Unit 1 - Key [PDF]

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UNIT 1 DAILY LIFE A. Grammar & Vocabulary Exercise 1: Match the digital times with the times in words. 1. 05:15 2. 08:20 3. 06:45 4. 14:30 5. 20:50 6. 09:10 7. 15:35 8. 10:05 9. 12:00 10. 16:55

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

It’s ten to nine It’s twelve o’clock It’s twenty – five to four. It’s twenty past eight. It’s half past two. It’s ten past nine. It’s five to five. It’s a quarter to seven. It’s a quarter past five. It’s five past ten.

Exercise 2: Rearrange the letters in brackets to complete the text. When I get up in the morning, the first thing that I do is to have (vahe) a shower. I then go to the kitchen and make breakfast. After breakfast, I brush (hrbus) my teeth. Then I meet (mtee) my friends and we catch (atchc) the bus to college. At college, we study all day, but have a break for lunch at twelve o’clock. At four a’clock, we leave (elave) and go (og) home by bus. In the evenings, I usually watch (htawc) TV, unless I have a lot of homework. I always do (od) my homework in the evenings. At night, I go (og) to bed and quickly fall (lfal)asleep. Exercise 3: Complete the table using the words in the box. a mess lunch the housework

the bed a cake the cleaning the shopping some homework

the laundry dinner




Make lunch the bed dinner a cake a mess

Do the cleaning the shopping laundry some homework the housework

Exercise 4: Complete the email. Use the words in the box. catch


get up

go out walk






Hi Sam, I’m having a great time here in France and I’m learning lots of French. My host family are very nice. They live in an apartment in an area called Pantin, and they both work as journalists. They get up very early and leave home before me. I have breafast at about 8 a.m. and then go to the language school. I usually walk there, but if I’m late I catch a bus. Lessons at the school finish at 4 p.m. The other studnets are very nice and I have made lots of new friends. We meet after school in a café or go out in the evening to the cinema. Harry

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the third person forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 My dad washes (wash) his car every weekend. 2 Jim watches (watch) too much TV. 3 Adrian’s baby cries (cry) a lot. 4 My brother is good at chess and practices (practice) every day. 5 Olga goes (go) jogging most evenings after work. 6 Tom’s wife cooks and Tom does (do) the washing up. 7 Anna catches (catch) the 253 bus to college each morning. 8 Nadia relaxes (relax) by doing yoga. 9 I think our teacher gives (give) us too much homework. 10 My brother switches off (switch off) his light at about midnight. Exercise 6: Read the sentences and choose the correct answers. 1 My brother (work/works) for a computer company in the city. 2 My friends and I often (play/plays) basketball together at the weekends. 3 I go to a college where everyone (studies/ study) different languages. 4 My grandparents (come/ comes) from a small village in Germany. 5 My lunch break (begin/begins) at 12 p.m. and finishes at 12:45 p.m. UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS 6 In the evenings, I (like/ likes) to chat to my friends online. 7 In my family, only my sister (get up/ gets up) before 6 a.m. 8 She (have/ has) a dance class every Wednesday evening. 9 My friend is good at baking and (make/ makes) amazing cakes. 10 In Britain, most school students (wear/ wears) a uniform. Exercise 7: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. Always my room his friend tidies .

 His friend always tidies his room. 2. I football at weekend the



 I play football at the weekend. 3. Take







 I take a sandwich to college for lunch. 4. Minutes five my checks brother


 My brother checks his phone every five minutes. 5. Shower in have evening the a  I have the shower in the evening. 6. Go I the six months  I go to the dentist every six months. 7. Does most my mother  My mother does most of the housework. 8. Weekend visit my family







phone every







. of



 I visit my family at the weekend. Exercise 8: Complete the email. Use the words in the box. Clean


finish start

gets tells

have work



Hi  Anna, I’ve got a new job! It’s in a supermarket and I work there every Saturday. I start at 8 a.m and the shop opens at 9 a.m. I tidy and fill the shelves, clean the floors and work at the check out. My manager is very nice. She tells me what to do and never shouts. The other workers are really UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS friendly, too. We have three breaks a day and finish at 4 p.m. It’s hard work because the shop gets very busy, but I really enjoy it. Sarah

