. You were given Tricia’s letter to answer. Here is her letter: Hello my Hungarian Friend,

me Tricia. I’ve just Let me introduce myself. My name is Patricia Tinley, but people just call life. my of years 9 last the for turned 16 and I have lived in the foster home what it is like to live You asked me to write my story to you so that you underst and better what I can remember: is This in foster care. My story may not be as extreme as some others. . Two that stand mother There are few memor ies of the day when I was taken away from my Jessica, with sister, older out are not being allowed to hug my mother goodbye and seeing my then, we have been all her school stuff, crying. I clearly remember feeling very angry. Since moved several times. so nice! Even though Some months ago, a couple came over to our foster home. They were g us. A week ago adoptin about was it we weren’ t told why they were visiting , I had a feeling tell you how t can’ I our adoptio n was finalized. We’re moving in with them next month! happy I am not to be a foster kid any more! designer, so You also asked me about my future plans. Well, I would like to be a fashion else, I would like to be I will have to go to college and study hard. And more then anything a good Mom one day. That’s all from me now. Please write to me and tell me about yoursel f. Take care, Tricia (Parts of the text taken form:

Write a letter of about 100-120 words to Tricia, in which you include the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Introduce yourself Tell Tricia how you feel about her story Tell Tricia about your family Ask Tricia something about her siblings.

Begin your letter like this:

Use some expressions from Tricia’s letter.

Dear Tricia, ……

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2012.01.17. 6:24:12

1 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 5

These two pictures show two different family celebrations. Compare and contrast the two pictures. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4

Difference in the size of the two families and family members The celebrations and how typical they seem Compare these families and celebrations to your own Your personal experience about one of these celebrations.

You may use these expressions: ƒ much bigger / smaller; two/three generations; they may be cousins / sisters ... ƒ I think it is ...; What I find typical / unusual is that ... They (don’t) seem to be very happy. They are(n’t) having a good time. ƒ Christmas / Birthday in my family is more / less ... There are more / fewer people. ƒ Once we had our Christmas party / my birthday party in ... At Christmas we usually ... The best present I have ever been given was a ...

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2012.01.17. 6:24:15

Human touch Mirror, mirror on the wall


UNIT Section 11 Section

1 Write the words in the box next to the relevant part of the picture.

eye,  cheek, ear,  chin, eyebrow, neck, forehead, crown, jaw

2 Write these adjectives under the part of the face they can be used with. You may enter some adjectives in more than one column.

thick, pointy, broad, thin, double, strong, square, rosy, narrow, round lips






3 “To be”–”to have” transformations

Change the structure of the sentences below without changing the meaning. To be He is double-chinned.

To have

He has a double chin. What colour eyes have you got? They have blue eyes.

The baby’s cheeks are rosy. The boys in the class have broad shoulders. Her eyebrows are thin. I have a narrow forehead. Everybody’s chin in her family is pointy. Her hair is shoulder-length. She’s got a well-shaped mouth.

Extra task: Matching exhibition Cut out a picture of a person from a magazine and write a description of her / him on a piece of paper. Take both the picture and your description to class. In class, put your pictures on the wall or floor. Take another student’s description. Read it and match it with the picture you think it is about.

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2 Section 2


Inside out

Section 2

1 Here are some idioms about personal qualities which all feature parts of the body. Fill in the gaps in the idioms with these body parts. There’s one extra body part.

fist,    eyes,    head,    neck,    heart,    tooth 1 2 3 4 5

A person who notices everything that is happening has …………... like a hawk. A very kind person has a …………… of gold. A difficult person is a pain in the …………… . An over-optimistic person has his …………… in the clouds. A person who doesn’t like to spend money is tight- ……………ed.

2 Finish the sentences using the idioms in Exercise 1. 1 She thinks that Hollywood is waiting for her with open arms. She ........................................................................................................................................... 2 He has always put other people before himself. He ............................................................................................................................................. 3 He keeps complaining, interrupting and telling me that he knows it all much better than I do. He ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Everyone paid for a round of drinks in the pub last night except for Julie. She ........................................................................................................................................... 5 It’s impossible to cheat in Mr. Hardy’s lessons, he seems to see everything. He .............................................................................................................................................

3 Using an adjective, comment on the facts in column A as shown in the example. A Fact 1 Ann’s got the best marks in maths in the class.

B Comment

She is the cleverest girl in the class.

2 Peter often gives Jane a present. Jane has never given him anything. 3 Gaby’s IQ is 120. Max’s IQ is 105. 4 The only person who never does her homework in the class is Lin. 5 Tom always finds fault with everybody and everything. I like to concentrate on what’s good. 6 I’ve never met anyone like Aaron. He is full of ideas no-one ever thought of before. 7 Kim climbs mountains, dives in deep seas, jumps off cliffs and drives racing cars. Charlie doesn’t even dare to watch her.

4 Choose a person you know well. Compare yourself to him or her in about 50 words. 14 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 14

2012.01.17. 6:24:18

You and us 1

Section 3 3 Section

Match phrasal verbs 1-5 with definitions a)-e) then complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs. 1 bring up

a) leave home and become independent

2 look after

b) have similar looks

3 tell sy off for doing sg

c) raise a child

4 break away from

d) take care of

5 take after

e) speak angrily about sth wrong you have done

A She was …………………………..………. in a large family with 12 children. B My dad ………..………… me ……………….. for coming home late. C My elder brother ……………………..………. from the family when he was 25. D The twins ……………………………. their mother. They’ve got the same curly brown hair and big blue eyes. E It was my granny who always ……………………..…………………….. me when I was ill.


You are going to read an article about changes in the parent–child relationship. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1-10) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Paul and his 16-year-old son, Dave, often listen to rock music together and talk about pop had (have) a more distant relationship with his parents when culture. But Paul says he (0) ............. he was a teenager. “I (1) ………………………… (would not say) to my mom, ‘Hey, the new Weezer album is really great – how do you (2) ………………………… (like) it?’ says Paul. “There (3) ………………………… (be) just a complete gap in taste.” Music was not the only gap. Parents and children (4) ………………………… (have) totally different tastes in nearly everything from clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations. Today, the generation gap (5) ……………………….… (not disappear), but it (6) ………………………… (get) smaller in many families. Conversations that (7) ………………………… (would not take) place a generation ago on subjects such as sex and drugs now are comfortable and common. “Because of my own rebellion in the ‘60s, and because of the way I (8) …………………………. (grow) out of it, I can better accept that my son wants independence and the crazy and sometimes rebellious things that he (9) ………………………… (do),” says Paul. “Based on my experience, he, too, (10) ………………………… (grow) out of it.”

(Adapted from

15 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 15

2012.01.17. 6:24:21

2 Section 4


Section 4

Close to your heart

1 Jumbled chat-up lines

Chat-up lines are sentences used for trying to start a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. The words in these funny chat-up lines are jumbled up. Re-arrange and write them on the dotted lines. The first word is there for you. You have to use each word. Do not change the form of the words.

These sentences are more like jokes, so don’t try them out.

(0) you / or / in / by / love / first / do / sight / should / at / walk / I / believe / again

you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again

Do .......................................................................................................................................... ? (1) you / a / if / you’d / be / were / hamburger, / a / McWonderful If ............................................................................................................................................. . (2) it / you / heaven / did / fell / hurt / when / from Did ......................................................................................................................................... ? (3) have / I / number, / can / lost / I / yours / my I

............................................................................................................................................ ?

(4) all / must / because / running / you / through / be / my / night / tired, / been / you’ve / mind You ......................................................................................................................................... ! (5) I / U / would / re-arrange / if / I / the / put / could / and / I / alphabet, / together If ............................................................................................................................................. .



Put these expressions related to getting married in chronological order. A Exchange marriage vows



Go on honeymoon



Get engaged

1 .........

D Give a wedding reception



Throw a stag/hen party



Go to the registry office/church


G Cut the wedding cake


H Invite wedding guests




Live happily ever after

Using these expressions, write a wedding story of about 100-120 words. Make it surprising or unusual by adding extra details.

16 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 16

2012.01.17. 6:24:23

Skills Practice Skills Practice 1 AS 2

In this section, you are going to hear four people talk about their cheap date ideas. Your task is to fill in the gaps in the sentences with one word. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. bag (0) Lance bought a ...................................................................... of balloons.

(1) The balloons had ………………………………………………… messages written on them. (2) Lance watched her from a ……………………………………………….. and took pictures. (3) Rachel gave each of them ………………………………………………………… dollars. (4) They bought five things for …………………………………………………….… other. (5) At dinner, they exchanged their gifts and ………………………………..………… them. (6) Larry took his girlfriend to a large …………………………………………… after dinner. (7) They picked out 5-6 of their ……………………………………………………… books. (8) Then they met up again, and took …………………… talking about the book they chose. (9) Debby’s husband is a huge football ……………………………………………….…………. . (10) For the final touch, Debby put on his favourite football ………………..…………………. .

Extra task: Choosing presents Look at these objects. Choose three of them that you’d give as presents to three people you like. To whom would you give them? Why? On what occasions?

I’ d give the teddy bear to Susie, my best friend because she is fond of teddy bears and has a large collection of them.

17 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 17

2012.01.17. 6:24:24

2 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 2

Read the four tributes to friends posted on the friendship website friendshippage/tributes.html. Match statements 1-10 below with one of the tributes. Put the letter of the tribute next to the statements on the dotted line. An example has been given for you. There is an example (0) for you. Some of the texts below use a lot of Internet and text message spelling, but do not write like this anywhere else.

A Dedicated to: Dana


We were once pretty close friends and then I moved away. We’ve been friends again for a year and it’s been a great year getting to know you again. Our friendship is one that is made to last. We are always going to be friends no matter where our lives take us. I’m so glad that we are friends. Hugs, Chelsea

B Dedicated to: Sammi, Holly, Loz


I luv u guys and hope we will be friends 4 life!! miss u every day and cant wait till skool every morning just 2 c u again! I could neva bear being away from you!! I would miss you tooooo much!! Gabby xoxoxox!!!

C Dedicated to: Amy


Amy, I’m gonna miss yhoo so much when yhoo go, and I can’t even start to believe how I’m going to deal without yhoo. I luv yhoo so much! You’re my oldest friend! P.S: I know we’ve been kinda secretive lately. Its onli bcoz we’re plannin a surprise party for yhoo!! Always yhoor friend Lynne xXx

D Dedicated to: kacey


(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

i am sooo sry for not being a good friend and kacey i am soooo sry for not trusting u u r a great friend!!!!!! taylor

The writer of this tribute changed where (s)he lives. The writer of this tribute looks forward to going to school every day. The writer of this tribute apologises. This tribute is to a group of school friends. These people have been friends for a long time. These people re-started their friendship. The writer of this message thinks that distance won’t stop their friendship. This person’s friend is going away soon. The writer of this tribute did not behave as a good friend. The writer of this tribute has a secret. The write of this tribute feels they need to see their friend(s) every day.

A .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ..................

18 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 18

2012.01.17. 6:24:27

Skills Practice Skills Practice 3

Choose one of the tributes above and reply to it. Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ Thank your friend for the tribute and say how you felt when you read it ƒ Tell your friend what his/her friendship means to you ƒ Tell your friend what you think about the future of your friendship.


Use standard spelling as you will need to use standard spelling at the exam as well.

You have joined a forum on one of the friendship sites. Read the message of one of the members below. Pete says


Hi everyone, I have a terrible dilemma regarding a very close friend of mine. We were supposed to sit for a test on Tuesday, but there was a bomb threat and we had to leave the school. My friend and I spent the day together and at the end of the day he said, “Wasn’t it a good day? The bomb threat was a good idea, wasn’t it?” “Wait a minute, what do you mean?” I asked. “I mean I did it. I phoned them and said I put a bomb in the building. But you mustn’t tell anyone. I mean, we’re friends, right? The situation is over. No-one will ever know, and no-one got hurt.” I don’t know what the right thing to do is. Tell on him or keep the secret? I mean he has broken the law! Please help me decide! Thanks, Pete

Write a letter of about 100-120 words to Pete, in which you include the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

What may happen if Pete tells on his friend What may happen if he doesn’t What you would do if you were in his shoes Any personal experience you may have about telling on a friend.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Pete, ………

For each point to be included, start a new paragraph.

19 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 19

2012.01.17. 6:24:29

2 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 5

These two pictures show a boy and a girl. Compare and contrast the pictures. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4

The way they look The relationship you think they have The differences and similarities between the two couples Your personal experience with boys and girls as friends.

You may want to use some of these expressions: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

I think they are old friends / a boyfriend and a girlfriend because ... Boys / Girls make better friends because ... Some of boy-girl friendships turn into love, for example ... Most of my friends are boys / girls, because ... I prefer having boys / girls as friends because ... An example is my best / oldest friend ...

20 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 20

2012.01.17. 6:24:32


Sort it out!

UNIT Section 11 Section

Shopping centre 1 Asking for information

Transform the questions using the sentence beginnings provided. There is an example for you. (0) Excuse me, where is the fitting-room?

where the fitting-room is? Excuse me, can you tell me ...............................................................

0-4 are to a stranger, 5 and 6 are to a friend.

(1) Excuse me, is there a bank near here?

Excuse me, could you tell me ...................................................................................................

(2) Excuse me, where are the guidebooks?

Excuse me, do you know ..........................................................................................................

(3) Excuse me, how much is this CD-player?

Excuse me, I’d like to know ......................................................................................................

(4) Excuse me, when does the dry cleaner’s open?

Excuse me, do you happen to know .......................................................................................

(5) Do they sell dictionaries?

Got any idea ..............................................................................................................................

(6) How much are those roses?

Any clue .....................................................................................................................................

2 Using services A Which service do these words refer to? Write them in the appropriate column. silk blouse,  make-up,  perm,  brake,  winter coat,  blow dry,  suit,  print, spare tyre, develop, dye, enlarge, face massage, frame, cut, manicure, blanket, battery, body treatment Photo shop

Dry cleaner’s

Bicycle repair



B Request some of the services in these shops. Use this structure where possible: have sth done.

I’ d like to have this film developed.

21 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 21

2012.01.17. 6:24:33

33 Section 2


Can I help you?

Section 2

1 Circle the correct modal verbs in this shopping dialogue as shown in the example. Assistant: (1) Can / Will I help you? Customer: Yes. I (2) ‘d / could like to buy a ring, please. Assistant: (3) Would / will you like it for yourself or is it a present? Customer: It’s a present for my girlfriend. Assistant: It (4) can / would be important for your girlfriend to try it on, I think. Customer: I (5) may / can try it on my little finger. Assistant: That’s fine then. (6) Will / Would she prefer a silver, or a gold one? Customer: She (7) can / ‘d prefer a gold one but I (8) might / can only afford a silver one. (9) May / Could you show me some? Assistant: Certainly. (10) Must / Can you please come over here and look at these silver rings? Do you like any of them? Customer: Yes. (11) May / Shall I look at the one with the green stone in it? Assistant: Here you are, Sir. (12) Would / Can it fit or (13) can / shall I find you a bigger one? Customer: Perhaps a little bigger (14) would / must be better. Assistant: Here you are. Customer: Yes, This (15) will / may be fine. How much is it? Assistant: £ 120. Customer: OK, I (16) ‘ll / might take it. (17) Must / Can you gift-wrap it for me? Assistant: Yes, sure. How (18) would / should you like to pay? Customer: By credit card. Here it is. Assistant: Thank you, Sir. (19) Could / Might you press the green button if the amount is correct, and then enter your PIN, please. Customer: There you go. Assistant: Thank you. (20) Should / Could you please sign here? Thanks … Here’s your card, your receipt, and your bag. Thank you, Goodbye! Customer: Thanks, bye!

2 Stupid instructions

Here are some actual (!) label instructions on consumer goods A-F. Match them to possible customer reactions 1-6.

22 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 22

A On a hairdryer:  “Do not use while sleeping.”

1 Evidently, the shoplifter’s special.

B On a supermarket Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom of box): “Do not turn upside down.”

2 But wouldn’t this save even more time?

C On supermarket Bread Pudding: “Product will be hot after heating.”

3 Where else?

D On packaging for an iron: “Do not iron clothes on body.”

4 Really?!? I thought it would freeze.

E On most brands of Christmas lights: “For indoor or outdoor use only.”

5 Gee, that’s the only time I have to work on my hair!

F On a bag of chips: “You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.”

6 Oops, too late!

2012.01.17. 6:24:34

What shall I wear? 1

Section 3 3 Section

Which items of clothing?

A Read sentences 1-10 and write the items of clothing they describe on the lines provided. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We wear them to keep our hands warm. ........................................................................... We wear it to keep our heads warm. ................................................................................. We wrap it around our necks in winter. . ............................................................................ ‘Levis’ and ‘Wranglers’ are ................................................................................................ . Men often wear one around their necks. .......................................................................... We wear them on our feet under footwear. ..................................................................... We wear it on top of our clothes to keep us warm. .......................................................... It has buttons up the front, a collar, sleeves and is often white. ..................................... It goes from the waist down. It is worn by women and can be mini, knee or ankle length. ................................................................................................................................... 10 Trousers or a skirt with a matching jacket is called a ...................................................... .

B Write similar definitions about other clothes items. Get the class to guess them in the next lesson.


You are going to read a letter of complaint. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Dear Sir or (0) ….., I’m writing about a purple trouser suit that I (1) ….. in your Apple Street shop two weeks (2) ….. . I bought it especially to (3) …. at my niece’s wedding, which I did. (4) …., the suit ruined that beautif ul day for me. It stained my white silk blouse and my skin wherev er it touched it. I left a huge stain on the chair I was sitting on. It was very (5) ….. In the shop they said (6) …. me that they could give me the money back for the suit, but not for the silk blouse and the chair the suit ruined. They have not offered any compensation for the inconvenience your suit (7) …. me. I’ d like you to fully (8) …. the price of the trouser suit to me as well as pay for the ruined silk blouse and the chair. I also believe that you should offer some compen sation for the spoiled wedding day. Please find (9) …. a copy of the receipt. Yours (10) …., Martha Aurbegine


E bought F faithfully G Unfortunately H caused

to enclosed Madam wear 0






I ago J embarrassing K refund L wore 6






23 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 23

2012.01.17. 6:24:36

33 Section 4


Running errands

Section 4 1

You are going to read an article about pillar boxes – post boxes in Britain. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1-10) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Like double-decker buses, cricket and warm beer, pillar boxes are a symbol of Britain. But did you know (know) Britain got the idea from (0) .............. France, where they (1) …………………. (use) them since the 1600s? It was in 1852 that the famous Victorian novelist Anthony Trollope, who (2) ……………………………. (work) for the Post Office then, had the idea of using them in Britain. The first boxes (3) ………………………… (introduce) in 1852 in St Helier, on the island of Jersey. As they were a success, the following year the first box (4) ………………………… (appear) on the mainland, in Carlisle. In the beginning, different regions developed their own boxes. London’s box (5) …………………… (replace) because people (6) ……………………….. (complain) it was ugly. Another, designed by the Department of Sciences and Arts, looked great, but had the slot on the top, so the mail (7) …………………………. (get ruined) when it rained. The first National Standard box appeared in 1859. It (8) ……………………………… (paint) green because they wanted it to fit into the English landscape. As it turned out, it fit into it too much – people kept walking into them. Red became the standard colour in 1874. Nowadays around 10 million letters (9) ……………………………….. (collect) from post boxes each day. Some pillar boxes are over 100 years old. These boxes have VR painted on them. VR (10) .……………………. (stand) for Queen Victoria, who reigned from 1837 to 1901. (Adapted from

Did you know? There are 115,500 post boxes in the UK. Each can hold 300-400 letters.


24 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 24

2012.01.17. 6:24:38

Skills Practice Skills Practice 1 AS 3

In this section you are going to hear four announcements in a department store. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (3) for you. (3) Items are now much cheaper at A the men’s clothes department. B the ladies’ clothes department. C the children’s clothes department.


(1) You can buy ladies’ tops A for less than £5.99. B for £5.99. C for £5.99 and above. (2) You can buy ladies’ tops A in all sizes and some colours. B in small sizes and all colours. C in all sizes and all colours. (3) The XXL bathing costumes A are a completely new offer. B have been sold for a long time. C are sold out. (4) In the store’s crèche A customers can play with their children. B customers’ children are looked after. C customers can buy toys and books for their children. (5) You can find the store’s crèche A by following footprints. B by following arrows. C by following printed instructions. (6) In the last announcement, they ask customers to A check their bags. B go to pay. C count the change they get back. (7) Tomorrow the store will be open A from 8 in the morning to 10 in the evening. B from 10 in the morning to 8 in the evening. C for 12 hours.

25 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 25

2012.01.17. 6:24:39


33 Skills Practice

Skills Practice 2

In this Frequently Asked Questions page about a Gift Card, all the questions have been removed. Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes below. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) for you. (0) .......................................................... No. It is a prepaid card that carries a fixed cash amount. Each time the gift recipient uses the card, the amount they spend is deducted from the available balance. (1)

.......................................................... At any of the more than 800 stores and services in our shopping centre.

(2) .......................................................... Anyone. Friends, relatives, business partners. (3) .......................................................... Yes. The minimum is $20 and the maximum is $750. (4) .......................................................... Each shop has its own return policies. They may credit your gift card or provide a cash refund. (5) .......................................................... No, you can’t put more money on it. (6) .......................................................... You must inform us immediately providing your card number and other information we request. Once you have notified us, your card may be replaced at your written request. A B C D E F G H

Who might like this card? Can I reload my card? Is there a limit as to how much value a gift card can have? Can the card ever have a negative balance? Is this gift card a credit card? What happens if my gift card is lost or stolen? Where can it be used? What happens if I need to return something I’ve bought? 0









You are preparing a birthday party for a friend. Below there is a list of things you’ve agreed to get for the party. Write an email of about 50-80 words to Carol, another organiser of the party. Include the following points: ƒ The things you’ve managed to buy (3) and with what result ƒ The things you didn’t manage to buy and why ƒ Your suggestions / offers as to how to get the remaining things.

dozen orange and purple balloons 3 card with crocodiles on it 18 orange and purple birthday candles 3 key ring with a crocodile a bag of orange sweets 3

26 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 26

2012.01.17. 6:24:41

Skills Practice Skills Practice Start your email like this:

Hi Carol, …………

Consider using these: The good news is that I … / bad news is that I … I managed to …. / I didn’t manage to ... They didn’t have ... Why don’t we …… instead? Shall I … ? / Could you … ? Make sure that you include all the points.


You bought a dictionary three weeks ago. You’ve found out that some pages are missing, some pages cannot be read, and it is falling apart. Write a letter of complaint to the shop manager of about 100-120 words. Include the following points: ƒ The product (what, when, where) ƒ The problem ƒ The compensation you want.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir or Madam, …………


It is your best friend’s birthday very soon. Decide which one of these three items would be the best present for him / her. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4

Why you like or dislike the items Why you think your friend would like or dislike them Which you think your friend would be the happiest with Which looks financially the best buy.

27 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 27

2012.01.17. 6:24:43


There’s no place like home

UNIT Section 1 1 Section

Your place

1 Write these words on the appropriate lines in the picture below. terrace,  satellite dish,  skylight,  hall,  sitting room / lounge,  bedrooms,  front door, chimney,  shed,  upstairs,  fence,  balcony,  roof,  dining room,  attic,  gate, kitchen,  downstairs,  bathroom,   toilet,   stairs,   cellar,   garage F .........................

E ........................

D ........................

V .........................

U ...................

S ................... R ..................

W ..............

T ..................... H ....................

J ................

L ....................

N ..............

O ..................

M ...................

G ..................... P ....................

K ............. Q ................. C ........................ B ....................... I ......................... A .......................

2 Fill in the gaps about the house in the picture above.

28 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 28

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The satellite dish is …………….. the roof. The bedrooms are ………………. . The shed is ……………… the house. There is a fence ………………… the house. You can walk ………………. the terrace …………….. the sitting room. A door in the bigger bedroom opens ………………. a balcony. The front door leads ……………….. the hall. There is a cellar ………………… the house. The garage is …………………. the house.

2012.01.17. 6:24:45

My room is my castle

Section 2 2 Section

1 FAQ Little, much, few, many?

Write one of theses words into the gaps in the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

There are ………………. rooms in their house. There isn’t …………….. room here for a party. How ……………… do you pay for this room? How ………………….. furniture is there in the room? There’s so ……………….. furniture in the room that there’s an echo in it. I don’t know where to put my books. There are too ……………………shelves. How ………………………………….. chairs do we need? This room is ……………………….. more spacious than the one we saw yesterday. This is too ……………………. money for such a ……………………….. room.

2 Jenny has just moved from the city to the country with her parents. Read her email to her old friend, Alex and fill in the missing prepositions.

Hi Alex, Sorry (1) ............... not being in touch for so long, but everything is so sloooow here! It took ages before my Internet connection was set up. How are you? How’s everybody? I’m OK, but bored most (2) ............... the time and I miss you guys so much! We live (3) ............... a cottage and it takes 15 minutes to walk (4) ............... our next-door neighbours. There is only ONE cinema and it is not even open every day! Shops close (5) ............... six. Can you imagine that? The house is OK, quite cosy and comfortable. My room overlooks the back garden, which is full (6) ............... flowers and trees. It’s really nice. My room now is much bigger than my room in our old flat used to be, so you can stay (7) ............... us any time. The only problem with the room is that I can hear the animals (8) ............... dawn. They always make a lot of noise, so I wake (9) ............... very early.  The sitting room has a fireplace, which is nice, but it is a bit dark, because it has very small windows and there are a lot of trees (10) ............... front of the windows. It can be rather cold there, too. Forget about wearing only a T-shirt (11) ............... home! The kitchen, the toilet and the bathroom all look much older than the ones (12) ............... our city flat. I hope you can come and stay with us very soon. Love and hugs, XX Jenny

3 Write Alex’s reply. Be a good friend and make an effort to focus on what may be good in where Jenny lives now. Include the following points:

ƒƒ Benefits of living in a cottage compared to living in a flat ƒƒ Good things about her room compared to her previous, small room in a flat on the 5th floor in the city centre ƒƒ Good things about other parts of the house compared to their previous small flat in the city ƒƒ Advantages of living in the country and having a big garden and animals.

29 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 29

2012.01.17. 6:24:46

4 Section 3



Section 3


To which of these people would you recommend moving to Manchester? Tick them and write a short argument why. 1 2 3 4 5


A family with two small kids who want to move from a farm to a city. A young man who would like to work as a waiter for a year and then go to university. A landscape painter. A young couple who love going out. A middle-aged couple with three older children who would like to move away from the noise and speed of life in London.

Read the four sightseeing bus tour ads. Match statements 1-9 below with one of the ads. Put the letter of the ad next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you.



The Queen of English Cities: A fine Roman city full of beautiful buildings. Visit the Roman Baths and the Abbey where England’s first King was crowned. Tours start every 15-20 minutes. Commentary is available in 7 languages. Prices: Adult: £10.00, Child: £6.00, OAP1/Student: £8.00. Please note: National Trust members get a 50% discount on tour tickets.



The Las Vegas of England and home to the original Big Dipper as well as ‘The Big One’, one of the fastest roller-coasters in the world. Your ticket is valid for 24 hours and you can use it to Hop On and Hop Off at any of the 16 stops around Blackpool.



Known for its industrial heritage, Bristol was named after a bridge and built around its famous mineral springs. Your tour takes you up to the magnificent Victorian Clifton suspension bridge where you can enjoy views of the surrounding Somerset countryside. Live-guided tours start in every 45-90 minutes. A new 3-day ticket is available. One price: £14.00 Adult/OAP/Student, first child free, second child £7.00. Valid on any three days.



It’s all here on the City Sightseeing tour of London, heart of the British Empire and a major centre for world business. Free River Cruise included in the tour price. Frequent boat departures from Westminster, Waterloo (London Eye), Tower and Greenwich Piers. Multi-lingual plus Kids Commentary.


OAP = old-age pensioner

30 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 30

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

(Adapted from:

A The history of this city goes back to old Roman times ………… Your boat ticket is included in the price. ………… You have a tour guide on this tour. ………… This place is full of amusements. ………… Students and old-age pensioners don’t have cheaper tickets. ………… This city is famous for its industry. ………… Some adults can go on the tour for as little as £ 5. ………… Children have special commentaries. ………… If you take one child with you, you do not need to pay anything for them. ………… You can get on and off the bus at any stop. …………

2012.01.17. 6:24:59

Round the corner

Section 4 4 Section

1 What is characteristic of city life and country life?

Put these words and expressions under the right heading. Can you add some more? trees and flowers,  domestic animals,  noise,  shopping centres,  industrial areas, underground stations,  airport,  peace and tranquillity,  huge housing estates,  clean air, regular traffic jams, air pollution, high-rise buildings, woods, agriculture, stress, fields,  smog,  rush hours,  dirty streets,  heavy traffic,  living close to nature, friendlier neighbours,  good public transport,  a lot of cultural facilities Living in the city

Living in the country

2 Moving from the seaside to London

James has just moved from a small seaside town to London. His life has changed a lot. Look at the drawings and write sentences about his life in the past. There is an example for you.




Seaside – the past




London – the present

A He used to live in a cottage.

He lives in a block of flats.


Traffic wakes him up.


He looks out of his window to check the weather.


He takes two buses to go to school.


He has a flower box on his balcony.


He has central heating.

3 Have you ever moved? Do you know anybody who has moved? Write sentences about the changes you or your acquaintance experienced after moving.

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 31

31 2012.01.17. 6:25:01

4 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1

Read the four short room share ads. Match statements 1-9 below with one of the ads. Put the letter of the ad next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you. from Gabor + Laci on 12 October 2007 at 13:53

Close to Manor House tube (Piccadilly line, zone2), cosy fully furnished twin room (with 2 single beds) available in a 6-bedroom Victorian house. The house is fully furnished and has a fitted kitchen. Wireless Internet connection, digital TV and telephone is also provided. Cleaner comes to clean the communal areas once a week. The tube station is 5 minutes by bus. The tenants are students and young professionals. The rent is £134 pw (£67/person/week), all bills are included. Deposit is only £150-75/person! – refundable. Available for short/long term, min. stay is 4 weeks. from JENNY on 10 October 2007 at 23:03

We are a host family living in Clayhall. We have 3 underground stations local to us. The room has a new single bed. A TV and desk in the room also. You will be sharing the kitchen and bathroom/shower with a lovely German girl and with us (family of three, mother, father and daughter). We are a clean, friendly family. We have a large garden which is great in the summer for BBQ’S. We also have wireless internet connection. This room is £80 per week. One month’s rent will be required. from Tim on 07 October 2007 at 16:23

We are a girl (from Italy) and three guys (England, Mauritius, New Zealand) looking for a 5th and final housemate, ideally female & mid 20s to keep it balanced. The room has a new wood floor, a king-size bed, plenty of space and its own door to the garden. The house is newly decorated with a decent garden, new kitchen appliances, two large fridge/freezers, microwave, TV, wireless 10MB broadband. There isn’t a separate living room but there’s plenty of room in the kitchen so we’ve made it into a living space with large sofa & TV as well as dining table and cooking area. There are loads of shops, supermarkets (Tesco, Sainsbury, Iceland) & restaurants right around the corner, a lot of them 24-hour. The Piccadilly line is a 10-minute bus ride from us. from Alexia on 11 October 2007 at 19:36

Double room available in a massive modern new 7 bedroom house in Peckham, near to Camberwell uni and bus links into Central London (10 mins to central). Fully furnished with lovely new modern furniture in all rooms, massive kitchen/dining room, large living room with wireless Internet! Back garden with patio and lawn! £95 per week, sharing with 6 students (3 girls/3 guys) all really laid back, easy going people! (

32 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 32

2012.01.17. 6:25:05

Skills Practice Skills Practice (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

There is no information about the rent in this ad. This is the most expensive. They would prefer a young woman as their new housemate. You don’t need to clean the rooms you all use together. This room has a big bed for two people. One month is the shortest period you can rent this place for. The living room is in the kitchen. There are two beds in this room. You can go to the garden straight from your room. You have to live with a family here

C ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

2 AS 4

You are going to hear a short radio report about HUD, Housing and Urban Development in the USA. Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a maximum of two words. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you.

More than a thousand low-income families will become homeowners for the first time thanks to (0) ..................................... their own work and $ (1) ............................................... in funding announced today Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Alphonso Jackson. Jackson said HUD (2) ............................................... the work the families themselves do. HUD helps low-income Americans with their housing problems. They also support (3) ..............................................., the elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. HUD works side-by-side with families to make their American Dream (4) ............................................... . With a little help from HUD these families with their own work create a place they can (5) .............................................. . HUD gives the money to (6) ............................................... and install or improve infrastructure, such as water, electricity, gas. Homebuyers also contribute to the (7) ............................................... the homes. This can be any type of work, painting, roofing, decoration. Their work may also help buyers who are (8) ............................................... do these jobs due to disabilities or other reasons. Frequently persons with disabilities are able to do administrative tasks. Homebuyers’ own work reduces the (9) ............................................... their homes greatly. (Based on

33 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 33

2012.01.17. 6:25:06

4 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 3

Choose one of the room share ads in Skills Practice, Exercise 1 and reply to it. Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ Say why you’re writing ƒ Ask for some more specific information ƒ Suggest a time for viewing.


The local government has decided to sell an area near your home to build a new shopping centre. This area now is a park with a playground. A lot of people don’t like this idea because they think there are enough shops but fewer and fewer green areas and safe places for children to play. Many of them have written to your local paper to give their opinion. You decide to write, too. Write a letter of about 100-120 words, in which you include the following: Whether you agree with the plan or not How the new centre would change your area and people’s life Any relevant personal experience What you recommend. Make sure that you write only about Begin your letter like this: one aspect in each paragraph. ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Number of aspects = number of paragraphs

Dear Readers, …………


From September you’ll be studying at university in another town and you’re going to share a rented room with your partner. You have three rooms to choose from. Agree on one of the rooms and give your reasons for your choice.

Quiet suburb, 5 mins from suburban train station, £134 pw, deposit: £150 In the city centre, excellent transport, £150 pw, deposit: £170

34 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 34

Walking distance from uni, bicycle lanes, £152 pw, deposit: £200

2012.01.17. 6:25:10

Skills Practice Skills Practice 6

These three photos show different housing situations. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4

The kind of homes you think there are in these buildings The kind of neighbourhoods they may be in The kind of lives people live in these homes Any relevant personal experience you may have.

You may want to use some of this language: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

High-rise block / block of flats, detached house Housing estate, suburb, shanty town This home is huge / very small / comfortable People living in this building may be homeless / rich / poor / (un)fortunate / cold in winter. They may have a lot of problems / money / a comfortable life / little furniture / expensive furniture, etc. They may not have enough money / food / work. Everybody has their own bedroom. Everybody is in the same room. I live in … . Once I stayed in / saw … . I feel sorry for …

35 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 35

2012.01.17. 6:25:12


You are this land

UNIT Section 1 1 Section

The animal world

1 Look at the pictures and say what animals do, and what people can do with the animals. Use these verbs.

lay eggs,  sting,  milk,  chase,  feed,  kill,  graze,  keep,  attack, catch,  bite,  hunt,  breed,  raise,  look after,  fly,  crawl

People can milk a cow. Cows graze.

2 Comparing animals A Put these words into the relevant parts of the diagram according to whether they are true about both cats and cows, only one, or neither. Follow the examples. play, hunt, furry, tail, pet, domestic animal, four legs, wild animal, intelligent, milk, fly


COW graze four legs


wild animal B Write sentences comparing the cow and the cat using the information in the diagram. The cat hunts but the cow doesn’ t. Both the cow and the cat / Both of them have four legs. Neither the cow nor the cat / Neither of them are wild animals.


C Choose two more animals and draw a similar diagram for them. Put words into the diagram,

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 36

then write sentences comparing the two animals.

2012.01.17. 6:25:13

Back to nature 1

Section 2 2 Section

You are going to read a short article about a beautiful part of the world. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (110) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is one example (0) at the beginning. A collection B live C lies D considered

E finds F flows G found H situated

I covers J declared K rich L blooms

This beautiful valley is (0) ... in the Himalayas in India, at an altitude of 3300 to 3650 m. It is (1) ... a ‘paradise’ for nature lovers. Starting about 6 km from Bhinduar village, it (2) ... an area of about 87 square km. The valley is exceptionally (3) ... in flowers and has the largest (4) ... of wild flower species. The river Pushwati (5) ... through the valley. The valley (6) ... with exotic flowers from June to September. About 520 species of flowering plants can be (7) … there. It was (8) … a National Park in 1982. Animals like Himalayan black bears, musk deers, brown bears and a rich variety of birds and butterflies (9) … in this national park. The holy lake Hemkund, an important place of pilgrimage for Sikhs and Hindus, (10) … near the Valley of Flowers at an altitude of 3050 m. (Adapted from














Where shall we go on a trip? You’ve received this email message from a friend. Message from Joan


Hi there, It seems the weather will be fine this Saturday. I’d love to go to the country. Would you like to join me? Also, can you please suggest somewhere nice but not very far as I need to be back by 7? Many thanks, Joan

Reply to this email in about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ Accept the invitation. ƒ Suggest a place. Describe it and say why you like it. Say how far away it is and how long it takes to get there. ƒ Suggest a time and a place to meet. ƒ Give some advice to your friend on what to bring and how to dress.

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 37

37 2012.01.17. 6:25:16

5 Section 3


The weather is never nice

Section 3

1 Sentence transformation

Re-write the sentences starting with the word provided. Make sure that the meaning of the sentence does not change. There is an example (0) for you.

(0) It’s foggy. (1) It was pouring down. (2) There were floods on the roads. (3) We’ve had a lot of storms this summer. (4) It will be snowing. (5) There’s going to be rain. (6) There was heavy rain. (7) We had a drought last summer. (8) Snow covered the mountains. (9) There will be a lot of sunshine. (10) There’s been a lot of snow this winter. (11) There are lots of clouds in the sky. (12) It’s been windy recently. (13) There’s going to be drizzle. (14) There’s mist over the water.

fog. There ’s.................................................................... There .................................................................... The roads ............................................................. This summer ........................................................ There .................................................................... It ........................................................................... It ........................................................................... There .................................................................... The mountains .................................................... The weather ........................................................ The winter ........................................................... It is ........................................................................ There .................................................................... It ........................................................................... It ...........................................................................

2 Is this weather good for a trip to the countryside?

Look at the two maps showing tomorrow’s weather forecast. Write an email to Joan in Section 2, Exercise 2. Include the following points: ƒƒ What is the forecast? ƒƒ Do you think your plan to go to the countryside is still a good idea?

th 1 2 17th August, in the evening    17 August, in the morning     

38 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 38

2012.01.17. 6:25:18

Life without air and water 1


Section 4 4 Section

Product labels There are labels on some products telling the customer about its impact on the environment. Match labels A-F to definitions 1-6. A Recycled

1 On food products, it means that it was produced without using chemicals.

B Against animal testing

2 On spray cans, it means that it does not use any CFC gases. CFC gases damage the ozone layer.

C Organic

3 On plastic bags or cartons, it means that the plastic will be changed naturally by bacteria into materials that do not harm the environment.

D Ozone friendly

4 On cosmetic goods, it means that it was not tested on animals.

E Biodegradable

5 On packages or materials, it means that it can be used again.

F Recyclable

6 On paper products, it means that the paper is made from old, used paper.

You are going to read an article about the Children’s Rain Forest in Costa Rica. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1–10) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

began (begin) in 1987 at a small primary The dream (0) …………… school in Sweden. It was the study of tropical forests and the speed of their destruction that made a teacher and a nine-year-old student decide (1) ……………………… (do) something about it. Soon the children, (2) ………… (guide) by their teacher, started a campaign to raise money (3) ……………......……………….. (buy) threatened rain forest in Costa Rica. Within two years, their initial six-hectare land (4) ……………......……………….. (grow) to 7,258 hectares. Recently, the spirit has reached many other countries. As a result, more groups are forming and individual contributions have arrived from the far corners of the globe. Today, The International Children’s Rainforest Network (ICRN) is a student-teacher organization which (5) ……………......……………….. (dedicate) to the protection of rainforests. For the past five years, this network (6) ……………......……………….. (buy) land in developing tropical countries, and creating protected reserves. The best known is the First Children’s Rainforest of Monteverde, Costa Rica. It (7) ……………......……………….. (buy) partly by funds donated by school children from Sweden, England, the U.S.A., Japan, Germany and Canada. The result is that over 7,000 hectares of rain forest (8) ……………......……………….. (protect) now. In 1994, a second Children’s Rainforest (9) ……………......……………….. (establish) in Amazonian Ecuador. In Ecuador, land can presently (10) ……………......……………….. (buy) for $40-$120 an acre. (Adapted from

39 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 39

2012.01.17. 6:25:21

5 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 AS 5

In this section you are going to hear an interview with an animal intelligence researcher. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right: A= TRUE B= FALSE C= THE TEXT DOES NOT SAY. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. A= TRUE B= FALSE C= THE TEXT DOES NOT SAY (0) The duck in the story wanted the policeman to help her.

