Vulcania - Eng (April-2020) [PDF]

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Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


[email protected]

Authors: Mattia Arnaudo and Simone Raspi Art Direction Mastro Koboldo (Jacopo Tagliasacchi and Virginia Chiabotti) Illustrations: Jacopo Tagliasacchi, Virginia Chiabotti, Carmine Cassese, Daniele D’Italia, Federico Ferrarese, Giorgia Lanza, Luca Gagliasso, Matteo Leoni, Paolo Vallerga. Graphic Design: Marco “Daeron” Ventura Editing: Marco “Daeron” Ventura Proofreading: William Niebling English Translation: Federico Lorenzo Gavioli Playtesters: Aulo Lucignani, Carlo Lingua, Dario Dusio, Fabio Finiguerra, Gian Carlo Antonelli, Gianluca Mondo, Giorgio Savio, Giovanni Bersani, Lorenzo Moffa, Luca “Grippus” Galietta, Luca “Il Druido” Onesti, Marco Barbarini, Marco Calderone, Marco Salusso, Mario Lingua, Mattia Cerrato, Renato “Tuccio” Ligas, Stefano Armaliti, Stefano Truzzi.

This is a work of fantasy. All characters and places are a product of imagination.

Special Thanks The first, huge thank you goes to two wonderful people of our wonderful team, who have given their heart and soul to this project during its whole development and especially its crowdfunding phase; Marco “Daeron” Ventura and Virginia Chiabotti. THANK YOU! For the help, the patience, the hours of sleep they have sacrificed to the project gods and all the work and passion they have dedicated to this adventure. A huge shout out to Aulo Lucignani, alongside whom everything started, and to our loyal adventuring companions Carlo “The Dice President” Lingua, Gian Carlo “Iron Giancus” Antonelli and our official Narrator Luca “Grippus” Galietta, who has braved countless conventions to spread the word of Vulcania. Hats off to those wonderfully talented madmen who made possible the cross media content, Emanuele Frusi

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

(composer), Maurizio “BB” Bivona (video editing) and Stefano “Plinto” Rizzo (animation, video shooting and editing, voice over). A never-big-enough thank you to the “Sex Drugs and D&D” crew who have supported us since day one with their incredibly precious advice.

A last, thank you Caterina, Erica, Alyssa, Ettore and Livio who have always encouraged, supported (and borne with) us during the countless nights spent at the PC working.

To my father, my greatest fan

Mattia Arnaudo

To Livio and Ettore, young, rebellious heroes

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Simone Raspi

Summary Introduction..................................................... 6 Chapter 1: Character Creation ........................ 8 Orgins.......................................................................11 Abrabazem ..........................................................12 Balastoc ................................................................14 Itteghasp ..............................................................15 Ketniv ...................................................................16 Mostucaal .............................................................17 Nuugard ...............................................................18 Determining Attributes.........................................19 Past Experiences ....................................................20 Acrobat ................................................................21 Biopsist ................................................................22 Cutthroat .............................................................23 Engineer ...............................................................24 Entropist ..............................................................25 Informator ...........................................................26 Markonist .............................................................27 Medic ....................................................................28 Mercenary ............................................................29 Militia ...................................................................30 Psyonicist .............................................................31 Rifleman ...............................................................32 Smuggler ..............................................................33 Track Hound .......................................................34 Wanderer ..............................................................35 Regional Past Experiences ...................................36 Desperado ...........................................................36 Epeyst ..................................................................37 Mujimam ..............................................................38 Shylok ...................................................................39 Tayo Monk ..........................................................40 Valkyr ...................................................................41 Skills .........................................................................42 Tactical Indicators .................................................46 Gearing Up .............................................................47 Final Touches .........................................................48 To Sum Up .............................................................52 Chapter 2: Skills ............................................. 56 Skills List .................................................................65 Chapter 3: Arts ........................................................82 Professional Arts ..................................................85

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Alchemical School of Entropy ......................... 85 Alchemical School of Biopsy ............................ 85 School of Engineering ....................................... 87 Omega School of Markonism ........................... 87 Psi School of Markonism .................................. 88 Phi School of Markonism .................................. 89 Circus School ....................................................... 90 School of Survival ............................................... 91 School of Crime .................................................. 91 School of Espionage .......................................... 92 Other Professional Arts ..................................... 92 Combat Arts ............................................................ 95 School of Ballistics ............................................. 95 Darvish School .................................................... 96 Guascon School.................................................... 97 Hybrid School ...................................................... 98 Kravmaga School ................................................ 98 Landsknecht School ...........................................100 School of Shadow ..............................................100 School of the Hoplite ........................................101 Queequeg School ...............................................101 Monopoly Schools .............................................103 Regional Schools ................................................104 Chapter 4: Combat ......................................... 106 Combat Phases .......................................................109 Underwater Combat ..............................................119 Wounds And Healing ............................................120 Enemy Rounds .......................................................121 Chapter 5: Equipment ................................... 126 Weapons ..................................................................129 Unarmed Combat ..................................................131 Axes ......................................................................132 Knives ..................................................................134 Swords ..................................................................135 Clubs ....................................................................137 Flexible Weapons ...............................................139 Thrown Weapons ...............................................140 Ranged Weapons ................................................141 Firearms ...............................................................142 Tormentum Arrays ............................................146 Tormentum Weapons ........................................148 Alchem Weapons ................................................151 Markon Weapons ...............................................155

Shields.......................................................................157 Armor ......................................................................158 Tormentum Armor ............................................159 Gizmos .................................................................160 Remote Devices .....................................................162 Grafts .......................................................................163 Bombs .....................................................................165 Special Kit ...............................................................167 Spare Bits ................................................................170 Reagents ..................................................................171 Natural Poisons ..................................................174 Vehicles ...................................................................179 Airships ...................................................................183 Battles In The Skies ...........................................189 Chapter 6: Narrator ........................................ 192 Tthe role of the Narrator .....................................194 The Narrator’s duty ...............................................195 Hosting a game session ........................................195 Creating an Adventure ..........................................200 Location-based Adventures .................................202 Narrative Adventures ............................................203 Improvising ............................................................206 The Gran Finale .....................................................206 Exploration .............................................................206 Scenic elements ......................................................207 Traps ........................................................................209 Trap examples ........................................................210 Furniture and tools ................................................213 Action against props .............................................213 Indoor encounters .................................................214 Programmed fights ................................................214 Random encounters ..............................................214 Urban adventures ..................................................214 Recurrent locations ...............................................215 Adventures in unexplored lands ..........................216 Preparing the site of a fight .................................217 Weather ...................................................................218 Growth points ........................................................218 Rewards ...................................................................218 Organizing a campaign .........................................219 Chapter 7: Setting .......................................... 222 Abrabazem ..............................................................232 Balastoc ...................................................................242 Itteghasp ..................................................................252 Ketniv ......................................................................262

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Mostucaal ................................................................270 Nuugard ..................................................................278 Wande ring Cities ...................................................286 Organizations .........................................................288 Chapeter 8: Adversaries ................................. 294 Enemies ...................................................................297 Adds .........................................................................298 Antagonists .............................................................314 Villain .......................................................................332 Creatures .................................................................349 Aquatic Creatures ..................................................376 Chapter 9: Adventure ..................................... 380 The Usual Suspects................................................382 Act I - Imprisoned .............................................385 Act II - Deadly Railway......................................389 Act III - The Rickenbeker..................................394 Act IV - Showtime..............................................397 Act V - The Red Kite ........................................400 Act VI - Zareya ...................................................405 Appendix 1 - Airships ....................................407 Appendix 2 - Professor Kordon’s Diary......408 Appendix 3 - Adversaries ..............................409 Thanks ........................................................... 412 Index .............................................................. 418 Equipment & Arts price list .......................... 424 Pregenerated Characters ............................... 428



ulcania is a role-playing game defined by cinematic action, plots, and investigation. Set in the foggy atmospheres of a fantasy world in the thick of a steampunk-flavored industrial revolution, its simple rules are meant to favor the action and dynamism typical of adventure novels.

What is a Role-playing Game? You might be wondering, how does a role-playing game work and what do you need to jump right into exciting adventures? Do not worry; the purpose of this book is precisely to teach you how it is done. First of all, you will create your alter ego, the Character that you control throughout the course of the adventure. You can be a skilled warrior, a ruthless assassin, or a clever engineer: the final choice is yours and yours alone! Thanks to these avatars, you and your friends are in for a hell of a ride of incredible adventures, not too far from those of a movie or TV series. This time, however, you are the protagonists and your actions determine the course of events! This book covers the rules to create such Characters and resolve their interactions within the game setting. Will your Character jump from one roof to another, shoot a dastardly villain, or just have a good old scrap in a tavern? Here you’ll learn how. This book, however, is but one of the tools of a role-playing gamer. The second are dice, the inseparable companions of any adventurer. Where the rules lay the groundwork, dice represent the chance and fate that rule Vulcania: it does not matter how competent your Character can be at something, there is always the chance of failure to make every success all the more exciting. Do not worry if your first impression of Vulcania’s rules is a complex jungle of things to remember and weird numbers to apply. Playing, you will see, is easier done than said. The last essential ingredient to this deadly mix is the Narrator, a player to whom the others en-

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trust the duty of carrying the story forward. The craft of the Narrator is to lead the game, playing the creatures with which the players interact, much like they play their own Characters, and deciding the outcome of events based on the decisions of the group or individual players. It is easier done than said, right? Then, let us dive right into the thick of Vulcania’s adventures!

Dice In Vulcania, the result of a contest of skill or combat is resolved by tossing, or rolling, polyhedral twelve-sided dice. Each player, then, needs at least one of these dice, possibly of different colors for better identification. From now on, the roll of a twelve-sided die is referred to as the roll of a “d12.”

The Feeling of Vulcania The world of Vulcania is defined by its atmosphere and rhythm. It is a world with the technological level of the Industrial Revolution of the XIXth Century, the typical elements of steampunk culture, and a nod to classic fantasy. Airships, zeppelins, and steam-powered trains are widely in use, while the futuristic and picturesque works of alchemy and engineering coexist with traditional weapons like sabers, greatswords, and axes. Technology and science play a cardinal role in Vulcania: there is almost no limit to what can be achieved, with every wonder or mystery having a scientific explanation of some kind. The world of Vulcania is composed of six great archipelagos of volcanic origin, each with its own distinct flavor: • Itteghasp reflects the classic atmosphere of Victorian Europe at the end of the XIXth Century; • Mostucaal is an unexplored, dangerous land

INTRODUCTION with a marked Old West accent; • Nuugard is shrouded in the gloomy and gothic pall of classic horror literature; • Ketniv follows the traditions of the Far East; • Balastoc is defined by the rich colors and flavors of Africa and the Middle East; • Abrabazem, last but not least, is a desolate wasteland right out of the apocalypse. The time-line of the game is set thirteen years after the conclusion of a devastating war between the six nations that brought the entire world to its knees. In the decade following the cessation of hostilities, the powers that be formed a semblance of a new balance, but the world was never going to be the same. Within this context, the adventures of the characters unravel in a web of plots, violence, mysteries, international intrigue, neck-breaking chases, and unforgiving duels worthy of the best adventure novel. The following is a list of books, movies, or series that have greatly inspired us in writing this book and we think that they can be a great help to better visualize the mood of the game:

Books Retribution Falls and Tales of Ketty Jay by Chris Wooding Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

Silver and Small Screen Star Wars Indiana Jones (movie series) FireFly (TV series) Cowboy Bebop (animated series) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (movie) Sherlock Holmes (movie series) Wild Wild West (movie) Mad Max (movie series) Steamboy (animated movie)

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t was midnight. Ticking, the wood and brass nightingale left its case in the clock on the lounge wall one more time. Nasturzio came to his senses, pretending to watch his glass of brandy. He made it swirl one last time and drunk it all in one swig. He had no idea how long it had it sat in his hand. It was, however, show time. He took his overcoat and top hat from the coat rack, hesitating a few moments in front of the large mirror, his eyes hovering over its golden details. He gave a final twist to his mustache, smoothed out his waistcoat and fixed the chain of his pocket watch. In spite of his pleasing appearance, those damn bags under his eyes… he could not be perfect, after all, right? He focused briefly and called back his drone, bidding it to follow him into the elevator. He took the dark alley, passing a mental order to his drone to turn its pharus light on. As hordes of rats scrambled away from the light beam, he realized he could not regret getting involved in this mess more. He was in, however, and had to suck it up… rats and filth included. He stopped in front of the door for a moment, checking that his revolver was locked and loaded and taking a deep breath. Restraining himself from vomiting from the stench, he knocked three times as instructed, waiting nervously for somebody to open it...

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

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o start your adventure, you need to create your avatar, called a Player Character or PC from now on. The following pages explain how to create a Character with their own skills, stories, and personality to shape their in-game development. Each Character is represented by two sets of values, which provide the base for determining their successes and failures during the game. The first set is the four Attributes—the Character’s innate potential—while the second set is their Skills—the way they developed such potential. Each Attribute is directly tied to four Skills. To proceed with Character creation, you need a copy of the Character Sheet, a pencil, and an eraser. Pencils are preferable to pens, because your Character Sheet will be modified after character creation. It is also a good idea to have the whole group create their Characters together, rather than privately, because a well-balanced group has a higher chance of surviving their tests and tribulations… and because enjoying the communal aspect of Character building is way more fun! Of the choices that you are going to face in the following pages, there is no specifically “right” one. Choose what you think suits either your play style or the Character you want to portray best.

PHASE 1: Origins As you will have ample chance to read deeper in the book, Vulcania is a world of many vast islands surrounded by stormy seas, called Islenations. The climate, habits, and costumes of each Islenation are different one from the other, and the first phase of Character creation is deciding which Islenation this new person comes from. This first choice affects their Attributes, Skills, history, and personality.

PHASE 2: Generating Attributes Once this new Character comes from somewhere, it is time to define their physical, mental, and social qualities. Each of these Attributes is defined by a number.

PHASE 3: Past Experiences While Attributes, Skills, and Origins define who this new Character is and where they come from, identifying their past experiences determines what are they capable of once the game starts. To help create the backstory for your Character, Vulcania offers a wide choice of options. But as the game progresses, you will be able to expand the toolset of your Character even more.

PHASE 4: Generating Skills During this phase, you can spend a series of Skill Bonus points to choose your Character’s Skills and make them better suited to your favorite playing style.

PHASE 5: Buying Equipment When everything else is done, it is time to do a bit of shopping and gear up your Character for the adventure!

PHASE 6: Adventure calls! Now you have a Character. You are ready to dive into the thick of the mayhem!

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1. ORIGINS The first step in creating a Character is to choose where they come from, as people are shaped by the influences of the environment and society where they grew up. This influence also helps with assigning the first Attributes, Skill points, and other benefits. The following list contains a brief description of each Islenation, their inhabitants and culture, and the relative mechanical benefits to note down on your Character sheet: Language: the influence of the Monopolies - large corporations that hold the secrets of technology and science - is so great that a universal Vulcanian language has developed based on their own jargon, called “Commercial.” Each Islenation, however, speaks their own dialects and variants domestically. Geographical Knowledge: the familiarity of the Character with the territory, history, and traditions of their motherland. For more details, consult Chapter 3 - Arts. Past Experiences: each Islenation has a selection of unique Past Experiences only available to Characters hailing from there. Of course, should the available selection not suit your needs, feel free to come up with your own Past Experiences by consulting with the Narrator. Remember: the Narrator has the last word on all Past Experiences. . Origin Bonus: this feature grants an extra point to an ATTRIBUTE and a Skill, depending on the Islenation, as shown on the table at the beginning of this section.

Table 1.1 - Origin Bonus Origins

Attribute Bonus

Bonus Skills



+ 1 Insight



+ 1 Athletics


+ 1 MIND

+1 Handicraft



+1 Discipline



+1 Charm



+1 Senses

Special Traits: Your Origin shaped your life in ways beyond just physical characteristics. Religion, demeanor, traditions, and social status have left their mark on you, unique in the whole world. To reflect this, each Origin grants the Character ONE of its Special Traits.

Lawrence just started playing and wants to create a tough, intimidating Character, one that commands respect. He loves colder climates, so his obvious choice is having his Character be a native of Nuugard. Growing up in such an inhospitable and savage land grants the Character a +1 to their STAMINA and Senses scores, which Lawrence notes on his sheet. Then, he adds the Nuugard Knowledge in the dedicated space on his sheet and chooses “Tough as Nails” for an extra Wound. Now, Lawrence is ready for the next phase of Character creation..

Table 1.1 - Origin Bonuses sums up ATTRIBUTES and Skills that you can upgrade depending on the Origins of your Character, as explained in the following paragraphs.

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ABRABAZEM Once, it was one of the most powerful nations, the seat of the mightiest credit agencies on the planet. Today, Abrabazem is a desolate wasteland, devastated by the explosion of the Abrabaz volcano that caused the end of the Letvian War. Toxic clouds pollute the air, the aquifers are contaminated, and the few settlements left that managed to rebuild after the catastrophe constantly fight for survival. The Abrabs are shorter and stockier than average, with dark hair and olive skin. The incident of the Abrabaz volcano completely destroyed their society, fracturing them into a myriad of smaller, disorganized groups. The chaos that followed such a dramatic event allowed the resurgence of tribal groups, based on the survival of the fittest and the mutation-induced ravings of their chieftains. They prey on those who try to rebuild what

was lost and the cities, now in ruins, do not offer the stability they used to. Abrabs, then, have turned into a nomadic people, roving from one edge of their continent to another on foot or in ramshackle vehicles. Those who retained some form of sanity attempt to leave this hell to try a new life in other Islenations, although they tend to find integration difficult. Their reputation as cunning, heartless, and godless exploiters often turns against them, and many times they have been segregated into ghettos. To make things worse, the fear that any Abrabazi might hide infectious mutations under their clothes is widespread. Geographic Knowledge: Abrabazem Regional Past Experiences: Shylok Origin Bonus: +1 STAMINA, +1 Insight Special Traits Mutation – Abrab Characters choose one mutation from those listed in the next paragraph. Survivor – The Character gains 1 extra point they can spend on any STAMINA-related Skill. Touched by Fate – Fate chose to spare the Character when the volcano erupted, granting them an extra Gear of Fate per game session.

Mutations The Abrabaz incident caused an incredible amount of damage to the nation, killing hundreds of thousands. The survivors had to face toxic exhalations expanding all over the island and acid rain that burned the skin and poisoned the waters, killing many more. Survivors, meanwhile, began displaying signs of horrible mutations, altering their bodies from one generation to the next. Even today, it is possible for apparently “normal”

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CHARACTER CREATION Abrab people to suffer from them if they spend too much time in their own homeland. Whispers and rumors circulate about the many horrors living in Abrabazem… the Abrab being just one of them. Some say your Character was given a new lease on life, others that they are the harbinger of a new era. There are even those who see those desperate refugees as the very incarnation of Evil. Sometimes the Character is proud of their marks, other times they are a source of shame and many wish they could have had a choice in the matter. Time, however, has been a wise teacher, and most eventually learn to live with their new abilities. Back in Abrabazem, mutations are normal, but now that you have left that scorched wasteland, you will be forced to take precautions to hide your predicament. Balastoc expressively forbade, under the pain of death, any mutant from entering their cities, believing that they brought only darkness among the children of Isairnes. In Ketniv, too, mutants are not welcome, although the Emperor still has not officially pronounced himself on the matter. Oftentimes, in fact, Abrab traveling in Ketniv disappear or suffer mysterious accidents after short periods of time spent as “guests” of the Imperial authorities. Nuugard, Mostucaal, and Itthegasp are more tolerant in regards to the Abrab, but they are not yet fully accepting.

Toxic Breath Your breath is laced with toxins that cause quick irritation when they come in contact with mucous membranes. Your body has adapted to withstand their effect, but your lips have turned bluish and the blood vessels around your chin and cheeks form a light blue grid. Tear Induction. When the Character rolls an Opportunity on a melee attack Test, they can inflict the Blinded condition on their target.

Webbed Hands and Feet, Gills The Character’s body has adapted to amphibious life. They do not suffer any penalty for moving and breathing underwater, while still being able to utilize all the normal land-based maneuvers. Thanks to their gills, the Character can filter fumes and toxins as if they wore a Februm mask.

Quill Mane The Character’s hair has thickened into long quills they can throw for short distances by vigorously shaking their head. Hail of Quills. When the Character rolls an Opportunity on a Dodge Test, they can hurl some of their quills, dealing 1 point of damage to any creature within 3 cubitus of them.

Tail The Character’s spine has evolved into a fully-grown tail. No matter if it is hairless or covered in fur or scales, it still is flexible and boasts a limited prehensile capacity. By having a tail, the Character gains 1 extra Agility point and a +2 bonus to any Test rolled for climbing or dangling from somewhere. A tail also allows a Character to carry, although not use, small and light items, like medium-sized weapons.

Horns The Character’s skull developed one or more horns that they have learned how to use in combat. Ram. When the Character rolls an Opportunity on a melee attack Test, they can push their op-

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CHAPTER 1 ponent up to 2 cubitus away, knocking them prone when they land.

Reptilian Eyes The Character is capable of seeing in the infrared spectrum, telling people and objects apart by their heat signature even in the thickest of darkness within a range of 12 cubitus. However, they can use this ability only when it is pitch black.

BALASTOC Ruled for centuries by the overly traditionalist clergy of the Cult of Isairnes, Balastoc is an over-populated and technologically retrograde country. After the end of the war, the new Red Pope led the nation onto a revolutionary road, slowly embracing the Industrial Revolution decades later than the rest of the world. However, the old barter-based nature of the Balast economy trained them to be shrewd merchants, presaging a quick development for their nation. The Balast people hold tradition and religion in great esteem, making them slow to accept ideas the clergy does not approve of. Their unshakable faith, however, also grants them an iron will, allowing them to better withstand the hardships of their beloved homeland. They are generally tall and slender people, with gaunt features, dark hair, and skin ranging from a gentle hazel to the deepest of browns. Although slow to make friends, the Balast are a loyal people; once a stranger has been accepted as a companion, such a bond can last through many generations. One of the most common Balast customs is the life debt, the practice

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of putting one’s life to the service of those who have saved it until the debt is repaid in kind. Failing to repay a life debt is considered a source of great shame and dishonor, and almost always results in the banishing of the perpetrator. On the other hand, wronging a Balast is met with such furious retribution, sometimes involving entire families, that they are respected and feared by those from other Islenations. Geographic Knowledge: Balastoc Regional Past Experiences: Mujimam Origin Bonus: +1 MAGNETISM, +1 Athletics Special Traits Divine Help – The Character can spend a Gear of Fate to gain a +4 bonus on a Test they just rolled. Ritual Prayer – Once per day, the Balast sing songs and pray to the one god, Isairnes, some of them even reaching an exalted state of mystic ecstasy that allows them to experience the divine at a

CHARACTER CREATION deeper level. After praying for at least half an hour and a success on a Luck Test with a Difficulty of 8 + any damage the Character has suffered and not yet healed, they instantly recover 1 Wound. Spending an Opportunity heals 1 extra Wound, but this Test cannot benefit from Gears of Fate Vengeance – After suffering damage in battle, the Character gains a +1 bonus to all attack Tests against their attacker. This bonus can be applied only to one enemy at a time and can be changed only when the previous target is dead.

cause many to sport traits from other nations. A great many Itteghi are fascinated by extravagant hairstyles and glamorous make up. Geographic Knowledge: Itteghasp Regional Past Experiences: Epeyst Origin Bonus: +1 MIND, +1 Handicraft

ITTEGHASP An unstable land for as long as man can remember, Itteghasp flourished in the pursuit of arts and science. Neutral during the Letvian War, in the present day Itteghasp is one of the most prosperous of the Vulcanian nations and the seat of the Monopolies and their secrets. The Itteghi are known for their innate capacity for adaptation, allowing it to exist as an archipelago of independent islands without a defined national identity. Being so fragmented, the Itteghi are proud and competitive, preferring curiosity and ambition over a sedentary lifestyle. Many leave their homes to explore the forgotten corners of the world, hunting for new lore to learn from. Their passion for technological trinkets is well known outside their national borders, and it does not take much time for a new idea to be turned into a business. Thanks to their entrepreneurial and smart nature, people from Itteghasp have always held positions of power within the Monopolies themselves and other minor corporations, to the point where many were granted the right to have their headquarters on Itteghi soil. The majority of the Itteghi are of medium height and fair of skin, although frequent migratory fluxes

Special Traits Family Business – The Character’s family knew how to exploit the Islenation’s flourishing markets to establish a profitable business. The Character receives an additional 500 $ during Character creation. Duelist – When fighting in melee against a single opponent, the Character receives a +1 morale bonus to their attack Tests. Brilliant Mind – The Character gains 1 extra point they can spend on any MIND-related Skills.

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KETNIV This entire island is defined by tall mountains and steep valleys, crossed by furious thundering rivers flowing from the snowy peaks to the sea. For centuries, the Emperor and his family ruled a country where every man is equal in their being subjects of the crown, with Imperial bureaucrats assigning tasks and arranging weddings based on the aptitudes of the citizenry. The Ketnyi are generally short and lightly-built, with sharp features, typically almond-shaped eyes, golden-hued skin, and dark hair. They are a contemplative and disciplined people, apparently bearing the Imperial rule with serenity and harmony. The truth, however, is that the impossibility of making meaningful decisions in their lives leaves them bitter and cynical, although they tend not to

share those feelings. Many fear that the “Imperial Ear” might be listening in on their conversations and so do not speak their minds. Many others are convinced the status quo cannot be changed, and so nothing ever truly changes. Their demeanor is always collected and restrained, even in moments of joy, to the point where nonKetnyi believe that they are not capable of even the basic forms of friendship. The lack of distractions, however, has made them talented craftspeople, efficient and meticulous in their work, and their works are among the most sought-after and paid for in the whole world. Unluckily, however, the majority of that wealth flows into the Imperial coffers in the form of taxes. A few of them, exasperated by Imperial society, find solace in monasteries where they practice martial arts, study, and meditate. A few even leave the country, never to return. Geographical Knowledge: Ketniv Regional Past Experiences: Tayo Monk Origin Bonus: +1 DEXTERITY, +1 Discipline Special Traits Imperial Training – The Empire is known for imposing physical activities on its citizens. The Character gains 1 bonus point to spend on any DEXTERITY-related Skill. Focused – The Character can focus on the task ahead to the point where they no longer need to roll Concentration Tests. When not surprised, they gain a +1 bonus to Initiative Tests. Fearless – The typical restraint of many Ketnyi makes them immune to the Frightened and Terrorized conditions.

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MOSTUCAAL Mostucaal is the one responsible for the attack that destroyed the Abrabazem volcano that ended the war. Their population, resenting responsibility for such a catastrophe, rebelled, plunging the country deep into civil war. Nowadays, Mostucaal is an enormous frontier land, dotted with mostly independent agrarian settlements where often only the most twitchy of trigger fingers survives and prospers. The Mos are rough and mostly uneducated people, forced to grow up fast by fighting to defend themselves and their loved ones. They are taught how to use guns in their early years, and many youngsters have already killed somebody before their teenage years. The only things a Mos believes in are hard facts — those they can see, touch, and perhaps even shoot. This is why they see religion as fairy tales the weak tell themselves to find the courage to face their own fears. The true values upon which a Mos man should build their castle of truth and certainty are simple; money, pleasure, alcohol, and piryum. The Mos have an equally simple sense of justice: if there is ever an issue, then “duel” is its answer. Each contender chooses their firearm, and the one left standing was right. Their land makes them diffident, even though they show a good heart once their trust is won. Among the other Islenations, the Mos are known for their unmatched skill with guns, and those foolish enough to challenge them to a contest of arms are a blessed minority. Thus, they make perfect bodyguards and mercenaries, although their distrust for any form of government and low tolerance for rules make them poor militia or regular troops. The average Mos is of medium height,

their skin ranging from beige to a reddish tinge, with a known penchant for hats. Frequent migratory fluxes, however, have made it so that many show traits from other Islenations. Geographic Knowledge: Mostucaal Regional Past Experiences: Desperado Origin Bonus: +1 DEXTERITY, +1 Charm Special Trait Charisma – The Character gains 1 bonus point to spend on any MAGNETISM-related Skill. Totem Hat – As long as they wear their lucky hat, the Character receives a +1 bonus to Evade and Dodge Tests.

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CHAPTER 1 Quick Draw – Once per game session, at the beginning of a fight where the Character is not surprised and before Initiative is rolled, they can shoot with a loaded firearm in their possession and readily accessible. Should more than one Character benefit from this feature, the order in which they execute it is decided by an opposed Discipline Test.

NUUGARD Nuugard is a cold, unforgiving land, dotted with arctic forests and frozen fjords, its resources still mostly intact thanks to the respect its inhabitants have for the land. The Nuug are a stoic and proud people, used to the frigid climates and the silent forests of the North. They rarely speak and are as tough as the mountains among which they were born. Once they give their word, they will go to great lengths to keep it and they never back down from a challenge, making them famed hunters and warriors throughout the entire world.

Honor and glory in battle spur them to look for combat in close quarters, with ranged weapons being used mostly for hunting or against opponents deemed unfit for true combat. Though rough around the edges, they are famous for not beating around the bush and going straight to the point of a discussion, often showing a surprising amount of wisdom in their words. The Nuug have a strong bond with the nature around them, making them feel trapped and uncomfortable when outside of their wild lands. However, they are not ignorant barbarians, as one might think. Their society is simple, yet efficient, ruled by the Council of Counts. So far, they have led their people well, making sure the Nuug society lives in harmony with their homeland. Generally, the Nuug are tall, with pale skin, bushy beards, and muscled, often hirsute, limbs. Tattoos are held in high regard, as they mark the passage of a person into adulthood. Geographic Knowledge: Nuugard Regional Past Experiences: Valkyr Origin Bonus: +1 STAMINA, +1 Senses Special Traits Ferocious – The Character kills with brutality, leaving their opponents gripped by fear. Whenever they kill an enemy, everybody within 2 cubitus of them suffers the Frightened condition. Long Strider – The Character is tall and used to long walks in the wilderness: They add +1 to their base Movement. Tough as Nails – The Character is used to life in the harsh climates of the North: They add +1 to their base Wounds score.

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2. DETERMINING ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES represent the innate physical, social, and mental qualities of a Character, their values ranging from 0, the worst, to 6, the best. During this phase of character creation, you can spend SIX points between the four Attributes of your future Character: STAMINA, DEXTERITY, MIND, and MAGNETISM. Each Attribute can receive a maximum of THREE points, including any bonus points from the Character’s Origins. It is possible for a Character to start the game with an attribute with ZERO points. As an example, physically powerful Characters have a higher STAMINA score than charismatic ones, who instead excel in MAGNETISM. As Attributes do not increase as much as other Character abilities, during the game, it is important to assign these six initial points with care. When you are done with them, pencil them down on your Character sheet.

STAMINA This is the height, build, and bulk of your Character. This ATTRIBUTE is relevant to all Tests for physical exertion, like running, swimming, jumping, and the like, and is key when fighting as it is a measure of how much damage the Character can sustain. DEXTERITY This is how well the Character is in control of their own body, their balance, fluidity of motion, and eyehand coordination. DEXTERITY is relevant when rolling a Test for acrobatics, hiding, tying a rope, and so on. During combat, agile Characters are able to dodge more frequently and suffer less damage.

MIND This is how quick the Character’s reasoning is, their insight, and how well they can elaborate what their senses tell them. Characters with a high MIND score have keen senses and a nose for lies or reading intentions, often favoring ranged weapons with which to wreak havoc without having to jump into the fray. MAGNETISM This is the sum of all the aesthetic, behavioral, and spiritual factors that allow the Character to attract attention and influence those who surround them. Characters with powerful MAGNETISM scores excel in imposing their will on others by lying, intimidating, or seducing.

Our friend Lawrence is now defining his Character’s ATTRIBUTES. Wanting a strong, fearless fighter, he assigns 2 points to STAMINA, to profit from the +1 he received as a Nuug and then 2 more to DEXTERITY. The remaining 2 points go into MIND and MAGNETISM. The scores he notes on his Character sheet, then, are as follows.



Score 3 2 1 1

Wishing to play an athletic Character, rather than a smart or spiritual one, Lawrence assigns their highest scores to physical attributes and then notes them on their Character Sheet.

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3. PAST EXPERIENCES Once the Character’s Origins and innate Attributes have been set, it is time to determine what they did in their life before taking up adventuring. This process also defines their Skills, Arts, and starting Equipment, and many other factors that contribute to the Character’s own unique identity within their group. The following list of Past Experiences cover a wide range, but if you do not find anything that suits your Character and your Narrator is up to making a custom Past Experience for you, feel absolutely free to do so! • Features: the Character’s past experiences represent what they learned in their life up until the moment they became adventurers. In the following list, some are available to any Character regardless of Origin, while others are restricted to those hailing from a specific Islenation. As each Past Experience grants different features, there should be one that suits your preferences. • Psychology: your Character’s frame of mind has most likely informed their life choices, as much as the opposite. • Origins: some Past Experiences have stronger ties with specific places. • Combat: each Past Experience favors specific tactics and equipment. • Initial Sesterzii: Banking corporations make sure that the currencies minted in each Islenation have the same value everywhere, so Sesterzii are accepted by all merchants, whether they bear the holy flame of Isairnes or the portrait of Prince Temeru. This currency is used to buy new gear before the game begins or can be saved for later on.

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• Bonus Skill: many Past Experiences grant extra points in some Skills. • Arts: Past Experiences include knowledge and lore regarding specific fields, like medicine and engineering, or fighting styles to gain superiority when engaged in combat. The full list and descriptions of the Arts is in Chapter 3 – The Arts. • Equipment: each Past Experience grants specific equipment, like weapons, tools, or consumable items.


ACROBAT The Character has traveled the world since their earliest days, perhaps because they grew up in a circus. Over time, they learned to rely on their agility and balance, bringing joy and happiness from town to town for a few coins or the occasional donation. The Character causes mixed feelings in those around them, both despising them and envying their freedom Psychology: circus people are used to travelling the length and breadth of the world, often becoming individualists who are not necessarily reliable. To carry on what some of them call a “fairer redistribution of wealth,” they are not above using their skills to rob houses and shops, without any particular concerns for morality. . Origins: the most prestigious organizations that teach the way of the circus are in the Itteghi city of Zena and Oyines, in Ketniv, but both welcome students from all Islenations.

Not many Nuug take to this road, although they are more than balanced by the number of Abrab who do so. Combat: acrobats favor ranged combat and try to avoid tangling in melee as much as possible. Their agility helps them when maneuvering around the battlefield to achieve more advantageous positions or stealthily get the drop on their enemies. Sesterzii $: 90 Arts: Juggler, Doublering Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Agility 2, Reflexes 1, Charm 1, Luck 1 Equipment: knife, darts (10), crystallus, shandian, excursor backpack, mutagens (exactus: 2, potio).

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BIOPSIST The Character took an oath of fealty and secrecy to the Monopoly of Alchemists, one they should not take lightly. In exchange, they have been granted access to esoteric knowledge about the mixing of mutagens, as miraculous as they are unstable, and those substances that induce exceptional, albeit temporary, mutations in the human organism. Psychology: curiosity is a fundamental quality in those who want to study the esoteric and futuristic ways of alchemy. Biopsists, even though they are respected by most, are more commonly feared and have a reputation for being crazy and, well… they very well might be. After all, their stubbornness in the pursuit of absurd research for the sake of science often forces them to push the boundaries of morality, putting them at odds with the law. Usually, they are eccentric, inscrutable people, notorious for their lack of delicacy or tact. Origins: the lure of the “dark arts” has no homeland and people of all walks of life become part of this Monopoly. However, the Itteghi and the Ketnyi seem to form the majority of its adepts, while the more conservative Balast tend to consider these practices heretical in their aim of discovering secrets meant only for the divine. Combat: armed with knowledge often acquired at the expense of their own bodies, alchemists tend to skirt the edges of the combat zone, to intervene in aid of their companions should they need that extra bit of juice. Sesterzii $: 80 Arts: Master Biopsist Bonus Skills: Handicraft 1, Analysis 1, Insight 1, Discipline 1, Resistance 2 Equipment: knife, pistol, aculeus, portable lab, mutagens (celeritas, potio, purificatio).

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CUTTHROAT Whether it was to pay off a large debt or because they could not take on any other career, Cutthroats become assassins and bruisers. Their past is often dark and their origins are a well-kept mystery, but everybody knows that when they show up, death is soon to follow. Sometimes, they are tasked with spying or fencing illegal goods, although the bulk of their work is murder, ambushes, and beatings, for they do not care about who wants whom dead. They care only about the money. Psychology: some are violent beings, ruthless executioners who enjoy the shedding of blood and boast about their kill tally. Others, instead, are silent shadows who turn murder into a proud art, meticulous professionals who avoid any unnecessary violence. Origins: that of the Cutthroat is probably the second oldest profession in the world and is practiced all over Vulcania. Combat: catching the enemy by surprise and backstabbing them is the way of a Cutthroat. Light and small weapons are perfect for sneaking under the nose of the authorities, and favor their style of fighting based on agility rather than brute strength. Sesterzii $: 20 Arts: Aviator, Scoundrel, Stabber Bonus Skills: Brawl 2, Agility 1, Stealth 1, Reflexes 1, Aggression 1 Equipment: dagger, shank, darts (5), crystallus, chameleon, februm.

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ENGINEER The Character has spent years studying the secrets of the Monopoly of Engineers and learned to harness the might of Vulcanus-powered steam propulsion. Their proximity to the incredible Gizmos churned out by the Monopoly’s secret workshops have inspired them, spurring new generations of Engineers to invent new weapons, vehicles, mechanical limbs, and other more esoteric creations. With the destruction wrought by the War still needing to be rebuilt, the skills of an Engineer are even more valuable for a city, in high demand by both rich and poor alike. Psychology: as members of a Monopoly, Engineers are highly esteemed and welcome in any community… which can in turn make them somewhat arrogant or know-it-alls. They are sharp-witted and brilliant people, though, who can turn into pleasant company when able to restrain their ego. Origins: the Monopoly recruits the most brilliant minds, without caring about their provenance. The most famous, however, are the Itteghi or the Ketnyi flight masters. Combat: whether they are technical designers or frontline mechanics, Engineers usually stick to the second lines and plunge into the melee when their Gizmos allow them to. Sesterzii $: 20 Arti: Meccanicus, Tecnicus Bonus Skills: Strength 1, Handicraft 2, Analysis 1, Senses 1, Discipline 1 Equipment: knife, revolver, gizmos (harpago)

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ENTROPIST The study of substances and their reactions is the life of the Entropist, the Monopoly of Alchemists granting them their respected position through forbidden and secret knowledge. As much fun and games respect might be, however, it is nowhere near as much fun as explosions! Making things go boom is where it’s at! Psychology: entropists are more familiar with action than Biopsists, who they consider not much more than careless lab rats. Always the brainiacs, they have a tendency to over-complicate everything: each matter must be analyzed, deconstructed into smaller problems, understood… before it is invariably blown to high heaven. Origins: the lure of the “dark arts” has no homeland, and people of all walks of life become part of this Monopoly. Combat: Entropists approach combat analytically, so they can find the best positions to unleash their mixtures from and exploit every tactical advantage they can secure. Or, you know, to better enjoy their fireworks. Sesterzii $: 30 Arts: Master Entropist Bonus Skill: Handicraft 2, Analysis 1, Insight 1, Resistance 2 Equipment: knife, pistol, iuppiter or acidus, bombs (bombard, glacies, glutinum).

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INFORMATOR Information has been the universal currency since the dawn of time. The Character has learned to hide in the least likely of places, to eavesdrop behind the right doors and steal new secrets… and to find the right people to sell them to. Thanks to keen ears and an unassuming look about them, Informators can turn a lazy day in a tavern into profit, more than a hard day of more traditional work. Of course, dealing in information is a risky business, especially when it comes to important secrets, but any half decent Informant is an expert in fighting their way out of troubles (or having somebody else caught in their stead). Psychology: Informators are often untrustworthy double agents, of a subtle and questionable morality. On the other hand, they have to be. When keeping their foot in more than one shoe, sometime a great many more than just the proverbial two, they must possess not just social graces and a smart brain, but also the necessary lack of morals to betray and condemn without remorse. Origins: Informators are everywhere in Vulcania. They tend to gravitate around capitals and economic centers, however, with Monopolies and governments being their most lucrative clients. Combat: when fleeing is not an option anymore, Informators are known for fighting with whatever they can find or have on their person, each with their own style. Sesterzii $: 70 Arts: Infiltrator, Spy Bonus Skills: Stealth 1, Analysis 1, Insight 2, Charm 1, Cunning 1 Equipment: knife, pistol, auctus, chameleon, mutagens (noctuor: 2), toxins (sopor).

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MARKONIST Through their mind, Markonists are able to control remote devices to inspect inaccessible places, recover objects beyond the reach of normal people, and hold their own in the heat of combat. Their best-known tools are drones—small mechanical creatures they are known to modify to fit almost any tactical situation they find themselves in. Psychology: the disciplined mind of a Markonist often makes them calm and thoughtful, almost passive. Also, the fact that they periodically “leave” to control some Gizmo or their drones does not help their reputation for being weird. Origins: Markonists come from all over the world, the Ketnyi being among the most famous thanks to their meditation skills. Combat: Markonists tend to follow the fighting from the back lines, utilizing their drones and Gizmos to help their companions wherever and however they might need assistance. Sesterzii $: 90 Arts: Magister Omega Bonus Skills: Discipline 2, Analysis 1, Insight 1, Charm 1, Cunning 1 Equipment: schiavona, pistol, remote devices (drone, simple grafts: 5), bombs (bombard, glacies, glutinum).

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MEDIC The Character has treated broken arms, sutured wounds, extracted bullets, and amputated legs. They have heard the screams of the dying, the curses and insults of the wounded, and the last breaths of the dead. They even heard some thanks, every now and then. Nobody is ever thrilled to pass from the “loving” hands of a Medic, as they are not exactly famous for their gentle bedside manners, but nobody can deny the incredible force multiplier that a Character well versed in their arts can be. Psychology: doctors are often people who heard the call to help others, although their profession tends to turn them into cynical, sometimes even bitter and cold people. Being used to life or death situations, they are disciplined and reactive, becoming dependable leaders. Origins: of course, Medics are everywhere. Abrab physicians are as rare as water. Balas ones are used to operating in conditions of extreme poverty. Ketnyi medics are respected Imperial officers, in contrast with the refined Itteghi specialists and much like the Mos barbers. Nuug medics, on the other hand, much like their homeland, are rough-edged professionals. Combat: physicians stay well away from the thick of the melee, preferring to occasionally shoot with some boutique pistol. Trench butchers, on the other hand, have no qualms about diving headlong into the thick of things to stand beside those in need of their help. Sesterzii $: 320 Arts: Surgeon Bonus Skills: Handicraft 2, Analysis 2, Discipline 1, Insight 1 Equipment: saber, revolver, absolutio, pharus, Doctor’s Bag, mutagens (potio: 2)

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MERCENARY Every gender, religion, origin, political faith, or eating habits is welcome in the world of mercenaries, because they pay no mind to such things. The only one thing that matters, for them, is the preparation that comes from battlefield experience. Their crest is that of the highest bidder, and for them they will take up any task. Psychology: Mercenaries are skilled, ferocious, and feared fighters who sell their skills to whoever is willing to pay their fee. They do not take sides and know no morality and harbor neither fear of retribution nor remorse. Origins: the most feared Mercenary companies are those from Goya, Itteghasp, although they are far from being the only such groups in the world. Every single, solitary corner of Vulcania has produced its fair share of sellswords and guns for hire, like Nuug shock troops, Mos marksmen, and Ketnyi hand-to-hand fighters. Combat: melee is the natural habitat of the Mercenary, who usually takes the shortest, most effective way to demolish their opponent, with almost no room left for jokes like honor codes and the like. Sesterzii $: 20 Arts: Gambler, Emerald Blades or Fencer or Reaper. Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Strength 1, Resistance 1, Reflexes 1, Senses 1 Equipment: schiavona or war-axe, stiletto, scattergun, armor (lorica), februm, mutagens (impetus, potio), bombs (plangor).

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MILITIA Whether they enlisted to protect the weak, provide for their family, just vent their violent spirits, or for love of their country, Militias are used to chasing thieves and murderers for a living. They represent the “Law,” and as such are respected by those who abide to it and hated by those who do not. Psychology: Militias are made of disciplined folks, used to being thrown from one crime scene to another without any real plan, often at the whim of some government official. Their duty is executing orders, whether they know who gave them or why. Their duty is to chase, bite, and thrash, no questions asked. Some are content with that, others are not, and, be they violent brutes or idealists, from time to time they leave their uniform behind, often for the opposite reason. Origins: regular armies, city watches, and small units of village guards are everywhere, sharing the characteristics of the people and place they come from. Combat: the shield and one-handed weapon is extremely useful when dealing with rioting mobs and has became the signature fighting style of the Militia. Sesterzii $: 20 Arts: Investigator, Legionnaire Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Strength 1, Resistance 1, Reflexes 1, Discipline 1 Equipment: knife, saber, truncheon, pistol, shield, armor (lorica), pharus, mutagens (potio), bombs (glutinum).

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PSYONICIST For some odd, unknown reason, Psyonicists are born with mental faculties well beyond those of other people: They can detect the thoughts of those around them, allowing them to wield the worst nightmares of their enemies as a weapon. Of course, such power comes at the price of many years of training, privation, and the unconditional and absolute loyalty to Monopoly they belong to, that of the Markonists. Psychology: the characteristic familiarity Psyonicists have with the human mind makes them highly empathic in regards to the people they interact with. On the other hand, their capacity to concentrate and focus implies that they are diplomatic and calm, trusting in words to carry them through any tough situation. Origins: perhaps because of the toxic gas-induced mutations or the iron will necessary to survive in the Abrab wasteland, they seem to be naturally fit for the Psyonicist’s path, although the Monopoly of Markonists counts members from all the Islenations. Combat: Their powers allow them to support their allies by confusing the enemy, but force them to stay out of the way of more resilient combatants. Sesterzii $: 120 Arts: Magister Psi Bonus Skills: Analysis 1, Insight 1, Discipline 1, Charm 1, Cunning 1, Aggression 1 Equipment: knife, pistol, serpis, remote devices (extendor).

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Far from the confusion of the melee, Riflemen have turned their gun sight into their deadliest weapon, one that has carried them through tens of battles. The older ones are probably veterans of the Letvian War, who fought for their country reaping victims from a trench, a bell tower, or a ship. The younger, those who are not old enough or were even born during the War, more often have been trained by a mercenary company or local militia. Psychology: Riflemen gravitate towards the cold, calculating type, although they are not necessarily evil by nature. Many are still haunted by the faces of their victims when they sleep, and often tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the group and form an incredibly strong bond, perhaps too much so, with their weapon. Many give their tool of destruction a name, often female for male shooters and the opposite. Origins: the predilection the Mos have for firearms makes them ideal Riflemen. On the other hand, Nuug shooters are much rarer because of their cultural preference for hand-to-hand fighting. Combat: Riflemen are experts in finding strategically advantageous positions from which to dominate the battlefield and strike with lethal precision. Sesterzii $: 30 Arts: Ballistics Expert, Fusilier Bonus Skills: Resistance 1, Handicraft 1, Analysis 1, Discipline 1, Senses 2 Equipment: knife, axe, rifle, oculus, bombs (K foam), mutagens (exactus, potio).

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SMUGGLER It does not matter whether it is legal or illegal goods. It does not matter where they come from, who carries them, or how. The task of the Smuggler is to get them to their destination with the authorities being none the wiser and, usually, they are more than up for the challenge. Sometimes, they infiltrate the ranks of the nobility, playing the role of the refined gentleman. Other times, however, a less subtle attitude is required, and Smugglers are not above bashing a few heads in order to complete their deliveries. The life of a Smuggler is fraught with extreme moments, but Characters who have walked this path are used to them, because that is their lot. Psychology: Smugglers can be heartless criminals as well as romantic idealists, believing they are fighting for a better world. Usually, the latter are the youngest, destined to grow into charming pirates more concerned with their own survival than sacrifice for some lofty ideal. Origins: although Smugglers are everywhere, the Tawariq from Balastoc seem to be among the best, thanks to their knack for business and their life at the edge of legality. Combat: due to their profession, Smugglers are used to fighting against their competition or the authorities, with both blades and guns, and a backdoor always open should things go south. Sesterzii $: 20 Arts: Aviator, Merchant, Swashbuckler Bonus Skills: Brawl 1, Stealth 1, Insight 1, Senses 1, Charm 1, Aggression 1 Equipment: knife, pistol.

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TRACK HOUND In their downtime, old ladies send Track Hounds to rescue their cats from trees. When on duty, however, they work with the authorities to hunt down criminals or solve unsolvable cases. These people could have chosen a less dangerous job, but Track Hounds are notorious for not being desk people. In their line of work, they can get things done their own way and any risk they take be well compensated. Psychology: some bounty hunters prefer to work alone, rather than being bossed around and not get the credit. Other, more disciplined, hunters band together instead, to benefit from the additional resources and information an organization can provide them, so many choose to be employed by both large and small groups. Origins: the motives of a Track Hounds are many and have no flag. However, the majority of Track Hounds hail from Mostucaal and Nuugard, with Itteghasp producing the fewest of them. Combat: the ends justify the means. A Track Hound will do whatever it takes to neutralize or suppress their enemies. Sesterzii $: 60 Arts: Investigator, Ballistics Expert Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Analysis 1, Senses 1, Aggression 1 Equipment: knife, schiavona, whip, rifle, pharus, excursor backpack, mutagens (celeritas, potio), bombs (glutinum, glacies), toxines (sopor: 2).

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WANDERER Explorers, scouts, and woodsmen, the wild lands have no secrets for them. Self sufficient and always mindful of their surroundings, they survive thanks to their strength, ingenuity, and capacity to adapt, chasing their prey and melding with the surrounding environment. Their knowledge of nature and the wilds also make them invaluable guides for any group. Psychology: Wanderers are defined by adaptability and a strong sense of independence, which often leads them away from society. They are known for sometimes preferring the company of animals, with which they share a deep bond, rather than that of humans. Origins: thanks to their independent nature and wild homeland, the Nuug are the most famous Wanderers and trackers in the world, although people from all the Islenations take up such a mantle. Combat: generally, Wanderers can hold their own in melee combat, but prefer to strike from an advantageous position. Sesterzii $: 15 Arts: Explorer, Scout Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Resistance 1, Stealth 1, Analysis 2, Senses 1 Equipment: machete, whip, tomahawk (5), rifle, excursor bagpack, pharus, mutagens (noctuor: 2, purificatio), remedies of old gretchen (one of each).

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REGIONAL PAST EXPERIENCES Some stories can be told by any Vulcanian, others are deeply rooted in a specific Islenation. Characters can choose the following Past Experiences only if they took the Origin indicated in parentheses.

DESPERADO (Mostucaal)

Desperados obey only one law: theirs. It does not matter if they took that road after a family tragedy or simply to follow their instincts, they do not answer to anyone or abide by any rule. The only thing that matters is being fast with a gun, and Desperados damn well are. Psychology: Mos Desperados are anarchists, fickle free spirits who make friends easily but rarely form any durable bonds. Some of them are true legends of pyrium and bullets, their egos and recklessness as deep as their fame is wide. Origins: the endless plains of Yutland, far from any rules of civilization or government, are often called home by these lawless gunslingers, who prefer to settle there rather than bash heads with the militias of a large city. Combat: Desperados have simple needs and equally simple tactics: if they find something that looks at them funny, they douse them in hot lead and call it quits. Sesterzii $: 20 Arts: Ballistic Expert, Gunslinger Bonus Skills: Brawl 1, Handicraft 1, Reflexes 1, Insight 1, Senses 2 Equipment: knife, pistol , revolver.

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EPEYST (Itteghasp) Epeysts duel, get drunk, play Syrus, and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, all in random order. Sometimes they mock somebody for the laughs, only for it to invariably degenerate into a duel. Such is their way, dotted with the occasional blade job to get enough money to start all over again somewhere else. With their homeland so rich in such opportunities, who can claim to be luckier than an Epeyst?! Psychology: the Epeysts - their name drawn from an ancient Goyan dialect - are boastful individualists who live a decadent life in the constant pursuit of pleasure. They tend to be arrogant, reveling in the fantasy of the handsome rogue. Origins: the city of Goya, with its chaotic life and the fiery nature of its inhabitants, is the perfect habitat for these dangerous and extravagant people, who love the pleasures of city life more than the rural life style of more wandering types. Mostly, they do so because they never back down from a fight and nobody can deny that cities are teeming with opportunities for flashing a blade. Make sure not to tell them to their face, however... Combat: Epeysts are adepts of fencing who find their truest calling in the humiliation of their opponents. They do not think twice about behaving in a dishonorable way, but never turn their back on a provocation even if common sense would have them do otherwise. Sesterzii $: 30 Arts: Fencer, Swordsman Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Agility 2, Stealth 1, Reflexes 1, Insight 1 Equipment: knife, rapier, pistol, mutagens (potio).

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MUJIMAM (Balastoc)

To spread the word of the Red God is the goal of the Mujimam, who is looked on with reverent respect and fear. A Mujimam only bows to her superiors, taking what she wants from everybody else, as the faithful would rather walk in flames than oppose them. However, Mujimam agents are known for having difficulties in dealing with those who are not among the flock of the faithful. Psychology: : these amazons are determined and stern women, often considered crazed fanatics by those who are not faithful to Isairnes. As with all who hold a position of power, there are those who

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live by justice and honor, as well as other, less dedicated ones who use their position to cover their wrongdoings. Origins: Mettak is the spiritual capital of the Balast empire, ruled by the Red Pope, the first priestess of the Red God. It is in such halls, dense with mysticism, that one can find the largest concentration of Mujimam. Combat: these priestesses have absolutely no issues with jumping into the thick of the melee, their holy scimitars whirling, although they are famous for using others as cover when the situation becomes too dangerous. Sesterzii $: 30 Arts: Leader, Emerald Blades Bonus Skills: Agility 1, Insight 1, Discipline 1, Charm 2, Luck 1 Equipment: scimitars (2), stiletto, pistol, mutagens (potio), bombs(flagrant).


SHYLOK (Abrabazem)

These people have roamed the desolate lands that were once their country, enduring the toxic fumes and radiation from the Abrab volcano, living off anything that could give them “a kick.” They survive by trading in anything, be it objects, substances, or even people, and basically trying anything. Psychology: the habit of imbibing psychoactive substances distorts the personality of these people, turning them into schizophrenics. They are not necessarily all slave traders, but each has their own usually revolting - morality born of the necessity to survive. Origins: Shyloks are the children of a desperate and crazed land, of which they are accurate representatives. Anybody on Abrabazem can become a Shylok, be it in a moment of folly or deep distress. Combat: the threats Shyloks face every day in the wasteland are lethal and unpredictable. The only certainty in their life is that whatever substance can give them an extra edge is more than welcome. Sesterzii $: 50 Arts: Merchant, Human Subject Bonus Skills: Resistance 2, Stealth 1, Charm 1, Cunning 1, Aggression 1 Equipment: machete, crossbow, cingulum, februm, pharus, traveler’s bagpack, mutagens (celeritas, cortex, noctuor: 2, potio, purificatio).

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TAYO MONK (Ketniv)

These practitioners of the martial arts trained their body and spirit in the halls of their monastery until their masters deemed them ready to take the mark of their order. Now, they are undertaking the second part of their training: the one that will lead them around the world, wherever fate deems their presence necessary. Psychology: monks are calm, thoughtful people, confident in their abilities. Nothing can erode their certainties, and they face life with an almost fatalistic approach. Once they leave their monastery, some deviate from their appointed path, but it is a rare event. Origins: the Beyi mountains, close to the Dark Forest, has for centuries been a place where monks went to distance themselves from civilization in their quest for enlightenment, and many go there to train still today. Many others, however, chose to leave their monasteries and wander the world, helping others until they have reached inner peace. Combat: Tayo Monks rarely attack, unless they are undertaking something on behalf of their order. When they have to fall back on their training for self defense, however, they favor martial art techniques that have been handed down from generation to generation for millennia, rather than using weapons. Sesterzii $: 30 Arts: Ascetic, Disciple Bonus Skills: Agility 1, Reflexes 1, Discipline 2, Insight 1, Luck 1 Equipment: shuriken (5), shandian (3), traveler’s bagpack. .

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VALKYR (Nuugard)

The elite corps of the Nuug army, they train for combat and battle from their youngest days. Only those who show unwavering courage and an insane penchant for melee can hope to go anywhere wearing the colors of the Valkyr, and the Character is one of them. Their purple tattoos are the only proof anybody needs to have absolutely no doubt what happens if they mess with them. Psychology: Nuug shock troops are usually reckless and hot-headed, ready to dive face

first into anything they do. They are proud and face life knowing they could die the following day. Combat: thanks to their height and bulk, the Valkyr lord over weaker enemies in melee combat. Although favoring large, hefty weapons, they’ll make use of any kind of bludgeoning, slashing, chopping, or stabbing implement. Origins: the Nuug tundra is one of the most hostile lands to live in, where the most ferocious of the Vulcanian warriors are born. Forged by the hardships of the tundra, the Valkyr do not fear death, instead hoping it takes them after a long and bloody battle. Sesterzii $: 50 Arts: Reaper Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Strength 2, Resistance 1, Aggression 1 Equipment: axe, warhammer, tomahawk (5), sawed-off, armor (lorica), februm, mutagens (impetus, potio: 2), bombs (bombard, plangor).

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If ATTRIBUTES are a general measure of what the Character is innately capable of, Skills are the specific fields in which said raw talent was developed. When playing the game, Skills are going to be your main way of interacting with the world. Each Skill is assigned a Score, the sum of its Skill Bonus and the value of its parent ATTRIBUTE: the higher the Score, the better the Character performs in those situations. What follows is an overview of the Skills in Vulcania, although further details are in Chapter 2 –Skills.

Including all modifiers from Origins and Past Experiences, during Character creation, you cannot have more than 8 points among the Skill Bonuses of any given ATTRIBUTE. As an example, when adding up all the points related to MIND (so Analysis, Insight, Perception, and Discipline), the total cannot exceed 8.

Generating Skills

STAMINA-related Skills

Much like with ATTRIBUTES, in this phase you have 6 points to spend as you wish between the Skills from the following list, adding to whatever the Character’s past gave them. Having a Skill at Score 0 does not prevent a Character from using it, it just means that they are likely to have no idea of what are they doing and rely mostly on luck.

The Character employs these Skills to pull off feats of strength and endurance.

However, the Skill Bonus value cannot be higher than its parent ATTRIBUTE score +1. As an example, a Character with a DEXTERITY score of 3 can have a maximum of 4 points in any DEXTERITY-related Skill. As detailed later in the book, a Character can acquire additional points in their Skill Bonuses through the experience they gain during the game. On the other hand, ATTRIBUTE scores increase by 1 only when the sum of the Skill Bonuses of their related Skills reaches 4, 10, and then 18. This applies during character creation also.

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• ATHLETICS Athletics is the Character’s capacity to compete in physical challenges. Frequently, Athletics Tests cover climbing, sprinting, or leaping. • BRAWL Brawl measures how effective the Character is in hand-to-hand combat and brawling. Common Brawl Tests are for resolving grapples, projection, or clinches. • STRENGTH Strength is the measure of the Character’s raw muscle power. Common Strength Tests involve breaking barriers, lifting heavy weights, or lobbing objects. • RESISTANCE Resistance is the Character’s toughness and their capacity to withstand physical effort, toxic substances, or a lack of sustenance for extended periods of time.

CHARACTER CREATION Now Lawrence chooses the Past Experience that defined the life of his Character. Thinking about the deep forests and snow-capped peaks of Nuugard, he thinks the Wanderer might suit his mental picture. This Past Experience grants his Character a few extra Skills that Lawrence notes down on his Character sheet, adding them to those he gained from his Origin. The result, then, is the following: Bonus Skill Athletics Resistance Stealth Analysis Senses

Score 1 1 1 2 2

The Score of his Senses Skill includes the bonus from the Nuugard Origin.

DEXTERITY-related Skills These skills define how much fine control the Character has over their own body, their precision, and the coordination of their movements. • AGILITY Agility covers eye-to-limb coordination and the ability of the Character to control their body under extreme conditions. Common Agility Tests include keeping one’s footing or pulling off acrobatic stunts. • STEALTH Stealth is the capacity to move silently and precisely. Common Stealth Tests cover hiding, infiltrating a building, picking a pocket, or blending into a crowd. • HANDICRAFT Handicraft represents how precise the Character is when performing tasks that require precision, such

as picking a lock, repairing a damaged mechanism, or suturing an open wound. • REFLEXES Reflexes are the Character’s capacity to quickly react to danger or capitalize on opportunities. Common Reflexes Tests include avoiding traps or close quarters attacks.

MIND-related Skills Representing the Character’s intellectual faculties, these Skills cover situations like evaluating sensory input, quickly resolving riddles, not falling for a taunt, or understanding the nature of something mysterious. • ANALYSIS Analysis defines the Character’s ability to process data and reason. Common Analysis Tests include finding clues or secret passages, recognizing symptoms of a mysterious illness or poisoning, identifying chemicals, or understanding mechanical devices. • INSIGHT Insight is the Character’s capacity to quickly gauge people and situations. Common Insight Tests are understanding the true intentions of one’s interlocutor or finding ways out of a delicate situation. • SENSES Senses covers the sensory spectrum of the Character. Senses Tests can involve shooting with firearms or scanning the environment for threats. Senses Tests cover not only sight, but also the other four senses. • DISCIPLINE Discipline is the Character’s ability to keep their cool even under stressful conditions. Discipline Tests cover resisting panic and performing tasks that require a great degree of concentration.

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CHAPTER 1 MAGNETISM-related Skills This measure defines how the Character interacts with other people, the surrounding world, and the energies that move the universe, be they fate, deities, or chance. MAGNETISM is especially useful outside of combat, as it covers the vast majority of social interactions. • CHARM Charm indicates how capable the Character is at gaining somebody’s trust or sympathy and making

Now it is time for Lawrence to spend his final 6 Bonus Skills as he sees fit. Skill Skill Bonus Athletics Resistance Reflexes Senses Luck

2 1 1 1 1

Adding together the Bonus Skills he obtained from his Origins and Past Experiences, their total is the following:

Skill Athletics Resistance Stealth Reflexes Analysis Senses Luck

Skill Bonus 3 2 1 1 2 3 1

As he spent only 1 point on his Character’s MIND, Lawrence cannot have MIND-specific Skills with more

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them feel comfortable. Often, Charm Tests are necessary when trying to seduce somebody or to convince them of something. • CUNNING Cunning determines how convincing the Character is when they lie or try to deceive the person they are talking to. Common Cunning Tests cover telling a lie or trying to impersonate somebody else. • AGGRESSION Aggression is how capable the Character is at having other people comply to their will. Aggression Tests cover extorting information with duress or making

than 2 points in them. Therefore, he must add the Bonus he spent in Senses to some other Skill, such as Agility.

Skill Athletics Resistance Agility Stealth Reflexes Analysis Senses Luck

Skill Bonus 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1

Having spent 4 Bonuses to STAMINA-related Skills (Athletics 3 and Resistance 2) Lawrence can add 1 to his STAMINA score. The same applies to MIND (Analysis 2 + Senses 2). Therefore, the ATTRIBUTES of Lawrence’s Character looks like the following: STAMINA DEXTERITY MIND MAGNETISM

4 2 2 1

CHARACTER CREATION it absolutely clear to a nosy bystander that they saw nothing of what the Character just did. • LUCK Luck is how much the gods like the Character! A Luck Test might be called for to determine if the Character finds just what they need or if, say, the sniper in the bell tower is about to shoot them or the person right to their left…

Skill Scores During the creation of your Character, you distributed Skill Bonus points to your list of Skills, informed by the Origins and Past Experiences of your Character. Their Skills partly represent what their culture of origin taught them and what they learned before starting their adventures , and partly where they have focused their attention and efforts during their career. To understand how capable your Character really is at their Skills, a Score is assigned to each that is equal to the sum of the Skill Bonus plus the value of their parent ATTRIBUTE. Remember: Should you be called to roll a Test for a Skill in which your Character has no points assigned, you add only the value of its parent ATTRIBUTE to the d12 result.

Lawrence should have all that he needs to complete his Character sheet. The last thing he needs to do is determine the total Score of his Character’s Skills, by adding the Skill Bonuses to the values of their parent ATTRIBUTES.

STAMINA Athletics 7 (4+3) Brawl 4 (4+0) Strength 4 (4+0) Resistance 6 (4+2) DEXTERITY Agility 3 (2+1) Stealth 3 (2+1) Handicraft 2 (2+0) Reflexes 3 (2+1) MIND Analysis Insight Senses Discipline

4 (2+2) 2 (2+0) 4 (2+2) 2 (2+0)

MAGNETISM Charm Cunning Aggression Luck

1 (1+0) 1 (1+0) 1 (1+0) 2 (1+1)

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5. TACTICAL INDICATORS During their adventures in Vulcania, there will be moments when Characters will need all their Skills, training, and equipment to survive, be it during combat or other life-and-death situations. To better handle this, you can rely on the five Tactical Indicators, all derived from the Skills of your Character: Dodge, Evade, Initiative, Movement, and Wounds. Dodge The measure of how well the Character is able to avoid being hit with melee weapons and the most precious skill during the raging of melee, bayonet assaults, and ambushes. The Dodge score of a Character is their Reflexes Score plus whatever modifiers are specifically added to their Dodge score. Evade The measure of how well the Character is able to avoid being hit by ranged and areaof-effect attacks. As only those Characters who have precognitive gifts or are capable of reading the code of the universe can predict such things, this is measured by Luck and any relevant modifiers.

Movement The measure of how able the Character is at moving in a tactically sound manner during combat and how many cubitus they can move during a combat round. More details are in Chapter IV—Combat. The cubitus is the Vulcanian unit for measuring distance and equals 1.31469235852666 meters… or exactly 1 square on the tactical map! The Movement score of a Character is equal to half their DEXTERITY score, rounded up, + 3.

Wounds The measure of how much damage the Character can suffer before earning their eternal rest. It equals half of their Resistance, rounded up, + 3.

Lawrence now notes the Tactical Indicators for his Character in their slots on his sheet: Dodge Evade Initiative Movement Wounds

3 2 2 4 6

Initiative The measure of how quickly the Character can react lucidly during combat, how in control of themselves they are, and, as a consequence, how fast they can react to sudden danger. Initiative is used to determine who acts when and in what order during combat and is the sum of their Discipline and any relevant modifiers.

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Narrative Time and Movement When playing Vulcania, time is not told exactly like it is in the boring world outside the gaming table. It is the Narrator who decides how fast time flows in relation to the decisions that their players made. As an example, if the Narrator says that something takes an hour to be done, the players do not have to actually wait that amount of time before moving on!

CHARACTER CREATION Character movement depends on how the Narrator makes time flow. While in the majority of cases it is enough to say that they do something for it to eventually happen, the Narrator might interrupt your action momentarily to describe an important event. Moving over particularly long distances is measured in hours or days of travel, without considering the Movement Tactical Indicator. A day of travel is usually made of just eight hours of actual traveling, as Characters spend the rest of the time making and unmaking camp, stopping for rest, cooking, and the like. All of that is not even remotely interesting, so it is just assumed that it happens. • Movement Types When traveling using narrative time, Characters can either walk or march. Walking: a sustained but not too tiring pace, that roughly equals 5 kilocubitus an hour. (1 Kilocubitus = 1,000 cubitus). Marching (x2): a faster traveling pace, equaling around 10 kilocubitus an hour. • Environment The aforementioned travel distances assume that the Characters are moving on flat, clear terrain or a road, although it will not always be like that. Whenever a trail is not available, traveling speed slows down at the discretion of the Narrator. Alternatively, the group could have to wade through atmospheric phenomena like storms that slow them down, or make haste to reach a specific objective earlier than planned. • Fatigue When traveling on land, the worst enemy of a group of adventurers is fatigue. As time passes, Characters must roll Resistance Tests to determine the amount of fatigue they are suffering - the faster they travel, the more frequently they should roll.

It is up to the Narrator to decide when to have the group roll and against what Difficulty, considering that a four hour walk is considered to be an Easy (Difficulty 8) task. On a failure, the group must stop for some time to recover their energies and start again. If the group fails another such Test before resting, they are so tired that they must take a longer rest of at least six hours.

6. GEARING UP All Characters begin the game with some money to their name. Although each Islenation has their own currencies, the banking corporations make sure that all of them can be linked to a uniform value, that of the universally-accepted Sesterzius. Each Character’s initial wealth depends on their Past Experience, and can be spent on extra equipment or saved for later, at the player’s preference. Starting equipment granted by Past Origins is always free, and a few items, like weapons, can modify your Tactical Indicators. Additional information can be found in Chapter V—Equipment. When it comes to weapons, as your Character will most likely use different kinds during their adventuring career, it is better to note their Tactical Indicator modifiers separately.

7. FINAL TOUCHES Now your Character Sheet is ready to start adventuring! However, as you might have noticed, we have focused only on the numbers so far, with close to no attention to the narrative details of your Character. Nobody knows their physical appearance, their attitude, their age, and all those characteristics that separate them from the rest of the larger humanity.

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CHAPTER 1 GENDER Gender and sexual orientation for your Character are absolutely your choice. In the description of each Islenation, you can find details to define how these choices will shape your Character. APPEARANCE What does your Character look like? You choose! What color are their eyes? And their hair? What hairstyle do they favor? Do they have tattoos or piercings? Scars, perhaps? Height and weight, also, are your choice and you can find guidelines in the descriptions of each people. What follows is a table to help you have a better idea of a typical Character’s build. Consider the column corresponding to the Character’s STAMINA score and the row with your Character’s DEXTERITY score. The result is the Character’s build. PERSONALITY A key aspect when playing is the attitude and demeanor of your Character: are they a party animal, always ready to meet new people, or the darker, brooding type? The nature of a Character is what defines their interactions with their group and the various other people they will meet once the game starts, and is the core of the “role-playing” side of a role-playing game. To help you define this key factor of your Character, you can use any of the following personality types or make up your own: • The Tough Guy Always strutting about the place with an aggressive look to them, they never back down from a fight.

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Intimidating: the Character’s powerful presence is hard to miss and they have no difficulty in attracting the attention of anyone in close proximity. When they wish to attract attention in a crowded area, they receive a +2 bonus to Aggression Tests. Iron Knuckles: since they were children, the Character had one number in their mind. A hundred. A hundred brawls. Now, of course, they are well beyond such trivialities, but in a hundred brawls they learned a few tricks. They receive a +2 bonus when they take part in a brawl. • The Righteous If there was ever one thing that got the Character’s fire going, it was injustice and vulgarity. They could be called bigot, but making them lose their temper can prove fatal. The Voice of Reason: everybody can hear a tiny voice in their head that tells them what is right and what is not. The Character comes in when this tiny voice fails to make itself heard! Their touching words can make the most jaded sinner weep in contrition and, should that not be enough, the Just has absolutely no qualm in using the oldest educational tool ever. They receive a +2 bonus to Aggression Tests aimed at dissuading somebody else from doing something they think is wrong or for making their target repent. The Eye of Truth: the eyes of the Character can see a soul gripped by fear as easily as a normal person would spot a camel on an iceberg. They receive a +2 bonus to Insight Tests to see whether somebody was forced to lie or not. • The Seducer The Character has an almost hypnotic influence over the other gender, one they are fatally attracted to. More often than not, they do not know where this magnetic effect comes from, because it cannot just be their good looks and conversational skills! Many

CHARACTER CREATION believe it is passion: they do not seduce others for the sake of it, as if it were a game or for the bragging rights. They fall in love each and every time, although their passion fades as quickly as it burns. They are not bad people… they just believe they are not fit for monogamy. Courting: nobody knows how or why, but the Character simply cannot be resisted. They receive a +2 bonus to all Charm Tests to seduce somebody. Oh, my, it’s late, isn’t it?!: being such a free spirit, the Character gets into trouble more times than they care to remember. Thanks to years of daring escapes from bedrooms, the Character receives a +2 bonus to all Athletics Tests rolled to flee from somewhere. • The Loser The archetypical Loser has an appearance that many consider flawed. Whether they are underweight, the opposite, weak, or clumsy, it caused them no small amount of problems. They tend to avoid situations that would put them at the center of attention, to avoid embarrassing themselves. However, they have developed a unique set of skills and, when given trust, they can repay it many times over. Invisible: even their mother could not spot them in a crowd! The Character receives a +2 bonus to Cunning Tests for not being conspicuous, even after having just interacted with somebody. Smart Guy: filling gaps by reading and studying, the Character receives a +2 bonus to Analysis Tests to solve riddles and complex calculations. • The Dark One Their place is the darkest corner, their face covered by the proverbial hood, barely lit by the flame of a

pipe. When in crowded areas, they tend to sit away from the main ruckus, their halo of darkness causing people to avert their gaze when they meet. Unnerving Presence: if they want to, they instinctively know how to appear disturbing. These Characters receive a +2 to Cunning Tests to be ignored or avoided. Vanish: one moment the Character was sitting in their chair; a mere heartbeat later, they are not. They receive a +2 to Stealth Tests to sneak out of public spaces. • The Party Animal Always the first to celebrate, for them there is no greater pleasure than the party with the largest crowd. Party Animals are famous for finding themselves in the situation of not knowing whether they are already drunk or still hung over. Entertainer: when they want, Party Animals have a joke or a skit for virtually every single, solitary soul on the whole planet. They receive a +2 bonus to Charm Tests rolled to wrangle strangers into their celebrating. Party Hard: years of rough partying have given these unusual creatures a high tolerance to alcohol and other “recreational” substances. They receive a +2 bonus to Resistance Tests rolled against the effects of alcohol and drugs. VICES The life of a Character is fraught with intrigue, plotting, adventuring, and chases, causing them no end of stress. As such, many adventurers have their own way to vent fatigue and stress and restore their energies. In Vulcania, they are called Vices, and they award Gears of Fate when a Character indulges them.

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CHAPTER 1 For additional information on Gears of Fate, see Chapter 2 — Skills. Alcohol Personality: Tough Guy or Party Animal Vulcania offers a wide range of wines, beers, liquors, and spirits of varying degrees of potency. Whether the Character is a fine connoisseur of a specific beverage or a fan of everything alcoholic, even if it can be used as fuel, there is nothing better than getting drunk on something fierce to calm the nerves and be ready for the next adventure! Well, perhaps not immediately after said “getting drunk on something fierce…” Brawling Personality: Tough Guy or Righteous Some good, old-fashioned violence is what it takes to calm the nerves after a long and tiring adventure… where the Characters kicked some serious backside anyway. There is a hell of a difference between fighting for their own life and giving a good ol’ scrubbing to, well, all the patrons of that one tavern, because we all know that among them there was at least one who deserved it, right? Competition Personality: Tough Guy or Seducer

Drugs Personality: Dark One or Party Animal Vulcania is ripe with psychoactive substances that can calm, rile up, or downright shake senses and emotions to their core. Much like with alcohol, it matters little if the Character is a consumer of a specific substance or they prefer to have a taste of everything, for them inner peace is achieved by riding the waves of the psyche. Gambling Personality: Seducer or Loser The gambling table is the right place to relax, to meet new, interesting people, or revel in self-satisfaction. Relaxing for the body and strengthening for the mind, gambling offers the right amount of adrenaline without necessarily risking one’s life… as they say, “Let the Nuug win.” Reading Personality: Loser or Dark One Delving into the trials and tribulations of somebody else, stressing the “somebody else” part, can be extremely relaxing and gratifying. Of course, Characters who love to read cannot carry a whole library, so indulging in such a “vice,” if it can be called one, requires dedicated time and space. Sex Personality: Seducer or Party Animal

Nothing beats the satisfaction of pushing one’s limits, be it dueling, cliff diving, or racing. What matters is prevailing through skill and having a good old rush of adrenaline.

There is nothing better than a steamy night of passion with a skilled partner to be ready to take on the world once more.

Contemplation Personality: Righteous, Dark One

Study Personality: Righteous or Loser

The Character seeks the peace of the sun setting on the ocean, a dark forest, or the fabled aurora borealis up north. Taking in the beauty of a landscape or a work of architecture in complete solitude is the cure for all ailments.

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Not necessarily a vice, although there are some who consider it so. Especially among the academic types, finding something new, complex, and interesting to learn is no small feat, and few can deny the inner peace that cracking the code of the universe can grant.

CHARACTER CREATION Table1.2 - Appearance Stamina Dexterity





























































Monkey-like Monkey-like Monkey-like

Personalities and Vices should offer a solid enough starting point to flesh out the way in which your Character is unique and different from all the others. Players are welcome to develop their own personality types and vices (based on Narrator approval, of course) if what is here does not fit their character concept. Of course, it is part of the of the Narrator’s lot to make sure that situations where players pick traits just for the bonuses they offer do not happen. BACKSTORY Now that the Character is basically complete, the only thing missing is a bit of backstory, with a few

details about their past. Where do they come from? Who is their family? How did they end up living their Past Experiences? All this information will make playing your Character more fun, and will serve as hooks for the Narrator to weave even more epic and compelling stories. You can also add secondary characters to your background, to motivate their choices! People like mentors, opponents, great friends, and the like! After all, an individual person is never the result of a vacuum-sealed environment, but of the interactions between them and the many people they met during their life.

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8. TO SUM UP As a quick recap of Character creation, follow this list! 1. Choose their Origins for 1 ATTRIBUTE point, a Skill point, and a Special Trait selected from the list. 2. Spend 6 points among the four ATTRIBUTES and note them down on your sheet. You can spend up to 3 points in any given ATTRIBUTE, including any points gained for the Character’s Origins. 3. Select a Past Experience from those listed above, then note on the sheet all its features, including Skills, Arts, starting money, and equipment. 4. Spend 6 Skill points and add them to those that you already gained in steps 1 and 3. Remember that the maximum score any Skill can reach is that of their parent ATTRIBUTE +1. Also, during Character creation you cannot spend more than 8 points among all the Skills of any given ATTRIBUTE. 5. To calculate the final score of each Skill, add the points you gained in steps 1 through 4 to the value of their parent ATTRIBUTE and note it in the dedicated spaces on the sheet. Do the same with the five Tactical Indicators.

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6. Spend your initial money to finalize the equipment for your Character! The experience your Character gathers by overcoming the challenges the Narrator throws at your group is portrayed in the form of Skill Bonuses you can spend to increase the Skills of your Character and, by extension, their ATTRIBUTES. The other resource Characters accumulate is money, expanding their knowledge and equipment. To gain access to new Arts, Characters must pay the fee their teachers or schools ask for such services. Of course, it is up to both you and your Narrator to decide when it is possible for your Characters to acquire Arts or buy equipment. Would you prefer having the opportunity after each session or when a campaign of multiple sessions is over? Learning a new Art takes a Character time, because only practice makes perfect, and a wise Narrator can use that time to develop adventures or events tied to that occasion. As an example, training for an Art might require the recovery of a specific reagent or victory in a specific combat. Otherwise, if your group wants their Characters to grow faster, the Narrator might allow them to unlock those Arts by just spending the money. However, remember that the Narrator always has the last word on the availability of wares and services.

CHARACTER CREATION Table 1.3 - Ranks Rank

Total Skill Bonus

Skill Bonus per ATTRIBUTE





2.000 - 3.000 $




3.000 - 5.000 $




5.000 - 7.000 $




7.000 - 10.000 $




10.000 - 15.000 $

Too Cool to Care

More than 55


More than 15.000 $

RANKS The overall power level of a Character is called their Rank, measuring the hardships they have faced and will in the future. Each of the six Ranks limits the amount of Skill points you can invest in any given ATTRIBUTE of your Character and the money spent on Arts and equipment. For example, if a Character of Heroic Rank adds up the total points their player distributed between their STAMINA Skills, the total cannot exceed 17. The table above shows the differences between each of the Ranks. The Skill Points column includes those gained during Character creation.

The Total Skill Points per ATTRIBUTE column shows the cap that the sum of all Skill Points for each ATTRIBUTE cannot pass, and the Wealth column indicates the maximum expenses for Arts and equipment. Remember that these numbers are guidelines: if your group or the Narrator feel they should be changed, you are free to do so!

Summing up

Characters grow in two ways, either by spending the Skill Bonuses awarded by the Narrator or through training to learn new Arts. ATTRIBUTE scores increase as their related Skills do, as explained earlier in this chapter.

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How to read and fill in the Character sheet

The Insight and Senses scores in this section of the Character Sheet are visible to the Narrator, should they need Hidden Rolls, as explained in the next Chapter.


Skill Value This score is the sum of Skill Bonuses and ATTRIBUTE and is added to the d12 roll to determine a success or failure of a Test.

Skill Bonus This score is used only when creating or modifying a Character sheet and not during actual play.

Iniziative Attacks Weapon and score to add to the d12 result, including Skill score and any weapon modifiers.

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Damage Reduction

Dodge Dodge score, including any weapon modifier.


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2 A


b ead of sweat ran along her temple before falling into a small puddle forming in front of her right knee. Chana had managed to zone out from the world and focus on her work, the noises of the shootout muffled as if underwater. Every fiber of her senses was focused on her ear to the door, as she tentatively tinkered with the disc selector looking for the right combination that would open their only way to safety. Behind her, in the cover of the bar, Vas was reloading his shotgun, bullets screaming over their heads and tearing into the door Chana was attempting to open. If she didn’t expedite things, they would be in trouble… Vas took Nasturzio’s revolver, sprung to his feet, and, cursing and screaming like a madman, he unloaded both weapons into their enemies. Suddenly, a gust of fresh air washed over them, Chana grinning with satisfaction as the door was opening… at the same moment that the airship began climbing. It was a decent jump, but they had no choice and, the more they waited, the worse it would be. “Jump, mister fancy pants!” Vas shouted as he was raining his last bullets to cover their retreat. Nasturzio, rolling his eyes in exasperation, took in a sharp breath and jumped.

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s described earlier, Vulcania features sixteen Skills, each tied to one of the four ATTRIBUTES. This Chapter lists the main uses for each Skill, to help you use them better during play.

Making a Test Your Character interacts with the world of Vulcania by making Tests when the result of their action is uncertain. Whenever the Narrator asks you to make a Test,

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you must roll a twelve-sided die, also called a “d12.” You then add the Score of the Skill the Narrator told you to roll the Test for to the value rolled. If the total result is equal to or higher than the Difficulty score the Narrator set for that Test, then your Character passed it! The Difficulty of a Test is set by the Narrator based on the complexity or chance of success of the action you just told them you want to attempt.



d12 + Skill Score equal to or higher than Difficulty


d12 + Skill Score less than Difficulty

Lawrence’s Character, a mighty Nuug mercenary named Adoorn, is standing on the hood of a racing vehicle, ready to jump onto the train that is passing right beside him. The Narrator asks Lawrence for an Athletics Test with a high Difficulty. Since Adoorn’s Athletics score is 7 and the Narrator determines he has about a 50/50 chance of success or a 6 on the d12, the Difficulty for that Test is 6+7=13. If the total result of the Test is 12 or less, Adoorn is going to have his face pasted over a few square feet of railroad tracks.

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CHAPTER 2 Test Types Tests are not always just for one Character. They can involve the whole group, take more time than a mere handful of seconds, or resolve a competition among many people.

Extended Tests During their adventures, your Character will face situations where they are called upon to do something that takes a longer time, like resisting torture for extended periods or stopping a boulder from crushing the group.

Narrative Time: when in this mode, the time that a Test takes to be completed is factored into its Difficulty, including weather conditions and the like. When that amount of time has passed, the Narrator can ask for more or different Tests, applying a -2 penalty due to fatigue. In addition, they can add other modifiers according to the context and their judgment. Table 2.1 – Extended Tests shows how to deter-

mine the Difficulty of a Test based on the starting conditions, and the time after which fatigue sets in and a new Test is required. Depending on the nature of the Test, the Narrator could also decide to apply the Fatigued or Exhausted conditions - or any other conditions explained in Chapter IV – Combat if they see fit - to the Characters after failing an Extended Test.

Tactical Time: this works in the same way as Extended Tests rolled during Narrative Time, with the only difference being that the amount of time after which the next roll must be made is not set by the Narrator. Instead, it equals the Character’s Resistance score for physical Tests or Discipline for mental ones. Then, the -2 fatigue modifier is applied for future Tests.

Hidden Tests There are occasions when your Character must roll a Test, but the Narrator does not want you to know the results or you are not even supposed to know you are rolling a Test.The vast majority of these Tests involve hiding, sensing intentions, telling a lie, or being aware of danger.

Table 2.1 – Extended Tests Conditions

Difficulty Score










Slightly Adverse

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Extremely Hard




Nearly Impossible



5 min.

SKILLS If the Narrator asks you to roll a Senses Test when your Characters are skulking in an alley, you, not your Character, would be suspiciously sure that the Supreme Entity in the universe that your paper alter egos have no idea even exists is plotting something, right? In other words, your Character would not have any clue, because they are not aware of the rolling, but you would. To avoid such an occurrence, commonly referred at as “metagame,” it is the Narrator who rolls these Tests.

Butch decides to go all-in to bust his old friend Rodrigo out of jail by attempting to pose as one of the guards. The Narrator rolls a Hidden Cunning Test to determine the credibility of the disguise, adding Butch’s Cunning score of 5. However, the dice gods set for him to roll a 1… So, Butch presents himself at the prison, wearing a totally inconspicuous set of fake mustaches and the totally not wrong uniform. For a master of disguise like him, what could ever go wrong?!

Opposed Tests Skill Tests are not always against the environment or inanimate objects. During their adventures, your Character will interact with other living beings. In these circumstances the Difficulty score is not arbitrarily set by the Narrator, but directly by the opponent your Character is facing. STAMINA and DEXTERITY - related Opposed Tests are most often rolled against other STAMINA or DEXTERITY-related Skills. On the other hand, MIND and MAGNETISM-related Tests are not likely to be opposed by specific Skills, depending instead on the situation. As an example, let us imagine your Character is walking in an alley unaware that they are being shadowed by a thug.

The Narrator, then, could have you roll an Opposed Senses Test against their Stealth score, or they might even roll a Hidden Opposed Senses Test against the same score without you even noticing. In either case, on a Success the Narrator would tell you that there is somebody on the heels of your Character. Should you have specified that your Character is paying attention to any suspicious bystanders while walking down said alley, the Narrator would ask you to roll an Analysis Test instead.

Skill Challenges There are situations when the Character is called to succeed at a Test in competition with somebody else, like getting somewhere first. Resolve this as if it was an Opposed Test that always pits the same two Skills one against the other.

Utilizing Items When using an item that requires a Test that is not dependent on the individual Skills of a Character, instead of adding a Skill modifier to the d12, add half the Difficulty listed in the item’s description, rounded up.

Chana manages to sneak into the kitchen of the complex where her friend Vas is held. There, she poisons the beer with a dose of Bonomella, a powerful narcotic, in the hopes of silently neutralizing the local security. To see how potent the drug is, she must make a Test rolling a d12 plus half of the Bonomella’s Difficulty (15), rounded up. With a 7 on the die and a +8 from the item, the result is 15 against the 9 rolled for the guards’ Resistance. After a few minutes, those who drank fall asleep in their chairs and Chana can now help her friend!

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CHAPTER 2 Table 2.2 – Opposed Skill Tests

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Opposed Passive Score

Opposed Active Score

















































SKILLS Opportunities and Catastrophic Failures When the result of the die roll for a Test is an 11 or 12 before adding any modifiers, what is often called a “natural” 11 or 12, the Character gains an Opportunity! You can spend Opportunities to make something helpful happen. As usual, the Narrator has the final say on what actually can and cannot happen, but should they choose the latter, they can grant you a +1 bonus to your next Test instead. On the other hand, if the natural die result is a 1, your Character suffers a Catastrophic Failure, which involves something adequately dreadful happening to them or a -1 to their next Test, depending on the Narrator.

Test Results To sum up, a Test can have one of four results: a Success, a Success with Opportunity, a Failure, or a Catastrophic Failure.


The result of the d12 + the relevant Skill Score is equal to or greater than the Difficulty set by the Narrator. The action happens according to your intentions.


The result of the d12 + the relevant Skill Score is less than the Difficulty set by the Narrator. The action does not happen according to your intentions.

Success with Opportunity

Lady Luck smiles upon you! The d12 rolled a natural 11 or 12, and the action you wanted your Character to take not only happens, but under favorable circumstances. Now, with the help and supervision of the Narrator, define what form these circumstances take. Alternatively, there are Arts or items that feature special effects when an Opportunity is spent. See below for further details.

Catastrophic Failure

The d12 fell on the dreadful 1! There is no turning back from a failure of such proportions. Not only is the Test failed, but fate makes your Character suffer other dire consequences, at the kind and totally not sadistic attention of the Narrator. Otherwise, the Narrator can inflict a -1 penalty to the Character’s next Test. The Narrator can also use the Catastrophic Failure of a player’s Character to activate the special abilities of their enemies, as if they had rolled an Opportunity themselves.

Edge Cases There are cases when the die roll for a Test would result in an Opportunity but, even after adding all the relevant modifiers, the result is still not enough to meet the target Difficulty. When this happens, the result of the Test is a Failure with Opportunity: the action does not happen as you intended, but you can still benefit from an Opportunity. The opposite case, unfortunately does not apply: A natural 1 on the die roll is always a Failure, even if the total including all relevant modifiers would have been enough to meet the Difficulty set by the Narrator.

Advanced Use of Skills

A Character can be called upon at any moment to make a Test for any of their Skills. However, there are certain uses of a Skill that require not just a die roll, but also what is called Proficiency. As an example, to pick somebody’s pocket without Proficiency in Picking Pockets, a Character requires a Success with Opportunity to succeed. In the next few paragraphs, you can find a detailed list of Advanced Uses for Skills.

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CHAPTER 2 Helping a Friend

Gears of Fate

With the blessing of the Narrator, your Character can try to help a companion with their Skill Test, granting them a +2 bonus. Additional helping Characters grant +1 each, but the Narrator is entitled the freedom to impose any restrictions on the helping process according to the situation. If the helped Character is attempting a Test for an Advanced Use of their Skill, then only Characters who are Proficient in that specific use can help them.

Improving Skills The Skills and ATTRIBUTES of your Character improve with additional points acquired during game time.

One of Lawrence’s fellow players, Jennifer, plays the agile Ketnyi acrobat named Akane, who is about to climb half a kilocubitus of steep, ruthless mountainside. The Narrator says it will take her at least an hour and a half, made all the harder by the lack of surface features that would grant her a better grip. The first Test Jennifer rolls is an Athletics 12 Test, getting a 5 on the die. Akane’s Athletics score is 7, for a total of 12, so she barely passed it! The Narrator then asks Jennifer to roll another Athletics Test, this time with Difficulty 14, for which she rolls a meager 2. For that, Akane suffers the Fatigued condition. But, Jennifer chooses to fight through the fatigue and pain and rolls again in spite of that -2 penalty. Unfortunately, Jennifer rolls only a 5, which is not enough. Now, only a Gear of Fate and a good roll can prevent Akane from falling to the ground!

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Vas is facing two adjacent enemies who are barring his way. He attacks one of them with a heavy ax, rolling a Strength Test. The result is a 13, enough to hit, so his player spends one of their Gears of Fate to activate the weapon’s Cleave Opportunity and deal 1 point of damage to the adjacent opponent also. The only occasion in which it is possible to spend a Gear of Fate to reroll a natural 1 is when the Character is left with only 1 Wound. If the Test they just rolled a 1 for would result in them suffering damage, then they can spend a Gear to reroll it.

The Price of Destiny Each time a player spends a Gear of Fate, it does not leave play. Instead, the spent Gear is transferred to the reserve of the Narrator, who can use it for the following:


Kyio is wounded, but is loathe to abandon his companions, so he plunges back into the fray, hoping to quickly end the fight. The enemy in front of him is able to hit him before he can unleash any of his deadly attacks, so the Narrator asks Kyio’s player to roll a Dodge Test. Unfortunately, the die rolls a 1! The attack would strip him of his last Wound, probably killing the Character, so his player chooses to spend a Gear of Fate and reroll that Test hoping it does not result in an unhealthy dose of Kyio paste. • Negate an Opportunity activated by a player. • Turn a simple Failure into a Catastrophic one. • Reward heroic or sound behavior on your end.

