Ubersreik Adventures III [PDF]

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CREDITS Design and Writing: Dave Allen, Christopher Colston, Ian Robinson, Simon Wileman Illustration: Alessandro Boer, Andreas von Cotta-Schønberg, Ralph Horsley, David Gallagher, Dániel Kovács, Yugin Maffioli, Sam Manley, JG O’Donoghue, Scott Purdy, Erin H Rea, Justin Russell Cover: Sam Manley Layout: Robert Carr, Pádraig Murphy Editor: Phoebe Hedges Proofreader: Alexandra Icek Cubicle 7 Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski, Christopher Colston, Elaine Connolly, Josh Corcoran, Jennifer Crispin, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Matthew Freeman, Paula Graham, Diana Grigorescu, Fiona Kelly, Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Neil McGouran, Sam Manley, Kieran Murphy, Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Laura Jane Phelan, Sam Taylor, and Cian Whelan Creative Director: Emmet Byrne Publisher: Dominic McDowall Special thanks to the Games Workshop Team

Published by: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd, Units 5&6, Block C, Balbriggan Business Campus, Balbriggan, Co Dublin, Ireland. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

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Last Updated: 20 June 2023




A TRAGIC TALE OF UPHEAVAL Introduction......................................... 4 Before the Emperor’s Edict (2509-2511 IC)..........5 The Occupation (2512-2513 IC) ..........7 The Turmoil (2512-2513 IC)..............10 The Aftermath (2513 and beyond)......14


AN EYE FOR AN EYE Adventure Summary ....................... 17 Getting Started ..............................18 Vern Hendrick ................................ 18 Part One - New Arrivals at Grunewald Lodge............................................ 19 Hanna & Gertie Hoch ................... 19 Milo Lostpocket.............................. 20 Albrecht Lensburger ....................... 20 Todd Heistlenburger ...................... 20 Andreas Von Bruner ...................... 21 Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg .......... 22 Gregor Piersson............................... 23 The Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye..................... 25 Part Two - An Investigation Into Matters Most Foul...........................25 Layout of Grunewald Lodge and Grounds......................... 25 Stables and Kennels......................... 26 Gardens........................................... 27 Shrine of Sigmar ............................ 27 Huntmaster Olver Kreel.................. 28 Gatehouse....................................... 28 Guards............................................. 29 The Library...................................... 30 Otto Brandt..................................... 30 Great Hall....................................... 31 Study............................................... 31 Sitting Room................................... 31 Dormitories..................................... 31 Kitchen............................................ 33 Catherine Haus .............................. 33 Wine Cellar..................................... 34 The Dark Temple ............................ 34 Part Three - A Feast of Frenzy...........34 Confronting Pierrson ...................... 34 The Dinner...................................... 35 The Ritual Begins............................ 35

Aftermath........................................ 36 Rewards........................................... 37


MUTINY AND THE BEAST Adventure Summary........................ 38 Getting Started...............................39 Part One - On The Road Again.........39 History of the Reikwald Tribe......... 40 Agents of the Aschaffenbergs.......... 41 Encounter on the Road................... 42 Part Two - New Village Order..........44 The Village of Geissbach................. 44 The Halfway House......................... 45 Other Buildings and Defences ........ 47 The Villagers.................................... 47 Arriving in Geissbach...................... 51 Visiting the Festival Field................ 51 Visiting the Halfway House............ 52 Jost Uberlaufer................................ 52 Brandt Heiselstein & Rudd Helburg.. 53 Borgun Foambeard.......................... 54 Heidi Gant...................................... 54 An Evening in the Bar......................55 Part Three - T h e Thing In The Woods.60 Morning Bell................................... 61 Heidi Gant’s Return........................ 61 The Site of the Siege Engine........... 63 Assaulting the Siege Engine............ 64 Rescuing Ralf.................................. 65 The Camp........................................ 65 Approaching Unseen....................... 65 Wandering Goblins......................... 67 A Well-earned Reward.................... 67 A Coach Arrives.............................. 68 Rewards........................................... 68


HORROR OF HUGELDAL Adventure Summary........................ 69 Getting Started...............................70 Background....................................71 Part One - The Bandit Attack ..........72 The Fight......................................... 72 The Bandit’s Reaction...................... 73 Interrogating the bandits................. 74 What the survivors have to say........ 74 Part Two - A Town Called Malaise....76 Adventuring in Hugeldal................. 78

Running This Section...................... 79 Exploring Locations in Hugeldal.... 80 Lady Agnetha von Jungfreud........... 81 Bernd Ensslin, Innkeeper................ 82 The Well.......................................... 83 Garden of Morr............................... 84 Strigany Camp................................ 85 The Dwarf Quarter.......................... 86 The Temple of Sigmar..................... 86 The Temple Hospice........................ 87 The Shrine of Verena....................... 88 The Imperial Engineer’s House........ 89 The Town Watch............................. 90 The Doktor’s Surgery....................... 90 Doktor Wilhelm Vorsatz................. 91 The Doktor Escapes......................... 92 The Doktor Broken.......................... 93 Part Three - The Cavalcade Comes To Town..............................94 The Carnival Master’s Plan.............. 94 Putting the Plan Into Action........... 97 Attacking the Cavalcade.................. 99 Help From Townsfolk.................... 100 Aftermath...................................... 100 Rewards......................................... 101 Appendix .....................................101


MIRROR OF DESIRE Adventure Summary...................... 103 Getting Started ............................104 Part One - To Have Loved & Lost..104 Esmerelda Fenstermacher.............. 106 The Lovestruck Fool...................... 106 The Cruel Prankster....................... 108 Wealth & Privilege........................ 109 Part Two - Trials Of The Heart.......111 The First Trial:............................... 111 The Second Trial............................ 114 The Third Trial............................... 115 And Now For Your Reward........... 116 Part Three - Fragments Of Desire...117 Escaping the Mirror...................... 117 Conclusion.................................... 118 Kelsydra......................................... 118 The Suitors.................................... 118 The Von Bruners & Aschaffenbergs.. 118 Rewards......................................... 119



Ubersreik has seen more than its fair share of upheaval and conflict in recent years, from secretive skullduggery in the corridors of power leading to invasion to the eventual restoration as a Freiburg in 2516. Political events in Ubersreik have been the backdrop for many of the adventures since the launch of WFRP 4E, and adventuring parties may have become entangled in the ambitions of one or more of the antagonists. They could have been recruited by the Altdorf occupiers (such as Lady Emanuelle Nacht) to suppress resistance. They may have entered the employ of Jungfreud loyalists to further their goals to restore Graf Sigismund to the city. Or perhaps they’ve been working on behalf of the Most Respectable Association of Ubersreik to advance the cause of independence from noble rule? What’s happened in Ubersreik is part of an Empire-wide narrative that spans these adventures and the Enemy Within campaign — threatening the very Empire itself. What follows is a timeline of events — both those which are public knowledge, and what happened behind the scenes. They describe the major events that happened before, during, and after the occupation by Altdorf forces at the decree of Emperor Karl Franz. This includes and summarises much of what’s known from ‘A Guide to Ubersreik’ from the WFRP Starter Set as well as some of the events of the Enemy Within campaign.



WFRP is a roleplaying game, and what happens in the world should be affected by players and their actions. There is a good chance that the history outlined below does not happen in your campaign — perhaps the Characters intervened and changed the course of events. Or maybe, as a GM, you chose to take Ubersreik in a different direction. This is very much in the spirit of how you can best enjoy the setting. This history is a description of what would happen if the Characters did nothing to affect the grand sweep of events. They may have been preoccupied with more street-level issues, or perhaps they have yet to visit Ubersreik while these events unfold. Most of the adventures in the Starter Set and Ubersreik Adventures 1-3 can run during any period in the city’s history, with some adjustment required for a few scenarios — these are called out in the timeline. There are three ways you can use this history: 0 Backdrop — your players don’t get tangled in the historical events happening around them … they’ve got their own things to do. The politicking and conflict provide local colour, interesting rumours and scenes to show that Ubersreik is a living city with its own story and nothing more. 0 Inspiration — your players aren’t directly involved in the events detailed, but it’s impossible to avoid the consequences of the invasion, occupation and parleying for a new status quo. In this case, the party enjoy scenarios arising from the events that follow but don’t affect the larger-scale changes. 0 Campaign — the momentous years between 2509-2516 are full of powerful forces keen to recruit itinerant parties to advance their cause. In this context, your players are part of the action — taking an active role, fighting for one (or more than one) side, and jumping right into the conflict themselves. They’re making history. In this case, the following events will change based on their actions … for better or ill.



BEFORE THE EMPEROR’S EDICT (2509-2511 IC) The seeds of Ubersreik’s fate in 2512 IC were sown years before the invasion, in the dark and clandestine corridors of power in Altdorf and amongst the squabbling ranks of the nobles of the Reikland.

Public Knowledge

Pfalzgraf Sigismund von Jungfreud ruled Ubersreik with a firm hand for years after his father died. Through his leadership, he brought prosperity to the city and surrounding lands. Other nobles looked on with jealousy, though none would have threatened the Jungfreud hold on Ubersreik. The Jungfreuds were wealthy from trade and from the bountiful mines in their home territory of the Duchy of Black Rock. There was the inevitable antagonism with neighbouring rivals — although this was restricted to arguments at the Reikland Diet and with peers rather than open conflict or force of arms. The most notable rivalry was a feud with the powerful Wallensteins of Auerswald to the north over issues of tax, trade, and territory. Yet it was nothing more notable than dynastic rivalry, as can be found anywhere in the Empire. The Wallensteins are connected via marriage ties to the Holzkrug family — and Graf Liepmund Holzkrug is Lord High Ambassador to the Imperial Court. The Holzkrugs were historical rivals to the Emperor’s Holswig-Schliestein noble line. Graf Sigismund was actively recruiting additional troops for the Ubersreik State Army. People speculated that there were greenskins amassing in the mountains or Parravon was planning to invade. Outside the Duchy of Ubersreik, the most pervasive rumour was that the Graf was preparing to march over the border to the Duchy of Wallenstein to take the Hahnbrand Silver Mine from Auerswald’s control.




In the years preceding the invasion, Yann Zuntermein spent many years leading a double life, as a spy in the Reikland’s Black Chamber and as Magistra Magistri of the Altdorf cell of the Purple Hand, one of Tzeentch’s most insidious cults in the Empire. He ascended through the ranks to head the ‘Spionwerber’, the Black Chamber’s recruitment arm. Zuntermein used his position to advance

various Purple Hand schemes and put his agents in places of power. His ambition was to subtly destroy the Empire from within, setting noble against noble, Sigmar against Ulric, and foment chaos in the land. The Purple Hand’s greatest accomplishment was to have one of its members appointed as physician to Emperor Karl Franz. This agent infected the Emperor with Purple Brain Pox, then used a particularly harsh regime of treatments to leave him pliable and open to influence. As such, Imperial advisors were forced to use a body double to replace the real Karl Franz in public. As a result, a series of bizarre edicts, quite out of character with the usually statesmanlike ruler, was issued. Dwarf emissaries from Karaz Angaraz and human prospectors had seen signs of increasing orc and goblin activity in the mountains. Graf Sigismund determined to raise an army and met with Duke Zenechar Trott of Tahme to negotiate to hire his mercenaries. Sigismund was also eager to show his rival, the Duke of Wallenstein, that Ubersreik could defend itself. Zuntermein worked closely with Graf Liepmund Holzkrug, who leads the Black Chamber. The Purple Hand knew Holzkrug resented the Emperor and sought a clandestine means to unseat the Holswig-Schliestein dynasty from power. Zuntermein proposed to concoct evidence that the Jungfreuds were planning to invade Wallenstein. They could then feed it to the Grey Guardian Immanuel-Ferrand, who was both a member of the Black Chamber and uncle of Emperor Karl Franz. Zuntermein duly charged his agents to find and twist plausible evidence of Jungfreud’s ambitions and spread rumours in the southern Reikland and Altdorf of the supposed threat from Ubersreik to other states within the province. Holzkrug gave the doctored evidence to ImmanuelFerrand, who was always looking for reasons to centralise control of the Reikland (and Empire) to Altdorf. The evidence gave him what he needed, and he informed General von Dabernick of the Altdorf State Army of the threat, then commanded him to march south. Holzkrug duplicitously advised Immanuel-Ferrand against this course of action, but the Grey Guardian ignored him and approached Karl Franz to ask permission to issue an edict declaring Sigismund von Jungfreud a traitor who must be deposed.




A substantial dose of drugs from the Purple Hand physician Henrik Kappelmuller led to the Emperor giving assent. During this time, a group of merchants and guildmasters regularly met upstairs at the Exploding Pig tavern, hosted by the landlord Hanno Rader. They saw the Jungfreuds as a domineering force that hampered their ability to profit from the heavy volumes of trade coming through Ubersreik. They began to look to Kemperbad and other Freiburgs as an ideal … which sadly felt completely out of reach given the Graf ’s tight grip on the Duchy.

Adventuring Before



This is the calm before the storm, when Ubersreik is thriving through trade and the firm but effective rulership of Graf Sigismund. The Duchy grows more powerful and, in many ways, is typical of a successful Reikland settlement. The citizens are vigilant against threats from the mountains with political, mercantile, and cultural tensions no greater than elsewhere in the Empire. Many of the conflicts and secret motivations outlined in A Guide to Ubersreik are already present - with the obvious exception of anything caused by the occupation. Under the surface, there are greater threats. The Purple Hand are stirring up trouble and looking to gather plausible evidence which will bring down the wrath of the Emperor on the city and its rulers. If you choose to set a campaign in this period, you can play on the devious background manipulations of the Purple Hand or just use the richly-detailed city as a setting for adventure.

HELPING THE HAND A pleasant gentleman approaches the party to ask for their help. He’s willing to pay good coin if they can dig up something compromising about Graf Jungfreud … or his sister Hild, or his mother, the castellan of Neufaljung. Even better if it’s about his ambitions of conquest — it doesn’t matter if the party needs to improvise the actual detail; he just needs some ‘proof’. BOOTS ON THE GROUND Foresters in the employ of the Graf of Grauwerk have spotted scouts and outriders in the forests to the north, apparently the vanguard of a large army. Von Bruner is concerned. He needs someone innocuous to see what’s going on over the border of his estates and report back — maybe even race ahead of any invading force to warn Ubersreik of an incursion.


Most scenarios from the Starter Set and previous volumes of Ubersreik Adventures are entirely suitable for this period in time, perhaps with a name change or two — however, some exceptions will require a little more modification to integrate them fully into the time period of your adventures in Ubersreik. 0 Making the Rounds relies on the conflict in Ubersreik during the occupation. 0 Lord of Ubersreik in Rough Nights, Hard Days concerns the noble families jostling for power in the occupied city. 0 Heart of Glass depends, in part, on the dynamic between the occupying army and the locals. 0 The Hassle of Johann Hoffmann is a whodunnit related to the fall of the Jungfreuds. It is still possible to run any of the above scenarios; however, as GM you will need to make amendments to account for certain events. For example, perhaps the instigating riot in Making the Rounds was started by an agent of the Purple Hand or an overly eager priest.

RUMOURS If you choose to set your campaign before the Emperor issues his edict, the party might hear rumours along these lines: 0 ‘My cousin Hild came down from the mountains last week. She’d been up on the Tunnachsberg, down the Kleinblatz Valley. She saw a big pile of rocks shaped like an orc’s head with all gobbos dancing ‘round it and orcs bellowing along. Frightened her so much her hair turned white. I reckon they’re getting riled up again.’ 0 ‘Have you seen that funny-looking bloke around? Bretonnian fella with a broken nose? He keeps asking about the Graf and whether I saw anything unusual. Offered coin too. I told him I’d seen the Graf walking on his hands across the Ubersreik bridge, took his silver, then told him to bugger off.’ 0 ‘A lot of coal and ore coming down on the canals from the Black Rock mines at the moment; someone must be making a lot from it.’ 0 ‘Have you heard? Rumsters are selling cut-price food out of a basket by the Town Hall. They’ve got all sorts … the sausage pasties are incredible.’ 0 ‘I hear Graf Siggi’s had enough of the Wallensteins, and he’s going to invade Auerswald to grab Hahnbrand mine. Right now, he’s leading the march to Stromdorf with a dozen regiments and a load of hungry ogre mercenaries.’ 0 ‘We’ve just brought the barge down from Mackendorf, and we saw a battalion of Altdorfers coming south. One of the captains told my gaffer they’re there to sort out the beastmen in the Reikwald.’



THE OCCUPATION (2512-2513 IC) The Starter Set source material and Ubersreik Adventures are all set after the Altdorf State Army descended on the city and the von Jungfreuds fled. Below is a summary of events during that time.

Public Knowledge

Emperor Karl Franz rose from his sickbed to issue a decree to an almost empty Reikland Diet. It was after midnight when High Lord Steward von Bögenberg spoke on his behalf to declare Graf Sigismund von Jungfreud, a traitor and that his holdings in the southern Reikland were subsequently forfeit. As von Bögenberg read out the charges, the assembled nobles sat in shock — this was unprecedented in their lifetime and an uncharacteristically rash action by the Emperor. The State Army of Altdorf was already camped on the border between the Duchy of Wallenstein and the Duchy of Ubersreik under General von Dabernick’s command. At dawn the next day, they marched towards the city with an overwhelming force of arms. The Ubersreik army mustered to defend the walls, but the garrison was too small to repel the Altdorfers. After an unsuccessful attempt to head off the Altdorf forces in the Grunewald, the Ubersreik army went into retreat. The Graf, his immediate family, and retainers fled to the Duchy of Black Rock. Many citizens and a fair chunk of the army also fled to the highlands of Black Rock, frightened by the swift approach of the Altdorf army and ignorant of why they were marching, unbidden, on the city. After a few skirmishes, General Dabernick triumphantly rode through the gates into the city, announced that it was no longer held by Graf Sigismund, and began the occupation. Reprisals against resisters were brutal, and their bodies were hung out as warnings to others. Ubersreik now had no formal ruler. Altdorf troops replaced the garrison and took over much of the City Watch. General von Dabernick moved into the castle in order to oversee the city. The Town Council took over the running of the city. They showed acumen in navigating the tension between the occupiers and native Ubersreikers. Ernst Maler

became increasingly visible and important in his role as Burgomeister. There were several public calls for the city to become a Freiburg rather than giving it to another noble who would, in turn, only end up deposed by another. In Black Rock, Jungfreud started recruiting a mercenary army — some say to march back to take back Ubersreik or just to defend himself in his home county. On the foothills of the Grey Mountains, Castle Neufalung and the Duchy of Black Rock are known to be defensible. Mercenaries flocked to the region looking for work. Coal barges from Black Rock now travelled via the Hägercryb Canal to avoid Ubersreik, which caused fuel shortages in the city. The Graf ’s son Sigismund the Younger married Lady Greta Trott, and Duke Zenechar pledged his son’s mercenary army to the Graf ’s cause (for a small fortune.) The occupying Altdorf army garrisoned in Ubersreik’s Black Rock Castle. From there, they patrolled the city and the surrounding countryside in a state of alert for further signs of rebellion or the armed return of the Jungfreuds. The citizens of Ubersreik did not wear occupation lightly. Some rebelled openly and were swiftly punished by Dabernick’s soldiers; some gave passive or sly resistance, and others cooperated sullenly with the Altdorfers. There was a handful who embraced the occupiers and happily betrayed Jungfreud loyalists to the Watch. Outside the city, many towns and villages resented the Altdorfers, even those who had no love for the deposed Graf. Several noble families vied for the position of Lord of Ubersreik, trying to curry favour with Dabernick in the hope that he would put in a good word with the Emperor. Other Reikland nobles voiced their concern about the events in Ubersreik, and several made vocal criticisms of Karl Franz — worried that they would be next. Amongst the most vocal critics was Liepmund Holzkrug. The eccentric Lord Adalbert Knopp-Inzel left retirement outside Oberwald with his entourage and took to riding around the Reikland, offering to duel any who supported Karl Franz’s edict. Remarkably, the elderly knight survived every inevitable defeat. The Emperor was silent on the matter of Ubersreik.




The Noble Claimants Many noble families rushed to make a claim to the wealthy, cosmopolitan city of Ubersreik.


The Bruners have ruled Ubersreik in the past and resent the Jungfreuds for usurping their position. They are extremely wealthy from mining activity in the Hagercrybs, and appeared the obvious successors to the Jungfreuds in ruling Ubersreik, but for one thing — there are whispers that some of the most prominent members are tainted by the Ruinous Powers. Lord Heinrich is under strict instruction by his domineering mother to prove the Bruners’ devotion to Sigmar and rejection of their rumoured corruption.


The richest merchant family, the Karstadts, were a noble line until a few decades ago when the Bruners took advantage of their thendestitute status to buy their lands and claim their letter of patent. Hellin Karstadt-Stampf is now the wealthiest woman in Ubersreik and is determined to rectify matters on behalf of her children. If becoming Lady of Ubersreik is not possible, she is willing to support the move towards Ubersreik becoming a Freiburg — as a merchant, this would also be advantageous to her family.


An Altdorf family with connections to Ubersreik, Lord Erich von Holzenauer is eager to press the case for his family to become Lords of Ubersreik. He is popular with the Ubersreik garrison for his distinguished service as a pistoleer fighting greenskins in the mountains. He threw a grand masked ball to impress General Dabernick into supporting his case.


Graf Wilhelm is the ruler of Bogenhafen and the surrounding hinterland. He has a tenuous claim to Ubersreik, but this doesn’t stop the politically ambitious Lord Siegfried von Saponatheim from trying to persuade Altdorf to extend his family’s lands southwards.


The chief rivals to the Bruners, the Aschaffenbergs are an ambitious family who rule the March of Grey Lady’s Veil and the Duchy of Aschaffenberg. They were allies of the Jungfreuds, and when Altdorf seized the city, Lord Brynich fled to his family’s holdings in the windswept Blitzfelsen Hills while his wife Eleanor remained in the family’s manor in Ubersreik. Previous allegiances were swiftly cast aside when the possibility of the Duchy arose. Although Arch-Duke von Walfen, the liege-lord of the southern Vorbergland’s duchies, could have made a claim to Ubersreik, he was unwilling to do so lest the Emperor turn his wrath upon him next.







While General Dabernick was the face of the occupation, Lady Emanuelle Nacht was the brains. She used secret agents and spies to uncover pockets of resistance and undermine the efforts of Graf Sigismund to build up his own forces. When Graf Sigismund fled the city in a coal barge, he accidentally left his youngest son Wendelin in the city. During the occupation, he remained hidden underneath St. Arnold’s chapel. His other son was at university in Altdorf — the Graf presumed him lost. As the Graf brooded and paced restlessly in Castle Neufaljung, he lost focus and launched countless halfconsidered plans to reclaim his birthright. He ordered new defences, sought for wizards to join his cause and employed very dubious characters to further his schemes. In Altdorf, Reikland nobles whispered concerns about the situation and the Emperor’s judgement. Many were manipulated by the Purple Hand to sow distrust and dissolution. These events caused a ripple effect across the Empire. Graf Boris Todbringer of Middenheim questioned the Emperor’s fitness to govern. Independence movements in Nordland, Ostermark, and Hochland grew support as they pointed to Altdorf as an example of what the larger provinces do to control those who do not submit to their unreasonable demands.