A ..................

(1) It is easy to see that animals are smart.


(2) All scientists agree that animals can think.


(3) Animals and humans can get on well with each other.


(4) Professor Brainright is an animal rights activist.


(5) Animals and humans don’t have the same skills.


(6) Bats are more intelligent than humans.


(7) Some tests on animals are not fair.


(8) All animals can do three thinking tasks.


(9) Animals cannot evaluate quantities.


(10) Karen thinks that people treat animals well.


40 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 40

2012.01.17. 6:25:25

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2

Read the four success stories of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Match statements 1-9 below with one of the success stories. Put the letter of the text next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you. A The Alaska Zoo announced that it would

send Maggie, a 27-year-old African elephant, to a reserve in California. Maggie has lived in freezing cold Alaska in a small place since 1983 and has been alone since elephant Annabelle died in 1997. Earlier this year, Maggie collapsed twice and needed assistance in standing – a sure sign that bad conditions were ruining her health. PETA and animal rights activists around the world have been asking the zoo for years to send Maggie to a reserve. Soon Maggie will have room to roam, swim, and socialize with other elephants. C In a landmark victory for animals killed for their skins, fashion house LRP dropped all fur from its clothing lines shortly after meeting with PETA. According to the company’s announcement in the news, “We feel that the tim e is right to take this action.” On behalf of the millions of foxes, raccoons, and other animals wh o suffer and die each year becaus e of the fur industr y, PETA couldn ’t agree more!

B After learning that Viney’s – a maker

of grape juice – funded animal experiments that involved cutting open dogs’ chests, forcing monkeys to inhale secondhand cigarette smoke, and injecting rats with toxic chemicals, PETA sent a letter to company officials asking that they stop their funding of animal tests. On May 16, PETA received news from the company that it would no longer fund or conduct any animal tests.

urder Queen” D Following PETA’s successful “M

Burgers ancampaign, in March 2007, Queen n. The company pla nounced a groundbreaking new longer buy meat announced that they would no such small places from farmers who keep pigs in k. It warned that the animals cannot even wal free -range eggs buy uld wo y egg farmers that the A welcomes Queen whenever they are available. PET and will continue to Burgers’ groundbreaking move e its animal welrov work with the company to imp of the biggest e fare requirements. Tragically, som to make even fast-food companies have refused s. minimal animal welfare change (Adapted from

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Climate is an important factor in this story. This success will save the lives of many furry animals. PETA had a face-to-face discussion with this company. The animal(s) in this story had serious health problems. This company prefers to buy meat and eggs from more animal-friendly sources now. The company in this story gave money for experiments on animals. This is a major success in making the fast-food industry more animal-friendly. Animal loneliness is one of the problems is this story. This company communicated their decision through the media. PETA communicated in writing with this company.

A ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

41 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 41

2012.01.17. 6:25:28

5 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 3 You’ve decided to join PETA. Complete the application form. First Name Last Name


Date of Birth (mm / dd / yyyy) Address






Zip / Postal Code


Home Telephone (with area code)


Cellular/Mobile Telephone (with area code)




Which of the following are your primary interests? (Check all that apply.)  

Animals in Entertainment 


Animal Testing 




General Animal Rights 


Skins (Wool, Fur, Leather) 




Cruelty on farms, in shops and restaurants

Other (please specify) Which languages do you speak fluently? Would you be able to professionally translate documents? (check as relevant)

Yes No

Do you have a special area of expertise or talent (e.g., rock climbing, art, etc.)? If so, please indicate Can you provide a home for animals from farms?

Yes No

Sign me up for PETA E-News and special announcements from PETA.  

Yes No

I am at least 13 years old.  

Yes No

Write about an animal issue you are interested in (50-80 words).


42 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 42

2012.01.17. 6:25:31

Skills Practice Skills Practice 4

In response to the radio interview with Professor Brainright, write a letter of about 100-120 words to Animal World. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

What you thought of the programme What you think of animal intelligence An example to back your opinion A suggestion for an animal related topic the programme could deal with.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Animal World, …


These two pictures show life in the city and life in the country. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4 5

Typical features of the landscape Typical aspects of life in the country and in the city What is good about living in the country / in the city Your personal preference Any relevant personal experience you have.

You may want to use some of this language: In the country / city there is / are more / less / fewer … In the country / city people often / rarely … Country / city life is more / less … I have always / never lived in the country / in a city. What I like best / hate most about the city / country is … ƒ Once I stayed in a city / in the country for …, and I really loved it / hated it because … ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

43 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 43

2012.01.17. 6:25:34


UNIT Section 1 1 Section

Learning and studying Subjects and timetables

1 The words in sentences 1-6 are jumbled up. Put the words in order on the dotted lines. The first word is there for you. You have to use each word. Do not change the form of the words.

(0) to / in / a / school /Eger / four-year / I / secondary / go go to a four-year secondary school in Eger I .................................................................................................................................................. (1) lessons / day / five / six / I / have / every / or I .................................................................................................................................................. (2) last / minutes / lessons / 45 / our / for Our ............................................................................................................................................. (3) do / have / a / homework / to / lot / I / of I .................................................................................................................................................. (4) English / eight / been / I’ve / for / studying / years I’ve ............................................................................................................................................. (5) in / most / biology / interested / I’m I’m .............................................................................................................................................. (6) university / mark / have / have / a / in / to / to / into / good /history / I / get I ..................................................................................................................................................

2 Gerund or infinitive?

Read the text below on curriculum (learning plan) changes in the UK. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form: either infinitive or gerund. 0 is an example for you. On 5th February, 2007 a big change was announced in the secondary school curriculum in

to understand the UK. Teenagers could be taught “life” skills (0) ........................................ (understand)

our changing world. This could (1) ............................................... (include) subjects such as birdwatching, cookery as well as basic finance. For the first time, youngsters have the opportunity (2) ............................................... (learn) more about the world beyond the school gates. For example, a 14-year old could be given the task of (3) ........................................... (do) a 50-mile walk on their own, or (4) .............................................. (organise and cook) a meal for elderly people. The change was ordered because teachers could see that youngsters are not interested in (5) .............................................. (study) only about abstract subjects. Schools try (6) .............................................. (introduce) “personalised” learning. This includes more trips to museums, plays and art galleries. Officials also want (7) ........................................... (encourage) schools (8) .............................................. (teach) subjects together. An example of this can be when the science and PE teachers decide (9) .............................................. (teach) pupils about anatomy together. Teachers are happy about the changes, but they said that (10) .............................................. (make) the timetable could become a nightmare.

3 “Teenagers should be taught ‘real life’ skills instead of abstract subjects.”

Write a paragraph in which you give your opinion on this statement. Include the following points: ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

The subjects and activities you would welcome How school life would change How your motivation would change If these changes would help you with your future plans, e.g. work and / or studies.

44 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 44

2012.01.17. 6:25:36

This is your life at school 1

Section 2 2 Section

During the school year Put these special Hungarian school events in chronological order. new students’ ball, school leavers’ walk, opening ceremony, school-leavers’ dinner, ribbon pinning ceremony and ball, breaking-up ceremony


Read Julie’s letter about events at the end of secondary school. Fill in gaps 1-8 with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets. There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets. Dear Charlo tte,

reading Many thank s for your letter. I really enjoye d (0) ........... ........ (read) your stories about your school trip. Thank you for remembering (1) ..................…… ……… (enclo se) some photos , too. They look great! The big news is that we had our ribbon pinnin g ceremony and ball last weeken d. I don’t think you have it in France , so let me (2) ..................…………… (explain) what it is. All the studen ts who are (3) ............……......……… (take) their school leavin g exams at the end of the term come together and the Form Master or Mistre ss pins a ribbon on their clothes. This ribbon has the name of the school on it and the years the studen t (4) .................…………… (be) at the school . You are suppos ed (5) ............…......………… (wear) this ribbon until you pass your school leavin g exams. After the pinnin g ceremony there is a ball. The ball starts with traditi onal dances like the waltz and later it gets more like a disco. For the waltz, we (6) ............…………......… (wear) beautiful white ball gowns and the boys were wearin g tails. I really loved it! I though t we all (7) ..................…………… (look) beautiful! All the teacher s and our parent s watche d us (8) ........... .……......……… (dance) the waltz and a lot of the mothers – my Mum (9) ............…………......… (includ e) – cried. It is so strange that we only have a couple of weeks (10) ..................…… ……… (leave) at school . We’ve already started (11) ............……......……… (plan) our school- leavin g walk. This is also something uniqu e to Hungary, I think. On the last day of school , just before the exams start, school- leavers walk slowly around the school (12) ........... .......…………… (sing). The younger studen ts are all out of their classro oms and all the relatives come and give lots of flower s to the school- leavers. The school (13) ............…….... ..……… (decorate) with flower s, too. It is usually very (14) ..................…………… (move ). I can’t help (15) ..................…………… (cry) when I think of it! But before all this, I will have to (16) ..................…………… (revise ) a lot for my exams . Tomor row, we’re taking a practic e school- leavin g test in maths. Keep your finger s (17) ............……......……… (cross) for me, please! Lookin g forward to (18) ............…......………… (hear) from you soon. Hugs, Julie

45 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 45

2012.01.17. 6:25:39

65 Section 3


Your second home

Section 3


You are going to read an article about the School of the Future in Philadelphia. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-P) for each gap (1-14) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. A B C D

E chalkboards F seats G report books H attend

check students apply textbooks

I assignments J benches K well-equipped L subjects

M canteen N lockers O maths P gym

A high-tech high school opened its doors in September 2006 in one of Philadelphia’s poorer neighbourhoods. Known as the School of the Future, the project was designed with help from a leading software company. More than 98 percent of the students who (0) ….. the school are minorities; most live below poverty level. According to one of the (1) …. , it looks fantastic, with a (2) …. like a restaurant and a (3) …. like an NBA-size basketball court. The classrooms have the appearance of company meeting rooms. You don’t see pupils sitting behind each other on (4) ….. They sit around tables. (5) …. are out; plasma screens and video projectors are in. A student laughs as he describes the coolest thing: “No pencils, no papers, no (6) ….. None.” Just laptops. Every student gets a laptop and they have access to digital cameras. There are no (7) …. either. Teachers and parents can (8) …. on students’ marks and attendance anytime with just a few keystrokes as the whole school has wireless network. Each student ID has a smart chip in it. The smart cards track attendance, results in different (9) …., open (10) …. and pay for meals. The School of the Future teaches reading, writing and (11) …., like any other school. The difference is how they are taught. “Teenagers want to be not in their (12) …., not listening to me or to you. They want to be active, doing things” says the headmistress. Class (13) …. at the School of the Future try to focus on “real-life” problems. Students do homework such as blogging. To graduate, aside from completing academic coursework, students must also (14) …. to college. (Adapted from


















Imagine that a company has decided to help your school to become a model School of the Future. Write down what you think would change and if you would like this change or not.

“We wouldn’ t use chalkboards any more. We would use computers, laptops and projectors only. I have mixed feelings about it. I would really love to have a laptop, but I quite enjoy writing on chalkboards, too.” Write about a minimum of five changes. Use ideas from the article and your imagination.

46 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 46

2012.01.17. 6:25:41

A passport to the world

Section 4 4 Section

1 Choosing a language school abroad : Asking the Right Questions

In the article below, all the questions have been removed. Match the questions to the related explanations, and put the letters in the boxes below. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) for you. A B C D E F G H I

What’s the cost? What’s the maximum class size? What extracurricular activities does the school organize? How many different teachers will I have? What teaching materials do they use? Will they allow me to change classes if I’m dissatisfied? Does the school help with housing? Do the school’s teaching methods match my learning style? What’s the average student age?

(0) ______________ If the school’s methods and your learning style don’t match, you may feel frustrated or bored. It should set off alarm bells if a school has no clear written description about its methodology and instructional techniques in its advertisements. (1) ______________ This can vary greatly. Naturally, the larger the class, the less individual attention you’ll get. The paradox is that you can actually get more speaking practice in a large class with interactive pair and group tasks than in a smaller teacher-fronted class. (2 ) ______________ The disadvantages of having only one teacher is that you don’t hear different accents, points of view, or experience different teaching styles – and you may be stuck if you don’t like the instructor. On the other hand, if you get a fabulous teacher, the system has a great advantage: the many hours the group spends together can create a friendly atmosphere, which can help speaking a lot. (3) ______________ While all language schools group students according to some sort of placement test, their rules vary when it comes to allowing students to switch classes. Check it in advance. (4) ______________ If you prefer studying with your own generation, inquire how old students will be in your group. (5) ______________ To really understand what you’re getting for your money, calculate the total number of lessons. And how long is a lesson? Is it 45 minutes, 50 minutes, a true hour? Be sure to check out the refund policy as well in case you need to cancel. (6) ______________ Let’s face it. Part of the attraction of language schools is what happens outside class, and language practice outside the classroom is very useful. Find out what’s included in the price. (7) ______________ Most of them do. Language schools all claim their families are “carefully chosen.” Just make sure that the school will help you find a new family if the first one doesn’t work out, and that your housing is easy to reach from your school. (Adapted from:



yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 47








47 2012.01.17. 6:25:42

65 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1

Read the four school notices. Match statements 1-9 below with one of them. Put the letter of the notice next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you. B



HONES NO MOBILE P s is an infringement rized item Possession of unautho could result in of the regulations and

Public schools were declared drug free and dangerous object free areas by Government Notice 1040 of 12 October 2001.

Members of the public are hereby informed that people entering the school grounds: May be required to obtain prior perm ission from the school to do so. May be required to produce proof of identity. May be subject to search.


ile phones are advised that mob mination. Candidates tched on. from the current exa sion whether or not swi ses pos r thei in be in particular should not Joint Council for Qualification

Erected by the Governing Body of


If you Boots or Shoes are covered in Mud or Manure please take them off be fore entering the School.

Thank You

the Pinelands Primar y School.

Do as you’re asked when you are asked.

Listen in silence.

Put up your hand to speak.

Arrive on time to lessons with the correct equipment.

Keep hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself.

(0) This notice says: Raise your hands before talking.

D …………

(1) This notice is to students sitting for a test.


(2) This notice says: people entering the school may be searched.


(3) This notice says: Don’t hit each other, don’t kick each other, don’t throw things at each other and don’t make nasty remarks.


(4) This is a request to people to keep the school building clean.


(5) This notice says: You mustn’t have a mobile phone on you.


(6) This notice says: Bring your books, exercise-books, pens, pencils, etc. with you. ………… (7) This is a security notice.


(8) This is a notice on the entrance of a school in the countryside.


(9) This is about dirty shoes.


Extra task: Look around in your school and find the notices on the walls. Translate them.

48 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 48

2012.01.17. 6:25:47

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2 AS 6

You are going to hear a radio interview with an Erasmus Student Network officer, in which they’ll talk about the Erasmus student exchange programme. Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. (0) The Erasmus programme offers the possibility to students of studying a) anywhere in the world. b) in another European country.



(1) With the Erasmus programme, you cannot stay abroad a) for less than 3 months and more than 12 months. b) for a shorter period of time than 12 months.



(2) To participate in the Erasmus programme, you a) must come from the European Union or the European Economic Area. b) have to finish at least the first year of a university course.



(3) If you are abroad with an Erasmus grant, a) you don’t need to pay for your living costs. b) you need to spend as much on living costs as you would pay at home.



(4) If you are abroad with an Erasmus grant, a) you don’t need to pay for your university course. b) you will pay your usual university course fee at home.



(5) If you are abroad with an Erasmus grant, a) you will finish your university course at home later. b) you will finish your university course at home at the same time.



(6) If you want more information, visit a) b)




Write an email of about 50-80 words to one of your classmates, who hasn’t come to school today because he / she is ill. Include the following points: ƒ Enquire about her / his condition ƒ Tell her / him what happened at school today ƒ Tell her / him what the homework is ƒ Pass on one more important piece of information.


Write a letter of about 100-120 words to a foreign student about your school life, in which you include the following: ƒ The building and the facilities ƒ Subjects you study and your personal preferences ƒ A typical school day ƒ Testing ƒ Any personal comment about your school. Begin your letter like this:

Hi, ….…

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 49

49 2012.01.17. 6:25:48

65 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 5

You would like to improve your English in the summer. You have three options to choose from. With your partner, agree on one of them giving reasons for your choice. Include the following points: ƒ What is the advantage and disadvantage of the options? ƒ What kind of experience would you get apart from language? ƒ Any relevant personal experience you may have. A Language Volunteers, Streetsville, Ontario, Canada

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

1-4 week(s) intensive course with 20 lessons pw followed by 1-4 week(s) work placement Small classes (max. 8 students), experienced teachers, high academic standard A minimum of three native English speakers in the Conversation Lounge at all times Work side by side with Canadians Half-board homestay (private room, breakfast, evening dinner): 189 Euros pw

B Language Survival Camp, Bakony, Hungary

ƒ Teenagers from all European Countries ƒ A mixed programme of indoor and outdoor activities ƒ Action, adventure and challenges with your newly found friends ƒ We teach you the language that will help you to survive in challenging activities including rock climbing, caving and exciting games ƒ Fee: € 450 for 2 weeks. This all-in price includes food & lodging and the expenses related to the activity programme. If you are a citizen of a new EU countr y a discount is applicable


C Language Street , London, UK

ƒ We combine classroom study with learning in the street ƒ In each classroom session you learn and practise some grammar and voc abulary Then you go out into the city, wit h your teacher, to use your new skills in real life, real time situations ƒ Host family and student residen ce accommodation star ting at £12 per night ƒ Fees: 1 day (3 hours) – £25 1 week (3 lessons per day) – £12 6

These two pictures show two different classrooms from two different countries. Both photos were taken recently. Compare and contrast the two pictures. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4

Classroom furniture and equipment Students in the classes Similarities and differences you notice Your personal feelings and thoughts.

You may want to use some of this language: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The two classrooms are very different / similar in many ways. One of the classrooms is …, while the other one is … (In) both the classrooms … The Somali classroom is much more / much less ... than the Canadian I would prefer to study in the … classroom, because ...

50 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 50

2012.01.17. 6:25:53

Earning a living Job fair


UNIT Section 11 Section

1 Light bulb jokes

There are many jokes in English using the same question: “How many doctors / teachers / politicians etc. does it take to change a light bulb?” Match the answers to light bulb jokes 1-8 to job names A-I. There is an extra job. 1 None. It’s a hardware problem. 2 As many as the doctor orders. 3 Three. Two to find out if it needs changing, and one to tell a worker to change it. 4 “We just report the facts, we don’t change them.” 5 Two. One to screw in the bulb and the other to smash the old one on his forehead. 6 None. Anything not completed during the lesson is added to the homework. 7 Two. One to change it and one to put some chips with it. 8 Three, one to do it, one to direct traffic and one to say “Show’s over, nothing left to see here, folks, move along.” A managers,  B journalists,  C software engineers,  D police officers,  E punk-rock musicians,  F flight attendants,  G nurses,  H teachers,  I fast food restaurant staff 1








Can you make up some more light bulb jokes referring to different jobs? You may also want to find more here:

2 Fill in the sentences with these words. qualifications,  full-time,  colleagues,  shift,  freelance,  bonus, skilled,   salary,   physical,   overtime 1 He wants a job where he can get a good ............... . 2 I think she is the right person for this job because she has all the …………… needed. 3 I prefer working on the morning …………… 4 Now that he’s broken away from his family, Tom needs a ………… job to make a living. 5 I get on well with my ………….. in the office. 6 Jen is a ………….. journalist and works for several newspapers and magazines. 7 The company is lucky to have so many highly ………….. employees. 8 The only thing I hate about my job is that I often have to work …………… . 9 At the end of the year each worker receives a Christmas …………… . 10 Bricklaying is hard …………… work.

51 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 51

2012.01.17. 6:25:54

7 Section 1


Job fair

Section 1

3 The words in the sentences below are jumbled up. Put them in the right

order and write them on the dotted lines. The first word is there for you. You have to use each word. Do not change the form of the words. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Check the word order for questions.

(0) qualifications / you / have / what / got

qualifications have you got

What ..................................................................................................................................? (1) you / do / have / in / experience / any / selling Do ......................................................................................................................................? (2) you / you / do / or / still / to / have / go / secondary / finished / school Do ......................................................................................................................................? (3) when / you/ can / work / start When .................................................................................................................................? (4) weekends / will / I / have / to / at / work Will .....................................................................................................................................? (5) hours / many / week / how / will / I / to / have / a / work How ...................................................................................................................................? (6) do / pay / for / you / shift / working / the / more / night Do ......................................................................................................................................? (7) this / why / like / to / you / would / get / job Why ....................................................................................................................................? (8) would / you / part-time / like / to / full-time / work / or Would ................................................................................................................................? (9) vouchers / we / get / lunch / do Do ......................................................................................................................................?

Where do you think these questions are asked? Who asks them?

4 Job jokes

Read the job jokes below. What jobs are they about? 1 A new client had just come in to see a famous ……. “Can you tell me how much you charge?”, said the client. “Of course”, the …… replied, “I charge $200 to answer three questions!” “Well that’s a bit steep, isn’t it?” “Yes it is”, said the ……, “And what’s your third question?” Job: ...................................................... 2 A ……. was standing on the corner with a stack of papers, yelling, “Read all about it. Fifty people cheated! Fifty people cheated!” Curious, a man walked over, bought a paper, and checked the front page. Finding nothing, the man said, “There’s nothing in here about fifty people being cheated.” The ...…. went on to call out, “Read all about it. Fifty-one people cheated!” Job: ......................................................

52 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 52

2012.01.17. 6:25:55

A third of your life

Section 2 2 Section

1 Read the CV. Fill in gaps 1-7 with these headings. Referees, Interests, Skills, Work experience, Education, Contact details, Date of birth

Curriculum Vitae 1 ………………...

David Brown 35, Wellington Rd. Hastings TN 343 IPN [email protected] Phone/fax: 01796 593932 Mobile: 07835911416

2 ………………...

20 May 1973

3 ………………...

1999 MBA in International Business Relations, Brooks Univ. 1994 BA (Hons) in Political Science, Lloyd Univ. 1991 A level maths, history and sociology

4 ………………...

5 ………………...

6 ………………...

1999 – present: Waterhouse and Price, PR manager 1995 –1999: YBC, Assistant to the PR manager ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

Planning and managing the PR activity of a large international firm Dealing with the media Using data systems Editing publicity materials

Boxing, bird watching Prof. Marylyn Howard, Dep. of Business Studies, Brook Univ. [email protected]

7 ………………... Mr John Hide, Managing Director, Waterhouse and Price [email protected]

Extra task: Use a word processor. Make a CV for yourself ready to be sent if you want to find a good job for the summer or for after school. Make sure you list all the summer jobs or unpaid work you have done so far. Update it regularly.

53 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 53

2012.01.17. 6:25:55

7 Section 3


Section 3 1

Getting a job

You are going to read a cover letter to Sarah Hunt, who is the contact person for applicants for the position of dog walker. A cover letter is a letter that you send with your application form, CV and copies of your certificates and diplomas when you apply for a job. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1-10) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Dear Ms Hunt,

to apply ply) for the post of dog I would like (0) …………….. (ap (advertise) in JobHunt walker, as (1) …………………… th ………………….. (enclose) Direct on 6 May. I (2) ………… of my CV. my application form and a copy e) dogs ver y much, and I (3) ……………………………... (lik a lot of experience in I (4) ………………………. (have) ………………… (have) looking after them. I (5) ………… ………………… (walk) many dogs in my life and I (6) …… ady, both my own dogs for hundreds of hours alre ……………… (drive) and my neighbours’. I (7) ………… phone and home my own car, I have both a mobile ………………. (work) email access. (8) …………………… pm would suit me every weekday from 11 am to 3 ….. (look) forward to perfec tly. I (9) …………………… from you. (10) ………………………… (hear)

Read the whole text through before starting to put in the verbs.

Sincerely yours,

Su san Can ine Susan Canine


Read the job ads in the coursebook on pp 58-59 again. Choose one of the three remaining jobs (obviously not the dog walker, as it has already gone!), and write a formal covering letter of about 100-120 words using the letter above as a sample. Include the following points: ƒ What job you are applying for and where you saw the ad ƒ Why you are suitable for the job ƒ If the conditions are acceptable for you.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir or Madam, ……

54 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 54

2012.01.17. 6:25:58

Making your own money

Section 4 4 Section

1 You are going to read some advice on how to find a summer job. Some words are missing from

the text. Choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Decide on the type of summer job you want, the location, the hours, the pay. You may not be able to find a job that meets all your (0) ………. , but you should try to find one that meets as many as possible. Ask yourself these questions. What can you offer an employer? What kind of (1) ………. have you got? What kind of paid or (2) …....... work have you done? What have you learned at school that might be useful in this job? Start looking for the job. Talk with your parents and older family members, your friends’ parents, your teachers and ask them. Give them copies of your (3) ………... . Read the newspaper job ads and surf the Web. There are a lot of places where you can look for a good summer job: local shops, small business offices, hotels, sports clubs, fast food restaurants, summer camps. Write your CV and a cover letter and (4) ………. for the jobs that interest you. Make sure you are familiar with job applications and have all the information you need to complete them. Before the interview make sure you (5) ………. something about the company; prepare answers to common interview questions; think of a few questions you could ask. Practise with a family member or friend. (6) ……….. conservatively for the interview. Employers want (7) ……… teens who are going to arrive to work on time, have a positive (8) ………., work hard, work well with others, work their full shift, and do the best job they can. You need to show your (9) ……… that you are a good investment, both for the present position, as well as for any potential future positions. Jobs are jobs. You are going to have to work, and you’ll have bad days as well. But always remember that you are (10) ………. money, you are gaining experience, and you are making good contacts and references for future jobs. (Adapted from

A attitude B know C  needs D volunteer 0


E CV F earning G dress H apply 2



I employer J motivated K skills L ads 5







2 Do’s and don’ts

What advice would you give a friend who is going for the first job interview in their life? Use ideas from the text above and add your own. There is an example for you in both columns. DO

Arrive in (good) time for your interview.


Don’ t be late for your interview.

55 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 55

2012.01.17. 6:25:59

7 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 AS 7

You are going to hear a part of a youth radio programme, in which they talk about working opportunities at summer festivals. The recording will include an Oxfam job ad, too. Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you.

(0) In their most recent survey, they asked listeners about a) their favourite music festivals. b) their greatest worry regarding music festivals.

a   b

(1) People worry about a) the toilets. b) the toilets and the price.

a   b

(2) You have these working opportunities at festivals: a) litter pickers. b) stewards.

a   b

(3) The minimum age for working at a festival is a) 18. b) 21.

a   b

(4) Oxfam is looking for stewards for a) 7 festivals. b) 17 festivals.

a   b

(5) For your free ticket you’ll have to work a) eight hours every day during the festival. b) three times eight hours during the festival.

a   b

(6) You will get a) no free food for when you work. b) a free meal per each shift you work.

a   b

If festival work would interest you, visit this site:

56 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 56

2012.01.17. 6:26:00

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2

Read the letter of The Events Team to people interested in being a member of the Shambala festival recycling and litter crew. Give short answers (maximum 3-5 words) to Questions 1-6. There is an example (0) for you.


Shambala Festival

crew at Thanks for your interest in being a member of the recycling and litter Shambala this year. can be Everyone in our crew is involved in the recycling process. The work as you go, varied but tasks include: picking up litter, separating the recyclables Be gates. main the at emptying bins, sorting the recyclables, giving out bags tive protec warned though – the work can be messy. We will provide you with gloves and a vest. ■ How it Works applicaYou pay for your ticket in advance. Please enclose a cheque with your Ltd). tion for £83 (made payable to Network Recycling UK our onYou arrive between 9am and 9pm on Thursday 23rd August. Come to pass. site office and collect your pass. The pass you get is a full weekend adult a receive will you eted, compl Shifts are 4 hours long. When 12 hours of work is You us. gave payment into your bank account equal to the deposit cheque you t for work. will not be paid if you turn up late, finish early, drop out or arrive unfi back. money You have to work the full 12 hours to get any let us If you do have to drop out for any reason before the festival, then please know in writing and we will return your cheque to you. ed If you are still interested in joining the team, please complete the enclos arrive) you when you it’s forms, and send a recent passport photo (so we know £83. with your name and postcode on the back and enclose the cheque for If you need any further information, please visit our website at web site For general information about the Shambala festival please go to their at Look forward to hearing from you,

The Events Team

They give them bags. (0) What do crew members give people at the entrances? ........................................................ (1) What do they give crew members to protect them from dirt? ............................................. (2) How do you pay the £83 deposit? ........................................................................................... (3) When will you get your deposit back? .................................................................................... (4) How can you get the deposit back if you can’t come to the festival? ................................................................................................ (5) What happens if you work less than 12 hours? ...................................................................... (6) What do you need to write on the back of your photo? ..........................................................................................................................

57 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 57

2012.01.17. 6:26:03

7 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 3

You have decided to work as a member of the litter crew at the Shambala festival. Complete the application form. 1 Name:

2 Name by which you wish to be known:

3 Sex (M/F):

4 Age:

6 Have you worked for Network Recycling before? Tick as relevant. Yes No

5 Nationality: 7 Are you fit and healthy? Tick as relavant. Yes No

8 Do you have any special diet? 9 Are there any people you REALLY want to work with? (We can try to put you together for your shifts.) 10 Emergency Contact Details Name : Address : Telephone : Why do you think we should choose you? (50 words)


You have just received this email from your friend, Pete: Message from Pete


Hi there! I went on-line as I promised to find work opportunities for the summer. I really like this: ANTIWORLD 070707 VOLUNTEER 6th–8th AUGUST, Hampshire Be part of the event of the year. Just look at the jaw-dropping amount and variety of world-class DJs and live acts. Work as a volunteer on the recycling team. What do you think? Pete

Write a letter of about 100-120 words to Pete telling him what you think about his suggestion. Include the following points: ƒ The advantages and disadvantages of the work Pete suggests ƒ Any alternatives for a summer job you know of ƒ What next step you suggest.

Begin your email like this:

58 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 58

Hi Pete, ……

2012.01.17. 6:26:05

Skills Practice Skills Practice 5

These pictures show three different types of summer jobs. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: 1 2 3 4

The advantages and disadvantages of each job The similarities and differences between them Your opinion about doing a summer job Your personal preference and experience.

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2012.01.17. 6:26:10


UNIT Section 1 1 Section 1


Fill in the gaps with after, before or then. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Business as usual

...................... I wake up, it takes me half an hour to get out of bed. I have a shower and ..................... I get dressed. I brush my teeth ..................... I have breakfast. ................... I leave home for school, I check if I have all the books I need in my bag. I have lunch in the school canteen. ................... I go to afternoon classes. .................. I get home, I need to have a rest ................. I am able to start doing my homework. I have dinner at about six. ................... I hang out with my friends a little. I check my emails and chat with friends, ................... I go to bed. I like to take a relaxing bath and listen to music ................... I go to bed. I read a book or a magazine in bed. ................... I fall asleep at about 11.

Re-write the sentences in Exercise 1. Start each sentence with after or before and use a gerund (-ing). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

After waking up, it takes me half an hour to get out of bed. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................


Write sentences about your daily routine using before, after and then.


Whose diary?

A Read the diary entries of an animal. What animal do you think it is? DAY 760 – My captors dine on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only satisfaction I get is from ruining the occasional piece of furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another houseplant. DAY 761 – Slept all day so that I could annoy my captors at night running around and

asking for food.

DAY 762 – I am finally aware of how sadistic they are. For no good reason I was chosen for the water torture. This time however it included a burning foamy chemical called “shampoo”. What sick minds could invent such a liquid? My only consolation is the piece of thumb still stuck between my teeth. DAY 763 – Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body to show them what I am able to do. I hoped to strike fear into their hearts. They only said what a good little kitty I was... Hmmm. Not working according to plan. (Adapted from


B Write a diary entry for another animal. Your classmates will have to guess what animal it is.

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2012.01.17. 6:26:12

What kind of life?

Section 2 2 Section

1 You are going to read an email about

Pam’s day. She has had a really bad day – which is often called a ‘bad hair day’ in English. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1-17) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Message from Pam


Hi Stacy,

‘s been I’m so happy this day is nearly over. It (0) .................. (be) a total disaster! You know that I have problems arriving at school on time so I carefully (1) ............................ (set) the alarm clock last night – it’s a radio alarm that (2) ............................ (run) on batteries. You know what? The batteries (3) ............................ (run out) so I had no alarm in the morning! Of course I had to leave home without breakfast, or a shower. A great start to the day, wasn’t it? Then in the history lesson I (4) ………....…...... (test) yet again! The third time this term! I got a D. My Dad will kill me. After school I was looking forward to (5) ......................... (be) at home and hiding for the rest of the day. Guess what! I (6) ............................ (lock) myself out in the morning rush! I wanted to call Peter to find out when he (7) ..................................... (arrive) home, but I (8) ................................ (have) no credit on my mobile. I had to go to Mum’s workplace and borrow her key to get in. Not a pleasant thing to do, is it? Listening to her about being responsible, organised, tidy and what not. Finally, I got in and I (9) ................... (think) what I needed was a hot bath to wash all this away. So went to have one, but there (10) ...................... (be) no water at all! OK then, let’s do the homework and get it out of the way. I had this essay to write, but I (11) .................................. (can not find) my exercise book to see what I really needed to do. It wasn’t in my bag. I must have mislaid it at school! I just had no strength to go back to school so I decided to have a little rest first. I (12) ............................ (fall) asleep. You won’t believe this one! I (13) …………………………...... (leave) the tap on and by the time I (14) ............................ (wake up) the bathroom (15) ............................ (flood). I (16) ............................ (spend) the last hour mopping. I can tell you I (17) ............................ (had) enough! The good thing is that now I have water in the house. Hope you had a better day. Hugs, Pam XX

2 Write an email of about 100-120 words to a friend about your day today. Choose your tenses very carefully. Hope your day wasn’t a bad hair day!

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2012.01.17. 6:26:13

8 Section 3


Whose chore?

Section 3 1 A

Match the words with the tools in the picture. There are more words than drawings. iron, cloth, washing-up liquid, mop, shoe polish, broom, ironing board, dustpan,  sponge, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, bucket, detergent, duster, window cleaner, brush,  scouring powder / liquid,  dishwasher,  watering can,  bleach

B Which of these tools can you use for jobs 1-10? 1 To sweep the floor you need ................................................................................................... 2 To mop the floor you need ...................................................................................................... 3 To get rid of dust you need...................................................................................................... 4 To wash white clothes you need............................................................................................... 5 To scrub the bath tub or the washbasin you need ................................................................. 6 To wash and dry the dishes you need...................................................................................... 7 To clean your shoes you need................................................................................................... 8 To iron your clothes you need.................................................................................................. 9 To clean the windows you need............................................................................................... 10 To water the plants you need...................................................................................................

2 Washing machine instructions

Put the instructions in the right order. Put the letters in the grid as appropriate. The first one is done for you. A B C D E F G H I

After loading the machine, add detergent to the appropriate compartment. To switch the machine off, re-press the On / Off button. Select a programme by turning the programme selection knob. Sort the laundry into groups with the same wash requirements. Wait for two minutes before opening the door and hanging your laundry. Pull the door handle to open the door. Start washing by pressing the Start / Pause / Cancel button. Place the clothes inside the machine. Close the door by pushing lightly. 0










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2012.01.17. 6:26:14

Looking ahead

Section 4 4 Section

1 Put an appropriate preposition into each gap. 1 2 3 4 5

He’ll arrive the day ………………. tomorrow. …………... I decide, I’ll ask Mum what she thinks. …………… the same time tomorrow I’ll be swimming in the sea. ……………. the time I’m thirty I ’ll have started my own business. …………… graduation we’re going to have a big party.

2 Looking into your future A Which verb form would you use to talk about the future? Underline the correct one. There is an example (0) at the beginning. After the school leaving exam, I (0) ’m going to take / ‘ll take a holiday first. My friend’s parents have agreed to let us stay in their holiday home near the sea. We (1) stay / are staying there for about two weeks, it seems. From September on, I hope I (2) ‘m able to continue / ‘ll be able to continue studying. I want to become a biologist. If I (3) won’t have been offered / ‘m not

Skim the whole text before you make decisions about the verb forms to be used.

offered a place at university, I (4) ‘ll go / go abroad as a volunteer for a year or so. Perhaps I (5) ‘m going / ‘ll go somewhere far and exotic like Costa Rica and work with animals. Then I (6) ‘ll be coming / ‘ll come back or go to another European country and study. How do I imagine myself in ten years from now? I (7) ‘ll finish / ‘ll have finished my master’s degree course by then and I (8) ‘ll be working / am going to work as an animal welfare specialist on a rescue team. I (9) ‘ll have lived / ‘ll be living in a tropical country somewhere in the wild. Or perhaps (10) I am working / ‘ll be working as a researcher at a university and studying for a PhD. If I (11) ‘ll meet/ meet the right person to start a family with, I (12) start / ‘ll start having children around 30. I hope that I (13) ‘ll have / ‘ll have had two or three children at least. And a lot of animals of course! So I suppose I (14) ‘ll need / need a big house with a garden. So many things to do and sort out!

B Write two paragraphs about your future. Paragraph 1:

What are you going to do after the school-leaving exam?

Paragraph 2:

How do you imagine your life in ten years from now?

Be very careful with your use of the future verb forms. Use the text in A as a model.

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2012.01.17. 6:26:15

8 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 AS 8

You are going to hear a recording in which a homeless boy describes his life. Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a maximum of two words. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you.

everyday life is totally out of your reach. You’re an When you’re homeless, normal (0) ............................... outsider. For one thing, you (1) ………………………………………. when you’re hungry. Then you don’t do things like going to work or school. And you know what? You MISS school and you MISS work. You don’t have programmes like going (2) …………........………. mates either. Going out? It really sounds ridiculous if you’re homeless as there’s nowhere you could go OUT (3) ………………………………….............……. all day and all night every day and every night. No one (4) …………………….…...………….....……. give you work because you smell and look unhealthy and scruffy. Your (5) ……….………………………………. is to go begging, spending hours outside in hot or cold weather (6) …………........……………………………., “Spare some change, please, spare some change!” After (7) ………………....………………………. your only dream is buying a decent cup of hot tea in the winter. Boys (8) ……………………....……. age save up for CDs or motor bikes. I save up for a cup of tea. Then there are the nights. You ‘re lucky if you (9) ………………………………………. to fight for a doorway to put down your sleeping bag or you don’t get mugged. And there’s no such thing as a pleasant warm night. You will be cold, (10) ………………………………………. what. And you will be in a lot of pain, too because there’s no such thing as a nice and soft doorway or ground. But that’s not the worst thing (11) ………………………………………., you know. The worst is that you are not considered to be a guy any more. Normally a young bloke like me, if he sees a girl passing by, he’ll smile and maybe chat (12) ………………………………. a bit. It is not a big deal. If the girl likes the bloke, they may meet again and start (13) …….............…………………. together. If you’re homeless, forget about the opposite sex. It just wouldn’t work. A dirty look‘s the maximum you’d get.

Extra task: How could you help this boy? What could you say to him? What would you ask? Brainstorm ideas and then discuss them with your classmates.

64 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 64

2012.01.17. 6:26:16

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2

You are going to read predictions from 1961 about life in 2000. Some parts of the sentences have been removed. Your task is to match the numbers with the correct letters. There is an extra letter you do not need. Write the letters in the boxes. An example (0) has been given for you.

