You You Price Pritchett Price Pritchett [PDF]

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 you 2

 Price Pritchett

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

This is about the power of “you squared” The quantum leap strategy for breakthrough performance. Making a quantum leap—going from you to  you 2  —means accomplishing far more, in less time, with only a fraction of the effort you’ve been giving. In  you 2 , Price Pritchett outlines unique, ynamic methos for leaping beyon orinary performances an achieving ramatic results. !uit trying harer. Think beyon what common sense woul allow. Make your move before you’re reay. "ook inside  for  for opportunity. #ollow the unconventional strategy of  you 2  to penetrate imaginary barriers an pursue your true potential.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

A True Story I’m sitting in a quiet room at the Millcroft Inn, a peaceful little place hien behin the pine trees about an hour out of Toronto. It’s $ust past noon, late %uly, an I’m listening to the esperate souns of a life&or&eath struggle going on a few feet away. There’s a small fly burning out the last of its short life’s energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of a winowpane. The whining wings tell the poignant story of the fly’s strategy — try harder . 'ut it’s not working, The fren(ie effort offers no hope for survival. Ironically, the struggle is a part of the trap. It is impossible for the fly to try har enough to succee at  breaking through the glass. )evertheless, this little insect has stake its life on reaching its goal through raw effort an etermination. This fly is oome to ie. It will ie there on the winowsill. *cross the room, ten steps away, the oor is open. Ten secons of flying time an this small creature coul reach the outsie worl it seeks. +ith only a fraction of the effort now being waste, it coul be free of this self&impose trap. The breakthrough possibility is there. It woul be so easy.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

+hy oesn’t the fly try another approach, something ramatically ifferent -ow i it get so locke in on the iea that this particular route, an etermine effort, offers the most promise for success +hat logic is there in continuing, until eath, to seek a breakthrough with more of the th e same/ )o oubt this approach makes sense to the fly. 0egrettably, it’s an iea that will kill. Trying harer/ isn’t necessarily the solution to achieving more. It may not offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life. 1ometimes, in fact, it’s a big part of the problem. If you stake your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harer than ever, you may kill your chances for success.

 Price Pritchett

 you 2

 Price Pritchett


The Promise !uantum "eaps  you 2 

2hange your personal rules for success. !uit trying harer. Ignore conventional ways. Think beyon what common sense woul allow. 1uspen isbelief. #ocus on ens rather than means. 0ely on the unseen forces. 2hoose a ifferent set of risks. Trust in the power of pursuit. 1eek failure. 3et uncomfortable. 4pen your gifts. #all in love. Make your move before you’re reay. "ook inside  for the opportunity.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

The Promise *re you reay for this 0ight now, in this moment, you are capable of  exponential improvement   in your performance. 5ou can multiply   your personal effectiveness, hit new highs, an shatter your ol achievement recors. The results you can have will be har for you to imagine. 5ou can become you 2 . 5ou on’t have to settle for things as they are now. That can change. 6ramatically. If you’re reay, life is prepare to give you a breakthrough e7perience. 5ou can $ump to a higher orbit of achievement8live the ream8en$oy a completely ifferent plane of success. *lso, you on’t have to be content with improving things incrementally or graually. %ust as your level  of performance can improve rastically, so can your rate  of accomplishment. #urthermore, the  you 2   formula requires far less effort than you’ve given in the past. 5ou haven’t been reaching your full potential. 1o far, you haven’t even come close. )o matter how you wish to measure success, regarless of how you efine achievement, you have barely scratche the surface of what you personally can accomplish. 'ut maybe the time has come to change all that. Maybe you’re reay to make a quantum leap.

 you 2

You don’t have to be content with improving things incrementally or gradually.

 Price Pritchett

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

Quantum eaps Quantum leap is a term taken from the vocabulary of the new physics—quantum physics—the science  behin such technological breakthroughs as lasers, television, computers, space communication, an nuclear energy. !uantum physics is escribe as the most powerful science ever conceive of by human  beings. It requires a ma$or rethinking of such concepts as time an space, an how the human consciousness operates.