In the city, the resistance was secretly led from the city’s slums by the retired Captain Guido Falck of the Ubersreik State Army. Graf Sigismund employed agitators to whip up resistance to the Altdorfers and undermine attempts to establish a Freiburg. The Most Respectable Association of Ubersreik (usually known as ‘The Association’) coalesced around the desire for political liberation from nobles — led by Sir Franz Stricholz, a former retainer of the Jungfreuds. This group emerged from the members of the Merchant’s Guild who met in the Exploding Pig tavern. They worked to undermine both the Altdorf occupation and the return of the Jungfreuds, also making surreptitious enquiries about hiring a variety of mercenaries of their own to protect any future Freiburg. Concerns about the Bruner family were well-founded, as the son Andreas von Bruner was a Slaanesh cultist — a member of the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye. As the occupation wore on, Lady Nacht grew curious about the evidence for Jungfreud’s treachery. The closer she looked, the more she realised that the ‘facts’ she had seen did not look quite as plausible as she got to know the city.




Adventuring During the Occupation

This period in Ubersreik’s history is the default setting for adventures of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Starter Set. A Guide to Ubersreik is specifically set during the occupation, and all published adventures and scenarios should work without modification during this period. FOUR AND TWENTY CODE WORDS BAKED IN A PIE Pigeon pie is something of a delicacy in the Empire, and there are few finer examples in Wurfel than those served in the Stag’s Crock inn. Should the party tuck into a steaming dish, they will find something hard amongst the pigeon meat. A small metal capsule contains a message in code with a partial cypher. Lady Nacht would be extremely annoyed if she knew her carrier pigeons to Altdorf were being used for pie filling.

RUMOURS People in taverns, on streets, at the market or on the riverside love to exchange political gossip: 0 ‘They’ve started burning old boats in Buchendorf because the coal supply is drying up. The Altdorfers are hogging what we do get to warm themselves in the castle.’ 0 ‘Ernst Maler’s getting a bit big for his boots. He wants to be the next lord of Ubersreik — he’s going to let the Bruners and Aschaffenbergs and the rest of them kill each other, then step in as a man of the people who wants to sort things out.’ 0 ‘Greenskins, beastmen, mutants … do you think they care who rules this place? All they’re looking for is easy meat — and right now, we’ve never been so vulnerable. Thousands of soldiers crawling around, and they’ve taken their eye off the main threats.’ 0 ‘I’m just praying to Rhya that we get a decent harvest this year — if we’re short of food, then this whole city’s going to riot, and it won’t matter which side you’re on … you’re in trouble.’ 0 ‘There are some horrible characters going up to Castle Neufaljung looking for mercenary work these days — I swear the Graf is hiring all kinds. Norsemen, hobgoblins … even Stirlanders!’ 0 ‘Errol Rumster by the Town Hall has started selling turnip and chicken liver pasties and … do you know what? It kind of works?’


DOV’È IL GRAF? The party happen across a regiment of 30 cheerful Tileans marching down the road with their pikes stowed away. Their captain hails the Characters and asks them in broken Reikspiel if they could help. They are the Heralds of Trantio, a mercenary company hired by the Graf, but they are lost and need help getting to Ubersreik. They were hired before he was deposed, but it took some time to travel by foot from Tilea. Should they appear at the gates of the city, it might be easy to misinterpret their intentions.

THE TURMOIL (2512-2513 IC) During the events played out in Empire In Ruins, the machinations of the Purple Hand and other conspirators come to a climax. The invasion of Ubersreik was a catalyst and a precursor to the period which became known as The Turmoil. Across the Empire, simmering rivalries and religious and political schisms erupted into violent conflict as the land collapsed into civil war. This section describes what happens if your players have not changed the status quo in occupied Ubersreik. It also assumes that the events of Empire In Ruins ended with the defeat of the demon Sheerargetru and the restoration of Emperor Karl Franz to his healthy, statesmanlike self. Of course — your campaign may differ. You should use these events as a guide or inspiration rather than a narrative to force onto your players — their intervention may already have changed the course of events.



Public Knowledge

Tensions between the cults of Sigmar and Ulric came to a head, and Middenheim and the Reikland were manoeuvring on either side of the divide. In Ubersreik, Altdorf soldiers quietly removed Denfather Holst Kretschmer from the Chapel of Ulric and incarcerated him in Black Rock Castle, citing his faith and Middenland heritage. Few Ubersreikers complained as they had been whipped up into a panic by Sigmarite agitators. There was open conflict between Ostland and Talabecland, Sudenland and Nuln, and other long-time enemies. Wild rumours fly around Ubersreik that the eastern provinces were collapsing as a massive Orc Waaagh! rampaged through the land. Graf Sigismund ordered raids by Absolem Trott’s Marauders on supply caravans to Ubersreik, escalating the stand-off in the Duchy into open battle. Finally unleashed, the mercenaries committed horrific atrocities. The Altdorf State Army garrisoning Ubersreik begin to worry about what the seemingly deranged Graf might do next. Harvests were not gathered in full, as farmers lived in fear of roaming bands of mercenaries. Food became scarce, and life in Ubersreik grew more difficult as resentment towards the occupiers increased. There were bread riots, and looting broke out after an argument over a boatload of fish escalated into street battles. The Watch became more brutal in suppressing unrest. Beastmen activity increased throughout the Duchy of Ubersreik, and the Creeping Death Goblin clan became bolder. There was talk of chanting mutants in the woods and rumours of a towering cyclops killing and eating travellers on the Karstadt road. General Dabernick increased patrols, but the Altdorf army was now overextended. Despite requests for reinforcements, the capital sent no aid. As life became harder in Ubersreik, General Dabernick demanded, in the name of the Emperor, that someone resolve matters. The guilds and Town Hall, under the guidance of Burgomeister Ernst Maler, took charge, bringing citizens together to martial food supply and ensure wood came to the city for fuel. Captain Erwin Blucher of the Watch worked tirelessly to ensure these supplies were protected.

Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg came to Ubersreik to assess the situation for himself. He met with General Dabernick and Lady Nacht. After a hurried conference, he returned to Altdorf prematurely. News reached Ubersreik of dramatic events elsewhere — there had been an attempt to assassinate Graf Boris of Middenheim’s daughter as she was about to marry the Crown Prince Wolfgang. Apparently, electors had brawled in the Volkshalle, Streisses was sacked once again, and its citizens were slaughtered by Count Marius Leitdorf. Large rats became bolder in the north of the city, with swarms of them occasionally surging out of sewers to descend on an animal corpse left in the street or a cartload of grain. The Mess and Bucket Inn were burned down. This was a popular inn for Ubersreik’s soldiery, so citizens blamed it on the Altdorf garrison. The Altdorf investigation is cursory, and they claim it was a deliberate provocation by the Graf ’s agents.




As the Empire broke down and Ubersreikers feared they would be left at the mercy of the rising tide of war, news came to the city of three armies on the march. A force was coming from the Duchy of Black Rock, led by Lady Hild Jungfreud, with Graf Sigismund riding at the fore. Another smaller army approached from Graustadt, led by Rudolf Trocheim, and the mercenary army of Absolem Trott was rumbling up the Teufel valley. In this moment of crisis, General Dabernick showed his true mettle and issued contradictory orders, causing confusion amongst the Altdorf garrison. The Merchant’s Guild and Burgomeister revealed that they too had raised funds for a mercenary force — Lietpold the Black was three days ride away with his mercenary army, riding hard from Stirland.

The Graf was about to send orders for all three armies to attack when a small speck appeared in the sky. It grew larger to reveal a griffon flying towards Sigismund von Jungfreud with a single armoured figure mounted on its back. The rejuvenated Emperor Karl Franz descended on Deathclaw, Ghal-Maraz in hand and demanded to speak with Graf Sigismund. After a moment of heightened tension, the Graf accepted — Karl Franz apparently came in peace and, completely unprecedented, he came alone.

Behind The Scenes

As the Turmoil unfolded across the Empire, Lady Emanuelle Nacht grew increasingly concerned about her posting to Ubersreik. She set some of her agents to look back at the period before the occupation to check the evidence of Jungfreud’s treachery. She received a letter from a correspondent in Altdorf, Quintus Fassbinder, which suggests that the Purple Hand had grown more active in Altdorf and some of their machinations are coming to fruition, including meddling with the politics of the Reikland. Throughout the Duchy of Ubersreik, cultists of the Red Crown were riling up beastmen in the hills to attack villagers and travellers. The Galehoof centigor tribe in the mountains above Grey Lady Pass rampaged through villages in the foothills, and some said they had seen the Child of the Gravid Orb cavorting over the moors at night on his twisted steed. When Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg arrived in Ubersreik, he interrogated Dabernick and Nacht to understand the situation — he was exasperated and angry at the idea of Reiklanders fighting Reiklanders. He learned that the Jungfreuds could be placated if Altdorf climbed down (a humiliation for Karl Franz) or overwhelmed with five thousand fresh troops. Neither were good solutions.


Graf Sigismund sent a herald to parley with General Dabernick, but the Altdorfer refused to deal with a traitor.

Before Helborg left, he was accosted by the elderly eccentric knight Lord Adalbert Knopp-Inzel, who he knew from his time in the Reiksguard. The latter was unusually lucid and able to share memories which sent Helborg flying back to Altdorf.

The standoff continued for two days. As tension mounted, Lord Brynich Aschaffenberg rode out to meet the Graf to parley. After a short conversation, the whole army saw him bow his knee and pledge fealty to his old liege lord.

As news reached the Graf of events in the Volkshalle in Altdorf, he decided that now was the time to act, assuming that the Emperor and his military would be distracted.


As chaos waxed throughout the land and food became more scarce in the city, the Skaven in the sewers grew restless and aggressive. Clan Skab’s incursions above ground become more frequent and reckless. The Lowhavens took advantage of the food shortage. They stole and secured most of the supply of grain and animal stock into the city, threatening and cajoling where necessary. It was they who burned the Mess and Bucket because the innkeeper refused to hand over the contents of his larder. The Lowhavens then made a secret arrangement with the Merchant’s Guild to ensure citizens stayed fed and made a lot of money. They also secured a promise for an as-yetundetermined favour in the future. In Altdorf, Immanuel-Ferrand realised that the Ubersreik situation had turned sour and increasingly struggled to justify the case he made against von Jungfreud. Holzkrug enjoyed the damage to his rival’s reputation. As news of Graf Sigismund’s armies passed around the Duchy, the noble contenders for the title of Lord of Ubersreik began to reassess their positions. After failing to secure rulership of the Duchy, the Aschaffenbergs and Holzenauers decided it best to throw their support behind the Graf. Captain Falck organised a band of resistance fighters to be ready to open the gates for the Graf should he besiege the city. Purple Hand agents spread stories that the Graf was employing mercenaries who sacrificed innocents to the Chaos gods as they approached the city.

Adventuring During




This period in Ubersreik’s history is one of high drama and major events. Armies are marching across the land, tensions in the city boil over, and the Ruinous Powers are exerting their influence across the Empire. If your party is not playing the Enemy Within campaign, it could be interesting to see the Turmoil from a different perspective. The city is tense as the Empire outside becomes volatile and war breaks out. This atmosphere of fear and anger reaches a climax when news of von Jungfreud’s armies spreads amongst the citizens. You could run a whole campaign in the city during the Turmoil, dealing with the heightened threats outside the walls, food shortages and rising conflict among citizens. The hinterland is beset with peril as the Red Crown whips up beastman raids and mercenaries and bandits take advantage of the situation. A party wandering the Duchy of Ubersreik could be pressed into service to protect (or harass…) local communities or travelling merchants as they try to stay away from the many forces that could bring them harm. This period also leads to a moment of high drama outside Ubersreik, with the arrival of the Emperor. It would be a shame for players to miss that…

SOMETHING DOESN’T ADD UP Lady Nacht is starting to see gaps in the evidence of Graf Sigismund’s supposed treachery. One key document was taken from a barracks close to Stromdorf, supposedly a mustering point for a planned invasion of Wallenstein. She needs the party to travel there and investigate the truth — even though the barracks have been seized by bandits taking advantage of the Turmoil. GET THE MESSAGE Captain Falck has secretly gathered a group of Jungfreud loyalists to rise up within the city walls and seize the gatehouses. He needs to let the Graf and the other two armies know of his plan, but he can’t leave the city without raising suspicions amongst the Altdorf garrison. Someone needs to take the message to the Graf, Trocheim and the fearsome Absolem Trott. If the party can prove they’re trustworthy, Falck promises that the Graf will give them a colossal bounty if they play a role in his recapture of Ubersreik.




THE AFTERMATH (2513 AND BEYOND) As the Turmoil subsided, the recovery of Emperor Karl Franz brought some calm, but upheaval ruled the Empire for some time after. Across the provinces, dynasties were elevated to new roles and borders were redrawn. Ubersreik’s situation was no different — the wounds of the occupation would take time to heal, and many powerful people did not get what they wanted when the Emperor took control... Most groups are likely playing a game set around 2512 IC, so these events are in the future for them … and therefore are most subject to change in your own campaigns. Take these developments as a guide and, as with any setting material, discard what doesn’t work for you.


During the Turmoil, the land was awash with disturbing rumours— true and false. Relentless tales of anarchy and conflict spread, causing panic and outrage. If you have a copy of ‘Empire In Ruins’, the rumours on page 45 or anywhere else in the book will give characters a sense of the momentous events elsewhere in the Empire. 0 ‘Have you heard about Streissen? The Mad Count liberated them from von Alptraum, then had one of his turns and started stringing up random people. Does that mean he’s Elector now? I can never keep track of who’s in charge of Averland.’ 0 ‘My aunt’s best friend is a servant in the Volkshalle, and she saw it all. Boris thingy … you know … the Middenheim bloke … squared up to the Emperor … took the hammer, and just broke it over his knee! Then the Emperor poked Boris’ eye out with the broken haft … it fell out right there on the floor in front of all the posh nobs! Then all the Middenheim lot turned into wolves, ran out and left in a flying ship.’ 0 ‘Where are you going? Be careful; a one-eyed giant with horns attacked a pedlar’s cart on the road to Karstadt. It strode off with the mule and the top half of the pedlar. Lotta reckons it’s working for the Graf.’ 0 ‘Did you see him? I’ve never seen armour that shiny. It fair blinded me, it did. And the moustache! The Reiksmarshal’s here to knock heads together and get this mess sorted out one way or another.’ 0 ‘I know times are hard, but this is ridiculous. Rumster has got some really weird puddings that are boiled in pig’s milk. Even the beggars won’t touch them. I only had three myself.’


Public Knowledge

Graf Sigismund returned to Neufaljung with his armies, where he talked with the Emperor alone. Servants said that there were no raised voices, and when the Emperor departed, the Graf became reflective. Soon after, Reiksmarshal Helborg returned to Ubersreik and brokered negotiation between Graf Sigismund, the leading noble families of the Duchy and nobles from the Reikland Diet with no territorial interests in the southern Reikland. The Emperor was represented as Prince of the Reikland by Graf Archibold von Lilahalle, High Lord of the Chair and leader of the Reikland Diet. As a sign of goodwill, Helborg brought Graf ’s lost son to Neufaljung. Gerhardt had been detained in Altdorf for the duration of the occupation. Gerhardt subsequently avoided Neufaljung and chose to spend his time in Graustadt instead. Several months later, Lady Greta Trott gave birth to a granddaughter for the Graf, with flaming red hair just like her ‘uncle’ Gerhardt. The negotiations were lengthy and inconclusive. While they proceeded, the Town Council ran Ubersreik as they had since 2512 IC and the Altdorf troops remained in place for some time, albeit cowed by the Emperor’s intervention. Reprisals from Ubersreikers became more common, and the Altdorf troops stuck together in large numbers in the city — more so while patrolling the Duchy.


Several months after the parleying began, the High Lord of the Chair demanded the Merchant’s Guild send a representative to the negotiations to represent their interest in the future of Ubersreik... Burgomeister Maler rose to the occasion and, by all accounts, presented a fair case for making the city a Freiburg — years of the guilds’ arguments finally coming to good use. It took several years before the impasse was resolved. In 2516, Graf Sigismund grudgingly granted the city a charter as a Freiburg on the basis that he remained liege lord of the Duchy of Ubersreik. He regained his ceremonial role and property within and outside the city but lost the right to govern within the walls. General Dabernick left the Duchy under a cloud with the remainder of the Altdorf garrison. The Guild Council, led by Ernst Maler, took control and — unusually for a human city — with Dwarfen members on the council, including Grodni Surehammer and Queen Vilda. Citizens were cautiously optimistic about the new government, although it wasn’t long before ferocious politicking broke their consensus.



0 ‘The Graf’s not the man he was — not like in the old days. If he hung a man back then, you know it was because he probably deserved it. These days it could just be because he had to talk to the Town Council about it first.’ 0 ‘Someone gave the Town Council a book with all the dirt on the Graf, the Bruners, the Aschaffenbergs and the Emperor’s lot when they were down from Altdorf. The Burgomeister has them over a barrel — threatened to tell the Cult of Sigmar and all the rest. That’s the only reason he came out on top.’ 0 ‘I don’t know what Wahlund’s rat catchers are up to … there are hundreds of the things crawling all over the Artisan’s Quarter. It’s literally a tide of vermin.’ 0 ‘Who do you think will have a go next? Silvi Kreutzhame at the Crooked Hammer has opened a book on the next invasion. She’s offering 4-1 on the Duke of Parravon and 3-1 on greenskins down from the mountains. 8-1 on something nasty from the grave. Course, if you get it right, you’d have to be alive to collect your winnings.’ 0 ‘Turns out ‘Errol Rumster’ was just some kid pretending to be a halfling, selling stuff he’d lifted from real shops or found on the ground. The real Rumsters didn’t do anything about it because he never told anyone else that was his name, just me.’







After the dramatic events in Altdorf at the height of the Turmoil, many of the Purple Hand’s Magistra Magistri were uncovered or scattered. Lady Emanuelle Nacht returned to Altdorf, determined to uncover who was responsible for her father’s death. Immanuel-Ferrand tried to recover from the blow to his reputation with the Emperor, as Holzkrug took advantage to extend his control over the Black Chamber. Secretly, he was shocked at the exposure of Yann Zuntermein as a cultist and strived hard to cover up any collusion between himself and the Magistra Magistri. Several Tzeenchian cultists from the remnants of the Altdorf cell managed to infiltrate the negotiations between Karl Franz’s representatives, the von Jungfreuds and the Town Council. They slowed down proceedings and sowed the seeds of future discord by whispering paranoid counsel to all parties. Reiksmarshal Helborg was vociferously opposed to the idea of commoners ruling Ubersreik as a Freiburg. He left the matter to the Emperor and von Lilahalle to agree, with the support of Holzkrug. Lady Nacht had advocated for this course of action, having seen the Town Council’s relative competence firsthand. The Guild Council grew in power and relaxed trading laws while restricting the use of labour from outside the Duchy. Citizens began to whisper that they were no better than the nobles they’d replaced. They made a reckless investment of some of the Merchants’ Guild coffers in a voyage to Lustria and later worried that they’d never see the ‘fabulous returns’ that the ship’s agent promised them.

The von Jungfreuds returned to Black Rock Castle in the city. The Graf did not recover from his time in exile, and the family privately said he had become bitter, untrusting, and resentful of the loss of face he’d experienced. He spent a considerable portion of his wealth on increasing the Ubersreik State Army once again — and encouraged officers to purge those whose loyalty was questionable during the occupation. Graf Sigismund regretted his alliance with the mercenary captain Duke Zenechar as the atrocities of Absolem’s army came to his attention. Yet the Lord of Tahme now had a hold over the von Jungfreuds after the heir borne from the hasty marriage of Sigismund the Younger and Greta Jungfreud-Trott. A powerful Skaven leader, Grey Seer Rasknitt, appeared in the city, scouting for a future invasion. He plotted to poison the Town Council and nobles of the Duchy when they next gathered for a masquerade. The noble families and certain parties in Altdorf worked to discredit the Town Council and return to the proper state of things … a city ruled by hereditary lords.


in the


Just because the occupation is over does not mean all is well in the state of Ubersreik. Old resentments remain, nobody got everything they wanted, and there are grudges and unresolved conflicts still around. You could run a political campaign, dealing with the fallout of the occupation, with the Town Council, noble families and the Graf all vying for greater control. There are also people making reprisals for what citizens did during the occupation. Players may also enjoy uncovering what really happened to cause the invasion in the first place — and whether any of the perpetrators are still up to the same tricks. Many of the scenarios in the Starter Set and Ubersreik Adventures I will work perfectly well in this period of time. See page 06 for a list related to the time before the occupation.


• AN EYE FOR AN EYE • Adventure Summary An Eye for an Eye is an investigative adventure set in the crumbling forest estate of Grunewald Lodge. The Characters are hired by an agent of the aspiring noble Lord Aschaffenberg, who has only recently acquired the property as a result of the various developing political machinations unfolding in Ubersreik. Lord Aschaffenberg is aware of some “unsavoury” rumours regarding the previous Lord of Grunewald Lodge, a young Nobleman by the name of Andreas Von Bruner. Beyond this, the current Steward of the estate and some of the staff originally appointed by the missing noble continue to reside and care for the estate in the employ of the Von Bruner family. Generally, an uncooperative and sullen lot, they have given Lord Aschaffenberg cause for concern. He fears they are either afflicted by some strange malaise or are outright duplicitous in their loyalties, and he seeks out the Characters to discreetly assess where their allegiances truly lie. Behind the charade of Grunewald Lodge, Gregor Pierson, the Steward, and previous attendant to the missing Andreas von Bruner, alongside some of the longserving staff, are actually members of a nefarious Chaos Cult known as the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye. They view the newly arriving Lord and his staff as an excellent opportunity to further their dark schemes. The Characters, acting under the cover of simple hired help, are left to explore the dilapidated estate for clues to the fate of Andreas Von Buner and begin to uncover the terrible truth of Grunewald Lodge. Yet as they do so, those committed to the Ruinous Powers will stop and nothing to prevent them from stopping their foul plans — a ritualistic sacrifice performed under the gawping eye of a malefic painting that will offer up the souls of the remaining staff and the newly arrived Lord to Slaanesh in their attempt to summon a Daemon.

Only with some quick thinking and sharp steel will the Characters be able to prevent Gregor Pierson and the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye and save Grunewald Lodge before those in service of the Lord of Excess can complete their deranged plans.

Part One

New Arrivals at Grunewald Lodge

The Characters travel to Grunewald Lodge in the company of Lord Aschaffenberg’s servant Vern Hendrick and some accompanying staff. The road is long and treacherous, and the new staff gossip idly with the Characters to pass the time. Upon arrival, Characters are introduced to Lord Aschaffenberg and instructed further on their task before retiring for an evening meal.

Part Two

An Investigation into Matters Most Foul

The Characters embark on an exploration of Grunewald Lodge with the purpose of proving Lord Aschaffenberg’s suspicions. To achieve their goal, they engage in observing and interacting with the lodge servants as they carry out their daily tasks and look to uncover possible clues. This undertaking is met with opposition from some members of the staff who are either part of a forbidden Chaos cult that desires to remain undetected or have been surreptitiously poisoned over time. As the Characters begin to conduct their investigations, the Chaos cult is undertaking the final preparations prior to executing the lodge’s inhabitants as part of their grandiose and malignant schemes.