What will life be like in 2000?

to the angle of the and a floating roof, adjustable ls, wal air e hav ly bab pro will Your house ...... . The heating and coolally. Clothing (0) ......................... sun. Doors will open automatic ll global TV, an and rugs. You’ll have wall-to -wa e itur furn the into lt bui be will ing systems (1) ............................... and phones and room-to-room TV. indoor swimming pool, TV-tele r 200 0 will be the m. The status symbol of the yea roo a of tion ora dec the nge you can cha in solar ovens with microwave ..................... . Cooking will be home computer help, (2) .......... n’t be ver y difpressed into fertilisers. Food wo and d, rate ige refr be will e bag controls. Gar ar made from sawdust, juice ..................... – instant bread, sug ferent from 1961, but (3) .......... form. cocoa. Energy will come in tablet powders and synthetic tea and other. It will be the age of k. Machines will “talk” to each People will work 24 hours a wee ..................... . There helicopters will travel (4) .......... e -typ Bus . ion rtat spo tran n press-butto family car will be soundless pavements in all large cities. The will be moving plastic-covered travel overland on ller than a typewriter. Cars will sma be will ine eng The ss. nle and vibratio ................ . nic passenger planes (5) ............... an 18-inch air cushion. Hyperso ted into space. rld’s population will have emigra wo the of t cen per five 0, 202 r By the yea hing of (6) ........................... . and beyond. You will think not Many will have visited the moon will get pills to make rs and teaching machines. They rde reco TV, from n lear will n Our childre mon colds, cancer, tooth lthier, too. There will be no com them learn faster. We shall be hea 85 or 100. will live, healthily, to the age of decay or mental illness. People (


will be done by computers will be put away by remote control along crowded air skyways which will help mothers look after the children and cook the meals press a button will reach any part of the world in an hour there will be a few new dishes taking a fortnight’s holiday in outer space 0







B Extra task: Have any of these predictions come true? Is there anything that you think may happen by 2050?

65 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 65

2012.01.17. 6:26:18

8 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 3

You share a flat with Terry. He has left you a list of chores to do while he is away. You have ticked the ones you’ve managed to do. See the list below. Write him a note of about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

What you have managed to do What you didn’t manage to do and why Promise that you’ll do some other chores Ask him to do some of the things that still need doing.

Hi! Had to leave to catch my train and had too little time to do the tidying. These are the things that I had no time for: Vacuuming the sitting-room Mopping the kitchen floor 3 Hanging the washing 3 Washing the dishes 3 Cleaning the toilet Next time, I’ll do more than you. I promise. Cheers, Terry


You are the editor of a life style magazine for teenagers. You have been asked to select a cover photo. You have three options to choose from. Choose one of them and convince your partner that your choice will be popular with the readers.

You may want to use some of this language: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This picture talks to many people / will make people think because ... People like this person in the photo may have a very easy / hard / exciting / boring life I imagine this person often / never / rarely works / enjoys life. I think this is what this person does on an ordinary day: ... Most of the readers of this magazine are similar / different from ...

66 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 66

2012.01.17. 6:26:22

You are what you eat What’s in your fridge? What’s on your plate?


UNIT Section 11 Section

1 Many or Much?

Fill in the gaps using many or much. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 A

How .............................. eggs do you need? How .............................. eggs are there? How .............................. are the eggs? How .............................. cakes did you make for her birthday party? I’ve eaten too .............................. cake. He’s drunk two litres of beer – he’s drunk too .............................. beer. He’s drunk four beers – he’s drunk too .............................. beers.

Write these foods and drinks next to their usual containers. Often more than one solution is possible. biscuit,   beer,   pea,   mayonnaise,   sweet, ice‑cream,   chocolate,   fruit,   flour,   mineral water, yoghurt,   orange juice,   jam,   milk,   sugar,   cereal, wine,   crisp,   bean,   coke,   honey



a bag of .................................. ..................................

a can of ............................... ...............................

You will need to put some of the words in the box into the plural. Which and why?


a carton of ................................ ................................



a bottle of ................................. ................................. 7


a box of ............................ ............................

a packet of ................................ ................................ 8

a tin of .................................. ..................................

a jar of ............................. .............................

9 a tub of

............................... ...............................


a tube of ............................... ...............................

B What foods or drinks can match with these adjectives? Write one or two examples for each adjective: brown sugar, brown bread brown, still, green, sparkling, fresh, sugar-free, plain, pure, dry, sweet, diet, wholemeal, white, skimmed, semi-skimmed, whole, alcohol-free, low-fat, dark, frozen, preserved, flavoured

Extra task: Make a list of what you eat and drink in a typical week: 2 cartons of semi-skimmed milk, 7 cartons of plain yoghurt, 7 wholemeal rolls, 500 grams of pork, etc. Compare your list with your classmates’. Make a graph representing what you all eat and drink.

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2012.01.17. 6:26:24

9 Section 2


Food culture

Section 2

1 Put these adjectives into the sentences. There’s one more adjective than gaps. still,  juicy,  crunchy,  spicy,  greasy,  strong,  sour, bitter,  tasty,  raw,  homemade,  sparkling

1 What kind of mineral water would you like: .................................. or ..................................?

2 I don’t like soft apples. I like them .............................. .

3 Would you like some ......................... cream on top of your stuffed cabbage?

4 She doesn’t like beer. It tastes too .................................... for her.

5 I need a cup of ..................................... coffee in the morning to get me going.

6 Eating .......................... meat can be dangerous.

7 I need to wash my hands after eating those peaches, they were so ................................... .

8 Fried food is fattening because it’s often ..................................... .

9 Indian food is hot and ........................................... .

10 It’s hard to make ................................... food without spices.

2 Work with a partner. Imagine that you are going to have Huen Huen, Jamie and Laci for dinner. Write up the menu for the dinner. Include these: starter / soup, main course, dessert, drinks.

3 Food words

Take into consideration that they have different eating habits and they are used to different kinds of food.

Which of these words fit into the gaps? meal,   food (2),   dishes,   cuisine,   courses,   diet

I’m on a (1) ………………….., so on my birthday, we went to a vegetarian restaurant. Our friends said it had good (2) ……………………….. and a lot of their (3) ………………….. come from Indian (4) …………………. . We wanted to have a big (5) …………………….. of three (6) …………………... . Unfortunately the place was booked up, so we ended up in a fast (7) …………………... restaurant.

4 Cooking disasters

What should have been done to avoid the disaster? Follow the example.

1 Six people came to dinner. There were only five bread rolls.

We should have bought more bread rolls. ....................................................................................................................................................

We shouldn’t have boiled/cooked the pasta for so long. 2 The pasta was overcooked........................................................................................................

3 The meat was chewy.................................................................................................................

4 The dessert was sickly............................………………………………………………………………

5 The vegetables were tasteless..................................................................................................

6 The soup was salty.....................................................................................................................

7 The cream was off.....................................................................................................................

8 The chocolate cake was burnt..................................................................................................

9 The bread was stale...................................................................................................................

10 The juice was warm...................................................................................................................


11 The stew was greasy..................................................................................................................

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 68

2012.01.17. 6:26:25

Food culture

Section 2 2 Section

5 Martha’s dinner disaster

This is Martha’s kitchen. She has been cooking for her dinner guests. What should she have done differently? What should the guests have done differently?

She should have taken the meat out of the oven long ago. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................

69 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 69

2012.01.17. 6:26:26

9 Section 3


Eating out

Section 3

1 Eating expressions

Sort the phrases into the right columns. ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

Not for me, thanks, I’m full. Have a(n) / some ... Yes, please. No thank you, I’ve had enough. Enjoy your meal! Help yourself to a(n) / some... Smashing! That would be great, thank you. Before starting

ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

Offering / asking for food

I’d love one / some. Bon appetite! No thanks, I’m stuffed. Grab yourself a(n) / some ... Can I offer you a(n) / some…? Tuck in! Can you pass the ..., please?

Accepting food

Refusing food

2 How inappropriate!

Change what people say in the cartoons to make their language sound right in the situation.



........................................................................ 3



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2012.01.17. 6:26:27

Eating out

Section 3 3 Section

3 Who pays?

Tick the expressions that mean the speaker offers to pay for someone else’s food or drink. What happens in the other situations? 1 Let me pick this up.

4 I’ll treat you to this.

2 The drinks are on me.

5 Shall we go half and half?

3 Shall we go Dutch?

6 Let’s share the bill.

4 Restaurant blues A Complete sentences 1-7 with these words. too,    enough,    quite,    quiet 1 Waiter! This soup isn’t warm ........................... Can you please warm it up? 2 I can’t start eating. My soup is ......................... hot to eat now. 3 I thought it was a ......................... little restaurant, but actually, it’s ......................... noisy with this band playing. 4 The salmon is ......................... expensive for me to choose. 5 With the service charge added, it’s turned out to be ................................ an expensive restaurant. 6 No place is good ......................... for you. You are ......................... critical. To be honest, I’m ......................... fed up with it. 7 OK. I’ll say not another word. I’ll keep completely ............................... .

B Use the expressions in the previous exercises to write a short restaurant scene. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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2012.01.17. 6:26:28

9 Section 4


Section 4 1

Food for thought

You are going to read an article about school lunches in the past and in the present in the USA. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1-10) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Schools are often too far away from most students’ homes to make

to return (return) home for lunch. In early American it practical (0) .................. schools, students (1) ………………….. (bring) their lunches to school in a metal lunch carrier, which might (2) ………………….. (contain) bread with jam or meat sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, and dill pickles. In the middle of the day, day school (3) ………………….. (stop) for a lunch break, a time for students (4) ………………….. (eat) while (5) ………………….. (sit and talk) with friends.

Today most students (6) ………………….. (eat) lunch in a staffed cafeteria that (7) …………………… (serve) hot lunches. Some students still (8) ………………….. (bring) their lunch to school in a lunch box or bag. Nutrition (9) ………………….. (consider) a basic ingredient for childhood development and readiness (10) ………………….. (learn). (


Complete sentences 1-10 using so or neither + an auxiliary verb (segédige). Use so for positive sentences, neither for negative sentences. Use the same auxiliary verb you would use to ask a question about the subject in bold in the sentence’s context. When we use so and neither, we use reversed word order (fordított szórend). She doesn’t like mushrooms and neither do I. The chips were greasy and so was the stew. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

She’s having pasta and ……………………… her friends. I love spinach and ……………………… Popeye. Fizzy drinks aren’t healthy and ……………………… cakes. You need to cut down on salt and ……………………… I. She’s been on a diet and ……………………… her dog. The meat wasn’t cooked enough and ……………………… the beans. The champagne hasn’t been in the fridge long enough and ……………… the soft drinks. Hungarians don’t eat enough raw vegetables and ……………………… most Europeans. Fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and ……………………… vegetables. I’ll have the chicken and ……………………… Peter.

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2012.01.17. 6:26:30

Food for thought 3

Section 4 4 Section

Greasy spoon cafés and fast-food chains Read the short text below about greasy spoon cafés in the UK and find similarities between them and fast-food restaurants you know. Write sentences about the similarities using so and neither. neither

In the United Kingdom, a greasy spoon café was traditionally a working-class restaurant often visited by passing truck drivers. They are still considered to be cheap places compared to most restaurants. The typical greasy spoon serves mainly fried or grilled food, such as fried eggs, bacon, black pudding, burgers, sausages, mushrooms and chips. These are often accompanied by baked beans, cooked tomatoes, and fried bread. Hot and cold sandwiches are also often available. The main drink in British greasy spoons is usually tea; often the only coffee available will be instant. British greasy spoons will sometimes also offer some simple desserts.


What would be a suitable diet for these people? What foods should they eat more of? What foods should they cut down on? What would be an ideal daily menu for them? What should they drink? ƒ Someone who needs to lose weight ƒ Someone who needs to put on weight ƒ Someone with a flu.

Extra task: Work in five groups. Each group will make up questions to find out how healthily people in the class eat. Each group gets / chooses one of the topics below. Write 3 to 5 questions on your topic and then ask everybody your questions. Make notes of the answers. Then tally the answers and report the results to your class. You may want to make a visual, like a graph or a chart to represent the answers. The topics are: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Breakfast Snacking Fruit & vegetables Takeaways and junk food Drinks

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 73

73 2012.01.17. 6:26:33

9 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 AS 9

You are going to hear a radio interview with Clare Sound, a nutritionist or expert on healthy diets. She will talk about fast food. Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. (0) Food you get from vending machines … a) is an example of fast food. b) is not an example of fast food.

a   b

(1) Fast food is popular because … a) it’s cheap. b) it’s filling.

a   b

(2) Fast food is inexpensive because … a) it is made from cheap ingredients. b) it uses a lot of vegetables

a   b

(3) Eating fast food occasionally … a) may cause health problems. b) is unlikely to cause health problems.

a   b

(4) If you eat too much fast food over a long period of time … a) you may grow fat. b) you may have heart disease.

a   b

(5) Eating fast food once a week … a) is too often. b) is not a problem.

a   b

(6) Choosing your food carefully in a fast-food restaurant … a) makes no difference. b) can make your meal much healthier.

a   b

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2012.01.17. 6:26:34

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2 In this interview with the president of the National Association for Fighting Eating Disorders all

the questions have been removed. Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes below. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) for you. Q: (0) ______________ A: It is an obsession with food and weight. These people worry so much about putting on weight that it harms their well-being. Although we all worry about our weight sometimes, people with an eating disorder go to extremes to keep from gaining weight. There are two main eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Q: (1) ______________ A: 8,000,000 or more people in the United States have an eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa, for example, is the third most common chronic illness among adolescent females in the United States. Q: (2) ______________ A: 90% of the people with an eating disorder are women. Eating disorders usually start in the teens but may begin as early as the age of eight. Q: (3) ______________ A: People with anorexia starve themselves, avoid high-calorie foods and exercise constantly. People with bulimia eat huge amounts of food, but they throw up soon after eating, or take laxatives or water pills to keep from gaining weight. People with bulimia don’t usually lose as much weight as people with anorexia. Q: (4) ______________ A: Girls with anorexia usually stop having menstrual periods. People with anorexia have dry skin and thinning hair on the head. They may have a growth of fine hair all over their body. They may feel cold all the time, and they may get sick often. People with anorexia are often in a bad mood. They have a hard time concentrating and are always thinking about food. People with severe anorexia may be at risk of death from starvation. Q: (5) ______________ A: The reason isn’t known. People with anorexia may believe they would be happier and more successful if they were thin. They want everything in their lives to be perfect. People who have this disorder are usually good students. They blame themselves if they don’t get perfect grades, or if other things in life are not perfect. Q: (6) ______________ A: Most important, remind your friend that you’re there no matter what. Sometimes you’d be surprised how asking simple questions such as “what can I do to help?” or “what would make you feel better?” can lead to a great conversation about how you can help your friend heal. Second, get informed. You can support your friend by learning as much as you can about eating disorders. Many organizations, books, websites, hotlines are devoted to helping people with eating disorders. A B C D E F G H

Who are the victims? What are the problems caused by anorexia? How wide-spread are these disorders? Why are there more girls than boys with anorexia? Why do people get anorexia? What is an eating disorder? What should you do if you think your friend may have an eating disorder? What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia? 0








75 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 75

2012.01.17. 6:26:35

9 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 3

A friend from abroad is staying with you on holiday. This morning, you need to go to school and your friend is still sleeping. You leave him/her a note on the kitchen table to let him/her know what he/she can have for breakfast. Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ What alternatives there are for food and drink ƒ Where your friend can find these foods and drinks ƒ What your friend needs to do to prepare them.


You’ve received this email from a friend abroad, who is going to visit Hungary for the first time. Alex says


Hi there, I’m really excited! We are leaving for Hungary in three days! As we can only meet at the end of my stay, I would need some advice right now. Some of my friends have been to Hungary and they say the food is really tasty there, but they also say they put on a lot of weight as Hungarian food is quite greasy. I would like to try the ‘must have’ dishes, but I wouldn’t like to put on a lot of weight. Any suggestions what not to miss and what to avoid? Many thanks. Take care, Alex

Write a letter of about 100-120 words as a reply, in which you include the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

What Hungarian food is like in general Some typical dishes Your favourite dishes and why you like them How to avoid putting on a lot of weight while on holiday in Hungary Any relevant personal experience.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Alex, ……….

76 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 76

2012.01.17. 6:26:36

Skills Practice Skills Practice 5

You want to take your English friend to a restaurant tonight. You have these three restaurants to choose from. With your partner, consider the location, the food and the prices. Choose one of the restaurants and give reasons for your choice.


These pictures show different types of dishes. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: 1 2 3

The similarities and differences between them The advantages and disadvantages of each Your personal preference.

77 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 77

2012.01.17. 6:26:42

10 10

UNIT Section 1 1 Section

As fit as a fiddle

1 Write questions using ‘How long?’ / ’Since when?’ or ‘How many (times)?’ and the Present Perfect. long / Since when have you had it? .How ..............................................................................

1 I have a stomach ache.

2 She’s taken many aspirins today.

many aspirins has she taken today? ..How .............................................................................

3 I have a sore throat.


4 He is in hospital.


5 I’ve taken some painkillers today.


6 She’s broken her left arm again.


7 She’s been off sick many times this year. ...............................................................................

8 He’s taking antibiotics.


9 I’ve frequently used the toilet today.


10 He has a high temperature.


11 They pulled some of his teeth.


12 She’s had many operations.


2 Write what people must / may have done to get ill / unwell.

1 She has a sun stroke.

She must / may have spent too long in the sun. ..............................................................................

2 I have a terrible stomach ache.


3 He’s got a cold.


4 They have many bad teeth.


5 He has a terrible pain in his ankle.


6 My nose is runny and I have a headache. ..............................................................................

7 I didn’t sleep well last night.

8 She has put on a lot of weight recently. ..............................................................................

9 They had a hangover after the party.

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3 Which specialist?

Match the specialist doctors to the jokes. There are two more specialists than jokes. paediatrician, eye doctor, dermatologist, dentist, gynaecologist, surgeon A Patient: “Doctor, I have yellow teeth, what do I do?” ........................................ : Wear a brown tie. B Patient: Doctor, doctor, will I be able to play the violin after the operation? ........................................ : Yes, of course. Patient: Great! I never could before! C Patient: I always see spots before my eyes. ........................................ : Didn’t the new glasses help? Patient: Sure, now I see the spots much clearer. D ........................................ : I have some good news for you, Mrs Douglas. Patient: Pardon me, but it’s Miss. ........................................ : I have some bad news for you, Miss Douglas.

78 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 78

2012.01.17. 6:26:43

What seems to be the matter

Section 11 Section

4 A hypochondriac at the doctor

Fill the gaps in the dialogue with the words in the box. pain,  sore,  wrong,  hurt,  healthy,  ill (2x),  sound,  ache,  sick

Doctor: What seems to be the matter, Mr Sickley? Patient: Oh, Doctor. I’m very (1) …………………………….. again. Doctor: Where does it (2) ……………………………..? Patient: Everywhere. My stomach, my head, my eyes .... Doctor: OK. Let me examine you. ..... Hmmm, I can’t find anything (3) ………………………. Patient: Look at my ears. I have a terrible ear (4) ……………………………... Doctor: Let me see. They seem all right to me. Patient: I have a terrible (5) …………………………….. throat. My throat must be really red. Doctor: Open your mouth, please. There’s nothing wrong with your throat. Patient: Listen to my chest then. I have a bad (6) …………………………….. in my chest. It must be my heart. Or my lungs. Doctor: OK. Breathe deeply. No, Mr Sickley, your chest is as (7) ………………….. as a bell. Patient: Are you sure? There must be something wrong. I feel very (8) …………………………. Can you examine me again? Doctor: I have no time, Mr Sickley. There are a lot of really (9) …………………………….. people waiting for me. Patient: What do you mean “really (9) …………………………….. people”? Doctor: I mean that you are perfectly (10) …………………………….., Mr Sickley.

5 You are going to read a joke about five doctors. Some verb forms are missing from the text. Your

task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1–10) on the dotted lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

THE FIVE DOCTORS went Five doctors (0) ............... (go) duck hunting one day: a general practitioner (GP), a paediatrician, a psychiatrist, a surgeon and a pathologist. After a time, a bird came (1) ............................................. (fly) overhead. The first (2) ............................................. (react) was the GP who (3) ............................................. (raise) his shotgun, but then hesitated. “I’m not quite sure it’s a duck,” he said, “I think that I (4) ....................................... (have to get) a second opinion.” And of course by that time, the bird was long (5) .................................. (go). Another bird appeared in the sky thereafter. This time, the paediatrician aimed at it. He too, however, was unsure. He (6) ............................................. (think) it might have babies, so he (7) ............................................. (not shoot) either. Next to spy a bird flying was the sharp-eyed psychiatrist. Shotgun shouldered, he said, “I know it’s a duck, but (8) ............................................. (it / know) it’s a duck?” The fortunate bird disappeared as he (9) ............................................. (think) this question over. Finally, a fourth bird (10) ............................................. (fly) past and this time the surgeon’s weapon pointed skywards. BOOM!! The surgeon lowered his smoking gun and turned to the pathologist beside him. “Go see if that was a duck, will you?”

79 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 79

2012.01.17. 6:26:43

10 10 Section 2



Section 2 1 Look at the pictures. Write what has happened to Anita. Use these verbs. faint   be stung   be hit   crash  

1 .......................... 2 .......................... 3 .......................... 4 ...........................

fall down   break   sprain   cut

5 .......................... 6 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 ...........................

2 You are going to read a true story about a girl who was bitten by a snake. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is one example (0) at the beginning. A bleeding B sting C hurts D dizzy

E discoloured F appointments G swelling H  released

I accordingly J treated K died L damage

Kaitlin Chrobocinski, a ninth-grader, was (0) ….. from the hospital on Saturday afternoon after she was (1) ….. for the bite of a poisonous snake. The snake bit her middle finger of her right hand on Friday at the school. Kaitlin said there had been a small possibility she would lose her arm because of the bite. “I feel a lot better right now, but if people touch my arm, it (2) ….. a lot,” Kaitlin said. Her middle finger was slightly (3) ….. and the bite marks could still be seen. On the day of the accident, Kaitlin and several other drama students gathered in the gym. A 17-year-old male student took the snake from a shoe box. Kaitlin said several students had held the snake without any problem before she took it. Then as she held it, the snake suddenly bit her. Kaitlin said she started feeling (4) ….. and her hand began throbbing and (5) ….. up after she was bitten. She said she’d thrown the snake across the room after she was bitten. Unfortunately the snake disappeared afterwards. After the drama instructor was told about the incident, she told Kaitlin to put ice on her finger and call her father. A friend’s father eventually took Kaitlin to a medical centre. About 45 minutes passed before Kaitlin made it to the hospital. If another 30 minutes had passed, Kaitlin might have (6) ….. from the bite. Doctors said a picture of the snake on the boy’s cell phone helped them identify it as a copperhead and treat Kaitlin (7) …... Many believe that the drama instructor is largely responsible as she failed to stop children handing around a dangerous animal and she did not act appropriately in the emergency situation. “If I had charge of a child and it got a bee (8) ….., I’d call 999,” Kaitlin’s father said. Kaitlin said she has several doctors’ (9) ….. in the upcoming days. Her father said Kaitlin rides horses and plays the drums. He said he hopes any tissue or nerve (10) ….. because of the bite will not prevent her from continuing those activities. (Adapted from


80 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 80












2012.01.17. 6:26:45

Keeping fit

Section 3 3 Section

1 With injuries, we often use the have something done structure. Rephrase the sentences following the example.

You mustn’t change the tense of the original sentence. You need to change the ‘have’ in the structure to express the same time as in the original sentence.

He had his leg broken. (0) He broke his leg......................................................................................................................... (1) I’ve broken my little finger three times................................................................................... (2) Children often scrape their knees............................................................................................ (3) Spraining your shoulders is very painful.................................................................................. (4) Do swimmers often strain their muscles?................................................................................ (5) I tore a muscle in my leg once. ................................................................................................ (6) Have you sprained your wrist?.................................................................................................. (7) Did she break many ribs?.......................................................................................................... (8) She bumped into the table and bruised her hip..................................................................... (9) The cook didn’t cut his finger too badly.................................................................................. (10) My ankle is very painful, but I haven’t sprained it..................................................................

2 A

Find the odd one out in each row. Explain your choice. 1




table tennis


water polo


volley ball



weight training






basket ball








B Make two more odd-one-out questions for your classmates to guess.

3 A

Read the descriptions and guess the sports. 1 It is a team sport with two teams of five players played on a court. Both teams try to score points against one another. Points are scored by shooting the ball through a hoop with a net (the basket) from above. The team with more points at the end of the game wins. 2 It is a game played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles). Each player uses a racket to strike a ball over a net into the opponent’s court. 3 It is an athletics (track and field) event in which competitors must jump over a horizontal bar. The bar must not fall. The height of the bar is measured. The higher the bar, the better the result. 4 It is a team water sport. A team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores the most goals.

B Choose two sports you know and like. Write a short description of both. Your classmates will guess the sport in the next lesson.

81 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 81

2012.01.17. 6:26:46

10 10 Section 4


Section 4 1 A

Sound body

Look at the picture of Cecil and write about his lifestyle. Continue the text below.

Cecil is a fitness and yoga instructor. He leads a ....................................................................................... very healthy life now. ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. B He used to be different! Some years ago, Cecil was very different and he lived a very different life. Look at the picture and write what his lifestyle used to be. To express that he does things differently now, use ‘used to’ or ‘didn’t use to’ in your sentences.

Cecil used to lead a very unhealthy life. He used to be ....................................................................................... very fat. ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. C Have you changed anything in your lifestyle? What do you do differently now? What did you use to do before the change? Do you know anybody who has significantly changed their life style? How? Get prepared to talk about these with your classmates in the next lesson.

82 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 82

2012.01.17. 6:26:47

Skills Practice Skills Practice 1 AS 10

In this section you are going to hear a police emergency call. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. (3) The emergency is at A 13 Swinton Terrace in Hamilton. B 30 Swinton Terrace in Hamilton. C at the corner of 30 th Street and Swinton Terrace in Hamilton.


(1) The caller can see A two men hitting each other. B one man hitting another man. C a group of men punching each other. (2) The caller’s phoning from A 515 2748. B 555 2748. C 555 2749. (3) The caller is A at home. B in the street. C in a pub. (4) The fighting men are using A penknives as weapons. B guns. C no weapons. (5) The big man is wearing A a black hoody and jeans. B no shoes on. C a blue shirt, shorts and trainers. (6) The caller is worried that A one of the men has been seriously hurt. B he will be hurt. C a car will be stolen. (7) At the end, the caller is asked to A meet the police in the street. B stay at home. C go to the police station.

83 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 83

2012.01.17. 6:26:47

10 10 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 2 Read the four texts about the dangers of four different drugs. Match the statements 1-8 below with one of the texts. Put the letter of the text next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you.

C (0) Users of this drug often pass on serious illnesses to each other. .......... (1) Your eyes may not function well if you are on this drug. .......... (2) People using this drug often start using a more dangerous drug, too. .......... (3) If someone takes a large amount of this drug, they may hear voices that do not exist. .......... (4) Users of this drug often die because they take too much of it at a time. .......... (5) If addicted users do not take this drug, they suffer terrible pain. .......... (6) Drinking alcohol and taking this drug at the same time is particularly dangerous. .......... (7) This drug may cause cancer. .......... (8) Sometimes the user of this drug develops such a high fever that they die. .......... A Cocaine

A powerfully addictive drug, cocaine usually makes the user feel happy and energetic. Common health effects include heart attacks, lung failure and strokes. Large amounts can cause paranoia with hallucinations. In rare cases, sudden death can happen on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly afterwards. When people mix cocaine and alcohol, the human liver produces a third material that increases the risk of sudden death.

B Ecstasy

Short-term effects include happiness and increased physical energy. Negative health effects can include sickness, chills, sweating, muscle pain, and blurred vision. Negative psychological effects are depressed feelings, and trouble concentrating. On rare but unpredictable occasions, it can increase body temperature sharply, which may result in liver, kidney, and heart system failure, and death.

C Heroin

Short-term effects include euphoria. Heroin is associated with fatal overdose and – particularly in users who inject the drug – infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. Withdrawal symptoms include muscle and bone pain, inability to sleep, diarrhoea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps (“cold turkey”) and kicking movements (“kicking the habit”). These hugely painful symptoms last for about a week.

D Marijuana

Short-term negative effects include memory and learning problems and difficulty thinking and solving problems. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per day may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day. Marijuana often leads to the use of more dangerous drugs. Long-term studies of high school students show that very few young people use other illegal drugs without first trying marijuana. (Adapted from

84 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 84

2012.01.17. 6:26:48

Skills Practice Skills Practice 3

You have just recovered from really bad flu, which made you ill for two weeks. You have received this email from a friend. Message from Linda


Hi there, What’s up? I haven’t heard from you for ages. Would appreciate if you dropped me a line. Hope everything’s OK. Hugs, Linda

Reply to this email. Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Explain why you haven’t written for so long Describe the symptoms of your illness Explain the treatment Say how you are now and say goodbye.

Start your email like this:

Hi Linda, ……


The editor of your school’s magazine has asked you to write a short article on how healthy you think your classmates are. Write an article of about 100-120 words, in which you include the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

How many people play sports regularly and what kind of sport In school, what people typically eat and drink How healthy the food in the canteen and the buffet is How often people are ill or unwell.

Order your thoughts in six short paragraphs: 1 Introduction: How healthy you think your classmates are 2 Main body: Four paragraphs, one on each bullet point in the task 3 Conclusion.

85 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 85

2012.01.17. 6:26:49

10 10 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 5

Student A: You have decided to take up a sport in your free time. You are at a sports centre and you are offered these three options. Ask the receptionist, Student B for some information about the times, the costs and the equipment you need. Choose one of them and give reasons for your choice. Student B: You are the receptionist of the sports centre. Give Student A information on the sports in the pictures.


These two pictures show young people doing different activities. Compare and contrast the two pictures. Include the following points: 1 2 3

Describe the activities the people are doing in the pictures Benefits and risks: how these activities may affect their health Your personal experience regarding lifestyle and health: sports injuries and / or problems caused by sitting too much in front of the computer / TV.

86 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 86

2012.01.17. 6:26:55

Relax Free time, spare time, pastime

11 11

UNIT Section 11 Section

1 How long? / Since when? With what result?

Write two sentences: 1 one that tells how long / since when the person has been doing the pastime activity; 2 one that gives the result of the activity. Follow the example in (0). (0) I / sing in a choir / two years / have about 30 concerts

I’ve been singing in a choir for two years. ................................................................................................................................................... I’ve had about 30 concerts. ................................................................................................................................................... (1) I /parachute jumping / last year / jump 50 times ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (2) he / collect coins / five years / collect 380 different coins ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (3) she / do photography / she was 15 / have four exhibitions ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (4) they / play in a rock band / over three years / have one of their songs on the radio ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (5) she / belly dancing / four months / lose 2 kilos ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (6) I / read books / I learnt to read / hundreds of books ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (7) we / make a short film / 5months / do most of the work ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (8) he / skateboard / he got his first skateboard for Christmas in 1995/ learnt many difficult tricks ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... (9) she / play volleyball / she went to form 7 / play in over 80 matches ................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................

87 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 87

2012.01.17. 6:26:56

11 11 Section 1


Section 1 2 A

Free time, spare time, pastime

Read about Peter and Paul and then fill the gaps in the dialogue. In each gap, give a short reply that would translate into: “én is”, “én sem”, “én igen” “én nem” using the subject and an appropriate auxiliary verb. There is is an example (0) for you.

Peter: He collects CDs. He started collecting them at the age of 15. He collects all kinds of music. He has collected over 300 CDs so far. He loves the trumpet. He can play it. He studies classical music. He would like to be a professional musician. Apart from music, he also likes games of logic. For example, he loves playing cards and playing chess. He does not like doing sports but enjoys hiking and having days out in the countryside. He tends to have a day out every weekend. Ha has little free time, though. Paul: He collects CDs. He started collecting them at the age of 16. He only collects hip-hop and jazz. He has collected nearly 200 CDs so far. He loves the trumpet. He can play it. He studies jazz music. He would like to be a professional musician. Apart from music, he really likes sports, especially team sports like football. He’s played it since he was 10. He also likes hiking, anything really with physical activity. He hates games which involve a lot of sitting down. Peter: I collect CDs.

So do I Paul: (0) .......................... . Peter: I’ve been collecting them since I was 15. Paul: (1) ………………… I only started when I was 16. I collect hip-hop and jazz only. Peter: (2) …………………. I collect all kinds of music. I’ve collected over 300 albums so far. Paul: Good for you! (3) ………………… I’ve only collected about 200. Peter: I love the trumpet more than anything else. Paul: Really?!? (4) ………………… I can actually play the trumpet. Peter: (5) …………………! I study classical music. Paul: (6) ………………… I study jazz. I’d like to be a professional musician one day. Peter: (7) ………………… We may play together one day. Paul: That’d be great! Peter: We could also play chess or some card games together. I really love those! Paul: (8) ……....................., I’m afraid. How about football? I’ve played football since I was 10. Peter: (9) …….......................... I’m not keen on sports. Paul: (10) …….......................... I like all kinds all physical activity. Peter: (11) …….......................... But I enjoy hiking a lot. Paul: (12) …….........................! That ‘s another thing we can do together. Peter: (13) .................................., unfortunately.

B Into which gaps would these expressions fit? a) “Me too.”    b) ”I do, too.”    c) “I can, too.”   d) “I would, too.”   e) “I don’t either.”

C Compare Peter and Paul. Start like this: Both Peter and Paul collect CDs. Peter’s been collecting CD’s since he was 15, but Paul hasn’ t. He only started when he was 16.

88 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 88

2012.01.17. 6:26:56

Who’s a bookworm? 1

Section 2 2 Section

Reading love – reading hate Read what three teenagers say about reading. Fill in the gaps with the kinds of reading they are talking about. poetry, detective stories, romance, novels (x2), comic, biographies,

magazine, textbooks, sci-fi, short stories, encyclopaedia

A I don’t like reading at all. There’s compulsory reading for the literature classes and I hate it. I sometimes read the (1) ……………………………. because at least they’re short, but I never really read the (2) …………………………….. They’re too long and boring. When I travel or I’m ill, I buy a (3) ……………………………. because there isn’t much reading in them, and I can enjoy the pictures and the stories. I’m keen on body building so sometimes I buy a body building (4) ……………………… It gives you some training tips and some information on new products. B


Reading is not my first choice but I sometimes like to sit down with a book. My favourite pastime reading is (5) ……………………………. as I’m interested in science and technology and these stories tend to be exciting, too. I also like (6) ……………………………. because I enjoy the logic of finding the murderer. I’ve also read a lot of (7) .................................. of scientists and inventors like Madam Curie or Edison. I also often look things up in an (8) ……………………………. The Britannica is my favourite and of course I often use Wikipedia on-line. I would never ever read a (9) …………………………….. They are sentimental and syrupy. I don’t really think true love is like that at all. I hope not! I love reading! I’m unhappy if a day passes without me reading something. I always carry a book on me and if I have a minute, I start reading it. I mostly read 20 th century and contemporary (10) ………………………….. My favourite author is Orwell. I quite enjoy compulsory reading at school, too. It’s really good that I can read and say to my parents at the same time that I’m studying. I love (11) ………………………., too. I often read some poems out aloud and enjoy the rhythm. The only thing I don’t really like reading is some of the (12) ………………………. we use for subjects like physics or chemistry at school.

89 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 89

2012.01.17. 6:26:59

11 11 Section 3


On the box

Section 3 1 Fill in the sentences with the

correct form of these verbs.

switch on,  broadcast,  turn up,  present,  switch off,  turn down 1 2 3 4 5 6

Could you please ……….. the CD ..…… a bit ? It’s too loud, I can’t concentrate on reading. …………………….…. the TV, the evening news is just about to start. I’d like to watch it. The concert was ………….…………….. live across Europe. The talk show will be ……….……………. by a Susie Lark, a young celebrity. Let’s ……………….…….. the TV and go to bed, it’s almost midnight! Honey, …………………………. the radio, it’s my favourite song!

2 Soap opera facts

You are going to read an article about soap operas. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the white box. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Soap operas are usually (0) …. on television or radio. They are called soap operas because originally soap manufacturers such as Procter and Gamble or Colgate-Palmolive (1) …. the shows. The early radio serials were broadcast in daytime slots during the week when mostly housewives could listen to them. The (2) …. of soaps concentrate on family life, personal relationships, sexual dramas and emotional conflicts.

In the United Kingdom, soap operas are one of the most popular (3) …., most being broadcast during (4) …. time. Most UK soap operas (5) …. in working-class communities. The three most popular British soaps are EastEnders, Coronation Street, and Emmerdale. At Christmas 1986, EastEnders made the highest-rated soap (6) …. ever, with 30.15 million (7) …. (consider that in 2007, the UK had approximately 54 million television sets). The longest (8) …. radio soap in the UK is The Archers, which started in 1950 and is still (9) …. with two of its original (10) …. . 0





















































take place


























































90 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 90

2012.01.17. 6:27:00

Computer time 1

Section 4 4 Section

You are going to read a text about instant messaging. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. A B C D

E real-time F system G exchange H surf

text messages via secure online

I chat session J chat room K buddy list L services

Instant messaging or IM/IMing for short is a technology that makes it possible for users to identify people online and to (0) …. messages with them in real time. Many users believe that it is the “coolest way to communicate (1) …. since e-mail.” It typically works like this: The instant messaging system informs you whenever somebody on your “(2) …. “ is online and trying to contact you (3) …. your computer. You can then start a (4) …. with that person and type (5) …. back and forth. You can even (6) …. the Web together while having a (7) …. text conversation at the same time. There are several competing instant messaging (8) …., and unfortunately, there’s no standard; the people you want to “instant message” with must use the same IM (9) …. that you use. Another disadvantage is that instant messaging is not yet designed for (10) …. use. 0














A Match emoticons A-L to meanings 1-12. A

:-{ and :-{{





7 Sad/Sorry







8 Have a cold




(Very) Angry



9 Cat




A rose



10 Big hug







11 Dog







12 Very happy

B Re-write the messages below using only words. 1


Hi, I’m :-{{ with my }:-X. She’s been chasing }|{s all morning and killed one! On top of that I :-`|!

:-( to hear that! To teach your }:-X a lesson, here’s a :3-]. To console the }|{s here’s a @>--;-- and to you a (((H))) and lots of :-x


:-))) You’re an O:-)!!!!

C Write a message using smilies and give it to a partner next lesson to write it in words only. For a long list of smilies, go to

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 91

91 2012.01.17. 6:27:03

11 11 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 AS 11

You are going to hear the recorded telephone message of a leisure centre. Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a maximum of two words. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you.

Strongfield Leisure Centre is open from 6.30 am to 10.30 pm every day except for

bank holidays (0) …………………………………… Membership fees are as follows: Family Membership costs £84.00, which covers a (1) …………………………………… two adults and two children. Adult Membership costs £42.00. (2) …………………………………… and Senior Memberships are £21.00. Disabled people and people with special needs get (3) …………………………………… . All membership cards are (4) …………………………………… 30 calendar days. Please note that membership cards (5) …………………………………… transferable. Day entrance charge for non-members is £3. Guest’s day entrance charge for a maximum of two non-members (6) …………………………………… a member is £2. […] The pool is open from 10.00 am to (7) …………………………………… every day when the centre is open. Adult members can use the swimming pool for £3.00 while (8) …………………………………… non-members £6.00. All non-member swimming pool prices include (9) …………………………………… charges. […] Courts are open from 6.30 am to 10.00 pm. (10) …………………………………… charge is £6.60 an hour. […] Sports (11) …………………………………… is available for hire. Please ask (12) …………………………………… or phone 01622 713240 to make arrangements.

92 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 92

2012.01.17. 6:27:05

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2

Read book reviews A-D. Match statements 1-9 below with one of the reviews. Put the letter of the text next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you. (3) (1) (2 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

This book is not for reading. The reviewer of this book thinks that everybody should read this book The reviewer criticises the structure of the book. The hero of this story gets involved in a sailing adventure. The reviewer of this book thinks that there are only old things in the book. This book is the author’s first book. The hero of this story does some detective work. The reviewer of this book thinks that creating this book was an excellent idea. The main hero knows a lot about animals. This book is larger than usual.

