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is this book for you ? Thank you for purchasing Women Secrets: Collective Wisdom from 5000 Years. Let's start with a quick check on whether you're in the right place. If any of the following apply to you, this book is for you: You don't want to be hurt by any woman. You want your heart to become colder and your mind to become more rational. You don't want to be taken in by her sweet words and innocent beauty. You want to sexually satisfy your wife. You want to have a good wife and a happy family life. You want to know why only women's virginity is important. You want to know why a good wife is your greatest fortune and much more. You want to use women to increase your success and pleasures in life.



In a single, simple sentence. This book will teach you everything you need to know about dealing with women. You know how the first step in dominating or loving women in bed is to first understand what women are? and how do they differ from men? and this book will assist you in comprehending them. Let us now discuss who this eBook is not intended for. If you want to be a big loser in life You want women to use you. You want to end up with prostitutes. You want to live a life based on lies and propaganda spread by the media. Book's reading rule Read with patience.\ Read between the lines, analyze, comprehend, and reflect. Read it twice or three times until you understand it completely. Each line is worth 24 carat gold. Please keep in mind that the goal of this book is not to instill hatred for women. Everything in this world has pros and cons, and women are no exception; you must learn how to use women for the betterment of your life, not to fuck your life. That being said, if you're in the right place, keep reading!



Introduction Everything has a positive and negative side, good and bad, black and white. Similarly, there are good and bad women, but because of their beautiful faces and sweet talk, women always appear to be very loving, charming, and good. That is correct. Many women are chaste and virtuous, but some are evil, so proper knowledge and eye penetration are required to detect bad women. So, in this small eBook, I will only discuss the major negative aspects of women, The following texts are very likely to irritate the reader. As a result, we urge you to read the text using your intellect while keeping your emotions in check. Old sages, epic scriptures Mahabharata, Manu Samhita, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam from Srila Prabhupada, Osho talks, Chanakya, Red pilled books writer Rollo Tomassi, and many more contributed to the books' words. Aside from that, I've posted my commentary and personal viewpoints in various places.


Women Secrets - Collective wisdom of past 5000 years 1. 7 Dark Secret No Women Wants You To Know…a woman herself revealed it 5000 years ago.

Company You will neverAbout experience heartbreak if you understand all seven dark secrets. PROMISE! # Bonus 1 - Services Why is irrational self-confidence so appealing to Our women? # Bonus 2 Your mysterious life is her mental orgasm. Why is it that she is always drawn to the unknown? Why does Goals she prefer to fuck an imperfect asshole over a & Strategy disciplined perfect guy? Goals & Strategy Why must you maintain mystery during Sex? 10 simple ways that will help you in hacking her mind One most effective rule of dominance # Bonus 3 - 1big mistake communicating with women





2. Discover the ultimate pursuit of happiness for women Neither money nor attractive men! Is there something else?

3. What do only married men understand about female nature that unmarried men do not? You must read if you are not married! This could give you an unfair advantage in your future marriage.

4. What kind of Sex does she really want? IIf you know this, she'll revere and adore you like a king ( 100 % guarantee )

5. Why is a woman's virginity important? The 8 most important reasons for women's virginity All of the reasons stated collectively from Srimad-Bhagavatam MahabharatGoals & Strategy Manu Samhita Goals & Strategy Bhagavad Gita Srila prabhupada Osho Ancient Chinese Taoists American Scientist 5.B Recently, American scientists discovered what Ancient Chinese Taoists knew about the impact of male sperm on women over 1000 years ago. 5.C Is virginity restricted to the hymen, or is it more? 5.D Why: Either she is a virgin ( 0 to 1 ) Or whore ( 1 - N ) 5.E 6. Yes! Divorces happen when a woman is not a virgin.

5.F Why did India have less divorces than the United States and Europe in the 1990s? 5.G Inherently, she understands that virginity matters in a way that only foolhardy men do not statistics never lie ( All the proofs gathered by SEO specialist ) 5.H You can detect one of her millions of lies using your dick rather than your brain. ( Fuck her millions of lies, Focus on the Virgin truth - God ) 5.K Why don't modern architects emphasise the safety, security, and chastity of women? Hoes and feminists have a total ROI of more than one trillion dollars (7 sectors hoes and feminists contribute a significant amount of money) 5.L The lies the media and she sold you 5.M Breaking down her Alpha Fucks - Beta Bucks life-saving strategy 5.N 5 things that women go through after losing their virginity that make the virginity breaker unforgettable to them. 5.O Wisdom from great wise men and women throughout history on women's virginity

6. Why don't most women approach men, especially young, chaste feminine girls? Why do most women reject men's proposals?

7. If you are bad, will she treat you as a dad? If you are nice, Try next time in the next life.

8. Why does a woman never deserve to be independent? Creator himself

9. God has already warned you that she does not deserve to be independent - Now suffer!

10. The Impact of Women's Liberation and Feminism on Society

11. The only option for&modern women's or live with cats Goals Strategy

Goals & Strategy

12. How to Pick a Wife and Treat Your Wife Why is a Good wife priceless?

13. Discover the goddess of fortune out of these 3 standard fortunes

1. 7 Dark Secret No Women Wants You To Know…a woman herself revealed it 5000 years ago. Lord Brahma, the father of all living entities in the universe, observed that all living entities were unattached at the beginning of creation. He then created women from the better half of a man's body to increase the population, because a woman's behaviour takes away a man's mind. Aside from beauty and sweet smiles that make men crazy, there are many things involved in the creation of women that only a few wise men are aware of. The destroyer, the deity of wind, death, the nether regions, the equine mouth that roves through the ocean, vomiting ceaseless flames of fire, the sharpness of the razor, virulent poison, the snake, and Fire-all of these exist in women in a state of union. Women arose from the same eternal source as the five great elements, from which the Creator Brahman ordained the universe, and from which men arose. However, Many flaws were implanted especially in women when they were created! Out of many faults apsara Panchachuda revealed 7 eternal faults of women to Narada out of many eternal faults of women.

1. She will leave her husband, if she gets an opportunity. Even if high born and endued with beauty and possessed of protectors, women wish to transgress the restraints assigned to them. This fault truly stains them, O Narada! There is nothing else that is more sinful than women. Verily, women are the root of all faults. That is certainly known to you, O Narada! Women, even when possessed of husbands having fame and wealth, of handsome features and completely obedient to them, are prepared to disregard them if they get the opportunity. This, O puissant one, is a sinful disposition with us women, that, casting off modesty, we cultivate the companionship of men of sinful habits and intentions.

Fire is never satiated with fuel. The ocean can never be filled with the waters that rivers bring. Similarly, women are never satiated with men. -Vidur niti

Bhishma advises Yudhishthira Cows ever seeking new pastures similarly women seek new men one after another. Even after they have consented to live with one, they are prepared to abandon him for entering into engagements with others. They are never satisfied with one person of the opposite Sex. Men should feel no affection for them. Nor should they entertain any jealousy on account of them. Having a regard only for the considerations of virtue, men should enjoy their society, not with enthusiasm and attachment but with reluctance and absence of attachment. Persons of wisdom should not pursue women in especial.women stupefy men who left wisdom and control over himself. By acting otherwise, a man is sure to meet with destruction. There is none in the three worlds who is capable of protecting and controlling women.


2. You can't keep her if you show her too much respect and care.

Women betray a liking for those men who court them, who approach their presence, and who respectfully serve them to even a slight extent. Through want of solicitation by persons of the other sex, or fear of relatives, women, who are naturally impatient of all restraints, do not transgress those that have been ordained for them, and remain by the side of their husbands. women remain faithful to their lords is not due to any fear of sin, nor to compassion, nor to wealth, nor to the affection that springs up in their hearts for kinsmen and children.

