Work Permit Certification [PDF]

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Work Permit Certification (WPR) Questions & Answers 1-WHO MUST SIGN A WORK PERMIT ISSUER OR RECEIVER CERTIFICATE? a-The designated representative. b-The issuer or receiver. c-The superintendent of issuer or receiver. d-The foreman of the issuer or receiver. 2-FOR HOW LONG IS A WORK PERMIT ISSUER OR RECEIVED CERTIFICATE VALID? a- 1 year. b- 6 months. c- 2 years. d- 90 days. 3-WHAT ARE TWO IMPORTANT REASONS FOR USING WORK PERMIT? a-To communicate and control work. b-To track contractors and mange emergencies. c-To designate representatives and communicate. d-To track work hours and contractor names. 4-WHY DO WE USE WORK PERMITS IN HAZARDOUS AREAS? a-To identify a designated representative. b-To identify receivers. c-To identify hazards and precautions. d-To check expired certification. 5-FOR WHAT CONDITIONS ARE WORK PERMITS ISSUED? a-Specific work ar a specific location. b-General equipment at small work sites. c-General work at a general location. d-Specific tools at a general location. 6-WHAT IS LISTED ON A WORK PERMIT? a-OSHA safety precautions. b-Minimum safety precaution. c-Maximum safety precaution. d-Government safety precaution. 7-WHY DO WE USE THE WORK PERMIT SYSTEM? a-To monitor contractor work hours. b-To renew certificates. c-To prevent incidents. d-To log incidents.

8-WHAT DOES A RESTRICTED AREA REQUIRE? a-That extensions are short term. b-That work permits are issued. c-That certificates are issued. d-That receivers respond to emergencies. 9-WHAN CAN A WORK PERMIT ISSUER DECIDE THAT A WORK PERMIT IS NOT NEEDED IN A RESTRICTED AREA? a-When he decides the work is low risk. b-When the work is cols work. c-When a joint site inspection is not needed. d-Never! They are always required in restricted areas. 10-SELECT THE CHOICE WHERE EVERY ITEM IS A RESTRICTED AREA. a-Pump stations, sewage plants, wells. b-Wells, loading piers, dining halls. c-Communications buildings, wells, fenced areas. d-Wells, office building, welding shops. 11-EXAMPLES OF LOW RISK WORK ARE: a-Cold work light work and non-destructive testing. b-Spray painting water-washing and turbine work. c-Sweeping visual inspecting and minor cleaning. d-Brush painting, abrasive blasting and sweeping. 12-A SPECIFIC AREA IS NOT NORMALLY CATEGORIZED AS RESTRICTED. WHO MAKES THE FINAL DECISION WHETHER THIS AREA SHOULD BE CATEGORIZE AS RESTRICTED? a-Area superintendent. b-GI 2.100. c-Loss prevention. d-Department Manager 13-WHY IS A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE SOMETIMES USED? a-Too many safety problems were found. b-The receiver did not come to work. c-The gas tester found high LEL reading. d-The issuer may be busy and need help. 14-WHAT ARE THE RECEIVERS MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES? a-Being the designed main representative. b-Responding to operational emergencies. c-Filling in for the issuer when the issuer must leave. d-Complying with safety precautions and signing the permit. 15-AN ISSUER HAS WHICH RESPONSIBILITIES?

a-Issues and receives work permits. b-Defines precautions and stands in for the receiver c-Supervises the work crew and signs the permit. d-Defines safety precaution and signs the work permit. 16-A RECEIVER MUST BE WHAT? a-A qualified engineer. b-A senior contractor manager. c-A senior craftsman. d-A designated repersentive. 17-WHAT IS A WORK PERMIT ISSUER RESPONSIBLE FOR? a-Extending certificates. b-Nothing once he issues a permit. c-The receiver’s action. d-Equipment or a work area. 18-WHAT CAN THE DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DO? a-Accept the receiver’s responsibilities. b-Sign the work permit. c-Inspect the work site. d-Authorize the receiver to leave. 19-WHAT JOINT RESPONSIBILITY DO ISSUERS AND RECEIVERS SHARE? a-Naming the designated representative. b-Taking gas tests. c-Doing the work. d-Safety at the work site. 20-Why is it important that the issuer tell the receiver about safety hazards he may find at a job site? a-The receiver does not read the work permit. b-The receiver must respond to emergencies. c-The receiver may not have worked in the area before. d-The receiver must take gas test. 21-What two things must the issuer do before issuing a work permit? a-Close the work permit and check the receivers certificate. b-Check the receivers certificate and get countersignatures. c-Renew certificates and get countersignatures. d-Provide first aid and assign a fire watch. 22-Who goes on the joint site inspection? a-The issuer and gas tester. b-The issuer and the area foreman.

