Vocabulary 2 I. Choose A, B, C or D That Best Fits Each Blank in The Sentences [PDF]

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VOCABULARY 2 I. Choose A, B, C or D that best fits each blank in the sentences PART 1 1. As he has grown up. his parents no longer have much ______ over him like when he was a child. A. scurry B. distress C. sway D. coaxing  Scurry (n) sự di chuyển nhanh với bước nhỏ / khoảng thời gian bận rộn  Sway (n) control or influence  Coaxing (n) the act of persuading someone gently to do something, by being kind and patient, or by appearing to be 2. She is a big fan of Taylor Swift so whenever asked, she can always ______ a long list of her songs. A. fob off B. duck on C. reel off D. round on  Reel off sth : nói ra 1 tràng   Fob off someone/sth : to persuade someone to accept someone or something you want to get rid of  Round on sb/sth : to suddenly turn and attack so/sth / criticize sb who has criticized you 3. The police were corrupt(=morally bad) and were operating in ______ with the drug dealers. A. collusion B. tandem C. agreement D. intricacy(sự phức tạp)  in collusion with: thông đồng với = in league with   in tandem with: xảy ra đồng thời, cùng lúc với  4. Despite being the youngest ever Footballer of the Year, Nwabueze is continuing his university course as he is aware of the ______ nature of sportin success. A. transitive B. transitional C. transcendent D. transitory  Transitive (a) cần bổ ngữ ( đối với động từ)  Transitory (a): tạm thời   Transcendent (a) greater, better, more important, or going past or above all others  Transitional (a): có tính chuyển giao  5. The worker on the ladder looks as if he is ready to ______ from exhaustion. A. keel over B. rattle off C. level off D. croon over  Keel over : ngã khuỵu xuống (vì mệt)   Rattle off sth : to say sth quickly  Level off : If a rate or amount levels off, it stops rising or falling and stays at the same level  Croon (v) hát ngâm nga nho nhỏ 6. She was prepared to take the ______ for the shoplifting, though it had been her sister's idea. A. seat                                             B. rap C. gush (phun ra, vọt ra) D. bash( cú đánh mạnh, đánh mạnh)  Take the rap for sth : nhận tội thay cho ai  7. Her dishonest behavior during the final exam came under severe ______. A. censure B. admonition C. precept D. vindication  Come under censure : bị phê bình chỉ trích  Admonition (n) cảnh báo, cảnh cáo  Precept (n) lời giáo huấn , lời răn dạy đạo lý  Vindication (n) sự xác minh 8. The team sank to fourth place in June, but is now ______ and about to win the division. A. arduous B. sullen(ảm đạm, buồn thảm) C. resurgent D. leery(ranh mãnh, láu cá)  resurgent (a): hồi sinh, trỗi dậy  9. You have only overcome the first ______ by passing the entrance test, there is still a long way ahead. A. hurdle( chướng ngại vật trong thể thao/ khó khăn trở ngại) B. threshold C. barricade( vật chặn, chướng ngại để phòng thủ) D. snuggle(xê gần, xích gần, ôm ấp) 10. I tried to be friendly but maybe it was because of my family background, the rich girl ______ me completely. A. snubbed (ngó lơ, không quan tâm) B. snatched( vồ lấy, túm lấy giật lấy)

C. snapped D. snagged(làm rách, làm vướng)  snub (V): làm ngơ, không đoái hoài  11. If you do not let him do things for himself, you are ______ bad habits that will be hard to break in the future. A. construing( understand sth in a particular way) B. perpetuating (cause sth to continue) C. expunging(xóa,bỏ) D. enacting 12. Our host was friendly, actually so friendly that we felt a bit uncomfortable at first because of her ______ welcome. A. effusive B. delirious C. aflame(burning) D. effulgent  effusive (a): nhiệt tình thái quá   delirious (a): mê sảng   effulgent (a): sáng chói, sáng ngời  13. The whole country had tried to ______ the memory of imperialist(theo chủ nghĩa đế quốc) figures by removing many statues in public places. A. deface(làm xấu đi, làm mất vẻ đẹp) B. perforate( đục lỗ, khoan thủng) C. efface(xóa bỏ , làm lu mờ) D. disfigure(làm biến dạng, làm méo mó)  efface (V): xóa bỏ  14. Sex is probably the most popular pastime in the history of life on Earth — which makes it all the more ridiculous that so many of us have such a ______ way of talking about it. A. tight-fisted(unwilling to spend money) B. mealy-mouthed C. thick-skinned D. light-fingered  Mealy- mouthed : nói vòng vo (do ngại)   Light-fingered : hay ăn cắp vặt 15. The main sponsor of the event did not ______ to all the details of the plan so we have to adjust some points of it. A. evince B. demur C. concede D. accede  Evince (v) to make something obvious or show something clearly  Demur (v) : to exxpress dissagreement orr refuse to do sth  Concede (v) to admit offten unwillingly that sth is true  Accede to sth = agree with st  16. We are proud to be the country to ______ the trail in laser surgery and hope this technology will soon become widely applied in treatment. A. hit B. break C. blaze D. gaze  Blaze a trail : tiên phong  17. The wide ______ between rich and poor was highlighted in his novel about a neighbour in the 20th century. A. divergence ( sự khác nhau, sự bất đồng) B. disparity( sự bất bình đẳng) C. disparagement(sự làm mất thể diện) D. deviation 18. While the other teams actively ______ the championship, this team seems content simply to go through the motions of playing. A. ace for B. bode for C. vie for D. strike for  Bode (v) báo trước  Vie for : khao khát, cạnh tranh để có được   Ace (v) do well in an exam 19. People are more ______ when they are young so the environment in which children live will greatly influence their personality. A. malleable             B. permeable(thấm nước) C. ductile                           D. facile  malleable (a): dễ bị ảnh hưởng   permeable (a): thấm   ductile (a): mềm, dễ uốn   facile (a): dễ dàng, đơn giản  20. Having not travelled anywhere before, Ellis was in ______ about her first visit to Paris.

A. gaiety(sự vui vẻ, trò vui) B. delirium(tình trạng mê sảng, cơn mê sảng) C. exaltation( sự hớn hở,sự tán dương) D. raptures(sự sung sướng,trạng thái mê ly)  be in rapture about: sung sướng vì cái gì  21. The tickets for the concert were ______ within three hours of going on sale. A. wrapped up B. snapped up C. clocked up D. seized up  Seize up : to stop being able to move or work in the normal way  Snap up sth : to buy or obtain sth quickly and enthusiastically  Wrap up sth : complete or finish sth  22. While some ________ of endearment have remained popular, others like "tomato" or "lambkin" have fallen out of style. A. terms B. captions C. titles D. phrases  endearment (n): cách gọi thân mật  23. Johnny was so nervous at his new school that when he introduced himself, he ______ the first few words before he could speak smoothly again. A. stammered B. mumbled C. giggled D. muttered  Stammer (v) nói lắp  Mumble (v) nói lầm bầm, càu nhàu cằn nhằn  Mutter (v) cằn nhằn, càu nhàu 24. Annie has always worn her heart on her ______ so it is not difficult to guess whom she has a crush on. A. collar B. face C. hat D. sleeve  Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve : thể hiện tình cảm của mình 1 cách rõ ràng 25. I need to meet with Jim before the negotiations to make sure that we will be on the same ______ when we meet with the other company. A line B boat C page D stage  On the same page : have the same ideas as sb 26. The secret birthday party plan was about to be spoiled had Mary not ______ in time. A. jacked in B. clammed up C. eked out D. slacked off  Eke out sth : to obtain or win something only with difficulty or great effort  Clam up : im lặng đột ngột   Slack off : to work less hard or to be less than is usual or necessary 27. In a ______ you can use margarine, but it is better to use unsalted(with no salt  added) butter. A. seed B. drip C. drop D. pinch  In a pinch : trong trường hợp cần thiết  28. After working a whole day in the summer heat, I would give my right ______ for a cold drink right now. A. mind B. ear C. arm D. hand  Give one’s right arm : muốn làm cái gì  29. By detecting facial movements, the robot is able to ______ important mood information from factors such as speech pattern, skin moisture, and body language. A. glean B. rankle C. reap D. spurn  Glean (v) = collect (V)   Rankle (v) to make someone annoyed or angry for a long time  Spurn to refuse to accept something or someone because you feel that thing or person is not worth having 30. There may be a ______ of truth in what these kids say even though they are just primary students. A. pinch B. kernel C. speck D. crux  Kernel (n) the edible part of a nut that is inside the shell, or the whole seed of a grain plant  Pinch (n) a small amount of something, such as a powder  Crux (n) the most important problem, question, or part 31. That the boy’s idleness ______ ill for his future is obvious to everyone apart from his parents. A. bodes B. heralds C. causes D. bears  Bode ill for st: có thể có tác động xấu tới 

32. The American runner came within ______ distance of winning the cup but the Chinese competitor suddenly surpassed him at the last minute. A. adjoining(near, next to, or touching) B. spitting C. abutting (bên cạnh, giáp sát) D. neighbouring(gần , ngay cạnh) -In/within spitting distance : suýt, rất gần tới  33. I asked for an explanation and all I got was your ridiculous ______ story. A. beef-and-bacon B. donkey-and-monkey C. cock-and-bull D. duck-and-frog  Cock-and-bull story : a story that is obviously not true, especially one given as an excuse 34. Some people say the company took them to the ______ by charging double for some services. A. thrashers B. trashes C. breadline D. cleaner’s  breadline: a line of people waiting to receive free food  take sb to the cleaner's: lừa nhiều tiền của ai  35. He was ______ until someone criticised his mother, then he got extremely upset. A. placid B. miffed C. unorthodox D. dejected  placid (a): điềm tĩnh  miffed (a): phật ý   unorthodox (a): không chính thống   dejected (a): buồn nản, chán nản  36. I am not confident about my essay so I really want to know the professor’s ______ on it. A. take B. look C. brook D. catch  take(n) = opinion 37. There was a(n) ______ of scientific publication in the period 1645-1660 with thousands of researches and experiments conducted. A. acquiescence B. efflorescence C. effervescence D. convalescence  acquiescence (n): sự bằng lòng, sự ưng thuận   efflorescence (n): giai đoạn thịnh vượng nhất = flourishment (n)   effervescence (n): sự sục sôi, sự sôi nổi   convalescence (n): sự hồi phục  38. The weather in Con Dao during this month is very ______ so we had better bring both raincoats and sunscreen along. A. fluctuating B. capricious C. wavering D. whimsical  capricious (a): thay đổi thất thường (mood,weather)= inclement  wavering (a): nao núng   whimsical (a): bất thường, hay thay đổi  39. Andy’s dog can always ______ the bullies in no time so he is now no longer afraid of them anymore. A. cast off B. wave off C. scrape off D. see off  cast off: rời cảng (thuyền); discard something unwanted or undesirable.  "I cast off my clothes, crawled into bed and fell asleep"  wave off:  to wave to someone as they leave a place in order to say goodbye  scrape off: chùi sạch  see off: tiễn ai, dọa cho sợ  40. I don't have my phone here to call so I will just come to the library ______ hoping that I can meet Mr. Khoi. A. on spec B. on peg C. in rags D. at ranch  on spec: một cách may rủi   in rags = in old clothing  41. Checking the data is the task nobody wants to be ______, not only because it is boring but it is also perplexing. A. fiddled with B. regaled with C. parted with D. saddled with  saddle sb with sth: giao nhiệm vụ cho ai   regal(adj): (thuộc) vua chúa; xứng với vua chúa; như vua chúa  part with: chia xa 42. The crew is ______ its duty to protect the safety of its passengers by not providing them with fife jackets.