But, Women remain within the restraints prescribed for them due to their inability to obtain persons of the Opposite Sex, fear of relatives, or fear of death and imprisonment. They are exceedingly restless, for they always hanker after new companions. As a consequence of their nature being unintelligible (unable to be understood), they are incapable of being kept in obedience by affectionate treatment.

3. She is unconcerned about men's appearances or ages. There is none whom they are incapable of admitting to their favors. They never consider the age of the person they are prepared to favor, whether he is 28 or 82. Ugly or handsome, if only the person belongs to the Opposite Sex, women are ready to enjoy his companionship. Even those women that are loved by their husbands and treated with great respect are seen to bestow their favors upon hump-backed men, that are blind, that are idiots, or that are dwarfs. Women may be seen to like the companionship of even those men who are destitute of the power of locomotion or those who are endued with great ugliness of features. O great Rishi, there is no man in this world whom women may regard as unfit for companionship.

4. Women suffer from jealousy.

Women living in the bosom of respectable families envy the condition of those members of their Sex that are young and well adorned with jewels and gems and lead a free life. Women are very talkative. They are fond of tale-bearing and criticism. Jealousy, hatred, pride, hypocrisy, suspicion, intolerance, and crookedness are some common evil qualities in women. Moreover. Women never sympathize with women because they know from their own experience how bitchy they are! With other women, they have a relationship of jealousy - she has better clothes, better ornaments, a good car, and a better house. Their only relationship with other women is of jealousy and hate.


5. They are easily seduced by a man with attractive features. As soon as they see a man of handsomeness and charming features, unfailing signs of desire appear on their persons. They never show sufficient regard for even such husbands as accomplish all their wishes, always do what is agreeable to them, and protect them from want and danger. Women never regard so highly even articles of enjoyments in abundance, ornaments, or other possessions of an agreeable kind as they do the companionship of persons of the Opposite Sex. Moreover, she does not fall in love with a man who has a beautiful muscular body, The muscular body just creates a spark of attraction but making her fall in love is a very different chemical process. she falls in love with a man who has : Charisma attractive





Irrational self-confidence. A mystery to be explored. That's why women never talk about the ugliness and beauty of men

She Divorced Ultra-rich and handsome man to settle with neither rich nor handsome.

Bonus 1 - Why is irrational confidence so appealing to women?


The most attractive thing for women is Irrational selfconfidence "I don't gives a fuck about you at all". Now, she wants to know the mystery behind that irrational self-confidence. Imagination arises, and attractions occur. Your irrational self-confidence is more attractive to women than your money, status, and looks. As Rollo said “Nothing is more threatening yet attractive to a woman than a man. who is aware of his value to women.”

Bonus 2 - Your mysterious life is her mental orgasm. The secret of being a bore is to tell everything. Rollo Tomassi from the The Rational Male said that this is the greatest failing of average frustrated chumps: they vomit out everything about themselves, divulging the whole truth of themselves to women in the mistaken belief that women desire that truth as a basis for qualifying for their intimacy or enduring commitment. Learn this now: Women NEVER want full disclosure.

Stimulating a woman’s imaginings is the single most potent talent you can develop in any context of a relationship. Women crave the chemical rush that comes from suspicion and indignation. If you don’t provide it, they’ll happily get it from tabloids, romance novels, The View, Tyra Banks, or otherwise living vicariously through their single girlfriends. Communicate with your behavior. Never overtly tell a woman anything. Allow her to come to the conclusions you intend. Her imagination is the best tool in your Game toolbox. Learn how to use it. It’s not a problem communication.







When a chump supplies her with everything all at once, we think, yeah, the mystery is gone, he’s not a challenge anymore, why would she be interested?

Why is it that she is always drawn to the unknown? Unknown is mysterious, unknown is adventurous, unknown is non - familiar. That's why she always gravitates toward the Unknown rather than the known, which is now familiar and fully explored. Once you get to know something completely, It's become boring and less attractive.

Why does she prefer an imperfect asshole to a disciplined perfect guy? Mystery is imperfect. All these men try to be ‘perfect’ to the ladies, so they all come off as BORING. No matter his failing, a ‘humanized’ guy is always more desirable than a PERFECT Nice Guy, super intellectual, or dried-up player. Perfect Is Boring for women. Why does ‘perfection’ fail with the ladies? Because when you strive to be ‘perfect, you enter an Anti-Life mode. You end up not living but fulfilling some imaginary barometer of virtue, thought, or other Human measuring stick. Living with a perfect man will be very difficult – his company will be very boring. Imperfect people are very good, they have limitations, flaws, and commit mistakes – that’s how life becomes richer. A perfect man will be just like a man who knows only one note and goes on playing the same note on any instrument again and again and again. The perfect man is like that – monotonous! He will drive her crazy! An imperfect man has all the notes and colors of the rainbow. He is more colorful and bring drama in her life. She don't want to be with perfect. She knows, error is the man; no error is god. she know drama is life and peace is death. She wants to fuck a man, who bring emotions and drama not a god who bring just peace and rest.

Why must you maintain mystery during Sex? According to ancient wisdom If you want your wife to remain faithful forever then never have a Sex in the day, and even in night, it must be a dim light. Reasons 1. If she explores your body part, the mystery is gone, she will know you fully, and nothing more is left to discover. 2. Once you have a habit of having Sex only at night, sexual thought is minimized drastically and will not bother her mind in a day time; her body knows she has to wait till night for sexual pleasures. As Chanakya said, A good wife serves her husband in the morning as a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does, and pleases him like a prostitute at night.

10 simple methods for hacking her mind The best way to hack to her mind is to remain mysterious but its must done in appropriate way. Lets look on few way to keep her hooked in your life. Never be predictable. Never disclose anything in detail. Give info only on surface levels. Give everything 2/3 of what she Gives Neither appears in the same mood all time. Keep surprising by your actions.

Show all your emotions openly hate, cruelty, anger, love, and compassion except tears. Sometimes respond quickly and sometime late; let her wait for judgments and answers. Sometimes share problems and sometimes do not. Always speaks when needed and make sure it stuns everybody Golden rule from ramayan - without fear there is no love. ( वनय न मानत जल ध जड़, गए ती न दन बी त। बोले राम सकोप तब, भय बनु होइ न ी त।। ) In a very similar way niccolo machiavelli said 'Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved'

1 most effective rule of dominance - Say No Maximum and yes minimum No gives you power. Yes does not give you power. Whenever you say no, you can feel power; whenever you say yes, you can feel love, you can feel compassion, but not power. Words have their own qualities. Those qualities you cannot find in the dictionaries. But in actual life if you go into the psychology of words, each word has its unique individuality. No is not simply a denial; it is an assertion of power. Whatever you cannot say ‘No’ to is your master and makes you it’s slave. Remember the more you say "no" to her! The more power you hold in a relationship.Every "yes" is voting of your submssion towards her.

Become a mysterious man

Mystery means there is no way to solve it, whatever you do is going to fail. Rather, live it -- drop solving. Perhaps through living, you will come to an understanding. But that will not be the answer, it will be more than the answer; it will be an alive experience. Behind every mystery hides, excitement, adventures, something unknown and vague and that is what women crave in their life.

The less she knows about you, The more interesting you are to her. The man prefers not to be an open book in front of the woman until it becomes a mystery in front of her and this makes the woman attracted to him until she tries to decipher. Be mysterious. Let her do some work to find out about you. Let her fill the voids with her own nonsense imaginations Let her try to solve the puzzle of your life and this thing builds huge attraction inside her mind. Don't give her all the pieces She likes to find out things for herself.

Be a closed book. The mystery is what excites her. Don't go on just vomiting about yourself Instead, engage her with questions and open-ended statements to let her spit all her secrets out to you, and the more you listen she falls in love. Women like to talk about themselves. Let them, so you know all about her character and past.