c-The issuer and receiver. d-The receiver and gas tester. 23-What two things must the receiver do before receive a work permit? a-Read the permit and agree to air condition. b-Take gas tests and check scot air packs. c-Extend the permit and take gas tests. d-Train the fire watch and renew the permit. 24-Where must the receiver keep the work permit after it is issued? a-With a senior crewmember. b-Dismayed at the jobsite or in his possession. c-In the control room. d-Within 75 feet of the work site. 25-When can a receiver leave the job site? a-When all hot work is stopped. b-When gas tests read 0.0% LEL. c-When the issuer has given him permission. d-Before confined space entry. Keywords for this article are Work Permit Certification Questions. What is Work permit system. Saudi Aramco Work Permit System. Question Answers work permit. 26-Who goes a joint site inspection? a-Designed craftsmen. b-Issuer and designated representative. c-Receiver and senior craftsmen. d-Issuer and receiver. 27-What is a discussed during the joint site inspection? a-Designated representatives qualifications. b-GI 2.709 requirement. c-Check the fire watches certificate. d-Scope of work and equipment to be used. 28-When would the issuer check to make sure equipment had been property prepared for maintenance work? a-During the joint site inspection. b-After getting countersignatures. c-When the permit is closed. d-After issuing permit. 29-Why do receivers go on to joint site inspection with the issuer? a-To start the work. b-For the receiver to take gas test. c-To discuss hazards and risks.

d-To check fire watches certificates. 30-When should a fire watch be assigned? a-When gas tests are over 0.0% LEL. b-For any hot work. C-Whenever a fire could occur. d-For high risk jobs. 31-What would the issuer require when welding on in-service hydrocarbon equipment? a-Fire watch. b-Fire station. c-Fire department. d-Fire blanket. 32-What must the fire watch be? a-Certified. b-An issuer. c-A receiver. d-Trained. 33-The Fire watch has to know to? a-Operate fire equipment given to him. b-Be a receiver. c-Operate process equipment. d-Take gas tests. 34-What do we call the person who is required to be at a job site because of a special skill he has? a-Standby man. b-Designated representative. c-Certified. d-Competent person. 35-A nonflammable material commonly used to purge process equipment is: a-Nitrite. b-nitrous oxide. c-Nitrogen. d-Nitrate. 36-When preparing equipment for maintenance work the issuer must make sure it is: a-Isolated, repaired and certified. b-De-energized with the power turned on. c-Shut down, isolated and de-energized.

d-Electrified, isolated and shut down. 37-Two common methods of cleaning process equipment include: a-Water-washing and steaming. b-Purging and gas testing. c-Steaming and gas testing. d-Treating and clarifying. 38-Why do we install blinds in process equipment? a-To isolate electrical equipment. b-To prevent blindness. c-To keep liquids or gases from contacting people. d-Because it is a government requirement. 39-Equipment is isolated to make sure it cannot be: a-Slip, trip or fall. b-Taken to a shop for repairs. c-Started-up, leak or cause electric shock. d-shut down by accident. 40-Removing fuses from an electrical circuit or disconnecting electric wiring is an example of what? a-Purging electrical equipment. b-Locking electrical equipment. c-Cleaning electrical equipment. d-Isolating electrical equipment. 41-Choese two methods of isolating equipment: a-Shut down and clean. b-Install locks and take gas tests. c-Remove piping and install blinds. d-Install tages and purge. 42-Installing locks and tages on electrical al breakers prevents accidental: a-Start-up of equipment. b-Blind instalation. c-Nitrogeen release. d-Purging of equipment. 43-Who instaal locks? a-The foreman and receiver. b-Every member of the crew. c-The issuer and gas tester. d-One member from each work crew. 44-why do we install tags as well as locks? a-To record gas tests. b-To record purging cycles.