B. Language Builder Exercise 1: Match the words with the pictures. Use the words in the box. building

cash machine



1. office

2. reception

4. stairs

5. building



3. toilets

6. cash machine

Exercise 2: Match the words with the pictures. Use the words in the box. bank

car park



post office

sport centre





1. library

5. car park

2. sport centre

3. supermarket

6. bank

7. chemist’s

4. post office

Exercise 3: Match the opposite words. Use the words in the box. early


1. far


2. right


3. late


4. small


5. closed


6. empty






Exercise 4: Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box.  big








PRE IELTS 1 A: Are there any spaces in the car park? B: No, it’s usually full by nine o’clock in the morning. 2 A: Is the cafeteria open now? B: No, it’s always closed at this time. 3 A: Are there any shops near the college? B: No, they are all about ten minutes away by bus. 4 A: Are the toilets on the left? B: No, they’re on the right. 5 A: Is the library small? B: No, it’s very big 6 A: Am I late for the first lesson? B: No, you’re five minutes early. Exercise 5: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.  1. This















computer room and

 This is the reception. 2. We




 We are in the main office. 3. These


 These are the toilets. 4. Are



 The stairs are over there. 5. A café




 There is a computer room and a café 6. There


car park

one is only




PRE IELTS  There is only one small car park. 7. There is drinks



 Is there a drinks machine? 8. Isn’t a there



 There isn’t a bank. 9. There are



 Are there any supermarkets? 10. A chemist isn’t




there .

 No, there isn’t a chemist.

C. Reading Exercise 1: Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box. do homework go to the gym

1. do the housework

4. do homework

do the housework make dinner

go for a walk go shopping meet friends play computer games

2. play computer games

5. meet friends

3. go shopping

6. make dinner




7. go for a walk

8. go to the gym

Exercise 2: Read the text. Then complete the exercise on the next screen.

HOW TO HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERY DAY Many people want to know how to work harder and feel better. How can you have a great day at school or at the office? A good daily routine can help you to have a great day every day. A  Get up early Many people want to stay in bed in the morning, but it is best to get up before 7:00 a.m. If you start working or studying early, you will have more ideas and you will be able to work faster. Many wellknown writers and musicians from the past believed that it was important to get up early – and to go to bed early too. You should also try to get up at the same time every day, because this is good for your body and brain. B  Eat breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People often say that they don’t have time to eat breakfast, but they will find it more difficult to start work, and they will soon feel very hungry. A healthy meal of toast, eggs, and fruit juice will help you to work well all morning – and stop you from eating unhealthy food like crisps and chocolate later in the morning! C  Go for a walk If you usually spend a lot of time in your office or in the classroom, it is very important to go outside and get some fresh air. If you spend just 30 minutes a day walking outside, you will feel less tired and you will be able to do more when you get back to work or school. A walk in the park every day will make you feel much healthier and will help you to do your best work. Choose the correct paragraph to match the information. Read the text on the first screen again to help you.



PRE IELTS 1. A lot of people don’t have time to do this.

○A ●B ○C 2. This will stop you from feeling tired.

○A ○B ●C 3. This will stop you from eating food that is bad for you.

○A ●B ○C 4. In the past, famous people thought that this was a good idea.

●A ○B ○C 5. You should do this at the time every day.

●A ○B ○C 6. Many people don’t want to do this.

●A ○B ○C Exercise 3: Choose the correct verbs to complete the email. Dear Jane, Thank you for your email. It was very interesting to hear about your daily life in Cambridge, England. I am writing to tell you about my typical day in Rome. On school days I usually (do/get / have) up at 7:00 a.m. I have a shower and (do/get/ make) dressed. In Italy, we don’t have to wear a school uniform, so I normally wear jeans and a tee-shirt. Then I (do/ have /take) breakfast with my parents and sister. I usually eat bread with jam and drink orange juice. My school starts at 8:30 a.m., so I leave my house at 8:00 a.m. I don’t live far from the school, so I walk there with my friends. My sister’s school is far away, so she takes a bus. I have lessons in the morning until 1:00 p.m. and then I go home and (do/go/ have) lunch with my mum. In Italy we often eat a lot for lunch, including pasta, meat and salad, but we have a much smaller dinner. In the afternoon I do my homework and help my mum to (do/ have/ make) the housework. I do the washing up and  (do/ have /take) out the bins. I have football practice on Tuesday afternoons and a piano lesson on Thursday afternoons. I have dinner at about 7:00 p.m. Every day after dinner, I (go/ have/ take) for a walk with my family around the town. We often stop and have an ice cream in my favourite ice cream shop. I usually (go/ have/ make) to bed at about 10:00 p.m., because I have school the next day. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Alessia

Exercise 4: Read the email. Then complete the next exercise.