6. Women are big liar Women lie about being virgins, about orgasms, about who got them pregnant, about being raped and domestic violence, about how many people they've had Sex with, and what sort of experiences they've had. They make a lie appear as truth, and truth appear as a lie.

A similar thing happened to Yudhishthira in Mahabharat when his mother never revealed that Karna was his elder brother. The righteous King Yudhishthira, who possessed great energy, then cursed all the women of the world, saying, "From now on, no woman will be able to keep a secret." No woman can keep her lies hidden for long because of Yudhishthira's curse. Furthermore, when compared to ancient women, modern women have a much lower stress tolerance. They can't possibly hide the truth for much longer.

7. No one is dear to them

Just try to understand the mighty strength of My Maya in the form of a woman who, by the mere movement of her eyebrows, can keep even the greatest conquerors of the world under her grip. “A woman’s face is as beautiful as a fully blossoming lotus flower in the autumn season, and her words are sweet and soothing like ambrosia, but her heart is sharp like the edge of a knife. Who can understand the intentions of women? No one, even the god himself No one is dear to them because their real interest is only to fulfill their desires. For their own sake, they might even kill or assassinate their husbands, sons, or brothers.” - Srimad Bhagavatam

BHISHMA SAID TO YUDHISHTHIRA: There is no creature more sinful than women. Woman is a blazing fire. She is the illusion, O king, that the Daitya Maya ( Evil forces ) created. She is the sharp edge of the razor. She is poisonous. She is a snake. She is fired. She is, verily, all these united together. The puissant Grandsire having ascertained what was in the hearts of the deities, created women, with the aid of an Atharvan rite. In a former creation women were all virtuous. Those, however, that sprang from this creation by Brahman with the aid of an illusion became sinful. The Grandsire bestowed upon them the desire of enjoyment, all kinds of carnal pleasure. Tempted by the desire of enjoyment, they began to pursue persons of the other sex. The puissant lord of the deities created Wrath as the companion of Lust. Persons of the male sex, yielding to the power of Lust and Wrath, sought the companionship of women.


Bonus 3 - 1 Big mistake most men make while communicating with women The big mistake most men make is they start offering solutions instead of reactions. Men and women communicate differently. Women want to be understood, not fixed. Let's understand this A woman's sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships. A man who does not understand how a woman is different can make things worse when trying to help. Men need to remember that. Women talk about problems to get close and not necessarily to get solutions. "Masculine communication is for production, while female communication is for connection."— Robert Kandell. She wants to share her feelings about her day, and her husband, thinking he is helping, interrupts her by offering a steady flow of solutions to her problems. He has no idea why she isn't pleased. "Men feel better by solving problems while women feel better by talking about issues. — John Gray If the wife has made a mistake, the husband may say, from his rational male intellect, "But I told you what you should have done. If you had approached it that way, there would have been no problem." He thinks he is being helpful by giving a logical solution;

But she feels he is being critical and compassionate. She reacts defensively, but behind it, she is saying, "I feel bad; just hug me." She needs the forehead kiss and hugs more than an analytical solution; later is the time to talk it out. In other words, she needs a reaction, Not a solution.

Here is the wisdom of Rollo Tomassi from The Rational Male about women's communication “Always remember, women care less about the content of what’s being communicated and more about the context (the how) of what’s being communicated. Never buy the lie that good communication is the key to a good relationship without considering how and what you communicate. Women are naturally solipsistic. Your ‘feelings’ aren’t necessary to her until you make them important. “Women enjoy the communication more than the information being transferred.”

2. Discover the ultimate pursuit of happiness for women, The Sruti (Vedas) declares that women have no scriptures to follow, and they are living lies. Beds, seats, ornaments, foods, drinks and the absence of all that is respectable and righteous, indulgence in disagreeable words, and love of sexual companionship, these were bestowed by Brahman upon women. Women are exceedingly fond of sexual congress. Among a thousand women or hundreds of thousands, sometimes only one may be found devoted to her husband. Under the influence of sexual desire, they don't care about their father, mother, brother, husband, son, and anyone. Verily, pursuit of sex and comforts is what they consider happiness, they destroy the family to which they belong by birth or marriage, because of their uncontrolled sexual desires. Even women that are aged are tortured by the desire for sexual union.

Men's sex is limited to genital, but in the case of women, her whole body is full of sexuality; that's why she loves both kinds of sex - soft sex ( kissing, hugging, foreplay ) and hard sex ( penetrations). When her whole body is full of sex, how can she restrain herself without having it for long? She can't live without men due to her heavy sexuality, but men can live easily without women. Women are just want, but men are needed for women in every sense. Especially for SEX ! Chanakya - A woman is having two times more appetite, four times more shyness, six times more courage and eight times more sexual desire compare to men.


3. What only married men know that unmarried men don't know about female nature? Every man who has been successfully married for some period of time understands this aspect of a woman's nature very well and knows that there is no activity day or night that women prefer more than a sexual union. Standing, sitting, or lying down, sexual union is a woman's activity of preference. One who has never been married is totally in the dark and ignorant in this regard and is incapable of imagining it, let alone speculating about it. Sastra declares that sexual union is the only activity where a woman does not have to be submissive to the husband and that she can be as aggressive and passionate as she feels and unabashedly does not have to suppress her carnal desires. This then becomes the duty and responsibility that the husband must fulfill. If a husband is competent and his wife is duly satisfied to the point of achieving orgasm on a regular basis, then the husband is treated like a king and worshiped and adored. But woe is it to the husband if a wife is not satisfied sexually. Then disappointment, dissatisfaction, and frustration are subtly directed towards the husband. If not timely remedied, then disdain, disregard, and disrespect enter into the picture, which the husband will have to accept due to insufficiently being able to satisfy the primal urges of his wife, which are extreme.

4. What kind of Sex does she want? Spontaneous Aggressive Sex When a lustful husband approaches his wife, the wife takes advantage of his aggressive behaviour and enjoys life. When a woman is attacked by a man, whether it is her husband or another man, she usually enjoys the attack. A man is always remembered for his aggression toward a beautiful woman, which is sometimes considered rape. Although rape is illegal, it is a fact that a woman prefers a man who is an expert at rape. It is not that the woman does not like rape. They like it sometimes. They willingly. That is psychology. Outwardly they show some displeasure, but inwardly they do not. - Prabhupada When a man approaches a woman sexually the man is not entirely responsible. This incompleteness of the woman is also inevitably responsible. When a man sexually touches a woman in a crowd he is only half responsible. The woman who invites it is equally responsible. She provokes it, invites it, and because she is passive her aggression goes unnoticed. Since the man is active it is very evident that he touched her. But we cannot see the other side's invitation to it. - Osho

Protection under powerful arms A woman is generally very much attracted to a man’s long arms.A serpent’s body is round, and it becomes narrower and thinner at the end. The beautiful arms of a man appear to a woman just like serpents, and she very much desires to be embraced by such arms.

Satisfaction & Orgasm The man is very weak as far as sexuality is concerned; he can have only one orgasm. The woman is infinitely superior; she can have multiple orgasms. The man’s orgasm is local, confined to his genitals. The woman’s orgasm is total, not confined to the genitals. Her whole body is sexual. But the tragedy is that her whole body has to be aroused, and the man is not interested in it, he has never been interested in it. He has used the woman as a pull push machine just to relieve his own sexual tensions. Within seconds he is finished. And by the time he is finished, the woman has not even begun. That's why it is said - if a husband is competent and his wife is duly satisfied to the point of achieving orgasm on a regular basis, then the husband is treated like a king and worshiped and adored.


Bonus 4 - Nobody tells you this hidden secret about women and men sexuality As far as sexual attack concerned, Never in the history of the world has a woman been accused of an outrage. This is an impossibility for her. A man commits outrage and aggression but women can't. First. Woman's personality is receptive. Not only this, but even her body has been so designed by nature that she can be nothing but receptive. The man commits the aggression, which coincidental and can be done away with.