Part Three

A Feast of Frenzy

There are two likely outcomes. The Characters will either have found enough evidence to convince Lord Aschaffenberg of Pierson’s evil plans and persuade him to take action, resulting in bloodshed as the Cultists realise their plans have been foiled and fight desperately to avoid the justice of the pyre.




Should the Characters have failed to uncover enough evidence to convince the Lord of Grunewald of the Chaos Cultists in their midsts, then they find themselves victims to a corrupting ritual that only the most ironwilled will be able to resist or attempt to interrupt.


If you have played through the scenarios in the WFRP Starter Set, then it is most likely that you will have heard of — or even encountered — Andreas Von Bruner previously. If you have expanded these plot hooks, you may choose to amend some of the history of Grunewald Lodge to accommodate your own adventures. For example, if your Party has previously investigated Andreas von Bruner under suspicion of cult activity, then it would be fitting that the once-spoiled noble found himself exiled to a crumbling manor far north of Ubersreik. Should your Party have previously investigated the painting and uncovered The Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye, then they may already be aware of Gregor Pierson, and while the painting itself may have found its way back into the hands of the cult at the lodge, you should replace the Steward with an NPC the Characters are unfamiliar with.

GETTING STARTED Characters familiar with Ubersreik may already have contacts or a reputation that would see them approached regarding employment for Lord Aschaffenberg. For Characters new to the City, a potential starting point for the Adventure are outlined here(Handout 1).


Seeking Employment

Characters who have already spent time in Ubersreik and formed connections there should have no problem being directed towards Lord Aschaffenberg’s manservant, Vern Hendrick, and the impending events of Grunewald Lodge. If the Characters are reputable Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg may be impressed enough to directly employ them as agents regarding a delicate matter.

Vern Hendrick

Vern Hendrick serves as Lord Aschaffenberg’s manservant. He is a sullen individual in his mid-thirties with a full, tanned face and short, peppered hair. He is dressed in practical servant’s clothes and wears a small badge indicative of his rank and role. Although he is unhappy about being asked to leave Ubersreik, he remains loyal to Lord Aschaffenberg, who trusts him greatly. When the Characters meet Hendrick, he is in a foul mood and not very friendly, having failed to find someone appropriate to take on the task of investigating the lodge. He will, however, want to ensure the Characters are trustworthy before hiring them. The Characters can introduce themselves during their probing interview with Hendrick, which will help build trust. If the Characters use social skills to get on Hendrick’s good side, the Tests should range from Average (+20) to Easy (+40), as he is desperate to hire someone and the Characters are the only ones who responded.


Hendrick informs the Characters that Lord Aschaffenberg is concerned about the state of his new manor and believes there may be discontent amongst the servants. The Characters are hired to help under the guise of unloading the Lord’s coach and arranging his furniture, but their real task is to covertly spy on the staff, learn about any insubordination, and report it to Lord Aschaffenberg. Despite being competent in his duties, Hendrick does not fully share his Lord’s concerns. He is not clever enough to piece together what is truly going on among the existing staff at Grunewald and naively trusts Pierson, the servant closest in rank and experience to himself. Vern is distant from the Party once they have returned to the manor. However, if presented with proof of a conspiracy, Hendrick does not shirk his duties and diligently strives to protect his master from danger.


An Appropriate Cover Story

While Vern will openly suggest the Characters operate under the guise of helping with the move and acting as guards to the caravans, he will make a particular point of highlighting any perceived faults in this deception as a result of the Character’s own standing. For example, he will need to be convinced that a Halfling can help with a house move or that one of noble birth would debase themselves with such trivial work. He is, however, open to the Characters suggesting an alternative cover story for their time at Grunewald Lodge. Characters should attempt an Average (+20) Charm, Leadership, or other appropriate Test to help convince Vern that the Characters can work discreetly and stick to their story.


On the opening day of this Adventure, the Characters become involved in the events of the scenario and begin their journey to Grunewald Lodge.

The New Staff

Accompanying the Characters on their journey to Grunewald Lodge are some of Lord Ashshaffenburgs existing house staff that he wishes to move to the forest estate. They are in good spirits and happy to leave the recent turmoil of Ubersreik behind them. They spend the majority of the journey engaging in petty gossip and banter as they make their way to the lodge.

Hanna & Gertie Hoch

Hanna & Gertie Hoch are a married couple in their late twenties. Hanna is a slightly gaunt looking native of Ubersreik and keeps her long brown hair tied in a bun. Gertie is originally from Kislev and speaks with an obvious attempt to temper her accent. Both are time-served staff members. They are looking forward to the expansive kitchen and abundance of local herbs and wild fauna— and eagerly discuss possible combinations for the stewpot.




Milo Lostpocket

Milo is an established and well-respected member of the Rat Catchers Guild of Ubersreik, offered full employment by Lord Ashscaffenburg in order to ensure that the dilapidated forest estate is kept free of vermin. Milo has a rounded, brown bowl of hair that sits just above his eyes and puffy red cheeks. He speaks in a thick Altdorf accent, barely pausing as words roll into each other to form whole sentences that then seamlessly lead into the next. He spends the journey marvelling at the scenery and harassing the Characters with probing questions that care little for personal boundaries.

Albrecht Lensburger

Albrecht is an accomplished farrier in his late forties or early fifties. Tall and wiry, with a thin wisp of black hair vainly pulled to one side in an attempt to hide a pronounced and obvious bald patch. Throughout the journey, his heavy grey eyes nervously watch the tree line, only stopping when distracted by conversation. If pressed by the Characters, he will reveal that he has encountered the “beasts” that dwell in the depths of the Reikwald during his time in the state army.

Todd Heistlenburger

An excitable and overly chatty youth of around sixteen, Todd Heislenburger is en route to Grunewald Lodge to join the house staff. Having previously been in the service of the Aschaffenbergs in their main holdings in Ubersreik, the youth will talk at great length about the prospect of living out in the forest, the possibility of any romantic liaisons, his thoughts on what the existing staff will be like, the weather or just about anything else that catches his eye.




The journey from Ubersreik is long, uncomfortable, and more than a little boring. The road takes you through the fertile foothills of the Vorbergland and is close to the village of Geissbach. The weather is sunny and warm, the road is dry, and you make good time. Herr Hendrick spends most of the journey complaining about the remoteness of Grunewald Lodge and the deficiencies of the rural folk yet is happy to engage with the Characters on what he knows of the lodge thus far.



While the main focus of this adventure is the investigation into the events of Grunewald Lodge and the corrupting influence of Piersson and his associates, the Journey to Grunewald provides the perfect opportunity to introduce additional threats. Roaming bandits, Beastmen or Forest Goblins would all see the poorly defended caravan as easy pickings and could provide the Characters with an additional opportunity to prove their competence to Vern.

The History


Grunewald Lodge

Grunewald Lodge was originally built as a simple hunting lodge by the ancestors of the von Bruner family more than 800 years ago. In the year 2012, the von Bruners rebuilt the manor as a defensive structure. During this period of history, the Empire was politically weak, with many claimants vying for the Imperial throne. It was not until 2304, when Magnus the Pious united the Empire following the Great War Against Chaos, that factional infighting between the provinces diminished, and the forests were purged of raiders. Grunewald Lodge was now an ugly fortification where once there had been a comfortable hunting lodge. As a consequence, the von Bruners neglected the building. During the last few centuries, it has become the inherited property of a lesser branch of the von Bruner bloodline and today is considered an inconsequential backwater. As such, it was surprising when Andreas von Bruner was handed the keys to the manor in 2515. Andreas was the son of a cousin of Graf Sigismund, patriarch of the very powerful von Jungfreud family. Due to the young man’s relatively high birth, charm, and undeniably keen intellect, he should have been granted a much more prestigious seat to control. Such an apparent snub caused a minor stir amongst those who maintained an interest in the affairs of the aristocracy, though the event went unnoticed by the general population of Reikland. However, what became more widely known was the mysterious disappearance of Andreas five years later. No one could account for the vanished noble – he was simply at Grunewald Lodge one evening and, by the next morning, had vanished without a trace.


Two months ago, Ludmilla von Bruner, one of Andreas’s cousins, was betrothed to Rickard Aschaffenberg, a member of a minor noble family from Ubersreik. As part of the dowry, Lord Heisman granted Grunewald Lodge to Rickard until Lord Heisman’s youngest son, Leopold von Bruner, comes of age. Rickard has spent a few weeks at the lodge in an attempt to get a feel for the place before moving in and is beginning to suspect that something unwholesome is going on.

Andreas Von Bruner

Andreas von Bruner was a seeker of dark knowledge and unbridled pleasures. Andreas’s manservant, a man named Gregor Piersson, is a dedicated follower of Slaaneash. He used to be a member of a Chaos cult known as the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye (page 25) but fled his home in Altdorf when the cult was broken up by witch hunters and most of its members condemned to the justice of the pyre by Magistrate Lord Heisman von Bruner. Gregor was relieved to have escaped the torch, but his heart burned for revenge against Lord Heisman. Moving to Ubersreik, the home of the von Bruner family, he worked his way into their service and eventually into the graces of Andreas von Bruner, Lord Heisman’s eldest son. Piersson introduced Andreas to several proscribed texts, beginning with the innocuous and gradually moving to the profane. As the blasphemous lore rotted Andreas’s soul, his appalled family — unaware that he had slid into Chaos worship — deemed it wise to send him to a remote location where his behaviour would not bring the name of von Bruner into disrepute. The dilapidated and little-visited Grunewald Lodge was the perfect location. The hope was that Andreas would repent his aberrant ways in exile, but unfortunately, Piersson accompanied him and assumed the role of the lodge’s steward. Thus the nobleman continued with his degenerate lifestyle. Andreas and Piersson secretly corrupted the more willing and pliable members of the manor’s staff to join them in secret rituals devoted to The Dark Prince. And kept the rest either sedated via Schlaff poisoning. The new master of Grunewald Lodge converted parts of the manor house into a secret library and temple to Chaos, where he could pursue his quest for forbidden knowledge and unfettered excess at his own leisure.


Gregor had even more grandiose plans. In addition to a number of profane books, he had brought with him an artefact from Altdorf that had been held sacred by the Unblinking Eye: a painting created by an insane artist who had bound a daemon within its brush strokes. Gregor knew the secrets of the painting – by making a small sacrifice of his own blood, a person could command the painting to show him anything he wished to see. However, anyone who did this unwittingly also donated a fraction of their own essence to the entity trapped within, weakening themselves whilst gradually giving the daemon the energy it needed to manifest in the mortal realm, where it yearned to wreak havoc. Gregor encouraged Andreas to use the painting again and again, though he failed to tell him of the price he paid for each viewing. Andreas took little convincing, however, greedy to see the wonders of the world, from the warped landscapes of the Chaos Wastes to the mysteries of far-off Cathay. With each look into the painting’s gaze, the more Andreas’s flesh withered, and his sanity declined. Eventually, Andreas passed enough of his essence to the daemon to give it the strength to manifest. A year and a day ago, the painting absorbed what was left of Andreas’s decrepit physical form, since which time the daemon has been quietly gestating within the canvas.

Let Me Get Your Bags

The manor stands two storeys high, its broad, crenelated roof giving it a practical, military appearance. It has seen better days: ivy creeps up the stone walls, its windows are filthy with grime, and the brick chimneystack on the roof is crumbling. The building is surrounded by a large garden, which is comprised of overgrown flowerbeds and a lawn of long grass, a pond, and a small orchard. Several wooden buildings are enclosed by the outer wall: a dilapidated coach-house and stables, a block of kennels that echo with loud barking, and a forge hidden away in a corner of the perimeter wall. A ramshackle shrine stands at one end of the garden. The wagon creaks to a halt opposite the coach house, and Hendrick disembarks to unhitch the horses. Three stablehands sullenly watch, none offering to help until Hendrick orders one to take the horses. Then Hendrick invites the Characters to meet Lord Aschaffenberg.




Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg

Although only a minor noble, Lord Aschaffenberg is still a wealthy and powerful individual. He is a huge bear of a man, overweight but otherwise healthy. He has a large, bushy, dark brown beard and dresses ostentatiously, wearing his golden chains of rank over an ermine robe with fashionably slashed silk sleeves. He is extroverted and usually speaks with a booming and commanding voice.

Aschaffenberg is a gregarious and generous man and, despite appearances, tries to take the responsibilities of his class seriously. He believes in the inherent superiority of the aristocracy, and he will not find it easy to accept that his predecessor was at the head of a cult —though he will accept the accusations should evidence the Characters prove his involvement beyond any reasonable doubt. Having recently married into the von Bruner family, Aschaffenberg is keen not to do anything to upset his new relations, whose wealth and legacy are significantly greater than his own. These delicate family matters are why he is reluctant to involve the authorities until he knows exactly what is going on. Aschaffenberg wants the Characters to keep their distance from him in order to better maintain the ruse that they are merely hired help. Striding from the manor and across the overgrown garden, he bellows an ebullient greeting to the Characters as he draws closer. Hendrick bows before the man and introduces him as Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg. The nobleman slaps the nearest Character on the back, a wide grin on his face. ‘Ah! Finally my luggage arrives! Good time from Ubersreik too! Now will you stout fellows help shift the blessed things?! Good, good! A house isn’t a home without one’s belongings! This way, gentlemen. Grab yourselves a box and follow me!’ At this point, each Character may attempt an Average (+20) Perception Test. Those passing this test notice a face staring at the newcomers from a first-floor window. Gregor Piersson looks down, observing the Characters, those that pass with +2 Success Levels also notice that the Stewards face has a suspicious, scowling expression. It vanishes from the window as soon as any of the Characters look up.



Lord Aschaffenberg leads the party across the overgrown lawn and into the manor house. The Characters first enter the great hall. The grand opulence of this room is overbearing. Aschaffenberg strides across the hall, up the flight of stairs, onto the landing, and into his room. Each Character is expected to carry a chest unless visibly injured. Hendrick helps the characters — muttering under his breath about the lazy staff — but no one else comes to their aid.

Gregor Piersson

Gregor Piersson is a slightly built man in his late 30s with receding black hair that he slicks back with oil. He dresses in the neat uniform of a butler and usually maintains an impassive composure. His day-to-day duties are those of a steward, and as such, he is ultimately responsible for the running of the manor. Piersson is a zealous follower of Chaos and is the leader of the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye within the lodge. His worship of Chaos has had a strange effect upon his body. His right eye is taking on a shape more pleasing to the Dark Prince, becoming a large and bulbous black orb. Luckily for him, Piersson noticed the change before anyone else did and thus hides the mutation under a bandage. If asked about the injury, Piersson claims the wound is a minor eye infection, which is being treated by Catherine the Cook with the herb-soaked bandage. Piersson tends to keep his distance from the Characters, preferring to find out about their actions from other members of the Chaos cult. He pretends to be busy during the day, as he claims to have a lot to look into regarding the running of the estate. Nevertheless, he is respectful to the party and politely answers any queries they might have. Piersson blames the poor condition of the manor on a malady that seems to be causing some members of the staff to feel weary and maintains that he is too compassionate to fire these people based on such circumstances. In reality, he and other members of the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye keep those they were unable to convert sedated via Schlaff poisoning.





Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

57 32 60 61 44 24 43 46 61 51 30

Traits: Armour 1 (7), Weapon (Zweihander) +11

Skills: Bribery 57, Charm 67, Consume Alcohol 48, Gamble 74, Gossip 62, Intimidate 58, Intuition 55, Language (Classical) 69, Leadership 67, Lore (Heraldry 69, Local 69, Politics 64), Melee (Basic 67, Fencing 77, Two-Handed 72), Play (Cittern) 45, Ride (Horse) 51 Talents: Carouser, Doomed, Etiquette(Nobles), Hardy, Luck 2, Noble Blood, Read/Write, Suave, Very Strong, Warrior Born

Trappings: Courtly Garb of outstanding quality, Dagger, Grunwald Lodge and its immediate environs, Jewellery worth 200 GC, Purse containing 20 GC (and able to lay his hands on 200 GC if need be), Zweihander




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

30 26 50 46 42 55 34 41 33 41 16

Traits: Animosity (von Bruner Family), Armour (Body, Legs) 1 (5), Afraid (Witch Hunters), Weapon (Sword) +9

Skills: Animal Care 60, Athletics 53, Channelling (Dhar) 67, Charm 43, Charm Animal 72, Consume Alcohol 67, Cool 62, Dodge 48, Endurance 57, Entertain (Acting) 53, Gossip 48, Intuition 71, Language (Dark Tongue) 65, Leadership 48, Lore (Local 65, Slaanesh 65) Melee (Basic) 58, Outdoor Survival 60, Perception 71, Ranged (Bow) 40, Ride (Horse) 48, Secret Signs (Cultist) 60, Stealth (Urban) 48, Swim 55, Trade (Poisoner) 48 Talents: Animal Affinity, Chaos Magic (Slaanesh), Doomed, Luck, Magical Sense, Menacing, Night Vision, Read/Write, Savvy, Sharp Spells: Acquiescence, Arrow Shield, Drop, Entangle

Trappings: Bandages, Fine Clothing incorporating a Leather Jack, Keys to various rooms in Grunewald Lodge, Lamp Oil, Lantern, Sword, Vial of Schlaff




THE STAFF Since the disappearance of Andreas von Bruner the staff remaining in the manor have slowly dwindled away. Those that remain now are either fellow cultists loyal to Piersson or have been surreptitiously drugged in order to keep them in a subdued and docile state. The new staff, posing a threat to Pierssons plans begin displaying symptoms immediately after their first meals. Name


Cult Member

Poisoned with Schlaff

Lord Aschaffenberg




Vern Hendrick




Gregor Piersson




Milo Lostpockets

Rat Catcher



Anders Blucher

Guard Captain



Sven Bleuler




Ernest Bohne




Manfred Klammerer




Pieter Koch




Catherine Haus




Todd Hesitenburger




Olver Kreel

Kennel Staff



Otto Brandt




Albrecht Lensburger




Gunnae Wetzel




Hanna Hoch




Gertie Hoch




SCHLAFF POISONING The staff of Grunewald Lodge, that are not members of the Eldritch Order, all seem to suffer from a general malaise and lack of interest in the events around them. In reality, this is schlaf poisoning, administered through their food by Catherine Haus, the cook. Since Piersson arrived at the lodge, he has taken these steps to ensure any staff not aligned with him remain oblivious to what is going on around them. Any staff drugged by Schlaf displays the following symptoms: 0 0 0 0


Deliberate and slowed speech, somewhat slurred. Lack of curiosity as to what goes on around them. Chronic sleepiness. Heavy, red-rimmed eyes.

A Character with medical knowledge may attempt a Hard (-20) Lore (Medicine) Test to identify the cause of the above symptoms. However, proving this is the case may be more difficult. The antidote for Schlaff poisoning requires rare ingredients that are not available in the manor gardens, so the only treatment is for those affected to recover with a few days’ bed rest. Piersson has no interest in the newly arrived staff and arranges to have them all poisoned with Schlaff as soon as possible. Characters passing an Easy (+40) Perception Test will easily notice the difference between their demeanour while on the journey compared to now. Should a Character consume Schlaf, then they must pass an immediate Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain one Fatigued Condition for each dose consumed.


The Eldritch Order the Unblinking Eye


The Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye is a Chaos cult which formed in Altdorf roughly fifty years ago. Originally comprised of intelligentsia and members of the city’s high society, just over a decade ago, the Eldritch Eye was infiltrated by witch hunters, and almost all of the senior members were captured and executed by Magistrate Heisman von Bruner. Without leadership, most of the remaining members fled for their lives. A young member named Gregor Piersson escaped retribution and fled to Ubersreik, taking with him one of the cult’s most important magical artefacts. When he encountered Andreas von Bruner, Lord Heisman’s son, he devised a plan for revenge. He found employment as Andreas’s manservant and slowly turned the youth towards the clandestine worship of Chaos. Andreas had a keen intellect but was easily tempted by the pleasures afforded to him by the City of Ubersriek and his status. With Piersson’s influence, he turned his already maligned studies towards damned esoteric lore, and as a result, his behaviour became even more erratic. Once convinced of the young noble’s dedication to forbidden knowledge, Piersson inducted him into the worship of Chaos, and the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye was reborn. When Andreas was forced to move to the Grunewald Lodge in 2515, he and Piersson took the opportunity to secretly corrupt some of its weaker-minded staff and induct them into their cult.


PART TWO: AN INVESTIGATION INTO MATTERS MOST FOUL Beginning day two and the second part of the adventure presents the Characters with the opportunity to conduct an open-ended investigation into the location and residents of Grunewald Lodge.

Layout of Grunewald Lodge and Grounds Each location entry includes a basic description, notes on which of the manor’s inhabitants may be in the area, and details concerning any clues that the Characters might find there. You should feel free to elaborate on these descriptions, including as much detail as you think necessary to bring Grunewald Lodge to life.




What follows is a description of key locations of the Grunewald Lodge. Characters should not be required to visit each location to unravel the mystery unless they wish to, and there is no particular order they need to follow. If you feel that things are dragging and the Characters are floundering, have one of the new staff that accompanied the Characters to the Lodge approach them as a potential clue.







The timber-built stables and adjoining coach house are in shoddy condition. Two of the six stalls are occupied by healthy-looking horses (the steeds for Lord Aschaffenberg’s coach), but the unoccupied stalls require mucking out before any other horses can be stabled there. The tools and horse tack hanging on the walls are worn and ragged. A foul odour permeates the area, and clouds of blowflies buzz ceaselessly. Occupying the coach house is a stately coach bearing the Aschaffenberg coat of arms. In sharp contrast to its surroundings, the coach is well-maintained and clean. A ladder leads up from the stables into a hayloft, and a window here gives a commanding view of the grounds.


The wagon on which the party travelled from Ubersreik will be parked outside the stables for the duration of the adventure, and usually unattended. Next to the stables is a large square wooden shed, abutted by a yard surrounded by a tall fence. These are the kennels, as there is a tradition of keeping hunting dogs at Grunewald Lodge. From within the shed comes the loud, persistent barking of several large hounds. The shed is divided into a large space where three fiercelooking Tilean manhounds are kept and their handler’s sleeping quarters: a small side room containing a rough bed, an open chest of well-worn clothes, and a bucket of stagnant water for washing. A long spear is propped in one corner, and on one wall is a large closet.



The gardens of Grunewald Lodge are large and not well cultivated. The flowerbeds have gone to seed and are full of leaves and dandelions. The lawn is overgrown, and characters have to wade through long grass to get anywhere. A fetid pool, choked with leaves and green scum, is in the southeast corner of the grounds. There is also a small orchard of several sickly-looking apple trees in the southwest corner of the grounds. Shaded by these trees is a quiet cemetery with a dozen small, unmarked gravestones. This is where those who die at the lodge are buried if they cannot be easily transported to the shrine of Morr in Geissbach village for burial.


In one corner of the garden is a small wooden shack filled with a variety of gardening tools, potted young plants, and a wheelbarrow.