Leaping: the Difficulty of a leap varies according to Table 2.3 – Leaping. If the Character does not have at least 3 cubitus of room for a running start, the Difficulty raises one step. Table 2.3 - Leaping




Up to 3 cubitus



Up to 4 cubitus



Up to 6 cubitus



Up to 8 cubitus



Up to 10 cubitus



When the Narrator spends a Gear targeting a player, they give it to them so that the balance of fate is always respected. Like the players, the Narrator begins each game session with a supply of Gears of Fate. Their initial supply is equal to the number of players at the table.

Using Skills What follows is a description of the main and advanced uses of each Skill, for the sake of clarity, as in the vast majority of cases, determining which Skill to roll a Test for should be fairly easy.

ATHLETICS Climbing: Athletics is used for climbing up or down any vertical surface that offers some form of hand or foothold. It is possible to climb smooth vertical surfaces, but only with the proper equipment. Jumping: Athletics Tests can be called for to jump over longer or higher distances and to cushion a fall.

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CHAPTER 2 For every 3 cubitus of vertical gap between the starting and the arriving point, the length of the leap increases by 1 cubitus, but upon landing the Character suffers 1 damage per 3 cubitus and is knocked Prone. If the Character fails the Test, they fall.

High Jumping: the base Difficulty for a high jump is the same as for a leap, but distances are quartered. So, a high jump of Extraordinary Difficulty is only 2 cubitus high. Sprinting: during combat, Characters can use their action to sprint (after they spent their Maneuver) to move a number of cubitus equal to their Movement Tactical Indicator (see Chapter IV – Combat). When they sprint, they can move twice their Movement. If they need to accelerate even more, they may roll an Extended Athletics Test to move three times their Movement score for a number of rounds equal their Resistance score. When that time has passed, the Character can attempt another Athletics Test at a -2 penalty to keep sprinting for an additional round. When sprinting, Characters cannot take any other actions. . Advanced Uses: Swimming.

STRENGTH Brute Force: Strength allows a Character to perform feats like barging through a door, lifting a boulder, or shoving a table against one’s pursuers. Table 2.4 – Brute Force




Bashing a shoddy wooden door



Keeping a portcullis raised for 2 hours



Bashing a well-made wooden door



Bashing an iron door



Throwing a 100 lb. barrel



Carrying, Lifting, and Pushing: Strength is also a measure of how much the Character can carry, lift, and push. Table 2.5 – Carrying, Lifting and Pushing

BRAWL Hand-to-hand Combat: to attempt a kick, punch, slap, clinch, or to otherwise engage in unarmed combat, Characters must roll an Opposed Brawl Test. For further details, see Chapter IV – Combat. Non-lethal Damage: to stun a target rather than kill them, roll a Brawl Test even if the Character is wielding a weapon that would require a different Skill. If somebody is reduced to 0 Wounds in this way, they fall unconscious rather than dying, and recover 1 Wound every hour.

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Strength Score




























SKILLS RESISTANCE Moving on Foot: when walking long distances, the Narrator calls for Resistance Tests for fatigue. The frequency of these Tests is dictated by both travel pace and distance, according to the following table. Table 2.6 – Moving on Foot

If the Test is failed, the Character suffers 1 point of damage from every enemy they are engaged with. Table 2.7 - Nimbleness Action



Running on an unsecured bridge



Walking on a ledge



Running on a ledge








Every 4 h




Every 1 h



Walking on a rope







Running on a rope



Prolonged Exertion: Resistance is a measure of the Character’s tolerance for stress and physical labor for a long period of time, like keeping a boulder from falling or holding one’s breath. Tests rolled for Prolonged Exertion are always Extended Tests. Resisting Toxins: when poisoned, be it the toxin of an animal or just a night spent partying too hard, Characters can be called upon to roll Resistance Tests against a Difficulty set by whatever substance they imbibed to determine how are they affected.

AGILITY Nimbleness: this represents how skilled the Character is at not losing their footing in peculiar situations like walking on a narrow ledge or crossing a chasm by walking only on a log. Standing up in Melee: Standing back up after being knocked to the ground during a fight - without being attacked - takes an Agility Test against a Difficulty equal to the strongest enemy the Character is engaged with.

Diving: Agility is used for acrobatic diving. The Difficulty of such a Test is up to the Narrator. Advanced Uses: Acrobatics, Riding

STEALTH Concealing: to hide an item in a terrain feature or in other ways, roll a Stealth Test. The larger the item, the harder the Test. To find that hidden object, compare the Stealth Test result with the onlookers’ Analysis score. Hiding: to hide from the sight of others is always a Stealth Test against their Senses score if they are unaware of the Character’s presence, or Analysis if they are. On a success, the Character goes unseen, otherwise they are discovered. If the Character moves from their hiding spot, they must roll another Stealth Test. Without terrain features suitable to hide in, it is impossible to attempt the Test in the first place. Shadowing: the opposite of vanishing, to follow somebody without being noticed the Character must roll a Stealth Test against the opponent’s Senses sco-

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CHAPTER 2 re. The rate at which rolls must be made is up to the Narrator, but a good rule of thumb is that a successful Stealth Test covers 10 minutes of undisturbed shadowing. Sneaking: to sneak up on somebody or somewhere, the Character must roll a Stealth Test against the Senses score of the bystanders, the Narrator applying environmental modifiers as they see fit. Once the Test is passed, the Character can cover a distance equal to their Movement or risk a -1 to their Stealth result for every additional cubitus they move. Vanishing: to avoid a pursuer, the Character must be aware that they are being chased and roll a Stealth Test against the Analysis score of their pursuer. Advanced Use: Picking Pockets

HANDICRAFT First Aid: within a few minutes after the end of a fight, the Character can attempt to stabilize a wounded companion with a Handicraft Test against a Difficulty of 11 + the number of Wounds the patient suffered. On a success, they recover 1 Wound. Characters with only 1 Wound left cannot benefit from such treatment, but need proper medical care. Attempting a first aid treatment on oneself imposes a -2 penalty. Advanced Uses: Craftsmanship, Mechanical Repairs, Lock-picking, Deactivating Traps

REFLEXES Avoid Hazards: to avoid being hit by environmental hazards like traps, roll a Reflexes Test against a Difficulty set by the Narrator. The faster the reaction should be, the higher the Difficulty is. Dodge: to avoid melee attacks, Characters roll Reflexes Tests modified by the armor they are we-

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aring. Further information can be found in Chapter IV – Combat.

ANALYSIS Memorize: to remember or commit something to memory, roll an Analysis Test with a Difficulty set by the Narrator. Orienteering: roll an Analysis Test to understand maps and terrain features for orienteering and plotting a route. A successful Test allows you to correctly gauge the travel time from one place to another and in most cases it only takes one successful Test per day to stay on the correct route. Spotting: to examine an area or an object looking for something specific requires an Analysis Test. When looking for inanimate objects, the Difficulty is set by the Narrator and often is a Hidden Test. When looking for people instead, the Difficulty is their Stealth score. Spotting can take from a few moments to many hours, and the Narrator can grant bonuses or inflict penalties depending on the context. Advanced Uses: Tracking, Evaluating, Snooping Poisons

INSIGHT Gambling: to participate in games of chance like dice or cards, Characters roll an Insight Test against the Insight score of their opponents. On a success, they win a single game. For longer periods of gambling, the number of Tests to make is left to the necessity and comfort of the Narrator. Sensing Intentions: to read the motives of people they are interacting with, Characters can roll Insight Tests, usually against their Cunning score. If the person the Character is talking to is attempting something other than cheating them, then the Narrator can consider the score of a Skill other than Cun-

SKILLS ning. Insight Tests do not have a specific time length but rather the duration that benefits the Narrator the most. Advanced Uses: Driving, Aeronautics, Alchem Weapons


on a conversation, Characters roll Senses Tests against a Difficulty set by the Narrator. Sixth Sense: to see if a Character is aware of threats before they show themselves, the Narrator rolls Hidden Opposed Senses Tests against the Stealth score of the Characters’ opponents. Advanced Uses: Aculeus, Alchem Weapons

Aim: Characters can increase their accuracy when shooting with ranged weapons as per the rules in Chapter IV – Combat. Perception: to actively scan a room or eavesdrop

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CHAPTER 2 DISCIPLINE Concentration: to focus on the task at hand without distractions, Characters roll a Discipline Test. On a failure, the Character fails in undertaking the task they had to complete. They also suffer a -2 to -4 penalty for more than one source of distraction. Cool: to keep their temper when provoked, Characters roll Discipline Tests against the Charm or Aggression score of those who tempt or taunt them. On a success, they are not influenced by whoever is attempting to do so. Initiative: as explained in Chapter IV – Combat, Discipline is used to determine the order of battle during a fight.

CHARM Barter: to barter and negotiate, be it in diplomatic situations or to haggle for better prices on a purchase, Characters roll Charm Tests against a Difficulty set by the Narrator and for a length of time of their choosing. Command: to impart orders to their subordinates, if any, Characters must roll a Charm Test against their subordinates’ Discipline score as a Free Action for simple orders or a whole Action for complex ones. A Character can command a number of people equal to half their Charm score. Gathering Information: to gather additional information on a specific topic, place, or person, Characters may roll a Charm Test against a Difficulty set by the Narrator. There is no standard length of time for a gathering information Test, as they can take from some moments to many days according to the Narrator’s plans. Panache: to get into the good graces of somebody and make new friends, Characters roll Charm

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Tests against a Difficulty set by the targets’ mood for partying. A Character can try to convince a number of people equal to half their Charm score. Persuade: to convince somebody of something, Characters can attempt Charm Tests against the Discipline score of the person they are talking to. Such a process can take a single turn of combat as well as a whole afternoon, depending on the Narrator’s needs. Seduce: to seduce somebody, Characters roll Charm Tests against their victim’s Discipline score. Advanced Uses: Training Animals

CUNNING Con: When they deliberately lie to somebody, Characters roll Cunning Tests against their target’s Insight score. A Character can swindle a maximum number of targets equal to half their Cunning score. On a success, the victim agrees to one simple request without giving it a second thought. The duration of the action ranges from around a minute to a few hours. Advanced Uses: Cheating, Disguise


Extract Information: when they want to “convince” somebody to share information, Characters roll an Aggression Test against the target’s Discipline score. Threaten: when they violently threaten somebody, Characters roll an Aggression Test against the person’s Discipline score. A Character can threaten a number of targets up to their Aggression score.

SKILLS LUCK There is an almost limitless range to the Luck Skill, as it can be used for anything the Narrator thinks should be resolved by just the will of the gods… or whatever is not covered by any other Skill. Evade: to avoid projectiles and area of effect attacks, Characters roll Luck Tests. For further information, see Chapter IV – Combat. Lightning Rod: when the Narrator needs to randomly determine the target of an effect that does not work on a specific logic, like an environmental hazard, they can use a Luck Test to let the gods decide. Providence: it can happen that the environment just has something useful for those lucky enough to be in the good graces of the gods. The Difficulty of this Test is always set by the ultimate power in the universe, the Narrator.

Advanced Uses: Proficiencies Proficiencies represent the knowledge Characters have gathered through experience or training and range from being able to perform elaborate feats of acrobatic prowess, creating wonders of mechanics and engineering, or being able to manage any stressful situation. Acrobatics (Agility): Characters can use their Agility to pull extraordinary aerial stunts. The Difficulty of the Test depends on the Narrator. Aculeus (Senses): as a Biopsist, the Character knows how to use Aculeus equipment. Aeronautics (Insight): the Character is capable of operating air-vessels and aircraft of any kind. Normally, no Test is required for basic maneuvers under normal conditions, like taking off and lan-

ding in good weather. Additional information about air-vessels and aerial combat is in Chapter VI – Vehicles. Alchem Weapons (Insight): weapons made by the Monopoly of Alchemists require specific training to be used without hurting their operator. Cheating (Cunning): the Character is an expert in everything related to gambling. When cheating at games of chance, roll a Cunning Test against either the Senses or Analysis score of the Character’s opponent. On a success, the Character wins the game, while a failure means all Hell is going to break loose. Craftsmanship (Handicraft): According to the following list of crafting disciplines, Characters can use their Handicraft Skill to manufacture various items. Further details on workshops and tools are available in Chapter V – Equipment.

Carpentry and Woodcarving: the Character is capable of working wood into furniture, tools, and weapons such as bows, crossbows, arrows, staves, and the like. Leatherworking: the Character is capable of working leather into items like footwear, bags, basic suits of armor, and the like.

Making Bombs: as a member of the Monopoly of Alchemists, the Character knows how to make Bombs. Metallurgy: the Character can work metals into tools, weapons, suits of armor, and supplies. Mixing Mutagens: as a member of the Monopoly of Alchemists, the Character knows how to concoct Mutagens. Mixing Toxins: as a member of the Monopoly of Alchemists, the Character knows how to synthesize Toxins.

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CHAPTER 2 Sewing: the Character knows how to make clothing, sails, and tents. Disguise (Cunning): Characters can alter their appearance with a Cunning Test against the Analysis score of any bystander. The following table lists modifiers that the Narrator can impose on the Test depending on how extensive the alteration is: Table 2.8 - Disguise Disguise


Minor Details










When the disguised Character attracts the attention of somebody, they must roll the Cunning Test again. If the Character is impersonating a specific person and they meet somebody who personally knows them, the Narrator can grant them a bonus to their Analysis score: Table 2.9 - Level of Acquaintance Relationship








On a successful Cunning Test, onlookers are not suspicious and no other Tests are required unless something happens that raises suspicion once again. Driving (Insight): this proficiency covers the majority of ground vehicles. A Test is required when attempting to perform unusual maneuvers, as listed in Table 2.10.

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Table 2.10 - Driving Maneuver









Fancy Driving






Shooting while driving: Characters who are driving a vehicle can use a hand to wield one-handed weapons without penalty. To attack with a weapon, they must pass an Insight Test at the beginning of the round or be forced to drive with both hands. Ramming: a Character can attempt to ram a smaller and lighter vehicle with their own by making an Insight Test. Modifiers are up to the Narrator’s discretion depending on the individual situation. Fancy driving: Characters can attempt Insight Tests to drive their vehicle to its limits, to close the distance with another vehicle, or put as much real estate as they can between them. About-face: to perform an about-face, the Character must pass an Insight Test. On a failure, the extent of its catastrophic consequences is left to the discretion of the Narrator. Evaluating (Analysis): To gauge the worth of an item, Characters can roll a Hidden Analysis Test. Table 2.11 - Evaluating Object Type



Object Type



Common Technology






Art Piece



Advanced Technology



SKILLS On a success, they have a rough idea of its market value; on a failure, their evaluation has a 25% margin, while on a Catastrophic Failure they are clueless. Evaluating an item does not reveal any supernatural qualities it might have. Lock-picking (Handicraft) and Deactivating Traps (Handicraft): to pick a lock or deactivate a trap, the Character must roll a Handicraft Test against a Difficulty set by the Narrator based on the type of lock or trap and the tools used by the Character. Mechanical Repairs (Handicraft): Characters can attempt Handicraft Tests to repair or sabotage damaged vehicles, weapons, suits of armor, and the like with the right tools and materials. Picking Pockets (Stealth): to silently take something from somebody’s pocket, the Character must pass a Stealth Test against either their victim’s Sense score if they are unaware of the fact, or Analysis if they are actively trying not to be robbed. Riding (Agility): basic riding maneuvers do not require Tests as long as the Character is proficient in riding. If not, they must roll an Athletics Test against the Difficulty listed in the description entry of the animal, even for simple actions like mounting, dismounting, and handling. Cover: Characters can lean behind their own mount for cover. They cannot attack while riding in such way and do not benefit from cover if they fail the Athletics Test. This Test counts as an Action, while returning to the original position is a Maneuver. Cushioning a fall: to avoid suffering damage when falling off their mount, Characters can roll an Athletics Test. On a failure, they fall prone and suffer 1 point of damage. This Test does not count as an action. Jump: to have their mount vault over an obstacle or over a distance up to half of the creature’s Movement, the Character must pass an Athletics Test. On

a failure, they fall off the mount and suffer fall damage (minimum of 1 point). This Test does not count as an Action but is part of the mount’s movement. Rapidly mounting or dismounting: as a Free Action, Characters can attempt an Athletics Test to mount or dismount faster than usual. If they fail, they cannot take their Maneuver for that turn. Rapidly mounting or dismounting a creature that is not fit to be used as a mount imposes a -2 penalty on all Tests to handle it. Reacting: to avoid falling from the back of their mount, Characters must pass an Athletics Test that does not count as an Action. Riding without using reins: at the beginning of the combat round, the Character can attempt an Athletics Test to direct their mount only using their knees, to have both hands free to fight. On a failure, they can use only one hand to fight. This Test does not count as an Action. Table 2.12 - Riding Maneuver



Rein-less Riding















Rapid Mount or Dismount



Snooping Poisons (Analysis): to recognize the symptoms of poisoning, the Character must attempt a Senses Test against the poison’s Difficulty. Swimming (Athletics): if the Character is pro-

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CHAPTER 2 ficient, it is not necessary to roll Athletics Tests for swimming under normal conditions and over brief distances. Table 2.13 – Swimming lists the modifiers that can influence an Athletics Test rolled for swimming. Characters must, however, roll a Test if the waters they are swimming in become agitated. Drowning: should the Character fail their first Test, they start drowning and must roll again each turn. If they cannot become afloat within a number of rounds equal to their Resistance score, they drown and die. Table 2.13 - Swimming Test Fatigue

the complexity of the task or command. An animal can learn up to four commands, each taking a month of training to be learned. Once that time is passed, the animal can execute those commands in any conditions, even if they would not normally do so. Characters can attempt to tame wild animals and teach them commands, but any Charm Test in that situation suffer a -2 penalty and the training time is two months, rather than one. Calm Animal: upon a successful Test, the Character calms a scared animal or dissuades it from attacking or fleeing. The Calm command can be used even with untrained animals and is required in order to begin the process of teaching them new tricks.



Calm waters




Rushing Waters







Agitated Waters

















5 min



















Tracking (Analysis): Characters can track creatures and vehicles with an Analysis Test against the Difficulty listed in the table below: Table 2.14 - Tracking Terrain



Humid Terrain



Soft Ground



Rocky Ground






Training Animals (Charm): this proficiency allows a Character to understand the motives and behaviors of animals. Thanks to this knowledge, a Character can attempt to calm, tame, or teach them a few simple tricks. To do so, they must roll Charm Tests against a Difficulty that varies depending on

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Table 2.15– Training Animals

Examples of Tricks: Attack: the animal attacks one or more targets as directed by their master. Follow: the animal follows their master even in situations of grave danger. Guard: the animal protects their master or a person or place they were instructed to. Hunt: the animal hunts for small game in the surrounding area.

SKILLS Heel: the animal returns to their master. Retrieve: the animal retrieves an item they were instructed to. If they are not told what to return, they retrieve something random. Stay: the animal stands in the spot their master told them to.

Characters attempting to use a Skill in an Advanced way without being proficient in it succeed on the Test only with a natural 11 or 12 on the d12 roll.

KNOWLEDGE Knowledge represents a specific field of lore the Character has studied or has experience with and now they can access without any roll. What follows is a list of the typical fields of Knowledge that Vulcania’s Characters are most often versed in. Geographic Knowledge How well Character knows the territory, traditions, and history of the Vulcanian Islenation indicated in the parentheses. Biome Knowledge Being versed in this field grants a +1 bonus to Tests made when interacting with the biome specified in the parentheses. • Nature This encompasses knowledge about the natural environment, its flora and fauna. Below is a list of the most common fields of application for its +1 bonus:

Animals: by passing an Analysis Test, the Character knows how dangerous an animal is and what their weaknesses are. With a successful Handicraft Test, they can also gather useful parts from their corpse, like horns, glands, skin, or fat. Herbalism: by passing an Analysis Test, the Character can recognize the nature and properties of a plant, how to gather and preserve it so it does not lose any of its properties, and how to brew homemade remedies with it. Riding: Biome Knowledge (Nature) also grants the Character proficiency in Riding. Specializing: if a Character employs an Art that features environmental specialization, they benefit from an extra +1 to the Test they roll for that Art when they are in the environment they specialized in. Biome Knowledge (Nature) Specializations: forest, arctic, desert, sea, mountain • Urban Areas Camouflage: With a successful Cunning Test against a Difficulty based on the size of the settlement, the Character is able to be inconspicuous when moving within an inhabited area. Driving: Biome Knowledge (Urban Areas) also grants proficiency in Driving. Orienteering: Characters used to city life can orientate themselves in an urban area by passing an Analysis Test with a Difficulty set by the Narrator according to the settlement’s size and complexity. The right person at the right place: with a successful Charm Test against a Difficulty based on the size of the settlement, the Character is able to find out what they have to do to get to their objective.

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CHAPTER 2 Table 2.16 – The Right Man at the Right Place

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< 1,000


15 minutes


< 5,000


30 minutes


< 10,000


1 hour


< 50,000


5 hours

Large City

< 100,000


10 hours

Capital City

< 500,000


1 day

SKILLS Table 2.17 – Mechanical Diagnosis Damage



Superficial Damage

Damage is not serious enough to prevent the mechanism from functioning, but could lead to future failures if left unattended.


Medium Damage

Damage is enough to cause short-term malfunctions. The mechanism needs repairs within a few hours or damage becomes serious.


Serious Damage

The mechanism cannot work properly and needs immediate repairs.


Critical Damage

The mechanism cannot work properly and needs immediate extensive repairs.


Specializing: if a Character employs an Art that features an environmental specialization, they benefit from an extra +1 to the Test they roll for that Art when they are in the environment they specialized in.

reactions in the game world, the Character must have the raw resources available and pass an Analysis Test against a Difficulty set by the Narrator according to the materials used and the desired effect.

Biome Knowledge (Urban Areas) Specializations: slums, rural areas, industrial areas, residential areas

Identifying Materials: on a successful Analysis Test against a Difficulty that varies depending on the rarity of the material, the Character is able to identify their properties.

Academic Knowledge These fields of study can be accessed only through schools, universities, and similar institutions, and are required to learn and use many Arts. • Alchemy The Monopoly of Alchemists jealously guards alchemical knowledge, teaching chemistry and metallurgy as well as esoteric philosophies aimed at synthesizing emotions, controlling self-combustion, or defeating death. Alchemical Reactions: to cause small alchemical

• Engineering Only those Characters who are members of the Monopoly of Engineers have access to advanced machine lore, such as Vulcanus Batteries. Cybernetics: the Character is capable of interfacing with Gizmos created by their Monopoly by using a Maneuver. Mechanical Diagnosis: with a successful Analysis Test against the Difficulty listed in the description of the item, modified by any problems they might be suffering from, the Character is able to diagnose any

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CHAPTER 2 issue and how to fix it. Technical Knack: Characters with Academic Knowledge (Engineering ) receive a +1 bonus to Insight Tests when driving mechanized vehicles. • Markonism

Sensing Conlio: with a successful Analysis Test against a Difficulty set by the Narrator depending on the concentration of conlio, the Character can sense the presence and intensity of the metal within 10 cubitus.

Conlio is an extraordinarily ductile and malleable silver-hued metal, its most famous property being the ability to transmit cerebral waves. A few years before the great war, it was also discovered that conlio is present in minute quantities in the blood of all living beings. By concentrating it in the central nervous system, scientists discovered that anyone could acquire some degree of telepathic influence over other people.

Utilizing Remotes: the Character is capable of interfacing with Remotes and using Markon Weapons.

Connection: the Character is able to decipher and broadcast messages through the Mentographic line.

Amputation: on a successful Analysis Test against a Difficulty of 9 + the number of Wounds the target has lost, the Character can save their life but cause permanent damage.

Table 2.18 – Sensing Conlio Item Example









Chakraan or Serpis



Extendor or Geminus



Inauris or Fidelitas



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• Medicine Being well versed in the fields of medicine grants a Character knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology, and allows them to recognize symptoms and formulate treatments.

Diagnosis: the Character is able to identify diseases and formulate treatments with an Analysis Test against a Difficulty from Table 2.19 – Basic and Advanced Skill Uses. First Aid: the Character receives a +1 bonus to Handicraft Tests rolled to aid even Gravely Wounded companions. Snooping Poisons: the Character is granted the Snooping Poisons Proficiency.


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CHAPTER 2 Table 2.19 – Basic and Advanced Skill Uses Skill



DEXTERITY Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Climbing Jumping Sprinting

Advanced Uses



Hand-to-hand Combat Non-lethal Damage



Brute Force Carrying, Lifting, and Pushing




Basic Uses

Prolonged Exertion Resisting Toxins Moving on Foot


Nimbleness Standing up in Melee Diving Riding


Vanishing Sneaking Hiding Shadowing Concealing


First Aid


Avoid Hazards Dodge


Acrobatics Riding

Picking Pockets

Craftsmanship Mechanical Repairs Lock-picking





Basic Uses

Advanced Uses

Spot Memorize Orienteering

Tracking Evaluating Snooping Poisons

Sensing Intentions Gambling

Driving Aeronautics Alchem Weapons

Perception Sixth Sense Aim

Concentration Cool Initiative


Gathering Information Persuade Command Barter Panache Seduce




Threaten Extract Information



Training Animals  

Cheating Disguise





Evade Providence Lightning Rod

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Aarom’s clothes were as soaked in blood and he was exhausted. But after the strenuous fight, he had finally made it. Clearing the place of those horrible creatures, however, made him feel better than ever before. Professor Girz had been right! He could smell them from the village, not far from Kbal, the abandoned city. Aarom had no words to describe the horror of those revolting creatures. Their red eyes filled with hatred told of an abyss of death and pain, their jaws, endless rows of sharp fangs, drooling a sickly green fluid. Their limbs, vaguely reminiscent of their original humanoid shape, ended in deadly claws, ready to tear to ribbons anything foolish enough to get too close. Aarom had to use stimulant to find the heart to fight them and, blow after blow, he had felt his building fury turn to unstoppable strength. He had killed every single one of those monsters, sparing none and, now, it was all over. Only silence. All of a sudden, his eyes widened, as the corpses had turned into human beings! How could it be?! Instinctively, Aarom thumbed his injector again, feeling the familiar rush of the stimulant flooding his system, returning everything to normality. Professor Girz was right once again. “Only the light of Biopsy can show you the true path.” Apparently, so it was.

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rts represent fields a Character can specialize in during their life before and after becoming an adventurer. They grant special abilities, knowledge, and proficiencies that allow Characters access to advanced uses of some of their Skills, to be more efficient in combat, or generally more powerful.

Gaining Access to Arts During Character creation, Characters automatically receive one or more Arts, depending on their Past Experience, and they can spend money to find people who will teach them new Arts once the game has begun. These teachers are found in cities as well as in the wilderness and might not ask just for money as payment, but instead favors or tasks to be completed.

Arts Descriptions Types: there are two kinds of Arts in Vulcania: Professional and Combat. Sesterzii Cost: this is the amount of money the Character must pay to learn that specific Art, whether it is the fee of its teacher or admission to a specific academic institution. Such cost is only a guideline, and the Narrator is free to change it depending on the region or the reputation of the

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Character. Institutes and Prerequisites: some Arts do not have any requirements to learn them other than paying their cost. Others, however, require a set of basic knowledge or skills to be accessed. In the description of each Art, this section contains all the required knowledge, Arts, or anything else the Character needs to know in order to learn that Art. Features: the features of an Art are its practical applications. With them, Characters can create objects, pull off acrobatic stunts, heal a companion, or pick the pocket of a nobleman. Whatever an Art teaches you to do, it is listed in this part of its description. Opportunities: some Arts grant special ways to spend Opportunities when you roll a natural 11 or 12 on a Test. Further information about Opportunities in combat are described in Chapter IV – Combat. Knowledge: some Arts also grant a Knowledge to the Character. Proficiencies and Craftsmanship: some Arts grant proficiency with specific crafting tools and advanced uses of Skills.


PROFESSIONAL ARTS Alchemical School of Entropy This is the branch of Alchemy that studies the states of matter and the energy it generates when passing from one to another. The first rudimentary basics of chemistry were discovered many centuries ago, and gradually evolved into a science that studies esoteric phenomena more akin to magic than science to the eye of the common man. The Monopoly of Alchemists is known for using such knowledge both as a source of money and of mysterious prestige. Definitely, the School of Entropy is for those who liked to set things on fire when they were children.

Entropic Master

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Alchemy)

Character knows what they are doing, avoiding distractions and keeping an adamant focus when dealing with such components. Entropic Architect

$ 800

Prerequisites: Entropic Master Rank: Expert ¤¤ Instant Creation: the Character is able to cause an alchemical reaction in mere seconds, thanks to his expertise and quickness of thought. After a successful Handicraft Test, The Character creates a Bomb in 1 round. Given the unstable nature of this process, the Difficulty is increased by 2 and the device must be used in the following round. If not, it detonates in the Character’s hands at the end of the round after it was created. ¤¤ Tinkering with Devicesi: the Character’s vast knowledge of alchemy and the equipment their Monopoly designs allows them to improve their alchemical devices. On a successful Handicraft Test against the device’s Difficulty +2, they can make it detonate after up to 5 rounds. Otherwise, the player can choose to have it activated by pressure or other means, like a mine.

¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas) ¤¤ Proficiency (Alchem Weapons): wielding the marvelous weapons of war developed by the Alchemist is no trivial matter. However, the Character knows how to use such wonders of technology without hurting themselves… most of the time. ¤¤ Craftsmanship (Create Bombs): alchemical reagents are highly unstable substances to be handled with the utmost care, as the slightest mistake could result, at best, in a disintegrated beard. However, the

Alchemical School of Biopsy Where the School of Entropy studies the manipulation of matter, that of Biopsy explores human physiology and the potential to change and alter it through the use of alchemical substances. It is often held as second in importance in the Monopoly of Alchemists, with biopsists both feared

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CHAPTER 3 and despised for their work. Because of this, the Monopoly of Alchemists tends to keep public attention focused on the School of Entropy. Master Biopsist

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Alchemy) ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Medicine) ¤¤ Craftsmanship (Mixing Mutagens): mixing the right dosages of these neural stimulants is an unforgiving art, requiring a quick and flexible mind. ¤¤ Craftsmanship (Mixing Toxins): these substances are incredibly toxic to human tissues, not to mention incredibly volatile and dangerous. It takes but a mere slip of concentration to be killed by exposure to their deadly effects. ¤¤ Proficiency (Aculeus): this piece of machinery is capable of mixing, injecting, and even shooting a wide range of toxins but is incredibly complex to operate properly. Biopsists train extensively to master their secrets and always be ready to administer some of their concoctions to friends and relatives… or enemies and enemy relatives, of course. Biopsist Architect

$ 800

Prerequisites: Master Biopsist Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Detonate Mutagens and Toxins: on a successful Handicraft Test against the Difficulty of a Mutagen or Toxin + 2 and a full round of work, the Character can put them into an explosive bottle, spreading the effect of that Mutagen or Toxin over a 2 cubitus area. The effects of Mutagens and Toxins used in this way last for 1 round, Regardless of their usual effects. Unused explosive bottles detonate of their own accord at the end of the round after the one during which they were created.

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¤¤ Lab-hardened: by experimenting for so much time with reagents and toxins, the Character has developed a form of resistance to their effects. They receive a +2 bonus to Resistance Tests when imbibing a Mutagen. ¤¤ Extra Dose: the Character is able to optimize the dosage on their Mutagens. When administering a Mutagen to a willing creature, the Difficulty of the relative Resistance Test increases by 1, but if the Test is successful it counts as a Success with Opportunity. Master of Poisons

$ 500

Prerequisites: Master Biopsist Rank: Expert ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Nature) ¤¤ Professional Mixer: the Character gains a +2 bonus when synthesizing toxins. ¤¤ Poisoner: the Character is an expert in administering poisons. The Difficulty to identify and resist the effects of a poison administered by the Character increases by 2. ¤¤ Inured to poisons: the Character has spent

ARTS time pitting their immune system against both natural and artificial poisons. They are immune to natural poisons with Difficulty 10 or less and receive a +2 bonus to Resistance Tests against those they do roll for.

hold no secrets for the Character. They are able to interface with the Devices made by the Monopoly of Engineers as a Free Action. ¤¤ Ballistic Expertise: pistols and rifles are simple toys for the Character. As a Maneuver, they can attempt a Handicraft Test to unjam a firearm.

School of Engineering The Monopoly of Engineers trains its students in the basics in mathematics and physics as well as their practical applications. It is the only way to learn the secrets of Vulcanus Batteries, the driving force behind the industrial revolution. Aviator

$ 800

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Engineering) ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas) ¤¤ Geographic Knowledge (Any two of the player’s choice) ¤¤ Proficiency (Aeronautics): the Character is capable of piloting aircraft and air-vessels.


$ 600

Prerequisites: Meccanicus Rank: Expert ¤¤ Foreman: study and experience has turned the Character into a master of machines. They gain a +2 bonus to all Handicraft Tests to repair stuck or damaged vehicles and gizmos. ¤¤ Craftsmanship (Gizmos and Remotes): the character has the ability to build and repair a variety of mechanical devices. But, when dealing with remotes, the Character must be assisted by a skilled Markonist. ¤¤ Machinist: as a Maneuver, the Character can attempt a Handicraft Test against the Difficulty of a Device to instantly kick it up to pressure. They cannot do so again until the device goes through a full compression cycle.

¤¤ Ace: the Character receives a +2 to all Insight Tests when driving or piloting vehicles of any kind.

Omega School of Markonism

¤¤ Sixth Sense: the Character gains a +1 bonus to all Evade Tests when piloting.

The properties of conlio have been studied extensively, to the point where the Monopoly of Markonists has branched in three different directions. Of them, the Omega School studies the interaction between the human mind and remotes, gizmos made of conlio that can take any form.


$ 900

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Engineering) ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas)

Magister Omega

$ 900

Prerequisites: None

¤¤ Proficiency (Repairs): the Character has spent years assembling and disassembling gizmos and devices and fixing things is their specialty.

¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Markonism)

¤¤ Advanced Cybernetics: the technological wonders designed by the Monopoly of Engineers

¤¤ Assistant Mechanic: thanks to their training,

¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas)

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CHAPTER 3 the Character can control some of the more complex and esoteric of the remotes: drones. As a Maneuver, they can have a drone under their control take one Action. The drone cannot be activated more than once per round. ¤¤ Basic Grafts: the Character is able to interface with the basic grafts of their drone. ¤¤ Speed of Thought: when obtaining an Opportunity from an Initiative Test, the Character can spend it to activate the drone as a Free Action. This does not count against the number of activations per round for that drone. ¤¤ Remote Perception: the Character’s link with their drone allows them to know its position and its surroundings, even if it is outside of their field of vision, as long as it is within control range. If the drone does not carry sensory equipment, the Character can only perceive the presence of moving creatures within 3 cubitus. Primus Omegas

$ 900

Prerequisites: Magister Omega ¤¤ Multi-Control: thanks to their experience and knowledge, the Character can control an additional drone. However, the strain on their mind is such that they suffer a -2 penalty to all Tests when using them. ¤¤ Advanced Grafts: the Character’s skill allows them to interface with both the basic and advanced capabilities of their drones. ¤¤ Five by Five: through deep concentration, the Character enters a state similar to mental communion with their drones. As an Action, they can control two drones at the same time. Magister Micron Omega

$ 900

Prerequisites: Magister Omega Rank: Expert ¤¤ Swarm: why have just one drone when one could have a hundred or more?! The Character has

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become a master in miniaturizing their drones and, instead of just one, they can control a swarm of smaller ones called Nanodrones that behaves in the same way as their larger cousin. ¤¤ Infestation: the Character can guide their swarm of Nanodrones to pester a target, inflicting a -2 penalty to all Tests. An Infested target must spend one full round to get rid of the swarm of drones. ¤¤ Living Armor: the Character is a firm believer in drones being a better friend to man than dogs. They can have their swarm of drones encase their body in a protective shell, gaining a damage reduction of 1. The swarm will need a round to reform itself each time the Character takes damage. Primus Micron Omega

$ 600

Prerequisites: Magister Micron Omega Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Eye of the Beetle: nanodrones are too small to be grafted with sensory equipment, but they can sense sound vibrations within 6 cubitus. The Character, however, when sensing through the swarm of drones, cannot access their own senses and perceptions. ¤¤ Living Whip: the drones in the swarm lock onto one other, forming a thick filament 6 cubitus long that can be used as a whip, a grappling hook, or a climbing implement. For the description of the Nanowhip, see Chapter V – Equipment. The Character can attack with the whip as their Action and then command the swarm to attack again as their Maneuver. ¤¤ Intelligent Armor: the swarm of drones moves, thickening on the part of the Character’s body that is about to be struck. The damage resistance they provide increases to 2.

Psi School of Markonism Conlio is present in the human body, also, especially in the cells of the nervous system. The Psi School

ARTS studies the interactions that a well-trained mind can have with that of other people. Magister Psi

$ 900

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Markonism) ¤¤ Mind Touch: thanks to their innate gifts, the Character can contact the minds of those around them. As a Free Action, the Character can use Mind Touch on a visible target within a number of cubitus equal their MIND score. ¤¤ Empathy: the Character is used to delving into the brains of other people, gaining a +2 bonus to Insight Tests to sense the mood of the targets of Mind Touch. ¤¤ Illusion: by passing a Cunning Test against the Discipline score of a target of Mind Touch, the Character can instill in them a fleeting image, inflicting the Disoriented condition. If the Character Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed condition. ¤¤ Berserk: by succeeding at an Aggression Test against the Discipline score of a target of Mind Touch, the Character can force them to strike at the person closest to them with an attack that deals 1 point of damage. If the Character Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed condition. Primus Psi

$ 900

Prerequisites: Magister Psi Rank: Expert ¤¤ Extended Touch: the Character can push their presence to affect more targets with their Mind Touch. The range of the power doubles, but the Character suffers a -1 penalty for each additional target they affect beyond their normal limit. ¤¤ Nightmare: on a successful Cunning Test against the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target, the Character can make them see their worst night-

mare, inflicting the Terrified condition. If the Character Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed condition. ¤¤ Charm: on a successful Charm Test against the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target, the Character can make them friendly and can compel them to complete one task “recommended” by the Character. If the target thinks the Character is a threat, this power does not work. If the Character Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed condition. Primus Umbra Psi

$ 900

Prerequisites: Magister Psi ¤¤ Distracting Aura: as a Maneuver, the Character weakens the concentration of everyone within 3 cubitus around them, including their allies. Weakened targets suffer a -3 penalty to Analysis and Senses Tests rolled to perceive or spot. ¤¤ Invisibility: on a successful Cunning Test against the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target, they do not see the Character. Keeping this power active takes an Action every round. If the Character Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed condition. ¤¤ Amnesia: on a successful Cunning Test against the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target, the Character removes everything that happened in the last minute from their memory. If the Character Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed condition.

Phi School of Markonism Originally a branch of the Psi School, the Phi School initially formed in Nuugard then extended to the other Islenations. Its mandate is to study the interaction of human and animal minds through conlio, earning Phi students no small amount of derision or downright contempt from other institutions. Of course, Phi students usually have little concern for

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CHAPTER 3 what those foppish city-dwellers have to say about them. Magister Phi

$ 900

For additional information about animals, see Chapter VIII – Adversaries. ¤¤ Animal Instinct: the tight bond the Character shares with animals grants them a +2 bonus to Initiative Tests.

Prerequisites: Magister Psi ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Nature) ¤¤ Proficiency (Training Animals) ¤¤ Mental Transfer: the Character is known for preferring animals to people. They use their Mind Touch to control a specifically trained animal and enter a state of semi-consciousness, suffering the Disoriented condition. As a Action, the Character then can control the animal, allowing them to take an Action. When the animal must roll a Test, use the Character’s Discipline score as a modifier, applying any extra modifiers as per the animal’s description.

Primus Phi

$ 900

Prerequisites: Magister Phi Rank: Expert ¤¤ Mind Melding: the Character is able to remain vigilant even when controlling an animal through their mind. Controlling the animal now takes only a Maneuver, but if the creature dies while the Character is controlling it, the link triggers a seizure and the Character falls to the ground, unconscious. ¤¤ Total Synergy: when the Character obtains an Opportunity on an Initiative roll, they can spend it to have their animal take an additional Action before the first round starts. Maximus Phi

$ 900

Prerequisites: Primus Phi Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Multi-Control: the Character is now capable of controlling an additional animal. The pack grows! However, to control each animal, they have to spend a Maneuver. ¤¤ Shared Mind: when the Character obtains an Opportunity on a Test they made while controlling their animals, the Character can take an additional action.

Circus School The Circus is not just a “school” of thought, but a lifestyle of its own. The only way to study these fine arts is to join a troupe and travel the world with them, learning the tools

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ARTS of the trade from one master performer at a time. Transcending the limits of one’s flesh is a trying and taxing effort, but it is also the expression of the utmost freedom, and circus performers know this all too well. Juggler

$ 500

mountains, swamps, and plains. To survive far from the commodities of technology, one must be prepared to learn from this harsh school, that demands absolute devotion, but rewards with a life far from the suffocating fumes of the cities. Explorer

$ 600

Prerequisites: None

Prerequisites: None

¤¤ Proficiency (Acrobatics)

¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Nature)

¤¤ Craftsmanship (Woodworking or Sewing) ¤¤ Escapist: years of exercise have granted the Character the ability to dislocate their shoulders and thumbs, adding a +2 bonus to all Agility Tests to break free of chains, ropes, manacles, and the like. ¤¤ Nine Lives: on a failed Test to avoid falling, the feline gods award the Character a Luck Test to avoid crashing into the ground, in honor of their agility.

¤¤ Craftsmanship (Any two of the player’s choice from Leatherworking, Woodworking, and Sewing) ¤¤ Proficiency (Tracking ) ¤¤ Proficiency (Snooping Poisons) ¤¤ Proficiency (Training Animals) Scout

$ 600

Prerequisites: Explorer Circus Performer

$ 700

Prerequisites: Juggler Rank: Expert ¤¤ Geographic Knowledge (Any two of the player’s choice) ¤¤ Acrobat: the Character has walked the tightrope so many times they lost count! They receive a +2 bonus when rolling Acrobatics Tests. ¤¤ Natural Agility: the Character can pull off acrobatics or other Agility-based Tests even when moving, instead of being forced to take an Action. ¤¤ Gyro-stabilized: the Character cannot suffer the Unbalanced condition. Impressive!

School of Survival The Industrial Revolution led to the exponential growth of industrial and urban centers, although Vulcania still remains covered in wild lands, woods,

¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Nature: Any two environments of the player’s choice) ¤¤ Chameleon: the Character receives a +2 bonus to Stealth Tests when hiding in a natural environment. ¤¤ Survivor: the Character has seen it all in their travels. They receive a +2 bonus to Resistance Tests rolled against adverse traveling conditions like bad weather, poor nutrition, or poisoning. ¤¤ Nerves of Steel: the Character knows that the thin line between life and death is often as thin as an individual’s nerve fibers. The Character cannot suffer from the Slowed condition.

School of Crime If crime can be considered a school, it teaches ways to survive or get rich, often on the illegal side of things. Criminal life is not something to be taken lightly, it’s something that chews up those who live

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CHAPTER 3 it and spits out only their broken remains, so preparation is the keyword. Scoundrel

$ 600

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas: Slums) ¤¤ Proficiency (Picking Pockets) ¤¤ Proficiency (Lock-picking) ¤¤ Vanishing: the Character is adept at melding in with people and gains a +2 bonus to Stealth Tests to hide in a crowd and not be shadowed.


$ 500

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas: any two environments of the player’s choice ¤¤ Craftsmanship (Sewing) ¤¤ Proficiency (Disguise ) ¤¤ Information Miner: the Character is an adept in manipulating a conversation to go in the direction they want it to. They receive a +2 bonus to Charm and Cunning Tests to discreetly gather information. Spy


$ 600

Prerequisites: Scoundrel Rank: Expert ¤¤ Master Key: the Character is able to pick a lock almost without even looking. They automatically pass Lock-picking Tests with a difficulty of 10 or less. ¤¤ Kleptomania: the Character finds it difficult to control the urge to steal. With a Maneuver, they may try to take a belt pouch, small weapon, or other carried or worn item off an adjacent target. They must roll a Stealth Test against the target’s Senses score to succeed. If the Character is attempting to pick a Bomb or activate it from within its owner’s pocket, they suffer a -2 penalty to the Test… although the results might well be worth it!

$ 700

Prerequisites: Infiltrator Rank: Expert ¤¤ Actor: the Character is incredibly skilled in posing as another person. They receive a +2 bonus to all Cunning Tests rolled for posing as somebody else. ¤¤ Legendary Gall: often, the best way not to be discovered is playing it casual, as if doing something totally legal. The Character receives a +2 bonus to Stealth Tests for infiltrating guarded places. ¤¤ Insight: planning is essential to the success of a mission, and speed in planning is even more important when things can degenerate at the speed of thought. The Character can spend a Free Action instead of a Maneuver to prepare an Action. ¤¤ Eyes in the Back: the Character is aware that everything could go wrong within the next few seconds. They cannot suffer from the Surprised condition.

School of Espionage Armies, governments, and corporations constantly need intelligence to be one or two steps ahead of their rivals. Often those who walk this path learn from many different teachers and schools, although new tricks and lessons become increasingly harder to come by the more advanced they are.

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Other Professional Arts The following Arts are not part of a complex path, but can be learned thoroughly and one at a time at universities, specialized schools, or teachers.

ARTS Ascetic

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Craftsmanship (One of the player’s choice between Leatherworking, Woodworking, and Sewing) ¤¤ Unshakable: nothing can perturb the inner peace of the Character. They receive a +2 bonus to all Discipline Tests rolled against Seduction or Intimidation. ¤¤ Karma: the Character lives in harmony with the universe. When the Narrator calls for a Luck Test to verify a situation beyond the control of the players, the Character receives a +2 bonus. ¤¤ Strong as the Mountain, Flexible as the Reed: the Character’s mind is a bastion against the privations that might ravage their flesh. They cannot suffer the Disoriented condition.


$ 500

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas) ¤¤ Proficiency (Cheating) ¤¤ Poker Face: spending a great deal of time gambling has allowed the Character to develop the fine skill of reading their opponents and hiding their emotions at the same time. They receive a +2 bonus to Insight and Cunning Tests when playing Syrus or other games of chance that involve more than one player. ¤¤ Goad: the Character’s recklessness can make their opponents lose their temper. The Character can attempt a Cunning test against the target’s Discipline to force them to attack in melee. The Character then receives a Gear of Fate from the Narrator. Investigator

$ 500

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas) ¤¤ Proficiency (Tracking) ¤¤ Interrogator: the Character is proficient in helping people speak their mind, perhaps through encouragement or a healthy dose of clips behind the ears. They receive a +2 bonus to Aggression Tests rolled for gathering information. ¤¤ Investigator: knowledge, training, experience, and insight lead the Character in the search for truth. They receive a +2 bonus to all Analysis Tests rolled to find clues, unravel the secrets of a crime scene, or find hidden paths or compartments. ¤¤ Clinical Eye: sometimes, taking one’s time to formulate a course of action can make the difference between success and utter failure. When combat breaks out, the Character can choose not to roll an Initiative Test. If they do, during the first round they can only take a Maneuver (and Free Actions), but starting from the second round they are first in the Initiative order!

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CHAPTER 3 Leader

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Charmer: people cannot stop listening to the words of the Character. They receive a +2 bonus to all Charm Tests rolled when speaking to a crowd. ¤¤ Beacon of Hope: the Character is an example to follow and a beacon of light in the direst of straits. As an Action, the Character can attempt a Charm Test against Difficulty 10 to remove a condition afflicting one ally that can see them. ¤¤ Leader: when they slay an enemy, the Character inspires their allies, granting them a +2 bonus to the first Test they each roll in the next round. Merchant

$ 600

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Geographic Knowledge (Any two of the player’s choice) ¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas) ¤¤ Proficiency (Evaluate) ¤¤ Snake Charmer: the Character could sell ice to a Nuug. They receive a +2 bonus to Cunning or Charm Tests rolled for bartering.

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¤¤ Go With the Flow: the Character’s skill with words is such that they can inundate their poor victims with a veritable stream of words. When they are attacked by an enemy, the Character can spend a Reaction to attempt a Cunning Test instead of a Dodge. On a success, they can disengage and move immediately. This action can be taken only once per target. Surgeon

$ 500

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Medicine) ¤¤ Medical Assistance: on a successful Analysis Test against Difficulty 9 + the number of Wounds the target has lost, the Character is able to diagnose their health condition and heal them for 1 additional Wound after a long rest. ¤¤ Trench Medic: the Character is lightning-fast at bandaging and suturing. By spending a full round, they can treat a wounded Character with First Aid. ¤¤ Fitting Prosthetics: the Character is able to fit an artificial limb to a patient with a successful Handicraft Test against Difficulty 12.



Master of Projectiles

$ 800

Prerequisites: Ballistics Expert

Combat Arts offer Characters unique special abilities that they can use by spending Opportunities generated by attacking, Dodging, Evading, or Initiative, as indicated by the icons below: Opportunity generated by a Melee Attack Opportunity generated by a Ranged Attack

¤¤ Perfect Timing: a bullet is a tiny item that requires only the right timing to find its way to its target even through a tangle of fighting bodies. The Character can shoot at a target even when an ally obstructs their line of sight. ¤¤ Natural Selection: the weak succumbs and the strong thrives, such are Nature’s laws. And also the Character’s. When attacking Disoriented targets, they benefit from Combat Advantage.

Opportunity generated by a Dodge Test Opportunity generated by an Evade Test Opportunity generated by an Initiative Test

School of Ballistics The roots of this school are deeply set in the Mostucaal lands, where firearms are a common sight in any household. Characters who choose to follow this path further specialize in the use of either pistols or rifles. School of Ballistics techniques only apply to firearms. Ballistics Expert

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Point-blank: the closer, the easier to hit, right? The Character receives a +1 bonus to hit when shooting at targets within 3 cubitus. ¤¤ Crack Shot: thanks to a steady hand and an unflinching eye, the Character can shoot into melee without having to aim and still not hit their allies. Knee Breaker: flight is not an option, only fight. On a successful hit, their opponent’s speed is halved until they receive medical attention.


$ 800

Prerequisites: Ballistics Expert Applies only to rifles ¤¤ Precise Aim: when they wield a rifle, the Character knows that patience can make the difference between a hole in the target’s head and one a few inches from their ears. When they spend a Maneuver to Aim down the sights of a rifle, the Character receives an additional +1 to the following shooting Test. Exit Wound: the bullet goes through the first target and deals 1 point of damage to another target within 3 cubitus in a straight line. Sniper

$ 1,300

Prerequisites: Fusilier Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Marksman: there is a huge difference between an exit wound in the back of the skull and one between the shoulder blades. The Character deals 1 extra point of damage when taking a Maneuver to Aim. Lightning-fast: after taking a shot, the Character can make a Maneuver.

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$ 800

Prerequisites: Ballistics Expert Applies only to pistols ¤¤ Unload: the Character knows that sometimes they just need the extra firepower. They can choose to unload their weapon’s ammunition reserves on their target, suffering a -1 penalty to hitting but dealing 1 additional point of damage. There must be at least 3 rounds left in the weapon for Unload to work. Killing Spree: the Character finds killing hilarious: they advance one slot in the Initiative order. Veteran Gunslinger

$ 1,300

Prerequisites: Gunslinger ¤¤ Rapid Reload: the Character can reload their pistol as an Action.

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Itchy Trigger: the Character does not need any encouragement to start shooting. They can spend an Opportunity rolled on an Initiative Test to immediately attack with a pistol.

Darvish School Historically associated with the warrior-priestesses of Isairnes, to this day it continues the tradition of naming its various ranks after the precious gems that decorated the weapons of Darvisha of the past. This form of fighting with two weapons is especially deadly when facing multiple opponents. • Applies only when fighting with two Medium-sized melee weapons

ARTS Emerald Blades Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Double Front: one more target or one less, the Character does not see that much of a difference. They ignore one opponent when calculating penalties due to enemy numerical superiority. Double Slash: after striking an opponent, the Character attacks another with their secondary weapon, dealing 1 point of damage. Sapphire Blades

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Emerald Blades Rank: Expert

This school is named after a region in northern Berynia, in Itteghasp, where a blade master wrote down his experiences in a book. Widely held as the most elegant and noble of the fighting styles, the guascon form features wielding one weapon and keeping a posture meant to minimize exposure. • Applies only when fighting with one Medium-sized sword Fencer

$ 800

Prerequisites: None

Twin Blades: the Character attacks one target with their main weapon and another one with their secondary weapon. Defensive Cross: the Character crosses their blades, blocking that of their enemy, then they strike, one weapon striking the enemy and the other batting theirs away. The Character deals 1 point of damage to the enemy. Ruby Blades

Guascon School

$ 700

$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Sapphire Blades Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Teamwork: the Character becomes a force of nature when attacking enemies already engaged with their allies. They gain a +2 bonus to Tests to hit when fighting enemies that are inferior in numbers. Blade Storm: the Character is skilled in thinning down hordes. They make one extra attack with their main weapon and another one with the secondary against two different targets.

¤¤ Combat Mobility: staying still equals staying dead. The Character can move 1 cubitus when they take an Action to attack. Blade dancer: combat is a dance and the Character knows how to lead. They can switch positions with their enemy. Swordsman

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Fencer Rank: Expert ¤¤ Disarm: sometimes, the goal is just to neutralize rather than wound. Instead of rolling a Test to hit with a melee attack, you can spend a Gear of Fate and have your Character take their opponent’s weapon. How stylish! Slide: by avoiding the enemy’s attack with an agile dodge, the Character deals the Unbalanced condition to their enemy.

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CHAPTER 3 Master of Arms

$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Swordsman Rank: Veteran


$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Swashbuckler

¤¤ Punisher: the Character knows that they sometimes have to break one to teach a hundred more. When they strike an Unbalanced target, they deal 1 extra point of damage. Murder Stroke: the opponent fought valiantly, but now it must be put down. If they have already taken damage, the Character’s opponent suffers 2 additional points of damage.

Peripheral Vision: not being limited by tunnel vision has undeniable benefits, like shooting unsuspecting enemies when they have opened a gap in their defenses! The Character can shoot a secondary target that is not engaged with them in melee. Premonition: when the Character is about to be shot at, they feel a tingling at the base of their neck. They sidestep a cubitus just in time to see the bullet that would have caved their skull in pierce through somebody else, causing 1 point of damage.  

Hybrid School Teaching a form of combat that features the use of both a blade and a pistol, this philosophy of fighting found its most famous representatives in the pirates that plague Vulcania’s oceans and skies. As a testimony to the depth of the tie between the two, many of the Hybrid School’s specializations feature names taken from pirate jargon itself. • Applies only when fighting with a pistol in one hand and a melee weapon in the other Swashbuckler

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Multitasking:  people have two hands, right? One is for engaging some unfortunate soul in melee, the other for shooting their friends from a distance. Easy! When engaged in hand-to-hand combat, the Character can still shoot their pistol against other targets as if they were not engaged. Foul Play: many consider the pistol just a firearm, but they forget that its considerable heft can leave some nasty bruises. After a slash, the Character can strike their opponent with the butt of their pistol, Slowing them.

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$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Buccaneer Stake: the Character jams their blade into the foot of their target, who suffers the Restrained condition, then takes a step backward and shoots the sorry soul or a secondary target with their firearm. The jammed blade must be recovered separately. Living Shield: the Character dodges a blow and grabs the closest enemy, aiming a weapon at their throat as they use them as a shield. Then, they can attempt an attack with their firearm. All ranged attacks against the Character hit their living shield as long as they keep a hold on their victim’s body.

Kravmaga School Drawing on all the martial arts developed among the Islenations during the course of history, this school has enhanced and streamlined many hand-tohand combat techniques. Of course, each Islenation has their own martial tradition, so regional variation is high. • Applies only to unarmed combat

ARTS Disciple

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Iron Fist: the very body of the Character is a weapon. When they attack without wielding any weapons, they are not considered unarmed and the techniques they know grant them benefits to handto-hand combat as if they were wielding a weapon. Further information can be found in the Martial Arts section of Chapter V – Equipment. Roundhouse:  the Character spins on one foot, kicking their opponent in the face. The target of the attack is pushed 2 cubitus away and is Unbalanced.  


$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Disciple Sweep: the Character ducks and suddenly kicks their opponent in the shins, inflicting the Prone condition. Projection: the Character still remembers their teacher telling them to “fight without fighting” and turning the strength of their enemies against its owners. By Dodging the attack, the Character grabs one arm of their opponents and slams them 1 cubitus away, inflicting the Prone condition. Guru

$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Sensei Rank: Expert Storm of Blows: the Character rains blow after blow on their opponent, knocking them back 3 cubitus and inflicting the Stunned condition. Steel Vise: a clinch is worth more than a thousand words. The Character blocks their opponent, inflicting the Immobilized condition. The next round, they can choose to keep their target Immobilized, automatically dealing 1 point of damage, or letting them go as a Free Action. Immobilized targets can attempt to break free with an Opposed Brawl Test.

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CHAPTER 3 Landsknecht School Derived from the martial prowess of a Nuug mercenary company that rose to prominence four centuries ago, this school focuses on the use of large, two-handed weapons. • Applies only to large melee weapons Reaper

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Tenderizer: gravity is the Character’s friend! They deal 1 additional point of damage to Prone opponents. Cleave: the attacks of the Character can hurt multiple enemies at once. They deal 1 point of damage to a second target adjacent to the first. Mower

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Reaper Rank: Expert

Weapon Breaker: intercepting their opponent’s weapon with extreme force, the Character breaks it. $ 1,600

Prerequisites: Mower Rank: Veteran Shockwave: whirling their weapon around them, the Character wreaks havoc on the enemy lines. Everybody around them, including allies, is knocked back 1 cubitus and become Prone.

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School of Shadow The school of Shadow teaches its students to avoid combat as much as possible or, when forced to engage, terminate one’s opponent in the quickest way possible by catching them by surprise. As such teachings would be at least tremendously suspicious to the public eye, learning these techniques from official academies is almost impossible. Also, the various ranks of specialization in this philosophy have been named after the steps of the social pyramid of the criminal and murder underworld. • Applies only when fighting with one Small-sized melee weapon Backstabber

$ 700

Prerequisites: None

¤¤ Uppercut: with a slow and ascending attack, the Character forces their opponent to retreat. Instead of rolling to hit and dealing damage, they can spend a Gear of Fate to push their opponent 1 cubitus away and inflict the Unbalanced condition.

Mortician’s Best Friend

¤¤ No remorse: as a normal melee attack, the Character can throw their weapon up to 6 cubitus away. There is no escape.

¤¤ Backstab: the best way to quicken a fight is to deal with one’s opponent before being seen. The Character gains a +2 bonus to hit surprised enemies. ¤¤ Silent Step: for the Character, moving without making a sound is akin to breathing. They can attempt a Stealth Test as part of their movement. Anticipate: the Character’s attacks are surprisingly difficult to avoid. They can advance 2 slots in the Initiative order. Murderer

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Backstabber Rank: Expert ¤¤ Disappearance: knowing when not to be around is an ever-rarer gift, these days. The Character

ARTS can spend a Gear of Fate to disengage from a melee without penalty and move to a safer zone to hide, if there are any within their Movement distance. Artful Dodge: the Character leaves the opponent’s field of vision through a series of feints and counters. They can move up to 3 cubitus while staying adjacent to their target. The Character then counts that target as Surprised. Assassin

$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Murderer Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Deadly Strike: if the Character closes on their prey, there is no escape. They deal 1 additional point of damage to Surprised opponents. Double Lunge: the Character attacks with a series of rapid strikes, rolling another melee attack Test against that same target.

School of the Hoplite Hoplites are specialized in fighting with a shield and a Medium-sized weapon, usually a sword or an ax, and their school is named after the army of an ancient Abrabazi civilization that lived thousands of years ago. • Applies only when fighting with a Medium-sized wea-

character, whether hostile and not, and force them to step back. Decurion

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Legionary Rank: Expert ¤¤ Parry: the Character is a master with the shield, gaining a +1 bonus to Dodge Tests while they wear one. Debilitating Parry: the Character intercepts the enemy weapon with their shield, making it vibrate in their opponent’s hand. That enemy is Disoriented. Centurion

$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Decurion Rank: Veteran ¤¤ Relentless: being bashed by somebody with a shield to your solar plexus is never a nice thing to go through. Instead of rolling for a normal melee attack, the Character can spend a Gear of Fate to knock their opponent 1 cubitus away and inflict the Dazed condition. Slam: the Character rains blows with both weapon and shield upon their opponent, dealing 1 additional point of damage and the Dazed condition.

pon and a shield

Queequeg School Legionary

$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Screen: by using their shield as a barrier, the Character can disengage as a Free Action. Conditioning:  the Character is so used to wearing a shield that they ignore any penalty to movement it imposes. Shove: by pushing with their shield, the Character can move into the space occupied by another

This philosophy focuses on fighting with weapons that work both in the thick of the melee and over a short distance, like throwing knives. It was developed by wandering circuses, its paths named after the many games the performers liked to play between shows. It comes to no surprise that all of those pastimes involved throwing something at a target, with skill and precision being more important than brute force. • Applies only when fighting with throwing weapons

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$ 700

Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Born Ready: the Character always has a weapon handy and knows how to use it. They can draw a throwing weapon as a Free Action and can attack targets in melee without needing to aim. Be the moment:  practice makes perfect. When they are engaged in melee, the Character can attempt a second attack with a throwing weapon against another, non-adjacent target. Deflection: the Character is so skilled in throwing sharp objects that they can catch an enemy weapon flung at them and throw it back to its rightful owner, dealing 1 point of damage. Triplering

$ 1,000

Prerequisites: Doublering Rank: Expert ¤¤ Circus Lore: there are situations where a still target is better than a dead target. Instead of rolling for a ranged attack, the Character can spend a Gear of Fate to pin some of the target’s clothing to a hard

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surface. Instead of dealing damage, they inflict the Immobilized condition.  ¤¤ Strength Means Nothing Without Focus: a decent skill leads to a struck target, like guiding the hand. The Character uses their Handicraft Skill to attack instead of whatever is listed in the throwing weapon’s item description. Bullseye

$ 1,600

Prerequisites: Triplering Rango: Veteran A Thousand Blades:  the Character knows that they can never carry enough blades. They can roll for three additional attacks, against at least two non-adjacent targets. Backflip: after dodging an enemy’s attack, the Character backs 1 cubitus away and makes a ranged attack.

ARTS Monopoly Schools The Monopolies own academies are dedicated to the development of combat techniques based on the secret knowledge they possess. Bomber

$ 700

Prerequisites: None “Using” Bombs is not just the good, old “throw and keep your head down.” Knowledge of these fun little items is key in salvaging otherwise hairy situations. ¤¤ Long Throw: it’s all about the wrist, son! The Character adds 2 cubitus to the throwing range of a Bomb. Not in my House: the Character is an expert in holding their ground against assailants. When a bomb is thrown at them, they know how to grab it without having it detonate and kindly send it back to its owner. Human Subject

$ 700

Prerequisites: None Nobody would ever allow a Biopsist anywhere near their health, let alone volunteer for their experiments. And yet, the Character did, developing an uncanny resistance to their mysterious soups. ¤¤ Addiction: the Character’s physiology adapted to the point where Mutagens are but a sip of fresh water. The Character counts Catastrophic Failures on Resistance Tests against Mutagens as normal Failures and can imbibe two doses of the same substance without suffering negative effects.

Mind Blade

$ 700

Prerequisites: None The Monopoly of Markonists is known for granting access to conlio, giving a limited psychic capacity to those who can afford its price or are willing to join the Monopoly’s personal guard. ¤¤ Connection: the Character is not a Markonist, but at their combat academy they learned how to use Markon Weapons and conlio by touching it directly. Mind Intrusion: when intercepting a strike from their enemy, the Character establishes a brief contact with their mind and fills it with distracting thoughts. The target is Disoriented. War Machine

$ 700

Prerequisites: None Although it is not necessary to be well versed in the arts of engineering to specialize in the following techniques, those who are part of the Monopoly of Engineers are known for making extremely superior use of these Gizmos. ¤¤ Religious Care:  the Character is known for the almost religious reverence with which they maintain their firearms, to the point where they never jam. However, this feature does not protect from any effects the Narrator chooses to happen upon a Catastrophic Failure. Restoration: the Character ducks, so as not to be hit by enemy bullets, and while they are at it they restore pressure to one of their Gizmos as a Free Action. Pressurized Gizmos can be used again.

Party Hard: the Character can imbibe a dose of a Mutagen as a Free Action after they make a melee attack.

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CHAPTER 3 Regional Schools Some combat techniques can be learned only in specific regions and from a restricted number of teachers and masters, who tend to prefer students from their own homeland. Bloodthirst

$ 1,200

Geographic Knowledge: Abrabazem Rank: Expert It does not matter whether they are wielding a warhammer, a dagger, or a foil, the Character always uses it like a truncheon or a shattered bottle… and it bloody well works! All-in: after a successful Dodge Test, the Character leaps onto their enemy, suffering 1 point of damage but rolling a melee attack. An Eye for an Eye: the Character is fueled by hatred of their enemy and draws strength from seeing them suffer. After dealing damage with a melee attack, the Character regains 1 Wound. All Wounds in excess of the Character’s maximum Wounds score are lost the next time they rest.

Battle Flair

$ 1,200

Prerequisites: Swordsman Geographic Knowledge: Itteghasp Rank: Expert The end goal of combat is not just victory, but a mockingly elegant one at that. ¤¤ Mocking Demeanor: the Character’s attitude is so irritating it focuses all the attention around them. When their allies attack any enemies the Character is engaged with, they gain the benefits of Combat Advantage. Deflection: the Character deflects the incoming blow and redirects it into the shoulder blade of an ally of their attacker within 2 cubitus, dealing 2 points of damage. Fire and Flames

$ 1,200

Prerequisites: Gunslinger Geographic Knowledge: Mostucaal Rank: Expert The Character was born with a gun and honed their fighting style to the point that they just need instinct to prevail. Fire from the Heavens: shooting once is a good habit. Shooting twice is an awesome habit! The Character immediately makes a second ranged attack. Quick Answer: the Character was raised by their parents on the principle that one answers when spoken to. They make a ranged attack against an enemy that just shot at them. Northern Wrath Prerequisites: Mower Geographic Knowledge : Nuugard Rank: Expert

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$ 1,200

ARTS Elegance is not the strong suit of the Character. Instead, strength and ferocity very much are. ¤¤ Next One, Please: killing invigorates the Character. When they dispatch an opponent, the Character can deal 1 point of damage to another enemy adjacent to them. Unstoppable:  the Character throws their enemy to the ground, savagely trampling them. The Character inflicts the Prone condition on their target, moves beyond them dealing 1 point of damage, and then they move to engage another target within 3 cubitus. Path of Harmony

$ 1,200

Prerequisites: Ascetic Geographic Knowledge: Ketniv Rank: Expert Focused and imperturbable, the body and mind of the Character act in unison when they fight. ¤¤ Lethal Grace: the Character is in total control of their body and can make an additional Maneuver during their turn.

 Merciless: the Character forgives no mistake from their enemies, being able to take an Action and a Maneuver after a successful Dodge Test. Sun Dancer

$ 1,200

Prerequisites: Sapphire Blades Geographic Knowledge: Balastoc Gender: Female Rank: Expert The Character has trained since childhood in the ritual forms of combat sacred to the god Isairnes and her harmonious movements are a lethal and hypnotic dance. ¤ Dance of the Sun:  the Character leaps and somersaults, leaving only a crimson wake behind, as if dancing between opponents. After an attack, she can disengage without penalty and move, as long as she ends her movement adjacent to an enemy. Twilight of Blood:  for the grand finale of the Dance of the Sun, the Character can disengage without penalty, move to engage another target, and immediately roll an attack against them.

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“I thought we had agreed no brawls!” Nasturzio croaked, dodging the stool somebody had flung aiming for his head by a hair. “Did you hear me, you big oaf ?!” he cried, hiding behind the large Nuug who was casually lifting the saloon’s piano over his head. “It’s time somebody taught these Mos some manners!” Raggar boomed back, among the desperate and mostly vain pleas of the pianist himself. The only answer to the poor, small man was a stare from the Nuug that could have stripped the paint off an airship’s hull... before the piano went flying. Three patrons were hit square and slammed into the bar in an explosion of wood splinters and off-key notes. The brawl died down, as everybody was staring at the scene and then at the Nuug and his satisfied smile. “Now we’re talking business!” he enthusiastically shouted, as terror took hold of those in his immediate vicinity. All of a sudden, everybody seemed not too keen on debating the finer points of the matter with that lunatic, when the sudden appearance of the saloon’s owner, Rodrigo, broke the spell. Apparently, he had found the courage to leave the relative safety of the sturdy wood of the bar counter… “Stand where you are or I’ll fill you with hot lead, you dam sonsachupacabras!” he shouted, pointing his Enterrador at the crowd. “Agnes, go fetch the sheriff! A couple days in the cooler should take the will to fuss out of these here gentlemen!” “Oh no… here we go again.” Nasturzio breathed, knowing all too well what was going to happen.

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Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



uring their travels and adventures, the Characters inevitably find people who cannot wait to put their heads on a spike or run them through with a blade. In these cases, our heroes have but two options: fight or flight. Since the latter is not always possible, often the only choice for the group is to draw their weapons and watch their backs. Usually, the Narrator does not roll for any Test. If a Character is interacting with the environment, they roll against a Difficulty score set by the Narrator. When attacking an enemy, Characters roll against the opponent’s Dodge or Evade score, or against their Attack score if on the receiving end of the gun.

Tactical Time In combat, Narrative Time is set to the side in favor of Tactical Time, as when bullets fly and explosions shake the earth, time for planning and thinking is an extremely scarce commodity. Each moment can make the difference between life and death, which is why Tactical Time is told by the Round.

Rounds A Combat Round is but a few seconds of in-game time, during which a Character can take a Maneuver and an Action. If not otherwise specified, when you are asked to make a Test, your Character is taking an Action.

Tactical Map This chapter contains rules meant to be used with a tactical map: a sheet of paper with a grid upon which Character tokens are moved, much like a chessboard. With one, it is easier to tell the exact positions of combatants, scenic elements like cover or walls, and distances, with one square on the grid equaling one cubitus. Some enemies appear out of thin air to strike at the group when they are already dealing with other

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threats. Somebody then tries to shoot them while the rest of the Characters kill what they were already engaged with, and the skirmishers observe from the sidelines. Players can approach combat in a vast variety of ways. Some prefer to see combat through the Narrator’s talent in telling stories, living every scene within the theater of the mind. This is the most spectacular way to live combat, and for expert players might very well be the way to have the best role-playing experience. However, since only a few Characters ever stand still when bullets fly, theater of the mind could prove harder to follow without a tactical map. Obviously, some groups prefer using a tactical map, while others do not: it is up to individual preference. Moving through occupied squares: generally, when Characters are not engaged in melee they should be able to freely move about the battlefield, without being constricted except by their Movement score. Because of this, they can move without penalties through squares occupied by allies who are not engaged in melee combat. Multiple people can fit in the same few meters, and it is assumed that the ally they are passing stands aside to let the incoming Character go by.


COMBAT PHASES First of all, determine which of the battling factions is surprised and which is not (if any), then the order in which the combatants move and act, and finally start the fighting itself!

PHASE 1: SURPRISE Surprised Characters cannot take Actions during the first round of combat and those who attack them benefit from Combat Advantage, as explained later on in this chapter.

• Ambush: before combat starts, one Character rolls a Stealth Test for the whole group. Whoever rolls the dice is up to your decision as players, but the idea is not to slow down the action with more dice rolls than necessary. Also, it only makes sense that the Character most skilled in stealth directs the others, right? On a successful Test, each Character in the group can take one Action before the roll for Initiative. • Assault: often, capitalizing on the effect of surprise is a more than viable tactic. In this scenario, the Characters are the sitting faction, and not the

• Surprise and Stealth: the easiest way to surprise somebody is by sneakily closing in on their position and then striking before the hapless enemy can react. To do so, the Characters must pass an Opposed Stealth Test against the Senses score of the enemy they are trying to surprise. On a success, the Characters are not noticed; otherwise, the surprise party is over before it even begins and normal combat ensues. If both groups are aware of the presence of the enemy, then, Phase 1 is skipped entirely. • Surprised groups: often, either or both sides of a fight are surprised in random encounters, ambushes and assaults. If both groups are aware of the presence of the enemy, then, Phase 1 is skipped entirely. • Random Encounter: two or more groups hostile to each other may stumble upon one another unexpectedly. Whether to allow a Senses Test for them to be aware of the incoming threat is up to the Narrator. Should such a Test be allowed and then passed, the Characters know that something is coming and fight normally. Otherwise, the two groups are suddenly face-to-face and must both roll a Reflexes Test, instead of Discipline, to establish the order of Initiative. However, as both groups were not expecting the other, their combatants cannot take any Maneuvers in the first round, only Actions.

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CHAPTER 4 one attacking, but rather the target. One Character in the group rolls an Opposed Hidden Senses Test against the highest Stealth score of the attackers, noticing them and passing on to Phase 2 on a success. Otherwise, the group is surprised and their attackers can take the extra Action before rolling Initiative.

Yanis’s group took up positions in the narrow canyon through which they know Erion and his goons will pass. As they are dangerous criminals who constantly raid and pillage the northern lands of Balastoc, there is a fat bounty on their heads and the Characters are keen on collecting it. Since Yanis is the most familiar with such tactics, having spent much of his youth stealing and robbing, he is the one directing his companions and so the one who rolls the Stealth Test. With a 5 on the d12 plus the 9 of his Stealth score for a total of 14 against Erion’s 12 Senses score, the roaming raiders are in for a rather unpleasant surprise.

Unusual situations like adverse weather or environmental conditions, such as rain or particularly noisy items, might prompt the Narrator to inflict penalties on the Tests, at their discretion. On the other hand, favorable conditions like silence or shadows might grant bonuses. If a Character is busy doing something else other than paying attention to their surroundings, they might not notice the blade from the shadows aimed at the back of their head. In such cases, unless the Narrator chooses otherwise, the busy Character suffers a -4 penalty to their Senses Test. This penalty applies if all of the Characters are occupied or if the attack is meant for one Character only.

Narrator-rolled Stealth Tests (optional): to avoid losing the surprise factor at the table, the Narrator should make all the Stealth rolls, noting their results

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down after they have asked the players the Stealth scores of their Characters. And, remember, the Narrator is totally not a sadist. Not at all. We swear.

PHASE 2: INITIATIVE In Phase 2, each player makes an Initiative Test, rolling a d12 and adding the Discipline score of their Character and any other specific modifiers. The Narrator, then, places somewhere visible a token for each Character, arranging them in decreasing order according to their Initiative Test result.

After an extensive investigation, Faruk, Hitoshyi, and Raag discover the location of the hidden laboratory of professor Axproon and breach it for payback. From the back of his machinery-strewn lair, the professor glares at them, unleashing his aberrant creations! As 3 Alchem Zombies emerge from their caskets, it is time to roll for Initiative! Faruk rolls a natural 12, for a total of 18 once his Discipline score is added, and can take an additional Maneuver that turn. Hitoshyi obtains a total of 13, while Raag must make do with a meager 8. Axproon’s own Initiative score is a 15, while his Alchem Zombies run with an 8. The Narrator, then, sets the Initiative order as follows: Initiative Order 1







Enemies controlled by the Narrator, as usual, do not roll, using their Initiative score for the token order. From then on, the individual Initiative Test results are ignored: all that matters is the slot occupied by each combatant in the Initiative order.

COM BAT In the case of a tie between a Character’s Initiative score and an opponent’s, the former goes first. If two Characters roll a tie on their Initiative Test, they choose who has precedence. Combatants who join the fight later on always act last. Characters can alter their position in the Initiative order thanks to some Arts, Opportunities, and other factors. When a Character obtains a Success with Opportunity on their Initiative Roll, they can take an additional Maneuver during the first round of combat. Inversely, on a Catastrophic Failure, the Character can take only a Maneuver during their first round of combat.

Faruk shoots at the professor, missing him, only to have the old man lob a freezing Crystallus knife at him! Poor Faruk then attempts an Evade Test to avoid the flying object and, of course, gets the dreaded 1. Not only does Faruk suffer damage from the Crystallus, but he also gets the Slowed condition, losing 2 slots in the Initiative order. Starting the following round, the Initiative order is as follows: New Initiative Order 1







PHASE 3: TO ARMS! Now, the Character occupying the first slot in the Initiative order gets to act. Once they have taken their Maneuver, Action (and extra Maneuver if they rolled an Opportunity on Initiative), the next combatant gets to take their turn, and so on. Once all combatants have taken their turn, repeat Phase 3 until one of the factions involved in the fight wins. When you are called to take your turn, you can have your Character take one Maneuver and one Action, in whatever order you want them to. Usually, speaking is

considered a Free Action, as one can say something while doing something else, but in the end it is up to the Narrator to establish how much can be said in the few seconds of a Round. Always remember that, whenever it is not specified if something you want to attempt is an Action or something else, anything that requires either your Character or their target to roll a Test generally takes an Action. When attacking an opponent, your Character must pass a Test for the Skill specified in the profile of the weapon or item they are using. On the contrary, when on the receiving end of an attack, your Character must pass a Dodge Test when engaged in melee or Evade to avoid being hit by ranged attacks. Pieces of equipment and fighting styles might add bonuses or penalties to these rolls, and are listed separately on the Character Sheet, along with Initiative, Wounds, and Movement. What follows is a list of common Maneuvers and Actions your Character can take during their combat turn.

Maneuvers Maneuvers are operations which generally automatically succeed and, unless otherwise stated, do not require a Test to be successful. • Moving: as a Maneuver, it is possible for the Character to move a distance up to their Movement value, climb a section of a ladder of around 2 cubitus, or stand up if not engaged in a melee. On the tactical map, Characters can move in every direction according to their Movement score, with no difference between diagonal and straight-line movement. • Disengaging: there are occasions when a Character needs to put distance between them and the enemy they are engaged with, to help a companion in need, do something tactically more useful, or just save their own skin. Enemies, however, are usually not that keen on letting their impromptu sparring partner go, and so often attempt to attack them if they are not careful. When the Character takes a Maneuver to Disengage, thanks to a feint, a jump

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CHAPTER 4 backwards, or something similar, they leave their opponent without suffering any ill effects. • Drawing a weapon: as a Maneuver, the Character can draw or stow a weapon they have easy access to. If said weapon is deep within their backpack, the Narrator has final say on how many rounds it would take for the Character to retrieve it. As part of the same Maneuver, once they have drawn or stowed their weapon, the Character may move a distance equal to half their Movement score. • Dropping Prone or Standing up: dropping to the ground without also moving, or standing up from a prone position takes a Maneuver. If a Character attempts the same thing while engaged in melee, then they must first pass an Agility Test with Difficulty equal to the enemy’s Reflexes score or suffer 1 point of damage from an adjacent opponent. • Defensive Stance: there are times in a melee when focusing on staying alive is more important then neutralizing one’s opponents. By taking a defensive stance, the Character takes and deals only 1 point of damage per attack until they transition to another stance. • Aiming: when aiming, the Character either gains

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a +1 bonus to their Test for a ranged attack or they can target an opponent engaged in melee with one of the Character’s allies without risking friendly fire. As her companions are busy dealing with the prison guards, Chana hides in the entrance room to welcome the soldiers that are likely to arrive when they hear sounds of fighting. She chooses to prepare an Action by aiming her pistol down the corridor and declaring that she wants to shoot the first enemy that passes by. At the end of the round, an officer leading an alerted patrol barges into the corridor, intending to reach the rest of the engaged prison guards, and is met by a hail of hot lead. •Preparing an Action: when they Prepare an Action, the Character is allowed to act at a different moment in the round, rather than in their own Initiative slot, by setting the conditions that trigger this delayed Action. As a Maneuver, the Character states what they wish to do and which circumstances they want to make it happen. From that moment until the end of the round, they can take their Action and do what they wanted to only if the conditions they have stated manifest.

COM BAT • Delaying: the Character waits for a better moment to act. By Delaying, a Character moves to any Initiative slot they wish below the one they were previously occupying and remain there for the rest of the encounter.

lee attack, which happens only if somebody struck at the Character.


• Evading: dodging a bullet is no small feat, and to be successful one needs not just good reflexes, but sheer, dumb luck. To evade a ranged attack, Characters must pass an Evade Test against the enemy’s attack score. On a success, the bullets wiz by and explosions only scald rather than utterly scorching.

An Action is taken when the Character is attempting something where the result is uncertain, potentially beyond its expectations as well as an utter failure. As a general rule, unless otherwise specified, everything that requires a Test is an Action. • Anticipating: the Character spends their round choosing the right moment to intervene. They cannot take any other Action for that round, but starting with the following round they advance two slots in the Initiative order. • Attacking: the Attack Action is, of course, the foundation of combat. When they attack, the Character performs a melee or ranged attack by rolling a Test of the Skill indicated in the profile of the weapon they are using. • Using a Skill: using a skill means rolling its Test for something that can be resolved in the few seconds of a round. As an example, the Character could jump off a balcony, hang from a chandelier, creep up on an unknowing enemy, or land in front of a fleeing one by taking an Action. • Taking a Second Maneuver: as an Action, the Character can take another Maneuver from the list above.

Reactions Those events that do not happen during the Character’s own turn, but, instead, only as a response to an external stimulus are called Reactions. The most frequent, for example, is attempting to dodge a me-

• Dodging: when hit by a melee attack, Characters can attempt a Dodge Test against the enemy’s attack score. On a success, they do not suffer any damage.

Free Actions There are actions that take such a small amount of time to happen that they are inconsequential to the economy of time during a fight. As such, Free Actions do not take either Maneuvers nor Actions to be used. • Dropping an Item: dropping an item to the ground or close by is always a Free Action. • Talking: bellowing a mighty war cry, asking for help, or barking an order are considered Free Actions as long as they are short sentences. Otherwise, the Narrator could ask you to take a Maneuver or even a whole Action.

Extended Actions Extended Actions take the whole round or even multiple rounds to carry out. • Reloading: the required number of rounds to reload a ranged weapon, be it a firearm or something else, is listed in the item descriptions in Chapter V – Equipment. • Cover Fire: by showering the enemy with projectiles, the Character forces them to look for co-

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CHAPTER 4 ver, distracting their attention from something else. By taking the whole round, select an area 3 cubitus wide within the range of your Character’s weapon and roll an Aggression Test. On a Success, all enemies caught in the area must drop to the ground or move behind cover. On a Success with Opportunity, your Character also deals 1 point of damage to one of the enemies caught in the target area. Cover Fire consumes three shots from the Character’s weapon for each Round it is maintained. • Charging: the Character runs at their opponent, weapon drawn, to strike them down. Charging Characters can move 2 cubitus more than their Movement score and then attack, benefiting from Combat Advantage. To Charge, Characters must be able move freely in a straight line towards their target for at least 3 cubitus. • Running: running Characters move twice their Movement score, benefiting from a +2 to Evade Tests and suffering a -2 to Dodge Tests.

A ttacking What follows is an explanation of the Attack action, as in determing whether or not if you Character hit their target, if Opportunities or Catastrophic Failures have occurred and eventually quantify damage dealt to the target.

1. Hitting Hitting somebody with a weapon is always a Test of the Skill relevant to the weapon the Character is using. On a success, the target is hit! 1.1 Hitting with Melee Weapons: a Character is able to attack any of the targets of the targets adjacent to them with melee weapons. The Test result must be equal to or higher than the Dodge score of the target to hit.

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Special Situations • Ganging Up: should more than one Character engage the same opponent in melee, they all benefit from Combat Advantage. In addition, if there are at least three Characters per enemy, they gain an additional +1 bonus to attack Tests for every additional ally after the second.

Chana, Nasturzio, Vas, and Lamia break into the prison hall, a lonely guard their only welcome party. The Characters attack without hesitation, all benefiting from Combat Advantage and a total of +2 to their attack Tests. • Unarmed Combat: when fighting without any weapons, Characters roll Brawl Tests to attack, dealing 1 point of non-lethal damage to their target if they succeed. On a Success with Opportunity, they instead deal 2 points of damage. • Grappling: to grapple and potentially neutralize an enemy, the Character rolls an Opposed Brawl Test, inflicting the Immobilized condition on a success. To keep the enemy grappled in the following rounds, the Character must keep rolling Brawl Tests against the higher of either the Strength or Agility score of their target. Grappling Characters cannot take any other Actions. • Non-lethal Damage: a tender heart or the need for information could make going for the kill not that good of an idea. To deal non-lethal damage, the Character must attack with a Brawl Test with a -2 penalty, rather than whatever their weapon would normally require, against the Dodge score of the target. On a success, the Character deals 1 point of non-lethal damage. If somebody suffers an amount of non-lethal damage equal to their Wounds score, they fall to the ground unconscious. Gravely wounded targets always suffer lethal damage, however. Non-lethal damage is recovered at the rate of 1 point for every hour of rest.

COM BAT 1.2 Hitting from a Distance: when shooting or throwing a weapon at their enemy, the Character rolls a Test of the relevant Skill against the Evade score of their target. Combatants engaged in melee cannot shoot ranged weapons unless they know an Art that allows them to. Characters can attempt to shoot at any target within the maximum range of their weapon without penalty. When attacking targets beyond the weapon’s maximum distance, however, the Test suffers a -1 penalty for each cubitus beyond its maximum reach. To shoot, combatants must have a partially or totally free line of sight, otherwise their target benefits from cover.

Shooting from Melee (optional): combatants who try to shoot a ranged weapon while engaged in melee are trying something incredibly dangerous. If they are targeting another combatant they are engaged with, they immediately suffer 1 point of damage and must pass a Luck Test to hit them. On a Success with Opportunity the shooter deals 2 points of damage to their attacker, instead suffering 1 more damage on a Catastrophic Failure. When shooting from a melee to another cluster of fighters, on the other hand, combatants roll their normal attack Test at a -3 penalty and suffer 1 point of damage from each enemy they are engaged with. Special Situations • Blind Shooting: in battle, elements of the field like sounds and some good old guesswork can be used to shoot at targets with some chance of hitting them. As long as there is some element the Character can use to have some form of idea where their target is, they can attempt a Luck Test against the Evade score of their target to attack. • Shooting into Melee: shooting at a target engaged with one’s allies is harder than usual, if the shooter wishes to avoid friendly fire. If the shooter does not take a Maneuver to Aim, the target of their at-

tack is determined randomly among those involved. • Cover: hard cover confers an Evade bonus that ranges from +1 to +3. Otherwise, a combatant can completely hide behind a piece of cover, leaving line of sight. They cannot be targeted by direct fire weapons, but they also cannot use items that require line of sight. Table 4.2 – Cover Bonus Cover


Hiding behind a door


Crouching behind a low wall


Standing behind a shooting slit


• Precision Shooting: there are times when hitting a specific body part of the target is key. To land such a precise blow and have a specific effect happen, like the enemy dropping their weapon after their hand has been struck, the Character must obtain a Success with Opportunity.

2. Opportunities and Catastrophic Failures Opportunities An Opportunity is a positive event that allows the Character to execute special attacks or moves related to the Arts they know or equipment they use. A Character generates an Opportunity when rolling a natural 11 or 12 on the d12 roll of a Test or when spending a Gear of Fate to upgrade a normal Success to one with Opportunity. Once the attack has generated an Opportunity, you can choose to use it to activate any of the special abilities your Character has access to. Keep in mind

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that there are Opportunities any Character can use and that you can ask the Narrator if you can spend an Opportunity to make something special happen, as long as it makes sense for the situation. Of course, the Narrator always has the final say on whether or not what you just asked them is feasible or not.

Weapon-based Opportunities: a Character can use any of the special attacks that specific weapons allow their user to perform. In Vulcania, particularly advanced weapons feature signature attacks that the Character wielding them can use without any specific proficiency.

Base Opportunities: the following are special attacks that are available to all Characters, regardless of Arts or equipment.

Catastrophic Failure

Shoving, Kicking, or Shoulder-barging. The Character pushes their opponent back 2 cubitus. Prodigious Dodge. The Character elegantly dodges an attack and disengages, moving a number of cubitus equal to their Movement score. Take Cover. The Character scrambles for cover as bullets fly around them. They can move a number of cubitus equal to their Movement score. Art-based Opportunities: any of the special attacks a Character has access to through the Arts they have learned can be used. Additional information about Arts is in Chapter 3 – Arts.

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The opposite of a Success with Opportunity, when the natural result of a d12 Test is a 1, is a Catastrophic Failure. When they happen, your Character suffers something nefariously sadistic at the hand of whatever mustache-twirling evildoer the Narrator pitted against you. Base Catastrophic Failures: these Catastrophic Failures that can happen to any Character in any combat. Fumble. The Character fumbles, missing and falling Prone to the ground. Jam (only firearms). Click! The Character’s weapon jams.

COM BAT Dirty Trick. A handful of sand to the eyes, a headbutt, or some other dirty trick on the enemy’s part inflicts the Disoriented condition on the Character. Loss of Balance. The Character is struck so forcefully that they are knocked back 1 cubitus and suffer the Unbalanced condition. Enemies Exploiting Catastrophic Failures: Enemies can profit from Catastrophic Failures or upgrade a normal Failure to its Catastrophic version in much the same way you can for your Character’s Successes.

3. Determine Damage If an attack hits, it is time to determine how much damage is inflicted. Each weapon features in their description a damage progression bar numbered from 1 to 12 and divided into different color-coded sectors. If the result of the Test is a number in the

uncolored part of the bar, the attack deals only 1 point of damage. If it is in the green sector, it deals 2 points of damage. If it’s in the yellow sector, it deals 3 points of damage, and 4 if it’s in the red one. Arts and specific situations (at the discretion of the Narrator) can further alter the final damage count. • Non lethal damage. Sometimes, it is necessary to subdue, rather than kill, an enemy. To inflict non lethal damage, roll a Brawl Test with a -2 penalty, even if your Character is wielding weapons that require other Skills. This way, when the target’s Wounds score reaches 0 they are knocked unconscious instead of dead, recovering 1 Wound per hour of rest. Gravely wounded targets always suffer lethal damage. • Combat Advantage Combat Advantage represents favorable conditions that allow the Character or their allies to deal 1 additional point of damage on a successful attack Test.

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CHAPTER 4 Table 4.3 – Combat Advantage Situations that generate an advantage Charging a target

• Dazed: a Dazed Character cannot take Actions as long as the condition persists.

Attacking an unarmed opponent in melee

• Disoriented: Disoriented Characters have their perceptions numbed by agents like tear gas, deafening sounds, and the like, granting Combat Advantage to those who attack them in melee.

Attacking an opponent on lower ground in melee Attacking an opponent with superior numbers in melee Attacking a Disoriented opponent in melee Shooting a ranged weapon at a target within 3 cubitus Attacking a Blinded, Immobilized, Surprised, or Stunned opponent

4. Applying Damage Once the damage of an attack has been determined, subtract the damage reduction value of whatever armor the target is wearing. The result is how many Wounds the target actually loses. Damage Reduction granted by armor is applied only after an attack Test

5. Negative Conditions Weapons, Arts, and environmental threats do not just deal damage, but can also cause negative effects, like toxins, stuns, or fear. Unless otherwise specified, these negative conditions last for 1 round and then wear off. • Blinded: Blinded Characters cannot see and can only cover a distance equal to half their Movement score, fail any vision-based Test, and automatically grant Combat Advantage to those attacking them.

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• Burning: a Burning Character suffers 1 point of damage each round until they spend an entire round to put the fire out.