The man's body is aggressive, and women body is receptive, that's what create the huge attraction between in them. Whenever a man touches a woman, he wishes to give her many kinds of pain and women love this pain. Actually, the love of a man, viewed methodologically, is that of giving pain to the woman. He will press her hand harder if he wants to show more love. If his kiss becomes more loving, he will bite and claw.

In the KAMA-SHASTRAS ( book of sex) , this clawing is very much extolled: "He is no man who does not claw his woman till she bleeds." That is a sign of a lover - clawing! If the lover is an expert, he would be like Marquis de Sade. When nails were not effective, he kept knives and forks with him. The method of a man's love is violent. Therefore, the more he loves, the more violent he becomes

What are your thoughts versus what she actually wants?

5. Why is a woman's virginity important? The Sex impulse is awakened during youth, and the intelligence, according to one's imagination, is prone to contact the opposite Sex. In their youth, a man or woman seeks the opposite Sex through intelligence or imagination, if not directly. The mind controls the ten senses, and intelligence influences the mind. Each sense has numerous desires that must be satisfied. The most intense desire is sexual desire.

She'll always cherish her first lover. As soon as a woman attains the age of puberty, she immediately becomes very much agitated by sexual desire. It is, therefore, the duty of the father to get his daughter married before she attains puberty. Otherwise, she will be very much mortified by not having a husband. Anyone who satisfies her desire for sex at that age becomes a great object of satisfaction. It is a psychological fact that when a woman at the age of puberty meets a man and the man satisfies her sexually, she will love that man for the rest of her life, regardless of who he is. -Srimad-Bhagavatam As soon as the man and woman unite during the first Sex, the hard knot in the heart is tied. She think I matter, this body. This body belongs to me. This man belongs to me.

Mahabharat - Women have none whom they love or like so much as they have sexual congress with them.

2. Whores do not give birth to virtuous, intelligent children.

In Manu Samhita, there are given classifications of dozens of types of marriages for couples of different castes or mixed castes, including those which are condemned. However, even in these extreme cases, the bride must still always be a virgin. A society that does not adequately protect females in all respects will soon become degraded and depraved. The purity of women is essential for the virtue of procreation and must always be conscientiously protected and preserved. Ensuring the virginity of the wife ensures the purity of the progeny. Bhagavad Gita "When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krishna, the women of the family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrishni comes unwanted progeny."

3. Non-virgins carry the love and trauma of previous sexual partners with them. Her body keeps the love and trauma of the first man for the rest of her life. In Vedic terms, we call "Runanubandha" Due to the soft body & passive receiver of sexual energies, women's bodies absorb a lot amount masculine energies & memories with whom she had the first Sex.

Sex combines your aural energy with that of the other person. These powerful connections, no matter how insignificant you believe they are, leave spiritual debris, especially in people who do not practise any kind of cleansing, physical, emotional, or otherwise. The more intimately you interact with someone, the stronger the connection and the more their aura becomes intertwined with yours. Consider the confused aura of a mentally unstable woman who sleeps with multiple people and carries these multiple energies around with her. Will it be beneficial to you and your future child? Certainly not!


when women love a man and live with him long enough, slowly, slowly her body rhythms become very, very harmonious. So when she has her menstruation, he also has his menstruation. That creates real trouble - both are in a dark hole, both are depressed, both are sad, and both are in despair. In other words When you have long enough sex and live with your wife for many years your body gets in rhythm with your partner and creates a cosmos bonding. it has no physical expression, for centuries nobody has been aware that man also goes through the same cycle. He has to, because he and she are parts of one whole. A man also, for four or five days each month, goes into a dark hole. He cannot even do that because his menstruation is only emotional - he passes through the same emotions that women pass through in that period. @TitansVision

5.B American scientists recently discovered what Ancient Chinese Taoists knew over 1000 years ago. Ancient Chinese Taoists know very well that she absorbs semen. Ancient Chinese Taoists said when a woman has sex with a man, she receives something. The deposit of the man's pearl ( semen ) into the woman is of great physical and psychological benefit to the female. The ancient Chinese Taoists remarked extensively on the positive effects on the female. Her body and spirit are positively nourished by the tract of a generative substance deposited in her by the male. This is one of the reasons females "glow" after sex. Now, look at the recent study. According to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. A new study has found that women carry living DNA from all the men she has ever had a sexual relationship with. When scientists examined the female brain, the study . "Male microchimerism" was found in the woman's brain. These cells differ from women's. Researchers first thought the female brain's masculine DNA came from carrying a guy while pregnant. False. Why? On closer inspection, male DNA cells were still prevalent in the brains of women who had never even been pregnant. When sperm enters a woman, it swims until it hits a wall and seeps into your flesh. It then enters your bloodstream and collects in your brain and spine. You can never get rid of it

scientific investigation Every man with whom a woman has a sexual relationship absorbs his spermatozoa, which becomes a permanent part of her. The brains of older women, many of whom had been carrying male DNA for more than 50 years, were autopsied for the study.

5c. Being a virgin is about more than just the hymen. Virginity is not just limited to the hymen; it is way more than anyone can imagine. Virgin means real, Virgin means pure. Virgin means spontaneous. Virgin means uncontaminated. Virgin means simple, innocent. # Virgin means the mystery of an unmarried girl She reserves her mystery, feminine aura, and virginity only for one man. The mystery in an unmarried girl also is the mystery of awaiting. Therefore everywhere in the world, there is the custom of marrying a virgin girl. If a girl is not a virgin, you will never have the opportunity to know the Female with a feminine aura and shyness, a deep love for his men. Her shyness indicates that she hasn't been with men. The younger the girl, the shyer she is. Her shyness is the indication that she hasn't been touched deeply.

Moreover, female psychology dictates that when a woman offers her heart to a man for the first time, it is very difficult for her to take it back. Also, if she had a sexual relationship with her first lover, that's nearly impossible to take him back from her mind and heart in this life. Now, she cannot forget him for the rest of her life. What happens when she abandons her first love? There was no longer any innocence or shyness. She has already given someone her all-feminine aura in the past. She is now an experienced woman; she is harsh; she lacks the feminine aura and innocence. Soys can now enjoy her leftover trauma and Sex without love that a prostitute provides.

Either she is a virgin ( 0 to 1 ) Or whore ( 1 - N )

Why Either she is a virgin ( 0 to 1 ) Or whore ( 1 - N ) One of the primary reasons women turned out to be a jerk The Very First Heartbreak Her shyness is destroyed as a result of her heartbreak. Women, as Prabhupada stated, are generally soft-hearted but lack the sharp intelligence of men. There is one characteristic of "shyness." It will be very dangerous if you break women's shyness. It will be extremely dangerous. It is very likely that she will turn out to be an evil woman and Hoe.

6. Yes! Divorces happen when a woman is not a virgin.

First and foremost, this chart does not make sense because she either has a body count of 0 to 1 (virgin) or 2 to n. ( Whore ). Continue to examine this graph. 2.5% for a single partner 22% comes from 2 partners. 28% with 4 partners 40%+ with 5+ partners Divorces skyrocket when one partner is replaced by two or more. Marriage has become a contract of providing her pleasure, food, and sexy clothes to get attention on social media and fuck around with fuckboys, rather than a sacrament of love, devotion, and purity, resulting in countless divorces. In very simple words The wife is the one who is fucked by 1 Fucked by + 1 are known as a hoe. God made hoe to use and throw. If you haven't taken these words seriously, bro Your life will be fucked even if you are not a woman, although.