The small shrine is little more than a wooden shed constructed over a brass triptych bearing an image of Ghal Maraz, a twin-tailed comet, and a skull with a laurel wreath. The triptych is weathered, and a thick green patina has marred its surface. The icon of Ghal Maraz, a full-size replica of a warhammer, looks positively filthy. The shrine is empty and looks like it has not been visited in some time.




Huntmaster Olver Kreel

Olver Kreel is a former hunter and the kennel master of Gruenwald Lodge. He is a huge, bald man in his early 30s, nearly six and a half feet tall and heavily built. His stubbled face is a mass of scars, and he sports a crooked nose that has clearly been broken more than once. He wears tall, leather hunting boots and leather trousers but prefers to work shirtless when in the kennels. Kreel is a quiet man but fiercely protective of his hounds. He stays in the kennels except to exercise the dogs once a day. The hounds remain in the kennels for the duration of the adventure. They are in excellent health. They are strong, powerful, and wilful — though they are completely obedient to Kreel. Kreel is not a communicative man, but he may warm to Characters who show interest in his hounds. He has little useful information for the party, but if they win his trust, he takes their suggestions seriously and is willing to lend them a hand if their ideas seem reasonable. If asked, he notes that his dogs severely dislike Gregor Piersson, who now avoids his kennel.


The stone wall surrounding the Grunewald Lodge used to be an impressive structure. It encompasses the estate and is roughly twelve feet in height. However, much of the wall is now covered in ivy, and sections of it have collapsed due to neglect. These areas have been reinforced with ramshackle timber barricades, which are far from secure. A wide ditch surrounds the wall. It was evidently once a deep obstacle but is now overgrown with bushes. Crossing the ditch and climbing the wall requires a Hard (-20) Athletics Test. The wall has a small stone gatehouse on the western side. The gatehouse consists of a single-storey, turreted watchtower with an adjoining guardroom where the guards sleep. The guardroom is equipped with eight crossbows, six halberds, and six shields for use by the guards. A large oak gate, studded with iron nails and wide and tall enough to allow a coach passage, blocks the entrance under the tower. The gate is kept bolted shut from the inside at all times when not in use. A rickety wooden bridge spans the ditch in front of the gatehouse. It can be pulled up by a windlass inside the guardroom if the manor is under attack.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

27 36 34 44 33 32 39 29 35 30 14

Traits: Armour 1 (5), Weapon (Halberd) +7

Skills: Animal Care 42, Charm Animal 40, Cool 43, Lore (Beasts) 35, Ranged (Sling) 43 Trappings: Leather Jack, Sword, Halberd






Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

20 20 35 30


15 10 25


Traits: Skittish, Trained (Broken, Drive), Stride, Weapon +5


The manor guard consists of Captain Anders Blucher, Sven Bleuler, Ernest Bohne, Manfred Klammerer, and Pieter Koch. They work a shift system whereby one guard mans the turret of the watchtower, and another patrol the walls for four hours before being relieved by other guards. During the day of the adventure, Koch (a member of the Chaos cult) patrols the walls whilst Bohne mans the watchtower. Captain Blucher, Bleuler, and Klammerer remain in the guardroom, playing card games like “Find the Empress” for pennies. This shift changes at dinnertime when Bleuler patrols and Klammerer occupies the watchtower. Captain Blucher goes to the great hall for dinner while the others eat and rest in the guardroom. Pieter Koch is a member of the Eldritch Eye and is a violent and sadistic man with a hot temper. The other guards are more amenable and enjoy playing games of chance when not on duty.



The guards are under Captain Blucher’s command. The captain is a tall man in his late thirties with a long blond beard and handlebar moustache. He owns a set of well-maintained breastplate armour, of which he is very proud, and fights with a greatsword. He wears a scarlet wide-brimmed hat at a rakish angle, with a long white plume curling from the brim. He takes his position very seriously and suffers no fools. The other guards are in their 20s, dressed in black leather breeches, white shirts with slashed sleeves, mail coats, and helms decorated with red feathers. Each has a sword strapped to his belt. Those on patrol carry crossbows. They all have lucky charms, such as a rabbit’s foot, prayer scroll, or miniature hammer, hanging from their armour, belts, and scabbards.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 12

Traits: Armour (Body, Arms) 1 (4), Weapon (Halberd) +7 Skills: Athletics 32, Cool 38, Dodge 35, Gossip 42, Melee(Basic) 40, Perception 40 Trappings: Leather Jack, Sword, Halberd




The Library

The library is a small, shadowy room lined with stacked bookshelves. Sections of the library are devoted to the subjects of hunting, the history of the Empire, poetry, drama, geography, and philosophy —though many of the shelves are coated in thick dust. In the centre of the floor is a large, moth-eaten rug with a strange design of interlaced geometric shapes in lurid colours. Otto Brandt is the librarian. He occupies a comfortable armchair near a large bay window overlooking the garden, where he leafs through a large bestiary, idly taking notes and drawing bizarre crossbreeds of the creatures he finds within the book. Anyone passing an Average (+20) Perception Test sees his doodles before he slams the book shut and stuffs the notes into his shirt. Brandt is reticent about what he was taking notes on and, if pressed, merely insists that he was ‘only scribbling.’


While the majority of the dusty tomes within the library concern themselves with the history of the Empire, medicine and scientific endeavour, there are two leather-bound tomes hidden among the shelves. These are;

Libram Libris Bestiis Chaotis

It is an arcane tome of knowledge, written in the classical language, that details many unfathomable beasts of Chaos.

De Natura Daemonium: A Work Concerning Daemonkind

This flesh-bound tome is required to summon the daemon, as it contains the words of a necessary incantation. Securing or destroying this work is the easiest way to thwart Piersson’s abhorrent plans. Characters that succeed in a Hard (-20) Perception Test will discover the books neatly tucked away. However, Otto Brandt will deny all knowledge of them, insisting that they must have been in the library since before he arrived at Grunewald.

Brandt is a lazy man and lets people browse the library without interruption. He is a member of the Eldritch Eye, and if the Characters make it clear that they are on the trail of Chaos cultists, he informs Piersson of their activities before attempting to return his books to the Temple (page 34) as soon as possible. If he becomes aware of any Character attempting to lift the carpet, he angrily asks what they are doing and tries to stop them from investigating underneath it. If he fails to stop them, he becomes extremely agitated. He denies any knowledge of the trapdoor and where it leads to. If the Characters disappear down the trapdoor, he closes it after them and immediately warns Piersson about their meddling.

Otto Brandt

Otto Brandt is a corpulent, red-faced man with bristling mutton chops, dressed in scholarly robes, with a pincenez perched precariously on his fat nose. He has turned indolence into an art form, spending his days stealing scraps from the kitchen and then sitting in the library to eat and read. He is growing rather podgy as a result. Brandt justifies his lifestyle by claiming that it is the duty of a good librarian to learn what is contained within his books and claims of exercising his mind. Brandt answers questions about the manor in a vague, disinterested manner. Other than that, he is completely absorbed in his books and will pay the Characters no attention. He reports anything they say to Piersson. If the Characters attempt to deprive him of his books, he becomes increasingly agitated. Brandt tends to shun violence. He attempts to waddle away if a situation becomes desperate. OTTO BRANDT — SCHOLAR (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 3



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

32 26 32 40 35 25 39 38 32 35 14

Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +5

Skills: Intuition 43, Language (Classical) 47, Language (Dark Tongue) 43, Lore (Chaos) 43, Perception 38, Research 43

Trappings: Scholars Robes, 1d10 Silver Shillings



Great Hall

This huge room is dominated by a great oak dining table surrounded by large wooden chairs. Ostentatious silver candlesticks are arranged on the table. Along the wall, logs crackle gently in an impressively large fireplace. A grand flight of stairs sweeps up to the first floor of the manor. Around the walls, the stuffed heads of bears, wolves, deer, and boar are mounted on oak panels. Some of the trophies are of more exotic prey: a leering, ugly, green head is decorated with pheasant feathers and labelled Chieftain of the Reikwald Goblins. Further down the wall is what first looks like a large goat’s head but which, on closer inspection, bears cruel, sharp fangs. The main entrance to the manor house opens into the hall, and so this extravagant chamber is the first thing to welcome visitors. The dinner will be held here.

The Painting

The artefact that Piersson smuggled during his escape is a large portrait depicting a human eye. The painting was created long before Piersson joined the Eldritch Eye, and he has no idea about what rituals were involved in its manufacture. Though he does know that a lesser daemon is bound within the portrait, which is painted upon a canvas of its own flayed skin. The painting depicts a distended, disturbing human eye, with a pale pink iris and a large dilated pupil. Close examination reveals bloody stains on the pupil. The painting is mounted upon a heavy frame carved with a series of startling geometric patterns. It is highly disturbing to look at, and so it is hidden behind a blue curtain in the Grand Hall. When looked upon, the great eye captivates the viewer with its disquieting stare, and icy dread scratches at the recesses of the viewer’s mind. Characters need to make an Difficult (-10) Endurance Test each time they look at the painting. Before Andreas was absorbed by the painting, it could be used to view scenes from afar by wiping the viewer’s blood onto the pupil, which would then magically display the desired image. Since Andreas was absorbed, this ability has been lost as the daemon funnels all its energies into growing strong enough to manifest.


It is very difficult to destroy the painting. Whilst the frame can easily be smashed, the canvas itself is impervious to damage inflicted by any means. A Character passing an Easy (+40) Lore (Theology) Test will understand that the best thing to do would be to hand the painting over to the Cult of Sigmar or a Witch Hunter for safe destruction.


This cramped room is lit by tall candelabra in one corner and contains a chair and a large desk. Sheaves of parchment and leather-bound ledgers are stacked high on the desk, on which are also strewn writing tools and an abacus. Lord Aschaffenberg has been poring over his predecessor’s accounts here. Characters thoroughly investigating the study will find a leather-bound journal belonging to Andreas von Bruner, the initial portion is somewhat mundane. However, the writings become more erratic as the journal progresses. The last page ends with an entry noting his secret joy at his and Pierrsons’ impending removal to Grunewald Lodge, away from prying eyes in Ubersreik.

Sitting Room

The characters feel a strange sense of foreboding upon entering this room. It is brightly lit, with a large window looking out at a small grove, on either side of which hang heavy dark drapes. Despite the sunlight streaming into the chamber, the Characters get goose pimples with the chill of the room, and their breath wisps visibly from their noses and mouths. A wide, low table and a dozen rigid, uncomfortable-looking chairs are arranged in the centre of the room. The room is furnished with a highbacked chair with thick cushions, once an opulent piece of furniture but now threadbare. A glass chandelier hangs from the ceiling. In the wall of the chamber, a large brick fireplace lies empty and unused, despite the cold.


These small rooms provide sleeping spaces for the manor staff. They are sparsely furnished and decorated, containing two or three beds and little else. When not working, manor staff usually head to their dormitories, where they either play dice or card games or simply spend their time idling. The senior members of the staff: Piersson, Otto Brandt, and Vern Hendrick, have their own rooms.




The room belonging to Otto Brandt is locked. A Character who passes an Challenging (+0) Pick Lock Test can open the door. The room contains a single bed, an upright human skeleton of a sort commonly found in medical colleges, and a wardrobe containing a man’s spare clothes and 1d10 Silver Shillings.

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom is filled with piles of crates and boxes as Lord Aschaffenberg attempts to unpack his own wardrobe and effects and remove the previous master’s remaining articles. A giant, four-poster bed groans under the weight of the boxes piled onto it. A window looks out over the garden below and the forest surrounding the lodge. On the wall to the right of the window is a book cupboard holding all manner of old and new books. Lord Aschaffenberg remains in the room, sorting through his belongings until it is time for dinner. He is being helped by his manservant, Vern Hendrick. The bookshelf hides a secret passageway leading to the Chaos temple. Lord Aschaffenberg is unaware of this passage. A character examining the bookshelf (which is mostly full of racy novels and old religious tomes) may attempt a Hard (-20) Perception Test. If he passes, he notices faint grooves in the floor, indicating that the bookshelf has been frequently heaved back and forth.

Stewards Bedroom

Pierson’s quarters are locked, and the Characters would need to pass a Hard (-20) Pick Lock Test in order to gain access without raising the Stewards suspicions. The room smells strongly of ripe vegetation. The smell emanates from two fermenting bins stored under the bed beside several empty leather bottles. Pearson has been harvesting gortsiete plants from the garden and processing them into the soporific poison known as Schlaff. Any character who passes an Difficult (-10) Lore (Education, Medicine, or Nature) Test identifies the sludge at the bottom of the bins as containing the gortsiete herb, a prime ingredient of Schlaff. If the Characters choose to investigate the room further, a successful Average (+20) Perception Test will reveal a small ledger also stored under the bed that should the Characters study reveals a list of the staff. Some of the older staff members have red marks by their names while others have a crude symbols of an eye. On the last page that contains writing the Characters find the most recent arrivals, including themselves, have been listed yet remain unmarked.


At some point, the Characters come across Gunnar Wetzel and Todd Heistlenburger, members of the house staff, idly loitering in the dormitories. When spotted, they move away from the Characters in an attempt to look busy. Wetzel drops an important clue from his pocket while doing so, a sealed note that simply reads “Goose is Good”(Handout 2). This message was given to Wetzel by Piersson to warn him to eat the goose at dinner tonight, as the cook has laced the venison with Schlaff. Should the Characters speak with Todd Heistlenburger he informs them that he feels less optimistic about the ease of the work at Grunewald and that the fellow housestaff appear to be a sullen lot. Characters who undertake a Difficult (-10) Perception Test notice the youth appears lethargic and pale.





The kitchen is a spacious room with red brick walls rising up to a high ceiling. There is a sweltering fire burning in one of the two huge fireplaces, with spits over the flames, cooking haunches of venison and a whole goose for tonight’s meal. The aroma of roasting meat is mouthwatering. A large table dominates the room, covered in all manner of kitchen implements, sharp knives and cleavers, trenchers for the evening meal, and a cauldron full of chopped vegetables. Should the Characters approach Hanna or Gertie an Average (+20) Perception Test will reveal that they both appear agitated and frustrated. If pressed they will reveal that the Cook, Catherine Haus, is the source of their frustrations and has prevented them from contributing to the Kitchen in any meaningful way and has had them mostly peeling vegetables or fetching firewood while she works over the stove by herself.

Catherine Haus

Catherine Haus is a stocky woman of 35, with fierce blue eyes, flushed cheeks, and brown hair tied in a bun. Close up, her breath reeks of strong wine. She wears white chef ’s clothes stained with blood and food. She has been the chef at the manor for four years, and unusually (perhaps even suspiciously, considering the rest of the manor), she is both good at her job and enjoys it. Catherine is a member of the Unblinking Eye and colludes with Pierson to lace meals and drinks for the staff with the soporific drug Schlaff so they can continue their illicit cult activity without interruption. Catherine does not suffer any interruption from strangers whilst she is cooking and becomes angry if pressed. The only ways to win her attention is to compliment her cooking, or to help cut vegetables for the stewpot. She angrily scolds anyone attempting to go into the wine cellar, accusing any who do so of being a thief. By the end of the day, Catherine becomes somewhat drunk, slurring her speech and moving clumsily about.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

40 29 34 38 32 40 36 40 33 28 12

Traits: Weapon (Chef ’s Cleaver) +7

Skills: Charm 35, Consume Alcohol 43, Cool 38, Endurance 43, Melee (Basic) 44, Trade (Cook) 43 Trappings: Blood-stained Apron, Hand Weapon (Chef ’s Cleaver), Bottle of Reisling, Vial of Schlaff

Catherine fights manically against those who oppose the Chaos cult wielding her vicious meat cleaver.




Wine Cellar

The wine cellar is a small, dingy room, lit by daylight streaming from a grille on the wall close to the ceiling. It is very cool in the cellar, and the air has a damp, earthy smell. An unlit oil lamp hangs from a hook on one wall. The cellar is well stocked with a number of fine beverages, including bottles of Pritzstock Reisling, Bugman’s Best Bitter, and Thunderwater Ale. Milo Lostpockets can be found here on occasion and, should the Characters enquire, he will inform them that he has traced a number of vermin back to this room but is unable to locate any nest or potential entry point. There is an entry to a secret passage leading to the temple of Chaos behind a rack of wine bottles. A character examining the racks may attempt a Difficult (-10) Perception Test. If they succeed in the test, they notice scratches on the floor near the rack — indicating that the rack swings outwards.

The Dark Temple

This large chamber is plainly decorated, with lit torches in sconces lining the walls offering dim, flickering light. It has a cool temperature and smells damp. Against one wall is a small bookcase, and in the centre of the room is a six foot long block of jet-black granite covered in dry blood. Upon the floor of the shrine, a symbol is sketched out with lines of old, dried blood: an eight-pointed star. The symbol is horrible to look at, chilling the soul of the beholder. Anyone passing an Easy (+20) Lore (Theology) or Lore (Magic) Test recognises the star as a foul mark of the Ruinous Powers. Three tunnels lead from the room, one leading to the master bedroom, one to the library, and another to the wine cellar. Before dinner, the temple is empty unless the Characters discovered the proscribed texts from the library. In this case, they encounter Brandt, the librarian down here, returning the forbidden tomes to their rightful places on the bookshelf. He shrieks at being discovered and attacks the Characters. Brandt fights to the death, cornered like a rat in its lair. The whole vile chamber is profane. The bookcase contains several blasphemous tomes. Securing or destroying these works is the easiest way to thwart Piersson’s plans.


PART THREE: A FEAST OF FRENZY If the Characters have found enough evidence to convince Lord Aschaffenberg of Piersson’s evil scheme and convince him to take action, this will inevitably result in bloodshed as the Cultists realise their plans have failed. Once they are exposed, they will fight desperately to avoid the justice of the pyre. Should the Characters have failed to uncover enough evidence to convince the Lord of Grunewald, then they find themselves invited to an evening meal held by Lord Aschaffenberg to welcome the new staff and as thanks to the Characters for their service. This dinner is also when Piersson intends to enact his final plan. Having laced the meal with Schlaff, the painting is revealed in the grand hall and leeches energy from those that glare longingly upon it. The Characters will have to be of steely determination to resist the painting or may find themselves unwittingly helping in freeing a terrible daemon.

Confronting Pierrson

Should the Characters have gathered enough evidence to take their concerns to Lord Aschaffenberg, the burly nobleman will insist on going to confront the steward immediately. The accused Piersson will attempt to dismiss any accusations as simple coincidence and unfortunate misunderstanding. The most obvious proof will be the uncovering of the temple in the Cellar. Piersson feigns ignorance here and apologies to Lord Aschaffenberg profusely for allowing such vile treachery to take root under his watch, promising to investigate the matter ‘properly’. The Schlaff production in his chambers is explained as simple herbal remedies, his own failed attempts to help cure the house staff of whatever malaise is affecting them. Should the Characters bring up the illicit books in the Library, then Piersson will deny any knowledge of them, insinuating that they were perhaps left by the previous Lord, and while this angers Lord Aschaffenberg he agrees with Pierssons claims that, as an uneducated man and simple steward, he would have no interest in such books.


If the Characters are able to present more than a singular piece of evidence, Lord Aschaffenberg will find it increasingly difficult to maintain his trust in the steward. However, at the first sign the Characters may be able to convince the noble of Pierssons duplicity, the steward doesn’t hesitate in drawing a dagger to attack or attempting to flee into the manor.

The Dinner

In the evening, the manor staff gather to eat dinner in the great hall. Lord Aschaffenberg seats himself at the head of the huge table. Piersson himself does not join the table, but assumes the role of butler, directing the servants as they bring in the plates of food or clear the tables for the next course. Catherine Wagner remains in the kitchen, organising the meal or washing up. There are three courses to the meal: a spicy vegetable soup, followed by the meat dish (either venison or goose), and then finally, a rich pudding covered in custard. Wine and beer is plentiful, and the food is excellent. When the second course is served, Lord Aschaffenberg chooses venison and recommends it to the Characters. Most of the other diners follow suit. If the Characters are actively paying attention, they’ll note that the only diners who ask for goose are Piersson and Otto Brandt. The venison dishes are laced with Schlaff, and anyone eating from them is affected as if they had taken a dose of the drug. Any Character who claims that the venison has been poisoned but has no concrete evidence will be laughed at or told his attempts at humour are both dark and inappropriate. During dinner, Koch drugs his fellow guards with Schalfflaced tea. Bleuler and Klammerer suffer the effects of the drug when they return to duty ten minutes later, and the other guards fall asleep in the guardroom. Just after the meat course, the dinner is interrupted by loud howling coming from the kennels. Olver Kreel makes a gruff excuse and leaves the table. Olver remains with his hounds and does not return to dinner. He barely had a chance to touch his venison and is not drugged.


The Ritual Begins

As the final course is being cleared Piersson will ask the occasional probing question of the other diners to ensure that the Schlaff has had time to take effect. Once convinced that those at the table are suitably under the effects of the powerful sedative he moves for the heavy curtain and, pulling the rope, reveals it to the table. At first those at the table under the effects of the Schlaff poisoning barely notice the painting’s grand reveal. However as more are drawn to its gaze the pupil begins to flare and pulse with pink and purple crackles of energy. All Characters not under the influence of schlaff must make a Hard (-20) Endurance Test to break free of the paintings draw.




Alternatively, the Characters may have excused themselves from the evening meal if they have strong suspicions regarding the cults plans. They may even have been dismissed from it if they have approached Lord Aschaffenberg with insufficient evidence or allowed Piersson to act against them. These Characters may choose to interrupt the ritual or be drawn to it as the malevolent energies begin to secrete from the painting. Either way they will find themselves charging into an abominable scene and must pass a Challenging (+0) Fear Test as the poisoned staff and lord gaze longingly into the eye. Cult members present will immediately attack the Characters in attempts to stall their interruptions and complete the ritual. The ritual continues as in the Horror in the Painting section (page 36), however the Characters now have the advantage of interrupting Piersson and the Cultists. Should the Characters act quickly they may prevent the Daemon from manifesting. Should the Characters manage to wound Piersson then he is unable to continue the ritual and it will begin to fail, the foul energies dissipating with weaking crackles of pink and purple flame. The Stewart and any surviving Cultists will attempt to flee through the manor but will fight to the death if cornered. Any poisoned staff that have not been injured in the affray will require a significant rest before they recover from the effects of Schlaff.




The Horror

in the


As the ritual unfolds the painting will crackle with vile and malevolent energies and snaping lashes of purple and flesh pink lash wildly from the canvas as the unwilling dinners gaze upon the eye. During the ritual all of the members of the Eldritch Eye are present and once the ritual begins to unfold start to chant ominously. Piersson will move to the head of the table, a twisted silver blade held in his hand. The Ritual requires six full turns to complete. Five of these turns are dedicated to the ritual chanting and reverence of the painting. The final round will see Piersson plunge the dagger into Lord Aschaffenberg and complete the ritual summoning fourth the Daemon trapped within the canvas in a burst of purple flame and smoke. During this event Characters who are not under the effects of Schlaff poisoning may attempt to break free from the draw of the painting by passing a Difficult (-10) Endurance Test, those who have consumed the venison or otherwise ingested Schlaff over the course of their stay must pass a Hard (-20) Endurance Test. Once free of the paintings grasp the Cultists will attack, each cultist engaged in combat with the Characters and not chanting extends the ritual by an additional round. If more than half of the Cultists are killed or if all the Characters manage to otherwise prevent the rituals completion then Piersson will abandon the other Cultists and attempt to flee through the manor. Should the Characters manage to wound or otherwise interrupt Piersson during the ritual he will lash at Lord Ashscaffenberg wildly, the ritual only half complete will result in a weakened form of the Daemon being summoned fourth before attempting to flee.