!uantum physics also has staggering implications regaring you, your potential, an the power of the min. To put it simply, as human beings we are going to have to reframe our ieas about the universe an how we fit into it. #re *lan +olf, in his awar&winning book title Taking the Quantum Leap, escribes the term as8 the explosive jump that a particle of matter undergoes in moving from one place to another…in a figurative  sense, taking the quantum leap means taking a risk,  going off into an unchartered territory ith no guide to  follo!

Physicists stuying quantum mechanics note that particles make these $umps/ ithout apparent effort  an ithout covering all the "ases   between the starting an ening points. +hat’s going on here -ow oes this happen *n is it possible for you as an iniviual to o something very similar in your personal performance

 you 2

To put it simply! as human  beings we are going to have to reframe our ideas about the  universe and how we fit into it.

 Price Pritchett

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

 you2  Most people operate with a minset that assumes success comes one step at a time. The unspoken but popular notion is that we must move systematically from our present level of achievement to the ne7t. Then, the thinking goes, from that stage we can begin working towar grauating to still the ne7t higher level in the sequence. 3raual progress. This is an unfortunate misconception, an it’s clearly reflecte in the way we function. They go about, ay to ay, striving to make incremental gains in their performance. That’s pretty routine. That’s the pathway of conventional growth. 'ut your life simply oes not always have to operate that way. *vancing at a measure pace—step by step from where you are to a little bit better—orinarily feels easier, more natural, an even safer. 'ut in certain areas of your life you can $ust as easily think in terms of skipping levels. 5ou can move from your present level of achievement to one that is several stages higher—irectly. 5ou make the quantum leap. 5ou become  you 2 . Instea of accepting present circumstances or being content with graual improvement, you can go for a  breakthrough.  you 2   implies an e7plosive $ump/ in your personal performance that puts you far beyon the ne7t logical step. It’s a formula for stunning avances in achievement an the reali(ation of your reams. The

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

concept is one of e7ponential gains rather than incremental progress. 5ou might compare it to multiplying instea of aing—it means a geometric progression in your effectiveness. That’s e7citing as well as provocative, but it gets even better. 0emember, quantum leaps can come ithout apparent effort . These are high velocity moves that carry you to ramatically higher performance levels without a time&consuming struggle. !uantum leaps seem to violate common sense8utterly9 The iea of moving to a higher orbit,/ an skipping several rungs on the achievement laer in the process, strikes people as far&fetche, maybe even outrageous. *fter the fact, quantum leaps maybe viewe as practical, sensible, even obvious moves, but they typically o not come to you as the obvious moves at the moment. :sually it’s in retrospect that you perceive their hien logic an elegance. Invariably, quantum leaps are not comple7 or intricate maneuvers. They ten to be simple, energy efficient, an time&saving.  you 2 , the quantum leap strategy, can eliver those special reams an ambitions that you instinctively feel shoul be yours. 'ut the breakthrough emans a raical eparture from some of your habits.  you2  implies an "e#plosive $ump% in

your personal performance that puts you far beyond the ne#t logical step.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

Change your personal rules for success. "everaging up your personal effectiveness by an orer of magnitue—going from you to  you 2  —is not a commonplace iea. 5ou shoul not be surprise to hear that unconventional success calls for unconventional approaches. !uantum leaps require parao7ical behavior. :nusual moves. *ctions that on the surface often seem to contraict common sense. *s human beings, though, we orinarily go with the obvious. +e fall into the habit of relying on behaviors that seem to have worke best for us over the years. +hen we take an approach that seems to be very serviceable, an which enables us to perform well an succee, we become attache to it. +e on’t reaily relinquish that habit pattern. In fact, there’s a tenency to follow our favorite approach more an more often, such that we get better an better at hanling things that particular way. This aroitness with a certain approach results in our over&epenence on the strategies an tactics it involves. +e resist new maneuvers because they make us feel clumsy, awkwar, an more at risk. 'ut if you want to accelerate your rate of achievement rapily, you must search out an vigorously employ new behaviors. )ew attitues. 5ou must be willing to break out of your routines in orer to make the quantum leap.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

The things that worke for you in the past very likely coul, sooner or later, lose their serviceability. ;ven if your customary approach still hols promise for maintaining your  present   level of performance an growth curve, it may not help if you want to hit far higher achievement levels. *n if you continue to rely on those ol routines, maybe even leaning on them most when your performance flattens out or sags, you create a trap for yourself. There is a certain irony here. 5our historically most epenable behaviors can become the ma$or obstacles to future success. It’s possible for them to cripple your progress. They may stan as personal bounary lines that limit what you can accomplish with your life. There is, however another course of action. It is the way of the quantum leap.  you 2 . The following chapters e7plain the peculiar strategy that is involve.