B The Curious Incide nt of the Dog

back) Yann Martel: Life of Pi (Paper adventure, It’s an unforgettable read about zookeeper, survival, and faith. The son of a ia. Pi has 16-year-old Pi was raised in Ind animal the of dge wle gathered huge kno move to to s ide dec er world. When his fath their and ily fam Canada, he packs up the er Aft y. rne jou zoo and they star t a long a on self him a shipwreck disaster, Pi finds und wo a h lifeboat in the Pacific Ocean wit ngora sick ed zebra, a spotted hyena, a sea Richard ed nam r tige gal utan, and a Ben Parker ard Rich and Pi ile Parker. After a wh ting drif s, ger sen pas y remain the boat’s onl rks sha of full ers wat for 227 days through elements. while fighting hunger and the A

(Adapted from http://ww


C ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon (Hardback)

Mark Haddon’s funny debut novel is a murder myster y told by a fifteen-yearold autistic boy. Christopher relaxes by doing math problems in his head, eats red but not yellow or brown foods and screams when he is touched. When his neighbour’s dog is killed and Christopher is falsely accused of the crime, he decides that he will find the killer. The book is original, clever, and moving, a must-read. (Adapted from http://w

The Book of Classic Board Games, Klutz Press

It should be part of every boardgamer’s library: The book, oversized and printed on heavy card, comes with all the equipment you need to play all 15 games. The author did a superb job in packaging a collection of 15 highly enjoyable board games into a single book that you can take with you anywhere. (Adapted from

Ever!, The Best Party Games Book k) bac per Geoff Tibballs (Pa thing that This book contains just about any ever it’s not could be played at a par ty, how memory list well categorised. For example, sausages, games (e.g. “for my supper I had ”) are etc. , ese che bananas, cauliflower, arated sep n ofte listed as different games, differy onl the by several pages, although sen. cho y gor ence between them is the cate are s tion Overall pretty good. The descrip any new find ’ll you k thin ’t don fairly clear. I games though.


(Adapted from http://ww

93 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 93

2012.01.17. 6:27:09

Skills Practice Skills Practice 3

Your English pen friend has asked you to write to him/her about your hobbies. Write a letter of about 50-80 words, in which you include the following: ƒ Greet your friend ƒ What hobbies you have, how long you have had them, how often you do them, where and with whom you do them ƒ Why you like this hobby ƒ Any achievements you may have regarding this hobby ƒ How unusual or usual your hobby is in Hungary ƒ Ask your friend about his / her hobby.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear …, ……


The editor of your school paper has asked you to write a book review for the next issue. Choose a book you like and write a review of about 100-120 words about it. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Title and author of the book The topic and the story in a nutshell Why you think it is a good book Any critical comments you may have Who you recommend the book to.


Student A: Your father / mother wants to limit your daily computer time to three hours. Ask him / her why. Try to convince him / her that it’s not a waste of time. Student B: You are Student A’s father / mother. Give reasons and try to convince her / him that she / he needs more time to do other things.


These pictures show two different forms of reading. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Describe each The advantages and disadvantages of each The similarities and differences between them Your personal preference.

94 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 94

2012.01.17. 6:27:14

Let’s go out! Music to your ears

12 12

UNIT Section 11 Section

1 Done by

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form as shown in the example.

was written 1 Hamlet ................................ by Shakespeare. 2 A little night music …………………………….… by Mozart. 3 In Matrix, the role of Neo ……………………..……… by Keanu Reeves. 4 The famous Spanish painting, Guernica …………………………… by Picasso. 5 Ferenc Molnár’s great novel The Paul Street Boys …..…………………… into 38 languages. 6 A successful film adaptation of The Paul Street Boys ……………………… by Zoltán Fábri. 7 My favourite song ………………………… by Shakira. 8 The first Beatles album, Please Please Me …………………… on 22 March 1963 in the UK. 9 My dictionary ………………………….. by an English publishing house.

2 Ask each other about the kinds of music and performers you like and then compare your partner’s and your taste in music. Use language like this: ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

We both like / hate / are keen on / fancy / dance to / go to / play .... I like / hate / fancy .. and so does ... / but .. doesn’t I’m keen on ... and so is ... / but .. isn’t I can’t stand .. and neither can .. / but ... likes it / them.

reggae folk

punk symphonic


c electroni country

soul ska

opera hip-hop




95 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 95

2012.01.17. 6:27:15

12 12 Section 1


Section 1 3

Music to your ears

My favourite band

A Fill in the table about the musicians in Quimby.

Mikuli Feri plays the bass guitar. Tibi is the lead guitarist. Gerdesits Feri is the drummer. Tibi writes the songs. Dódi plays the trumpet. Lívius plays percussion instruments. Szilárd is the pianist.

B Fill in the gaps with these words. There is one extra word. released, lyrics,

play, album,

concerts, styles,

live, sung, performance,

started, audience

One of my favourite bands is Quimby. They (1) ………………………… alternative rock music. They (2) ………………………… as a school band in Dunaújváros. Their unique music is very varied, inspired by many different (3) ………………………… of music, such as hard rock, rap, jazz, chanson (French songs) or blues. The (4) ………………………… are very important, often witty and ironic. I know a lot of them by heart! My favourite (5) ………………………… is “Kilégzés”, which was (6) ………………………… in 2006. The music on it was also used in a theatre (7) ………………………… of Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’, with Quimby playing the music (8) ………………………… on stage. I often go to their (9) …………………………, too. They have a very friendly and tolerant (10) ………………………… .

C Write a paragraph about your favourite band or musician. Include the following points:

96 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 96

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The kind of music and instruments played How the band or musician started Your favourite song/album Any live performance you’ve been to.

2012.01.17. 6:27:17

Moving images

Section 2 2 Section

1 A two-minute exercise

Change the sentences as shown in the example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

It’s a two-minute exercise. It takes two minutes to do this exercise. .......................................................................... The book has five hundred pages. .......................................................................... She is a singer. She is nineteen years old .......................................................................... The film lasts two hours. .......................................................................... It takes five minutes to walk from the tube station to the cinema. .......................................................................... The hotel where the disco is, has five stars. .......................................................................... The building has 10 storeys. .......................................................................... The book has three volumes. .......................................................................... The series has 58 episodes. ..........................................................................

2 You are going to read a film review of Titanic. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. A B C D


voice acting subtitles depiction


hero soundtrack directed effects

instruments action screen sound

The film was (0) ….. by James Cameron. Basically it’s a disaster movie mixed with elements of romantic and (1) ….. films. Jack, the main (2) ….. (played by Leonardo Di Caprio), wins a voyage to America aboard the Titanic in a game of poker. Rose (Kate Winslet) is travelling to America to get married, a situation she is not happy about. The poor boy and the rich and beautiful girl fall in love with each other at first sight. The (3) ….. of both was excellent, but I was most impressed by Winslet’s performance. The movie is slow at times, but becomes very exciting when the ship begins to sink. The (4) ….. of the huge ship going under is – I feel – the most brilliant part of the movie. So make sure you see it on the big (5) ….. The special (6) ….. are amazing. The (7) ….. was composed by James Horner, who uses a lot of synths, combined with traditional orchestra (8) ….. . It sounds really terrific. In addition to this, Horner uses the (9) ...... of Sissel Kjyrkjeboe, a Norvegian singer, as an instrument, to create a very beautiful (10) ...... . (Adapted from













97 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 97

2012.01.17. 6:27:18

12 12 Section 3


Section 3

Theatres and museums

1 On stage A Match these words to the appropriate parts of the picture. scenery,  seat,  curtain,  stage,  limelight,  upstage,  downstage,  prompter’s box,  balcony,  orchestra pit,  stalls

B Fill in gaps 1-10 with words from A. Message from Luke


Hi Clare, Hope you are getting better. Don’t be sorry for not being able to come with us to the theatre. You haven’t missed too much. I wanted to buy tickets in the (1) ……………………… to see everything from high up, but Peter insisted that we have seats downstairs in the (2) ………………………. I agreed as these tend to be good seats, don’t they? We ended up in the first (3) ……………………… . We were very happy as the tickets were surprisingly cheap. We later understood why. You won’t be able to imagine how high up the (4) ……………………… was for us! We could see the legs of the actors well but hardly any faces! I practically didn’t see anything of what was happening (5) …………… and when things were happening downstage, a lot of my view was blocked by the (6) ……………… At times I could see nothing as I was in the (7) ………………………. It completely blinded me. I also got deaf as we were sitting right behind the (8) ………………………. To illustrate how little we could get of what was going on, I was sure the (9) ……………………… was a little village street. When we stood up in the interval, I could see it was a living room! Good job they didn’t draw the (10) ……………………… for the interval. But do you know what the worst of all is? Obviously it was a great play and a great performance. Other people seemed to have a smashing time! Hope we’ll have better luck next time. Get better soon! Hugs, Luke

98 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 98

2012.01.17. 6:27:19

Going out

Section 4 4 Section

1 Read the email. Match sentences 1-7 with the types of future in the table. Message from Josh


Hi, What are you doing this weekend?(1) I’m going to Liz’s birthday party(2). Are you coming?(3) I thought we could buy her a present together. Something pink would be good, but Katie’s going to buy her a pink belt(4), so that’s out. Shall we buy her a CD? Her favourite singer’s LeeNox. He has his new album out. Let’s buy it for her! I’m sure she’ll love it(5). You know what? I’ll go and get it this afternoon(6) and you can give me half of the price when we meet tomorrow. Shall we meet at the stop? The party starts at 8, and there’s a bus at 7.45(7). See you there. Josh

Planned future


Deciding when speaking



2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form to express the future. are you doing (do) this Saturday? Rob: What (0) ............................... Chris: I’m not sure. If the weather (1) ……………….. (be) nice, I think I (2) …………….. (go) cycling. Do you want to come? Rob: I’m sorry, I can’t. Vera (3) ………………….. (come) home. I (4) ……………………. (meet) her at the airport. Chris: What time (5) …………………….. (her flight arrive)? Rob: 9.30. Chris: I (6) ……………………. (not go) cycling before 11 or 12. I (7) …………………….. (have) a lie-in. So you could come with me after the airport. Rob: No, I (8) …………………….. (stay) with Vera. I haven’t seen her for nearly a month! Sorry, mate. Chris: That’s OK. I would do the same. Rob: How about the evening. (9) …………………….. (you do) anything? Chris: I’m invited to a party, but I (10) …………………….. (not go). I only know one or two people there. Rob: Is it Lucy’s party? Chris: Yes, it is. Rob: You know two more people there. Vera and I (11) …………………….. (go). Chris: Are you? Well, this changes everything. I (12) …………………….. (go) too then. Rob: Smashing! I (13) …………………….. (see) you there then. Chris: OK, see you!

99 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 99

2012.01.17. 6:27:20

12 12 Section 4


Going out

Section 4

3 You are going to read an email Alison wrote to her friend Laura a day after a party Laura organ-

ised. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the white box. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Message from Alison


Dear Laura, How are you? (0) .................. from the party last night? B I’m writing to thank you (1) .............. such a lovely party. It was the greatest party I’ve ever been to. (2) .............. how much we laughed when James walked into the fridge because he thought it was the loo. Thank goodness he realised his mistake before it was too late... It saved our dinner – which was delicious – and the wonderful cocktail (3) .............. .  I’m really sorry about the red wine Betty spilled on your new curtain.  Hope she’s offered to pay for the dry cleaner. (4) .............. I’ll share the cost with you. I’ m sorry I couldn’t stay long enough to help you with the cleaning. Should you need some help this afternoon, just call me and (5) .............. in half an hour armed with a mop. I won’t be at home from 7.30, though (6) .............. Adam! Yes! He’s asked me out finally thanks to your brilliant party!!!  Do you remember the name of that (7) .............. singer Janis told us about? I really would like to find some stuff about her on the Internet. I heard her once and she has the most fantastic voice. She is also a great MC, Janis says, and she can rap wonderfully. On the subject of the Internet: I’ve checked when the sci-fi film Kevin recommended (8) .............. . It’s on from tomorrow till Thursday night at 6.00 and 8.00. Would you like to see it? Which day (9) ..............? Must go now. Can you guess why? Yes, I have some homework to do. I haven’t done anything yet. In the morning, I had a (10) .............. with a book Adam recommended. It seems a bit too deep and serious. I fell asleep several times, but it may have been simply a bit of a hangover from last night. Speak to you later. Hugs, Alison


A Did you recover

B Have you recovered

C You recovered

D Would you


A very much

B for throwing

C to throw

D threw


A I always remember

B I’m going to C I’ll always remember always remember

D I’m always remembering


A Jenny had made

B made by Jenny

C Jenny was making

D had been made by Jenny


A If she hasn’t,

B If she doesn’t

C If she isn’t

D If she’s not going to


A I’ll be there

B I’ll be here

C I’m going to be there D I’m coming


A because I’ll meet

B for meeting

C to meet

D as I’m meeting


A sixteen years

B sixteen years old

C sixteen-year-old

D at sixteen


A will show

B is showing

C is going

D goes


A good for you

B will you suit

C is suiting you

D would suit you

B sleep in

C slept in

D lie-in

10 A in bed 0

100 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 100












2012.01.17. 6:27:22

Skills Practice Skills Practice 1 A12

In this section you are going to hear a radio report with Josh ‘Rinse’ Roberts, the winner of a DJ Search. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right: A= TRUE B= FALSE C= THE TEXT DOES NOT SAY. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. (3) Josh started DJing 6 years ago. (1) Josh says his style is the same as DJ EZ’s. (2) Josh wants to have his audience’s full attention. (3) Josh thinks it will be easier for him to get work in clubs in the near future. (4) His set at the final lasted 50 minutes. (5) His favourite band is Queen. (6) A part of his prize is that he can study on a Radio 1 course. (7) Josh studies music technology in evening classes. (8) He would like to travel with his work in the future. (9) He hopes to have a holiday soon.


101 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 101

2012.01.17. 6:27:23

12 12 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 2 In this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage of School Disco, all the questions have been

removed. Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes below. There is one extra letter that you do not need. There is an example (0) for you. A B C D E F G H I

Who aren’t allowed to enter or stay at School Disco? Does everyone wear a school uniform? Do you have food available at School Disco? What do you get with a Queue Jump ticket? Do doors close after 12.00 a.m.? What is School Disco? How can I make sure I get in??? What are the people like who come to School Disco? If I am picking up tickets purchased from the website, what am I supposed to bring and do? J Does it get busy? K What proof of age do you except? L What music do you play? Q: (0) ______________ A: A dance club phenomenon! School Disco is the perfect place to celebrate the best days of your life. Imagine 2000 people dressed in school uniform, the best music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s, and dancing until 2am. Q: (1) ______________ A: We always advise you to buy tickets in advance on our website or by calling us. Q: (2) ______________ A: Drunk people, people not dressed in a school uniform and anyone under 21. No refunds will be given if you are not let in for these three rules. Q: (3) ______________ A: A current photo passport, current Photocard ID or a Driver’s License. Q: (4) ______________ A: You can enter the venue quickly and get drinks at the private bar quickly. If it’s a special event, birthday, hen night, we suggest Queue Jump & Private Bar tickets. Q: (5) ______________ A: You need the credit/debit card used to make the booking, and your booking reference number, plus photo ID. Your tickets will be waiting at the door as you go into the venue. Q: (6) ______________ A: Yes, it is mandatory. In brief: Light coloured shirt, darker trousers/skirt and a striped tie, at least. Check out the School Rules page for the answers to all your questions Q: (7) ______________ A: Anything you want – 70s, 80s, 90s, ‘00s, retro, rock, pop & disco. Q: (8) ______________ A: We’d like to offer a night where all types of people enjoy themselves. Anyone of any age who is celebrating something or just wants a guaranteed good night out. In the past this has included celebs such as Mick Jagger, Steps, Frank Skinner, The Hollyoaks crew and Liberty. Q: (9) ______________ A: No, so make sure to have a good meal before arriving. Q: (10) ______________ A: Yes very, average is about 1600 every week. (Adapted from


102 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 102












2012.01.17. 6:27:25

Skills Practice Skills Practice 3

You’ve just read the information in Exercise 2 on the website of School Disco. Write an email of about 50-80 words to a friend about it. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ


You are in charge of the Entertainment Column of your school paper. In this issue, you will write an article about entertainment possibilities in and near your school. Write about 100-120 words, in which you include the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ


How School Disco is special What you like and dislike about it If it would be a good programme for next Saturday Suggest going there or a different alternative Ask what your friend thinks.

The entertainment opportunities in your school at present and your opinion of them Further entertainment opportunities you think would be good to have in your school The entertainment opportunities near your school and your opinion of them The entertainment opportunities you recommend.

These pictures show three different types of freetime activities. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Describe each activity The advantages and disadvantages of each The similarities and differences between them Your personal preference.

103 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 103

2012.01.17. 6:27:31

13 13

Moving about

UNIT Section 1 1 Section 1

Public transport Match the words to the pictures. Some pictures can be matched with more than one word. tube, tram, double-decker,



bus, cogwheel railway, trolley, suburban train





underground, coach, metro,




Combine the two sentences to make indirect questions as shown in the example. (0) How long does it take to get to the town centre? how long it takes to get to the town centre. I wonder ................................................................................................................................. . (1) How much is the monthly bus pass? Can you tell me ......................................................................................................................? (2) Where does the A48 stop? Do you know ..........................................................................................................................? (3) Does this tram run to the National Gallery? I’d like to know ...................................................................................................................... . (4) How many stops is it to the school? Could anyone tell me .............................................................................................................? (5) Please give me a shout when we get to the swimming pool. May I ask you .........................................................................................................................? (6) Where do I need to change for the red line? Do you happen to know .......................................................................................................? (7) Is this ticket valid? Any idea .................................................................................................................................? (8) How can I validate my ticket? I wonder if someone could tell me ....................................................................................... . (9) When is the last metro? Any clue ..................................................................................................................................? (10) Are there any night buses from here to the centre? It would be good to know .................................................................................................... .

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 104

2012.01.17. 6:27:37

Moving about in the city 3

Section 11 Section

You are going to read an email that explains how to get to the sender’s place. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to write the missing words on the dotted lines (1-10) after the text. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Dear Alison, I’m so happy that you’re staying (0) ____ us this weekend. There’s a small problem, though. I cannot (1) ____ you at the station as my last lesson only finishes at 3.30. But it’s quite easy to find your (2) ____ to our house. Here is what you do: Get (3) ____ bus 73 in front of the station. Go as (4) ____ as the shopping centre and change (5) ____ the metro. You will need the yellow (6) ____. Go five stops southbound. Get (7) ____ and look for signs for tram 32 (8) ____ Edge Road. (9) ____ on one and travel for 3 stops. When you’re on the tram, phone me, and I’ll meet you at the stop. It (10) ____ about two minutes to walk from the stop to our house. Hope it’s clear. If you have any questions please phone me. Looking forward to seeing you soon. A big hug, Bonnie

0) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


with ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. .............................................................

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

How to get to my place? Write an email of about 50-80 words to a friend. Tell them how to get to your place from the station.

105 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 105

2012.01.17. 6:27:40

13 12 Section 2


Moving about in the country

Section 2 1 Fill in the missing prepositions.

Sometimes you do not 1 How long does it take to get .......... London .......... Paris .......... need one. a Eurostar train? 2 What time does your train arrive …………… Manchester? 3 Before leaving …………the train, make sure you have all your belongings …………… you. 4 Due to some construction work … Victoria, the train will arrive ……… a different station. 5 Her train was ……………two hours late. 6 I came …………… coach. 7 We’ll have to change in Manchester, and wait …… the Coventry train ……… over an hour. 8 The Edinburgh train will depart …………… platform six. 9 Single …………… Nottingham, please. 10 Which stand does the coach …………… Cardiff leave ……………?

2 You are going to read about famous trains. Some words are missing from the text.

Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. A trip B service C compartments D  starts

E passengers F railway G coach H non-stop

I Tunnel J onboard K covers L carriages

Peruvian Central Railway, 1895 The Peruvian Central Railway is an engineering marvel. It (0) ….. from Callao then climbs more than 13,000 feet. It is generally considered the highest (1) ….. in the world. The railroad has 66 tunnels and 59 bridges, and must zigzag across valleys to minimize the steepness of its climb. There is an (2) ….. doctor who gives oxygen to passengers who get altitude sickness. Trans-Siberian Express, 1898 Travelling between Moscow and Vladivostok, the Trans-Siberian Express makes the longest regular train (3) ….. in the world. It (4) ….. 5,778 miles and makes ninety-one stops over the course of nine days. During the Cold War, Westerners on the Trans-Siberian could only travel in special (5) ….., where they had to listen to Stalinist propaganda played on loudspeakers. Flying Scotsman, 1928 In 1928, the Flying Scotsman became the first (6) ….. train from London to Edinburgh, Scotland. The Flying Scotsman was a luxury express train complete with a hairdressing salon, a Louis XVI-style restaurant and bar, and for a short time it even had a cinema (7) …... . Eurostar, 1994 Eurostar is a train (8) ….. connecting London and Kent in England, with Paris and Lille in France, and Brussels in Belgium. Trains cross under the English Channel through the Channel (9) …... The train has eighteen specially designed (10) …... . It travels at up to 300 km/h. (Adapted from













106 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 106

2012.01.17. 6:27:42

Riding and driving

Section 3 3 Section

1 UK traffic signs A Match these meanings to signs A-K. Speed Limit,   No Parking,  Parking,  No Overtaking,  One Way,  No Stopping, Dead End,  Wait for Counter Traffic,  Stop,  No Turning,  Bus Lane


No turning .............................

You mustn’ t turn here. You must go straight on. ......................................................................................































B Write a sentence to interpret each traffic sign. Use ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘must’ and ‘mustn’t’ in your sentences.

107 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 107

2012.01.17. 6:27:45

13 13 Section 3


Riding and driving

Section 3

2 You are going to read an article about road accidents. Some words are missing from the text.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the white box. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0)

A cross

B walking

C crossing

D walk


A by

B with

C in

D –


A riders

B drivers

C driving

D ridden


A safety

B belts

C numbers

D injuries


A –

B by

C with

D on


A speeding

B speedy

C quick

D fast


A overcoming

B overtaking

C overdoing

D going over


A Traffic

B Transport

C Cars

D Driver


A windscreen

B scene

C wheel

D licence


A passengers

B drivers

C owners

D travellers

B safety

C users

D crashes

(10) A hits

Deaths on the road don’t just destroy lives; they destroy families, friendships and communities. And it could happen to any of us. We all have a one in 200 chance of dying on the road. You are far more likely to be killed while (0) _______ the road than in a plane crash. Who gets killed and injured? Half the people who die on roads are (1) _______ cars. Cyclists, pedestrians and motorbike (2) _______ account for 45% of all deaths. They are more likely to be killed because they don’t have the protection of airbags, seat (3) _______ and when they are hit by a vehicle, they are exposed to the full force of the impact. 22% of people who die on roads are (4) _______ foot. Cyclists are ten times more likely to be killed on the road than drivers of cars. Bikers are often killed due to riding too (5) _______ on bendy rural roads with pot holes, hidden junctions and other hazards. Males are almost three times as likely to be killed on roads as females. Research has shown that men are much more likely than women to take serious risks and do dangerous manoeuvres when driving such as drink-driving, speeding, and (6) _______ blind. Nearly all (90%) of dangerous driving convictions are against men. (7) _______ is the biggest killer of people aged 15-19, due mainly to young/underage and inexperienced drivers taking horrendous risks on the road when behind the (8) _______. Young people under 25 represent just one in ten of all car drivers, but about one in four (27% in 2002) of all car drivers killed or seriously injured. Dangerous behaviour by young car drivers also causes the death and injury of other young people – more than one in two (54%) car (9) _______ killed or injured in 2002 were under 25. Road (10) _______ are preventable. Even in poor weather or poor light conditions, drivers can stay safe by driving slowly and cautiously. (Adapted from













108 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 108

2012.01.17. 6:27:46

Far, far away

Section 4 4 Section

1 Phrasal verbs

Fill in the gaps using the right form of these phrasal verbs. take off (x3),  get into,  turn on,  check-in,  queue up,  go through,  part with,  hold up, stress out,  get on,  look at,  throw away,  chill out,  switch off,  get to A lot of people say that flying is the most comfortable way of travelling. I’m always surprised to hear that. What is comfortable about (1) ……………………… the airport for example? All the airports are out of the cities and you have the following two options: (2) ……………………… different types of public transport with all your luggage or, if you cannot face this, you need to (3) ……………………… a taxi and pay through the nose. And of course any of these can (4) ……………………… in a traffic jam, so by the time you’re at the airport you are (5) ……………………… and exhausted. Then you need to (6) ……………………… at the (7) ……………………… desk for a long time. Security checks are not a pleasure either. You need to (8) ……………………… your jacket, coat, and boots, (9) ……………………… your water and deodorant, (10) ……………………… your laptop and your mobile phone for a while when you normally don’t want anybody to touch these precious objects. Finally you need to (11) ……………………… a gate that makes funny noises and you feel there’s something wrong with you. Before boarding, you need to (12) ……………………… your laptop, your mobile phone, your MP3 player. It’s so boring! Especially because after boarding you have to wait for (13) ………………………, and you can only (14) ……………………… your computer again when the aircraft has reached its flying height. Actually I quite enjoy (15) ……………………… and flying, especially if I have a window seat and I can (16) ……………………… the view and the clouds below. Some little time to (17) ……………………… before the tiring job of arriving starts.

2 How do you feel about flying? Write a short paragraph. Include the following points: ƒƒ What you like and dislike about flying ƒƒ The advantages and disadvantages of flying compared to other vehicles ƒƒ Any relevant personal experience.

Extra task: Student A: You work as a security officer at the airport. Student B is a passenger you need to check. ƒƒ These have to be put on the roller bed to be scanned: boots, jackets and coats, laptops, all hand luggage. You can offer a tray for small objects as mobile phones, coins, wallets. Scanning causes no damage to any objects. ƒƒ Passengers must not carry any liquid in containers larger than 100ml or any sharp objects such as a knife, or scissors. ƒƒ Passengers must walk throw a security door, which buzzes if they have something made of metal on them. In this case you need to find the metal object. ƒƒ You can get a passenger to open their bag if you think it is needed.

Student B: You are a passenger. You need to go through security check. Student A is a security officer. ƒƒ You have: a coat and boots on, a mobile phone, a laptop, two pieces of hand luggage, some coins and other metal objects with you. You also have a half a litre bottle of water on you. ƒƒ You are worried about the x-ray: check if the data on your computer will be lost or not. You also have some reels of film in your bag. Check if it’s OK to have them scanned.

109 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 109

2012.01.17. 6:27:47


13 13 Skills Practice

Skills Practice 1

Read the text about National Express coach cards and the statements before it. Your task is to mark each statement: A if it says the same as the text, B if it says something different from the text, C if the text does not give enough information for you to choose A or B. Write the letters in the boxes. There’s an example (0) for you. (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


You can buy a funfare return ticket for just £1. You cannot buy funfare tickets at National Express ticket offices. If you cannot travel, you can get your money back on all National Express tickets. You can change the time on your funfare ticket on the phone. Brit Xplorer travel cards are not recommended for older people. Your trip is in two weeks. You can get advance discount on your ticket Your travel day is not a Friday, and you buy your ticket on the day of travel. You cannot get an advance discount, but you can get an economy fare. With a Brit Xplorer travel card, you have a reserved seat on all National Express services. No one older than 26 can buy a Young Person’s Coachcard. National Express coaches are safe and comfortable. Every time you buy a ticket using a Young Person’s Coachcard, you’ll pay 30% less.

Our great value funfares are available to over 50 destinations. Prices start at just £1 one way, and there’s no booking fee. Funfares are exclusively available online, and the earlier you book, the more likely you are to get our best prices. Funfare tickets cannot be refunded, but the journey time can be changed before the departure time shown on your ticket. To amend your ticket call 0870 808080 or visit a National Express ticket office. Advance discount is offered to customers who book tickets seven or more days in advance of travel. Advance tickets are non-refundable, but can be amended. Economy fares are offered to passengers who travel any day of the week apart from a Friday. Tickets must be booked no later than the calendar day before the outward journey. Standard fares are offered to passengers who travel on a Friday, or buy their tickets on the day of travel. Want to discover the UK your way? National Express brings you Brit Xplorer. That means 1000 destinations to visit and three great passes to choose from. You will be able to travel free on all National Express service with these passes: Hobo: 7 days for £79, Footloose: 14 days for £139, Rolling Stone: 28 days for £219. You have the option to get on and off the coach as and when you wish to, providing that there are seats available. On occasion you will find that the coach is full, so we do recommend that you book your seat on busy routes. Seat reservation vouchers are available from £1.50. The Young Person’s Coachcard is for everyone aged 16-26 and all full time students. You’ll make massive savings on National Express coach journeys with our Young Person’s Coachcard. You can get up to 30% off your travel cost. However, you cannot get any further discounts on already discounted tickets such as funfares. As funfares are already specially discounted fares, you will not receive any further discount when booking a funfare using a Young Person’s Coachcard

Adapted from

110 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 110

2012.01.17. 6:27:50

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2 AS 13

You are going to hear four short dialogues in a National Express office. Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you.


(0) If you lose your young person’s coach card a) you can get a new one free of charge. b) National Express doesn’t give your money back.



(1) If you think you may be able to find your travel card a) it’s best not to buy a new one. b) you run no risk if you buy a new one.



(2) Metro tickets are sold a) at National Express ticket offices. b) at underground stations.



(3) Your lost e-ticket a) can be reprinted. b) cannot be replaced.



(4) If you buy an e-ticket, make sure that you have a) your ticket number b) your security code.



(5) Compared to a single ticket, a return ticket is a) much more expensive. b) nearly the same price.



(6) The price of a coach ticket is calculated by a) the distance covered by the coach on the way there and back. b) the distance the passenger really covers.



An exchange student, Alex from England, will soon arrive to stay with your family and go to school with you for a month. In her last email to you she asked you the following: Message from Alex


“I will arrive at Ferihegy Airport early afternoon. Can you please let me know how I can get to your place from the airport? Also, can you please let me know if I need to get a monthly travel pass to go to school and other places? How much will that be? Is there a discount for students in Hungary? Is it possible to buy tickets on-line?”

Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Directions from the airport to your place Directions from your place to the school Information on tickets: price, discounts, on-line booking Any relevant information you know of Any help you can offer.

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 111

111 2012.01.17. 6:27:52


13 13 Skills Practice

Skills Practice 4 The editor of your school magazine has asked you to write an article on special risks young people face on roads. You found the charts below on the Internet. Using the information in them, write an article of about 100-120 words, in which you include the following: ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

The risks awaiting young people on the roads What you think the reasons may be The vehicles that seem the most dangerous and the safest What young people could do to avoid serious accidents.

Deaths by gender, 2002

Serious injuries by gender, 2002

Male (2,557)

Male (24,656)

Female (870)

Female (11,279)

Fatalities by road user, 2003 Car (1,769) Bikers (693)

Bus and coach (11)

Cyclists (114)

Goods vehicle (116)

Pedestrians (774)

Deaths by age group, 2002 500

All road users


Car users



200 100 0

112 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 112

0-4 year

10-14 year

20-24 year

30-34 year

40-44 year

50-54 year

60-64 year

70-74 year

80-84 year

(Adapted from

2012.01.17. 6:27:54


Student A: You are spending a gap year in England. You would like to travel from London to Edinburgh. You have these three options to choose from. Ask the travel agent, Student B for some information about the departure times, the length of the journey and the cost. Choose one of these means of transport and give your reasons for your choice. Student B: You are the travel agent. Give Student A information on the means of transport in the pictures.


These three pictures show different means of transport. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: ƒ The advantages and disadvantages of these means of transport ƒ Your personal preferences and choices of transport ƒ Your personal experience with these vehicles.

113 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 113

2012.01.17. 6:28:00

14 14

Hoorah, it’s a holiday

UNIT Section 1 1 Section

Where shall we go on holiday?

1 Fill in the missing letters in these geographical names. The P…c…fic …ce…n

The Med…ter... an…an S…a

The …n…lis… C…a…n…l

The A…ri…tic …e…


The A…p…




The D…n…b...

The H…m…lay…s

The N…l…

2 Fill in the missing parts of the table. Country







Belgium Croatia

Belgian Croatian



Ireland Spain


















Czech Republic



3 Write a list of things that are famous in different countries: Belgian chocolate, Croatian beaches etc. Whose list is the longest in the class?

4 Heaven and hell A Complete the joke with these nationalities: Italian, British, German, Swiss, French. Do you agree with these stereotypes? HEAVEN is where the police are (1) ………………, the cooks (2) ………………, the mechanics (3) ………………, the lovers (4) ……………… and it is all organised by the (5) ……………

HELL is where the police are (6) ……………… the cooks (7) ………………, the mechanics (8) ………………, the lovers (9) ……………… and it is all organised by the (10) ………….

B What would Hungarians be in heaven and hell?

114 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 114

2012.01.17. 6:28:01

Travel arrangements 1

Section 2 2 Section

Complete the sentences with these words. travel, 1 2 3 4 5

2 A






cruise We went into town and booked a two-week ........................ on the Mediterranean from the ………………….…. agent. He’s gone on a business …………………. . If the weather is nice, we often go on an …………………. . How long does the ………………… from London to Paris take on the Eurostar? Icebergs used to make the ………………… from England to the USA dangerous. Match these nouns with sets of verbs b)-f). a visa,

a passport,

a suitcase,

a ticket,


a taxi

a visa a) get, extend, renew: ...............................

d) book, buy, hold: .......................................

b) look for, find, reserve: ............................

e) apply for, renew, carry: ...........................

c) take, call, order: ......................................

f) pack, close, unpack: .................................

B Using the expressions in A, write a paragraph on what preparations you need to make if you go abroad.


Reserving in writing

A Fill in the missing words in the email to a hotel. Message from Kate


Dear (1) …….................………………, (2) ……….......…………… to inquire if you have any (3) …………………… from 6th July to 17th July (4) ……........………………. I would need a triple room (5) ……………….......…… a shower or a bath. I would like to have a room with a balcony that (6) ………….....………… the sea. Can you (7) ………………..........…… send me your rates and a (8) …...............………………… of my reservation? Postal address: Kate Jones, 89 Kent Road, Canterbury Phone: 006 97924 (9) ……………………, Kate Jones

B Look at role card B for Unit 14, Section 2, Exercise 3 on p. 135 of the book. Look at the information on Sea Point Hostel. You are planning a long weekend in Barcelona with a group of 12 people and you would like to reserve some dormitories. Write an email to Sea Point Hostel.

Use the letter in A as a model.

115 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 115

2012.01.17. 6:28:04

14 14 Section 3


Section 3

Accommodation and sightseeing

1 At a hotel

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs. take,  be,  fill in,  find,  serve,  close (x2),  control,  reserve Receptionist: Good evening, sir. How can I help you? Guest:

Good evening! I (1) ………………………… a room for three nights. The name is Marshall.

Receptionist: Yes, Mr Marshall. Can you (2) ………………………… this form, please? Guest:

Yes, sure... Here you are.

Receptionist: Thank you. Room 305 on the third floor. Here’s your key. This remote control operates the air-conditioning and this one is for (3) ………………………… the TV. The lift is over there. Guest:

Thank you.

Receptionist: Is this your luggage, sir? Guest:

Yes, it is.

Receptionist: We (4) ………………………… it upstairs for you. Guest:

Thank you. What time (5) ……………………… you ……………………… breakfast?

Receptionist: From 7.30 to 9.30, sir. Guest:

Could I have a call at 7.30 tomorrow morning, please?

Receptionist: Certainly, sir. 7.30, Room 305. Guest:

I suppose the restaurant (6) ………………………… by now.

Receptionist: Yes, sir, it (7) ………………………… at 10. But you can order some food from Room Service. You (8) ………………………… the menu on the table in your room. Guest:

That’s good news. Is there wireless Internet access in the room?

Receptionist: Yes, there is. Guest:

Good. I (9) ………………………… a taxi tomorrow morning at 8.30. Can you order one for me?

Receptionist: Yes, sir. The taxi (10) ………………………… here for you at 8.30. Guest:

Many thanks.

Receptionist: A pleasure. Good night, sir! Guest:

Good night!

116 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 116

2012.01.17. 6:28:04

Accommodation and sightseeing

Section 3 3 Section

2 A tour of European cities A Peg and Al are on a package tour of European cities. Look at the map below. It shows their itinerary. Today it is 2nd July. Complete the text with the correct tense in brackets.

are visiting Peg and Al are in Rome today. They (1) ……………………….. (are visiting / visit) the Colosseum right now, then they (2) ……………………………. (are going to have / will have) pizza for lunch. In the afternoon they (3) …………………………….. (walk / will be walking) and eating lots of ice-cream. They (4) ……………………………. (have already visited / already visited) two cities. They (5) ……………………………...... (have been / were) to London and Paris. In London they (6) ……………………….…….. (saw / were seeing) the Parliament and Big Ben. They (7) …………………………….. ( have been browsing / browsed) in shops in Oxford Street. They (8) …………………………….. (tried / were trying) many different kinds of tea. In Paris, Peg (9) ……………………………..... (bought / was buying) a lot of clothes and they (10) …………………………...….. (have drunk / drank) a lot of red wine, so now they cannot remember that they (11) ………..........………………….. (were seing / saw) the Eiffel Tower. Tomorrow they (12) ………….............……...............…………….. (are going / go) to Madrid. They (13) ………………………...…….. (are going to see / will be seeing) bull-fighting there first. Peggy (14) …………………………….. (wants / wanted) to buy some shoes. For dinner, they (15) …………………………….. (are going to have / have) some paella. The day after tomorrow, they (16) …………………………….. (will be / will have been) in Athens, where (17) ………………………….............................................….. (visit / will visit) the Acropolis. They (18) ………......................…………………….. (will eat / are eating) lots of gyros and (19) ………………...........…………….. (will have drunk / will drink) a lot of ouzo. So far, they (20) …………………………….. (have been / were) in Europe for three days. By the end of the tour they (21) …………………………….. (will have seen / will be seeing) 10 European cities. B Imagine that it is now 7th July. Write about their holiday from this perspective.

117 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 117

2012.01.17. 6:28:05

14 14 Section 4


Sending all my love to you

Section 4 1

You are going to read an email about Chris’s adventure holiday. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1-10). Then write the appropriate form of these words on the lines after the text. There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Dear Howard, Sorry for (0) ..............(not be) in touch for so long. I was on holiday. I spent three weeks on an island in the Pacific. It was an adventure holiday, or - as it turned out – a survival tour. I originally wanted (1) ..............(have) a relaxing holiday, and at times I truly regretted (2) ..............(go) on that tour. Now, that I (3) ..............(be) safe back home again, I can say it was great, and I’m glad I did it. I’ve learnt so much about myself. It would take too long (4) ..............(tell) you about everything, let me just (5) ..............(give) you some examples of the adventures we had: We were dropped on the island by parachute. There were six of us. We had to make our camp first. One of us had to stay up all night each night (6) ..............(keep) an eye on the fire. Every day we had a new challenge for example, finding a (7) ..............(hide) treasure or (8) ..............(rescue) an animal from a fast, ice-cold stream. If you are interested in (9) ..............(hear) the whole story and seeing my photos, you’ll have to come and see me. I’m looking forward to (10) ..............(see) you soon, mate, Chris

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

not being ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................


You have just arrived home from the best holiday of your life. Write an email to a friend about it.


Dumb tourist Read the joke and guess the punch line.

Use the letter in 1 above as a model and Unit 14 Section 4 Exercise 2 on page 117 of the book as your reference.

A bus of tourists arrives at Runnymede. They gather around the guide who says, "This is the spot where the barons forced King John to sign the Magna Carta." A fellow at the front of the crowd asks, "When did that happen?" "1215," answers the guide. The man looks at his watch and says, "Damn! .............................................................................". (

118 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 118

2012.01.17. 6:28:08

Skills Practice Skills Practice 1 AS 14

In this section, you are going to hear an interview with the marketing manager of Incredible Adventures. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. (0) Incredible Adventures is A a usual travel agency. B an unusual travel agency. C is a cosmonaut training company.


(1) The Orbital Space Adventure package involves A space travel. B training. C both. (2) The Orbital Space Adventure package costs A $ 25 million. B between $ 15 to $ 25 million. C $ 50 million and $ 25 million. (3) The cost of the Orbital Space Adventure package depends on A fuel price. B Russian politics. C what you want to train for. (4) In the second step of your training you have lessons on A theory. B practice. C both. (5) If you are not accepted for a flight to space A you get all your money back. B you get the money that you didn’t use back. C you lose your money. (6) The training takes place A partly near Moscow and partly in Star City. B in Star City outside Moscow. C in Star City in Moscow. (7) The training is A more than half a year long. B less than half a year long. C half a year long.