The Daemon

Dragging itself into existence from the canvas the androgynous form of the daemon takes a few seconds to fully coalesce from the wisps of purple smoke still smouldering from the canvas. Its twisted form is both mesmerizingly beautiful and repulsively twisted simultaneously.It’s flawless complexion is tinged with a subtle purple hue and Its lithe arms carry elongated pincers with carapace shimmering with a deep purple iridescence. Tilting its elongated head to one side the figures’ blank black eyes blink furiously as a flickering forked tongue dances across its lips as it focuses its gaze upon the Characters before finally letting out an ear piercing shriek and leaping forward to attack. The freed Daemon is a Daemonette of Slaanesh and uses the profile found on page 335 of the WFRP: Core Rulebook. It fights viciously, outraged that the Characters dare to interfere in its escape from its canvas prison. The Characters will face a fierce encounter as both the Daemon and any remaining cultists fight to the death, however, keen to enjoy it’s new found freedom the Daemon will flee if it looks like it may be defeated by the characters. If the Daemon flees then any remaining cultists also attempt to flee, their resolve shattered at the Characters heroic endeavours. Should the Characters triumph then attending to Lord Aschaffenberg should be an immediate priority, and while wounded, he will survive if any of the Characters are capable of providing a Difficult (-10) Heal Test or any other applicable actions to save the nobleman’s life. Any surviving guests will eventually begin to come round from their transfixion on the painting, however the effects of the ingested Schlaff will remain and many will struggle to recall the events of the evening beyond the occasion horrifying, vivid flashback. DAEMONETTE (WEAKEND) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

40 25 20 15 35 40 15 30 60 20 12

Traits: Champion, Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic 8+ Distracting, Fear 2, Night Vision, Unstable, Weapon +7 Skills: Athetics 44, Climb 28, Dodge 45, Melee (Brawling 55)




Should the players have confronted Piersson and the Cult prior to the ritual unfolding then they are held in high regard by Lord Aschaffenberg Who will be shocked to learn that there was a Chaos cult within the manor and will be very grateful to the Characters for exposing it and wiping out the heretics. He pays them the remainder of their fee: six silver shillings for today’s work and covers any expenses they incurred, within reason. He informs the Characters that he intends to stay at the lodge temporarily to oversee the destruction of the temple. He also arranges for travel back to Ubersreik, however he does inform the Characters that they will have to make a brief stop in the village of Giessbach… If the Characters allowed the ritual to begin then a wounded Lord Aschaffenberg professes his gratitude to the Characters, praising their efforts and again expressing his shock at the true nature of what was happening at the lodge. He will pay the Characters their remaining fee but insist they travel to Giessbach to request a Physician and to send word to Ubersreik. He provides the Characters with a sealed letter and arranges for them to leave as a group the following morning.



As well as the normal XP you offer for good roleplaying and having fun, you should apportion XP at the end of each session using the following guidelines: 0 10 points for remaining undercover during their investigations. 0 10 points for discovering Andreas journal. 0 10 points for finding the hidden temple.

0 20 points for uncovering the Schlaff poisoning. 0 10 points for discovering the forbidden books.

0 50 points if the Characters prevent the ritual or defeat the Daemon

0 25 points for ensuring Lord Aschaffenberg survives.

If Lord Aschaffenberg did not survive or the Characters allowed the ritual to unfold then they are forced to leave Grunewald in disgrace, the death of the Lord having wider implications to Ubersreik society and inevitably bringing some very close attention to the Characters in the future.


• MUTINY AND THE BEAST • Adventure Summary Mutiny and the Beast is an adventure set in and around Geissbach, a small, beleaguered farming community deep in the Reikwald forest. The town is beset by dark rumours, infighting neighbours, and raiding orcs and goblins; only bold and clever actions from the Characters will prevent a bloodbath. This scenario is designed to follow the events of the adventure An Eye for an Eye. If you have not already played An Eye for an Eye, don’t worry. With a little conversion work, Mutiny and the Beast could be set in any wild and lonely backwater in the Old World. Recent upheavals amongst a local tribe of orcs and goblins have put them on the warpath. They have built a monstrous siege engine that they believe will lead them to conquer their enemies. As they gather their forces to assault a rival tribe, the Greenskins threaten to overrun the village of Geissbach, though a schism within their own ranks threatens to impede their plans.


In the village itself, all is not well. The village elder, Hans, must contend with the growing popularity of a newcomer to Geissbach. Jurgen is an ambitious businessman with several influential backers. These two men are set to vie for power, and the destiny of the village depends on which of them emerges triumphant.

Part One On


Road Again

In the opening section, On the Road Again, the Characters are briefed of their mission and undertake a journey. At one point, the Characters will encounter a group of Forest Goblins, and a fight may ensue.

Part Two

A New Village Order

The Characters reach the small farming community of Geissbach. Things are not well within the village; reports of a large beast in nearby woods, coupled with recent disappearances, have everyone on edge, and a growing power dispute may change the village forever. The Characters may have to rally the villagers to defend their homes from an attack by Forest Goblins whilst they find themselves in the position of kingmakers.


Part Three The Thing

in the


Learning more about the mysterious beast that threatens Geissbach, the Characters become the head of a ragtag militia determined to defend the village from this threat.

GETTING STARTED There are several different ways in which the Characters can become involved in the adventure, and a few are outlined below.

Directly after the events of An Eye For an Eye

If the Characters have dealt with chaos cultists that threatened Grunewald Lodge, Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg may be impressed enough to employ them as agents regarding a delicate matter in the town of Ubersreik. Lord Aschaffenberg will suggest that the Characters travel there and keep their ears to the ground regarding this situation whilst he oversees matters at the lodge. He will join them in Ubersreik and will see them rewarded if they have gathered useful intelligence.

Leaving Grunewald



Should the party have performed so badly in An Eye for an Eye that it is inconceivable that Lord Aschaffenberg would trust them with another mission, then you could simply have them leave Grunewald Lodge in disgrace. In order to return to Ubersreik or go anywhere else in the Empire, they will have to travel to the nearest settlement, which happens to be Geissbach. This means that the adventure can still be played as written, and there may be chances for Characters to impress other important characters who might want them to investigate the situation in Ubersreik themselves.


Sometime after the events of An Eye For An Eye

If your group played An Eye for an Eye some time ago, then maybe Lord Aschaffenberg has managed to get Grunewald Lodge up and running again with a new staff, only to hear from them rumours of forest Goblins and monsters in the woods. Who better to look into such things than the adventurers?


no connection to the other adventures

Whilst the adventure includes many links and references to An Eye for an Eye and Edge of Night, the plot is effectively self-contained. All you really need to run the adventure is to have the Characters wandering along a country road on the way to a small rural community. As such, it could be set almost anywhere in the Old World with a few alterations to names and places, but take care not to mention those parts of the adventure that refer to the other scenarios.


Scholars of bestiaria identify many types of Goblin infesting the wild areas of the world. Whilst there is always much disagreement, most concur that certain variations of Goblin are particularly adapted to living within the undergrowth of forests. These Goblins are small and wiry, with ugly features and waxy hides. They decorate themselves with woad pictograms, jewellery made from wooden beads and the teeth of forest creatures, and headdresses of bright feathers pushed through their tough scalps. Some scholars argue over the technical classifications of the multiple orc and goblin tribes, but they are most commonly referred to as Forest Goblins. In reality, there are no definitive differences between these Goblins and common Goblins found elsewhere. They are simply Goblins that have developed a different lifestyle and culture to suit life in a woodland habitat.




Recent History of the Reikwald Tribe

The Forest Goblins that live within the woods near Geissbach usually roam the Reikwald in nomadic bands. Like all Goblins, they are mean-spirited and sadistic and would love nothing more than to shed the blood of the humans living near the forest. However, like all Goblins, they are also fractious and cowardly, and their spiteful desires are only satisfied during opportunistic raids. A chieftain named Nibl was acknowledged as the fiercest of the Goblins after breaking a Giant Spider to be his mount. Riding atop its thorax while employing venomous bites and agile movement, he led legendary raids upon isolated hamlets and coaches travelling the road from Bögenhafen to Ubersreik. With bellies full of roast human, the Reikwald Goblins hailed Nibl as da’ bestest boss they could wish for, but such halcyon days passed. In the Grey Mountains, there once lived a Great Enchanter whose campaigns of terror form an epic saga of evil. The Enchanter is now dead, despatched by a disgraced Ostland nobleman, a thespian from Nuln, or miraculously Sigmar reincarnate – depending on who you believe. But whilst the Enchanter has been destroyed, some of his minions survive. During his carnage, he extended patronage to a tribe of brutal Orcs, known as the Leg Breakers. These Orcs came to worship the Enchanter as a godlike being, and under his tutelage, their leader — a mighty Orc named Snarlash the Horned — developed an appreciation for the craft of war and the torment of his enemies that far outstripped that of his fellow Orcs (which is saying something, because Orcs really love war and torment).

The Enchanter’s death didn’t stop Snarlash leading his Orcs to battle. He enslaved the Twisted Maw Goblins, raided outposts of Karak Azgaraz, and preyed upon travellers braving mountain passes. Snarlash aged. Having rebuffed regular challenges to his leadership for decades, he finally lost to Urgor Eyeripper. Such was Urgor’s respect for the old boss that he spared Snarlash’s life, allowing him to leave with a bodyguard of his old drinking cronies. Whilst this act was intended as a degree of respect rarely displayed by a Greenskin, it was nevertheless a sore blow to Snarlash’s pride. Snarlash vanished into the Reikwald, where he encountered Nibl’s tribe. Snarlash was eager to lead again and also keen to take his frustrations out on someone smaller than he was. For days his Orcs fought a running battle against the Forest Goblins until Nibl surrendered. The old Orc organised the conquered Goblins into a ragtag army, and he drew up a plan to reclaim his position as boss of the Leg Breakers. Snarlash knew that in a fight against his old tribe, the Goblins might prove brittle. But the availability of lumber in the forest got him thinking about the construction of siege engines. Knowing nothing of engineering, he was nevertheless canny enough to recognise that the wooden fortifications of a nearby human village bore the mark of a skilled carpenter. And so he set a group of his most cunning Goblin scouts on a mission to abduct the man. Soon Ralf Strauss, carpenter and thatcher of the village of Geissbach, was working for Snarlash the Horned. Weeks have passed, and thanks to the acquisition of a ramshackle but sturdy cart, Snarlash’s siege engine — a hybrid of mantlet, ram and wheeled fighting platform — has taken shape. The aged Orc is eager to unleash his army and has decided that before he takes on his old tribe, he’ll test his troops by wiping the village of Geissbach off the map. But not all is going Snarlash’s way. Nibl has realised that the Orc is vulnerable. Most of Snarlash’s cronies died fighting to enslave the Goblins. Furthermore, the demands placed on workers building the siege engine have led to talk of rebellion (for Goblins loathe nothing more than tiresome productive labour) and Nibl is thinking how he might go about reasserting his lost leadership.



Another potential problem for Snarlash is that the inhabitants of Geissbach are aware that something threatens the village, though they aren’t certain of its nature. It is the habit of Greenskins to decorate their war engines in honour of their bloodthirsty gods, and in keeping with this tradition, the Goblins carved and decorated a bestial face, then mounted it atop the engine. A hunter from the village glimpsed the machine in the twilight last Festag and ran from it in fright. His tales have led to rumours that a hulking monster roams the woods in a murderous rampage.


of the


After the events of An Eye for an Eye, Grunewald Lodge is in disarray. Lord Aschaffenberg spends much of the following morning accounting for who has been killed and what has been destroyed. Members of the manor staff who survived the attacks are congratulated at length by the nobleman, though he remains a little suspicious of them. He cautiously reasons that cult sleeper agents could still hide in the ranks of apparently loyal staff. His priority will be to see that injured people are made comfortable and that a coach is prepared to travel to the nearby village of Geissbach. Characters assisting him will be thanked profusely. If the Characters are in bad shape, Aschaffenberg arranges beds for them, and they are allowed to convalesce until ready to travel once more. Once urgent matters have been dealt with and the Characters have made some sort of recovery, Lord Aschaffenberg asks them to meet with him in his room. ‘I really can’t thank you enough for your sterling services! I just knew something was up, but who could have guessed, eh? Now listen, there are a few things I want to sort out but I don’t want to leave the lodge in this state. Perhaps I could entrust a matter to yourselves, seeing as you’ve proved such a resourceful team? In the nearby village of Geissbach is the Halfway House Inn. I believe they have a sawbones in residence so if you could take a coach to the village and send him back here, that would be splendid. In the meantime, I want you to continue on to Ubersreik and deliver a letter to my wife, just to fill her in on some details. I will meet you in a week’s time at the Red Moon Inn. In the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could keep your ear to the ground concerning any talk of Reikland high society. You never know what sort of upheavals the likes of Piersson and his cronies might have caused. I know it sounds like a dull sort of a task, but a good report will earn you silver for your troubles!’


Note that whilst Lord Aschaffenberg happily allows the Characters to curse the names of those cultists they killed or otherwise defeated. However, he will not allow them to cast aspersions on the character of Andreas von Bruner and will request that any Party member who does so hold his tongue. ‘We cannot be sure that the young man was or was not involved in this iniquitous crew, but whatever his part in this he was my kinsman and a man of high birth, let us not forget that and work on the safe assumption that that he was most likely the victim of this cults nefarious schemes’ Lord Aschaffenberg arranges for a coach to take the Characters from Grunewald Lodge to Geissbach. If none of the coachmen survived the night one of the servants is pressed into such service. Aschaffenberg gives the following parting speech. ‘Of course I’d normally see you driven straight to Ubersreik, but there’s such a mess to sort out here even the coachman will have to rush back and chip in. Besides, our driver doesn’t strike me as up to making a long journey. The poor fellow must still be feeling a Schlaff hangover! Just stay at the Halfway House Inn until a coach arrives on its way to Ubersreik. They usually run daily at this time of year.’ The Characters are provided with a packed lunch, 15 shillings per party member for expenses and a waxsealed letter to be handed only to his wife, Ludmilla Aschaffenberg, currently a resident of the von Bruner estate in Ubersreik.


It may well be that Lord Aschaffenberg was slain during the events of An Eye for an Eye. If so, Vern Hendrick knows much of the same information regarding Ubersreik, and he suggests the Characters travel there to bring news of Rickard’s death to his cousin Reiner. Vern drafts a letter of introduction for the Characters, explaining that Reiner and Rickard shared many of the same concerns and values, and that Reiner would most certainly provide them with a useful contact. Even if the Characters are not interested in working for the Aschaffenbergs, Vern suggests that they at least let Reiner know of Rickard’s death so that he can console the dead man’s widow and family. Vern also tasks the Characters with sending for medical assistance and provides them with travelling expenses. He says if they send adequate help, he will meet them in a week’s time at the Red Moon Inn in Ubersreik, where he will reward them with a further 20 shillings each. He is as good as his word.





on the


The journey along the path from Grunewald Lodge is rough, and the muddy tracks churned with ruts and cloven hoof prints. After forty minutes of travel, the coach comes to a sudden stop. The horses’ whinny and rear, and the coachman shouts in a querulous voice ‘Help me! Help in there! Sigmar’s teeth — goblins!’ Exiting the coach, the Characters see a group of ten diminutive Greenskins. They look to have emerged from the forest to the south and are crossing the path ahead. Of the ten, a group of four have broken away and started to approach the coach. They eye the horses and coachman with hungry expressions. The largest of these is also the most bold and is dressed from head to toe in pieces of armour fashioned from a shiny black material. He seems to be wearing a headdress of bright feathers, but a second glance reveals that he has just pushed the quills through the skin of his scalp. He brandishes an old but brutallooking kitchen knife stolen from a hapless pedlar. His three companions are naked save for loincloths. They carry long spears and round shields decorated with crude spiderlike pictograms.


The other six Greenskins are unarmed. Five of them bear stacks of wood, whilst the last carries a large drum and bone beaters. The lead Goblin backs away when he sees the Characters. He barks some orders to his followers in its guttural tongue and points northwards. He then turns to the party, and with a sneer, he raises his middle finger in their direction. Then he and his spearmen retreat slowly to the edge of the forest, spears levelled at the party. The Goblin at the rear begins to beat out a complex rhythm on his drum. The leader in the black armour is Chakk Garglegutz, one of the more capable Forest Goblins under the command of Snarlash the Horned. He and his band have been gathering staves from a grove of pollarded ash in order to make spear shafts. Whilst confident enough to take on a lone coachman, Chakk does not wish to tangle with the Characters, and he and his band will slink into the forest and head north if left unmolested. If the Characters make any aggressive moves against the Goblins, Chakk will bark another quick set of orders. Those bearing sticks and drums will begin to run to the north as Chakk, and the spearmen take up a defensive





Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

50 45 45 45 45 55 30 40 45 30 16

Traits: Animosity, Arboreal, Armour (Body) 3 (7), Afraid (Elves), Infected, Night Vision, Weapons (Spear +8, Sword +8), Ranged (Bow) +7 Skills: Cool 60, Dodge 70, Intimidate 60, Intuition 60, Leadership 45, Lore (Warfare) 50, Melee (Polearm) 70, Melee (Basic 65, Polearm 65), Perception 55, Ranged (Bow) 55, Ride (Spider) 75 Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Feint, Inspiring, Resolute, Warleader

Trappings: Spider Carapace Armour, Hand Weapon (Sword), Spear, Shield, Bow and 12 Arrows (anyone wounded by one of Chakk’s arrows must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or suffer a Poisoned Condition) stance and attempt to counterattack. Chakk is prepared to fight to the death unless there are Elves in the party, in which case he will be unnerved and beat a fighting retreat. However, his followers are more typically Goblin in terms of valour and once Chakk is dead, any survivors will flee as fast as they can. If any of the Goblin bearers are attacked, they will defend themselves with a stick or bone beater (count as improvised weapons). The Goblins carry very little of use on them. Chakk’s shiny black armour seems to be made from an odd material that characters who pass a Challenging (+0) Lore (Science) Test might suppose looks like chitin, only much enlarged and strengthened. His armour is too sparse, smelly and badly made to fit anyone else, though it does afford Chakk some protection. Chakk carries a small pouch made from soft oxblood leather. The pouch is of good quality tailoring. It is full of small objects he found precious, a few teeth, a striped snail shell, and two schillings. There is also a small silver broach in the pouch, decorated with a heraldic device: an ear of wheat held in a heavy gauntlet. Characters who pass a Challenging (+0) Lore (Reikland) Test associate this symbol with the Ruggbroders, a family of merchants based in Bögenhafen. Chakk and his band recently killed a carter in the Ruggbroder’s employ, and the pouch and broach were taken from the man’s corpse.





Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

25 35 30 30 20 35 30 30 20 20 11

Traits: Animosity, Arboreal, Armour 1 (4), Afraid (Elves), Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7 Options: Those with bows have Ranged +7 (25)



Nibl’s Hands

Unbeknownst to the party, if they attack Chakk and his band, they play into the hands of Nibl. He has been sowing dissent amongst the Forest Goblins, but he has yet to make a compelling case for mutiny. If a band of Goblins sent to gather wood is slaughtered by a band of adventurers, it might give Nibl the leverage he needs to bring more malcontents into the fold. To see how much of a case Nibl will be able to make, keep a tally of points based on the following criteria: 0 1 for every three Goblins killed. 0 1 if the party includes any Elves or Dwarfs. 0 1 for every item of equipment openly borne by the party that might feasibly intimidate the Greenskins. For example, Korden’s Hammer might give the Goblins cause for concern. 0 1 if a member of the party kills a Goblin with a magic spell or blessing. 0 And reduce the score according to the following criteria: 0 -2 if Chakk survives the battle. Chakk is loyal to Snarlash and will stress that the presence of the party in the area does not constitute a problem for the Orc’s plans for conquest. 0 -1 for every PC or other passenger in the coach who is maimed, slain or routed by the Goblins.


This table shows the forces available to Snarlash depending on how the Characters dealt with Chakk’s patrol. Result

Snarlash’s Forces

4 or less

Snarlash, Gitrip, Chakk*, 7 Snotlings, 8 forest Goblin spearmen and 7 Forest Goblin archers.


Snarlash, Gitrip, Chakk*, 6 Snotlings, 7 forest Goblin spearmen and 6 Forest Goblin archers.

7 or more

Snarlash, Gitrip, Chakk*, 5 Snotlings, 6 forest Goblin spearmen and 5 Forest Goblin archers.

* P rovided that he survived his encounter with the party. Any of Chakk’s patrol who survived will also join him as additional Forest Goblin spearmen in the service of Snarlash.




PART TWO: A NEW VILLAGE ORDER In this episode, the geographical layout and political situation of the village of Geissbach is described, as well as the growing power struggle between the village elder and the landlord of the local coaching inn. Whilst trouble brews between these two men, Nibl gathers his Goblin rebels to attack the village, and in doing so, undermine Snarlash. The Characters may have to act decisively to protect the village. The choices they make during the events of the night could provide opportunities for the competing factions within Geissbach to advance their cause.

The Village



Geissbach is a small and typical Reikland village where a few farming families make their homes. The lands around Geissbach are good for growing wheat, and traders from Bögenhafen and Ubersreik bring a little business to the village by exchanging goods and money for grain, flour, and bread.

The Wheatfields

Around the village of Geissbach, acres of forest have been cleared for the cultivation of wheat. A tall and narrow wooden windmill stands sentinel over the fields. For much of the year, this mill is inactive and unoccupied, but during the month of Erntezeit the mill becomes a hive of activity, busily turning grain into flour. At any one time, about a quarter of the fields will be left fallow. The villagers tend to allocate small plots of the fallow fields to the cultivation of radishes, chard, and beans. A small herd of goats is also kept, who eat the stubble from harvested fields and fertilise them with dung. A pair of oxen are kept to plough the fields.



The Festival Field

The village doesn’t have any sort of recognisable centre, such as a market square or meeting hall, though activity seems to focus on a wide green lawn. This is the festival field on which children play and travelling pedlars set up their market stalls. There is a well at one side of the field from which the villagers draw their water. At one end of the field is a large pile constructed carefully from branches and bunches of dried bracken. On the top of this pile sits a figure made of wood and wrapped in a large red robe. The figure wears a scowling tin mask and a pair of antlers on its head. Any villager will be able to tell the party that the figure represents the form of the Great Enchanter, who used to be a source of much misery to the people of Geissbach. From the Grey Mountains, his minions despoiled the area regularly for loot and sport. Since his destruction and the toppling of his mountain fastness, the people of Geissbach have chosen to remember him once a year by burning his effigy. This burning is due to take place the following night. Characters who pass a Challenging (+0) Lore (Reikland) Test realise that the villagers are referring to Constant Drachenfels, a powerful sorcerer said to have been steeped in the knowledge of both necromancy and daemonology. His forces intermittently plagued the Empire from the time of Sigmar until his latest (and hopefully last) defeat some decades past. Mentioning this to the villagers is not a good idea, as speaking the name of Drachenfels is considered the height of bad manners in Geissbach. If an adventurer utters his name, villagers react poorly. Children will weep and hide in their hovels whilst townsfolk will angrily accuse the character who spoke of tempting ill fortune.