A. rescinding B. abrogating C. revoking D. repealing  rescind (V): hủy bỏ, thủ tiêu (luật, hợp đồng…)   abrogate (V) = evade a duty  revoke (V): hủy bỏ, thủ tiêu (sắc lệnh)   repeal (V): hủy bỏ, bãi bỏ (1 đạo luật) 43. It is unwise to believe everything written on the news, some might be misleading, some might even be downright _____. A. obnoxious B. whimsical C. mendacious D. bewildering  downright: (especially of something bad) extremely or very great  obnoxious (adj): very unpleasant or rude  mendacious (adj): dối trá, lừa đảo   bewildering (adj): confusing or perplexing 44. Diplomats are trying to ______ the tense situation between the two nations recently. A. defuse B. defy C. distress D. descend  defuse (V): làm lắng dịu, xoa dịu   defy (V): bất chấp, coi thường, không tuân theo  45. ______ including stones and bottles were thrown at the police during the protest. A. Missiles B. Cartridges C. Cartouches D. Partridges  missile (n):  vật ném vào người khác                   : tên lửa   cartridge (n):  đạn, vỏ đạn, đầu máy quay đĩa; cuộn phim chụp ảnh  cartouche (n) /kɑːrˈtuːʃ/: vòng tròn hình ô-van khắc tên và tước hiệu của vua Ai Cập  partridge (n): gà gô 46. I was really saved by the ______ when the teacher moved the math test to next week A. horn B. bell C. stone D. teeth  saved by the bell: được cứu/thoát khỏi khó khăn vào phút chót  47. Jody is 50 years old and still not married. I think she is destined to be an old ______. A. nun B. maid C. monk D. crow  nun (n): nữ tu sĩ   old maid: người phụ nữ đã nhiều tuổi nhưng chưa có chồng   monk (n): thầy tu   crow (n): con quạ  48. The minister is speaking with a ______ tongue, promising support he will never deliver. A. sharp B. forked C. fake D. rosy  sharp tongue: ăn nói sắc sảo   speak with forked tongue: nói dối  49. The creative and intelligent boy came up with a solution entirely off his own _____ instead of relying on the teacher’s hint. A. bulb B. bat C. bag D. beat  off one’s own bat: làm độc lập, không phải dựa vào ai   50. That his father died in the car accident really hit the eight-year-old boy for ______. A. half B. nine C. six D. twice  hit/knock sb for six: làm ai đau buồn  51. The saucepan fell onto the floor with a great ______. A. clatter B. clunk C. clink D. crackle

52. How about a night in a charming ______ windmill on the island of Milos, watching the sunset over the sea. with a glass of retsina in hand and a plate of olives on the table? A. preserved B. customized C. dilapidated D. converted  windmill (n): cối xay gió   dilapidated (a): đổ nát, xiêu vẹo   converted (a): chuyển đổi  53. Relying heavily on farming, people in this village ______ their vegetable gardens very carefully. A. attend B. tend C. maintain D. tender  tend (V): chăm sóc  54. Charles Babbage's "difference engine" is widely regarded as the ______ of modern computers. A. precursor B. outrider C. precedent D. harbinger  precursor (n): điềm báo trước, người mở đường   outrider (n): người cưỡi ngựa đi mở đường  harbinger (n): vật báo hiệu  55. As the sky darkened it soon became obvious that a violent storm was ______. A. eminent B. impending C. offing D. impenitent  eminent (a) = famous   impending (adj): about to happen; forthcoming =iminent  in the offing: likely to happen soon:  impenitent (adj): không hối cãi, không ăn năn  56. The girl with end-stage heart failure underwent a heart transplant in a ______ attempt to save her. A. last-gasp B. last-ditch C. last-minute D. last-breath  last - gasp: thời khắc cuối cùng   last - ditch: cuối cùng (+effort/attempt) 57. The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education, and ______ them. A. promulgate B. incite C. heed D. irrigate  promulgate (v): ban hành, truyền bá  heed (v): pay attention to;  (n)= attention 58. I never dare to ____ my duty even for once since I worked here due to the strict staff appraisal criteria of the company. A. duke B. whirl C. reel D. shirk  duke (n): công tước   whirl (V): xoay tít, xoay lộn   reel (V): quay cuồng, lảo đảo   shirk (V): lẩn tránh  59. The school authorities thought that taking a ______ on undisciplined students will make them more obedient, but this actually backfired in the end. A. high hand B. hard line       C. harsh heart D. tough grip  take a hard line on = strict  60. Although the project ______ difficulties, everyone believes that their team will eventually manage to succeed. A. bristles with B. trifles with C. cripples with D. grapples with

 bristle with = have a lot of st   trifle with: làm việc qua loa, không nghiêm túc   cripple (V): phá hỏng  grapples with = try hard to solve a difficult problem 61. We will be up the creek without ______ if we lose those files, so we should back them up regularly. A. an anchor B. a paddle C. a sailor D. a rope  up the creek without a paddle: in a difficult situation, with no way of getting out of it 62. We could talk about this problem until the ______ come home, but it wouldn't solve anything. A. cows B. pigs C. sheep D. crows  till/until the cows come home: for a very long time 63. I know ten dollars is just a drop in the ______ but if everyone gives that much, it will make a big difference. A. box B. jar C. kettle D. bucket 64. About 20 percent of the country's population is______ with the drought while the government sends no help. A. afflicted B. affected C. inflicted D. inflected  be afflicted with: suffer from a problem, disease 65. The discovery will help the scientists to ______ the mystery of how the Chinese built this structure. A. dissolve B. interrogate C. dismantle D. unravel  interrogate (V): thẩm vấn, chất vấn   unravel (V): làm sáng tỏ  66. Hundreds of scientists have tried in a(n) ______ hope to realise the absurd dream of reviving the dead. A. forlorn B. gripping C. far-fetched D. imminent  forlorn (a): đáng thương (= hopeless)  gripping (a): gợi sự hứng thú   far-fetched (a): gượng gạo, không tự nhiên  imminent (a): sắp xảy ra  67. Living in a countryside tends to ______ us from the rush and pressure of the modern world. A. insulate B. safeguard C. refrain D. upkeep  insulate (V): cô lập, cách li   refrain (V): kìm nén   upkeep (V): sửa sang  68. I ran into an unknown in the Lexico-Grammar exercise, but I didn't try and ______ the gap. A. held over B. hung out C. pressed on D. stuck at  hold over: làm gì lâu hơn kế hoạch   stick at st: bị mắt kẹt  press on the gap: bỏ qua  69. The accused ______ guilty to all charges and was sentenced to life imprisonment. A. confessed B. pleaded C. admitted D. pledged  plead guilty: nhận tội   pledge (V): hứa, cam kết  70. Given her domineering personality, I would understand if you wanted to ______ of this relationship. A. bail out B. conk out C. draw out D. air out  bail out of st = to escape from a relationship/project/situation when it becomes difficult   conk out = suddenly stop working  71. The sound of the waves ______ on the shore lulled the little girl to sleep after a tired day. A. surging B. thundering C. clapping D. breaking  lull (V): khiến ai muốn ngủ   surge (V): dâng lên, dấy lên   thunder (V): ầm ầm như sấm   break (V): (sóng) vỗ vào mờ  72. The nature of fame is ______ you may be sought after when you are still young but will soon be forgotten when old age comes.

A. eminent B. transient C. alluring D. wavering  eminent (a): nổi tiếng   transient (a): ngắn ngủi, nhất thời   alluring (a): quyến rũ, lôi cuốn   wavering (a): rung rung, chập chờn, nao núng  73. Staying inside for weeks during the lockout has driven many people around the ______. A. bend B. curve C. edge D. dump  drive sb around the bend: khiến ai điên lên   lockout (n): sự đóng cửa nhà máy (không cho công nhân vào) để gây áp lực  74. I can’t understand how they were ______ into believing that they had won a lot of money. A. hoodwinked B. alluded C. misled D. perjured  hoodwink sb into: lừa dối, lừa bịp   allude (V): nói bóng gió, ám chỉ   perjure (V): thề ẩu, phản bội lời thế  75. I attended a ______ sale the other night and saw people queuing up to buy old clothes in order to clothe their children. A. jumble B. stultifying C. nimble D. jumbo  jumble sale: bán đồ cũ    stultifying (a): mất hiệu lực, mất tác dụng  nimble (a): lanh lợi, nhanh nhẹn   jumbo (n): người to lớn chậm chạp                 : người thành công 1 cách đặc biệt  76. After a year living apart from each other, the whole team gathered and had a ______ at Emy’s party. A. barrel of fun B. bucket of jollies C. jar of joy D. box of cheers  be a barrel of laughs/fun = be funny and enjoyable  77. When your kids start ______ your authority, try to be calm and remember that teenage rebellion is a part of human development. A. spurning about B. kicking against C. grousing against D. shunting out  spurn (V) = refuse to accept/deal with st   kick against = to react against someone or something that you do not like but cannot change  grouse about = complain angrily   shunt (V): chuyển  78. Cooperation is what young people often associate with society but when it comes to reality, this is a ______ world. A. fish-eat-fish B. dog-eat-dog C. rat-eat-rat D. snake-eat-snake  dog-eat-dog world: tình huống mà con người làm bất kì điều gì để thành công, kể cả có hãm hại người khác  79. The cultural life of the country will sink into ______ unless more writers and artists emerge. A. atrophy B. astuteness C. austerity D. emaciation  atrophy (n): sự yếu đi, sự hao mòn   astuteness (n): sự sắc sảo, sự tinh khôn   austerity (n): sự nghiêm khắc, sự khắt khe   emaciation (n): sự gầy mòn, sự hốc hác  80. By prioritizing profit over quality, the millionaire showed growing ______ over time, which eventually procured in the downfall of his company in the late 1980s. A. caprice B. indoctrination C. avarice D. ratification  caprice (n): tính thất thường   indoctrination (n): sự truyền bá   avarice (n): tính ham lợi, tính tham lam   ratification (n): sự thông qua, sự phê chuẩn   procure (V): kiếm, thu được  81. I wish you’d stop ______ with that watch. It needs to be repaired by a professional.