119 yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 119

2012.01.17. 6:28:09

Skills Practice Skills Practice 2

Read the four adventure holiday advertisements. Match statements 1-9 with one of the advertisements. Put the letter of the advertisements next to the statements on the dotted line. An example (0) has been given for you. B Deep flight adventures

A Shark dive

ws divers to Shark diving, or cage diving, allo Great White of view the extraordinary world cially designed Sharks in comfort and safety. Spe quate pro shark viewing cages provide ade are industr y tection. Our shark diving crews r safety and professionals who care about you they care about enjoyment. Equally important, rks. Shark divmaking our dives safe for the sha most serious our e, ing isn’t dangerous. To dat ite Sharks Wh at injury has been sunburn. Gre One is that m. the have many myths surrounding thing in any g they are killing machines attackin y’re the when sight. We have found that even slow be shy, feeding, Great Whites prove to rantee you’ll see gua not can moving animals. We refund. We can sharks. If you don’t, there is no t possible locabes the promise we’ll take you to t a minimum ges sug tions for viewing sharks. We photoof s of two dive days for the best odd graphing big sharks. (Adapted from http://ww w.incred

C Sailing Dh ow Adventure

The adventure holiday of a life time: sailing the clear tropical waters of Lamu Arc hipelago. Relax as the dhow sails along and tak e in the sun, the sea and the culture. Visit the Swa hili ruins, the Muslim boat-building village, sno rkel in the clear blue seas, laze on the beaches and sleep in our tree house for the night. Everyw here there is bird and sealife – turtles, dolphi ns, whale sharks. Enjoy freshly caught fish follow ed by delicious tropical fruits. Mix this holiday with a Kenya safari. Our aim is to provide eco tourism that benefits the local communities and gives you a great experience. Kenyans are the friendliest of people with a great sense of humour and are ver y welcoming to tourists. We strongly recommend that you spend at least two weeks in Kenya, there is so much to see and do. We cater especially for single, independe nt travellers and families (Adapted from http://ww w.sailken

Be among the first in the world to experience a totally new dimension of flig ht…underwater. In Loreto, Baja you can go beneat h the sea in the world’s only flying submersib le, the Deep Flight Aviator. Maximum depth for the flight will be 100 0 feet, but most of the time you won’t be deeper then 150 feet, where you will have good natural light, and will see animal life and shipwrecks. You will be able to take the controls, too. The man beh ind the Deep Flight Aviator, Graham Hawkes says, “The Aviator is unlike any thing in existence, and the underwater experience is unparalleled. Traditional submersibles are noisy and lit up like Christmas trees. Any org anism that can flee, does.” The Deep Flight Avi ator is so discrete, that it does not drive livin g beings away. You will see them all. (Adapted from http://ww w.incred

D Active Dalmatia

With very little travelling, your week is designed to include as many different activities as possible. Starting with an easy canoe expedition, you then head out into the countr yside to explore traditional Croatian villages by bike. Returning to the river, you try your hand at kayaking, and the following day you’ll raft via a dramatic gorge towards Omis. There is the chance to see a bit of Croatia’s long history as you visit the nearby town of Sinj with its museum and fortress. It’s then into the countr yside for a delightful walk amongst abandoned villages and a stunning landscape. On your last day, you return to the river to experience canyoning through the 200m deep Cetina River gorge – adrenaline definitely included! Our hotel base and activities are part of a family-run business which is bringing much-needed income to an area where people are still recovering from the war.

(Adapted from http://w

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Skills Practice Skills Practice (0) This advertisement says that this will be the best holiday in your life (1) On this holiday, you will be on board a completely unique and new vehicle. (2) This holiday is recommended to people who travel alone and to couples with children. (3) This advertisement says that the most dangerous thing about this adventure is being in the sun. (4) On this holiday, you spend most of the time on water or riding a bicycle. (5) On this holiday, you sail on a traditional boat. (6) On this holiday you may not get what you want. (7) This advertisement gives information on what local people are like. (8) This holiday supports a local family business. (9) This advertisement promises that you’ll see everything that’s under the sea.


………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

You and your friend would like to go on an adventure holiday. Your friend has sent you the information on adventure holidays in Exercise 2. (S)he suggests going on one of them. Write a letter of about 100-120 words to your friend, in which you include the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

What you think of each of the holidays? Which you like best and why? Some questions on the holidays Any alternative suggestion(s) you may have.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear …, ……


C ………… …………

For help with language, consult Unit 14, Section 1, Exercise 2 on page 111 of the book.

You are on one of the adventure holidays in Exercise 2. Write a postcard of about 50-80 words to a friend. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Where you are and how long you have been there If you’re having a good time What you are doing now, what you have done so far , and what’s the next thing you’ll do Some information on your accommodation, the weather, the food, the people.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear …, ……

For help with language, consult Unit 14, Section 4, Exercise 1 on page 116 of the book.

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14 14 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 5

You are the editor of a tourist magazine. You have been asked to select a cover photo to be on the next issue, which will feature Hungary. Which one will you choose? Convince your partner that your choice will be popular with the readers.

You may want to use some of this language: ƒ More people are interested in ... than in... ƒ It represents Hungary / Hungarian culture / the beauty of the country better than ... / the best ƒ All the tourists go to ... but only a few go to ... ƒ It is a modern / historic / old image of the country ƒ It would attract everybody / intellectuals / younger people / older people / families ƒ I’m Hungarian and I’ve never been to ... / never heard of ... ƒ It’s a Hungarian speciality / intercultural ƒ There are good facilities for tourists / poor facilities for tourists there such as ...


These pictures show two different kinds of holidays. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The advantages and disadvantages of each holiday The similarities and differences between them Your personal preference Any relevant personal experience you have.

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15 15

Technically speaking

UNIT Section 11 Section


1 You are going to read an article about Isaac Newton. Some words are missing from the text. Use

the words in brackets to form the words that fit in gaps 1-11. Then write the appropriate form of these words on the lines after the text. There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Isaac Newton's (0) ........ (discover) were so many and varied that he is often considered to be the father of modern science. Newton is most famous for (1) ........ (discover) the laws of gravity and the movement of planets. A famous story says that Newton (2) ........ (uncover) the laws of gravity after being hit on the head by a falling apple. There is no (3) ........ (prove) that this story is true. In optics, he did (4) ........ (experiment) with prisms and (5) ........ (develop) a theory of colour. He also (6) ........ (invent) the reflecting telescope. He (7) ........ (formulate) an empirical law of cooling and (8) ........ (study) the speed of sound. In mathematics, Newton shares the credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the (9) ........ (develop) of calculus1. The (10) ........ (invent) of the cat flap2 is frequently thought to be Newton’s. However, this has not been (11) ........ (prove). Newton was knighted in 1705 and upon his death in 1727 was the first scientist given the honour of being buried in Westminster Abbey. 1

Differenciál és integrálszámítás 




(Adapted from,

(0) ................................................................ (1) ................................................................ (2) ................................................................ (3) ................................................................ (4) ................................................................ (5) ................................................................

(6) ...................................................................... (7) ...................................................................... (8) ...................................................................... (9) ...................................................................... (10) ...................................................................... (11) ......................................................................

2 The greatest invention of all times A Fill in the gaps in the joke with these inventions. There is an extra invention. wheel,   thermos bottle,   remote control,   alphabet,   fire An engineer, a physicist, a mathematician, and a mystic were asked to name the greatest invention of all time. The engineer chose (1) ….........................., which gave humanity power over matter. The physicist chose the (2) ….........................., which gave humanity power over space. The mathematician chose the (3) …........................., which gave humanity power over symbols. The mystic chose the (4) ….......................... “Why a (4) …..........................?” the others asked. “Because the (4) …..................... keeps hot liquids hot in winter and cold liquids cold in summer.” “Yes – so what?” “Think about it.” said the mystic with awe. “That little bottle – how does it KNOW?” (

B What do you think the greatest invention of all time is? Write a paragraph in which you give reasons for your choice.

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15 15 Section 2



Section 2 1

Food processors

A What can food processors do? Tick the items on the list. Have you got a food processor at home? What can it do? Food processors can ... a) b) c) d) e)

mix ingredients toast bread knead dough grind spices and coffee fry chips

f) g) h) i) j)

beat eggs and cream grate cheese make coffee peel potatoes cut fruit and vegetable

B Look at the picture of the food processor and fill in the instructions with the words from the box. There’s an extra word. turn (x2), select, put, plug, unplug, removing, releasing, fitted, place, pressing

Instructions: Operating the food processor ƒ (1) ………………………… the ingredients into the bowl. ƒ (2) ………………………… the bowl lid on the top of the bowl. ƒ If the bowl lid is not properly (3) ………………………… to the bowl, the motor will not operate. ƒ (4) ………………………… the appliance in. ƒ (5) ………………………… the power button gives an instant quick start and (6) ………………………… the power button will stop the unit quickly. ƒ If you want to have a continuous operation, (7) ………………………… the handle clockwise to position “1”. ƒ After use, (8) …………………….....................…… the handle to position “0”. ƒ (9) ……………...……… the appliance. ƒ Wait until it stops completely before (10) …..........……………………… food.

(Adapted from


Murphy’s Laws Match the sentence halves to make Murphy’s Laws on gadgets and then make some of your own. 1 If anything can go wrong,

a) it will anyway.

2 If there is a possibility of several things going wrong,

b) then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.

3 If anything just cannot go wrong,

c) it will.

4 If you see that there are four possible ways in which something can go wrong, and avoid these,

d) the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.

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Section 3 3 Section 1 You are going to read some advice on computer safety. Some words are missing from the text.

Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-L) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is one example (0) at the beginning. A backup B anti-virus C attachments D  password

E installed F sender G characters H scans

I firewall J browser K updates L  hard drive

Computer safety tips ƒƒ Use a (0) ….. which is not related to anything personal (such as your birth date). Use a combination of at least 6 (1) ….., numbers and letters. Change it regularly. ƒƒ Visit your operating system's web site regularly, and install any (2) ….. to your software, especially if it is labelled as being critical to the security of your system. ƒƒ A (3) ….. is a system that protects your network from being accessed by outside users. Make sure you have one (4) …... . ƒƒ Never send or receive emails without an up-to-date (5) ….. program enabled on your system, which will check each message for viruses before it comes in or goes out. Do regular (6) ….. to check for viruses in your entire system as well. ƒƒ Only open email (7) ….. that you are expecting; and even then make sure you have antivirus software. Never open anything from a (8) ….. you do not know. ƒƒ Always keep up-to-date (9) ….. copies of your data. This protects you not only against theft, but also against fire or other catastrophes. ƒƒ When upgrading or replacing your computer, remember to remove all data from your (10) ….. before disposing of it. (Adapted from













B Write some advice to people chatting on-line or on forwarding chain messages.

2 IT engineers or users?

Decide if these funny comments are about IT engineers or users. IT engineers


a) They get in the lift and double-click the button for the floor they want. b) They look for the undo command after making a mistake. c) They don’t know what they want, but they always know when the program doesn’t deliver it. d) When reading a book they look for the scroll bar to get to the next page. e) They never use the Help feature. f) They look for an icon to double-click to open their bedroom window. g) They hit the one bizarre combination of keys that shuts down the system for days.

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15 15 Section 4


Section 4

All we know

1 What was the purpose and the method of the scientific activities below? Make sentences to answer this question following the example.

(0) Purpose: to find out “What do people think of politicians?” Method: to conduct a survey A survey was conducted to find out what people think/thought of politicians. .................................................................................................................................................... (1) Purpose: to establish “Which theory is right ?” Method: to carry out lab experiments . (2) Purpose: to discover “What plants are there in the jungle that could be used as medicine?” Method: to organise an expedition . (3) Purpose: to find out “Is there life in outer space?” Method: to do scientific research . (4) Purpose: to decide “Is the idea worth developing?” Method: to carry out investigations . (5) Purpose: to test “Can flying be made safer?” Method: to develop new landing gear . (6) Purpose: to establish “What is the current economic situation in Europe?” Method: to do research .................................................................................................................................................... (7) Purpose: to reveal “What are the hidden shortcomings of the new design?” Method: to perform tests . (8) Purpose: to detect “What factors cause the disease?” Method: to conduct investigations . (9) Purpose: to examine “How do rats react to the new hairspray? “ Method: to run tests . (10) Purpose: to check “Does the new construction function well?” Method: to build a model .

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All we know

Section 4 4 Section

2 You are going to read an article about the early history of science. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the white box. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0)

A passing

B sent

C passed

D giving


A development

B establishment

C discovery

D creating


A watered

B raining

C flooded

D under


A focused

B wanted

C aimed

D searched


A discovered

B working out

C has worked out

D worked out


A products

B inventions

C materials

D discoveries


A cuisine

B art

C history

D civilization


A arrived

B led

C went

D reached


A theories

B traditions

C methods

D ways


A learn

B study

C write

D remember

A contribution

B effect

C competition

D influence


In prehistoric times, knowledge was (0) .............. from generation to generation in an oral tradition. The (1) .............. of writing made it possible to store and communicate knowledge across generations. Significant developments in Ancient Egypt include astronomy, mathematics and medicine. Geometry was necessary for them because they had to preserve the layout and ownership of lands, which were (2) .............. every year by the Nile river. In Classical Antiquity, investigations (3) .............. at such practical goals as establishing a reliable calendar or determining how to cure illnesses. Ancient Indians were – among many other things – great astronomers. Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhata (476-550) (4) .............. an accurate heliocentric model of gravitation. China has a long and rich history of technological contribution. The Four Great (5) .............. of ancient China are the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing. These four had an enormous influence on the development of Chinese (6) .............. and a far-ranging global effect. Muslim scientists placed far greater emphasis on experimentation than had the Greeks. This (7) .............. to an early scientific method being developed in the Muslim world. This scientific method used experiments to distinguish between competing scientific (8) .............. . An intellectual rebirth of Europe started with medieval universities in the 12th century. European scholars would learn Arabic in order to (9) .............. scientific texts. The European universities helped with the translation of these texts. As well as this, Europeans began to venture further and further east. This led to the increased (10) .............. of Indian and even Chinese science on the European tradition. (Adapted from













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15 15 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 1 Read the following text about smart houses in the USA. Some parts of the sentences have been

removed. Your task is to match the numbers with the correct letters. There is an extra letter you do not need. Write the letters in the boxes. There is an example (0) for you. A B C D E F G H I J K L

until the chore was done by cable, computer and satellite before moving into the house makes its own shopping list just to scare my wife 22 buttons for the stereo and CD player push too many buttons 3 to 4 % of homes in America By phoning the control "brain” I don't want to let it down. delivered over the Internet to make his teenage son take out the trash

When he comes home at night, Mr. Mozer is greeted by his computer screen: “You’re home 23 minutes early today.” Mr Mozer owns one of the couple of million smart houses in America. The most advanced homes – (0) .............. – can coordinate heating and air conditioning, security, lighting and home entertainment, Internet and e-mail even from afar, (1) .............., through telephone lines and modem connections. In Mr. Mozer’s kitchen there’s a microwave that can respond to recipe instructions (2) .............., and a refrigerator that keeps track of groceries and (3) .............. . “When I’m out late with friends,” Mr. Mozer admits, “I start thinking maybe I’d better get back home, because that’s what the system expects me to do and (4) .............. . “ In an effort (5) .............., one homeowner temporarily installed a program that activated a timer and speakers when security cameras showed the boy hanging out in his bedroom. A buzzer went off and didn’t stop (6) .............. . On their living room wall, John Markus, a New York screenwriter and television producer, and his wife have 14 buttons that control lighting; (7) ..............; and four buttons for the window shades. Another panel operates the DVD, satellite service and laser discs in their home theater system. Six lines serve the couple’s telephones, fax machines and modems. (8) .............., Mr. Markus can regulate every device even from a studio in Los Angeles. “Sometimes I’m tempted to raise the bedroom blinds from the city (9 .............. when she’s there alone,” Mr. Markus says. “But I’m worried that if I make the wrong command, I might shut down the entire house.” “The biggest problem is,” a programmer said, “that people start to panic and (10) .............. and end up undoing hours of previous programming. (Adapted from













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Skills Practice Skills Practice 2 AS 15

In this section you are going to hear a radio report on four MP3 players: the Memo, the Creative Guru, the Plus Top and the Thrift 35. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right: A= TRUE B= FALSE C= THE TEXT DOES NOT SAY. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. There is an example (0) for you. (0) If you don’t want to use a cable or lose a cap, buy the Thrift 35 (1) If you want to have more features than the Memo, buy the Creative Guru. (2) If you want a radio in your MP3 player, buy any of the four MP3 players. (3) If you don’t like MP3 players with a short, wide shape, don’t buy Memo. (4) If you want to have a red MP3 player, buy the Creative Guru. (5) If you want an MP3 player with a long battery life, buy the Thrift 35 (6) If you want a player that’s easy to use, don’t buy Memo. (7) If you’re prepared to pay for good quality sound but not for good quality video, buy Plus Top.


3 You’ve swapped MP3 players with a friend for the weekend but have had no time to give each

other instructions. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50-80 words. Include the following points: ƒƒ The features your MP3 player has ƒƒ Instructions and possible warnings ƒƒ Questions about your friend’s MP3 player.

Use AS 15 to help you with technical terms.

4 You have just been given a new computer. Write a letter of about 100-120 words to a friend, in which you include the following: ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ

Why you needed a new computer The features your new computer has How it will change things for you How you feel about it.

Use Section 3 of this unit and Section 4 of Unit 12 as your language reference.

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15 15 Skills Practice


Skills Practice 5

Student A: You want to buy a new mobile phone. You are shown these three models in the shop. Ask the shop assistant, Student B for information about the features, the advantages, and the price of each model. Decide which one to buy and give reasons for your choice. Student B: You are the shop assistant. Give Student A information on the three mobile phones in the pictures.


These pictures show three different inventions. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Compare how important they are The benefits they have brought to our lives The disadvantages they might have Your personal experience with them.

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Key to the Workbook UNIT 1 / Section 1 Exercise 1:

1 B,  2 K,  3 C,  4 H,  5 I,  6 F,  7 A,  8 G,  9 L,  10 J

Unit 1 / Section 2 Exercise 1:

1 in,  2 on,  3 in,  4 to,  5 on,  6 sitting,  7 foreground,  8 behind,  9 on,  10 of,  11 behind,  12 out

Unit 1 / Section 3 Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

1 Where did you grow up?  2 I started primary school in Szeged in 1997.  3 We moved to Pécs when I was eight.  4 Which secondary school do you go to?  5 What are your plans for the future?  6 I would like to work abroad for a year before university.  7 What subject would you like to study at university?  8 I’m planning to start work after finishing secondary school.  9 When will you start a family?  10 How long have you been studying English? 1 E,  2 A,  3 H,  4 B,  5 F,  6 D

Unit 1 / Section 4 1 Graduation,  2 Easter / Christmas / New Year,  3 Birthday,  4 A new baby is born,  5 Wedding Anniversary,  6 Wedding,  7 Christmas,  8 Valentine’s Day,  9 Easter,  10 Funeral Exercise 2: 1 B,  2 L,  3 C,  4 G,  5 I,  6 F,  7 D,  8 H,  9 K,  10 J

Exercise 1:

Unit 1 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 divorcing,  2 oldest,  3 married,  4 talk,  5 sister, 6 yet,  7 day,  8 after,  9 both,  10 true 1 Springfield, Missouri,  2 Angelina Jolie,  3 Three,  4 Angelina Jolie,  5 One,  6 Having kids

UNIT 2 / Section 1 1 crown,  2 jaw,  3 chin,  4 cheek,  5 forehead,  6 ear,  7 eye,  8 eyebrow,  9 neck lips: thick, thin;  jaw: broad, strong, square;  chin: pointy, double, round;  forehead: broad, narrow;  cheeks: rosy;  eyebrows: thick, thin Exercise 3: To be: What colour are your eyes?, Their eyes are blue., The boys in the class are broad-shouldered., My forehead is narrow., Her mouth is well-shaped. To have: The baby has rosy cheeks., She has thin eyebrows., Everybody in her family has a pointy chin. She has shoulder-length hair. Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

Unit 2 / Section 2 1 eyes,  2 heart,  3 neck,  4 head,  5 fist 1 She has her head in the clouds.  2 He has a heart of gold.  3 He is a pain in the neck.  4 She is tight-fisted.  5 He has eyes like a hawk.  Exercise 3: 2 Peter is (much) more generous than Jane (is).  OR: Jane is (much) less generous than Peter (is). 3 Gaby is more intelligent / cleverer / brighter / smarter than Max.  OR: Max is less intelligent / less clever / less bright / less smart than Gaby (is).  4 Lin is the laziest person in the class.  5 John is (much) more critical than I am/me. OR: I am (much) less critical than John (is).  6 Aaron is the most creative / the most original person I’ve ever met.  7 Kim is (much) more adventurous / (much) braver than Charlie OR: Charlie is (much) less adventurous / (much) less brave than Kim (is). Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

Unit 2 / Section 3 Exercise 1: Exercise 2: FAQ:

1 c,  2 d,  3 e,  4 a,  5 b  A brought up,  B told me off,  C broke away,  D take after,  E looked after 1 wouldn’t have said,  2 like,  3 was,  4 had,  5 has not/hasn’t disappeared,  6 is/’s getting,  7 would not/wouldn’t have taken,  8 grew,  9 does, 10 will grow Mi a különbség a 1. “I would not say” és a  2. “I wouldn’t have said” alakok között? Az 1.-ben a jelenről beszélünk: “nem mondanám”, a 2.-ban a múltról: “nem mondtam volna”. Ugyan így, a “Conversations that would not take place” mondat a jelenre vonatkozik, tehát most nem fordulhatnának elő ilyen beszélgetések. A “Conversations that would not have taken place” a múltra utal, ilyen beszélgetések régen -a példában egy generációval ezelőtt-, nem fordulhattak volna elő.     Feltételes jelen: would + az ige első alakja   Feltételes múlt: would + have + az ige harmadik alakja

Unit 2 / Section 4 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 If you were a hamburger, you’d be a McWonderful.  2 Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? 3 I lost my number, can I have yours?  4 You must be tired, because you’ve been running through my mind all night!  5 If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together. A 5,  B 8,  C 1,  D 6,  E 3,  F 4,  G 7,  H 2,  I 9

Unit 2 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 love,  2 distance,  3 six,  4 each,  5 explained,  6 bookstore,  7 favourite (US: favorite),  8 turns,  9 fan,  10 shirt 1 B,  2 D,  3 B,  4 C,  5 A,  6 A, 7 C,  8 D,  9 C,  10 B

yes_workbook_2012_01.indd 131

131 131 2012.01.17. 6:28:38

Key to the workbook UNIT 3 / Section 1 Exercise 1 : 1 Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a bank near here?  2 Excuse me, do you know where the guidebooks are?  3 Excuse me, I’d like to know how much this CD-player is.  4 Excuse me, do you happen to know when the dry cleaner’s opens?  5 Got any idea if they sell dictionaries?  6 Any clue how much those roses are? Exercise 2A: Photo shop: develop, enlarge, print, battery;  Dry cleaner’s: silk blouse, winter coat, suit, blanket; Bicycle repair: brake, spare tyre, frame;  Hairdresser’s: perm, blow dry, dye, cut;  Beautician: makeup, face massage, manicure, body treatment

Unit 3 / Section 2 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

2 ‘d,  3 would,  4 would,  5 can,  6 would , 7 ‘d,  8 can,  9 could,  10 can,  11 may,  12 would,  13 shall,  14 would,  15 will,  16 ‘ll,  17 can,  18 would,  19 could, 20 could A 5,  B 6,  C 4,  D 2,  E 3,  F 1

Unit 3 / Section 3 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 gloves,  2 hat,  3 scarf,  4 jeans,  5 tie,  6 socks/tights/stockings,  7 coat,  8 shirt.  9 skirt,  10 suit  1 E,  2 I,  3 D,  4 G,  5 J,  6 A,  7 H,  8 K,  9 B,  10 F

Unit 3 / Section 4 Exercise 1: FAQ’s:

1 have used/have been using,  2 worked/was working,  3 were introduced,  4 appeared,  5 was replaced,  6 complained/were complaining,  7 got ruined  8 was painted,  9 are collected,  10 stands 1 Q: Miért van itt Present Perfect? A: Mert az állítás a múltra és a jelenre is igaz. Az 1600-as években kezdték használni a potaládákat, és még ma is használják. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9. Q: Milyen szerkezet ez? A: Szenvedő. Az ige előtt álló nyelvtani alany nem elvégzi, hanem „elszenvedi” a cselekvést, tehát logikailag nem alanya, hanem tárgya a cselekvésnek.

Unit 3 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: 1 C,  2 C,  3 A, 4 B,  5 A, 6 B, 7 B Exercise 2 : 1 G,  2 A,  3 C,  4 H,  5 B,  6 F

UNIT 4 / Section 1 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

A fence,  B gate,  C front door,  D roof,  E chimney,  F satellite dish,  G garage,  H shed,  I cellar,  J downstairs,  K hall,  L toilet,  M sitting room / lounge,  N kitchen,  O dining room,  P terrace,  Q stairs,  R bedrooms,  S bathroom,  T balcony,  U attic,  V skylight,  W upstairs 1 on ,  2 upstairs,  3 behind,  4 around,  5 to/from or from/to,  6 onto,  7 to,  8 under,  9 next to

Unit 4 / Section 2 Exercise 1: FAQ’s: Exercise 2:

1 many,  2 much,  3 much,  4 much,  5 little,  6 few,  7 many,  8 much,  9 much, little 2 Q: Miért ’much’ és egyes szám? A: A ’room’ itt megszámlálhatatlan főnév ebben a jelentésben: hely 3 Q: Miért ’much’ és egyes szám? A: ’How much money’ jelentésben áll. A ’money’ szó megszámlálhatatlan az angolban is, mint a magyarban.  4-5 Q: Miért ’much’ és egyes szám? A: A ’furniture’ szó megszámlálhatatlan, nincs többes száma. 1 for,  2 of,  3 in,  4 to,  5 at,  6 of,  7 with,  8 at,  9 up,  10 in,  11 at,  12 in/of

Unit 4 / Section 3 Exercise 2:

1 D,  2 C,  3 B,  4 C,  5 C,  6 A,  7 D,  8 C,  9 B

Unit 4 / Section 4 Exercise 2:

Sample answers: B Birds used to wake him up.  C He used to go to the garden to check the weather. D He used to walk to school.  E He used to have beautiful flowers in the garden.  F He used to have a fireplace.

Unit 4 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 D,  2 C,  3 A,  4 C,  5 A,  6 C,  7 A,  8 C,  9 B 1 18.7 million,  2 builds on, 3 the homeless,  4 come true,  5 call home,  6 buy land,  7 construction of, 8 unable to,  9 cost of

UNIT 5 / Section 2


Exercise 1:

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1 D,  2 I,  3 K,  4 A,  5 F,  6 L,  7 G,  8 J,  9 B,  10 C

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Key to the Workbook Unit 5 / Section 3 Exercise 1:

1 There was a downpour.  2 The roads were flooded.  3 This summer has been stormy.  4 There will be snow.  5 It’s going to rain./It’s going to be rainy.  6 It rained/was raining heavily. / It was very rainy.  7 There was a drought last summer.  8 The mountains were covered in snow.  9 The weather will be (very) sunny. 10 This winter has been snowy.  11 It is overcast./ It is cloudy.  12 There’s been a lot of wind recently.  13 It’s going to drizzle/be drizzly.  14 It’s misty over the water.

Unit 5 / Section 4 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

A 6,  B 4,  C 1,  D 2,  E 3,  F 5 1 to do,  2 guided,  3 to buy,  4 grew,  5 is dedicated,  6 has been buying,  7 has been bought,  8 are protected,  9 was established,  10 be bought

Unit 5 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 A,  2 B,  3 C,  4 C,  5 A,  6 B,  7 A,  8 A,  9 B,  10 B 1 C,  2 C,  3 A,  4 D,  5 B,  6 D,  7 A ,  8 C,  9 B

UNIT 6 / Section 1 1 I have five or six lessons every day.  2 Our lessons last for 45 minutes.  3 I have a lot of homework to do. / I have to do a lot of homework.  4 I’ve been studying English for eight years.  5 I’m interested in biology most. / I’m most interested in biology.  6 I have to have a good mark in history to get into university.  Exercise 2: 1 include,  2 to learn,  3 doing,  4 organising and cooking,  5 studying,  6 to introduce,  7 to encourage,  8 to teach,  9 to teach,  10 making

Exercise 1:

Unit 6 / Section 2 1 opening ceremony,  2 new students’ ball,  3 ribbon pinning ceremony and ball,  4 school leavers’ walk,  5 breaking-up ceremony,  6 school-leavers’ dinner Exercise 2: 1 to enclose,  2 explain,  3 taking,  4 was/has been,  5 to wear,  6 were wearing,  7 looked,  8 dance / dancing,  9 included,  10 left,  11 to plan/planning,  12 singing,  13 is decorated,  14 moving,  15 crying,  16 revise,  17 crossed,  18 hearing Exercise 1:

Unit 6 / Section 3 Exercise 1:

1 B,  2 M,  3 P,  4 J,  5 E,  6 D,  7 G,  8 A,  9 L,  10 N,  11 O,  12 F,  13 I,  14 C

Unit 6 / Section 4 Exercise 1:

1 B,  2 D,  3 F,  4 I,  5 A,  6 C,  7 G

Unit 6 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 A,  2 B,  3 D,  4 C,  5 A,  6 D,  7 B,  8 C,  9 C 1 a,  2 a + b,  3 b,  4 b,  5 b,  6 b

UNIT 7 / Section 1 1 C,  2 G,  3 A,  4 B,  5 E,  6 H,  7 I,  8 D 1 salary,  2 qualifications,  3 shift,  4 full-time,  5 colleagues,  6 freelance,  7 skilled,  8 overtime,  9 bonus,  10 physical Exercise 3: 1 Do you have any experience in selling?  2 Do you still go to secondary school or have you finished? 3 When can you start work?  4 Will I have to work at weekends?  5 How many hours a week will I have to work?  6 Do you pay more for working the night shift?  7 Why would you like to get this job?  8 Would you like to work part-time or full-time?  9 Do we get lunch vouchers? Exercise 4: 1 lawyer,  2 newsboy

Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

Unit 7 / Section 2 Exercise 1:

1 Contact details,  2 Date of birth,  3 Education, 4 Work experience,  5 Skills,  6 Interests,  7 Referees

Unit 7 / Section 3 Exercise 1: FAQ’s:

1 advertised,  2 enclose,  3 like,  4 have,  5 have had,  6 have walked,  7 drive,  8 Working, 9 look,  10 hearing 2 Q: Miért nem „am enclosing”? A: Mert az a közlendő, hogy a címzett benne találja a dokumentumokat a borítékban. A cselekvés maga nem lényeges. Tényközlés = Simple Present 5, 6 Q: Miért a  Present Perfect-et használjuk? A: Ha élő személy élettapasztalatáról beszélünk, a Present Perfect-et használjuk, hiszen a meg­ adott idő (in my life, already) nem fejeződött be. A levélíró életben van, amikor írja a levelet (hacsak nem zombie).

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Key to the workbook

9 Q: Miért nem „am looking forward to”? Eddig mindig ezt láttam! A: Teljesen igaza van! A „be looking forward to” helyes nyelvtanilag, de az adott helyzetben nem megfelelő stílus, mivel közvetlen hangvételű, barátoknak, családtagoknak írjuk ezt. Hivatalos, formális levélben ezt használjuk: „I look forward to”.

Unit 7 / Section 4 Exercise 1:

1 K,  2 D,  3 E,  4 H,  5 B,  6 G,  7 J,  8 A,  9 I,  10 F

Unit 7 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 b,  2 a+b,  3 a,  4 a,  5 b,  6 b  Sample answers: 1 Protective gloves and a vest.  2 You send a cheque.  3 After working 12 hours.  4 Write a letter before the festival.  5 You lose the deposit.  6 Your name and postcode.

UNIT 8 / Section 1 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 After,  2 then,  3 after,  4 Before,  5 Then,  6 After, before,  7 Then,  8 then,  9 before,  10 Then 2 Before getting dressed, I have a shower.  3 After having breakfast, I brush my teeth.  4 Before leaving home for school, I check if I have all the books I need in my bag.  5 Before going to afternoon classes, I have lunch in the school canteen.  6 After getting home, I need to have a rest before being able to start doing my homework.  7 Before hanging out with my friends … I have dinner at about six.  8 After checking my emails and chatting with friends, I go to bed. 9 Before going to bed, I like to take a relaxing bath and listen to music.  10 Before falling asleep at about 11, I read a book or a magazine in bed.

Unit 8 / Section 2 Exercise 1: FAQ’s:

1 set,  2 runs,  3 had run out,  4  was tested, 5 being,  6 ‘d/had locked ,  7 was arriving,  8 had,  9 thought, 10 was,  11 couldn’t find, 12 fell,  13 ‘d/had left, 14 woke up,  15 was flooded, 16 spent/’ve/have spent,  17 ’ve/have had 3, 6, 13 Q: Miért ez az igealak? A: Ez a Past Perfect. Akkor használjuk, ha egy múlt idejű cselekményben egy még korábbi időbe lépünk vissza. 7 Q: Miért ’was arriving’? A: Azt, hogy valaki mikor várható haza, így lehet közölni: ”Peter’s arriving/coming home at 6 o’clock”, mivel olyan jövő idejű cselekvésről van szó, amiről már korábban döntött az illető (Planned Future). Ez valóban a jövőre utal, vagyis a cselekvés még nem történt, meg, Peter még nem jött haza. A példánkban viszont egy múlt idejű cselekményben olyan jövőről beszélünk, ami azóta már feltehetőleg nem jövő, hanem egy már megtörtént esemény. A történetben a báty még nem jött haza, tehát ott jövőnek számított a hazajövetele. Amikor Pam múlt időben megírja a történetet a barátnőjének, már valószínűleg hazaért. Vagyis a történet idejében jövő idő, a kommunikáció tényleges idejében múlt idő (Future in the Past, Indirect Speech).

Unit 8 / Section 3 Exercise 1B: 1 a broom or a brush and a dustpan,  2 a mop, a bucket and some detergent,  3 a vacuum cleaner a duster,  4 a washing machine, detergent and bleach,  5 a sponge and some scouring powder / liquid,  6 some washing-up liquid, a sponge and a tea-towel,  7 a brush and some shoe polish,  8 an iron and an ironing board,  9 window cleaner, a cloth,  10 a watering can Exercise 2: 1 F,  2 H ,  3 I,  4 A,  5 C,  6 G,  7 B,  8 E

Unit 8 / Section 4 Exercise 1: Exercise 2: FAQs:

1 after,  2 Before,  3 At,  4 By,  5 After 1 are staying,  2 ‘ll be able to continue,  3 ’m not offered,  4 ‘ll go,  5 ’ll go,  6 ’ll come,  7 ‘ll have finished,  8 ‘ll be working,  9 ‘ll be living,  10 ‘ll be working,  11 meet,  12 ‘ll start,  13 ‘ll have, 14 ‘ll need 1 Q: Miért folyamatos jelen, ha egyszer jövő időről van szó? A: Planned Future, vagyis megbeszélt program, el van döntve. Ilyen esetben folyamos jelent használunk. 7 Q: Milyen igeidő ez? A: Ez a Future Perfect: will have + a fő ige 3. alakja. Olyan cselekvések esetében használjuk, amelyekről úgy gondoljuk, hogy a jövő egy adott időpontjára már befejeződtek. 8, 9, 10 Q: Ez valami folyamatos igeidő, ugye? A: Igen, Future Continuous. Arra jó, hogy a jövőt egy adott időben magunk elé képzeljük és ábrázoljuk.

Unit 8 / Skills Practice Exercise 1:


Exercise 2:

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1 don’t eat,  2 out with,  3 being out,  4 would,  5 only chance,  6 repeating,  7 a while,  8 of my,  9 don’t need,  10 no matter,  11 of all,  12 her up,  13 going out 1 E,  2 D,  3 G,  4 C,  5 F,  6 H

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Key to the Workbook UNIT 9 / Section 1 Exercise 1: 1 many,  2 many,  3 much,  4 many,  5 much,  6 much,  7 many Exercise 2A: 1 sugar / flour / sweets,  2 wine / milk / mineral water / orange juice / beer,  3 beer / coke,  4 chocolates,  5 milk / yoghurt / orange juice,  6 jam / honey / mayonnaise,  7 cereal / crisps / biscuits,  8 beans / fruit / peas,  9 ice-cream,  10 mayonnaise Grammar note: You needed to put the countable nouns in the plural as you have more than one of them in a container.

Unit 9 / Section 2 Exercise 1: 1 still / sparkling,  2 crunchy,  3 sour,  4 bitter,  5 strong,  6 raw,  7 juicy , 8 greasy,  9 spicy,  10 tasty Exercise 3: 1 diet,  2 food,  3 dishes,  4 cuisine, 5 meal,  6 courses,  7 food Exercise 4: Sample answers: 3 We should have cooked the meat longer.  4 We should have put less sugar in the dessert.  5 We should have put more spices on the vegetables.  6 We should have put less salt in the soup.  7 We should have bought some fresh cream.  8 We shouldn’t have baked the chocolate cake for so long.  9 We should have bought fresh bread.  10 We should have put the juice into the fridge. / We should have put some ice in the juice.  11 We should have put less fat / oil in the stew. / We should have used lean(er) meat. Exercise 5: Sample answers: She should have taken the meat out of the oven long ago. She should have turned off/down the heat. She should have bought fresh bread. She should have put less sugar in the cake / She shouldn’t have put so much sugar in the cake. She should have cooked the chicken longer. She should have bought better wine / She shouldn’t have bought cheap wine. The guests shouldn’t have lied. They should have helped her. / They should help her. They shouldn’t have started eating without her. She should have started cooking earlier. She should have cooked fewer things. She should have ordered a pizza. She should have dressed up for dinner.

Unit 9 / Section 3 Before starting: Enjoy your meal! Bon appetite! Tuck in!; Offering/asking for food: Have a(n) / some ....,  Help yourself to a(n) / some....,  Grab yourself a(n) / some ...., Can I offer you a(n) / some…?, Can you pass the ...., please?; Accepting food: Yes, please., Smashing!, That would be great, thank you., I’d love one/some.; Refusing food: Not for me, thanks, I’m full., No thank you, I’ve had enough., No thanks, I’m stuffed. Exercise 2: Sample answers: 1 Bon appetite! / Enjoy your meal!  2 Have some chips. / Grab yourself some chips!  3 Can I offer you a sausage? Yes, please.  4 No thank you, I’ve had enough. Exercise 3: 1, 2, 4 Exercise 4: 1 enough,  2 too,  3 quiet,  quite,  4 too,  5 quite,  6 enough, too, quite,  7 quiet Exercise 1:

Unit 9 / Section 4 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 brought,  2 have contained  3 stopped,  4 to eat,  5 sitting and talking,  6 eat, 7 serves,  8 bring,  9 is considered,  10 to learn 1 so are,  2 so does,  3 neither are,  4 so do,  5 so has,  6 neither were,  7 neither have, 8 neither do,  9 so do,  10 so will

Unit 9 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 a + b;  2 a;  3 b,  4 a + b;  5 b;  6 b 1 C,  2 A,  3 H,  4 B,  5 E,  6 G

Unit 10 / Section 1 3 How long / Since when have you had it?  4 How long / Since when has he been in hospital?  5 How many painkillers have you taken today?  6 How many times has she broken her left arm?  7 How many times has she been off sick this year?  8 How long / Since when has he been taking antibiotics?  9 How many times have you used the toilet?  10 How long / Since when has he had a high temperature?  11 How many of his teeth have they pulled?  12 How many operations has she had? Exercise 2: Sample answers: 2 You must / may have eaten some bad food/too much.  3 He must / may have gone outside without warm clothes.  4 They must / may have eaten too many sweet things /They must / may have brushed their teeth rarely.  5 He must / may have sprained / broken it.  6 You must / may have caught a cold.  7 You must / may have drunk coffee / tea too late.  8 She must /may have eaten too much / the wrong type of food.  9 They must/may have drunk too much. Exercise 3: A dentist,  B surgeon,  C eye doctor,  D gynacologist Exercise 4: 1 ill,  2 hurt,  3 wrong,  4 ache,  5 sore,  6 pain,  7 sound,  8 ill,  9 sick,  10 healthy Exercise 5: 1 flying,  2 to react,  3 raised,  4 will have to get,  5 gone,  thought,  7 didn’t shoot,  8 does it know, 9 was thinking,  10 flew Exercise 1:

Unit 10 / Section 2 Exercise 1:

1 She has / ’s been hit by a ball.  2 She has / ’s fainted.  3 She has / ’s sprained her ankle.  4 She has /’s cut her finger.  5 She has / ’s crashed her bike into a tree.  6 She has / ’s fallen down.  7 She has / ’s broken her arm.  8 She has / ’s been stung by a wasp. 