c-To expalin with the lock is installed. d-To list safety precaution. 45-What happens to operation locks and tages installed on equipment when operators change shifts? a-The keys are usually transferred to the new shift. b-The locks must be replaced. c-The locks and tags must be removed. d-The tages must be desroyed. 46-The issuer must try to start-up equipment at the fieid switch after it has been isolated and before work starts to make sure: a-There is no gas in the area b-it cannot accidentally start c-it has been purged and cieaned d-the receivers tag is installed 47-who should be the first organization to install locks and tags? a-Operations b-Receiver c-Naintenance d-power distribution 48-Make 8-what must operations do before removing their locks and tags? a-sure equipment is gas-free b-make sure equipment can be safely started c-clean and purge the breaker d- the gas tests and restart equipment 49-A release of Hazardous Liquids or Gases Permit is required when? a-Craftsmen build a scaffoid b-Operators release hydrocarbon to the flare c-Operators drain equipment d-Pipe fitters open a line or install blinds 50-Cold work includes? a-Scaffold building and using a back hoe b-Brush painting and abrasive blasting c-abrasive blasting and painting d-Sand removal and scaffold building 51-covering sewers is required by which work permit? a-Entry b-Cold c-Hot d-Release

52-The use of an air compressor in an operating area requires which work permit? a-Entry b-Cold c-Release d-Hot 53-Choose three things you should check before issuing a Release permit a-Ignition sources ,gloves and safety shoes. b-Safety hamess , belt and glasses c-wind direction ,drainage ,ignition sources d-Sewers, man ways and air mavers 54-what is the difference between hot and cold work? a-Both use an ignition source b-Cold uses an ignition source c-Neither use an ignition source d-Hot uses an ignition souece 55-what is one hazard with doing hot work? a-Flash point b-Ignition source c-Cold work d-Vapor pressure 56-Choose three things that are needed before allowing entry into a confined space a-Gas test ,fire extinguisher ,barricades b-Lighting ,standby man ,air mover c-Fire watch ,air mover ,gas tests d-Air mover , respirator, countersignatures 57-what is the acceptable level of LEL to allow hot work? a-0.0% b-10 to 100 ppm c-5% to 5% d-21% to 23.5% 58-A release of Hazardous Liquids or Gases Permit is required when? a-Pipe fitters open a line or install blinds b-Craftsmen build a scaffold c-Operators drain equipment d-Operators release hydrocarbon to the flare 59-Select the statement where ALL THREE items are needed before allowing entry into a confined space? a-Lighting, standby man, air mover

b-Gas tests ,fire extinguisher ,barricades c-Air mover ,respirators, countersignatures d-Fire watch ,air mover ,gas tests 60-what is considered cold work? a-Scaffold building and grinding b-brush painting and abrasive blasting c-sand removal and scaffold building d-Abrasive blasting and painting 61-what hazard would you find when doing hot work? a-ignition point b-Auto ignition temperature c-ignition switch d-ignition source 62-the use of a vehicle in an operating area requires which work permit? a-cold b-Entry c-Release d-Hot 63-we use work permits in hazardous areas to identity________ a-Expired permits b-The designated representative c-Alternate receivers d-Hazards and precautions 64-The information entered in the “exact work location” box is important because it controls? a-How many workers can be at the job site b-where the receiver can work c-How long receiver can work d-what equipment the receiver can use 65-what does the duration box tell the receiver? a-when to go to lunch b-the expiry date of the receivers certificate c-How long the extension is approved for d-when the work must stop 66-why does the issuer need to know what equipment will be used at a job site? a-it tells him is a fire extinguisher is needed b-it tells him if a fire watch is needed c-it helps him identity hazards d- it tells him if a standby man is needed