A. tinkering B. dabbling C. monkeying D. trifling  tinker with: sửa lại một cách vụng về    dabble (V): nhúng vào nước   monkey (V): làm trò                   : bắt chước   trifle with: coi thường, coi nhẹ, đùa giỡn  82. It was wrong of you to __________ the girl's affections so you don’t have the right to ask for her forgiveness. A. hive off B. trifle with C. fawn over D. crow about  hive off: tách công ty, thành lập công phân nhánh sản xuất riêng   fawn over: nịnh bợ   crow (V): reo mừng (khi chiến thắng)   affection (n) = emotion  83. Accepting another task will only ______ the pressure on the whole team rather than bring them any benefits. A. plow up B. pile up C. ball up D. dial up  dial up the pressure: tăng áp lực   plow up: xới tung mặt đất   ball up: bối rối, lúng túng  84. The young mother was ______ with grief after her first son’s death from a serious eye infection due to her lapse of attention. A. prostrate B. supine C. apoplectic D. berserk  be prostrate with st = mệt mỏi kiệt sức   supine (a): uể oải, không hoạt động   apoplectic (a): ngập máu  berserk (a): mất kiểm soát  85. Young people often go through a phase of ______ under parental control, which requires great tolerance and attention from adults. A. chafing B. riling C. enraging D. galling  chafe at/under st = feel annoyed / impatient about st  rile (V) = annoy sb   enrage (V) = make sb angry => be enraged at st   gall (V): làm phiền, làm khó chịu  86. The firefighters made ______ efforts to save the children, but were beaten back by the flames. A. spineless B. petrified C. valiant D. gobsmacked  spineless (a) = weak and easily be frightened   petrified (a) = extremely frightened   valiant (a): =brave   gobsmacked (a): sững sờ, lặng người  87. She worked her ______ to the bone to provide a home and food for seven children. A. back B. fingers C. hands D. head  work one’s fingers to the bone: làm việc hăng hái  88. He keeps trying to get it published while everyone thinks he is flogging a dead ______. A. duck B. bull C. horse D. mule  flog a dead horse: tốn công sức vào cái gì trong khi không có kết quả   mule (n): người ương bướng  89. When Roger’s wife divorced him, he made ______ out of lemons and started dating again. A. lemonade B. orangeade C. jam D. honey  make lemonade out of lemons = look at the bright side   orangeade (n): nước cam  90. The band really hit pay ______ with their latest album after years struggling to find fame in showbiz. A. check B. dirt C. mine D. bucks  hit pay dirt = strike gold/ be successful 91. People nowadays try to ______ some sense of spirituality in order to give their lives meaning.

A. chalk up B. latch onto C. churn out D. leaf through  chalk up: thành công, thắng lợi   latch onto:bấu víu, níu kéo vàp  churn out: sản xuất với số lượng lớn nhưng không cần tới chất lượng  92. We should have taken more care when booking our accommodation: we did it ______ and it wasn’t very good. A. on the go B. on the run C. on the fly D. on the firing line  on the go = very busy   on the run: chạy trốn   on the fly: làm việc qua quýt   on the firing line: bị đả kích, chỉ trích  93. Demand for the new model is ______ supply, so the factory needs to boost production. A. outdoing B. outrunning(ptrien nhanh hơn) C. outgrowing D. outnumbering 94. As well as criticizing the omissions in the sample studied, local scientists ______ some of the health evidence. A. gave credit to B. took issue with C. paid tribute to D. made amends for  omission (n): sự bỏ sót   give credit to: công nhận ai   pay tribute to = praise sb publicly   make amends for: đền bù  95. The safety precautions taken by large resort hotels are often ______ inadequate for the number of people who stay there. A. acutely B. woefully C. sorely D. distressingly  acutely (adv) = extremely   woefully (adv): tồi tệ   distressingly (adv): gây lo lắng  96. Tom ______ in disbelief at the winning lottery ticket in his hand. A. smirked B. flinched C. gaped D. squirmed  smirk (V): cười đểu  flinch (V): do dự, lưỡng lự, nao núng   gape (V): há hốc miệng ngạc nhiên   squirm (V): ngoằn ngoèo, quằn quại  97. ______ people who thrive in social situations are seen as extroverts while introverts are considered socially inhibited. A. Gregarious B. Amiable C. Repulsive D. Despicable  Gregarious (a): thích đàn đúm, thích giao du   Amiable (a): tử tế, tốt bụng, hòa nhã   Repulsive (a): ghê tởm, gớm ghiếc   Despicable (a): đáng khinh, đê tiện, hèn hạ  98. He is a ______ craftsman: every detail is perfect in every piece of jewelry he makes. A. sentimental B. pessimistic C. tolerant D. meticulous  sentimental (a): đa cảm, nhiều tình cảm   meticulous (a): tỉ mỉ, kỹ càng  99. My toddler is as stubborn as a ______ and he'll throw a tantrum any time he doesn't get what he wants. A. rock B. mule C. horse D. bras  as stubborn as a mule (a): bướng bỉnh, cứng đầu cứng cổ   tantrum (n): cơn giận, cơn thịnh nộ  100. It was a real ______ from the past to see all my old high-school friends and talk about the old times. A. bash B. blast C. burst D. dash  bash (n): cú đánh mạnh   blast (n): luồng gió   burst (n): sự xuất hiện đột ngột   dash (n): sự va chạm 

PART 2 1-33: Phúc  34-64: Quanh  65-100: Manh  1. She is ______ again! Every time I open Facebook she has a new post telling us why her life is miserable, she is always looking for sympathy! A. sadhunting B. sadfishing C. sadtrawling D. sadseeking  sadfishing (a): làm quá vấn đề để nhận được sự chú ý/ đồng cảm  2. He was drunk that night, so he decided to spend the night at his friend’s house and ______ early the following morning. A. hit home B. hit the road C. hit below the belt D. hit the hay  Hit below the belt : chơi xấu  Hit home : to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is  Hit the road : to leave a place or begin a journey  Hit the hay / sack : to go to bed in order to sleep 3. Visitors can ______ an impressive range of exhibits during the event. A. take off B. take up C. take in D. take on  Take sth in : to go to watch a film or performance, or to visit a place such as a museum 4. The run-down areas in the city have ______ thanks to the new infrastructure. A. come up in the world B. made a world of difference C. done the world of good D. had the world at their feet  Go/come/move up in the world : to have more money or a better social position than you had befor  Make a world of difference : If something makes a world of difference, it improves something very much  Do sb a world of good : to make someone feel much healthier or happier  Have the world at your feet: to be extremely successful and admired by a large number of people 5. The government has ordered a public ______ to determine the reasons for the unrest. A. enquiry B. investigation C. research D. survey  Unrest (n) disagreements or fighting between different groups of people 6. The draconian Special Powers Act was never ______ despite the election promises. A. abolished B. repealed C. annulled D. nullified  Repeal (v) huỷ bỏ ,bãi bỏ 1 đạo luật  Nullify (v) to cause something to have no value or effect  Draconian (a) khắc nghiệt hà khắc quá mức cần thiết (đạo luật)  Abolish (v) to end an activity or custom officially 7. Samantha likes the sound of her own voice so much that you just can’t__________. . A. get a word in edgeways B. get a kick out of it C. get a grip on herself D. get into her stride  Not get a word in edgeways : to not be able to say anything because someone else is talking all the time  Get a grip on yourself : to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly  Get/hit your strike : to become familiar with and confident at something you have recently started doing  Get a kick out of sth : to really like or enjoy sth 8. His plans went up in ______ when the bank manager refused him a loan. A. smoke B. smog C. storm D. clouds  Go up in smoke : to be wasted 9. The accident was my fault so I am prepared to ______. A. throw in the towel: admit defeat

B. jump the gun:do something too soon C. play it safe          D. face the music - Play it safe : to be careful and not take risks 10. We were looking forward to a pay rise when the boss ______ a bombshell and said we were fired. A. threw        


B.dropped                    C. slumped               

D. plunged

- Drop a bombshell : to suddenly tell someone a shocking piece of news. 11. The newspaper got hold of the story and blew it up out of all ______. A. scale                             B. range         C. proportion                    D. dimension -        out of (all) proportion (to something):larger, more serious, etc. in relation to something than is necessary or appropriate 12. I was enjoying a lazy Sunday so my spirits ______ when I saw Aunt Agnes heading up the path. A. shriveled (up): héo                     


C. declined                        D. dwindled 13. I know I have to ______ with the times, but I don’t like using a computer. A. play                            D. move


B.stretch                       C. swell                          

- Move with the times : keep yourself up-to-date 14. Jimmy’s mother ______ with pride when he went up to collect his medal. A. stretched                       

B.swelled                      C. bulged                        

D. blew

- Bulge (v) to stick out in a round shape ( phình ra/phồng ra) - Swell (v) to increase in size amount => swell with pride = feel very proud 15. He got back on his ______ very quickly after the accident. A. toes                            D. fingers