PRE IELTS Dear Jane,   Thank you for your email. It was very interesting to hear about your daily life in Cambridge, England. I am writing to tell you about my typical day in Rome. On school days I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. I have a shower and get dressed. In Italy, we don’t have to wear a school uniform, so I normally wear jeans and a tee-shirt. Then I have breakfast with my parents and sister. I usually eat bread with jam and drink orange juice. My school starts at 8:30 a.m., so I leave my house at 8:00 a.m. I don’t live far from the school, so I walk there with my friends. My sister’s school is far away, so she takes a bus. I have lessons in the morning until 1:00 p.m. and then I go home and have lunch with my mum. In Italy we often eat a lot for lunch, including pasta, meat and salad, but we have a much smaller dinner. In the afternoon I do my homework and help my mum to do the housework. I do the washing up and take out the bins. I have football practice on Tuesday afternoons and a piano lesson on Thursday afternoons. I have dinner at about 7:00 p.m. Every day after dinner, I go for a walk with my family around the town. We often stop and have an ice cream in my favourite ice cream shop. I usually go to bed at about 10:00 p.m., because I have school the next day.   Hope to hear from you soon.   Best wishes,   Alessia Choose the correct answers. Read the email on the first screen again to help you. 1 Jane lives in (Cambridge/ Rome) 2 On school days, Alessia usually wears (a school uniform/ jean and a T-shirt) 3 Alessia lives (close to/ far from) her school. 4 Alessia normally eats a (big/ small) lunch. 5 Alessia plays (football/the piano) on Thursdays. 6 Alicia (always / sometimes) goes for a walk after dinner. Exercise 5: Read the text about professional swimmer Michael Daley’s day. Then complete the next exercise. I usually get up at around 6:00 a.m. Before I became a professional swimmer, I got up late most days, but I don’t ever stay in bed now, even on Sundays! I always go to the gym in the mornings. I spend about 30 minutes on the running machine, and then another 30 minutes doing other exercises. It is very important for me to stay fit and healthy. I only spend two hours at the gym when I have a big swimming competition. I get home from the gym at about 8:00 a.m., have a UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS shower and get dressed. I always have a big breakfast of cereal with banana, toast, eggs, coffee and orange juice. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me because I do a lot of swimming every day. After breakfast, I go for a long walk in the park near my house. The exercise helps me to relax and feel prepared for the rest of the day.   Then it’s time for me to start work. From 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. I normally go to the swimming pool and train for two hours with my personal trainer. I swim about five kilometres, and practise diving. After my training, I usually have a meeting with my trainer to talk about how well I’m doing and what I still need to work on. I sometimes have lunch at the pool café with my trainer, but if I have a television interview, I’ll walk over to the TV studio. All my friends think that it’s exciting to be on television, but it takes a long time to film, so it can be a bit boring. It’s not difficult to do TV interviews, but it takes a long time to get ready. At home, it takes me about 20 minutes to have a shower, get dressed and do my hair, or maybe half an hour if I’m going somewhere special, but at the TV studio it takes an hour! If I have a big competition coming up, then I do more training in the afternoon, or have more meetings with my trainer.   In the evenings, I usually relax at home with my wife, Emma. I quite enjoy cooking, so we often eat at home together. Emma hated my cooking at first, but now she thinks it’s OK. Her father is a chef at a top restaurant, so she loves good food. We sometimes go to a restaurant for dinner. We both love Korean food, and there’s a great place near my house. I never eat fast food like burgers and kebabs, or my trainer will get angry with me. Then Emma and I usually watch a film on television. We both love comedy films, and Emma also likes romantic films, but I’m not a big fan – I prefer action films. I usually go to bed at 10.00 p.m. because I need to be back in the gym by 7.00 a.m. the next day!

Choose the correct answers. Read the text on again to help you. 1. When does Michael get up late now?

○Most days.

○On Sundays. ●Never.

2. Michael usually exercise at the gym for

○30 minutes

●1 hour.

○ 2 hour. UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS 3. After breakfast, Michael

○gets prepared for the day. ● goes for a walk. ○relaxes in his house. 4. Michael says that TV interviews are sometimes.


● boring.

○ difficult.

5. When Michael gets ready at the TV studio, it takes him.

○20 minutes.

○ 30 minutes.

●1 hour.