India had fewer divorces than America and Europe in the 1990s. Srila Prabhupada in 1990sWe see that the divorce rate is low in India, where most women are virgins until marriage. India has the world's lowest divorce rate, at 1 percent. Compare that to America and Europe, which have an average divorce rate of 60 percent. Notice a pattern? American and western women have had many ( 2 to N ), sexual partners by the time they get married, and so they are unable to remain committed to one man, which is one reason why the divorce rate is so high. The fact is, the more men that a woman has had sex with, the harder it will be for her to remain committed to just one man. Does anyone else also notice the similarities between what I am describing and that of a common prostitute? A prostitute will have had sex with hundreds of men, and no one expects her to be chaste, and very few men would ever consider marrying a prostitute for this reason. It is also interesting to note that back when India practiced early marriage, that is, women getting married before the age of 16, there were practically no cases of divorce at all.

Divorce was completely unheard of. The Sanskrit language has no word for "divorce." In America, 13 and 14-year-old girls are becoming pregnant and having children. So, which is superior? Young girls are becoming pregnant OUTSIDE of marriage, or young girls are becoming pregnant WITHIN the safety of marriage. In 2022 Premarital sex is common in India nowadays; adultery, cheating husbands, and other illicit sexual activities are common. Divorces, single mothers, broken families, male suicides, domestic violence, and false criminal rape charges against men, among other things, will be the result of all of this. Save yourself from these negative consequences by selecting a suitable young submissive chaste girl.

7. She is innately aware that virginity matters She is well aware that wise men will never accept her with her past. She is well aware that she has done something fundamentally incorrect with herself. Now she will do everything everything she can can to correct that mistake, forget that mistake, justify that mistake by reading feminist articles and watching shows and movies that promote whoreness, and she will do everything she can to normalise virginity doesn't matter. Her mind is still preoccupied with what if my future husband finds out about my past, what if she divorces me, and what if she doesn't respect and love me. Her thoughts To secure my future, I must conceal my mistake at all costs, or I will be a single whore for the rest of my life. She is now searching for solutions on Google, Quora, and YouTube.

Regain hymen in 700 $ - Hymenoplasty before marriage

You can detect 1 of her millions of lies with your dick, not your brain.

Men can't detect a single lie out of millions because of her beautiful innocent face and sweet talks. Women have the ultimate power to make a lie appear to be true and a true lie appear to be a lie. However, thanks be to God He is well aware that women are experts at lying and faking everything. That is why God made hymen. To ensure that each man is the first-round owner of his girl. To ensure her loyalty to her husband until she marries. If the hymen already shatters and does not bleed on the first night, it means the husband received a defective piece, and at the very least, he can detect her one lie out of millions of lies with his dick without even putting any stress on his mind. Without a doubt! God is an absolute genius. Note: If you receive a defective piece, contact the security officer and in charge of the product and file a complaint. Fuck her millions of lies and concentrate on the Virgin truth God.

Sigma words If you can't state clearly what you want and stand for... Now, ask yourself! Are you a man? Standing unapologetically straight and speaking clearly and loudly is the true definition of man... This is what I believe in... If anyone has a problem, fuck you! If modern cuck represents degeneracy and can live with hoes. Why can't I stand up for morality while settling for VIRGINS? Remember The world will always offer you the worst job and comfort you by saying there is nothing wrong with doing mediocre work. You know why: they can't stand a happy, fulfilled man. Similarly, they will offer you hoe and claim that there is nothing wrong with settling for hoes. You know why: they can't stand a happy home with two people who adore each other and are raising a wonderful family. It's now up to you, MAN. Which path must you take? Take your stance and be ruthless!

Sigma Action !

# The Sigma rule Always be prepared to divorce her right before the wedding if your condition is not met. There are no whores in the kingdom.

Why don't modern architects emphasise the safety, security, and chastity of women? Let me enlighten you on some harsh reality that you haven't noticed as of yet. The primary reason is their agenda, or propaganda, which is to surround you with misinformation to the point where you start believing their lies and fake narratives. IF YOU TELL A BIG ENOUGH LIE AND TELL IT FREQUENTLY ENOUGH, IT WILL BE BELIEVED. — ADOLF HITLER

These paid journalists don't care about your health, success, relationships, or anything else. They are only concerned with selling their fabricated narrative, despite the fact that their fabricated narrative has the potential to destroy millions of lives.

Let us know how they are profiting from their fabricated narratives and agendas. Hoes and feminists have a total ROI of more than a trillion dollars. Let's start at the beginning. People in the 1950s were led to believe that having sex with a friend other than your partner was acceptable. People in 1960s movies believe it is acceptable to use contraception pills, have extramarital affairs, have abortions, and divorce. As a result, despite all negative consequences, modern doctors, corporations, business people, educational institutions, and everything else systematically support and advocate whoreness. Look at why they all support it, despite knowing very well that it will result in the destruction of many families. #1. Doctors As per modern doctors, virginity is irrelevant. Then why are you having * hymenoplasty? Then why are you offering advice on how to cheat on a virginity test? You know, if doctors start encouraging girls to be excellent chaste wives, Who will buy pills -$ Who will have abortions -$ Who will use IVF -$ Who will use surrogacy -$ Who will come for hymenoplasty -$ Who will come for big boobs, big ass, and endless facial surgery -$ Not only doctors, but also corporations, want girls to avoid becoming chaste good wives at all costs.

#2. Corporations If you get devoted girls who only care about you. Then Who will give extra time to the boss and office work - $ Who will keep male employees by having fun and affairs - $ Who will make billion-dollar companies - $ Note - Man, If your wife is required to obey anyone other than you. Accept it! As men, you have failed. There is only one "you" to whom she may bow, and no one else.

#3. Businessman If she finds love and has a happy marriage life then Who will buy heavy makeup cosmetics, dozens of dresses, and other accessories - $ Who will go to clubs and drink - $ Who will go to cafes and eat garbage food - $ Who will order garbage food from robber, Tomato, and Weegy - $ All women's products have extremely high gross margins; businessmen profit twice as much on every female product as they do on men's. Evil Businessman Who will work in the porn industry - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Who will buy tinder subscriptions, only fans, etc. -$$ Who will use drugs -$$ Extremely evil businessman If she is shielded by their father and husband. Then On the dark web, who will physically assault her - BTC Who is going to become a sex slave - BTC Who will be involved in female organ donation and sex trafficking - BTC Who will exploit and utilise every cell in her body - BTC Not only doctors, businessmen, and even the government want you to end up with any bitch.

#5: The government If you end up with a nice wife Then Who will file a bogus DV (domestic violence, dowry, and bogus rape charges) case - $ Who will show up in court and hire judges - $ Who will form the feminist political party - $ Doctors, business owners, government officials, educational institutions all want the same shit.


#6. Educational establishment Who will choose a worthless liberal arts, humanities, and social sciences degree - $ Who will end up in a college debt trap - $ Who will provide unemployed college boys with free endless nightstands - $ Women's liberation and equality movements only encourage women to become vulnerable to their husbands, fathers, brothers, and other family members. As a result, she is still vulnerable to being exploited by unscrupulous men, corporations, and politicians. They are now conditioned to be workers, taxpayers, debtors, and socialists. They are not programmed to be devoted wives or mothers. Furthermore, when it comes to fancy education. In the name of so much extensive, significant, and sound education in colleges and later become a prostitute. It is not necessary to educate them in order to turn them into prostitutes. Teach the girls how to be faithful, chaste wives and how to cook nicely. That's all!

The lies the media and she sold you #1 She'll tell you that virginity is just a social construct. However, the truth is It has to do with emotions, biology, psychology, and the mind for women. If she'd given it up for the wrong guy, she'd have to suffer, and now it's your turn to suffer alongside her. #2. Cycling, swimming, and playing games break hymen. You may be familiar with village young women who work hard on farms, go to wells, ponds, and rivers, and carry heavy water weights while their hymen remains intact. You know why because they're not hoed at all and understand the significance of their virginity. #3. Half of all women are born without a hymen, and not every girl bleeds the first time. Power Law 10: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky Sorry, babe. I don't want to be around unlucky women who don't have a hymen. But, you know, there are a lot of unlucky men waiting for you who don't have dicks. #4. True love is defined by comprehension, not by my virginity.