&f you want to accelerate your rate of achievement rapidly! you must search out and vigorously employ new behaviors.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

Quit trying harder. !uantum leaps cannot be achieve through incremental steps or through more of the same./ 5ou’ve got to shift gears. 5ou have to follow new patterns of thought an action. The rules of what works an what oesn’t always change when you are trying to make a move from normal performance to  you 2 . 1top an think about it. -ere’s the way it goes—  more of the same/ usually $ust gives you more of the same. 4f course, if that’s mainly what you’re after, fine. Try a little harer an get a little bigger payoff. Try a lot harer an you can e7pect a lot better results. 0ight 1ooner or later you’re going to reach the point where you can’t try any harer. It may be that your spirit flags, or that your physical an mental resources are stretche to the limit. *n often, well before you come to that set of circumstances, you reach the point of iminishing returns—trying harer an harer starts proucing less an less. 1ometimes, in fact, intensifying your efforts prouces nothing e7cept  bigger problems. *s a case in point, go back to the story of the fly. That little insect coul have turne away from the winow egrees an followe the path of least resistance as it flew to the open oor. * quantum leap to freeom. Ten secons of effortless flight woul

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 Price Pritchett

have prouce total success, while hours of frustration an panic spent beating its wings against the glass were estine to en fruitlessly in eath on the usty winowsill. )ow this is not the argument against self&iscipline or persistence. Those are true virtues. 4ver a lifetime they can make a powerful contribution to success an achievement. They are funamental to the evelopment of your talents. It’s e7tremely important to apply yourself iligently, an sometimes staying power/ is what elivers a big win. 'ut orinarily you will fin that trying harer prouces only incremental gains, not quantum leaps. *lso keep in min that trying harer ?even a lot harer@ sometimes offers little more than a straight path to burnout. *ttempting to succee through more of the same,/ being resolute an relying on committe effort, can blin you to better pathways. If you want to make a quantum leap, quit thinking about trying harer. More effort isn’t the answer.

"'ore of the same%  usually $ust gives you more of the same.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

&gnore conventional ways. 3et ruthless about trying something ifferent. 4rinarily we achieve conventional growth because we think along conventional lines. +e e7perience reasonable performance gains because we rely on reasonable approaches. +e fin ways to make moest improvements in our level of success because we go looking for nothing more. !uantum leaps require you to abanon the status quo. Instea of once again trying what you have always one, maybe with even more intensity an etermination, ignore the usual.  you 2  requires abrupt change in behavior.

"ook for a parao7ical move. #or e7ample, consier reversing your fiel. Try being illogical. 0icochet. If you’re pushing against the wall, open a oor an walk through. If you’re pushing against the river, try going with the flow. :se finesse instea of effort. 5ou must o something new9 The tenency, when you stall out or begin to level off in your performance, is to go back to the basics an o what you o best./ 'ut oing what you o  best can be the worst thing you coul o. It really oesn’t matter how well you can o something if it’s the wrong thing to o. #aith in the familiar/ sets the trap. *n you spring it when you reinvest yourself in what logically seems

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

like it woul work because it usually worke in the past. To make a quantum leap, you’ve got to break out of the rut where you’ve been running. 1econ&guess your routines. 4vercome the aiction to your ol methoologies. 1et a new pattern. If the things you’re oing have quit working, stop oing them. #ocus on what works. If you’ll $ust quit what you’ve been oing, instea of oggely oing it harer, you at least create an opportunity—some space/—to o something else. !uantum leaps come when you seek the elegant solution. 1o look for an approach characteri(e by simplicity, precision, efficiency, neatness. It won’t be as comple7 or time consuming as your present struggle. 4verall, it will be less emaning of your energies an emotions. *n it probably will not be familiar to you.  you 2  calls for a fresh perspective, a eft move, a path of less resistance. There is a way you can o more with less.