B.feet                            C. nails                           

- Get back on your feet : to start experiencing an improved situation after a time of trouble or difficulty or to help a person, company, etc. to do this 16. The flaws in the diamond are too small to be seen without a ______ glass. A. stretching                       D. inflating

B.swelling                     C. magnifying (phóng to)               


17. Skiing is difficult to begin with but fun once you ______ of/for it. A. get the gist          feeling

      B. get to the bottom   

C. get/have the knack        




- Get the knack of sth : To learn how to do something competently or well after a certain period of practice or development. 18. I wish Edward would conform a bit. He seems to be constantly ______ with everyone else. A. out of step                      B. out of hand=unchecked;immediately                 C. beside himself D. beside the point -        Be beside yourself with sth: be full of sth (emotions) -        in/out of step (with somebody/something):putting your feet on the ground in the right/wrong way, according to the rhythm of the music or the people you are moving with 19. He must have been hungry: he ______ that burger in record time and ordered another. A. whipped up                    B. tucked in                   C. chopped up                -        Whip sth up: make sth very fast in order to eat/feed sb -        Tuck in/tuck into sth : to start eating something eagerly

D. bolted down

20. We were just ______ in the sitting area and somehow the window got broken. A. beetling about  

B. haring off                 

C. horsing around

D. wolfing down

- Wolf sth (down) : to eat a large amount of food very quickly - Beetle=hare: go sw very fast; horse around: play in a way that is noisy and not very careful 21. Because of a serious crash on the motorway, traffic ______ for two hours. A. came to a dead end


B. came to the boil       C. came to a standstill        D. came to the crunch 22. My brother can be unreliable at times but when it ______ I know I can depend on him to help me. A. comes to a dead end         B. comes to the boil           C. comes to a standstill       D. comes to the crunch

23. I don’t know who stole my money, but ______ I’ll find out. A. by any chance  B. by all means                  C. by hook or by crook:by any way possible  D. by trial and error (học hỏi từ sai lầm) by any chance: used especially in questions, to ask whether something is true, possible, etc. 24. I’ve cleaned your office, Mr Jones, but I didn’t ______ anything on your desk. A. annoy                           

B.confuse                     C. disturb                        

D. bother

25. If you don’t pull your ______ up next term, you will have to repeat the year. A. hat                                  socks

B.boot                           C. belt                            


26. I think it will be OK once we ______ out the difficulties. A. wash                         


B.iron                            C. wipe   

                        D. boil

27. Dad went for a check-up at the hospital and was given a clean ______ of health. A. chance                         

B.bill                              C. account                      

D. sheet

- A clean bill of health : a decision by a doctor that someone is healthy 28. Attention ______ is the amount of time spent concentrating on a task before becoming distracted. A. scope        


B.span                           C. limit                      

D. stretch

29. I would take what he says ______ if I were you.    A. off the cuff              


B. with a pinch of salt 


C. out of luck                     D. down the drain - Off the cuff : If you speak off the cuff, you say something without having prepared or thought about your words first 30. The ______ of society was at their wedding, including top film stars and journalists. A. bean                             


C. salt                             


D. cream

31. I expect everyone who works here to ______ and comply with the rules. Toe the mark/ (party) line: obey ur superior’s order

A. toe the line               B. get a grip on themselves        C. cap it all    


D. tighten their belt -        To cap/top it all: to make everything worse (usually the worst thing) -        Tighten your belt: spend less money -        Toe the line : to do what you are expected to do without causing trouble for anyone 32. I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm determined to ______ of it. A. get the gist      the feeling


B. get to the bottom   


C. get the knack       



33. They've only just met - isn't it ______ to be talking about marriage already? A. throwing in the towel                   B. jumping the gun(talking too soon)           C. playing it safe        D. facing the music. 34. The area has been smartened ______ by the arrival of yuppy residents. A. out B. off C. over D. up  yuppy(adj),(n): (=yuppie) a young person with a well-paid job and a fashionable lifestyle.  smarten (sb/sth) up: to (cause to) become more clean, tidy, and stylish  35. When Sue has had a row with someone, she works it ______ by going for a long walk. A. out B. up C. away D. off  work off: làm nguôi cảm xúc bằng cách hoạt động thể chất  36. Heavy rain will cover most of the UK next week with ______ cold and strong gales set to make a miserable end to the month. A. biting B. squeezing C. cutting D. scathing  biting cold: lạnh buốt  scathing (a): cay độc  37. I’m afraid that Tim doesn’t take much care over his homework. He usually does it ______. A. any old how B. any how C. how on earth D. how come  any old how: in a careless and untidy way  anyhow (adv): without care or interest or in an untidy way 38. Don’t ______ in judgment on my driving when yours is worse. A. put B. plead C. sit D. take  sit in judgment on: phán xét  39. I just think he ought to ______, he's behaving like a child. A. toe the line B. get a grip on himself C. cap it all D. tighten his belt  toe the line: tuân theo mệnh lệnh   get a grip on oneself: kiềm chế cảm xúc   cap it all: xui xẻo nối tiếp xui xẻo   tighten one’s belt: thắt lưng buộc bụng  40. We went through hell and high ______ to get these theatre tickets and now she says she doesn’t want to go. A. storms B. heaven C. mountains D. water  through hell and high water: through danger, or trouble 41. We were prepared to move heaven and ______ to ban a new airport here. A. cosmos B. sphere C. earth D. planet  move heaven and earth = do everything you can do to achieve st  42. It was the end of the ______ for Tommy when the boss saw him at the races during working hours. A. edge B. rim C. lane D. line  the end of the line/road: đường cùng

43. He seemed to ______ after his wife’s death. He completely lost control of his life. A. take a back seat B. take a wrong turning C. go off the rails D. run out of steam  take a back seat: không tham gia vào cái gì   go/run off the rails: có hành động không thể chấp nhận được   run out of steam: mất động lực, hết năng lượng làm gì  44. It didn’t seem amusing at the time, but we had a ______ laugh about it afterwards. A. loud B. good C. big D. sound 45. If you always let children have their ______, they’ll become spoilt. A. course B. way C. shot D. path  have one’s way: làm bất cứ thứ gì mình muốn  46. The city is worth visiting - it has a lot ______ for it - attractive landscape, delicious food, and low cost of living. A. going B. making C. fleeing D. flying  Have a lot going for one: to have many favorable, beneficial, or advantageous qualities. You're beautiful, smart, talented—you have so much going for you! 47. I went to the exhibition, but there was nothing much to ______ of there. A. talk B. speak C. tell D. say  nothing to speak of: không có gì quan trọng, đáng kể để nói  48. If I can ______ this weekend, I’ll bring you those plans. A. bide my time B. play for time C. make time D. kill time  make time: dành thời gian cho việc gì  play for time: dùng cớ để câu giờ  bide one’s time: chờ thời cơ thích hợp 49. She can’t leave the house because of her broken leg, so I’m sure time ______ very slowly for her. A. moves B. drags C. flies D. runs 50. He gave speeches all over the world to ______ support for his “Help the Homeless” Campaign. A. trot out B. turn to C. weigh up D. whip up  trot out sth: provide an explanation or piece of information that has already been used many times before  weigh up: carefully assess someone or something  whip up: to excite, to cause strong emotions 51. In ______ with an international treaty, whale hunting in these areas has been banned. A. common B. connection C. conjunction D. line  treaty (n): hiệp ước   in conjunction with: cùng chung với   in line with = according to  52. Everybody noticed my absence because you ______ their attention to it. A. gave B. brought C. paid D. called  call attention to sth/sb: gợi nên sự chú ý 53. Discussions on the issue of expansion of the company have been in ______ since the outbreak of the disease in the area. A. hitch B. limbo C. feud D. core  in limbo: trong tình trạng lấp lửng, không xác định = uncertain  54. Viewers were ______ at the incredible sight of the lunar landscape, unable to take their eyes off the screen until the very end of the broadcast. A. switched B. devised C. transfixed(chết lặng)   D. stifled(ngạt thở) 55. Having lost her mother at an early age, Mary felt she had become a mere ______ having to do absolutely everything for her six brothers and sisters. A. taskmaster B. workmate C. slavedriver D. workhorse  taskmaster (n): người công việc   slavedriver (n): người chủ nô lệ   workhorse (n): chủ lực, lao động chính  56. My car broke down and I had to ______ a huge sum of money to have it towed and serviced. A. splash out B. fork out C. put aside D. pay off

 

fork out: miễn cưỡng chi ra một khoản tiền splash out: to spend a lot of money on buying things, especially things that are pleasant to have but that you do not need 57. The candidate’s optimism gave ______ to doubt as the result of exit polls became known. A. place B. lie C. vent D. voice  give voice to = express st  58. As much as the candidate tried to convince people of his honesty, he could not shake off his ______ past. A. serene B. tranquil C. shady D. frigid  serene /si'ri:n/ (adj): =peaceful, tranquil, calm  shady (adj): có bóng râm; mờ ám  frigid (adj): giá lạnh 59. The local authorities annually______ between £50 million and £100 million on art projects. A. disperse B. disband C. disburse D. dispose  disperse (V): phân tán, rải rắc   disburse (V): dốc tiền, chi tiêu   dispose (V): sắp xếp, bố trí  60. Most people are ______ to believe that girls and boys play certain toys when they are young. A. hardened B. acclimated C. conditioned D. accustomed  acclimate (v):  adapt   ⇨ "to acclimatize oneself" : "thích nghi với môi trường"  hardened (adj) (người) có kinh nghiệm  be conditioned to V= accustomed to V-ing 61. They offered to buy her a BMW but she's holding ______ a Porsche. A. out for B. out on C. back with D. up with  hold out on = not tell sb st   hold out for = not accept an offer because you want a better on  62. All the inhabitants in the area have been asked to ______ at home if the storm returns. A. settle B. dwell C. remain D. occupy 63. His jokes set the whole class ______ laughing. A. off B. out C. up D. about  set sb off = make sb start laughing 64. Anyone who lies under oath will be charged with ______ the course of justice. A. perverting B. inverting C. converting D. diverting  Under oath: having sworn to tell the truth, especially in a court of law. (tuyên thệ)  Pervert the course of justice = cản trở, làm sai lệch tiến trình xét xử của toà án -> vi phạm luật pháp ảnh hưởng đến xét xử công bằng. 65. Marlene is quite ______ - I don't know she manages to fit everything in. A. inexhaustible B. tiresome C. inexorable D. indefatigable  inexhaustible (a): vô tận (inexhaustible energy)  tiresome (a): mệt nhọc   inexorable (a): không lay chuyển được   indefatigable (a): làm việc không biết mỏi mệt 66. James never really broke the rules but he did ______ them a little bit when it suited him. A. twist B. curve C. move D. bend  Bend the rules = stretch the rules:  bẻ cong luật lệ;  lách luật. 67. I went to see the boss about a pay rise and he______ with a weak excuse about a business dinner and left me standing there. A. brushed me aside B. brushed me up C. brushed me off D. brushed me down  brush st asise = refuse to accept that st is important/true   brush sb off: từ chối, không nghe theo   brush sb/st down: phủi bụi, làm sạch  68. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that ruined the economy? That really ______!

