Water Doping [PDF]

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More than 80 % less pollution for a local city council’s vehicle

Water doping system installed on a C15

May 31, 2007

The municipality (city council) of Vitry sur Orne thanks:

- The not for profit organisation « La Pierre Angulaire » for its green commitment http://lapierreangulaire.free.fr / 0671225429 - Jean Paul and Rocco from the city technical department, for their work and Investment for the device manufactured - Christophe Martz for his final engineer studying project, for his commitment on the Water Doping system and his website www.econologie.com - the webmasters of the website www.quanthomme.fr for their info that they made available to the public.

Summary In brief

Installation on the C15, city’s vehicle - Details of assembly - Photos of the realisation - Results - Pollution - Consumption

From experiments to experiments : The adventure of water doping - Some dates of the adventure in France - Examples of realisations

The adaptation on a car - assembly 100% Pantone - water doping - diagram and genaral principles - analysis of the diagram

- Functioning hypotheses

In brief The reality of Global Warming is no more to be proved. Far to be satisfied with it, the city of Vitry-sur-Orne multiplies actions to preserve the environment. All the sectors are studied deeply to save any form of energy and natural resource. Engaged in diagnosis to equip the city buildings with solar water heaters, the municipality has also just ordered 200 rain water collectors of 500 litres each for the inahbitants, that the city will subsidize. Thus, to act on the pollution tied to the vehicles trips is one of its major priorities. The city will also show the good example. After many researches to buy as soon as possible electric utility vehicles, researches still yet ongoing (as if the emergency of global warming concerning the planet is not the same for the car manufacturers), Mr. Luc Corradi, Mayor of the town, keen to contribute to the decrease of exhaust gases wastes, found a solution: the « water doping » technology, inspired by Paul Pantone’s system. (it’s not a: « water motor» because the water steam is transformed before entering the engine.) This pollution cleaning process, that is well known on Itnternet and in the green underworld, has then been installed on a service vehicle, a C15 model 1993, by the not for profit organisation (association law of 1901 : « La Pierre Angulaire » ; organisation promoting green building and energy saving. Less than 100 kilometers (65 miles) after installing the water doping, tests have been made by a certified auto workshop. Results talk by themselves : fumes’ opaqueness at exhaust exit has been reduced by 82% ! (it’s the only test available for diesel engines) The system still needing tunning ( combustion chambers cleaning themselves after a while) it will be interesting to make a new test when the engine will be cleaned. This technology of water doping, that allows a better combustion, a decrease in fuel consumption and decrease in pollution, is though far to be new. As soon as 1901, a French Engineer, Mr. Clerget discovered it, it was used in 1942 by army air force, then in Formula 1 during the 80’s and still now in some competitions in Car Rally. In concrete terms the water steam is transformed and added to the fuel to allow for an increase in the engine performances and a decrease in pollution. As for today, numerous installations have been made by individuals or organisations: on lawnmower, electric generators, tractors, farming vehicles, cars, lorries, boats, and even on an helicopter. This technology is still meeting scepticals, because the reactions produced inside the reactor are not completely scientifically understood, even if many theories are expressed. Indeed the users of this systems often lack of technical and financial means to verify their hypotheses. Questions that still unanswered but to which we could answer if a scientific and industrial interest was there. Because with test benches equipped with adapted tools, these experimental assemblies could be validated and their perfomances in pollution cleaning and fuel consumption decrease could be improved! A word to the wise …

Assembly on the C15, city’s vehicle Within the framework of its environmental politic, the city council of Vitry sur Orne installed a water doping system, systm G+ on a service vehicle: a C15 from year 1993. In order to do this, it has called on the organisation « La Pierre Angulaire », specialised in the promotion of green construction and energy saving. During one week, Alexandre Grégoire, president of the organisation has instructed and guided 2 technical agents for the achievement of this assembly and soon on other service vehicles.

Results Pollution The pollution test available for diesel engines consist in measuring the opaqueness of the fumes at the exhaust exit. This measure gives us an idea of the particles rejected in the air after the combustion of the fuel in the engine. To control the efficiency of the device installed, this test was made at: AUTOSUR Rombas Chemin Ramonville 57120 ROMBAS 03 87 58 25 69 The first test has been made before installing the system on the vehicle, the second with the device fonctionning.

We can remark that with the values supplied by the measuring apparatus, we obtain the following results of decrease in pollution: -

56,52 % for the cycle 1 54,95 % for the cycle 2

That’s an average of 55,73 %.