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Key to the workbook Exercise 2:

1 J,  2 C,  3 E, 4 D, 5 G,  6 K,  7 I,  8 B,  9 F,  10 L

Unit 10 / Section 3 1 I’ve had my little finger broken three times.  2 Children often have their knees scraped. 3 Having your shoulders sprained is very painful.  4 Do swimmers often have their muscles strained? 5 I had a muscle torn in my leg once.  6 Have you had your wrist sprained?  7 Did she have many ribs broken?  8 She bumped into the table and had her hip bruised.  9 The cook didn’t have his finger cut too badly.  10 My ankle is very painful, but I haven’t had it sprained. Exercise 2: 1 football, because it is not played with a racket;  2 volley ball, because it is not a water sport;  3 weight training, because it does not involve any wheels;  4 football, because it is not played on a court, but on a pitch or ground;  5 jogging, because it is not considered a winter sport Exercise 3A: 1 basketball,  2 tennis,  3 high jump,  4 water polo Exercise 1:

Unit 10 / Section 4 Exercise 1A: Sample answers: He is slim and strong. He exercises regularly. He counts calories and eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. He doesn’t eat meat. He drinks a lot of water and milk. He goes to bed early and sleeps well. B: Sample answers: He didn’t use to count calories. He didn’t use to eat vegetables and fruits. He used to eat a lot of hamburgers, chocolates and cakes. He didn’t use to exercise. He used to stay up late and watch TV. He used to smoke and drink a lot of beer, whiskey and coke.

Unit 10 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 B,  2 B,  3 A,  4 C,  5 C,  6 A,  7 B 1 B,  2 D,  3 A,  4 C,  5 C,  6 A,  7 D,  8 B

UNIT 11 / Section 1 1 I have been parachute jumping since last year. I’ve jumped 50 times.  2 He’s been collecting coins for five years. He’s collected 380 different coins.  3 She’s been doing photography since she was 15. She’s had four exhibitions.  4 They’ve been playing music in a rock band for over three years. They’ve had one of their songs on the radio.  5 She’s been doing belly dancing for four months. She’s lost 2 kilos.  6 I’ve been reading books since I learnt to read. I’ve read hundreds of books. 7 We’ve been making a short film for 5months. We’ve done most of the work.  8 He’s been skateboarding since he got his first skateboard for Christmas in 1995. He’s learnt many difficult tricks. 9 She’s been playing volleyball since she went to form 10. She’s played in over 80 matches. Exercise 2A: 1 I haven’t,  2 I don’t,  3 I haven’t,  4 So do I,  5 So can I,  6 I don’t,  7 So would I,  8 I don’t,  9 I haven’t,  10 I am,  11 I don’t,  12 So do I B: a) 4, 5, 7, 12;   b) 4, 12;   c) 5;   d)7 Exercise 1:

Unit 11 / Section 2 Exercise 1:

1 short stories,  2 novels,  3 comic,  4 magazine,  5 sci-fi,  6 detective stories,  7 biographies,  8 encyclopaedia,  9 romance,  10 novels,  11 poetry,  12 textbooks

Unit 11 / Section 3 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 turn the CD down,  2 switch on,  3 broadcast,  4 presented,  5 switch off,  6 turn up 1 B,  2 C,  3 B,  4 D,  5 D,  6 C,  7 C,  8 A,  9 A,  10 C

Unit 11 / Section 4 Exercise 1: 1 D,  2 K,  3 B,  4 I,  5 A,  6 H,  7 E,  8 L,  9 F,  10 C Exercise 2A: A 3,  B 7,  C 1,  D 9,  E 10,  F 5,  G 2,  H 6,  I 8,  J 11,  K 4,  L 12 B: 1 Hi, I’m very angry with my cat. She’s been chasing butterflies all morning and killed one! On top of that I have a cold!  2 Sorry to hear that! To teach your cat a lesson, here’s a dog. To console the butterflies here’s a rose and to you a big hug and lots of kisses  3 You made me happy! You’re an angel!!!!

Unit 11 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 maximum of,  2 Student,  3 free membership,  4 valid for,  5 are not,  6 accompanying,  7 9.00 pm,  8 we charge,  9 day entrance,  10 Squash court,  11 equipment,  12 at reception 1 B,  2 D,  3 A,  4 D,  5 B, 6 B, 7 C,  8 A,  9 C

UNIT 12 / Section 1 2 was composed,  3 is/was played,  4 was painted,  5 has been translated,  6 was directed,  7 is sung,  8 was released,  9 was published Exercise 3: Mikuli Feri is the bass guitarist. Tibi plays the lead guitar. Gerdesits Feri plays the drums. Tibi is the song-writer. Dódi is the trumpeter. Lívius is the percussionist. Szilárd plays the piano. Exercise 1:


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Key to the Workbook B:

1 play,  2 started,  3 styles,  4 lyrics,  5 album,  6 released,  7 performance,  8 live,  9 concerts,  10 audience

Unit 12 / Section 2 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

2 It’s a five-hundred-page book;  3 She is a nineteen-year-old singer;  4 It’s a two-hour film;  5 It’s a five-minute walk from the tube station to the cinema;  6 The disco is in a five-star hotel.  7 It’s a ten-storey building;  8 It’s a three-volume book;  9 It’s a 58-episode series. 1 J,  2 E,  3 B,  4 D,  5 K,  6 H,  7 F,  8 I,  9 A,  10 L

Unit 12 / Section 3 Exercise 1A: A upstage,  B downstage,  C scenery,  D curtain,  E limelight,  F orchestra pit,  G prompter’s box, H row,  I stage,  J balcony,  K seat,  L stalls B: 1 balcony,  2 stalls,  3 row,  4 stage,  5 upstage,  6 prompter’s box,  7 limelight,  8 orchestra pit,  9 scenery,  10 curtain

Unit 12 / Section 4 Planned future: 1,2,3;  Intention: 4;  Deciding when speaking: 6;  Timetable: 7;  Prediction: 5 1 is,  2 ’ll /will go,  3 ’s /is coming,  4 ’m /am meeting,  5 does her flight arrive,  6 ’m /am not going,  7 ’m/am going to have,  8 ’m/am going to stay,  9 Are you doing,  10 ’m/am not going,  11 are going,  12 ’ll go,  13 ’ll see Exercise 3: 1 B,  2 C,  3 A,  4 A,  5 A,  6 D,  7 C,  8 B,  9 D,  10 D

Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

Unit 12 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 B,  2 A,  3 A,  4 B,  5 C,  6 A,  7 B,  8 A,  9 C 1 G,  2 A,  3 K,  4 D,  5 I,  6 B,  7 L,  8 H,  9 C,  10 J

UNIT 13 / Section 1 A bus, double-decker,  B suburban train,  C tram,  D tube, underground, metro,  E trolley,  F cogwheel railway,  G coach, bus Exercise 2: 1 how much the monthly bus pass is,  2 where the A48 stops,  3 if / whether this tram runs to the National Gallery,  4 how many stops it is to the school,  5 to give me a shout when we get to the swimming pool,  6 where I need to change for the red line,  7 if this ticket is valid,  8 how I can validate my ticket,  9 when the last metro is,  10 if there are any night buses from here to the centre Exercise 3: 1 meet,  2 way,  3 on,  4 far,  5 for,  6 line,  7 off,  8 towards,  9 Get,  10 takes

Exercise 1:

Unit 13 / Section 2 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 from, to, on / with,  2 in,  3 -, with,  4 at, at,  5-,  6 by,  7 for, for,  8 from,  9 to,  10 to / for, from 1 F,  2 J,  3 A,  4 K,  5 C,  6 H,  7 G,  8 B,  9 I,  10 L

Unit 13 / Section 3 Exercise 1A: B Wait for Counter Traffic,  C No Overtaking,  D No Stopping,  E No Parking,  F Stop,  G Speed Limit,  H Parking,  I Bus Lane,  J Dead End, K One Way B: B You must wait for the traffic coming from the opposite direction.  C You mustn’t overtake another car here.  D You mustn’t stop.  E You mustn’t park here.  F You must stop.  G You mustn’t drive faster than 50 mph.  H You can park here.  I Only buses can use this lane.  J You can’t go any further here.  K You can only go in this direction on this road. Exercise 2: 1 C,  2 A,  3 B,  4 D,  5 D,  6 B,  7 A,  8 C,  9 A,  10 D

Unit 13 / Section 4 Exercise 1:

1 getting to,  2 get on,  3 get into,  4 be held up,  5 stressed out,  6 queue up,  7 check-in,  8 take off,  9 throw away,  10 part with,  11 go through,  12 switch off,  13 take off,  14 turn on,  15 taking off / take-off,  16 look at,  17 chill out

Unit 13 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 A,  2 B,  3A,  4C,  5A,  6B,  7B,  8B,  9C,  10B 1 b,  2 b,  3 a,  4. a + b,  5b,  6 a

UNIT 14 / Section 1 Exercise 1:

The Pacific Ocean, The Mediterranean Sea, The English Channel, The Adriatic Sea, Europe, the Alps, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, The Danube, The Himalayas, The Nile Exercise 2: Hungarian, German, Bulgarian, Russian, Mexican, Italian, Egyptian, Austrian, Australian, Japanese, Greek, Swiss, Slovakian, Irish, Spanish, Turkish, Scottish, Polish, Finnish, Swedish, Portugese, Chinese, French, Czech, Romanian Exercise 4: 1 British,  2 French,  3 German,  4 Italian,  5 Swiss,  6 German,  7 British,  8 French,  9 Swiss,  10 Italians

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Key to the workbook Unit 14 / Section 2 Exercise 1: 1 travel,  2 trip,  3 excursion,  4 journey,  5 voyages Exercise 2: A accommodation,  B a taxi,  C a ticket,  D a passport,  E a suitcase Exercise 3: 1 Sir / Madam OR Sir or Madam OR Sirs;  2 I am writing OR would like;  3 vacancies OR rooms available;  4 inclusive,  5 with,  6 overlooks;  7 please;  8 confirmation;  9 Kind regards / Best wishes / Best regards

Unit 14 / Section 3 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 ’ve reserved,  2 fill in,  3 controlling,  4 ’ll take,  5 do you serve,  6 will be closed / has closed,  7 closed/closes,  8 ’ll find,  9 ’ll need,  10 will be 2 are going to have,  3 will be walking,  4 have already visited,  5 have been,  6 saw,  7 browsed,  8 tried,  9 bought,  10 drank,  11 saw,  12 are going,  13 are going to see,  14 wants,  15 ’re going to have,  16 will be,  17 they will visit,  18 will eat,  19 will drink,  20 have been,  21 will have seen

Unit 14 / Section 4 1 to have,  2 going,  3 am  4 to tell,  5 give,  6 to keep / keeping  7 hidden,  8 rescuing,  9 hearing,  10 seeing Exercise 3: Just missed it by a half hour!

Exercise 1:

Unit 14 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 C,  2 B,  3 C,  4 C,  5 B,  6 A,  7 A 1 B,  2 C,  3 A,  4 D,  5 C,  6 A,  7 C,  8 D,  9 B

Unit 15 / Section 1 1 discovering,  2 uncovered,  3 proof,  4 experiments,  5 developed,  6 invented, 7 formulated,  8 studied,  9 development,  10 invention,  11 proved Exercise 2: 1 fire,  2 wheel,  3 alphabet,  4 thermos bottle

Exercise 1:

Unit 15 / Section 2 Exercise 1A a) mix ingredients, c) knead dough, d) grind spices and coffee, f) beat eggs and cream, g) grate cheese, j) cut fruit and vegetable B: 1 Put / Place,  2 Place / Put,  3 fitted,  4 Plug  5 Pressing  6 releasing,  7 turn,  8 turn,  9 Unplug,  10 removing Exercise 2: 1 c,  2 d,  3 a,  4 b

Unit 15 / Section 3 Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 G,  2 K,  3 I,  4 E,  5 B,  6 H,  7C,  8 F,  9A,  10 L IT engineers: a), b), d), f)   Users: c), e), g)

Unit 15 / Section 4 Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

1 Lab experiments were carried out to establish which theory is / was right.  2 An expedition was organised to find out what plants there are / were in the jungle that could be used as medicine. 3 Scientific research was done to find out if / whether there is/was life in outer space.  4 Investigations were carried out to decide if / whether the idea is / was worth developing.  5 New landing gear was developed to test if / whether flying can / could be made safer.  6 Research was done to establish what the current economic situation in Europe is/was.  7 Tests were performed to reveal what the hidden shortcomings of the new design are / were.  8 Investigations were conducted to detect what factors cause / caused the disease.  9 Tests were run to see how rats react / reacted to the new hairspray.  10 A model was built to check if / whether the new construction functions / functioned well. 1 A,  2 C,  3 C,  4 D,  5 B,  6 D,  7 B,  8 A,  9 B,  10 D

Unit 15 / Skills Practice Exercise 1: Exercise 2:

1 B,  2 K,  3 D,  4 J,  5 L,  6 A,  7 F,  8 I,  9 E,  10 G 1 A,  2 B,  3 A,  4 C,  5 B,  6 B,  7 A

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Coursebook Audio Scripts UNIT 1, Section 1, AS 1 (CD1, Track 1) James: Lucy! Hi! Lucy: Hello James… James: I can’t believe it ! I haven’t seen you for ages! Lucy: Yeah, I know, two years. How are you doing? James: Fine, is’s so good to see you. And you? Lucy: Not too bad, thanks. James: You look good. Lucy: Thanks. How’s your new girlfriend? James: I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for over a year. It didn’t work out. Lucy: I’m sorry to hear that. James: Look, would you like a drink? It would be nice to sit down and hear all your news. Lucy: Well actually…, I’m waiting for my boyfriend… James: Oh, I see…. Well, actually I need to go. Glad to have seen you, Lucy. Bye! Lucy: Bye!

AS 2 (CD1, Track 2) Man: Hello? Woman: Hello! This is Goods on the Move, Sara speaking. I have some good news for you! You have won a free MP3 player! Congratulations! Man: I beg your pardon? What have I won? An MP3 player? Woman: That’s right! And the only thing I need is some information so I can send it to you. Man: OK. Woman: So what is your name, please? Man: James Hardy. Woman: Is that H – A – R – D- Y? Man: Yes, that’s right. Woman: What is your mobile number, Mr Hardy? Man: 078 69552874 Woman: And your email address? Man: [email protected] Woman: What’s your postal address, please? Man: 48, Gulbankian Terrace … Woman: Sorry, what terrace? Can you spell that, please? Man: G–U–L–B–A–N–K–I–A-N Woman: I – A – N … Thank you. Which city? Man: Bristol. Woman: And the post code, please? Man: BS7 9AL Woman: Is this the address you would like us to send your MP3 player to? Man: Yes, please. Woman: Fine. I only need to ask you a couple more questions and then I’ll put your MP3 player in the post for you straight away. Is that all right? Man: What sort of questions? Woman: Your date of birth, for example. When were you born, Mr Hardy? Man: 5th May 1991. Woman: Are you married? Man: No, I’m single. But why do you need to know this? Woman: Just for our records. So that we know which products may interest you. Now Mr Hardy, have you got any children? Man: None that I know of. Woman: OK, no children. Now, what is your highest level of education? Man: A levels. Woman: What is your job, please? Man: I’m a shop assistant in a record shop. Woman: How much do you make in a month? Mr Hardy? Are you there? Man: No, I’m not.

U1, Section 2, AS 3 (CD1, Track 3) Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue:

Wow! Your birthday cake’s on fire, Kelly! Fire! Fire! Fetch the engine! Pour on water! Yes, it was spectacular. Mum’s masterpiece. Is it your mum holding the cake? Yeah. She was so sweet. And brave. It looks like your cake could explode any minute. Which of these men is your father? That tall man there in front of the wardrobe. Who are the other two men? The short one in the middle is my uncle James, and the tall one on the right is my Granddad. Is this woman in the background on the left your Granma?

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue: Kelly: Sue:

Granny? No! She’s too young. She’s my mum’s sister, Aunt Amy. Granny’s not in the photo. She was standing right next to me. We both got left out. This girl in the foreground on the right looks a lot like you. Is she your sister? Jess? No, you can hardly see Jess. That’s my cousin Emma. We’re very close. She’s like a second sister to me. My sister is behind Emma. You can only see her right eye. Uncle Fred is not a genius photographer. There’s someone drinking something on your Granddad’s left. That’s my brother, Andy. And behind your mother in the pink top? Who’s that? I’m not sure. It may be Emma’s mum, aunt Jane. And, this boy in the middle. Who is he? My cousin Dan. Isn’t he good looking? Very! Well, eeer, has he got a girlfriend? Not right now, I don’t think. Is he coming to your friend’s birthday party, too? Yes, he is. But be warned! All my girlfriends have asked me this question, so be prepared to queue! Or fight.

U1, Section 3, AS 4 (CD1, Track 4) Pete:

My life so far ….. Nothing unusual. Let me see… I was born in Brighton on 5th March 1992. I didn’t grow up in Brighton as we moved to Poole when I was 3. Like most children in Britain, I started primary school at the age of five. I did very well at school, especially in Arithmetic and Music. All As and A+s! At the age of 11 I started secondary school. It was there that I took up playing chess when I was about 12 years old. I got really good at it, so much so, that I was the national champion in my age group when I was 14. I’m turning 18 this year and I’m preparing for my school leaving exams. After leaving school, I’m planning to work for a year in France to master my French. Actually, I’m fairly good at it, I’ve been studying it for almost 8 years now. After returning I would like to study at university to become a doctor. My dream is to work in a hospital as a surgeon one day.

U1, Section 4, AS 5 (CD1, Track 5) Mum: David: Mum:


… Come on David, it’s going to be your big day. So who would you like to invite? I’ve said it a hundred times, Mum! Gran, Aunt Mary, Sara and you three. How about your other aunts and your uncle Simon? And your cousins? What’s wrong with them? Do you want to hurt them? Dad: Your Mother is right, David. They invited all of us when Katrina graduated from college. Remember? David: OK, Dad. If you and Mum have made up your minds already, why did you ask me? Invite whoever you want from the family and I’ll invite my friends … and Sylvie, of course. Mum: OK, Let’s do that. Tina: Which restaurant are we going to? Dad: Well Tina, we thought of the Old English. David: Oh no! Yuck! Boring! Tina: Why don’t we go to David’s favourite place, the Mexican restaurant? It’s his big day like you said. David: Granny wouldn’t like it. It’s not her kind of food. Tina: How about the Dolce Vita? Everyone likes Italian food. Even Granny. Mum+David+Dad: OK, sounds fine. Yes, why not? Dad: Fine then. I’ll make the reservation. Just let me know everyone how many people you want to invite. Mum+David: Sure, I’ll do that. Yes, OK. Mum: Another thing. Both David and Tina will need new clothes. Oh my God, it’s going to be Dave’s first suit! We’ll have to go shopping. Tina: I could go like now. Shall we go together, Dave? David: I don’t have time for that. You’ll take ages. Tina: We could go and buy your suit together first, or you’ll buy something stupid. Then I’ll manage without your help somehow, I guess. David: OK. Can I borrow some money then? Dad: There you go. David+Tina: Thanks Dad. See you later. Mum: Paul? Have you thought of a present for David? Dad: A bottle of Whisky? Mum: Don’t be ridiculous! It’s his graduation day. We need to give him something that will last. Like a nice watch or some jewellery. Dad: Jewellery for a man?!? No, let’s get him a watch. Mum: Shall I go and get it or would you like to come with me? Dad: I trust you, Jane. Just go and get it. I’ll go and buy him a bottle of the best whisky money can buy, anyway. Mum: Isn’t that just typical?

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Coursebook Audio Scripts UNIT 2, Section 1, AS 6A (CD1, Track 6) Les: Kevin: Les: Kevin: Les: Kevin: Les: Kevin: Les: Kevin: Les: Kevin: Les:

I’ve got to say, Kevin, these are beautiful girls! Thanks for inviting me here. It was a great idea. Yeah, this is a real artistic experience, isn’t it? Which girl do you like the best? Hard to choose, Les, but perhaps that dark-haired girl over there. Do you mean the one with short hair? She’s really nice. I mean the one with long, straight hair, in a ponytail. The one in the front row? Yeah, that’s right. Hmmm, She looks fun, but I prefer slimmer girls. No, I don’t mean her. I mean the one in the middle. She is really slim. Good choice, Kevin, but I prefer blonde girls. There are quite a few nice blondes here, Les, you can’t complain. My only complaint is that it’s hard to choose. Let’s see…. Perhaps that tall one with the long, blonde hair…. Kevin: Has she got a ponytail? Les: No. Her hair’s loose, so you can see how beautiful it is. Kevin: And her legs! She has really nice legs. Woman: I’m really glad you like my daughter and her friend, but can you please continue admiring them quietly? Les + Kevin: Eeeer, sure, sorry!

AS 6B Sheila: Kath, look at those stupid boys! Kath: It’s crazy. That girl’s lucky with those five boys! Sheila: Yes. And they don’t look bad, do they? Which do you like best, Kath? Kath: Guess! Sheila: Hmmm, I know you like guys with beards. The only one with a little beard is that boy in the blue Tshirt. He looks really cool in those sunglasses. Yeah, I suppose he does, Sheila. But you can’t choose a boy just because of a beard. Beards come and go. Kath: Sheila: Very true. Which one then? Kath: Hmmm. Perhaps the one with the shortest hair…. He’s really muscular and broad-shouldered. Sheila: Yes, he is, but I prefer skinny boys. And long, dark curly hair is a bonus. Kath: So I guess, Sheila, you’re thinking about the boy who’s laughing there? Sheila: Yes, that’s right. He looks good fun, doesn’t he? Kath: He does. Look, Sheila, the boys are going swimming. Why don’t we have a chat with the girl and find out about the boys? We could get her to introduce us. Sheila: Good thinking. Let’s go!

U2, Section 2, AS 7 (CD1, Track 7) 1: Larry is my best friend, because I can trust him. He always says what he means. If I do something he thinks is not right, he will tell me. He always keeps what he promises. If he says he’ll meet me at 6, he’s there at 6. He’s not the type you know who would call you at half past six to say, “Oh, I’m sorry but I can’t come.” That would annoy me so much. 2: My younger sister Tina is so different from everybody else I know. She’s always full of ideas. She paints, draws and designs clothes. She makes her own clothes and the most of mine, too. People ask me about the clothes she’s made for me, they’re so beautiful and unusual. Another thing I admire about her is how naturally and easily she gives people things. If someone says, “Oh, Tina, that picture you made is so beautiful”, she would just give it to them. 3: It often seems to me that my daughter, Marian only stops talking when she falls asleep. Since she needs to talk non-stop, she really needs to be with someone all the time. Since her stories are often very funny and she can tell them very well, people like being with her. This also means that unfortunately she doesn’t do a lot of school work or housework or any kind of work, for that matter. Her room is always a mess. She never finds anything. But she’ll have a good story to explain why she cannot find it. 4 I really love my Mum and she does help me a lot, but there are things she does not understand. For example, she has no idea of the music I like, the films I watch, the books I read. She just thinks these are much worse quality than classical music or her old books. She also makes a fuss about everything: when I go to bed, how much I study, who I meet, where I go out, what I eat, if I’m too hot or too cold, name it. I wish she could just relax a bit.

U2, Section 3, AS 8 (CD1, Track 8) 1 Mother: Do you know what time it is? Daughter: It’s only 11. Mother: What do you mean “only”? You promised to come home by 10.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Daughter: I didn’t really. Besides, all my friends are still dancing and having fun together! It’s only you who thinks I’m still a baby. Mother: I don’t, darling. I’m just worried. It can be dangerous for a young girl like you at night in the city. Daughter: Not if I’m with my friends. It’s safer to leave an hour later with them than an hour earlier on my own. Mother: I see what you mean. We’ll make a better plan next time. Night, Katie! Daughter: Night, Mum! 2 Son: Mother: Son: Mother:

My keys! Where are my keys? I’m already late and I can’t find them! I’m not surprised. In fact I’d be surprised if you could find anything in this mess. Don’t start going on about it again, Mum. I’m in a hurry. Couldn’t you just quietly help, please? Oh, OK. Where did you last see them?

3 Father: Daughter: Father: Daughter: Father:

Henie, Henie! Dad?!? You haven’t knocked! I have, but you couldn’t hear me. I wonder why. Very funny. What is it? It’s only to ask you to put on your headphones or turn the music down. Please. I can’t hear myself think with this loud music. Daughter: I’ve already turned it down. Father: OK, keep it like this then. Daughter: Alright, Dad, sorry.

4 Father: Son: Father:

Goodness me, Sam, are you still awake? You should be fast asleep. It’s 3 o’clock in the morning. I’m not sleepy, Dad. Of course you aren’t! You’ve been chatting with your friends. It keeps you awake. Turn off your computer and go to bed immediately. Son: I’ll just finish this email, then I’ll go. Two minutes. Promise. Father: Two minutes, no more. Son: OK.

U2, Section 4, AS 9 (CD1, Track 9) 1 Benny: Charlie: Benny: Charlie: Benny: Charlie: Benny: Charlie: Benny: Charlie: Benny: Charlie:

Hi Charlie. Oh, hello Benny. How are you doing? Very well, thanks. And you? Can’t complain. Look Charlie, there are two important dates I want you to put in your diary, and you must make yourself free for them. I just won’t accept any excuses. Ooooooh, that sounds pretty serious. Yes it is. So first of all on May 19th you must come to A /ei/ stag party. No! You’re getting hitched, too!?! I’ve always said Lucy was dangerous. If one has to perish, one has to do it the pleasant way. Well, I suppose you can guess the next date? 20th May, your wedding day? Bingo! There’s another thing. I would like you to be my best man. Sure mate, I’m really honoured. So when can we see each other and ….

2 Kate: Hi Peter. Peter: Hi Kate. Do you know what the maths homework is? Kate: Let me check. Yeah, page 56. Everything except for the last exercise. Peter: God! I don’t have a clue. Have you done it already? Kate: Not yet, but it isn’t that difficult. Peter: Can I come around and do it together with you? Kate: Yeah, why not? Peter: In half an hour? Kate: OK. Peter: See you then. And mmmm……… Don’t stop yourself if you want to do it before I get there.


3 Susan: Jane: Susan: Jane: Susan: Jane: Susan:

Hello, Jane. Hello, Susan. How was your weekend? Nothing special. And yours? Not too bad, thanks. Must rush. I have loads to do. Sure, me too. See you later. See you.

4 Alex: Amy:

Hi, Amy! Hi Alex! Have you been waiting long? I can’t believe it! Mr Norris always finishes 10 minutes late! Hasn’t he got a life? Never mind, you’re here now. And you look great! Where shall we go?


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Coursebook Audio Scripts Amy: Alex:

The cinema would be nice, but I don’t have any cash. No worries. My mom’s just given me my pocket money. Shall we go and see the new…

UNIT 3, Section 1, AS 10 (CD1, Track 10) 1 Can you see the clothes store on our left? Well, it’s opposite the clothes store on the other side of Beaver Court. Just walk across the court and it’ll be in front of you. 2 Turn right and walk past the shops as far as the next corner. It’ll be in the corner next to the pet shop. 3 Just go straight on. It will be at the end opposite the other escalator. 4 Turn left and walk down as far as the bank in the corner. Turn right and walk across the court. You’ll be in front of it.

U3, Section 2, AS 11 (CD1, Track 11) 1 Customer: Can you gift wrap this watch for me, please? Shop assistant: Certainly. Which paper shall I use? 2  Shop assistant: Can I help? Customer: Yes, please. I bought this book here as a present, but the person I bought it for has already got it. I wonder if I could change it for a different title? Shop assistant: Sure. Have you a good book in mind? 3 Customer: Excuse me. Shop assistant: Yes, can I help? Customer: Yes. I bought this laptop here less than a week ago, and it doesn’t work! I’d like to change it for one that does. Shop assistant: Have you got the receipt and the warranty? Customer: Yes. There you go. Shop assistant: That’s fine. I’ll send it to our repair shop and they will either repair it for you or we will give you a new one. Customer: I don’t want it to be repaired. I want a brand new one right away. 4 Customer: Excuse me. Where can I find the sun creams? Shop assistant: They’re just down there on your right. Customer: Thanks. 5 Customer: I’ve stained my jacket with ice-cream. Could you clean it for me right away? Shop assistant: Certainly. It’ll be ready in an hour.

U3, Section 3, AS 12 (CD1, Track 12) 1  Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer:

Can I help you? Yeah, I’m looking at these T-shirts. They don’t look big enough. They’re size L and XL. I think L is big enough for you. Try this on. You see? It fits you perfectly. I don’t think so. It’s too small. Can I try an extra large one on? A grey one, please. Sure, here you go. Better, but still not big enough. What have you got in XXL? Those green ones over there. But they’re not made of cotton, they’re polyester. Doesn’t matter. I think I’d prefer those.

2 Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant:

Excuse me! Are these jeans all on offer? Yes. These here are 20% off and those there are 30% off. Do you like any of them? Yes, I quite like these khaki ones. Do you have them in my size? What size are you? I’m not sure. I usually buy size M clothes. Let me see. I think these will be the right size. Would you like to try them on? Yes, OK. Where is the fitting room? I’ll show you there. Follow me, please.

3  Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant:

Hello. How can I help you? Ah, hello. Could you find me one of these silk blouses in size S, please? I don’t think we have those dotted ones in S, I’m afraid. How about these flowery ones? Green doesn’t suit me. There’s a lot of green in it. I see. These plain purple ones are nice, too. This colour would be really nice on you. Yes, it’s a beautiful colour, but I have nothing to wear it with. We have some silk trousers on offer. They’re a bargain now. 70% off. These grey ones would go with the blouse perfectly. Customer: Yes, it’s a nice combination of colours. Do you have those trousers in size S? Shop assistant: We do. Would you like to try them on with the blouse? Customer: Yes, please.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts UNIT 4, Section 1, AS 13 (CD1, Track 13) 1 It’s not ideal really as it is rather small and the kids don’t have a garden to run around in. Our neighbours downstairs always complain that they make a lot of noise. But it’s all we can afford at the moment. Later, we’d like to move somewhere with a garden and three or four bedrooms. 2 I love living here! We used to live in a typical English house with two floors. But, life is so much easier if you have everything on the same floor. No need to climb upstairs if you’ve left your handbag in the bedroom. It’s so comfortable! 3 They say everyone is leaving the city because they can’t stand the noise. I live on the 25th floor, above everything: noise, traffic fumes, crowds. And I can enjoy everything the city can offer a young man with money. This is life at the top! 4 I share this place with three other students. We have our separate bedrooms upstairs and we share all the rooms downstairs. It’s great, but the place gets very dirty at times as no one wants to do the cleaning. Another problem is our next-door neighbours. They always complain that we’re too loud. The walls are really thin you see. But it’s a good neighbourhood and I really enjoy having a small garden at the back.

U4, Section 2, AS 14 (CD1, Track 14) Reporter: Hi everyone! This is Uni Radio 4’s special report on how students from our university live. Today we are visiting students who have their accommodation off campus. We’re in town with Annette, Gábor, Jane and Pentti, who share a lovely Victorian house. They’re looking for one more flatmate. So if you are looking for a place to stay, listen carefully. Jane, the sitting room is surprisingly clean. To be honest it’s the cleanest I’ve ever seen it and I’ve lived here for more than two years. This is for you. Jane: Reporter: Thanks very much. Do you think you could take me around? Gábor: Sure. Let’s see the bedrooms upstairs. Annette, shall we go to ours first? Annette: OK, follow me. Pentti: Some people have a lot of space…. Gábor: It is for two people, you know it Pentti! Annette: And we don’t have a hundred bikes in our room as some other people do ... Reporter: This is a long and narrow room, but it looks spacious and light as there is very little furniture; basically, there’s only a small shelf and a double bed. White is the dominant colour. The only exception is the bed, which is red. I can’t see any wardrobes. Where do you keep your clothes? Annette: We have some fitted wardrobes. Reporter: Ah, yes. Very clever. There are two more rooms on this floor. Whose are they? Pentti: This one on the right’s mine, and the one on the left’s Jane’s. Shall we go to Jane’s first? Reporter: Yes, why not? Jane: Welcome to my room! Not much to see apart from the mess, I’m afraid. Reporter: It’s a small but very cosy room. I’ve always liked to have just a mattress too, rather than a proper bed. Jane: Well, with me it’s more a question of money than what I like or don’t like. Reporter: I see. Shall we go and see Pentti’s bedroom now? Annette: You mean his bicycle shed. Pentti: Here we are. How can anyone call this a bicycle shed? Reporter: I’d call it a library and bike shed combined. Gábor: Books and bikes everywhere. No space for a girlfriend. Pentti: Why not? The right sort of girlfriend for me would happily be sitting on one of the bikes. Can I just make a quick advert here for a nice, blond, slim, bike-loving girlfriend? Loving books, too would be an advantage. Hello there, can you hear me? Reporter: Well, originally I thought you wanted me to come because you wanted to advertise for a flatmate. Jane: One or two flatmates. The room is large enough for two people. Reporter: Where is it? Jane: It’s in the attic. Reporter: Wow! This is really spacious. It has all the lovely features of an attic: White beams and skylights. It’s a lovely combination of white and brown wood. Pentti: Could I just keep my bicycles here until someone takes it? Mindenki kivéve a riportert: NO! Pentti: This is the treatment you get from your friends, you see?

U4, Section 3, AS 15 (CD1, Track 15) 1 Before coming here, the only thing I knew of this place was the name of a famous wine, Bull’s Blood. It is a lovely historic city with a castle, many old, beautiful baroque buildings, lots of churches and a cathedral. It’s the cultural centre of the region with many schools and a big college. The city centre is pedestrianised area, usually packed with tourists. The area around the city is also picturesque with the lovely Bükk hills and forests. Both in the city and in its neighbourhood, there are swimming pools and spas.


2 It is really an old, historic city dating back to Roman times. It is located on the two banks of a beautiful river, actually it is two cities combined. The architecture is really amazing here. Compared to the majority of buildings in my country, a lot of the old blocks of flats look like palaces. Due to its natural and architectural

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Coursebook Audio Scripts beauty, as well as entertainment facilities, lots of tourists come to visit every year. I’ve been to many other capital cities, but the public transport here is one of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s a big city but not as tiring as some I’ve been to. 3 Well, this town is definitely not a tourist town, as it’s far from being beautiful. It has a lot of housing estates with concrete blocks. But there are a lot of job opportunities here for me in the huge chemical factory located here. The residential areas are really quiet and pleasant. Actually, the countryside around is really beautiful with hills and lakes and waterfalls.

U4, Section 4, AS 16 (CD1, Track 16) 1 Man: Ok. Let me tell you how to find my place. Are you driving? Woman: No, unfortunately I’m not. I had to take my car to the garage. That’s a pity. We live very near the car park. Never mind. I suppose you’re taking the tube then? Man: Woman: It seems the fastest, doesn’t it? Man: Sure it is. So you come out of the tube station and you’ll see a long street in front of you. It’s actually called Long Street. You just walk down this street as far as the roundabout. Turn right and walk as far as this big and busy road, Fast Road. Go down the subway and take the exit on the left. You’ll come to a small street. Walk straight on and take the first street on your left. That’s our street. 2 Take the Long Street exit from the car park and walk along as far as the traffic lights. Turn right and walk towards the river. Go over the bridge and keep walking straight on. You’ll see our house in a few minutes. It’s really close to the river. You can’t miss it. 3 Get off the bus at the Fast Road stop. You will be at the crossroads of Fast Road and Park Street. Go down Park Street as far as the roundabout. Turn right, walk straight on as far as the traffic lights. At the traffic lights turn left. That’s our street. Keep walking and you’ll come to our house in a few minutes.

Unit 5, Section 1, AS 17 (CD1, Track 17) 1 It’s a powerful and beautiful wild animal that lives in Asia. It has black stripes on its body. It is an excellent hunter; it can run fast. It is an endangered species and it is the largest member of the cat family. 2 It’s a small, furry animal that is often used as a lab animal or kept as a pet. It eats many different things like grains, fruit, plants and cheese. It can dig very well. 3 It has a long thin body and no legs. It can be as long as 7 metres. Its skin is smooth, dry and warm. It lays eggs. Some types have a poisonous bite. They eat small mammals, birds, eggs, insects. They can’t chew so they swallow their prey whole. 4 These are beautiful, colourful and very intelligent birds. They can be found in most warm, tropical regions. The most important components of their diets are seeds, nuts, fruit, and a few species also eat insects and small animals. They can imitate human voices, which makes them popular pets. As a result of trapping them for the pet trade, they are among the most endangered species of birds.

AS 18 (CD1, Track 18) Pet Rescue : Pet Rescue, how can I help you? Pet owner: Cybil’s lost!!! Can you find her? Please!! PR: I suppose Cybil is your pet. Pet owner: Yes. She’s the most beautiful and sweetest puppy, you can think of. She has the most beautiful, black and white fur. PR: Please calm down. I’m sure we will find her. Can I ask you some questions? Pet owner: Yes, sorry. PR: I need your name, address and phone number. Pet owner: Jackie Young, 38 Park Lane. My phone number is 079 3567902 PR: When did you last see Cybil, Jackie? Pet owner: This morning when I left home for work. She was happily sleeping in her kennel. When I came home at six, she was gone. I tried calling her, but she didn’t come home. PR: I’m really sorry, Jackie. What breed is she? Pet owner: An Alsatian. PR: How old is she? Pet owner: Just two months, my little darling. PR: Any special features? Pet owner: She’s very clever and playful and beautiful. PR: Well, Alsatian puppies tend to be like that. Anyway, we’ll ... Pet owner: Cybil!!! Naughty girl! Where have you been? Mummy’s been so worried! Why did you ...

Unit 5, Section 2, AS 19 (CD1, Track 19) 1 Once we spent two years in a small village in South America. The vegetation is really rich because of the hot, wet climate. There’s no such thing as silence there. You always hear some kind of noise made by the

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Coursebook Audio Scripts millions of insects, birds and other animals like monkeys. We lived near a steep hill and a river. But forget about swimming there unless you want to feed the piranhas. It’s not the easiest environment to live in. Even walking around was difficult sometimes because with the rain, the soil often became a sea of red mud. In spite of the difficulties, I just loved it there. 2 I could never leave this place. The quiet of the snow-covered mountains, the tall pine trees, and the fresh air are all part of my daily life. I really like the cold, fresh weather here. Winter’s my favourite time because I love skiing and snow boarding. The only drawback is that it can get very touristy in the skiing season. Spring is lovely here too with fresh grass and wild flowers. When the snow melts, we start hiking and rock climbing. It’s quiet and relaxed here, but never boring. 3 Despite what most people think, there’s a lot of life here. We have animals like sheep, gazelles, deer, hyenas, jackals and ostriches. There are more than 300 species of bird. The landscape is rather flat and we don’t have trees. In clear weather, though, you can see mountains in the distance. Also, there are sand dunes and a big round starry sky at night. Then there are the green oases where corn and fruits are grown. Generally it’s dry, but when it rains it can rain heavily and streets get flooded.

Unit 5, Section 3, AS 20 (CD1, Track 20)

And now the weather forecast for Europe. Good evening. In general we can find everything in the forecast for tomorrow, from nice and sunny, summer-like weather to freezing cold winter weather. Let’s see the major cities in more detail. The sky in London will be overcast all day and there will be a downpour in the afternoon. A fresh wind will be blowing all day. This is why we’ll find the weather rather chilly, with the highest temperature around 10 degrees centigrade and the lowest around 6. In Helsinki the sky will be mostly cloudy and it will be snowing, too. It will be rather cold with temperatures ranging between 0 and minus 4 degrees centigrade. Moscow will see some sunny spells, but there will be a strong, cold wind. It will be freezing cold with temperatures below zero all day. Minus 4 degrees centigrade will be the highest temperature during the day, and it will be as low as minus 10 at night. The sky in Budapest will be overcast with a light drizzle. The temperature will be mild between plus 5 and 11 degrees centigrade. It will be a bright and sunny day in Rome. There will be a gentle breeze and pleasant temperatures ranging between15 to 18 degrees centigrade. Athens will have to face rather bad weather tomorrow, I’m afraid. There’s a gale warning for Athens and there will be a hailstorm, too. The temperature will be quite high, though, reaching 22 to 25 degrees centigrade.