I understand that Sex is not all love, and that love is more than Sex, but Sex is the foundation. The breaking of your hymen is the start of sex or the first brick in a sexual relationship. No relationship can last without sexual loyalty.

#5 I am attractive and have an advantage over other girls in my carrier. Marrying a girl for her lustful beauty is akin to buying a house for its beautiful wall painting. A house's strength and foundation should be examined. Virginity is the source of strength and stability in a true relationship. #6. Everyone makes errors. People should be judged based on their actions, not their words. The past foreshadows future possibilities. Her bleak past inevitably leads to bleak future prospects. She will evaluate you based on your appearance, income, and future potential. Your job is to pass harsh judgement on her based on her history.

Breaking down her Alpha Fucks - Beta Bucks lifesaving strategy

Let me elaborate on what she said in between the lines. Madly in love - She has achieved her first genuine love and attraction. Date - She remembered not only the date, but also the exact time and experiences of those moments. But it's too embarrassing to share everything. I've never felt this emotionally close to anyone before. He was my first and last love; I'll love him for the rest of my life. I still have a strong attachment to him. Crying - I relished the combination of pain and pleasure.

The final paragraphs I broke up with my boyfriend, and now I regret losing my virginity out of fear of not being able to find any good men. I'm doing everything I can to justify my mistake that I was completely correct. I've learned a lot about sucking dick and pleasing men over the years. Perhaps my experience will impress my future soy husband I thoroughly enjoyed the last three years with fuckboy. Fuck-boy has no job or future. Sigma isn't going to accept me. So, I'm looking for a compatible partner (beta male, soy, simps) who will give me comfort for the rest of my life and accept me for all of my past fuck. A girl meets two kinds of guys in her life; The provider and the real men. She fuck around with the real men and will marry the provider.

Her strategies #1. Beta will be unable to satisfy my emotional, physical, and sexual needs. So I'll divorce the beta-rich guy, demand exorbitant alimony, and keep looking for alpha fucks. #2. If I don't want a divorce, I'll enslave him and continue to get alpha fucks and pleasure on his salary. Yeah!

Women with past always live in past

It is very important that women are virgins at the time of marriage. It is a psychological fact that the first man whom a woman has sex with, she will remain attached to that man for the rest of her life, whether directly or indirectly.

5 things that women go through after losing their virginity #1. First sexual encounter Everyone's first sex experience is the most memorable of their lives. When it comes to girls, it is no less than conquering the entire world. As achieving any significant carrier and life goals defines men's success. The first dick in a woman's hole defines her success. Men sleep very soundly after achieving major success. Similarly, after her first sex success, she sleeps soundly because it is her ultimate achievement. #2. She is aware of the exact date. Every man remembers his first job because on that day, one boy became a man. Typically, the most important day in a man's life is the day he begins earning money. Similarly, when they had their first blowjob and received their first earnings in their vagina, girls turned to women. Do you know what your first salary was? Yes ! Similar women are aware of the amount First men cum loads!

#3. First penetrations Her first penetration is extremely difficult; you cannot easily insert a cock into her vagina. Man must battle those small vaginal walls with warrior spirits.

Inside those walls, you must launch your rocket slowly. To enter her pussy, you'll have to shove your cock really hard and repeatedly. She will also bleed and make pain sounds. She will grab your body very tightly as a result of both pain and pleasure. If the dick slides in easily, you are not the first man to scale Mount Everest. No need to be concerned, just fuck her and throw her out on the street. #4. There is a lot of blood on the bedsheet. Men are designed to fight bloody battles with other men on the battlefield and with women in bed. However, this war would result in (HYMEN) devastation and a bloodbath on bed sheets. If you haven't experienced this in your bed war, you've been duped by your adversary. The modern adversary can deceive you with a virginity blood capsule and hymenoplasty. Be the wise warrior who can detect lies. "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver," said Niccol Machiavelli. 5. Optional Her boobs will become more firm. Who built those sexy boobs on her body? My prince charming was the first man to fuck me! Her skin will also begin to glow. The tract of a generative substance (semen) deposited in her by the male positively nourishes her body and spirit. One of the reasons females "glow" after sex is because of this.

Wisdom from great wise men and women throughout history on women's virginity A wise man should marry a virgin of a respectable family even if she is deformed. He should not marry one of a low-class family, through beauty. Marriage in a family of equal status is preferable. - Chanakya

A woman's chastity is her most powerful asset. Once lost, like virginity, chastity can never be regained again in life. So the emphasis for women universally should be to vigilantly protect their chastity at all times. - Srila prabhupada A Vaisnava must only marry a virgin from an appropriate gotra. As a wife can only be a virgin once it is crystal clear that she only can be married once. There is no word for divorce in Sanskrit and a woman who has had sexual relations with anyone besides her husband is considered automatically unchaste in the Vedic culture. - Manusahita He that has not in his house a wife that is chaste and of agreeable speech, should go to the woods. For such a man there is no difference between home and wilderness. - Mahabharata

In sexual matters, Confucianism is quite “puritanic.” A “good” young girl is not only expected to keep her virginity until she gets married and to get married only once in her life -Confucius “To be a woman, you must first learn how to establish yourself as a person. The way to do this is simply by working hard to establish one’s purity and chastity. By purity, one keeps one’s self undefiled; by chastity, one preserves one’s honor. - Song Ruoshen

"Neither houses nor garments, neither ramparts nor veils, nor the royal paraphernalia can protect a woman. Her own chastity is her shield of strength." - Gandhari

The women are taught to regard chastity as their most priceless possession, and the loss of it equal to the eternal damnation of their soul. That home is a miserable place, a veritable hell on earth wherein the husband moves up in spirituality and the wife pulls him down into sensual grooves, and vice versa. -Taittiriya Upanishad

6. Why don't most women approach men, especially young, chaste feminine girls? When a woman falls in love, she is never aggressive. She is not aggressive even in love - she waits. She gives you the opportunity of aggression. You can never tell a woman - "You entangled me in your love, you married me". And although the fact is, that it is the woman who maneuvers, she never takes the initiative. This is her mystery - to draw without any action - non-active attraction. Their very presence attracts. That which Krishna has described as 'in-action', is the very mystery of woman. Even when she falls in love, there is no hint from her. Her presence attracts you. It is you who first make the declaration of love. The woman is never the first to declare. She never takes the initiative, for the initiative is aggressive, it is positive. When I say to someone, "I love you," I step out of myself, I have caused aggression, I have trespassed into someone else's boundary. A woman never trespasses, even then she is attractive - what is the reason? Verily, her attraction is negative, non-active. She calls but you cannot hear her voice. She stretches out her hand but they are not visible to sight. The invitation is there but there is no form to it. The action has to be taken by man. He has to take the first step. He has to go to her, appeal to her. Even then she may refuse and walk away.

Why do most women reject men's proposals?

Whenever a woman says yes, hastily, know that she too is ignorant of the female mystery for as soon as the woman says 'yes', she becomes useless. Her denial, her refusal - her constant refusal is the mystery of the infinite essence. Her 'no' however is such as a man can never say. When a man says 'no' he means no. When a woman says 'no' she means yes. If a woman has to refuse she does not say no, for that also, is too much for her. When a woman says 'yes', she speaks the language of a man. Therefore, 'yes' always sounds hollow and insignificant and in a deeper sense, unethical when it comes from a woman's lips, for even this much is aggression. All the mystery and secret of a woman lies in the fact that she says no and she invites you.

She does not commit on her own. All commitments come from the man. Yet, do not be under the illusion that a woman has done nothing. She does a great deal, only her method of doing is negative, like the valley or the darkness.