A. sows wild oats B. spills the beans C takes the biscuit D upsets the apple cart   bail out: A bailout is the provision of financial help to a corporation or country which otherwise would be on the brink of bankruptcy. (giúp tổ chức nào đó khỏi nguy cơ phá sản)  take the biscuit:  to be especially annoying  sow wild oat: chơi bời trác táng lúc còn trẻ  spill the bean: lộ bí mật   upset the apple cart: nghĩa là phá hỏng hoàn toàn kế hoạch của người khác, phá đám (spoil a plan or disturb the status quo) 69. This conservative megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a ______ of activity on a Sunday morning. A. mess B. home C. seat D. hive  a hive of activity = a very busy place  70. Mr Jones is ______, unfortunately, so you’ll have to call again tomorrow. A. indifferent B. inimitable C. indisposed D. incongruous  inimitable (adj): không thể bắt chước được, unique  indisposed (adj): không thích, không muốn, không sẵn lòng, miễn cưỡng (làm việc gì)  incongruous (adj): (+ WITH):  không hợp với, phi lý 71. He tried to be as ______ as possible, but his garish attire made it difficult. A. accessible B. amenable C. incessant D. inconspicuous  garish (a): lòe loẹt, rực rỡ   attire (n): quần áo   accessible (a): dễ gần   amenable (a): chịu trách nhiệm, tuân theo   inconspicuous (a): kín đáo   incessant (a): không ngừng, không ngớt  72. Through a series of protestations and exclamations, coyness(bẽn lẽn) and giggling, I ______ that she was talking to her boyfriend. A. assembled B. amassed C. harvested D. gathered(=presume) 73. Regional parliaments allow ______ for remote parts of the country or islands far from the capital. A. self-government B. self-sufficiency C. self-regulation D. self-support  self-government (n): chế độ tự trị, chế độ tự quản   self-sufficiency (n): sự độc lập   self-regulation (n): sự tự chỉnh   self-support (n): sự tự lực  74. Her ______ behaviour made her the life of the party: everyone loved talking to her. A. exhaustive B. fragrant C. exuberant D. aromatic  life of the party = who brings lots of enthusiasm and energy in social events   exhaustive (a): mọi khía cạnh, thấu đáo, toàn diện   fragrant (a): thơm phức   exuberant (a): cởi mở, hồ hơi   aromatic (a): thơm  75. It gets my ______ that she expects to look after the children every afternoon. A. goat B. horse C. dog D. beetle  get one’s goat = irritate sb  76. They are not likely to ______ information during the current armed conflict. A. cop out B. ladle out C. peter out D. pull out  armed conflict: xung đột vũ trang  cop out: avoid doing something that one ought to do  ladle out: to give money or goods in a (too) generous way to a lot of people, múc cái gì ra  peter out: to gradually stop or disappear 77. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was ______ as it was more difficult than I had thought. A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood C. in over my head D. off my hands

 be pushing up daisies = be dead   knock on wood: chúc may mắn   be in over one’s head = be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of   off one’s hands: nhận trách nhiệm thay cho ai  78. The local area is ______ lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema. A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly 79. The well-known ______ clash between the President and the rebel leader is not making things easier. A. character B. mood C. enemy D. personality  clash (n) = conflict   personality clash = a situation in which two people disagree because they have very different personalities 80. We hurried back to our car as we saw the clouds ______ over the mountains. A. rolling in B. holding off C. beating down D. bucketing down  roll in = arrive in a large amount/number   Hold off: không xảy ra hay trì hoãn. Ví dụ: The storms hold off until November.  beat down: (of sun) to shine very brightly or (of rain) to come down strongly  bucket down:  to rain very heavily  81. Colin is only just __________; he gets unemployment benefit, but it isn’t much. A. scraping by B. putting aside C. bailing out D. tiding over  scrape by: có đủ tiền để sống   bail out: hỗ trợ tài chính  82. Being a college professor ______ you the opportunity simply to write and do research. A. affords B. dispenses B. grants(ban cho) C. procures(=obtain) 83. I am afraid that sofa is a ______ too big to fit along that wall. A. dose B. portion C. shade D. slice 84. Fortunately, I noticed that the shop assistant had ______ the wrong amount. A. run over B. rung up C. put on D. rounded up  Round up: làm tròn, bao vây, tập trung hay bao chung quanh. 85. It did not take much to ______ the old animosity lurking behind the surface of their relationship. A. resuscitate B. rekindle C. restore D. regain  Animosity (n): sự thù hận, sự oán hận   resuscitate (V): làm sống lại   rekindle (V): kích thích   regain (V): lấy lại, thu lại  86. That's a pretty ______ excuse - he could have gotten there if he'd really wanted to. A. blank B. bare C. raw D. thin 87. Getting away from the stresses of work would do you a ______ of good.  A. sense B. taste C. virtue D. power  do a power of good = be extremely good for sb  88. Don’t ______ him on to join a gang: nothing could be worse for him! A. egg B. toast C. butter D. knife  egg sb on (to do st):  to urge or encourage (someone) to do something that is usually foolish or dangerous  89. The phrase ‘money doesn't buy happiness’ is a cautionary cliché that keeps us from blindly lining your pockets with ______ in the hope that we’ll feel happier. A. stash B. hoard C. stock D. dosh  line one’s pockets with dosh: kiếm tiền bằng mọi giá  90. Malaysians should embrace their natural generosity and not let hard times ______ their spirit to help others in need. A. dampen B. moisten C. drench D. deluge  dampen one’s spirit: làm mất tinh thần 91. My first impression of Vanessa was that she was very charming and ______; she seemed totally at ease with people. A. exuberant B. urbane C. aloof D. compassionate

 exuberant (adj): cởi mở, hồ hởi  urbane (a): tao nhã   aloof (a): tách xa   compassionate (a): thương hại, thương xót  92. Apart from one or two ______ of brilliance from Owen, England put on a rather poor performance. A. flashes B. spells C. storms D. strokes  flash of inspiration/brilliance/insight/anger etc: if someone has a flash of brilliance, anger etc, they suddenly have that feeling 93. All he has done since losing his job is ______ around the house all day. A. mourn B. depress C. mope D. wallow  mourn (V): buồn rầu   mope around = spend time somewhere with no particular purpose, feeling bored or unhappy  94. Kitchell says the city was a ______ of all American culture during the '60s.  A. microclimate B. microcopy C. microcosm D. microscope  microclimate(n): the climate of a very small or restricted area, especially when this differs from the climate of the surrounding area.  microcopy (n): bản sao micrôfim (trong sách in...)  microcosm (n):  thế giới vi mô  microscope (n): kính hiển vi 95. The island of Tahiti ______ sandy beaches and crystal clear water. A. brags B. gloats C. boasts D. swaggers  brag (V): khoe khoang khoác lác   gloat (V): hả hê   swagger (V): huênh hoang, vênh váo  96. The Government is trying to ______ when it says it will spend more on the health service without raising taxes. A. chew the fat B. wave the flag C. square the circle D. put the lid  chew the fat: chat in a leisurely and prolonged way  wave/show/fly the flag: to show support for the country, group, or organization that you belong to  square the circle:  try to do something that is very difficult or impossible  put the lid: put a stop to 97. Her position became ______ when rumors were spread that she’d lied about her qualifications. A. precipitous B. precarious C. perennial D. dubious  precipitous (a): dốc đứng, dốc ngược   precarious (a): bấp bênh   perennial (a): bất diệt   dubious (a): mơ hồ, không rõ ràng  98. The priest was tormented by guilt when he looked back on the ______ lifestyle he had led in his youth. A. insolent B. irresolute C. insolvent D. dissolute  insolent (adj): rude and lack respect  irresolute(adj): hesitant, uncertain  insolvent (adj): unable to pay debts owed  dissolute (adj): chơi bời phóng đãng 99. The prime minister’s way of dealing with his own incompetence is to ______ his cabinet. A. restructure B. reorganise C. rearrange D. reshuffle  cabinet (n): chính phủ   reshuffle (V): cải tổ chính phủ  100. I have to ______ it to William; he put in the hard work and got results. A. hand B. present C. give D. applaud  Hand it to sb: to give deserved credit to sb

PART 3 1. Her ______ treatment by her employers finally forced her to look for a better job. A. shabby unfair      

B. messy                 

C. grungy dirty        

D. tardy chậm

2. After ______ over the pros and cons for weeks, she finally quit her job last Friday. A. moralizing răn dạy B. agonizing         C. sterilizing tiệt khuẩn   D. rationalizing biện minh -        agonize over/about something spend time worrying and trying to make a decision about sth 3. They are a real ______ organization; they are only interested in making a profit. A. devil-may-care carefree B. fly-by-night        C. open-handedgenerous  D. down-to-earth -        fly-by-night: a person or business that is dishonest and only interested in making money quickly 4. Unfortunately, Jamie’s plans to tour around Australia didn’t ______ due to a lack of finances. A. pan out                B. pull off                  -        pan out: develop in a particular way

C. knuckle down       

D. waltz through

5. We ______ deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game during our careers. A. categorically dứt khoát                

B. fully                     

C. distinctly             

D. highly

6. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ______. A. grade                   B. term                     -        make the grade: đạt đủ tiêu chuẩn

C. mark                   

D. degree

7. Millions of people left Italy for the USA during the Italian ______  of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A. clique                  

B. diaspora cuộc di cư C. horde                  

D. troupe

8. The football fans were coming in ______ to watch the final game. An hour before the kickoff the stadium was packed full. A. fingers and thumbs   B. bits and bobs       