AS 21 (CD1, Track 21) 1 It was horrible. There was water in our sitting room. We had to leave the house in a boat and stay several nights in the school on mattresses in the town. Most of our village was flooded. Several houses were seriously damaged. 2 I don’t think we will have any fruit this summer. The hailstones were as big as eggs. It was beating down for nearly half an hour. It was painful to watch those delicate plants being battered. A complete disaster! 3 I could have never imagined it being so hot and dry. We didn’t have rain for months. It was so hot you had to spend all day in the shade; you could only walk in the evening. A lot of people got sunstrokes and some died because of the heat. The plants just died without water. 4 We couldn’t land. The pilots couldn’t see the runway. It was scary not being able to see anything from the windows either. You didn’t know how close or how far away you were from the ground. We had to land in Prague and wait there for the fog to clear in Budapest.

Unit 5, Section 4, AS 22 (CD1, Track 22) Nelli, what do you do to protect your environment? Nelli: I cannot do as much as I would like to. Where I live it’s not easy for example, to collect waste selectively. They just take away all sorts of rubbish mixed together. At school, we don’t have different bins for different kinds of waste either. We get lots of photocopies from our teachers, and they often end up in the bin with everything else, I’m afraid. I take bottles to bottle banks, though. I’m quite keen on animal protection. I don’t eat meat partly because I don’t want animals to be killed, partly because I know that they cut down forests for meat production. I try to buy as much organic food as I can afford, but it’s very expensive unfortunately. The same is true about free-range eggs. I would never buy exotic pets or ivory or fur. I don’t kill insects in my home I much rather try to put them outside.


Charlie, do you try to save energy and other resources? Charlie: My mum and Dad often ask me to turn off the light and my computer, but often it is pointless as I would switch them on again in a couple of minutes. On the other hand, I like physical effort, so I don’t mind using the stairs instead of the lift. It is often faster anyway. I cycle to most places and I don’t mind doing things with my hands at all. Ah, and my Mum brings home scrap paper from her office and I use it for tak-

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Coursebook Audio Scripts ing notes or printing things. It serves the purpose perfectly. I know meat products are not very environmentally friendly, but I just can’t function without meat I’m sorry.

UNIT 6, Section 1, AS 23 (CD1, Track 23) Head teacher: Your attention, please! Can I have your attention please? I need to inform you about timetable changes for next week. As some classes are going to be away with some of the teachers on an excursion, we’ll be short of staff. First of all, I know you’ll be heartbroken, but there will be no maths classes next week. On Monday morning in the first period, you’ll have a free. On Wednesday you’ll have an English lesson instead of maths, so you’ll have a double English lesson. Girl: Can’t we have a free? Head teacher: No. Let me continue with Friday. You’ll have a double history lesson on Friday. Boy: Can’t we have a double PE instead? Head teacher: No, Mr Strongarm is away, too. Boy: So won’t we have any PE lessons next week? Head teacher: Yes! On Monday and Friday Mr Strongarm will be substituted by Ms Fast, but your Wednesday first period lesson is cancelled. Boy: Wow! On three mornings, we’ll only start in the second period! Awesome! Head teacher: The last change is IT. Your 5th period IT lesson on Tuesday will be held by Ms File. On Thursday, your 7th period art class will be moved to the 5th period, so you’ll finish an hour earlier.

Unit 6, Section 2, AS 24 (CD1, Track 24) 1 Interviewer: James, could you tell us about life in your school? Oh, OK. I go to a comprehensive school specialising in IT. This is my last year. I enjoy studying James: nearly all the subjects connected to IT, but my favourite is computer animation. I’m really good at it. School starts at 8 every day, which is too early for me. But I’m not sure if I wanted to start later, because we would finish later then. We finish at 1.45 or 2.30, so we have a really long day. Our break times are far too short, only 10 minutes after most lessons, except for the one after the 3rd lesson, which is 20 minutes. In the afternoon I always have a lot of homework to do and I also go to some afternoon classes like extra English and maths because I need to prepare for exams. Interviewer: Do you like your school, James? James: What I like most in my school is the class I’m in. There are 32 of us, mostly boys and we are really good mates. What I hate most is literature and grammar. I’m not interested in them and I find it hard to pay attention to the teacher. The worst of all is when I’m supposed to write an essay on a poem. It’s horrible. 2 Interviewer: Angela Forrest teaches biology in a grammar school. Angela, do teachers like school? Angela: Some of us do, some of the time. I really like my subject and sometimes I have students and even whole classes who are special. They may be special because they are interested in biology and they are really motivated to learn. We can have great discussions or they offer to do some extra work like research a topic and give a presentation on it. Then there are other students who are special because they are really lovely individuals, helpful, honest, funny or generous, all sorts. It’s a real pleasure and privilege to teach these students. On the other hand sometimes it is hard to motivate some learners and at times there are some who do not know how to behave in class and there may be discipline problems. What really upsets me, though, is cheating in tests. Fair play is very important for me and cheating is just not fair. Interviewer: A lot of teachers don’t like marking. How about you? Angela: Marking tests and homework can be a real pleasure if students do well on the test, but can be a real headache if there are bad results. Interviewer: Let me ask you a final question: How long is your working day? Angela: I teach 4 to 6 lessons a day. After lunch I prepare for my classes the next day and mark tests and homework or do administrative work. I normally go home at around 4 or 5, but sometimes I need to continue preparing or marking after dinner.

Unit 6, Section 3, AS 25 (CD1, Track 25) 1 The classroom was really big with fixed wooden benches with rows of seats one above the other. There was very little natural light. I suppose they wanted to keep the heat outside as much as possible. There were no decorations at all on the white walls. Yet it was a beautiful scene because of the pupils. They all were wearing a school uniform and had clean-shaven heads. They looked beautiful, excited and concentrated on the experiment that the teacher was performing. 2 I visited the local Koran school. It was like stepping back in time. The kids were sitting on the floor on a rug. They still learn the Koran from wooden tablets on which verses are written. They usually do not speak the language but try to recite the verses the best they can. 3 I spent a school year in Thurles, Tipperary County. We often had lessons in the computer room. Actually, there were more PCs than students, so we didn’t need to share. The teacher was really young and helpful. The room itself was OK, nothing beautiful, but very functional. No food or drink was allowed in the computer room.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Unit 6, Section 4, AS 26 (CD1, Track 26) Interviewer: Annie, you are a very successful language learner. Your English is so good that you have been given entry to a BA course at Manchester University. Could you tell our students how you managed to learn English so well? Annie: With pleasure. I started in primary school, where the English class was mainly playing and singing. I really loved it. At secondary school we did a lot of work on grammar and translation but had too little real communication going on. Fortunately, I really like films and the TV, so I started to watch more and more English-language films and TV programmes. I got into the habit of having it on in the background when I was doing little chores or when I was having a bath or getting dressed. I realized that I could understand more and more after a while. It gave me the confidence to go to England on my own after the 11th grade to do some work in the summer there. I made a lot of friends in England and have had a lot of chatting and emailing going on since then. I also call my friends in England on Skype quite often. It all just happened so naturally. Interviewer: Béla, everyone in your class says that your English is the best. Can you share with us how you have learnt your English so far? Béla: Yes, sure. I started learning English when I was about 10 or 11. I was OK at it, but nothing spectacular. I have always loved physics and when I was about 15, I knew I wanted to become a physicist. Soon afterwards I realised that you can’t read about the most exciting and newest things unless you can read English. I asked my teacher to recommend me books I could read. So I read loads of graded readers starting form pre-intermediate level. I also love surfing the Net, English sites, I mean, so I have picked up a lot of words and expressions this way, too. I have also joined some interesting blogging communities in English. Interviewer: These sound very interesting, but how did you practise speaking? Béla: I always try to use a new word or expression I’ve picked up reading or blogging in the English class. I also have a private tutor once a week.

UNIT 7, Section 1, AS 27 (CD1, Track 27) 1 I really love my job. I can use my imagination and invent stories. Stories are the things I like most. Another advantage is that I don’t have to worry about getting to work in time because I work from home, but unfortunately, I do have deadlines. Obviously, I have some hard times, for example when I have what you call writer’s block, when you cannot write anything, you seem to have no ideas. At times I feel alone too, or I have problems with my publisher. 2 I have quite a lot of freedom in my job. You can open your own shop and be your own boss and make decent money. You can be really creative, too. It is very important to please your customers, and it is OK most of the time, but at times your customers want something that does not suit them or a particular cut wouldn’t work with their hair. Sometimes they choose the wrong colour and you just have to do what they ask, and dye their hair so it looks horrible. 3 When I tell people what my job is, their reaction normally is: “Oh, do you really do such hard work for so little money?”. I often feel they think I’m crazy. Well, I may be. I feel though, that I make a difference in people’s lives and what I do is important. When you are seriously ill, it makes a lot of difference if there is someone who looks after you, gives you the right medicine at the right time, makes sure your bed is comfortable and that you get the food that’s best for you in your condition. 4 My job is very exciting, but you need to be really flexible. If there is some important news event you must go there at once, no matter if it’s your son’s first birthday, or it’s in the middle of the night. You really feel you have a mission; people have a right to know what’s happening in the world.

Unit 7, Section 2, AS 28 (CD1, Track 28) Jack: The most important thing for me is that the work I do should give me happiness and satisfaction. It may sound funny but I always look forward to Monday mornings. I enjoy what I’m doing on a day-to-day basis. The people I work with? Well, I’m on good terms with almost everybody at work, but it wouldn’t be a problem for me if I weren’t, because I don’t mind being on my own. As far as money is concerned, well, it’s a key issue, I think. I know that money can’t buy you happiness, but you can’t deny that it’s necessary for you to make ends meet and to pay the bills. Recognition? To be honest, I don’t give a damn about it. It comes and goes. Pam: Being part of a good, spirited team is essential for me. I really like the people I work with, both my immediate colleagues and other people in our department. I’m on excellent terms with my boss. I can’t complain about the money, either. The kind of work I do should be varied because I can’t stand monotony. I really love what I do. However, if I had to choose between a less interesting job with a huge salary and the job I’ve always dreamt about with modest pay, I’d choose the first one. After all, we all need money, don’t we? Being recognised for what I do is not that important for me at all.

Unit 7, Section 4, AS 29 (CD1, Track 29)


Interviewer: Cornel, why did you decide to spend most of your gap year in England as a PGL Group Leader? Cornel: Well, you know, I wanted to try something new, different and exciting. I chose to work for PGL because it is not an office job, with endless hours of paperwork. Every day is different, packed with various outdoor activities. I also wanted to practise my English before going to university.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Interviewer: What are your responsibilities as a Group Leader? As a ‘Groupie’, my job is to ensure groups get the most out of their stay at PGL and that they have Cornel: the time of their lives. I make sure that the groups are always ready and on time for activities. Interviewer: Do you think it was a good decision to take this job? Cornel: Definitely. I have changed a lot during my time in the UK and working for PGL. I’ve grown as person, have become more confident and I’ve also learnt that money does not grow on trees anymore – I work for it now. Interviewer: What advice would you give young people who are planning a gap year? Cornel: I would say think and decide what you want to do, or what you are willing to do. Make sure that you know exactly what is expected of you in the job you want to take. The most important thing to remember is to be enthusiastic, have lots of energy and be willing to learn. You can do anything if you put your mind to it and your heart into it.

UNIT 8, Section 1, AS 30 (CD1, Track 30) Interviewer: Daphne, you work as a DJ. What is a typical day for you? Daphne: As I typically work until 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning, I have a rather unusual daily routine, I suppose. I normally get up at about 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I have some orange juice and coffee, and then I do some exercises. My agent usually calls me at around 3 o’clock to fix gigs. Then I have some time to think about and prepare for the night ahead. I have my main meal around 6 or 7. I don’t know what I should call it; lunch, as it’s my second meal, or dinner as I have it when it would be dinner time for most people? Before work, I usually have a couple of hours to see friends or relax a bit, like watch TV or read a book. On the days when I work, I don’t go out, as my work time is going out time for other people. Depending on the time of night when my gig starts and how far away it is, I leave home some time between 7 and 11 in the evening. My gigs may start as early as 9 p.m. or as late as 1 a.m. I like to arrive an hour before they start. I get back home early in the morning, any time between 1 and 6. I have something to eat – let’s call it dinner as it’s my last meal before going to bed. I normally go to bed around 5 or 6 in the morning and fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. If my gig is in a city far away, I often need to spend the night there, which means that I only get back home in the afternoon the next day. Often there’s only a couple of hours before I need to leave home again to start another gig somewhere else.

Unit 8, Section 3, AS 31 (CD1, Track 31) Simon: Jane: Simon: Jane: Jane: Simon: Jane: Simon: Jane: Simon: Jane: Jane: Simon: Simon: Jane: Simon: Jane: Simon: Jane: Jane: Simon: Jane: Simon:

Oh, God! Where shall we start? I suppose we need to pick things up and put them away before we can hit the floors. Shall I do the picking up and you load the washing machine or the other way around? I don’t know how to use the washing machine. OK, I’ll do the washing then. You pick the things up from the floor. But I really think you should learn how to use the machine. Can you clean the fridge while I’m doing the washing up? I’ve never done that either… Just use some warm water and washing-up liquid. Shall I just pour the water over it? No! Use a sponge. And unplug the fridge to be safe. Done! I’ll go and empty the bin. It is at least something I can do well. Great! I’ll start cleaning the window and we will soon have some more light. Can you start vacuuming the carpet? Shall I show you how to do it? It’s all right. I’ll manage. The carpet is done. …. What are you doing? I’m just sweeping the floor. It needs mopping, too. Is there anything else left? Yeah, dusting and polishing the furniture. Can you do that? OK I will, but I’d much rather do the sweeping and mopping. It’s the harder job, isn’t it? Oh, thanks! What a gentleman! It looks great! Would you like a cup of tea? That’d be brilliant. Cheers! Good team work! Cheers! My mum wouldn’t believe it!

Unit 8, Section 4, AS 32 (CD1, Track 32) Interviewer: Tom, we are comparing young people’s ideas about their future. Could you tell us how old you think you’ll be when you become financially independent? Tom: I’d like to be financially independent as soon as possible. I’d like to become a cook so I think by 20 or 21, I will be qualified to get a job as a cook and make enough money to survive. Interviewer: Is being a cook your dream job? Tom: Yes and no. You can be a cook at many different levels. I’d like to be a famous chef and have my own restaurant, my own recipes, cookery books, perhaps even a TV programme. Interviewer: Hmm, that sounds exciting. So how old do you think you will be when you get to that point? Tom: It will probably take a good ten years of hard work. So perhaps I’ll be between 30 and 32. Interviewer: Will you start a family only after that? Tom: I don’t really know. It will depend on the partner I find.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Interviewer: Sure. Have you got any idea when you’ll have a home of your own? Tom: I think I will rent a small flat as soon as I start working. So I suppose at 20, 21. But buying a house is another thing. I will have the money to do that after many years of work and saving up. I hope I’ll have a nice house of my own by the time I’m 35. Interviewer: Is there anything I haven’t asked you but would be very important to happen in your life? Tom: I really, really want to travel and visit a lot of different countries and study their traditions in cooking and learn a lot of recipes. I hope I will go to places like China, India, Thailand, Mexico and work in different kitchens and learn to cook their foods. Interviewer: When do you think that might happen? Tom: As soon as possible, right after finishing cookery school. I need to make this trip before starting my restaurant or getting married, I think. Interviewer: Many thanks for the interview Tom and good luck! Tom: Thank you.

UNIT 9, Section 1, AS 33 (CD2, Track 1) Mother: Son: Mother: Son: Mother: Son: Mother: Son:

Oh, it’s good to be back! I think I’ll need a cup of tea right away. Can I get some, too? Yes, of course. Can you start putting things away? Oh, alright, but I don’t really know where everything lives. Just ask me, I’ll tell you. All the yoghurt and cheese should go into the fridge. I know that much. OK, OK. And don’t put the fish and the peas in the freezer, please, I’ll make them for dinner tonight. Fish and peas, Mum?!? I would much rather have sausages, beans and chips. Hang on, I can’t find any chips here. Mother: Can’t you? Oh, my God, it seems we’ve forgotten to get some. I’m sorry, if you want chips, you’ll need to go back to the shop. Son: Haven’t we bought some potatoes? Mother: Yes, we have, so you can have your chips. Son: Great! What about the other fruit and vegetables? Do they go into the fridge? Mother: The cucumber, apples and tomatoes will be fine on the pantry shelf, but I would put the grapes into the fridge. Son: And the orange juice and the mineral water, too. Mother: Sure. Son: Oh, this ham is nice. Can I have some with my tea? Mother: Of course you can. You’ll find some rolls to have it with. If you bring them here, I’ll make your sandwiches. Son: That’s nice of you, Mum. Here you go. Mother: How many rolls would you like? Son: Two, please. Mother: OK, then, take the rest to the pantry with the bread, please. Son: OK, Mum. I suppose the chicken goes into the freezer? Mother: Yes, that’s right. Everything else can go into the pantry. Son: Are you sure? Don’t we usually put the eggs in the fridge? Mother: Yes, you’re right, I forgot about them. Hey, what do you want with those biscuits? Son: Have some with the tea. How about you? Mother: I shouldn’t really. Oh, OK. Give me one. Only one.

Unit 9, Section 3, AS 34 (CD2, Track 2) 1 Woman: Good evening. We’d like a table for two. Waiter: Have you got a reservation? Woman: I’m afraid we haven’t. Waiter: Let me see. There will be a table available in about 20 minutes. Would you like to wait? Man: Yes, why not. Waiter: Fine. Would you like to have a drink at the bar while you’re waiting? Man+Woman: Yes, that would be nice.


2 Waiter:

Your table is ready. Can you follow me, please?

3 Waiter: Man: Woman: Man: Waiter: Man: Woman: Waiter: Woman:

Are you ready to order? Yes, I suppose we are. Martha, what would you like to have? I’ll have the salmon steak with new potatoes and green salad, please. And I’d like the roast chicken with grilled vegetables and tomato salad. Anything to drink? A bottle of dry white wine, please. And a bottle of mineral water. Sparkling or still? Still, please.

4 Man: Waiter:

Excuse me! Yes, sir?

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Man: Waiter:

Could I get some bread, please? Certainly, sir.

5 Man: How do you like your salmon, Martha? Woman: It’s OK. A little overcooked, but tasty. How’s your chicken? Man: Excellent! 6 Waiter: Woman: Man:

Is everything OK? Yes, thanks. The chicken is really delicious. My compliments to the chef.

7 Waiter: Woman: Man:

Anything for dessert? I’ll only have a cappuccino. How about you, Charles? An espresso, please. And I think I could do with one of those chocolate cakes.

8 Woman: Waiter:

Excuse me! This cappuccino tastes terrible. I think the milk is off. I’m terribly sorry, madam. I’ll get you another one straight away.

9 Woman: Waiter: Woman: Waiter:

We’d like to pay, please. Here’s your bill, madam. OK. Can you put what’s left over in a doggy bag? No problem, madam.

Unit 9, Section 4, AS 35 (CD2, Track 3) I try to eat as healthily as possible but I don’t always succeed. Partly because of what is available and partly because there are healthy things I don’t like, and unhealthy things I do like. For example, I like sweet things a lot, so I often have cakes or chocolate, I’m afraid. I normally have orange juice and some cereals for breakfast but I don’t like wholegrain cereals, I prefer chocolaty ones like Chocapic. I take a sandwich with me to school. Usually ham or cheese in white bread with butter. I have lunch in the canteen. I just eat what’s available. We normally have some vegetables and meat or fish. I prefer chicken, so whenever I can, I’ll choose chicken. What I really hate is broccoli so I never have it. I usually have little time to eat my lunch, as I need to rush to my afternoon classes. Sometimes I finish lunch on the way. When I get home, I usually have some chips or pizza or pasta for dinner. I really like to take my food to my room and eat it in front of the computer chatting with friends. Sometimes I also eat in front of the television. Before going to bed, I often have a glass of milk with a little sugar. I hate skimmed milk, it has absolutely no taste. Semi-skimmed is OK, but I always choose whole if I can. At the weekend, my mum makes really good food like roast chicken or beefsteak and some home-made pudding, too, so I get really stuffed on Sundays.

UNIT 10, Section 1, AS 36 (CD2, Track 4) Doctor: What seems to be the matter, Miss Payne? Patient: You must help me doctor, I have a terrible pain! Doctor: Where does it hurt, Miss Payne? Patient: It hurts all over. Doctor: What do you mean, all over? Show me exactly where, please. Patient: OK, look, here. Ouch, that hurts! Doctor: That’s your stomach. Where else? Patient: Here. Ouch, that hurts, too! Doctor: That’s your throat. Anywhere else? Patient: Yes. Here. Ouch, that also hurts! Doctor: Your knee? Where else? Patient: Here, look. Ouch, that’s very painful! Doctor: Your left shoulder .... That’s really interesting ... Anywhere else? Patient: Doc, believe me, anywhere I touch myself I feel a sharp pain. Doctor: I see. Let me examine you. Patient: Ouch! Doctor: Aha! You have a broken finger.

AS 37 (CD2, Track 5) Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient:

What seems to be the problem, Mr Talbot? I feel weak and tired all the time, Doctor. I have a terrible headache. My nose is runny. Have you got a sore throat? Yes, I have. Have you got a temperature? I think I do. I feel really feverish, but I haven’t taken my temperature. I see. Muscle pain? Have you got any muscle pain? Yes, I have. In my legs, arms, shoulders... Everywhere basically. How long have you had these symptoms? They started last night. All right. Let me have a look at your throat. Have you got a cough? Just a little.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Doctor: Doctor: Patient: Doctor:

Can you please put this thermometer under your tongue, and I’ll listen to your chest. Breathe deeply. Does it sound very bad, doctor? Your chest is fine, but you have a high temperature. Now, Mr Talbot, you must stay in bed until your temperature goes down. Take an aspirin three times a day after meals. Eat lots of fruit and take lots of vitamin C. Drink a lot: herbal teas, fruit juices, water. Don’t drink any fizzy drinks. It may make your sore throat worse. To ease the pain in your throat, have some throat lozenges. Don’t eat greasy food. Patient: I can’t eat. I’m not hungry at all. Doctor: Don’t eat if you’re not hungry. Wait until your appetite returns. Try to stay away from people as much as possible as this is infectious. If you aren’t better by Thursday, come and see me again. Patient: Thanks, Doctor. But, but ... don’t I need antibiotics?

Unit 10, Section 2, AS 38 (CD2, Track 6) Girl 1: Jane! Did you see that?!? That car hit the boy on the bicycle and drove off! Girl 2: Yes, I did! Look! The boy isn’t moving! Girl 1: Hello! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Oh, dear, he looks like he’s unconscious! Girl 2: Let’s call an ambulance. Fast! Oh, dear! Where’s my mobile? Girl 1: Here’s mine! Wait! Which street is it? Can you see the signs? Girl 2: Baker Street. I’ll go and get the name of the other street! Dial 999! Man: Emergency. Which service, please? Girl 1: Ambulance. Man: Ambulance. Where are you calling from? Girl 1: Baker Street. Jane, what’s the other street? Girl 2: Orange Street. Girl 1: The corner of Baker Street and Orange Street. Man: Are you in the street? Girl 1: Yes, we are. Man: Can you give me your name and the number you’re calling from? Girl 1: Liz Goodwill. The number is 790216599. Man: All right, Liz. What’s happened? Girl 1: A car hit a boy on a bicycle and drove off. I think the boy’s unconscious. Man: An ambulance is on its way to you, but please stay on the line. Is the boy bleeding? Girl 1: A little. I can see a little blood on his neck. Man: Have you moved him? Girl 1: No, we haven’t. Man: Fine. Do not move him! Can you tell if he’s breathing? Girl 1: I’m not sure. Yes, I think he is. Man: How old do you think he is? Girl 1: About 14 or 15, I guess. Man: Is he wearing a helmet? Girl 1: No, he isn’t! The ambulance is here! Thank God! Man: Flag the ambulance down so that they find you easier. Girl 1 + Girl 2: Here! Here! Girl 1: Thanks, they’re with us now. Man: Good. It‘s very important that you and your friend stay there until the police arrive. They’re on their way, too. Thank you very much Liz. You’ve helped a lot. You can hang up now. Girl 1: OK, thanks. Bye! Man: Bye, Liz.

Unit 10, Section 3AS 39 (CD2, Track 7) 1 Patricia: Why I like it? Well, I really like ball games and team sports in general. I’ve played it since I was eleven. I’m rather tall and fast and I can jump quite high, too. I normally play as a centre, so I often have a chance to shoot. I’m quite good at scoring. I have scored quite a few points from free throws, too and managed a three-point shot once or twice. Nothing can beat that feeling! 2 Andrew: I used to be a couch potato so when I stopped growing, I started to put on weight. I just thought I had to do something about it. The easiest thing was to buy a membership card in the local gym. It’s open all day, every day, so I can go whenever I have time. I see a coach every now and then for advice. I normally do some warm-up exercises, then I do about 50 minutes of free-weight training, then I work on some muscles specifically using machines. It takes about 20 minutes or so. Finally, I do some stretching. 3 Tom:

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I took it up some five years ago. Actually, it was the videos I saw and the computer games I played that made me decide to try it. You need to put a lot of time and energy into it. I practise every day with my buddies. You need to practise a lot to keep your balance and not to fall off the board, let alone do some of the tricks. I love street most, and the most difficult tricks I manage are the ollie and kickflip. Sometimes we also go to a skate park and use the vert ramp.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Unit 10, Section 3, AS 40 (CD2, Track 8) Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor:

What is it this time? My knee, Doc. It’s very painful. Have you been skateboarding? No, I don’t skateboard any more. I’ve been rollerskating. I wonder why you don’t swim instead. Anyway, let me see it. It’s swollen and black and green all over. Can you move it? No, I can’t. Go and get an X-ray of it, please. Will it hurt? I’m afraid it will. But you are a hopeless case ... Let me have a look at your X-ray. Uhum ... We will have to have it plastered, I’m afraid. And when can I go rollerskating again? Not for six weeks, that’s for sure. Come back then and we’ll talk about it. Is it broken? No, it isn’t, but it’s badly sprained.

UNIT 11, Section 1, AS 41 (CD2, Track 9) 1 Janis: Boy: Janis: Boy:

2 Boy: Janis: Boy:

3 Janis: Girl: Janis: Girl:

I really don’t know….I love music, but my voice isn’t very good. Besides, I don’t know how to read the notes. Don’t be silly, Janis! You have a beautiful voice! Reading the notes isn’t very important when you join in. You’ll just pick it up. I’m not sure... Come on! I know you’d love it if you tried. We have rehearsals twice a week, you’d make a lot of friends. Singing with so many lovely people is really awesome! I often get goose bumps. Sometimes we go abroad, you know that, don’t you? I’ve been to Italy, Holland, Germany and Japan with the choir. You’d get to see the world! Come on, Janis! All our friends are members now. We all chat every night. You are the only person missing. I’m not very interested in sitting in front of the computer, you know. But you’re missing out on so much fun! Believe me! All the jokes, all the gossip! Besides, you can find friends you thought you’d lost. Like I found my primary school friend who moved to another town 8 years ago. I can send you an invitation. Just get an email address. Come on, Janis, don’t be like my Grandma! I’m really worried about jumping out of airplanes. I think it’s crazy! It may be crazy, but that’s all part of the fun. Anyway, I know you’d love it if you tried it once. No way! Come on, Janis! Don’t be a chicken! It’s the best thing in the whole world! First you have the excitement of the jump. You fall and fall and then you slow down and have time to really look down. It’s so nice and quiet up there!

Unit 11, Section 2, AS 42 (CD2, Track 10) 1 Linda:

I’m not keen on reading, so I rarely read in my free time. There is a magazine, though which I find really interesting. It’s a body building magazine for women. I subscribe to it so it’s my weekly reading. The library? Well, I only go to the school library to get the books I need to read for my studies, really. I don’t have a favourite book either, not even fitness books. I prefer to watch DVDs where I can see how the exercises should be done. I don’t buy books and I only very rarely get a book as a present.

2 George: I read whenever I have a moment. I always have a book on me. I’d read nearly anything with a good story. The more exciting the better. I read all kinds of novels and short stories:  historic, sci-fi, adventure, fantasy or detective stories. I also quite enjoy biographies of scientists or historic figures. I tend to go to the library every two or three weeks for a new selection of books. I also often get books as a present. Everyone knows I’m a bookworm! However, I don’t often buy books as I have little pocket money and I can find everything I want in the library or on-line. My favourite author is Tolkien and the book I’ve enjoyed the most was perhaps his Lord of the Rings. I’m not very interested in reading magazines or news papers, though.

Unit 11, Section 3, AS 43 (CD2, Track 11) 1  Talk show host: We have Angela Baker with us in the studio to answer your questions about her diet. Angela Baker! Angela, we’ve all noticed that you lost a lot of weight. We are all dying to know your secret. Angela: There’s no secret there really, Joanna. Or perhaps there’s one thing .... 2 Man: Woman: Man:

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Hello, Eer...Do you mind if I sit here and chat with you for a while? No, I won’t sleep with you tonight! I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I’m a journalist and I need to write an article on how people respond to embarrassing situations.” What do you mean $200?

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Coursebook Audio Scripts 3  Sports reporter: Fitzerovich to Gonzalo ... Goal! Three nil! 4 Woman: Man:

Wow! My clothes have never been this clean, white and soft!!! Thank you Washing Magic! Washing Magic - for pampered clothes!

5 Presenter: And now your question for two thousand pounds. Are you ready, James? Man: Yes, I am, Michael. Presenter: For two thousand pounds: Which European country’s capital is Budapest? 6 Man:

Chicago Cops. Murder by Cable Car

7  News presenter: Today’s headlines: Presidential election results in the USA. 8 Presenter: The American Harpy Eagle is a neotropical eagle. It is the largest and most powerful eagle found in the Americas, usually inhabiting tropical lowland rainforests. Its name references the harpies from Ancient Greek mythology. 9 Presenter: This episode:  Will Jacky meet her real father? Is there any hope for Janis of finding true love? Who will get the children after their divorce, James or Sue? How far can Nick’s jealousy take him?

AS 44 (CD2, Track 12) Paula: Paul, what are you watching? Motocross. Paul Paula: When does it end? Paul: Eight. Paula: Great! I’d like to watch the History Channel from eight. Sorry, it’s not possible. Paul Paula: What do you mean it’s not possible?!? It is not YOUR TV. Paul: Yours neither. Paula: This is why I’m not watching it all the time. But I really must watch The Universe. I’ve seen all the other episodes and it’s so exciting. Paul: Old things! What’s so exciting about old things? Paula: It’s not about old things. This episode will be about galactic cannibalism. Galactic cannibalism? Wow! It sounds interesting. But sorry, I can’t watch it. I’d miss the bull riding. Sorry. Paul: Paula: Come on Paul. You could watch The Universe with me from eight and watch bull riding from one a.m. Paul: Is it repeated? Paula: Yes! It’s on from one a.m., too. And you always stay up until two or three at weekends anyway. Paul: Oh, all right then. But let me check the TV guide first. And don’t touch the remote control!

Unit 11, Section 4, AS 45 (CD2, Track 13) Angie:

I don’t spend too much time on the computer, I think. Basically I only use it for doing my homework and being in contact with people. I get about 5 or 6 emails a day and I try to answer them straightaway. It doesn’t take more than half an hour. I also chat for about an hour nearly every day with my friends. These are people I know for real and we meet every week or even every day. One other thing is that I download music and films, but it doesn’t take any extra time as I do other things while the files are downloading. Sometimes I’m on the computer late at night, but only occasionally when a friend is desperate to talk for example.


Since my girlfriend moved to Bristol to study, I’m on the computer nearly all the time when I’m at home. We tend to be in contact on Skype for hours. We just do our usual things and occasionally say things to each other. It helps a lot, but it’s not the same as face-to-face contact of course. I also use the computer for many other things like surfing the Net, which I do nearly every day for an hour or so. I enjoy blogging, too. I have a website which I often check and update. These two probably count for another hour. I also download stuff and play games and watch videos. How long do these take? Nearly all my free time, sometimes going into the night. Since my girlfriend isn’t here any more, I just don’t feel like going out.

Rachel: The computer and I aren’t very good friends. I don’t fancy sitting down after all the sitting we have to do at school. Typing and having my eyes fixed on a monitor are not for me either. However, I need to use the computer for my studies, so I do some word processing and searching the Net nearly every day, but these don’t take longer than an hour. I occasionally download music, too. I don’t really send emails. I prefer text messages. In my free time, the computer is really my last choice.

UNIT 12, Section 1, AS 46 (CD2, Track 14) Lucy:

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My favourite song is a popular music classic. I love soul, and this one is a masterpiece. It’s sung by Aretha Franklin. Its title is Respect and it’s an adaptation of an old song. Aretha’s version was released in 1967 as a single and it won two Grammies. Have you seen Blues Brothers 2000? Maybe you remember Aretha singing Respect there. It was in the film that I first heard this song. I’ve listened to it a hundred times since then. It has my favourite instruments: sax, drums, the guitar and above all the

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Coursebook Audio Scripts human voice! What a voice! I often try to sing along with it, but I can mostly only manage the chorus: “Just a little bit, just a little bit...”. Kevin:

I’m not a great fan of classical music. I normally listen to heavy metal or punk, kind of hard stuff. There’s a piece of classical music, though, which gives me the goose bumps every time I hear it. I heard it first when I was really small, two or three years old. I’ve heard it many times since then. It is the Ode to Joy, the last movement of Beethoven’s 9th symphony. It’s with a full symphonic orchestra and singers, soloists and a choir, too. The words they sing are about peace and the music is full of energy.


I’m keen on Irish folk music. I heard it first in a pub. It created such a wonderful atmosphere there! So I joined a club where I’ve learnt to dance to this music and I also learnt to sing many of the songs. Irish singing is so beautiful and clear. I really love the rhythm. Often the words are very important, too, or funny. Also, my favourite instrument is the flute and there are many Irish bands where the flute is really important.

Unit 12, Section 2, AS 47 (CD2, Track 15) Man: Retro Cinema. Can I help you? Woman: Yes, hello. I’d like to reserve two tickets for Kurosawa’s Macbeth this evening. Man: I’m terribly sorry but it’s sold out. We only have tickets for The Young Lady and the Hooligan tonight. Woman: The Young Lady and the Hooligan? I’ve never heard of that. What kind of film is it? Man: It’s an old Russian film, a silent movie. It will be accompanied by live music and gramophone music. Woman: Sounds interesting. How much are the tickets? Man: £7.50. Woman: What time does it start? Man: 5.30 and 7.30. Woman: 7.30 will be fine. Can I reserve two tickets, please? Man: Certainly. What’s your name, please? Woman: Laura Green. Man: Would you like to sit in the first or the second row, Miss Green? Woman: Neither. We would like to sit at the back. Man: I can give you two tickets at the back but they won’t be next to each other, I’m afraid. Woman: I’d prefer the first row then. Man: Sure... Thank you Miss Green. You need to collect your tickets half an hour before the show starts. Woman: Oh, I see. Thanks. Man: No problem. Woman: Bye. Man: Bye.

Unit 12, Section 3, AS 48 (CD2, Track 16) Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy:

Thank God, it’s over. Didn’t you like it? Like it? I thought it was horrible. Why? Did you? I didn’t like everything, but I thought the music was great. Maybe you’re right. The music was definitely the best part. But only compared to everything else. Like what? The plot for example. You could tell how things were going to end ten minutes into the first act. You’re right but that was the point. It all went deeper than just a story. Well, I don’t know about that. But take the costumes. The story took place in the middle ages and they were wearing the same clothes as you and I. Do you think it was a bad idea? Definitely. I completely disagree. It made us understand that the characters are similar to us. No way! I didn’t feel that at all. What did you think of the acting then? I had mixed feelings. I really liked the one who played Simon, though. He lived the part. I’m with you there. I think he’s a great actor. I felt sorry for him to be honest, having to act in that bad story under such stupid direction. So you thought the direction was stupid? I’m not so sure about that. I actually thought it was something completely new. My mistake, then. But don’t tell me you liked the scenery?!? Well, I don’t think it added much to the whole thing, really. I couldn’t agree more. But you forgot to mention that there was nothing to add to.

Unit 12, Section 4, AS 49 (CD2, Track 17) Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy:

Are you free on Saturday? Most of the day, but not in the evening. Why? I’m going to a concert and I thought you might be interested in joining me. I am interested, but I’m going to the theatre with my sister. How about after the theatre then? There’s a disco after the concert.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl:

Eeeer, can my sister come too? Of course! Thanks. She likes dancing. Where shall we meet and when? I’ll come and meet you outside the theatre if it’s OK. Yes, it’ll be great. I’ll ring you when the play ends.

AS 50 (CD2, Track 18) 1 Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man:

What do you think this is supposed to be? A landscape? This looks like a tree here. I can’t see any tree. I thought it was a portrait of a tall woman in a big hat. I’m not sure. Anyhow it’s too abstract for me. I can’t make any sense of it. Me neither. But I like the colours.

2  Man 1: Excuse me! I think you’re sitting in our seats. Man 2: Oh, really? Let me check our tickets again ... Row 9, seats 3 and 4. That’s where we are sitting! Man 1: Which side does it say: left or right? Man 2: Left. Man 1: Well, this is the right side. You need to go to the other end of the row. Man 2: Oh, sorry! Man 1: That’s OK. Please remember to switch off your mobile phones. Thank you for your co-operation. Man 2: Oh, dear! The play’s going to start any minute now. 3 Girl: I can hardly see anything of the screen. Boy: And I don’t know where to put my legs. It’s the most uncomfortable place I’ve been to. Girl: Do you like the film? Not really. It’s just a load of clichés, isn’t it? Bad guy wants to rule the world, good guy stops him. Boy: Girl: And the actors are terrible, too. Boy: Shhhhhh. Be quiet, please! Girl: Sorry! 4 Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy:

Come on. Let’s dance! I can’t dance. Everyone can! Just hop around to the rhythm. I don’t want to. It’s so crowded in here. Besides, I hate this music. It’s given me a headache.

5 Girl:

Hi, Sally. Where are you? ... What d’ you mean you’re not coming? We’re having a great time. Everybody’s here. .. What you mean that’s the problem? .... Yes, Kevin’s here, too. So what? ... I know you’ve broken up. And it was high time if you ask me. .... Oh, stop crying, please Sally, he’s not worth it. You deserve someone better. You need to meet someone really nice. .. There are a lot of other nice boys here. ... We’ve just started. Lucy’s parents won’t be back before three... Oh, come on, Sally! Don’t be silly!

UNIT 13, Section 1, AS 51 (CD2, Track 19)


1 Ann: Woman: Ann: Woman: Ann: Woman: Ann: Woman:

Excuse me! Do you happen to know how I can get to the university, please? The university …. Yes, you need to take a bus, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you which. Do you know where the stop is? Just cross the road and go down the street. You’ll see the stop in abut 5 minutes. You can’t miss it. Does it go straight to the university, do you know? I’m not sure. You’ll perhaps need to change once. Ask the driver. OK, thanks! That’s all right.

2 Ann: Driver: Ann:

Hello! Does this go to the university? No, not this one. You want the B78 and then the E49. Oh, thanks.

3 Ann: Woman: Ann: Woman:

Excuse me! Can you tell me where I can change for the E49? At the park. How many stops is it to the park, do you know? I’m not sure. Just keep an eye on me. It’s the stop after I get off.

4 Ann: To the university, please. Driver: Single or return? Ann: Return, please. Driver: 1. 20, please.Thank you. Ann: Can you give me a shout when we get to the university, please? Driver: No problem, just sit near here. Ann: Thanks.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts    Driver: University! Ann: Cheers! Driver: Cheers!

Unit 13, Section 2, AS 52 (CD2, Track 20) 1 Loudspeaker: The train now arriving at platform 3 is the 9. 48 to Faversham. Man: Paula, wake up! It’s our train arriving. We must hurry! Woman: Hurry where? 2 Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: 3 Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man:

A return to Leeds, please. Do I need to reserve a seat? Yes, you do. Can I get a window seat with a table then? Let me see. I’m afraid we don’t have any window seats left, but I can give you an aisle seat with a table. That’ll be fine. Hello. Has anyone brought in a wallet today? Yes, we have a couple of wallets. What did yours look like? It was a brown leather one. Can you tell me what you had in it? A Lloyd’s debit card and about £20 in cash. Is this the one? No, I’m afraid it isn’t.

4 Woman: I’d like to leave this suitcase here. Man: OK, how long for? Woman: Until about 7. Man: That’ll be £ 2.58, please. Here’s your receipt. Woman: Thanks. 5 Woman: Man: Woman: Man:

Does this go to London, please? No, it doesn’t. The London train’s on platform 9. Thank you. You’re welcome.