However, the apparatus used (model used in all testing centers) doesn’t give values under the minimal value of 0,5 m-1. On the contrary, during the test an instant value of k can be read on the screen of the apparatus. So we made the pollution control while filming this value during all the time of the test, and we have been able to deduct the following results:

Test d'opacité




k moyenne





Temps en s

After exploitation of the data, we calculate an average on the 2 cycles of measurement and we obtain: -

k = 0,19625 m-1 for the cycle 1 k = 0,1920 m-1 for the cycle 2

Thanks to this values, we can calculate the effective decrease in pollution of our system : -

82,93 % for the cycle 1 82,70 % for the cycle 2

That’s an average of 82,815 %.

This result is very satisfying and prove one more time the efficiency of the water doping system. These tests have been done in a short time after the installation (less than a hundred kilometers (65 miles) while the optimum breaking in should be at least 1.000km (650 miles). Indeed, after installation of the system, the engine cleans itself slowly from the carbon deposits and the engine still producing dusts caused by the cleaning of the combustion chambers and not because of the combustion itself. This has been confirmed during the disassembly of the air admission pipe that slowly starts to recover its original aluminum color, whereas before the disassembly it was covered with soot. It will be interesting to make a new test when the system will be totally smooth and the engine cleaned.

Consumption Before installing the sytem, the average consumption established of the vehicle was 8.25 litres/100Km. Since the installation of the water doping system, 919 Km have been covered. The new average consumption of diesel fuel established is 5,28 litres for 100 Km. The average consumption of water established is 0,8 litres/100 Km. That’s a decrease in diesel consumption of 36 %. Dozens of examples are available on the following pages: -

http://quanthomme.free.fr/qhsuite/Real2006SystPantone.htm http://quanthomme.free.fr/qhsuite/tr37tr38.htm with 8 documented results http://econologie.com/forum/expêrimentations-de-moteurs-pantone-vf42.html

Results in consumption will be made available soon depending on the data collected during the following weeks.

Detail of the assembly - the reactor is composed of a rod in stainless steel of length 22 cm and 12 mm diameter inserted in a stainless steel tube of diameter 14/17,6 - the fresh air inlet is made from a stainless steel tube of diameter 14/17,6 - the steam generator is made from copper tubes of diameters 16/18mm and 20/22mm with a length of 14 cm. - The tank with costant level is an of-the-shelf boiler drain-cock. - The water tank placed in the back of the vehicle.

Photos of the realisation

Welding of the reactor

Different pieces of the system

Full view of the system

Reactor from the G+ system

Making of the steam generator

Finished piece

Detail of the piece made

From experiments to experiments : the adventure of water doping Some active eccologistshave conducteddifferent experiments trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other polluting fumes, and at the same time trying to reduce the fuel consumption. Some of them have brought proves of results, however no interest for their development esxists until today. Thus since 5 years a lot of individuals have been interested in particular with Paul Pantone’s technology, what gave birth to a lot of research in the water doping. Water doping that made its proves on a large scale recently, in terms of decrease in fuel consumption and pollution.

It’s very important to take in consideration that the name « water engine » is wrong on a scientific basis. Indeed, the water steam produced is sent in a reactor where it’s transformed before being injected in the engine. We can find this system under the name of G System or Water Doping.

Some dates during the adventure (from website http://www.quanthomme.fr)


june 1995 : the US Patent for the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) « Plasmatron »


august 1998 : US Patent obtained by Paul Pantone for his endothermic reactor

- october 21, 1999 : Pantone offered his basic "recipe" to the public for everybody to build his own reactor and verify the reality of the system - november 11, 1999 : Jean-Louis Naudin, French scientist, found this sytem interesting and made a diagram of the reactor with his bubbler and asked to Paul Pantone if he understood well his process. Then he published a diagram on his website http://www.jlnlabs.org - september 20, 2000 : after the first succesful tests, the first pollution tests where made, the first photos, the video results put online on Jean-Louis Naudin’s website, French scientist. - september 27, 2000 : publication of webpages concerning the Pantone system on www.quanthomme.fr

From that moment esperiments have followed one another, Jean-Louis Naudin made his own modification on a lawnmower and many other assemblies followed … -

may 5, 2001 : publication of the assembly made on spring 2001 : the famous tractor n° 22. This testing assembly, it’s an agricultor from the Centre France area, who had the idea after making trials with the basic system at Christmas 2000 - pur Pantone system – on his lawnmower. Idea inspired by the original Patone system.