The Halfway House

The Halfway House is by far the largest building in the village. It is a sprawling coaching inn set about a fortified tower. There has been an inn and small fortification here for centuries, though it has recently been refurbished. Above the main entrance are four heraldic crests carved from stone. Anyone will be able to identify their significance on a successful Challenging (+0) Lore (Heraldry) Test. Each SL scored identifies one of the following: 1. A shield depicting an ear of wheat held within a heavy gauntlet – the heraldry of the Ruggbroder Merchant House. Based in Bögenhafen, this mercantile family is well known for dealing in farm produce, particularly grain. 2. A shield divided into halves by a horizontal line of three round disks. Above the discs is a sailing boat and below them a fish – the heraldry of the noble von Saponatheim family, who own the lands around the town of Bögenhafen. 3. A shield depicting a silver stag rampant on a blue field – a heraldic device associated with the von Jungfreud family who rule Ubersreik and the surrounding area. 4. A shield depicting a symbolic portal within which are six diamonds arranged in a triangular pattern, reminiscent of a bunch of grapes – a device used to identify the coaches and taverns of the Four Seasons Coaching House.

There is a large archery target propped up not far from the well. Characters examining the butt will notice that those practising archery here are well-trained. The area about the bullseye shows much more wear and tear than the outer rings.




These families and organisations all have vested interests in encouraging trade and travel between Ubersreik and Bögenhafen and together, they have funded the refurbishment of the inn. This is a relatively recent venture and is yet to pay much in the way of dividends. The inn is spacious, well-appointed, and rather out of place in such a small village. The landlord is Jurgen Horst, who serves his customers diligently, hoping to forge a good reputation that will serve the business well in years to come. The atmosphere in the bar is somewhat muted as the inn is too large for the sparse amount of custom it currently attracts. Drinks available at the bar tend to be more expensive than most inns in the Reikland, but they include some fine ales imported from breweries in Stromdorf and Grey Mountain Dwarf holds. There is even a large bottle of


the renowned Echte Brandenburger Brandy displayed on a shelf behind the bar. The brandy, a favourite tipple of Emperor Karl Franz no less. Staying at the inn is also more expensive. Bed and board is aimed at the merchants who travel the Ubersreik to Bögenhafen road. Anyone wanting to stay the night will have to pay six shillings for a double room, four for a single, or one to sleep in the common room. On one side of the inn is a wooden stable and coach house. The inn does not currently employ any hostlers, so responsibility for the animals and coaches left here lies with the owners. On the other side of the inn is a square stone tower that might theoretically provide the villagers with a defensive bolthole should Geissbach come under attack.


Other Buildings



Most of the other buildings are peasant hovels. They are well made and neatly thatched with fresh straw but hovels, nevertheless. There is a large granary perched on stone pillars and a busy baker’s shop. A barn in which the oxen are housed during poor weather also provides a home to a flock of skittish brown hens. Like most Reikland villages, Geissbach is protected by a wooden palisade and ditch that encircles most of the permanent buildings. The palisade encompasses the festival field, Halfway House, hovels, bakery, barn and granary. The wheatfields and mill lie outside the walls to the west of the village. Anyone taking an interest in the palisade will note that it is expertly constructed and wellkept. It is clearly the work of a practised carpenter. Geissbach is further protected by a cadre of archers. These 12 men are drawn from farming families and spend most of their days working in the fields. However, on any given day, two of them are stationed as guards and patrol the wooden walkways looking out for any threats. Another two enter the Reikwald forest to hunt and forage. As such, all the men of the village militia have learned a little about how to scout, and they are impressive shots with a bow. Each morning every member of the militia assembles on the festival field for archery practice before beginning work.


The Villagers

Geissbach is home to 46 permanent residents, as well as the five staff of the Halfway House. Aside from a couple of very young children, all the villagers are actively engaged in ensuring the success of their crop and processing the harvested wheat into flour and bread. INHABITANT OF GEISSBACH — VILLAGER (BRASS 3) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

30 30 35 35 30 35 30 30 30 35 12

Traits: Weapons (Sword) +7, Ranged (Bow) +6

Skills: Animal Care 35, Athletics 40, Consume Alcohol 40, Endurance 45, Gossip 40, Melee (Basic) 35, Lore (Local) 32, Outdoor Survival 35, Ranged (Bow) 35 Talents: Doomed, Rover, Strong-minded, Suave

Trappings: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Bow with 10 Arrows, Sword

In addition to the militia, the von Jungfreud family paid for a mercenary crossbowman to guard the Halfway House. He spends his days sitting diligently at the top of the tower, dressed in a suit of mail and brandishing a loaded crossbow.




Hans Swartz

The Village Elder

Traditionally, Geissbach has been governed by the village elder, the head of one of the farming families, decided upon by a vote by his peers. The elder governs Geissbach until dead or infirm when another vote is held to decide on a successor. The current elder is Hans Swartz, who is now in his sixties and somewhat ailing. Despite his growing infirmity, he is of sound mind and a capable decisionmaker. He took on the role of elder 16 years ago. It is Hans who organised the village militia and schedules the sowing, cultivation, and harvest of the wheatfield. It is Hans who decides how much of the wheat crop the village must keep to feed itself and what surplus is to be sold. He is also responsible for saving enough to ensure the exciseman sent from the von Jungfreuds gets his due. Hans’ careful leadership has kept the village stable and free from famine or debt, though some might say it has also kept Geissbach poor and backward. Hans is feeling the weight of his advancing years. He has always believed in leading by example, and years of stooping to sow seed or wield a sickle have left him with a pronounced bowed back. He requires a stick to walk, and the pressure on his lungs has given him a constant and incurable rattling wet cough.


Hans is lean and weather-beaten, with long unkempt white hair framing a tanned face. He wears a short white beard that he trims back with a knife when it becomes unmanageable. If the Characters have played An Eye for An Eye, it might alarm them to find out that Hans thinks highly of Catherine Haus, who the Characters might know as a depraved follower of Chaos. Hans is ignorant of such facts and would be shocked to learn of them. He is simply grateful to the chef, who often bought produce from the town to feed the staff of Grunewald Lodge. HANS SWARTZ — VILLAGE ELDER (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 4



Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

45 30 45 45 30 45 30 50 30 50 15

Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +6

Skills: Animal Care 60, Athletics 60, Charm 55, Consume Alcohol 60, Endurance 60, Entertainment (Storytelling) 60, Gossip 65, Haggle 65, Intimidate 55, Intuition 45, Leadership 60, Melee (Basic) 50, Lore (Local) 65, Outdoor Survival 60 Talents: Dealmaker, Doomed, Rover, Savvy, Strong-minded, Suave, Tenacious Trappings: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Pouch


Jurgen Horst

Landlord of the Halfway House

In recent years Hans’ authority has been somewhat undermined by the attention paid to the Halfway House. Whilst the inn is yet to make much in the way of profits, enough money has been poured into the project to make the innkeeper Jurgen Horst a man of local influence. Jurgen has worked for The Four Seasons Coaching House for many years, first as a coachman and later as an innkeeper. He is ambitious and performs well in his job, which is why he has been trusted with managing the Halfway House. Jurgen has big plans for the establishment and for Geissbach too. He plans to turn the inn into a major trading post, a literal halfway house where merchants from Bögenhafen and Ubersreik can meet and deal with each other on neutral ground in an idyllic rural setting. However, first, he has to earn the inn a reputation for fine food, good drink and great entertainment. Jurgen’s sponsors are happy to bankroll him for the time being, but one day he will be called to account. He does not have a very easy manner with people and can overcompensate by being unctuous or bullying, depending on who he is talking to. A rich patron will be fawned over in a nakedly oily manner, whilst Jurgen


has to make some effort to remain polite to an obvious pauper. He is taut and muscular, with an angular face and a large mouth full of widely spaced teeth. He is trying to cultivate a magnificent moustache, but it is wispy and not really working. Jurgen’s favourite topic of conversation is the plans he has for the future, and should anyone express an interest in the Halfway House and its history, and he will eagerly conduct a tour of the building. He will explain how they are going to employ a dancer for the bar, or how they are figuring out a way to stock Sprinthof cheeses in the pantry, or how they’ll soon be replacing that squeaky step, and so on… JURGEN HORST — LANDLORD (SILVER 1) M WS BS S 4



Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

30 30 40 40 30 35 40 35 30 30 12

Traits: Armour 1 (5), Weapon (Sword) +8

Skills: Athletics 45, Charm 45, Cool 40, Consume Alcohol 50, Dodge 45, Endurance 50, Evaluate 45, Haggle 40, Gossip 40, Perception 40, Stealth (Urban) 45 Talents: Dealmaker, Doomed, Craftsman (Brewing), Savvy, Strong Back

Trappings: Guild Licence, Leather Jerkin, Trade Tools, Sword




Ralf Strauss

Carpenter and Thatcher

Ralf has been a resident of Geissbach for the last seven years. He used to live in Ubersreik, where he was a successful carpenter. He visited Geissbach nearly a decade ago to oversee the rebuilding and improvement of the village’s defences, and he found to his surprise, that he liked living in the country. He has since moved there as a permanent resident, staying in a hut by the gatehouse. Ralf lived in Geissbach in a state of semi-retirement, but he assisted the villagers by lending his expert advice on thatching and carpentry in exchange for goods and services. He also cultivated an area of coppiced willow to the south of the village. Unfortunately for Ralf, his talents were noticed by Snarlash the Horned, and these last few weeks, the old carpenter has been imprisoned by the Orc and forced to design and help build the siege equipment. Ralf ’s initial refusals were soon broken by the Greenskin’s talent for torture, and the poor man is now in a wretched state.


of the

Halfway House

Jurgen manages a staff of four. His sister, Sabrina, serves as a barmaid and hostess. She is pretty and charming, with long blonde hair worn in braids. She does have a mean temper, however, and is spiteful and foul-mouthed if crossed. Maria Gratten and Max Schattiger are two youngsters employed as servants, and Klaus Bleinstift is the crossbow-toting mercenary hired to keep watch from atop the tower. Sabrina, Maria, Max and Klaus are all rather tired of life in the village. They are city dwellers by nature and desperate to get back to somewhere more lively and civilised. However, they are grateful to the owners of the Halfway House for their employment, which is steady and well-paid.

The Power Struggle

The presence of Jurgen, and the extent of his ambitions for the village, has fostered a change in the attitude of many of the villagers regarding who holds authority in Geissbach. This has led to the formation of two loose factions with different ideas about how the town should be governed.


An old guard formed mainly of the more mature farmers who are supportive of the traditional way of life in Geissbach and appreciate the slow-but-steady approach to progress that Hans’ leadership provides. On the other side, some of the younger and more ambitious villagers look to Jurgen to generate excitement and wealth. These two factions do not openly vie for power. In fact, the desire to see Hans retain leadership, or Jurgen acquire it, is largely subconscious and unvoiced. No villager would refer to themselves as a member of an old guard or supporting a new order. However, if pressed, most villagers would admit that some sort of reckoning is in the cards and may offer tacit support to either man. For their part, the two men treat one another with cool civility. Hans visits the Halfway House just enough to avoid accusations of shunning the place but spends as little money there as possible. Jurgen has accepted rulings made by the elder but has pointedly explained to his clientele how he would have done things differently were he in charge. At the start of the adventure, the power in Geissbach hangs in the balance. Nominally Hans retains authority, but Jurgen’s opinion is increasingly sought and heeded. Events of this scenario will bring a reckoning to the fore and confirm either Hans or Jurgen as the effective authority in Geissbach.


Tracking the Power Struggle

Once the Great Enchanter, he did cruelly decanter A vintage that brought Altdorf ’s court to their ends. Remember all a’ us Emperor Carolus And keep our enemies distant and trust not our friends!

Keep a secret tally of how many points each man possesses. At the start of the adventure, Hans still holds authority in Geissbach, but many villagers are under the impression that Jurgen’s vision for the village is more likely to bring prosperity. Hans begins with one point and Jurgen with zero to represent the slight advantage to Hans.

Characters that pass an Average (+20) Lore (Reikland) Test realise that the song refers to the fate of a 20thcentury Emperor. Carolus was invited by an apparently contrite Constant Drachenfels to a feast held to mark his repentance from a life of evil. The foolishly trusting emperor accepted the invitation, and he and many members of his court were murdered by Drachenfels, who served them poisoned wine.

Throughout this adventure, various scenarios occur that might play into either Jurgen or Hans’ hands, depending on how they are resolved.

At various points in the following adventure, Hans and Jurgen will disagree on how to deal with the unfolding events. Award points to either man depending on which way their disagreements resolve.




Once the Characters have dealt with the Forest Goblins, the rest of their journey to Geissbach will be uneventful. They will arrive at Geissbach just after half past four in the afternoon. At this time, many of the villagers will be at work in the fields, weeding and watering. The wooden gatehouse is closed, and the Characters will have to wait for the patrolling archers to get around to opening the gate (a bell is provided to get their attention). Once inside the village walls, the Characters will be expected to head to the Halfway House or sit on the festival field. They won’t exactly be prevented from snooping about the other buildings in the village but will certainly be viewed with some suspicion and asked to ‘respect folk’s private affairs’ if they do so.



Festival Field

There isn’t much to do at the festival field, though it is pleasant to sit in the afternoon sun. Field workers will arrive there sporadically to draw water from the well, and children are busy shoring up the pile of wood for the bonfire. They are happy to explain the significance of the effigy atop the pile - though they are careful not to refer to Constant Drachenfels by name. If they are left to their own devices, they skip about the woodpile chanting mournful doggerel.


At one end of the festival field lies a woman under the dappled shade of a willow tree. She wears colourful but worn travelling gear and rests on a well-used rucksack. Beside her is a large box covered with an old sheepskin rug and secured with an equally large padlock. If approached by the Characters, she is apparently asleep and snoring but rouses sharply if spoken to or if her belongings are examined. She is friendly but a little distant and introduces herself as Heidi Gant. She claims to have had a hard day’s travel and wishes to get some rest but is very pleased to have met the Characters and promises to join them later in the Halfway House to become better acquainted. In truth, Heidi is a Charlatan who is trying to keep people away from discovering her gambit before she has a chance to con them. She hopes to avoid speaking to people too much before a large (and hopefully inebriated) crowd are gathered in the inn.

Effect on the power struggle

If the Characters tactfully share their own thoughts about Constant Drachenfels with villagers, it evokes memories of life in the village in days gone by and reminds the people of the hard times they have endured. These nostalgic feelings will reinforce the case for Hans to continue as the head of the village – add one point to Hans’ score.





at the

Halfway House

There are five guests staying at the Halfway House. 0 At a table in the bar sits Jost Uberlaufer, a merchant from Bögenhafen. He is talking to Borgun Foambeard, a Dwarf brewer who has had a bit too much to drink. 0 Heidi Gant is a charlatan hoping to take advantage of what she assumes will be a bunch of drunken village idiots. When the characters first arrive in Geissbach, she is killing time on the festival field, but enters the bar later in the evening.



Halfway House

The Halfway House is open when the Characters arrive, and drinks and food will be served in the bar until the last orders are rung at about ten o’ clock in the evening. Characters are greeted in person by Jurgen and Sabrina, who will do all they can to make their guests feel at home. The Halfway House serves some fine food and drink, though at somewhat inflated prices.



Meal, Pottage


Meal, Mutton and Veg


Meal, Venison Pie and Veg


Wine, bottle


Reman White Wine, bottle


Bordelleaux Red Wine, bottle


Echte Brandenburger, glass


Room, private/night


Effect on the power struggle

Keep an eye on the Characters’ bar tab. If they spend more than 20 shillings on food, drink, and board at the Halfway House, such consumption will convince villagers that Jurgen has the means to generate serious cash from passing visitors – add one to Jurgen’s score.


0 Yet to arrive are Brandt Heiselstein and Rudd Helburg. They are two Road Wardens who ride the Ubersreik to Bögenhafen road.

Jost Uberlaufer

Jost is an agent for the Ruggbroders. He is here to check up on the disappearance of a cart that was supposed to deliver goods from Geissbach to Bögenhafen nearly a fortnight ago. Jost has suspicions that the villagers of Geissbach have simply done away with the cart and driver after robbing the man. However, he hasn’t been able to turn up any sort of evidence or inconsistencies in the accounts of the villagers. They all agree the cart left Geissbach 15 days ago. They are more concerned with the talk of a mysterious beast that threatens the village. Jost finds the story dubious and thinks it may be an attempt by the villagers to hoodwink him. His failure to uncover any clues has made Jost angry. However, he may be interested in knowing about the Goblins the characters came across earlier because that may explain the missing cart. If Jost overhears the Characters discussing Goblins, he asks to hear more and questions them on the circumstances of their encounter. If the Characters have the broach Chakk carried in his pouch, it is evidence enough for Jost. He asks to take it to show his superiors and is willing to pay up to 5 shillings for it ( Jost will make an opening offer of 2 shillings, it is worth 3). However, Jost is also interested, for different reasons, if the Characters mention that they know Lord Aschaffenberg or any other noble. The Ruggbroders are loyal subjects of the aristocratic von Saponatheim family, and Jost is dimly aware of a developing conflict of interest between the von Saponatheims and other local aristocracy.


Whilst Jost is unsure of the reasons behind this, he would dearly love some dirt on the Aschaffenbergs (or the von Bruners or the von Jungfreuds). Therefore, if he overhears the Characters mentioning any links to the nobility, he gently but persistently presses them for more details. For his part, Jost knows very little and is unwilling to give much of his meagre knowledge on the matter away. However, if he is offered a decent bribe (10 shillings or more) or is otherwise compelled to reveal the truth Jost admits to the following. Jost believes the Emperor is still convinced that the Jungfreud family are traitors and is humiliated that they have managed to survive the recent turmoil. He is sure the Imperial family would pay for any information that could be used against the Jungfreuds at a trial. In Jost’s opinion, if the von Saponatheim family were to add Ubersreik to their suzerain, it would be to the benefit of the people of Ubersreik. Jost makes it clear he has no idea of any von Saponatheim ambition to extend their ambit; he merely states his opinion of their beneficent rule. Jost is a tall and broad thirty-four year old man. He has messy reddish hair and a sleek pointed beard and moustache. His clothes are of fine quality and include a very snazzy purple beaded waistcoat. It bears a silver brooch depicting an ear of wheat held in a gauntlet (the device commonly used by the Ruggbroders). Jost is generally a cool negotiator who doesn’t give much away. But if he feels he is closing a particularly big deal or delving into some really salacious gossip, he loses his composure and becomes visibly excited and jittery.


Brandt Heiselstein and Rudd Helburg

These two are Road Wardens employed by the same group of people who sponsor the Halfway House. They are normally employed to ride hard from Ubersreik to Bögenhafen, rest for two days, and then ride back. This is not a very effective way of keeping the Bögenhafen to Ubersreik road free from trouble, but it looks very impressive in the eyes of those who see the two men cantering along the road in their splendid uniforms. Brandt and Rudd are both in their early twenties and of very similar appearance and temperament. It might even surprise observers to learn that they aren’t brothers. They both wear their light brown hair short and slicked back, and have sweeping handlebar moustaches. They are dedicated to securing the safety of their jurisdiction and not lacking in bravery. However, they are not natural leaders and prefer others to bear such responsibilities. Both men wear uniforms based on the colours of Reikland state troopers, light fawn breeches and shirts with the red lining exposed through numerous carefully tailored slashes. Their breastplates and helmets are well crafted and kept to a high polish. The von Jungfreud coat of arms is embossed onto their breastplates. Both men are well acquainted with the von Jungfreuds and have high opinions of the noble rulers of Ubersreik. If the men are asked about the situation in Ubersreik, they will know a fair bit about the situation in the town and will be happy to talk to the Characters about it provided they buy a round or two of ales.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 30 30 35 35 35 30 35 30 30 12

Traits: Armour 1 (4), Weapons (Dagger +5, Sword +7)

Skills: Athletics 45, Climb 40, Dodge 45, Endurance 45, Navigation 40, Perception 45, Melee (Basic 38, Brawling 40) Talents: Doomed, Flee!, Orientation, Savvy

Trappings: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Leather Jack, Pouch with 12 GC, Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack (in the stables of the Halfway House), Sword




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 35 30 35 35 30 30 30 35 35 12

Traits: Armour 2 (5), Ranged +9 (60), Weapons (Dagger +5, Sword +7) Skills: Animal Care 34, Bribery 40, Charm 32, Consume Alcohol 45, Gamble 40, Gossip 40, Melee (Basic) 45, Perception 45, Ranged (Crossbow) 45 Talents: Coolheaded, Doomed, Flee!, Orientation, Suave Trappings: Cloak, Clothing, Crossbow with 10 Bolts, Dagger, Mail Shirt, Pouch with 12 GC, Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack (in the stables of the Halfway House), Rope, Sword




Borgun Foambeard

Heidi Gant

He has come to the Halfway House with a keg of his latest creation, a dark ale he calls Old Subterranean. He was hoping to interest Jurgen in stocking some of the brew, but the landlord has not been convinced. In trying to enthuse about his own wares, Borgun has had a little too much to drink. He sits in the bar and argues with anyone who tries to communicate with him. If left alone, he stares despondently into his beer and repeatedly mutters, ‘doesn’t matter, gotta big commission comin’ up anyway!’

In the past decade, Heidi has earned her living as a dock worker, supplementing her income through various confidence tricks, providing a lookout for criminal gangs, and other illicit endeavours. She is currently taking a break from the city, having sold information about her criminal contacts to the city watch, and is trying to earn a little on the side as a Charlatan.

Borgun is a Dwarf brewer from Ubersreik. Originally from Karak Norn, he is somewhat disorganised and dissolute for a Dwarf and found that the more relaxed culture of an Empire town better suited his personality. He runs a small brewery in Ubersreik, producing ales that come with the seal of being concocted by a Dwarfen brewer. In fact, his brews are simple and even a little insipid, more suited for the human palette than a true Dwarf brew.

Borgun is short and lightly built for a Dwarf. His beard is dark and close-cut, and protrudes from his face in all directions. He used to be known as Borgun Bristlebeard but changed his name on setting up his business. Borgun feels that he is something of an inadequate Dwarf and his mood swings from a meek subservience to smouldering anger,, depending on the situation. Despite his grumpy exterior, he is actually rather gentle and sensitive for a Dwarf. If he is treated kindly whilst inebriated, he remembers it and seeks to return the favour once sober. BORGUN FOAMBEARD — ARTISAN BREWER (SILVER 1) M WS BS S 3



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

40 30 40 50 20 25 50 35 45 20 18

Traits: Armour 1 (6), Weapon (Sword) +8

Skills: Athletics 35, Charm 25, Cool 55, Consume Alcohol 60, Dodge 35, Endurance 60, Evaluate 45, Haggle 30, Gossip 30, Perception 30, Stealth (Urban) 35, Trade (Brewing) 65 Talents: Dealmaker, Craftsman (Brewing), Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Read/ Write, Savvy, Strong-minded, Sturdy

Trappings: Guild Licence, Leather Jerkin, Trade Tools, Sword


Heidi is the daughter of an impoverished burgher in Nuln. She was the eldest child and thus often tasked with the upbringing of her two younger brothers. However, once they reached adulthood, Heidi was somewhat stung by the fact that her brothers could forge an independent existence whilst she was tasked with nursing her bedridden mother. Heidi thought there was more to life than merely looking after people, and she ran away from home to try her luck on the mean streets of Altdorf.