• Exhausted: an Exhausted Character suffers a -5 penalty to all Tests and can move only 1 cubitus per round. • Fatigued: a Fatigued Character suffers a -2 penalty to all Tests until they rest at least 4 consecutive hours. • Frightened: a Frightened Character can only take a Maneuver or an Action each round, not both. • Gravely Wounded: a Character is Gravely Wounded when they have just 1 Wound left. They


can move only half of their Movement score and suffer a -1 penalty to all Tests as long as the condition persists. • Immobilized: an Immobilized Character must spend the whole round to break free with either a successful Strength or Agility Test. They can neither move nor take Actions and grant Combat Advantage to those who attack them. • Pinned: a Pinned Character cannot move from their position, but otherwise can act normally. • Prone: prone Characters have been knocked to the ground and suffer a -2 penalty to Dodge Tests, but gain a +2 bonus to Evade Tests. Prone Characters can attack, but at a -3 penalty. • Slowed: the Character loses two slots in the Initiative order. • Stunned: the Character can take neither Actions nor Maneuvers and grants Combat Advantage to anyone who attacks them. • Surprised: Surprised Characters grant Combat Advantage to those who attack them, regardless of the weapons their enemies use. When they are struck, they are not Surprised anymore. • Terrorized: a Terrorized Character suffers a -4 penalty to all Tests and flees in the direction opposite the source of their fear, dropping whatever

items they were holding. If cornered, a Terrorized Character attempts everything in their power to flee, otherwise crouching on the ground whimpering. • Unbalanced: Unbalanced Characters can move only half of their Movement score and are knocked Prone if struck. • Vulnerable: a Vulnerable Character is entirely at their opponent’s mercy, whether because they are sleeping, paralyzed, passed out, or something else entirely. Vulnerable Characters are also Surprised.

UNDERWATER COMBAT Fighting underwater is an almost alien experience. Combatants without the proper equipment to see, breathe, and move in water are considered Blinded and must pass a Resistance Test every round not to drown. The Difficulty for this Test starts Easy and increases by one stage every round. On a failed Test, the Character suffers the Vulnerable condition and starts drowning. If drowning for more than a minute, the Character dies. Underwater, Characters can move only up to half their Movement score and all attacks suffer a penalty: -2 for short weapons, like daggers and knives, and -3 for longer ones, such as swords and axes.

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WOUNDS AND HEALING The maximum amount of damage a Character can withstand is their Wounds score. When they reach 0, the Character falls to the ground, suffering the Vulnerable condition, and dies after a number of rounds equal to their Resistance score. If they suffer damage when in such a state, the Character dies instantly.

Wound Magnitude When suffering damage, a Character passes through three states: Wounded, Gravely Wounded, and Dying. • Wounded: a Character is considered Wounded from the moment their Wounds count is not at its maximum but higher than 1. • Gravely Wounded: a Character is considered Gravely Wounded when they have only 1 Wound left, whether they suffered lethal or non-lethal damage. They suffer a -1 penalty to all Tests they roll until they receive proper medical attention.

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• Dying: a Character with 0 Wounds is considered Dying. They suffer the Vulnerable condition and whatever damage they suffer is permanent. When they enter the Dying state, the Character must roll a Luck Test against Difficulty 12, the hemorrhage miraculously stopping on a success. The Character is still senseless, but at least not in direct danger.

Natural Healing The human physiology is known for its capacity to regenerate even without access to medical attention or alchemical wonders. Wounded Characters heal 1 Wound, 2 on an Opportunity, on a successful Resistance Test against a Difficulty of 8 + the Wounds they have lost. If they take a whole day to rest, then the Wound is healed without rolling. Gravely Wounded Characters need medical attention to heal. Each day, the Character must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 8 + the number of days they passed without treatment, entering the Dying state on a Failure.

COM BAT Healing Immediately after a combat, any Character can attempt a Handicraft Test to treat their wounded companions against a Difficulty of 11 + the amount of damage the target suffered. On a success, the target heals 1 Wound. Gravely Wounded Characters cannot benefit from such a Test. Characters with skills like those of a Medic or a Biopsist can help to stabilize Gravely Wounded or Dying Characters. Also, particular substances detailed in Chapter 5 – Equipment can work the same miracle.

Reviving a Character The only thing a Dying Character can do is hope their allies help them before the Eternal Slumber takes them. If not provided with the proper Arts or equipment, the only thing that can help a Dying Character is passing a Handicraft Test against Difficulty 8 + the amount of damage they have suffered. This way, the Character remains at 0 Wounds and unconscious, but out of immediate peril — although still risking infection. No matter how they cheated death that time, it

is up to the Narrator to decide how the body of the Character shows the consequences of such an experience. For this reason, we have included a handy little Maiming a Character table. ENEMY ROUNDS Within one cycle of the Initiative order, or Round, not only the Characters have their chance to act but also their opponents, controlled by the Narrator. To make sure you, your Character, and the rest of your group are always the focus of attention—and also to help that poor soul of your Narrator not go mental by having to roll inordinate amounts of dice—it is you who have to roll not to be hit. When an opponent attacks your Character with a melee weapon, you have to roll a Dodge Test against their score for whatever weapon that enemy is using. If they are using a ranged weapon or the Character must avoid being hit by an area effect like an explosion, you must pass an Evade Test in the same way. On a Success, your Character suffers no damage, while on a Failure the Narrator calculates the amount of damage the same way you do when striking down their precious minions.

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CHAPTER 4 Table 4.4 – Mutilations

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Meat Grinder

Roll twice and, well… good luck!


Wooden Leg

One of the Character’s legs is beyond recovery and must be amputated below the knee. The Character permanently loses 1 point in Athletics and Stealth.


Hook for a Hand

A shining hook is better than a bloody mess, right? The Character permanently loses 1 point in Handicraft and cannot wield anything with one of their hands.


Iron Lungs

One of the Character’s lungs was crushed and does not work properly anymore. The Character permanently loses 1 point in Resistance. Perhaps it is high time to quit smoking, eh?


Lightning Fast

The Character’s reflexes are definitively not what they used to be. The Character permanently loses 1 point in Reaction.


Karmic Debt

Well, that went awfully well, did it not? The Character permanently loses 1 point in Luck.



Everybody knows the patch never goes out of style! The Character permanently loses 1 point in Senses.



We all know that the nose is extra parts, right? The Character permanently loses 2 points in Charm.



The Character’s ears ring and standing still is harder than it looks. The Character loses 1 point in Agility.


Arm Wrestler

Muscles and bones did not quite heal the way they should have, much to the Character’s chagrin when even a child can beat them in arm wrestling. They permanently lose 1 point in Strength.



The Character’s body got back into shape, sort of. Their head… heh, not so well. Whenever they hear loud, sudden noises the Character starts crying like a baby. They permanently lose 1 point in Discipline.


Scarred Mug

A deep scar splits the Character’s face, making them look nasty and ferocious. They permanently gain 1 point in Aggression.


Chana, Vas and Lamia are heading to the secret laboratory of the Crimson Spider, a crime syndicate that is growing in the industrial district. It appears they are behind a powerful new drug that is quickly exacting its toll among the population. Hoog, an important local boss, is not happy with such an activity flourishing in his turf and so hired the party to put an end to the rival gang’s business. Unfortunately, the Characters led their investigations a tad too much on the loud side and so the Crimson Spider now is waiting for them. The building that should host the lab is occupied only by a few large crates piled randomly, covering four muscle-bound brutes with weapons in hand. It is time to roll Initiative! Chana rolls a 12 on her die, plus her bonus of 5, totaling a 17. Lamia obtains a 12 and Vas a 10. The now exposed Brutes have an Initiative score of 10; had they remained hidden behind those crates, it would have been 13. The Narrator, then, sorts the Initiative slots as follows: Initiative Order 1






A result of 6 equals just 1 point of damage. Now, it is up to the assassin who attempts to sneak behind Chana to catch her by surprise. She must roll a Senses Test to recognize the threat. With a total of 13 against the assassin’s 15 Stealth, she does not. The assassin, then, moves behind her and attacks with their dagger. Chana attempts to dodge the attack, rolling a 4 on the d12 plus another 4 for a total of 8. The Difficulty, however, is the Assassin’s 13, so Chana is struck! The die roll of Chana’s Dodge Test, 4, is checked on the damage bar of the Assassin’s dagger. Being 4 in the green area of the bar, the dagger deals 2 points of damage. Catching her by surprise, however, the Assassin benefits from Advantage in Combat and deals an additional point of damage, for a total of 3! The Narrator decides to activate an Opportunity for the Assassin to use Anticipate. Chana’s player is then given a Gear of Fate from the Narrator’s pool and the Assassin advances 2 slots in the Initiative order, changing the turn order as follows:


Initiative Order 1

Chana, with her Opportunity on the Initiative Test, can use an additional Maneuver during her first round. So, she ducks behind the corner of a crate (first Maneuver), then takes aim (second Maneuver) and shoots one of the Brutes (Action). To shoot with her pistol, she rolls a Senses Test, +1 for having aimed plus any modifier from the weapon itself, in this case a -1. She rolls the d12, plus a total modifier of 6, and gets a natural 6. The Brute’s Evade score is only 10, so a 12 is a hit! Now, on to determining damage.







Now it is Lamia’s turn, who charges the Brutes, her scimitars a blur of steel, and attacks! It is up to Vas to help poor Chana. Lamia rolls her d12 to hit and gets a solid 11! Plus her 5 in Athletics and the +1 given by her weapons, her total to hit is a 17 against the Brute’s 10 to Dodge. With an 11 die roll, Lamia deals 3 points of damage and can also benefit from an Opportunity. Thanks to her Sapphire Blades Art, she activates Twin Blades

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to immediately make a second attack against another target. She rolls a 9, hitting for 2 points of damage to her second target. Both Brutes fall down, dead! Now it is up to Vas, who moves against the Assassin to given them a taste of his malleus, a tormentum weapon of incredible power! Unfortunately, bad luck is always waiting for an occasion to pounce, as Vas’s d12 stops on the dreaded 1. The attack is a bust and the Narrator now has an occasion to be creative with their signature sadism! Vas stumbles, crashing to the ground right in front of the Assassin, who laughs heartily at the prone Character. The two remaining Brutes try to double up on Lamia, who just butchered their fellows. Lamia rolls a first Dodge Test, obtaining a 6 plus her Reflexes of 4 equals 10 as her scimitar does not offer any help in those situations. Luckily, the Brute’s target Difficulty to avoid being hit is 10, so the worst that Lamia suffers is his greatsword barely cutting a lock of her hair away. Against the second attack, her player rolls a 9, allowing her to avoid it. However, her player also opts to spend a Gear of Fate and activate the Opportunity Defense

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Cross she learned thanks to the Emerald Blades Art. By crossing her blades, then, Lamia parries the opponent’s blade, while slashing the Brute’s face a moment later for 1 point of damage. This is where the round closes and the next one starts. This time, however, it’s the Assassin who goes first; will they manage to best the Characters or, seeing what fate befell their allies, will they opt to leave the area before joining them in the eternal slumber of death? Maybe they are doomed anyway or the Narrator has reinforcements arrive to turn the tide… who knows! Once familiarized with the base mechanics of the game, a combat round should take at worst a few minutes, during which all sorts of spectacular actions, plot twists, and awesome stunts can happen. This book, especially the Arts and Equipment sections, also give plenty of ideas to make combat more detailed and yet keep it simple and fluid. Of course, then, it is up to the players to make it more immersive with descriptions, banter and improv!


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Every night, Fusjiko stowed her pistol in the top drawer of the end table. She was particularly fond of that weapon. “You’re a hot-headed one… you’ll need this more than me,” her father said the day he had gifted it to her. She still remembered the feeling of omnipotence wielding the gun gave her. It made her feel like she controlled a legendary beast, ready to kill at her command. “Life and death in an instant,” she remembered thinking at the time. Her father had taught her how to keep good care of it, making her understand how and why that weapon was so deadly. Together, they had cleaned every single piece, lubricated it, loaded the drum with bullets and shot a few in the backyard. In time, she had become an accomplished marksman, then a soldier and a deserter, and now… now she did not even know herself. Yesterday, somebody had left a message for her at the Sun Tavern. It said he wanted to see her for a job she might find interesting, so she decided to go. If it did not involve murder, she could use the money. Excitement had killed her need for sleep by now, so she might as well get up and see the person . Fusjiko took her gun from the end table, checking the ammunition before donning her trousers, blouse, and combat boots for the meeting. For good measure, she also hid a throwing knife. Then somebody knocked on the door. It was time to go.

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127 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



n the market square of every city, weapon merchants sell a wide variety of tools of war to those with the money to buy them. Engineers and technicians peddle their latest inventions and contraptions and alchemists enthrall bystanders with explosive devices, physiological reagents to unlock the endless depths of human potential, or concoctions to fell even the mightiest of foes. However, if one braves the less reputable venues, they may find wares to satisfy even the most unusual of needs. This chapter contains descriptions of the most disparate items with which to equip your Characters, from traditional weapons to the most sophisticated contraptions and Markonist remote devices.

Availability As a general rule, the majority of the items listed in this chapter are available to those Characters with enough money to buy them. Some of them, however, are rarer and much more expensive, not just because of the materials used in their construction, but also for the skills required to make them. A Malleus or a Dilanior are not likely to be on display in a random shop, requiring instead luck and a larger marketplace to be found. Because of this, all items with a price higher than 700 $ require a successful Luck Test against their Complexity to determine if they are locally available or not. On a failure, the Character must try again the next time they pass through town. Characters can always attempt to find an artisan skilled enough to craft the item on commission, although the final price can vary significantly from the one listed here.

Wealth and Money Each Character starts the game with some equipment and a certain amount of money granted by their Past Experience. Gradually, as they adventure in the world of Vulcania, they become able to afford progressively better equipment and training.

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Generally, a Character can reasonably expect to sell an item for half its market price and should they want a better price, they would have to negotiate for it. In addition to gear, money is also used to secure the training necessary to learn new Arts.

Crafting Equipment Characters gifted with the right skills can produce pieces of equipment. To reduce the amount of necessary bookkeeping, the procedure is the same for all fields of industry, whether it is assembling, mixing, or sequencing. First of all, the Character must gather the necessary materials. Since the market price of a fully functional item is the cost of its components plus that of the production time, gathering the raw materials costs roughly half of an item’s listed price. The availability of raw materials is left to the discretion of the Narrator. Then, the Character must find an adequate workplace, like a laboratory or a workshop, with the tools they need. Before beginning the construction process, the Character must pass a Discipline Test to focus on the task ahead. Particular environmental or personal characteristics of the place could inflict penalties or grant bonuses to the Test, at the Narrator’s discretion. The result of this first Test grants a modifier to the next one, as per Table 5.1.

Repairing Equipment Weapons and pieces of equipment deteriorate when used during combat or under particularly stressful conditions. Or because the Narrator is a sadist, but you already knew that. To restore an item to its workshop condition, a Character must follow the same steps as crafting it, but at a fourth its market price instead of half.

EQUIPMENT Table 5.1 - Crafting Equipment d12 4 or less

Description Better attempt again tomorrow… it would be an automatic failure, at best.


Your brain seems incapable of staying focused on one thing at a time: -3


Anxiety, worries, or weariness slow your work to a halt: -2


Your concentration falters: -1


You are focused, although inspiration is a fickle mistress: 0


You are eager to get down to work: +1


You are both focused and inspired: +2


Distracting you from your work is almost impossible! +3

19 or more

Your hands work a new masterpiece! +4

WEAPONS Weapons are the most loyal adventuring companions when roaming Vulcania, each requiring a different Skill to be mastered.

muscle power to swing around, so attacking takes a Strength Test. A gun, on the other hand, requires much less strength and a sharper eye, requiring a Senses Test.

Weapon Descriptions

Cost: the average amount of Sesterzii ($) the Character must pay to buy the weapon.

This section describes each weapon, along with the indicators and values needed to use it during gameplay. Skill: each weapon requires a Test of a specific Skill to attack with it. As an example, a large and heavy weapon like an axe requires a great deal of raw

Complexity: how difficult it is to interact with the weapon. It is also the Difficulty for crafting an individual item.

129 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Range: the distance (in cubitus) beyond which the Character suffers penalties if they try to hit an enemy with that weapon. Damage: the description of each weapon includes its damage progression bar. If the (natural) die result on the roll to hit is a number in the white-colored area, then the attack deals 1 point of damage. If it is in the green zone, it deals 2 points of damage, 3 for the yellow one, and 4 for the red. Different weapons have different progressions: swords, for example, have a more solid chance of dealing average damage, but do not have a red zone in their progression bar. Axes, on the other hand, have smaller colored zones on their progression bar and can deal 4 points of damage. 1



1 damage




2 damages



9 10 11 12

3 damages

4 damages

Area of Effect: a few weapons affect more than one target within an area, usually a cone, circle, rectangle, or square, as listed in their profile. Lines, on the other hand, affect all targets in a straight line starting from the weapon itself and ending after the number of cubitus listed in its description. Handling: some weapons are more unwieldy than others, be it because of their size or weight balance. Handling is a modifier added to the weapon’s attack Tests. Defense: there are some weapons designed to help in deflecting incoming blows, while others that are more of a hindrance than anything else in handto-hand combat. Defense is the modifier you must add to Dodge Tests while using the weapon in close quarter combat. Special Characteristics: if a weapon has any special feature, works differently under certain conditions, or grants unusual modifiers, it is listed here.

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EQUIPMENT Piercing: these weapons bypass the Damage Reduction provided by armor. Energy-based weapons also count as Piercing. Opportunity: some weapons allow their user to access special effects by spending the Opportunity generated by a Success with Opportunity on their attack Test.

Unarmed Combat Martial Arts [Brawl]


Type: melee 1







Sometimes, Characters are forced to fight with whatever they have at hand: a stool, a broken bottle, old Betzie’s funeral urn, anything goes. All Improvised Weapons successfully hit on a Brawl Test with a -2 penalty and deal only 1 point of damage. If the Test results in a Catastrophic Failure, the weapon is destroyed. Poor old Betzie...

Traditional Weapons The weapons mankind has used since the dawn of time to wage its wars: although materials and techniques improved with the centuries, they do not require special technologies to be made. Characters proficient in Craftsmanship (Woodworking and Metallurgy) can produce traditional weapons with a Handicraft Test against their Complexity score.

9 10 11 12



Improvised Weapons


Mankind has developed many different regimens of training throughout history that turn the body into a killing machine, capable of inflicting lethal damage. Mutation: Beak [Brawl]


Type: melee 1








9 10 11 12



Abrabazem has left visible marks on you. Your mouth has become a horrible, sharp beak; nothing, however, is so bad that there is not some good in it somewhere: now you can peck your enemies! Mutation: Mighty Horns [Brawl]


Type: melee 1





6 –2



9 10 11 12


Exposure to the intoxicating agents of Abrabazem made you grow impressive horns on your forehead. Embarrassing, but unquestionably effective.

131 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Axes Axe [Athletics]

$ 100

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 10 1




Cleaver [Strength]

$ 360

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 14 5

6 –1



9 10 11 12









A crude but functional weapon, issued to many local militias and a mainstay in almost any rural home.



9 10 11 12


An improved version of the war-axe, a cleaver is even more devastating and capable of inflicting unforgiving wounds. It comes as no surprise that headsmen love it so much. Hatchet [Brawl]

$ 240

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 12 1









9 10 11 12


Among the oldest weapons in Vulcania, the hatchet is handy, light, and extremely efficient, albeit not exactly elegant. Koopesh [Athletics]

$ 300

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 13 1





6 –1

132 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


8 +0

9 10 11 12

EQUIPMENT Midway between a sickle and an ax, it was developed in southern Balastoc and then exported to the rest of the world. Machete [Brawl]

$ 100

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 10 1




Nuug Kirvii [Athletics]






9 10 11 12

Nun [Brawl]











9 10 11 12


This full-steel axe is the Nuug answer to Ketnyi katana, their secrets as jealously guarded by the northmen as their handles are decorated with tribal runes.

$ 720

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 16 2

$ 900

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 17 1


This heavy blade is typically used to cut a path through thick vegetation and, although extremely inelegant, it can be pressed into service as a weapon.


This enormous cleaver is the pinnacle of Nuugard weaponsmithing. In untrained hands, it looks like an unwieldy chunk of steel, but if used by the right person, like a Nuug, it becomes the last sight of endless scores of enemies.

War-axe [Strength]






9 10 11 12

A weapon commonly associated with the nobility of the northern Balast isles, it is a serrated, crescent-shaped blade with a leather handle, its fabrication process a closely guarded secret of the master craftsmen of Limen and Pifu. Nuug Baalta [Strength]

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 11 1


$ 120





6 –2



9 10 11 12


Large, heavy and clumsy, this two-handed weapon is capable of unleashing heavy blows. The Nuug love it because of its size and intimidating presence.

$ 1,080

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 18 1





6 –2



9 10 11 12


133 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Knives Dagger [Brawl]

$ 300

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 13 1









9 10 11 12


Perfect for those looking for discretion and efficiency, this short sword is light, well-balanced, and easy to conceal, perfect for fighting in narrow spaces or backstabbing.

Knife [Brawl]

$ 80

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 9 1









9 10 11 12


Light, cheap, and easy to find, the knife is a perfect choice for those short on money and a weapon fit for any occasion.

This short blade is fitted with a wide and elaborate hand-guard, designed to deflect incoming blows. “Offense is the best defense” might work in the individual duel, but it does not carry through a fencing competition! Shank [Brawl]

$ 240

Size: small Type: melee - piercing Complexity: 12 1





6 –1

$ 240

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 12 1





6 –2

134 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


8 +3

9 10 11 12


9 10 11 12


This long knife has a thick and wicked blade. An evolution of the stiletto meant to penetrate armor, it causes severe hemorrhages with the right flick of the wrist. Stiletto [Brawl]

$ 80

Size: small Type: melee - piercing Complexity: 9 1





6 –1

Main-gauche [Brawl]




9 10 11 12


Facing heavily armored opponents is rare these days, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. A stiletto is a dull blade with a strong tip, designed to pierce through armor.


Swords Claymore [Strength]

$ 360

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 14 1




Katana [Athletics] Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 17






9 10 11 12







Foil [Athletics]





9 10 11 12


$ 300

Size: medium Type: melee - piercing Complexity: 13. 2

6 +1

These massive two-handed swords are extremely dangerous and look quite the part. They are used almost everywhere and boast a great variety of different styles and makes.


$ 900


6 +1



9 10 11 12


The millennia-long tradition of Ketnyi metalworking is incarnated by these weapons, each a masterwork of craftsmanship. Unmatched in their balance and sharpness, it is said they can still be used to shave after butchering scores of enemies, because the true soldier must look the part in every situation, even when drenched in blood. Schiavona [Athletics]

Light, fast, lethal, and, more than anything else, elegant. The Itteghi favor the foil, as for them even dealing death and despair is not to be done at the expense of class and elegance. Often, the handguards and handles of these weapons are lavishly decorated and sometimes even shaped like naked figures.

$ 120

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 11 1





6 +0



9 10 11 12


135 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 The most widely used blade in Vulcania, issued to the levies of almost every army. A medium blade with a simple guard, cheap and easy to use, it is a trusty ally in any melee. Saber [Athletics]

$ 360

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 14 1








Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 13 1








9 10 11 12


9 10 11 12


The classic. Thanks to its handling and versatility, these one-edged curved swords are the most diffused on Vulcania. As it commonly happens, every civilization developed their own version of the saber, some featuring a pronounced guard or a profile that can both slash and stab.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

$ 300




Scimitar [Athletics]

This weapon differs from the saber because of its much wider blade and pronounced curve, making it a devastating cutter. It is favored by the warrior-priestesses in Balastoc and other native fighters.

EQUIPMENT Zweihander [Strength]

$ 960

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 16 1




Clubs Mace [Athletics]


6 –2



9 10 11 12


An imposing, intimidating weapon, its origins shrouded in myth. It is thought that zweihanders made their first appearance before the Islenations were even born, when the Berynians had to arm themselves against the Nuug, forging these colossal blades to counter their heavy axes.

$ 100

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 10 1









9 10 11 12


Maces rock. Period. A perfect fit for the less sophisticated or those who lack the muscles for fully-fledged warhammers, maces are smaller in size but roughly comparable in performance. Quarterstaff [Athletics]

$ 80

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 9 1





6 +0



9 10 11 12


It is safe to assume that the first weapon mankind ever used was a branch fallen off a tree when they left their caves and had the brilliant idea of turning killing others into a global competition. From a branch to a quarterstaff, really, is a short step. Not particularly deadly nowadays, but simple and cheap to acquire for sure…

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CHAPTER 5 Truncheon [Brawl]

$ 60





6 –3



9 10 11 12


The weapon hated the most by the lower classes, the truncheon is used often (and eagerly so) by militia and law-enforcement alike worldwide. It is a simple weapon that can rarely be deadly, but can leave many nasty bruises and broken bones for sure. Special: when a Character uses a truncheon to deal non-lethal damage, they do not suffer the -3 penalty to attack Tests.

138 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

$ 120

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 11

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 8 1

Warhammer [Strength]






6 –2



9 10 11 12


This simple metal head mounted on a wooden shaft is not particularly balanced, but when it strikes, it rains down pain from the heavens. Such a weapon is best suited for those who do not like technology, are too clumsy for their own good to use swords, or think blades are for cutting bottles open.


Flexible We apons

Whip [Athletics]

Flexible weapons can bend into one or more segments, making them more complex to use properly. However, on a Success with Opportunity that hits with one, they inflict the Unbalanced condition on their target.


Wrap: the weapon wraps around the enemy’s leg, making them lose their footing. They are now Unbalanced. Chain [Athletics]

$ 300

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 13 1









$ 80

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 9 2




6 +0



9 10 11 12


More than a weapon, the whip has always been used more as a coercion tool for pack animals and human slaves. In the right hands, however, it turns into a dangerous resource. It can be used to grab branches, stakes, or almost anything else with an Agility Test against Difficulty 10, then freed as a Free Action. Although a melee weapon, it cannot attack targets adjacent to its wielder and has a range of 3 cubitus.

9 10 11 12


The chain is a peculiar weapon, appearing centuries ago in Abrabazi traditions. Although a melee weapon, it has a range of 2 cubitus and few can deny the morbid charm of goring an enemy with a chain... Flail [Athletics]

$ 120

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity:11 1





6 +0



9 10 11 12


One of the most widely used melee weapons in Abrabazem, it consists of a handle with a series of chains attached to it, each ending in a spiked metal sphere. In the right hands, it is a grisly, scenic weapon.

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Thrown We apons Dart [Handicraft]

$ 20

Size: small Type: ranged (range 6) Complexity: 10 1








9 10 11 12


Shuriken [Handicraft]

$ 30

Size: small Type: ranged (range 6) Complexity: 12 3



6 +2



9 10 11 12


These metallic stars spread across Ketniv as an alternative to the dart, although they were not designed for use in close quarters combat. Shuriken grant a +4 bonus to Stealth Tests to hide them from casual glances and a +2 against more attentive searching.

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6 +1

Small, balanced, and precise, the dart grants a +4 bonus to Stealth Tests to hide it from casual glances and a +2 against more attentive searches. Darts were born as ranged weapons, but can be used somewhat effectively in melee, working like an Improvised weapon.


$ 40

Size: small Type: ranged (range 6) Complexity: 11



Tomahawk [Handicraft]



9 10 11 12


This small hatchet is balanced for throwing. Larger than a dart, its shape allows it to make better use of the strength of its thrower, becoming a very dangerous weapon in expert hands. It is a Nuug tradition to gift a tomahawk to their children when they turn eight, to introduce them to the realm of weapons. Should a tomahawk be used as a melee weapon, its Brawl Tests do not benefit from any modifier and it deals only 1 point of damage regardless of the die result.


Ranged We apons Crossbow [Senses]

$ 120

Size: medium Type: ranged (range 12) Complexity: 11 1








9 10 11 12

Long Bow [Senses]



$ 100

6 –2








Size: medium Type: ranged (range 18) Complexity: 10 3



Crossbows are said to be the next step in nonpiryum-based ranged weapons. Their main advantage is silence and relative ease of maintenance and acquisition, although they are significantly slower to reload than bows or guns, taking a whole round.


$ 100

Size: medium Type: ranged (range 14) Complexity: 10



Short Bow [Senses]


9 10 11 12


Short bows are smaller versions that can be used from a saddle. Many still do not understand why somebody would buy something so primitive when for a few pennies more they can purchase a solid rifle, but tastes are known to vary. Wrist Crossbow [Senses]

$ 360

Size: small Type: ranged (range 8) Complexity: 14 7


9 10 11 12


Bows were among the first ranged weapons ever used by mankind. Shooting a bow takes both hands, and cannot be done while prone or when engaged in melee. Drawing and preparing an arrow requires a Maneuver.






6 –1



9 10 11 12


This small and short-ranged weapon is appreciated by assassins and spies for its discreet presence. It grants a +4 bonus to Stealth Tests to hide it from casual glances but, is revealed if its bearer is searched more attentively.

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Fire arms Guns are thermoballistic machines that use piryum for the energy to propel projectiles over long distances. Or, more easily, pull the trigger, boom, the poor idiot dies. Easy! As a consequence, projectile velocity is such that armor is pierced as if it was paper. Humans, crafty as they are, make all sorts of firearms, used either with one or both hands. Unless otherwise stated, a gun has a drum magazine containing 6 rounds of ammunition. Replacing or refilling a magazine takes two rounds of the Character not doing anything else but that. Piryum detonations generate a hefty amount of recoil and are extremely loud. Also, guns jam when the Character rolls a Catastrophic Failure on a Test to hit. A jammed weapon cannot be used to shoot again until a successful Handicraft (Mechanical Repairs) Test is made against a Difficulty of 10. It goes both ways, however: on a Success with Opportunity on a Dodge Test to avoid being hit by a bullet, it is the enemy weapon’s that jams! If the Character possesses Academic Knowledge (Engineering) and is proficient in Craftsmanship (Metallurgy), they can try to make firearm with a Test against the weapon’s Complexity. Carbine [Senses]

$ 800

Size: large Type: ranged (range: 16 – shots: 6) - Piercing Complexity: 12 1





6 –2

142 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


8 –2

9 10 11 12

Carbines are particularly complex weapons, fitted with bumpers to make recoil more manageable. However, like many of the larger firearms, they are relatively unwieldy and not that precise. Carbines cannot be used against targets engaged in melee with the shooter. Enterrador [Senses]

$ 1,800

Size: large Type: ranged (range: 30 – shots: 6) - Piercing Complexity: 14






6 –2



9 10 11 12


The best of Mos firearm technology, this extraordinary rifle boasts a quick and sensitive trigger, a perfectly balanced weight in spite of its large size, and enough stopping power to paint the inside of an armored cabin with the brains of its pilot. Expensive, for sure, but totally worth its money.

EQUIPMENT Lapidator [Strength]

$ 2,300

Size: large Type: ranged (cone: 6 – shots: 40) - Piercing Complexity: 16 1









$ 600

Size: medium Type: ranged (range: 10 – shots: 1) - Piercing Complexity: 16 3



6 –2

Size: small Type: ranged (range: 12 – shots: 7) - Piercing Complexity: 18


Machecannon [Senses]


$ 1,200

9 10 11 12

This weapon has eight barrels that pivot around an axis, vomiting a rainstorm of lead. Bullets are fed from a top mounted, 40-round magazine, allowing the Lapidator to shoot 8 shots per Round. It is a well-known fact that when using such awe-inspiring dealer of death and justice one does not have to worry about aiming… rather, keeping the weapon pointed in the general direction of the enemy and then waiting for the smoke to settle on the ensuing butchery. Special: Characters shooting a Lapidator can give Cover Fire (see Chapter IV – Combat) as a Free Action.


Matador [Senses]



9 10 11 12


The blade of this large machete-like weapon features a large-bore barrel linked to a trigger on the hilt. When used in melee, it uses the same profile as a machete.










9 10 11 12


The Mos passion for firearms has led to the crafting of masterpieces in the field of pistols. El Matador is a status symbol among Mostucaal’s gunslingers, a mortally precise weapon made with precious materials, high craftsmanship, and lavish decorations. Pepperbox [Senses]

$ 250

Size: small Type: ranged (range: 6 – shots: 3) Complexity: 16 1





6 +0



9 10 11 12


This smallest of pistols is a jewel of miniaturization, easily hidden among clothing but still powerful enough to ruin somebody’s day. It grants a +4 bonus to hide it from a casual search and a +2 against an attentive search. The garter is included, because everybody knows that a pepperbox without a garter is just not a thing!

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CHAPTER 5 Pilator [Senses]

$ 600

Size: large Type: ranged (range: 12 – shots: 3) Complexity: 15 1








Size: small Type: ranged (range: 10 – shots: 7) - Piercing Complexity: 15

9 10 11 12

A firearm capable of shooting Bombs, fed by a 3-shell drum magazine. Now, everybody knows what happens when somebody puts volatile materials, like piryum, close to the totally, absolutely stable reagents within a Bomb, right? Special: When you get a Catastrophic Failure using the Pilator, all the Bombs in the magazine detonate at the same time… Right in front of you. Ouch. Pistol [Senses]

$ 300

Size: small Type: ranged (range: 12 – shots: 6) - Piercing Complexity: 12





6 –2



9 10 11 12


The most widely-used firearm in Vulcania. It boasts a good price, dependability, and a decent weight because, as the wise man says, “Heavy is good! You can trust heavy. If it jams, just bonk ‘em on the head with it!”

144 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

$ 600




Revolver [Senses]






6 –1



9 10 11 12


A particularly advanced pistol, it features shock absorbers to make recoil more manageable at the expense of range. It is more powerful and holds more bullets than many other pistols, allowing gunslingers and fighters to outlast their opponents more often.

EQUIPMENT Rifle [Senses]

$ 400

Size: large Type: ranged (range: 20 – shots: 6) - Piercing Complexity: 10 1









A short, squat-looking gun, made of a bell-shaped metal barrel fitted to a wooden stock, shooting cartridges filled with nails, shrapnel, and other detritus. Scattergun projectiles spread their lethal cargo in a cone-shaped area.

9 10 11 12


The rifle is the weapon that the majority of soldiers use. It is not particularly comfortable to use because of its recoil and size, but it can send bullets over a long distance with a reasonable amount of precision if one took enough time to aim. Sawed-off [Senses]

$ 700

Size: medium Type: ranged (range: 6 – shots: 2) - Piercing Complexity: 8 1









9 10 11 12


This short gun features two side-by-side large-bore barrels and is built for extra stopping power and easier handling. Although it has no magazine and can be shot only twice before needing to be reloaded, it can provide extremely helpful insight on the enemy’s last meal.

Scattergun [Senses]

$ 600

Size: large Type: ranged (cone: 6 – shots: 1) Complexity: 8 1





6 –1



9 10 11 12


145 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Tormentum Arrays The Monopolies have developed lethal war machines powered by small Vulcanus batteries and who knows what other alchemical nonsense. These extraordinary apparati can be attached to almost any traditional melee weapon and used by anybody, although they require constant and meticulous maintenance. Characters with the Engineering Art are able to treat Catastrophic Failures as simple jams, but otherwise consequences are likely to be spectacular. Tormentum arrays make weapons heavier, inflicting a -1 penalty to attack Tests, although they make them significantly more powerful, as the damage they deal is determined by the d12+1 instead of just the d12 on their damage progression bar. –1

Special: on a Catastrophic Failure, the Tormentum Array explodes, dealing 1 point of damage that ignores armor to everything within 2 cubitus. The weapon and the Array are then useless until repaired. Characters proficient in Academic Knowledge (Alchemy and Engineering) are able to craft Tormentum Arrays with a Handicraft Test against the Complexity listed in the item’s profile. Algor

$ 600

Complexity: 17 This apparatus feeds from an alchem cryogenic chamber that makes the blade it is attached to turn freezing cold and make the nervous system of the target more vulnerable to shock. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Slowed condition on the weapon’s target.

146 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


$ 700

Complexity: 18 Piercing This Array is made of an alchem chamber that feeds electricity along the blade it is attached to, making it shock and zap with every hit. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it discharge electricity from the weapon’s intended target to a secondary one within 2 cubitus, dealing them 1 point of damage. Caceus

$ 700

Complexity: 18 Piercing This Array runs tubes from an alchem chamber into the blade, where they deliver a highly corrosive compound. When the acid touches flesh and fabric, it causes painful and irritating caustic fumes that ignore armor. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Disoriented condition to the target of the weapon it is attached to.



$ 800

Complexity: 19 This Array features a small Vulcanus furnace that heats the blade, striking its target with flame and steel. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Burning condition. Zahyi

$ 600

Complexity: 18 Piercing These clawed gauntlets, built for close quarters combat, house batteries that unleash electricity when striking. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it discharge electricity from the weapon’s intended target to a secondary one within 2 cubitus, dealing them 1 point of damage.

147 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Tormentum We apons The Monopolies did not just design Arrays and Apparati, they also ventured into the realm of weaponsmithing, developing new and terrifying technologies just for their tools of death. Although rather expensive, they are formidable weapons.

Almarada [Brawl]

Special: if a Character gets a Catastrophic Failure when using a Tormentum weapon, it detonates dealing 1 point of damage that ignores damage reduction to everything within 2 cubitus. The weapon, then, must be repaired before it can be used again.


Characters proficient in Academic Knowledge (Engineering) and Craftsmanship (Metallurgy) are able to craft Tormentum Weapons with a Handicraft Test against the Complexity listed in the item’s profile.

148 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

$ 1,000

Size: small Type: melee Complexity: 16 2




6 +1



9 10 11 12


This small and lethal stiletto has a miniaturized Vulcanus-powered pump that drains blood from the target whenever its user strikes a vein or artery. The sudden bleeding is known to make people faint, and the undoubtedly scenic effect of blood spurting at high pressure from the pommel of the weapon is known for being a powerful deterrent.

EQUIPMENT You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Dazed condition on its target. Aspis [Athletics]

$ 1,100

Size: medium Type: melee - Piercing Complexity: 16 1








Crystallus [Senses]

$ 200

Size: small Type: ranged (range 6) Complexity: 14 4


6 +0









9 10 11 12



You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it fully unfold, piercing through its main target and stabbing whoever is behind them up to 2 cubitus away for 1 point of damage.


Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 16

9 10 11 12

This apparently short estoc is notoriously bad news for its enemies, as it is made of three telescopic segments that extend and contract continuously, much like the head of a snake that coils back and then snaps forwards to bite. An unpredictable weapon, it is extremely efficient when on the offense, although it trades such power for a known lack of defensive capabilities.


$ 1,800




Dilanior [Strength]



9 10 11 12

This dealer of death and terror is made of a large, hilt-mounted engine that powers a serrated chain running along a metal segment that makes up the body of the weapon. It is an unwieldy and clumsy weapon, but when it bites… may the Red God have pity on those poor souls. It can inflict horrid wounds, showering its user and those around them in blood, viscera, and gore. Definitely not something to wave around. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it spread blood and gore all around your Character, inflicting the Disoriented condition on both allies and enemies adjacent to them.


Miniaturized alchem chambers keep these knives freezing cold, causing intense pain and terrible frostbite burns when they land on a soft target. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Slowed condition on its target.

149 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Kochavash [Athletics]

$ 1,100

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 17 1




Malleus (Strength)

$ 1,400

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 18 5





9 10 11 12







6 –3



9 10 11 12


This unusual contraption, combining a flail and a censer, was a ceremonial implement of the Abrabazi commercial brotherhoods before the nation was turned into a wasteland of irradiated death and sorrow. However, although they might look like uncouth savages, the raiders that roam the now-deserted Abrabazi lands have shown a penchant for this weapon due to its chance of setting its targets on fire and spreading a smoke screen around its wielder that reduces sight to 1 cubitus. You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Burning condition to its target and an adjacent secondary target. Magneto (Strength)

$ 900

Size: large Type: melee Complexity: 16 1





6 –2



9 10 11 12


This large hammer features a Vulcanus engine that generates a powerful magnetic field, capable of attracting bullets and, if used skillfully, wrenching a weapon out of its owner’s hands. As Balast wisdom has it, an unarmed opponent is always better than an armed one, right? You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it capture your enemy’s weapon and secure it to the head.

150 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

The head of this hammer contains a small reaction engine similar to those used by aeronauts, which allows the wielder to spin it at hilariously high speeds. So high, its inventor must have been extremely drunk or a bloody genius, they say. Regardless of the sanity or liver conditions of that poor sod, it is beyond any sort of doubt that the Malleus is appealing to a well-known category of crazies, right? You can spend an Opportunity on this device to rev the engine and knock its target 5 cubitus away. If the target strikes a solid surface, like a wall or a tree, it deals 1 additional point of damage and stops; if it strikes somebody else instead, both suffer 1 point of damage and are knocked Prone.

EQUIPMENT Shandian [Senses]

$ 300

Size: small Type: ranged (range 6) Complexity: 14 1








9 10 11 12



Ketnyi engineers managed to fit these shurikens with miniature alchemical triggers, capable of releasing electrical sparks on contact. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it cause an electrical surge that sparks from the shandian’s first target to a secondary one within 2 cubitus, dealing them 1 point of damage. Uskuir [Senses]

$ 500

Size: small Type: ranged (range 6) Complexity: 14 1





6 –1



9 10 11 12


These tomahawks the Nuug make often feature animal-shaped decorations. They are tough and poorly balanced, because their head features a small engine that moves a series of rotating toothed gears. When the weapon bites its target, the engine revs and the teeth mince whatever they are stuck in. Uskuirs are known for literally chewing through flesh, if given enough time.

Alchem We apons Few things are more dangerous than a well-equipped alchemist. Within their reaction chambers, alchem weapons mix reagents in lethal combinations to devastate one’s enemies. Alchem weapons require lengthy training to use properly, so an untrained Character can make them work only when obtaining a Success with Opportunity on their Test. Alchem equipment is generally inaccurate, but their large area of effect allows them to hit many targets at once… although they are prone to explode in their operator’s face, of course. Operating an alchem weapon takes continuous monitoring and meticulous calibrations, the reason why Characters must pass Insight Tests to fire them. Special: when rolling a Catastrophic Failure on an alchem weapon Test, its reagent tank collapses, causing an explosion that deals 1 point of damage to everything within 2 cubitus of its user. The Catastrophic failure threshold increases to 2 instead of 1 for those not trained in the usage of alchem equipment. Special: on a result of 12 on a Test to hit with an alchem weapon, its area of effect is doubled and it deals 3 extra points of damage to its targets. After that, the weapon is empty and must be reloaded at a laboratory. If the Character possesses Academic Knowledge (Alchemy) and is proficient in Craftsmanship (Metallurgy), they can try to make an alchemy weapon with a Test against the weapon’s Complexity.

You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it deal 1 point of damage each round until it is removed. On removal, it deals 1 additional point of damage.

151 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Acidus [Insight]

$ 900

Size: medium Type: ranged (range 6 - area 2) - Piercing Complexity: 14 1





6 –1



9 10 11 12


The tanks in this gun hold reagents that mix into an unstable and highly corrosive substance, expelled in globs that explode when they hit a solid item or at the end of their range. The acid compound inundates a square 2 cubitus by 2 cubitus and, on contact with solid surfaces, exhales toxic gas. All damage dealt by an Acidus ignores damage reduction offered by armor. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Disoriented condition on its target.

152 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Aculeus [Senses]

$ 700

Size: medium Type: ranged (range 5) Complexity: 13 1





6 –1



9 10 11 12


A weapon designed specifically for and by biopsists, it features a tank where its user mixes reagents to form Mutagens and Toxins that are then applied to needles shot up to 5 cubitus away by a compressor. Synthesizing a substance takes an Action and an Insight Test against the reagent’s Complexity. A Success with Opportunity on the Test reduces creation time to just a Maneuver. The reagents contained within an Aculeus are highly unstable and cannot be stored for long, so they must be used within a few minutes before they become inert.

EQUIPMENT Although born as a ranged weapon, the Aculeus counts as an improvised weapon in melee, requiring Brawl Tests to hit. Special: The Aculeus does not deal damage in and of itself.

Corrodens [Insight]

You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it deal 1 point of damage in addition to whatever the toxin it just shot does. Special: A Catastrophic Failure for an Aculeus does not deal damage. Instead, it applies the effects of its latest active toxin to the area around it.


$ 1,300

Size: large Type: ranged (range 10 - area 2) - Piercing Complexity: 16 2




6 –2



9 10 11 12


The Acidus’ bigger brother, it is a large and cumbersome weapon. All damage dealt by a Corrodens ignores damage reduction offered by armor. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Disoriented condition on all targets it its area of effect. Ignifer [Insight]

$ 1,200

Size: medium Type: ranged (cone 4) Complexity: 15

153 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)










9 10 11 12


This weapon features a central body surrounded by reagent tanks. It is cumbersome and heavy, but it is also capable of generating a powerful flame to incinerate anything in its path. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Burning condition on everything in its area of effect. Iovis [Insight]

$ 1,300

Size: medium Type: ranged (line 10) - Piercing Complexity: 16 1









9 10 11 12

A larger version of the Iuppiter, it compensates for its worse handling with more powerful bolts of lightning that arc from its barrel and strike all targets in a straight line. All damage dealt by an Iovis ignores damage reduction offered by armor. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have its lightning bolts arc from one target to another within 2 cubitus, dealing 1 point of damage. $ 900

Size: small Type: ranged (line 6) - Piercing Complexity: 14 1





6 –1



9 10 11 12


The reagents contained within a Iuppiter’s tank mix together, unleashing powerful electrolytic dischar-

154 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have its lightning bolts arc from one target to another within 2 cubitus, dealing 1 point of damage. Rogus [Insight]

$ 1,500

Size: large Type: ranged (cone 6) Complexity: 17 1









Iuppiter [Insight]

ges, striking all targets in a straight line from the barrel of the weapon. All damage dealt by a Iuppiter ignores damage reduction offered by armor.


9 10 11 12


This weapon is a more powerful version of the Ignifer, generating a much more intense flame at the cost of worse handling. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Burning condition on everything in its area of effect. Zeus

$ 60

Ammunition Type: ranged (line 6) - Piercing Complexity: 13 1








9 10 11 12

These special rounds of ammunition feature a cartridge with chambers containing a small amount of alchem reagents. When the hammer strikes, the reagents mix, unleashing a lightning bolt from the barrel of the weapon in a 6 cubitus long straight line. Unlike an actual Iuppiter, however, a gun loaded with Zeus ammunition does not benefit from its Opportunity and does not require proficiency with alchem weapons.


Markon We apons

A small flamethrower designed to be fitted to an alchem drone.

Thanks to the extraordinary properties of conlio, the master smiths of the Monopoly of Markonists can shape weapons capable of harnessing the incredible powers of the human mind. If the Character possesses Academic Knowledge (Markonism) and Craftsmanship (Metallurgy), they can try to make a Markon weapon with a Test against the weapon’s Complexity.

You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Burning condition to everything in its area of effect. Chakraam [Handicraft] Size: small Type: ranged (range 8) Complexity: 17 1

Andromedus [Discipline]

$ 900

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 17 1









9 10 11 12


Inspired by the Abrab chain, the Andromedus is a flash of steel under the control of a Markonist, acting as if of its own volition. Because of this characteristic, a skilled user can employ their Andromedus to intercept bullets or wrap it around shins and wrists. Although born as a melee weapon, it can be used as a ranged weapon with a 2 cubitus range. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Prone condition. Ardor [Discipline]

$ 300

Graft Type: ranged (line 6) Complexity: 14 1





6 –2



9 10 11 12

$ 600





6 +2



9 10 11 12


This conlio ring is known for its incredibly sharp edge and the ability some Markonists have to control its trajectory with their mind. Chakraam evolutions include going around corners and returning to the Markonist’s hands. Of course, non-Markonists can still use this weapon, but it only serves them as a normal thrown weapon. Chakraams can be used in melee combat, hitting on a Brawl Test that does not benefit from any modifier and dealing only 1 point of damage. Special: Chakraams ignore any kind of cover, since they can be thrown to make up to 90° changes of direction. To attack a target with a Chakraam, the Markonist only needs to know where they are.

Nasturzio is chasing a robber, who just vanished into an alley behind a building. Although he cannot see his quarry, Nasturzio knows where he is and hurls his Chakraam, guiding it with his mind into a trajectory that curves into the alley. A few instants later, the weapon flies back to his hand, stained with blood!


155 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Faux [Discipline]

$ 300

Graft Type: melee Complexity: 14 1









9 10 11 12


A lethal drone graft that features three saw blades which fan out in front of the drone, mowing down whatever stands in its way. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it roll another attack against a secondary target adjacent to the first. Lupar [Discipline]

A Vulcanus-powered toothed disc that is fitted to a drone, it is perfect for sawing through wood, flesh, and bone.

Graft Type: ranged (cone 4 – shots 4) Complexity: 16 1

Flambor [Discipline]










9 10 11 12


You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have it inflict the Burning condition on everything in its area of effect. Iniquitor [Discipline]

$ 600

Graft Type: melee Complexity: 16 2




6 –2

156 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)





8 +0





9 10 11 12

9 10 11 12


The Lupar is a firearm grafted to drones that shoots a cartridge filled with shrapnel which sprays out of its barrel. Nanowhip [Discipline]

A tube running around the drone it is grafted to and connected to an alchem chamber within, fitted with multiple nozzles that spit flame in a circle of burning death.



$ 600

Graft Type: area of effect (area 3) Complexity: 16

$ 600

$: –

Size: medium Type: melee 1





6 +1



9 10 11 12


This weapon cannot be bought at a shop, as it is one of the many forms the nanodrones used by some Markonists can take when they join together. Although it counts as a melee weapon, it is long enough to have a range of 6 cubitus. You can spend an Opportunity on this weapon to have the Nanodrones wrap around the legs of an enemy, inflicting them with the Immobilized condition.

EQUIPMENT Oplor [Discipline]

$ 300

Graft Type: ranged (range 10 – shots 6) - Piercing Complexity: 14 1









9 10 11 12

$ 120

These conlio-coated bullets can be guided along their trajectories by an expert Markonist. Special: Rector bullets ignore any kind of cover, since they can pull off changes of direction up to 90°. To attack a target with a Rector-loaded firearm, the Markonist only needs to know where they are. Serpis [Athletics]

$ 700

Size: medium Type: melee Complexity: 16 3



6 +1










Ammunition Complexity: 16





$ 100

Graft Type: melee Complexity: 12

A long barreled, drum-fed firearm grafted to drones.


Serris [Discipline]

9 10 11 12


9 10 11 12


A tool to saw through hard surfaces like wood, Serris drone grafts were not designed to be used as weapons, but in a pinch could double as one. Assuming the Character has nothing else left to use, of course... Tubor [Discipline]

$ 100

Graft Type: ranged (range 6 – shots 1) - Piercing Complexity: 12 1





6 –1



9 10 11 12


This gun assembly is capable of shooting up to 6 cubitus away. Unfortunately, it must be reloaded after every shot.



This conlio staff is fitted with special joints that a Markonist can control to defy Euclidean physics and surprise their opponents. You can spend an Opportunity generated by a Dodge Test while wielding a Serpis to have it inflict the Unbalanced condition on an enemy.


$ 100

Complexity: 8 Heavy and unwieldy, shields are not used often as the majority of Vulcanian fighters prefer to use either two weapons or two-handed ones. However, masters came up with techniques, utilized especially by city militias, that can turn a bloke with a board into an actually effective warrior. Shields offer a +1 bonus to Dodge Tests and inflict a -1 penalty to Movement.

157 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Armor During a fight, the protection afforded by a suit of armor can make the difference between life and death. But armor, although it absorbs damage, limits the mobility of its wearer and is better not pitted against firearms.

Encumbrance: suits of armor are unwieldy and heavy, imposing a penalty to all Tactical Indicators. Damage Reduction (DR): this number is subtracted from the amount of damage the wearer of the armor suffers each time they are hit. If the reduced damage is 0 or less, the wearer does not suffer any! Characters proficient in Craftsmanship (Leatherworking and Metallurgy) can produce armors with a Handicraft Test against their Complexity score. Karacena

$ 600

DR: 1 Encumbrance: 1 Complexity: 13 A better version of the Lorica, the leather cuirass has been treated to be lighter and the metal parts are made of a lighter alloy. Joints, notoriously a problem, have been redesigned in a more efficient manner. Lorica

$ 200

DR: 1 Encumbrance: 2 Complexity: 11 This suit is made from a leather cuirass to which metal studs and plates have been riveted. It is heavy and terribly uncomfortable, but it offers a great deal of protection to the squishy bits inside!

158 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


$ 1,500

DR: 2 Encumbrance: 2 Complexity: 14 This suit of armor is made of a thick metallic mesh that covers the whole body, with plates to reinforce the chest. It is very resilient, but compensates with a great heft and poor weight distribution. Warplate

$ 1,200

DR: 2 Encumbrance: 3 Complexity: 12 Warplates hail from an ancient time, before firearms had been invented. These extremely uncomfortable and heavy suits of plate armor completely encased their wearer and were often used by shock cavalry. Some special corps still use it nowadays, but it requires special support to avoid its wearer being pelted by enemy snipers.


Tormentum Armor The Monopolies had their fun not just with gizmos and everyday items, but also with suits of armor. If the Character is proficient in Craftsmanship (Leatherworking and Metallurgy) and Academic Knowledge (Alchemy or Engineering), they are capable of making suits of armor by passing a Test against the armor’s Complexity.


$ 800

DR: 1 Encumbrance: 2 Complexity: 18


This suit is made of Kevlus, an extremely resistant and elastic material capable of stopping firearm bullets. Kevlarmor ignores the armor-piercing characteristic of guns, but is stiff and heavy, causing serious mobility issues. Lacerta

$ 900 + $ Mutageni

DR: 1 Encumbrance: 1 Complexity: 17

DR: 2 Encumbrance: 0 Complexity: 21

$ 7,000

$ 2,100

DR: 1 Encumbrance: 1 Complexity: 18 This metal armor is linked to a Vulcanus battery that generates a magnetic field capable of bouncing away small metal objects like bullets. Unfortunately, the battery is exposed and limits the wearer’s mobility. Repulsor suits grant a +2 bonus to Evade. Volans

This suit of Karacena armor features two small bladders holding mutagens to inject into its wearer. As a Free Action, the wearer can press one of the two buttons in the palm of its gauntlets and use one of the mutagens in the suit. Refilling the bladders takes an Extended Action and 15 minutes for each bladder. Mechanus Exoskeleton

This suit of heavy armor is fitted with a Vulcanus-powered hydraulic system that allows its wearer to move in spite of the considerable weight, and a helmet with a Feles visor for night vision and anti-toxin filters. This marvel of engineering was built during the Great War for elite forces to turn a simple human being into a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut of destruction, but the majority of them were destroyed during the conflict. Nowadays, finding a Mechanus is incredibly hard, let alone somebody willing to sell one.

$ 2,000

DR: 2 Encumbrance: 2 Complexity: 19 Two large mechanical wings, fed by a Vulcanus battery, have been fitted to the back of this coat of mail. Although not strong enough to properly fly, as a Maneuver the wings allow the Character to leap up to 6 cubitus away or glide when falling. Otherwise, as a Maneuver, the Character can close the wings over themselves, gaining a +3 cover bonus against ranged attacks but being able only to move.

159 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Gizmos The Monopoly of Engineers continuously produces items to help the people in their everyday life, powered by small Vulcanus batteries that require reloading once or twice a year. The water for the steam engine just needs refilling, instead. Once used, a gizmo requires a certain amount of time to be recharged and brought back to pressure before it can be used again. The replacing of Vulcanus batteries is included in the purchase price, and for that it is enough to regularly visit a Monopoly workshop to have one’s gizmos always up and running. Everybody can use a gizmo, even if they are not trained, but it takes them an Action to do so. If the Character is proficient in Academic Knowledge (Engineering), they are capable of making gizmos by passing a Test against the item’s Complexity.


$ 450

Complexity: 12 This mechanical apparatus is made of belts, pistons, and gauges strapped to an arm, monstrously amplifying its strength. It only takes activating the steam valve to get a +3 bonus to one Strength Test. To restore enough steam pressure to use the Brachium again takes 5 minutes. Clipeus

$ 500

Complexity: 11 This array of polarized metal foils snaps open, creating a negative magnetic field capable of deflecting incoming bullets. The field grants a +3 bonus to Evade Tests and it takes roughly one minute to restore steam pressure. Special: Adequately trained engineers can use the Clipeus as an Evade Reaction against a ranged attack Crux

$ 600

Complexity: 12 This series of belt straps, hydraulic pistons, valves, and pressure gauges, built to enhance the strength of the user’s legs, allows them to jump further or suddenly dash or lunge at dazzling speeds. The wearer gains a +4 bonus to a single Athletics Test or can double their Movement score for 3 rounds. To restore enough steam pressure to use a Crux again takes 5 minutes.

160 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


$ 300

Complexity: 8 This wrist-mounted apparatus shoots a grappling hook tied to a 30-cubitus long cable that can hold a maximum weight of 200 kg. A small engine bundles the cable back 10 cubitus each round. Restoring enough steam pressure to use a Harpago takes roughly 30 seconds. Special: With a Senses Test against the Evade score of an enemy, it is possible to use the Harpago as a ranged weapon, dealing 1 point of damage and entangling the target. With an opposed Strength Test, the Harpago granting a +4 bonus to its owner, it is possible to pull in the entangled target. On a failure, the opposite happens. Icarus

$ 1,100

Complexity: 15 This reactive backpack allows its wearer to fly at high speeds for a short amount of time. On activation, the initial burst propels the wearer into the air, and after a few seconds a set of small mechanical wings unfold to optimize the flight. In this way, an Icarus can fly for up to 5 minutes or 4 kilocubitus. To restore enough steam pressure to use an Icarus again takes roughly 30 minutes. Impulsus

$ 450

Complexity: 10 This set of footwear is enhanced with a couple of small nozzles that allow their wearer to jump up to 10 cubitus away or to turn a deadly fall into a soft landing. To restore enough steam pressure to use the Impulsus again takes roughly 5 minutes.

161 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Remote Devices Conlio is a precious metal with extraordinary properties, present in small quantities in blood cells. It is also known for being a key element in the synaptic activities of living beings. With enough training, it is possible to remotely control devices built with this material or even interact with the minds of other people. If the Character is proficient in Academic Knowledge (Markonism and Engineering), they are capable of making remotes by passing a Test against the item’s Complexity.


$ 500

Complexity: 16 Drones are small mechanical creatures a Markonist can control within a distance equal to 10 times their MIND score. If not appropriately equipped with grafts, drones cannot take actions more complex than moving about or carrying small objects. Drones have 2 Wounds and a Movement score of 4. Controlling a Drone takes an Action or a Maneuver, depending on the individual Markonist’s mastery of their Art. For their Drone to do something, the Markonist must pass a Discipline Test.

Extendor Complexity: 14

This amplifier allows Markonists from the Psi School to double up the range of their Mind Touch. To work, it must be worn on the head or within a hat. Fidelitas

$ 400

Complexity: 14 This array, the size of a small crate, is capable of recording and replaying conversations and sounds up to 1 minute long. Each new recording overwrites the one previously memorized.

162 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

$ 500

Complexity: 15 This conlio collar is meant to enhance the Mind Touch range of Phi School Markonists up to 10 times their MIND score when used on an animal. The Fidelitas must be fitted around the neck of the animal. Geminus

$ 400

Complexity: 14 This four-lens array is linked to a pair of glasses that can be worn by a Character or animal. By lowering the lenses, the Markonist can see through the glasses they are linked to at a distance up to 10 times their Analysis score. Raising the lenses deactivates the remote. Inauris


$ 400

$ 300

Complexity: 13 This device, not much larger than a coin, allows the Markonist to hear all sounds within 10 cubitus of the device, if it is up to a maximum distance of 10 times their Analysis score away. Whether it is worn or hidden somewhere, knowledge is power!



$ 900

Complessità: 18 These tiny mechanical creatures are the Drone’s smaller cousins. Individually, they cannot take grafts and cannot do almost anything, but a skilled Markonist can control hundreds of them in a swarm. If a swarm of Nanodrones takes damage, it can do nothing but move for the next hour while it repairs itself.

Grafts Drones gain new features by being grafted with extra appendages. Those grafts that are weapons are described in the Markon Weapons section of this chapter. Simple Grafts

$ 100

Complexity: 12 Simulacrum

$ 400

Complexity: 14 These special glasses can memorize an image that can then be printed onto a piece of conlio foil at any Markonist workshop. Each new use of this device overwrites the previous image.

Gemini: works like the remote device. Inauris: works like the remote device. Injector: this telescopic arm is fitted with a capsule for one dose of a mutagen or toxin. When attempting to inject its contents into an unwilling target, the Character controlling the Drone must successfully hit with a Discipline melee attack.

163 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Light: this floodlight either projects a 10 cubitus long beam or emits light within a 6 cubitus radius. Polytool: this array of clamps, tweezers, and hooks allows the Drone to complete simple tasks or carry small objects. Rotor: this graft enhances the ground Movement score of a Drone to 6 cubitus. Serris: this small, sharpened disc was designed as a circular saw but can double as an improvised weapon if need be. Tubor: this gun assembly is capable of shooting up to 10 cubitus away. Unfortunately, it must be reloaded after every shot. Wings: these four thin membranes grant the Drone an aerial Movement score of 3 cubitus. Complex Grafts

$ 300

Complexity: 14 Ardor: this graft turns a Tubor graft into a flamethrower. Commentor: this graft allows an Inauris graft to relay words and sentences from the Markonist controlling the drone. Although the sound of a Commentor is clear, it cannot be mistaken for a human voice. Exoskeleton: this graft enhances the outer shell of the Drone, granting it an extra Wound. Faux: this graft turns the Serris graft into a proper battlefield grade weapon. Fulgor: this graft is applied to the Light graft, doubling its range. It can also be used to emit a flash that blinds all targets within 3 cubitus of the Drone. Oplor: this graft adds a drum magazine and a longer barrel to a Tubor graft. Polynjector: this graft adds two more capsules to the Injector graft. The Character can decide which capsule to use when. Propulsor: this graft enhances the Wings or Rotor grafts, adding 4 cubitus of Movement. Simulacrum: this graft is added to the Gemini graft and works like the remote of the same name.

164 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Uncinus: this graft turns the Polytool into an automated lockpick, granting the Drone proficiency in Lock-picking. Superior Grafts

$ 600

Complexity: 16 Carapax: this graft enhances the Exoskeleton graft, granting the Drone a Damage Reduction of 1. Cerbox: this graft allows the Injector or Polynjector grafts to shoot mutagens and toxins up to 6 cubitus away. Eructor: this graft enhances the Propulsor graft, allowing the Drone to carry a person for 3 rounds at its maximum speed, whether on the ground or in the air. Feles: this graft grants night vision to the Gemini graft. Flambor: this graft allows the Ardor graft to spread flames over a 2 cubitus radius around the Drone. Iniquitor: this graft turns the Faux graft into a smaller version of the Dilanior. Lupar: this graft allows the Oplor to shoot cartridges that shower their targets in pellets and shrapnel. Mechanus: this graft grants the Uncinus graft proficiency in Mechanical Repairs. Silentium: this graft enhances the Inhauris graft, allowing it to project a dampening field that grants a +5 bonus to Stealth Tests within 4 cubitus of the Drone.


Bombs Bombs are small explosives that, after a violent shake, blow up with an alchemical reaction that spreads their contents to the four winds. The effects vary depending on the reagents they contain, ranging from the good old boom to freezing or conjuring smokes and acids. To use a bomb, a Character does not need specific training, they just have to take the safety off and throw. Throwing a Bomb in its optimal arc requires an Insight Test against a Difficulty of 8 plus the number of targets within its area of effect. If the result is a Catastrophic Failure, the bomb detonates in the Character’s hands. When Characters are attacked with a Bomb, they must pass an Evade Test against the Difficulty listed in the enemy’s profile. A Bomb can be thrown up to the Character’s Strength in cubitus away. If the Character is proficient in Academic Knowledge (Alchemy), they are capable of making Bombs by passing a Test against the Bomb’s Complexity.

Chaana is alone, facing three guards. Tossing them a Fumidus bomb and melting away as they try to navigate the smoke screen could be a good plan. Chaana’s Strength score is 4, allowing her to throw her Bomb up to 4 cubitus away. The guards, however, are 5 cubitus from her, so the Difficulty increases by 1 for the extra cubitus of distance to cover. In addition, there are 3 targets, so the total Difficulty is now 12 (8+3 targets+1 for the range beyond her maximum). Chaana throws and her player rolls an Insight Test for a total of 13, so the guards are now engulfed in smoke! Bombard [Insight]

$ 90

Complexity:14 Area: 2 When this device explodes, it projects shrapnel, glass shards, and nails to rend anything within its area of effect, dealing 1 point of damage. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it deal 1 additional point of damage. Flagrant [Insight]

$ 130

Complexity:16 Area: 2 When this device explodes, it generates a powerful flame that roasts anything in the area, dealing 2 points of damage. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Burning condition.

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CHAPTER 5 Fumidus [Insight]

$ 30

K Foam [Insight]

Complexity: 8


Area: 3

Line: 3

The nozzles on this bomb emit dense smoke that reduces visibility to 1 cubitus. The smoke is not toxic and dissipates after 3 rounds. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device for its smoke screen last for 2 additional rounds. Glacies [Insight]

$ 40


$ 30

This Bomb sprays a dense foam that consolidates into a temporary bulwark, granting a +1 cover bonus to Evade Tests. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it give a +2 bonus instead of +1. Nimbus [Insight]

$ 130

Complexity:16 Area: 2

Area: 3 This explosive device emits a layer of slippery frozen liquid that dissipates after 5 rounds. All targets within its area of effect suffer the Unbalanced condition. Those who try to move under the effect of a Glacies are knocked Prone. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it also deal 1 point of damage to the targets in its area of effect.

The detonation of this Bomb causes an electrical storm, dealing 1 point of damage to all targets within its area of effect and ignoring damage reduction granted by armor. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have its area of effect be 1 cubitus wider. Plangor [Insight]

$ 60

Complexity:12 Glutinum [Insight]

$ 50

Complexity:8 Area: 3 This Bomb spreads a viscous substance that instantly glues anything in its area of effect to the ground, inflicting them with the Pinned condition. This substance retains its potency for 2 rounds, then it crystallizes and can be easily shattered. Those who enter the area of effect of a Glutinum bomb before this are glued to the ground also. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have its effect last one additional round.

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Area: 3 This Bomb unleashes a cloud of tear gas for 3 rounds: all targets suffer the Disoriented condition as long as they remain within the Plangor’s area of effect. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it also reduce visibility to 1 cubitus.

EQUIPMENT Robigo [Insight]

$ 200

Complexity:12 Area: Single target This Bomb contains an efficient metal-corroding alchem compound, although it appears to be harmless if used on any other material. A dollop of this substance is able to eat through 1 kg of metal in less than 5 seconds, almost entirely corroding a suit of armor in 1 round. Robigo can also be used to tear through metal barriers up to a palm thick, causing a cubitus wide hole. Special: Robigo is considered a thrown weapon. To activate it on a hit, the Character must pass a Handicraft Test against the Evade score of their target. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it corrode twice the material it would normally.

Special Kit The technological innovation brought on by the Industrial Revolution has made it possible to craft new, special pieces of kit that can be used by anyone, regardless of their individual training. Absolutio Complexity: 13 These goggles have magnifying lenses that grant a +2 bonus to Analysis Tests on very small items and a +1 bonus to sight-based Analysis Tests rolled when focusing one’s attention on something in particular. Auctus

Tonitrus [Insight]

$ 50

Complexity:11 Area: 3 This Bomb causes a deafening roar, inflicting the Slowed condition on all targets within its area of effect. Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this device to have it inflict the Dazed condition as well.

$ 400

$ 350

Complexity: 12 This apparatus fits into the ear and amplifies the Character’s hearing, granting them a +2 bonus to hearing-based Analysis and Senses Tests. Chameleon

$ 300

Complexity: 12 This special fabric is treated with alchem compounds that react to light, reproducing the color pattern of the materials in its vicinity. Those who wear a coat or suit of Chamaleon receive a +2 bonus to Stealth Tests rolled for hiding.

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CHAPTER 5 Cingulum

$ 300

Complexity: 11

$ 50

Complexity: 8

This belt is worn in contact with one’s skin and is fitted with hypocutaneous injectors. It is enough to give the right vial a slap to have the belt dispense its content in a fraction of a second. A Character wearing a Cingulum can imbibe one of the two mutagens it contains as a Free Action. Doctor’s Bag


This mask is fitted with special lenses and filters capable of protecting the eyes and airways from toxins and other harmful agents in the air.

$ 100

Complexity: 6 This bag contains gauze, scalpels, scissors, syringes, needles and thread, tweezers, and a saw. It also features a vial holder containing the following: • 2 vials of antibiotics that grant immunity to infection and a +1 bonus to Resistance Tests to recover after a long rest – $10 • 2 vials of regeneration tonic that heals 1 Wound – $ 35 • 2 vials of universal antidote that grants a +4 bonus to Resistance Tests against poisons and toxins – $ 20 Excursor Backpack

$ 100

Complexity: 9 What looks like a normal mountaineer’s backpack at first glance is in truth a tool that has saved a great many lives. It can stretch into a heated sleeping bag, capable of withstanding even the harshest Nuug winter, while in torrid climates its insulating properties allow it to keep food and water fresh. Thanks to a special alchem bladder, it can be inflated into a small dinghy. The typical Excursor backpack is sold with small hooks and gaffs, pitons, 30 cubitus worth of rope, snowshoes, and a handy folding shovel. Excursor backpacks grant a +2 to Athletics Tests rolled to climb rock faces, trees, and other problematic hard surfaces.

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$ 600

Complexity: 15 These goggles have been fitted with polarized lenses that allow the wearer to see in low-light conditions. In pitch darkness, Feles goggles allow their wearer to see up to 10 cubitus away. Murenidae

$ 500

Complexity: 16 This leather coat is fitted with small sacs containing electrolytic substances. When one of them is struck by a metal item, its contents react and send an electrical surge through the item to its wielder for 1 point of damage. It takes 5 minutes for the static charge to reform after each use.


$ 200

Complexity: 11

$ 100

Complexity: 9 This shielded lantern is fed by a Vulcanus battery that makes it virtually inexhaustible. Its brightness and direction can be tweaked to cover an area up to 12 cubitus. Portable Laboratory

$ 100

Complexity: 13 Any half-decent alchemist would not go on an adventure without this precious case. In a red velvet compartment, this briefcase contains alembics, flasks, pipes, vials, a vast collection of small pumps, and meters of piping. Not to mention the wellstocked reserve of reagents. By turning the briefcase into a small table, the modern alchemist is able to work even when far from their beloved dungeon. Thynnus

$ 20

Complexity: 4

These precision scopes can be fitted on rifles, allowing the shooter to spend a Maneuver to aim and receive an additional +1 to their next shot. Pharus

Travel Pack

A practical backpack to carry one’s belongings is the best friend of every globetrotter and wannabe explorer. Now also available in red! It features a small hidden compartment to store money, small weapons, and other interesting items. Finding the secret pocket requires a success on an Analysis Test against Difficulty 14. Trench Butcher’s Bag

$ 300

Complexity: 13 This “doctor’s” bag is heavily padded and reinforced so its contents are protected from detonations and the stresses of warfare. Its bottom panel is lined with an extendable bulletproof plate that the user can prop up to gain some form of cover as they use the case’s contents… or return fire. A Trench Butcher’s Bag contains: • 3 vials of antibiotics that grant immunity to infection and a +1 bonus to Resistance Tests to recover after a long rest – $10 • 3 vials of regeneration tonic that heals 1 Wound – $ 35 • 3 vials of universal antidote that grants a +4 bonus to Resistance Tests against poisons and toxins – $ 20

$ 800

Complexity: 13 This scuba diving kit is made of a thermal suit, an oxygen tank, and a mask with a light source. It grants a +3 bonus to Resistance Tests against extremely low temperatures and enough oxygen for 2 hours, while special lenses and a flashlight allow its wearer to see underwater up to 20 cubitus away.

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Spare Bits Wartime can been exceedingly harsh, now more than ever, not only for those bearing the brunt of the fighting but also for those in the back lines with the task of saving lives from the horrors of the war. The constant flood of wounded and maimed forced medics and physicians to find new methods to cure their patients, leading to the first experiments in linking the human nervous system to mechanical grafts. This is the main reason why in the present day medicine is among the most advanced fields of knowledge in the world. To implant a prosthetic limb, colloquially known as Spare Bits, a competent surgeon must pass a Difficulty 16 Handicraft Test. Prosthesis 01 Arm

$ 950

Complexity: 12

A version of the 01 pattern that mounts more powerful batteries, to better crush and tear one’s way through a problem. Characters with a Prosthesis Fortem arm add 1 point to their Strength score.

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Complexity: 14 The next step in the evolution of the 01 pattern, the Optimum features an array of scalpels, lockpicks, and tweezers in its fingers, adding 1 point to the Character’s Handicraft score. Prosthesis 02 Leg

$ 700

Complexity: 12 Not among the best in the range, but better than a wooden peg for sure. Characters with a Prosthesis 02 leg suffer a -1 penalty to their Movement score. Prosthesis Fortem Leg

$ 1,500

Those with money to spare and the need for excellent performance can rest assured that there is nothing better than the Fortem pattern prosthetic leg. Characters with these Spare Bits add 1 to their Athletics score.

$ 1,400

Complexity: 14


$ 1,400

Complexity: 14

This mechanical arm is a worthy successor of its flesh and bone counterpart, even though hand movements are a bit stiff. Characters with a Prosthesis 01 arm lose 1 point in Handicraft. Prosthesis Fortem Arm

Prosthesis Optimum Arm

Prosthesis Optimum Leg

$ 1,100

Complexity: 13 An evolution of its 02 counterpart that eliminated its mobility issues, perfectly replicating the lost limb.


Re agents Biopsist laboratories are always working to synthesize and test compounds that allow the human physiology to perform beyond its limits. If the Character possesses Academic Knowledge (Alchemy and Medicine), they can try to synthesize Mutagens and Toxins with a Test against the reagent’s Complexity.

Mutagens These reagents are meant to help and support combatants. They are sold in vials fitted with a hypo-dermal injector that allows anybody to use them on oneself or others without the need for special training. Being complex and potent substances, abuse and misuse could lead to unpleasant side effects.

Retrieving and injecting a Mutagen takes an Action and a Resistance Test against a Difficulty corresponding the mutagen’s Complexity score. Its effects, unless specified otherwise, are instantaneous or fade away the round after the mutagen was imbibed. Taking additional doses of the same Mutagen within an hour of the first requires the Character to roll another Resistance Test. On a Success with Opportunity, nothing adverse happens and the Mutagen works as intended. On a simple Success, the Mutagen has no effect. On a Failure, the Mutagen has no effect and the Character falls to the ground, unconscious. On a Catastrophic Failure, instead, well… the place is most likely to need a good scrub. Special: When the Character rolls a Catastrophic Failure on the Resistance Test for imbibing a Mutagen, not only does the substance has no effect, but they suffer 1 point of damage.

171 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Celeritas

$ 60

Complexity: 8 This silver compound fills its imbiber with a rush of energy, making them unnaturally fast. The imbiber’s Movement score doubles and all their Evade Tests gain a +2 bonus. Special: Opportunities generated by a Celeritas’ Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional round. Cortex

$ 80

Complexity: 12 This petrol-green compound causes the skin to harden into a bark-like substance. Characters under the effect of a dose of Cortex gain Damage Reduction 1, stacking with any offered by their armor. Special: Opportunities generated by a Cortex’ Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional round. Exactus

$ 70

Complexity: 9 This yellow substance makes the imbiber’s sight sharper, granting them a +2 bonus to all Analysis or sight-based Senses Tests and to hit with ranged weapons. Special: Opportunities generated by an Exactus’ Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional round. Furor

It looks like liquid fire and fills those who imbibe it with unstoppable fury. While under the effect of a dose of Furor, the Character can take an additional Action each round.

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$ 80

Complexity: 10 This opalescent substance allows a person to push their muscles well beyond their normal limits. Characters under the effects of an Impetus dose receive a +2 bonus to all STAMINA-related Tests and to hit with melee weapons. Special: Opportunities generated by an Impetus’ Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional round. Noctuor

$ 70

Complexity: 8 This yellowish Mutagen causes pupils to widen and grants limited low-light vision capabilities within 10 cubitus for roughly one hour. Special: Opportunities generated by a Noctuor’s Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional hour. Potio

$ 90

Complexity: 6 This light-blue compound heightens the natural regeneration of tissue, healing the Character for 1 Wound. Special: Opportunities generated by a Potio’s Resistance Test have it heal 1 additional Wound.

$ 140

Complexity: 14


Special: Opportunities generated by a Furor’s Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional round.


$ 250

Complexity: 10 A more powerful version of the Potio, it instantly heals 2 Wounds. Potios and Prodigia are based off

EQUIPMENT the same substances, so taking both within a short time counts as if the Character had imbibed two doses of the same mutagen. Special: Opportunities generated by a Prodigium’s Resistance Test have it heal 1 additional Wound. Provisus

$ 60

Complexity: 8 This pearl-colored compound heightens the subject’s reactions, often perceived as time slowing down. The Character gains a +2 bonus to Insight, Reaction, and Dodge Tests. Special: Opportunities generated by a Provisus’ Resistance Test have its effects last 1 additional round. Purificatio

Toxins These reagents sap and maim the body and are sold in special vials fitted with a hypo-dermal injector that allows anybody to use them, without the need for special training. To inject a dose of a toxin into a target, the Character must pass a Brawl Test. Unlike Mutagens, Toxins do not require any further Test to verify their effect: the only way to avoid being poisoned with a Toxin is by spending a Gear of Fate. Gradus

$ 70

Complexity: 11 This compound forces its subject to take a few steps forwards. The target of a Gradus dose moves 3 cubitus forward.

$ 90

Complexity: 10 This blue substance gives the organism a kick of adrenaline, allowing it to keep on working through traumas and intoxication. The Character is cleansed of all negative conditions afflicting them. Special: Opportunities generated by a Purificatio’s Resistance Test have it also heal 1 Wound.


$ 350

Complexity: 12 This substance renders the subject catatonic for a few minutes, erasing any memory of their last hour before passing out. When they recover, the subject resumes whatever activity they were carrying out before being poisoned, as if nothing has happened. Sopor

$ 60

Complexity: 10 Once administered, Sopor puts its imbiber to sleep deeply enough that only loud noises, intense smells, and vigorous physical contact can wake them up. If any of that does not happen, then the imbiber sleeps undisturbed for the next 30 minutes. Should the context favor sleep, they might not wake up for hours.

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CHAPTER 5 Tarditas

$ 60

Complexity: 11 This compound makes movement sluggish and slows down the reflexes of its target. The Movement score of the poisoned creature becomes 2 and they suffer a -2 penalty to Dodge Tests for one round. Vecordia

$ 80

Complexity: 13 This substance inflicts a sensation of vertigo and clouds the sight of its target, dealing them the Disoriented condition. Veritas

$ 250

Complexity: 10 Once administered, this substance forces its target to instinctively answer any question they are asked within the next 10 minutes. As they answer with no hesitation, the subject is not able to craft a convincing lie. Virus

$ 120

Complexity: 16 This compound causes body temperature to spike, resulting in profuse internal bleeding. From the outside, the target might bleed from their nose, eyes, or ears and suffers 2 points of damage.

Natural Poisons Characters with the correct skill set can extract the many extremely toxic substances present in animals, plants, and minerals. Unlike biopsist-synthesized poisons, the effects of natural toxins take longer to manifest, but often last longer without losing potency. When they are under the effects of a natural poison, Characters may pass a Resistance Test against a Difficulty equal to the Toxicity in the substance’s description to suffer only partial effects. If the Character possesses Biome Knowledge (Nature), they can attempt to gather toxins from natural sources by passing a Handicraft Test against the poison’s Toxicity. Special: If the Character rolls a Success with Opportunity on the Resistance Test against poison, their body reacts so vigorously that they do not suffer any of the toxin’s effects. Bonomella

$ 500

Toxicity: 15 The dried flowers of this specific type of daisy have a powerful soporific effect and result in a brew that looks like a normal herbal tea. Those who drink this brew fall asleep within half an hour and, after two, their slumber looks so deep as to be irreversible, their breath almost imperceptible, and their pulse so faint it can trick a trained physician. To realize the imbiber is only apparently dead, one must be proficient in Academic Knowledge: Medicine and pass an Analysis Test against Difficulty 15. For the bonomella to work, one must drink a whole cup. On a successful Resistance Test, the target does not fall into a deep coma, instead taking a simple nap.

174 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

EQUIPMENT Diamond Dust

$ 300

Toxicity: 11 By correctly desiccating the crystalline zuurg lichen, the resulting fine powder is perfect for tampering with food and drinks. Since it is famous for its characteristic sour taste, it is better used on particularly flavorful meals. After a couple of hours, the poor victim starts to lose their sight, becoming completely blind within the next two days. During this period, permanent maiming can still be avoided. After that time has passed, the target’s eyeballs start dehydrating, before wrinkling and falling out. On a successful Resistance Test, the poison does not have permanent effects. Its target remains blind for a couple of days and then recovers their sight within a week. Duravia

$ 200

Toxicity: 10 This greenish dust is obtained by grinding different types of mushrooms that grow off of tree trunks. Being an airborne poison, it is not particularly dangerous, although it causes the body of its unfortunate inhaler to be paralyzed for six hours after roughly thirty minutes of exposure. On a successful Resistance Test, the target’s body is paralyzed only from the waist down instead of completely. Filistrana

$ 400

Toxicity: 12

taste, but a close inspection can detect their presence in food or drinks. On a successful Resistance Test, the effects last only for half an hour. Peacock

$ 700

Toxicity: 14 This poison is obtained by mixing scorpion glands and powdered heavy metals, and is used by those who not only want their opponents dead, but also to leave a clear message. Peacock, in fact, is a spectacular killer, as within one hour of ingestion brain blood pressure spikes so fast and violently that the skull explodes, showering the poor victim’s surroundings in blood and cerebral matter. On a successful Resistance Test, the subject starts to spasm violently, bleeding from their eyes, nose, and ears. Afterward, they collapse to the ground in a coma that lasts for many weeks. Widow’s Kiss

$ 900

Toxicity: 13 This transparent liquid is obtained by processing blue poppy milk and is one of the poisons preferred by assassins. It has neither taste nor smell, it is exceedingly difficult to detect, and does not leave any visible trace on its victims, killing them with a stroke four hours after it was imbibed. To be effective, the Widow’s Kiss must be ingested. On a successful Resistance Test, the target does not die and falls into a deep coma, waking up after a couple of days.

The juice of these yellow berries is one of the quickest ingestion-based poisons in existence. After a mere ten minutes from ingestion, the subject experiences severe respiratory issues, causing them to tire exceedingly fast even when undertaking the most basic of tasks. They suffer the Exhausted condition for three hours. Filistrana berries have a rather bland

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Drugs Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has attempted to sate its innate thirst for evading the harsh reality of life by one means or another. Of course, alcohol has been a popular choice for a long time, being cheap, legal almost everywhere, and among the easiest brews to concoct, and as other substances of the more relaxing, hallucinogenic, or enhancing kind are harder to find legally. Their availability, then, is left to the discretion of the Narrator. The following section contains the most complex, powerful, and dangerous substances that Vulcania offers to its inhabitants. In particular, the listed price is purely a guideline, drugs being illegal in most cases. When a Character takes a dose of a drug, they must roll a Resistance Test against the individual drug’s Toxicity to determine how their body reacts. On a success, the Character does not suffer any of the drug’s side effects. Upon prolonged use of the same drug, however, the Character must also roll a Discipline Test to determine if they become addicted to it: the longer they use the drug, the higher the Difficulty of the Test, of course. Bannerine

$ 250

Toxicity: 13 Duration: roughly 10 minutes This substance was accidentally created by Doctor Marcus Jahill, an eccentric biopsist, during his quest to find a chemical explanation for “evil.” Taking a dose of Bannerine makes one’s musculature overdevelop and thicken to superhuman levels, utterly obliterating the subject’s consciousness. The result, then, is a mindless titan, driven only by the urge to destroy anything at hand. The subject gains a +4 bonus to all STAMINA-based Tests, +1 Damage Reduction, and an insatiable lust for blood. When the effects of Bannerine fade, the subject falls unconscious for many hours, suffering from a colossal hangover.

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Side effects: a Failure on the Resistance Test means that the subject’s circulatory system does not withstand the transformation, killing them when the effects of the Bannerine wear off. On a Catastrophic Failure, the subject dies instantly. Cerebrum

$ 100

Toxicity: 8 Duration: roughly 2 hours The favorite drug of many Markonists is a compound of conlio and other substances better left unmentioned that can be injected like many other Mutagens. All Tests to interact with both human and animal minds gain a +2 bonus and can be attempted at double the normal distance. Side effects: a Failure on the Resistance Test means that the subject suffers a -2 to all Tests, as concentrating now becomes exponentially harder. On a Catastrophic Failure, the subject falls into a catatonic state that can last several hours. Otherworld

$ 30

Toxicity: 11 Duration: roughly 1 hour This drug is often used by soldiers and mercenaries deployed in high danger scenarios. It is synthesized in pills that melt under the tongue and completely numb the imbiber’s perception of pain and danger. When under the effects of a dose of Otherworld, the Character suffers a -1 penalty to Evade Tests, but can stand and fight even if they are technically dead. Unless they are dismembered or decapitated, they keep fighting and can even be healed if they can secure medical attention before the rush of Otherworld ends. Side effects: a Failure on the Resistance Test means that, at the first sign of danger, the Character definitely loses their mind, stripping naked and go-

EQUIPMENT ading the enemy to charge them with theatrical gestures and incoherent sentences. Of course, unless somebody manages to prevent them from dying of stupidity, they will probably die of “dismembered” or “decapitated” as mentioned above. On a Catastrophic Failure, the Character falls prey to terrible hallucinations and relentless vomiting. Tiger’s Eye

$ 150

Toxicity: 10 Duration: roughly 2 hours This kind of drug enjoys particular popularity among the offspring of the Vulcanian elite. It looks like eye drops of a pinkish color that instantaneously infuse its imbiber with energy and self esteem, with a hint of schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations reminiscent of the soundtrack of a famous theater play about fighting and not giving up. Those who make frequent use of the Tiger’s Eye can be recognized by red eyes, numerous nervous ticks, and sudden changes in mood. Tiger’s Eye grants a +1 to Brawl, Reaction, Senses, and Aggression Tests. Side effects: a Failure on the Resistance Test means that the imbiber collapses to the ground, frothing as they are wracked by seizures. On a Catastrophic Failure, well, the Character is dead.

Remedies of Old Gretchen Traditional remedies handed down from one generation to the next are used almost everywhere, especially in areas where industry has not yet tightened its strangling hold. Although these concoctions are often looked down upon and mockingly called “Remedies of Old Gretchen ,” their efficacy is manifest. They grant small, although reliable, benefits, that do not require a Test. If the Character is proficient in Biome Knowledge (Nature), they are able to concoct Remedies of Old Gretchen on a successful Test against the remedy’s Complexity. Baute Leaves

$ 10

Complexity: 9 Chewing on these leaves helps the body survive harsh climates, granting a +2 bonus to all Resistance Tests against extreme heat or cold. Blue Rust Digestive

$ 10

Complexity: 10 This decoction is obtained by oxidizing a specific group of minerals and is used to help digestion and cleanse the body. For six hours after drinking a dose of Blue Rust Digestive, the Character gains a +2 bonus to all Resistance Tests for imbibing drugs and resisting poisons.

177 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 5 Crimson Nettle Flowers


Complexity: 6 These flowers are a common sight almost everywhere and are most commonly associated with craftsmen and artisans. Smoking a cigarette or pipe loaded with these odorous flowers allows one to achieve a higher grade of concentration, suited for precision work. Crimson Nettle Flowers grant a +2 bonus to Discipline Tests rolled to concentrate on something. Salamander and Snail Brew

$ 25

Complexity: 11 This mix of snail trail and salamanders’ tails looks disgusting and, most importantly, tastes something awful. However, an explorer in possession of their faculties should know better than to go on an adventure without a few doses of this revolting and yet surprisingly useful brew, as it grants them limited but precious regenerative capacity. After a rest of at least six hours, a Character under the effect of the Brew regenerates 2 Wounds instead of the usual 1. Torbuco’s Herbal

$ 15

Complexity: 8 This mix of desiccated leaves is extremely relaxing and perfect for those with sleep issues. Upon drinking this herbal brew, the Character gains the benefit of a long rest even when sleeping only three hours, although it cannot be used for too prolonged periods of time. After three days of not sleeping, even this remedy is not going to help prevent the Exhausted condition.

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EQUIPMENT countryside and forest areas it is still likely to meet people who ride large black bears.

VEHICLES Vulcanus batteries have revolutionized the transportation industry. In large cities, motorized vehicles like trams and trains are commonly employed for public transportation or to connect to other settlements. So far, however, they have not completely replaced animal mounts, as the latter are less expensive and require significantly less specialized maintenance. Because of this, carts and wagons are the preferred vehicle for moving over short distances or for those who cannot afford more expensive alternatives. Transportation over long distances however is almost entirely monopolized by Vulcanus technology, as now even ships have turned to this new propulsion method.

Dromedary Difficulty: 9 Speed: 40 Kc/h

No animal can best a dromedary at navigating the Balas deserts. While horses are the main mount in the milder and richer North, the dromedary dominates the poor and sun-scorched South, both as a mount and as a pack animal. Special: A dromedary’s hooves allow them to move on sand without penalty. Horse

$ 600

Difficulty: 8 Speed: 45 Kc/h

Mounts Although steam technology is the apex of technological progress, moving on horseback is still preferred for reasons like, you know, equines are not known for their tendency to spontaneously explode. They are easy to find, loyal, safer than machines, and relatively calm animals. After all, Rotodarts do not eat the grass they run on or arrive with but a whistle, right? There are a few people who are still trying to figure an answer to this question, it seems. The following section presents a series of animals used as mounts, the Tests to roll when riding them, their speed, and costs. For further details, see Chapter 8 – Opponents for the full profile of each individual creature. Domestic Bear

$ 450

$ 1,600

Difficulty: 13 Speed: 25 Kc/h ‘Domestic” and “Bear” are words that coexist in the same sentence only when there is also “Nuugard.” If horses are the most frequent mounts in cities, in the

This animal from the Mos plains is perhaps the most widely-used mount in the world, thanks to its agility, strength, and obedience. In addition to Mostucaal and Itteghasp, where it is a sort of national symbol, the horse has also become a native species in Nuugard and Balastoc. Purple Lizard

$ 900

Difficulty: 12 Speed: 30 Kc/h Ketniv is an almost continuous range of mountains and valleys where these large saurians live. Purple lizards are natural climbers and, even if not the most docile of creatures, they are the best mount for that type of terrain. Special: Thanks to the suckers on their paws, purple lizards are able to navigate difficult terrain or climb vertical surfaces without issue.

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CHAPTER 5 Rokrok

$ 2,300

Difficulty: 11 Speed: 60 Kc/h Mutations caused by the Abrabazem catastrophe did not only affect human beings, but also the few animal species that were not wiped out. Now a precious resource for the desperate Abrab, these armadillo and ostrich hybrids are fast and hardy mounts known for their ability to huddle up into a ball. In this form, their thick armor protects them from almost all harm, allowing them to wait for days before stretching back into their normal form.

Animal-Drawn Vehicles Carriages, coaches, and wagons pulled by animals are used all over the world, requiring less maintenance and skill in driving—but with a slower speed between 5 and 10 Kc/H—than their motorized counterparts. To convince the animals to accelerate or change direction, the Narrator can call for a

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Charm Test. Characters proficient in Riding or Training Animals receive a +2 bonus.