C. dribs and drabs  

D. bibs and tuckers

9. He likes nothing better than to spend his Sunday mornings ______ in the gardens. A. pottering about     

B. hanging around    

C. whiling away      

D. winding down

10. I had been feeling very down in the dumps after being given the sack, but took ______ when a prestigious employment agency booked two interviews for me. A. stride                   

B. shine                   

C. heart feel encouraged  D. issue

11. He says that the clothes that judges wear in court are irrelevant ______ from another era. A. remains   


B. relics: cổ vật      

C. remnants             

D. leadings

12. While writing the exam, Mark stole a(n) ______ glance at the answer key on the teacher’s desk.

A. stealthy                B. underhand            C. furtive                 D. secret -        Furtive(adj):(of people) behaving secretly and often dishonestly, or (of actions) done secretly and often dishonestly. 13. I wrote the outline of the plot, then an experienced radio dramatist helped me ______ the story. A. chum out              B. farm out                C. flesh out              D. kick out -        To flesh sth out: to add more information or details to a plan, an argument, etc. 14. We don’t want him to suspect we’re giving him a surprise party. Make sure you don’t__________. A. break the ice        

B. kick the bucket     

C. spill the beans    

D. sweep the board

15. The earl refuses to allow anyone who is not of ______ blood to marry his son. A. blue                      B. green                   C. red                       D. yellow -        Blue blood(n): the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class. 16. Jane ______ about the surprise party for Sheila and now the whole idea is ruined. A. blabbed               B. gossiped              C. prattled                 D. chatted -        To blab (to somebody) (about something) | blab (something) (to somebody): to tell somebody information that should be kept secret. 17. Your column must have __ a nerve, because we are getting slammed with feedback from readers— and they're not happy. A. drilled                   B. punched               -        To touch a nerve: to upset sb.

C. touched              

D. knocked

18. You say you need new clothes but your wardrobe is full to ______ with dresses. A. overflowing        

B. overfilling             

C. overlaying            

D. overstepping

19. Critics agree that Trevor Richmond gave a particularly ______ performance as King Lear. A. holding                

B. arresting: attractive C. apprehensive       

D. detaining

20. He didn’t mean to be offensive: it was quite an ______ remark. A. innocuous           B. inaugural              -        Innocuous(adj): harmless.

C. integral                

D. insidious

21. I had ______ my hopes on this promotion, so I was crushed when I didn't get it. A. clipped                 B. nailed                   C. stuck                    -        To pin your hopes on sb/sth: đặt hết hi vọng vào.

D. pinned

22. I didn't have time to organize my thoughts, so I just spoke ______. A. beyond the pale    B. in deep water        C. off the cuff          -        To speak off the cuff: nói mà k chuẩn bị trước.

D. on the hop

23. I wish I could convey how much it means to me having you all here, but words  ______ me at the moment. A. miss                     B. abandon               C. leave                    D. fail -        Words fail me: said when sb is very surprised. 24. Under the threat of a strike, the management ______ and agreed to reinstate annual pay increases for all employees. A. caved in B. ebbed away C. held off D. wore down  reinstate(v):=restore   cave in: to agree to demands that you originally opposed because you have become tired or frightened  ebb away: (the tide) flow back/recede  hold off:trì hoãn, (bad weather) fail to occur  wear down (sb/st): overcome someone or something by persistence 25. The poor girl was absolutely ______ with him, not knowing that his tastes lie in quite a different direction. A. infatuated B. incapacitated C. captivated D. encapsulated  be infatuated with sb: mê đắm  incapacitated (adj): làm yếu sức  encapsulate(v): tóm tắt ý chính; kết vỏ 26. Those remarks were__________. No wonder they provoked such an angry reaction. A. below par B. below the belt C. below the radar D. below the salt  under/ below par: ill; worse than expected  below the belt: (remark) insulting and unfair  below- the -radar/ under-the-radar (adj): not noticed or well-known  below the salt: common or low standing 27. I may seem confident when I'm leading a training seminar, but I’m really shaking in my ______ most of the time. A. trousers B. suits C shirts D. shoes  shake in one's boots/shoes: be very scared or nervous. 28. It is difficult to get skips in this age group capable of keeping their ______ up at this level of competition. A. end B. self C. frame D. edge  keep one's end up: không nhượng bộ (trong competition) 29. There is a big investigation ______ but I don't know when. A. in the offing B. off the peg C. on the blink D. over the hill  in the offing =impending, imminent  off the peg: (clothes) may sẵn   on the blink: (machine) out of order  over the hill = old 30. As I said before, the report will be released in the ______ of time. I can't estimate when that will be. A. rightness B. fullness C. greatness D. correctness  If you say something will happen in the fullness of time, you mean that it will happen if you wait long enough 31. What a bad day: I left my phone in the grocery store, my car broke down on the way home, and, to ______ it all off. my groceries broke through the bag as I was walking to the front door. A. top B. sum C. total D. peak  To top it all off: used to indicate a final thing that happened that was even better, worse, etc., than the previous ones. 32. I was ______ when I heard that the MP for Burnham had been arrested for fraud. A. leveled B. floored C. hurled D. heave  floor sb = surprise/confuse sb   heave (v): thốt ra  level (v): san bằng, chỉ trích

 hurl (v): ném mạnh, phóng cái gì at sb  MP:  nghị sĩ (Member of Parliament) 33. Disagreements among party members have led to a major political ______. A. tussle B. wrangle C. scrap D. squabble

34. Only after buying the cottage did we discover that it was ______ with mice.  A. inflicted B. infested C. invaded D. infected  be infested with: đầy (những con kí sinh,etc) 35. She has a(n) ______ mind which kept her alert and well-informed even in old age. A. examining B. demanding C. enquiring D. querying

36. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather ______ for the first few days of the holiday. A. self-effacing(khiêm tốn) B. self-centred C. self-conscious D. self-evident 37. The old man led a ______ existence after she left and refused even to see his children. A. reclusive(ẩn dật) B. deserted C. remote D. vacant 38. If we ______ over the details, we’ll never finish filming this episode by today.  A. niggle B. discuss C. huddle D. mob  niggle over: chi li, tỉ mẩn 39. Congratulations on your success! How does it feel to be ______? A. the man of the hour B. a word of honor C. an egg on the face D. the top of the morning  the man of the hour: ng được kính nể, nổi tiếng sau 1 thành tựu, chiến thắng  a word of honor: a solemn(nghiêm túc) promise   an egg on the face: st that embarasses you  “the top of the morning”: lời chúc buổi sáng tốt lành 40. We would like to ______ again that wire confirmation copy will be coming by mail soon and copy   will be sent to you upon receipt. A. reincarnate(hồi sinh) B. reiterate(nhắc lại)  C. rehabilitate(phục hồi)    D. reciprocate(phản hồi) 41. Annabel and Insidious 3 are not James Wan’s best movies by far and those would be ______ between any of the other sequels on air, but they are pretty incredible. A. kiss-offs B. summings-up C. tip-offs D. toss-ups  toss-up: sự lựa chọn   kiss-off (n): sự từ chối    tip-off (n): a warning or information that something may happen 42. You shouldn’t have been ______ to your elders by raising those matters. A. ill-mannered B. immaterial C. impertinent D. inapposite

 impertinent: xấc xược  immaterial (adj): vô hình, phi vật chất,  không quan trọng, vụn vặt  inapposite /in'æpəzit/ (a): không thích hợp, không đúng lúc 43. The train service has been a ______ since they introduced the new schedules. A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas 44. As he accepted the award from the organization, his voice ______ with emotion. A. quivered(run) B. flinched C. cringed D. winced 45. In the last century, it was widely ______ that Indian fakirs were capable of superhuman feats. A. held B. grasped C. kept D. shaken 46. Going to the unemployment office and having to wait there for hours is a ______ experience. A. soul-destroying B. heart-stopping C. power-sharing D. thought-provoking  soul-destroying (a): nhàm chán   heart-stopping (a) = very frightening   power-sharing (a): chia sẻ quyền lực  47. The festival audience were ______ each other in order to get as near to the stage as possible. A. staggering B. jostling C. strolling D. fidgeting  jostle (V): xô đẩy, chen lấn   stroll (V): đi dạo, tản bộ   fidget (V): bồn chồn, sốt ruột, không yên tâm  48. She knows she needs exercise, but finds going to the gym a ______. A. job B. toil C. work D. chore  chore (n): việc nhàm chán  49. It’s a ______ for decent jobs these days, so you need every qualification you can get. A. scramble B. jumble C. jostle D. flurry  scramble (n): sự tranh giành   jumble (n): mớ lộn xộn, mớ bòng bong   flurry (V); làm nhộn nhịp, làm náo động  50. Another, perhaps inspired by the nursery rhyme, is that a(n) ______ for sweet things during pregnancy makes you more likely to be having a girl, while a boy will make you crave savoury, salty foods, meat and cheese in particular. A. inspiration B. affinity C. predilection D. propensity  rhyme (n): văn, thơ   affinity for: sự thích/đồng cảm cho cái gì   predilection for: sự ưa thích riêng dành cho cái gì   propensity for: thiên hướng cho điều gì xấu   51. Jack was disappointed not to be promoted as he was given to ______ that the job would be his. A. know B. understand C. realize D. say  be given to understand = be made to believe 52. Her ambition and ______ determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession. A. hounded B. wormed C. ducked D. dogged  hounded (a): săn đuổi, truy lùng   worm (V): bò, chui, luồn   duck (V): lặn, ngụp lặn   dogged (a): bền bỉ, dai dẳng 53. Given the appalling weather conditions on top of the mountain. I’d say the chances of their finding any survivors are very ______ indeed. A. narrow B. lean C. remote D. shallow  remote chance: cơ hội nhỏ nhoi 54. Steve used to be easy to work with, but since his promotion he’s begun to ______. A. throw his weight around B. throw in the towel C. throw him off balance D. throw a monkey wrench in the works  throw one’s weight around: cư xử một cách kiêu căng, hùng hổ   throw in the towel: chấp nhận thất bại   throw sb off balance = upset sb 

 throw a monkey wrench in the works: cản trở thành công của cái gì  55. Both the favourite and then the second favourite pulled out. Naturally, we thought we were ______ a chance. A. in with B. up for C. in for D. up with  be in with a chance = have a good chance of doing st  56. Do not mention work to Ray, as it is a sore ______ with him at the moment. A. finger B. point C. place D. thumb  sore point: chủ đề khiến ai buồn phiền/khó chịu  57. She wouldn’t have heard anything. She is ______. A. stone-deaf B. rock-deaf C. post-deaf D. bat-deaf  stone-deaf (a): điếc đặc  58. During winter the shelters are frill of people of no fixed ______. A. residence B. abode C. home D. domicile 59. Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Japan and he ______ the opportunity with both hands. A. grasped B. grabbed C. held D. passed

