Ugovor o Zakupu SRB-ENG [PDF]

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UGOVOR O ZAKUPU Zaključen dana između sledećih ugovornih strana:

, u Beogradu

LEASE AGREEMENT Entered into on between:

, in Belgrade

Zakupodavac: _______________________________________ iz ____________________________________________, adresa ____________________________________________________, JMBG _______________________________________ sa jedne i Zakupac: ___________________________________________ iz ____________________________________________, adresa ____________________________________________________, JMBG __________________________________ sa druge strane

The Lessor: _________________________________________ from ________________________________________, address ____________________________________________________, personal number/registry number ________________________ and The Lessee: _________________________________________ from ________________________________________, address ____________________________________________________, personal number/registry number ________________________

Su se usaglasili oko sledećeg:

agreed as follows:

Prostorije i period zakupa Član 1. Zakupodavac daje u zakup Zakupcu prostor, koji se nalazi u Beogradu u ul. _________________________________ na spratu: ___________ br. stana: ______________ (u daljem tekstu: „Prostor“). Zakup se zaključuje na ograničeno vreme od ___________________ počinje od dana ________________.

Premises and lease period Article 1. Lessor leases the Premises to the Lessee, located in Belgrade in street _____________________________________ on floor ___________ apt. no.: ____________ (hereinafter: „the Premises“). This lease is concluded for a limited time period of _____________________ and starts as of __________________.

Tokom celog trajanja zakupa, Zkupac će plaćati Zakupodavcu mesečnu zakupninu u iznosu od _____________ EUR (u daljem tekstu „Zakupnina“). Zakupnina će se plaćati mesečno, i to najkasnije do _______________ u mesecu za tekući mesec. Zakupac će platiti kamatu na svaku Zakupninu ili drugu novčanu obavezu u vezi sa zakupom, koja ne bude plaćena blagovremeno. Kamata se zaračunava od datuma kog je Zakupnina odnosno druga novčana obaveza dospela za plaćanje do datuma kada je izmirena. Kamatna stopa biće zakonska zatezna kamata Republike Srbije.

During the lese period, Lessee is to pay to the Lessor monthly rent amounting ____________ EUR (hereinafter: „the Rent“). The Rent is to be paid on monthly bases, no later than ______________ in the month for the current month. Lessee is to pay the interest for every untimely payment of the Rent or other financial compensation related to the lease. Interest is calculated from the due date of the lease or any other financial obligation until the date on which it was settled. Interest fee being the Statutory default interest of the Republic of Serbia.

Ostale naknade i obaveze zakupca Član 2. Zakupac je dužan da pored zakupnine redovno izmiruje i ostale naknade koje prate korišćenje Prostora, i to sve račune po osnovu utrošene električne energije, održavanja zgrade, telefona, kablovske TV/interneta, grejanja, gasa, infostana (voda, odnošenje smeća i sl). Sve ove naknade, moraju se plaćati u rokovima njihovog dospeća, za sve vreme trajanja ugovora i uključuju i sve naknade čije plaćanje dospeva po isteku Ugovora, a koje se odnose na vremenski period trajanja zakupa. Dokaze o izvršenoj uplati svih naknada iz prethodnog stava, Zakupac će jedanput mesečno dostavljati Zakupodavcu. Zakupac je obavezan da naknadi štetu Zakupodavcu koja nastane usled namere ili grube nepažnje Zakupca, osim one štete koja nastane uobičajenim korišćenjem stvari ili okolnostima koje nisu izazvane od strane samog Zakupca. Zakupac se obavezuje da zakupljeni Prostor koristi sa pažnjom dobrog domaćina, i da poštuje kućni i komunalni red, kao i da Prostor neće koristiti u nezakonite

Other fees and obligations of the Lessee Article 2. Lessee is to timely pay, apart from the rent, all other compensations for the use of the Premises, as well as all the electricity bills, building maintenance bills, phone, cable TV/internet bills, heating, gas, utility bills (water, garbage disposal, etc.). All of the above must be paid within the stated due dates, during the entire lease period, and include all compensations/bills relating to the lease period, even if respectable due dates come after the expiry date of the Agreement. Lessee shall deliver to the Lessor the proof of payments (slip) for all compensations from the previous paragraph once a month. Lessee has to compensate to the Lessor all the damages incurred due to intent or gross negligence of the Lessee, except the damages occurred during the regular usage of items, or circumstances not caused by the Lessee. Lessee is obliged to use the leased Premises with due diligence, obey the house and municipal order, and not to use the Premises for any illegal purposes.