Negation is her method. To step away is an invitation to come near, her very act of freeing herself is a call. This is a feminine mystery. A woman can wait for many births for her lover to come; a man cannot. He does not know what it is to wait, it is missing in his mental make-up. He wants everything here and now instantly A man can never wait. He is fretful, ardent, restive, and filled with tensions. A woman can wait - wait till eternity! Remember dude - If she is young and feminine then you have to approach her. Due to shyness she will never going to approach and give you a hint of attraction like experienced women usually give with gazing of eyes and sweet flirtation. "Women have the right to change their minds at any time." Men must be firm. LJBF rejections - "I already have a boyfriend" (boyfriend disclaimers) or "I'm not interested in a relationship right now" rejections. She means that if you pursue me in a much more charismatic manner, you might become my boyfriend. Her NO is only for simps. The issue with SIMP is that they needed women, but men want women. If you appear to be desperate, she will always refuse you. The mistake that most people make is that they give their emotional love too soon, which deprives women of their mission and the satisfaction of earning men's love. Even if you're in love with her, don't tell her until she's earned it. Don't say anything until you've thoroughly verified and vetted her. Don't say anything until she's shown some submission to you. There are no women who are out of your league. You must do the right things at the right time in the right way. You will eventually discover that there are no women in the world who can refuse your proposal.

7. If you are bad, will she treat you as a dad? If you are nice, Try next time in the next life. “Women will gladly overlook character flaws or a lack of assets in favor of fucking the physical Alpha while she approaches her own sexual apex.” ― Rollo Tomassi, Rational Male


Modern women enjoy being pursued by the bad boys, and do not like the nice guys. Externally, or outwardly, modern women will show some displeasure, as if they are unhappy that they are being pursued by the bad boy thug-types, but inwardly they are quite happy and feel sexually satisfied. American women do not like nice guys, and instead, they only like the bad boys, the thugs, the players, the criminals, and so on. Most American men have realized, that if you are a nice guy, American women will not give you the time of day. If you are a nice guy, you are considered weak and stupid by American women. But if you treat American women badly, or treat them like crap, or abuse them, then they develop an attraction for you and love you for it. So it is indeed true, that American women like men who are very aggressive, never mind if they happen to be criminals or bad boys.

Therefore, it seems that the only way to get an American woman to like you or respect you is to treat her badly. So, what about American men who do not want to treat women badly? That leaves us with very little choice other than to go for foreign women

Bad Boys are a good emotion supplier

Also, as Srila Prabhupada confirms, this is the psychology of women, and therefore this tendency may also be found in modern women of any country, not just in America. The difference is that women in traditional non-feminist countries are kept in line through strong social constraints, and therefore are not so shameless as to indulge in their carnal lusts the way that western or American women do. American women make absolutely no apologies about choosing the bad boys over the nice guys, whereas in a traditional country, such women would become social outcasts and would be branded as “whores”. Once again, the main problem is that too much freedom has been given to women in the West.

8. Why does a woman never deserve to be independent? - Creator himself Women can never be their own mistresses. This is the opinion of the Creator himself, viz., that a woman never deserves to be independent. There is not a single woman in the three worlds that deserves to be regarded as the mistress of her own self. The father protects her while she is a maiden. The husband protects her while she is in youth. Sons protect her when she is aged. Women can never be independent as long as they live As children are very prone to be misled, women are similarly very prone to degradation. Therefore, both children and women require protection from the elder members of the family. By being engaged in various religious practices, women will not be misled into adultery. Less intelligent According to Chanakya Pandita, women are generally not very intelligent and therefore not trustworthy. So the different family traditions of religious activities should always engage them, and thus their chastity and devotion will give birth to a good population eligible for participating in the varnashrama system. On the failure of such varnashrama-dharma, naturally, the women become free to act and mix with men, and thus adultery is indulged in at the risk of unwanted population Weak Women are weak. They fall easy prey to the seductive wiles of men. They must be guarded by their men at all cost Mahabharata Only protection they have is no reason for faithfulness

Women remaining faithful to their lords is due not to their fear of sin, nor to compassion, nor to wealth, nor to the affection that springs up in their hearts for kinsmen and children. There is only men's protection that could ensure her faithfulness. Fickle-mindedness & emotional According to Manu-Samhita In the Manu-Samhita it is clearly stated that a woman should not be given freedom. That does not mean that women are to be kept as slaves, but they are like children. Even though carefully guarded, women become disloyal to their husbands, on account of their passion for males, ficklemindedness, and innate want of tenderness. No man can completely guard women by force, but they can be guarded by the employment of the following expedients. Let the husband employ his wife in the collection and expenditure of his wealth, in keeping everything clean, in the fulfillment of religious duties, in the preparation of his food, and in looking after the household utensils. No discriminatory & rational power women cannot be regarded as offenders. Women as a class are no better than boys, and therefore they have no discriminatory power like that of a man. So, it's not her fault at all ! a father's job is to protect her in childhood and his husband during youth. Women can commit no fault. Its the fault of his father, brother and husband who don't protect her from this cruel worlds. Indeed, in consequence of the natural weakness of the sex as displayed in every act, and their liability to the solicitation, women cannot be regarded as offenders.

9. God has already warned you that she does not deserve to be independent - Now suffer! This is an obvious fact. Women do not possess the same powers of discrimination that men do. This is why we find very few, if any, women in positions in science, mechanics, and other fields which require real thinking. According to the Vedas, women are in the same category as children and require protection. Modern society has given women freedom, and now modern women are free to be exploited by hundreds of men. How is this progress? Since feminism began, rape and violence against women have increased. How is this progress? More proof that women are not intelligent and do not possess discriminatory intelligence is in the very fact that they supported feminism in the first place, without realizing the long-term consequences of it. 50 years after the feminist revolution, and now most women have become disgusting human beings, and many men now want nothing to do with them and refuse to marry them. And the idiotic women still believe that this is progress. Perhaps once these women are growing old alone living with their 10 cats, they may at that time realize the huge mistake they have made by supporting feminism. Even then, they may not realize it, because women are not intelligent. Women must be controlled and because modern society has given women so much freedom more freedom than men, now women are suffering more than ever.

Basically, modern women have been given too much freedom and now they are like a bunch of wild uncontrollable animals. This is what feminism has done to women. Not only do the Vedas NOT put women on an equal platform with men, but they also put them on an equal platform with children. Ask yourself, what will happen if you give a child freedom? The child will become spoiled and will cause chaos. Is this not exactly what has happened with modern and western women? Modern women have been given freedom and now they have turned into a bunch of immature, selfish brats who throw a temper tantrums whenever something doesn’t go their way.

10. The Impact of Women's Liberation and Feminism on Society Feminism has brainwashed modern women with man-hating attitudes, which is why modern women are constantly verbally and physically abusing their husbands, indulging in extramarital affairs. Actually, feminism has made modern women extremely degraded. Women were much more chaste, pure, and loyal before feminism began in the 1960s. Following feminism, modern women have devolved into a horde incapable of being in a committed relationship with a man. Domestic violence in which women physically assault the man is quite common, despite the fact that it is rarely discussed in the mainstream media. Modern women, on the other hand, can call the police and have their husbands arrested because of zero-tolerance abuse laws, even if the accusation is false. There is a lot of talk about women's emancipation. If you examine her closely, you will discover that she is a slave to her appetites, fashions, and the dollar. Abortions In the name of liberty, she murdered over 50 million babies through abortion over the last nearly 50 years. Even in bird and beast society, let alone human society, fathers and mothers have protective feelings for their children. However, in Kali-yuga, a father and mother kill their children in the womb on the basis of their scientific knowledge that the child has no life within the womb. How degraded has human society become!