(icochet. &f you’re Trying to climb over the wall! open a door and wal) through. &f you’re pushing against the river! try going with the flow.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

Thin) beyond what common sense would allow. Most of us can be foun flying too close to the groun. Too often we on’t give ourselves permission to soar. It’s time to start focusing on possibilities, rather than on limits or obstacles. Making a quantum leap means moving outsie your mental bounaries. If you will rethink how you’re thinking, you can multiply your performance potential. 5ou must let your esires guie you, instea of allowing yourself to be bo7e in  by perceive constraints. 1eeking the quantum leap means violating the  bounary of the probable. It means achieving well  beyon the obvious. 1o on’t limit your esires to what you think you can have/8start going after what you want./ This means you must give yourself permission to ream, to risk. 5ou must set yourself free. * ten or twenty percent improvement isn’t the iea at all. That woul represent only incremental gains. That might be an impressive performance in some situations, like if there were unusual obstacles or a very challenging set of circumstances. 'ut while such a goal might be challenging, it woul not represent a quantum leap. Instea of an aitional ten percent or so,/ a quantum leap prouces a ramatic an multiple gain, an e7ponential increase. !uantum leaps are by efinition rather astouning, certainly unconventional.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

6on’t get the iea that anything you can think of is possible. 'ut in some areas of your life what lies within your reach is enough to stagger the min. 5ou can ouble your level of success. Triple it. #ar beyon that, you can leverage up your performance to the secon or thir or fourth power8or beyon. True, there are limits, but you on’t nee to worry about them. 5our real limits are far beyon your artificial mental bounaries. The real limits won’t bo7 you in, but the false one you’re carrying aroun in your min are a self&impose prison. 1o how o you break out of this $ail Through surrener. 5ou have to give up some of your ol beliefs an sacrifice some of those sensible/ thinking patterns. 1o&calle common sense can be a curse that puts a ceiling on how far you reach or how high you fly.  you 2 , the quantum leap strategy, is bases on uncommon sense.

A ten or twenty percent improvement isn’t the idea at all. that would represent only incremental gains.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

Suspend disbelief. *ct as if your success is certain. Instea of holing back because you on’t have har proof that you can  make a quantum leap, see if you en up with evience proving you can#t . %ust make the $ump—act as if your success is guarantee—  an then see which set of ieas shoul you believe in. 5our minset for the moment may be flawe by oubt an skepticism. The iea of making a quantum leap in your performance, $umping from your present level of achievement to one several stages higher in one bol stroke, is an alien iea. 5ou haven’t been traine to think that way. 5ou may have efinite reservations about the possibility that you can make such e7ponential improvement at all, particularly with less effort an in an abbreviate time frame. The e7perts generally agree, though, that people typically use only about ten percent of their true potential. If we accept that argument, an even if there were no other resources outsie yourself that you coul bring to bear on the situation, you still coul o ten times as well as you’ve been oing. 5our skepticism, which you presume is base on rational thinking an on ob$ective assessment of factual ata about yourself, is roote in mental $unk. 5our oubts are not the prouct of accurate thinking,  but habitual thinking. 5ears ago you accepte flawe conclusions as correct, began to live your life as if those warpe ieas about your potential were true, an cease the bol e7periment in living that brought you many breakthrough behaviors as a chil. )ow it’s

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 Price Pritchett

time for you to fin that faith you ha in yourself  before. If you want to be skeptical of some ieas that truly eserve to be calle in question, challenge the thoughts an beliefs that have been argue against your taking a quantum leap. Put those ol inhibiting ieas to the test by going for it with everything you’ve got. #or right now $ust suspen isbelief. 5ou on’t have to be convince that you can succee in making a quantum leap, but on’t keep on believing those ol ieas you’ve been carrying aroun about your personal limits. If it will make it easier, hol off for a while on believing anything. %ust act   like you have complete faith. Merely o what you’ o if you knew you were going to succee. 'ehave like you have that total conviction. 6oubt is what oes the most amage. 1o on’t give it any mental space. Procee bolly, as if it is completely inconceivable that you will e7perience anything other than a successful quantum leap. If you must oubt something, oubt your limits.