Motorized Vehicles A Character not proficient in Driving is not even able to start a vehicle’s engine. Driving a motorized vehicle requires an Insight Test, causing an Accident as per Table 5.1 on a Catastrophic Failure. Although the Narrator can roll on the table, they can always choose the one they feel is most appropriate for the situation. Conversely, on a Success with Opportunity, it is up to the player to describe their driving stunts, whether they perform a sudden acceleration, drive on only two wheels, or some other spectacular maneuver. In addition, a Success with Opportunity obtained during a chase can be spent to inflict an Accident to the group’s enemies. As always, it all depends on Narrator discretion. To attack a vehicle, the Difficulty is 6 with melee weapons or 8 for ranged ones. Damage is calculated as usual. Vehicles have a Damage Reduction

EQUIPMENT score, equivalent to that given by personal armor. The Hull score mirrors the Wounds of a Character. You can spend an Opportunity to aim for a specific component of the vehicle, like a wheel or an exposed section of the engine, or to ignore its Damage Reduction. The Difficulty score of a vehicle is the one Drive Tests have to beat when called for by the Narrator. Motorwagon

$ 3,000 - 6,000

Difficulty: 6 Speed: 50 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 2 Hull: 8 Motorwagons are the most common road vehicle, easy to find and capable of carrying up to 6 people or, in its trade variants, a decent volume of cargo. Rotodart

These four-wheeled vehicles feature a powerful engine and advanced mechanics, although they tend to be rather expensive. To this date, they are the favorite means of personal transportation for nobles and wealthy individuals, with some even being fitted with components to maximize speed and maneuverability to compete in races. Steamcycle

$ 2,000 - 3,000

Difficulty: 8 Speed: 60 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 1 Hull: 4 This small, two-wheeled vehicle is fast, agile, and relatively affordable. It can carry two people and it is possible to attach a sidecar for a third passenger or a small trunk. Some versions feature enhanced shock absorbers, capable of navigating woodlands or beaches.

$ 26,000

Difficulty: 12 Speed: 120 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 1 Hull: 5 A rather peculiar and complex vehicle to drive, its cockpit is located at the center of a large wheel that allows the vehicle to move at breakneck speeds. Because of its high cost and the specialized skills necessary to drive it, it is only seen employed by militia special forces. Sprinter

$ 18,000 - 45,000

Difficulty: 10 Speed: 90 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 1 Hull: 6

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CHAPTER 5 Table 5.2 - Driving Accidents d12



Explosion: the Vulcanus battery overheats, shredding the vehicle to pieces in the ensuing detonation. Every occupant must pass a Reaction Test against Difficulty 10 to jump out of the vehicle, suffering 1 point of falling damage. Those who fail suffer 3 points of explosion damage.


Failure: the Vulcanus battery somehow runs out of charge. Until it is recharged, the vehicle cannot move.


Rollover: the vehicle rolls over multiple times, ending up on one side. All occupants suffer 1 point of damage.


Shut Down: the vehicle suddenly shuts down. After a few seconds, it is possible to start the engine again.


Smoke: a sudden rise in battery temperature causes dense smoke to cloud the driver’s vision, forcing them to slow down.



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Slow Down: the engine skips a few beats, causing the vehicle to slow down.

Nothing: right when it seemed that Lady Luck had turned her back on you, the vehicle skips a couple of beats but then suddenly accelerates.


AIRSHIPS The development of Vulcanus-powered airships has been a turning point in the history of Vulcania. The capacity to move cargo and people over long distances in relatively short amounts of time revolutionized both commercial and cultural exchanges between nations, as well as warfare doctrine. As time passed, many ship-owning companies have risen and flourished, developing different styles and technologies, although they all feature a series of key elements. Each airship has one or more cells of volatile Vesuvius gas that allows the hull to float and sets of powerful Vulcanus thrusters. In addition to these base components, airships have used an extremely wide variety of secondary ones, like flight navigation systems, armaments, reinforced hulls, technical tools, and so on, depending on the task they were called upon to perform.

Classes Although every airship is unique in terms of specs and design, they have been organized in classes based on their size, speed, and use. In case of vessels that require a larger crew, the Difficulty is for Tests rolled by the navigator when attempting something out of the ordinary. Cargo Difficulty: 8 Speed: 160 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 2 Hull: 6 The main means of moving cargo and people across the world, they feature wide hulls for optimal capa-

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city, although they tend to be slower and more ponderous. Although equipped with light armaments, they cannot compete with dedicated warships and their much heavier armor. Because of this, cargo vessels are usually escorted by other airships, especially when ferrying precious cargo. Cruiser Difficulty: 9 Speed: 150 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 2 Hull: 12 The terror of the sky, these warships take decades of design work and years of construction, making them a luckily rare sight. Their armaments are capable of leveling a city, the reason why they are usually deployed in larger battles or to “expedite” negotiations. However, being just somewhat faster than a cargo vessel, speed is a viable option against them.

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Fighter Difficulty: 14 Speed: 340 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 1 Hull: 4 When Taddeus Zinear invented the Crotalus, he revolutionized military aeronautics. Fighters are small, light aircraft fitted with extremely powerful Vulcanus thrusters, although no Vesuvius cells. As such, they are among the fastest and most nimble of aircraft, but require long runways to take off and land, as their lack of Vesuvius cells prevents them from hovering. Frigate Difficulty: 10 Speed: 200 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 2 Hull: 8


Frigates are agile vessels, with decent cargo space, firepower, and enough armor to be significantly more durable than common ships. Generally, they are meant to be midway between every aspect of ship design, employed mostly for patrolling, escort, and exploration. Raider Difficulty: 12 Speed: 260 Kc/h Damage Reduction: 1 Hull: 6 A slim vessel, a deadly melange of speed, aggression, and maneuverability, often employed for hitand-run tactics or to expose the enemy flanks to boardings and broadsides, they are favored by pirates and many air forces around the world.

Airship Models Those above are the classes of airships available in the world. Those below, instead, are specific models within those classes and their technical specifications, like individual speed, armaments, and the like. With these examples in mind, of course, you can always design new ones, as progress in Vulcania never stops! Crotalus - Fighter Difficulty: 14 Speed: 370 Kc/h Engine: Movement 8 Keel: Damage Reduction 1 – Hull 5 Armaments: Forward – Facing machine guns – Forward – Facing torpedoes The single seat fighter that revolutionized aerial warfare is a fast and agile aircraft, although it requires rigorous training and nerves of steel to pilot. Un-

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matched in their speed and maneuverability, they are rather frail. Special: by passing an Aeronautics (Insight) Test, the pilot gains a +2 bonus to their Evasion and Attack Tests. Hyttineen - Cargo Difficulty: 10 Speed: 150 Kc/h Engine: Movement 3 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Tanks) – Hull 5 Armaments: Side-facing lapidator – Forward-facing machine guns A small Nuug cargo vessel that served as a troop transport during the War, it is still often used by small enterprises and smugglers because of its relatively cheap price and solid hull. It features a small hold for cargo or up to sixteen seats, while the cockpit hosts the pilot and mechanic. Not designed for long jour-

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neys, it does not feature cabins or sleeping accommodations. The side ramp has a mount for a lapidator to give cover fire to disembarking infantry, although it is not well-suited for fighting vehicles. Luciernaga - Cargo Difficulty: 11 Speed: 200 Kc/h Engine: Movement 4 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Thrusters) – Hull 7 Armaments: Dorsal cannons – Forward-facing machine guns This Mos-made cargo hauler is versatile and tough, although not a beautiful aircraft. It is favored by smugglers and beginning sky pirates who appreciate its respectable cargo hold, four cabins, small dining room, larder, and infirmary.


Mautojin - Raider Difficulty: 9 Speed: 280 Kc/h Engine: Movement 6 Keel: Damage Reduction 1 (+1 Tanks) – Hull 6 Armaments: Dorsal cannons – Ventral cannons – Forward-facing machine guns – Forward-facing torpedoes These Ketnyi raiders are fast and deadly predators, although at the price of thinner armor and a more fragile hull. Every single kilogram that is not required for the vessel to fly is dedicated to weapons, manned by its officers and up to eighteen crew. The hull also features a cabin for the officers and sleeping quarters for its crew.

Savannah - Frigate Difficulty: 11 Speed: 210 Kc/h Engine: Movement 5 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Thrusters – +1 Tanks) – Hull 9 Armaments: Dorsal cannons – Ventral cannons – Forward-facing torpedoes – Rear-facing torpedoes – 2 Ventral machine guns The Savannah is the first Balas frigate, a symbol of the glory of the Red God as per the express will of the Pope herself. Painted with a special alchemical mixture that reflects the light in such a way that the vessel appears wreathed in holy flames, it can hold up to thirty people and a decent amount of cargo.

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CHAPTER 5 Kalasas - Cruiser Difficulty: 10 Speed: 140 Kc/h Engine: Movement 4 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Thrusters – +1 Tanks – +2 Rudder) – Hull 16 Armaments: 4 Dorsal cannons – 4 Ventral cannons – Broadside of 4 torpedoes – Broadside of 6 machine guns Officially, all Abrab cruisers were destroyed during the War, although knowing for sure what lurks in the toxic clouds of that destroyed land is impossible. With a crew of more than a hundred people, hangar bays for wings of fighters, and enough guns to level a city, the only thing a sky sailor can be sure of is that such a vessel is a relentless bringer of death and destruction.

Armaments Artillery pieces mounted on vehicles and aircraft work similarly to personal firearms, as explained in Chapter IV – Combat. However, given the different context, the area into which these weapons may fire depends on their position on the aircraft’s hull and their range and damage are measured with a different scale. The span of time covered by a Round during a firefight between vehicles is not a few seconds, as it is in personal, land-based combat, but around 5 minutes, to account for the more complex machinery and longer distances involved.

Cannons [Senses] Powerful firearms that shoot large caliber shells that deal 2 points of damage. They can be mounted almost everywhere on a vessel and, thanks to the swivels and pivots in their carriages, shoot at any targets at the same altitude as the vessel within a 90° arc. Dorsal cannons can instead target vessels above the ship in a 360° arc, while the ventral ones do the same but beneath the hull. 1







9 10 11 12

Range: 5

Larger lapidators that shoot bursts of smaller munitions capable of piercing even the toughest of hulls. Being smaller than cannons, they have a shorter effective range, but are grouped in nests that allow them to cover 180° arcs. Dorsal and ventral nests can instead shoot at targets within a 360° arc, respectively above and below the vessel. 1









9 10 11 12

Range: 2

Torpedoes [Senses] Propelled by a small on-board engine, torpedoes are able to cover much longer distances than conventional ship-borne firearms, while still inflicting serious damage. They can be launched only from fixed tubes, traveling in a straight line from their side of the ship. Most frequently, torpedo tubes are mounted in the nose or front of a vessel, with only the larger hulls featuring torpedo broadsides. 2



5 –2

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Machine Guns [Senses]







9 10 11 12

Range: 8


BATTLES IN THE SKIES A group of Characters with the right proficiencies could be able to run a cargo or raider airship and stumble across one or more hostile vessels. At the beginning of an aerial fight, then, each Character must state the role they wish to take between pilot, machinist, and gunner.

Aerial Combat Phases A Round is roughly 5 minutes long, rather than a handful of seconds, and initiative is relatively less important during each Round, as the actions of the crews on the ships involved happen at roughly the same time. If one of the sides manages somehow — through adverse weather, sheer luck, or any other means — to catch their opponents by surprise, then the normal rules for surprise rounds apply as the unprepared crews scramble to their battle stations. During an aerial combat round, each Character is able to take only one Action, instead of their usual Action, Maneuver, and movement, before the vessel moves in the direction chosen by the pilot.

Movement During combat, airships are constantly in motion. First of all, assume that one square on the tactical map is 100 cubitus rather than 1. A moving aircraft is able to steer only in 45° increments, and only after moving at least half its Movement score. Consequently, vessels cannot change directions on the spot as if they were hovering, and must instead move between each turn. In addition, a vessel can climb or dive one level of altitude, but if it does it cannot move more than half its Movement score that Round. Also, the Characters onboard may each make one of the Maneuvers described below.

Airship Maneuvers Aim for the Engines! (Gunner): by passing an attack Test with a -3 penalty, the gunner is able to hit one of the enemy vessel’s thrusters, causing it to halt for the next Round. An Opportunity can be spent to ignite a fire in the engineering deck.

Aim for the Rudder! (Gunner): by passing an attack Test with a -2 penalty against the target’s rudder, the gunner is able to force the enemy vessel to move only in one direction. An Opportunity can be spent to cause the enemy vessel to spin around. Altitude Change (Machinist): on a successful Handicraft Test against Difficulty 12, the Character alters the ship’s Vesuvius temperature, allowing it to climb or descend 1 altitude level without limiting the vessel’s horizontal Movement. Evasive Maneuvers (Pilot): on a successful Insight Test against the Difficulty of the vessel they are piloting, the pilot receives a +3 bonus to Evade Tests during the following round, but the violent shakes and sudden changes of alignment also impose a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Full Steam Ahead (Machinist): on a successful Handicraft Test against Difficulty 10, the Character manages to squeeze extra power from the ship’s thruster, increasing tactical Movement by 1. One Shot, One Kill! (Gunner): by passing an attack Test with a -2 penalty, the gunner hits the enemy vessel’s Vesuvius tanks, forcing it to lose altitude until it touches the ground. An Opportunity can be spent to force the target vessel to plummet to the ground, to a grisly and high-speed doom. Stall (Machinist): on a successful Handicraft Test against Difficulty 10, the Character is able to temporarily stall the ship’s engines, allowing it to hover in place. Stay on Target (Pilot): on a successful Insight Test against the Difficulty of the vessel they are piloting, the pilot manages to stay in their target’s trail, granting a +2 bonus to their gunners. However, such careful flying leaves the vessel open, imposing a -1 penalty to Evade Tests. Tight Turn (Pilot): On a successful Insight Test against the Difficulty of the vessel they are piloting, the airship successfully makes a 90° turn.

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Perhaps he was a simple man, but he was no fool. He was perfectly aware he was violating the laws of the Emperor, but his family needed a better life. Since he had been suspended for a violation of protocol when addressing his superior, they were not faring well. To be fair, if he had the choice he would have left that job anyway, but now he was unemployed, without money, and without food for his children. That was why his task here was simple: keep a watchful eye on the road, alongside a dozen others, for any Gonku patrols so they would not disrupt the exchange. Relatively easy. So far, everything had gone smoothly and the money had been good. That night, however, he had been feeling weird. It was some sort of alarm, as if he was expecting something to happen. Then, he heard something. “You heard it, too, Bashyio?” he whispered to the sentry behind the corner. No answer came. “Damn, that blockhead must have fallen asleep again...” he thought. As moonlight caressed the brief distance to the corner of the building, he called again, “Bashyio!” He hit something with his foot… and realized it was Bashyio’s head. He took a few steps back in horror, and all of a sudden a blade was jutting out of his chest, drenched in blood. As he fell to the ground, he saw them: Tamurei…

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f you choose to take on the mantle of Narrator, your main goal is to breathe life into the world of Vulcania and engage the group with crazy adventures, subtle intrigue, and brutal combat. Such a task is arduous, if taken on unprepared, and this chapter is here just for that purpose: to explain many useful elements of the Vulcania setting to help you craft unforgettable adventures. The first part of this chapter is helpful for those taking on the role of Narrator for the first time and if you are already used to walking in their shoes, you might not find it to be of particular use. Although, who knows when even veterans might require the basics, right?

The role of the Narrator

While a player moves only their own Character, the Narrator plays as every, single, solitary form of life in Vulcania, from the rich merchant to the ruthless cutthroat and the feral beast. In addition to playing a great many different “Characters,” the Narrator is the one who weaves the events that happen as the game unfolds, as if they were the director of a movie that evolves in real time as its protagonists advance the plot. As being constantly on the lookout for an exciting way to entertain your players is complex enough a task as it is, the system on which Vulcania runs spares you from rolling any dice! You are the Narrator! – You are the undisputed referee for any matter that should arise about the rules, and yours is the last and ultimate word. A word beyond the destiny of mortals and above the will of the gods themselves! Whenever a player wants their Character to take action and do something, you are the one to set the Difficulty, the modifiers that apply, if any, and which Skills the Character must roll their Test against. This allows you to help the events of the game follow a course you deem useful and plausible, and stem the tide of nonsense that your crazy players will attempt. However, remember that it is way more fun to incorporate the whacky ideas of your friends at the table, as mayhem, shenanigans,

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and weird are the spice of life! Rules! – As the Narrator has the final word on any matter, you have to be the most knowledgeable of the group about the rules and the contents of this book. Now, you are not required to learn every single sentence of this book by heart, but you must have a solid grasp of the fundamentals and where to quickly find the information you need when you need it. Of course, “your” rulings must be respected, because you are the Narrator. However, you are the Narrator, not a tyrant: try to do the right thing to make sure the group trusts you and has fun playing with you. Never forget this is a game! Imposing presence! – There will be players who want to thwart the story you crafted with so much care or bog gameplay down by contesting the rules or your decisions. Discussions and arguments should be postponed until after the game session has ended. Justice walks with me! – Try to be an impartial referee should a discussion arise during a session, to grant the same amount of spotlight to all the players around your table, and to weave situations that allow them to spontaneously take action. This way, folks! – Always strive to keep the game alive by alternating moments of calm with moments of buildup and then tension, where the Characters have limited time or resources to act. Players tend towards indecision and prolonged planning, at the cost of dynamism, so it is up to you to realize when the moment has come to ramp the pace up. You can! – Before the session starts, always have in mind what your players will face, whether it is fights, plot points, or just people they are going to meet. If you are somewhat prepared, your players still have the freedom of action and decision-making typical of tabletop gaming, without catching you by surprise when they decide to do something rather unusual… and they do. They do a lot. However, when you need to nudge your players in a specific direction, you have tools at your disposal, like having them face a powerful foe they are not yet ready to fight. Of course, make it look as smooth and natural as possible, because players can feel when the Narrator’s hand is forced upon them and, when it does, they tend to resent it. Of course, playing through prewritten

NARRATOR modules is easier on your end, because you have less to prepare for, but working on your own adventures and seeing the group have fun with them is more rewarding for sure! The golden rule! – At the end of the day, before anything else, this is a game. The “goal,” if there ever was one, is to have fun with friends. The game is not a contest between Narrator and players, but a cooperative, communal effort. Remember that the line between hard and frustrating is blurry, and so is the one between a firm Narrator and a tyrant. Guiding the players through your content and plots without taking the freedom of choice away from them looks like an impossible task, but you will see when you are on the right path!

The Narrator’s duty

Backgrounds: each Character has a background, whether it is elaborate or just a few words on a page. One of your first tasks as a Narrator is to encourage your players to come up with the backgrounds of their Characters, even if it’s just a few lines: Where the Character was born, what kind of life they led, the education or peculiar experiences they had, their relatives, and so on. Encourage your players when describing their Characters, their teachers, mentors and antagonists, or people they have scores to settle with, because this is material from which you can take elements to weave into your plots and emotionally involve your friends. Breathing life into the world: each time a player moves their Character in the world of Vulcania, they make decisions, react to sudden dangers, or inquire about the environment. In each and every one of these circumstances, your players do so by asking questions, with you being the only one who knows the true answer. Some you are free to divulge, because it would make sense for the Characters to know them. Others require a Test at your discretion. The important aspect, however, is how you deliver the information. Make sure your descriptions are as clear as possible, tell them what they perceive with their senses, what they feel, and the atmosphere that surrounds them, to immerse them in the session and the

world. Do not fear levity, for sometimes it is necessary to make tension and drama feel sharper. Prewritten modules already include these details and you just have to read them to immerse your players in the game, and, when it is time to write your own, they make for a perfect guideline! Interpretation: the most daunting task of a Narrator is interpreting every single, solitary creature the Characters meet and interact with, the so-called NPC or “Non-Player Characters.” To do so, you have to think about their character traits, their mindset, and how they might feel differently from one another. Yes, if you are wondering, “Wait… that sounds awfully similar to playing an actual Character myself!” the answer is, “Sort of.” You can find useful tips and tricks further into this chapter. Assigning Skill Bonuses: at the end of each game session, you are free to grant one or more Skill Bonuses to your players so that they can improve the Skill scores of their Characters. Although this is not an exact science, because no two tables (or two campaigns at the same table) are equal, it is a good rule of thumb to assign 1 Skill Bonus per player at the end of each session, with particularly impressive performances or plans earning more.

Hosting a game session

Once the group has made its Characters and you have a plot for them to play though, you are ready to run your first session. It’s show time! Here are a few tips to make sure it is fun for all of the people at the table, including you.

Setting Difficulty

When they have to roll a Test, it is your job to set which number the result of the die roll must equal or pass for a Success. That value is the Test’s Difficulty. Vulcania’s rules system features guidelines in setting the Difficulty for a Test with the seven Difficulty Levels. Of course, as with many other aspects of the game, they are not hard rules to follow, but a system in place to help you tailor the Difficulties in your game to make sure the Tests your players roll behave the way you need them to.

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CHAPTER 6 Trivial: The Test is about something anybody could habitually do. Trivial Tests, at your discretion, could be so easy that there is not even the need to roll for them in the first place. Easy: an action requiring an Easy Test does not require much effort. Routine: Routine Tests are the default Difficulty level. Challenging: this kind of Test features some factor that might hamper its result. Hard: the Test happens under adverse conditions. Extraordinary: the Character must contend with low chances of success. Legendary: the vast majority of those in situations that call for a Legendary Test succumb, its conditions so adverse that only fate can save them from what most likely is death! For each level, there is an actual, numerical Difficulty threshold for the die result: Table 6.1 - Difficulty Levels Level
















As an example, swimming in rough waters could be counted as a Challenging Test, while swimming in the same sea but during a storm is definitely a Hard or Extraordinary Test. These levels are not only a useful tool to make sure each Test is as hard as it should be, but also a gauge for the actual capabilities of the group. Table 6.2 – Ranks by Difficulty is helpful to determine

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what should be an adequately challenging Test Difficulty based on the Rank of the group: Table 6.2 – Ranks by Difficulty Rank












Bonuses and Penalties

Sometimes, external factors influence the result of a Test. When this happens, it is the Narrator who establishes if such external influence has a numerical effect on the Difficulty of a Test.

A few considerations about Groups

To ensure harmony at the table and that the game runs smoothly, both you and your players must first establish some out-of-game rules—the code of conduct that you and your friends want kept at the table. Absent Players There are times when even the most assiduous of players are forced to miss sessions, because the markedly less exciting eldritch construct known as “real life” prevented them. In this case, the absent player’s Character is without their pilot and the group must decide what to do with them. To avoid needless confusion, it is better to establish how to deal with absent players before the campaign even starts: perhaps you or another player run that Character, or they are momentarily out of the action if the adventure allows it, ready to rush into the fray once again when their player returns. It would be sad, not to mention incredibly anticlimactic, if a Character died or suffered greatly when their player was not there to control them. So, to avoid such a fate, it might be necessary to employ a deus ex machina.

NARRATOR New Players: when a new player joins a group after the adventure has already started, make sure their entrance feels as natural as possible. Here a few evergreen tips on how to do so: • The Prisoner: the new Character might have been captured by the group’s current enemy and kept prisoner in the area the group is currently operating in. • The Survivor: another group of adventurers was dealing with the same issues as the current one, but was slaughtered except for the new Character! • The Relative: if the new Character is somehow tied to one already in the adventuring party, introducing them is much easier. As a general rule, the process of introducing a new Character and a new player into the group should be as quick and engaging as possible. They are going to spend a lot of time together, might as well try to make it start on the right foot. Dubious Rolls: before playing, it is a good practice to decide how to treat dice that are cocked, wobbly, have rolled off of the table, or any other situation that differs from the norm. Usually, veteran groups tend to just reroll them. Using Tactical Maps: since purely narrative combat can cause confusion, keep in mind you can always use miniatures or tokens to keep track of who is positioned where. Graph paper helps you keep track of areas of effect, lines of sight, and any other data you might need. Keep in mind that some players prefer a more narrative-oriented handling of combat, so it is fundamental that the choice of whether or not use a tactical map is taken by the whole group before the campaign begins. Rules Discussions: the word of the Narrator — yours — is the last one to settle an argument. However, this is not always enough and so a common effective practice is to delay any further argument until after the session, so as not to slow play time down. Such practices not only makes players feel more involved in the game, as you show them that they are being listened to, but it also helps the whole group find a definitive answer to the argument, should it rise up again in the future. Do not fear having to take a step back and yield, if necessary: it is always better to be an enlightened regent than a tyrannic and stub-

born despot! Reward role-playing: rewarding proactive players is always a positive idea. Describing one’s actions or accurately portraying their Character are the hallmarks of a talented role-player.

Recapping the Last Session

Time passes between sessions, perhaps days or, the dreaded real life not permitting, weeks. For this reason, each session benefits from beginning with a recap of what happened in the previous one, both to remind the people at the table what actually happened and to return to the mood and atmosphere. Also, you know, making decisions in-game while forgetting that obscure-and-absolutely-crucial piece of information that could make or break the situation is always NOT fun. One thing that is fun, however, is to take turns recapping, to increase player involvement.

When last we left our heroes, you had been taken out of jail by Kobayashyi, a well-spoken lawyer hired by one of the most notorious criminals in the world, Lando Carrizo, and you soon found out that such a favor is to be repaid on the spot with a service for your impromptu savior. Pretty much standard business; if you don’t, then your family and friends are going to have a field-trip so nice that returning to jail might actually be a nicer option. You’ve been there, you’ve done that. So, once you graciously agree to take on the job, Ms. Kobayashyi explains to you that it consists of finding some professor Kordon, a scientist who disappeared some time ago on a mysterious expedition, and bring him back alive and well to Mister Carrizo. You then started your search by paying a visit to the professor’s ex-wife to gather some additional information, and she told you that he had just left for the train station, heading to the city of Goya. You also found a note in his study reading “s8, c3,” which you translated as “seat 8, coach 3.” When you reached the station, you discovered that the aforementioned train had departed a few minutes before. What are you going to do, now?

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CHAPTER 6 Describing the action

To give players the chance to make informed decisions, a good Narrator tries to accurately describe the situations they find themselves in. During combat, for example, where precise information is key, answer in a concise and efficient manner any questions about terrain, objects, positioning, and equipment, and if the details your players ask are too minute, feel free to ask them to roll for an Analysis Test to see how much and how fast their Character can understand. Also, dramatizing a description always adds to both immersion and involvement for your players. As an example, saying “The mighty Nuug you are fighting strikes you with a powerful swing, painfully slashing your ribcage,” is way better than just, “The guy to your right deals you 1 point of damage,” because it makes the player who just took said 1 point of damage imagine way more vividly what just happened. If you have the impression that an important detail was lost in the thick of the melee, feel free to remind your players. Reminding them how each movement of the giant scorpion causes debris to fall from the ceiling is a good hint to make them realize the building will eventually collapse on their head. Adding intensity and detail to the action allows you to better hold the attention of your players and make game time more fulfilling for the both of you. Theatrics are a useful tool to achieve such a goal, although practice will teach you when to dispense with them for the sake of brevity or efficiency. Always ramp up the epic whenever an Opportunity or Catastrophic Failure happens, as the former are moments when Fate itself chose the Character to succeed, making them the absolute protagonist of the story for a few moments. A good practice is to allow them to describe how their Character succeeds, as few things are more memorable than having the opportunity to decide “how it actually went.” However, some players feel intimidated by such sudden authority over the official, canonical, outcome of an Opportunity. They might be inexperienced and feel like stepping beyond their lot as players over your

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authority as Narrator, or just be shy and perhaps not feel like speaking in public for something that important. If you do not know the people at your table well enough to know in advance who behaves well in such a situation, ask them if they feel like describing the act, to give them a chance to return to their comfort zone, and then, if they want you to do it, weave the most epic tale you can imagine. However, even Catastrophic Failures are helpful to focus the attention of the players on what is happening in the game. “You are taking aim against one of the bandits, give a gentle tap to the trigger, and the telltale click of a jammed gun is the only thing that you feel. Your opponent turns to face you and snarls, menacingly hefting their weapon.”


Non Player Characters live and die in the world of Vulcania under the same rules as their Player counterparts, with the only difference that their fate is ultimately in the hands of the Narrator. Or, as it is, yours. In any case, it is you who chooses what they do and, even though the rules are meant to avoid slowing down the game, you still have to be able to decide that on the fly so they do not feel like cardboard figures dotting the scene. They are not just numbers on a sheet of paper, but people, much like the Characters, and so they, too, possess character traits, mannerisms, values, and the like. In short, they behave according to their own nature and the context they live and operate in.

Secret Rolls

There are times when a Test rolled in plain sight is too conspicuous, common examples being Analysis Tests rolled to ascertain whether a Character is aware of the presence of a secret passage or Insight rolls to detect a lie. The player is aware that, because they are being told to roll for something, there is a high chance that Test could be hiding something they should know. If, by chance, their Character fails the Test, then the player is sure that there IS something they do not know, and avoiding basing decisions on player knowledge rather than Character knowledge becomes increasingly harder. To make things more interesting for your players, you can, instead, roll for them in secret. When they tell you that they are, say, looking for secret passages or trying to tell if the person they are speaking to is lying, you can just ask them for their Analysis or Insight scores (or keep note of them yourself) and then roll. Of course, the sight of you rolling your dice could prompt your players into thinking something is afoot. Or you might be faking a roll to keep them on edge. They will never know… Vulcania’s Character Sheets are designed to be folded in a way that keeps the Character’s Analysis and Insight scores always visible to you.

Results and Rules

To ensure that your players focus on their Characters’ actions and the fun at the table, rather than on dice rolls and mathematics, it is important that you divulge as little numerical information like Test Difficulty thresholds or enemy statistics as possible. There are moments in a game session when the dice just do not cooperate with either you or your players, and all of a sudden a potentially bland combat turns into a maelstrom of chaos and panic, with many Characters dead or dying, others on the verge of being overrun, and your antagonists just butchering the group. Now, if one or two Characters die, it is a sad moment, but it can be fixed. If a whole group is wiped out, however, the campaign and the fun end. When the dice say that they are not happy and start killing people, you can either accept Fate as a master more powerful even than you, or you can alter Difficulty thresholds and tweak enemy profiles to nudge the group in the direction you need them to take. If your players know all that, they might feel robbed of part of the fun. So, information about the rules side of the adventure should be administered with care. Tweaks like increasing the amount of Wounds on an enemy to make them last a few rounds longer or lowering their Dodge score to make hitting them more likely to happen are the type of tricks you can use to make sure everybody at the table has fun. At the end of the day, that is your main goal! On the other hand, if your players come up with a clever strategy to defeat a recurring villain, altering their profile to counter them is as harmful as letting them be slaughtered just because Fate said so: they deserve that victory! And, of course, you now have one more reason to increase the number of people who want them dead... Also, remember that you have Gears of Fate. They are a powerful tool that allows you to bribe your players and save your NPC’s from an untimely demise. Similarly, the players themselves might try to use them to bend the rules in their favor.

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CHAPTER 6 Chana is on a balcony, nursing her wounds after she just defeated two thugs. In the room below her, the dangerous criminal Bosogg, an old acquaintance of hers and endless source of troubles for her group, is about to defeat her companions after an intense fight. Chana would like to drop down from the balcony, grab the room’s chandelier, and then gracefully land behind Bosogg to finish him off with her blade. The rules say she should take a Maneuver to climb onto the railing of the balcony and then an Action to attempt an Agility Test to avoid pasting her face on the carpet behind her enemy, then she would have to wait until her next turn to attack. Rather anticlimactic, right? Chana’s player, therefore, might ask you if she can pull the entire evolution off in the same turn at the expense of a Gear of Fate.

Ending a Game Session

Choosing how to end a game session is always a crucial moment that requires much consideration. Normally, one of the worst moments to call it a day is in the middle of combat, as it forces those at the table to note down all the details that they are likely to forget by the following session, like positions, Wounds, initiative, enemies, and whatever area of effects were active. Basically, everything. It also breaks the pacing of the action, most likely negating the pathos that built up to that point in the session. This moment is key in ensuring the players remain engaged and involved with the campaign in the following session, much like how you struggle to contain the excitement when the next episode of your favorite series is about to air. For this reason, closing the session just after the group was exposed to a plot twist that radically changes their point of view on the whole story is a powerful tool to build tension and expectation for the next session. Also, devoting a few minutes after the session to gather feedback from your players is a useful tool to improve your game, an occasion to resolve any issues that might have risen during the game, or sim-

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ply to listen to any requests or suggestions from your players. This is the moment where you as a Narrator grow and learn the preferences of your group, and is a prime moment for awarding Skill Bonuses, so they have enough time to decide how to invest them in their Characters.

Concluding an Adventure

The last game session of an adventure is a special moment that requires extra care in writing. It is paramount for the players to leave the table satisfied with the goals they have achieved, with that tinge of melancholy that follows the end of a good book. What happens now? What new challenges await them? Carefully planning the ending episode of an adventure is key, in order to leave some time for the players to digest what has happened in the climactic conclusion, whether it is a combat or a role-playing moment. Of course, it is no easy task. The ending of a narrative arc is a perfect occasion to spend money on gear and Arts, because now the poor heroes have some free time on their hands! Depending on the preferences of the group, you can role-play the group’s encounters with teachers and vendors, or you can simply keep it off game. Rare equipment and specialized Arts are an important sign of status in Vulcania, so it could be significant to devote a few self-contained sessions to shopping or studying, to break the pace, avoid the risk of “normalizing” tension, and for some good, old fun. Who said that boys don’t like shopping when it is Vulcanus weapon or exoskeleton splurge time?!

Creating an Adventure

One of the most gratifying aspects of being a Narrator is not just running written adventures, but making up one’s own. Weaving intrigue, choreographing chases at breakneck speeds, and preparing epic fights in a fantasy-steampunk world grants your imagination free reign! For sure, building an adventure from scratch is rather work-intensive, but you will feel the pride and satisfaction of seeing your friends have the time of their lives when they play through what you prepared for them. After all, an imaginary adventure

NARRATOR with fantasy characters can be a memorable moment for a group, remembered for years to come! For a quick reference, think of your adventures as a TV series or movie saga, where the Characters are the protagonists and you are the director and writer. Generally, adventures begin with an event that prompts the Characters to gather in the same place and work together, like escaping from captivity, taking on a new bounty, or a mission on behalf of a Monopoly. This moment is meant for the Characters to form a group within the game universe that mimics that of the players at the table in our world. From that moment onwards, the Narrator often has only an idea of what is about to happen next, guiding the group through the events they prepared via the information and clues the NPCs have for them. Usually, it is best to avoid linking events together so that A must happen in order for B to be possible, which then leads to C. If A does not happen, and instead the group chooses G, the whole plot falls apart. Planning encounters is a fine and highly uncertain art, but a useful practice is to prepare with redundancy in mind: if the group takes the turn to the left they face event A, while if they take the right one they go through event B, both leading then to C. This leads to the next key aspect of Narrating: choice. If you give meaningful choices for your players to make, not only does the campaign becomes more interesting for both sides, because neither knows who the murderer really is until they are unmasked, but it also creates investment on the players’ part and makes sure they are involved. A useful solution for groups that have come together only recently or that have changed members is to run a few loose sessions to make sure everybody has similar expectations, and then embark on a larger campaign. Letting the players loose to make their own choices and thus heavily influence the outcome of the campaign is among the hardest paths a Narrator can take, because it requires you to nudge them back in the right direction without them realizing it and therefore feeling their agency reduced or downright revoked.


During an adventure, your players need reasons to follow the many plot threads you lay out in front of them. Luckily, the human range of emotions is wide enough: anger, fear, hatred, love, vengeance, and greed are powerful allies and it is key for a Narrator to know which emotions motivate which player or Character and what style of play the group prefers.


Every good adventure needs to feature a series of moments where the players are called to make an important decision that shapes the development of the plot, like chasing the assassins of a loved one or completing an urgent mission with hundreds of lives at stake. Whichever path they take, they are, however, moving towards an event that you should have prepared for them, or at least outlined in your head.

Differentiating Situations

Having your players face different types of events keeps tension high and ensures that every player experiences content they like. As such, alternating combat, investigation, and role-playing usually makes for a good campaign.


Every good adventure is centered around an engaging plot that alternates moments where tension rises to moments where it is resolved. Vulcania’s setting offers a great variety of places and organizations to help you, but only you can give the right pace to your plot because you are the only one who knows your group. Plot twists, like the timely arrival of an ally during a hard fight or a new, intriguing mystery can help in engaging the group with the plot. Also, not forcing the players into a series of events that completely take their agency away from them is key. For example, they might be captured by a group of Abrabazi raiders, but the group fights well and they are defeated. Instead of making the raiders unreasonably more powerful so the group cannot beat them and is surely captured, accept the loss of those raiders and nudge the Characters on the way towards

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CHAPTER 6 something else you had already prepared or just improvise on the spot! One of the strong suits of a role-playing game is freedom of choice, so its lack causes frustration.

guy?!” when you unravel the plot you spent so much time and effort building is definitely anticlimactic.


The easiest way to begin creating an adventure is starting from the place where its events are set. The abandoned city of Kbal, an ancient ruined compound, or a graveyard are all places that give a vibration of mysticism and action and are perfect adventure material. This kind of adventure benefits greatly from a map of the local area, with notes on the places where the relevant events you have prepared will happen. The larger portion of your work, then, is setting the map and the individual events.

The events you prepare, whether they are combat-based or not, should challenge your players enough that they have to earn their success, but it is not beyond their capabilities. Only teamwork should carry the Characters through the obstacles you have set in front of them, cementing their bond. Also, differentiating the challenges they face is important to give everyone a portion of the spotlight: let the events follow their course, but make sure that beating your challenges is not guaranteed. If a player regularly behaves in a way that endangers the group, let them suffer the consequences, which will most likely make them aware of their Character’s mortality.


Make sure your players have all the information they need to make a choice—it is not a contest between you and your players, after all. However, avoid unveiling the whole plot, because otherwise it would take away a fairly large portion of the fun of discovery. Finding the final, carefully hidden clue to unravel a mystery, after all, is part of the fun in and of itself, although there is a fine line between that and just sheer frustration! No two adventures are born equal, however, and there are times when your players know all there is to know and the challenge is in preparing and laying the best plan for the task at hand. Other times, they are swept by the events and have to improvise, gathering information from the environment. Problem solving depends on information, which means you are likely to ask for Analysis or Senses Tests to determine how aware the Characters are of what surrounds them Which type of challenge to use when and how deep to make a plot, of course, depends on your group. The more secondary plots and characters a campaign features, the easier it is to lose track of them. Your players asking “and who on earth is that

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Location-based Adventures

Drawing the map

Graph paper allows you to not only represent the important locations in the area of play, but also show an approximation of the distance between them, giving a measure of the time it takes to move from one to another. Make sure to take note (or draw, if you can) as many ambient elements as possible, like rubble, rundown walls, trees, and buildings, as the richer the scene, the more diverse strategies your players can employ and the more dynamic the situation becomes. Since the action can transition from outdoors to indoors, having a few detailed maps of the edifices of the area in addition to the more general one makes handling the campaign more comfortable. In the former situation, it is enough to give an overview of what the Characters can see and interact with. When the situation moves indoors, knowing the positioning of furniture, doors, walls, windows, and so on becomes critical when executing a plan, both for the players and, of course, their enemies. The size of an environment is important, so make sure to prepare for locations you can realistically portray on graph paper. Characters usually alter the locations they rove through! They routinely vandalize statues, kick in doors, and take items, so noting down any alteration in the makeup of the environment is useful if the group happens to wander back through a place they have already visited.

NARRATOR Planning events

Now that you have the location for your adventure, it is time to determine what is going to happen there and why it is going to be awesome. First of all, mark with a letter or number the places where you want an event to be. From there, you have room to start jotting down content like treasure, traps, secret passages, NPCs, etc.

the Characters. If it takes only a few hours for the group to explore the city of Kbal, they could meet some NPC’s, but should they remain for the night, then things could be much different and dangerous. Should they find the wanted Lady Victoria before she acquires the local cache of weapons, then they would avoid having to fight her and her goons, armed to the teeth with Vulcanus weapons.


Being the referee

Central to the success of a location-based adventure are the consequences of what the group does. This way, the players realize sooner or later that the decisions they make in one area of the map also affect other places, like the loud noise of breaching a door with explosives being heard over a long distance. If, instead of blowing said door to pieces, they took another, more silent way in, they might deal with any potential threat before it reacts. Players can inadvertently set off chain reactions that influence areas Kilocubitus away from one another over the span of hours as well as days or months. As an example, if the Characters were to stumble into a group of raiders while exploring the ruins of Kbal and somehow one of these enemies were to escape, you could decide that the fugitive returns the next day to settle the score with the rest of his friends from the raider camp a half day away from there. If, by then, the group is still where it was when the fight happened, then they would have to deal with this new, unscripted threat. Note these details down so you can remember what happened and can adapt accordingly. If you do, your players are likely to feel like the protagonists of what they are playing, as they can now see in first person the consequences of what they did in the past.

About Time Cycles

Even if an adventure is set in just one location, this does not imply that the place does not have its own life cycle. NPC’s move about the place and carry on their business, making it important to determine how it can change according to the presence of

Considering consequences and how time plays out in your adventure is a lot of work, but it adds depth to the game and allows you to practice your new role as Narrator. With maps and notes by your side, you should have enough prepared material to cover any unusual choice your players might make. Once you have mastered these simple adventures and grown with your group of friends, you can start thinking about making a campaign proper.

Narrative Adventures

When an event draws your players to a certain area and peaks their interest to the point where they want to know more, then it is more likely to be a narrative adventure. Often, it happens that the group sets off another chain of events as they attempt to find an explanation for an unusual happening, like people mysteriously disappearing, the arrival of a wandering circus in town, or a convoy needing an escort to cross the Mostucaal wilderness. A narrative adventure is structured around the “If they do this, then that happens” principle, granting Characters a lot of agency, as most of what actually happens depends on them. This way, their goal might not be “Kill the bearwolves that overran the graveyard” or “Find the blueprints of the Oktopus submarine.” Instead, it could be to make sure the situation follows a certain course by recovering intelligence, convincing NPC’s to do something specific, and so on. Usually, in these kinds of adventures, taking notes and theory-crafting are more prevalent than rolling dice and killing bad guys. Although this style of play does not require particularly detailed maps or “room by room” prepa-

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CHAPTER 6 ration, it benefits the most from a careful building of the main plot and the many possible ways it can evolve. Noting down the details of the plot in chronological order and then many alternative paths the group can take is always a good start.

Events Chart

Keeping track of events and their internal consistency is important when narrating an entertaining adventure, so an Events Chart is surely helpful. Every moment your players spend deep into your story has consequences on the future, as explained earlier, so you will spend a lot of time updating it depending on what the group does. “As usual, the city’s Alcalde visited his preferred tavern right before lunch for a glass of his favorite wine. The moment he took a sip, he dropped dead, under the incredulous eyes of both the Characters and his guard. As soon as a doctor is summoned, they ascertain that the Alcalde was poisoned and so, either because of some sense of duty or the hefty bounty on the head of the murderer, the group starts chasing

this mysterious figure. The NPC’s who have key information are the tavern keeper, the priest, and the pharmacist. If the group interrogates them with the right questions and some successful Tests within a day of the murder, they will tell what they know. The second day from the murder, the pharmacist’s wife finds her husband dead in their apartment. As another, parallel investigation unfolds, now, the tavern keeper feels threatened and closes the inn, hunkering down in his home and refusing to talk to anybody.” When your players do something, note it down on the Chart and try to imagine what they could do next. This kind of play structure requires more preparation and work on your end, although it is the one that makes the story the most dynamic and interesting. The actions of your players shape the events, although the world moves around them at the same time, and the more intricate the context is, the more attention the group must pay to complete their mission. If they do, however, the satisfaction of solving a complex mystery is second to none.

Events Chart - Day 1

EVENT The Alcalde visits the tavern at lunchtime and seems to have been killed by a stroke. The first rumors, however, claim he has been poisoned.

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NARRATOR BARKEEP Does not share information. Charm/Aggression versus Difficulty 10: he saw somebody wandering around the library the night before. Charm versus Difficulty 14: he is suspicious of the undertaker, believing he is not who he wants the other villagers to think he is.

UNDERTAKER A former cutthroat who wants to put his past behind him. Charm versus Difficulty 10: he heard noises from behind the library, close to the alchemical laboratory. Charm versus Difficulty 16: he reveals, but claims to be innocent.

ALCHEMIST Although the corpse of the undertaker was found in his laboratory, he seems to be innocent. However, he does not share information and attempts to mislead the group. Cunning/Aggression versus Difficulty 10: after being exposed, he asks for the group’s help in recovering a rare reagent used in the making of a powerful toxin. He suspects the thief was one of the Faceless, a criminal group with which he had dealings in the past.

LIBRARY Analysis versus Difficulty 13: a manhole nearby seems to have been opened recently. The relative section of sewers leads to the alchemical laboratory. SEWERS Analysis versus Difficulty 10: the manhole in the laboratory’s inner courtyard has been opened recently.

LABORATORY Analysis versus Difficulty 13: a professional picked the lock of the backdoor and then closed it to look like it had never happened.

EPILOGUE After their investigation is complete, the Characters confront the Faceless clan for the final showdown!

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Although preparation is important, you will soon learn that preparing for everything is impossible and there will be times when your players try to do something you would never have imagined or downright thought they would not do. After all, this is also their story, and if they have a brilliant idea you did not take into account, it might be interesting to explore that possibility for the plot. To turn a surprise into a coherent, consistent development for your plot, you must improvise. Do not worry! With some practice, your players will have no idea that what happened in the last seven sessions was definitely not part of your plan.

The grand fi ffiinale

For an adventure to be truly memorable and be remembered for years to come, you need a powerful ending at the end of a tense journey, like a fight with their nemesis, the acquisition of wealth, or the discovery of an important piece of information that paves the way for another adventure. An epilogue is usually a perfect moment to sum up what has happened so far and to give closure to the players, like the sheriff awarding them a medal for saving the city or the funeral of a lost companion.


Underground tombs, mountain complexes connected by tunnels or the sewers of a city are areas you will often find as settings for your adventures. From now on, for the purpose of explanation, these are called structures. As no adventuring group can resist the lure of exploring an abandoned place, the world of Vulcania features many different kinds of structures.

Classic Structures

Evocative areas like a mausoleum or the sewers of a metropolis are a perfect setting for adventures rich in fighting and tension, not to mention a useful tool to use should the group deviate too far from the main plot and you need to buy time. There is no limit to the kinds of structures you can come up with, but the following list is there if you need a little guidance for your creative flow: Natural Structures: volcanoes are known for crisscrossing Vulcania’s underground with networks of tunnels, giving the world its name. All manner of creatures and plants find shelter there and they often connect many other complexes, both natural and man-made. With their fluorescent mushrooms, stalagmites, and stalactites, they surely are an interesting background for hunting

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NARRATOR both beasts and treasure. Ruins: most often, ruins are buildings or settlements that have been abandoned by their makers and now are used by new occupants for new purposes. In many cases, such change is rather evident. The once-proud Von Hammer manor, with the family crest on every door, hearth, and gate, now the den of a group of Whaampa that terrorize the surrounding villages, is a prime example of this. These areas are ideal for criminal activities, or as roosts and dens for wandering creatures, where they raise their young and pile the bones of their prey. Usually, there is not much left of the original furniture or treasures, but it is also true that the new inhabitants have either already found out or triggered any possible trap that the builders have set about the place. Of course, depending on the level of sentience of the present occupants, they might have converted said traps for their own uses… Subterranean Structures: it is often said that the best way to keep something safe is hiding it underground, be it a treasure or a secret Monopoly laboratory. Secure underground structures are an old concept, where one is more likely to run into guardians and traps rather than actual people, as technology or positioning is the main line of defense. Of course, not many can afford these places, so they are rare. Common sights are elaborate mechanical traps, security doors, and other measures that do not require much in the way of maintenance to be kept working so that they still function even without the presence of their makers.

Scenic elements

There will be times when you need to know details like how tough the door your players are trying to smash their way through is. Since small and apparently insignificant aspects of the game world like these can suddenly become relevant, the following is a list of props to have your players interact with when need be:


Be they corridors, bridges, or dark, dank tunnels, the

passages connecting locations together have the potential to be the theater of interesting encounters. Their configuration conditions how the Characters move and fight, making for unique combinations. Corridors: of course, their main function is to connect the areas of a location together, but sometimes they are used as defense mechanisms, forcing invaders to pass one at a time to negate their potential numerical advantage. Ideal for traps. Staircases: as corridors connect an area horizontally, stairs and ladders do so vertically, with the top of a staircase being a perfect spot for a trap or a sentinel. Depending on their width, incline, and context, like strong winds or hot lead raining down from the heavens, dealing with a ladder or staircase could call for an Agility Test in and of itself. Bridges: linking together areas that would be otherwise inaccessible, they can take any sort of form, from the fallen log to the drawbridge. Bridges also come in all materials, from iron to stone to wood, and in all shapes, easing passage or requiring Tests on the Characters’ end. As an example, a naturally occurring bridge in a volcanic area most likely features magma and is a rather dangerous location to cross, while a rope bridge in a jungle could be easily destroyed with a few vigorous machete strokes. Of course, falling from a bridge is followed by dire consequences, although a Reaction Test against Difficulty 12 could be what an unfortunate Character needs to grab onto something solid before meeting their doom countless feet below.


Separating the areas of a structure, walls are usually better climbed than smashed through, when possible. The most common building material on Vulcania is brick and mortar, but stone and wood are still in widespread use, especially in older buildings. Wood: stables, warehouses, and farmhouses usually feature wooden walls. Its relatively low resistance and the ease with which it can be climbed by setting nails and pitons makes wooden walls relatively easy to deal with. Brick and Mortar: used in recent buildings, bricks are favored for being both thermal and acoustic

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CHAPTER 6 insulators, although less resistant than stone. Their smooth surfaces make brick walls harder to climb. Rough Stone: grottoes, volcanic caves, and underground passages are made of rough stone. Humidity tends to gather in these places, making them slippery, although they often feature nooks and crannies that help in climbing. However, tearing down such a formation could cause landslides. Worked Stone: older buildings, like noble manors, castles, and Monopoly quarters, are often built with worked stone. Its rough textures and small imperfections make it easier to climb than brick and mortar walls, although it is a much stronger material. Metal: More often present within large vehicles, metal walls are usually made of thinner sheets, resistant to being bashed but also easily pierced by firearms. Within high security structures or vaults, it is possible to find much thicker metal walls, an almost insurmountable obstacle.


Within a closed environment, doors have the potential to be the protagonist of an event all by themselves, as they are one of the few items the careful explorer is constantly looking for. Doors share characteristics with their room, are one of the most frequent triggers for trap mechanisms, and can, of course, be locked. Usually, doors are made of wood or metal and, sometimes, even stone. Wooden Doors: the cheapest and easiest to build, with metal inserts enough to keep them together. The most widespread are not thick enough to give actual cover from attacks and are found in almost every building in the world. Houses belonging to the gentry and middle class usually feature tougher doors, with the best being the hardest to break through thanks to thick metal bars and latches and bolts. The Difficulty to break these doors down ranges from 8 to 12, depending on their craftsmanship. Iron Doors: the toughest doors, made with the precise intention of putting them between any unwanted guests and something that should stay where it was placed. They are fitted with heavy hinges and require a Strength Test at Difficulty 14 to be dealt with.

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Stone Doors: heavy and unwieldy, they are rarely used in dwellings. Given the material, their size is usually larger than the standard, as they are meant to be used only rarely. For this reason, they are a common sight in cemeteries, or as secret doors for those who know of their existence. Stone doors are essentially invulnerable, unless the Characters use something extremely loud and powerful. Vacuum Doors: Special sliding doors made of two thin metal sections made for use in narrow spaces and heavily employed in the aeronautic sector. They do not have locks, with the vast majority opening with the press of a button that activates a steam engine or more elaborate models featuring a code lock. The Difficulty to break Vacuum doors down is 13.


Some doors can be dealt with using brute force, but others require the skilled hand of a lock picker. Since there are plenty of aspirant burglars in Vulcania, locks come in all shapes and levels of complexity, the most common being the plain model, the pump-operated, the Zeiss, and the combination-based one. Plain Model Locks: the most widely spread of locks, used by the poorer strata of Vulcanian society. By rotating in the lock’s hole, a key aligns the tumblers inside, allowing the owner to operate it, although it is easier to pick. Lock-picking Tests are rolled against a Difficulty of 8. Pump Locks: the teeth that activate the insides of a pump lock, instead of being within the keyhole, are on the tip of the key. This type of lock is used often in the outside door of a higher end house because it is harder to pick, imposing a Difficulty of 11. Zeiss Locks: available only to the rich and powerful, Zeiss locks require a cross-shaped key that features grooves on each of their sides, making aligning the internal tumblers of the lock much more complex and the chance of picking it much lower. Zeiss keys are also often used as trinkets and jewels, as their peculiar shapes have sparked a small fashion microcosm. Picking a Zeiss lock requires a Test against Difficulty 13.

NARRATOR Combination Locks: featuring six different locks operated by a disc where the user inputs a code, they are unique items fitted to vacuum doors that guard important places like the bridge of an airship or its captain’s quarters. Picking one of these locks is almost impossible, and those who wish to try usually desist unless they have a hefty amount of explosives available. The Difficulty to deal with these locks is 15.


Ancient passages, secret compounds, and bank vaults are only a few of the most common places a Character can have the pleasure of making the acquaintance of traps. The following section is about the most common types of traps used in Vulcania, and a few handy rules for how to use them or, why not, make your own.


Each trap is set off by some sort of mechanism, be it a tripwire a few inches off the ground or a button hidden in the floor. Whatever form they take, however, all traps in Vulcania have a mechanical position or contact-based activation trigger. Contact: the trap is triggered when the target comes in contact with one of its peripheral components. A common example is a door handle that causes the surrounding area to be flooded in toxic gas when pulled. Positioning: The target’s position determines the activation of the trap. An old classic is the trapdoor that opens into a pit filled with poisoned spikes.

Finding, Deactivating, and Reactivating a trap

triggered anyway. To reactivate a trap, the Character must pass another Handicraft Test and must have available any components the mechanism is currently missing to operate properly. Traps designed for one use only cannot be rearmed. The following trap examples include any details you might need during play, but if you create your own, then the Test Difficulty is usually 10.

Defusing Mechanisms

Most skilled builders always devise ways to move undisturbed within the perimeters that they have filled with traps, sometimes placing defusing mechanisms in secret places that your players might find. These contraptions take many forms, like levers, special locks, or buttons, and require Analysis and Handicraft Tests against a Difficulty of 14 to find and operate them.

Effects of a trap

The “what sort of mayhem is this going to wreak” section of any trap. Not all are deadly, however, as some allow a Test to partially mitigate their nefarious effects. Danger (D): the Danger score sets the Difficulty of the Tests that Characters must pass to mitigate the effects when they are within the trap’s affected area. Inevitable: these traps cannot miss their targets, making Skill, cunning, or luck irrelevant. A wall covered in spikes that barrels towards the group in a room with no exits is a typical example of an inevitable trap. Liquid or gas-based traps often have this characteristic. : on a Catastrophic Failure on the Test to avoid the trap, consequences could be dire indeed!

To deactivate a trap, one must first know where its trigger mechanism is located by making an Analysis Test against a Difficulty based on the trigger size, positioning, and any work done on it to keep it hidden. If the Character is not able to find said mechanism, the trap cannot be deactivated. Otherwise, they can attempt a Handicraft Test. If the result of the latter Test is a Catastrophic Failure, the trap is

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Trap examples Alchem Fire

D 11

Activation: positioning Spot: 15 (Analysis) Area of effect: cone 4 Deactivate: 11 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : on fire

Controlled Collapse

A nozzle built into a suitable wall lets out a conical gout of flame, dealing damage and setting equipment on fire. Acid Rain

D 13

Activation: positioning Spot: 13 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 3 Deactivate: 15 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : equipment destroyed The ceiling is dotted with small holes that spew acid every time the trap is sprung. In addition to damage, carried over time if the Characters are unable to move to safety, part of their equipment is also destroyed. Whether it is determined randomly or left to the sadism of the Narrator is up to group preference. Usually, armor is the first item to be consumed by acid. Bear Trap

D 15

Activation: contact Spot: 10 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 10 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : slowed target Used by hunters, it traps its target in place, working equally well on both people and game. If a Character is caught within a snare, they must pass a Strength Test against its Deactivate Difficulty to break free,

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otherwise they suffer 1 point of damage each time they move. On a Catastrophic Result on the escape Test, the caught limb suffers dire damage and only a skilled physician can save it from amputation. D 13

Activation: positioning Spot: 13 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 6 Deactivate: 15 (Handicraft) Damage: 3 : buried alive Being capable of burying entire groups of adventurers with countless tons of stone, controlled collapses are extremely dangerous traps. A Character with Knowledge: Engineering is able to spot the weaknesses in a structure with a Hidden Senses Test. Should this result in a Catastrophic Failure, the target of the trap is covered in debris and cannot move without external help. Until then, the buried Character is counted as drowning. Usually, controlled collapse traps are rudimentary in nature and do not feature defusing mechanisms. Crushing Corridor


Activation: positioning Spot: 13 (Analysis) Area of effect: Variable Deactivate: 16 (Handicraft) Damage: death A tile in the floor activates a mechanism that blocks both entrance and exit doors, then a motor pushes one of the walls against the other, turning anything in between into paste. To avoid accidents, the builders of this trap usually place a defusing mechanism close to one of the doors that requires a successful Analysis Test against Difficulty 15 to spot. Electrified Handle Activation: Contact Spot: 15 (Analysis) Area of effect: Single target

D 15

NARRATOR Deactivate: 13 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : dazed target This handle is connected to an electrolytic alchem chamber that produces high voltage electricity when the door is opened. As the trigger for this trap is inside the handle itself, it is particularly difficult to spot, although defusing it is much simpler. Explosive Tile

D 14

Activation: positioning Spot: 16 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 3 Deactivate: 16 (Handicraft) Damage: 3 : damage x2

D 12

Activation: positioning Spot: 14 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 14 (Handicraft) Damage: 2 : damage x2 A blade springs from its alcove in a wall, violently stabbing anything in its proximity. Such a trap is favored for its small size, allowing it to be placed inside medium-sized objects like furniture or pieces of art. Hidden Pit

Pendulum of Death

D 12

Activation: positioning Spot: 12 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 14 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : damage x2 A massive, bladed pendulum swings across the location of the trap. If it is dodged, it repositions in the wall opposite the one that it came out of.

Pressing this tile down triggers a detonation, with fairly imaginable effects. Hidden Blade

zed animals without necessarily killing them, this is a net drawn over a large pit in the ground, often 3 cubitus deep, then covered in leaves, dirt, and branches. Some even add spearheads or sharpened stakes at the bottom, tripling the damage.

D 13

Activation: positioning Spot: 10 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 6 Deactivate: 10 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : damage x2 Used by hunters to neutralize medium and large-si-

Poisoned Needle

D 12

Activation: contact Spot: 14 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 14 (Handicraft) Damage: paralyzing poison : death A small-sized trap, often used in doors and locks, using a compressed air mechanism that shoots a poisoned dart into the person attempting to operate its vessel. Its most widely used incarnation features a paralyzing poison, although it can use any other toxin. Rolling Stone


Activation: positioning Spot: 11 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 3 Deactivate: 13 (Handicraft) Damage: 5 : damage x2 A sloping corridor is dominated by an alcove hiding a metallic spherical boulder that rolls towards its target once the mechanism has been triggered. Its

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CHAPTER 6 speed is 6 cubitus per round, and it accelerates by 1 additional cubitus per round, making outrunning it the only option to survive. Good luck with that! Rotating Blades

D 14

Activation: positioning Spot: 13 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 3 Deactivate: 12 (Handicraft) Damage: 3 : damage x2 The ceiling features rows of grooves containing saw blades that jut out when the trap is triggered, dealing grievous damage to their targets. Shooting Door

D 11

Activation: positioning Spot: 10 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 10 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : prone target When this door is opened, unless the trap is defused, the Sawed-off shotgun hidden behind it shoots. Somewhat rudimentary, although undeniably effective. Slide-stair

D 16

Activation: positioning Spot: 14 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 16 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 + prone : dazed The steps of this set of stairs sit on a slide and are anchored to the walls with iron stakes, connected to a mechanism that lets them loose and opens a pit at the bottom of the staircase. A number of steps trigger the mechanism, though a Character with Knowledge: Engineering can notice the unusual configuration if they pass a Hidden Senses Test.

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Spiked Log Activation: positioning Spot: 12 (Analysis) Area of effect: single target Deactivate: 14 (Handicraft) Damage: 1 : damage x2 A tripwire hidden in the underbrush triggers an array of pulleys and ropes that unleashes a log, covered in wooden spikes, that smashes anything in its path. The size of the log varies, but usually it is at least 4 cubitus wide. Spiked Pit

D 16

Activation: positioning Spot: 15 (Analysis) Area of effect: square 6 Deactivate: 13 (Handicraft) Damage: 3 : damage x3 A distant, much deadlier cousin to the Hidden Pit: A hidden trigger causes a wide section of the floor to swing open, leaving no other option for its target but falling to their spike-laden doom 6 cubitus below. Leaving the pit is almost impossible without external help, the trap dealing 1 point of damage per round until its inhabitant either dies or manages to escape. Vacuum Room

D 16

Activation: positioning Spot: 16 (Analysis) Area of effect: quadrato 3 Deactivate: 15 (Handicraft) Damage: 4 : damage x2 Among the rarer traps in Vulcania, Vacuum Rooms are sealed by, somewhat unimaginatively, Vacuum doors. When the trap is triggered, Vulcanus-powered motors suck air from the room, creating an area of vacuum that can be reversed only by opening a door using the correct

NARRATOR combination. Unless that happens, the Characters are sucked out of the room, onto a wall covered in spikes and blades.

Furniture and tools

Furniture and tools are essential to giving life and realism to a setting, as they help the players understand the purpose of the structure they are in and, at the same time, help with immersion. Their condition also gives precious clues to the Characters, like claw marks, bullet holes, or a suspicious shine. Feel free to place as much detail in your adventures as you see fit!

Action against props

Acting against scenic elements, like bashing down a door or shredding an enemy’s cover with gunfire, is

a common occurrence, and so is determining their resistance. To expedite this process, items are given a material-dependent integrity and resistance score, equivalent to the Wounds and Damage Reduction of organic beings, with 1 Wound per cubic meter of mass as a rule of thumb. Fragile materials offer 0 Resistance, mineral-based substances like stone give 1, while metal alloys grant 2. Table 6.3 — Scenic Elements offers an overview of many of the elements described earlier. Of course, as Narrator, it is up to you to choose whether or not to apply these rules so as not to excessively slow down the game. If a Character wishes to break a window with their ax, of course, they should be able to do it, unless the glass is more resistant than usual because of some plot-related reasons!

Table 6.3 - Scenic Elements Wall








Brick & Mortar




Natural Stone




Worked Stone








Wood (low quality)




Wood (medium quality)




Wood (good quality)



















Lock-Pick Difficulty

















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Indoor encounters

By now, you have designed the structure where your adventure takes place, you drew the map, and filled it with details to make it engaging. Now comes the fun part: giving it life! Be it a cavern or the underground base of a Monopoly, a structure is a small, self-contained world in itself, with living beings that must feed, sleep, and do other things.

Programmed fi f ights

Once you have an idea of who the inhabitants of your structure are, now it is time to spread them about the place and plan a few encounters. Start by marking with a letter or number any area where you want an encounter to be and write a key down with the kind of fight and a roster of enemies, designed so the group will be forced to work together. This way, when the group opens the door to that room and it is time to roll Initiative, you already know what the Characters are facing. Balancing them for a good level of difficulty that is neither too hard nor too easy is a sense that you will acquire with practice. To begin with, however, try using encounters you think your players should be able to handle slightly more easily: you always have time to make later enemies tougher!

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Remember that the locals can move against the Characters should they be too noisy and, depending on their loyalties, might even reinforce their brethren in the current fight.

Random encounters

During their explorations, the Characters might unwittingly attract the attention of wandering creatures, like a dangerous predator crawling along the ceiling as it follows the light of their lanterns. These encounters should not always be a fight: they could involve a fleeing prisoner, a merchant, or other elements to add unpredictability to the exploration and make for funny and memorable moments during a game session.

Urban adventures

Cities represent the major aggregation centers of the world and are the main place for the Characters to stock up on provisions, equipment, and knowledge. However, in addition to being a useful interlude between adventures, they offer numerous interesting narrative hooks with nightly ambushes, suburban chases, and intrigue at parties thrown by crime bosses. A period of downtime in a settlement can easily turn into an experience that is anything but calm,

NARRATOR as really the only difference between a city and a dungeon is scale. Both have walls, hallways, doors, elevators, and the scenic elements described earlier. However, cities are also ruled by laws that may preclude access to specific areas and regulate the use of certain tools, like weapons. Also, the presence of law enforcement units makes moving about a settled area more interesting. However, should your players be creative in circumventing these obstacles or use them to their advantage, their creativity should be encouraged. The law is a factor to be kept into consideration when developing alternative ways to solve a problem, not just an obstacle for gameplay.

Recurrent locations

One of the major advantages of operating in a settlement are the services the Characters can benefit from and the Non Player Characters that offer them. Through these, the group is able to buy and sell gear quickly, receive medical aid, find experts, or simply enjoy the hospitality of various establishments on the spectrum of morality. What follows is a list of recurrent NPC’s and locations in a typical city.


Habitation Blocks: these feature three to five floors and between six to ten apartments, without particular technological characteristics. Depending on the climate, some have tiled roofs while others have flat ones that the inhabitants use as balconies. Upper Class Blocks: the residence of the middle class, ranging from four to ten floors and often having a reception area or lodge. The apartments are large, featuring between four to seven rooms and toilets connected to the sewers. Mansions: where important people and nobles live, featuring between ten and twenty rooms. The entrance gates and the surrounding garden ensure privacy and many are even guarded by private security and have paid staff. Fortress: these stone compounds feature mighty defensive walls and most often were built in the ancient past, hosting the lords of a city. Entering a fortress without an invitation is almost impossible

because of the many guards, security systems, and a position dominating the local area. Fortresses usually have up to thirty rooms.

Purchasing a building

When the Characters have acquired enough wealth, they might wish to spend it to buy a residence for the group. As price varies depending on the size and location of their new home, Table 6.4—Buildings is there to help you in deciding the price. Table 6.4 - Buildings Building


Habitation Block

100,000 $

Upper Class Block

250,000 $


500,000 $


1,000,000 $

Banks: banks are the beating heart of Vulcania’s economy and have subsidiaries all over the major cities: massive buildings up to ten stories tall garrisoned by a small army of private guards. Characters should always remember that although a credit institute might be willing to lend them money, it is impossible to escape them for long. Libraries: these ancient structures hold the majority of Vulcania’s knowledge and, with enough tenacity, can yield very specific pieces of information. Librarians can help the group in navigating the endless rows of shelves and tomes, but their meager wages might require an incentive to make them more cooperative. Militia Barracks: every city employs a small standing army tasked with maintaining order and, in wartime, defending its territory. Normally, patrols are led by a corporal and formed by privates, rotating between three eight hour long shifts. The bulk of the militia is usually busy patrolling the city streets, while the rest mans the walls. Before the war, city militias counted a soldier for every hundred citizens, although nowadays they number about half that and

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CHAPTER 6 struggle to keep the banner of justice aloft. For this reason, any problems they cannot handle are dealt with through a bounty system that rewards service to the law… even if it is just temporary. Monopoly Seats: monopolies hold the most carefully hidden secrets in Vulcania and have seats in every important city. Architecture depends on the local style, although they present common elements like thick perimeter walls, loyal private security forces, and a fair amount of secret passages and rooms used to enter and leave the structure unnoticed. Airdocks: almost every city in Vulcania has a safe landing spot for airships, without which commercial development, exploration, and warfare are almost impossible. Normally, airdocks are located in the periphery or on large bodies of water, as airships still retain a limited buoyancy. Water-based airdocks resemble harbors and dockyards, while those that are land-based usually are large towers surrounded by gantries, cranes, lifts, and pipes for handling cargo and resupplying. All of them also feature one or more light towers that guide airships to safety from far away and in any weather. Sewers: Almost every city features a sewage system, accessed by manholes and the main waste canal. Its tunnels vary from smaller peripheral ones to larger gallery junctions, their brick walls covered in lichens and moss. Most often, the planning of a sewage network resembles that of an underground structure. Train Station: the majority of Vulcanian cities are connected by a railway network, the fastest land-based means of transportation as personal vehicles are unreliable and animal mounts leave their rider exposed to the elements. Trains are comfortable and somewhat affordable vehicles, especially for those who can purchase first class tickets. Those designed for long travels are known for featuring restaurant coaches and actual suites, booked at around four times middle class prices. City Streets: the painstakingly maintained major arteries of a city allow for the passage of vehicles, with those of richer districts lit by gas lamps or pharus lanterns during nighttime. Lesser streets, on the other hand, which connect the many neighborhoods

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of a settlement, are narrower and often are not even paved. Lighting here is scarce, provided by lanterns hanging from wherever possible. Tavern: should your players wish to make new acquaintances, taverns are the perfect place for meeting new people, gathering information, or relaxing after an exhausting adventure. Their vast range of services includes lodging, food, drink, pools, saunas, and more, to satisfy even the most refined tastes. Bell Tower: the complexity of mechanical clocks makes these installations extremely expensive, and only the most technologically advanced of cities have them. As they are commonly held as the symbol of the Industrial Revolution and technological progress, the apartments that have been built into them accommodate important figures from the local scientific community, called Clock Wardens. These people are held in high regard by the politicians of the area, whom they advise, and often come from the many academies of engineering.

Adventures in unexplored lands

Encounters in the uncharted wilderness are as engaging as urban ones, although wildly different. The characters are free to roam the wilderness, taking the directions they wish with the utmost freedom. You are not forced to draw tactical maps for every nook and cranny the Characters might want to explore, although it means you need a basic understanding of the possible events and consequences on a much wider scale. On the other hand, the group does not have access to the commodities of a city, like shops and hospitals. Effectively, they are on their own.

Lost in the wild

Following a trail, a river, or another landmark is a useful method for not getting lost when traveling in the wilderness. However, the group will sooner or later be forced to leave the relative security of the beaten path to delve deeper into the hinterland, where unexpected dangers and inclement weather might prevent them from understanding their po-

NARRATOR sition. These are the times when an accurate map often makes the difference between traveling with purpose and wandering in the dark for endless hours. When visibility is low, because of rain, fog, or other less natural means, you might need to ask for a Hidden Analysis Test from your players. For the sake of expediency, it is better if it is rolled with the highest score in the group. If they fail, the group chooses a random direction and must roll another Test to determine if they have gotten lost or plot another route. Table 6.5 – Orienteering lists possible Difficulties for these situations. Table 6.5 - Orienteering Environment Difficulty Difficulty With Map No Visible Landmarks









Pouring Rain



Thick Fog






Preparing the site of a fif ight

In the vastness of the wild, gauging where the group is going to head next is harder. Try to figure out in your mind the spaces the Characters are passing through, adding as many details as you can to make your players always aware of what surrounds them. As you cannot know for certain which direction the Characters will take next, it is useful to have two or three maps of hypothetical fights ready. As an example, you can prepare an encounter with a pack of wolves if the group takes a route through the mountains, another with a bear if they cross the forest, or a third one, with bandits, should they follow the beaten trail through the vale.

Natural phenomena

When in the wild, natural phenomena like avalanches or fires pose challenges to the group. The following list contains a few ideas for pitting your players against the fury of Mother Nature herself: Fires: many things can cause forest fires, from lightning bolts to lava from a volcano or human behavior, all heralded by the smell of charred matter, the sight of smoke, and the rise in temperature. Depending on contextual clues, you might call for an Analysis Test from the Characters to notice these phenomena sooner or later than they should. Characters in proximity of or caught within a fire should roll a Resistance Test against a Difficulty equal to 10 + 1 for each round after the first that they remain within the flames. If they fail, they suffer the Disoriented condition for 1 round, as they choke on the now unbreathable air. Then, they must roll an Agility Test against the same Difficulty or suffer the On Fire condition. Avalanche: when steep slopes and snow meet, it results in one of the worst nightmares of mountainous areas: avalanches. They are so large, loud, and powerful, that an Analysis Test against Difficulty 11 is enough to spot them from hundreds of meters away. Characters with Biomes Knowledge: Nature are able to realize an avalanche is coming by passing a Senses Test against Difficulty 12. Being caught in an avalanche imposes an Agility Test against Difficulty 14. In case of a Failure, the Character is overwhelmed by the snow and suffers 2 points of damage. They have roughly ten minutes to find an exit from the snow mound before they start running out of air to breathe. With a Strength Test against Difficulty 12, however, they are able to open their way out to safety. Sand Storm: typical dangers of desert lands like Balastoc or Mostucaal, these strong, hot winds slow travelers down to a fourth of their speed and impose a -4 penalty to all Senses and Analysis Tests. Quicksand: these patches of treacherous slime are among the worst dangers of the swamp. A Character with Biomes Knowledge: Nature can attempt a Senses Test with Difficulty 12 to spot the pheno-

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CHAPTER 6 menon before falling into it. Characters who move too fast or are busy doing anything else do not get to roll to spot a patch of quicksand. Characters caught in quicksand must pass an Athletics Test against Difficulty 13 to move one cubitus in the direction of their choice. After three Failures, the Character is submerged by the quicksand and starts drowning.


Weather is critical, even more so when the Characters spend long periods of time in open areas. Rain removes the tracks left by their prey, while storms force the group to take detours for shelter. As Narrator, you decide when the weather changes and you can use this power both to help your players or hinder them. Otherwise, there is always a Luck Test to let fate decide if those dark clouds turn into a rainstorm or not. After all, it can always get worse. It could rain, right? Downpour: pouring rain prevents the Characters from seeing further than 4 cubitus away and shooting beyond that requires a successful Luck Test against the target’s Evade score. Groups caught outdoors by pouring rain must pass an Analysis Test to keep their sense of direction, and they suffer a -2 penalty to all Senses Tests. Fog: visibility is reduced to 2 cubitus, and sinister and disturbing backgrounds benefit terribly by adding a touch of mist, perfect for dramatically introducing a villain. Snowfall: in addition to visibility issues if it is snowing heavily, it coats the ground with a thick layer in a few hours, halving the speed of the Characters. Heavy snow instead reduces speed to a fourth. Hurricane: Shooting and attempting Senses Tests result in automatic failure. May Lady Luck help those who sail into a hurricane...

Growth points

In game terms, the Growth Points that you award to your players represent how the Characters grow during their adventures. With each of these Points, players can increase any one of their Skill Scores by 1

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point, although Skills are still capped at the value of their parent ATTRIBUTE + 1.

Chana and Vas catch their breath after capturing Ghraam, the large Nuug who led a band of bloodthirsty brigands wanted by half the world. Fishing him out of his lair was a grueling task, but now it is all over and both can taste victory and money. Now the two adventurers are not just sensibly richer, but also more aware of their skills and limits, thanks to this new experience.

When to award how many points

Awarding Growth Points every other session allows the group to grow regularly, giving each player enough time to become familiar with and appreciate each upgrade. Should you and your group decide you want a faster progression rate so they can face harder challenges earlier, you can award Points at the end of each session, instead. Alternatively, you can award Growth Points at the end of a whole adventure, depending on how many sessions it takes your group to complete it. In both cases, feel free to reward the player who best interpreted their Character or played a key role in advancing the plot with an extra Growth Point, in a similar way that you reward clever play with Gears of Fate during actual gameplay.


Greed is among the chief factors that make Characters take up the way of the adventurer, as sesterzii allow them to acquire what they need to in order to survive and more

Acquiring wealth

Although the ways to wealth are endless, the most common is looting corpses. Of course, wild beasts do not offer much in the way of treasure, while humanoid enemies are more likely to have gear, precious objects, and coin on their persons. Another path to wealth is through bounties. Vulcania’s gover-

NARRATOR nments have paid a hefty price for the Great War, both in lives and coin, and the cessation of hostilities put a stop only to the official killings. Many other issues only got worse: militia forces are used to protect the cities, leaving the rest of the lands exposed to criminals and the dangers of nature, so bounties are one of the few tools people can rely upon for at least a modicum of justice.

Handling rewards

The moment of looting is a moment of joy for the group, being one way for their efforts to pay off. However, it is also delicate, as not splitting treasure equally could lead to some Characters becoming more powerful than others and stealing their chance at being in the spotlight. It can happen that the more exuberant players try to take the best items for themselves, compromising the fun for the rest of the table, a dynamic that you as Narrator should attempt to avoid. Tallying treasure on a piece of paper to split up at the end of the session or when a sizable amount has been totaled helps in making sure everybody receives roughly the same quantity. Remember that items are split by their market value, so players who receive an item should not receive as much money from the treasure pile. Balanced groups allow you to create adventures that are challenging to all but not lethal for some and too easy for others at the same time. In addition to these considerations, a shared treasury helps the group in covering their expenses, like food, ammunition, and information.

Learning new Arts

Unlike Growth Points, a Character is able to learn Arts only when a Master is available. They are usually loathe to teach them for free, requiring a payment in coin or the undertaking of a mission in exchange for their services—a perfect way to play fun little episodic adventures.

Organizing a campaign

Usually, a campaign is a series of adventures, not necessarily connected one with the other, that feature the same group of Characters. Engaging cam-

paigns feature well-thought adventures that allow you to weave a tapestry of references over time with recurring allies and villains. To do so, write adventures based on the ones your group has already completed, to immerse your players in a living, breathing, dynamic world. All of this, of course, requires a great deal of effort and work on your end, so here are a few useful tips for undertaking this daunting task.

Narrative Realism

The best asset to achieve continuity and realism in your narration is to take note of everything that happens as the group moves about the world: who they met, the information they receive, and the like. This way, you always have a quick reference if your players ask any questions. As an example, if Reikkar’s Nuug guards were ill-disposed towards the group, it should come up when they pass through those areas again. If the city of Kbal is ruled by Lord Bisti Beel, it should still be so unless something specific has happened. Adding these details to the narration helps make the setting more consistent and realistic and keeps the game engaging.

An evolving world

Vulcania is a living world, where the stories of the mighty and powerful are the background of the lives of the common folk. Cities wage war one on the other, water becomes a precious resource after a period of drought, and new tyrants rise to power, levying taxes and strangling their people. Remember to feed this information to your players as they move through the plot you prepared.

A reactive world

Your players should be aware that their actions have consequences in the game world. If they found a dangerous bandit and brought them to justice, the city is likely to take a welcoming attitude towards the Characters. On the other hand, should the group be involved in a brawl or set the tavern on fire, the local militia is likely to chase after them and, should they cause even more trouble, take hostile action.

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CHAPTER 6 The past

The difference between a series of episodic adventures and a campaign often is how interconnected the former are into the latter. Through a sequence of events connected together, each Character is given the chance to weave their own tapestry of friends, foes, victories, and defeats. A good Narrator knows how to use these stories in their campaign to raise tension and make sure the Characters have a personal reason to keep going. After all, if the Characters were received with warmth by a village, they might take up arms to defend them just because they were nice!

R e l e v a n t NPC’s

As they play through the campaign, the personal sagas of your players gather a cast of secondary characters as recurring enemies or allies, like the mastermind behind the bandit attack that reappears, affected by disturbing mutations, the group of miners that returns the favor to the group by rushing to their aid during a key fight, or the mysterious woman the Characters met in Aqualos who reveals her identity along with precious information. If wielded care-

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fully, NPC’s contribute a high degree of realism to your campaign, although the line between use and abuse is faint, and letting them steal the Characters’ thunder is an easy mistake for new Narrators to make. As a rule of thumb, NPC’s should be used rarely to save the group, as it fosters a sense of immortality that has no reason to exist or, on the other hand, turns their decision making process into irrelevant theatrics.

Ever-changing Intelligence

Information is a powerful narrative tool, as it dictates what the players know of the game setting and their perception of it. The road connecting Orgholm to Reikkar has always been safe, but not anymore. This piece of information could compel the group to investigate, much in the same way you can use the pacing and quality of the information you give to your players to nudge them in the direction you want them to take.

The World of Vulcania

The majority of what you have read so far in this chapter applies to any tabletop role-playing game, much like any other book you might read has hooks

NARRATOR and ideas that apply to Vulcania. But, how can you breathe life into your adventures and campaigns? In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the setting and find historical events, NPC’s, factions, and the like to bring the world of Vulcania to your players in the fullest. Although setting-specific plot elements greatly help with engaging your players, you have to truly change your language to achieve a deeper level of immersion. Enrich your descriptions with steampunk details like aviator goggles, octopus capped walking sticks, or mechanical limbs. Chapter 5 – Equipment contains many characteristic items to enrich your NPC’s with, but also the environment where your scenes are set. Here follows a small list of exclusively Vulcanian furniture. However, feel totally free to add your own: Combination Discs: vacuum doors, mechanisms for turning on vehicles, and many other selection contraptions usually feature this item. It is a disc with a series of numbered holes, where the user inserts their finger and rotates the assembly to select a specific number. Once the correct sequence has been entered, the whole mechanism unlocks. Ferrotype: thanks to advanced remotes, the Monopoly of Markonists is able to capture images and turn them into illustrations on thin sheets of conlio. Many households have a few for decoration, as they present a decent resolution albeit at the cost of heavily desaturated colors. Mind Sculptures: these machines, realized through a collaboration between the Monopolies of Engineers and Markonists, represents one of the peaks in technological advancement. A series of Vulcanus-fed projectors reproduces a three-dimensional image stored in a remote device, most commonly found as sculptures in the houses of extremely wealthy people or in military installations to plan operations. They look like the flickering holograms from science-fiction, projecting images with a yellow tinge. Noldon Refrigerators: this piece of machinery has revolutionized the food industry. It is made up of many compartments where food can be kept cold and water can even be frozen, with more ad-

vanced models featuring a Vulcanus-powered blender to produce small ice cubes. Generally, they are built in copper or brass, often decorated with wood panels, with a series of glass tubes feeding alchemical reagents through the chassis and changing color as the temperature varies. Pharus Lanterns: these prodigious lanterns emanate a bright, constant yellow light thanks to their Vulcanus batteries. Powered by a magmatic stone and a series of mirrors kept behind a thick glass housing, they come in different shapes for different uses. Vaporum Elevators: many business and residential buildings are equipped with these devices powered by Vulcanus batteries and operated by pulleys, motors, and chains that move a cabin along a shaft. The aesthetics of the cabin are vastly different from one another, ranging from precious metals, leather and velvet, as well as simple steel, depending on the building the elevator is in. Of course, materials play a key role in delivering a setting. In the world of Vulcania, metal is widely used. Brass is often used in luxury vehicles and buildings, alongside thick emerald green or crimson velvets. Industrial areas prominently feature bronze or copper, while iron, usually streaked with rust, is perfect for painting the degraded tones of slums. Even when describing outdoor urban environments, remember to add elements that help in contextualizing the setting. An airship that passes by the sun, a tram that chugs along, enveloping the Characters in a cloud of smoke, or an elegant Rickenbacker sprinter zooming close by, through the cursing bystanders, are all elements you can employ for ambiance. Also, components like levers, gears, needle indicators, valves, tubes, and transparent tanks filled with fluorescent liquids are precious allies for almost any situation in Vulcania!

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Amira led her purple lizard to a low shrub at the top of a dune, letting her heart fill with joy at the sight of her hometown. It had been a long journey and she could not wait to be among her loved ones, as the warm winds brought the echoes of the praying caliphs in the enormous Calhud Square to her ears. She was still too far away to see it, but the spires of the Black Minaret built by the faithful of the Red God Isairnes allowed Amira to guess the position of the Square even from that distance. Alas, she was not born in one of the elegant trade districts surrounding the center of the city, but she’d never had a reason to complain about that. Zal’Hay district, outside of the old walls, had taught her much about survival and life. Every day had been a struggle since her parents could not provide for her, and even though she regretted a few of the crimes she was forced to commit, Amira was proud of the skills she had learned and the path her life had taken. After all, nobody was perfect, and if she had not been forced every day to defend herself and her loved ones, most likely she would not have made it this far. A gust of warm wind on her face brought her back to reality. Thinking about the past helped no one. The Red Pope was waiting for vital intelligence from the South and it was her, Amira Madani, Commander of the Sisters of Flame, who brought it.

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housands of years ago, in an age now lost to the sands of time, a terrible cataclysm shook the world to its core. The skies darkened, heavy with black clouds, as meteors hammered the northern hemisphere. The earth cracked into countless fissures, splitting mountains, forests, and plains alike, snaking to the oceans. Entire regions were submerged, cleansed of all life, and, as the land lost its battle with the sea, its bleeding gave birth to volcanoes, gaping wounds in its crust. The continent, whole for such a long time, cracked and split into islands and archipelagos, deliverance for the few survivors. With the passing of the millennia, preexisting human societies developed on the major islands, gradually forgetting about one another as they grew, fought, and evolved in the shadows of the great volcanoes. Some saw these flaming mountains as holy places, others as ruthless deities, but either way, the volcanoes shaped the fate of life on the planet for centuries. With the passing of time, however, Mankind grew curious of those magical places, and discovered that volcanic energy could be bent to their will when Eriko Fermy invented the first Vulcanus battery, which made the mechanical wonders that are nowadays a common sight in many Vulcanian households possible. The technology behind this portable energy source spread like wildfire, taking infinite forms, sizes, and applications, as it powered the mighty locomotives and airships, heated homes, and brought destruction to a whole new level. Even in Balastoc, where scientific progress was considered heretical before the war, such miraculous technology was a faithful companion to every inhabitant. The Monopolies, keepers of this knowledge, now guard it jealously and have risen to a position of immense power on the international chessboard.

Vulcania’s Geography

The civilizations of the known world developed in the northern hemisphere, in six volcanic archipelagos. The other side of the globe is a colossal, furious ocean that whirls around a titanic vortex, perhaps generated by a depression in the

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ocean floor. A line of violent storms runs alongside the equator, making information about the southern hemisphere preciously scant as sailing there is almost impossible. Those few explorers who crossed the Storm Wall and somehow returned speak of an enormous, wild continent, Letvia, covered in endless jungles and sky-scraping mountains, although nobody has ever managed to chart a reliable map.


It has been thirteen years since the end of the Great Letvian War, when the representatives of the Islenations convened at the Council of Zena and ceased hostilities. Faced with the catastrophe that devastated Abrabazem, they realized peace was the only option. As a symbol of this new unity, all the Islenations adopted the same calendar that had as its Year Zero the one in which the war ended. From then on, time has been referred to as the Future (“F”) and anything before that year as the Past (“P”), counting backwards. Truth, however, proved to be different than the intentions of the Council, and the years after the war have been hard times from which the warring states have not yet fully recovered.

SETTING Year – 1400 P

Event Mamba Kobyi extends his influence over the whole of Ketniv, proclaiming himself Emperor. His dynasty still rules over the nation today.

– 1200 P Ketniv conquers the Nuug island of Akkar. – 900 P

After a decade long war, the Confederation of the north and the League of Aqualos join to form the Mostucaal Republic.

– 800 P

A joint fleet of the Abrabazi city-states lands its troops in Naibas and occupies southern Balastoc.

– 700 P

In Gerola, in Abrabazem, the first bank is born.

– 500 P

The Mostucaal Republic places Turena and Cyla, in Itteghasp, under its protection.

– 480 P

The first Imperial hot air balloon sails above Ketniv.

– 360 P

Abel Shool emigrates from Abrabazem to Bravia, Itteghasp, and founds his credit institute.

– 350 P

The Ketniv Empire conquers Nuugard.

– 310 P

The Nuug Counts join forces and push the armies of Ketniv out of their country.

– 280 P

Kareena Er Jabar proclaims herself the first Red Pope and launches the holy war that drives the faithless Abrab out of Balastoc and unifies the country.

– 250 P

Abrabazi forces conquer the Itteghi island of Zardia. The operation prompts an immediate Mos response and the two nations engage in a war over Itteghasp.

– 248 P

Mercenary companies from Berynia join forces and together attack the weakened Mos forces in Abrabazem, unifying the nation. Itteghasp is born.

– 190 P

Nuugard launches an offensive on Ketniv, although its forces are driven back by the Imperial Army.

– 180 P

Nuugard and Mostucaal officially enter a trading agreement, the first proper treaty between two Islenations.

– 170 P

Abrabazem secretly hires Itteghi mercenaries to fight pirate infestations in the trade routes between Nuugard and Mostucaal.

– 150 P

Lativo Bernulli is the first sea captain to return from an expedition beyond the Storm Wall. Letvia is now on the maps, although nobody knows what it holds.

– 145 P

All the Islenations send fleets to Letvia, but the Storm Wall does not yield and losses are beyond count.

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– 105 P

Balastoc moves its massive fleet against Ketniv, condemning its heretical beliefs. Only the threat of an Abrabazi intervention on the Empire’s side is enough to force a retreat.

– 85 P

Eriko Fermy, a brilliant Itteghi engineer, invents the Vulcanus battery, possibly the greatest invention in history.

– 80 P

The Monopoly of Engineers is born.

– 78 P

The first dirigible that runs on Vulcanus power sails the Ketnyi skies.

– 69 P

Mos researcher Gujermo Markon discovers how to transmit thoughts through a conlio wire.

– 65 P

Following the example of his friend Fermy, Markon founds the Monopoly of Markonists and creates the world’s first long-range communications network in Bravia, Itteghasp.

– 61 P

The highest ranks of the alchemist guilds gather in Busto, Itteghasp, to form their own Monopoly.

– 58 P

Development of Vulcanus-powered military vehicles begins all over the known world.

– 55 P

The Red Pope Sharifa Er Shalim kidnaps a group of scientists from the Monopoly of Engineers and has them tortured for their secrets, hiding behind claims of divine right to the volcanic resources. Her captives, however, die during their interrogations.

– 54 P

Balastoc declares the Vulcanus battery heretical.

– 50 P

The Monopolies encode a vocabulary for the new common language, Commercial, and open free schools in their headquarters to teach it to the people.

– 43 P

To address the issue of overpopulation, the Monopolies present the Garghantua Project to the Islenations: the construction of three flying cities capable of self-sustenance.

– 35 P

A Mos Vulcanus galleon returns from an expedition to the south, but is sunk by pirates close to Albuerq. Abrabazem is accused of backing the pirates and the tension rises. A few skirmishes are fought, but open war is avoided.

– 32 P

Babylon, Cartago, and Gibraltar, the three flying cities of the Garganthua Project, are christened as thousands of people embark.

– 28 P

The first Crotalus fighter leaves the Zinear production line and flies over Itteghasp.

– 24 P

The Garghantua Project turns into a colossal failure. Living conditions aboard the flying cities are awful as the primary resources run out soon after the launch and the systems fail more often than the technicians can repair them. The Islenations refuse to take the refugees in, and the massive structures fly aimlessly in the skies of Vulcania.

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– 18 P

The Balast astronomer Melkior Afren formulates a theory about periodic breaches in the Storm Wall that could be foreseen by studying the movement of celestial bodies. The Monopolies pool their resources to finance his research.

– 11 P

The Monopolies publicly announce that Afren’s theory is confirmed: the Storm Wall will be calm enough for a crossing in four years. The flying city Cartago is mysteriously lost.


The Storm Wall is patrolled by flotillas of boats and airships from all Islenations, and tensions rise as skirmishes spontaneously break out. The fighting among Abrabazi and Mos vessels is especially intense. A few vessels manage to cross the Storm Wall before it closes a few weeks later. According to Afren’s calculations, gaps should open again in another four years.


Mostucaal and Nuugard sign a non-aggression pact, and the former launches a large offensive against Abrabazem. Thus the Letvian War begins. Nuug Octopus submarines attack the Ketnyi fleet from the depths but, even though they deliver a devastating blow, they are driven back by superior Imperial aviation.


The war rages on, with no clear winner. During the stalemate, Balastoc splits its fleet and launches a two-pronged attack against Ketniv and Abrabazem.


Itteghasp declares its neutrality, while its most famous mercenary companies are hired by Abrabazem. Although four years have passed, a passage through the Storm Wall to Letvia does not open.


Ketniv drives back Nuug troops, but fighting on too many fronts leaves its forces depleted and it is not able to mount a counteroffensive. It is possible that Abrabazem would have had the strength to counterattack, but they were occupied fighting Balast. In spite of their superior numbers, the forces of the Red Pope are capitulating to superior enemy technology.