60. Nick's mom has turned her home into a halfway house for ______ relatives and stray dogs. A. tumble-down B. downcast C. run-down D. down-and-out  halfway house: nơi dừng chân bên đường   tumble-down (a) = in a very bad condition   downcast (a) = sad/upset   run-down (a) = tired, not well   down-and-out (a) = having no money, no home   stray (a): lạc, bị lạc  61. Here I sit ______ - no food, no money, no anything A. high and dry B. thick and thin C. huff and puff D. wear and tear  high and dry: bị bỏ rơi, không có ai giúp đỡ   thick and thin: kiên định, trung thành   huff and puff: thở mạnh   wear and tear: hao mòn, mài mòn  62. The money was taken out of the bank in small amounts so as not to ______ suspicion. A. awake B. arouse C. instigate D. incite 63. Because he was an ______ criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. A. illegible B. impenetrable C. impermeable D. incorrigible  impermeable (a): không thấm được   incorrigible (a): không thể sửa được  64. She was a ______ Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable. A. firm B. devout C. staunch D. strained  firm (a): kiên quyết   devout (a): chân thành, nhiệt tình   staunch (a): trung thành, đáng tin cậy   unassailable (a): không thể công kích được  65.I don't know why she puts up with the way he ______ her. A. walks in on B. walks away with C. walks off with D. walks all over  walk in on = walk into a room where sb is doing st secret   walks away with st: cảm thấy như thế nào sau khi thoát khỏi 1 tình huống nào đó   walk off with = steal st   walk all over sb: đối xử tàn nhẫn với người khác  66. I have to ______ the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow. A. bleat on about B. bone up on C. cast around for D. home in on  bone up on = study hard / learn about st to prepare for a test   cast around for: tìm kiếm cái gì 

 home in on: mục tiêu  II. Give the correct form of provided words to complete the sentences 1. The Oscar prize represents a (STONE) __________milestone________ of his long acting career, which has started from when he was just 17 years old.   milestone (n): sự kiện quan trọng 2. Climbers may experience difficulty breathing in the (RARE) ________rarefied__________ air at high altitudes.  Rarefied (a): (of air) with little oxygen 3. No amount of (ARM) __________arm-twisting___________ succeeded in getting the soldier to reveal his identity.  arm-twisting (n): sự ép cung  4. He lies (SENSE) ________senselessly__________ on the couch after his binges, not aware of anything else happening around.   senseless (a): bất tỉnh   binge (n): cuộc chè chén say sưa  5. Because I never accept any kinds of alcoholic drink, my friend gave me a (QUIZ) ____quizzical____ look when I ordered champagne.   Quizzical (a): seeming to ask a question without saying anything 6. The (BATTLE) __embattled___ army finally surrendered after failing to lift the siege the third time.   Embattled (a) having a lot of problems or difficulties 7. People who don't want to pay tax will exploit any (HOLE) __________loophole__________ in the tax regulations.   loophole (n): thủ thuật né tránh thuế    8. It was a (CRINGE) ____cringe-making/cringeworthy_____ performance from start to finish since I kept stuttering as a result of stage fright.   Stutter (v) nói lắp bắp  Cringeworthy/Cringe-making (a) making you feel embarrassed 9. He is an old (BUSY) _busybody___ who likes to meddle with everybody's affairs in the neighborhood   Busybody (n) a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them 10. Discrimination against women is deeply (BED) ____embedded___ in our society and demands drastic measures from the government to change.   embedded (a: được gài vào, lồng vào  11. The teacher threatened to (FISCAL) __confiscate__ their phones if they kept using them in class.   confiscate (v): tịch thu  fiscal (adj): thuộc công khố 12. You should dress in a way that (FIT) _______befits__________ a woman of your age. which is not so gaudy.   Gaudy (a) loè loẹt, hoa hoè hoa sói  befit (V): phù hợp  13. The (SHOT) __upshot____ of the new policy was higher productivity but lower employee satisfaction.   Upshot (n)something that happens as a result of other actions, events, or decisions 14. Ever since my father passed away, my brother has become the (PIN) _______ linchpin___________ of the whole family.   linchpin (n): mắc xích quan trọng 15. People believe that (LATERAL) ______bilateral___________ cooperation in the high-tech sector would benefit both countries.   Bilateral (a) involving two groups or countries 16. Never been in a relationship, the girl (LUXURY) __luxuriates___ in all the attention she received.  Luxuriate in sth : to get great pleasure from something, especially because it provides physical comfort 17. After the terrorism, tighter airport security regulations could be in the (OFF) ___offing____.  In the offing : likely to happen soon  18. The baby sleeps peacefully (NEST) __nestled__ in the arms of his mother. 

 nestled (adj): được ôm chặt 19. Of all human feelings, self-satisfaction is the most (CURSE) _accursed__ as it prevents us from improving.   accursed (adj): đáng bị nguyền rủa 20. Parrots are usually known for their amazing vocal (MIMIC) ________mimicry__________ even without training.   mimicry (n): sự bắt chước, tài bắt chước  21. Airport employees worked (FEVER) ___feverishly___ to handle the unexpected traffic.  feverish (adj): hối hả  22. Even after being a doctor for many years, Helen's passion for her work is (DIM) __undimmed___, she enjoys every moment!   dim (v): dập tắt   undimmed (adj): ko bị dập tắt 23. With two more days of competition to go she is in an (BEAT) __________unbeatable_________ position.  unbeatable (a): không thể thắng, không thể đánh bại được  24. She’s got an itchy feet; she’s(DESIRE) ________desirous___________ of expeditions to the far-flung comers of the world.   desirous (a): khát khao  25. It’s illegal to (TAKE) ___________overtake_______________ when there is a solid white line on the road.   overtake (V): vượt 26. We are all born with a natural curiosity (BED) _________embedded_________ in our psyche.   embedded (a): cố định, là 1 phần quan trọng của  27. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, outwardly kind but inwardly (VICE) _________vicious____________.  vicious (a): tàn độc  28. We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the (GENE) ________genesis___________ of the universe.   genesis (n): khởi nguồn  29. As we come up with questions (PERTAIN) ________pertinent___________ to your area, be prepared to respond to them.   pertinent (a): đúng chỗ  30. Nuclear cost (RUN) ________overruns___________ have put many state utility commissions in difficulty.   overrun (V,N): (sự) quá trớn  31. Although Vietnam is a (SIGN) ________signatory_________ to numerous intellectual property conventions, there are still many reasons for foreign companies operating there to keep a close eye out for intellectual property violations.   signatory (n): nước ký kết  32. The (PART) _________partition_______ of India in 1947was the division of British India into two independent dominion states. India and Pakistan.   partition (n): sự chia cắt  33. Leadership and confidence radiate from her in a (RIGHT) _forthright__ and direct manner.   forthright(adj): thẳng thắn 34. Unlike the greenhouse gases, which spread evenly across the globe, sulphur dioxide's effects are (LIVE) _________short-lived/live-threatening__________ and regional.   short-lived (a): ngắn hạn   live-threatening (a): đe dọa tính mạng  35. Many dolphins die each year from (TANGLE) _____________entanglement____________ in fishing nets.  entanglement (n): sự mắc lưới  36. It's that (SUGAR) _sugary__ smile of his that I can't bear - it makes me want to puke!   sugary (adj): mùi mẫn 37. The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his (COME) ________comeuppance______________. 

 get one’s comeuppance: bị trừng phạt  38. The so-called ‘norm’ of the nuclear family is in fact (TYPICAL) _________atypical___________ of many families.  atypical (a): không điển hình  39. His last book is a bold, at times (REAL) __surrealistic__ mixture of fact and fancy.   surrealistic (adj): siêu thực, ảo  40. Temperature records have (VOICE) _unequivocally__ confirmed the existence of global warming.   unequivocally (adv): 1 cách rõ ràng  41. (ACT) _Interactive_ telecommunications increasingly give ordinary citizens immediate access to the major political decisions that affect their lives and property.   interactive (a): tác động qua lại, ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau  42. This black comedy is a comment on the alienating and (HUMAN) _________inhumane/dehumanizing_________ effects of contemporary urban Efe.   inhumane (a): độc ác, vô nhân đạo  43. The young Jaxxon landed on Nar Shaddaa, and spent the next few years honing his (STREET) _STREETWISE/STREET-SMART_ survival skills and razor-sharp wit on the mean streets of the vertical cities.   STREETWISE/STREET-SMART (adj): trải sự đời 44. With astonishingly rapid developments, even the hippest (WORD) __WORDSMITH___ might wonder if people in the future will even understand the cutting-edge lingo that is so exciting to us today.   lingo (n): tiếng lóng  hip (adj):following the latest fashion, especially in popular music and clothes  WORDSMITH (n): NGƯỜI RÀNH NGÔN NGỮ 45. Only (SCARE) __scaremongers_ who are seeking to make political capital out of the situation are peddling such malicious and unjustified rumours.  scaremonger (n): người phao tin đồn làm hốt hoảng  46. In 1988 there were several well-publicised cases of young people committing suicide apparently because of (QUIT) ___unrequited__ love.  unrequited love: tình đơn phương, tình yêu không được đáp lại   47. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police rather than (MEDITATE) _premeditated__ murder.   premeditated (a): có mưu tính, có chủ tâm  48. (AIR) __________anaerobic________ species require little oxygen, but animals or humans need a fair supply.   anaerobic (a): kị khí 49. The opposing counsel then has a last opportunity to (EXAMINE) _cross-examine__ the witness to address facts brought out in redirect examination.   cross-examine (v): thẩm vấn 50. It is also of great importance in (METAL) __metallurgy___ and material science in the production of cast alloys (hợp kim).   metallurgical (a): thuộc luyện kim   metallurgy (n): nghề luyện kim 51. She had had the (SIGHT) ________foresight___________ to prepare herself financially in case of an accident.  52. A clean, (CLUTTER) _________uncluttered____________ home will always appear elegant.  uncluttered (a) = tidy  53. My room is (SHIP) _______shipshape________________ so we can invite them to the party in my room.   shipshape (a): sạch sẽ, ngăn nắp  54. The turbulence of the airplane during the storm made everyone feel (QEASE) __queasy/UNEASY_. (thầy gõ sai cta đề bài)   queasy (adj)=nauseous, buồn nôn   uneasy (a) = uncomfortable