&f you must doubt something! doubt your limits.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

*ocus on ends rather than means. 5ou on’t have to know how you’re going to get there, but you nee to know where you want to go. It is crucial to have a crystal clear picture of what you want to accomplish. 4perate with a sharply efine mental image of the outcome you seek. 0ivet your attention on the spot where you are to lan at the en of your quantum leap. Aisuali(e your arrival. +hen you o that, it’s like you magneti(e/ yourself to the ways an means involve in the methoology for getting there. The solutions begin to appear. *nswers come to you. If you start worrying about everything that will be involve in getting from here to there, you are boun to bog own in the questions about the methoology. People always get hung up on the how to/ aspects regaring a quantum leap. 1kip it9 The answers will come to you. *n when they o, you probably will fin them to be simple, streamline solutions. 1ee, a quantum leap is a move you#ve already prepared to make! $ou just haven#t done it yet! 5ou have the potential, the resources are available, the opportunity is there. +hat has been missing is your ecision to go for it. Maybe this will help you frame the situation a lot  better. The quantum leap is something you’ve been keeping from happening. It’s not something you have

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 Price Pritchett

to struggle to make happen. 5ou on’t really force it into e7istence8you $ust let it occur. The key is not to get in the way9 * quantum leap is the une7pecte that comes to you with suen grace. 5ou can open yourself to such a breakthrough, you can even invite it, but you can’t make it happen by struggling harer or insisting on first eveloping the perfect plan.  you 2   is achieve through an intuitive, instinctive iscovery process base on a sense of irection an action. If you have the answers an structure an certainly up front, it’s not  a quantum leap.

The formula oes not involve getting everything neatly organi(e an all the risks eliminate before you make the move. There’s an element of hip& shooting involve here. 6on’t count on having all the proceural issues for the $ourney buttone own  before you begin the trip. 5ou must be willing to tolerate ambiguity, confusion, possibly even chaos for a while, shaping your game plan as you go. *llow some isorer in your life. If you get too concerne with the step&by&step plan of action to be followe, you’ll fin yourself brooing over the potential problems an roablocks that coul  be encountere. #or now all you nee in an aiming point, an action.

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 Price Pritchett

* quantum leap, by efinition, means moving into unchartere territory with no guie to follow. 5ou personally raw the map as you go. "ook at it this way—you’re not suppose to be concerne about what happens in the mile of a  $ump8you’re suppose to be thinking about where you’re going to lan.

The )ey is not to get in the way+

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

(ely on unseen forces. Improving your performance by an orer of magnitue—   you 2  —can soun unrealistic if you think of it as something you have to o all by yourself. 'ut you on’t. #orget the iea that you shoul be able to see, tangibly an in full view, all the resources necessary to leverage your performance ramatically. There are resources you can access that cannot be seen, an they are far greater an more powerful than the resources you might reaily observe. *bsence of evience is not evience of their absence. Think of an iceberg, where you see only the tip of what’s really there. %ust as real, though out of sight, are invisible resources reay to make a profoun ifference in what you can achieve. *ll you have to o is open up an let them in. !uantum leaps are merely the process of using yourself an your worl ifferently, thus alloing  other possibilities that e7ist to actually materiali(e. 5our illingness   to make a quantum leap is the enabler. 5ou o not achieve your reams, your full potential, through your own singular struggle. *s mentione earlier, neither raw effort nor sheer willpower is the answer. Trying as har as you can/ will fall far short of taking you as far as you are capable of going. 5ou must take avantage of the support systems you can’t see.