svrhe Depozit Član 3. Zakupac će dati Zakupodavcu, pri potpisivanju ovog ugovora, a pre izvršene primopredaje Prostora, iznos od _______________ EUR, kao deposit koji će Zakupodavac zadržati (u daljem tekstu „Depozit“). Po prestanku zakupa, Zakupodavac će vratiti primljeni depozit Zakupcu, s tim da je to vraćanje podložno mogućim odbicima predviđenim ovim Ugovorom. Zakupodavac je dužan da pismenim putem obavesti Zakupca o svakom iznosu koji će se odbiti od Depozita u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom. U tom obaveštenju biće precizirani iznosi koji će se odbiti i razlozi za svaki odbitak. Zakupodavac može da odbije novac iz Depozita da bi nadoknadio štetu nastalu iz jednog ili više od navedenih razloga:  oštećenje prostora, pokućstva i uređaja koje je uzrokovao Zakupac, ili koje je nastalo zato što je Zakupac na bilo koji način prekršio uslove ovog Ugovora;  bilo koji dospeli neplaćen iznos Zakupnine;  bilo koja neplaćena naknada iz člana 3. Ugovora. U slučaju da je ugovor raskinut od strane Zakupca pre ugovorenog perioda zakupa, Zakupodavac ima pravo da zadrži Depozit u celosti. Zapisnik o primopredaji Član 4. Prilikom ulaska u prostor, ugovorne strane će potpisati Zapisnik o primopredaji Prostora, od kojih se najmanje jedan primerak predaje Zakupcu. Obaveze zakupodavca Član 5. Zakupodavac će omogućiti Zakupcu da mirno uživa i koristi Prostor tokom perioda zakupa bez nezakonitog uznemiravanja od strane Zakupodavca ili treće strane. Raskid ugovora Član 6. Ukoliko zakupnina ili bilo koji njen deo ostane neplaćen 14 dana posle datuma dospeća; ili uplate zakupnine učestalo kasne; ili nastane šteta na Prostoru ili zajedničkim delovima zgrade usled krivice Zakupca ili s njim povezanog lica; ili ne poštuje kućni ili komunalni red; ili Zakupac prekrši jednu ili više svojih obaveza iz ovog Ugovora i/ili važeći propis, Zakupodavac može da raskine ovaj Ugovor bez otkaznog roka. Ova klauzula ne umanjuje nijedno drugo Zakupodavčevo pravo koje on može da ima u pogledu obaveza Zakupca prema ovom Ugovoru. Ugovorne strane zadržavaju pravo na jednostrani raskid ovog Ugovora bez navođenja razloga, slanjem pisanog obaveštenja drugoj Ugovornoj strani, sa otkaznim rokom od 30 dana od dana prijema obaveštenja o raskidu.

Deposit Article 3. Upon signing this Agreement, and before the handover of the Premises, Lessee shall give the Lessor the amount of ________________ EUR, as a deposit (hereinafter „the Deposit“). Upon the termination of the lease period, Lessor shall return the deposit to the Lessee, subject to possible deductions foreseen by this Agreement. Lessor is to notify the Lessee in writing regarding any amount that will be deducted from the deposit, in line with this Agreement. That notification shall state the exact amount and reason for such deduction. Lessor can deduct the deposit to compensate the damages incurred for one or several below stated reasons:  damage to the premises, furniture and equipment caused by the Lessee, or due to any kind of violation of the Agreement by the Lessee;  any due, and unpaid amount of the Rent;  any unpaid compensation from the Article 3 of this Agreement. In case the Lessee terminates this Agreement before the agreed lease period expires, Lessor is entitled to withhold the entire deposit.

Delivery Protocol Article 4. Upon entering the Premises, Parties are to sign a Delivery Protocol, and at least one copy of which is to be delivered to the Lessee. Obligations of the Lessor Article 5. Lessor shall enable the Lessee to peacefully use the Premises during the lease period, without unlawful disturbance by the Lessor or third parties. Termination Article 6. If the rent remains unpaid in whole or in part within 14 days from the due date; or payment of the rent becomes untimely on regular bases; or the damage occurs to the Premises or the common parts of the building due to the fault of the Lessee or an associated person; or he/she does not obey the home or communal order; or the Lessee violates one or more of its obligations under the Agreement and/or applicable regulations, Lessor can terminate this Agreement with no prior notice. This Clause does not diminish any other right of the Lessor, in respect of the Lessee’s obligations regulated by this Agreement. Parties have the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement providing no reasons for such decision, by sending a written notice to the other Party, with the 30 days’ notice period from the day of receiving such notice of termination.

Podzakup, ustupanje i deljenje zakupa Član 7. Zakupac neće davati u podzakup, niti će ustupati ili deliti posed Prostora ili nekog njihovog dela sa bilo kojim trećim licem bez prethodnog odobrenja Zakupodavca. Merodavno pravo i rešavanje sporova Član 8. Ovaj ugovor je sačinjen u skladu sa pravom Republike Srbije i na sva pitanja koja nisu regulisana ovim Ugovorom, primenjivaće se Zakon o obligacionim odnosima. Ugovorne strane se obavezuju da svaki eventualni spor povodom ovog Ugovora pokušaju da reše mirnim putem, a ukoliko u tome ne uspeju ugovaraju nadležnost suda u Beogradu. Jezik ugovora i broj primeraka Član 9. Ovaj Ugovor je sačinjen ravnoglasno na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, od kojih prednost u tumačenju ima srpski jezik. Ovaj Ugovor sačinjen je u 2 (dva) identična primerka od kojih svaka Strana zadržava po 1 (jedan) primerak.

Sublease, transfer and sharing of the lease Article 7. Lessee shall not sublease, transfer or share the lease of the Premises or any of its parts with third parties, without the prior consent of the Lessor. Applicable law and dispute resolution Article 8. The Contract is governed by the Laws of Serbia, and on all matters that are not regulated by this Contract the Law on Contracts and Torts shall apply. The Contracting Parties undertake to try to resolve any disputes arising out of this Contract amicably, and in the case they fail to do so, disputes shall be resolved before the competent court in Belgrade. Language of the Agreement and Counterparts Article 9. This Agreement is made alike in Serbian and English language, of which advantage in interpreting has the Serbian language. This Agreement is made in 2 (two) counterparts, 1 (one) for each Party.

______________________________ Za ZAKUPCA / for the LESSEE ______________________________ Za ZAKUPODAVCA / for the LESSOR