Inspired: because in the reactor of the tractor n° 22, there only "micro drops" of water or steam water go in, subjected to various fields, what makes it easier to install, the engine not being modified : it’s another way to use the Pantone reactor while obtaining good results, and even very good results. -

october 11, 2001 : an engineer stufent of the ENSAIS - Strasbourg, Christophe Martz, present to the jury his testing bench of a Pantone system, he obtained his engineer degree.


february 8, 2003 : First witnessing of an assembly on a car on the website www.quanthomme.free.fr


july 16, 2004 : the first « spad », ready to install kit from the not for profit organisation APTE is installed on a lorry.


november 16, 2004 : opening of a Pantone forum on www.econologie.com


february 4, 2005 : syt em improvement patent filled by Christophe Martz associated with Olivier Sallelles

The adventure of the Pantone systems or water doping is launched concretely at end of 2000. Since then it’s still growing.

Today, numerous assemblies have been made, being on lawnmower, generators, tractors, agriculture machines, cars, lorries, boats, and even an helicopter. All these set-ups have been made by individuals and each one has its own results often positive. We must be thanksfull toward all these experimenters because it’s due to their efforts that the installation of these systems with continuously improving results is possible today.

You can find all these set-ups on www.quanthomme.fr and on the forums http://www.econologie.com/forums/experimentations-de-moteurs-pantone-vf42.html

Examples of realisation  Systems made by M. Pierre Eloi, farmer in the Aisne, [email protected]

Type of tractors JD 8520 - 320cv JD 8200, 8300, 8400 MF 3690 - 200cv

CASE MX 150 TM 155 NH JD 8820 Lexion 440 Mega 218 7810 JD

Results 25 % fuel saving 35 % fuel saving 50% fuel saving at full load 35% average 40% fuel saving Whatever the load 25 % fuel saving 20 % fuel saving 20 % fuel saving 25 % fuel saving 15 % fuel saving

These tractors have all been used (2000 cumulated hours), without any technical or practical problem. All users have been able to see a decrease and even a disparition of the black exhaust fumes. Since 6 years, due to the installation of these systems, thousands of litres of diesel fuel have been saved. Two farmers have come down to a consumption of 10,000 L to 3,500 L per year for the first one and the second one from 9,000L down to 3,000 L per year.  Systems made by individuals Vehicles Consumption Mercedes 220D 45 % reduction 740 000 km on freeway 35 % in average Fiat 126 600 No numbers 306 Diesel 35 % reduction Chrysler 2l 32 % reduction Gazoline 205 Diesel 25 % reduction C25 gazoline 28 % reduction

Pollution No starting values

91 % reduction 73 % reduction 60 % reduction 80 % reduction 54 % reduction

Adaptation on a car To start with, the Paul Pantone’s sytem served as thebase to the different experiments. Developped to run on generators, its adaptation for vehicles creates numerous constraints. Following the different experiences, the Pantone’s system reached a simplier fonctioning diagram, that consists to bring only water through the system. That’s from that moment that we spoke about: the water doping system or G system. On distingue alors deux principes différents :

- 100% Pantone set-up: Paul PANTONE started his researches in 1979, and after around 350 failures, he discovered the process as he describes it in his US Patent (US005794601A1). With the goal to spray the idea of the GEET as large as possible, Pantone didn’t hesitate to publish his plans on Internet, on october 26, 1999. To resume, a mixture of hydrocarbons and water is vaporised to be injected in a reactor. This vapors are transformed inside du reactor before being injected in the engine. This generates a significative decrease in The pollution level as well as a decrease in consumption that can fairly be estimated between 20 to 30%.

The system is fixed directly on the admission pipe and t he exhaust collector and replace complet ly t he carburetor and part of t he axhaust pipe. It can be broke down in 2 elements: - the vaporizer, named bubbler, on the right in the diagram. It contains the fuel and water mixture, and in this case is used as tank. - the reactor, named endothermic reactor, in the center. That’s where happens the vapor transformation reaction. The carburetor assembly, not represented on the plan must be conserved for the starting phase. Indeed, when the reactor is cold, it doesn’t work. However the installation of this system generates a lot of modifications and in particular when it’s installed on vehicles.

The most complet study we can find today on this system was realised by an engineer, Christophe Martz during his final studies in Mechanical Engineering, option Industrial Energetics at the ENSAIS (National High School of Arts and Industries of Starsbourg, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg) available on his website www.econologie.com. Other explanations are available on the « pages » by Michel DAVID, on the website www.quanthomme.fr. The reductions of polluants on the Pantone’s process are impressive : there « still have » almost no CO2 left in the exhaust gases. Also this rate tends to diminish with the load, what goes against the fonctioning of a standard engine whose combustion is better at higher load. The gain in consumption on the Pantone systemis very small compared to the original fonctioning, we are far from the division per 2 or 3 of the consumption annonced by Pantone. But the set-up that Christophe Martz made is the basic one (from the patent) and is more experimental than functional. But these results are promising because it shows that with the same exhaust assembly, the Pantone process allows gains on consumption higher than 50%. This study made in 2001 prove the interest t hat we must s ho w fo r t his system. However, we Have noted that improvments must be done to reach the results promised by Mr. Pantone