55. It is essential that tutors provide a good service (MEASURE) __commensurate__ with the fees being charged to students and/or their employers.   commensurate (adj): tương ứng 56. Some things are (ALIEN) __inalienably_ true: Water is wet, grass is green (kind of), dogs bark and houses prices rise.   inalienably (adv): chắc bằng với obvious 57. The foreigners in Ottawa constitute a(n) (OMEN) _ominous__ threat to the integrity and autonomy of our province.   autonomy (n): sự tự trị   omen (n): điềm báo   ominous (a): bất thường, điềm xấu  58. The sparse dialogue is as mind-numbingly (CLAIM) __declamatory___ and unsubtle as political oratory.   declamatory (a): hùng hồn, có tính hùng biện   mind-numbingly (adv) = in a way that extremely boring   unsubtle (a): không khôn khéo   oratory (n): tài hùng biện, nghệ thuật diễn thuyết  59. Although she was from a (DO) ________well-to-do_____________ family and could have led a very comfortable life, Judith had chosen otherwise.   well-to-do (a): giàu có, khá giả  60. The power of red wine to (ACT) ________counteract___________ high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press.   counteract (V): chống lại, kháng cự lại  61. Not only was it gaudy in appearance but the smell wafting from the kitchen was distinctly (ODOR) ________malodorous____________.  odoriferous (a): tỏa hương thơm   gaudy (a): xa hoa, rực rỡ  waft (V): thoảng qua nhẹ nhàng   malodorous (adj): hôi, thối 62. The message is clear and concise and displays no (VERB) _______verbosity/verboseness___________ that one would expect to find in more courtly love scenes.   verbosity (n): tính dài dòng = verboseness (n)  63. If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge (ALLEGE) _________allegiance___________ to your country.   allegiance (n): lòng trung thành   pledge full allegiance to the country: nguyện lòng trung thành với tổ quốc  64. The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear (ARM) ___________disarmament___________.   multilateral (a): nhiều phía   disarmament (n): sự ngưng chiến tranh  armament (n):  lực lượng vũ trang  65. Opposition leaders said they would try to stage nationwide protests, but previous opposition rallies have met only (WARM) __________lukewarm____________ support.   lukewarm (a): lãnh đạm, thờ ơ  66. Jaubert had been a reasonable man to work for. He never asked her to do anything illegal or (TASTE) ________distasteful/tasteless__________.  distasteful (a): khó chịu, đáng ghét, ghê tởm   tasteless (a): bất nhã, khiếm nhã  67. For twenty-five years he (PAIN) ___________painstakingly_____________ amassed evidence to support his hypothesis.   painstakingly (adv): chịu khó, cần cù  68. He felt out of place. a(n) (CONFORM) ___________nonconformist____________ in a society where conformity was highly prized.   nonconformist (n): người có suy nghĩ khác người

69. It would be (GENUS) ________disingenuous_____________ on our part to pretend ignorance of our book's impact, both in sales and controversy.   disingenuous (a): không thành thật, không thật thà  70. Great cities and (URBAN) _________conurbation____________ are developed by visionaries who instill pride and optimism in their fellow citizens.   visionary (n): những người có ý nghĩ không thực tế   conurbation (n): chùm đô thị, liên đô thị  71. She (NUMBER) ___________enumerates___________ the things we need to buy - sugar, tea and sandwiches.  enumerate (V): liệt kê  72. Working hours, including those accruing on a (TIME) _________part-time________ basis, are monitored by line managers locally and no central figures are available.   accrue on = increase an amount/number of st  73. (KNOW) __________Unbeknown/Unknowing______________ to me, he had rented out the apartment while I was away.  unbeknown (a): không được biết đến 74. He was fascinated by her (PHYSIC) ________physiognomy___________ - the prominent nose, brooding eyes and thick hair.   physiognomy (n): diện mạo, khuôn mặt  75. When we came to the platform on the railway station we were met by the station master, an (OFFICE) ________officiating__________ little man with a peaked cap (mũ lưỡi trai).   officiate (V): làm nhiệm vụ, thi hành chức vụ  76. There was a party after the ceremony where much drinking and (SLAP) _________slapstick/backslapping____________ went on.   slapstick (n): trò hề tếu, trò vui nhộn   backslapping (n) = noisy, cheerful behaviors 77. I know no private business that cannot be improved by independent investigation, by a policy (SIGHT) _________clear-sighted__________ provided by "new blood" and so on.   clear-sighted (a): nhìn xa trông rộng  78. However, this new style of theatre caused some (MUSE) __bemusement___ among the spectators, who criticized anything that lacked complete realism.   bemusement (n) = confusion  (not sure) 79. Many students consider coding as an utterly (SCRUTINY) __scrutinizing________ language distinct from human language in general.   scrutinizing (a): kĩ lưỡng, tỉ mỉ  80. Even at higher temperatures, there may be problems of having enough time for the solid to fully (EQUAL) __equilibrate_ as the system is cooling.   equilibrate /i:kwi'laibreit/ (v): (làm) cân bằng 81. Just because she’s read some (TRASH) __trashy__ paperback she thinks she’s some kind of expert on the modus-operandi.   modus-operandi (n): cách làm việc   trashy (adj): rác rưởi, vô giá trị 82. Staff felt as if they had been (WINK) _hoodwinked___ when they discovered the new management’s plans.   hoodwink (v): lừa bịp 83. The New Year 2020’s (STAR) ___star-studded___ show involves almost every famous face of the country.   star-studded (adj): có nhiều diễn viên nổi tiếng góp măt, có nhiều diễn viên nổi tiếng đóng vai 84. Companies can be punished for making (SUBSTANCE) _____unsubstantiated____ claims about their products,   unsubstantiated (a): không có cơ sở, không đúng sự thật  85. It was a misery (MEMORY) _memoir__ of a woman escaped from North Korea to which everyone expressed their sorrow and sympathy, 

86. They were (CULTURE) _acculturated__ in the tradition of 'public service' from their contact with  older regimes  acculturate (v): to change so that you become more like people from a different culture, or to make someone change in this way 87. When we arrived, the party was in full swing and the room was (BUZZ) _abuzz__.  abuzz (adj): đầy tiếng rì rầm, ồn ào 88. They found it (ROAR) _uproariously __ amusing that this hot-shot chef couldn't even use a  tomato slicer.   uproariously (adv): rất náo động, tức cười 89. “Say after me.” he would (TONE) ___intone___ and the class dutifully repeated whatever he said.   intone (v): ngâm 90. Because opera is a collaborative genre, the mechanisms of its production and its resulting meaning(s) are often heteroglossic or at best (GAIN) _________ungainly_________  ungainly (a) = smooth and attractive 91. Emotionality is also central in language choice for positive affect, such as (DEAR) _________endearment______________ or praise for one's partner or children.   endearment (n): sự yêu mến, yêu quý  92. To the (INITIATE) _______unintiated____________, most computer systems seem complex and difficult to understand.   uninitiated (a): chưa có kinh nghiệm  93. The pieces of evidence fell into place with the (VOICE) _________unequivocal___________ precision of a well-made jigsaw puzzle.   unequivocal (a): rõ rệt, rõ ràng  94. Parents have deep (GIVE) ________misgivings________ about allowing business values to be used in schools.   misgiving (n): nỗi lo âu  95. For many people, social networking offers them a feeling of (ESCAPE) __escapism_ from the real world.   escapism(n): thoát ly thực tại 96. Not sick, Mai guessed, but probably (HANG) ________hungover__________ now that she drank a lot at the party last night.  hungover (a) = feel ill because drank too much alcohol the night before  97. The boats surrounded the whales, drove them into nets, where they became (MESH) _________enmeshed_________ and were rendered helpless by harpoon thrusts.   enmeshed (a): mắc vào lưới  98. “P” is a (LIP) __bilabial__ consonant.   bilabial (n): âm do hai môi nhập lại phát ra (chẳng hạn b, m, p...) 99. Perhaps (INTUITION) ___________counter-intuitively___________, recent computer modeling studies predict fewer tropical cyclones if the ocean heats up further as a result of global warming.   counter-intuitively (adv): trái ngược với suy nghĩ/tưởng tượng 100. New immigrants have been successfully (SIMILAR) __assimilated_ into the community.  assimilated (adj): quen với, bị đồng hóa  101. We have to learn good examples, to look at our behavior and to stop being (RIGHT) ___selfrighteous___.  self-righteous (adj): tự cho là mình đúng 102. She stood there completely (EXPRESS)____expressionless___ so I had no idea at all what she was thinking   expressionless (a): đờ ra, ngây ra  103. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in danger of becoming (TYPE) __typecast__.  typecast (v): to always give an actor the same type of character to play, usually because he or she is physically suited to that type of part 104. This school was once (REQUIRE) ____requisitioned___ as a military hospital during the war.   requisitioned (a): yêu cầu, lệnh  105. So far, the United States has said it cannot agree to (LAW) _outlaw__ all types of antipersonnel (adj: sát thương) mines. 

 outlaw (v): cấm 106. In Scotland, there is greater emphasis on (VALUE)_____self-evaluation___, by individual schools.   self-evaluation (n): khả năng tự đánh giá  107. According to a recent survey in Britain, more women than men emphasized (CONFIDENCE) __________self-confidence____________ and trust.   self-confidence (n): sự tự tin  108. People also read these papers for their reviews of new books, films and plays and for their (EDIT) ___editorials___.  editorial (n): bài xã luận 109. Since most important problems are (FACE) ________multi-faceted______________, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.   multi-faceted (a): nhiều khía cạnh, nhiều vấn đề