Unit 1 Test [PDF]

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UNIT 1 TEST Name: ______________________________

Total: _____ out of 50

1 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the dialogue. Kate: Hi! (1) Did you/Would you want to come round and watch Grayson Heights tonight? It’s the last in the series. I (2) ‘m thinking/thought we might get a take-away. Mark’s out, so we’d have the place to ourselves. Danny: I’d love to. What (3) were you thinking/did you think about last night’s episode? Kate: I (4) was hoping/would hope that (5) they’d arrest/they arrested Mark for starting the fire, but what did you think of the ending? It was a bit of a cliffhanger! Danny: Unfortunately, (6) I missed/had missed the very end. My parents (7) argued/were arguing about which channel to switch over to when it (8) was finishing/finished. Kate: Typical! So, they (9) hadn’t watched/weren’t watching Grayson Heights? Danny: No. My Mum (10) had just got/would just get back from work. She wanted to watch the news but my Dad (11) had already seen/ was already seeing it an hour before. Kate: So, who (12) was winning/won the battle of the channels? Danny: Mum, as usual. But as soon as the news (13) was starting/started, the phone rang and she ended up chatting to someone instead of watching it! Kate: My mum (14) used to be/would be exactly the same. She (15) had always insisted/would always insist on watching a programme and then find something else to do once it (16) was starting/had started! Anyway – see you later for the grand finale! [__/16] 2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. There may be more than one answer. 1) ______________ you be happy working with whoever they chose to promote? 2) That new supermarket ______________ be a cinema before it was converted. 3) I knew you ______________ be late in spite of all your assurances! 4) My English ______________ as fluent as it is since living in London for a year. 5) I really must start putting my car in the garage at night. There was a heavy frost last night and it ______________ start this morning. 6) Whenever Tom failed at something he ______________ get this determined expression on his face and try it again and again. [__/6]

Proficiency Masterclass Unit 1 Test

© Oxford University Press photocopiable


3 Choose one word from each group that does not collocate with the final noun. 1) glamorous eccentric negative


2) contrived cliffhanger unconvincing


3) cliffhanger far-fetched compulsive


4) corny topical atrocious


5) mundane hackneyed


settings [__/5]

4 Match the words in italics in sentences 1 – 6 with the paraphrases using get a – f. 1) I started thinking about what we needed for the party and then decided to check with you what we’ve budgeted for. ______ 2) I haven’t quite finished the project but I’m making progress. ______ 3) It really irritates me when these companies cold call me while I’m trying to concentrate on my work. ______ 4) On sunny days like this you can see a lot of people walking their dogs through the park. ______ 5) My daughter was allowed to feed the penguins at the zoo last week. She loved it! ______ 6) They imposed a ban on using hosepipes last week but we’ve just had inches and inches of rain. I just don’t understand it. ______ a) get it b) got to c) get d) got e) gets f) getting there. [__/6]

Proficiency Masterclass Unit 1 Test

© Oxford University Press photocopiable


5 Complete sentences 1 – 6 with the correct words. The first letter has been given. 1) After a traumatic event people often b______________ memories to avoid being hurt. 2) Those white, sandy Caribbean beaches seem a d______________ memory now! 3) I have a v______________ childhood memory of falling down the stairs on my birthday. 4) It’s strange how old songs can e______________ memories of both sad and happy times. 5) I keep some old photographs of my grandmother in that box which bring back c______________ memories of the wonderful times we had together. 6) Experts say that memories of very bad experiences will f______________ over time. [__/6] 6 Complete the sentences using an appropriate phrase containing either help or give. 1) Here are some biscuits that I’ve just made. Please _____________________. 2) When my children ask their gran for a treat, she’s so soft that she always _____________________ them. 3) I’m not getting anywhere with this maths problem. Can _____________________? 4) If there’s some cake in the house I will always find it and eat it! I _____________________ myself. 5) It’s an interesting topic, I’ll ________________________. However, I don’t want to see the film. [__/5] 7 Complete sentences 1 – 6 with the correct words. The first letter has been given. 1) The painting is l______________ with symbolism, from the dog at the man’s feet to the bird outside the window. 2) The new film adaptation of the novel b______________ fresh life into the original story. It’s masterful. 3) There are a lot of contradictions at p______________ as the plot unfolds. 4) The poem gives more than a passing n______________ to the reforms being considered at the time it was written. 5) The story is set against the b______________ of a battle during the civil war. 6) The third act of the play c______________ in an aggressive confrontation between the girl’s father and her lover. [__/6] Proficiency Masterclass Unit 1 Test

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