Heidi is twenty-nine. She is tall and lean and wears cheap but tough travelling gear. She has a ready smile, large blue eyes, and long blonde hair hung in braids. Her nose has been broken and is somewhat flat as a result. HEIDI GANT — CHARLATAN (BRASS 5) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

30 30 30 30 35 30 35 30 35 35 12

Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +5 Skills: Bribery 45, Consume Alcohol 40, Charm 45, Entertain (Storytelling) 45, Gamble 40, Haggle 45, Sleight of Hand 45 Talents: Blather, Doomed, Luck, Suave

Trappings: Clothing, Dagger, Hooded Cloak, Pouch with 1 GC 12/5, Large Colourful Box containing ‘Basilisk’



During the night, a number of events will occur at given times. If the pace of the evening is slow then don’t worry about having these events occur after shorter intervals. If the Characters retire before last orders, certain events may well disturb them, as noted below.

On Arrival

Jurgen and Sabrina Horst are behind the bar. He leans on the bar looking out at the room whilst she polishes tankards. Maria Gratten wanders the barroom taking orders and clearing tables. Max Schattiger is resting in his room. Jost Uberlaufer and Borgun Foambeard are engaged in a heated debate which reaches a crescendo with the following loud exchange: Jost: You’d never hear me imply such a thing about the man! Borgun: Imply!? I’m statin’ it clear as day! ‘Tis ‘ardly a secret in Ubersreik that ‘e’s run up a lengthy bill in every gamblin’ den and bawdy ‘ouse in Bordelleaux! Jost: (Stage whisper) For Sigmar’s sake, keep your voice down! Borgun: They’ve never been friends of Dwarfs that lot ‘aven’t. The count’s always given mountain folk the cold shoulder. I mean, take Grissenwald… Jost: This is nothing to do with the count! Borgun: Bad apple never falls far from the tree’s what I’m sayin’ to yer. Jost: Do excuse me.


Jost heads to the outhouse and takes a long time to relieve himself. Borgun will fall into a drunken slumber and Jost will not rejoin the Dwarf when he re-enters the bar. If either Jost or Borgun are spoken to about the exchange they claim that “it’s nothing”. If Jost is plied with beer, charming persuasive talk, and promises of confidentiality he admits that the Dwarf ‘was spreading scurrilous and baseless rumours about the behaviour of Baron Florian Pfeifraucher, an undeserved stain on the man’s upstanding character’. He won’t be drawn into any more details. Pfeifraucher is a friend of the von Saponatheims and therefore Jost assumes he is innocent of any wrongdoing.

Enquiring about a ‘sawbones’

If part of the Characters’ mission is to find a sawbones at the Halfway House and send him back to Grunewald Lodge, it turns out that Max Shattinger worked for a short while as a physician’s assistant in Altdorf and knows a little of medicine. Jurgen, always keen to assist a noble, is happy to send Max on his way to the lodge to help there.

Enquiring about a coach to Ubersreik

The last coach left this morning. The staff at the Halfway House expect another one to arrive tomorrow in the late afternoon, stay for the night and then head on the following morning. The Characters will have to stay a couple of nights in order to get the coach. If Characters complain about this Jurgen will sympathise. ‘Four Seasons do try their best to make sure their customers never have to wait too long for a coach, however there just aren’t enough people using these backwoods roads to justify another coach or two to work the route. What’s needed is a little more supply, perhaps you could help by telling your friends how nice it is to stay for a night at places like the Halfway House!’




About Half Past Five

4. Last Festag, a villager named Johan Altreich was out hunting, and stayed out until dusk trying to bag an elusive deer when he saw something in the twilight. He described it as ‘a great beast as tall as the village windmill, with two long thin arms ending in sharp glinting claws and topped with a massive horned head.’ The beast was still, and Johan thought it slumbered. Jurgen: (With anger) Do you not realise I rely on you folk to He crept away without causing a disturbance. keep my larder stocked? This is the second day in a row you’ve let me down! What’s wrong with you? bout ix Farmers return from the fields at this time. Ten of them Frederick: There’s no point shouting at us sir, there aren’t any enter the bar and line up to order drinks. Hans is amongst deer coming near the village at the moment. Not with this them and a small knot of men form around him, buying beast on the prowl see? him ale and toasting his health. Others take seats at the remaining tables. Jurgen: Oh don’t give me that rot about a beast! Characters who observe the men at the bar will notice Wilhelm: But it’s true sir. Didn’t Johan say he saw it in the that Hans and Jurgen exchange a distinctly unpleasant gloaming? Didn’t Fritz find its nest? Hasn’t poor old Ralf look if they pass a Difficult (-10) Perception Test. met his end in its cavernous maw, Morr rest him! A short while later the gaggle of men at the bar breaks Frederick: So … venison’s off I’m afraid. up somewhat, and Jurgen sidles over to Hans. Characters who pay attention may overhear a rather clipped and At this, Jurgen clams down and mumbles an apology. He awkward conversation between the two men. provides the men with a free drink. They sit at a table and grumble about how hard they have things. Jurgen: Well how does the crop fare? Two local men enter the bar. They are Frederick Bogenshutze and Wilhelm Hose. They have spent the day hunting the area around the village for game, and have come back empty-handed. This causes Jurgen to lose his cool somewhat.


Should they, or any other resident of the village, be asked about the beast, they are happy to explain themselves. The villagers believe that for the past couple of weeks, a large monster has been prowling the woods near Geissbach. The evidence they have gathered to support this idea is as follows:

Hans: Growing nicely, should be a good harvest this year.

1. For almost a month now it has been harder to hunt in the forest. Something has either been eating local wildlife or scaring it off. The few game animals that are left are easily spooked and hard to catch.

Jurgen: (With a sigh) Well, you know best.

2. Three weeks ago, a villager called Fritz Bogenshultze was foraging in the forest and came across a load of wooden clutter. He was frightened off by some peculiar trumpeting noises. In hindsight the villagers reckon it must be a nest. 3. Two weeks ago Ralf Schultz, a carpenter from the village, went missing whilst coppicing. Around the same time a cart bound with goods for Bögenhafen disappeared. No bodies have been found.



Jurgen: I don’t quite understand. If I was you I’d grow wheat in every field. More surplus means more to sell. Hans: Leaving some wildness is good for the soil.

Effect on the Power Struggle

Should a Character point out to Jurgen that Hans really does know best, add one to Hans’ score. Should they back Jurgen up (for example, by outlining a better system of crop rotation or via an appropriate Test on a related subject) add one to Jurgen’s score.


About Seven

Heidi Gant enters the bar, hefting her heavy padlocked box. She does not allow anyone to help her with it, saying things like ‘sorry, it’s a burden but it’s not worth my job to let others interfere’. She plonks it on a table and hails Maria Gratten, saying quite loudly ‘look, this thing’s pretty dangerous and I need to keep an eye on it, don’t worry or anything, but if you could just bring me ales when I call for them I’d appreciate not having to leave my seat.’ She then slumps into a chair with a loud sigh and drapes a protective arm over the box. The box is positioned so that people in the bar can all see the words; “Property of Altdorf Zoo. Do not open unless under instruction of a member of the Faculty of Bestiaria” written on the side in block script. Some scrabbling noises emanate from the box.


DO NOT OPEN UNLESS UNDER INSTRUCTION OF A MEMBER OF THE FACULTY OF BESTIARIA If the Characters ignore Heidi it takes a couple of minutes for a villager to summon up the courage to approach her and ask what’s in the box. When she is asked, Heidi loudly pronounces the following spiel: ‘I will tell you sir! What I am carrying here is none other than a Basilisk brought from its home in the distant Southlands and bound for the Emperor’s menagerie! ‘Tis a deadly creature and no mistake sir, with a ravenous appetite for human flesh and eight clawed legs to tear up its victims! But that’s not the worst of it, for to look into its eyes is to be turned incontrovertibly into cold stone for now and evermore! I, loyal scion of the faculty of Bestiaria at the celebrated university of Altdorf, am employed to see it safely delivered, for there are many who’d go to great lengths to acquire the Basilisk for nefarious purposes (hence my taking these backwoods roads on my way to the capital). At the menagerie it’ll be stored in a walled room and people will pay three shillings a go to catch a glimpse of it through a mirror. Rip off if you ask me sir!


Why, I’d let any curious as to see a Basilisk unscathed do so through this looking glass that I use to ensure he eats his dinners for just a few pennies! Four pennies if we’re being exact about it.’ She waves a small hand mirror, and soon a short queue of villagers and bar staff have formed to see the Basilisk, whilst others rush off to get their wives or children. Hans, Jurgen, and Jost keep their distance, observing the hubbub coolly. Borgun Foambeard is roused from his slumber by the noise. He drains his tankard and stomps off to bed. As the villagers look into the box Heidi makes comments such as, ‘the poor thing’s probably dazzled by the lights, that’s why he keeps so still’ and ‘he’s probably more afraid of you than you are of him sir!’ Every now and then she slams the lid shut with a cry of ‘careful, I think I saw him move! Best keep him in the dark for a minute until he settles down!’ Characters who pay attention to Heidi may notice on a Hard (-20) Perception Test that the scrabbling sounds do not emanate from the box itself but are made by Heidi furtively scratching the side of the box with her fingertips. If a Character wishes to see the Basilisk, they will have to pay Heidi, who then opens the box lid a few inches and angles the mirror so that the inside can be viewed by the Character. A dark green lizard-like shape can be seen in the bottom of the box. To see more the Character must make a Difficult (-10) Perception Test. -1 SL or Less: Light is reflected onto the Basilisk, and you can very clearly make out its four pairs of legs. It is smaller than you expected, and not as fearsome looking, but an odd sight nevertheless. 0 to 1 SL: The Basilisk does not seem very healthy; its eyes are dull and it doesn’t even seem to be breathing. 2 SL or More: There seems to be a length of twine wrapped around the Basilisk’s midriff, and bound to the middle pairs of legs. If asked about the Basilisk’s condition Heidi admits that he is just a youngster and hasn’t been feeling well due to his confinement. She claims that the middle legs are bound up with twine to help them develop properly despite the cramped living conditions.




In fact the Basilisk is a work of crude taxidermy. Heidi saw a pair of dusty old stuffed lizards from the Southlands for sale in an Altdorf emporium, and came up with the idea of creating a Basilisk. The extra legs were simply removed from one of the lizards and bound to the other with twine.

At which Jurgen announces:

If the Characters don’t discover Heidi’s ruse she will enjoy twenty minutes of brisk business before Sabrina Horst looks in the box. ‘It’s just a stuffed lizard with some fake legs!’ She will shout, and the angry villagers upturn the box and reveal the trickery.

This is the first time Jurgen has openly defied a ruling made by Hans, and the response from the crowd is of excited confusion. Various villagers express their opinion about which choice is the right one, and if the Characters don’t give an opinion they will be asked ‘what about you folk, how do people round your way deal with mountebanks?’

Heidi will protest her innocence. ‘No one’s been duped here more than I, sirs! Those Wastelander bounders what delivered it to me just said it tended to stand still when it was being looked at. I wondered why he wasn’t eating his food!’ She offers to repay everyone, but the crowd turns on her and the bar reverberates with cries of thief, swindler, and even witch (for how else would the normally wise people of Geissbach have been fooled by such a trick if not by enchantment). The angry denouncements reach a feverous pitch before Hans restores order by rapping loudly on the floor with his stick. ‘People of Geissbach, this woman has stolen nothing from you that has not been returned. However, she has abused our hospitality and as such is no longer entitled to it. I judge that she be taken to the gate and thrown out into the wilds, never to return!’

‘This woman is a criminal, and should be tried as one. I say we lock her in the cellar, and in the morning send her to Ubersreik where the cult of wise Verena can decide on her fate.’

Effect on the Power Struggle

If asked her own preference, Heidi would sooner take her chances in the wild than face justice. After all, this whole ruse was about making some cash whilst lying low. If the Characters express an opinion it will sway the crowd in support of that solution provided the most vocal Character succeeds an Average (+20) Charm Test. If the Characters do not sway the crowd one way or the other, the villagers support Hans if the progress tracker is currently in his favour, or Jurgen if it isn’t. Add two points in favour of the man whose judgement was heeded.

WFRP_UA3_0160 Heidi _basilisk Scene



If the Characters suggest some other form of retribution for Heidi, or stress forgiveness, they have a much harder time swaying the crowd and must pass a Hard (-20) Charm Test to get them to listen. The villagers are not bloodthirsty, but not lenient either, so ideas about executing Heidi or forgiving her are likely ignored. If Jurgen wins out, Heidi is led to the cellar and Maria is left to guard her. If Hans wins out, Heidi is led to the village gates, given her backpack and purse (minus any money she made from villagers) and sent on her way. She strikes out north, in the direction of Bögenhafen.

About Eight

Brandt Heiselstein and Rudd Helburg arrive at the Halfway House. They have been riding from Ubersreik and plan to stay the night at the inn before heading on towards Bögenhafen in the morning. The two Road Wardens are weary after their ride but are curious to talk to any travellers about any strange sights they have seen on the road. This is a good opportunity for the Characters to bring up the matter of the Forest Goblins, which they will both be eager to hear about. The villagers also take this opportunity to discuss the beast in the woods and their various theories about it. They may even suggest it is in league with the Goblins. The Road Wardens are very interested to hear about the goings on at Grunewald Lodge if the players mention it to them. They are employed by the von Jungfreuds and are well aware that they are involved in political and familial wrangling with the von Bruners and Aschaffenbergs. They won’t mention any of this to the Characters but casually try to dig up any gossip they might have about the noble families. If the Characters express any frustration with the Aschaffenbergs and deport themselves heroically during the scenario, the Road Wardens may think of recommending them to the von Jungfreuds. Hans leaves the bar shortly after the Road Wardens arrive, but most of the other farmers and visitors continue to drink and gossip for the next couple of hours. At ten o’clock last orders are rung, and the bar empties. Inn staff and guests will want to go to bed at this point and will expect the Characters to do likewise.


Resolving the Power Struggle

During the following few hours the villagers will come to a general consensus over whether Hans’ rather traditional approach to managing the village is working or whether they should adopt Jurgen as the focus for village decision making from now on. These conversations are not likely to be overheard Characters, as most take place between family members and neighbours as they clean up the mess left by the Goblins. However, by dawn a clear preference as to who best acts as the decision maker in Geissbach from now on emerges. Whichever of the two men is indicated by the progress tracker becomes the clear leader.

RESOLVING THE POWER STRUGGLE Here is a summary of the events that might favour one or other of the men. Event


Characters tactfully share thoughts about Constant Drachenfels.

1 point for Hans.

Characters spend 20 schillings or more in the Halfway House.

1 point for Jurgen.

Characters support Hans in his disagreement with Jurgen about farming methods.

1 point for Hans.

Characters support Jurgen is his disagreement with Hans about farming methods.

1 point for Jurgen.

Characters support Hans decision in dealing with Heidi Gant.

2 points for Hans.

Characters support Jurgen’s decision in dealing with Heidi Gant.

2 points for Jurgen.

Heidi’s Escape

If Heidi Gant had been confined to the cellar of the Halfway House, she escapes during the night. She knows that should she be imprisoned in Ubersreik, word is likely to reach her old criminal friends (who would no doubt arrange for her demise). She manages to convince Maria Gratten that if the young girl would release her, she could prove very useful in defeating the attacking Goblins. However, once Maria has loosened her bonds, Heidi coshes the serving girl unconscious and slips away unnoticed in the direction of Bögenhafen.




PART THREE: THE THING IN THE WOODS In this episode, the Characters are made aware of another Greenskin force that threatens the village. Options are also provided for ways to tie up the adventure; the longterm effects of the leadership struggle between Hans and Jurgen are described.

Another Disturbance

Meanwhile, Snarlash the Horned has discovered Nibl’s treachery and has decided to reassert his leadership by ordering the destruction of Geissbach. He directs his Goblins to move the siege engine near the edge of the forest and establish a camp there, ready to assault when the sun sets the following day. To summon his forces, Snarlash has his subordinates create a great cacophony, blowing upon a massive horn attached to the top of his siege engine. The loud trumpeting noises echo through the forest.


Should any Character be stationed on watch, they may hear the distant noise on a Challenging (+0) Perception Test. It is a long and sombre rattling note followed by some piping high-pitched cries that reverberate from the north. Nothing else occurs then, although if the Characters insist on keeping a lookout, they may hear some faint crashing noises come from the same direction about thirty minutes later as the Goblins haul the engine through the forest.


Morning Bell

Breakfast will be served in the bar of the Halfway House between eight and nine in the morning. Most of the guests will be in the bar (provided they survived the night’s events) except for Borgun, who is still sleeping off his hangover. Villagers may also enter the bar. If Hans has asserted his rule over the village, there will be few, whilst if Jurgen has become a new source for the focus of village decision making, the bar will be full of villagers taking direction from him as to how to go about securing their defences. The children of the village are clearly in a state of some excitement, as tonight is the night when the great bonfire is to be lit.

Heidi Gant’s Return

Shortly after ten in the morning, there is a loud disturbance at the village gates, and the two militia on patrol open them to reveal a bedraggled and clearly very frightened Heidi Gant. Whilst many of the villagers will seek to denounce and punish Heidi, particularly if she coshed Maria Gratten, the charlatan will ignore the detractors and gain the attention of the assembled crowd. ‘I’m sorry for the things that I did! I wanted to get away, but I saw a troop of goblins up the road from here, so I hid from them in a ditch. There’s many of them out there still, and orcs too and a great roaring thing is with them! Listen to me! They’re camped just a mile up the road by my reckoning. They have a man in a cage and I heard them tell him they were going to flatten the village! You might not have much love for me, nor I for you, but I’d soon as not let you be torn apart by goblins.’ If Hans is in charge, he will grumpily suppose that if Heidi turns out to be telling the truth she should be forgiven for her earlier misconduct. Jurgen will be less magnanimous and insist that she be locked in the cellar again and taken to Ubersreik for punishment once the situation is dealt with, though he may let himself be talked out of this if the Characters disagree. If the Characters ask her about the man in the cage, Heidi will tell them he looked miserable and beaten up. She thinks he is in his fifties and describes him as being fairly heavy-set with grey hair, and a wide face with a thick growth of stubble.


Villagers overhearing this might exclaim that such a description fits Ralf Strauss, the missing carpenter. Asked about the beast, Heidi will say that she didn’t actually lay eyes on it as she was too busy hiding, but she heard its trumpeting call and was later aware that a number of Goblins seemed to be shouting to one another as something large crashed through the undergrowth near her hiding place. Heidi claims that many of the Goblins have left the place or are slumbering in the sun, so she reckons the time to attack them is now before they gather their full strength. The villagers dismiss her claims and say their efforts are better spent shoring up the village defences, though surviving Road Wardens will take her more seriously. Heidi may well try and coax the Characters into talking sense to the villagers, saying that she can lead them to the Goblin’s encampment. Some villagers may mention that Ralf was a rich city dweller before coming to live in Giessbach and that he might reward rescuers. Such talk soon leads the villagers to conclude that it would be a good idea to scout the area, at the very least, to get a better idea of the threat to the village. The Characters will be encouraged to come along if they fought the Goblins before and will be promised some of Ralf ’s reward money for taking part. A scouting party consisting of Heidi, the surviving militia, the Road Wardens, and any interested Characters soon follows Heidi to the north.

Heidi’s Hiding Place

Heidi can lead the militia up the road to Bögenhafen for nearly a mile before heading into the undergrowth. She leads them into the forest for a short while in an easterly direction, to a depression in the ground where she had hastily constructed a bivouac the night before. Heidi claims that she heard the Goblins passing to the north of here. A little further north lies a trail of destruction and Goblin footprints. There are some deep ruts in the mud as if a heavily laden cart has been dragged. The trail runs from east to west. About 200 yards to the west is the site of the siege engine, and 300 yards to the east is the site of the Goblin encampment.






The Site

of the

Siege Engine

Following the trail to the west will soon bring the party close to the Ubersreik-Bögenhafen road once more. There is a wide clearing just within the treeline, and within it stands a large wooden structure on a sturdy set of wheels. Snarlash’s siege engine consists of the stolen cart, which is fitted with a spiked ram. On the back of the cart stands a tall wooden tower, about 15 feet in height, to which a number of sturdy Orc shields have been nailed. The tower tapers sharply to the top, and at its summit is a wooden effigy of a Greenskin god wearing branches for antlers. The head provides cover for a platform that a Goblin can stand upon, and it also houses a large warhorn that produces a great trumpeting noise when blown. There are two floors within the main body of the siege engine. The lower floor is just high enough for a Goblin to crouch in, and two makeshift battering rams are suspended from the ceiling and positioned so as to swing through holes in the front of the engine. The rams end in twisted but sharp claws made from stolen blades and spearheads. The upper floor is high enough to stand up in, and there are a number of slots in the walls of the engine through which arrows can be fired. Three archers could feasibly stand in this part of the siege engine and shoot arrows at foes on the outside with relative impunity. Also in the clearing sits a large wooden cage housing the rather forlorn figure of Ralf Strauss. He has been much abused by his captors, and his face and arms bear the marks of many small but nasty-looking wounds. He is missing one of his eyes, and his nose is broken. His neatly tailored forester’s garb has been besmirched with blood and filth, and he looks a wretched sight. There are three Forest Goblin archers and two Forest Goblin spearmen guarding the siege engine. They are accompanied by a Snotling dogsbody. They will be under the command of Chakk if the Characters failed to kill him during the encounter in Part One. Two Forest Goblin archers are sleeping on the upper floor of the siege engine. A Forest Goblin archer is sitting in a tree and watching the road to the east.


The two spearmen have discovered a badger set to the north of the clearing and are busy trying to excavate it in order to kill and eat the animals inside. The Snotling is hidden beneath the siege engine. From here, he watches the two badger-baiting Goblins at work. Chakk, if he is alive, will sit on top of Ralf ’s cage. The Goblin will be mocking the man in the Greenskin tongue, subjecting him to a stream of incomprehensible guttural invective. Every now and then, he stops his taunting and tries to carefully drool a gob of spittle into Ralf ’s remaining eye. Each of the Goblins is preoccupied, and the party should be able to creep close enough to the clearing to survey it without disturbing them. Provided they don’t make any undue noise, the party will be able to get within long range of the Goblins without having to make any Stealth tests. From here they will be able to make out the following based on the results of an Average (+20) Perception Test. 0 -1 SL or Less: The Character can clearly make out the exterior of the siege engine and Ralf in his cage. They can see the two Goblins at the badger’s set and Chakk, if he is there. 0 0 SL: The Character also makes out the Goblin in the tree overlooking the road to the west. 0 +1 SL or more: The Character also hears a low snoring sound coming from the siege engine and spots the warhorn placed at its summit. Should any member of the party wish to get closer, they will have to pass a Hard (-20) Stealth (Rural) Test. If this is failed the lookout Goblin will spot them and shout out a warning. From close range, the Characters may engage the Goblins directly. Every time a member of the party takes any sort of action within close range of the Goblins, they must pass a Hard (-20) Stealth (Rural) Test to escape the Goblins’ notice.