Divorces The majority of marriages fail because of the woman, not the man. Statistics show that more than 80% of divorces in the world are initiated by women rather than men. We also see that in most marriages, it is not the men who are constantly trying to start fights, argue, abuse the spouse, and so on. Domestic violence (DV) charges that are not true As many men have discovered the hard way, there is currently a global epidemic of false domestic violence (DV) charges in which women falsely charge men. Millions of men's lives have been ruined as a result of this, many of whom were completely innocent. Maternity homes for children Babies are born and raised in nurseries and maternity homes. They are unaware of their mothers' health-giving, affectionate, tender, and soul-expanding caresses. They have no idea what it's like to sleep in the arms of a loving mother and father. Fathers are not permitted to see their children. Millions of men's lives are being destroyed right now by women who have filed false domestic violence (DV) charges against them, or false rape accusations against them, or by their ex-wives who are financially destroying the man's life through feminist divorce courts and emotionally destroying the man by not allowing their fathers to see their own children!

One good effect Feminists are only good for easy sex. Modern women do not want to cook, clean, or do any practical housework, so what is their true worth? The only real value they have is for casual sexual encounters. In most marriages, they do not bring any positive points and, in fact, only bring negative pointstheir horrible attitudes, misandry (hatred of men), arrogance, obesity, instability, and so on.

Sigma words - srila prabhupada

These modern girls who simply work in the city can do nothing. They can’t cook, they can’t clean, they can’t sew. All rubbish. These modern girls are all rubbish. Therefore they are simply used for sex satisfaction. Topless, bottomless… the women are declaring, “independent.” They are begging door to door to a man, “Please give me shelter. Give me a child,” and they’re independent. One foregin modern independent woman was…. She was speaking that “In India, the woman are treated as slaves. We don’t want.” So I told her that it is better to become the slave of one person than to slave of become hundreds. The woman must become a slave. So instead of becoming slaves of so many persons, it is better to remain satisfied, a slave of one person.

11. The only option for women's or live with cats


The only option is for her to be a good submissive wife or to live with cats. The solution to modern women's problems is for them to become submissive or subordinate to men, and only then will men be willing to care for them, marry them, provide for them, protect them, and so on. Marriage and family life are then extremely stable and peaceful. Otherwise, if modern women continue to promote misandry (man-hatred), they will be unprotected, unmarried, and unhappy. Consider the single women over the age of 40. Do they appear to you to be very happy? No, they appear to be very unhappy.

Men will continue to refuse to marry them or to use them for casual sexual encounters before abandoning them. If modern women expect men to marry them or care for them, they must change their man-hating attitudes and learn to be submissive to men.

Otherwise, they will live very lonely lives, be divorced, and grow old alone with their ten cats. Men want their wives to be submissive to them, according to their psychology. A woman who tries to boss him around, control him, or abuse, insult, or berate him cannot be tolerated by a man. Such a man will be unable to stay in the relationship for long. And it is the woman's fault, not the man's. Because it is the woman who is causing the man to be disturbed, she is to blame.

12. How to Pick a Wife and Treat Your Wife A householder's home, even if filled with sons and grandsons, daughters-in-law, and servants, is considered empty if the housewife is absent. No one's house is anyone's home; only one's wife is one's home. A house without a wife is as barren as the desert. Take a wife and obey God's command; take a wife and become a faithful member of society. But tread carefully; your current decision affects your future happiness. Judgment of wrong women If much of her time is deployed in dress and ornaments, if she is enamored with her own beauty, and delighted with her own praise if she laughs much and talks loud if her foot does not abide in her father's house, and eyes with boldness rove on the faces of men; though her beauty was as the sun in the firmament of heaven, turn your face from her charms, turn your feet from her path and suffer not your soul to be ensnared by the allurements of imagination. Judgment of Right women But when you find sensibility of heart joined with softness of manners, an accomplished mind with a form agreeable to your fancy, take her home to your house, she is worthy to be your friend, your companion in life, the wife of your bosom.

How to treat your wife

Cherish her as a gift from God, and let the kindness of your actions endear you to her heart. She is the mistress of your household; therefore, treat her with respect so that your servants will obey her. Do not oppose her inclination without reason; she is the companion of your cares; make her the companion of your pleasures as well. Correct her flaws gently; do not demand her obedience sternly. Be devoted to her bed, because she is the mother of your children. When pain and sickness attack her, let your tenderness soothe her affliction; a look of pity and love from you will alleviate her grief or mitigate her pain, and will be more effective than ten physicians. Consider the tenderness of her sex and the delicacy of her frame, and be gentle with her weakness while remembering your own flaws. -An ancient Brahmin wrote an Indian manuscript.

Why Good wife priceless? Even the base of a tree is one's own home if one lives with one's spouse as a companion. A palace is a desolate wilderness without one's spouse. The spouse is one's partner in all acts of Virtue, Profit, and Pleasure. It is said that the wife is her lord's most valuable possession. In this world, the wife is her lord's only associate in all matters of life and death. In times of sickness and adversity, the wife is the best medicine. There is no friend like a wife. There is no better refuge than one's wife. In acts undertaken for the acquisition of religious merit, there is no better ally in the world than the wife.

13. Discover the goddess of fortune out of these 3 standard fortunes If a man has a nice wife, he actually has the goddess of fortune. In three ways, a man is considered fortunate. He is fortunate if he has a good wife. He is fortunate if he has a good son. He is fortunate if he has a lot of money. So, out of these three standards of fortune, the one who has a good wife is the most fortunate. So our society will strive to produce good wives so that the boys, all boys, can consider themselves to be always fortunate. It doesn't matter where one lives if one has a good wife. Either beneath... He, like Lord Iva, was living beneath the tree. There is no shelter, but he is content because he has a good wife, Prvati.

We always speak of the goddess of fortune as being placed on the chest of Nārāyaṇ a. In other words, the wife must remain embraced by her husband. Thus she becomes beloved and well protected. Just as one saves his money and places it under his own personal protection, one should similarly protect his wife by his own personal supervision. Just as intelligence is always within the heart, so a beloved chaste wife should always have her place on the chest of a good husband.

This is how a husband and wife should interact. As a result, a wife is referred to as ardhgan, or half of the body. One cannot exist with only one leg, hand, or side of the body. He must have two personalities. Similarly, husband and wife should live together according to nature's plan. The husband and wife live together by nature's arrangement in lower species of life, such as birds and animals. In human life, it is also ideal for a husband and wife to live together. The home should be a place of devotional service, and the wife should be pure and accepted through a ritualistic ceremony. One can achieve happiness at home in this manner.


God created women to be enjoyed and not taken seriously. Pursa means male and Prakti means female. Males are predominators, while females are predominated. Males denotes a controller. Females denotes control. Males are the enjoyers, while females are the objects of enjoyment. As a result, things made for enjoyment are not meant to be taken seriously. In other words, a woman should be protected, loved, and enjoyed rather than understood. Women should only ever be a complement to a man's life, never the focus Women are the Lord's representation of Maya, and anyone who associates with such Maya by accepting their service must understand that this is the path to death, similar to a blind well covered in grass. So. Men should enjoy their society with reluctance and lack of attachment, not enthusiasm and attachment. A man will face destruction if he acts otherwise. Wise people should not pursue women in particular,

Protect, provide, and enjoy yourself without attachment. The best course of action for a man is to comfort and protect his wife from all of her bad intentions. Maintain absolute dominance in your relationship; it is preferable for her to be a slave of one man rather than one to N men. She is weak and less intelligent, so it is your responsibility to handle her properly. "There is no such thing as a Quality Woman," Rollo said. Of course, some are better than others, but you don't find the perfect woman; you create the perfect woman." & The best course of action for a woman is to obey her husband's orders. Women have a god in the form of their husband. Their friend is the husband. Their high refuge is their husband. Women have no refuge comparable to their husbands, and no god comparable to him.

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