- the water doping This technology is far to be new. In fact, as soon as 1901, a French Engineer, Clerget discovered the advantages of water injection with diesel fuel on high pressure engines. These works allowed already to improve the efficiency of diesel engines. It was used as soon as 1942 by military air force, then in Formula1 during the 80’s and still now in some Rally Car competitions. Today we found its use in industry: the Aquazol fuel. Stabilised w a t e r -diesel m i x t h a t a l l o w s a r e d u c t i o n i n Nox emissions, carbon monoxydes or unburnt fuel and fumes. Major conclusions about the use of water in combustion engines moteurs are as follow:

Water injection decreases sources of knocking and the destruction of the engine by increasing the octan rate of the fuel mix. Water injection allows an increase in the average pressure with a specific consumption decreased.  The injection has a cooling effect of the internal pieces of the engine (piston and cylinder). 

It’s that system that was choiced to equip t h e service vehicle (C15) from ‘Vitry sur Orne’ city council. The set-up is based on the following diagram:

Diagram taken from http://reaction.directe1.free.fr

General principles Water steam is produced inside a steam generator with the help of the heat from the exhaust gases that also heat up the reactor in the system. The vacuum created by the engine sucks these vapors that go through the reactor where they are transformed before being injected in the engine.

Analysis of the diagram As is showing C. Martz’s study, the losses of charge in the original Pantone system were playing an important role in the decrease of consumption. The system presented below takes care of this important data, the modification of the exhaust line is made to limit as much as possible this charge losses. The reactor We find a reactor as described in the Pantone set-up, that’s the main piece of this system. Indeed it’s inside this reactor that the water steam is transformed in a pollution cleaning gas that allows for an increase in the engine’s performance (decrease in consumption). The reactor is composed of 2 concentric tubes and a metallic rod inserted inside the smallest of the 2 tubes. In the internal tube the admission gases are circulating in the opposit way compared to the exhaust gases circulating in the outer tube. Then the admission gases are circulating in a ring formed space between the inner surface of the smallest tube and the metallic rod.

All the reactions occuring inside of this reactor are not totally known on a scientific basis, but numerous theories have been suggested. However, the users of these systems often lack the technical and financial means to verify their hypotheses. The detail of these reactions will be presented in the paragraph “functioning hypotheses”.

The steam generator (G.V.) It allows the production of water steam necessary to supply the reactor. Numerous users have made the bubbler system as in the original set-up from Pantone. The bubbler has many drawbacks like the insertion of such a system in the engine surrounding where the is usually little spare place, or also a very slow heating up of the steam temperature and an irregular control of this temperature. The G.V. is composed of 2 tubes of different diameter, fitted one inside the other. Thus the ring space created allows the water to change to steam by recycling the heat from the exhaust gases. The G.V. allows to obtain rapidly a water steam at around 90/95°C and allows its production depending of the engine speed, because the more we ask power from the engine, the more exhaust gases will heat the GV, thus accelerating the steam production.

Functioning hypotheses 3 possibilities are advanced : - the water is chemically transformed inside the reactor and the product obtained has an action during the combustion. Some air (N2 : Nitrogen and O2 : dioxygen) and water steam (H2O) are injected inside the reactor where they can be transformed in various burnable products. Depending of the transformation conditions present in the water doping set-up, there can be produced monatomic hydrogen H+, some hydrazine N2H4, or also some hydrogène peroxyde H2O2. These transformations can be explained with the help of the water steam ionisation theories or gas cavitation through shocks in the air. -

the water isn’t transformed in the reactor but the reaction happens in the engine.

Here also there are various possibilities, the reality being certainly a combinaison of some of these effects. On a thermodynamic and mecanichal point of view, an improvment of the expansion of the hot gases generates a more homogenous pressure on the piston, improving the smoothness and the efficiency of the engine. A better airtightness of the pistons allows a reduction in crankcase oil consumption and a better dispersion of the fuel allows for a better combustion. On a chemical point of view, a water craking can happen, the water reacting with the carbon from the fuel, allowing the production of cleaner and more efficient reacting elements during the combustion. -

the third possibility would be a compromise between the two first ones.

Scientific explanations of this water doping system have been suggested because of the experimentations and researches from individuals. Many questions still not answered, but we could find the answers in a short time if an interest from scientists and industrials was to come with its development. With test benches equiped with adapted tools, these experimental set-ups could be validated and their performances in pollution cleaning and fuel saving could be improved even further.

(Copyleft translation from French to English by Jules Tresor (MDG) on March 28, 2009 for Panacea-BOCAF)