A young Fathin Er Kaddhuri takes the title of Red Pope of Balastoc and orders her Islenation to retreat from the war. Mostucaal, now that they have Abrabazi forces on the frontline, decides to field test a new weapon—the “Z Device”—dropped by a Crotalus fighter in the Abrabaz volcano. In the ensuing detonation, the country is destroyed and Mostucaal falls into civil war and anarchy.


The Council of Zena puts an end to the War, as the Islenations struggle to recover from the losses of both lives and materiel.


Far off the Zenan coasts, the flying city of Libertas is sighted for the first time.

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The Abrab who settled on Cyla after the war occupy Tusca and, with the blessing of the Itteghi government, force its inhabitants off the island.


The populations of the caliphates of southern Balastoc rise up in arms, forcing the military out of their territory and the Red Pope to grant autonomy to the Caliphate of Almar in order to avoid civil war.


After years of study and research, professor Melkior Afren refines the equation for calculating breaches in the Storm Wall and announces that the next one should open in the summer of 14 F.

10 F

Twenty years after its last sighting, the flying city of Cartago appears again, completely devoid of any form of life.

13 F

Your adventure begins!

Distances and Traveling

The circumference of the planet Vulcania is roughly 35,000 kilocubitus, its surface mostly covered in water. Moving between Islenations happens either by air or by sea. Table 7.1 - Distances and Traveling lists the distances between them expressed in days of travel and the average cost of an economy class ticket. First class tickets or luxury cruises are much more expensive, while the cheapest usually means being crammed into a cargo hold alongside the desperate and destitute.

Everyday Life

The war ended more than a decade ago, although it is more than clear that the world has changed forever. The coasts still bear the scars of landings and bombardments, and the locals still hate their former invaders with a fiery passion. Militias are much less common now, leading to a growth in theft, robberies, and violent crimes. Crime syndicates have risen in power and have taken over the underworld, as secret organizations, hidden to governments and Monopolies alike, vie for control of the power vacuum that the war has left open. Surprisingly, countrysides all over the world have suffered less, and farmers have not noticed significant changes in their lives of toil.

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Now, the war industry has significantly decreased its volume of business, as the reconstruction of the world takes most of their manpower and machinery. Those craftspeople and traders who learned how to adapt to the shifting tide of commerce have survived. The others were not so lucky. The new world that emerged after the Council of Zena is rich in opportunities for those ready to catch them, as well as fraught with lethal dangers for those unwise enough to delve into it without the necessary caution. Governments are not able to protect their citizens anymore, so bounty hunters, private investigators, mercenaries, and bodyguards are always in high demand from wealthy individuals, Monopolies, private organizations, and the states themselves. In short, there are endless paths to glory and wealth. The Characters could already know one another, or they could randomly meet as they attempt to change their lives for the better. Destiny could lead them to form a team hired by the same person, who grants them the resources to train and gear up, or they can attempt to go out on their own, choosing their own contracts depending on factors like morality. Otherwise, it could be adventure itself that forces its way into their lives, involving them in some dark plot of your design. If there is a constant in life, it is money. As the

SETTING Table 7.1 - Distances and Traveling Islenations


Itteghasp – Mostucaal

By Air

By Sea

Travel Days









Itteghasp – Nuugard






Itteghasp – Ketniv






Itteghasp – Balastoc






Itteghasp – Abrabazem






Mostucaal – Nuugard






Mostucaal – Ketniv






Mostucaal – Balastoc






Mostucaal – Abrabazem






Nuugard – Ketniv






Nuugard – Balastoc






Nuugard – Abrabazem






Ketniv – Balastoc






Ketniv – Abrabazem






Balastoc – Abrabazem






Characters move from one settlement to another, lifestyle expenses vary, so Table 7.2 – Costs and Services is there to give an overview of price averages.

Languages and Currency

Throughout Vulcania’s history, travelers and merchants have been a key figure in the development of civilization. As the centuries passed, traders spon-

taneously developed a form of dialect born from the different languages spoken around the world to make commerce easier. Sixty years ago, the Monopolies codified this new language under the name of Commercial. Only Balastoc remained cut off from this phenomenon, although after the end of the war the Monopolies somehow managed to spread their language even in the realm of the Red Pope. Something similar happened with currencies. Un-

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CHAPTER 7 Table 7.2 - Costs and Services Goods / Service

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Cost by quality Low



Beer Tankard




Glass of Wine




Liquor Flask








Single Room




Bunk bed




Train Ticket - 100 Kc




Train Ticket - 500 Kc




Train Ticket – 1,000 Kc




















Rope - 30 C








Portable Light




Food Rations (1 day)
































Lodging – Monthly rent




Lodging - Purchase




SETTING der pressure from the Monopolies, the Islenations signed a series of treaties that unified the endless range of currencies used around world. Before the War, the golden sesterzius was the measure of all other forms of currency, so a Nuug Crown could be converted into Itteghi Marengo or Abrab Dobloon. Since the war ended, each nation still mints their own currency, if they are able to, and even if the pictures on the coins and notes vary from country to country, all Islenations use the same sizes. Common coin sizes are the sesterzius, the half sesterzius— more commonly known as a “token”—and the quarter sesterzius, called a “button.” Bank notes, on the other hand, are available in ten sesterzii, called “leaves,” and hundred sesterzii, known as “bucks.”


The birth of the Mentographic Network, the first means for almost instantaneous communication, caused an unprecedented development in the speed at which news, people, and wares traveled. Since the first connection in -65 P by Guillermo Markon, who

would become the first Markonist, this network of conlio cables connects the major cities of the world. The delicate process consists of transferring one’s thoughts to the other end of the cable via a complex machine that requires extensive training from the Monopoly of Markonists. In short, for the common citizen of Goya who wants to tell their relatives in Bravia that their firstborn weighs almost six pounds and was named Graviolo, it takes only a trip to the Nuntius station, where he tells everything to the local Markonist and waits for the Nuntius in Bravia to receive the message. There, the Nuntius tells uncle Graviolo whether the tradition has been respected or not and if his newborn nephew bears his name. Often, for better communication, people agree to be present at their respective ends of the conlio line at the same time. Also, to ensure a modicum of privacy when sensitive or personal information is transmitted, many Nuntius feature isolated transmission booths, where the Markonist and their client are separated by a thin mesh panel that allows only sounds to pass.

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““Everything tastes like chicken, if you roast it long enough.” Once a wealthy nation that vied with Mostucaal for supremacy over the known world, the dedication to profit and knack for business of its people led to the founding of the first credit institutions, as its mighty commercial fleets ran the length of the oceans. Numerous industrial districts crowded the slopes of Mount Abrabaz, and the extraction and trading of the Vesuvius gas made the economy grow, while the fertile lands to the southwest fed its population. Its southeastern coasts boasted paradise beaches and flourishing settlements of fishers, while its capital, Gerola, was a rich, culturally diverse metropolis where traders and entrepreneurs from all over the world gathered around the largest and most important Vulcanian banks. Today, however, the country is not much more than a wasteland of arid, corrupted dirt, made so by the detonation of the Z Device dropped by the Mos into the Abrabaz volcano itself. The reaction set off by this event was titanic, as the fiery mountain exploded, flooding the central areas of the islands in lava before pooling into a lake. The clouds of toxic fumes extended to the peripheral

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isles, contaminating the whole country, and only a minimal percentage of the population managed to escape, fleeing their homeland forever. Today, more than a decade later, thick, greenish clouds still cover the Abrabazi skies, letting in only a pale, eerie light for its deformed plants to take little nourishment from. Those who could not escape or who came back in the hope that the situation had settled somehow now lead desperate lives, overwhelmed by the hallucinogenic clouds coming off the Satna lava lake and by the horrid mutations often acquired by drinking contaminated water. The cities are now mostly deserted and, after years of plundering, do not offer much more than death and desolation. Its famous towering palaces are now a pale reflection of what they were before the cataclysm, as the earthquakes that followed the detonation of Mount Abrabaz, the consequent lack of maintenance, and the relentless atmospheric agents born of the cataclysm have constantly gnawed at them. Where once vegetation grew mighty in the farmlands, there is now only desert and predators, as the majority of the rivers evaporated and those that still flow carry within them the seed of mutation. Today, one child of every three is born with one or more mutations. While in the past these could manifest even in adulthood, more than ten years after the cataclysm the population has grown used to the mutagens, and mutations have started appearing less and less consistently in the later years of life. However, for somebody who has not spent at least a decade in the Abrabazi wasteland the matter is completely different, as even a sip from a contaminated water source could induce some sort of mutation.


Drinking contaminated water has consequences. If a Character drinks some, they have to pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 12 or suffer a mutation. Upon prolonged consumption, the Character must roll a new Resistance Test every 12 hours, the Difficulty raising by 1 every Test. Table 8.3 – Mutations lists only a few example of mutations that you as the Narrator can inflict upon your unwise


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CHAPTER 7 Characters, either by rolling or choosing directly. Of course, your sadism is above any law. All social interaction issues caused by mutations apply only outside of Abrabazi borders. Within, it is just another Tuesday morning.

of the existence of one another, busy as they are with just wrenching another day of hard life from the hands of raiders and beasts that roam the irradiated deserts.


Before the war, Abrabazem was the seat of the most important banks in the world. It exported Vesuvius gas extracted from the Abrabaz, and its textile in-

There is no central government anymore and the few settlements that have survived are barely aware


Table 7.3 – Mutations d12

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Disfigured: roll for two more mutations.


Tentacles: the Character’s legs turn into clusters of two or three tentacles each. Their Movement score decreases by 2 and they are not able to perform any task that requires both legs, like riding or driving. On the other hand, the Character receives a +4 bonus to all Athletics Tests rolled for climbing and cannot suffer the Unbalanced condition


Beak: teeth and lips fuse into a bony appendix similar to a short, hooked beak. The Character becomes hideous and it is almost impossible to understand what they say. However, their new beak is not bad as a weapon!


Mighty Horns: the Character grows horns on their forehead or temples. They can resemble the antlers of a stag or the curved horns of a ram, but whatever form they take, they are unwieldy in closed spaces, although they can double as an efficient weapon in a pinch.


Reptile Tail: a Character with a tail is rather conspicuous, but cannot be thrown off balance and, as some might not know, is also able to sleep standing up.


Whiskers: The Character develops cute cat-like whiskers on their cheeks and eyebrows. They suffer a -2 penalty to Aggression Tests rolled to intimidate and Cunning Tests to deceive. If the whiskers are cut, the Character suffers from heavy dizziness and a -2 penalty to all Tests until they regrow a couple of days later. When in the dark, a Character with whiskers is able to feel within 2 cubitus of themselves, to avoid bumping into obstacles.

SETTING dustry was flourishing. Its farmlands could easily feed the population and still have much left over to trade with Itteghasp, Balastoc, and, in spite of their tense relationship, even Mostucaal. Today, there is nothing left. The main Abrabazi exports are mutated emigrants, sold as slaves to traveling circuses and pleasure houses, or horrid beasts born after the cataclysm to fight in arenas or to show off in pens. The scarce land that is still capable of birthing life is

barely enough to feed the population of the surviving villages. The drug market, however, has found a host of new gems in the hallucinogenic gases present in the toxic clouds and the few mutated plants.


Abrabazem is a hot land, with dry summers and mild winters. In the proximity of Lake Satna, however, temperatures rise to be unbearable as the


Purple Skin: the pigmentation of the Character’s skin turns an aubergine shade of purple that can be covered only partially by heavy makeup. The Character receives a +1 bonus to Tests rolled for hiding.


Animal Ears: the Character’s ears mutated horribly, turning into those of a goat or, worse, a dunce. Of course, they are highly conspicuous but, when kept uncovered, they grant the Character a +2 bonus to all hearing-based Analysis and Senses Tests.


Feline Tail: a thick, furry tail sprouts from the base of the Character’s spine. If kept loose, it grants them a +2 bonus to Agility Tests rolled to keep their balance or attempt acrobatic stunts.


Thick Fur: the Character is covered in thick fur that allows them to lead a normal life only if shaved at least twice a day. Other than making them an oversized cuddly teddy bear of anger and destruction, thick fur grants the Character a +2 bonus to resistance Tests rolled to resist extreme temperatures.


Extra Fingers: a few extra fingers are useful and inconspicuous, granting the Character a +1 bonus to Handicraft.


A mutation of the Narrator’s choice among those listed in the Abrabazi Origin in Chapter 1 – Character Creation.

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exhalations of the scalding magma turn the air around it into a scorching, toxic hell. The eastern lands of the island have been devastated by desertification, dominated by Midbr, a kind of sterile, mephitic desert where temperatures can rise to 50° Celsius during the hottest hours of the day. Storms of toxic gas can brew at any moment, as the venomous mists inexorably move about the desert, carried by the wind. Breathing these volatile substances for prolonged periods causes vivid nightmares at first, then, after a few days, violent hallucinations that lead to utter and permanent madness.

brands, masks, and anything they can find to create a menacing appearance. And, many sport mutations like tails, protrusions, webbed hands, scales, horns, and whatever else. Village life is harsh, and even one more day of survival is a goal many do not achieve. Raiders, however tough they look, are not faring much better. Chieftains and their chosen aside, who have the first pick of the spoils of a raid, they are left only scraps, and cannibalism among these cursed creatures is rather common.


The Abrab have always been atheists, believing that spirits and religion were only an obstacle to the pursuit of profit, the true goal of a respectable citizen. The cataclysm for sure did not help in making them turn to the divine or supernatural. Some, however, interpreted the detonation of Mount Abrab as a punishment for their greed from a superior force. Gradually, in a few villages, cults are growing and

The average Abrab is short, thickly built, their skin shifting from shades of golden to olive. Before the war, they dressed in clothes of a simple elegance and sober colors, while today the concept of “fashion” has almost completely faded away. Villagers often wear rags, while raiders wander about covered in studs and chains, rocking mohawks, piercings, tattoos,

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SETTING Balas missionaries have found a fertile land for finding new faithful for the Red God.

Main Settlements Gerola Abandoned Capital – no known inhabitants (200,000 before the war) Gerola was neither particularly beautiful nor amenable, but unimaginably rich. The most important banks of the world had their headquarters there and the hard-working Gerolans were always busy with their favored activity: earning money. The explosion of Mount Abrab swept the city away, leaving only a few piles of rubble behind, poking through the black mist that coats everything. Life close to Lake Satna is impossible, although the Monopoly of Engineers somehow managed to secretly install a laboratory nine years after the end of the war in the hopes of harvesting some of its radioactive materials to use in the construction of incredibly powerful Vulcanus batteries. The structure was built many meters below ground, in the vaults of what was once the Weiss & Stern bank, as the Monopoly thought the thick stone walls, imposing doors, and last generation filtering systems would be enough to protect the structure from sitting in the proximity of the lake. After a few months, the laboratory had been settled and a team was sent there with fresh supplies, although it never made it back. Numerous other teams were dispatched afterwards, but none has returned to shed any light on the mystery. Now, the leaders of the Monopoly are debating whether to send a heavily armed and equipped investigation expedition to finally understand what happened, or simply abandon the whole project as it has already cost a staggering amount of sesterzii.

sion and the consequent earthquakes have caused a relatively small amount of damage, this city suffered the fate of many other major settlements: Abandonment. Its only inhabitants happen to be the wandering bands of raiders and brigands who kill anything that bars their way on sight. In what was the attic of a rich bank manager, an eccentric figure has made his lair. Lord Bisty Beel, as he is known, was barely a kid when the Z Device turned his world into present day Abrabazem. As the survivors ran for their lives, Bisty Beel did not lose hope. He took up residence in this abandoned attic and started gathering necessary goods and resources. Thanks to his penchant for technology and a naturally brilliant mind, in spite of his young age he has acquired a wealth of technical knowledge with which he has fortified his new abode with traps of all kinds. With almost free access to the abandoned headquarters of the Monopolies, he managed to plunder textbooks and advanced components, con-

Kbal Abandoned City – estimated population: 500 (15,000 before the war) There is not much left of this beautiful coastal city. Although the volcanic explo-

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CHAPTER 7 stantly improving his security systems so that when the first raiders came knocking at his door, they had their work cut for them. To this day, Lord Bisty Beel lives a wealthy live among his technological toys, and securing contact with him is a fundamental step in surviving the Abrabazi summer, although how one enters into his graces is anything but obvious. Zementi Hamlet – estimated population: 2,300 (40,000 before the war) A few kilocubitus away from the abandoned city, hidden within a cliff in underground caves, lies one of the largest settlements of continental Abrabazem. Maritime air currents prevent the hallucinogenic clouds from reaching it, and an ingenious desalination system to obtain clean water allows the population to survive with a relatively low rate of mutation. Access to the city of New Zementi is not forbidden to mutants, but they are allowed to stay only as long as they do not procreate, under the pain of banishment.

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Thanks to the insight and tolerance of its inhabitants, Zementi stands as a beacon of civilization in a dark land, and they chose a mutant, the Kibban, to be their guide when the city was founded again after the cataclysm. In this way, the mutant species could have had a position of privilege, but the interdiction against siring offspring has prevented dynastic dictatorships. Today, thirteen years after the war, the dream of a return to normality is but a mirage in the haze of the radioactive desert, but the laws that have kept this settlement alive and well until now stand firm. Grua, Zementi’s third and acting Kibban, is a titan endowed with enormous antlers, who rules with great wisdom and benevolence since his rise to power four years before the present day. Always on the front as he vanquishes one band of raiders after another whenever they attempt to raid his city, Grua’s strong and dauntless personality is held as a model that all under his care attempt to follow.

SETTING Bodin – peripheral isle Town – estimated population: 5,600 (13,000 before the war) Bodin is the last so-called “bastion of civilization” left in Abrabazem. A few years after the end of the war, the Monopoly of Alchemists set its base of operations here, from which they launch expeditions to the main island with the goal of studying substances and phenomena caused by the cataclysm. Living conditions there improved markedly, although toxic winds have more than once pushed poisonous clouds its way as well as countless refugees in search of a place to rebuild their lives. However, things are not as they hoped, and the stronghold of the Alchemists is able to sustain only its own personnel while the rest of the locals live in hamlets scattered around it, tasked with working the hard land to make the isle truly independent. These people live in conditions not too far from slavery, and vigilante squads are known to wander about, quenching any rebellion or even insubordination in blood at the first sign. Hadam Girz is the chief scientist at the head of the laboratory, ruling the island like a despot. Before the war, he had been marginalized by the scientific community for his utter lack of ethics and questionable research topics, so the Monopoly took the opportunity to be rid of him and sent him far away, to the remote isle of Bodin. There, he could do as he pleased, far from the Monopoly and his colleagues. He has subjugated the local inhabitants, who live in constant fear of being taken by a biopsist to be used as a test subject for his abject experiments. Ozul – peripheral isle Scattered Hamlets– estimated population: 8,000 (100 to 500 people per village) Being close to Mostucaal, Ozul has always been the object of fierce contention between Mos and Abrabazi, and because of this it is known for its strong sense of independence. Heavily fortified during the war because of its strategic position, it went through a multitude of cycles of conquest and liberation, even bearing the Mos flag for a while. The devastation wrought by the cataclysm caused a

violent tsunami, in addition to everything else, that forced the survivors to take refuge in the networks of military bunkers and installations present on the isle. Today the town of Ozul and the southern part of the island are ruled by the few survivors of the regular Abrabazi military, while its northern expanses are controlled by the Ozulian Independence Movement. The O. I. M. was known for its political activism before the war in favor of independence for the isle, and now that there is no central state anymore, it claims the whole island as its own. Since general Tobin, head of the regular military, welcomes refugees to bolster his ranks, the guerrilla fighters of the O. I. M. patrol the shores and pitilessly sink any ramshackle vessel they see. Rafo Bersheva believed that the battle for the independence of Ozul was to be fought with guns, and for this he was kept at a distance by his peers in the Movement. After the war, however, he became the undisputed chief of the O. I. M., leading his warriors to occupy many of the northern coastal bunkers. Bersheya is a charismatic and ruthless commander, who bested the most fortified settlements of the isle despite a marked inferiority in armaments. Goudya – peripheral isle Town – estimated population: 6,500 Every hardship hides an equally great opportunity, and the survivors of Goudya, like the Abrab do, took their chance to engage in the lucrative trade between the coastal settlements of other Islenations. As there was little of the nation’s former glory and wealth to bargain with, the Goudyans have turned to what riches they have available now: scavenged treasures and mutants. So, in exchange for clean water, februum masks, air filters, and passage off the island, they are known for giving slaves for entertainment, specialized labor, or even pleasure. Thanks to its commercial ties, Goudya is one of the few ports on the island that allows medium-sized airships to dock, and many a pirate crew have made it their safe haven to lay low between raids. Ladus Fink was quick to understand that he could make a new life out of the disgrace that befell his

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CHAPTER 7 country. Before the war, he was a street vendor of vaporuum clothes irons, the newest domestic innovation. But, even though he was gifted with cunning, he struggled to become rich because of the expensive lifestyle his greedy and tyrannical wife led. Today, Ladus lives in luxury, surrounded by exotic concubines, while his spouse seems to have died in the earthquakes. There are those who say, however, that he killed her himself or that she still lives, captive in some dark dungeon of Ladus’ palace. Thanks to the commercial ingenuity of Fink and living conditions relatively more stable than in the rest of the continent, Goudya has developed a large community, albeit one ruled with no ethical or moral compass.

Famous Locations Nehar Springs From the mountain chain of Harbà flow a great many tributaries of the Nehar river. Their water is not as contaminated as elsewhere in the region, and many villages have risen along its course, clinging to the mountainous slopes. The majority of raiders prefer to roam about the plains, where their ramshackle vehicles have an easier time, but the mountains are no less dangerous, as arable land is scarce and the animals drawn to the rivers are most likely to be predators. Midbr Once, southeastern Abrabazem was a fertile plain home to a vast agricultural district that produced food for the nation and still had more than enough to export. After the catastrophe, Midbr became an arid desert of hard, dead rocks. Often, toxic storms rise with no warning, scything the land with poisonous winds at extreme speeds. The dwellers of this irradiated desert are a rare and unwelcome sight, abominations so horrible and lethal that not even the most terrible of nightmares could have spawned them. Cianei Woods This area in southern Abrabazem on the Tanr river is home to a small grove, the only one remaining in the country. It is a mass of contorted and mutated vege-

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tation, shrouded in a perpetual toxic mist that causes overwhelming hallucinations to those who breath it, leaving the survivors scarred for life. Those involved in the drug trade are the only ones attracted to the grove, as the mist itself, its lichens, and mosses are powerful ingredients. It is also one of the last few places to find blonde chimpanzees. Vault 333 After its first twenty years of activity, the capital of the Weiss & Stern company still required more room for storage. In spite of the continuous investments in every possible field and constant loans, the company’s vaults in Gerola were bursting with coins and precious items. The efforts of thieves and gangs to penetrate its fortified headquarters kept rising in quality and quantity over the years, until one attempt almost succeeded, putting the company in the concrete situation of losing face in front of their clients and the rest of the world. After such an episode, Fredric Stern took it upon himself to design the safest vault in the history of vaults, alongside the brightest minds of the Monopoly of Engineers. So, Vault 333 was born. The headquarters of the bank were moved to the slopes of Mount Abrabaz to make sure it had enough power for its new security asset, but nobody knows for sure the actual size of Vault 333. Some claim it extended over 3 levels, the last of which was reserved to the two bankers. The outer shell of Vault 333 is made of a steel and conlio alloy so it cannot be breached by any known substance, and its exact location has never been disclosed. It is only known that access to the Vault is guarded by heavy vacuum doors and a special elevator in the bank’s main base, which was fortified and defended by military personnel chosen by the Abrabaz government. Nobody knows the specifics about its security, as even the most skilled of thieves could barely make it to the elevators before being arrested or killed, and the only clue that Nicholas and Fredric let slip was the pair of Zeiss keys etched with the company’s crest they wore as necklaces. Some even say that those keys were not just symbols of their status, but also of their forbidden love. After their death, Nicholas’ key was given to his nephew, Philip Weiss, as well

SETTING as his share of the company. The other was given back to the Stern family, as Fredric had no designated heir, and they fought over them for years. Today, Vault 333 is one of the most discussed legends of Vulcania, with many saying that Mount Abrabaz swallowed it whole when it erupted, hiding it who knows where in the insane chaos that is modern day Abrabazem.

Influential Factions The Demons These roving raiders could hardly be considered human, hallucinations wracking their minds and mutations ravaging their bodies. These crazed maniacs follow the hallucinogenic clouds in ramshackle and improvised vehicles, slaughtering anyone in their path, feeding on the flesh of the dead and raiding any settlement they find. They are a disorganized rabble, the vast majority of them barely capable of putting together a coherent sentence, to the point where no scientist has found out how their deranged minds are still capable of operating relatively complex technologies like weapons and vehicles. Some have advanced the theory that they have set their individuality aside and now operate as a hive mind of sorts. A few flotillas of airships controlled by the Demons roam the skies above Abrabazem, kept aloft by the toxic clouds born of Lake Satna and spreading their deadly cargoes even beyond the borders. A large cruiser, the Widow’s Wail, miraculously survived the cataclysm and, along with its Demons crew, has been spotted even in the skies of Nuugard and Ketniv. As there is no witness of its raids, legends about the Wail have sprung up among pilots and sailors all over the world, leaving behind only corpses and ruin.

Kater Arid, the priestess at the helm of the group, is a woman gifted with extraordinary strength and legendary charisma, a stern but just guide who recruited many in but a few years. Because of the many native Abrabaz under her banner now, Arid has expedited her work of conversion and cleansing. Girz’s Biopsists This group of researchers, who established a base of operations on Bodin under the leadership of Professor Girz, is more akin to a band of deranged criminals than scientists. Periodically, they gather specimens from the local settlements for their mad experiments and are often bolstered by the members of dubious morality that the Monopoly of Alchemists regularly sends them to collect any data or new breakthroughs. After all, such a secluded place is perfect for these people to contribute to the glory of the Monopoly without rising concerns.

Abrab Names Typical male names: Aarom, Anar, Frak, Gosto, Hemi, Luco, Peter, Rafo, Timoti Typical female names: Aroa, Edna, Kiri, Loya, Marama, Ruia, Suanna, Tamar, Yel Typical family names: Abadì, Bembprod, Dory, Fink, Kodron, Lomu, Poznak, Roth, Zemkys.

The Fire Bearers This group of warrior-priests left Balastoc to bring the salvation of Isarnes to the survivors of the cataclysm. The Red Pope often feeds money to the merchants of Goudya, to ensure their continued support in the spreading of the Word, and so far these missionaries have carried on their mission with distinction.

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“Never surrender, not right before a miracle happens.” As the war ended, a new era began for Balastoc. The ultraconservative clergy of the Red God Isairnes had slowed technological progression down, declaring all volcanic technology heretical and its use punishable with burning at the stake. Right before the end of the war, however, the rise of the young Pope Fathin Er Kaddhuri to power brought innovation to the whole country, opening the doors to those who held that the so-far heretical technologies were in truth gifts from the Red God. This new opening allowed the Monopolies to claim a key role for themselves in Balas society, as they brought the fruits of innovation. Of course, there have been those who accused them of having plotted in the shadows to seat the new leader, but such claims have so far been dismissed as falsehoods spread by her enemies. However, in spite of such a dramatic change in mindset, poverty still rampages all over the country. Even if the country had kept to its backwards ways to preserve its limited natural resources, its religion had caused an unsustainable

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rise in population that brought poverty and despair in wide swathes of the country. Unfortunately, even today, the poorest parts of the Islenation are still an easy target for extremist groups and have been fertile lands for the birth of dangerous terrorist organizations. Balastoc is an enormous internally diverse land that is extremely hard to keep strong control over, especially after the progressive turn it took after the war. The northern caliphates, rich and proud, had waited a long time for an opening to the rest of the world and the opportunities it would bring. Truth be told, the islands of Pifu and Limen had hosted a flourishing black market in forbidden technologies for years, kept hidden under conspicuous bribes from the merchants to the local clergy. To the south lies the endless Zoort desert, an expanse of scalding sand with the occasional oasis, small mining settlements, and Tawariq camps. Below the desert rises Mount Neg’bul and the mountain range of the Krunins, beyond which begins Balastoc proper. The mountains slope into wide agricultural districts, dotted with small, overcrowded villages, up to the southern shores and their fishing towns. The first thing that comes to the eye when traveling through Balastoc is that the average Balas is rather young. Before leaving for the front, the young Balast had to lay with a woman to provide the army of Isairnes with a replacement should they fall in war, and since the fighting took a heavy toll on the male population, now all those children crowd the squares of the country. The presence of the cult of Isairnes is evident and pervasive, from small shrines randomly jutting from the desert sand to minarets lording over the buildings of every city. Copper suns etched with the lidless eye sacred to the Red God have been erected on the tallest mountains, to remind the country of the ever-watching gaze of their deity. The endless crowds interrupting whatever they are doing to chant the Alghia, the nightly psalm, their thumbs and index fingers joined over their heads as the sun sets, is always a magnificent sight to behold.



The Pope of Mettak sits at the head of a council formed by six caliphs who rule as many caliphates. Power has traditionally been held by women, men bred for labor and war and indoctrinated for fanatical, almost suicidal, devotion. The Red Pope Fathin Er Kaddhuri is young and unrelenting, having risen to power barely a teen when she took the fierce opposition and accusations of being a puppet in the hands of the heathen Monopolies head on. In her early days as Red Pope, Fathin chose the path of understanding and forgiveness, letting those who accused her change their position. However, those aristocrats and caliphs who had openly defied her attempted to humiliate her even further by ignoring her offer, thinking they were dealing with a mere child. It was then that one night the pyres, symbols of the Pope’s wrath, burned tall against the sky in the capital and the screams of the traitors sounded keen and piercing.

Since then, her enemies have grown cautious, and the Red Pope herself has shown time and again she is capable of talking as well as setting enemies on fire. In the north of the country she is a beloved and acclaimed leader, but to the south poverty still reaps a rich bounty of lives every year and the populace, prodded by groups of extremists, is leaving the light of the path she laid for them. Such a large mass of citizens living on the brink of death is a veritable powder keg with which the government of Mettak must deal if it hopes to maintain order in the country.


Balastoc is a poor state, its economy of mostly agriculture and animal husbandry barely enough to feed its own. The Zoort desert is rich in metals, but extreme weather conditions and the sand itself make extraction slow and costly. The advent of technology has brought machinery capable of expediting the process, but their maintenance costs have prevented

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CHAPTER 7 intensive usage. The state invested large sums over the last decade to boost the industry, at the cost of accumulating a consistent debt with the banks and Monopolies. However, a significant amount of such investment went to waste because of the religious extremism infesting the southern regions, where the majority of the country’s agricultural districts are located. At best, the workers refused to use such heretical machinery, while in many cases they rebelled, destroying the vehicles and slaughtering their heathen personnel. Technology, after all, brought progress to those with an open mind and the wealth to exploit it, driving one more wedge between the rich north and the poor and overpopulated south.


Balastoc is a hot country, scalding in its desert lands, with temperatures varying more than thirty degrees between day and night. The north of the Islenation is tropical, with humid, hot summers and sudden, violent storms, while the south is arid, with furnace-hot summers and barely any winters.


Within Balastoc, wildly different ethnic groups coexist, both in appearance and traditions. Those from the northern isles are so thickly built that they rival the Nuug, with the darkest of skins, black, curly hair and, sometimes, purple eyes. They are unmatched traders and love to show off their wealth, dressing in gold and garishly dyed fabrics. Only on Pifu and Limen can one find males in positions of privilege, although never in public. The rest of the population is of medium build, hazelnut skin and dark eyes and hair, dressing in practical, unadorned clothes. As beacons of honor in the darkness of sin, luxury is a prerogative of the priestesses of Isairnes. To the south, many cannot even afford a decent pair of shoes, and so the majority dresses in rags, their only hope being embraced by the holy flame of the Red God to be reborn in the Heriq, the paradise of the just. Even more different are the Tawariq tribes, the nomads who roam the Zoort desert: tall and slender, they have tan skin and deep and intriguing gray or lilac eyes. They dress in wide cloaks, dyed in

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the color of their tribe, used for some modicum of relief from the scorching sun, and are famous for their large shaded sunglasses to avoid desert blindness. Their talent for bargaining is legendary and the Hum, the women leading the tribes, have used their knack for business to gather wealth by exploiting the resources of the Zoort.


Religious missions sent by the clergy all over the world to spread the word of the Allirab, the Holy Scriptures, sometime bear fruit, so it is not uncommon to find people with somatic traits of other Islenations converted to the cult or banished from their home because of it.


Here, religion is not considered as it is abroad. In Balastoc, it is the pillar upon which society is founded. The government is formed by members of the clergy and the law of Isairnes is the law of the nation. The Allirab, the Holy Scriptures, is the one and only source of truth, interpreted only by the

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CHAPTER 7 Red Pope. Only those who live a pious live are worthy of walking this world, a gift of the Red God, and of aspiring to the flaming paradise after death. To everybody else, only steel and the gelid embrace of Enolam, the endless dark, where they shall be consumed for eternity. The Holy Scriptures say that at the beginning of time Isairnes made a woman, by whom humanity was born. To give a home to his children, the Red God made the world and gave women the capacity to generate life of their own. So, the children of Isairnes grew and populated the world, progressing through time as they became more intelligent. The Red God, touched by their devotion, cried tears of joy onto the earth, giving birth to the holy volcanoes. Males all over the world, however, made stronger

to toil in service of their mothers, rebelled and took power by force. Only the Balast held in their belief of the Red God, becoming the only ones worthy of the light of the sun, His eye, and of the holy task of bringing all others back to the path of light.These are the beliefs all Balast children grow up with, giving their soldiers the strength of will to compete with the less numerous but more advanced troops of the other Islenations, as martyrdom and death in battle for the glory of the Red Pope grant absolution of all sins and access to Heriq, the flaming paradise. Balast society has a rigid matriarchal structure, where the purpose of males is attending their ladies, procreation, and anything else degrading or labor intensive. Merely talking to a woman without showing the rightful respect is punished with death on the pyre and even daring a glance could cost one’s eyes, gouged out with burning coals.

Main settlements Mettak Capital – population: 340,000 The capital is built around the massive Calhud Square and its cathedral, the black minaret lording over the endless throngs of the faithful. They gather from the four corners of the country to listen to the caliphs preaching or, on more important occasions, the words of the Red Pope herself. The buildings within the square are the palaces of power, the residences of the high clergy and the seats of the Monopolies. The ministry of the Inquisition was also there, before being officially disbanded by Pope Fathin. Progressively further from the square, elegant trading districts have risen, dotted

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SETTING with taverns for the pilgrims and attached to the city walls lie the bastions of the military. Beyond the walls are endless slums, further than the eye can see, with dangerous alleys where gangs of street urchins kill even for a crumb of bread. Red Pope Fathin Er Kaddhuri rules over Balastoc from the cathedral, surrounded by her high priestesses and court. She rose to power when barely thirteen years old, succeeding Onhara Sahad, who died under mysterious circumstances as the war was ending. Her enemies among the traditionalist clergy accused her of being a puppet of the Monopolies and of furthering their schemes, but to no avail. It did not take long for them to meet Isairnes, through glorious martyrdom on the pyre. Her most controversial action was modifying the black minaret, the symbol of the city, with a vaporuum clock as a testament to change and new beginnings and to herald a new era of prosperity for Balastoc. As many anticipated, such a move caused violent protests among the traditionalists, led by priestess Zanima Ohara, while the spokesman for the engineers working on the project, Marcus Brizzi, complicated matters by accusing the most zealous of the church of being nothing more than retrograde hags. During the inauguration of her clock, Fathin had two pyres erected in Calhud Square, where she ordered both Ohara and Brizzi burned to prove her strength and impartiality. Today, Fathin is a grown woman, ruling over her country with strength and insight and, although still struggling to wrench the poorer south out of the grasp of retrograde philosophies, the vast majority of her subjects love and respect her. Naidliz Large City – population: 73,000 Until a few years before the current time, Naidliz was little more than a dusty outpost at the southern edge of the Zoort desert. After the reforms, its strategic position close to the Holy Mountain, rivers, and woodlands made it the ideal cradle for Balastoc’s industrial district. The Monopoly of Engineers established its base of operations here, attracting many from the poverty-striken caliphates of Almar and

Naibas. In addition to becoming the new economic heart of the country, the expedited development caused strong social tensions where the dark-skinned northerners met with the Tawariq of the Zoort and the immigrants of the south, infiltrated by terrorists from the Scorched with the goal of destroying the new heretical technologies. Genziana Maharez is the consultant for innovation sent by the Monopoly of Engineers to help the local caliph with such delicate matters. The high echelons of the Monopoly chose a young woman of Balast origin, whose ancestors had fled from the northern reaches to Itteghasp because of their progressive views, rather than some of her more senior colleagues to ensure smoother cooperation with the local authorities. After almost a decade, the choice has paid off more than once, as Genziana has become the most powerful woman in the caliphate and now controls the entirety of the industrial district. In her first years in Naidliz, Maharez played the part of the humble adviser to caliph Jamila, earning her respect, trust, and a friendship that culminated in a still-vivid romantic relationship, which ensured her protection from any sort of harm. As in Balast society it is preferable for women to share a romantic bond with each other and keep males only for procreation, now Genziana controls every technical aspect of her domain and is cunning and powerful enough to leverage the authority of her mate when it comes to politics. Limen and Pifu Towns and Villages – population: 42,000 The northern islands are the richest in resources, and their dark-skinned denizens live in markedly better conditions than the rest of the country. Religious dogma here is taken with less fanaticism, earning them an endless amount of accusations of heresy for their reformist mindset before Pope Fathin rose to power. Pushed by the great reformation, their ideas spread to the rest of the Islenation, increasing their divide in wealth from the vast majority of the population. Limen is characterized by lowlands rich in precious metals and surrounded by palm trees that yield

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CHAPTER 7 bountiful harvests of bananas, dates, and coconuts. Its ports support trade with Ketniv, dotted with terraced, white walled and roofed buildings. The town that rose close to the mountains is a conglomerate of elegant palaces and lush gardens. Pifu, on the other hand, is completely covered by a thick grove of cedar trees, hosting a great many establishments of woodcarvers and cutters. Along its shores, many settlements, harbors, shipyards, and ports have supported an endless traffic of vessels from all over Vulcania. Sladin Xoor is Balastoc’s richest and most influential merchant, controlling his fleet from a splendid manor on the isle of Ziljan, south of Pifu. He built his fortune during the War for Letvia, as he led a small fleet of corsair vessels in intercepting and sinking enemy supply convoys. However, instead of purifying these ships with the flame of Isairnes, the cunning and implacable captain looted them and used them in smuggling operations. After the War was over, he was so rich he bought a small island to build his own headquarters on. After Pope Fathin’s technological revolution, he recalled his secret fleet and found himself with a marked advantage in technology over the competition, which he put to good use. Although a male, Sladin is the most influential person in the northern isles. Even if publicly he must bow his head to the local caliph and her priestesses, nobody dares taking politically relevant initiatives without consulting him first. Estiap City – population: 14,000 Estiap is the country’s trade capital. Gifted with good relationships with the caliphate of the northern isles and rising over a bountiful land, it has always been both the economical and agricultural heart of the nation. Although the southern districts are those producing the vast majority of the food necessary for the survival of the population, the countryside around Estiap is dotted with flourishing agricultural towns that trade in medicinal herbs, spices, seasonings, and plants for the textile industry, like hemp and cotton. Estiap has not been completely surpassed by Naidliz in terms of economic relevance thanks to its

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airdocks and the railroad network that connects the two cities with the capital to ensure quick circulation of raw resources and finished products for export. Zahira Er’Kaminu is Estiap’s caliph and part of a new wave of young priestesses loyal to the Red Pope. After years of service in her personal guard, Zahira took the place of her predecessor who died of natural causes five years before the current date. As a mighty woman of northern kin, an indomitable warrior, Grand Mistress of the Mujimam of the Sisters of Flame, and a close friend of Pope Fathin herself—as well as her sword-arm—Zahira assumed that here ascension to caliph would entail bringing justice to the Scorched in the south. Instead, she was disappointed to learn that she would be dispatched to Estiap. But the Red Pope did so on purpose, as placing such a strong-willed woman in charge of the delicate and critical task of fighting the Scorched would most likely have led to that conflict taking a turn for the worse. In Estiap, Zahira does not threaten anyone, she is respected and beloved as a member of the Pope’s inner circle, and is free to see to her duties, which are mostly of a representative nature, without causing too many issues. She now mostly spends her days training her warrior priestesses and her nights in the company of vigorous men who often times leave her quarters exhausted. Almar Large City – population: 91,000 Almar claims the dubious honor of being the capital of the poorest and most populated caliphate in Balastoc. Around a small center with religious and administrative buildings, rows and rows of huts and shacks have developed, bereft of even the most primitive hygiene or sanitation. The local population is poor, and extremist movements that preach hatred against the heretical machines, like the Scorched, have found ears willing to listen even within the halls of power. Within the caliphate, soldiers of the regular Balast forces detached locally are attacked by the population on sight, as they tolerate only the city watch. To avoid another conflict, the Pope granted relative autonomy to the caliphate eight years before the current day. In truth, to this date, not much has

SETTING changed as innovation is still attacked as heretical, the poor see no future of escaping their condition, and, sooner or later, violence will break out again. It only remains to be seen who will be the first to strike, whether the Red Pope herself or the many terrorist groups who swore revenge against her. Suha Sharif is the last traditionalist caliph left alive, old and yet determined to bring the Red God’s holy rigor back before He claims her. She is an astute diplomat, with a sharp tongue, and her political skill and formidable spy networks were instrumental in keeping her on her throne, whether by bribery, threat, or assassination. Although officially she is on the side of the Red Pope against terrorism, it is suspected that she sympathizes with them, with some even claiming she is part of the Scorched. Naibas City – population: 13,400 Before the war, this small, fortified citadel was a training hub later turned by the Pope into her personal stronghold from which to keep a watchful eye over threats from the south. Her plan did not come to fruition due to the insurrection that took place eight years before the current day, and the city is now garrisoned by troops almost never seen outside its walls, surrounded as they are by a hostile population loyal to the caliph of Almar rather than the Pope herself. Ghahada Runi is officially the caliph, although she is effectively more hostage than ruler, as her forces and population seem to be more loyal to Suha Sharif. Fathin herself ordered Ghahada not to interfere with the matter and limit her presence to that of a religious officer, without ever leaving the citadel. Of course, Runi cannot wait to leave that role and follows the Pope’s directive to the letter in the hopes this will hasten her departure from a place forgotten by the Red God, and that the terrorists do not choose to target her directly.

Famous Locations Zoort This endless land of hot sand is the largest desert in Vulcania, spreading from the northern coasts to the

Krunin Mountains and the Nib’lum valley. Because of the constant tectonic activity below the sands, oases and conlio deposits can appear or disappear in the blink of an eye. It is a hostile land, where thirst kills more than the many predators, like poisonous bugs and snakes. The only mammals capable of withstanding such conditions are hyenas, holy to the Balast for their matriarchal society, and the Tawariq, the nomads who call the desert home. The tribes continuously move from one oasis to another, herding dromedaries and gathering supplies. The Hum leading every tribe lead their people in search of new places to draw conlio from or to the borders of the desert to sell what they have gathered. If two tribes meet along the road, a great feast is held, with those who were there first acting as hosts. The “guest” tribes bring precious gifts, such as dromedaries, technology, jewels, or fabrics. At the end of the celebrations, the “hosts” pack their camp and embark on the next part of their journey, leaving the oasis to their “guests.” Tawariq are feared and respected all over Balastoc, as they were among the few to use technology even before the reformation and as such had a distinctive advantage after the war ended. In the past, a few Popes have tried to send troops to force the Tawariq to compliance and punish their heretical ways, but within their own lands and with the means they had available, the church soon had to realize it was a lost cause. Grippus Lukozars, a Mos engineer, somehow managed to enter the Zoort roughly a decade before the war with the intent of completing research he had started in Yutland, Mostucaal’s own rocky desert, which would have allowed him to build a humidity still that made clean water by taking moisture directly from the air. Should he have succeeded in his mission, he would have become extremely wealthy and climbed the hierarchy of the Monopoly. The stark differences in temperature at night in the Zoort were ideal for the still, and Grippus invented a machine that spread among the tribes, making him a celebrity among the Tawariq. Unfortunately, news traveled well beyond the Zoort and Lukozars made it to the top of the list of those wanted by the Inquisition, forcing him to permanently move around the desert

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CHAPTER 7 the north and the much poorer south. Its villages survive on animal husbandry, producing meats, milk, cheese, and wool, with loyalty to the Red Pope and acceptance of technology varying from settlement to settlement, causing no end of irritation that has resulted in open conflict every now and then. Hidden among the mountains, groups of deserters and heretics who have welcomed the reformation but consider the Red Pope a puppet in the hands of the Monopolies have left the faith of Isairnes. Although their opinions would earn them a painful death if they were ever spotted by the faithful, the central government seems unconcerned by their presence.

Influential Factions and adopt the customs of the Tawariq, as their protection was the only thing between him and the pyre. After the reformation, Grippus became a symbol of progress and its victory over religious prejudice, a key element in improving the relationship between the nomads and the Monopolies. Lukozar Purifiers are now easily available in any Engineer enclave, and are often used in desert exploration. Nib’lum Vale The lands around the Nib’lum, from the capital of Mettak to the river delta, are fertile lands where farmhouses have risen alongside summer homes for the high and mighty from the capital. The fields offer generous bounties, consumed mostly by the locals. Krunin Mounts The range of the Krunin extends from the Holy Mountain to the district of Almar and represents the metaphorical border between the rich lands of

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The Sisters of Flame Although war is a task usually reserved to men, there is a special group of warrior-priestesses who are deployed only in critical situations. The mere appearance of these wraiths is enough to reverse the result of a battle because of their skill at arms and the fervor they instill in the rest of the Balast forces. Having a daughter in the Sisters of Flame is a great honor for a Balast family, and the dream of many young maidens. Amira Madani, current commander of the Sisterhood, incarnates the ideals of strength and beauty typical of this group. Her physique graceful and thick with muscle, she moves with extraordinary agility as she wields her scimitars, her favorite weapons. The rigorous and zealous training of the initiates, usually in groups of four, falls upon her shoulders, and to this day she has never been defeated, emerging victorious even from missions many thought suicidal. Because of this, she is loved and respected by the whole Balast people.

SETTING The Scorched Not all welcomed the reformation that opened the doors of Balastoc to the Monopolies. Led by the Scorched Pope from her citadel in the caliphate of Almar, this bloodthirsty sect counts followers and cells all over the world. Nobody knows the Scorched Pope’s identity, kept hidden under a red tunic with a pointy hood that exposes only eyes as black as the deepest of nights. Her followers, during the rites of the cult, dress in white hooded tunics, cut in the same way as the Scorched Pope’s, and bear on their body extensive and elaborate marks branded directly into their flesh. The influence the Scorched has over the southern caliphates is a constant worry for the capital, with many fearing a religious rebellion any day now. The Scorched Pope is a ruthless and determined woman, gifted with unmatched charisma, and although Pope Fathin has unleashed her best spies, the identity of her foe is still an impenetrable secret. Currently, the two leading theories hold that the Scorched Pope is either Suha Sharif, the caliph of Almar or Onhara Sahad, Fathin’s own predecessor still very much alive and determined to retake her place. The Tawariq This nomadic people lives mainly in the Zoort desert and is characterized by a strong sense of independence that the central government never quite managed to quell. Before the Reformation, they held the black market for technology in their grasp and, now that legalization took that business from them, they put their innate bargaining skills to the test mostly in the industrial areas of Naidliz. Aljahin Devils One of the greatest masterpieces of the crime boss Lando Carrizo. Reappearing years ago as the head of Libertas, the flying city of sin and pleasure, this cunning entrepreneur of crime did not waste any time. Seeing a unique opportunity in the extremely young age of the average Balast, he sent his son—who looked the part being of Balast blood himself—into the region to found a criminal organization made of the youngest. Flynn’s people soon

spread all over the country, infiltrating every caliphate within the span of a few short years. Their bands of urchins now roam about every slum, engaging in theft, extortion, murder, and the dealing of both drugs and information. It is even said that the Red Pope herself entered a pact with these young devils as she needs up to date information about the southern caliphates that official sources simply cannot provide. The Masks Before the reformation, the ministry of the Inquisition created feared and extremely capable agents in its secret laboratories, the Masks. Through a dreaded procedure, the priestesses chose young boys and exposed them to the touch of the Red God: tied to a wooden board, their eyes were treated with a special protective ointment before their face was covered in molten conlio. The majority of the subjects died a horrible death, but those who survived gained incredible powers. The metal solidified into a thin and flexible foil, a permanent mask with no expression that their nervous system could shape, turning them into adept doppelgangers. Although they required lengthy and rigorous training to make the taxing effort of changing their face last longer, the initiates became true machines of death in service of the Inquisition. After the reformation, the last Master of the Masks, Ibrahin Jafar, disappeared and nobody ever heard from him again. Some of the Masks remained loyal to the Red Pope, while others joined the Scorched and many simply left the country, selling their skills to the highest bidder.

Balast Names Typical male names: Abhdul, Aziz, Fakhir, Hemre, Ibrahin, Kamhal, Lothfi, Omhar, Samhir. Typical female names: Baheera, Fathin, Huma, Jahala, Kharima, Nahala, Radwa, Sharifa, Zahira. Typical family names: Ahrab, Fakur, Halì, Jabhar, Mutumbo, Nadhir, Olagiwo, Yerab, Zaminu

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“Once you know what flying feels like, you’ll walk the earth looking at the sky, incapable of escaping the pain of not being there.” If there ever was a nation that obtained anything from conflict, it is Itteghasp. Berynian mercenaries, the best on the planet, sided with Abrabazem, much to the chagrin of the other nations, who forced Itteghasp to hand over part of its lands to Abrabaz refugees after the cataclysm. Under pressure from the Monopolies, interested in not losing the support of the most important bankers in the known world, the frail Itteghi government was forced to accept. Itteghasp is a conglomeration of smaller independent realms more than an actual nation, both in its geography and the nature of its people. Unlike the other Islenations that developed around a major volcano, Itteghasp features three minor ones on as many isles, which gave birth to as many different societies, as similar as they are competitive with one another. The resulting sense of regional allegiance prevailed over national identity, and with the passing of time these factors, as well as strong migratory fluxes from the other Islenations, resulted in a diver-

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se, creative, and sophisticated society. Itteghasp is a beacon of technology, craftsmanship, and fashion, its cities the most advanced in architecture and technology as airships soar the skies, docking even on the roofs of the most important skyscrapers. The railways connect the main cities, and public omnibuses travel the streets, filled with people. The eastern isle of Turena is the beating heart of Itteghi industry and research, its mountainous districts rising on the slopes of Mount Enta. The eastern side of the island is almost entirely occupied by the metropolis of Bravia, Vulcania’s largest city. The southern coast, defended by the isle of Fonicia, is dotted with ports and shipyards stretching from the city of Palmira to the capital. The isle of Zardia is a small paradise: magnificent golden beaches fade into thick, conifer tree forests, and, beyond that, lies the mountain range running along the isle’s full length, dominated by the imposing mount Strobolo. The city of Zena and its surrounding settlements are built with harmonious elegance, mirroring the creative nature of their people. To the north of the city is one of the most stunning views of the whole world: the magma falls. Underground channels connect the magma chamber to the cliffs, and molten lava shoots regularly into the sea. The resulting steam condenses into clouds that project spectacular, dream-like rainbows. Berynia, the island to the north, is one enormous agricultural district with no major cities, its coastline dotted with coves where corsair fleets hid during wartime. The mountain range around Mount Tede, although not particularly extensive, is known for its looks and as a challenge for explorers and climbers. To the south, the island is home to many coastal villages where the sword-masters Itteghasp is known for all over the world love to spend their summers in duels and debauchery.


The country is ruled by the Council of Three, formed by the representatives of Berynia, Turena, and Zardia, elected by their respective people, which gathers periodically in Busto. Although Busto is but


a small, insignificant isle, its central position led to it being chosen as the seat of the Council and that of the Monopolies, making it the beating heart of the world’s economy. Each of the major islands, then, has its own government, with almost absolute autonomy from the Triumvirate. Corruption runs rampant among the administration, and an oppressive bureaucracy discourages the majority from following the law, making “greasing” the gears of the machine the only solution to obtain anything.


Itteghi industry is advanced and prosperous, as Turena’s own vast and lively district attests. On the slopes of Mount Enta, numerous establishments toil incessantly to design and build engines and devices powered by Vulcanus energy, experimenting with its application in warfare, transportation, and civilian life. Berynia is highly industrialized, and the presence of skilled fighters has attracted many master

weaponsmiths and warriors from all over the world. Mercenary companies are known for moving large amounts of money, after all. The isle of Zardia instead lives off tourism, entertainment, and art. Painters, sculptors, and fashion designers from the four corners of the globe give their contributions to this cauldron of ideas that sets the standard for the whole of Vulcania.


Itteghasp boasts a pleasant, temperate climate, with mild winters of sporadic snowfalls and warm summers. Zardia benefits the most from the cool northern currents, so its golden beaches are crowded at any time of the year.


The Itteghi are a diverse and heterogeneous people, thanks both to the relative independence of the three islands and the massive migratory fluxes that

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CHAPTER 7 targeted them. A key factor in this is the legendary sense of hospitality of the Itteghi: guests are sacred and the new flavors and ideas that foreigners bring with them have always been seen as a resource. Roughly half of the population is of medium build and fair skin, their hair ranging from light chestnut to black, while the rest of the population is characterized by a mix of traits from almost every other ethnicity. Because of this melting pot of cultures and people, the Itteghi are known for their exotic beauties, dressed in capes, handbags, hats, and walking canes. Their ability to improvise creatively is legendary, allowing them to make the best out of almost any situation. The downside, however, is their habit of not following schemes or plans through, to improvise at all costs, and, as some say, their penchant for anarchy. Berynians bring the chaotic nature of their compatriots to the extreme. The abuse of alcohol and drugs is commonplace there, as they love to live their lives in excess and debauchery. Drunken brawls and duels are extremely frequent in the wild Goyan nights, much to the surprise of visitors. On the other hand, the energy and warmth of the locals often enthrall the newcomers, who join the crazy life of the isle.


There is absolute freedom of worship in Itteghasp, a way for many Itteghi to reconnect with their ancestry. The widest spread confession is the cult of Isairnes, although the country is rich with sects, some rather unusual, that draw their mythos from many beliefs at once.

Main Settlements

Busto Capital – population: 109,000 Once a barren and inhospitable isle where only shepherds and their herds lived, Busto was elected as the capital of the country some three centuries before the current time, when Berynia, Turena, and Zardia joined and formed present day Itteghasp. Since then, the city has grown into the seat of foreign embassies and the beating heart of the Monopolies

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turning it into the center of Vulcanian power. The palace of the Triumvirate sits within a large garden, dotted with ponds and a small artificial lake, while the rest of the city unfolds in orderly rows of buildings arrayed over wide streets. To the south of the main settlement is the citadel of the Monopolies, where laboratories, workshops, and research centers


rise around the Twisted Spire, a structure made of three towers that twist and coil one into the other in a spiral. The isle is connected to Turena by the Brocly Bridge, a feat of engineering that took ten years to complete and opened just a few months before the war began. Right after its inauguration, the Itteghi started working on their next marvel: a

tunnel between Busto and Zardia. Last year, even this project became reality, the underwater railway anchored to the maritime floor covering the 2346 cubitus between the two isles. A steel and glass structure allows visitors to admire the submarine life of Zena’s gulf. Even though his country has been turned into a

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CHAPTER 7 radioactive wasteland and the intelligence agency he had dedicated his whole life to has fallen with the Abrab government, Garlo Lazon is not the sort of person who backs down from a fight. Today, he lives in Busto, where he acts as a trade adviser with contacts and informants among both Monopolies and foreign governments. He was one of the mediators involved in the invasion of Tusca by Abrab refugees, earning him the gratitude of the Triumvirate. Although he frequently deals with factions in conflict with one another, he is more than capable of keeping the same foot in more than the proverbial two shoes, escalating or reducing tensions as he sees fit.

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Lately, he has been seen often in the company of the beautiful Xie’Ying Yuyan, head of the Ofreyi circus, thanks to whom he is expanding his network of contacts even into Imperial territory. Bravia Metropoli – 695.000 abitanti The largest city in Vulcania extends from the slopes of Mount Enta to the springs of the Nessa River. Close to the volcano, the laboratories of the Monopoly of Engineers churn out the most advanced locomotion systems in the world, perfected by the best technicians. The vehicle production lines of the best designers on the planet toil incessantly in this district, designing and assembling means of transportation of every kind. Since Itteghasp is roughly equidistant from the other Islenations and has always been neutral in as many conflicts as it could, it is the perfect place to exchange goods of all sorts, made possible by the imposing Bravian harbor. A constant flow of barges laden with cargo goes back and forth along the muddy waters of the Nessa, through the city’s slums and into its industrial core. The city center unfurls around the immense Triumvirate Square, as a maze of elegant alleys dotted with historical buildings, upper class residences, and boutiques connects it to the periphery. The Square itself is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Vulcania. An ingenious system of colossal gears, pulleys, and moving panels powered by the Enta’s own waters turn it into an enormous stage where titanic sets allow thespian companies to perform enthralling plays. The most important event is, for sure, the

SETTING celebration of the Itteghi Unification and the battle of Fonicia. There, a fleet of Berynian corsairs defeated the Mos and Abrabazi armadas in a key victory for the liberation and subsequent unification of the Itteghi islands. For the occasion, the moving panels that cover the Square open to create a massive pool that is then filled with water where the battle is reenacted for the spectators, the play culminating in the appearance of a large model of Itteghasp itself rising from the waves as the national anthem plays in the background. Moving away from the splendor of the city center, following the river down its path, the city progressively degrades into extremely dangerous port districts, ruled by organized crime. Garreth Lai is among the most influential Bravian criminals, the son of Zardian tailors who

grew up in the slums, witnessing the gangs lording over his parents’ business under the eyes of the militia. One day, as he was fleeing from a local gang of bullies, he hid under a heap of debris in an alley and saw something that would change his life forever. On the other side of the wooden wall he was leaning against, Lai witnessed a definitely not romantic affair between the militia sergeant tasked with enforcing the law in his own neighborhood and a complacent baker. He found out not only that the two saw each other almost every day, but also that the threat of telling the sergeant’s wife was more compelling than the gang’s bribes, sparing Lai’s parents’ business. Since then, Garreth incarnated the old adage “Knowledge is power,” building a network of informants and spies more powerful than brutality and violence, thanks to which he climbed the ranks of the criminal hierarchy in his neighborhood. Today, he has become an institution, with eyes and ears everywhere in the city and enough influence to keep in check many of the mighty and powerful who have secrets to keep hidden. When adventurers need information and have a heavy enough purse, of course, Garreth Lai is their man. Palmira City – population: 10,300 This coastal settlement south of Turena perfectly mirrors the Itteghi evolution as the War of Letvia drew to an end. As Balastoc was undergoing its modernization process, this city became the main docking harbor for ships trading with the country of the Red God. It is connected to the rest of the nation by the railway, allowing it to distribute large quantities of goods among the other cities. Davor Puruni is the city’s major player, who accumulated a fortune by expediting the slow working of bureaucratic cogs for charter captains who showed the right amount

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CHAPTER 7 of generosity. A slimy and ruthless man tied to the Shield of Isairnes, he does not hesitate to employ criminal gangs to encourage the most reluctant of captains to unload their cargo at Palmira. It appears, however, that recently some traders have chosen Fonicia instead of Palmira as their port of call to avoid the heavy “taxes” Puruni asks of them, leading to an increase in tensions between the two cities.

His acrimony towards her is legendary, although it seems it is owed to the fact that she unceremoniously refused his advances when, in a bid to protect herself and at the same time add insult to injury, she entered a “friendly” relationship with his peers in the Triumvirate.

Zena City – population: 23,000

Goya is pure, undiluted chaos to Zena’s harmony and order. Its buildings are a cauldron of tall palaces, squat military structures, and houses surrounded by courtyards and gardens that do not follow any logic. Many buildings are rundown and covered in plants, the streets dirty and uneven, and the sight of stumbling, stuttering people collapsing to the ground is commonplace. In spite of all this, Goya has always been the bulwark between Itteghasp and its enemies throughout the centuries, as well as the seat of the Triumvirate during the last war. Adept fighters all, the locals grow up with a strong warlike tradition, although totally lacking any discipline. Perhaps this is why it never conquered any of the neighboring islands, allowing Itteghasp to keep its picturesque balance. The strong presence of foreigners is due to the many students hoping to perfect their swordplay under the tutelage of the best sword masters in the world, with many of them actually choosing to stay once their training is over. Others, instead, are stuck there as they wait for their teacher to find the time, will, or lucidity to teach them. Goyans, by nature, are neither soldiers nor trainers, gravitating toward the corsair or mercenary as the situation demands. In addition to its weapon masters, the city is also famous for its nightlife. As the sun sets, the streets fill with a cheerful, festive crowd that flows from one establishment to another, singing, dancing, and brawling until the sun rises again. Of course, Goya is also extremely dangerous, and one of its most characteristic sights is the carts that gather the bodies of those who did not manage to reach their bed before the feasting ended. The blue carries the drunk… the red one the dead. The most famous swordsman in the isle is without the shadow of a doubt Inigo Montoia, who-

The isle of Zardia is a reference for fashion, cuisine, and high quality craftsmanship, hosting the ateliers of the best artists in the world. The city itself is a masterpiece of architecture, with elegant villas and historical palaces skillfully renovated. The city center, on an elevated area close to Mount Sorbolo, is a labyrinth of alleys and ancient stone buildings connected together by small arches. The roads are clean and orderly, crowded with workshops where resident artists craft and expose their creations for all to see. Even the periphery is tidy and refined. Given the exorbitant costs of lodging and services, it comes to no surprise that only the wealthiest can afford to live in Zena. The local militia does not make use of a uniform, so as not to perturb the idyllic atmosphere, and is always cordial and affable… to those who can afford it. Any disturbance is stopped and its perpetrator banished from the city, if they survive the arrest. Because of the elitist and despotic vein to the city, Zardians are known for not being too fond of Zena and its people. In the immediate proximity of the city is the school of acrobatics for the Moon Circus, known for its extremely talented choreographers, loved by the higher classes of the whole world. Paxiflora Degortes is the current director of the circus and a famously controversial person. An incredibly beautiful woman, a stunningly skilled performer, and a successful businesswoman, she led the Moon Circus to the apex of an already successful career. She is also a famous femme fatale, who had at her feet many powerful men and, it is rumored, even a few women. Of course, such fame garnered her many opponents, too, the Zardian Triumvir Floro Pintus among them.

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Goya Large City – population: 53,000

SETTING se skill and panache are sought after by an endless number of young sword enthusiasts. The problem with this Epeyst is that he irascible, lunatic, aggressive, and almost always drunk. It is also rumored that his most recent stunt might prove his last: Young Tukyo Kobyi, cousin to the Emperor Kimjonyj, in Goya to improve his technique with the greatest master on the planet, presented himself to Montoia with the arrogance of those who are venerated as demigods in their own lands. Of course, it could not have gone well for the youth, as Inigo challenged him to a duel with the pretense of testing his mettle, and humiliated him in every way possible. The Imperial dignitary lost both his ears and his Tamurei guard was slaughtered and urinated upon by the drunk fencer, as a crowd gathered to assist. Itteghasp will most likely try to defend its Berynian living legend, although it will not be easy for Inigo to escape the wrath of the Ketnyi emperor. Navia City – population: 21,600 This isle lived in calm for centuries, trading foodstuffs and raw resources with its neighbor Goya. Its only relevant factor was being the largest island in the country after the three main ones. Unfortunately, in the years after the war ended, living conditions on the isle were considerably deteriorated by the overpopulation caused by Cylan refugees forced out of their homes by the Abrabs. The problem was eventually solved by the government, although it took more than a decade and an intense agricultural development program, but acrimony towards the Abrabs is still high. Cyla City – population: 18,000 Neutrality has a price, and it is called Cyla. After the Treaty of Zena, under the weight of the evidence attesting that Itteghasp had offered support to Abrabazem in spite of its neutrality, the Itteghi we forced to give some of their territories to the survivors of the cataclysm. Cylans were torn from their land and transferred to Navia, their place taken by Abrab refugees, causing a feud still vibrant today.

To complicate matters, the Abrab started expanding soon after, occupying the isle of Tusca to the south of Cyla within the next four years, attacking the locals and forcing them to flee. The Triumvirate, under the economic influence of the colonists, chose not to intervene, offering instead a monetary reparation to the homeless families. This gesture caused vast resentment among the islanders, treated like inferior citizens, who banded into groups fighting for independence. Cyla today is a piece of Abrabazem implanted into Itteghasp, with many of its areas renovated to look like the architecture of the destroyed Islenation and new neighborhoods built from scratch in record time. The local administration enjoys an unparalleled degree of autonomy and its desire to rebuild a people on the brink of extinction has led to incentives for giving birth and, in time, an increasing population. In spite of the expansion towards Tusca, overpopulation might become an issue all over again. Tusca Town – population: 5,300 Occupied for more than a decade by Abrab refugees from Cyla, its Itteghi population is dwindling, secluded in ghettos. The Triumvirate’s multiple attempts to convince the Tuscans to move to Turena were unsuccessful. After a few insurrections against the deportation of the Cylans in Navia, the government chose not to move the Tuscan families who had chosen to stay by force, and they now live under heavy Abrab surveillance. Needless to say, tension is high and support for the terrorist movement known as the National Liberation Front is frequent among the Itteghi population of the isle. The Black Tulip is a legendary figure among the Tuscan Itteghi, the mysterious leader of the N. L. F. In spite of the best efforts on the part of the Abrab militia to capture them, the Tulip is constantly on the move through a labyrinthine network of natural underground tunnels. Many patrols have attempted to map them, but nobody has ever seen them again after they were sent there, killed by unknown beasts or N. L. F. ambushes.

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CHAPTER 7 Fonicia Town – population: 6,100 An isle in the southern-most reaches of Itteghasp, in proximity of the straits between Zardia and Turen. It became famous after a victory by the Berynian corsair navy during the Independence War. Led by the legendary captain De Grammont, who took advantage of the fierce fighting between Mos and Abrab vessels and entered into a pact with both factions to cover his advance, they struck when the two fleets were the weakest, the invaders each thinking that their own Itteghi reinforcements had arrived. The corsairs, instead, unleashed all their firepower before boarding the surviving ships and wrenching a key victory from the enemies’ clutches. Silene Gertrudi is the city’s mayor, who sensed the opportunity and is now encouraging commerce with Balastoc to lead her isle into a new era of prosperity. She is a tough and uncompromising woman, profiting from Palmiran corruption to extend her influence over the trade routes between Itteghasp and Balastoc. Palmira’s mayor, on the other hand, is not willing to stand idle as his revenue shrinks by the day, so some of the barges connecting Fonicia to the Turenian railway are set on fire from time to time. Selene herself barely survived a series of murder attempts. Smoking out the traitors in her administration and finding a way to fight back without relying on the same underhanded methods as her enemy are two key moves to ensure her survival, and by extent the well-being of her island, but Gertrudi is determined not to be defeated without at least trying.

Famous Locations Bravian Sewers Being Vulcania’s largest city and not wanting to be completely submerged in human detritus, Bravia needs an extensive sewage system. Below the metropolis unfurls a veritable underworld that evolved its own ecosystem through the centuries. Among its fetid filth and the toxic waste of industry live the desperate, the criminal on the run, and horrible, lethal creatures. Newer tunnels intercept ancient ca-

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tacombs in an endless labyrinth and, below the key districts, one can find maintenance teams. Not even the most unfortunate or crazy, however, would dare delving into the depths of the oldest and most peripheral sewers. Blade Cliffs The northern Berynian coast is one, sharp, continuous cliff face. In the stretch of sea beyond them, the frozen currents from Nuugard meet with the warmer ones from the south, causing continuous rough waters. Sailing being much harder, corsairs have nested there for centuries, deep in the coastal coves and deep grottoes. Legends abound on the unimaginable treasures hidden there and countless adventurers looking for an easy way to wealth have lost their lives in their search, claimed by the sea itself or those pirates and smugglers who still use the coast for their traffic.

Influential Factions The Chickens Although their name might hint at a happy band of not very smart fellows, this band is without a doubt the most formidable of the Berynian mercenary companies. They take their name from their crest, the ace of sesterzii, the golden falcon on the Syrus card commonly called “chicken” in the game’s jargon. After the war ended, the company was hired in bulk by the Itteghi government to protect the colonial expedition to Letvia, so those few Chickens left in the islands sell their skills to those who need the best protection money can buy or to fix problems in a quick manner. Alternatively, they are found drunk at a Syrus table in a Goyan tavern, as any self-respecting Berynian should. Builders Union Taddeus Zinear built an empire out of the Crotalus, the aircraft that changed aerial doctrine during the last war. To thank those who worked in his industries, Taddeus dedicated part of his wealth to the foundation of a trade union that watched over those who work in the industry of motorized vehicles. In its first years of life, the Union won many victories

SETTING and saw recognition of rights that nobody would have thought workers could have had before, as almost all of the industrial labor force in the island adhered. However, Taddeus Zinear died eight years ago, leaving his business to his sons, who do not share his vision. Soon after, Zinear’s most trusted people were intimidated by local criminals into stepping down from their positions, taken over by those who turned the organization into a twisted machine. Instead of protecting the workers, the union-turned-syndicate makes life impossible for those who do not pay the fee and, on the other hand, takes large sums of money from the workshops and industries to close both eyes on the progressively more frequent violations of the rights they had won in the years before. A few of its members have started gathering in secret to find a way to halt the syndicate and return it to its former glory, but without the support of somebody with power and the means to do it their chances of success are slim. N. L. F. The National Liberation Front is a paramilitary organization with the goal of liberating Cyla and Tusca from Abrab occupation. If the majority of population on the main islands takes little interest in the issue, a far away necessary evil, the Front finds many more supporters in the peripheral isles, fearful of being sacrificed by the rich and powerful of Berynia, Turena, and Zardia. The interventions of the N. L. F. are often demonstrative in nature, performing deeds like painting the red swordfish on a turquoise field of the Cylan flag on the walls of an important monument or the symbolic kidnapping of notorious people. As of late, however, they started taking violent actions even outside Cyla and Tusca, their last being the detonation of a sprinter laden with alchemical substances in front of the Abrab embassy in Busto. Dozens of bystanders and people working in the building were killed and the facade marred with a sticky, turquoise substance.

critical situation in Cyla, plunging the now-exposed cities in chaos. A few priests of the Red God started pooling the offerings of the population to assemble and arm groups of vigilantes to protect the citizens and their businesses and, although the Itteghi have never been famous for their religious fervor, the experiment seemed to work. Father Fiore Clemenza extended his influence over the island, gathering considerable wealth. When, years later, the situation stabilized and the militia returned, the population believed they could do without what had become the Shield of Isairnes, very much against the will of Father Fiore. He then bribed the militias into not interfering with his business, as he reminded the population with arson, threats, and beatings that the Shield was there to stay. At first, the central government did not intervene, but in the long run the loss of authority over a considerable part of their territories forced the Triumvirate to ban the Shield of Isairnes and launch a relatively bland campaign against them. To this day, the Shield is still well rooted in southern Itteghasp, where the population often prefers to ask them for help rather than a state that has proven to be inadequate and weak for too many years.

Itteghi Names Typical male names: Anemon, Fiore, Garofano, Giacinto, Liko, Loto, Narciso, Nasturzio, Palmiro Typical female names: Acantha, Genziana, Iris, Margarita, Ortenzia, Peonia, Silene, Tulip, Violet Typical Berynian family names: Besson, Blanc, Deshamps, Gaillard, Lacroix, Lafaiette, Peron, Vaillant, Zidane Typical Turenan family names: Antonelli, Arnaudo, Bonacci, Di Tullio, Lucignani, Marconi, Mascetti, Nicchi, Puglisi Typical Zardian family names: Eltrudis, Fonnesu, Ghessa, Ghisu, Lai, Melis, Pintus, Siotto, Todde

The Shield of Isairnes Right after the war, the majority of the Berynian and Turenan militias were deployed to deal with the

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whipped by the ferocious winds that come from the frozen sea, howling through deep, serpentine valleys between the coasts and the Beyi mountains. Here, the majority of people live in mountainous villages and picturesque settlements connected by thin stretches of rock or rope bridges. Deep within those valleys lie the Dark Forests, where underbrush, trees, and giant mushrooms have adapted to the almost total darkness. Fearsome predators stalk these groves, the shrines of the Tayo monks who choose these accursed lands for their solitude and harsh life the only human settlements. Further south, the mountains smooth into the agricultural district that provides rice, fruit, and cereals to the whole Islenation, between the Kenjyi lake and the springs of the Fen’cha.


“Alone, a man is worth nothing” Dominated by mighty mountains, steep valleys, and impetuous rivers flowing from the snowy peaks to the sea, this hostile land has always made traveling much harder. Forced to find a solution, its people became flight pioneers. Hundreds of years ago, Imperial hot air balloons flew the skies of Ketniv to bring supplies, exact tributes, or move the Emperor’s own if need be. Today, the heavens are continuously crossed by airships of all types and shapes. The Emperor is the sun around whom the entire bureaucratic machine orbits, an almost godlike being who provides shelter, food, and clothing to every citizen adequate to their role in society. Everything that lies within the Ketnyi borders belongs to the Emperor, who redistributes it with equity among his subjects. Everyday life follows rigid rules, each subject a gear that grinds in perfect synchrony with the rest in the apathetic perfection set by Imperial law. Citizens live their lives with serenity, knowing their talents are appreciated and channeled into the career best for them, for the glory of Ketniv. To the north rise the capital and a wide industrial district enveloping mount Oyi. Coastal areas are

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The ultimate authority in the country is the Emperor. The Kobyi dynasty has held power for thousands of years, the only ones above the rest of the citizenry, while even his ministers and members of their court, for all their power, are considered equal to everybody else. A law is either proposed by the Emperor or his courtiers, but the Imperial seal is required for the application of any act. Even the most local of decisions is not considered official until approved by the Imperial authority. The Emperor regulates every aspect of the lives of their subjects and, because of this, numerous sectors are still subject to ancient laws. Regional governors rise to their position by right of seniority, after they have proven their loyalty as bureaucrats since they were thirteen, according to the path set in front of them by the Xuan’ze, the Imperial planners. Although such a system was introduced some six centuries before the current time to replace the previous caste-based society, the rigidity of the new administration did almost nothing to address the issues of incompetence and privilege acquired through means other than personal merit. Even if the selection process ensures that the youth with the right natural predisposition for ruling reach those positions of power, the children of bureaucrat families receive a rigorous education from birth to take their parents’ place, granting them a tangible advantage. Corruption is widespread, even if


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CHAPTER 7 punished harshly when discovered, and the Xuan’ze are known for swaying their decision with the right gift.


Thanks to their ancient traditions of aviation, Ketniv’s pride is in the flight industry. In Tougyi, Imperial aviation engineers work incessantly with the Monopoly of Alchemists, studying the volcanic Vesuvius gases used for floating in the air. Ketnyi fuel tanks are the best in the world, fitted to the best hulls of the most prestigious airship designers. After all, it was in Ketniv’s assembly lines that the levitation engines of the Garghantua Project and its three flying cities were built. Although the project turned out to be a failure, the fact that the three cities are still afloat at the same height the project built them for, even forty years later, is a testament to Kentyi engineering prowess. For the rest, Ketnyi economy tends to its internal market, limiting import and export. Rice, barley, grain, and fruits are grown in agricultural districts and distributed to the whole nation, as the coastal villages fish for crustaceans and other sea life, and animal husbandry is almost impossible.


Ketnyi climate is divided into two distinct areas. The lands north of the Beyi mountains are scythed by strong, frigid winds blowing from regions even further north, with mild summers and frigid winters. The eastern coast is sheltered by the mountain range and gifted with a temperate climate. Winters are still frigid, although the lack of strong winds makes them markedly gentler.


The Ketnyi are a disciplined and contemplative people, used to living under the iron-willed rule of the Emperor. With the exception of the Imperial family, all Ketnyi are equal in rights. Every one of them performs the task they were assigned and is paid what the bureaucrats have set for them. In the past, the population was arranged into castes and tasks were handed down between generations. Now, when they turn thirteen, Ketnyi children are assigned the task

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they showed the highest aptitude for during their previous studies. The Empire provides them with food, clothing, and shelter but even the slightest violation of the law is harshly punished. The only alternative to the will of the Xuan’ze is joining the Tayo order of monks in their life of meditative seclusion, deep within the Dark Forests. Those who rebel against the system are arrested and thrown into the prison island of Syiwang, where they spend the rest of their brief lives. Generally, the Ketnyi stoically accept the decisions of the bureaucrats, also tasked with determining personal moments in their lives like their spouse. Loyalty to the homeland, however, is not the only reason behind the compliance of the people. Gonku, the Imperial secret police, constantly watches over the population, searching for any elements who could disrupt the millennia-old traditions at the base of Ketnyi society. The duty of every good citizen is not to ask questions and not to hesitate in reporting suspicious behaviors to the authorities. The Ketnyi are generally short, athletic people, with golden skin and black eyes and dark hair. Unlike other Islenations, the Ketniv is particularly mindful in avoiding influences from foreign countries, and the clothing worn by its people when not in service is traditionally simplistic: wide trousers dyed light colors or with vertical stripes, a turtleneck shirt, a dark coat with wide sleeves, and long, garishly dyed kimonos with flower decorations for women. Those in service, however, the Empire provides with uniforms and any necessary equipment. The percentage of foreigners is rather low, with the vast majority of them not taking permanent residence there as Imperial law forbids them from staying too long, to avoid being spied on by the other Islenations.


Religion is seen as superfluous and, therefore, forbidden, although foreigners are allowed to celebrate their rites as long as it is done privately. Tayo monks, on the other hand, are the only legal monastic order and, even if they look like a religious group, they do not worship a deity, instead meditating to distance themselves from the mundane. Of course, that, too, is done in the service of the Emperor.


Main settlements

Okyi Capital – population: 118,000 The Imperial capital extends from the slopes of mount Oyi to the small plain where the springs of the Yindo River are located. The imposing Imperial palace, perched on the volcano, dominates over the expanse of pagoda-roofed buildings of the city, color-coded according to the task they are dedicated to. The ever-present air-rickshaws lumber in the skies, slow and orderly, while the much faster ground transportation is reserved for urgent business and Imperial vehicles. A few kilometers from the palace, clinging to the volcano’s body, lies the Sky Citadel, one of the most important Vesuvius gas and aviation research structures on the whole planet. At the gates of the Imperial palace begins the so-called “Path of History,” ending at the piers of the harbor. The palace is surrounded by the Imperial Gardens, a peaceful oasis dotted with fountains, ponds, rock

gardens, and cedar groves, the stretch of the Path of History that crosses it watched over by the statues of all the previous Emperors of the Kobyi dynasty. The citizens who distinguish themselves for productivity and devotion to the Empire are rewarded with access to this paradise, where they can spend their free time with the same rights as the Imperial family. Beyond this area grows the government district, seat of the embassies, the headquarters of the Monopolies, and the palaces of the Imperial bureaucracy, roofed in gray. The rest of the city develops radially, with red-roofed trading districts and orange-roofed ones dedicated to producing food. The neighborhoods dedicated to education have blue roofs, and so on, towards the docks. Emperor Kimjonyj led Ketniv with skill during the Letvian war and the economic and demographic crisis that followed. While numerous governments have been swept away and others suffered heavy reformations, the Ketnyi Empire resisted, unchanged

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CHAPTER 7 and eternal in its thousand years of history. Now growing older, Kimjonyj finds himself closer and closer to the moment he will have to choose a successor, as Ketnyi law calls for a council of the elders when the Emperor reaches his sixtieth year of age, tasked with advising Him in the choice of the one who will take His place. The celebration for his sixtieth birthday is less than a year away, but Kimjonyj does not see a worthy successor among the family’s youth. Ryiuken, his third son, left to colonize Letvia in -7 P, but was lost to the Storm Wall, and nominating somebody whose status is as yet unknown could prove fatal for the dynasty. However, the fated moment looms and the pressure from the rest of the family is becoming incessant.

Tougyi City – population: 18,200 Nestled on low peaks that smooth towards the reefs of the prison island of Syiwang is the industrial city of Tougyi, its production lines dug into the rock and connected directly to Mount Oyi with extensive piping for geothermal energy. Airships from Syiwang ferry chained prisoners to the foundries daily, where they work in infernal conditions. The city is built with industrial efficiency in mind, with no concession made for anything else. Only propaganda manifests break the monotony of the concrete walls, the face of the Emperor looking at the bystanders from His bright red sun in front of crowds of smiling workers. However, being chosen for manual labor is the worst task a young citizen could be assigned to, only better than slavery and jail. Aryi Large City – population: 58,000 This city, located on the shores of Lake Kenjyi, is the capital of the agricultural district that stretches to the south, to Oyines. Its central position makes it the main sorting center for its produce, distributed to the rest of the country by the Imperial quiqiu, large cargo zeppelins. Lake Kenjyi is also the largest airharbor of the nation, even though aircraft with foreign flags are a rare sight. Love is a weird beast and the story of Bia’Tel Kid’do is a known example of how much damage this sentiment can cause. This young woman had been assigned to the Tamurei, the feared Imperial guard, for her potential with a blade, but fell in love with a baker. Although the way of the Tamurei forbids marriage, the two joined in secret matrimony. However, her

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SETTING trainer, Felan, helped by the efficient secret police, found them out and with the other cadets stormed the place where the celebration was held, killing the baker and mortally wounding her. Only her thirst for vengeance and the timely intervention of the Freeborn allowed her to survive and, after a year of convalescence, Bia’Tel started a war against Felan, leaving a trail of bodies behind her. Oyines City – population: 12,000 The small city of Oyines is the southern border of the agricultural district, also known for hosting the Ofreyi Imperial circus school, where the most promising of the Ketnyi youth trains without rest to be chosen to perform in the company’s shows all over the world. However, behind the circus facade lies one of the most efficient intelligence gathering organizations in the world. Xie’Ying Yuyan has been leading the Ofreyi School and forming generations of spies for decades. Fascinating and deadly, she is a celebrity in her own country, but only a very selected few know that behind the mask of the lovely showwoman hides a ruthless and infallible assassin. International fame opens any door to her, allowing her to glimpse extremely precious and valuable information for her country. Tosyi Town – population: 16,400 The isle of Tosyi is one large forest that hosts and feeds the Imperial sawmills, its eponymous capital a fortress tasked with finding the hidden camps of the Freeborn and preventing their terrorist attacks. The deep gulf wedged close to the city features a harbor, one for airships and one for their water-borne counterparts, where Imperial ships dock to load timber for the rest of the country. Access is forbidden to foreign or non-governmental ships, and the island is under martial law to help isolate and destroy the Freeborn. Such a policy, however, seems to be causing more harm than good, as the population, forced to live with such constant tension, is beginning to sympathize with the very terrorists they should be

trying to root out. Basho Abasyi succeeded his predecessor two years ago, after his death at the hands of the Freeborn, and has been tasked with definitively breaking the rebellion. The Emperor himself appointed him, breaking the code of advancement through seniority, wishing to grant the task to a young, motivated officer rather than an older, probably corrupt official. After all, Basho had distinguished himself during the war, holding an outpost in the Pah’doyin isles alone against a Nuug assault, and is known for being a cunning warrior. However, success still eludes him. Gan’zhu Large Maritime City – population: 64,600 The city of Gan’zhu features the largest harbor in the country and one of the few where foreign vessels are allowed to dock. Although they are still a rather small percentage of the population, Gan’zhu is the Ketnyi city with the largest concentration of foreigners, with even a few hostels dedicated to those present for touristic or academic purposes. Genjyio Takane owns the Peacock’s Nest, the oldest hostel in the city. An amiable old man, he took over the business before the war and is loved by the locals and respected by the Imperial authority. Behind the mask of the friendly neighborhood old man, however, lies Iuussi Zorg, member of the Bald and a Nuug secret agent, veteran spy, and master of disguise. With his skills, Zorg caused untold damage during the war and today still gathers intelligence, right under the nose of the secret police who often pay him a visit for information on the foreigners and the dangerous infiltrators who may be hiding in their midst. In recent years, however, Iuussi crafted a second recurrent personality, Lang Ch’nayi, who infiltrated the ranks of the Freeborn and is contributing greatly to quelling their rebellion. Ulyi Town – population: 7,300 Also called the City of Five Peaks, Ulyi is the seat of the Tamurei Academy, for the deadliest of Ketnyi warriors. During their time at the Academy, the stu-

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CHAPTER 7 dents train each year on a different peak, from the shortest to Ghao’feng itself. The tallest of the five, where the students of the fifth year train, is also the place of the final test, the ultimate display of loyalty to the Imperial dynasty passed only by the best. The cadets who survive their grueling regimen are paired, often with somebody they bonded especially well with, and must fight to the death. Although they know when they enter the academy what awaits them, a lifetime of propaganda has made them more than willing to lay their life down or kill their best friend to perform their duty to the dynasty. Yukyi Fen’zhu is the general in charge of the Ulyi academy, the best blade in the country despite her advancing age. Years of sacrifice and solitude, however, are gnawing at her discipline: too many lives have been sacrificed before her own eyes for the glory of the Empire, and the suspicion of having wasted her life on hollow ideals is creeping into her mind. For now, her inner conflict is a close guarded secret, but should it emerge, her loss would be tragic one for the Empire.

Famous Locations Isole Pah’doyin This cluster of sharp rocks north of Ketniv is an uninhabitable place under the constant wrath of the elements. During the war, it was fortified with bunkers and outposts as a bulwark against the Nuug invasion and, when the hostilities ceased, the installations were abandoned. At least, that is what the public believes, as nobody has been sent there to watch over the isles for over a decade… Dark Forests To the southwest of the Oyi volcano rise tall peaks and deep valleys where light is unknown. On the slopes of the mountains are the Dark Forests, thick woods where flora and fauna adapted to live in darkness. There, conifer trees with pale needles and fluorescent mosses set the stage for groves of giant mushrooms, the picturesque monasteries of the Tayo coexisting with absurd creatures and deadly predators.

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Syiwang Prison isle This isle is the place no Ketnyi citizen would wish to live on, the well-deserved fame of this high security prison the best deterrent for crime the Empire needs. Its prisoners live in minuscule cells, their only comfort a few straws of hay as a sleeping place, before being sent to work in the Imperial furnaces or on the fishing boats braving the northern seas hunting for fearsome shark-whales. Edmund Frink is an Abrab engineer specialized in the crafting of prosthetic replacements, commonly referred to as “spare bits.” He is a controversial character, accused multiple times of atrocious experiments on subjects who he had paid into compliance, often as a way to escape poverty or deteriorating health. When the Syiwang board asked for a bio-engineer, the Monopoly took the chance to get rid of the morbid scientist and gave him to them. The Empire back then had embarked on the secret Yoshyimitzu Project, hoping to create super soldiers whose arms had been replaced by mechanical, Vulcanus powered contraptions. To this end, prisoners were used as test subjects for the implants destined for the Tamurei guard, but the results were a disaster. The total replacement of their limbs drove the subjects mad, the few who survived attacking on sight. Three of them, dangerous criminals even before the experiment, used their superhuman strength to break free, leaving a bloody wake behind them. Even to this day, they have not been found, and the Yoshyimitzu Project has been halted until light is shed on the reasons for its failure. Kukitsyi 1 During the Letvian War, this immense flying cruiser was to host the entire Imperial court, a vast garrison of Tamurei guard, and a dozen Ying fighters in its ventral bays. In the final days of the conflict, Kukitsyi 1 suffered heavy damage and is still under repair today, due to the scarcity of men and resources. Even in its wounded state, however, its massive, armored main sphere, surrounded by a ring of gun decks and hangars, is still an imposing sight. The bottom section of the sphere has been carved with a massive rendition of Emperor Kimjonyj’s vi-

SETTING sage, his eyes the thruster housings that burn with bright, nefarious purpose over the battlefield.

Relevant Factions The Imperial Guard The so-called Tamurei form the elite of the Ketnyi army, deployed only in those operations deemed too critical for lesser troops and tasked with protecting the Imperial family. The Imperial academy in Ulyi selects the most promising youth in the country, turning them into veritable war machines. It is also from the Imperial Guard that the operatives of the Hantyi are recruited, the special operations units tasked with rooting out the Freeborn, as it is suspected that the terrorist group has been founded by a renegade Tamurei. The Freeborn Centuries of harsh enforcement of tradition and hammering propaganda have kept the population under control. Not all have bent the knee, however, and these fearsome rebels, the Freeborn, have refused to have their lives dictated by some corrupt bureaucrat. There have always been rebellious groups in the country, nothing more than isolated minorities. But the Freeborn are a real issue as they have spread among the whole nation, their strong leadership gathering the support of a great many citizens, especially the young. Okoyshyi Manzo was a general of the Imperial Guard who, after decades spent in close proximity to the Imperial family, could no longer stand the disparity in treatment between them and the rest of the population. Rumors also spoke of a love affair ended in blood between Okoyshyi and a maiden, her throat slit in front of him by the sadistic prince Temeru over a spilled ewer of tea. Of course, nobody knows if these rumors are actually true, although they find purchase in the younger Ketnyi, whose romantic life is impacted the most by the arbitrary decisions of the Xuan’ze.

the Emperor would have provided for that, too. The only form of spirituality legal in the Empire is that of the Tayo monks, who live in their secluded monasteries deep in the Beyi valleys, meditating and practicing lost martial arts. The Empire tolerates them, for their existence is silent and, when needed, useful in taking care of problems too delicate for the official forces. The Yokhayi Ketnyi geography makes cable-based communication almost impossible, forcing the Imperial administration to find alternatives, such as specially trained messenger birds. However, when it comes to delivering messages of a particularly reserved or important nature, the Empire relies on the Yokhayi, the Bearers, who perform their duty with special-issue wings made of a material whose origin is lost to the sands of time. Theirs is the only caste that survived the reformation of Ketnyi society, their wings and the relative privileges handed down through generations. The secrets behind the unusual metal fiber used in those wings, however, was lost centuries ago and, as long as the Empire keeps preventing the Monopoly of Alchemists from studying them, every pair lost is one step closer to losing such knowledge forever. On their end, who knows what the Alchemists would give for even a fragment of such a precious fiber.

Ketnyi Names Typical male names: Akyi, Bashyio, Fujyio, Hattoryi, Inokyi, Jyian, Pong, Sanjyi, Zhen Typical female names: Akane, Byi’han, Fujyiko, Kyio, Lyi’han, Quyiao’hen, Suyi, Yuryiko, Xyiu Typical family names: Aokyi, Chen’xu, Hunda, Manzo, Myiura, Pao’ren, Sayito, Wu’xu, Yiahama

The Tayo Monks Every form of religion is banned in Ketniv, deemed unnecessary for the life of the citizen. If it was, then

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“There are two kinds of people: those with a loaded gun and those who dig.” Once, Mostucaal was probably the most powerful Islenation in the world, both socially and technologically the incarnation of the prosperity brought on by the Industrial Revolution. Greed, however, and the wish to always go faster and ride the machine of progress to ever-greater speeds, snuffed the dream out. The nation’s resources were exploited restlessly, its forests cut down and its lands turned into lifeless desert. The poorer strata of society swelled, becoming poorer and poorer as food became progressively scarcer. To keep the population under control, the government launched a campaign of expansion that peaked during the war. As the state struggled to maintain domestic order, in spite of its many military victories, the powers that be decided they needed to end the conflict with a final, memorable, strike to regain its lost popularity. So the Z Device was designed, the deadliest weapon in history, and dropped into the Abrabaz volcano. However, the Mos rose up in arms, horrified by the ensuing slaughter, overthrowing their government and plunging the country into civil war.

