Vocabulary: Life, Intermediate, Unit 5 Test [PDF]

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Life, Intermediate, Unit 5 Test Vocabulary 1 Decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits the gap in each sentence. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 In appearance and taste, snake meat is a bit ____________chicken. A as

B like

C so

1 My main course tastes quite ____________ . It really tastes of nothing at all. A spicy

B bland

C salty

2 ____________today, I’ve sold twenty-two sandwiches. A So much

B So far

C So soon

3 I’m trying to relax and ____________ stress. My stress levels are too high right now. A give

B produce

C reduce

4 We’re ____________we could book that holiday at the last minute. A so happy

B that so happy

C happy so

5 The vegetables have been ____________ in oil. A boiled

B baked

C fried

6 Can I ____________ your order? A give

B take

C put

7 This shop is open ____________ hours. A all

B whole

C every

8 Penny ate all her pizza and ____________ did Claire. A so

B that

C as

9 Our products are not ____________ for people with nut allergies. A reliable B suitable C edible 10 The best way to avoid ____________ sick when travelling in a hot country is to take water purification tablets. A doing (10 points)

B making

C getting

2 Complete the comments with these words. There are three extra words which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). avoid














We’re always being told that we should change what we eat and how we eat. Personally, I find this annoying. I know I should (0) _avoid___________ sugary drinks and (1) ____________up exercise, but I don’t want to be told to! What about you? Write and tell us what annoys you. I hate being told to (2) ____________down on how much salt I eat, and to (3) ____________ up salted butter altogether. I work on a dairy farm and I’m proud of the butter we make – it’s delicious! Matt, Bodmin I hate being reminded of how unhealthy the food I’m eating is when I go to a restaurant. Eating out is difficult enough – you have to ring up in advance to (4) ____________ a table and arrive in time to (5) ____________ a drink from the bar before you sit down to eat. Then you have to make sure you have plenty of money in your bank account to (6) ____________ the bill, and plenty of change in your pocket to (7) ____________ a tip. It becomes even more difficult when you (8) ____________ at the menu and next to every dish there are symbols warning you that something is fatty or dangerous. Arthur, Tunbridge Wells I hate frozen food. Frozen pizzas (9) ____________ like cardboard when you cook them, and I think they must (10) ____________ frozen burgers from old shoes. They’re awful. We should all eat fresh food! Sandy, Totnes (10 points)

Grammar Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and four words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Think positively or things will go wrong. YOU If _you don’t think___________ positively, things will go wrong. 1 Pedestrians can’t cross here. ALLOWED

Pedestrians ____________ cross here. 2 I don’t recommend booking tickets online. SHOULD You ____________ tickets online. 3 Wearing shoes in the sports hall is prohibited. MUSTN’T You ____________ shoes in the sports hall. 4 Can we bring our own food? ARE ____________ bring our own food? 5 The cake will taste awful unless we reduce the amount of sugar in it. IF If ____________the amount of sugar in the cake, it will taste awful. 6 We won’t go until Jo gets here. SOON We’ll ____________ Jo gets here. 7 We won’t go to the shopping mall until we’ve had lunch. BEFORE We’ll have lunch ____________ to the shopping mall. 8 Try to eat healthily or you’ll get ill. DON’T You’ll get ill if ____________ to eat healthily. 9 On holiday, getting up early isn’t necessary. HAVE You ____________ get up early on holiday. 10 The children aren’t allowed to go outside when it’s raining. CAN’T When it’s raining, the children ____________ outside. (10 points)

4 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Hi Mum Thanks for your email. Of course we’re still planning to come to your birthday party on Saturday. In fact, if John (0) ____________ work early on Friday, we’ll come and visit you on Friday evening. Usually, he (1) ____________ leave the office before five – office rules – but, hopefully, his boss (2) ____________ him if he asks nicely. We won’t know whether we can come for sure (3) ____________ tomorrow morning – I’ll text you (4) ____________. If we do come on Friday, it (5) ____________ be late by the time we get to Norwich. You don’t (6) ____________ pick us up from the train station. We’ll take a taxi. We’re really looking forward to seeing you. I know Dad is planning a big surprise for you. We (7) ____________ what it is – Dad’s told us not to! You (8) ____________ believe it when you see it! Anyway, see you soon. We (9) ____________ there by 10 on Friday (10) ____________ John can’t get the time off work. Love Martha

