Unit 6 Test: Listening [PDF]

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Unit 6 test Listening 1  Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct option. (2 marks) They are making beef with potatoes / rice. 2

 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? (8 marks) 1 2 3 4

Louise is making a three course meal. ___ Louise’s favourite ice cream is chocolate. ___ They need chilli sauce. ___ They add sugar to the tomato sauce. ___

Vocabulary 3 Choose the correct option. (10 marks) 1 2 3 4 5

I put milk / beans in my coffee. Sarah puts rice / beef in her sandwich. Cheese / Apple is nice on pizza. I keep chicken / spices in the fridge. There’s always salmon / salt and pepper on the table.

4 Complete the sentences with the words. (10 marks)

7 Write the words in the correct order. Then complete the answers using some or any. (10 marks) 1 there / any / Are / magazines? _______________________________________ Yes. There are ___________ magazines. 2 rice? / Is / any / there _______________________________________ No. There isn’t ___________ rice. 3 any / chocolate? / Is / there _______________________________________ Yes. There is ___________ chocolate. 4 any / sweets? / there / Are _______________________________________ No. There aren’t ___________ sweets. 5 there / any / Are / pens? _______________________________________ Yes. There are ___________ pens.

Practical English 8 Choose the correct option. (15 marks) Waitress James Florence

battery cap magazines sweets water 1 2 3 4 5

I drink a lot of _________. Martha likes reading _________. Rose’s watch needs a new _________. Rebecca always wears a purple _________. These _________ have got a lot of sugar in them.

5 Choose the correct option. (10 marks) You mustn’t / can run in the hall. It’s dangerous! We can’t / must use our phones in class. Please must / can I go out with my friends? My sister can / must sing very well. You must / can arrive on time.

6 Are the nouns uncountable (U) or countable (C)? (10 marks) 1 2 3 4 5

James Florence James Waitress

Grammar 1 2 3 4 5


There aren’t many pizzas. ___ I need some sandwiches. ___ There isn’t much jam. ___ There aren’t any churros. ___ There isn’t much rice. ___


What would you (1) like / have for your main courses? I (2) like / ’d like fish and chips. And I’ll (3) take / have a cheeseburger, please. OK. And for your (4) desserts / drinks? I’ll have ice cream. And I’d like bananas with chocolate sauce. Excuse me. Can we have the (5) total / bill, please? Of course. It’s £24.95.

Unit 6 test Reading


9 Read the text. Choose the correct description. (3 marks)

11 Write a recipe for spaghetti bolognese. Use the recipe card and the information. Use the prompts to help you. Write about 50 words. Remember to use sequencing words. (10 marks)

  

A It’s about healthy food. B It’s about a celebrity chef. C It’s about difficult teenagers.

Jamie Oliver is a British celebrity chef. He is famous for his interesting television programmes. He also writes lots of great cookbooks. Jamie travels all over the world to get new and exciting ideas for his cooking. One of his favourite foods is Spanish paella – he loves the mix of fish and meat in a spicy rice dish. In the UK he started a project to have more healthy food in schools – not just junk food like pizza and chips. Jamie is also interested in helping young people. He does lots of projects with teenagers who are in difficult situations. He teaches them to cook so they can find jobs in restaurants. 10 Read the text again. Choose the correct option. (12 marks) 1 Jamie writes TV programmes / cookbooks. 2 He travels to different schools / countries to get new ideas for his cooking. 3 He likes / doesn’t like spicy food. 4 He doesn’t want healthy / unhealthy food in schools. 5 He also teaches children / teenagers to cook. 6 The young people learn to cook so they can find jobs in schools / restaurants.


Italian Spaghetti Bolognese Ingredients: three tomatoes an onion oil 500 g beef salt and pepper, spices, chilli sauce spaghetti


tomatoes (chop)


onion (cut)


oil (heat in a pan)


onion (add)


beef (add)


tomatoes, salt and pepper, spices and chilli sauce (mix together with beef)


one hour (cook)


spaghetti (boil)


mix, eat!

Unit 6 test Paragraph 1 Introduction This is a recipe for … It comes from … Paragraph 2 Ingredients For this recipe, you need … Paragraph 3 Instructions First, … Next, … Then, … Finally, … ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20_ Grammar _____ / 30 Practical English _____ / 15_______Reading _____ / 15 Writing _____ / 10 _____TOTAL __________ / 100