6 Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman:

Is this seat free? I’m afraid it isn’t. My friend’s sitting there. But the one near the door’s free. Thank you. Can I help you with your luggage? That’s very kind of you, thank you.

Unit 13, Section 3, AS 53 (CD2, Track 21) 1 Woman: Man: Woman: Man:

We should have left earlier. We’re right in the middle of the rush hour. I know this road well; it’s quite unusual that it should be so busy. I’ve never got caught in such a long traffic jam on this road, ever. Look! Can you see the blue flashing lights ahead? I think there’s been an accident. Yes, you’re right. We’ll never get out of here.

2  Girl 1: Girl 2: Girl 1: Girl 2: Girl 1:

Kate! Stop! What is it? I’ve got a flat tyre. Have you got a pump? Yes, there you go. Thanks. … It’s still flat. Oh, no! I think I have a puncture. I need to patch it.

3 Man: Boy: Man: Boy: Man:

It seems we’re not going anywhere, Kevin. The engine’s broken down. I don’t think so, Dad. The engine won’t start, you know. It means that there must be something seriously wrong with it. Have you checked the petrol, Dad? Oh, you’re right. We’ve run out.

4  Man 1: Man 2: Man 1: Man 2: Man 1: Policeman: Man 2: Policeman: Man 1:

Where are we? In the middle of nowhere. We’ve come off the map. I think we need to go back. We must have missed the exit to Poole. There’s a police car coming. Let’s stop them and ask. Hello. We’re lost. Can you show us the way to Poole, please? Good afternoon. We’ll do that, but show us your crash helmets first. I’m afraid we don’t have crash helmets right now. I’ll have to give you a fine then. Helping people in trouble ...

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Coursebook Audio Scripts 5 Policewoman: Good evening, sir. You were speeding. Man: I was only doing 60. Policewoman: No, sir. You were doing 90. Can I see your driving licence? Man: I can’t find it anywhere. I must have left it at home. Policewoman: Your seatbelt is unfastened and one of your headlights isn’t on. Man: Oh, the seat belt. I’ll fasten it immediately. Policewoman: Get out of the car, please. Man: But why? Policewoman: We need to make sure that you haven’t been drinking. Take a deep breath and keep blowing into the tube until I tell you to stop. … OK, that’s enough, sir. Man: Can I go now? Policewoman: I’m afraid you’ll have to come with us and leave the car. You’re over the limit.

Unit 13, Section 4, AS 54 (CD2, Track 22) 1 Flight CX7204 from Malaga will be delayed. We will inform our passengers of the expected time of arrival at a later stage. Thank you for your understanding. 2 Flight SK9783 to Manchester is now boarding at gate 12D. 3 This is the last call to passengers on flight CO8221 to Newark. Please proceed immediately to gate 34B. 4 British Airways flight 875 from Moscow has landed. 5 Flight AA090 from Chicago is expected to land at 23.13. We apologise for any inconvenience the delay may have caused. 6 The 16. 35 Continental Airlines flight 8229 to New York has been cancelled due to strong wind. Passengers on this flight please contact the information desk. Thank you for your co-operation.

UNIT 14, Section 1, AS 55 (CD2, Track 23) Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce:

Where shall we go on holiday this summer, Bruce? I’m easy to please: Anything and anywhere with you, honey. That’s sweet, darling. In that case why don’t we join Lucy and Terry? They’re going to Italy by car and they’ve said we can join them. I’m not sure I would want to go with them. I mean I quite like them for one or two hours, but to be with them for two weeks? We don’t need to do everything together, really. But to share the cost of petrol would make it much cheaper for us. That’s true. Where in Italy are they going? Everywhere. It’s a complete tour of Italy. Everywhere? I really don’t want to spend my holiday in a car! I think one or two places would be enough: a big city like Rome and a seaside resort. How about Venice? Oh, yes! Venice of course – but only with you, no one else! I see what you mean. I suggest going to Rome with them, but we could stay longer, say about five days to really see the sights. Then we could go to Venice without them and meet up at the end again and travel back home together. Yes, let’s do that. Shall we call them to see what they think?

Unit 14, Section 2, AS 56 (CD2, Track 24) Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie:


Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce:

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Let’s make a list of what needs to be done about our trip to Italy. OK. First of all how are we going to travel from Venice to Bibione? We can check the options on the Internet. I’d really love to sail on the Adriatic. Yes, that’d be really nice. Let’s check if it’s possible. What else? Have you checked your passport if it’s still valid in August? No, let me have a look. Damn! It expires on the 10th August. It won’t be valid on the way back. I need to renew it. Do it tomorrow. The earlier the better. Sure, I will. Accommodation’s next. I think we could take the tent. That’d be the cheapest. Yes, but the most uncomfortable, too. It’s OK while we’re in the car but once we part with Lucy and Terry we’d need to carry it. You won’t need to carry it, I’ll do that. OK, let’s check prices for camp sites and also let’s see how much it would cost to stay in youth hostels. Or we could even rent an apartment together with Lucy and Terry. OK. Let’s see how much these would cost. We’ll also need to buy a couple of things. Such as? Suntan lotion, for example. I’ll also need a pair of new sandals and a new bikini. A new bikini! Who could say no to that?

2012.01.17. 6:28:52

Coursebook Audio Scripts Unit 14, Section 3, AS 57 (CD2, Track 25) Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist: Man: Receptionist:

Hotel Nuovo Teson, can I help you? Yes, hello. I’d like to reserve a room for two nights, please. Certainly, sir. Can I take your name, please? James Scott. Is that S-c-o-t? Double t. Thank you. What kind of room would you like, Mr Scott? A double room with a shower, please. When are you planning to arrive, Mr Scott? On 3rd July. And you’re staying two nights, the 3rd and the 4th, is that right? Yes, it is. Let me check if we have vacancies... Yes, it’s fine, we have rooms available at that time. Can I get a room with a view? Certainly, Mr Scott, but all the rooms with a view have baths, not showers, I’m afraid. That’s not a problem at all. What is the rate for one night? € 149. Would that be alright? Yes, fine. How would you like to pay, Mr Scott? By bank transfer if possible. Certainly. Where can I send the invoice? 48 Bath Rd, Riverdale. Where can we phone you in case we need to? 005 676 998 Thank you, Mr Scott. We look forward to welcoming you at the Hotel Nuovo Teson in July. Thank you, good bye! Good bye, Mr Scott!

Unit 14, Section 3, AS 58 (CD2, Track 26) 1 Guide: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie:

We can easily lose each other in the crowd so please keep an eye on my orange umbrella and follow me. Annie, what’s that on your blouse? Oh, dear, it’s pigeon poop. Shall we go to the casino tonight then? I’d rather just brush it off. You’d better wait until it dries. Are you serious? I can’t just be walking about like this!

2 Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie: Bruce: Annie:

Thank God, we’re up! Look at this view. It was worth every step! Wow! Isn’t it just fascinating! Yes, it really is. Can you take out the guidebook and we’ll try to identify what is what. There you go. That’s the Canal Grande, I think. Yes, you may be right. Can you just move a bit further to the left? I’d like to take a photo of this view.

3 Annie:

I know it may be expensive, but we can ask. We may be able to afford it. No holiday in Venice is complete without it, I think. OK. Let’s ask. Excuse me! Excuse me! Signor! How much is it to cross the canal? Non capisco. How much? Eighty euros. Good grief! Why don’t we check the price of the ferry? Oh, OK. It’s just not going to be the same.

Bruce: Annie: Man: Bruce: Man: Annie: Bruce: Annie:

Unit 14, Section 4, AS 59 (CD2, Track 27) 1 Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man:

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Hi! Good to see you! Good to see you, too, Sweetie. So you had a good holiday with your parents? I did, but I missed you so much. I missed you, too. Did you buy a kilt? No, but my father bought one. He looks ridiculous in it. I must see it! You will. We’re planning a Scottish evening and you’ll be invited.

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Woman: Man: Woman:

Oh, that’ll be nice. Now, if you get my shortbread out, I’ll make a cup of tea. Good idea. Here’s your shortbread. Oh, Honey, that’s the biggest packet of shortbread I’ve ever seen!

2  Woman 1: Woman 2: Woman 1: Woman 2: Woman 1: Woman 2:

You look good! You have a nice tan. Have you been somewhere nice? Yes. I’ve been skiing. Did you go to France this year, too? No, I went to Austria this time. I wanted to try something new. Did you like it there? I did. At the end of my stay I went to Vienna for two days to see the sights. It’s a charming city.

3 Father: Son:

You look stronger, Son, did you have to work hard? No, not too hard. We often had to stop because of the high altitude. But yes, I suppose I got stronger. In many ways. So was it a good idea to spend your short holiday working and working without pay? Yes, definitely. I really loved it there. I felt useful. I’ll go back next summer too unless those people can go back to their country.

Father: Son:

UNIT 15, Section 1, AS 60 (CD2, Track 28) 1:

On the whole, I think most inventions make something in your life easier or faster. Obviously it’s much easier to cut wood with an electric saw than by hand, or it’s much faster to travel in an airplane than on horseback. Thanks to useful inventions, we have more free time and we get less tired, too. Also, there are more products we can choose from. If inventions didn’t help people in everyday life, they wouldn’t be used. But they are!


I’m in two minds about this question. On the one hand there have been very useful and helpful inventions, like the plough. It helped people put more food on their plates. Or the Gutenberg printing press that made producing books possible. On the other hand, people also invented gunpowder, swords, canons, pistols, bombs, missiles ... – for what? To kill other people more effectively. I’m not sure if the comfort we have thanks to technology is worth this price.


If you ask me, inventions usually take us one step further and one step back. Or two steps back. Let me give you some examples. You can travel fast in a car. That’s true. But at the same time you pollute the air, and you can easily be killed on the road. You can listen to your favourite music anywhere any time. You have CD-players, walkmans, Mp3-players, iPods. Cool, isn’t it? But you don’t sing or play music yourself, you don’t start talking to people on the train, you don’t think about your life. I don’t see this as progress.

Unit 15, Section 2, AS 61 (CD2, Track 29) Shop assistant: How can I help you? Customer: I’d like to buy a new mobile phone, please. Shop assistant: What kind of phone have you got in mind? Customer: Something nice and light. Shop assistant: Take a look at this model. It’s the latest design. It’s slim and elegant. Customer: Yes, it looks good, but I don’t want a pink phone. Shop assistant: We have it in green and orange, as well. Customer: Yes, I quite like the green one. It’s a slide-up design, isn’t it? Shop assistant: Yes, it is. This is how you open it. Customer: Yes, it’s cool. Is the camera in it good? Shop assistant: It’s reasonable for a mobile phone. 1.3 mega pixels. Customer: I’d like a better camera. Shop assistant: The Mega Viewty and the 3G Soul both have a 5.0 mega pixel camera. Customer: Can you show them to me, please? Shop assistant: Certainly. Here you go. Customer: Both of them look good. Which is the better phone, do you think? Shop assistant: Both are very good, but the 3G Soul is our newest model. It’s a third generation mobile phone. Customer: I see.... Oh, this has a touch pad. I hate touch pads. Shop assistant: Mega Viewty has a touch screen. How about that? I could get used to it. I really like this big screen. I will be able to see my videos very well on it. Customer: Shop assistant: And you can also connect it to the TV screen. Customer: Well that decides it. I’ll take this one.

Unit 15, Section 3, AS 62 (CD2, Track 30)


1  Helpline operator: F1 Helpline, can I help you? Caller: Yes, hello. Can you please tell me where “any key“ is? Helpline operator: Sorry, I didn’t get that. Caller: Where’s “any key”? Helpline operator: Anarchy?

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Coursebook Audio Scripts Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator:

Yes, “any key”. My computer says I should press it. It just wouldn’t do anything else. Can you tell me what exactly your computer says? It says: “Press any key”. Oh, I see. It means that you can press any of the keys. It doesn’t matter which key. For example you could just press the “return” key. Caller: Oh, you’re right! Many thanks. Helpline operator: That’s all right. 2  Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller:

F1 Helpline, can I help you? Hello. I’m phoning because I have a problem with my printer. What sort of problem do you have? I click on the print icon and it just won’t print my document. Let’s check your printer first. Are you sure it’s switched on? Yes, there’s a little green light on. Yes, that’s fine then. Are you running your printer under Windows? No, my desk is next to the door. Shall I move it under the window?

3  Helpline operator: F1 Helpline, can I help you? Caller: Oh, hello. Yes! I’m having trouble installing some new software. There’s something wrong with the disk drive. Helpline operator: Can you tell me exactly what you were doing and what you experienced? Caller: Sure. I put in the first disk, and that was OK. It said to put in the second disk, and it was a little hard to put in. When it said to put in the third disk – I couldn’t fit it in at all. Helpline operator: Do you mean you hadn’t removed the first disk before putting in the second one? Caller: No, it didn’t say I was supposed to. Helpline operator: Before putting in a new disk, you always have to remove the previous disk. Your disk drive can only manage one disk at a time. Caller: Oh, I see. Many thanks. Helpline operator: No problem. 4  Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator: Caller: Helpline operator:

F1 Helpline, can I help you? I bought your laptop yesterday and today it crashed. I want a new one. I have a warranty. Can you tell me what exactly happened? I was working on my laptop when it went all black. I tried to restart it, but again it went black. I see. Is your laptop plugged in? What do you mean plugged in? It’s a laptop, it has a battery. Your battery can go for about two hours then you need to plug it in to recharge it. Do you mean I need to stop working every two hours? Not necessarily. Do you have a socket there? Yes, I do. Plug it in and you can continue working right away.

UNIT 15, Section 4, AS 63 (CD2, Track 31) Woman: Ladies and gentlemen! I’m delighted to introduce our next presenter, professor E.T. Alien of Transgalactica University. The title of his presentation is: Two eyes and one nose? Over to professor Alien. Prof Alien: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I’m delighted to be here with you today. In my talk, I’m going to give you my views on these questions: Is there life outside the Earth? And if there is, what may it be like? My talk will be in three parts. First, I will look at our planet. Next, I’ll talk about planets and moons in our solar system. And finally, I will outline possible life forms on planets in other solar systems in deeper space. First of all, let’s see what we can learn from life on our planet. When we think of life outside the Earth, we tend to think of the little green man. I have no objections to it being little or green. My problem is that it is a man. What I mean is that it is highly unlikely that anywhere in the world outside the Earth human shape has evolved. However, there are features that are repeated in the evolution on Earth. Examples of these repeated features are flight, fur or the eye. You have many different forms of these. Consequently we can expect that these will be present in creatures coming from outside Earth, too. … Now, let’s leave our planet and let’s see where life may be possible in our solar system. Mars is often thought of as a planet where there used to be life, since there used to be liquid water on it. Liquid water is a basic condition of life as we know it now. Mars also used to have atmosphere and weather ..... Another possible place with life in our solar system is Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter. Europa is covered with sheets of ice. This ice is cracked, so we think that there may be an ocean underneath. … Finally, let’s go into deeper space where there may be thousands of planets with the right conditions for some kind of life on them. I’d like to outline what sort of creatures may evolve on planets with lower and with higher gravity than on Earth or on planets with two suns, as well as planets that are quite unlike Earth. … In the final part of our outer space trip, I’d like to tell you about machine life forms. It’s quite certain that a machine life form will be the first intelligent life form from outside the Earth that we will meet. … This concludes my talk. Let me ask you something to finish: if you meet a little green man, please let me know that I was wrong. Thank you.

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2012.01.17. 6:28:54

Workbook Audio Scripts UNIT 1 / AS1 (Tracks 1-2) Narrator: Mr Morris calls his son, Benny. Benny: Hello? Mr Morris: Hi Benny, it’s Dad. Benny: Hi Dad! How are you? Mr Morris: Not very well, I’m afraid. I have something to tell you. I’ve made up my mind. I’m divorcing Mama. Benny: You’re doing what? Mr Morris: I’m divorcing Mama. But I don’t want to discuss it. I’m merely telling you because you’re my oldest child, and I thought you ought to know. Benny: But … but…. Dad! What happened? Mr Morris: I don’t want to get into it. My mind is made up. Benny: But Dad, you can’t just decide to divorce Mama just like that after 54 years together. You must tell me what happened. Mr Morris: It’s too painful to talk about it. I only called because you’re my son, and I thought you should know. I really don’t want to get into it any more than this. You can call your sister and tell her. It will spare me the pain. Benny: But where’s Mama? Can I talk to her? Mr Morris: No, I don’t want you to say anything to her about it. I haven’t told her yet. Believe me it hasn’t been easy. I’ve agonized over it for several days, and I’ve finally come to a decision. I have an appointment with the attorney the day after tomorrow. Benny: Dad, don’t do anything rash. I’m going to take the first flight down. Promise me that you won’t do anything until I get there. Mr Morris: Well, all right, I promise. Next week is Thanksgiving. I’ll hold off seeing the attorney until after Thanksgiving. Call your sister in New Jersey and break the news to her. I just can’t bear to talk about it anymore. Benny: OK, Dad. Speak to you later. Mr Morris: Thanks, Son. Speak to you later. Narrator: Half an hour later. Mr Morris: Morris speaking. Lizzie: Hi Dad, it’s Lizzie. Mr Morris: Hello, Lizzie. Did you speak to Benny? Lizzie: I did. Benny told me about the divorce. He says that you don’t want to talk about it on the telephone. But we MUST talk, Dad! Good news is Benny and I were able to get plane tickets for everyone. So we will be arriving in Florida the day after tomorrow with the kids. But promise me that you won’t do anything until we both get there. Mr Morris: Oh, all right. I promise. Lizzie: Fine, Dad. See you the day after tomorrow. Mr Morris: That’ll be good. See you then. Mr Morris: Well Mary, it worked this time. Both the kids are coming the day after tomorrow. But what are we going to do next time to get them to come home for the holidays?

UNIT 2 / AS 2 (Tracks 3-4) Lance:


Hello there! This is Lance. Here is my 100% sure tip for a cheap but wonderful date. Great for anniversaries or Valentine’s day, too. Let’s see … I rented a helium tank from a local party store and bought a bag of balloons. My girlfriend was at college that day and I have a key to her car. I stuffed her car completely with helium-filled balloons with love messages written on each one. When class let out, everyone watched her go to her car and open the door. All the balloons came floating out. I watched from a distance and took pictures of the balloons floating off into the sky so she could remember the moment. She was thrilled! Rachel: Hi everyone! This is Rachel. And here is my cheap date idea for you. It was our anniversary and I didn’t have a lot of money, but I wanted to do something special for my boyfriend. So I took him to the dollar store and gave each of us six dollars. I told him to go throughout the store and find five things that remind him of me. Then to buy them and wait for me outside. I also went to get five things for him. I got him things like a light bulb because he lights up my life and candy because he is always so sweet. We then went to dinner and exchanged our gifts and explained them. It was cute and we both still think about it today! Larry: Here is Larry’s recipe of how to get closer to bookworms. One day I asked a girl out on a date whose favourite activity was reading. So, for our first date I surprised her when, after dinner, I took her to a large bookstore. I asked her to pick out 5 or 6 of her favourite books. I did the same. Then we met up again, sat down in a quiet corner, and took turns talking about the book we chose, why we enjoyed it, reading some of our favorite parts out loud, etc. It was a great way to make conversation and to learn about each other, not to mention getting closer to that special someone. Debby: This is Debby here and all those women out there who have a partner who loves football should take notes now. My husband is a HUGE football fan, so one evening, before he got home I decided to do a football-themed romantic date for him. I bought a great little football vase and put some orange, “boy-colored” flowers in it. I got him some of his favorite chicken wings. I put his actual football on the bed, dimmed the lights, added some candles, and for the final touch, I put on his FAVORITE football shirt. He LOVED it!!! AND, it hardly cost me anything!

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2012.01.17. 6:28:54

Workbook Audio Scripts UNIT 3 / AS 3 (Tracks 5-6) 1 Massive reductions at the ladies’ clothes department. Tops from 5.99 in all colours of the rainbow. All sizes available. 2 Think big this summer! Our brand-new collection of XXL bathing costumes have just arrived. 3 Shopping with a crying, moody child isn’t much fun. But you don’t need to drag your children along as you are doing your shopping. Our crèche provides professional care and a safe, child-friendly environment with many toys and books just for 8 pounds an hour. Follow the monkey footprints to the 4th floor. 4 Dear customers, our store is just about to close. Please proceed to the check-out desks. We will be open tomorrow again from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. We’d like to thank you for visiting us today and we hope to see you again soon.

UNIT 4 / AS 4 (Tracks 7-8) Reporter:

More than a thousand low-income families will become homeowners for the first time thanks to their own work and $18.7 million in funding announced today Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson. Jackson said HUD builds on the work the families themselves do. Mr Jackson, what is HUD? Mr Jackson: HUD helps low-income Americans with their housing problems. We also support the homeless, the elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. HUD works side-by-side with families to make their American Dream come true. With a little help from HUD, these families with their own work create a place they can call home. Reporter: How does this happen practically? Mr Jackson: We give the money to buy land and install or improve infrastructure, such as water, electricity, gas. Homebuyers also contribute to the construction of the homes. Reporter: In what ways? Mr Jackson: They participate in the building of the houses. This can be any type of work, painting, roofing, decoration. Their work may also help buyers who are unable to do these jobs due to disabilities or other reasons. Frequently, persons with disabilities are able to do administrative tasks. Homebuyers’ own work reduces the cost of their homes greatly. Reporter: Thank you very much, Mr Jackson. If you need help with your housing problem, join a HUD project and contribute your own work.

UNIT 5 / AS 5 (Tracks 9-10) Reporter: Professor B.: Reporter: Professor B.:

Reporter: Professor B.:

Reporter: Professor B.: Reporter: Professor B.:

Reporter: Professor B.: Reporter:

Good afternoon and welcome to Animal World! I’m Karen Dell. Today we are going to look into the question: Are we humans really the only thinking animals on this planet? Here in the studio I have Professor Brainright to help me answer this question. Good afternoon. Professor Brainright, have you got a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer? Let me give you an example first. A policeman in Vancouver, Canada, feels a duck picking at his trousers. The duck pulls and pulls, and then leads the policeman to a hole. The officer finds her little ducklings trapped in the hole and frees them. So to answer your question: it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that animals are smart. Many scientists, however, ranked humans as the smartest animals and all other animals as unable to think. They based their opinion on research and experiments. Were they wrong? Today’s studies show that animals solve problems, make decisions, and show emotions. We share the planet with thinking animals. But animals have different skills from ours. If we, say, designed an experiment with humans and bats, like close your eyes and tell me what’s in the room, humans would fail and bats would pass. This doesn’t mean humans are stupid. It means we don’t use sounds to tell us where objects are. If this testing isn’t fair on humans, we can easily see how some of the tests on animals are not fair either. So our skills are different from those of many animals. Have you found similarities, too? All animals have the mental tools for three tasks: recognizing objects, evaluating quantity, and navigation, that is finding places. Evaluating quantity? Do you mean maths? Yes. Animals can tell the difference between more and fewer. If you don’t believe me, do this experiment: place three pieces of food in one box and one piece in another box near an animal. Step back from the boxes and watch which box the animal chooses. Repeat the steps, but change the amount of food in each box. What conclusions can you draw from this experiment? If the animal repeatedly chooses the box with more food in it, that animal can evaluate quantities. Thank you very much for these interesting ideas, Professor Brainright. Let me finish this interview with a question: Do you think we should change the way we treat animals? Karen Dell, Animal World.

UNIT 6 / AS 6 (Tracks 11-12) Reporter:

Have you ever wanted to live abroad and experience a foreign culture, meet new people and learn a foreign language? The Erasmus Programme is a perfect choice for you! Dave Williams is a communications officer for an Erasmus Student Network section, ESN for short. Dave, what is the Erasmus Programme?

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Workbook Audio Scripts Dave: Reporter: Dave:

Reporter: Dave: Reporter: Dave:


Dave: Reporter: Dave: Reporter: Dave:

The Erasmus programme is a European Union founded programme. It offers the possibility to students of studying abroad in another European country for a period of between 3 and 12 months. Who can take part in this programme? To participate in the Erasmus programme, you must fulfil the following three conditions: First of all, you must be a citizen of one of the participating countries. Participating countries typically are the Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area. You also must be a student at a university or college. The third condition is that you have completed at least the first year of your university studies. So practically if you are a second- or third-year university student from the EU, you could spend a whole year at a university in another EU country. Yes, that’s right. One year is the maximum length of stay. Studying aboard is usually very expensive. Do participants get a grant? Yes, you can apply for a grant. The grant doesn’t cover all the living costs, though. It covers the differences in costs of living abroad and in your own country. So even if your country is a cheaper country than the one you are going to, life isn’t going to be more expensive for you there than it would be at home. In addition, you’ll only pay the university fees in your home country if you need to pay there. So there’s no extra fee for your course abroad. Mm, that sounds pretty good! What about time? How does your stay at a university abroad change the time when you can finish your degree? Say, your university course at home is a three-year course. Obviously, you want to finish it in three years if possible. If you decide to spend a year at a university in another country, you won’t be able to finish in three years, will you? Yes! You can finish your university course at home at the same time as those students who didn’t study abroad. It is because at home you get credits for your courses abroad. You do not need to repeat any of those courses back at home. Where can students get information about Erasmus grants? Contact your local Erasmus office or one of the local Erasmus Student Network sections. You can easily find ESN sections if you visit Dave Williams, many thanks. No trouble at all.

UNIT 7 / AS 7 (Tracks 13-14) Dave:

Summer is nearly here and we’re all thinking more and more of the music festivals. In our most recent survey, we asked you what your biggest worry was concerning festivals. Susie has the results. Susie! Susie: Thanks, Dave. Besides the toilets (no surprise there), your biggest worry is the cost. However, there is another way... Dave: Yes, that’s right! Join the team of litter pickers, stewards and catering staff who help the festivals to run smoothly and you could get the music for free, and maybe even earn some money. Sounds too good to be true? Well, listen to the Oxfam festival job ad and decide afterwards. Woman1: Are you over 18? Would you like to listen to your favourite bands for free this summer, while helping to fight world poverty? Woman2: Oxfam is looking for stewards for seven festivals this season, from Leeds to Womad. You’ll receive full training, and then you’ll be required to work three eight-hour shifts during the festival. Your role could include checking tickets, checking the site for potential dangers such as fires, or reporting lost and found children. Young man: In return, you’ll get free entrance to the festival, a meal ticket for every shift worked, a separate camping area with toilets and showers, and a very different festival experience.

UNIT 8 / AS 8 (Tracks 15-16)

When you’re homeless, normal everyday life is totally out of your reach. You’re an outsider. For one thing, you don’t eat when you’re hungry. Then you don’t do things like going to work or school. And you know what? You MISS school, and you MISS work. You don’t have programmes like going out with mates either. Going out? It really sounds ridiculous if you’re homeless as there’s nowhere you could go OUT being out all day and all night every day and every night. No one would give you work because you smell and look unhealthy and scruffy. Your only chance is to go begging, spending hours outside in hot or cold weather repeating, “Spare some change, please, spare some change!” After a while your only dream is buying a decent cup of hot tea in the winter. Boys of my age save up for CDs or motor bikes. I save up for a cup of tea. Then there are the nights. You’re lucky if you don’t need to fight for a doorway to put down your sleeping bag or you don’t get mugged. And there’s no such thing as a pleasant warm night. You will be cold, no matter what. And you will be in a lot of pain, too because there’s no such thing as a nice and soft doorway or ground. But that’s not the worst thing of all, you know. The worst is that you are not considered to be a guy any more. Normally a young bloke like me, if he sees a girl passing by, he’ll smile and maybe chat her up a bit. It is not a big deal. If the girl likes the bloke, they may meet again and start going out together. If you’re homeless, forget about the opposite sex. It just wouldn’t work. A dirty look’s the maximum you’d get.

UNIT 9 / AS 9 (Tracks 17-18) Reporter:

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Good morning! This is Food Watch, Les Timber speaking. Today I have Clare Sound with me in the studio. Clare is a leading nutritionist, who has planned the diets of many celebrities. Today she is here to help us with our questions about fast food. First of all, Clare, what is fast food and why is it so popular?

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Workbook Audio Scripts Clare:

Reporter: Clare: Reporter: Clare:

Reporter: Clare: Reporter: Clare:

Fast food is any food that is quick, convenient, and usually inexpensive. You can buy fast food just about anywhere that sells food and snacks. Vending machines and fast-food chains are probably the most common places to find fast food. It’s so popular because for under $5.00 you can usually get a meal that’s filling. How can fast food be so inexpensive? Fast food is inexpensive because it is usually made with cheaper ingredients such as high-fat meat, instead of nutritious foods such as lean meats, fresh fruit, and vegetables. Is fast food always bad? There is no such thing as “bad” food. All foods can fit into a healthy meal plan! It’s true that fast food is usually high in fat, calories, and cholesterol, but eating fast food every once in a while is not going to cause you problems. If you eat too much fast food over a long period of time, though, it can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and becoming overweight. How often is it OK to have fast food? Once a week is just about all right for most people. Is some fast food healthier than others? Yes. A lot depends on your choice. Here are some tips: Choose a grilled chicken sandwich instead of fried chicken or chicken nuggets. Choose soups that are not cream based. Have low-fat salad dressings instead of the full-fat kind. Have a salad instead of fries. Use mustard or ketchup instead of mayonnaise. Order smalls instead of “super-sizing.” Select leaner meats like turkey or grilled chicken instead of fried items, like burgers or steak. Choose water, low-fat milk, or diet sodas instead of sugary fizzy drinks. If fruit and veggies are available, try to add them into your meal. For example, have lettuce and tomato on sandwiches or burgers. To be able to make the right choices, check the website of the fast-food restaurant for nutrition facts.

UNIT 10 / AS 10 (Tracks 19-20) Police Communicator: Police emergency, where is your emergency? Caller: Hello, I’m calling from 13 Swinton Terrace in Hamilton. PC: Yes. Caller: Listen, I’ve got a bit of a problem. I can see two guys out in the road outside my place, they seem to be fighting. Basically, they are punching each other. PC: Alright, OK sir, can I have your name please? Caller.: Yes, the name’s Taylor, Michael Taylor. PC: Michael Taylor, OK Michael, what’s the phone number you’re calling from? Caller: It’s 555 2748. PC: 2748, OK – so whereabouts are you right now Michael? Caller: Well, I’m at my place, which is 13 Swinton Terrace. PC: Alright, can you tell me how many people there are? Caller: Well, there are two guys out on the road. PC: Yes. Caller: Err, one’s punching the other and err... PC: OK, alright, are they using anything as weapons at this point? Caller: Well no, the big guy is just punching the other one with his fists. Alright, so you’re telling me they are right outside your house. Are they on the street or on the footpath? PC: Caller: Yeah, they’re on the street, I think there is a car there but I can’t really see much else. PC: OK Michael, can you tell me please what they look like. We’ll start with the first chap, what does he look like? Caller: Well the guy that’s doing all the hitting, he’s got a blue shirt on... PC: Uh huh. Caller: ...and wearing shorts and trainers. PC: OK, and the other chap, what does he look like? Caller: It’s a bit hard to tell. He’s wearing sort of dark clothing, he’s got a black hoody and jeans and no shoes on. PC: OK. Alright. So we have two chaps out on the street, one dressed in a blue shirt, shorts and trainers and he’s the one punching the other chap is that correct? Caller: Yes that’s right. PC: Alright sir... Caller: It looks pretty serious, the guy that’s being punched – he’s not moving – he’s ... just taking it. PC: Could you just stay on the phone with me Michael, and the police will be with you as soon as possible. Caller: OK. PC: I’ve put the job in and they should be with you very shortly. Just in the meantime... Caller: I can see the police now. PC: OK Michael, I’m going to hang up now, and I will get the police to come and see you. So you just stay put, and the police will come and see you shortly.

UNIT 11 / AS 11 (Tracks 21-22)

You have reached Strongfield Leisure Centre. For information on opening times, membership and day entrance charges, press 1. Strongfield Leisure Centre is open from 6.30 am to 10.30 pm every day except for bank holidays. Member-

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ship fees are as follows:  Family Membership costs £84.00, which covers a maximum of two adults and two children. Adult Membership costs £42.00. Student and Senior Memberships are £21.00. Disabled people and people with special needs get free membership. All membership cards are valid for 30 calendar days. Please note that membership cards are not transferable. Day entrance charge for non-members is £3. Guest’s day entrance charge for a maximum of two non-members accompanying a member is £2. To get back to the main menu, press zero. For information on swimming pool opening times and prices, press 2. The pool is open from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm every day when the centre is open. Adult members can use the swimming pool for £3.00 while we charge non-members £6.00. Student and senior members pay £2.40, while non-members pay £4.40. A member family ticket costs £7.80 and the non-member one costs £14.80. All nonmember swimming pool prices include day entrance charges. To get back to the main menu, press zero. For information on squash, badminton and table tennis facilities and charges, press 3. Courts are open from 6.30 am to 10.00 pm. Squash court charge is £6.60 an hour. Table tennis table charge is £5.50 an hour. Badminton and tennis court charges are £9.00 an hour. Non-members also need to pay a day entrance charge. Phone 01622 719345 for booking. You can also arrange for a specialised trainer at the same number. Sports equipment is available for hire. Please ask at reception or phone 01622 713240 to make arrangements. To get back to the main menu, press zero.

UNIT 12 / AS 12 (Tracks 23-24) Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh: Reporter: Josh:

Meet Josh ‘Rinse’ Roberts, the winner of the Radio 1 & UK Club Culture Under-18’s DJ Search. After a hard battle against the other two finalists, Josh came out on top using his own mixes and even MCing over his set. Up to now what have you been doing as a DJ? Well, I have been DJing nearly 6 years now. I started out just with a pair of CD decks and a mixer doing local discos and house parties. My break came when I was 15. I sent off a demo to a regional dance music radio station and I ended up doing two one-hour sets for them. What’s your mixing style? My style of mixing is based on my hero DJ EZ but it is by no means the same. When playing in clubs, I normally do a cut and paste style set. I also MC on my sets. I try and make sure the crowd are concentrating on me 100% of the time. As an under-18 DJ, have you found it hard getting gigs? It’s hard because a lot of clubs don’t want to take the risk. I’ve got an agent now so things are looking up. What kind of preparation did you do for the final? Practice, practice, practice, I can’t tell you how many times I practised my set! Your 15-minute set at the final impressed 2,000 clubbers. What was the winning trick? I had my own remixes. The highlight of my set was a mix-up of Queen’s We Will Rock You. What was the winning prize? I got some DJ equipment and a place on Radio 1’s master class. Have you studied music so far? I study music technology full-time. What is there in the future for you, do you think? Once I’ve finished college, I hope to become a radio presenter and a club DJ, working across the country and abroad. What advice can you offer to other people under 18 who want to be DJs? Just stick to it, hopefully you’ll get a break. Believe in yourself as well, that’s very important.

UNIT 13 / AS 13 (Tracks 25-26) 1  National Express: Next please! ... Good afternoon. How can I help you? Girl: Good afternoon. I’ve lost my young person’s coach card. Can I get a replacement, please? NE: No, unfortunately you can’t. We cannot be held responsible for this type of personal loss. You will need to buy a new one. Girl: Oh, dear, I’m a student, you know. I don’t have much money. NE: You could perhaps contact your insurance company. They may be able to help. Would you like to buy a new one now? Girl: I really don’t know. I still might be able to find the old one. So perhaps I’ll just try and look for it again. NE: If you find your lost card after you have bought a new one, then we will give you a full refund for the new card. Girl: Oh, OK, I’ll get one then.


2 NE: Next please! Man: A return to Piccadilly, please. NE: Do you want to travel by tube? Man: Tube? NE: Yes, the underground. Man: Yes, yes! NE: We do not sell tickets for the underground, I’m afraid. Man: No ticket for underground here?

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National Express, can I help you? Oh, yes, hello. I’ve lost my ticket – what do I do? Was it an e-ticket or did you buy it at a ticket office? I booked it on-line. That’s good luck then. You can reprint your ticket. Do you have the ticket number and the security code? I’m not sure... Well, you can’t reprint your ticket without those numbers. You were given these numbers when you booked on-line, remember? Yes! Here they are! What do I do now? Find the ‘Lost ticket’ option on our website and click on View and print your e-Ticket again. Great! Many thanks. Bye! A pleasure. Bye!

Woman: NE: Woman: NE: Woman: NE: 4 Man: NE: Man: NE: Man: NE:

I’d like to get a ticket to Liverpool, please. Single or return? How much are they? The single ticket is £12 and the return is £14. The difference is only two pounds?!?!? That’s ridiculous! Your single tickets are far too expensive! Costs are calculated on the basis that all journeys are return. By selling single tickets, we run the risk that services are empty on the return journey. That’s why we encourage our customers to buy return tickets. This policy definitely works if you ask me. A return to Liverpool then, please.


UNIT 14 / AS 14 (Tracks 27-28) Reporter:

Mr Daring: Reporter: Mr Daring: Reporter: Mr Daring: Reporter: Mr Daring:

Reporter: Mr Daring: Reporter: Mr Daring: Reporter: Mr Daring: Reporter:

“Life is either an incredible adventure...or nothing at all.” This is the slogan of Incredible Adventures, a very unusual travel agency offering extraordinary holidays. I have Hugh Daring, marketing manager of Incredible Adventures in the studio with me. Mr Daring, what is the most extraordinary holiday you offer? It’s not easy to choose as we offer all sorts of diving and flying holiday experiences, but perhaps the most special one is our Orbital Space Adventure package. What does it involve? Participants do Russia’s Cosmonaut Training Program and if they complete it successfully, they can travel to space. It sounds expensive. What does all this cost? We don’t know exactly. The total cost of an Incredible Orbital Space Adventure can range from $15 million to $25 million. It mainly depends on the mission profile, that is what you want to be able to do in space. For example, would you like to train for a space walk? How serious is the training? Very. There are four training steps that everyone must complete before travelling into space: Step One is the Medical Qualification Evaluation. You will undergo the most intense medical examination of your life. Step Two is theoretical training, lectures and active hands-on simulator training. Step Three is learning how to work as a valuable member of a cosmonaut team. Step Four is actual training with other members of your assigned mission team. What happens if someone is not fit enough or if they drop out because the training is too hard for them? You will only pay for the training and services you receive. In the event you do not complete all training, or are not accepted for a flight to space, any unused funds will be refunded. Where is the training held? Some of these training activities will take place at the Gromov Flight Research Centre outside Moscow, and some will take place at the legendary Star City. How long is the training? Normally six and a half months. Thank you Mr Daring. If you have $25 million and six and a half months for your next holiday, this is the holiday for you. I don’t think I’ll see you there.

UNIT 15 / AS 15 (Tracks 29-30) Reporter: Zeno:

Planning to buy a new MP3 player? Stay with us. Zeno’s here with the results of his survey on the best MP3 players to buy. Zeno. It will be no surprise that the best MP3 player around is the Memo, especially now that it can play video. Although not everyone is a fan of its short, wide shape, most say that the player is extremely easy to use. Audio quality is first rate, and video playback looks great despite the small 2-inch

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screen size. The 8 GB memory can store around 2,000 songs or equivalent video. It comes in a rainbow of colours. One complaint is that it has been made incompatible with some third party video accessories that worked with earlier-generation players. The Creative Guru generally comes very close to the Memo in reviews, plus it has more features. It is heavier than the Memo, but it has a slightly larger, video-capable 2.2-inch colour LCD touch screen that doubles for navigation. Sound and video are given uniformly high marks, and there’s a long list of extras:  FM tuner, voice recorder, equalizer, Macromedia Flash Player, Flash games and an alarm clock. Critics say that Plus Top is best value for your money. Sound quality and battery life are great, according to reports. The 1.5-inch OLED screen falls short compared to the display on the Memo, but it’s OK for viewing short video clips and photos. Unlike the Memo, the Plus Top offers an FM radio. A 2 GB version is also available. All current Plus Top MP3 players are compatible with Doors Media Player. And finally let me recommend a budget MP3 player. Reviews say there are a number of good sub$100 MP3 players available, but this Thrift 35 model gets a slight edge because of its easy-to-use interface and better overall physical design. Sound quality is excellent, as is the built-in FM radio, though the lack of FM recording capabilities is a disappointment. A unique pop-out design protects the built-in USB connector so there’s no need for a cable or for an easy-to-lose cap. One flaw in some reports is that tested battery life is shorter than advertised. Thank you Zeno. And now ...

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