6. What does Michael’s wife, Emma, think about his cooking now?

○She loves it.

○She hates it

● She doesn’t mind it.

○dinner in a restaurant.

○burger and kebabs.

7. Michael often eats

●dinner at home.

8. Both Michael and Emma like watching

●comedy films.

○ romantic films.

○ action films.

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present simple tense. The first question has been done for you. 1. I usually get up (get up) at around 6:00 a.m. 2. I always drink (drink) orange juice for breakfast. 3. Breakfast is (be) the most important meal of the day for me. 4. My sister’s school is far away, so she takes (take) a bus. 5. I usually wear (wear) jeans and a tee-shirt. 6. I never eat (eat) fast food like burgers and kebabs. 7. We both love tennis and Jane also likes (like) football. 8. We sometimes go (go) to a restaurant for dinner. Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the words in the box. always





1. I walk to school with my friends most days. I usually walk to school with my friends. 2. I have a cup of coffee every day at 11:00 a.m. I always have a cup of coffee at 11:00 a.m. 3. Some weekends, I go to a museum or art gallery. I sometimes go to a museum or art gallery at the weekend. UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS 4. I don’t watch TV at all. I never watch TV. 5. I go to the gym a lot. I often  go to the gym.

C. Listening & Speaking Exercise 1: Match the activities with the pictures. Use the phrases in the box. drive to work

go to the gym

1. go to the gym

have dinner use a computer

2. play chess

4. use a computer

5. drive to work

play chess

read in bed

3. read in bed

6. have dinner

Exercise 2: Listen to five people talking about doing activities. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Always




usually UNIT 1_KEY



(Track 1.1): She never uses computers. (Track 1.2): I often play chess. (Track 1.3): I sometimes go to the gym. (Track 1.4): She usually drives to work. (Track 1.5): He always reads in bed. Exercise 3: Listen to five people talking about things they do every day. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. drives





(Track 1.6): Every morning he drives his children to school. (Track 1.7): When she’s at the office, she reads her emails immediately. (Track 1.8): Everyday she moves computers from the storeroom to the shop. (Track 1.9): Most evenings, she makes dinner. (Track 1.10): Every lunchtime, they play basketball. Exercise 4: Listen to Sanjay talking to a friend, Tom, about his flatmates’ daily routines. Match each person to the activity. (Track 1.11)

1. Marc

gets up early.

2. Blas

teaches French classes in the morning.

3. Luke

cooks every evening.

4. John

works part time in the evenings.

5. Sam

studies in the afternoon.



PRE IELTS Exercise 5: Listen to Mary talking about what her family does every day. Choose the correct answers. (Track 1.12)

1. Mary gets up at

○7 o’clock.

○ 7:15. ●7:30.

2. Julia is usually late for college because she always

○does the washing up after breakfast.

○gets up late.

● watches TV after breakfast.

3. Mary’s office is

●at home.

○in a bank

○in the city center.

4. On his way home from work, Mary’s husband, Jack, often

●Goes shopping.

○goes to the gym.

○plays chess.

5. Jack goes to watch Simon play




6. Before going to bed Julia usually

○Takes out the bins.

●Uses her computer.

○Watches TV.

Exercise 6: put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Practice saying the sentences. 1. Often






 I’m often late for college 2. You








 Do you sometimes go to the gym? 3. To






 He usually drives to work. 4. He







 He always tries to arrive early. UNIT 1_KEY










 She never watches TV in the evenings. 6. We






 We always prepare dinner together. 7. In









 I never study in the library. 8. Catch





 They sometimes catch the bus home. 9. He







 He always teaches in the morning.

Exercise 7: Match the sentence halves to make sentences describing daily activities. Practise saying the sentences.

5. My brother cleans

● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

6. My mother prepares

7. I do

● ●

● ●

1. I wake 2. My father has 3. My sister goes 4. I play

8. My sister takes out

the washing- up. a shower before breakfast. to work. the house. up at 7:30. dinner. chess. the bins.



PRE IELTS Exercise 8: Complete the plan with the expressions for talking about a family’s daily routine. Use the expressions in the box.