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 Price Pritchett

In a sense, making the quantum leap is like playing  brige. 5ou on’t bi your han alone8your biing is also base on the power of your partner’s cars. 5ou on’t really get to see those cars until it’s time to play them, but you trust that they will bring valuable strength to your own han. The unseen forces are phantom powers that cannot  be fully e7plaine. Maybe they strike you as rather mystical phenomena, but the truth is they will make ama(ing contributions to your efforts. These unseen forces seem to operate through your subconscious min, mental imagery, intuition an luck./ 5ou might be hit with a flash of inspiration uring a moment of solitue. * creative solution to a problem may come to you in a ream. * breakthrough iea can flash through your min while you’re visuali(ing your goal. 1omehow the resources you nee $ust seem to appear by coincience. Paint a vivi picture in your min for these forces to know precisely what you want. In one way or another, the unseen forces will a((le you with their impact. 2ount on it. !uantum leaps come easy when you plug into this remarkable power source. 5ou on’t have to unerstan it totally in orer to use it, $ust as you on’t have to comprehen the intricate physics of electrical energy to flip a lamp switch an floo the room with light. +hen you focus constantly on a clear picture of what you want to accomplish, an move towar it confiently, the unseen forces will rally to your support. These unknowns, these invisible resources,

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 Price Pritchett

are the most powerful factors available to assist you in making the quantum leap to  you 2 .

,ust as real! though out of sight! are invisible resources ready to ma)e a profound difference in what you can achieve.

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 Price Pritchett

Choose a different set of ris)s. 3oing for the quantum leap feels chancy. The risks hit you as rather apparent, an may be quite threatening, but you must stack them up against the hien risks you accept when you ecie to live with the status quo. *sk yourself what you’re risking if you o not go for the quantum leap. The risk is that you won’t get what you really want out of life. 5ou’ve got to unerstan that you can never escape risk. It’s not something you can ecie to live with or without. 1omething is always at stake. 5ou can only ecie which risks to take. +hether you choose to go for the quantum leap, or to follow your usual routines, you are putting something on the line. 1o choose carefully, an on’t ki yourself with the iea that playing it safe/ by living with the status quo gives you the best os. That may be the surest way of losing. !uantum leaps o mean that to some egree you must move beyon the (one of familiarity, security, an comfort. 'ut you can make the $ump to  you 2  without being reckless or impulsive. #rankly, making a quantum leap is not mere gambling. It’s not a crapshoot. 5ou simply move on an opportunity you’ve been ignoring. 5ou abanon your e7cuses. 5ou reframe the problem. 5ou take a completely different   chance. * quantum leap is risking in a way that unmasks the truth, revealing how the

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only thing of significance that has been staning in the way is you. 0isk believing in yourself. 0isk acting on the assumption that you can succee in making a quantum leap. 4therwise, the risk is that you will settle for only a fraction of what life has to give you. This isn’t a case of taking a big chance, it’s a matter of giving yourself a big chance. The ma$or obstacle to overcoming the os is never challenging them. :ntil you test the limits regaring what you can achieve, you can’t truly know what your chances really are. *n the os change in your favor when you begin to challenge them. 'ut if you try to minimi(e your vulnerability by avoiing a new set of risks, you kill your chances for a quantum leap.

The biggest obstacle to overcoming the odds is never challenging them.

 you 2

 Price Pritchett

Trust in the power of pursuit. 5ou’ve reame many reams that were yours for the taking. In fact, almost all of them were well within your reach. ;ven now, most of what you ream of can be yours. The simple secret is the seeking.  Pursuit%   6reams  begin to crystalli(e into reality when they are pursue. The worl behave ifferently when you actually take action to go after what you want. +hat you wish coul be/ starts becoming. The ream moves in your irection, begins to come to you, even as you reach for it. 2onsier this—the reams you have reali(e in life are those which you actively sought. That which you have achieve is what you ecie to go for in one way or another. 5ou can think positively/ all ay long, all year, but positive action is what counts. +ishing, longing, wanting, esiring8these are not the same as pursuing a ream. These are mental states, an can play an important role in the process of becoming  you 2 . 'ut they are essentially passive. Pursuit, on the other han, is active. 0eaching for your ream is behaving—moving—an it shortens the istance between you an your esire ob$ective. Most people confuse wishing an wanting with pursuing. Their esire for a ream may be esperate an eep. 'ut when that esire fails to prouce, they conclue the ream cannot be theirs. *ctually, the only proof they have is that the longing is not enough.