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Even today, Mostucaal is gripped by chaos and anarchy, its capital city of Aqualos the last bastion of civilization left in the nation. The rest of the country is dotted with small independent city-states in constant warfare with one another. The railways once connecting the nation together now see barely any use, because of the bands of brigands and outlaws that infest the vast expanses of land crossed by the tracks. As such, the whole nation is one enormous frontier land. Those who could not adapt emigrated to Itteghasp or died, while those who did turned into stern farmers and breeders who every day must fight the advance of the desert and the constant incursions of bandits, mercenaries, or ruthless assassins ready to riddle a body with hot lead for a meal. The northwestern region is dominated by the Yutland desert, growing by the year as its forests and woods fall to feed the forges and make room for farmland. Presently, only a few of those settlements survive, close to the scarce sources of water, while farmers move their herds in search of the ever-dwindling pasture. The northeastern expanses, instead, developed around the Rojo River, offering a modicum of fertile lands and woodlands, where numerous villages have grown on the bones of the cities that were destroyed during the civil war. To the east lies the Grayes mountain massif, their steep profiles smoothing out as they reach the shores in spectacular cliffs. Nestled on the peaks, the majority of the villages rise in proximity to sources of water or ore veins. The south, on the other hand, remains the most fertile and welcoming part of the country, sitting between the Aqualong River and the Florecida peninsula, with its smooth hills and mangrove-rich swamps.


After the end of the civil war, the country was left without a central government that could enforce its authority on the whole territory. The Free Aqualos Republic is made up of the city of Aqualos by the southern shores, although for now it does not have enough strength to retake the rest of the country. Tax officers from Aqualos are sent to the Yutland


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CHAPTER 7 villages to gather money in the name of uniting the country once again, promising protection to those who comply and threatening those who do not. Equally often, such visits end up in a firefight, although sometimes the locals prefer to bend the knee rather than being forced to pay the price of opposing the rich and powerful Aqualos. The hegemony of the Free Republic of Aqualos, however, is threatened to the north by the birth of the Democratic Confederation in the area surrounding the city of Boslon. Born on the ideals of freedom and equality, its democratic nature slowed its growth. However, what began as an ideological limit—that of non-violence—is earning them actual allies who find in the Confederation a unity of both purpose and identity, turning it into a cohesive, whole nation instead of a country based on fear.


The rich mines of Orelis still attract freighters from the rest of Vulcania, although the absence of a government to secure the moving of both money and goods has slowed Republican exports. Merchant airships dock and leave constantly from the Aqualos airdocks, bringing cereals and legumes, key to the local diet, and loading up the best firearms in the world. To the north, the ancient stills are slowly increasing their production rates, as the demand for whiskey and bourbon in Nuugard and Itteghasp is enough to make it a significant source of income for the Democratic Confederation.


Mostucaal is gifted with a rather temperate climate, although the cutting down of entire forests and the advancing desertification significantly altered it. Yutland turned into an arid land, poor in resources, its summer temperatures rising well beyond 45° Celsius. The southern lands, however, enjoy hot summers, though milder than the desert’s, and mild winters, the Grayes Mountains is the only place where wintertime is as rough as summer and snow is a common sight.


The majority of the Mos are of medium build,

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tan-skinned, with dark eyes and hair. Because of intense immigration in the last century, many Mos bear the telltale signs of their heritage, boasting dark skin or a strong build and fair eyes and hair. It is also not unheard of to see people with the golden complexion and almond-shaped eyes of the Ketnyi. The wealthier strata of society enjoy dressing in a somewhat ostentatious fashion, rich with lace and garish colors, while the common populace prefers more spartan clothing, more apt for working in fields and riding. However, there is one, universal aspect that unites all Mos: their religious, almost fanatical, love for hats. Whether they are tall, lacquered top hats, straw hats, or wide-brimmed sombreros, any Mos always keeps their hat on their head and, if separated from it, would feel naked. Life in the Democratic Confederation is good enough, with food for everybody and a nascent economy. Resources are distributed among the population and, for the moment, the administration led by the Baroness of Spring is working without the gangrene of corruption. Much different is the Free Republic of Aqualos, where the divide between the rich, living off the great wealth of their industries, and the poorer farmers grows ever greater. The power is in Van Gomez’s hands, and corruption festers at almost every level of the structure, from the humble guard to the highest functionaries. Every moving part of this machine is set in motion by bribery or belonging to the right faction. Between the Confederation and the Republic, however, lies a frontier land, where the law of the gun is the one most will obey.


The Mos never were a particularly religious bunch. Now, the Methodist Church of Isairnes has the most diffused worship, brought there by Balas refugees more than two centuries ago. Although it is based on the cult of the Red God, it differs from its orthodox parent to the point of being considered almost heretical. The majority of the faithful offers a prayer at sundown and during the Sunday ceremony at the temple, more to respect a tradition rather than religious fervor.


Main settlements

Aqualos Capital – population: 130,000 The capital and the surrounding lands are all that is left that is similar to what Mos life was before. After the civil war, Ruus Van Gomez took the title of Alcalde and now rules the city with an iron fist, backed by his band of ruthless guerrilla fighters. The northern district of the city faces the lake it owes its name to. There can be found the last diplomatic buildings left intact and the beautiful residences of those who can afford to pay for Van Gomez’s protection. The city center develops around De Luz square and the clock tower, the city’s tallest building. The majority of the important buildings, like Monopoly headquarters or the town hall, featuring three stories, extends towards the periphery of the city in an orderly manner. The southern districts are given to industry and the shacks

where their slave workers live. Bereft of clean water and any of the essential services provided in important and civilized cities, they are the favorite victims of Van Gomez’s vigilantes, who do not hesitate to quell any rebellion with violence. In spite of his advanced age and the rumors of his lucidity starting to fade, Ruus’ grasp on the government is still iron-tight. When he makes public appearances, his eldest son Magnus is often with him. The lad seems to be negotiating at the same time with the former president of Mostucaal, now in exile in Albuerq, and with the poorer strata of society, who look to him for a glimpse of hope for the future. Van Gomez senior, however, is no fool and, in concert with his son, has organized this ruse to confuse his enemies and at the same time have agents where he needs them.

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CHAPTER 7 Campos Town – population: 7,000 Campos is a small settlement under the Monopoly of Engineers, a stronghold fitted with cutting edge technologies and garrisoned by special forces. A few years after the end of the Letvian War, bands of raiders attempted to sack the outpost, profiting on the chaos left by the civil war. They managed to steal charged Vulcanus batteries and slaughtered the personnel, prompting the Monopoly to fortify the area and contract the most ruthless bounty hunters of the Picarto Agency. Even today, the heads of those poor souls who stole from the Monopoly still hang from the walls of Campos, perfectly preserved in alchemical tanks. In time, farms were built around the fort to offer food in exchange for their protection, and an industrial area to the south that employs many of the Camposians in the crafting of high quality firearms. Tonio Soardo is the one the Monopoly chose to run the settlement and he has done so with distinction for almost five years. Although his statuary physique, blue eyes, and blonde hair mark him as a Nuug, the Soardo family has been the owner of many factories and orchards on the northern coast of the country since before the war. Even if he is not supposed to get involved with the government as the representative of the Monopoly, Tonio does not hide his antipathy towards Van Gomez and his constant pressure to prevent Boslon and the Democratic Confederate from being supplied with Engineer wares. It even seems that Ruus is working directly with the upper echelons of the Monopoly itself to have Soardo replaced with somebody more malleable, although Tonio’s outstanding results so far have prevented his early retirement. Boslon Large City – population: 63,000 This city is the main source of Van Gomez’s problems. As Boslon is the only settlement other than Aqualos worthy of the title of “city” and it is the symbol of the opposition to the power of such an evil tyrant, it was only a matter of time before it

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gathered consent and allies. Such consent took the form of the Democratic Confederation, its influence extending over the whole northern coast of the country. In spite of the hardship of living in an inhospitable land freshly out of a grueling civil war, the principles of democracy and equality have given hope to the population. During the Letvian War, the city was a bastion for the opposition against the warlike policies of the government, and because of this it suffered greatly at the hands of the army. However, the Boslonians stubbornly rebuilt their city, attempting to repair the damage and restore the streets and buildings to their state before the civil war. The architecture is typical Mos, small wooden buildings painted in light colors, surrounded by wide porches and well kept gardens in residential areas. The length of railway running along the northern coast has been restored, too, and is now used with growing frequency to connect the maritime settlements to Boslon, with periodic armored trains heading to Campos to stock up on Vulcanus batteries. Boslon is ruled by the enigmatic Baroness of Spring, who rose to fame as a protector of the weak all over the country. This mysterious woman, her face always covered by a painted, wooden mask, united the community under the goal of returning it to the glories and values that made Mostucaal the beacon of democracy and enlightenment in the past. The Baroness appeared for the first time during the civil war, striking with daring heroism where the army’s wrath fell on those who could not protect themselves. Her deeds soon became the stuff of legend, her figure turning into a symbol for the rebellion that years later led to the foundation of the Democratic Confederation. The Baroness is still the head of the Confederation, even though holding a mostly symbolic position, her identity one of the best-kept secrets in the whole country. Some even say that many women have taken their place behind the painted mask, the first Baroness having fallen during the civil war.

SETTING been kind to him and the hope of returning to his old office seems fainter and fainter with each passing day, he would do anything to regain his lost power.

Albuerq City – population: 12,000 This lush island hosts the survivors of the old government, who live in a deep and sheltered gulf, where the last remnants of the nation’s navy protect the island from maritime attacks. Although they would be more than glad to join Van Gomez and his goons, the old man does not seem too inclined to cede any of his power. On the other hand, former president Mata hopes Magnus Van Gomez could be more malleable, should something unfortunate happen to his father... The ship captains, once loyal to the navy and the old government, have split between those who settled on the island and enjoy the comfortable life of a tropical paradise, those who turned pirate to break the monotony, and a nostalgic few who wait to put an end to their lives with a last charge. Former president Jorge Mata has lived in exile on this island for more than ten years. As age has not

Orelis Scattered Settlements – population: 25,000 The barren hills of this isle are rich in metals and dotted with mining villages once controlled directly by the state or left in concession to large corporations. After many shut-downs during and after the civil war, some fell under the control of gangs of raiders. Since none prevailed over the others, when the Free Republic attacked to take hold of the mines, they banded together into a sort of mining federation, a union of peers balanced on the fear of being attacked from the south and the desire to expand to the north. The leaders of the many mining corporations joined their efforts to push back Van Gomez’s men and then signed a treaty to do the same should an invasion happen again. So far, this pact has allowed them to remain independent, although the forces plotting alliances and schemes within the individual gangs are numerous. The Orelis Mining Federation is regulated by a brief treaty that establishes few clear rules to respect. First and foremost, all the mines have to contribute troops to the defense of the isle, but cannot form alliances to attack any other member of the Federation. Feuds must be resolved privately and external interference is not tolerated, leading to the inevitable merging of the minor factions into the larger ones. Others were not so fortunate. As the treaty says that a gang leader who survives an aggression is allowed to demand justice from the other members of the Federation, who would be obliged to wipe out the culprits, many gangs have just been exterminated so as not to leave any witnesses. After all, if a branch

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CHAPTER 7 falls off of a tree in a forest and nobody neither saw nor heard it, has it actually fallen? Piedratumbal Village – population: 450 One of the many villages deep in the Yutland desert. These settlements usually develop around a saloon, where the whole community gathers, that serves as a tavern, hotel, gambling den, and often brothel. The owner of the saloon is usually both the wealthiest citizen and the mayor of the town. Sometimes, this figure is balanced by that of the sheriff, who guarantees that crime is punished and everybody lives a safe life, although the majority of the time this lawman is in the mayor’s own pocket. Tiago Kruiff was a wealthy medic in Aqualos who, not happy with Van Gomez’s hegemony, moved to Piedratumbal, trading the comfort of the capital for the hard and uncertain life of Yutland. He is the leader of his community and built a small hospital into his saloon, transforming Piedratumbal into a faint glimmer of civilization within a desert of barbarians. In time, it became the “capital” of a small group of villages in southern Yutland, who banded together against the hardships of life in the desert and the constant raids of Van Gomez.

Famous Locations Florecida This rich peninsula to the south is separated from Ozul Isle, once Abrabazem land, only by a narrow stretch of sea. After the Abrabaz exploded, this area suffered greatly from the toxic fumes, agriculture and fishing almost disappearing in the years since the war. Even though the soil is now fertile again and the waters are no longer home to irradiated fish, mutations have not completely disappeared. Officially, it is under the control of the Free Republic of Aqualos, which defends its largest agricultural district with tooth and nail, although it is also rumored to be home to dissidents, especially in the swamps along the northern shores. The ruthless policy of genetic purity enforced against mutants forced their families to hide there, where they formed a resistance movement against

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Van Gomez’s tyranny. Aqualos troops patrol those lands constantly, to disrupt communications between the rebels and the Democratic Confederation and prevent dangerous alliances from being formed. The rebels from the swamps have been exchanging information and war materiel with the Free Ozul Movement, who fight for the independence of their isle from Abrabazem. The rebels in the swamps are led by Tonio Elcostal, a charismatic leader, skilled gunslinger, and fearless warrior. Once an officer in Mostucaal’s shock troops, after a period spent in Van Gomez’s forces he realized that Ruud’s brutal ways could not bring peace and democracy back to the country. The last straw was his time spent in Florecida to quell a dangerous insurrection, where he had to fight a gang of barely adolescent dregs. Tonio was against slaughtering them, his second in command accused him of treason, and a bloody fight broke out between those loyal to him and the rest of Van Gomez’s soldiers. It ended in a bloodbath and the officer survived only because of the intervention of the thankful villagers. Since then, he has dedicated every fiber of his being to leading and helping the hopeless, his daring heroics turning him into a symbol both hated and dreaded by his enemy. The mere sight of this imposing gunslinger, the rhythmic lighting and snuffing of a cigar the only thing visible under the wide brim of a sombrero, is enough to shatter the morale of any Republican troops. Grayes Mountains This massive mountain range covers the eastern reaches of the country, from the northern coasts to the Florecida peninsula. Close to the rivers that run to the eastern coast, small communities have appeared, inhabited by conlio prospectors who search the waters for the precious metal motes that surface from time to time. Its underground caverns are the homes of numerous groups of the so-called pielroja, the last descendants of Mostucaal’s natives, predating the colonists from Nuugard, Itteghasp, and Abrabazem. These tribes lead a simple a life in religious harmony with nature.

SETTING Herida Canyon Deep in the Yutland desert rises this breathtaking sight, a wound in the middle of the sands. During hot seasons, the shadow offered by its walls can make the difference between life and death, and many animals take shelter in the caves and grottoes that open there. Often, groups of banderilleros roaming the countryside camp in the secret hideouts they have carved into the steep cliff sides of the Herida, to recover their strength after their frequent brutal skirmishes. The Rapid 998 In the Mos deserts, railway tracks now lay unused, where all sorts of goods and passengers rode continuously before the war. Trains are now a rare sight, limited to those ferrying supplies between Aqualos and Boslon. Only the luckiest, however, are blessed with the sight of the legendary Rapid 998. More fortress moving on tracks than train, its armored coaches host the most refined and exclusive gambling dens on the planet. However, one can access the Rapid 998 only with an invitation, making them prized items for which the rich and powerful go to great lengths. The train is in constant movement, even capable of traveling off of the railway briefly to clear any blockage caused by raiders, and is protected by a great many skilled mercenaries. This traveling casino is managed by the beautiful Penelope Lopez, who rules her kingdom with ruthless charm. Rumors abound, however, about the Rapid 998 actually being a project of Lando Carrizo, the charming “mayor” of Libertas.

Relevant Factions The Rangers Once, these enforcers of the law traveled the length and breath of the country riding their powerful steamcycles, tracking the most dangerous of wanted criminals. Today, the majority of their numbers are found among the ranks of Ruus Van Gomez’s “tax officers,” who terrorize his lands and extort tributes. After the war, a few joined the Baroness of Spring, horrified by what the once-respected ranger corps had become, while others have struck out on their own, becoming bounty hunters or roaming the land

meting out quick judgment. Rino Reyes is the most famed and feared of these lone wolves. When he attempted to stop his former colleagues from looting and pillaging some poor dregs in the name of Van Gomez’s “justice,” he was beaten to a pulp, tied to his steamcycle with a stick of explosives in his pocket, and sent into the Herida. A thunderous explosion followed, the ex-rangers cheering with tequila. Miraculously, Reyes survived thanks to the providential intervention of the pielroja, whose shamans watched over his feverish, mutilated body for weeks before he could even stand. Hatred and the need for revenge, however, kept him alive, and after he recovered from losing an arm, a leg, and having the right side of his face ruined, he was secretly brought to Campos, where his old friend Tonio Soardo had his lost limbs replaced with experimental cybernetics. With a shotgun in his mechanical arm and a pilor grenade launcher in his leg, Reyes roams the country riding a new steamcycle, rewarding unjust violence with death and destruction. The Banderilleros There are few left who remember the joyous times when, once a year, each region sent a delegation of athletes and jugglers to Aqualos, the original Banderilleros, to represent their homeland in a yearly competition. Today, those groups still sport their colors, some coming from cities that do not even exist anymore, and unleash hell whenever they meet a rival Banderillero gang in their travels. They are not necessarily ruthless or dangerous, but on the other hand, even if nobody explicitly prevents them from entering a settlement or forces them to leave, they are not welcomed with open arms.

Mos Names Typical male names: Alvaro, Butch, Fernando, Guillermo, Pau, Raul, Rodrigo, Sergio, Tonio. Typical female names: Agnes, Conchita, Clodia, Eliza, Ines, Mercedes, Pilar, Shakira, Zita. Typical family names: Boos, De Alvarez, Hendriks, Kruiff, Lukozars, Molder, Van Djik, Van Goof.

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have been built in these valleys and, as technology and science progressed, their clans have grown much stronger than those from the peripheral areas of the country. The southern regions are almost entirely covered in thick conifer forests, an inexhaustible source of timber wisely administered by the Counts. The Jeerl Mounts, to the south of Reikkar, are rich in iron, silver, copper, and gold, and have been settled by a great many mining companies. Nuugard has always been a secondary and unstable Islenation, which could have risen to prominence after the crumbling of the others after the Letvian War. Had the Nuug cared about it, of course. After the cessation of hostilities, they returned to their old life, content with staying well away from the problems that had started plaguing the other nations.

Government “No flag is worth more than one’s freedom.” Nuugard is a hard, frigid land of ancient forests and frozen fjords. Only the central part of the island, heated by the volcano Orgh, is relatively hospitable. The Nuug are a proud people, tempered by the adverse conditions under which they live and madly in love with the savage nature that rules over their world. It was such respect that allowed Nuugard to keep most of its natural resources intact, avoiding catastrophes like deforestation and desertification that plague the southern countries. Even in their approach to technology and architecture, the Nuug take inspiration from the shapes and look of the natural world. Communication is made possible by steamboats that navigate the long rivers and cross endless conifer forests, while the only railway line in the country connects the capital of Orgholm to Reikkar. The northern reaches are dominated by an endless frozen plain, the Tuundra, that fades into the many fjords of the northern coast. The central mountain ridge surrounding Mount Orgh features a milder climate, thanks to the geothermal activity of the volcano and its many geysers, upon which the Nuug have built their industrial districts. Many Urboorg, the citadels of the Nuug warlords,

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Nuugard is ruled by the Council of Counts, instituted in -310 P when the chieftains stopped their internecine war to fight their Ketnyi rulers under one banner. The Counts rule from their mighty castle-fortresses, massive gothic architectures rich in charm and mystery. Their sporadic gatherings happen in the capital, to discuss matters of communal importance or settle disputes between clans. It is known that the implacable and warlike Counts despise the rulers of the southern countries, seeing them as fat politicians who cling to their seats. Ketnyi legends abound of them, claiming they gain supernatural powers by drinking the blood of their enemies. Each count rules over their clan’s territories in total autonomy, answering to the Council only in case of extreme violations of the “Chart of Duties,” the document that laid the foundations of the Council itself. This treaty forces all the clans to unite should the majority of Counts declare a state of emergency and forbids a great many aberrant practices towards both people and land. Usually, expansion is attempted with diplomacy rather than a good, old scrap on the field of battle, seen as one of those “aberrant practices.”


Nuugard is a vast and scarcely populated land, self-sufficient and capable of exporting cereals, fish,


timber, and other raw materials even while keeping its natural resources under strict regulations. Southern coasts are dotted with small fishing villages, while the sawmills in the forests work tirelessly to keep them in good health, and the industrial districts build vehicles, tools, and, of course, weapons. Nuug blacksmiths are among the best in the world, and axes inlaid with precious metals made by Mookholm master blacksmiths are treasured all over the world. The traditional Nuug black beer, Guunes, is loved both domestically and abroad. Displaying the Guunes brewery crest of a crow flying over a volcano above one’s inn is a great honor, as inspectors from Nuugard itself have certified their mysterious standards have been met by the owners and as such are worthy of a Guunes supply. Some naive innkeepers have attempted to bribe the inspectors. It did not go as they hoped.


Nuugard’s winters are long and fearsome and its

summers short and mild. Around the volcanoes, temperatures are somewhat easier to bear, but only a Nuug would call them mild. The fjords and all the northern coasts are frozen for the majority of the year, with temperatures rarely ever reaching beyond zero. Instead, it is even known to drop to -40 degrees.


Because of its geographic position, Nuugard has never been the target of migratory fluxes and its population is mostly of strong build and pale skin. The Nuug are proud of their flowing hair and thick beards, often kept long to look more intimidating, and many have their clan allegiance or important events tattooed directly on their body. The clans from the north usually have blonde or red hair and green or blue eyes, while to the south the tendency is to black. Although habits vary wildly from clan to clan, all Nuug are bound by honor and often foreigners

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CHAPTER 7 find them lacking in tact, rude and uncouth. However, these proud children of a savage land are direct, no-nonsense people, for whom the given word is as sacred as hospitality. Guests in a Nuug home might not be welcomed with much pomp, but they can be sure they shall be treated as well as their host. The Uurka, those who live in the frozen Tuundra, are known for an even stricter and more rigid code of honor than the rest of the Nuug. During the Ketnyi occupation, these clans were a veritable thorn in the Empire’s side, striking with ruthless ambushes and raids all over the country. Although this tradition of guerrilla warfare has remained, the Uurka never attack children, rape, kidnap, or deal in illicit substances. The elders are well respected within their community, and insulting them is punished with extreme harshness. Also, Uurka weapons are considered sacred, blessed by priests according to their ancient traditions. Every child receives their first pikka when they are five years old, a tomahawk with which they are trained by the elders. Showing off one’s wealth is considered dishonorable, and the money obtained from raiding should be spent on weapons or cult icons, like those of the Crone or the Father that are present in large amounts in Uurka homes. Even coins themselves are considered impure and kept in hidden places outside the house.


The Nuug pantheon varies from clan to clan, although their relationship with the divine is more in respecting ancient traditions rather than traditional worship. The majority of the population does not celebrate any rite, instead calling upon the deity appropriate to the context they are in. The apex of their fervor is a short prayer followed by a symbolic sacrifice, like burning incense or lighting a blessed candle before embarking on a particularly challenging endeavor. The main Nuug deities are Wootan, the Father of All Gods, and his mother Morilov, the Crone, protector of the hearth and the source of all honors. Before the creation of the world, the Father and the Crone lived in the cosmic void. Morilov, seeing her son sad and alone, first made the world and gifted it

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to Wootan. The Father made the mountains and the seas, then plants and animals, but he felt sad again after some time. Morilov could not manage to find a way to make her son happy again, until Pettaja, the Trickster goddess, appeared. Wootan fell madly in love with her, although she was fickle and attempted to sow discord between mother and son. One


day, Pettaja claimed she was miraculously pregnant, although she and Wootan had not lain together, and the Crone, horrified by the lies with which the Trickster deceived her son, hurled her onto the world. The impact set the mountains ablaze, creating the Mounts Orgh and Mook, while the creatures Pettaja carried within her scattered about Vulcania, be-

coming the people of the south. The World, then, seeing Wootan’s desperation, generated Kvinna, the Mother, who rose from the frozen seas of the north. The two wed and together gave birth to the many other deities who, in turn, created the first Nuug, Adaan and Eyva. Of course, nobody believes these stories anymo-

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CHAPTER 7 re, but their teachings and the strong desire to keep the ancient traditions alive has made it so they still play a key role in Nuug life.

Main Settlements

Orgholm Capital – population: 115,000 The capital, the urboorg of Orgholm, rises on the slopes of the mighty volcano Orgh and is a modern metropolis of gothic spires crossed by piping that transports heat from the geothermal power plants to the peripheries. The city center is dominated by the imposing Palace of Counts, the heart of Nuug politics, where the nobles of the country gather in council under the leadership of one of the Counts, known as the Prince. Unlike many other Vulcanian capitals, even in the peripheral areas of Orgholm living conditions are decent, in part thanks to the contained population. Along the banks of the Herrel River, a great many farms have developed, including dairy farms and breweries, their products appreciated even outside the Islenation’s borders. Count Gunnar Hoorik is a skilled diplomat and a calculating and pensive leader, skills that did not endear him much to his population, used as they are to follow rash and bloodthirsty warriors. However, the benefits his policies have brought to the nation cannot be denied, and the Nuug tolerate him as a necessary evil for the greater good of all. On the other hand, Gunnar’s ambitions are to expand the Nuug territories, but for one reason or another his supporters have been neutralized, removed, or simply disappeared after the war, leaving him alone in his dreams. Reikkar Large City– population: 53,000 An ancient urboorg rising on the Herrel, the main river of the country. Thanks to its proximity to the only landing spot in the northern coast, it developed into a flourishing city and its people are often considered soft and weak by the clans of the volcanoes. However, those who live in Reikkar do not care much about such trivialities, considering their

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northern brethren uncouth barbarians, incapable of accepting progress. Truth, as usual, sits in the middle. As the volcano-dwelling clans of the south had to fight for their lives since birth, they have come to relish it, although never refusing technological innovation. On the other hand, the Reikkarn never had to battle with belligerent neighbors. Reikkar might benefit from the geothermal energies of a volcano, but its harbor and the connection to Korrpor and its trade with the other Islenations made it wealthy. Three years ago, they even built an airdock, granting airships an alternative to landing on the frozen sea. In Reikkar is the Nuug school of the Monopoly of Markonists, housing even a small number of foreign students there to study melding their minds with those of animals and the use of the Fidelitas collars. Gregorj Valastoof is the academy’s grand master, and has also been Reikkar’s Count for more than twenty years. During the war, he was Hoorik’s right hand, his contribution pivotal to keeping the country together as the hostilities raged on. However, after the war ended, he abandoned his projects for expansion and the relationship between the two Counts soured. Korrpor Harbor City – population: 21,000 Still bearing the scars of the war, the walled city of Korrpor has fully recovered from the conflict and now is an important trade node. Although the sight of warships anchored there is not rare, the vast majority of the docked vessels are fishing boats, freighters, and passenger ships. Fishing is one of the main industries of the southern coast and a key resource in both domestic and international trade. Ortenpor Harbor City – population: 13,000 After Mostucaal fell into anarchy, Ortenpor suffered greatly from the interruption of trade that, before the Mos civil war, represented the city’s main source of income. Today, the city’s piers are occupied mostly by fishing boats and the occasional passenger vessel, the city center dotted with empty buildings abando-

SETTING ned by the many people who moved to the capital or Korrpor. Its fluvial connection to Orgholm ensures at least some income, mostly thanks to the fishing industry, so the city has not fallen into poverty. However, its days of splendor are long gone. Thoorholm City – population: 23,000 One of the most ancient urboorgs in Nuugard, its people are deeply respectful of their ancient Nuug traditions. Because of its close proximity to the Tuundra, it is a place where the Uurka and the rest of the country meet and trade for goods. Its other source of wealth is the processing of the conlio mined on the northern coasts and the production of the precious Fidelitas collars. Count Vlaadimir Ivanov rules these lands from his fortress, the famed Stooker Castle, a gothic structure dominating the valley from above. As it is entirely built of black stone, its sight is a stark contrast to the white snow of the mountains, its shadow looming over the city. The Ivanovs have held power seemingly forever, the title of Count of Thorholm surrounded by a dark, ominous aura. The skeleton of the last who attempted to seize it, more than a hundred years ago, is still impaled outside of the Castle’s do-

been a Countess. It is said that their legendary deed changed forever the traditions of the whole country. Mookholm Large City – population: 56,000 On the slopes of Mount Mook rises the urboorg of Mookholm, famous for its lava-fueled forges. Its smiths are known for their unmatched skill, crafting incredibly resilient, well-balanced, and beautiful weapons. They are produced in great quantity each day in their dedicated industrial district, separated from the rest of the city’s workshops. Arkadia Smirnoof is the Countess of Mookholm. An indomitable warrior, Arkadia is also a talented engineer and a leader beloved by her people. During the war, when she still had not taken her position, she had a long romantic relationship with Gunnar of

ors. Kattholm City – population: 21,000 The thermal springs of this urboorg are considered a sacred place, where people from all over the country go to spend time and relax. It is common for warriors from different clans to recover from particularly intense battles there and even spend time together drinking dark beer while resting in the warm waters. Centuries ago, Kattholmian amazons, who were forbidden from carrying weapons before this, took over the city. Since then, the ruler of the city has traditionally

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CHAPTER 7 Orgholm and, when she took the mantle of Countess, many accused her of having risen to power thanks to her powerful companion. Arkadia faced and defeated her detractors on the field of battle, after which she organized a kaarl competition with their heads. However, after the end of the Letvian War, she was firmly opposed to Gunnar’s expansion plans, choosing to follow the will of her people rather than her fiancee’s.

Il kaarl A beloved Nuug sport, it is a challenge of skill where the contenders must throw a flat rock so that it skids on a sheet of ice towards a tomahawk thrown by the organizer at the beginning of the game. Kaarl rocks feature a braid that works as a handle to throw it better, with the victor being the player who manages to make their stone skid closer to the tomahawk without touching it. Centuries ago, when the game was born, the first players used the heads of vanquished enemies and kaarl games were part of the celebrations after victories. Tirospool City – population: 19,000 The only glimmer of civilization in the eternally frozen north, the capital of the Uurka clan who live in the Tuundra is as rustic as its people. Survival in these wind-scythed lands would be impossible for many Nuug, but for the Uurka it is just another day in their life, spent between weeks-long hunts and conlio diving in the gelid fjords. Exploring these lands without the guidance and protection of a native is a death sentence, and many of those who somehow offended the locals during their stay were never seen again. Although the rest of the Nuug see them as weird and extreme people, the Uurka are respected all over the country for their stubborn ferocity and resolute nature. Granpa Istvar is the oldest man in Tirospool and, therefore, the most respected, the one who steps in as Count when the Council requires the opinion of the Uurka. He is loved and respected by everybody, embodying what the Uurka code of values would

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call “an honest ne’er-do-well.” During the war, the then not-so-old Istvar led the shock troops of the 501st company in operations that invariably turned into a bloodbath, leading to their very name being dreaded by the enemy. Even if a stranger sees only a scruffy old man in Granpa Istvar, not addressing him with due respect would be a fatal mistake, for sure, as his body is a living monument to war made of ritual tattoos and scars. Akkar Fortress – population: 1,100 The isle of Akkar is perhaps the least hospitable place in the whole world. Gripped by intense cold every single day of the year, it seems to know neither spring nor summer, with the occasional conifer tree grove the only sight to break the monotony of ice. Here is Kravatoon, the Academy of the Hairless. The entrance to the castle is fashioned in the likeness of the fanged mouth of a massive skull, where the recruits face grueling training to become living weapons. Vasilj Sketlon, the Kluut, supreme commander of the Hairless, is as hard and inflexible as the ice from which his fortress is made. Slim for a Nuug, he took part in the Letvian War as a legendary spy, alone behind enemy lines impersonating an enemy officer, sowing chaos and murdering key figures whenever he had the chance. He is known for punishing failure with harshness, but rewarding success fairly. Stamber Fortress – population: 4,200 This entire isle is a fortress where the navy set its anchor during the Letvian War. Today, the ships that survived the conflict have returned to the harbors of their respective clans and even Stamber’s barracks are empty. The only active compound is the workshop where the Oktopus was developed, a lethal submarine fitted with mechanical tentacles controlled by a Markonist via a conlio nervous system for optimal control. A team of Engineers and

SETTING Markonists still works on the project, to both perfect the submarine and invent new steering and navigation technologies. Frool Frood, a rich merchant from Korrpor, has acquired numerous hangars here and retooled them to serve as workshops to design new vehicles and equipment that employs the technologies developed by the Monopolies on the same island.

Famous Locations Black Forest The Kerrel River runs through this dark, thick forest that stretches between the southern coast and the slopes of the volcanoes. Within its borders, especially on the banks of the river, there are numerous villages inhabited by woodsmen and hunters. All kinds of creatures and medicinal herbs live there, and life on the river is rather lively, as barges laden with timber and fish move along the Kerrel in both directions. In the depths of the woods, however, sounds dim to an almost mystical silence, interrupted only by the singing of birds and the rustling of tree branches. The only people known to dare venturing there are holy men and women, who brave the deadly predators lurking among the foliage. Tuundra This endless, frozen stretch of land is among the most savage places in Vulcania. Temperatures are well below the freezing point, the sun’s glare ruthless, and the snow mantle treacherous, hiding crags and deadly falls. Not to mention sudden, violent storms and deadly predators. For the average citizen of almost any other Islenation, this is another flavor of hell. For the average Uurka, this is home. Braving the Tuundra without a guide is suicidal, although this land presents opportunities in addition to its many threats. The conlio in the air, thanks to unique climate conditions, coalesces into iridescent flakes that deposit on the frozen fjords, forming a mother of pearl-like carpet. Jeerl Mounts These mountains are rich in metals and are inhabited by a large number of miners. Mines here,

unlike in other countries, are designed not to ruin the beauty of the lands surrounding them and are dug deep, although the use of aggressive alchemical substances is strictly forbidden so as not to pollute air and waters. Gruunland What Nuugard received from Mostucaal in exchange for their support during the Letvian War—it is a rocky island, with a few villages of Nuug colonists or Mos natives. The two groups coexist in peace and, after more than a decade, many mixed families have been formed. The main activity is the herding of goats and rams in the hills and bovines in the northern plains. Among the most eccentric characters in the world, Sisco Gutierrez is the manager of one the small settlements on the small and barren island of Gruunland, feeding off the sporadic passage of the Garghantua flying cities. These rundown flying colossi are systematically tugged outside the airspace of the various Islenations to prevent their detritus from falling in civilized lands. However, as Gruunland is a spit of land lost in the middle of nowhere, it has become a perfect spot for those smugglers and pirates that wish to do business with the flying cities. The picturesque Mos Markonist is never far from his drone, which he loves to dress with mantles, wigs, knick-knacks, and other oddities that his colleagues find rather uncharacteristic. As many Markonists do, he named his mechanical assistant: Danton the Great, although unlike his colleagues he treats it like a living, sentient being of which he is the valet. Although Sisco is evidently crazy, lost as he is in thinking of himself as the expression of Danton’s will, he is extremely competent in his field and is appreciated by smugglers and pirates for his eccentric friendliness.

Powerful Factions The Hairless In the ancient past, giving birth to a hairless child was the greatest shame for a Nuug family, with many of these infants abandoned in the forests as a sacrifice for nature spirits. Legends have it that one

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CHAPTER 7 of these children, Neero, was saved and raised by a pack of shapeshifters until he was found by an old ascetic warrior. Deep in the Black Forest, the monk trained the kid, until Neero was a man capable of wondering the woods on his own. There, he found other orphans like him, whom he took and raised as if they were his children, teaching them to be silent machines of death for fear of them being hunted down. However, when word of these specters reached the Nuug population, many were more than happy to discard their barbarous tradition and give Neero their hairless children if it meant giving the army new, deadly recruits. The Sacred Ones These people live a solitary life in the depths of the Black Forest, in primitive conditions that allow them to develop an almost symbiotic bond with the nature surrounding them. Their knowledge of medicinal herbs is legendary, as well as their almost telepathic bond with animals. Ancient legends hold that the Sacred Ones lost their human nature, becoming the first Oborooten, lycanthropes with traits of both wolves and gorillas. The majority of people view their practices with suspicion, believing them occult. Members of the academic scene, however, believe they could make incredible discoveries by studying their behavior, such as the Markonists who delve into the Black Forest to speak with them and improve the Fidelitas collars.

Nuug Names Typical male names: Adoorn, Baazezhen, Dimid, Frool, Iuussi, Oostromir, Raggar, Spaartak, Vasilj. Typical female names: Arkadia, Daana, Friida, Iskar, Juutta, Oona, Paalvi, Riika, Uliita Typical family names: Branimovic, Doorg, Gaahal, Kaalasnikov, Liitmanen, Luundberg, Ollsoon, Rognuuk, Saarinen.

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Wande ring Cities LIBERTAS

The first sighting of Libertas off the coast of Itteghasp caused a panic. The Letvian War had ended only a couple of years before, and hope for a brighter future now that hostilities were over still had not yet yielded to the realization that things would not return to how they were before the conflict. Everybody thought it was a surprise offensive from another Islenation, although nobody knew who could have had the resources to build an airship the size of a city in such a short time and without anybody noticing. The answer to that question, however, was completely different: Lando Carrizo had not come with a weapon of mass destruction to plunge the world again into the horror of war, but a city of pleasures, love, and perdition! The first arrival of Libertas in every other Islenation was greeted with euphoric celebrations, and after a few years, Carrizo founded the largest criminal empire the world has ever seen. From his itinerant city of sin, Carrizo now controls almost every relevant illegal activity in Vulcania. What many call “the city of sin” or “the house of liberties” wanders between Islenations, with its brothels and dens capable of satisfying every taste and catering to the needs of every pocket. It is said that Libertas is so influential that Carrizo is able to partially control lawmakers into banning or legalizing something, according to what is best for his traffic. Lando Carrizo, Libertas’ mayor as he likes to be called, started his criminal career very young, smuggling in his native Mostucaal. Thanks to sharp wits, recklessness, and a fair bit of luck, he made a name for himself in the criminal underworld, accumulating considerable wealth that he invested in the project that would make him one of most influential people in the world. First, he furnished his flagship, the Falcon, as a wandering casino, not to be bound to the laws of any of the Islenations. It quickly became a well-known establishment for gambling, prostitution, and the fencing of illegal substances.

SETTING After a successful start, however, Carrizo realized his income would have skyrocketed had he tapped into the wealth of the lower classes, as keeping his activities from being overwhelmed by both competition and government officials was becoming increasingly expensive. The Falcon, then, disappeared for many years, with many rumors spreading about the ultimate fate of its owner. Some claimed the Balas navy had sunk the “ship of sin,” others that they had witnessed the game of Syrus where Carrizo had lost his vessel. Some even said they had seen him headed to the Storm Wall in an attempt to reach

fending for themselves however they could. Mostly, they were helped by smugglers, who sold goods or passage to dry land at extremely high prices, by the cult of Isairnes, or the occasional private benefactor. Islenation air forces intervened only to drag the cities out of their airspace, to avoid their waste or debris from damaging people or buildings.

Letvia. Nobody really knows how he managed to disappear, where he went, or how he built Libertas, but the fact that he did and then became the head of the most powerful crime syndicate in the world is a testament to his cunning.

groups, accusing one another of being the cause of the catastrophic turn life had taken. Within a few years, the situation degenerated into civil war, with factions fighting for months over the control tower where the former rulers of the city had dug in to wait the conflict out. An unknown faction managed to plant improvised explosives at the base of the structure, bringing it down and decapitating Babylon. Today, the city is divided among six rubble strongholds, reinforced with makeshift barricades, that fight over the territory and the scarce resources left. Fighting is often quick and brutal, alliances fickle, and life a veritable hell.


In -32 P, three flying cities were christened in Busto’s shipyards in an attempt to ease the issue of overpopulation that plagued the Islenations. Thousands of the desperate and destitute from all over the world embarked, hoping for a better life aboard this technological marvel the Monopolies had brought them. However, not even a decade in, they realized the entirety of the mistake they had made, as food dwindled and producing wares to exchange for resources became progressively harder, plunging the flying cities into abject poverty. The Islenations refused to take these people back, both Garghantua’s inhabitants and technicians alike, and the flying cities wandered about the skies of Vulcania

Babylon Flying City – population: 2,800 When food became scarce and tensions rose, Babylon’s citizens started fragmenting into ethnic

Gibraltar Flying City – population: 4,000 When the population began revolting, demanding to be brought back to the ground, there was one person who offered to resolve the situation on behalf of the governor: Artemis Eltrudis, a serial

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CHAPTER 7 killer who had embarked under disguise to escape justice. He began killing every person who rose up against the authority of the governor, sowing terror and bringing the population under control with a bloodbath. When the governor received him to celebrate a job well done, Eltrudis butchered his guards and threw him overboard, taking his place. Now, Duke Eltrudis oppresses the people of Gibraltar, taking the best girls for his harem and the strongest boys for his army of obedient, blood-crazed killers. Men and women toil in small poultry farms or roof gardens until they are too weak to work. Then, they are taken away and nobody hears of them ever again. What the population ignores is that those who disappear are stewed and then fed to the citizens during the “meat days” called by the Duke. Cartago Flying City – uninhabited Cartago reappeared three years before the current era, after its previous sighting when it was drifting towards the Storm Wall, more than two decades prior. Nobody knows what happened since then, as aerial patrols have reported that the city is in relatively good condition, although completely deserted. Monopolies and private parties have launched expeditions to ascertain what happened, but nobody ever returned to tell of their findings. Many believe mysterious Cartago to be cursed, and no Islenation seems to be willing to fund further investigations, although private groups have taken an interest in the matter. One person in particular seems to be invested in shedding light on the mystery, offering generous rewards to whoever helps him. This person is none other than Mister Carrizo himself, who would like to expand his empire of entertainment in the skies, as well as on land and sea.

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Organizations THE MONOPOLIES

Vulcania experienced a dramatic leap in technology during the last century that changed the life of the entire population, thanks mostly to Eriko Fermi and Guillermo Markon. The Vulcanus battery allowed people to cover extremely long distances much faster than with traditional vehicles, and the Mentographic Network made instantaneous exchange of information possible. These technologies gave life to new studies and experiments, leading to a series of both minor and major inventions that revolutionized life. On the other hand, however, such marvels of technology concentrated a lot of power in the hands of those that made them possible and held their secrets. So, the Monopolies developed into private corporations, not tied to any of the Islenations, which entered a pact of collaboration with each other to impose their will on politicians and nations both. As a testament to their unity, twenty years ago the Citadel was built in Busto, Itteghasp, where the Monopolies set their headquarters under the Twisted Spire. The Alchemists The Monopoly of Alchemists, formally, is the youngest of the three, although the secret society it was before turning into a Monopoly seems to predate the birth of the Islenations. Well versed in chemistry, physics, and the nature of the elements, the Alchemists are capable of synthesizing and mixing substances with extraordinary and devastating properties. In medicine, the study of mutagens and toxins, when paired with their exhaustive knowledge of human physiology, found countless applications. However, the Alchemists are jealous of their secrets, and every initiate is deeply and thoroughly conditioned to prevent third parties from accessing them. In fact, it is often said that the Monopoly of Alchemists is closer to a “Monopoly of Fanatics” because of this. In those few cases that a rogue alchemist does not mysteriously disappear,

SETTING they are marked with an acid burn on the forehead, to single them out as outcasts. It was this obsession for secrecy that inspired Fermi in forming the Monopolies. The Alchemists formed their own only in -61 P, following the example of the Engineers and the Markonists, and nowadays it is divided into two branches: on one side, there are the Enthropists, those who mix and synthesize reagents and study the transformations of matter and energy; on the other, Biopsists study human physiology and its alterations under the effects of physioreagents. The two paths, structured in what the Alchemists themselves call “guilds,” study and train in separate structures and yet, although feeling somewhat superior to one another, share a sense of almost symbiotic brotherhood. In fact, it is not uncommon for an Alchemist to walk both paths for a while. The head of the Monopoly is the Magnificent Supreme Architect, extremely well versed in both branches, who shares their responsibilities with the Magus, leader of the Enthropists, and the Veneficus, representative of the Biopsists. Although actual scientists, the Alchemists love their aura of mystery, decorating their laboratories around the world with statues of bizarre creatures or ancient deities, esoteric symbols, and mysterious inscriptions in now forgotten languages. Shokol Nisla, a fifty year old Abrab with thick, woolly hair, took the mantle of Magnificent Supreme Architect two years before the current day, when his predecessor Shabbaz Ubuntu retired to his beloved Pifu at the venerable age of ninety. Although formally retired, old Shabbaz is one of the most respected people in the world, with politicians and other influential people making the journey to his abode overhanging the sea for his counsel. Shokol struggles to impose his authority over the shadow cast by his illustrious predecessor, to the point that even his Magus and Veneficus, respectively Liko Treguet and Conchita Van Tifar, often visit their old mentor to hear his wisdom. Frustrated and eager to leave his mark on the history of the Monopoly, Shokol Nisla secretly authorized several unethical research projects. Nisla and Girz, the chief of Bodin’s laboratory, studied together, the

latter benefiting from all the support he needs from the former in his morbid studies on the reanimation of dead tissue. The Engineers Eriko Fermi was the engineer who designed and built the first Vulcanus battery and the one who founded the first Monopoly. Unlike many other geniuses of his time, Fermi understood the relevance of his discovery, upon which he built an empire that in a few years became more powerful than many governments. To protect the technological advantage his organization had acquired from treason, spies, or extortion, Fermi never taught the secrets of his inventions to an individual person, instead choosing to fragment it between his most brilliant students. For decades, nobody could match their results and, by then, the Engineers had gathered so much power that whoever attempted to develop similar technologies either was bought out of the equation or simply disappeared. The Engineers are present all over the world, from small town workshops all the way up to large enclaves in capital cities and research laboratories in the many industrial districts, where scientists and corporate technicians from all over the world work side by side to develop new motors and vehicles. Tamarindo Chang, an Itteghi of Ketnyi heritage, is the current Sovereign Grand Commander and Grand Master of the Monopoly of Engineers. Profiting off the failure of the Garghantua Project, thirty years ago, he overturned the hierarchy of the Monopoly and now, in his waning days, he is preparing to retire. In spite of his aging body, he still is very much the lucid and ruthless man he has always been. He should have retired years ago, leaving his place to his pupil, Butch Gutierrez, but the latter’s death forced Chang to reformulate his plans. Traditionally, the many factions of the Engineers have waged an internal war of intrigue, subterfuge, and scandals for the hallowed mantle, although never has it come to murder and, although so far there is no evidence that Gutierrez was killed, Chang is determined to see the mystery solved before leaving the Monopoly in hands he does not trust.

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CHAPTER 7 The Markonists This Monopoly owes its name to Gujermo Markon, the first scientist to transmit his thoughts through a conlio wire. The discovery of conlio and its brain-enhancing effects is lost in the sands of time, although the ability to transmit thoughts over long distances through a wire revolutionized the world of communications. Of course, the secret behind such technology is jealously guarded by the Monopoly of Markonists, whose transmission stations, the so-called Nuntius, regulate the flow of information all over the world. Discretion is a key aspect for those who operate the Mentographic Network, and the diffusion of sensitive information is punished harshly both by governments and the Monopoly itself, so government agents, large corporations, and particularly wealthy people have their own personal Nuntius staffed with trusted Markonists. In time, the Monopoly has developed different paths of specialization for its scientists, exploring the interactions between conlio items and human brains. Omega Division (Controllers): the first remote devices were created just a few years after the birth of the Mentographic Network, forming the core of the training for every member of the Monopoly. When in -48 P a team of researchers from both the Monopolies of Markonists and Engineers built the first drone capable of performing complex tasks under the mental control of an operator, the Omega Division was born. Since then, the Omega Division has become the main component of the Monopoly, developing extremely sophisticated drones that can be fitted with a great variety of grafts to turn them into precious allies or deadly foes. Psi Division (Psionics): at the beginning of the Letvian War, Markonists involved with the military found a few individuals gifted with the capacity to influence others. They were capable of feats like amplifying the fears of their targets, causing them to hallucinate or even controlling them for short amounts of time. The Monopoly was allowed to recruit some for further study, discovering that they could control the traces of conlio present in the blood of all living beings, and finding that this power could be developed by anyone with the pro-

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per training. Since then, the Psi Division has grown quickly in both influence and numbers, achieving an almost unparalleled degree of freedom both inside and outside the Monopoly. Its members are chosen with care, after a grueling series of physical, mental, and behavioral tests, to ensure their loyalty to the Monopoly and speed of learning. Phi Division (Etomarkonists): the youngest division of the Monopoly is ironically tasked with exploring what is the oldest use of conlio: controlling animals. Legends abound of hermits and sorcerers capable of communicating with animals, and it is rumored that their study led to the creation of the Fidelitas conlio collars and the birth of its parent discipline, etomarkonism, which allows a Markonist to merge their mind with that of an animal. Alevtiina Chomsky has been the first etomarkonist to take the vaunted seat of Supreme High Prince Governor of the Monopoly of Markonists, in spite of the scant respect that controllers and psionics have historically shown her branch. However, during her first years at the head of the Monopoly, Chomsky has performed admirably. A fine diplomat and an astute strategist, she is a tough woman, every inch the proud Uurka of the Nuug Tuundra where she was born.


Weiss & Stern The year -90 P is one of the most important dates in Abrab history, as it was the birth of the Weiss & Stern bank, the investment group destined to become the most important in the whole world. Its founders, Nichlaas Weiss and Frederic Stern, hailed from two of the wealthiest families in the country. The Weiss clan had made its fortune building more than eighty percent of the buildings in Gerola and Zementi, while the Stern were of Nuug heritage and had risen to fame by dealing in technology. The business of their young scions operated in banking, financing new activities or handling valuables all over Vulcania. Weiss’ Abrab blood had made him more apt at the financial side of the business, while Stern, born among weapons and other pieces of technology, had a gift for developing security

SETTING mechanisms and weapon and armor systems. The two were not only talented, but also good friends and, backed by their respective families, they led the company well beyond the nation’s borders. Within a decade, Weiss & Stern was entrusted with the wealth of many of Vulcania’s richest elites, as well as that of the Abrab, Mos, Itteghi, and Nuug governments. Not even the Monopolies could keep W&S out of their business, even more so after they started investing in the transportation industry, as the company was instrumental in moving conlio around the world, preserving patents, and funding research. In time, the ever-growing piles of treasure guarded in W&S’s vaults forced the company to move them to a fortified building, equipped with cutting edge systems, as new subsidiaries were opened in the other Islenations to limit the risky movement of valuables. After the death of its founders, control of the company changed hands multiple times between their successors among the two families until the Abrabaz volcano exploded. Somehow, the company survived the cataclysm, managing not to lose all of its wealth, and the new sole owner of the company fled to Itteghasp, where he lives today, attempting to bring W&S back to its former glory. Bank of the Sky After the birth of the first Abrabazi credit institutions, news about their lucrative activities arrived in Ketniv, too. Emperor Rinosheen Kobyi seemed to appreciate the idea of a new economic policy, free from the traditional control of the imperial treasurer. A banking system would modernize the country, the Emperor thought, and would grant the dynasty a finer degree of control over the circulation of wealth and a way to recover part of the wages it paid to its citizens. Giving to the people with one hand and taking back with the other, the Emperor secured a way to have the bank fund his ambitious projects. Under these pretenses, the Emperor founded the Bank of the Sky in -59 P, the only credit institution allowed in the country. After the inauguration of an imposing, gray roofed building in the government district, the next law passed establi-

shed that the wages set by the Emperor were to be paid by the Bank of the Sky. By forbidding other banks from opening subsidiaries within its confines out of fear that their presence could influence the Ketnyi “free will” and erode the imperial finances, the other Islenations have reciprocated, preventing the Bank of the Sky from branching outside of Ketniv. The Hand of Isairnes Although vile money is not as important as protecting the souls of the faithful, Pope Kaddhuri was the first to realize that no matter how fervent was their zeal, no cult would be able to rule a country without an actual treasury. So, in 1 F, soon after her rise to power, she founded the Hand of Isairnes, taking the task of managing investments and protecting the religious works from the grasp of incompetent Inquisitorial bureaucrats. The institute only has its headquarters in Calhud Square, and is led by Abdela Majid, who answers only to the Pope and her caliphs. In her years as executive, Majid showed skill and devotion both to her duty and to the Red Pope, her popularity skyrocketing when she brought Hussein Assad, Balastoc’s wealthiest cattle merchant, in front of a court after his attempts at obtaining illegal funding from the Hand. Hussein was burned in a public execution in Calhud Square and his wealth confiscated by the institute, ensuring that nobody would ever dare to doubt the integrity of both Majid and the Hand of Isairnes.


Nelso Picarto started the first detective agency in the world more than a century before the present time. His skill in investigation and planting informants within both local and global groups of power brought this newly born agency fame, the Monopoly of Engineers often making use of its services to hunt down traitors who had escaped with too many secrets—A task Picarto’s agents have always executed with deadly and ruthless efficiency. Today, the Agency, as it is commonly referred to, is free to operate within the borders of every nation and

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CHAPTER 7 is often contracted by local authorities around the world. Almost every major city has a Picarto office and bounty hunters with its signed papers can be found almost anywhere, hunting some dangerous criminal… or the poor soul who angered the wrong people. Gancus Antonelli, one of the most dangerous bloodhounds of the Agency, was born in Aqualus, although of Berinian heritage. He is stubborn, knows neither fear nor fatigue, and his almost obsessive attention to detail made him one of the most effective and feared of the Agency’s agents, though his lack of tact causes him to humiliate his less efficient colleagues whenever he can. The grumbling bounty hunter wanders the world in the company of his inseparable dog, Penny, a stout basset hound whose infallible nose has caught endless scores of prey.


Before the Letvian War, Rakknor Friden, Count of Korrpor and member of the Nuug ruling council, had started to investigate a faction within the Monopolies that he suspected had interests in causing tensions between nations rise into what would become the war. A few months later, Rakknor and his retinue fell during an attack, later claimed by an extremist splinter group of the cult of the Red God. The Count, however, was secretly saved by one of his men and, as the world mourned his death, recovered from his wounds. Then, he formed a secret organization tasked with finishing what he had started before being “killed.” The symbol Count Rakknor chose for them is the Hornmule, a mythological beast with the body of a mule, for its endurance, and the antlers of an elk, symbol of nobility among the Nuug. Legends claim this creature manifests itself in times of great need to bring back hope and bravery in the hearts of the people. The Hornmule is not an organization fighting against the Monopolies themselves, but, rather, tasked with finding if they harbor splinter groups with other goals, thus counting many Alchemists, Engineers, and Markonists among its members.


The top of the Picarto Agency’s most wanted list is proudly held by this group of Mos army veterans charged with treason and war crimes, although it is rumored this squad is hunted because it uncovered the wrong unsettling secret, earning them a bounty that

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SETTING is larger in case of death than capture. Perhaps as a provocation to gain support among the lower strata of society or simply because they are nobler souls than they appear, the Q Squad can be contacted and hired via a specific announcement on the Volcano’s Echo, a newspaper read all over the world, which their information network feeds to those who have suffered at the hand of the mighty and powerful… but can still afford to pay their fee. Paladins of the people or common mercenaries? The question is still unanswered. The fact that they are still active and not dead or in jail even a decade after the end of the war, however, is a testament both to their martial prowess and diplomatic skills!


The most-read newspaper of the present day has a fascinating history. During the War, young Zardian journalist Oleandro Masil founded a local gazette to keep his townsfolk informed on the ebb and flow of the conflict. Back then, the majority of the Itteghi press was under the control of many powerful groups that used it for their own purposes, so listening to a free and independent voice had a strong effect on the locals, especially the youth. Initially, Oleandro’s activity was so underestimated that when the larger newspapers attempted to acquire or suppress the Volcano’s Echo it was already too late. It quickly expanded to Nuugard, Mostucaal, and Abrabazem, gaining popularity even outside Itteghi borders, although since then Oleandro has been forced to lead a nomadic life, wandering from safehouse to safehouse to avoid killers sent by those who would silence him. However, its distribution is also sanctioned within the borders of Balas and the Freeborn are secretly

distributing it in Ketniv. Thanks to its network of journalists, investigators, and simple supporters, affectionately nicknamed “the rabble,” the Volcano’s Echo is healthier than ever, even being capable of bringing to its readers an occasional update about the Abrabazem or Free Republic of Aqualos situations, where it has been banned.

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“At last, you are here, Captain Akhbar… As you can see, I took precautions.” He cackled, maniacally, winking at the band of thugs around him. Perched on a metal throne, four rusty spikes sprouting from its back, he was staring at the group of bounty hunters with bulging eyes, lit with madness. “Don’t think I’m scared that easily, Junker! I brought friends too. Your miserable life ends now!” The tension could be cut with a knife as the two parties held each other at gunpoint. “Nobody walks out of life alive, eh, Captain?” cackled Junker. “So! Let us settle scores like gentlemen, shall we?” He said, standing up and revealing the array of pistons and valves on the Crux array around his legs. “How about a duel? The winner wins, well, everything… and doesn’t die. Are you game? Mmmh?” Looking back at his companions, the Captain nodded. “So be it. Show me what you’ve got, you old dog!” he answered, confident. Junker’s sharp features lit up, tasting the challenge, as the machete at his belt flashed into his hand. “And now comes the part where I relieve you poor idiot of your life…” Activating his Crux array, he jumped onto Captain Akhbar, who readily turned his own Brachius on and parried the incoming blow with his Malleus rocket hammer. This was a promising fight…

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



haracters will encounter terrible and deadly opponents during their adventurers. Here you can find everything you might need for every kind of opponent your group might face in their travels, including their Rank, Role, Difficulty, Tactical Indicators, Skills, Opportunities and Attacks. Rank and Role: the level of challenge the opponent offers and the Character Rank at which this adversary would be a fair challenge for the group. The Role is an indicator of how important the creature is within their organization. It might be a minion, a secondary actor, or the kingpin of the entire crime cartel. Usually, Characters fight against internally diverse groups, like some minor chaff extras, one or more tougher opponents, and, in case of plot-relevant fights, much more powerful antagonists. Antagonists, especially, make for perfect recurring villains, to catalyze the enmity of your players and help keep them involved with your campaign and plot! In this chapter, there are a few premade encounters based on the Rank of the group to help you while you grow accustomed to the system. When you feel ready to make your own encounters, however, pick and choose from this list whatever you think makes sense for the situation! Just remember that to keep thing roughly balanced, the total Wounds of the encounter should be about equal to that of the Characters. Difficulty: this indicates the Difficulty that the creature imposes on any Test the Characters roll against them, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in their profile. Tactical Indicators: much like the Characters, enemies use these values in combat. Skills: when the Characters attempt a Test against any of the Skills mentioned in this section of the profile, they use this Difficulty value rather than the one listed as their normal Difficulty. As an example, an adversary with a high score in Stealth uses the value listed under their Stealth rather than their general Difficulty score. Opportunities: should a Character obtain a Catastrophic Failure, the adversary can benefit from

296 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

any of their Opportunities, as listed in their description. Also, if the Characters suffer a simple Failure, you as the Narrator can hand them one of your Gears of Fate to activate one of their adversary’s Opportunities.

Vas is dueling with an officer. During his first turn, the opponent attacks with their saber. Vas Tests to Dodge, rolling a 4, plus his 5 Dodge, for a total of 9. As his opponent’s attack Difficulty is 13, Vas fails, suffering 1 point of damage. The Narrator, moved by wicked generosity, decides to hand Vas’ player a Gear of Fate and activate the enemy’s Peripheral Vision to have them fire their pistol at Chana, a few cubitus away. Attacks: whether civilized opponents or savage creatures, this section lists both the Difficulties the Characters have to beat when rolling to Dodge or Evade and the damage progression bar if they fail the Test to avoid being hit.

Vas is struggling to defeat the officer. During their turn, the enemy attacks him with a saber, but he rolls a 2 to Dodge for a total of 7. As the officer’s attack score is 13, Vas is hit, so his player checks the enemy damage progression bar and sees that 2—the unmodified Dodge Test die result—is in the green zone, for a total of 2 points of damage. 1








9 10 11 12


ENEMIES The majority of enemies the Characters fight against are not monsters or unusual creatures, but the deadliest and most ruthless species ever to walk Vulcania: mankind. Much like Characters, adversaries benefit from training and equipment, as listed in their profile.

on the person of an adversary is inadvertently destroyed during the fight. How tragic. However, on the other hand, just remember that you and the other people at the table are there to have fun and, whenever possible, make sure that the poor suit of armor that just broke did so because it took ten rifle rounds, instead of “because.”

Enemy Training Alchem Training: the enemy is capable of using alchem weapons. Command Training: at the beginning of their turn, the adversary can allow an ally to take one Action for free. Dual Front Training: the enemy ignores one of their opponents when calculating numerical superiority. Engineering Training: the enemy is capable of using Gizmos as a Free Action. Martial Arts Training: the enemy is not considered unarmed when fighting without weapons. Psychic Training: the enemy is capable of using Markonist psychic powers. Sharpshooter Training: the enemy is capable of shooting at targets engaged in melee without penalty. Stealth Training: the enemy can make Stealth Tests as part of their movement.

Enemy Equipment

Enemies own pieces of kit, too! Whether it is suits of armor, weapons, mutagens, tools, or other items, if an adversary possesses anything, it is listed in their profile and the relative modifiers are always included in the summary tables. Addendum for the totally not sadistic Narrator: A life of war leaves equipment scarred, pitted, dented, and, ultimately, broken, so it may happen that a vital item

297 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



Cannon fodder is always useful to season a fight, as the players revel in butchering them in droves and they are easier for you to manage. Numerical superiority is a strength in itself, right? Not to mention that the nameless red shirts of an action movie could prove key in distracting the heroes from pursuing your carefully crafted main antagonist! Dead men plot no vengeance, right?! Generic Adds, like guards, are useful in almost any situation and can be tweaked to still pose an adequate challenge to the group even later in the campaign. Brute

Rank: Newbie



Equipment: War-axe, Machete, Pistol, 20 $ Attacks War-axe: 8 1 2 3 4





9 10 11 12

Pistol: 6 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)







Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Brawl 12 – Aggression 11 Training: none Equipment: Claymore, Machete, Pistol, 50 $ -



Claymore: 10 1


Training: none -

Difficulty: 10

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 10 Evade: 10


Skills: Brawl 10 – Aggression 9


Rank: Expert








Pistol: 8 (range: 12 cubitus)

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute stomps on their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.

Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 6 Dodge: 8 Evade: 8

9 10 11 12


Make Way: with a powerful bash of their shoulder, the brute shoves an opponent aside, occupying their square.

Role: Add

At the base of the social pyramid of organized crime sit ruthless and brutal individuals, ready to break bones and bash skulls at the beck and call of those with the money to hire them. Theft, extortion, and beatings are not beneath them, and, although not the brightest of the bunch, they are somewhat reliable. At the end of the day, everybody from the lowliest of thugs to Mister Carrizo himself knows that sometimes a good, healthy dose of violence is just what carries a great many hairy situations, right?











9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Make Way: with a powerful bash of their shoulder, the brute shoves an opponent aside, occupying their square. Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute stomps on their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.


Difficulty: 12

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 12 Evade: 12

Rank: Heroic

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 13 Evade: 13 -

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Brawl 14 – Aggression 13

Skills: Brawl 15 – Aggression 14

Training: none

Training: none

Equipment: Cleaver, Machete, Sawed-off, 60 $.

Equipment: Cleaver, Machete, Sawed-off,




Cleaver 12 1








Sawed-offl: 8 (range: 6 cubitus) 1




110 $.










Cleaver 13

9 10 11 12 1









9 10 11 12

Sawed-off: 11 (range: 6 cubitus)

9 10 11 12 1


Make Way: with a powerful bash of their shoulder, the brute shoves an opponent aside, occupying their square. Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute stomps on their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.











9 10 11 12 -

Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the brute deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to their first. Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute catches their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.

299 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 14 Evade: 14


Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Brawl 16 – Aggression 15 Training: none Equipment: Zweihander, Machete, Sawed-off,

In the largest settlements, law enforcers watch over the safety of the citizens… or those who can afford their protection, at least! Corruption festers everywhere and justice does not always sit at the top of these individuals’ priorities. Whether they are simple bouncers, private security, or vigilantes at the service of the local community, guards are most often scum with a uniform, lacking in discipline and commitment.

110 $.

Rank: Newbie











9 10 11 12

Sawed-offl: 13 (range: 6 cubitus) 1 -









Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 6 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Zweihander: 14 1

Role: Add

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



9 10 11 12



Skills: Brawl 9 – Aggression 10 Training: none


Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the brute deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to their first.

Equipment: Mace, Truncheon, Pistol, 30 $ -



Mace: 8

Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute catches their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.









Pistol: 6 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Dirty Trick: throwing a fistful of sand in the eyes of their target or striking them with the handle of their pistol, the guard inflicts the Slowed condition. Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.

300 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Difficulty: 10

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10

Rank: Veteran

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 12

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 12 Evade: 11 -

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: 1




Skills: Brawl 11 – Aggression 12

Skills: Brawl 13 – Aggression 14

Training: none

Training: none

Equipment: Schiavona, Truncheon, Pistol, 80 $.

Equipment: Saber, Truncheon, Pistol, Armor: Lorica, 120 $.






Schiavona: 10 1




Schiavona: 9 5




Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) 1











9 10 11 12










Pistol: 11 (range: 12 cubitus)

9 10 11 12

1 -

Dirty Trick: throwing a fistful of sand in the eyes of their target or striking them with the handle of their pistol, the guard inflicts the Slowed condition. Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Dirty Trick: throwing a fistful of sand in the eyes of their target or striking them with the handle of their pistol, the guard inflicts the Slowed condition. Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.

301 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 14 Evade: 13

Rank: Legendary

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: 1



Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 15 Evade: 14 -

Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: 1




Skills: Brawl 14 – Aggression 15

Skills: Brawl 14 – Aggression 15

Training: sharpshooter

Training: sharpshooter

Equipment: Katana, Truncheon, Revolver, Armor: Lorica, Bombs: Bombard, 180 $.

Equipment: Katana, Truncheon, Revolver, Armor:




Lorica, Bombs: Bombard and Tonitrus, 230 $. -


Katana: 13 1



Katana: 14 4





9 10 11 12

Revolver: 12 (range: 10 cubitus) 1 -











9 10 11 12

1 -

Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)








9 10 11 12

Revolver: 13 (range: 10 cubitus)

Peripheral Vision: the guard shoots their pistol at a secondary target they are engaged in melee with.













9 10 11 12 -

Peripheral Vision: the guard shoots their pistol at a secondary target they are engaged in melee with. Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.


Role: Add

Rank: Expert

Whether they are hunters, soldiers, or criminals, those capable of hitting a target from afar are precious resources in open field combat, especially when capable of setting up ambushes. These people, when properly dug in, can prove a devastatingly effective foe for the heroes. Rank: Newbie

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 8 Evade: 10


Qualities Training: sharpshooter Equipment: Schiavona, Rifle, Pistol, 60 $.


Attacks 1 1

Equipment: Schiavona, Rifle, Pistol, 30 $. Attacks








Rifle: 8 (range: 20 cubitus) 1

























9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s leg, halving their Movement score.

Schiavona: 7 2


Rifle: 10 (range: 20 cubitus)

Training: sharpshooter



Schiavona: 9


Skills: Stealth 9 – Senses 10



Skills: Stealth 11 – Senses 12

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 6 Evade: 8

Difficulty: 10

9 10 11 12

Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Rifleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver.

Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s leg, halving their Movement score. Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Rifleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver.

303 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Veteran

Difficulty: 12

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 10 Evade: 12

Rank: Heroic

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 11 Evade: 13 -

Movement: 5 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Stealth 13 – Senses 14

Skills: Stealth 13 – Senses 14

Training: sharpshooter

Training: sharpshooter

Equipment: Schiavona, Carabine, Pistol, 100 $.

Equipment: Schiavona, Carbine, Pistol, Bombs:




Schiavona: 9 1



















Schiavona: 9

9 10 11 12

Carabine: 13 (range: 16 cubitus) 1

Glutinum, 160 $.











9 10 11 12

Carabine: 13 (range: 16 cubitus)

9 10 11 12 1


Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s leg, halving their Movement score. Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Rifleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver.











9 10 11 12 -

Piercing Shot: the bullet pierces through its target, dealing 1 point of damage to a secondary target right behind it in a straight line. Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Rifleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver.

304 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

ADVERSARIES Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 12 Evade: 14


Movement: 5 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Stealth 15 – Senses 16 Training: sharpshooter Equipment: Schiavona, Enterrador, Pistol, Bombs: Glutinum and Glacies, 200 $. -


The suburbs of Vulcania are the best place to be killed for a fistful of coins. In dark alleys, the scum of society waits to strike, sometime clumsily, sometime desperately, but most often lethally. Impostors, charlatans, smugglers, ruthless mercenaries, and the violent and desperate, they all sell their muscle and sword to those with the money to hire them. If somebody is up for some evildoing, they are always ready to tag along for the ride, only to betray them afterward for a few coins more… or simply for the fun of it.


Rank: Newbie

Schiavona: 9 1

















Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 8 Evade: 6

9 10 11 12

Enterrador: 14 (range: 16 cubitus) Piercing 1

Role: Add

9 10 11 12

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Piercing Shot: the bullet pierces through its target, dealing 1 point of damage to a secondary target right behind it in a straight line. Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Rifleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver.



Skills: Athletics 9 – Stealth 10 Training: Stealth Equipment: Knife, Darts (5), 15 $. -



Knife: 9 1








9 10 11 12


9 10 11 12

Dart: 7 (range: 6 cubitus) 1 -









Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented condition. Escape: after dodging an attack, the scum moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.

305 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Expert

Difficulty: 10

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 10 Evade: 8

Rank: Veteran

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 12

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 12 Evade: 10 -

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Athletics 11 – Stealth 12

Skills: Athletics 13 – Stealth 14

Training: Stealth

Training: Stealth

Equipment: Stiletto, Darts (5), 35 $.

Equipment: Dagger, Knife, Darts (10), 60 $.


Attacks 2







Stiletto: 11 1














9 10 11 12

Dagger: 13 1 2 3 4



9 10 11 12

9 10 11 12

Dart: 7 (range: 6 cubitus) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


9 10 11 12

Dart: 7 (range: 6 cubitus) 1








Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented condition.

Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented condition.

Escape: after dodging an attack, the scum moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.

Escape: after dodging an attack, the scum moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.

306 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 13 Evade: 11

Rank: Legendary

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 14 Evade: 12 -

Movement: 5 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Athletics 14 – Stealth 15

Skills: Athletics 15 – Stealth 16

Training: Stealth

Training: Stealth

Equipment: Shank, Knife, Crystallus (2), Darts (10),

Equipment: Shank, Knife, Crystallus (4), Darts (10),

130 $.

250 $.


Attacks 2






Shank: 14 1





9 10 11 12


Crystallus 13 (range: 6 cubitus) 1









Shank: 14 8 8










9 10 11 12

Crystallus 14 (range: 6 cubitus) 9 10 11 12

1 -










9 10 11 12 -

Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented condition.

Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented condition.

Freeze: extreme cold unleashed by a crystallus causes crippling pain, inflicting the Slowed condition on the scum’s target.

Freeze: extreme cold unleashed by a crystallus causes crippling pain, inflicting the Slowed condition on the scum’s target.

Vanish: after dodging an attack, the scum moves 3 cubitus, so they are adjacent to their target, and gains Combat Advantage against them.

Vanish: after dodging an attack, the scum moves 3 cubitus, so they are adjacent to their target, and gains Combat Advantage against them.

307 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Aljahin Devil

Role: Add

Errant Lunatic

The urchins that roam the streets and alleys of Balas cities have almost become a plague, their nimble hands stealing anything that falls into their grasp before vanishing in the crowd like sand in the wind. Rank: Newbie

Abrabazem is a dangerous and inhospitable place. Many lose their sanity wandering the arid deserts under the hallucinogenic clouds, their only goal surviving to see the next dawn. As such, most have turned into barely sentient creatures.

Difficulty: 7

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Rank: Newbie

Movement: 5 Wounds: 1 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Agility 8 – Stealth 10 – Luck 9





Equipment: Best case scenario? Absolutely


9 10 11 12


9 10 11 12

nothing. -









1 -

and Velvet Hands: the target loses an item they are carrying, like a purse or a stowed weapon. Then, the urchin sprints away.

308 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



Bite: 8

Rock: 6 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


Skills: Brawl 9 – Resistance 10

Kitchen Knife : 6 3

Qualities Training: none

Attacks 2

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Equipment: Kitchen Knife, 1/2 $.


Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 8 Evade: 7

Training: none -

Role: Add










9 10 11 12 -

Hemorrhaging Bite: the lunatic bites a chunk of flesh off their target, who starts bleeding profusely. Until they spend a full round to staunch the bleeding, the target suffers 1 point of damage at the beginning of their turn each round.


Role: Add


Wandering monks who travel the world looking for inner peace? Not at all. Although the most disciplined beings an adventuring party could find, even novice Tayo monks are far from harmless, often employed by less than reputable individuals. Rank: Expert

The nomads of the Balas Zoort desert wander the sands alongside their herds of dromedaries, prospecting for ore veins or simply patrolling. They are a proud people, tempered by the torrid weather of the desert and ready to draw weapons to defend their tribes.

Difficulty: 10

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 11 Evade: 9

Rank: Expert

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Athletics 11 – Brawl 11



Training: Dual Front Equipment: Scimitar (2), Pistol, Travel pack, 25 $. -









9 10 11 12

















Pistol: 8 (range: 12 cubitus)

Shuriken: 10 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


Scimitar: 10

Martial Arts: 11 3


Skills: Athletics 11 – Resistance 12

inner peace… alas, no other loot.


Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Equipment: A few shuriken and a vast amount of


Difficulty: 10

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 12 Evade: 10

Training: Martial Arts


Role: Add


9 10 11 12 -

Roundhouse Kick: the target is shoved 2 cubitus away and suffers the Unbalanced condition. Projection: the monk tackles their opponent to the ground 1 cubitus away, knocking them Prone.










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Dance of the Blade: the Tawariq switches positions with their target Defensive Cross: with one scimitar, the Tawariq pushes aside the enemy’s incoming blow, striking them with the other.

309 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


310 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Role: Add

Uurka Warrior

Biopsists love researching and experimenting. Some, however, take it to the next step and delve into subjects even the leaders of the Monopoly deem immoral and, in spite of the stigma their studies suffer, it seems they have achieved results. Walking corpses dressed in rags and enhanced with mechanical Spare Bits or alchem tanks to preserve their decaying tissues, alchem zombies are more durable than living creatures and, of course, stink. Oooooh, boy, do they stink. Rank: Veteran

In the desolate Tuundra of northern Nuugard live the Uurka clans, warriors turned into apex predators by the frigid northern winds. Born in secluded ice villages and raised with the stringent and picturesque traditions of their elders, they are fearsome and brutal enemies, who know no fear and joyously laugh at pain. Rank: Veteran


Equipment: Cleaver, Tomahawks (10), Knife, Excursor Backpack, 45 $.

Special Ability: Disgusting Sight. Even just laying eyes on these aberrations is disturbing. The Characters must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 10 or suffer the Frightened condition.








1 -











9 10 11 12

Tomahawk: 10 (range: 6 cubitus)










9 10 11 12 -

Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the Uurka warrior deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to their first.

Improvised or natural weapons: 13 2

Attacks Cleaver: 13

Equipment: 1 $, just because, if your poor, poor players want to loot such a sorry excuse of a monster, they must be really desperate.



Training: none



Qualities Skills: Resistance 13 – Aggression 14

Skills: Resistance 13 – Aggression 14


Movement: 3 Wounds: 3 Damage Reduction: –


Movement: 3 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: 1


Difficulty: 12

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 13 Evade: 10

Difficulty: 12

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10

Role: Add

9 10 11 12 -

or Unbearable Stench: the target is overwhelmed by the stench of death and decay, starting to vomit. They suffer the Dazed condition.

Headbutt: the Uurka dodges the attack and violently bashes their opponent in the face with their forehead, inflicting the Disoriented condition.

311 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Armored Infantry Role: Add Armies, police units, and private elite security forces boast troops equipped with shields and heavy armor, trained to contain insurrections or large assaults. Although not particularly deadly on their own, they are capable of keeping small enemy contingents at bay and supporting snipers or shock troops as they dispatch the enemy. Rank: Heroic


In devastated Abrabazem, the crazy and deranged band together into small roving communities of wandering berserkers, attacking on sight. The toxic clouds mutated them in horrid ways, crippling their minds and turning their bodies into engines of destruction. May the gods, if any do exist, have mercy on the poor souls they meet.

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 12 Evade: 12

Rank: Legendary

Movement: 2 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: 2



Role: Add

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 13 Evade: 13 -

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Strength 14 – Discipline 15

Skills: Resistance 15 – Aggression 15

Training: Dual Front

Special Ability: Fury. When they lose their last Wound, demons fight for one additional round every time they strike a target, ignoring any other damage they suffer.

Equipment: Koopesh, Pistol, Dagger, Armor: Mail, Shield, Februm, 125 $ -



Koopesh: 13 1








Pistol: 11 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 -




Equipment: Flail, Tomahawks (5), Axe.







9 10 11 12


Flail: 15



9 10 11 12








9 10 11 12

Tomahawk: 13 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


Bash: shoving with their shield, the adversary pushes their opponent 2 cubitus away, inflicting the Unbalanced condition. Debilitating Parry: intercepting the attack with their shield, the adversary bashes their opponent’s weapon with such force that they suffer the Dazed condition.










9 10 11 12 -

Depending on their mutation, demons have different Opportunities available: Blinding Breath: exhaling toxic vapors, the demon inflicts the Blinded condition on their target. Horns: by goring their target, the demon sends them flying 2 cubitus away, landing Prone. Quill Mane: all creatures within 3 cubitus are stung by flying quills, suffering 1 point of damage. Reptile Tail: By sweeping their tail, the demon inflicts the Unbalanced condition on their target.

312 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


313 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Antagonists are tougher adversaries who can make life rather difficult for the Characters if helped by an adequate number of Adds. Much like Adds, the following include a few types of recurring Antagonists that might progress as the group does, with others that should be taken on only by experienced Characters. Alchemist

Rank: Newbie





Pistol: 7 (range: 12 cubitus) 2







9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12

Bombs: 9 (range: 5 cubitus) -



Escape: After dodging an attack, the alchemist moves 6 cubitus.

314 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Saber: 10 2














9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12




Escape: after dodging an attack, the alchemist moves 6 cubitus.

Schiavona: 8 5


Bombs: 11 (range: 5 cubitus) -





Glacies, and Glutinum, 90 $.


Plangor, and Tonitrus, 200 $.

Pistol: 7 (range: 12 cubitus)

Equipment: Schiavona, Pistol, Bombs: Fumidus,


Equipment: Saber, Iuppiter, Bombs: Bombard,


Training: Alchem



Training: Alchem

Skills: Handicraft 10 – Discipline 11


Qualities Skills: Handicraft 12 – Discipline 13

Movement: 3 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Movement: 3 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 7 Evade: 10

Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 9 Evade: 12

Role: Antagonist

Within the Monopoly of Alchemists, one can find enthropists of all kinds, from the lowliest of “vial-toters” to the greatest luminaries. Alchemists come in every age, degree of experience, and heritage, but all share the love of a good, old explosion!


Rank: Expert


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 11 Evade: 14

Rank: Heroic

Movement: 3 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 12 Evade: 15 -

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Handicraft 14 – Discipline 15

Skills: Handicraft 15 – Discipline 16

Training: Alchem

Training: Alchem

Equipment: Saber, Iuppiter, Bombs: Bombard,

Equipment: Saber, Iuppiter, Bombs: Bombard,

Plangor, and Tonitrus, 200 $.

Plangor, and Tonitrus, 200 $.






Saber: 12 1



Saber: 13 4





Iuppiter: 13 (line: 6 cubitus) 1








9 10 11 12











9 10 11 12 Piercing

Iuppiter: 14 (line: 6 cubitus)

9 10 11 12


Bombs: 13 (range: 5 cubitus) -









9 10 11 12

Corrodens 13 (range: 10, area: 2) -

Discharge: an electric discharge arcs from the target struck by the iuppiter to a secondary target, dealing 1 point of damage. Escape: after dodging an attack, the alchemist moves 6 cubitus.










9 10 11 12

Bombs: 14 (range: 5 cubitus) -



Discharge: an electric discharge arcs from the target struck by the iuppiter to a secondary target, dealing 1 point of damage. Tear-fumes: the target hit by corrodens exhudes a clouds of fumes, side effect of the corrosion. Everybody within the area of effect is Disoriented Escape: after dodging an attack, the alchemist moves 6 cubitus.

315 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 17 Dodge: 13 Evade: 16


Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –




The Industrial Revolution caused by the discovery of the Vulcanus battery allowed for the diffusion of all kinds of devices. Of course, this also meant that engineers became fundamental to the life of Vulcania, a position they would prefer to keep.

Skills: Handicraft 16 – Discipline 17

Rank: Newbie

Training: Alchem Flagrant, and Rogus, 260 $. Attacks









Iuppiter: 15 (line: 6 cubitus) 1















9 10 11 12

Training: Engineering


Equipment: Schiavona, Pistol, Harpago, 80 $.

9 10 11 12




9 10 11 12




Human Torch: the targets struck by the rogus suffer the Burning condition. Not in my House: the alchemist catches a bomb thrown at them out of mid air, sending it back..

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)








Pistol: 7 (range: 12 cubitus)

Discharge: an electric discharge arcs from the target struck by the iuppiter to a secondary target, dealing 1 point of damage.



Schiavona: 8

Bombs: 15 (range: 5 cubitus) -


Skills: Handiwork 11 – Analysis 10

Rogus: 14 (cone: 6 cubitus) 1

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Saber: 13 1

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 8 Evade: 9

Equipment: Saber, Iuppiter, Bombs: Bombard, -

Role: Antagonist

1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

o Recharge: the engineer recharges the steam pressure in one of their gizmos. Scenic Escape: after dodging an attack, the engineer activates their harpago and moves 10 cubitus away, possibly to higher ground.


Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 10 Evade: 11

Rank: Veteran

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –



Initiative: 13 Dodge: 12 Evade: 13 -

Qualities Training: Engineering Equipment: Saber, Revolver, Crux (+4 to a single

Equipment: Schiavona, Pistol, Clipeus (+3 on a

Athletics Test), Harpago, 190 $.

single Evade Test), Harpago, 120 $. Attacks










Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) 1






Saber: 12

Schiavona: 10 2


Skills: Handiwork 11 – Analysis 10

Training: Engineering


Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –


Skills: Handiwork 13 – Analysis 11


Difficulty: 13







9 10 11 12








Revolver: 11 (range: 10 cubitus)

Piercing 1

9 10 11 12 -

o Recharge: the engineer recharges the steam pressure in one of their gizmos. Scenic Escape: after dodging an attack, the engineer activates their harpago and moves 10 cubitus away, possibly to higher ground.










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

o Recharge: the engineer recharges the steam pressure in one of their gizmos. Scenic Escape: after dodging an attack, the engineer activates their harpago and moves 10 cubitus away, possibly to higher ground.

317 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 13 Evade: 14

Rank: Legendary

Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 14 Evade: 15 -

Movement: 5 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Handiwork 16 – Analysis 14

Skills: Handiwork 17 – Analysis 15

Training: Engineering

Training: Engineering

Equipment: Saber, Caceus Array, Revolver, Crux

Equipment: Katana, Caceus Array, Revolver,

(+4 to a single Athletics Test), Impulsus, 290 $.

Crux (+4 to a single Athletics Test), Impulsus,




Saber: 13 1








Revolver: 11 (range: 10 cubitus) 1 -










Katana Caceus: 13 1









Matador: 13 (range: 12 cubitus)

9 10 11 12 1


o Recharge: the engineer recharges the steam pressure in one of their gizmos. Jump and Gun: after dodging an attack, the engineer activates their impulsus boots, landing up to 10 cubitus away as they shoot with their revolver.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


9 10 11 12

Tear Gas: the gases of the caceus array inflict the Dazed condition on the enemy.


290 $.











9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Tear Gas: the gases of the caceus array inflict the Dazed condition on the enemy. o Recharge: the engineer recharges the steam pressure in one of their gizmos. Jump and Gun: after dodging an attack, the engineer activates their impulsus boots, landing up to 10 cubitus away as they shoot with their revolver.


Role: Antagonist

Rank: Expert

The war ended more than a decade ago, but the majority of the people still remember their days in the military. Many veterans have chosen to live off their military experience, since training is always useful, becoming mercenaries both to earn a hot meal and to defend whatever new life they have built after the cataclysm. Rank: Newbie

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10


Equipment: Claymore, Knife, Rifle, Armor: Lorica, Mutagens: Potio, 125 $. 1 1

Lorica, Mutagens: Potio, 75 $.




War-axe 9 3






Rifle: 8 (range: 20 cubitus) 1
















Rifle: 8 (range: 20 cubitus)

Equipment: War-axe, Knife, Rifle, Armor:


Attacks Claymore: 11


Training: none



Skills: Brawl 12 – Senses 12

Skills: Brawl 10 – Senses 10


Qualities Training: none

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: 1


Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: 1


Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Difficulty: 11



9 10 11 12









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Dirty Trick: throwing a fistful of sand in the eyes of their target or striking them with the handle of their pistol, the mercenary inflicts the Slowed condition. Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition on their target.

Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Dirty Trick: throwing a fistful of sand in the eyes of their target or striking them with the handle of their pistol, the mercenary inflicts the Slowed condition. Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition on their target.

319 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


320 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 13 Evade: 12

Rank: Heroic

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: 1



Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 14 Evade: 13 -

Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 1




Skills: Brawl 14 – Senses 14

Skills: Brawl 15 – Senses 15

Training: Dual Front

Training: Dual Front

Equipment: Claymore, Dagger, Rifle, Armor:

Equipment: Zweihander, Dagger, Carbine,

Lorica, Mutagens: Potio, 125 $.

Armor: Lorica, Mutagens: Potio and Februm,




Claymore: 13 1








Rifle: 8 (range: 20 cubitus) 1





175 $.









Zweihander: 14

9 10 11 12 1









Carbine: 13 (range: 16 cubitus)

9 10 11 12 1


Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the mercenary deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to their first. Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition on their target.










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the mercenary deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to their first. Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition on their target.

321 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 15 Evade: 14


Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 1




In most settlements, the guards watch over the streets, looking for criminals or for bribes with which to bolster their meager pay. They are led by officers who are smarter, greedier, and, if possible, even more violent. Better equipped and trained, officers are a powerful foe to face when they give battle.

Skills: Brawl 16 – Senses 16

Rank: Newbie

Training: Dual Front Equipment: Zweihander, Dagger, Carbine, 225 $. Attacks













Skills: Insight 10 – Charm 10 6



Carbine: 14 (range: 16 cubitus) 1

Movement: 3 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Zweihander: 15 1

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Armor: Lorica, Mutagens: Potio and Februm, -

Role: Antagonist





9 10 11 12

Training: Command Equipment: Saber, Truncheon, Pistol, Bombs:


Glutinum, Mutagens: Potio, 150 $.

9 10 11 12 -




Saber: 8

Shockwave: whirling their sword, the mercenary pushes all adjacent targets 1 cubitus away from them, inflicting them with the Prone condition.


Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition on their target.









Pistol: 8 (range: 12 cubitus)










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s leg, halving their Movement score. Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer moves 6 cubitus.

322 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 10 Evade: 9

Rank: Veteran

Movement: 3 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 12 Evade: 11 -

Movement: 3 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 1




Skills: Insight 12 – Charm 12

Skills: Insight 12 – Charm 12

Training: Command

Training: Command

Equipment: Saber, Truncheon, Pistol, Armor:

Equipment: Saber, Truncheon, Pistol, Armor:

Lorica, Bombs: Glutinum, Mutagens: Potio,

Lorica, Bombs: Glutinum, Mutagens: Potio,

150 $.

150 $.






Saber: 10 1



Saber: 12 4





Pistol: 10 (range: 12 cubitus) 1











9 10 11 12










Pistol: 13 (range: 12 cubitus)

9 10 11 12

1 -










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s leg, halving their Movement score.

Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s leg, halving their Movement score.

Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer moves 6 cubitus.

Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer moves 6 cubitus.

323 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 14 Evade: 13

Rank: Legendary

Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 1



Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 15 Evade: 14 -

Movement: 4 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 1




Skills: Insight 12 – Charm 12

Skills: Insight 12 – Charm 12

Training: Command

Training: Command

Equipment: Saber, Truncheon, Pistol, Armor:

Equipment: Saber, Truncheon, Revolver,

Lorica, Bombs: Glutinum, Mutagens: Potio,

Armor: Lacerta, Bombs: Flagrant, Glutinum,

150 $.

Mutagens: Potio (injected as a Free Action by




Saber: 13 1








Pistol: 14 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 -










Katana: 13 1









9 10 11 12

Revolver: 14 (raggio: 10 cubitus)

9 10 11 12 1


Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer moves 6 cubitus.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


9 10 11 12

Peripheral Vision: After attacking with their saber, the officer shoots a secondary target with their pistol.


the armor), 150 $.












9 10 11 12 -

Peripheral Vision: After attacking with their saber, the officer shoots a secondary target with their pistol. Slip Away: the officer slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition on their target.


Role: Antagonist

Rank: Expert

Markonists from Psi Division are skilled mind manipulators, experts at sowing discord and chaos in the enemy lines. Their services sought after by governments, criminals, and wealthy individuals, the Monopoly is more than happy to entrust them to those who can afford the expense. Rank: Newbie

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 9 Evade: 10


Qualities Training: Psychic Mind Touch (range: 12 cubitus): • Illusion 12 vs. Discipline: the target is Disoriented. • Raptus 11 vs. Discipline: the target strikes an


adjacent ally, dealing 1 point of damage.

Skills: Discipline 11 – Cunning 10 – Charm 10

• Distraction Aura (Maneuver): all Characters

Training: Psychic

suffer a -3 penalty to all Tests to sense and

Mind Touch (range: 12 cubitus):


• Illusion 10 vs. Discipline: the target is


Disoriented. Equipment:




























9 10 11 12

Shuriken: 10 (range: 6 cubitus)

9 10 11 12


Shuriken: 8 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


Quarterstaff: 10 1





Quarterstaff: 8 1


Extendor, 110 $.


Extendor, 60 $. -


Skills: Discipline 13 – Cunning 12 – Charm 12

Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 7 Evade: 8

Difficulty: 11


9 10 11 12 -

Bash: the psycher presses their attack, dealing 1 point of damage to their target. Trip: after dodging an attack, the telepath catches their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.









9 10 11 12 -

Bash: the psycher presses their attack, dealing 1 point of damage to their target. Trip: after dodging an attack, the telepath catches their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.

325 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Veteran

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 11 Evade: 12

Rank: Heroic

Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 17 Dodge: 12 Evade: 13 -

Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Discipline 15 – Cunning 14 – Charm 14

Skills: Discipline 16 – Cunning 15 – Charm 15

Training: Psychic

Training: Psychic

Mind Touch (range: 24 cubitus):

Mind Touch (range: 24 cubitus):

• Illusion 12 vs. Discipline: 2 targets are

• Raptus 12 vs. Discipline: 2 adjacent targets


strike at each other, each dealing 1 point of

• Raptus 13 vs. Discipline: the target strikes an


adjacent ally, dealing 1 point of damage.

• Nightmare 14 vs. Discipline: the target is

• Distraction Aura (Maneuver): all Characters


suffer a -3 penalty to all Tests to sense and

• Distraction Aura (Maneuver): all Characters


suffer a -3 penalty to all Tests to sense and





spot. Equipment:

Extendor, 200 $. -

Attacks 2
























9 10 11 12

Chakraan: 13 (range: 8 cubitus)

9 10 11 12 1


Trip: after dodging an attack, the telepath catches their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Quarterstaff: 13

Bash: the psycher presses their attack, dealing 1 point of damage to their target.



9 10 11 12

Shuriken: 12 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


Extendor, 270 $.


Quarterstaff: 12 1











9 10 11 12 -

Bash: the psycher presses their attack, dealing 1 point of damage to their target. or Invisibility: after dodging an attack, the telepath erases their image from the mind of their target, becoming invisible to their eye.