After dinner,

We … After lunch, my mother …

I have breakfast, then I …

Before she goes to bed, my mother …

I like my routine because …

What I like about my day is …

My father gets up at …

When my sister gets home after school, she …

My Family’s Daily Routine In the morning My father gets up at … I have breakfast, then I … In the afternoon After lunch, my mother … When my sister gets home after school, she … In the evening After dinner, we … Before she goes to bed, my mother … Conclusion What I like about my day is… I like my routine because … Exercise 9: Describe what people in your family do every day. Look at the ideas below. Spend a few minutes thinking about what to say. Talk about: •   what they do •   who they do it with •   where they do it •   how often they do it. Remember: •   to use the correct verbs forms •   to put adverbs in the correct place in the sentences •   you can invent things if you like! UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS Exercise 10: Listen to Sandra talking to some new college students. Choose the correct answers. (Track 1.13) 1 Sandra Field works in the (café/ library/ office). 2 She is talking to people in the (library/main entrance/ room for student). 3 The toilets are (in the corner/ on the left of the reception/ on the right the reception). 4 The room for students is (in the corner/ on the ground floor/ on the ground floor). 5 The car parks are usually full by (nine o’clock/ seven o’clock/ ten o’clock). 6 At the top of the stairs there are about (10 classrooms/ 20 classrooms/ 30 classrooms). 7 Near the college there are (some bookshops/ some small supermarket/ two banks). 8 The sports centre is near the (bookshop/ chemist/ supermarket). Exercise 11: Listen to the first part of the audio again. Complete the paragraph with the correct words. (Track 1.14) Welcome to the college. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sandra Field and I work in the main  office here. I’m going to show you round the building this morning. We are now in the main entrance. This is the reception here and that is the main office. You can go there if you have any questions or problems. These are the toilets on the left of the reception and those are the stairs over there in the corner. Here on the ground floor there is also a room for students and a café. For those of you who drive, there are two large car parks to the right and left of the main building. But you must arrive early to find a place to park. The car parks are usually full by nine o’clock. Exercise 12: Listen to the second part of the audio again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (Track 1.15) Are there

Is there


there are

there aren’t

there is

there isn’t

Sandra: OK, let’s go up to the first floor now. At the top of the stairs there are about 20 classrooms, the  library and the computer room. Any questions so far? Student: Is there a drinks machine in the student room? Sandra: Yes, there is. It sells drinks and snacks, so you can get something when the cafeteria is closed. Student: Is there a cash machine? Sandra: No, there isn’t a cash machine in the college, but there are two banks and a post office very near here. Student: Are there any shops near here? Sandra: Yes, there are. There’s a chemist, a bookshop and a small supermarket. Student: Is there a sports center?



PRE IELTS Sandra: Yes, there is. It’s near the supermarket. Student: Are there any public telephones in the college? Sandra: No, there aren’t. Nearly all students have mobile phones nowadays. If there is a problem, you can use the telephone in the office. OK?

D. Writing: Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with and, but and or 1. We speak English for one hour. It’s not easy but we know it’s good for us. 2. Do you play football on Saturday, or do you play tennis? 3. Do you like meeting people and watching movies with them? Exercise 2. Complete each sentence in three different ways. Use and, but and or. 1. I like listening to English… ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. At the weekend, I go running… ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 3. Read Charlie’s email. The computer has found ten mistakes. They are grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. Can you correct them? From: Charlie [barcacarlos @hotmail.com] To: Lucy [[email protected]] Subject: Hi from Spain Hi Lucy My name’s Charlie. Well, it’s really Carlos but everyone calls me Charlie. I’m from Barcelona and I live at home with my parents and my dog. I have 21 years old, and I’m at university. I’m studing physics. I’m in my last year and I really like it. I’m going to tell you about myself. As you can see from the foto. I have black hair and brown eyes. My father always says I have a big nose, but I don’t think so. I think it’s a Roman nose! UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS I think I’m a positive person. My freinds say I’m funny and it’s true, I like making people laugh. But I can to be serious too when I need to be! I dont have many free time becuase when I’m not in class I have to do projects or write reports. But when I can, I like watching TV series, especially science fiction series and comedies. I watch them in English with subtitles. I also like playing computer games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft. Please write soon and tell me about you and your life. Best wishes Charlie 1. I am 21 years old.