67-why is the checklist section important to issuers and receivers? a-Defines the duration and scope of work b-Controls the receivers break times c-it defines all hazards d-Makes sure important steps have been taken 68-what must the issuer do if a joint site inspection is not done? a-Require barricades and warning signs b-Assign a designated representative c-Tell his foreman d-write why not on the work permit 69-“Use a fire blanket” or “hand dig only” are examples of what? a-Hazards b-Precautionary hazards c-Additional precautions d-Regular precautions 70-what must the issuer do if a joint site inspection is not done? a-Require barricades and warning signs b-Assign a designated reqresentative c-Tell his foreman d-write why not on the work permit 71-what should the issuer do if gas tests are not needed? a-Use continuous monitoring b-Write0.0,0 ppm and 21% on the permit c-Enter “N/A” or” not needed” d-Sign for the gas tester 72-what information must the gas tester enter on the work permit? a-LTX-310 expiry date, name and bade number b-Badge and certificate numbers c-Gas test results and normal levels d-Gas test results, name and badge number 73-who can extend a work permit? a-New unit foreman b-Designated representative c-Superintendent d-New issuer and receiver 74-who can close a work permit? a-Receiver and standby man b-issuer and receiver c-Fire watch d-issuer and designated representative

75-what must the issuer write on the work permit? a-Gas test result, name and badge number b-Name and certificate expiry date c-Badge number and certificate expiry date d-Name, organization code and badge number 76-what must the receiver write on the work permit? a-Name of fire watch, name and badge number b-Badge number and certificate expiry date c-Name ,organization code and badge number d-Name of the Fire watch 77-Where could an issuer find out which permit to issue for a specific job? a-On the back of any work permit. b-On the front of any work permit c-Corporate Loss Prevention Manual d-Facility operating instructions 78-who must sign a hot work permit to extend it? a-The new issuer and receiver b-The new issuer, receiver, and gas tester c-The new area foreman and the new issuer d-Superintendents countersignature is required 79-work permits can be issued for up to 30 days if: a-it is highly unlikely that conditions will change b-The receiver cannot close the work permit c-only cold work will be done d-The work site is far away 80-who is responsible for safety at the work site after a permit has been extended? a-No one after a permit has been extended b-The original issuer and receiver c-The issuer and receiver who signed the extension d-The old issuer, because he did the Joint Site Inspection 81-what happens if work must continue past the time the original permit was to expire? a-Work can continue until the job is complete b-Stop work and come back the next day c-Keep working ,but tell the issuer d-Extend the permit or issue a new one 82-If a work permit is not issued during an emergency, what must be done to do the work? a-All safety precaution must be taken

b-Superintendent must approve c-Wear Scott Air Pacs d-Joint site inspection 83-For how long can a work permit NORMALLY be issued and renewed without special agreement? The answer is in G12.100 paragraph 4.5 a-2consecutive operating shifts(up to a maximum of 24 hours) b-1conecutive operating shifts(up to a maximum of 12 hours) c- 2conecutive operating shifts(up to a maximum of 30 days) d-1conecutive operating shifts(up to a maximum of 30 days) 84-A pipe fitter cannot work on the same piece of equipment using a welders work permit because: a-Joint site inspections are not needed for pipe fitters b-welders are usually contractors c-Each type of work involves different hazards d-Gas tests are not needed for pipe fitters 85-who must sign a permit issued for up to 30 days? a-Operations and maintenance division heads b-Designated representative c-Receiver and designated representative d-Operations foreman ,issuer, and receiver 86-The receiver must stop work if: a-He cannot find the issuer b-The work site becomes unsafe c-The issuer leaves the job site d-The designated representative must leave 87-What would be a good example of when the receiver must stopwork? a-The backhoe runs out of fuel b-He cannot read the countersignature. c-He hears an emergency alarm d-Materials have not yet arrived 88-The issuer must stop work if: a-More men were working than stated on the permit. b-The issuer left the job site c-The job site was found to be unsafe d-The issuer lost his copy of the permit 89-what might happen if a safety problem arises and the receiver does not stop work? a-Countersignatures become void b-A fire ,injury, or accident

c-His certificate expires d-The work permit expires 90-what must the receiver do if the stops work? a-Tell the issuer b-Tell the designated representative c-Tell the senior craftsman d-Tell his immediate supervisor 91-what must the issuer do with the permit after he stops work? a-Close,then extend the permit b-Get a countersignature c-write the reason on the permit d-Give his copy to the reciever 92-who must sign the work permit to close it? a-issuer and receiver b-Gas tester, issuer, and receiver c-Designated representative d-competent person 93-why must work permits be closed? a-To communicate the status of he work b-To allow gas tests to be taken c-To allow the permit to be extended d-To stop all hot work 94-when must the work permit be closed? a-After gas tests are taken b-when the work is finished or the crew leaves c-when the issuer leaves the work site d-Before another permit is issued