ADVERSARIES Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 18 Dodge: 13 Evade: 14


Not all Ketnyi are loyal servants of the Emperor. The terrorist group known as the Freeborn fights for a life free from the control of the Imperial planners, striking from the shadows with zealous determina-

Movement: 5 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –





Skills: Discipline 17 – Aggression 16 – Cunning

Rank: Newbie

16 – Charm 16 Mind Touch (range: 24 cubitus): • Raptus 12 vs. Discipline: 2 adjacent targets

Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


strike at each other, each dealing 1 point of




Skills: Agility 10 – Stealth 10

• Nightmare 14 vs. Discipline: the target is

Training: none


Equipment: Machete, Knife, Shurikens (6),

• Distraction Aura (Maneuver): all Characters

Bombs: Fumidus, 60 $.

suffer a -3 penalty to all Tests to sense and


spot. Equipment:


Attacks Machete: 9 1 2 3 4


Extendor, 270 $. -

Attacks 2


















9 10 11 12










9 10 11 12

In the Zone: the Freeborn attacks a secondary target with one of their shuriken. -

Nightmare: the telepath uses their Nightmare power on the target, inflicting them with the Frightened condition.


9 10 11 12

9 10 11 12

Chakraan: 13 (range: 8 cubitus) 2



Shuriken: 9 (range: 6 cubitus)


Quarterstaff: 13


Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Training: Psychic


Role: Antagonist


Vanish: After dodging an attack, the Freeborn moves 3 cubitus, so they are adjacent to their target, and gains Combat Advantage against them.

or Invisibility: after dodging an attack, the telepath erases their image from the mind of their target, becoming invisible to their eye.

327 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Pielroja

Role: Antagonist

Wandering Monk

In the desolate Mos peaks live the descendants of the native population. Some have left their tribes or have been banished for violating their traditions, ending up in a banderilleros wandering group or hired by a crime syndicate. Rank: Newbie

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 8 Evade: 9

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –



Part of the training of a monk consists in wandering the world, searching for their true nature. It is easy to meditate and live in spiritual solitude when on the top of a mountain or in a monastery deep within the Ketnyi forests, which is why monks pit themselves against the world to achieve inner peace. It is said that a wandering monk would be completely unfazed even if a beautiful barmaid were to dance naked in front of them, with a tray full of beer-filled tankards. Most would fall prey to temptation, right? Prosit! Rank: Expert


Training: none Equipment: Axe, Tomahawks (3), Baute

Axe: 9 1 2 3















Training: Martial Arts Equipment: Shurikens (10) ,70 $.

9 10 11 12 -

Tomahawk: 9 (range: 6 cubitus) 1

Qualities Skills: Brawl 12 – Discipline 13


Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Leaves (2), Torbuco’s Herbal (3), 30 $. Attacks

Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 10 Evade: 10

Skills: Athletics 10 – Luck 10


Role: Antagonist



Martial Arts: 11

9 10 11 12

1 -

Anticipate: the Pielroja is capable of reading their enemy’s moves, advancing 2 slots in the Initiative order. Backflip: after dodging an attack, the Pielroja attacks with their tomahawk.








9 10 11 12

Shuriken: 9 (range: 6 cubitus) 1 -









9 10 11 12 -

Hail of Blows: the monk rains blows on their enemy, knocking them back 3 cubitus and inflicting the Stunned condition. Sweep: the monk lowers down and strikes at the enemy’s legs, knocking them Prone.

328 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Role: Antagonist


These fanatics are dangerous enemies who do not hesitate to give their lives for the glory of Isairnes and that of the conservative old guard of His clergy. Rank: Expert

Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 11 Evade: 12

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –




Acrobats, vagrants, and outlaws, banderilleros are proof that violent times and famine cause unusual social phenomena. At the end of the war, after losing most of their loved ones, some of the best known Mos athletes clung to the only thing left for them: their banderilleros team. These wanderers are neither good nor bad guys, although their sense of belonging to something makes them feel superior to everybody else. In itself this would not be a problem… if they did not treat others with arrogance, of course.

Skills: Discipline 12 – Aggression 13

Rank: Veteran

Training: none Equipment: Koopesh, Pistol, Flagrant, 30 $. -

Attacks 2







Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) 1










Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 15 Evade: 12


Koopesh: 11 1

Role: Antagonist

Movement: 4 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


9 10 11 12



Skills: Athletics 15 – Agility 14


Training: Combat Mobility (The banderillero can

9 10 11 12

move 2 cubitus and disengage without penalty, -

either before or after attacking). Equipment: Chain, Machete, Pistol, Bombs:

Dance of the Blade: the Scorched switches positions with their target. or Holy Pyre: the fanatic feels the hand of Isairnes deviating a blow that would otherwise have killed them. They move 3 cubitus and detonate the flagrant they carry where they can deal the most damage, sacrificing themselves for the glory of the Red God.

Tonitrus, 70 $. -



Chain: 13 (range: 2 cubitus) 1








Pistol: 12 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Disarm: with a deft whirl of their chain, the banderillero disarms their opponent. Choke: wrapping their chain around the neck of their target, the banderillero moves 2 cubitus away, inflicting the Dazed condition.

329 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Gunner

Role: Antagonist


Nothing better than a gunner raining hot lead on the battlefield to get the party started! Although slow and easily dispatched in melee combat, these warriors and their heavy weapons are extremely dangerous at longer distances. Rank: Veteran

These deranged individuals wander the Abrabazi wasteland looking for food, gear, slaves, and anything else they can scrounge along the way. Sadism and violence are their main sports, the gods preserve those unfortunate souls who have the dark luck of meeting them.

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 10 Evade: 12

Rank: Heroic

Movement: 1 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: 2



Equipment: Koopesh, Hatchet, Sawed-off,










Lapidator: 12 (cone: 6 cubitus) 3








Koopesh: 15



9 10 11 12








Sawed-off: 12 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


or Hightail: Surviving a potentially deadly strike infuses the gunner with renewed energy. They move 3 cubitus.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


9 10 11 12

Roaring Thunder: the deafening roar of a lapidator vomiting bullets is enough to sow panic and despair. All targets in the area of effect of the lapidator suffer the Frightened condition.


Februm, Mutagens: Furor, Bombs: Bombard 40 $. -

Axe: 12



Training: none

60 $.


Qualities Skills: Brawl 15 – Aggression 16

Equipment: Axe, Lapidator, Armor: Warplate,


Movement: 5 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Training: Sharpshooter


Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 15 Evade: 12


Skills: Strength 14 – Senses 15


Role: Antagonist










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Cleave: with a powerful sweep of their khoopesh, the raider deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to their first. All In: the raider lowers their defenses, letting their opponent hit them. They suffer 1 point of damage, but attack immediately.


Role: Antagonist

Nuug Shocktrooper

A close encounter with these enormous cans on legs is never pleasant. Tasked with resisting, these armored troops hurl themselves into the thick of the fighting thanks to their Impulsus boots and are capable of lasting almost indefinitely, knee-deep in blood and enemies, as their allies thin the enemy ranks from a safe distance. Rank: Heroic

The legions of Nuug shocktroops were among the most famous special forces in the Letvian War. Among their survivors, some have remained loyal to their country, training new recruits, while others turned into mercenaries or bounty hunters. Ruthless and indomitable, these warriors are dangerous forces of nature.

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 12 Evade: 12

Rank: Legendary

Movement: 2 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 2



Role: Antagonist

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 18 Dodge: 13 Evade: 14 -

Movement: 5 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Strength 15 – Resistance 16

Skills: Athletics 16 – Aggression 17

Training: Dual Front

Training: Sharpshooter

Equipment: Mace, Knife, Pistol, Armor: Mail,

Equipment: Baalta, Axe, Tomahawk, Revolver,

Februm, Cingulum, Mutagens: Potio (2), Bombs:

Februm, Feles, Armor: Repulsor, Mutagens:

Glutinum and Plangor, Gizmos: Impulsus (Action

Furor, Impetus, Potio (2), 200 $.

to activate), 120 $. -





1 4





Pistol: 12 (range: 12 cubitus) 1











Baalta: 15

Mace: 13 1


9 10 11 12








Revolver: 14 (range: 10 cubitus)



9 10 11 12


Make Way: using their armored bulk, the War Can shoves an opponent aside, occupying their square. Debilitating Parry: the War Can bashes their opponent’s weapon with such force that they suffer the Dazed condition.









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

An Eye for an Eye: the sight of blood innervates the Shocktrooper, healing them for 1 Wound. Riposte: the Shocktrooper blocks the attack and, wielding their baalta with their other hand, strikes the enemy in the face, inflicting 1 point of damage and the Dazed condition. Juice Up: optimizing the use of time is key to winning battles. As they dodge bullets, the Shocktrooper imbibes a dose of a Mutagen as a Free Action.

331 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Tamurei


Role: Antagonist

The Ketnyi Imperial Guards are unrivaled death machines. Deployed only in the highest profile missions, they never leave witnesses and are the most loyal troops the Empire can call upon. Were the Emperor to give such an order, they would throw themselves into the fire without hesitation. Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 14 Evade: 17

Movement: 3 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: 1




Skills: Athletics 16 – Discipline 17 Training: Dual Front Equipment: Katanas (2), Dagger, Lapidator, Februm, Armor: Repulsor, Mutagens: Prodigium, Bombs: Nimbus, 340 $. -



Katana: 16 1








Lapidator: 13 (cone: 6 cubitus) 1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Bladestorm: the Tamurei makes 2 additional attacks against two different targets. Defensive Cross: with one katana, the Tamurei blocks the enemy blow, striking them with the other.

332 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

And here they are, the true nemeses of your Characters! Villains are the most fearsome of enemies and the toughest challenges, thanks to their unique equipment and skills, and make the perfect centerpiece for the fight at the end of a campaign… or the whole plot itself! With time and practice, you will learn how to breathe life into your Villains, to make them something more than just their profile, turning them into dastardly enemies that your players will love to hate… until it’s payback time, of course.

ADVERSARIES The Gunslinger

Role: Villain

The Local Kingpin

Being a good shot is for sure a quick route to power in small communities, whether as a respected person of the law or a lead-flinging despot. With one of such ilk around, you can be sure of only one thing: lead will fly, soon. Rank: Newbie

Sometimes, somebody fights or cheats their way out of the sewer and begins climbing the pyramid of crime, ending up in control of a few neighborhoods, sometimes on their own, sometimes under a bigger fish. Moving against such an individual could be a very quick one-way ticket to the cemetery.

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 10 Evade: 12

Rank: Newbie

Movement: 4 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Brawl 12, Senses 13, Luck 12

Qualities Training: Command

Equipment: Dagger, Darts (5), Pistol, Mutagens: Potio, Bombs: Plangor, 250 $.

160 $. Attacks




Machete: 10 3







Dagger: 10 5




Pistol: 11 (range: 12 cubitus) 1


Skills: Insight 13, Cunning 13, Charm 12

Mutagens: Exactus and Potio, Bombs: Glutinum,


Movement: 5 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –


Equipment: Machete, Knife, Pistol, Cingulum,


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 10 Evade: 11

Training: Sharpshooter


Role: Villain






9 10 11 12










Pistol: 11 (range: 12 cubitus) 1

9 10 11 12 -

Hamstring: a bullet hits the target’s leg, halving their Movement score. Escape: after dodging an attack, the Gunslinger moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape. Always Ready: when shooting Gunslingers, it is advised to kill them on the spot. The Gunslinger shoots back at the Character who attacked them.










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Anticipate: the Kingpin is capable of reading their enemy’s moves, advancing 2 slots in the Initiative order. Help: the Kingpin dodges the attack and calls for help. Another opponent within 4 cubitus moves next to the Character attacking the kingpin, disengaging without penalty if necessary. Out of Sight, Out of Heart: the Kingpin dodges bullets and blades, moving, if possible, outside of their enemies’ line of sight.

333 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 The Shady One

The Assassin

Role: Villain

Every self-respecting village, neighborhood, or establishment of ill repute has this individual sitting in the darkest corner, their face barely lit by the glow of their pipe. Everybody treats them with reverent fear, because they are the Shady One, the one that those who know what is good for them do not bother. Or, as it is, the one the heroes will eventually cross blades with… Rank: Newbie

Some, in spite of their extraordinary skills, prefer to retain their independence and do not affiliate with any criminal organization, making them, if possible, even more dangerous. Rank: Expert


Movement: 5 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –


Movement: 4 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: 1


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 14 Evade: 12

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 12 Evade: 10

Role: Villain



Skills: Athletics 14, Agility 14, Stealth 15, Cunning 14


Training: Stealth

Skills: Brawl 12, Cunning 12, Charm 13,

Equipment: Dagger, Shandians (3), Darts (10),

Aggression 12

Bombs: Fumidus and Mutagens: Celeritas and

Training: Dual Front

Potio, 180 $. -

Equipment: Koopesh, Knife, Pistol, Pharus,


Bombs: Bombard, 180 $. -

Dagger: 13




Kopesh: 11 1

















9 10 11 12




9 10 11 12 -

Dirty Trick: headbutting their target, the Shady One inflicts the Slowed condition. Slip Away: the Shady One slips away at the last moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalanced condition. Premonition: the Shady One senses the incoming threat and moves away at the last moment, causing the attack to strike a target adjacent to them.

334 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)








9 10 11 12

Shandian: 13 (range: 6 cubitus)

Pistol: 10 (range: 12 cubitus) 1










9 10 11 12 -

Anticipate: the difference between “murdered” and “murderer” is, usually, quickness of thinking. The Assassin advances 2 slots in the Initiative order. Electrical Discharge: the shandian’s discharge arcs to a secondary target within 2 cubitus of its first target, dealing 1 point of damage. Vanish: after dodging an attack, the Assassin moves 3 cubitus, so they are adjacent to their target, and gains Combat Advantage against them. That’s the Way It’s Done: the Assassin dodges the bullet and stares defiantly at the Character who just attacked them. Then, they make 2 ranged attacks against 2 different targets.


Role: Villain

The Priestess

Sometimes, extreme alchem experiments produce substances that end up sold on the black market. Some of these physioreagents have astonishing effects on human physiology, turning placid stable hands into war machines utterly incapable of forming the most basic of thoughts, but stronger than motorized vehicles. Rank: Expert

The priestesses of the Red God Isairnes are indomitable warriors and skilled diplomats, trained to resolve any problem without wasting precious resources. If their hand is forced, however, they are known for leading their warriors with zeal and fire. Rank: Expert

Movement: 4 Wounds: 8 Damage Reduction: 1



Equipment: Scimitar, Dagger, Revolver, Armor: Lorica, Bombs: K Foam and Tonitrus, Mutagens:

reagents, the Beast ignores the Piercing property)

Potio and Purificatio, 320 $.

Equipment: Rags, 20 $. -









9 10 11 12











9 10 11 12 -

Shockwave: whirling their weapon about, the Beast pushes all adjacent targets 1 cubitus away from them, inflicting the Prone condition. Let fly!: the Beast grabs the poor soul it was wounded by and throws them at their allies. The target flies up to 6 cubitus or until they impact one or more allies. All targets involved suffer 1 point of damage and the Prone condition.









Revolver: 11 (range: 10 cubitus)

Large Improvised Weapons: 11 (range: 6 cubitus) 1

Attacks Scimitar: 13

Large Improvised Weapons : 14 2


Training: Command

Special Ability: Dermor Armor (Thanks to their


Qualities Skills: Discipline 15, Charm 15



Movement: 4 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: 1


Skills: Brawl 14, Strength 15, Resistance 15


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 12 Evade: 13

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 12 Evade: 12

Role: Villain










9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Double Slash: he Priestess slashes a secondary target, dealing 1 point of damage. Escape: After dodging an attack, the Priestess moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape. Protection: a Priestess is like mom... and shooting mom is terribly impolite, is it not?! One of her allies shoots at the Character who attacked her.

Iron Teeth: the Beast catches the bullet with its teeth, chews on it and spitefully spits out its remains. The Character who shot it suffers the Frightened condition until either the Beast dies or the combat ends for some other reason.

335 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 The Biopsist

Role: Villain

The Gonku

Biopsists are dangerous foes, capable of turning the tide of an engagement thanks to their arsenal of physioreagents. Even better than Abrab rave parties!! Rank: Veteran

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 13 Evade: 15

Ketnyi secret police agents are fearsome individuals, brutal and sadistic people who do not hesitate to kill civilians to leave no witnesses. Any means is justified to complete their mission and they operate with full Imperial sanction.

Movement: 3 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: 1



Rank: Veteran

Training: Command, Imperial Assault (the


Gonku spends their round barking orders to their

Lacerta (Prodigium and Provisus), Bombs:

subordinates. All of their allies engaged in melee can

Glutinum, Mutagens: Cortex, Impetus and Potio,

disengage without penalty and move 3 cubitus. Those who

Toxins: Gradus, Tarditas and Vecordia, 250 $. Attacks

are not engaged in melee can instead make a ranged attack)


.Equipment: Katana, Dagger, Revolver, Feles,

Schiavona: 13 1




Cingulum (Celeritas and Potio), Bombs: Flagrant 5




9 10 11 12

and Plangor, 320 $.

Aculeus: 14 (range: 5 cubitus) 1


















Revolver: 13 (range: 10 cubitus)


Toxic Spurt: after dodging the attack, the Biopsist shakes one of their vials, spraying a toxin in their target’s face. Relocate: if bullets fly too close for comfort, the Biopsist immediately takes a movement Maneuver.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Katana: 13

or Persistent Toxin: the effects of the Biopsist’s toxins last one additional round.



9 10 11 12

Bombs 14 (range: 6 cubitus – Area: 2) -


Discipline 17

(the Biopsist can treat their physioreagents as Bombs)


Qualities Skills: Handicraft 17, Analysis 16, Insight 16,

Training: Alchem, Detonate Physioreagents Schiavona,

Movement: 4 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –


Discipline 17


Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 16 Evade: 14


Skills: Handicraft 17, Analysis 16, Insight 16,


Role: Villain

1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Gash: the Gonku slashes their target’s forehead, drenching their face in blood. The target is Disoriented and the Gonku can disengage and move up to 4 cubitus away. Help: the Gonku dodges the attack and calls for help. Another opponent within 4 cubitus moves to the Character attacking the Gonku, disengaging without penalty if necessary.

ADVERSARIES Always ready: The Gonku are known for not liking being shot at and have the awful habit of shooting back. The Missionary

Premonition: the Missionary is guided by the Hand of Isairnes and moves away at the last moment, causing the attack to strike a target adjacent to them.

Role: Villain

The Omega Markonist

Only the most indomitable and skilled warriors make it into the missionary corps of the Bringers of Flame, tasked with spreading the word of the Red God where hope has left the population of Vulcania. Kneel to Isairnes or be cleansed by His holy flame. Rank: Veteran

Their damnable drones can pose no end of problems for your heroes. Omegas stay in the rear lines, absolute cowards, sending their mechanical assistants to help their allies or hinder their foes with their arsenal of cannons, sawblades, flamethrowers, and Isairnes knows what else.

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 16 Evade: 15

Rank: Veteran

Movement: 4 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Resistance 16, Senses 17, Luck 17






Training: Omega (as a Maneuver, the Markonist can control 2 drones)


Carbine: 13 (range: 6 cubitus) 1











Cunning 16


Scimitar Nidor: 15 2

Qualities Skills: Analysis 16, Insight 17, Discipline 16,

Carbine, Mutagens: Potio, Bombs: Flagrant (2), 160 $.


Movement: 4 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –


Equipment: Scimitar (2) Nidor Array, Dagger, Attacks

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 17 Dodge: 16 Evade: 14

Training: Dual Front


Role: Villain

Saber, Knife, Pistol, Rector

Ammunition (6), Drones (2), Bombs: Bombard,

9 10 11 12

270 $.




9 10 11 12


Saber: 14 1


Defensive Cross: With one scimitar, the Missionary blocks the enemy’s incoming blow, striking with the other for 1 point of damage.







Pistol: 13 (range: 12 cubitus)

Bladestorm: the Missionary makes 2 additional attacks against two different targets. Cleanse the Impure: the holy burning blade of the Bringer of Fire sets the heretic aflame, inflicting the Burning condition.


1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

or or or Drone: the Omega Markonist activates one of their drones.

337 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Support Drone

Role Add

Initiative: – Dodge: 16 Evade: 16

The Bald

The stereotypical Nuug is big, tall, and hairy. The Bald are the polar opposite and, because of it, even more dangerous. Akkar’s graduates are formidable spies, masters of disguise, and implacable assassins.

Movement: 7 (flight) Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –

Grafts: Wings, Polytool (the drone is able to carry and use a Bomb), Propulsor, Fulgor (as an Action, the drone can Blind all targets within 3 cubitus), Injector (Potio), Faux. -

Attacks 2


Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 17 Dodge: 16 Evade: 16


Faux: 15 1

Role: Villain

Movement: 5 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –






9 10 11 12



Skills: Athletics 17, Agility 17, Stealth 18, Cunning 17

Support Drone

Training: Stealth, Blind Fury: (the Bald is

Role Add

Initiative: – Dodge: 16 Evade: 16

capable of fighting without seeing their opponents).

Movement: 6 Wounds: 3 Damage Reduction: –


Attacks 2






Tonitrus, 300 $. -


9 10 11 12









9 10 11 12



Almarada: 16 1








Piercing 9 10 11 12

Shandian: 16 (range: 6 cubitus)

Ardor: 14 (line: 6 cubitus) 1


Sopor, Bombs: Fumidus (5), Glacies, and

Serris: 13 1


Shandian (10) Mutagens: Prodigium, Toxins:

Grafts: Rotor, Exoskeleton, Serris, Ardor -


1 -









9 10 11 12 -

Double Lunge: a series of lightning-fast lunges is much harder to fend off. The Bald makes an additional attack. Bleed out: the almarada is known for killing simply by causing hemorrhages. The target suffers the Dazed condition. Electrical Discharge: the shandian’s discharge arcs to a secondary target within 2 cubitus of its first target, dealing 1 point of damage.

338 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Smoke Screen: the Bald activates a fumidus that causes a thick screen of smoke, hiding them from view. They may immediately move and make an attack.

That’s the Way It’s Done: the Bald dodges the bullet and stares defiantly at the Character who just attacked them. Then, they make 2 ranged attacks against 2 different targets.

339 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 The Etho-Markonist

Role: Villain

Do you remember that time a gorilla with a sawedoff shot your friend’s leg clean off ? Yeah… it was not you hallucinating, their Markonist friend was right behind that palm tree to the left! And you did not even see half of the tricks they had just for you... Rank: Heroic

Protection: don’t shoot anybody’s friend! The Gorilla open fires on the target who attacked the Markonist. Gorilla Initiative: – Dodge: 16 Evade: 16

Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 18 Dodge: 14 Evade: 17

Movement: 4 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –



Qualities Equipment: Sawed-off, Februm.



controls an allied animal).


Equipment: Serpis, Hatchet, Uskuir, Tomahawk 1

Gorilla, 190 $.


























9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

9 10 11 12

Grapple: after dodging an attack, the Gorilla grabs their enemy by the face and lobs them at a secondary target within 2 cubitus. Both targets suffer 1 point of damage and the Unbalanced condition.


Prey-chewer: the mechanical grinders in the uskuir keep chewing into the flesh of their target, inflicting 1 point of damage each round. If the weapon is dislodged from its target, they suffer 1 extra point of damage. Guard Gorilla: the Gorilla rushes to the aid of the Markonist, disengaging without penalty if necessary, and shoves the enemy 1 cubitus away.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


9 10 11 12

Slap-Fu: the mind of the Gorilla and their Markonist handler meld completely, acting in unison. The Gorilla makes an attack.



Stock-strike: after biting, the Gorilla grabs their gun by the barrel and smashes it into their target, inflicting the Dazed condition.

Uskuir: 14 (range: 6 cubitus) 1


Sawed-off: 13

(6), Bombs: Glutinum, Plangor, and K Foam,



Bite: 15

Training: Phi (as a Maneuver, the Markonist

Serpis: 16 1 2 3 4


Skills: Athletics 19, Senses 17 -


Movement: 6 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –


Skills: Insight 17, Discipline 18, Charm 17


Role: Antagonist

ADVERSARIES The Headhunter

Role: Villain

When the Picarto Agency sends its headhunter, it means the situation has suddenly become whole levels of gnarlier. These are absolutely ruthless fighters, renowned for their extremely low rate of failure. Will the heroes be capable of saving their sorry hides? Rank: Heroic

Movement: 3 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: 1



Help: the Headhunter dodges the attack and calls for help. Another opponent within 4 cubitus moves to the Character attacking them, disengaging without penalty if necessary. Wanna Chat?: settling scores up close is always a good idea to avoid misunderstandings, right? After dodging the bullet, the Headhunter activates their Harpago, catches the enemy that shot them, and drags them into melee range.

Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 14 Evade: 17

damage and stopping if they hit a solid surface. If the flying target instead lands on somebody else, they both suffer 1 point of damage and are both knocked Prone.


Skills: Analysis 17, Insight 17, Senses 18, Aggression 18 Training: Command Equipment: Malleus, Nun, Revolver, Armor: Repulsor, Harpago, Cingulum (Furor and Potio), Toxins: Sopor and Veritas, Bombs: Nimbus and Tonitrus 380 $. -



Malleus: 14 1








9 10 11 12

Nun: 16 1 2 3






9 10 11 12

Revolver: 15 (range: 10 cubitus) 1










Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Relentless: the Headhunter tramples anything between them and their target. The target is knocked Prone, suffers 1 point of damage, and the Headhunter moves to engage another target within 3 cubitus. Human Cannonball: with their malleus, the Headhunter strikes with such potency that their target is knocked 5 cubitus away, suffering 1 extra point of

341 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 The Renegade

Role: Villain

These wandering gunslingers are the embodiment of the romantic concept of the outlaw. Although they are far from romantic. Wherever they go, they take what they want without caring about what society expects them to do or not do and, if somebody attempts to stop them… Bang! If somebody looks at them funny… Bang! And if… Bang! Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 15 Evade: 17

The Mask

The conlio film covering their faces allows the Masks to alter their features at will, making them peerless spies and infiltrators. They are trained to fight in any situation and are deadly and ruthless assassins, although they have to drop their disguise when fighting, as the concentration required to do both is beyond even their superhuman levels. The only thing their opponents see, then, is a blank silvery metal face with an opalescent sheen to it.

Movement: 4 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –



Rank: Legendary

Equipment: Katana, Caceus Array, Dagger,

Mutagens: Potio and Provisus, Bombs: Bombard

Hatchet, Crystallus (10), Mutagens: Prodigium,

and K Foam, 210 $. Attacks


Daga: 15 4





Matador: 16 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 -












Katana Caceus: 18 1









Piercing 9 10 11 12

Crystallus: 15 (range: 6 cubitus)

9 10 11 12

1 -

SBackflip: after dodging an attack, the Renegade attacks with their pistol… Bang! Always Ready: the Renegade shoots the Character who just shot them... Bang!

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Bombs: Bombard and Plangor, 230 $.

9 10 11 12

Hot Lead: you know the drill… Bang! The Renegade makes an additional attack.



Training: Stealth, Dual Front, Sharpshooter

Equipment: Dagger, Matador, Pistol, Pepperbox,


Qualities Skills: Athletics 18, Stealth 19, Cunning 20

Training: Sharpshooter


Movement: 4 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –


Charm 17


Difficulty: 17

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 16 Evade: 16


Skills: Brawl 17, Reaction 17, Senses 18,


Role: Villain










9 10 11 12 -

Twilight of Blood: the Mask somersaults about the battlefield, making another attack against a secondary target. Tear Gas: the gases of the caceus array inflict the Dazed condition on the enemy.

ADVERSARIES Freeze: extreme cold unleashed by a crystallus causes crippling pain, inflicting the Slowed condition on its target. Backflip: after dodging an attack, the Mask attacks with their crystallus. Always Ready: the Mask dodges the attack and throws one of their crystallus against the Character who attacked them.

The Omega Micron

Role: Villain

That fella covered in a multitude of teeming beetles looks harmless, right? Gross at best, sure, but should not be dangerous… right? Well, not exactly: those are not beetles, but nanodrones – minuscule mechanical creatures that work in tireless unison with the mind of their Markonist handler. Perfect for pranks...

343 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Rank: Legendary

Difficulty: 17

Initiative: 19 Dodge: 15 Evade: 18

The Swordmaster

Movement: 4 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: 2




These are not your run-of-the-mill sword-wavers, they are Berynian masters of the blade, with fast swords and massive egos. Exhibitionist, decadent, and beyond dangerous, these whirlwinds of death rarely leave survivors. Both in combat and at the bar, of course!

Skills: Insight 18, Discipline 19, Cunning 18 Training: Omega Micron (as a Maneuver, the

Rank: Legendary

Markonist can control their swarm of nanodrones or

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 18 Evade: 15

make 2 attacks with their nano-whip). Equipment: Saber, Scattergun, Nanodrone Swarm, Bombs: Flagrant and Nimbus, 190 $. -





















Skills: Agility 18, Reaction 18, Insight 18, Cunning 19

9 10 11 12

Training: Mocking Honor: (the institution of the duel is sacred to the Berynians and their swordmasters

Scattergun: 14 (cone: 4 cubitus) 1

Difficulty: 17 Movement: 5 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –


Nano-whip: 19 (range: 6 cubitus) 1

Role: Villain

have such innate charisma that all those watching

9 10 11 12

their performances can feel in their bones the cultural


significance of this custom. Every Character who attacks a Swordmaster with numerical superiority suffers a -2

or Foil: the nanodrones climb onto their target, uncomfortably burrowing in their clothes. The target suffers a -2 penalty to all Tests until they spend a whole round getting rid of the nanodrones. Noose: the nano-whip wraps around a leg of their target, inflicting the Restrained condition.

penalty to attack). Equipment: Aspis, Foil, Revolver, Cingulum (Furor and Impetus), Feles, 290 $. -



Aspis: 18 Piercing

Premonition: the nanodrones intercept the incoming threat, causing the attack to strike a target adjacent to them.









Revolver: 15 (range: 10 cubitus) 1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Taunt: the Swordmaster taunts their target. Every Character adjacent to the target must fall back 2 cubitus and suffer the Dazed condition, overwhelmed by the personality of the maestro.

344 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

ADVERSARIES Skewer: all of a sudden, the aspis extends, piercing the target and whoever is in the 2 cubitus behind them.



Skills: Resistance 18, Handicraft 18 Training: Mechanus (needed to use Mechanus

Deflection: the Swordmaster dodges the attack, grabs their opponent by the wrist, and drives their blade into the back of a secondary target within 2 cubitus, inflicting 2 points of damage. Spite: ranged weapons are dishonorable. The Swordmaster stares disdainfully at the Character who just shot at them, Frightening them.


equipment) Equipment: Magneton, Dagger, Lapidator, Pistol, Mechanus Exoskeleton, Ignis, Bombs: Bombard and Nimbus, 430 $. -



Magneton: 15 1








Lapidator: 14 (cone: 6 cubitus) 1 -









9 10 11 12 Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Shockwave: whirling their hammer, the War Machine pushes all adjacent targets 1 cubitus away from them, inflicting the Prone condition. Roaring Thunder: the deafening roar of a lapidator vomiting bullets is enough to sow panic and despair. All targets in the area of effect of the lapidator suffer the Frightened condition. Magnet: The magneton pulls their weapons away from the target. The War Machine

Role: Villain

Even the majority of armored vehicles during the War boasted less firepower and weaker armor than these soldiers with Mechanus arrays. Mechanus suits are an exceedingly rare sight nowadays, much like those with the skill to use them, so beware when somebody hates you with enough passion to find both and send them your way! Rank: Legendary Initiative: 15 Dodge: 16 Evade: 18

Recharge: the War Machine dodges the attack and brings their ignis back to full pressure. Take Off: the War Machine activates their ignis and hovers 3 cubitus above the ground for the next round.

Difficulty: 17 Movement: 5 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: 2

345 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Guard Detail Public houses, industrial complexes, luxury homes, and buildings hiding valuables usually feature security forces. Oddly enough, useful intelligence, items, and people are often inside said buildings, rather than outside, free for the taking… Good luck! • Enemies: 1 Officer, 1 Mercenary, 2 Guards, 2 Riflemen Guard Patrol A typical encounter that beginning Characters could face is the patrol that catches them when they are doing something of questionable repute. Bribery is always possible, assuming the group can afford it, although the Characters should be aware of their tendency to make enemies everywhere they go. Or is it the Narrator who pushes them in the wrong direction? Who knows... • Enemies: 1 Officer, 4 Guards, 2 Dogs Nice Boots You Have... Wandering about the slums, perhaps even during the wee hours of the night, is the quickest way to stumble into somebody willing to kill for a few coins. Usually, these upstanding members of (crime) society like to block any escape routes for their target, while the sneakier types catch them by surprise. • Enemies: 2 Mercenaries, 4 Thugs


Damn Urchins! Youth gangs are one of the plagues of Balas, surrounding their targets and nicking away whatever they can before melting into the alleys. • Enemies: 1 Brute, 1 Thug, 7 Aljahin Devils, 2 Dogs Abrabaz Madness The carcass of what was once one of the mightiest nations in Vulcania is now one of its most dangerous places. Stumbling into a group of people whose brains have been fried by radiation is actually among the nicest things that can happen there… if one manages to survive, of course.

346 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

• Enemies: 6 Errant Lunatics, 1 Boar, 1 Blond Chimpanzee A Matter of Competition Perhaps the Characters are not the only ones interested in completing an errand and might find that there is another party that wants to beat them to it… or just beat them to a pulp. Narrator’s choice. • Enemies: The Shady One, 1 Freeborn, 2 Brutes, 2 Riflemen Stomped on the Wrong Toes? The local crime boss is not happy with the Characters and wishes the problem they present to be “fixed.” Or, on the other hand, it might be the Characters who have to storm somebody’s headquarters to complete their assignment. However it is, taking on a boss’ small crime organization will not be easy. • Enemies: The Kingpin, 1 Alchemist, 1 Wandering Monk, 4 Thugs High Noon Crossing the path of the alpha outlaw of any remote Mos village means only one thing: Bang! The local gunslinger will do whatever they can to defend their power or avenge a slight, like accusing them of cheating at cards. As their goons take the front, both the gunslinger and the telepath rain death from the rear. • Enemies: The Gunslinger, 1 Pielroja, 1 Telepath, 2 Brutes


Tea in the Desert The Zoort desert is as deadly and inhospitable a land as it is fascinating. Meeting a Tawariq tribe and being introduced to their steel, however, not as much. The desert nomads are always ready to negotiate, although they are also fickle and quick to anger. In fact, a peaceful tea break under the shade of their tents could very well turn into a massacre if the wrong words are exchanged. • Enemies: 1 Mercenary, 1 Telepath, 2 Riflemen, 4 Tawariq Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee Whether they are on a mission for the Empire or fle-

ADVERSARIES eing the solitude of their monastery, monks should never be underestimated. • Enemies:4 Wandering Monks, 1 Purple Lizard Blades in the Dark If somebody unleashed an assassin on the group, it means they must have become famous. Or, as the poet once put it, “they done effed.” Thanks to the distractions given by the telepath, the assassin and their thugs try to catch their quarry by surprise, as the brutes engage in melee. • Enemies: The Assassin, 1 Telepath, 3 Brutes, 2 Thugs Loose Cannon Technically it is not a cannon. It is a beast, so high on mutagens, physioreagents, and Isairnes alone knows what that their sweat turns bright purple. A few gangs are known for using these poor definitely-not-cannons to herd their quarries into deadly ambushes. • Enemies: The Beast, 2 Mercenaries, 2 Thugs Cleanse the Impure The fanatics of the Scorched attack on sight any who offend the Red God with their immoral behaviors. Led by zealous priestesses, these maniacs do not hesitate to give their lives to punish the infidels. • Enemies: The Priestess, 1 Alchemist, 3 Scorched


The Night of the Living Dead Mad scientists who have nothing better to do in their free time than raise the dead are never good, right? Especially when the average citizen is accustomed to seeing them only in horror literature, rather than in their backyard. • Enemies: 1 Alchemist, 1 Telepath, 5 Alchem Zombies Private War These task forces are capable of unleashing an amount of devastation comparable to that of an actual battlefield. Covered by the blistering fire of their gunner, the Uurka leap on their enemies with murderous intent, as the thugs finish the survivors. • Enemies: 1 Gunner, 1 Mercenary, 2 Thugs, 3 Uurka W.

Chemical Warfare When a biopsist enters the field, whether sanctioned by their Monopoly or on their own, a whole world of pain is going to be dropped. As the officer leads the lesser troops in the thick of the battle, the biopsist supports their own and hampers the enemy with their powerful concoctions. • Enemies: The Biopsist, 1 Officer, 3 Brutes, 1 Rifleman Revenge of the Empire Few things cause as much terror as just mentioning the gonku and the Imperial secret police. These ruthless agents never hesitate to sacrifice their subordinates to reach their objective, barking sharp orders that nobody dreams of defying. • Enemies: The Gonku, 1 Alchemist, 1 Mercenary, 4 Guards A Game of Flags Stumbling into a group of banderilleros is bad enough. When they are led by an Omega Markonist, well… surviving the chaos of bomb-dropping drones and chain-whirling banderilleros requires the best effort the group can put together! • Enemies: The Omega Markonist, 2 Drones, 2 Banderilleros, 2 Brutes Holy War It might be time for the heroes to embrace faith. Or for faith to embrace them! The missionary will charge into glorious melee, protected by the will of the Red God, as their attendants profit from the distraction to strike where they are least expected. • Enemies: The Missionary, 1 Telepath, 2 Brutes, 2 Thugs


Divide and Conquer Whether they garrison a building or are tasked with flushing out the Characters who are garrisoning the above-mentioned building, the armored troops engage and isolate the largest threats, while riflemen and guards give cover and suppression fire from the back. • Enemies: 1 Officer, 2 Riflemen, 2 Guards, 4 Armored Infantry

347 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Road Hogs Raiders are among the many threats roaming the desolate Abrab lands. They are violent, chaotic, and prefer swarming their enemy, without too much of a thought for strategy. • Enemies: 3 Raiders, 1 Alchemist, 4 Brutes The King The main tactic of these Phi Markonist-led teams is as simple as it is effective: They rain plangor bombs on the heads of their enemies before unleashing the mercenaries into the fray. If that does not work, well, seeing a gorilla with a februm mask and a Sawed-off shotgun wading into melee among tear gas should be an epic enough sight, right? • Nemici: The Etho-Markonist, 1 Gorilla, 2 Mercenaries, 1 Rifleman, 1 Thug Death Trap A Bald never attacks frontally without a solid plan behind it. They attempt to set an ambush or otherwise catch the enemy by surprise, whether it is using a telepath or an officer and their brutes as a diversion. • Enemies: The Bald, 1 Telepath, 1 Officer, 2 Brutes, 2 Thugs It’s Open Season The deadliest Mos gunslingers love to surround themselves with big goons to keep their enemies busy while they fill them with hot lead. In this case, brutes and mercenaries in the front with the alchemist keeping the Characters under control with their bombs. Then, the Renegade handles the rest. • Enemies: The Renegade, 1 Alchemist, 2 Mercenaries, 2 Brutes No Way Out Picarto teams have their standard modus operandi, which usually proves quite successful. The War Can dives into the melee, engaging the mightiest enemies in combat while guards and riflemen lay cover fire and the Headhunter deals with the stragglers before joining the melee. • Enemies: The Headhunter, 1 War Can, 2 Guards, 3 Riflemen

348 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Men or Monsters? Abrabazem is known for birthing untold horrors, with abominations and demons being among its proudest creations. Both are shouting, frothing killers, but some insist on seeing a difference between the two. • Enemies: 1 Abomination, 6 Demons

Dura Lex, Sed Lex The Empire does not forgive. Ever. If the Imperial guard enters the scene, then, you can be sure bodies are going to hit the floor. One Tamurei keeps things manageable by spraying lapidator bullets around, while the other engages in melee. The officer and telepath, meanwhile, stay slightly back, supporting their heavy-hitting companions. • Enemies: 2 Tamurei, 1 Officer, 1 Telepath, 3 Guards Did They Come out of the Bloody Walls Again?! Thanks to their mechanical friends, the Omega Micron attacks with their whip at blinding speed from the back line. Nuug shock troops, meanwhile, form the front, with guards plugging any voids as they form. • Enemies: The Omega Micron, 2 Nuug Shocktroopers, 4 Guards Blades, Not Shades! Fearless, cunning, and deadly, swordmasters always attempt to face their enemies one at a time. The alche-

ADVERSARIES mist and the telepath try to keep the enemies separated as the brutes cover the maestro, while their boss has room and time to duel with their opponents. • Enemies: The Swordmaster, 1 Alchemist, 1 Telepath, 3 Brutes Deadly Dance Masks are deadly and calculating assassins, making for perfect recurrent villains. Their favorite tactic is to send the brutes in first and have the thugs strike by surprise. Then, the Mask moves from target to target, striking where it hurts the most. • Enemies: The Mask, 6 Brutes, 2 Thugs Heaviest of Metal The War Machine is enough to totally, absolutely, completely murder the Characters. Have you seen its arsenal?! The only reason why it could need guards and brutes would be as a distraction, meat shields, or simply to fix numerical inferiority. Or, you know, have somebody to cheer for them. War Machines are people, too! Mostly bad people, sure, but those are details... • Enemies: The War Machine, 3 Brutes, 3 Guards

Creatures During their adventures, Characters can fight deadly assassins, stern-faced guards, or brutal warriors to satiate their thirst for wealth, power, vengeance, or justice. However, the dangers the heroes face in their adventures are not only other human beings. Vulcania is a world populated with all manners of creatures — some tame, some definitely not, some downright bloodthirsty. This section contains a vast list of creatures to throw at your Characters, with all the information you might need to run them as Narrator.


Not all beasts are made equal. Small creatures are roughly the weight of a dog or sheep. Medium creatures are similar in weight to a human being (between 100 and 400 pounds). Large creatures are the size of a horse or bear (between 600 and 1600 pounds), with Enormous creatures equaling an elephant. Should the group face a Colossal creature, well… good luck.


Some creatures are trained to be controlled by Phi division Markonists via a fidelitas collar and the mental faculties of their masters. These creatures, when controlled by a Markonist, add the modifier in parentheses to their Discipline Tests, if needed.

Special Abilities

Some creatures have special abilities, whether the result of mutation or simple evolution. The following is a list of the most frequently found around Vulcania: Ambush: some predators are especially lethal when they strike catching their prey by surprise. A creature with this ability is capable of pouncing on their prey as a Free Action and deal 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets, in addition to any other damage. Amphibious: there are creatures that have adapted to live both in water and on dry land. Unless otherwise specified, an amphibious creature does not suffer penalties in either environment.

349 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Braced: some creatures are gifted with extra limbs or are large and heavy enough to be harder for a Character to move. Braced creatures cannot be grappled, shoved, knocked Prone, or moved about by Arts or equipment. Dark Vision: creatures with this ability can see perfectly in darkness, without suffering penalties in combat. Explosive Death: bones, blisters, internal organs, or other anatomical parts of the creature contain an unstable substance that is released upon its death, causing a violent explosion when in contact with air. The round the creature dies, its body explodes, dealing 1 point of damage to everything within 2 cubitus. Fear: the presence of this creature frightens those around it, forcing them to make a Discipline Test to avoid suffering the Frightened condition. If they fail, they suffer the condition as long as they are within 10 cubitus of the creature. The Difficulty for the Test is either the creature’s base Difficulty or its Aggression score (whichever is higher). Flailing Attacks: creatures with multiple limbs or gifted with great ferocity become even more dangerous when surrounded by enemies. They make an attack against each opponent they are engaged with in melee. Flying: The creature is capable of flying, with wings, gliding membranes, or whatever means of locomotion nature gave them. Unless otherwise specified, their flight speed is equal to their Movement score.

350 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Fury: as death draws near, the furious beast does not flee. It only fights. A creature with the Fury special rule fights for one more round after its Wounds reach 0, ignoring any further damage or conditions and dealing 1 additional point of damage when it hits its enemy. Multiple Attacks: mother nature has spawned no end of savage, bloodthirsty monsters. A creature with this feature is capable of making an extra attack every round. Poison: some creatures have poison glands used for self-defense or to neutralize their prey. Creatures with the Poison special rule attempt to inject their toxin every time they get an Opportunity on a melee attack. Below is a list of the most frequent poisons found in nature: • Paralyzing Poison: a Character under the effects of paralyzing poison immediately suffers the Immobilized condition. At the beginning of their turn each round, they can attempt a Resistance Test. On a success, the poison ends its effect and the Character can move and act normally. • Debilitating Poison: the creature boasts a poison that slowly kills their target, attacking their nervous system. When the target is injected with the poison, they suffer a -1 penalty to all Tests and must make a Resistance Test at the beginning of their turn. If they pass, the poison is purged from their system. Otherwise, the penalty increases incrementally by 1 every round until the Test is passed.

ADVERSARIES • Deadly Poison: this poison kills its target by corroding their tissues. When injected with the poison, the target suffers 1 point of damage. Then, at the beginning of their turn each round, the target must make a Resistance Test, ending the effect on a success. On a failure, they suffer 1 additional point of damage per failed Test, increasing the damage until they die (i.e., 2 damage in round 2, 3 in round 3, etc.). Reach: some creatures are capable of reaching further than usual, thanks to their size or long limbs. A creature with Reach uses that value as the range for its melee attacks. Swarm: creatures with this special rule are groups of numerous smaller beings, like critters or bugs, that move in unison. Swarms occupy the area listed in their description and can occupy the same spaces as other creatures. They attack anything within their area, but suffer twice as much damage from area of effect weapons. Their Wounds score is the total of all the individual creatures in the swarm and their Damage Reduction value represents the fact that it is harder to strike individual swarm members with conventional weapons. Terror: the presence of the creature terrorizes living beings around it, forcing them to make a Discipline Test to avoid suffering the Terrorized condition as long as they are within 10 cubitus of it. The Difficulty for the Test is either the creature’s base Difficulty or its Aggression score (whichever is higher). Thick Skin: bone plates, chitinous exoskeletons, or other defensive structures protect the creature, providing natural armor, although they are still vulnerable to perforation. Creatures with this special armor, however, whether it is a layer of fat under their skin, thick fur, or an overly developed musculature, ignore the Piercing property of weapons. Thirst for Blood: when it smells blood, the beast enters a state of battle frenzy that prompts it to attack the source. A creature with this special rule always attacks the enemy within 10 cubitus that has suffered the most damage, disengaging freely from whomever they may be engaged with. Vertical Movement: the creature is capable of moving across vertical surfaces.


Role: Villain

These unholy creatures seem spawned directly from the worst nightmares of a deranged mind. An encounter with any of these monsters is often a death sentence, making flight a viable strategy to deal with them… if not the only one. Information about them is scarce, as few survive close encounters and they do not appear to follow specific patterns; however, abominations have been described as amalgams of different animals, with a varying number of limbs and heads, moved by unrelenting fury. Their seemingly random anatomy makes them particularly resilient, because of redundancy in vital organs. For example, aiming for the heart is mostly luck, as nobody actually knows where it is, if they have only one… or even if they need one at all. Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 15 Evade: 13 -

Movement: 6 Wounds: 14 Damage Reduction: 1 Qualities


Size: Large Skills: Brawl 17 – Strength 17 – Resistance 18 -




Thick Skin: the abomination ignores the Piercing property. Flailing Attacks: the abomination is capable of attacking any number of targets in melee. You do not want to know where it got all those limbs... Fury: it is possible that the alien mind of these horrid beasts cannot realize when their life is ending. When their Wounds reach zero, they fight for an additional round ignoring any damage or conditions before dying. Braced: every abomination is different—some have untold numbers of legs, others slither or rumble about. All of them, however, cannot be shoved, grappled, or pinned to the ground.

351 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Terror: the sight of these creatures is enough to overwhelm the sanity of even the bravest warriors. Every Character who sees an abomination must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 16 or suffer the Terrorized condition. -



Rank: Newbie Initiative: 9 Dodge: 8 Evade: 6









Senses 8 (+1)


Assimilation: the abomination tightens its grip around its target, inflicting the Immobilized condition. The Character must pass an opposed Brawl Test to break free. Suggested Encounters


Sometimes, groups of deranged fanatics follow an abomination in the hallucinogenic Abrabazi deserts. When this happens, the encounter involves 1 Abomination and between 4 and 6 Demons. Given their nature, it is incredibly rare to find more than one abomination together.


Role: Add

These small primates live mostly in southern Ketniv and Balastoc. They are extremely agile, aggressive, and skilled in climbing almost any surface, including those that would seem impossible for a monkey. Alone, they do not pose much of a threat, but a pack of them could become rather dangerous if faced unprepared.

352 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)




Vertical Movement: thanks to their claws, these monkeys are capable of moving at full speed along trees, rock faces, and walls alike. -



Bite: 7 1 -








9 10 11 12



Curiosity:. Monkeys are naturally curious creatures, capable of developing fine manipulation and showing intelligence to a higher degree than many other animals… or rushing to a particularly stupid and spectacular death. The baboon steals a gizmo from their target, activating it instantly. -



Skills: Athletics 11 (+4) – Agility 9 (+2) –

Vomit: one of the creature’s many heads vomits a stream of acid that envelops all targets in a 4 cubitus cone. The poor sods suffer 1 point of damage and the Disoriented condition. Assuming that was a mouth, of course...


Qualities Size: Small

9 10 11 12


Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Unspecified Appendage : 17 1

Difficulty: 9

Suggested Encounters


Baboons live in large families of more than a dozen individuals, as their strength lies in numbers. However, it is not rare for a baboon community to be ruled by a particularly strong alpha, for which you can use the Pifu humped gorilla.


Role: Villain

The belileev, Nuugard’s own white lion, is a mighty feline that lives in the Nuug mountains. Sighting one is a rare event and approaching one an almost unheard of occurrence. The odds of surviving the encounter are, then, left to the imagination of the esteemed reader. Belileev live alone or with their mate, far from human settlements, and are deadly and silent predators. Rank: Veteran


Movement: 8 Wounds: 12 Damage Reduction: – Qualities



Bite: 16 1








9 10 11 12






9 10 11 12

Claws: 13 1






Dismember: grabbing its prey with its forelegs, the belileev strikes with its hind claws, inflicting 2 extra points of damage and the Dazed condition.

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 17 Dodge: 15 Evade: 14


Disarm: the belileev clamps its jaws on the target’s arm, disarming them. -

Size: Large Skills: Athletics 17 (+2) – Stealth 18 (+3) –


Suggested Encounters


Belileevs live on their own or with their mate. A family of belileevs often includes 2 to 4 cubs, with the profile of a tiger.

Senses 19 (+4) – Aggression 16 (+1) -




Ambush: like many other large felines, the white lion prefers to catch its prey by surprise. Belileevs inflict 1 extra point of damage to Surprised targets. Fear: the sight of this enormous cat is enough to make a trained Nuug warrior rethink a few of their life choices. Every Character who sees a belileev must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 16 or suffer the Frightened condition.


Zoologists believe that when the world was young, the bison was a common sight all over Vulcania. Today, however, after the cataclysm, the bison mostly live in Mostucaal and Abrabazem. Bison herds can become unusually aggressive, should they feel their calves are threatened or during the mating season. The profile of the bison can also be used for other bovines.

Multiple Attacks: the belileev attacks with both its Claws and Bite.

Rank: Expert

Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10

Flailing Attacks: The belileev attacks every target within its reach with its Claws. Dark Vision: Cats are known for their exceptionally good vision in the dark. Big cats especially so.

Role: Add


Movement: 7 Wounds: 9 Damage Reduction: 1 Qualities


Size: Large Skills: Senses 13 (+2)

353 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)





Thick Skin: A bison ignores the Piercing property. -



Horns: 11 1









9 10 11 12



Gore: by goring its target with its horns, the bison flings them 2 cubitus away, knocking them Prone. -

Suggested Encounters

Role: Antagonist

Among the largest and most ferocious bears in Vulcania, the black bear lives in the woodlands at the foot of mountain chains. Aggressive and ferocious, its raw strength usually leaves little hope for its victims.

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 13 Evade: 11

Movement: 6 Wounds: 13 Damage Reduction: 1

Size: Large Skills: Strength 17 (+3) – Senses 17 (+3)

354 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Fear: every Character who sees a black bear must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 14 or suffer the Frightened condition. Multiple Attacks: every round, the black bear attacks with both its Claws and Bite. -



Bite: 15 1








9 10 11 12






9 10 11 12

Claws: 14 1 -





Hemorrhaging Bite: the black bear bites a chunk of flesh off their target, who starts bleeding profusely. Until they spend a full round to staunch the bleeding, the target suffers 1 point of damage at the beginning of their turn each round. Mighty Slap: the bear reacts to the attack by back-handing its target 2 cubitus away and inflicting the Disoriented condition. Suggested Encounters


Bears are usually solitary creatures, although during the mating season adventurers might stumble into couples not so happy at having their private time ruined by bipeds.

Difficulty: 14




Thick Skin: bears ignore the Piercing property of weapons.

Rank: Heroic



Buffalo or bison herds number even into the hundreds, although their size and temperament are such that no more than 5 or 6 are likely to cooperate to face a threat. Black Bear



Blonde Chimpanzee

Role: Antagonist

These large monkeys once lived in the Abrabazi heartland and would have been extinguished by the cataclysm had the Monopoly of Markonists not intervened to save them for psychic training. Nowadays, it is still possible to find blonde chimpanzees, albeit mutated beyond reason, in the few woodlands that

ADVERSARIES remain in Abrabazem.

Rank: Expert

Rank: Newbie

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 9 Dodge: 10 Evade: 9

Movement: 6 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –



Difficulty: 13 Movement: 6 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –




Size: Medium


Skills: Senses 15 (+4)

Size: Medium Skills: Athletics 12 (+3) – Agility 13 (+4) –


Senses 12 (+3)

Explosive Death: when the blue badger is killed, the chemicals in its electrolytic glands spill out, causing a small electric storm that inflicts 1 point of damage to everything within 2 cubitus of the corpse.




Bite: 12 1









9 10 11 12



Theft: for some reason, blonde chimpanzees love firearms. When a Character shoots a gun and misses, the chimpanzee grabs the weapon and unloads its magazine on the nearest target not adjacent to it, inflicting 2 points of damage. Suggested Encounters


Like many primates, blonde chimpanzees live in colonies of 5 or 6. For the sake of variety, you could add an alpha male with the profile of a Pifu humped gorilla. Blue Badger

Role: Antagonist

The blue badger is a rather aggressive denizen of the Itteghi woodlands, known for discharging electricity from the glands on its nose and through its whiskers. When the badger is killed, its glands collapse, unleashing an electric cloud that harms anything in close proximity.





Bite: 12


Disarm: Grabbing their opponent by the wrist, the chimpanzee disarms them.











9 10 11 12




Electrical Discharge: the blue badger’s discharge arcs to a secondary target within 2 cubitus of its first target, dealing 1 point of damage. -

Suggested Encounters


Blue badgers are among the few species that spend their entire life with one partner, therefore they are mostly found as couples, sometimes with their young. Boar

Role: Antagonist

Appreciated by hunters for its meat, the boar is a tenacious and resistant foe, its tusks capable of penetrating light armor. Rank: Newbie Initiative: 7 Dodge: 9 Evade: 9

Difficulty: 6 Movement: 6 Wounds: 9 Damage Reduction: –

355 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Qualities






Size: Large

Size: Large

Skills: Strength 10 (+1) – Senses 11 (+2)

Skills: Resistance 10 (+4) – Senses 8 (+2)






Piercing Fangs: the boar’s strong tusks have the Piercing property. -



Fangs : 10 1








9 10 11 12




Trample: angry boars are nasty business. The boar tramples its target, inflicting 1 additional point of damage and the Prone condition, before charging and immediately attacking a secondary target. -

Suggested Encounters



Bite: 6 1








9 10 11 12




Spit: the most fearsome weapon in the arsenal of a camel is its spit, capable of inflicting the Blind condition on its target. -

Suggested Encounters


Other than used as mounts by a group of enemies, it is rare to fight camels.



Role: Villain

Boars live in woodlands and forests, in groups of

Who does not love cats?! Also, be thankful they are

4 to 6.

not Villains. Yet...


Role: Add

A fundamental asset for desert-dwelling populations in both Balastoc and Abrabazem, the camel is used mostly as a mount or a beast of burden, being ill-suited for combat. It is easily scared off by sudden movements or loud noises, although its bite could prove rather unpleasant, were a camel left with no other choice but to fight. Rank: Newbie Initiative: 7 Dodge: 6 Evade: 6

356 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Difficulty: 6 Movement: 7 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –


Rank: Cat


Difficulty: 4


Size: Small -

Suggested Encounters


Cat colonies are often watched over by extremely dangerous cat ladies. Cheetah

Role: Antagonist

Cheetahs are agile and graceful animals who hunt with speed and ferocity rather than overwhelming their prey. Known for their powerful pounces, they drive their target to the ground before ripping their throat with sharp claws and fangs.


Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 10 Evade: 11


Movement: 12 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: – Qualities



In Mostucaal’s mountains live a mighty, red-maned ram, hunted for its meat and colorful mantle. Although they prefer to flee when in danger, if forced to fight corederojos can prove to be tough opponents.

Size: Large

Rank: Newbie

Skills: Athletics 14 (+3) – Agility 13 (+2) – Special



Ambush: like many other large felines, the cheetah prefers to catch its prey by surprise. Cheetahs inflict 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets. Multiple Attacks: Cheetahs attack with both their Claws and Bite. Dark Vision: Cheetahs can see in the dark. -













Skills: Athletics 10 (+3) – Senses 9 (+2) -







Pounce: the cheetah dodges the attack, pounces over its target, and moves its Movement distance. Suggested Encounters




Horns: 7

9 10 11 12



Vertical Movement: corederojos are capable of moving at full speed along steep rock faces.

1 4


Size: Medium

9 10 11 12

Take down: with a violent torsion, the cheetah knocks its target Prone.




Bite: 11 1

Movement: 6 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: –


Claws: 11 1

Difficulty: 7

Initiative: 7 Dodge: 8 Evade: 6

Stealth 14 (+2) – Senses 15 (+4) -

Role: Antagonist









9 10 11 12



Shove : the corderojo shoves its target 2 cubitus, Unbalacing them Ram: The corederojo dodges the attack and rams its target, sending them 3 cubitus away, Prone. -

Suggested Encounters


Corederojos live in herds of 6 to 8 animals.

Cheetahs, much like other felines such as jaguars and panthers, can hunt in packs of 5 or 6. Rarely, an alpha male (use the profile of a tiger) becomes large enough to assert his dominance over the other males of his pack and leads them on the hunt.

357 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Crocodile

Role: Antagonist

Extremely fast over short distances and armed with fearsome jaws, the crocodile is a terrifying predator both on land and in water, where it ambushes its prey from the depths. Its scaly skin is thick enough to require actual weapons and, also, is a precious material in the leather and fashion industries. Rank: Expert

1 additional point of damage and, in order to break free from the crocodile’s maw, the poor soul must pass an opposed Brawl Test or suffer another point of damage. If they suffer 3 points of damage in this way, the target loses a limb. -

Suggested Encounters

Crocodiles live and hunt in groups of 4 to 8.

Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 9 Evade: 13


Movement: 4 Wounds: 8 Damage Reduction: 1 Qualities



Rank: Newbie

13 (+2) – Stealth 15 Abilities


Ambush: when laying low in the mud, crocodiles are almost invisible. When they attack, crocodiles inflict 1 extra point of damage to Surprised targets. Amphibious: the crocodile has a Movement score of 8 when in water. Braced: A low center of mass and a powerful tail make this reptile impossible to topple or knock Prone. -











Rend: the crocodile’s teeth are made for crushing, rather than flaying. To reduce their meal to more manageable chunks, crocodiles are known for grabbing onto their food and thrashing about. If done to an enemy in combat, they suffer

358 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Skills: Athletics 12 (+4) – Senses 12 (+4) -




Braced: thanks to its six legs, it is impossible to knock a digno Prone. -



Bite: 8 1 -

9 10 11 12

Qualities Size: Small


Movement: 10 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –


Bite: 11 1

Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 9 Evade: 7

Skills: Brawl 13 – Strength 14 (+3) – Senses Special

Role: Add

A peculiar creature, although not dangerous if met alone, that looks like a six-legged, overly aggressive small dog.

Size: Large










9 10 11 12



Shove: attacking its target’s throat, the digno inflicts the Unbalanced condition on its target. -

Suggested Encounters


Dignos are usually found in packs of up to 10 individuals.


Role: Add

Best friend of the human race and loyal companion, there is no place this creature has not visited. The profile for the dog could also be used for wild canines, like coyotes and jackals. Rank: Newbie

Difficulty: 6

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 6 Evade: 6

Size: Small Skills: Senses 13 (+2)



Bite: 6 1 -








9 10 11 12



Shove: going for the throat of its target, the dog shoves them to the ground, inflicting the Unbalanced condition.

Movement: 7 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: – Qualities




Suggested Encounters


Dogs are frequently found in wild packs of a dozen or more or employed as scouts or detectors by organized military units. For the sake of variety, you could also use hyenas, perros, or wolves.

359 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Double-headed Buitre

Role: Antagonist

A deadly and picturesque creature found in the Mos deserts and prairies, the body of the buitre is covered in thick, armor-like black feathers from which extend two pink necks each ending in a bald head with bulbous eyes and a strong beak. Although it prefers the carcasses of large animals, a buitre does not refuse still-living creatures, especially if wounded. Buitres are known for their exceptionally developed sense of smell, which allows them to smell blood from kilocubitus away. Rank: Expert Initiative: 11 Dodge: 14 Evade: 12

360 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Difficulty: 11 Movement: 12 Wounds: 11 Damage Reduction: 1




Size: Large Skills: Resistance 15 – Senses 16 -




Thick Skin: the thick plumage of a buitre allows it to ignore the Piercing property. Multiple Attacks: the buitre attacks with both its Claws and Beaks. Thirst for Blood: the buitre always attacks the creature closest to death. Should it find a dying or incapacitated opponent, the buitre attempts to take them to its nest, where it can consume its meal in peace. Flying: the Movement score of the buitre is its flying speed. When it moves on land, its Movement score becomes 4.













9 10 11 12






9 10 11 12

Fury: Once they are reduced to 0 Wounds, elephants fight for 1 additional round.



Turn and Dive: the buitre dodges the attack with a sudden turn and dives onto the Character that attacked it. The buitre then makes a full round of attacks against that target. Suggested Encounters


Buitres are solitary predators, although smaller scavengers, like groups of 6 to 8 vultures or hyenas, usually travel in their shadow to profit from its leftovers. Elephant

Role: Antagonist

Elephants live in prairies close to deserts and rivers. Although mostly peaceful creatures, elephants can turn into a force of nature if angered, as the many villages razed by one of their thunderous charges could attest… if there was anything left. Rank: Heroic Initiative: 10 Dodge: 9 Evade: 7




Feet 14 1








9 10 11 12






9 10 11 12

Tusks: 14 1






Distraction: by vigorously beating its ears, the elephant causes a thick pall of dust to cover a 2 by 2 cubitus square area. All Characters within the area suffer the Disoriented condition and the elephant is able to disengage from any melee without penalty. Sweep: by thrashing their trunk about, the elephant pushes its target and all adjacent creatures 2 cubitus away, knocking them Prone. -

Suggested Encounters


Elephants are social animals who live in groups of up to 10 individuals, who can quickly scatter into smaller groups of 2 or 3. Solitary elephants, although a minority, can be rather aggressive.

Difficulty: 14 Ghiger

Movement: 7 Wounds: 21 Damage Reduction: 1 Qualities


Braced: Who would have thought, right? Reach: Elephants can attack enemies within 2 cubitus.


Distraction: by vigorously beating its wings, the buitre causes a thick pall of dust to cover a 2 by 2 cubitus square area. All Characters within suffer the Disoriented condition and the buitre is capable of disengaging without penalty from any melee.




Beak: 14 1


Thick Skin: Elephants ignore the Piercing property. Multiple Attacks: Elephants attack with both Tusks and Feet.

Claws: 12 1


Size: Enormous Skills: Athletics 12 (+4) – Senses 12 (+4)


Role: Antagonist

This large feline plagues the ruins of cities and towns, taking residence in the tallest building from which they keep an eye over their territory. Although at first glance they resemble the sabertooth tigers that lived in the forests of the country, those unlucky enough to meet them realize things are not as they seem. Their apparently dirty coat is black-striped blue

361 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 and their paws boast claws and suckers that allow them to climb vertical surfaces with ease. However, their most disconcerting characteristic is the second mouth nestled within their jaws, armed with numerous rows of sharp teeth, capable of jamming into the body of the unlucky victim, place their eggs and retract back. Then, those eggs will hatch new gighers, who will feed on the entrails of the poor host, emerging from their abdomen when their growth is over. Rank: Veteran

Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 15 Evade: 13


Infestation: the beast grabs their victim with their claws, opens their maw and another mouth springs forth from their throat, jamming into the enemy’s flesh. The ghiger immediately makes a bite attack. On a hit, they implant an egg in their target that must be surgically removed (Difficulty 13 Handicraft Test). Otherwise, the new gigher will grow inside them, tearing their way out within a week.



Skills: Athletics 16 (+1), Agility 13 (+2), Stealth 17 (+2), Senses 19 (+4) Special



Ambush: this beast prefers to ambush their prey. They deal 1 extra point of damage to Surprised targets. Multiple Attacks: every round, a ghiger attacks with both claws and bite.

Attacks 2






Initiative: 13 Dodge: 10 Evade: 11


9 10 11 12

Bite: 14 1

362 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



Role: Antagonist

Rank: Expert

Claws: 16 1

Difficulty: 11 Movement: 7 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: – Qualities


Size: Large 4





9 10 11 12


This unusual, striped elk is so rare it is considered almost a myth, associated with goodness and justice. It is extremely rare to find a hornmule in the Itteghi woodlands, as it prefers fleeing rather than fighting. Legends say that this animal is capable of seeing into one’s soul, and that it attacks only the vile and cowardly, while protecting those who cannot defend themselves.

Vertical Movement: ghigers are capable of moving easily on walls or ceilings. -

Suggested Encounters

These beasts infest the ruins of cities, moving in groups that can vary from 6 to 8 individuals.

Size: Large



Leap: the ghiger dodges the attack, leaping over their target and making a move.

Movement: 12 Wounds: 9 Damage Reduction: –




Skills: Senses 11 – Charm 12






Multiple Attacks: the hornmule attacks with both Horns and Hooves every round. Fear: every Character who sees a hornmule must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 12 or suffer the Frightened condition. -










9 10 11 12





9 10 11 12

Hooves: 10 1






Ram: the hornmule dodges the attack and rams its target, sending them 3 cubitus away, Prone. Puppy Eyes: you just shot a hornmule, you depraved git! Are you proud of yourself, now!? Gripped by despair, the Character breaks into tears, suffering the Dazed condition. -

Horns: 12 1


Suggested Encounters


The hornmule is almost a mythical animal, usually living alone. Their rarity and cultural significance, however, are such that an encounter with a hornmule should be used as a role-playing challenge rather than a combat one.

363 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Role: Add

The most widely used mount in Vulcania, thanks to its relatively low cost and innate resistance to long journeys. Horses are peaceful animals, but are known to strike unsuspectingly hard those on the receiving end of their hooves. It is thought they originated in Mostucaal, although today they can be found all over the world. Rank: Newbie


Their society is matriarchal, their sense of smell extremely keen, and their thirst for blood legendary. Hyenas love to settle in crags or use dens dug by other creatures, from which they defend their hunting grounds with extreme prejudice. Hyena packs count a great many individuals, sometimes up to 15, and can smell blood from many hundred cubitus away, making their presence extremely dangerous for wounded adventurers.

Difficulty: 6

Initiative: 7 Dodge: 6 Evade: 6

Rank: Newbie

Movement: 8 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: – Qualities






Skills: Athletics 10 (+3) – Senses 11 (+4)








Thirst for Blood: when they smell blood, hyenas focus their attacks on the most wounded enemy. -


Hooves: 8



Size: Small

Kick: a mighty strike with the horse’s hooves shoves the enemy 2 cubitus away and inflicts the Disoriented condition.


Movement: 7 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


Skills: Athletics 8 (+2) – Senses 8 (+2)


Difficulty: 7

Initiative: 7 Dodge: 8 Evade: 6


Size: Large


Role: Add


Bite: 7 4





9 10 11 12

Suggested Encounters

1 -

Other than their use as mounts by a group of enemies, it is rare to fight horses.









9 10 11 12



Shove: attacking its target‘s throat, the hyena inflicts the Unbalanced condition. -

Suggested Encounters


Pack tactics are the strong suit of the hyena. For alpha female hyenas, use the profile of a wolf.

364 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Role: Antagonist

The ilvrys is a small, agile, and fast feline commonly known as the Nuug lynx, although present also in Itteghasp, Ketniv, and Mostucaal with slightly different characteristics. It is found mostly in forests, where it can make the best use of its speed. Rank: Newbie


These barrel-chested and thick-furred canines are known for being able to walk erect for short periods of time, allowing them to deliver deceptively powerful blows. They live in large packs in the Mos mountains, wherever one might find other canines such as wolves.

Difficulty: 7

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Rank: Expert

Movement: 9 Wounds: 5 Damage Reduction: – Qualities




Dark Vision: the ilvrys can see in the dark. Attacks


Bite: 10 1











Fury: The murderous fury of these creatures is famous, allowing them to fight even when other creatures would have fallen. When their Wounds reach zero, they fight for an additional round, ignoring any damage or conditions before dying. -




The ilvrys is mostly a solitary predator that should not pose a threat to a group of Characters. However, it is also cunning and opportunistic, and could profit from a moment of difficulty to attack isolated or wounded party members. Phi division Markonists are also known for having one of these animals as a companion.


Bite: 14 1








9 10 11 12






9 10 11 12

Claws: 12

Pounce: the ilvrys dodges the attack, pounces over its target, and moves its Movement distance. Suggested Encounters


Multiple Attacks: every round, the osolobo attacks with both its Claws and Bite.

Flurry of Slashes: the ilvrys inflicts the Disoriented condition on its target.



Dark Vision: Osolobos can see in the dark.

9 10 11 12



Skills: Athletics 16 (+3) – Senses 17 (+4)

Ambush: Like many other large felines, the ilvrys prefers to catch its prey by surprise. Ilvrys’ inflict 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets. -

Qualities Size: Large

Stealth 13 (+4) – Senses 13 (+4) Abilities

Movement: 7 Wounds: 8 Damage Reduction: –


Skills: Athletics 12 (+3) – Agility 11 (+2) – Special

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 15 Evade: 12

Size: Medium


Role: Antagonist

1 -





Intimidating Howl: the osolobo stands on its hind legs and lets out a blood-curdling howl. All enemies who can hear it suffer the Slowed condition.

365 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Rank: Expert

Reactive Bite: the osolobo bites the hand that tried to hit it. The target suffers 1 point of damage. -

Suggested Encounters

Otus (Giant Owl)

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Movement: 6 Wounds: 10 Damage Reduction: – Qualities



Size: Large

Role: Antagonist

Otus are enormous owls found mostly in Ketniv and Itteghasp, although some with white plumage have been sighted in Nuugard, too. Legends say that otus have an intelligence comparable to that of the humans they bond with. Although science has proven this rumor to be just that, they remain animals particularly fit for Markonist training.


Initiative: 13 Dodge: 10 Evade: 11


These canines can live in packs of more than 10 individuals.

Difficulty: 11

Skills: Stealth 13 (+2) – Senses 15 (+4) -




Ambush: swooping from the sky with its almost dead silent feathers, an otus is a perfect stealth predator. Otus inflict 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets.

ADVERSARIES Dark Vision: Otus can see in the dark. Flying: the Movement score of the otus is its flying speed. When it moves on land, its Movement score becomes 3. -



Claws: 11 1









Blinding Beak: the otus dodges the attack and stabs its opponent with its beak, inflicting the Slowed condition. Suggested Encounters


Giant owls live alone and only rarely attack in pairs. However, they are more commonly seen as companions of ethomarkonists of the more belligerent type. Phoneutria

Movement: 7 Wounds: 8 Damage Reduction: – Qualities



Size: Large

Rend: once it has sunk its claws into its target, the otus attacks with its beak for an additional 1 point of damage.


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 12 Evade: 13

9 10 11 12



Rank: Veteran

Skills: Stealth 16 (+3) – Senses 14 (+1) -



Ambush: the phoneutria inflicts 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets. Braced: with eight legs available, knocking a spider Prone or pinning them to the ground is impossible. Vertical Movement: thanks to their special hairs, phoneutria are capable of moving at full speed along walls and ceilings. Deadly Poison: the poison of this creature inflicts 1 point of damage the turn it is injected. Then, the target must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 14 at the beginning of each turn or suffer 2 points of damage the first turn, 3 the second, and so on until they die. Dark Vision: Phoneutrias can see in the dark.

Role: Villain

Originally found in Balastoc, the phoneutria is a spider that has adapted to living in every Islenation. Its poison is considered among the deadliest in the animal realm, to the point where whole trade routes have been devoted to the specific commerce of the poison glands of this dangerous predator. After the war, however, Balastoc banned its export, although that did not completely stop smugglers and black market agents. Phoneutrias nest in caves or dilapidated buildings, where it can lay its eggs undisturbed before heading out into the night to hunt. Since it cannot weave the characteristic spider web, the phoneutria waits for its prey, hidden in some crag or hanging from the ceiling of a cave, before swooping in for the kill.





Bite: 14 1 -









9 10 11 12 -

Vampire: sucking a copious dose of blood from its victim, the phoneutria heals a number of Wounds equal to the damage it just inflicted. Retreat: the phoneutria dodges the attack and moves up to twice its Movement score. If it ends its movement under the cover of shadows, it hides immediately.

367 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Suggested Encounters


These large, hairy spiders usually live in solitude, although more populous colonies have been registered in underground complexes. Definitely not a pleasant spot for a vacation… Pifu Humped Gorilla

Purple Lizard

Possibly the most sought-after mount in the world, the purple lizard is renowned for its speed and agility. These large lizards live mostly in Ketniv, but their ability in navigating difficult terrain made them useful in other Islenations, too, where they have been successfully imported and used as mounts.

Role: Antagonist

Rank: Expert

This primate, typical of the northern Balas isles, is named for the large, fat protuberance over its shoulders that gives it its famous prancing gait. However, as funny as the humped gorilla’s gait is, fighting one on its turf is definitely not. Rank: Expert










Suggested Encounters



Bite: 10 1



Humped gorillas live in families of 4 or 5. For the sake of variety, a fight could see an alpha male involved, using the profile of an osolobo.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)



9 10 11 12

Grapple: after dodging the attack, the gorilla grabs the face of its target with an enormous hand and lobs them at a secondary target within 2 cubitus. Both targets suffer 1 point of damage and the Unbalanced condition.



Dark Vision: purple lizards can see in the dark.


Punch: after biting, the gorilla throws a mighty punch that Dazes its target.



Vertical Movement: thanks to their claws, crimson lizards are capable of moving at full speed along trees, rock faces, and walls alike.

Bite: 12 2


Senses 13 (+2) -


Qualities Skills: Athletics 13 (+2) – Agility 14 (+3) –

Skills: Athletics 14 (+3) – Senses 13 (+2) -

Movement: 10 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: –

Size: Medium

Size: Large


Initiative: 13 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10

Movement: 6 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: –


Difficulty: 11


Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 12 Evade: 10

Role: Antagonist









9 10 11 12



Push: standing on its hind legs, the lizard pushes its target 2 cubitus away, inflicting the Unbalanced condition. Sweep: the crimson lizard sweeps its tail and strikes at the enemy’s legs, knocking them Prone. -

Suggested Encounters


Crimson lizards live in colonies of up to 6 individuals and, being prized mounts, are usually found bearing riders.



Role: Antagonist

This enormous snake is among the worst things to encounter in Ketnyi valleys. It lives mostly in proximity to rivers, being a good swimmer. However, it is a deadly predator that crushes its victims before swallowing them whole. Rank: Newbie Initiative: 19 Dodge: 12 Evade: 11 -




Ambush: like many other predators, pythons prefer to catch their prey by surprise. Pythons inflict 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets and can use their Constrict Opportunity even if their target obtains a simple Failure on the related Test. Braced: Pythons, you know, they slither. Slithery gits...

Difficulty: 11

Dark Vision: Pythons can see in the dark.

Movement: 6 Wounds: Damage Reduction: – Qualities





Bite: 12 1








9 10 11 12

Size: Large Skills: Brawl 15 (+4) – Stealth 14 (+3) – Senses 13 (+2)

369 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Opportunities



Constrict: the python coils around its target, inflicting the Immobilized condition. Every round, it can use its Bite to deal 1 point of damage and the target can only attempt to break free by passing an opposed Brawl Test. Retreat: the python dodges the attack and moves up to its Movement score. If it ends its movement under the cover of shadows, it hides immediately. -

Suggested Encounters

Role: Antagonist

This large, irascible herbivore is known for charging anything that moves on sight. Perhaps its poor eyesight causes it to see perils that do not exist or it attacks out of fun… or spite. The massive horn on its forehead is rather satisfying to plunge into the soft belly of a hapless adventurer, after all. Who can blame them, right? Not to mention the thick skin of these behemoths, capable of turning blades. Better pack some guns, friends. Rank: Veteran Initiative: 11 Dodge: 12 Evade: 12 -

Difficulty: 13 Movement: 12 Wounds: 11 Damage Reduction: 2 Qualities

Size: Enormous Skills: Strength 15 (+2)

370 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)





Fury: when their Wounds reach zero, rhinoceroses fight for an additional round ignoring any damage or conditions before dying. Braced: no amount of drugs could help you in shoving a rhinoceros aside, friend. And even if it could, they are immune, so they do not care. -



Horn: 14


Pythons hunt alone and finding more than one in the same place is almost unheard of. However, not beyond the notorious sadism of your Narrator powers! Rhinoceros










9 10 11 12




Impale: impaling the enemy on its horn, the rhinoceros throws them 2 cubitus away and inflicting 1 additional point of damage. Murderous Intent: when shot at, the rhinoceros disengages from its current target without any penalties and charges the shooter. -

Suggested Encounters


Rhinoceroses live in 4 to 6 member packs. Rokrok

Role: Add

Rokrok are belligerent animals, known for their speed and the ferocity with which they defend their territory. Like many other Abrabazi animals, they appeared less than ten years before the current day, mutated into existence by the explosion of Mount Abrabaz. They look like large ostriches, covered in a thick carapace and armed with a beak strong enough to tear through armored plates. Rank: Expert Difficulty: 13 Initiative: 11 Dodge: 9 Evade: 10

Movement: 9 Wounds: 3 Damage Reduction: 1




Size: Large Skills: Athletics 12 (+2) – Senses 12 (+2) -




Piercing Beak: the beak of a rokrok has the Piercing property. -



Royal Hawk

These birds of prey live in temperate areas, nesting in trees or cliffs where they are safe from predators. Their wingspan is more than three cubitus and, thanks to their sharp claws and strong beak, they are capable of besting larger animals like sheep or goats. Although the royal hawk is the predator par excellence in Vulcania, the following profile could also be used for birds of prey of similar size.

Beak: 10 1




Rank: Newbie 4





9 10 11 12


Suggested Encounters

Movement: 12 Wounds: 4 Damage Reduction: –




Size: Medium


Like many animals mutated by the cataclysm, society is still confused about how these creatures behave. It is known, however, that they tend to wander in groups of 6 to 8 individuals. Somebody even managed, somehow, to use them as mounts.

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 8 Evade: 9


Painful Lunge: the rokrok plunges its beak into its target, inflicting great pain and the Slowed condition. -

Role: Add

Skills: Analysis 11 (+2) – Senses 13 (+4) Special




Flying: the Movement score of the royal hawk is its flying speed. When it moves on land, its Movement score becomes 3. -



Claws: 9 1 -








9 10 11 12



Beak: the hawk dodges the attack and strikes with its beak, inflicting 1 point of damage. -

Suggested Encounters


Royal hawks are solitary animals, who attack on sight should their nest be in danger. Other birds of prey, like vultures, might instead attack in small waves of 5 to 8. Characters who suffer a lot of damage during a battle might also attract some of these creatures when the dust settles down.

371 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 Skerpien

Role: Villain

This enormous scorpion lives in the Balas desert, where it nests close to abandoned settlements and rock formations. It is extremely territorial, and spends most of its time buried in the sand, waiting for hapless prey to jump upon. Rank: Heroic


Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 16 Dodge: 15 Evade: 13



Size: Enormous Skills: Brawl 19 (+3) – Stealth 18 (+2) – Senses 18 (+2) -




Skerpien Hatchling

Multiple Attacks: every round, the skerpien attacks with both Claws. Braced: skerpiens cannot be shoved, grappled, or pinned to the ground. Attacks









Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Movement: 6 Wounds: 3 Damage Reduction: –




Size: Enormous Skills: Stealth 15 (+2) – Senses 15 (+2) Special



Multiple Attacks: every round, the skerpien attacks with both Claws.

9 10 11 12 -

Paralyzing Poison: the skerpien plunges its stinger into its target, injecting its poison. The target is immediately Paralyzed and must roll a Resistance Test against Difficulty 17 to resist its effect.


Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 13 Evade: 13


Role: Add

Rank: Heroic


Pincer: 17 1


Young skerpiens are less imposing than their fully-grown counterparts, although they still should not be underestimated. They live in large groups, with their mother usually not far away. And if you thought one skerpien was bad enough… have a bucket of them!

Ambush: Skerpiens inflict 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets and can use their Paralyzing Poison Opportunity even if the target rolled only a simple Failure on the related Test.


Suggested Encounters

These giant scorpions are found alone or with 6 to 8 hatchlings.

Movement: 8 Wounds: 16 Damage Reduction: 2


Grab: the skerpien clamps its pincers around its target, inflicting the Immobilized condition. To break free, the target can attempt an opposed Brawl Test at the beginning of their turn. While grabbing an opponent, the skerpien inflicts 1 point of damage each round and can still attack with its other pincer.




Pincer: 14 1








9 10 11 12

ADVERSARIES Opportunities




Suggested Encounters


Role: Villain

Tigers are large and deadly ambush predators that live both in tropical rainforests and frozen conifer woodlands. Rank: Expert


Movement: 9 Wounds: 9 Damage Reduction: – Qualities


Skills: Athletics 15 (+2) – Stealth 16 (+3) – Abilities






9 10 11 12








9 10 11 12




Dismember: grabbing its prey with its forelegs, the tiger strikes with its hind claws, inflicting 2 additional points of damage and the Dazed condition. Pounce: the tiger dodges the attack, pounces over its target, and moves its Movement distance. -

Suggested Encounters


Rank: Expert


Multiple Attacks: every round, the tiger attacks with both its Claws and Bite. Fear: the sight of this enormous cat is enough to make a trained Nuug warrior rethink a few of their life choices. Every Character who sees a tiger must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 13 or suffer the Frightened condition.

Role: Villain

Tobimasyi are flies that feed on the blood of their victims and form swarms so large that they can attack small settlements. Because of this, they are often called hellflies. Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 13 Evade: 14

Ambush: like many other large felines, the tiger prefers to catch its prey by surprise. Tigers inflict 1 additional point of damage to Surprised targets.

Dark Vision: Tigers can see in the dark.


Bite: 11

Senses 17 (+4) Special



Size: Medium



Tigers hunt alone and are not likely to attack an entire and fully armed group. However, if without any other option, a tiger is a powerful opponent.

Difficulty: 13

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 14 Evade: 12



Half a dozen happy scorpions, all hugging their mommy.


Claws: 11

or Paralyzing Poison: the skerpien plunges its stinger into its target, injecting its poison. The target is immediately Paralyzed and must roll a Resistance Test against Difficulty 15 resist its effect. -



Movement: 6 Wounds: 13 Damage Reduction: 2 Qualities


Size: Enormous Skills: Senses 15 -




Flailing Attacks: tobimasyi attack all targets caught within the area of the swarm. Swarm:: swarms of tobimasyi cover a 4 cubitus by 4 cubitus area, occupying the spaces of any other

373 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 8 creatures, ignore the Piercing property, and suffer double damage from area of effect weapons.

Debilitating Poison: Tobimasyi stings inject a poison that causes a -1 penalty to all Tests. At the beginning of their turn, poisoned targets must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 13 or suffer an additional -1. If they pass the Test, the effect ends.


These beautiful hawks live on the coastlines and feed mostly on fish. Although not aggressive, they are determined when defending their hunting grounds and flock. Rank: Newbie

Flying: they’re flies, they fly. -










Movement: 9 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: –


9 10 11 12


Difficulty: 8

Initiative: 10 Dodge: 8 Evade: 9


Bite: 14 1

Role: Add



Size: Medium


Skills: Senses 12 (+4)

Hemorrhage: the Characters bit by the tobimasyi swarm suffer the Dazed condition.


Focus: the flies attack the targets that missed them, inflicting 1 point of damage and injecting their poison.

Flying: the Movement score of the ying is its flying speed. When it moves on land, its Movement score becomes 3.



Suggested Encounters


Individual hellflies are too small to be counted separately, which is why the swarm is often considered a single entity. However, Narrators who pitch their Characters against two swarms at the same time are bad people and should feel ashamed. Or not: at the end of the day, they are the Narrator. They can.






Claws: 8 1 -








9 10 11 12



Rend: once it has sunk its claws into its target, the ying attacks with its beak for an additional 1 point of damage. Pierce: the ying dodges the attack and sinks its beak into its attacker, inflicting the Slowed condition. -

Suggested Encounters


Yings, like many other birds of prey, live and hunt in flocks of around a dozen individuals.

374 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


This large carnivorous primate lives in the frozen lands of north Nuugard, where it lords over expansive hunting grounds. Although resembling not much more than enormous white apes, whaanpas are surprisingly cunning, capable of using simple tools like clubs or sharpened stakes and even keeping wolves or lynxes as pets. Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 16

Initiative: 14 Dodge: 16 Evade: 15

Movement: 6 Wounds: 18 Damage Reduction: 1




Size: Large Skills: Brawl 18 – Senses 17 – Aggression 17 -




Fury: when its Wounds reach zero, the whaanpa fights for an additional round ignoring any damage or conditions before dying.

Human Club: the whaanpa grabs the poor soul who just missed it and uses them as an improvised weapon until they manage to break free. The target is now Restrained and at the beginning of each round can attempt a Brawl Test against Difficulty 18 to break free. If used as a weapon, both the Character and the target they are used to strike suffer 1 point of damage. -







Role: Add

Rank: Newbie

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 9 Evade: 8

Movement: 5 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: – Qualities




Size: Medium Skills: Athletics 11 (+2) – Senses 13 (+4)






9 10 11 12

Claws: 16 1


Like other animals originating from Nuugard, the voolk, also known as wolf, is present almost everywhere and is a much greater threat than a wild dog!

Bite: 16 1

Suggested Encounters

Luckily for adventurers, these creatures are solitary and, at worst, can be encountered accompanied by 2 or 3 wolves or lynxes.

Fear: the sight of this enormous ape is enough to make a trained Uurka warrior rethink a few of their life choices. Every Character who sees a whaanpa must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 17 or suffer the Frightened condition. Multiple Attacks: every round, the whaanpa attacks with both its Claws and Bite.


Hemorrhaging Bite: the whaanpa bites a chunk of flesh off their target, who starts bleeding profusely. Until they spend a full round to staunch the bleeding, the target suffers 1 point of damage at the beginning of their turn each round.

Thick Skin: the whaanpa ignores the Piercing property.




Role: Villain






9 10 11 12





Dark Vision: wolves can see in the dark.

375 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)




Bite: 10 1 -








9 10 11 12



Shove. Attacking its target’s throat, the wolf inflicts the Unbalanced condition. -

Suggested Encounters


Aquatic Creatures The oceans that cover the majority of Vulcania’s surface are the home of endless varieties of creatures, no less deadly than their land-based counterparts. When out of their element, aquatic creatures suffer a -4 penalty to all Tests and can remain alive only for a limited amount of time. When in water, however, they all count as having the Braced special rule.

Wolves live in large packs and could attack by the dozens.

Butcher Whale

Role: Villain

One of the most fearsome predators in Vulcania, the butcher whale is a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth attached to a six cubitus long body. Its keen hearing and sense of smell allow a butcher whale to sense blood up to a kilocubitus away and, once it has clamped its maws on its prey, it usually is a matter of seconds before there is not much left of it. Rank: Heroic

Difficulty: 14

Initiative: 12 Dodge: 15 Evade: 14

Movement: 7 Wounds: 11 Damage Reduction: 1




Size: Enormous Skills: Senses 18 (+4) -




Thick Skin: the butcher whale ignores the Piercing property. Terror: the sight of these creatures is enough to overwhelm the sanity of even the bravest warriors. Every Character who sees a butcher whale must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 12 or suffer the Terrorized condition. -

Attacks Bite: 14 1 2 3

376 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)






9 10 11 12

ADVERSARIES Opportunities



Hemorrhaging Bite: the butcher whale bites a chunk of flesh off its target, who starts bleeding profusely. Until they spend a full round to staunch the bleeding, at the beginning of their turn each round the target suffers 2 points of damage. Tail Swipe: the butcher whale reacts by swiping its tail, causing a whirlpool in the surrounding waters. Every Character within 3 cubitus suffers the Slowed condition. -

Suggested Encounters


Butcher whales usually wander in groups of 3 to 4, although solitary hunters have been spotted from time to time. Giant Squid

Rank: Expert








9 10 11 12



Bite: the giant squid attacks its prey with its beak, inflicting the Slowed condition. Ink Cloud: the giant squid expels a cloud of ink that blinds its targets and allows it to disengage without penalty and move away undisturbed. -

Suggested Encounters


Giant squids wander the seas in groups of 6 to 8 individuals. Role: Add

These unusual gelatinous creatures move in populous packs, often ruining the holidays of the wealthy. A jellyfish is a large rigid cap from which trail long, poisonous tendrils used to sap the strength of its victim before eating it. Rank: Newbie

Difficulty: 9

Initiative: 8 Dodge: 9 Evade: 7 -

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: – Qualities



Size: Large

Size: Large

Skills: –

Skills: Brawl 19 (+2) – Senses 18 (+1) -



Movement: 6 Wounds: 6 Damage Reduction: – Qualities



Difficulty: 11

Initiative: 11 Dodge: 12 Evade: 10

Attacks Tentacle: 17

Role: Antagonist

These large cephalopods are found in large quantities in the seas of Vulcania, moving in groups and hunting with tentacle and beak. Usually, giant squids are hunted by sharks and other large predators, although when their communities increase in number they could pose a significant threat.






Multiple Attacks: the giant squid attacks with its Tentacles twice every round. Reach: The Tentacles of a giant squid can attack anything within 3 cubitus.




Debilitating Poison: jellyfish tendrils inject a poison that causes a -1 penalty to all Tests. At the beginning of their turn, poisoned targets must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 13 or suffer an additional -1. If they pass the Test, the effect ends.

377 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)




Flailing Attacks: The oktopus attacks every target within reach with its tentacles.

Tentacle: 8 1








9 10 11 12




Chromatic Illusion: thanks to its translucent cap, the jellyfish confuses its target, inflicting the Disoriented condition. Stinging Touch: after successfully avoiding an attack, the jellyfish can inflict its Debilitating Poison effect. -

Suggested Encounters

Tentacles. All the tentacles in the world. Boring? Perhaps, but try saying that to the sailors who had to deal with one. Normally, it lives in the abyssal depths of the oceans, but when it is time to feed, it is found closer to the surface, definitely not going unnoticed. As far as humanity is concerned, there is no consolidated knowledge on how to kill one. Perhaps, because nobody ever managed to accomplish such a suicidally daring feat. Difficulty: 17

Initiative: 17 Dodge: 18 Evade: 15

Movement: 15 Wounds: 35 Damage Reduction: 1 Qualities



Skills: Brawl 19 – Senses 18 Special



Thick Skin: the oktopus ignores the Piercing pro-

378 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)




Tentacle: 17 1








9 10 11 12



Constriction: the oktopus coils a tentacle around its target, inflicting the Immobilized condition. Every round, the oktopus deals 2 points of damage to the Immobilized target and they can only attempt to break free by passing an opposed Brawl Test. Sweep: with a powerful sweep, the oktopus pushes all creatures within reach 2 cubitus away and inflicts the Prone condition. -

Suggested Encounters


One is more than enough. There are things even Narrators should not do. Scorpion Fish

Size: Colossal -

Terror: perhaps “common sense” is a touch more appropriate, is it not? Every Character who sees an oktopus must pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 17 or suffer the Terrorized condition.