0 A finish

B finishes

C will finish

D will finishes

1 A can’t

B won’t

C mustn’t

D shouldn’t

2 A lets

B let

C will let

D won’t let

3 A if

B unless

C when

D until

4 A before we know

B as soon as we know C before we’ll know

D as soon as we’ll know

5 A must

B can

C should

D will

6 A have to

B should

C must

D allowed to

7 A can’t to say

B aren’t allowed to say C don’t have to say

D shouldn’t to say

8 A can’t

B shouldn’t

C don’t

D won’t

9 A will be

B can be

C are allowed to be

D must be

10 A if

B unless

C when

D until

(10 points)

Reading Part 1: Notices and labels

Part 2: Benefits of food A Is cheese good for you? Surprisingly, despite its reputation for being fatty, there is plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that it is. For example, recently, Scandinavian researchers discovered that young men who ate large quantities of cheese had significantly reduced levels of cholesterol compared to other groups. In other studies, it was found that cheese might protect our teeth from cavities. We all know that cheese is a great source of calcium and phosphate, both of which help build teeth, but it wasn’t understood until recently that it also has bacteria which kill germs in our mouths that harm our teeth. B Back when I was in my thirties, struggling to lose the weight I put on with each pregnancy, I decided once and for all to give up peanuts. At the time I considered anything containing calories and fat to be my enemy. But, later, once my kids started to love the taste of peanut butter, I fell in love with peanuts again. And I now know that peanuts – in moderation, of course – can have great health benefits. Studies have found eating peanuts five times a week decreases heart disease and reduces the risk of diabetes. Not only that, but, because they are so filling they are, in comparison to crisps or chocolate, a much better snack to eat between meals. C Americans love avocados. I’ve always loved them. When the annual sporting event the Super Bowl is on TV, millions of the fat-filled fruit are eaten across the States! The problem is that they’re so delicious nobody believes they can be good for you! Luckily, though, studies show that avocados are full of nutrients and vitamins, and that people who eat them are healthier. They also offer loads of health benefits. They help fight chronic inflammation in the body, something which causes arthritis, heart disease and cancer. There’s no need to worry they might make you fat – I have a diet rich in avocados. D Low in calories, and a good source of protein (which makes you feel fuller after eating), oysters are something of a superfood to me. They’re delicious too. Ever since I was a kid, growing up in Alabama, where oysters are often available, I’ve eaten them more or less every day. A source of vitamins and iron, one of their most significant benefits is that they give you lots of energy to help you through the day. And I guess that, since they are easily farmed, and grow in large numbers, they are better for the environment. They’re one of the few foods from the ocean we can eat without worrying about reducing the number of creatures in the sea.

5a Look at Reading Part 1. Write the correct letter (A–H) next to each statement (1–5). There are two notices or labels you don’t need. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 You can use this no matter how old you are. ___A_________ 1 Currently, you can’t buy any of these things. ____________ 2 You may have to move this away from the window. ____________ 3 You mustn’t use this unless there is a problem. ____________ 4 You can use these things – but don’t take them home with you. ____________ 5 You can purchase the whole box but you can’t buy just one thing in it. ____________

5b You are going to read about the benefits of some kinds of food. For questions 1–5, choose from the sections (A–D) in Part 2. The sections may be chosen more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 The writer mentions one age group which this food is particularly good for. _A___________ 1 The writer has always considered this food healthy. ____________ 2 The writer says where this food is often eaten in large quantities. ____________ 3 The writer explains that the food is good for a part of our body for at least two different reasons. ____________ 4 Apart from taste and health benefits, the writer gives a further reason for eating this food. ____________ 5 The writer says that he or she hasn’t always eaten this food. ____________ (10 points)

Listening 6 [Track 108] You will hear five different people talking about healthy eating. For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–F) what each person says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. Speaker 1 ___ Speaker 2 ___ Speaker 3 ___ Speaker 4 ___ Speaker 5 ___ A Eating a really healthy diet is a really challenging thing to do.

B People who eat really healthy diets can be annoying. C Having a really healthy diet is the best way of eating. D People on really healthy diets can cause harm to themselves. E The number of people on really healthy diets is rising. F People don’t have to listen to advice about eating healthily. (10 points)

Writing 7 Read the task below. The bus stop near your house is going to be moved. The prices in the car park in your town centre are going to be doubled. The hotel opposite your house is going to have live bands on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Write a formal letter (approximately 200 words) in response to one of the situations above. Make sure you: • say why you are writing and complain about the actions. • say what consequences will happen. • request action to be taken. • use a formal style and start Dear Sir or Madam. (10 points)

Speaking 8 Read the task below and give your presentation in class. Prepare a two-minute presentation for your teacher and classmates describing your favourite dish and how you make it.

In your presentation, remember to: • talk about the ingredients and the recipe. • say what it tastes like and why you like it. (10 points)