2. studying

3. photo

4. brown

5. friends

6. can be

7. don’t

8. much

9. because

10. English

Exercise 4. Read Charlie’s email again and answer the questions 1. Where’s Charlie from? He’s from Barcelona. 2. What’s his real name? It’s Carlos. 3. Who does he live with? His parents and his dog. 4. What does he do? He’s at university. / He’s a student. 5. What does he look like? He has black hair and brown eyes. 6. What’s he like? He’s positive and funny. 7. What are his favorite free time activities? He likes watching TV and playing computer games. Exercise 5. Write a similar email about you. Write four short paragraphs. Paragraph 1

name, nationality, age, family, work/ study

Paragraph 2

physical appearance

Paragraph 3


Paragraph 4

hobbies and interests




LISTENING SCRIPT Exercise 4 (Track 1.11) Tom: How many people live in your house, Sanjay? Sanjay: Six. Me and five friends from college. Tom: Wow! That’s a lot! Is it difficult? Sanjay: Not really, because it’s a big house and we all have different daily routines. Tom: OK. Sanjay: For example, I’m the only one who has lunch at home, so at that time of day, I have the house to myself. It’s quiet so I usually use the computer and check my emails, or sometimes I watch TV. Tom: I see. Sanjay: Marc has a part time job in a restaurant, so he’s not there in the evenings. I only really see him in the mornings. And Blas cooks dinner every day, so he’s always in the kitchen. Tom: That’s nice for you! Sanjay: Yes, he’s a great cook. But he doesn’t usually do the washing up afterwards! Luke leaves the house very early, so he gets up before everyone else, to catch the bus. Tom: So, I suppose he goes to bed early as well. Sanjay: No, he doesn’t. In fact, Luke goes to bed very late so he doesn’t sleep very much. John is the same, he stays up late and plays chess with Luke, but he doesn’t get up early because he studies in the afternoon. Tom: Oh? I thought you told me he teaches in the morning. UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS Sanjay: No that’s Sam, he teaches French in the morning; I’m not sure what he does in the afternoon … Exercise 5 (Track 1.12) I wake up at 7 o’clock. My husband, Jack, wakes up at the same time. He gets up immediately but I stay in bed. Jack brings me a cup of tea at about 7:15 and then I get up at 7:30. We have a son, Simon, and a daughter, Julia. They get up at about 8 o’clock. Julia has a shower first, then Simon. We usually have breakfast together and then Simon and Julia leave for college. Julia is often late because she always watches TV after breakfast, but Simon always catches the bus on time, even though he always does the washing-up before he leaves the house. I’m a designer and I don’t need to travel to work because I have an office here in the house. Jack works in a bank. It’s in the city centre so he drives to work, but if the weather’s nice, he sometimes walks. He has lunch with colleagues. I have lunch at home; I make something simple because we usually have a big meal in the evening for dinner. And of course, Simon and Julia have lunch at college. After college, Simon usually goes to the gym and Julia sometimes plays chess with a friend. My husband often goes shopping on the way home and buys something for dinner, and I usually clean the house and then I often read the newspaper, or sometimes, if I have time, I phone a friend for a chat. We prepare dinner together. Jack’s an excellent cook. Simon and Julia like cooking too. I don’t like it as much, but I’m quite good. Sometimes Jack goes to watch Simon play basketball at the sports centre. But Simon usually takes the bins out and Julia usually does the washing up. Later, before we go to bed, Jack and I watch TV for a while, usually with Simon, and Julia chats with her friends online on her laptop. We all go to bed at about 11 o’clock but I don’t go to sleep immediately. I always read for at least half an hour before I turn off the light! Exercise 10 (Track 1.13) Sandra:  Welcome to the college. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sandra Field and I work in the main office here. I’m going to show you round the building this morning. We are now in the main entrance. This is the reception here and that is the main office. You can go there if you have any questions or problems. These are the toilets on the left of the reception and those are the stairs over there in the corner. Here on the ground floor there is also a room for students and a café. For those of you who drive, there are two large car parks to the right and left of the main building. But you must arrive early to find a place to park. The car parks are usually full by nine o’clock. OK, let’s go up to the first floor now. At the top of the stairs there are about 20 classrooms, the library and the computer room. Any questions UNIT 1_KEY


PRE IELTS so far? Student: Is there a drinks machine in the student room? Sandra: Yes, there is. It sells drinks and snacks, so you can get something when the cafeteria is closed. Student: Is there a cash machine? Sandra: No, there isn’t a cash machine in the college, but there are two banks and a post office very near here. Student: Are there any shops near here? Sandra: Yes, there are. There’s a chemist, a bookshop and a small supermarket. Student: Is there a sports center? Sandra: Yes, there is. It’s near the supermarket. Student: Are there any public telephones in the college? Sandra: No, there aren’t. Nearly all students have mobile phones nowadays. If there is a problem, you can use the telephone in the office. OK?