Role: Villain

Rank: Heroic

Reach: the oktopus can attack targets within 6 cubitus.


Jellyfish roam in large groups of up to 20 elements. Oktopus


Role: Add

At a first glance, one could say that the only weapon in the arsenal of this fish is its legendary ugliness. However, although admittedly not much of a threat otherwise, the scorpion fish is called so for a reason. Its dorsal spines inject a paralyzing poison that is capable of making short work of any prey that does not breath underwater.


Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 13 Dodge: 16 Evade: 16

Rank: Veteran

Movement: 4 Wounds: 2 Damage Reduction: – Qualities


Difficulty: 15

Initiative: 15 Dodge: 15 Evade: 16 -

Movement: 6 Wounds: 18 Damage Reduction: 1 Qualities


Size: Medium

Size: Enormous

Skills: Stealth 18 – Senses 17

Skills: Senses 18 (+3)





Ambush: The scorpion fish waits hidden under the beach sand for its prey before pouncing to automatically inject its poison. -



Bite: 14 1








9 10 11 12




or Paralyzing Poison: the target is immediately paralyzed and, at the beginning of their turn, must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 16 to recover the use of their body. -

Suggested Encounters


The scorpion fish is a solitary predator by nature, although usually where there is one giant squids could also be near, attracted by the smell of blood. Piranha

Role: Villain

Oh, please, do not mind the bite marks on the skeleton in the pond… These foot-long animals seem harmless until they sense prey. Then, it is only a matter of seconds before what is left of the poor idiot careless enough to wade into their territory is turned into bloody ribbons.






Flailing Attacks: Piranhas attack everything caught in the area occupied by their school. Swarm a piranha school occupies a 4 cubitus by 4 cubitus area, including the spaces of any creatures caught within it. Area of effect weapons deal double damage and ignore its Damage Reduction. However, piranha schools ignore the Piercing property. -



Bite: 15 1 -








9 10 11 12



Hemorrhaging Bite: moving and flailing about is the last thing to do when one has four or five piranhas solidly attached to their arms or legs. Until they spend a full round to staunch the bleeding, the target suffers 1 point of damage at the beginning of their turn each round. -

Suggested Encounters


Where piranhas live, one can be sure they have extinguished all life forms for a few hundred cubitus.

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First Hunter. It was the highest commendation for a warrior of the majestic city of Shael-Igurrath, the Xhuul capital. He had fought much for that, forced to use every drop of power to survive the tests the Council of Elders had put him through. And now, the crowds in the arena cheered, euphorically chanting his name… As much as the memory was dear to him, however, he could feel that sense of elation slip into the immensity of the universe he had been plunged into centuries before. The Elders had told them it would be their deliverance from the doom that was about to strike the planet, although he would have preferred death. Much better than that cosmic expanse of galaxies beyond his reach, causing him only nausea and desperation. All of a sudden, however, something caught his attention: A sphere of blue light appeared close to him, gradually growing until it had taken the form of a portal. Beyond it, Goro could see the ruins of an ancient, somewhat familiar, city. Shael-Igurrath! Realization came crashing upon him. There, a man with his hands on the portal was chanting incomprehensible words, and in that instant Goro understood fate had given him a second shot at freedom. He focused his whole might into the mind of that poor, frail creature who had the gall to venture there, crushing his feeble defenses. Then, he opened his eyes. Actual, flesh and blood eyes.

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381 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


The Usual Suspects “The Usual Suspects” is an adventure designed as a hands-on introduction to the world of Vulcania for both the players and their Narrator. Although it is intended for a group of 4 Newbie Rank Characters, the players will have multiple opportunities to get a glimpse of possible future threats. For you, the Narrator, The Usual Suspects is an occasion to practice the rules of the game and various techniques of preparing campaigns and navigating a plot. Should you have more than 4 players at the table, remember that it is good enough to add more enemies so that the total Wounds of the encounter equals that of the group to balance things out. Other than that, it’s mostly a matter of following the plot one act at a time and reading or paraphrasing the narration sidebars. As one can never be prepared enough, we have included dedicated sections to help you to deal with the choices your players might make. The profiles of the enemies in this adventure can be found in Chapter 8 – Adversaries. Before starting to play, however, we advise you to read The Usual Suspects from cover to cover once in order to not be completely caught by surprise at the game table! You know, players happen... If you are a player, stop reading right here! All the spoilers are ahead!


Thousands of years ago, the young world of Vulcania was inhabited by the Xhuul, a species of cephalopod humanoids who evolved a highly advanced society which, thanks to their wide knowledge of astronomy, had foreseen their extinction at the hands of a large asteroid. Seemingly doomed, they found a way to transfer their consciousness into a parallel dimension, building capsules to preserve their bodies as their minds roamed the immaterial, waiting the cataclysm out. Once the world was again capable of hosting life, the collective Xhuul minds were to return to their bodies in suspended animation and begin a new era of existence. Some—those who refused such a transformation and those who

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could not afford a capsule—stayed with their primitive human slaves, which they kept to compensate for Xhuul physical fragility. When the asteroid came, the Xhuul that were still awake were plunged into the abyss of the ocean with the rest of the world as the cataclysm spared only the six formations that would later be called Islenations. Humans barely survived extinction, as resources were scarce and the atmosphere barely breathable, but with the passing of centuries, somehow managed to develop into the contemporary societies. Of the Xhuul, however, only myths remained. Those who had not met their end during the fall of the meteor, in fact, remained trapped in an immaterial limbo of partial reality, without a way out until mankind itself restored them to life.


In the year 12 F, a particularly violent sand storm plagues the Mos Yutland. When the winds die down, a ruined complex of unknown architecture is found jutting from the sand on the horizon. A group of banderilleros stumbles onto this structure by chance, selling its location to a group of local archeologists who, somewhat aware of the potential magnitude of the discovery, soon present the case to the Monopolies. After a few weeks of field study, the archeological expedition starts digging and, after initial difficulties in excavating the halls of the compound from centuries of accumulated sand, they make a sensational discovery: The archeologists find a sarcophagus made entirely of conlio in one of the central buildings, bearing the remains of a humanoid life form never seen before. Information about the discovery is soon transmitted to the highest ranks of the Monopolies, who in turn send the Mos veteran Markonist Milo Van Aldez, with the task of gathering as much information about the creature buried in the sarcophagus as possible. Once at the dig site, Van Aldez initially faces failure in finding helpful clues, so he attempts to probe the structure with his mind, unaware that the body trapped inside the sarcophagus belongs to Goro, a powerful Xhuul whose consciousness remained caught in a timeless

INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS limbo for ages. After so much time there, Goro is determined to return to actual life and free his surviving brethren from their own immaterial prison. So, when Van Aldez opens his mind to interface with the sarcophagus, Goro pours his consciousness into it, overwhelming the Markonist’s defenses and taking control of him. During the following weeks, Goro leads the archeological expedition in discovering more sarcophagi and, as weeks turn into months, many more of the Xhuul return to the world within a human vessel. With patience and cunning, Goro is able to get more high-ranking Markonists possessed by his surviving brethren, starting to see an actual chance for returning his kind to their rightful place of power in the world. However, his plan for world domination is slowed by the fact that only Markonists have a powerful enough mind to host the consciousness of a Xhuul. Manipulating the scientists at their disposal, Goro begins a Xhuul experiment to turn humans into suitable vessels by injecting them with a conlio solution. The first tangible results, however, have significant side effects: the personality of the subject is completely erased, replaced with relentless murderous fury followed by all of their hair falling out and swelling of the cranial blood vessels. Goro’s final plan, then, is to infiltrate the other Monopolies and lead the world into a war that should grant the Xhuul control over the planet while they find a way to bring their mummified bodies back to life and eventually abandon their limited human husks. In their infinite arrogance, however, the Xhuul have made a grave mistake in assuming that an individual human could not became a serious threat to their plans. Professor Gosto Kordon, in fact, suspects that the excavation has transformed his colleagues somehow, and so he has secretly observed them for many months. Having gathered enough evidence to demonstrate the existence of these powerful beings, Kordon leaves the site for the safety of Itteghasp and hopes to hand all of his research materials to an old politician friend of his. Perhaps, he hopes, it is not too late to stop the Xhuul from infiltrating every level of society.

The secret organization of the Hornmule is tasked with monitoring the movements of the Monopolies and ensure that they do not turn into a world-wide tyranny and, although not yet aware of the plot orchestrated by Goro and the Xhuul, they know that something unusual is happening among the Monopolies’ highest ranks. Can our heroes secure professor Kordon’s evidence and warn the Hornmule before it is too late?


After the study of the sarcophagus began, Professor Kordon realized something had happened to his team. He knew Milo Van Aldez personally to be a correct and honorable, although extremely ambitious, man. Kordon had in fact been recruited by Van Aldez for his expertise in anthropology and history! The professor had already formulated a theory of his own about the site, assuming it was Azanul, an ancient temple complex where the local tribes brought their dead to ensure their safe passage to the world beyond life. Once on site, however, Kordon realized the place was far more ancient. After a few weeks without any significant results, Van Aldez decided to run Markonist analysis protocols: he maintained contact with the sarcophagus for hours, emerging exhausted and somehow changed by the experience. His manners turned from affable to gelid and controlled and, although Van Aldez claimed otherwise, Kordon had the feeling the demeanor of his colleague had been changed by his exposure to the sarcophagus. Thus, the professor chose to work more closely with his other colleagues, but at the same time keep a watchful eye on the situation. In spite of an increase in the frequency of his unusual behaviors, Van Aldez led the archaeologists with extreme precision in discovering ten new sarcophagi, after which his assistants started behaving in the same cold and distant manner. Over the following months, Van Aldez and his Markonist team gathered increasing amounts of power and influence within the expedition, even barring access to entire sections of the site. The other scholars were gradual-

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CHAPTER 9 ly excluded from the decision-making process and new workers from Balastoc were brought in for the occasion and tasked with working in the restricted areas. Many of them were never seen again. In spite of that, the team’s morale was kept high by the new discoveries, making the majority of researchers accept Van Aldez’s vague answers without asking too many questions. Months passed among the general indifference, but it was clear to Professor Kordon that something was wrong. So, one night he sneaked past the guards into the sarcophagus chamber, hoping to find something useful. He noticed an unusual, pulsating, green glow coming from the room, turning into a disturbing sight when he finally stepped into it. The greenish light spilled out of one of the sarcophagi, enveloping one of the missing attendants, who was tied to a cart and kept upright by a chanting Van Aldez. Before retreating, frightened by what he saw, the professor caught a picture with his simulacrum goggles, proof of what he had witnessed. He then returned to his tent, packed his belongings, and hastily fled. He rode for two days, arriving in Boslon and then taking an airship to Bravia. There, he intended to ask his ex-wife Margarita to hide him as he planned his next move. Discovering Kordon was missing, Goro-Van Aldez soon realized the enormity of the danger he represented to his plans, so he sent a team on the professor’s track, hoping to neutralize him before it was too late. Wishing to preserve his Markonist resources, Goro sent a group of Balas fanatics, easily swayed by his demonstrations of telepathic powers, led by Dokton, another Xhuul in a conlio-treated vessel. Equipped with a harness unearthed during the excavation that allowed him to control four mechanical arms, Dokton was a powerful and versatile warrior. His team tracked the professor to Bravia, where they started investigating his whereabouts. However, all of this movement was bound to attract the attention of the criminal underworld and as everybody knows when something is afoot, Lando Carrizo is the first to know about it. He had heard that a group of unusual individuals had been wandering around asking about some Professor Kordon, presumed to possess information or items of gre-

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at value, and he became curious about it. However, mister Carrizo, always the shrewd businessman, did not wish to expose himself or his assets before having more precise information. So, he chose to “contract” somebody “from outside the biz,” manipulating them from the shadows. And it is here that our heroes make their appearance! Chosen for their skills, Lando sets them up to be arrested in order to offer them their freedom in exchange for a favor: finding Kordon. Then, the group finds the location of the professor’s ex-wife, although they arrive too late, as Kordon has left for the station to take the first train headed to Goya. The group realizes that the fastest way to find the professor is to catch his train, although the journey is not to be a calm one. Dokton and his cronies had the same idea and are determined to kidnap the professor. Kordon, however, slows his pursuers by hiding and sending a decoy in his place. When the group attempts to reach the professor at Goya’s station, the Xhuul and his goons are hiding in the crowd, capturing Kordon before he can offer any resistance. Next, the group chases the kidnappers across the city, eventually finding their hideout only to discover that Kordon has already been transferred elsewhere. The Characters should then be able to find Dokton’s den, defeat his minions, and recover the professor’s simulacrum goggles containing the fateful evidence. Following the instructions of their “handler,” the group goes to contact Commander Edgard, tasked with their recovery and escort to Libertas to finish their mission… and their lives. Fortunately, the Hornmule is also aware of what is happening thanks to an infiltrator, and sends an airship to collect the group before Edgard arrives, warning them of the impending danger. An airborne chase follows, as Edgard does not wish to return to his master empty-handed, before the Characters manage to reach safety in one of the many local isles. Surviving the aerial chase, the group is now finally free to spend some time in tranquility before their next adventure… assuming everything went as it should have, of course!


Act i - Imprisoned

To help you react to the choices your players make and with narrating the events, this adventure features “IF THE PC’S” paragraphs. Of course, since nobody can really foresee exactly what those pesky villain-killers will do, these paragraphs are more guidelines, so feel absolutely free to supplement them with your own inventions or flex your improvisation muscles, if you feel up to the challenge!

The adventure begins in the Itteghi city of Bravia. Why the Characters are there is left to you and your players: some could live there, others could be visiting friends and relatives or looking for work or to settle business. Whatever the reason that brought them to Bravia, the Characters are individually arrested by the town militia and thrown into a common jail cell, charged with theft and attempted murder. There, they make their respective acquaintances, if they did not already know each other.


After the Characters have some time to socialize and, you know, complain about their new predicament, a guard arrives to lead them to their lawyer. Read or paraphrase the following paragraph: A few hours after your arrival here, one of the guards shows up at the door of your cell, banging on the steel bars with a truncheon. “Your lawyer’s here, ladies! You got half an hour, then you’re back here, got it?!” he leers as he opens the cell door and leads you to a nearby room. Entering, you notice a woman of minute build, with marked Ketnyi features, waiting at the only table, dressed elegantly and keeping a composed and measured demeanor. “Good evening. I am your lawyer, Kobayashi. First, allow me to apologize on behalf of my client for your inappropriate treatment, although I am afraid it was the only way to gather you together with the utmost discretion. As for your presence here, my client has a proposal for you that you, literally, cannot refuse, unless you wish to prolong your stay in the house of law. Obviously, were you to accept, my client is willing not only to have any and all accusations against you dropped, but also to reward you handsomely for your efforts. Tell me, then, can I count on your help?”

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CHAPTER 9 IF THE PC’S 1.1.1 – Wish to know who Kobayashi’s client is. “My client prefers to keep their identity secret, for the time being. It suffices for you to know that they are a rather influential person.” 1.1.2 – Refuse or ask what would happen were they to refuse. “My client is not one to tolerate when things do not follow their plans and, before sending me here had information about you gathered. I am sad to inform you that right now your loved ones are watched over by people I know for a fact would not take kindly to your refusal. I hope you will honor their request, as my client is willing to grant you an individual reward of 1000 $ pro capite once matters are settled.” 1.1.3 – Answer positively. “I am glad to see your enthusiasm. Your task is simple: you must find Professor Gosto Kordon and contact Captain Edgard for extraction via his airship, who will then accompany you to a secure location. For the arrangement with Captain Edgard, you will have to leave a mentographic message at the Milton Hotel in Bravia stating where you are staying. He will then inform you where to find him,” she says, before handing you a small piece of rolled paper. “It is key that you recover the professor’s equipment, too. Unfortunately, given the information my client suspects Kordon is in possession of, I am afraid you will not be the only one looking for him, so time is of the essence. We know that Professor Kordon has stayed at his ex-wife’s, the Zinear researcher Margarita Eiden, until last night, so you should start your search there. The paper I gave you contains the address of miss Eiden’s habitation. For this service, my client is willing to reward you with 1000 $ each… a respectable sum, you will agree. You can go, now. I will make sure your charges decay and you are escorted out of this shack.”

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The lawyer exchanges a few words with the guard, then you are released and handed your equipment back.


It is right after dinner when the Characters are released from prison. They must hurry, as the Xhuul’s minions are actively pursuing the professor. The group can reach miss Eiden’s house with an hourlong walk, take a steam omnibus at 50 cents per passenger, or book a taxi (10$ for a motorized vehicle or 5$ for a coach). IF THE PC’S 1.2.1 – Head immediately to miss Eiden’s house. The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is on the top floor, from which she enjoys a breath-taking view of Mount Enta. Once inside, you take the elegant inner staircase to the top floor and knock on the door. A short woman in her fifties with thick red hair matching the description you were given opens it and stares at you. “Who are you and what the hell do you want?” Convincing Margarita to let the group in: Aggression, Charm, or Cunning Test against Difficulty 11. On a Success: Margarita lets the Characters in and tells them the following: “Gosto arrived at my office at Zinear two days ago. I hadn’t seen him in a long time… we didn’t separate on the best of terms, you know, so I didn’t even want to see him. However, he looked so distraught that I ended up helping him. He said he was in danger, but didn’t say anything about why or what for fear of making me a target, I guess…? Tonight, when I returned home, I found he’d gone. He left this note, here, where he thanked me and said

INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS he’s going to Goya on the train that leaves tomorrow after lunch. I also found this other note reading SEAT 3 COACH 8. I don’t know anything else, I’m sorry.” Success with Opportunity: Margarita thinks the Characters are friends of the professor—or, if the Opportunity was on an Aggression Test, her fear for her own safety is such that she tells everything she knows. “Gosto arrived at my office at Zinear two days ago. I hadn’t seen him in a long time… we didn’t separate on the best of terms, you know, so I didn’t even want to see him. However, he looked so distraught that I ended up helping him. He told me he was in danger, but didn’t say anything about why or what for fear of making me a target, I guess. Tonight, when I returned home, I found he’d gone. He left this note, here, where he thanked me and said he’s going to Goya on the train that leaves tomorrow after lunch. I also found this other note reading SEAT 3 COACH 8. He wrote it to confuse his pursuers. He also told me he was going to lay a trap in case somebody followed him. Be careful, I think he’s in deep trouble.” Failure: Maragarita doesn’t trust you. “Leave immediately or I’ll call the guards!” Margarita shouts, then slams the door in your face before you can stop her. Opening the door again now requires a Test: • Lock Picking: Difficulty 13 • Strength: Difficulty 10 Should the Characters fail to overcome the obstacle within the next few seconds, Margarita starts screaming and triggers the event described in the next paragraph. Critical Failure: Maragarita doesn’t trust you. And it get worse.

Margarita’s eyes widen in fear, as she slams the door before you can stop her. You then hear her screaming from a window, “HELP! Somebody’s trying to kill me! Please, help!” Somebody shouts back from the street and then a few seconds later you hear a male voice from the staircase, “Who goes there?!” It seems Margarita attracted the attention of the town militia. Four guards come out of the stairway, heading towards the Characters, with the clear intention of arresting them. Depending on what happens, read respectively paragraph 1.2.2 or 1.2.3 • If the Characters decide to fight them, the group is made up of 1 Officer and 3 Guards. • If the Characters instead flee, they are not followed. 1.2.2 – If the Characters reach miss Eiden’s house later. The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is on the top floor, from which she enjoys a breath-taking view of Mount Enta. Given the late hour, the streets are deserted, save for a few militia guards patrolling the neighborhood. You enter the building, but when you arrive at the last section of the stairs, you hear voices and muffled screams coming from Margarita Eiden’s apartment. From the landing, you see a blade of light filtering beneath the door, guarded by two shady-looking individuals. The PC’s must pass a Stealth Test against Difficulty 8 to avoid being spotted by the lookouts. On a failure, the two sentries raise the alarm and Dokton orders them to kill the Characters before leaving the apartment from a window. The enemies are 2 Thugs and 4 Brutes and you can alter their equipment to whatever makes sense to you. Should the PC’s be able to take out the guards without being noticed, read or paraphrase the following:

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CHAPTER 9 Peeking inside the apartment, you notice four figures in dark clothes surrounding a short woman with red hair matching the description of Margarita Eiden. A fifth figure lifts her off the ground, grabbing her by the throat with what looks like a mechanical tentacle sprouting from a protrusion on its back. The woman seems to be choking and the weird character is about to throw her out the window! In the apartment are 4 Brutes and Dokton. If the Characters decide to face these enemies, Dokton lets the woman go and uses its tentacles to escape from the window, leaving its goons to deal with the group. If the PC’s win the fight and revive Margarita, she rewards them with the information in paragraph 1.2.1 as if they had scored a Success with Opportunity. 1.2.3 – If the Characters reach miss Eiden’s house the following day. The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is on the top floor, from which she enjoys a breath-taking view of Mount Enta. The streets are crowded with people milling about. Close to the building, you notice a small crowd is kept at bay by a group of militia guards, while two of them are inspecting the body of a woman lying face down in a pool of blood. From the mane of red hair and shorter height, you recognize the person described to you by the lawyer: Margarita Eiden! It looks like you arrived too late! Luckily for the PC’s, the guards have just arrived and Margarita’s apartment has not been inspected yet. • An Analysis Test against Difficulty 8 on Margarita’s body through the curious crowd allows the

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Characters to notice nasty-looking bruises on the sides of her neck, as if she had been gripped by something extremely strong. • To enter the building unnoticed, the Characters need to pass a Stealth Test, with a +2 bonus if the guards are distracted. • To enter the apartment, the PC’s must pass a Lock Picking Test against Difficulty 13 or a Strength Test against Difficulty 10, although the latter will alert the guards who enter the apartment after 5 rounds. • An Analysis Test against Difficulty 12 allows the Characters to find the note reading SEAT 3 COACH 8. With another successful Test, they recover the letter the professor left for miss Eiden so she could send it to his friend in Goya, warning of his arrival. If the group goes to the railway station, they find the train to Goya is leaving in the afternoon. 1.2.4 – Arrive at Margarita’s the following evening or later. The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is on the top floor, from which she enjoys a breath-taking view of Mount Enta. Given the late hour, the streets are deserted, save for a few militia guards patrolling the neighborhood. You enter the edifice, but hear voices coming from the corridor to miss Eiden’s apartment. On the landing, you see two guards watching the door. It looks like the militia has sequestered the place after something happened. It will not be easy to sneak inside and find clues. Now, the Characters must find a way inside the building. They could climb from the roof and pick the window’s lock with a Lock Picking Test against Difficulty 10, or they could distract the guards and pick the door’s lock, with another Lock Picking Test against Difficulty 13. Alternatively, they might

INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS come up with their own stratagems! If they do, all the best! An Analysis Test against Difficulty 12 allows the Characters to find the note reading SEAT 3 COACH 8. With another successful Test, they discover the letter the professor left to miss Eiden so she could send it to his friend in Goya, warning of his arrival. If the group heads for the railway station, they find that the train headed to Goya left in the early afternoon, so they are forced to take the next one or reach their destination in some other way.



- Deadly Railway

The group reaches the railway station around noon of the following day. There, they find out that the train to Goya is leaving at 2pm from Platform 1. Second class tickets cost 10 $ and first class ones cost 30 $, although they are sold out. Since this is the only train to Goya, it is very crowded, with no seats available. The officials checking tickets point the group to Coach 13, saying that the others are all full. Should the Characters convince the officials to allow them to get on the train at another coach, the crowd is such that it would be impossible. The train to Goya is a mighty, thirteen-coach-long vehicle, with an Excelsior locomotive fitted with posterior high-pressure cylinders out of the best Itteghi engineering workshops. Its powerful vaporuum engine grumbles and roars, belching white plumes of vapor from the locomotive’s main chimney and side exhausts. Close behind are the three first class coaches, including a restaurant, one that serves as a lounge for the wealthier guests, and one with private rooms. The remaining coaches are dedicated to second-class passengers and feature seats arranged in two rows with a narrow walkway between them. Coach 8 is roughly midway between the first and second classes. As you are planning your move, you are accosted by three officials who ask you to present your tickets and invite you to mount at the end of the train, on coach 13. Unfortunately, they say, the other coaches are already full. You notice, however, a patrol of about ten guards boarding the train for additional security before it departs. Now, the search is on.


Once on the train, the Characters are prevented from moving to other coaches by the dense crowd until later that evening, after the train stopped at the coastal town of Zephiria and some passengers left. Professor Kordon arrived at the crack of dawn, booked four seats, and placed a decoy there with his clothes and a trap that releases a toxic cloud on contact. After booby-trapping his presumed seat in coach

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CHAPTER 9 8, he took seat 4 in coach 5 in the hopes that his ruse is enough to convince his pursuers he is not on the train. IF THE PC’S 2.1.1 – Head for the seat in Margarita’s note You make your way through the mass of passengers in the corridors, passing coach after coach, until you somehow manage to reach coach 8. Opening the coach’s door, you look around for your objective and, in the press of people crowding the train, you spot a figure with a long, gray trench coat and a wide-brimmed hat who seems to be resting, their head leaning on the window. It occupies four seats. What looks to be Professor Kordon is his booby trap. If the Characters touch the decoy, its head falls off, arming the charge in its neck. A small explosion fills the vicinity with Fellas gas, a Balas poison capable of sending somebody into a deep slumber for many hours. To avoid its effects, the Characters must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 12.

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A few rounds after their arrival, Dokton and 5 Brutes storm the coach, looking for the professor. A Senses Test against Difficulty 12 alerts the Characters of the incoming threat. All of a sudden, the groan of metal directs your attention to the ceiling of the coach, as four mechanical arms begin tearing open a hole in the roof. After a few seconds, you realize these arms are connected to the back of a figure in a dark coat who stares at you, his bloodshot eyes filled with hatred. The wind howls through the tear, as the figure lowers himself inside the coach, his face partially covered by a februm mask. Two of the mechanical limbs dart towards you, while three Balast goons emerge from the crowd, drawing weapons and blocking the exits. Now, you have to fight for your life. If Kordon’s decoy is still intact, then Dokton moves to it, grasping it with one of his mechanical arms and triggering the trap. Even though much of the coach is hit by the gas, Dokton’s mask protects him from its effects.


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CHAPTER 9 Once the decoy has been discovered, Dokton and his cronies disengage from the group after two rounds and leave through the tear in the ceiling. After the fighting dies down, however, the Characters have but a few rounds before the guards arrive. Before that, read or paraphrase the following:


The shooting and clashing of steel wanes, replaced by the chugging of the locomotive. Through the tear in the ceiling, air whistles inside, whirling around books, newspapers, and anything else that is not nailed to a hard surface. The passengers who managed to hastily take cover start peeking from their shelters, looking bewildered at the corpses. The Balast thugs and a few of the passengers have fallen into puddles of blood, clogging the corridor between the two rows of seats. Amid the howling of the wind and the moans of the distressed survivors, you can hear guards shouting to lower your weapons.

The sun is setting when the train arrives at its intended destination. After such a journey, you are glad you finally made it to Goya, as the dark shape of the train station comes into view. What happened in Coach 8 has spread from passenger to passenger and everybody is trying to leave the train, and you are almost caught by the flow of people crowding the platform. The Goyan militia is attempting to take identities and, after a brief interrogation, you are left free to go towards the main hall.

Four guards enter the coach, keeping the Characters at gunpoint and instructing them to keep their hands well in sight as their weapons are taken away. The Characters can attempt a Deception Test against Difficulty 8 to trick the guards into believing they were just trying to protect the civilians from the aggressors. On a success, the situation is defused, but on a failure their weapons are taken and they are held until the end of the journey, when they will be interrogated at the Goyan station. Meanwhile, Professor Kordon, warned about what happened by some distressed passenger, locks himself in the toilet of his coach until the end of the journey. 2.1.2: Have missed the train. If the Characters missed their train, they are not out of options yet! They could attempt to steal a vehicle or take a taxi, convincing the driver to follow their crazy plan.

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Once the train has reached its destination, professor Kordon immediately seeks the protection of the local militia, fearing for his safety. He is then escorted by two guards through the railway station’s main hall to its administrative wing to the left.

At that point, a Senses Test against Difficulty 8 allows the Characters to spot a man matching the description of Professor Kordon being escorted by two guards. IF THE PC’S 2.2.1 – Head for the militia offices. Once they reach the door to the offices, the Characters discover they have been beaten to the punch again. You open the door to the administrative wing of the Goyan station, in the corridor that runs along the outer wall of the rundown edifice. The faint light of the dying sun philters through the many office doors opening on the other side of the corridor, which ends at an open gate to the outside. A sudden gurgle attracts your attention to the floor, where you see the bodies of two dying guards in a pool of blood, their throats slit. You immediately realize those where the militiamen escorting Professor Kordon, now missing again, as the noise of a drifting motorwagon distracts you from the gory scene. As you leave the corridor, you can

INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS hear guards in the distance blowing their whistles and, gathering outside of the station, you see four guards open fire on a Rickenbeker sprinting away in a cloud of bluish smoke. Looking at the fleeing motorwagon, you can ask for an Analysis Test against Difficulty 10 from those Characters skilled in Knowledge: Engineering. On a success, they notice that a bullet must have pierced a transmission sleeve, preventing the Rickenbeker from going further than a dozen kilocubitus after having suffered such damage. If none of the Characters is proficient in that, you can always ask for an Analysis Test against Difficulty 12 to tell them they notice the vehicle has suffered damage and is in need of repairs soon. If even that does not work, then an old passenger could shout something along the lines of “The bandits! But they cannot go far, with that damage...”

ficulty 12 to tell them they notice the vehicle has suffered damage and is in need of repairs soon. If even that does not work, then an old passenger could shout something along the lines of “The bandits! But they cannot go far, with that damage...”

2.2.2 – Do not notice the professor leaving with the guards. In this case, the group realizes what happens only when the motorwagon with the professor on board leaves, shot at by the rest of the militia. The noise of a motorwagon drifting from the street attracts your attention. You rush out of the building alongside a small crowd, as guards in the distance whistle and four of them open fire on a sprinting Rickenbeker that vanishes into the distance in a cloud of bluish smoke. For a split second, you are able to recognize a familiar shape, with a knife held at his throat by another figure. Looking at the fleeing motorwagon, you can ask for an Analysis Test against Difficulty 10 from those Characters skilled in Knowledge: Engineering. On a success, they notice a bullet must have pierced a transmission sleeve, preventing the Rickenbeker from going further than a dozen kilocubitus having suffered such damage. If none of the Characters is proficient in that, you can always ask for an Analysis Test against Dif-

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- The Rickenbeker

Short on information, the group must make the most of its contacts and diplomatic skills to find clues to the whereabouts of the missing professor. The easiest way would be finding the damaged motorwagon, in dire need of repairs.


Taking the motorwagon by force would not be a good idea, as this would only result in the militia having an excuse to shoot somebody. Not to mention the escaping Rickenbeker has gained a considerable lead, and reconstructing its path in the maze of Goyan streets and alleys would be impossible during the night. The group should also find shelter, either a tavern or some other lodging. IF THE PC’S 3.1.1 – Have a contact in town. If one of the Characters is from Itteghasp or is trained in Geographic Knowledge: Itteghasp, they remember that an old friend of theirs named Bespi owns a tavern close to the station called the Home in the Clouds. In addition to comfortable lodging, Bespi should be able to provide the Characters with up-to-date intelligence, as all kinds of people meet in the Home in the Clouds. In fact, Bespi tells the group there are only three places where a vehicle could be repaired with discretion. The first is Claus Rolli’s garage, a notoriously hot-tempered mechanic who luckily could not be involved because at the moment of the chase he was slumped somewhere, passed out after a brawl. The two remaining places are Anemon Peron’s, on the northern side of town, and Loto Blanc’s, in the eastern district. Of the two, Bespi rightly believes Peron’s workshop to be the most reliable: in fact, if the Characters head there either the same night or the following day, they are in for a hot surprise.

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3.1.2 – Do not have a contact in town. If none of the Characters has a contact or specific information, they could ask somebody from the crowd that has gathered at the scene of the shootout. With a successful Charm Test against Difficulty 11, they are told to head over to the House in the Clouds and talk with a person named Bespi, who should be able to help them. There, Bespi trades the information they need for 100 $, telling them what is written in paragraph 3.1.1. Should the Characters fail the Test, they are pointed to the Long Rest and the Lighthouse in addition to the House in the Clouds, without being able to narrow down their options. The Long Rest and the Lighthouse are suspicious dives, where no respectable person would ever go. If the Characters choose either of them, the following happens: • Somebody steals a valuable item or some money from a Character unless they pass a Senses Test against Difficulty 12. If the group protests with the bartender or attempts to punish the thief, they are attacked by 2 Brutes and 4 Thugs. • If the Characters look for information about the repairs for the Rickenbeker, nobody is willing to talk unless they are paid at least 200 $ or heavily threatened with a successful Aggression Test against Difficulty 12. In both cases, they are directed to Loto Blanc’s workshop in the east side of town. One of the Characters is able to tell their source is lying on a successful Insight Test against Difficulty 11, which should be rolled secretly by you not to compromise their reaction. If they do not realize they have been misled, they are about to fall into a trap set by the filth of the town to rob them of their valuables. When they get to the workshop, not only it is closed and deserted, but the group must face 3 Brutes and 3 Thugs.


Anemon Peron is a good-looking man who does not appear to be forty years old yet.. His workshop is located in one of the higher-end neighborhoods of town, a brick building with iron framed windows. His skill in fixing any kind of vehicle and his natural


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CHAPTER 9 charisma have made him popular among the Goyans, so even the militia ask him for repairs. Thanks to this respectable facade, Peron manages to conduct his illegal business undisturbed, making vehicles disappear, cleaning stolen hardware so it could be legitimately sold, and even hiding wanted criminals. Tonight, he makes no exception. Behind his workshop, within a walled courtyard, is a large, windowless shed accessed by a road that leads to the main street. A heavy rolling shutter bars the shed’s entrance while two doors on the sides connect it to the courtyard. Officially, this is where Peron keeps his spares, although it is actually where he conducts all of his illegal work and where the Rickenbeker is waiting for repairs. Dokton’s cronies asked for a new vehicle, three of them leaving with the professor and the remaining two staying behind to oversee the repairs of the one they just left. To make sure he can work without surprises, Peron has set his own underlings to watch the street and the shed. Two Thugs are watching the main road from the windows of the workshop, two more run the perimeter around the shed, while two Scorched wait impatiently. Unfortunately for them, it takes Peron the whole night to fix their motorwagon, allowing the Rickenbeker to leave only at the crack of dawn. Then, the two Balast slit his throat while his goons are away. The Characters could change things considerably. IF THE PC’S 3.2.1 – Arrive at the garage during the night. How the group approaches is key in determining how events play out. Night is silent in the Goyan streets as you reach your destination. Turning the last corner, you can see the well-kept brick building with the signboard of Peron’s Garage at the end of the street. The heavy entrance door is closed and barred, like the two windows alongside it. The windows of the upper floor, however, are open, but no light is coming through them. Just beside the edifice, a closed iron gate leads

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to an inner courtyard, surrounded by a tall wall. At the moment, nothing is disturbing the calm of night. At this point, a Senses Test against Difficulty 10 allows the Characters to spot a shadow moving behind one of the windows of the upper floor, apparently stealthily watching over the street. • If the Characters close on the garage without masking their presence, they are spotted by Peron’s men on the first floor, who warn the others before the first breaching attempt by the group. Then, 4 Brutes and 2 Scorched lay in wait in the shed, blades drawn so as not to attract the militia’s attention, leaving the door partially ajar to catch the Characters’ eye. • If the Characters choose to approach with subtlety, they must pass a Stealth Test against Difficulty 10, allowing them to reach the workshop undetected. On a failure, instead apply the above. • If the Characters choose to pass around the building and scale the perimeter wall (3 cubitus tall), they must pass an Athletics Test against Difficulty 11 and a Stealth Test against Difficulty 8 to avoid detection from the goons patrolling the outside perimeter.

Be aware of the following: a) The gate to the inner courtyard is closed with a heavy chain and a lock that takes a Lock Picking (Handicraft) Test against Difficulty 9 to open. From there, it is possible to see a door on the side of the workshop. If the Characters attempt to open it, they find it is not locked. From there, they can take a staircase to the first floor, to Peron’s own chambers and where two of his men keep the road under surveillance. b) The workshop’s main door is closed by a more advanced lock, requiring a Lock Picking (Handicraft) Test against Difficulty 11 to open. Within the workshop, there are an already repaired rotodart and a larger gutted militia motorwagon, its engine parts sprawled all over the floor. By passing an Analysis Test against Difficulty 10, the group finds the keys to the rotodart in one of Peron’s desk’s drawers. c) The workshop’s side doors, although obscured by crates and racks with spare parts and tools, are open.

INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS If, at the end of the encounter, the group is able to defeat the Balast and Peron’s own men, he surrenders and does whatever he needs to have his life spared, although he does not know where the professor is. He only knows that Kordon has been carried away in a motorwagon he supplied to the kidnappers and is now heading west. Peron also offers the Characters a vehicle of their own. The Balast, on the other hand, fight to the death and, if captured, refuse to tell anything even under torture. Investigating the Rickenbeker, the group finds a letter reading: “The professor is on the train bound to Goya tonight. Find him and bring him to the Picard farm. I won’t tolerate mistakes, this time.” - V.A. Peron describes the location of the farm to the Characters, explaining that it is presently abandoned. If Peron is dead, the group will be forced to ask a few questions around town. Picard farm is located in the woods to the west, an hour from Goya in a motorwagon. 3.2.2 – Arrive at the garage later the following morning. When they arrive, the Characters find the place closed and Peron in his shed, dead in a pool of his own blood, his throat slit. The Rickenbeker and its crew are gone. Searching the place with an Analysis Test against Difficulty 12, they find the letter in a trash can and then must secure a vehicle and find out exactly where Picard farm is.



-– Showtime

The information the group has gathered leads them into the countryside around Goya, to a thick woodland to the west of the town. There, the road ends and they must proceed on foot.

4.1 - THE FARM

Once, this farm belonged to the Picard family, who grew grapes and made wine. When the owners died, however, their children moved to Goya and tried to sell the farm with no success. Nowadays, the grounds have been reclaimed by vegetation, invading the vineyard, the main building, and part of the granary. However, its isolated position makes it perfect for Dokton’s plan. The vehicle in which the professor was taken to the farm—or the Rickenbeker if the Characters did not make it in time—is hidden in the woods at the end of the main road. If the group wants to search the grove, a successful Tracking (Analysis) Test against Difficulty 8 allows them to find the vehicle and the tracks left by three men heading to the farm. As the Characters arrive, Dokton is torturing the professor for details of his journey to Goya: where he was headed, to whom he revealed what he saw, who where the people looking for him, and why. As the group arrives, this is the scene that pans out in front of them: As nature thins out around the path you are walking, you realize you must be close to Picard farm. Through the branches, you can make out the form of the building that, according to your source, has been deserted for the last five years: a square, two-story building that in the past must have been a beautiful sight. Now, its walls have grayed and are covered in webs of cracks. The trees in front of it have grown knotted and weeds have invaded every free space they found. To the side of the main building are the blackened, charred remains of a granary or barn. Suddenly, you hear a piercing scream of pain coming from the house.

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INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS IF THE PC’S 4.1.1 – Sneak their way into the house. The group immediately spots two sentinels at the door. To move past them unnoticed, the Characters must pass a Stealth Test against Difficulty 8. Once inside without alerting the guards, the group moves in to find Dokton and his minions, catching them by surprise. As his first action, Dokton kills the professor and then focuses on the Characters. The group is made of Dokton, 1 Brute, 2 Scorched, and 2 Thugs, including the two lookouts at the door. On a failure, the group is spotted and the two lookouts raise the alarm. Dokton kills the professor and, angry by the lack of results, heads out of the farmhouse to deal with the Characters once and for all. In both cases, if the group makes it out of the fight, the professor with his dying breath says “You must stop them! My death will be pointless and your children will die as slaves!” On the table of the room where the now-dead professor Kordon lies, the Characters find his simulacrum goggles, with the pictures of the sarcophagus. In an iron bin close by, they find the burnt remains of the professor’s diary, from which the group can glean the important, albeit fragmented, information found in Appendix II. Should the Characters be curious and wish to examine the diary or have the contents of the goggles printed on conlio, they would need an adequately stocked Markonist laboratory. The image shows a capsule made of an iron-like material veined with blue that looks like conlio, with a view port showing the top part of a body lying within. It appears to be humanoid, although its head is much softer and fitted with tentacles, more akin to a squid rather than a human being. Examining the corpses, the group needs no Test to find that all the Balast thugs bear a ritual mark seared into their flesh that looks like a cephalopod of some sort. A Character proficient in Geographic Knowledge: Balastoc would know that the practice of ritually branding symbols is common to the fanatic sect of the Scorched, although the specific symbol seems to be new. Dokton, on the other hand, is deathly pale, almost greenish, his eyes bloodshot and

the blood vessels in his head swollen, almost deforming his skull. 4.1.2 – Arrive late Luckily for the group, Dokton remains at the farm for a few more days to interrogate the professor and leave enough time for his men to accurately examine Kordon’s equipment. As the Characters arrive, the scene they face is the same, but the professor is already dead.

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- The Red Kite

Now, the Characters must deal with the last part of their mission: extraction. To contact Captain Edgard and decide on an extraction point, the Characters will need to find a Nuntius communication post back in Goya. The answer arrives the day after the group sends the message, telling them to be at a private airdock just outside town the same night. Captain Edgard is determined to get rid of the group before they even set foot on his ship, avoiding any and all complications during the return trip, do Carrizo a favor, and, he thinks, receive extra pay for the service.


The small Samolet airdock is a dozen kilocubitus from the center of Goya and is run by a local industrial trust. Officially, the structure is reserved to competitive and leisure flying, although it is used for all manner of illegal traffic. In spite of that, however, Samolet’s airdock is not as poorly frequented as many other similar places, as the high docking fees and experienced guards have gradually weeded out the less reputable and trustworthy clientele. Captain Edgard is one of its most loyal customers, using his influence to bribe the local security into setting an ambush for the group, although the Hornmule has been informed by one of their sleeper agents, lawyer Kobayashyi herself, and sent a frigate to help the Characters. Once they are close to the airdock, read or paraphrase the following: You have just entered Goya’s countryside, headed south, when you see a raider lazily docking at Samolet’s airdock, just to the side of the road. A tall brick wall hugs its squat buildings, the massive docking tower aiming its signaling floodlights to guide the incoming vessel. Beyond the entrance gate and its four guards, you can see the squat welcoming building for guests and clients. As you pull up in your vehicle, one of the guards raises an arm in a motion to stop you. Once he has checked your identities, he smiles at you and says “Welcome to the airdocks! The Red Kite has been

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sighted and is performing docking maneuvers. Please, leave your vehicle in front of the building and wait in the waiting room. As soon as he is here, Captain Edgard will send somebody for you. Have a good one.” As the guard salutes you, his fellows open the entrance gate. The road continues in a straight line, past the hangar, ending in front of the main building where other vehicles are parked. Once inside, you find yourself in the waiting room, an unadorned hall with a desk along the wall opposite the one you just entered and a row of benches. The only people inside are a woman with a wide-brimmed hat hiding her features sitting on one of the benches, and six guards who abruptly stop talking as soon as you step in. The woman leaves her place, heading for the entrance you just came through. When she passes close to you, you can barely hear her whispering “It’s an ambush, follow me!” Now that she has your attention, you realize she is Kobayashyi! IF THE PC’S 5.1.1 – Follow Kobayashyi. If the group tries to inconspicuously leave the hall, it takes the guards one or two rounds before they realize their ambush has failed. Instead, they were helped by somebody they thought was on their side! At that point, five of them set out to pursue the group, while the remaining one blows his whistle to raise the alarm. Fortunately, not all of the guards are in on the plot, and it takes some time before anybody orders them to stop the group and Kobayashyi. In the meantime, the lawyer leads the group to the Black Bolt, an elegant airship already docked. Once the group leaves the waiting room, read or paraphrase the following: The moment of silence after you leave the waiting room makes you understand your move was not expected. You just have to press this new-found advantage. Kobayashyi accelerates, pointing to a passage between two buildings and says, “We must reach the Black Bolt before Edgard arrives or we are in deep trouble. Quick!” Glancing behind you, you see guards


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CHAPTER 9 leaving the building as they shout in your direction to stop. Kobayashyi suddenly takes the turn, rifle rounds whistling around you and chipping plaster. A few hundred feet from you, you can see the Black Bolt opening its hatch and some of its crew shooting back to cover your retreat. You run on board as a small gunfight breaks out behind you under the wailing of a siren, raising the alarm. However, you were successful: the hatch closes and the airship starts climbing, carrying you to what you hope is a safe place. 5.1.2 – Attack the guards. If the group decides to engage the guards, in the surprise round they benefit from Combat Advantage. Once the guards recover from their initial shock, they engage the group as their commanding officer sends one to sound the alarm. If the group manages to prevent that from happening, 5 guards arrive ten rounds later. If, however, the guard reaches the desk at the end of the room and turns the crank beneath it, the siren on the building’s roof starts wailing. After 5 rounds, 10 guards enter the building to help their fellows. Luckily for the Characters, Kobayashyi is determined to help them, even in spite of their thirst for blood. After 8 rounds, she returns with 6 sailors from the Black Bolt’s crew, armed to the teeth. Once the group is safe among their ranks, they fall back to the airship, trying to open a way out. Should one of the Characters lag behind or fall in battle, the crew of the Black Bolt is not going to help them, but should the group make it to the ship, they will allow them to board. Otherwise, 10 more guards arrive 10 more rounds after the first group and the Black Bolt is forced to take off.


The Black Bolt is a luxury airship the size of a cargo vessel, although much more lavishly decorated and better armed. Once on board, Kobayashyi reveals her true identity as a Hornmule cover agent who has infiltrated Lando Carrizo’s organization. The airship is headed to Zareya, an island off the Blade Reef where the Hornmule has a secret base. The journey,

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however, will not be easy, as Captain Edgard has witnessed the escape of the vessel and is bent on not letting them go. After the group has boarded the Black Bolt, read or paraphrase the following: Although a luxury vehicle, the inside of the Black Bolt is much like any other: a maze of brass and copper pipes, with more gauges and indicators than things to gauge and indicate. Of course, for an Engineer all of that is sweeter than the singing of angels. The rear hatch clangs closed and the airship ascends as you follow Kobayashyi into the cargo hold while the rest of the crew is rushing to their stations on the deck above. Climbing a narrow iron ladder, you leave the hold and, going through a corridor paved with soft carpet, you cross a Vacuum door and enter what you realize is the command bridge. On the side walls, a row of view ports opens on the crimson sky as the sun sets, while in front of you can be seen the endless levers, manometers, anemometers, and kilometers of piping forming the command platform. A large man stands in front of a desk bolted to the floor, busy consulting a map in which he is placing a series of pins connected with red cord. From his elegant and yet practical garb, you immediately understand his rank. “Allow me to introduce you to Raggar Olson, captain of the Black Bolt,” says Kobayashyi before continuing: “Now I think the time has come for my introduction, as well… My name is Yuriko Kobayashyi and I have been working as a lawyer for Lando Carrizo for some time, although my loyalties lie elsewhere. I am part of an organization tasked with fighting crime, rather than nurturing it, and my task, until today, was finding evidence of Carrizo’s plans and his involvement with the Monopolies. However, now that my cover has been blown… I hope it was worth the damage,” she says, looking at you intensely. If the Characters attempt to get additional information about her group, she only answers that she will talk when the circumstances allow it.

INTRO ADVENTURE - THE USUAL SUSPECTS The Vacuum door behind you suddenly opens as a sailor rushes in. “Captain, we got company!” she gasps. ”A raider’s on the horizon, full speed on us. We’re not going to keep them off for long.” Captain Olson grabs a copper tube built into a corner of his desk and you hear his voice echo through the ship as he says, “Attention, all hands to battle stations. Prepare to repel boarders!” To reinforce the concept, the entire hull is rocked by a fearsome explosion somewhere on its outer plating. “Oh, for f-, the paint was new!” Olson curses as he takes a saber and a sawed-off shotgun from a chest. “Helmsmistress, the deck is yours. I want to make sure these flybrats pay for the repairs they owe me. You lot,” he says glaring at the group, “come with me. We’ll need every blade we can get. Plus, you still owe me a favor!” With that said, he stomps into the corridor, barking orders left and right in his booming voice. • Fighting in the Skies If the group includes Characters with the right skills, this is a perfect occasion to use the rules for airship combat. A Character proficient in Piloting could try to take the helm of the ship, an Engineer could head for the engineering deck and help the ship lose the Red Kite, while the others could man the guns. Under normal circumstances, Olson would react to this suggestion simply by shrugging and punching the shameless brat in the throat before having them hung outside the ship for a few hours to rethink their life choices. However, given this is an emergency and Yuriko vouches for the group, perhaps in a great show of magnanimous tactical sense, he could allow them some control of his ship. For the sake of plausibility, you could ask for a Charm Test against Difficulty 12 to convince Olson. After all, we know how Nuugs react when somebody is close to their weapons, right? You can use the rules explained in Chapter 5 – Equipment to have the group experience the joys of aerial battle preceding the boarding attempt. To help you, at the end of this module you can find the profiles for both airships.

Olson, a war veteran, expects the enemy to tear a hole in the outer hull to board the vessel and conquer the bridge, so he asks the Characters to garrison the corridor as he and his people descend into the cargo hold to protect the engineering deck. In the meantime, the two vessels exchange broadsides, as the Red Kite tentatively makes her way forward, Edgard not wishing to kill the group before he has gained the information they possess. Being faster, the Red Kite quickly catches up with the Black Bolt, flanking it to stay outside of the field of fire of its machine guns. Two robigo bullets from the Kite start corroding the hull of the bridge and the cargo hold, as hooked gangplanks connect the two ships. If the Characters attempt to rush the robigo hole to stem the tide of attackers, they find themselves in the field of fire of a bombard and a tonitrus. As soon as the bombs are within the Bolt, the hole is patched with a shield to prevent their contents from spilling out. Given the cramped conditions in the corridor, it is impossible to escape the bombs unscathed, so you should hand a Gear of Fate to the Characters caught in the blast, inflict them with the Dazed condition, and buy time for the boarders to breach. Then, 1 officer, 1 mercenary, and 4 guards board the Black Bolt. Should the Characters have difficulties defeating their enemies, some of the crew from the hold of the Bolt arrive, commanded by their first mate. If they succeed instead, the group can either help Olson in the cargo hold or, if they are capable of doing so, board the Red Kite back and attempt to seize control. IF THE PC’S 5.2.1 – Assist Captain Olson. The Characters have defeated their enemies, but from the cargo hold they can still hear the sounds of fighting: Captain Edgard rushed the engineering compartment with a dozen men to force the Black Bolt to stop. When the group enters the cargo hold, read or paraphrase the following:

403 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 9 The pall of gunfire smoke clings to the walls and air, as Captain Edgard looks in satisfaction at Olson, slumped against a bulkhead as blood drips down his lip and he stares daggers into his enemy. Two soldiers flank Edgard, weapons trained on the fallen captain, surrounded by more than a dozen corpses on the deck floor.

5.2.2 – Attempt to seize the Red Kite.

The deck plating is slick with blood and whoever attempts to move more than 2 cubitus a round automatically suffers the Unbalanced condition and must pass an Agility Test against Difficulty 10 to avoid falling Prone. Olson is in no shape to fight, guarded by Edgard and 2 mercenaries. As soon as the group defeats the boarders, Olson, with his last strength, drags himself to a communications tube and gives a couple sharp orders to the command deck.

As you lean out of the tear in the hull of the Bolt, a strong wind grabs you, making the gangplank oscillate. A stray bullet whistles dangerously close to your ears before slamming into the bulkhead behind you. You already have a welcoming party!

“Hard to port, fire the stern machine guns into their floatation tanks!” After a moment of silence, the Vulcanus engines roar to life, the Black Bolt lists heavily on one side as the machine guns start vomiting lead into the Red Kite. Surrounded by a cloud of Vesuvius gas, it starts losing altitude. A final broadside hits the Black Bolt before it can leave the range of the enemy guns. The Black Bolt limps its way to the isle of Zareya, where it will be repaired and the Characters interrogated by higher ranks of the Hornmule. If they are interested, the group will be able to find more information about the disconcerting secrets that have been unearthed thanks to their intervention.

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After defeating the boarders, the group crosses the gangplank to attack the Red Kite. As the Narrator, you should remind the players that a warship would surely be a powerful resource… However, warships also tend to have worthy crews.

The gangplank is 6 cubitus long and 2 wide and definitely not stable. To cross it, it takes an Agility Test against Difficulty 12. On a failure, Characters are able to advance only 1 cubitus and then must hang onto the railing in order to not be thrown overboard. With a Critical Failure, well… sympathies. On the other side of the gangplank, 2 guards wait for them, one shooting at the Characters as the other attempts to release the clamps of the gangplank and throw the group into the void. It takes them 3 rounds to do so, so the Characters should stop them before then. Once they have dealt with the guards, the Characters breach the Red Kite. Unnatural silence hangs among the corridors, as the only crew remaining are the ones necessary to keep the Red Kite floating. (1 officer, 2 guards, 1 alchemist, and 1 engineer). If the Characters manage to beat them, they can take control of the Red Kite. After a few minutes, a group of Hornmule armsmen reach them and tell them to follow the Black Bolt to their secret hideout.




–- Zareya

The fight is over and the battle won, but both the Black Bolt and the Red Kite have suffered critical damage. The crew immediately sets to patch the holes in the hull, but Olson is impatient to leave for Zareya, where the Hornmule has a stronghold on the eastern side of the local mountains. He is impressed with the group, surprised by what he had considered a bunch of sorry souls, so to repay his debt he asks them to follow him to Zareya, where the Characters can rest for a while. Then, they can help him in shedding light on what happened to Professor Kordon. Read or paraphrase the following: A few hours have passed since the battle, and the Black Bolt flies again, leaving the chaotic Goya behind and headed for the island dominated by the volcano Tede. As you close, vegetation grows thinner, fading into peaks of black rock behind which play the last lights of the day. From the caldera of the volcano, a thin plume of smoke lazily rises to the clouds, as the sound of the waves crashing on the Blade Reefs comes from the distance. The route charted by Captain Olson leads the airship to the northeast, flying over the plains separating the volcano from the sea. As you fly over the waves, you notice a small island emerging from the water. Once closer, you also notice numerous caves opening into the island and a waterfall descending forcefully into the sea. Captain Olson makes the ship take a hard turn, aiming for the waterfall as, from the top deck, a horn sounds in the night. A deafening grinding of gears comes from the waterfall as its flow slowly stops, revealing the entrance to an enormous cave. Two large Pharus lanterns are lit on the prow of the Bolt, shedding light on the rock walls, glistening with moisture. As the vessel glides into that mysterious and silent world, you find yourselves in front of ten enormous tunnels heading in every direction, perfectly smoothed by erosion. The captain steers his vessel with ease through the tunnel network, in a descent that completely disorients you, to the point where you are wondering if the muscled Nuug actually knows

what he is doing. The air is now starting to heat up, and a wave of exhaustion from your ordeal suddenly crashes over you. The journey into the cavern seems never-ending, when all of a sudden you turn a corner and a breathtaking and surreal landscape sits in front of you. “Welcome to Zareya,” says Olson, smiling to your stunned faces. Buildings of all kinds rise within the cave, so large you cannot see its walls and ceiling. Giant stalagmites jut from numerous places, many reinforced with metal struts into edifices or airdocks for other ships that float lazily about. Their lights, permanently shining, create a soft multicolor glow, granting Zeraya an even more mysterious and charming look. Once docked, the Characters are led to a building and allowed to take possession of an apartment set aside for them. Yuriko Kobayashyi accompanies them in person and invites them to make themselves comfortable, although a couple guards are placed at the door, making it clear the group is not allowed to move about freely, at least for the moment. After a half hour, medical staff reaches the place to take care of the wounded, then they are left to rest for the night. The following morning, the sweet sound of a Ketnyi guqin and the inviting fragrance of freshly baked bread attract you to the lounge of the apartment, where Yuriko waits in front of a table with breakfast, accompanied by a young musician playing his instrument. “I hope you rested well. I imagine you must have many questions, but first eat. You will have to make an important decision, soon.” Once breakfast is over, Yuriko takes the serious and professional tone she had when you met her the first time. “You are aware of some secrets about the organization and, if you wish, you could learn more. However, you will have to choose. If you join us, it will be forever. If, instead, you choose to walk away, our Markonists will erase from you memory what happened in the last few days and you will be able to

405 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

CHAPTER 9 return to your lives. I, however, cannot hide the fact that the Hornmule could really benefit from somebody like you.”

ledge. Also, by now the Characters should have realized that something dangerous for the entire world is about to happen.

Yuriko answers the Characters’ questions, explaining what the Hornmule is and what its goals are. Of course, being part of such an organization entails dangers, but also access to high-end gear and know-

What will the heroes choose to do? Will they close this chapter of their lives and turn the page, or join the Hornmule?

406 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Appendix 1 - Airships The Black Bolt Difficulty: 11 Speed: 200 Kc/h Engine: Movement 4 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Thrusters) – Hull 7 Armaments: Dorsal Cannons – Stern Machine Guns History: The Black Bolt was commissioned by Weiss & Stern some thirty years before the Letvian War began, to move valuables or important people on behalf of the company. It took a decade to finish the vessel. The ship balances aesthetics and performance, thanks to the so called “twin axis” method of construction, as its hull is more resistant than average without gaining weight. Command of this vessel was granted to a promising youth, whose honorable and unbroken spirit had made him something of a celebrity among the captains back in the day: Captain Raggar Olson. Thanks to his professional and discreet methods, Olson became one of the closest collaborators of the Stern family, earning their respect and trust. In the years before the war, the Stern started financing the Hornmule, fearing the growing power of the Monopolies, eventually deciding to grant them use of the Black Bolt for secret missions. In time, Olson and his vessel switched from being employees of the company to serving the Stern family directly. After the War and the losses the Sterns suffered because of it, the captain chose to remain in service to the Hornmule and continue the mission his former employers had given him.

The Red Kite Difficulty: 9 Speed: 280 Kc/h Engine: Movement 6 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Tanks) – Hull 6 Armaments: Dorsal Cannons – Ventral Cannons – Prow Machine Guns – Front Torpedoes History: The Red Kite was one of the most highly honored Ketnyi raiders in the Imperial Navy during the War. Fast and well-armed, this ship was perfect for patrols and hit and run missions in defense of the Islenation. It was in -2 P, during the famous Battle of the Pah’doyin where the Ketnyi forces pushed the Nuug back, that the Red Kite played a key role in deciding the fate of the engagement. Unfortunately, however, during the last battle, captain Inokyi Yamah chose to pursue the retreating Nuug forces and, after an initially favorable engagement that saw the Red Kite reap even more kills among the enemy vessels, it was struck and forced to an emergency landing somewhere on the Nuug coast. In a desperate attempt to save the ship, Captain Yamah and most of the crew died, leaving the wreckage exposed to the same Nuug troops they had been fighting. Upon finding the ruined carcass of the Red Kite, young Edgard Stochkoov and his fellows started working on refitting it to sky-worthy condition, financing the process with illegal activities he meant to bolster once the ship could fly again. And so it has been. For a long time, captain Edgard plagued the skies as a pirate and smuggler until Lando Carrizo offered him a position of some repute in his organization, opening the doors for a long and fruitful “friendship.”

407 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Appendix 2 - Professor Kordon’ ’s Diary Dokton and his goons attempted to destroy Kordon’s notes, with all his progress during his investigation of what was happening at the dig site. The majority of the document is charred, but some pages have been saved and something has survived. What follows is what the group is able to recover from the bin close to the professor’s corpse.

“… incredible! This could be the most important archeological discovery in his…” “… ophagus features advanced technology, surely conlio-based. Milo thinks it was designed to allow some kind of telepathic communication and wants to try to connect with it to c… ture wih...” “Milo has changed. I cannot say how, but he behaves in an unusual way that worries me. I think he sh...” “… om with ten more sarcophagi. As incredible as it sounds, and it is, the condition of Milo’s staff worries me.” “The lower rooms of the dig site have been sealed from the majority of the scholars. Van Aldez, I can barely call him by name now, had new workers arrive, while many people have not left the site in days. I am worried, but I fear that if I ask to leave I would be stopped. I must know what is happening down there. Tomorrow, I will...” “… et Abelard, one of the porters. I could barely recogni-

408 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

ze him, they are doing something to him. Those cr…” “…survived millennia of conservation. I will escape, I must tell the world what happened!”


Appendix 3 –- Adversaries Dokton

Captain Edgard

Role Villain

During his experiments, Goro managed to create beings capable of hosting the consciousness of a Xhuul trapped in a stasis capsule. Dokton is one of them, one of the most fearsome opponents the group is going to fight during the course of the adventure. He is equipped with a Xhuul technological relic that allows him to control four mechanical tentacles.

The captain of the Red Kite is a violent and ruthless Nuug. He is not above using any trick he can to gain the upper hand over his enemies or sacrifice his underlings to save his own skin. Difficulty: 11 Initiative: 9 Dodge: 10 Evade: 11

Difficulty: 11 Initiative: 12 Dodge: 11 Evade: 10

Movement: 5 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: – Qualities






Piercing 9 10 11 12 -

Constrict: a mechanical Tentacle coils around Dokton’s target, Immobilizing them. At the beginning of his turn, Dokton deals 1 point of damage to each target imprisoned by a tentacle. At the beginning of their turn, a trapped Character can attempt to break free with a Brawl Test. Counterattack: Dokton dodges the attack and lashes out with every tentacle available. Meat Shield: Dokton grabs a target within 4 cubitus with one of his tentacles and uses them as a shield against the incoming bullets. The poor soul suffers 1 point of damage and is then knocked Prone.

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Attacks Kirvi: 12 1 2 3 4

Mechanical Tentacle : 11 (range: 4 cubitus) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Qualities Skills: Athletics 13, Senses 13, Charm 12 Training: Command Equipment: Nuug Kirvi, Pistol, Harpago, Mutagens: Potio, Bombs: Plangor, 250 $.



Movement: 4 Wounds: 7 Damage Reduction: 1


Skills: Athletics 13, Brawl 13, Agility 12, Cunning 12 Training: Double Front, Command Equipment: Relic Xhuul Technology, Dagger, Pistol, 30 $. -

Role Villain






9 10 11 12

Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Piercing 9 10 11 12



Dirty Trick: after he has slashed with his weapon, Edgard headbutts his target, inflicting the Slowed condition. Help: Edgard dodges the attack and calls for help. Another enemy within 4 cubitus moves to the Character Edgard is engaged with, disengaging without penalty if necessary. Hamstring: striking one of his target’s legs, Edgard halves their Movement score until they receive medical attention. Oi! Got Somethin’ to Tell Ya!: Edgard dodges the bullets, shoots his harpago’s grappling hook into the Character that just attacked him, inflicting 1 point of damage and pulling them within melee combat range.


Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

THANKS Vulcania has been made possible by a kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Your incredible support has blown us away and we wanted your name to be here, in this book, carved in the magmatic rock of Vulcania. And, of course, rigorous alphabetic order! Huge thanks to all of you, once again! Aaron Rhoads

André Diroll

Antonio Luciano

Accademia dei Giocatori

Andrea Back

Antonio Romanelli

Achim Meissner

Andrea Bassi

Ardian Shuaipi

Adam Caverly

Andrea Ciervo

Astrid Portner

Adam Krump

Andrea Galbiati

Austin Fenwick

Adrian Czajkowski

Andrea Gareth Jax Scarpetta

Austin M Goodnight

Alasia Christian

Andrea Guerrieri

Bart Van Damme

Alberto Calsolaro

Andrea Noventa

Bart Wolles

Alberto Toro

Andrea Oreglia

Begona Gonzalez

Alessandra Silli

Andrea Pasquali

Ben Bailey

Alessandro Affanni

Andrea Rondinini

Benjamin Fabian

Alessandro Ansaloni Giustiniani

Andrea Slemer

Benjamin Messer

Alessandro Babbi

Andrea Tridico

Benjamin Rogers

Alessandro Bertellini

Andrew Clark

Benoit Mercier

Alessandro Capponi

Andrew Couch

Biasone Andrea

Alessandro Chiapponi

Andrew Eugene Mauney

Blaise Morgan

Alessandro Omodei

Andrew Fielder

Brandon Hill

Alessandro Onano

Andrew J Beal

Brendan Thomas Christie

Alessandro Poziello

Andrew Jensen

Brendon A. Scheppmann

Alessandro Saviantoni

Andrew Martinez

Brent N. Tweedy

Alessandro Savino

Andrew Pessarchick

Bret Jordan

Alessio Ciardini

Andrew Smallwood

Brett Volz

Alessio Esciu Cagni

Andromeda Taylor

Brian Feeney

Alessio Principe

Angel May

Brian Koonce

Alex Green

Angelo Cione

Brian McDowell

Alex King

Angus Abranson

Bruce Cload

Alex Korntner

Anthony Baumayr

Bruce Coulson

Alexander R. Corbett

Anthony Marc Barcroft

Bryan A Emborsky

Alexandre de Passillé

Anthony Tarola

Bryan Alleman

Alistair Davey

Antonio Ferrara

Bryan McLean

412 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

THANKS Caleb Coppola

Daniel Ayers

Dennis Ghisoni

Caleb McGary

Daniel Crisp

Dennis Kurzweil

Callen Peacock

Daniel Engström

Dennis McNicholas

Callum Holt

Daniel Philpin

Derek Lyle Brouwer

Calvin Johns

Daniel Rotaru

Devan Hansen

Carlo Alberto Trisciuzzi

Daniel Roth

Diana Porras Somez

Carlo Lingua

Daniele Anacleto Meiattini

Diego Budicin

Carsten Skansen

Daniele Di Egidio

Diego Civetta

Caterina Filardo

Daniele Maesani

Diego Donatello

Cesare Costantini

Danilo Moretti

Diego Magrini

Cesare Santini

Daren McCormick

Diego Pisa Artworks

Charles Pugsley

Dario Galassi

Dimitri Lotti

Cherrier Gilles

DarkSide Comics and Games

Dimitri Rinaldi

Chiara Ceron

Dave Salisbury

Dominic Hale

Chiara Grazia

David Andrews

Donnie Hanby

Chris Youngblood

David Dalton

Douglas Dickson

Christian Kuhn

David Keyser

Drew Morgan

Christopher Griffin

David Mandeville

Durand Guillaume

Christopher Parbery

David Paul Guzmán

Dwayne Marlowe

Christopher Thomas Lezer

David Resetti

Eamon Linger

Claert Michael

David Williams

Edoardo Solitari

Claudia Cirillo

David Yellope

Elena Oliveri

Clayton Joe Freund

Davide Avetta

Elia Santi

Clifford Kamppari-Miller

Davide Cannone

Elias Hoel Birketvedt

Clint Pushee

Davide Coi

Elijah Dresen

Cody Krueger

Davide De Amicis

Emanuele Frusi

Cody Stoutenburg

Davide Di Maio

Emanuele Mai

Cole Westerlund

Davide Lucchi

Enrico Menozzi

Craig Senatore

Davide Maccioni

Eric B Phelps

Cristian de Maestri

Davide Mancini

Eric Pickney

Cullen Gilchrist

Davide Milano

Erica Durso

Cyril Reibaud

Davide Vatteroni

Fabio Ghisu

D’addario Paola

Davy Jones

Fabio Guidi

Dan Nordahl

Declan Hoellein

Fabio Renzetti

Dana Boychuk

Denis Lobazov

Fabrizio Zennaro Regini

413 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

THANKS Federica Faccin

Gianfranco Friggè

Hjalti Nönnuson

Federico Giacomini

Gianluca Carfi

Ian McFarlin

Federico Iacoangeli

Gianluca Siotto

Ian Nicolle

Federico Viola

Gilbert Gallo

Jack Alexander

Filippo Filippo

Giorgio Baldini

Jacky Leung

Filippo Spezzani

Giorgio Catenacci

Jacob Forster

Fiorella Scarpa

Giorgio Ramondetti

Jacob Yohn

Flávio Stresser

Giovanni Bisbano

Jacopo Beccari

Florian Förster

Giovanni Bonechi

Jacopo Grassi

Forum Sententiam

Giovanni Crotti

Jahan Navissi

Franca auf der Heiden

Giovanni Gobbi

Jake Walker

Francesca Beretta

Giovanni Magno

James Bradley

Francesco Barretta

Giovanni Tagliaferri

James Bresee

Francesco Bossi

Giulia Marta Nunes da Costa

James Gemmell

Francesco de Rugeriis

Giuliano Farris

James Meredith

Francesco Della Ragione

Giuseppe Marino

James V. Schatz

Francesco Granitto

Giuseppe Zeuli

Jason B. Gabel

Francesco Lugli

Giuseppino Iena

Jason C. Anderson

Francesco Martinese

Gordon Bense

Jason Coleman

Francesco Panitti

Gordon Decker

Jeff Robinson

Francesco Tedeschini

Graham Cheshir

Jeffrey S. Ross

Franco Filippo

Greg Agostini

Jennifer Parr

Frank Carr

Greg Krywusha

Jens Hoelderle

Gabriel Alejandro Pedrini

Greg Wright

Jens Müller

Gabriel Garcia

Gregorio Caporale

Jeremy Kear

Gabriel Waluconis

Gregory A. Lusak

Jeremy Wasik

Gabriele Girardi

Gregory Rihn

Jerry Scott Hammonds

Gabriele Marzagalli

Guadalupe Cabrera

Jocelyn e Maurizio Rossi

Gerald Kist

Guglielmo Luigi Facchi

John “King“ Roberts

Gerard Exton

Guido Pecorelli

John Andrews

Giacomo Castellani

Guy Edward Larke

John Bellando

Gian Domenico Facchini

Hank Cappa

John M. Portley

Gian Michele Candura

Hannah Wallace

John Phillips

Giancarlo Antonelli

Henrik Blombäck

John Taber

Gianfranco Bux


Johoanna Robson

414 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

THANKS Jonathan Dallen

Logan Laren Liuzzo

Martin Greening

Jonathan Froust

Lorenzo Demofonte

Massimiliano Bucchi

Jordan McCoy

Lorenzo Moffa

Massimo Cranchi

Jordan Springer

Lorenzo Tonfoni

Massimo Spanò

Jordi Rabionet Hernandez

Loris Pereno

Matěj Vonderka

José Ricardo Kramm

Louis Gowers

Matteo Asti

Joshua Brown

Lozan Aliona

Matteo Battisti

Joshua C. Kitchens

Luca Baino

Matteo Bennardi

Joshua Rosenberg

Luca Beltrami

Matteo Bisanti

Julian Stanley

Luca Rosadini

Matteo Boffadossi

Julie LaRoux

Luciano Cermisoni

Matteo Gandini

Jupe Rantalainen

Luigi Buffo

Matteo Lucchini

Justin Munday

Lukas Buergi

Matteo Magnone

Kaare Kulland

M.M. Van De Sluis

Matteo Morra

Karl Matthews

Maicol Tony Zenobio

Matteo Signorini

Kerstin Sabrina Betz

Manfredi Toraldo

Matthew Barron

Kevin Couick

Manuel Alfred Buchwald

Matthew Jensen

Kevin Hoffman

Marc Bacher

Matthew Lemley

Kevin Joseph Lai

Marc Lichtenfeld

Matthew Start

Kjetil Hansen

Marc Stehle

Matthew Swetnam

Kjetil Reitan

Marco Cellini

Mattia Debiaggi

Konstantinos Poumpouridis

Marco Cipriani

Mattia Virdis

Kyle Mark Hooton

Marco Frigo

Maurizio Bivona

Lara Varrone

Marco Mantoanelli

Maurizio Migliore

Larry R. Shirley

Marco Oreste Migliori

Maurizio Peisino

Lars Björndahl

Marco Valerio Rossi

Maxwell Clayton Means

Layth AL-Najjar

Marek Hendziak

Merkling Raphael

Lázár Tamás

Maria Vittoria Cagno

Michael Bedggood

Leena Nabulsi

Mario A. Ovalle

Michael Feldhusen

Leighton Reopelle

Mario Lingua

Michael Goldsby

Leonardo Amadori

Mark Parish

Michael Losinski

Leonardo Lucci

Markus Forsman

Michael Lovell

Leto Matteo

Marras Massimo

Michael Musitano

Lewis Pearce

Marshall Warner

Michael Nankervis II

Lloyd Moore

Martial Larchez

Michael Pfeiffer

415 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

THANKS Michael Rief

Paul Clark

Rick Fastenrath

Michael Rix

Paul Gibson

Rickard Ekholm

Michael Sayre

Paul Stutvoet

Rigel Anderson

Michael V. Salas

Paul Woodard

Rik Geuze

Michele Gherardi

Peter Baldwin

Robert Craig

Michele Vecere

Peter D. Allen

Robert Smith

Miguel Arturo Polanco Mendoza

Peter Gernert

Roberto Bellesia

Mika Koykka

Peter Peretti

Roi Gary

Mirko Paradisi

Peter Steedman

Romain Debarry

Mirko Savoia

Philip Hindley

Ron Beck


Philip Rogers

Ryan Carden

Molinari Daniele

Philippe Bouchard

Ryan Kent

Monica Gloria Maria Cecchetti

Philippe Schmitt

Ryan Schlegel

Mystic Dragon Games

Phillip Henning

Sabino Pellecchia

N. Ashcroft

Pier Francesco Boschi

Salvador Soto

Nathan Laidler

Piergiorgio Borettaz

Sam Armstrong

Niccolò Gradi

Pietro Corà

Samuel Farro

Nicholas Kager

Pietro Marchisio

Samuel Zeoli

Nicholas Perrett

Preston M Poland

Scott Dahlgren

Nick Rowe

Radoslaw Bozek

Scott Hobbs

Nico Borgogni

Raf Bressel

Sean Laughlin

Nicola Corticelli

Ralf Sandfuchs

Sean McAlister

Nicola Degobbis

Randall Ahlvers

Selene Varliero

Nicolas Decomble

Raymomd Clevenger

Sergio Nespoli

Nicolò Trevisan


Shane T. Bennett

Nolan LaRocque

Reik Herzog

Shinchul Ma

Olli Matilainen


Simon Powell

Ols Jonas Petter Olsson

René Schäfer

Simone Battistello

Owain Boardman

René Schultze

Simone Bonetti

Pablo Blanco

Riccardo Alverá

Simone Falso

Pablo Pérez Gómez

Riccardo Caneba

Simone Maccapani


Rich Schreiber

Simone Simoni

Paolo Rossetti

Richard Greene

Stefan Siegl

Patrice Mermoud

Richard H. Lindhorst

Stefano Belingheri

Patrick Schwieren

Richard Rivera

Stefano Bongiorno

416 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

THANKS Stefano Rondelli

Tomás Alarnes Piñeiro

Vincenzo Bregante

Stefano Stradaioli

Tommaso Innocenti

Vitiello Paolo

Stephane Ness

Tony Peterson

Volpe Dario Giuseppe

Stephen Getty

Tracy Landrum

Ward Van Opstal

Steven Noll

Travis Johnsen

Warren Nelson

Sunil Segu


Wendy Green

The Creative Fund

Troy Ellis

Will George

Theo Riches

Tyler Brunette

William Asico

Tien Thien Duc

Tyron Couch

Willis Williamson

Tigh Ward

Valerio Canu

Zachary becker

Tim Foeller

Vandi Luca

Zachary Brown

Tim Rudloff

Vesa Lahdenperä

Zachary Jimerson

Tim Sullivan

Vincent Berry

Zachary Knippel

Timothy Davis II

Vincent Furstenberger

Zachary Mussen

Tiziano Legrenzi

Vincent Pelletier

Ziv Plotnik

Todd Agthe

It’s not all, though! There is a huge host of people who wanted to support us with their art, because a roleplaying game is not just words and rules, but it creates living and breathing characters. Characters some have chosen to commit to paper and ink according to their unique sensitivity. Let us close with a series of phenomenal artists who have shared their phenomenal works with us during the campaign. Oh, by the way, you will be able to check them in their dedicated gallery at Thank you, folks, from the bottom of our hearts, for this wonderful and crazy adventure! Alesandro Alessi Anghini

Erica Rossi

Mario Santoro

Alessandro Cappuccio

Fabiana Mascolo

Matteo Aversano

Alessio Zanon

Federico Vicentini

Mirko Turriziani

Andrea Boscolo

Giorgio Abou Mrad

Nicolò Ielapi

Andrea Guardino

Jessica Ferrero

Riccardo Faccini

Andrea Tridico

Lorenzo Tammetta

Riccardo Latina

Arrigo Verderosa

Luca Colandrea

Salvatore R. Villirillo

Carola Borelli

Marika Cresta

Sandro Pizziolo

Edoardo De Santis

Marco Zuffranieri

Sara Antonellini

Erica D’Urso

Mario del Pennino

Valerio Giangiordano

417 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

INDEX A Abrabazem 12, 232 Academic knowledge 76 Acrobat 21, 91 Acrobatics 71, 80 Aculeus 152 Adds 298 Advanced use of skills 63 Adversaries 294, 413 Aeronautics 71 Aggression 72 Agility 67 Aim 69 Aiming 112 Airships 183, 411 Airships maneuvers 198 Alchem weapons 71, 151 Alchemical reactions 77 Alchemical school of biopsy 85 Alchemical school of entropy 85 Alchemy 77, 85 Ambush 109 Amputation 78 Analysis 43, 68 Animal-drawn vehicles 180 Antagonists 314 Anticipate 100 Anticipating 113 Applying damage 118 Aquatic creatures 379 Area of effect 130 Armaments 196 Armor 158 Art description 84 Art-based opportunities 116 Arts 20, 82, 219 Ascetic 93 Assassin 101, 334 Assault 109 Athletics 42, 65 Attacking 114 Availability 128 Aviator 87 Avoid hazards 68, 80 Axes 132

418 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

B Backstabber 100 Balastoc 14, 242 Ballistics expert 95 Ballistics expert 95 Barter 70, 81 Base opportunities 116 Battle flair 107 Battles in the skies 189 Biome knowledge 75 Biome knowledge specializations 75 Biopsiist architect 86 Biopsist 22, 86, 336 Blind shooting 115 Blinded 118 Bloodthirst 104 Bomber 103 Bombs 71, 85, 165 Brawl 42, 66 Brute force 66, 80 Buccaneer 98 Bullseye 102 Burning 118 C Calm animal 74 Camouflage 75 Carrying 66 Catastrophic failure 116 Catastrophic failure 63 Catastrophic failure 63, 116 Centurion 101 Charging 114, 118 Charm 44, 71 Cheating 71, 81, 93 Circus 90 Circus school 90 Climbing 65 Clubes 137 Combat advantage 124 Combat arts 95 Combat phases 113 Command 70, 81 Complexity 129 Con 70, 81

INDEX Concealing 67, 80 Concentration 70 Connection 78, 103 Cool 70, 81 Corsair 33 Corsair 98 Cover 73, 115 Cover fire 113, 143 Crafting equipment 128, 129 Craftsmanship 71 Creatures 349 Cunning 45, 70 Cutthroat 23 Cybernetics 77, 87 D Damage 117, 118, 130 Dance of the sun 105 Darvish school 97 Dazed 118 Decurion 101 Defense 130 Defensive stance 112 Delaying 113 Desperado 36 Dexterity 19, 43 Diagnosis 77, 78 Dirty trick 117 Disappearance 100 Disciple 99 Disciplines 43, 70 Disengage 111 Disguise 72, 92 Disoriented 118 Diving 67, 80 Dodge 46, 68 Dodging 113 Doors 208, 213 Doublering 21, 102 Drawing a weapon 112 Driving 75, 81, 182 Dropping an item 113 Dropping prone 112 Drugs 50, 176 Dying 120

E Emerald blades 97 Enemies 297 Enemy round 121 Enemy rounds 121 Engineer 24 Engineering 77, 87 Entropic architect 85 Entropic master 85 Entropist 25 Epeyst 37 Equipment 10, 20, 47, 126, 297 Evade 46, 71 Evaluating 72, 81 Exhausted 118 Exhausted 118 Explorer 35, 91 Extended tests 60 Extract information 70, 81 F Failure 63 Fire and flames 104 Firearms 142 First aid 68, 80 Flexible weapons 139 Frightened 118 G Gambler 93 Gambling 68 Ganging up 114 Gathering information 70, 81 Gears of fate 64 Generating attributes 10 Generating skills 10, 42 Geographic knowledge 11, 75 Gizmos 77, 160 Grafts 88, 163 Grappling 119 Gravely wounded 118, 120 Guascon school 97 Gunslinger 96 Guru 99

419 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

INDEX H Handicraft 43, 68 Handling 130 Hand-to-hand combat 66, 80 Healing 120, 121 Healing 121 Helping a friend 64 Herbalism 75 Hidden tests 60 Hiding 67, 80 Hitting 114 Hitting from a distance 115 Hitting with melee weapons 114 Human subject 39, 103 Hybrid school 98 I Identifying materials 77 Immobilized 119 Improve skills 64 Improvised weapons 131 Infiltrator 92 Informator 26 Initial sesterzii 20 Initiative 46, 71, 111, 123 Insight 43, 70 Investigator 93 Itteghasp 15, 252 J

Jam 116 Juggler 91 Jumping 65, 80

K Ketniv 16, 262 Knives 134 Knowledge 75, 76, 77, 84 Kravmaga school 98 L Landsknecht school 100 Leader 94 Leaping 65

420 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Learning new arts 219 Legionary 101 Lifting 66 Lightning rod 71, 81 Living shield 98 Lock-icking 73, 80 Locks 208 Loss of balance 117 Luck 45, 71 M Magister micron omega 88 Magister omega 87 Magister phi 90 Magister psi 89 Magnetism 19, 44 Maneuvers 111 Markon weapons 155 Markonist 27 Master biopsist 86 Master of arms 98 Master of poisons 86 Master of projectiles 95 Maximus phi 90 Meccanicus 87 Mechanical diagnosis 77 Mechanical repairs 73, 80 Medic 28 Medicine 78, 94 Memorize 68, 81 Mercenary 29 Merchant 94 Militia 30 Mind 19, 43 Mind blade 103 Monopoly schools 103 Mortician’s best friend 100 Mostucaal 17, 270 Motorized vehicles 180 Mounts 179 Movement 46, 189 Moving 111 Mower 100 Mujiman 38 Murderer 100

INDEX Mutations 12, 234 Mutilations 122 N Natural healing 120 Natural knowledge 78 Natural phenomena 217 Natural poisons 174 Negative conditions 118 Nimbleness 67 Non-lethal damage 66, 117 Northern wrath 104 Nuugard 18, 278 O Opportunities 63, 84, 95, 115, 131, 296 Opposed tests 61 Orienteering 68, 75, 81 Origin bonus 11 Origins 11 P Panache 72, 81 Passages 207 Past experiences 20 Path of harmony 105 Perception 69, 81 Personality 48 Phi school of markonism 89 Picking pockets 73, 80, 92 Piercing 137 Pinned 119 Precise aim 98 Precision shooting 115 Preparing an action 112 Primus micron omega 88 Primus omega 88 Primus phi 90 Primus psi 89 Primus umbra psi 89 Prodigious dodge 116 Professional arts 85 Prolonged exertion 67 Prone 119

Providence 72, 81 Psi school of markonism 88 Psyonicist 31 Pushing 66 Q Queequeg school 101

R Range 130 Ranged weapons 141 Ranks 53 Reactions 113 Reagents 171 Reaper 100 Reflexes 43, 68 Regional past experiences 36 Regional schools 104 Reloading 113 Remedies of old gretchen 177 Remote devices 162 Repair equipment 128 Reviving a character 121 Rewards 218 Riding 73, 75 Rifleman 32, 303 Rounds 108 Ruby blades 97 Running 114 S Sapphire blades 97 School of ballistics 95 School of crime 91 School of engineering 87 School of espionage 92 School of shadow 100 School of survival 91 School of the hoplite 101 Scoundrel 94 Scout 91 Secret rolls 199 Seduce 70, 81 Sensei 99

421 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

INDEX Senses 43, 69 Sensing conlio 78, 81 Sensing intentions 68, 81 Shadowing 67, 80 Shooting from melee 115 Shooting into melee 115 Shoving, kicking, or shoulder-barging 116 Shylok 39 Sixth sense 69, 81, 87 Skill bonus 11, 52, 53, 196, 218 Skill challenges 61 Skills 10, 42, 43, 44, 45, 56, 58, 59, 62, 65 Slowed 119 Smuggler 33 Sneaking 68, 80 Sniper 95 Snooping poisons 73, 81 Spare bits 170 Special abilities 371 Special characteristics 130 Special traits 11 Spotting 68 Sprinting 64 Spy 92 Stamina 19, 42 Standing up in melee 67 Stealth 43, 67 Strength 43, 66 Stunned 119 Success 59, 63 Success with opportunitiy 63 Surgeon 28, 94 Surprise 109 Surprised 119 Surprised groups 109 Swashbuckler 33, 98 Swimming 73, 74, 80 Swords 135 T Tactical map 108 Take cover 116 Talking 118 Tayo monk 40 Technical knack 77 Tecnicus 87

422 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Terrorized 119 Test types 59 Thief 92 Threaten 70, 81 Thrown weapons 140 Tormentum armor 159 Tormentum arrays 146 Tormentum weapons 148 Toxins 71, 86, 173 Track hound 34 Tracking 74, 91 Traditional weapons 131 Training animals 74 Traps 209, 210 Triplering 102 U Unarmed combat 114, 131 Unbalanced 119 Urban knowledge 78 Using skills 65 Utilizing items 61 Utilizing remotes 78 V Valkyr 41 Vanishing 68, 92 Vehicles 179 Veteran gunslinger 96 Vices 49 Villain 332 Vulnerable 119 W Walking 67 Walls 207 Wanderer 35 War machine 103 Wealth and money 128 Weapon-based opportunities 116 Weapons 129 Weapons description 129 Weather 218 Wounded 120 Wounds 46, 120


423 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


















Nuug Baalta



















Nuug Kirvii





120 300











Long Bow


Short Bow


Wrist Crossbow



800 1800






Lapidator a


















































































424 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)























































K Foam




























Doctor’s Bag




Excursor Bagpack












GRAFTS Simple Grafts


Complex Grafts




Superior Grafts




Portable Laboratory




Travel Pack


Trench Butcher’s Bag






















Mechanus Exoskeleton


425 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)









Prosthesis 01 Arm






Prosthesis Fortem Arm


Diamond Dust




Prosthesis Optimum Arm




Prosthesis 02 Leg




Prosthesis Fortem Leg





Prosthesis Optimum Leg




Widow’s Kiss


MUTAGENS Celeritas





DRUGS Bannerine











Tiger’s Eye







Baute Leaves




Blue Rust Digestive




Crimson Nettle Flowers




Salamander and Snail Brew


Torbuco’s Herbal













GOODS / SERVICE Beer Tankard


Glass of Wine


Bottle of Liquor




Single Room


Bunk bed


Train Ticket - 100 Kc


Train Ticket - 500 Kc


Train Ticket – 1,000 Kc








Domestic Bear






Rope - 30 C









Purple Lizard


Portable Light






Food Rations (1 day)


426 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)











Northern Wrath






Path of Harmony






Primus Omega




Human Subject


Primus Micron Omega


Ballistics Expert




Primus Phi


Battle Flair




Primusi Psi


Biopsist Architect




Primus Umbra Psi












Ruby Blades




Magister Micron Omega


Sapphire Blades




Magister Omega






Magister Phi




Circus Performer


Magister Psi






Master Biopsist






Master of Arms






Master of Poisons


Sun Dancer




Master of Projectiles




Emerald Blades


Maximus Phi




Entropic Architect






Entropic Master








Mind Blade






Mortician’s Best Friend




Fire and Flames




Veteran Gunslinger






War machine


427 Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Xyiu Hunda

Smuggler Ketniv Newbie 13

2 2

1 1


2 1

2 4 3 4

Knife Pistol

4 4 -




Pugnale Pistola

80 300

3 3










3 1

4 3 2



4 3

Aviator Merchant Swashbuckler

3 0

800 Fearless 600 T he Party Animal 700 Academic (Engineering) Biome (Urban Areas) Geographic (Ketniv, Nuugard, Itteghasp))

20 400

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Driving 2100 Aeronautics 2500


Aziz Jabhar

Engineer Balastoc Newbie


13 3


2 1






3 4 3 3

Knife Revolver Harpago






3 5 5 -

Pugnale Revolver


3 1


4 3 2




2 1



4 4

80 Meccanicus 600 Tecnicus 300

3 0

900 600

Divine Help T he Loser

Geographic (Balastoc) Academic (Engineering) Biome (Urban Areas)

20 1000

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Driving 1500 Mechanical Repairs 2500


R afo Poznak

Entropist Abrabazem Newbie


13 2

3 2

2 3

5 3 4 2

Knife Pistol Iuppiter Bombard Glacies Glutinum





6 5 -



Pugnale Pistola Iuppiter




5 3


6 3


1 1



3 2 5

80 Entropic Master 300 900 90 40 50

30 1500

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


4 1 1 1000

Touched by Fate T he Dark One

Geographic (Abrabazem) Academic (Alchemy) Biome (Urban Areas)

Driving 1000 Alchem Weapons 2500 Craftsmanship (Making Bombs)


Loto Lucignani

M arkonist Itteghasp Newbie


14 1

1 1

1 2

3 6 3 4






5 4 -

Schiavona Pistol Drone Simple Grafts: Gemini,Light Polytool, Tubor, W ings Bombard Glacies Glutinum




Schiavona Pistola Tubor

4 2


5 1





3 1




4 0 900

Brilliant Mind T he Seducer

Geographic (Itteghasp) Academic (Markonism) Biome (Urban Areas)

90 40 60


Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


1 4 5

120 Magister Omega 300 500 400

90 1600


900 2500


Paalvi Saarinen

Cuttthroat Nuugard Newbie


13 3 3

3 1

4 1 5 2

Shank Dagger Darts (5) Crystallus Chamaleon Februm







6 5 -



1 5



Daga Crystallus Costoliere

1 1





3 1


3 2

7 4 5

240 Scoundrel 300 Backstabber 100 200 300 50

10 1200

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


6 3 5 600 Tough as Nails 700 T he Tough Guy

Geographic (Nuugard) Biome (Urban Areas: Slums)

Driving 1300 Picking Pockets 2500 Lock-picking


R aul Van Goof

Track Hound Mostucaal Newbie


13 2

5 2


3 3 2 3

2 5




2 5 4 -

Knife Schiavona W hip Rifle Pharus, Excursor Bagpack Celeritas Potio Glutinum Glacies Sopor (2)






3 2





4 2 1



5 2 5

80 Investigator 120 Ballistic Expert 80 400 200 60 90 40 50 120 60 1300

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


Schiavona Fucile


3 0 0 500 Totem Hat 700 T he Righteous

Geographic (Mostucaal) Biome (Urban Areas)

Driving 1200 Tracking 2500

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)


“THE SHADOW OF THE SQUID” The war is over, but there is no shortage of reasons to keep fighting! The world of Vulcania is in constant evolution and new threats are rising from its dark past… The saga continues with a new, exciting adventure available at our website:

THE NARRATOR SCREEN A classy tool to have all the information you need close at hand to immerse your players in the world of Vulcania!

In addition, the sheets and pregen characters in this volume will be available as a free download from our website as well as other game materials

Hill Snover (Order #36675299)