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 Price Pritchett

The ata at han merely prove that esire alone oes not—cannot—eliver. Pursuit is what makes the ifference. 0eaching for what you want alters the os immeiately, an rastically, of getting it. +hat you want/ becomes part of a ynamic e7change, with the worl an you in partnership, when you act an e7ten yourself towar the ream.  you 2   is firmly base on the premise of pursuit. !uantum leaps require you to take the offensive. 5ou can’t achieve e7ponential gains in your success from a efensive posture. 5ou can’t remain in a passive stance an make a quantum $ump.

5ou must move on the ream. That means you must leave the cover, the safety, that goes with merely wishing for something. 5ou must place your trust in action. *sk8seek8knock8an the ream shall be yours.

'ost people confuse wishing and wanting with pursuing. You must place your trust in action.

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 Price Pritchett

See) failure. !uantum leaps eman a willingness to make mistakes. 5ou cannot hole up in the safe (one of behavior where you have beaten the os of failing. *n unwillingness to encounter efeat or run into the problems outlaws quantum leaps. :nless you allow yourself to make mistakes, to fail, you will never have the opportunity to test the limits of what you truly are capable of accomplishing. 5ou must reali(e that if you’re e7periencing no ifficulties, problems, or pain, you probably have aime too low. 5ou’ve levele off in your growth an achievement. 5ou probably are far from reaching your limits. 1o think of problems or pain or slippage in performance as a positive sign. * performance lag orinarily occurs at the very outset when you are making a quantum leap. It’s the pause uring which you poise for the $ump, the temporary loss of momentum that occurs in the process of changing gears./ 5ou eliberately estabili(e yourself when you  break out of the habit patterns that represent the status quo. 5ou create some inner chaos for yourself. 1o be prepare for the possibility of confusion, an7iety an failure. That’s part of opening yourself up to a new methoology that has the potential to eliver e7ponential performance gains.

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 Price Pritchett

1o often in life, it seems things first get worse on the way towar getting better. 'e prepare for that sort of evelopment. Problems belong in the process. They are part of the equation that prouces  you 2 . They are not proof that your ambitions are futile or that you shoul give up. *s someone has sai, ;verything looks like a failure in the mile./ 5ou can’t bake a cake without getting the kitchen messy. -alfway through surgery it looks like there’s been a murer in the operating room. If you sen a rocket towar the moon, about ninety percent of the time it’s off course—it fails/ its way to the moon by continually making mistakes an correcting them. *t the outset you may feel high because going for the quantum is heay stuff. 'ut then the har reality of problems/ may slap you in the face. Progress often masqueraes as trouble. It’s easy to lose faith, because other people may withraw their support an be critical of your efforts. That, plus your own an7ieties an uncertainties, can tempt you to turn on yourself. This is the critical point in the progress—on’t give up9 #ailure belongs here. It’s a sign of progress9 The stress will seuce you towar retreat to the safety/ of the status quo, the trap of the familiar. %ust remember thisB #ailure oes not mean you’re efeate. *ctually, the struggle gives you strength. It’s like tempering the steel, or the soreness involve in

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eveloping muscle. The ifficulties are $ust evience that you’re learning an progressing. 1o go looking for failure8an then use it. 6on’t interpret problems or breakowns as proof that you shoul quit, but instea take them as evience if your growth an improvement. #ailure is a resource. It helps you fin the ege of your capacities.

*ailure is a resource. &t helps you find the edge of your capacities.

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 Price Pritchett

-et uncomfortable. !uantum leaps $erk you out of your comfort (one. Prepare yourself for a pretty wil rie. 5ou’re going to cover some unfamiliar terrain an encounter obstacles you’ve never face before. It can feel like the safety chain linking you with behavior patterns that worke in the past is being stretche to the limit. *t times you may woner if the situation is about to spin out of control. The normal reaction is to want to hol on tightly. 'ut you’re going to have to learn to let go.  you 2  is achieve through release. 1o turn loose if you want to $ump. 6on’t be surprise if you grow uneasy—that’s a preictable part of the process. +hen you take the quantum leap you ride   the situation, but you on’t really control   it all that much. In fact, the only way you control it is by ?