He is not expecting any attack to come from the west but is alert and will swiftly respond if one does.





the alarm

As soon as one of the Goblins spots the party, he will raise the alarm. The Forest Goblins will then react in the following manner. The Forest Goblin in the tree will shoot arrows at the nearest Character. To reach him, a character must first engage the tree and then spend two manoeuvres to climb to a position from which they can engage him in melee. All ranged attacks made at the Goblin in the tree suffer from a penalty of -10 to Ranged Tests because of the cover provided to him by foliage. The Snotling will dash off towards the Goblin encampment as fast as he can possibly run in order to alert them to the presence of the party.

The Goblins in the siege engine will take a turn to wake up and realise what is going on. One of them will then shoot from the upper floor whilst the other uses its turn to climb to the top of the engine. On the third turn, he will blow a great trumpeting blast on the warhorn. He will then spend the following turns shooting at the nearest member of the party. All ranged attacks made at the Goblin on the top of the engine count as being made against a target in soft cover. The Goblin on the upper floor is even better protected and counts as being in hard cover. If the Goblin on the top of the siege engine is killed before raising the alarm, the Goblin on the upper floor will seek to replace him. The spearmen and Chakk will move to defend the siege engine from attackers. If clearly outnumbered, they may try to use Ralf as a hostage, miming that they will cut his throat unless their attackers back down. This is an empty threat - Snarlash wants to keep the man alive to continue to maintain and improve his engine.



Siege Engine

In order to enter the siege engine, a character must first clamber over the sharp stakes set around its base. They can choose to do this by passing a Hard (-20) Athletics Test. If the test is failed, the Character takes a Damage 3 hit from the stakes and must attempt the test again to enter the engine. Once inside, the Character will be on the lower floor, where the makeshift rams are suspended from the ceiling. These can be swung to attack people and things in front of the engine. They are very heavy and count as Halberds. They also benefit from being in an elevated position against human-sized infantry, and so attacks using them gain +1 SL. However, they are very ungainly, and so any action taken with them suffers from the Slow Flaw. Characters inside the engine count as being in hard cover to represent the protection afforded by the engine’s armour. SNOTLING M WS BS S 4



Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

25 15 25 20 20 30


15 30



Traits: Bestial, Dark Vision, Infected, Size (Small), Weapon +4


From the first floor, it takes a Challenging (+0) Climb Test to climb the ladder to the second floor. If the test is failed the rickety ladder fails to support the Character, and they suffer from a 2 yard fall. Those on the second floor can assault those on the first floor from an elevated position if they wish.


Rescuing Ralf

If Ralf is released, he will be relieved and grateful. He has many wounds, but apart from his gouged eye, none of them are serious. However, he is in no shape to fight and requires prompt medical attention to prevent further injury as a result of reopening wounds or developing an infection. Ralf explains that he entered the forest two weeks ago to manage a nearby grove of ash that he had coppiced. He found himself surrounded by Goblins and was brought to the nearby camp. There he met Snarlash and was forced to help the Orc construct his machine. Ralf learned a fair bit about the Orc’s intentions, as Snarlash knows a little Reikspeil and was happy enough to boast and complain to the old carpenter in between bouts of forced labour and intermittent torture. As a result, Ralf knows much of Snarlash’s history and his conquest of the Reikwald tribe. He does not know about Nibl’s rebellion. Ralf urges the party to destroy the siege engine by burning it. If he is told that the villagers mistook his creation for a giant beast, he will find it bitterly amusing and will state that ‘it is that old orc that is the real beast in the woods!’ Contrary to rumour, Ralf is not rich. He has about 20 shillings hidden in his hovel in Geissbach and if pressed for a reward, he will offer some of the money, protesting that it is all he has.

The Camp

About 300 yards east of the clearing in which they left the siege engine is the main camp of Snarlash and the Forest Goblins. This is another large clearing with a large tent in its centre. The tent is constructed from dried hides of deer, and the Characters may be able to smell it long before they see it. There is a large fire pit near the tent and a group of four Snotlings are busily turning a deer carcass upon a wooden spit. A pair of Forest Goblin spearmen watch over them to make sure they don’t help themselves to the meat. Another pair of spearmen dolefully patrol the perimeter of the camp. This is not a job they like to perform but Snarlash will beat them if he spots any malingering.


Two Forest Goblin archers sit in trees just a short distance from the clearing, keeping a close watch on the trail to the siege engine. Snarlash is resting in the tent, accompanied by his loyal bodyguard Gitrip. Gitrip the last of the Orcs who accompanied Snarlash on his journey down from the Grey Mountains. He is devoted to Snarlash and never leaves the old Orc’s side.

The Alarm Raised

If one of the Goblins at the site of the siege engine raises the alarm by blowing the horn, or if the Snotling runner manages to escape, then Snarlash will soon be made aware that something is going on. He will marshal his remaining forces and then march them to the site, taking about a quarter of an hour to complete the journey. What the old Orc will do once he gets there depends on the situation. If any foes are still in the area, he attacks them. If he arrives at a scene of devastation, his engine burned, his Goblins killed, and his prisoner freed, he will vow retribution against the village of Geissbach. This might involve him stealing away back into the forest to consolidate his power and build his forces for another day, or he might decide to go out in a blaze of glory and lead an immediate foolhardy assault against the village.

Approaching Unseen

It is harder to approach the encampment than the site of the siege engine. The guards here are on a much higher state of alert. Provided they don’t make any undue noise, the party will be able to get within long range of the Goblins without having to make any Stealth tests. From here, they will be able to make out the following based on the results of an Average (+20) Perception Test. 0 -1 SL or Less: The Character can clearly make out the camp and the Snotlings and Forest Goblins by the fire. 0 0 SL: The Character spots the two patrolling spearmen making their rounds. 0 1 to 2 SL: The Character also makes out a Goblin in a tree overlooking the trail to the west. 0 3 or more SL: The Character spots both the Goblins in the trees.





The Beast of Giessbach is a gargantuan and ramshackle siege engine normally pulled along by a number of goblins. Attempts to move it by the Characters will require the strength of several villagers acting in unison, and the Characters will have to pass a Difficult (-10) Leadership Test in order to get the beast moving. Alternatively, should the Characters find a way to hitch up an appropriate number of pack animals to the siege engine, then it can also be moved but will require a successful Hard (-20) Animal Handling Test. Should the Characters succeed in their attempts to move the Siege Engine, the towering construction then counts as having a movement rating of 4 at first and 6 on subsequent turns as it builds momentum.

Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Armour

Should any member of the party wish to get closer, they will have to pass a Hard (-20) Stealth (Rural) Test. If this is failed, the lookout Goblin notices them and makes a noise like a cawing crow. The Characters realise he does this if they pass a Hard (-20) Perception Test.

Skills: Cool 70, Dodge 30, Intimidate 60, Intuition 40, Leadership 45, Lore (Warfare) 50, Melee (Basic) 75, Perception 30

From close range the Characters may engage the Goblins directly. Every time a member of the party takes any sort of action within close range of the Goblins they must pass a Very Hard (-30) Stealth (Rural) Tests in order to escape the Goblins’ notice.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

55 30 45 55 10 15 20 25 55 20 19

(Body, Arms, Legs) 4 (9), Belligerent, Die Hard, Fear 2, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +8

Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Inspiring, Menacing, Resolute, Warleader

Trappings: Iron Mask (confers the Fear 2 Trait to Snarlash when worn), Rough Plate Armour, Sword GITRIP — ORC BODYGUARD M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

55 30 55 55 35 35 20 25 35 20 18

Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Armour (Body, Arms, Legs) 2 (7), Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +9 Trappings: Piecemeal Armour, Sword


On hearing a crow caw, the Goblin spearmen run into the centre of the clearing where they are joined by Snarlash and Gitrip. They then advance in a group to the Forest Goblin archer who gave the signal and find out what the matter is. Two of the Snotlings attempt to slip from the clearing and head to the site of the siege engine for reinforcements. The other two use the opportunity to help themselves to some roast venison. If Snarlash spots any enemies his plan will be simple - he engages them and fights to the death. Unlike the rest of his warband, Snarlash speaks some Reikspeil and enjoys threatening and taunting his enemies as he seeks to engage them.


The Forest Goblins fight with a semblance of bravery whilst Snarlash lives, but should he fall in battle they do not press their attack. Instead they try to slip into the forest, hoping to find other surviving members of the tribe. Gitrip is made of sterner stuff, and tries to take down anyone who dealt the killing blow to his leader.

Searching the Camp

There is nothing of much use in the camp, though Characters may note that amongst the discarded detritus by the fire pit there are a number of bones belonging to an adult human. These are the remains of the driver of the missing cart.

Wandering Goblins

Depending on whether or not the Characters killed Chakk’s patrol, it is possible that Snarlash may have many more Goblins under his command. During the day, these Goblins are organised into two roughly equal patrols, and they are ordered to scour the surrounding forest for things to eat. You can use these spare Goblins as you see fit. If things are going a bit too smoothly for the party, bands of these foragers could turn up to add to their problems. On the other hand, if the party is struggling against Snarlash and his Forest Goblins, then you could just as easily assume that the patrols are currently scouring far and wide to find all the food they require.


gestures of gratitude from the locals, he leads them into his office and provides them with a perfunctory monetary reward of 10 shillings each. Jurgen will talk to them about their plans for the future, and if the Characters mention they are hoping to secure future employment, he will be willing to write a letter of recommendation to such luminaries as the von Jungfreuds, the von Saponatheims, the Ruggbroders, or the owners of the Four Seasons Coaching House.

The Long Term Effects of the Power Struggle

active in the area of Geissbach in the future they might like to learn what became of the village, or even visit it again to catch up with the residents or as a stopping point on the Bögenhafen to Ubersreik road. If Hans retains power, the village will remain much as it was, poor and backward but maintaining a general independence from the aristocratic rulers of Ubersreik. Hans’ health will not improve and about a year after the events of the adventure, he will take to his bed and die a month later. A member of the village militia, such as Frederick Bogenshutze, will take on the mantle of elder and will govern very much in the mould of Hans. The Halfway House will fail as a business, and Jurgen and his family will move on. A village family will take over the inn and run a more modest affair, offering rustic food, local brews and a cheap place to stay.


If the Characters gave a good account of themselves in battle with Snarlash they are hailed as heroes in Geissbach. If Hans has retained authority in Geissbach, the Characters have praise heaped upon them by the happy villagers for finally ridding them of the beast (such as it was). They are taken to the bar of the Halfway House and treated to a slap-up meal with plenty of free drinks. They will be given assurances that should they ever revisit Geissbach, they won’t have to worry about a place to stay or food to eat and the celebrations last long into the night. If Jurgen has taken on the mantle of leadership, the reception is somewhat calmer. After the Characters have received a few hearty slaps on the back and other




If Jurgen becomes the leader of the village, the changes will be somewhat more dramatic. The farming community will focus more on providing a great place to stay for travellers on the Bögenhafen to Ubersreik road, and the priority given to agriculture will diminish. Hans will sicken and die as above, but even though a new elder is named, the post will have become solely ceremonial. Jurgen deals with the local nobles in order. To sponsor his projects, for the Halfway House never quite makes enough money on its own, but in turn, he has to bend to the will of those rulers and the few merchants who set up in the village.

THE SMALL MATTER OF A LETTER If the Characters visit the von Bruner Estate with a letter for Ludmilla Aschaffenberg they will be provided with an audience with the young noblewoman after a short wait. Ludmilla is demure and delicate and a little uncomfortable around commoners. This is the result of unfamiliarity and shyness, rather than an effort to be rude or snobbish. She will take and read the letter, and as long as the wax seal is not broken, she will provide the Characters with a reward of a gold crown for delivering it safely. She will thank them wholeheartedly for the assistance they have given her husband and will pay for a week’s worth of bed and board at the Red Moon Inn should the Characters wish to stay there whilst waiting for him.


A Coach Arrives

Late in the afternoon, a coach arrives at the Halfway House bound from Bögenhafen to Ubersreik. The two coachmen have some mail to deliver and just one passenger, a young initiate of Verena visiting Ubersreik on cult business. Borgun Foambeard, by now feeling somewhat contrite and hungover, books a seat on the coach. There will be room for the Characters as well. The coach will leave for Ubersreik early the next morning.


As well as the normal XP you offer for good roleplaying and having fun, you should apportion XP at the end of each session using the following guidelines: 0 20 points for uncovering the truth behind Heidi and the Basilisk. 0 10 points for helping to resolve the power struggle between Hans and Jurgen. 0 50 for dealing with Snarlash and the Goblin Camp. 0 20 points if they manage to destroy the Siege Engine. 0 10 points for rescuing Ralf.

• HORROR OF HUGELDAL • Adventure Summary

Part Two

The Horror of Hugeldal is a short investigative adventure set in Hugeldal, a mining town southeast of Ubersreik. A conspiracy between a corrupt physician and the noble ruler of the town has undermined the town’s ability to resist the coming of a cunning sorcerer of Nurgle, who has chosen Hugeldal for a devastating celebration of the Plague God.

This section provides a description of Hugeldal and some of its inhabitants. Talking to people in the town provides a number of leads, many of which implicate the town’s physician. Searching his residence provides evidence of conspiracy and news that an ominous stranger will soon be arriving in town.

Part One

The Cavalcade Comes to Town

A Town Called Malaise

The Bandit Attack The Characters stumble across an unprovoked assault on a group of Shallyans travelling away from Hugeldal. Hopefully, the Characters act quickly enough to limit the bloodshed and uncover clues. Here, the Characters learn that the Shallyan cult is persecuted in Hugeldal.

Part Three

A troupe of entertainers arrive in town, concealing the stranger— a sorcerer of Nurgle. This section describes his plans for Hugeldal, how he goes about putting those plans into motion, and what the Characters can do to stop him. If the Characters can stop Gul Proll, the sorcerer, from fulfilling his plans, they will save many lives. Should they fail, the town will succumb to Nurgle’s Rot and become a stinking hive of daemonic activity.





GETTING STARTED Before playing the adventure, read it through from start to finish and familiarise yourself with the various characters in Hugeldal in particular. You may also want to remind yourself of the rules for Disease in the main rulebook. Throughout this scenario, major NPCs like Lady Agnetha and Doktor Vorsatz have detailed profiles. Others have a shorter profile, reduced to the skills and details most relevant to how the Characters will likely interact with them. Some NPCs do not warrant a profile, given their role in the scenario, but as GM, you may want to create one yourself.

After ‘Mutiny

and the


If you’ve just played through ‘Mutiny and the Beast’, the party will be leaving Geissbach with the gratitude of either Hans or Jurgen, depending on who came out on top. They may have taken the coach to Ubersreik carrying a letter for Ludmilla Aschaffenberg from her husband. If they forget or neglect to take the letter before they leave Geissbach, Hans or Jurgen suggests that the Aschaffenbergs are worth cultivating as allies.

If they deliver the letter to the von Bruner estate, Lady Ludmilla asks whether they might do her a favour. ‘I’ve had troubling news from my cousin, Agnetha. She married Matthias von Jungfreud a few years ago and moved with him to his manor in Hugeldal. Everything became very difficult when General von Dabernick came and the von Jungfreuds fled. I’ve heard since that her husband died from a plague. She must be alone up in the hills, widow to a disgraced family and left to rule on her own. Would you please take her a message of support?’ Her handmaid gives the characters a sealed letter of introduction to Lady Agnetha and 5 GCs for travelling expenses, with the promise of a further 10 GCs if they return with news.

Other Hooks

If the Characters have no link to Ludmilla Aschaffenberg, other members of House Bruner are undoubtedly worried about their relative Agnetha for the same reasons outlined above. Emanuelle Nacht is concerned about Hugeldal. It’s a holdout of von Jungfreud support where a number of loyal troops apparently retreated. If the party proved useful in the past, she will send them to the town to assess the situation. Graf Sigismund or another supporter of House Jungfreud will be concerned at what’s happening to Hugeldal after Matthias’ death. Characters with connections to the cult of Shallya might have caught wind of trouble brewing in the town, reports of Ghoulpox in the area, and questions about why Shallyan priests have proven ineffective. If you’ve previously played ‘Ash in the Wind’ from the WFRP Starter Set, your characters have already visited Hugeldal and dealt with a witch there. In this case, it’s best to play a scenario or two before returning to Hugeldal to give time for the dust to settle. If the Characters acquitted themselves well, they get a message from Yves Plonta asking them to come to the town on an urgent matter.



BACKGROUND The Carnival Master’s Tale

Gul Proll is the proud Carnival Master of the Cavalcade of Nurgle, a travelling troupe of players who live to spread the joy of disease throughout the land. The acrobats, jugglers and thespians of the troupe hide their festering flesh beneath masks and bright-coloured motley garb so that they can pass incognito into settlements and spread plague amongst their audiences. Proll was instructed in his magicks by a distant mentor, Festus the Leechlord, a powerful Champion of Nurgle. The Carnival Master seeks greater favour with Father Nurgle and knows that to truly please his god, he must put on a magnificent show. Working with Doktor Festus, Proll has set his sights on the small mining town of Hugeldal in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. He has worked carefully through a pawn to remove the obstacles to his plans, most notably the meddling of the cult of Shallya and the militant resistance of the cult of Sigmar. Now the townsfolk are almost ready for a truly spectacular performance … with a daemonic encore.

The Baroness’ Tale

Two years ago, on a glorious Sigmarzeit day, the lovely Agnetha von Bruner entered Hugeldal in a splendid bridal carriage. She was wed to Baron Matthias von Jungfreud — an auspicious event, blessed as an alliance between two of Ubersreik’s leading families. They moved into the town’s manorhouse and, within a year, Agnetha gave birth to an heir, the boy Leos von Jungfreud. Six months ago, tragedy struck. One by one, the townsfolk succumbed to Ghoulpox, a crippling illness which ravaged the population. The town’s Shallyans were powerless to prevent the spread of illness, despite their miracles and blessings. The noble family took ill, and Mattias fell victim to the disease. The noble’s body was carried from the manor as the sickly Agnetha wept, the afflicted babe Leos in her arms. In desperation, Agnetha turned her back on the Shallyans and summoned the talented Doktor Vorsatz. With the Doktor’s help, she and Leos recovered, though few people believe the boy will ever lead a normal life.


The pox has ruined Agnetha’s once-comely features. Indeed, some sardonic townsfolk suggest that the noblewoman mourns the loss of her looks more than the passing of her husband.

The Doktor’s Tale

Doktor Vorsatz came from Altdorf to Hugeldal a month before the onset of Ghoulpox in the town. He established a practice on Schuttstrasse and slowly built his reputation with those who could afford his care. When Ghoulpox wracked the people of Hugeldal, Doktor Vorsatz worked miracles in treating the sick where the Shallyans had failed. Yet he hadn’t just cured the illness — he had caused it too. Vorsatz harboured a deep loathing for the cult of Shallya, blaming them for stealing his custom and undermining his skill with their miracles and blessings. His envy and avarice made him the unwitting pawn of Gul Proll and his shadowy master, Doktor Festus. Without revealing their true nature, the two Nurgle followers provided the physician with two sets of magical potions of unknown provenance. One was the deadly strain of Ghoulpox that proved so resistant to the cures of the Shallyans. This vial he dropped down the town well. Within a day, several families were sick with Ghoulpox. The other tincture was a cure for the disease, laced with addictive chemicals and enchanted to leave the imbiber open to suggestion. By curing Agnetha von Jungfreud, Doktor Vorsatz has addicted her to the cure — and gained power over her and, thus the town she rules. He has used this influence to suggest she exile the Shallyans from the town. While he is enjoying his new status as a saviour, Vorsatz is increasingly suspicious of the uncanny powers of his anonymous benefactor, who has shown incredible foresight and a talent for supplying potions which are undoubtedly magical. Doktor Vorsatz may be wicked and self-interested, but even he has qualms about dealing with such sorcery.

The Warrior-Priest’s Tale

Though Hugeldal was devastated by the Ghoulpox, it is now seeing an influx of families from local farms and mining communities. They speak of a blight spreading through the land, which infects and poisons the crops. Springs that once quenched the thirsts of miners began to spout black, stagnant filth.




There were reports of plague-ridden beastmen moving throughout the region, driving refugees to flee to the relative safety of Hugeldal. Father Richter Holstein is the town’s zealous priest of Sigmar, a warrior who would not sit idly by while creatures of Chaos stalked the land. For days he preached in the Marktplatz, imploring all men and women to take up their weapons and venture forth with him to purge the land of these abominations. Holstein left Hugeldal three weeks ago at the head of a ragtag group of militia and several flagellants. They were last seen heading west into the forest, belting out hymns to Sigmar. Little did the warrior-priest know that he was manipulated into taking the town’s most able defenders out of Hugeldal just in time for the arrival of the Cavalcade of Nurgle. After a day’s travel, the crusade was lured into a remote valley by a herd of Pestigors and then slaughtered by the beastmen and Proll’s magicks.

PART ONE: THE BANDIT ATTACK The scenario starts as the Characters draw close to Hugeldal. The road rises steadily up through the hills towards the town, with patches of woodland hugging the slopes on either side. Once the party are within a mile of the town, they approach a sharp turn in the road that skirts around a steep hill. The Characters can clearly hear shouts of distress from up ahead. Rounding the hill, they see a one-sided fight in progress.


save us!

When the Characters approach and see what is ahead, you should read or paraphrase the following text to the players: On the road in front of you is a scene of carnage and confusion. You’ve happened upon a fight, which is clearly a one-sided affair. Several figures lie in the dirt, pierced through with arrows. A white dove flitters amongst the fallen. Many of the figures wear the white robes of the cult of Shallya, now stained with dirt and blood. Rough-looking men in dark clothes, armed with crossbows, encircle the Shallyans. Three of the crossbowmen wait by the treeline to the left of the road. Two others approach the fallen with swords, poised to finish them off.


An armoured warrior lies on the ground struggling with a bolt in his thigh whilst a leering brigand in green and russet leather approaches, clearly about to deliver a killing blow. A stooped man in Shallyan robes remains on his feet, backing away from a brutish man in black leathers, who is drawing a longsword. The priest is trying to reason with his attacker. In the midst of the turmoil is a brightly-coloured wagon loaded down with pots and pans, sacks of goods and rolls of rough cloth. The wagon’s driver is crumpled over the reins; a pair of bolts sprout from his back. Loose printed papers litter the ground around the wagon. Two other figures, presumably pedlars, peer down from the wagon’s high-panelled driving seat. The woman is berating the man loudly in accented Reikspiel that they should help the Shallyans, but they are both visibly terrified. The defenceless Shallyans are clearly at the mercy of their attackers. The bandits are obviously the aggressors here. There are six of them, though the party can only see five. The leader, Tarwin Fleisher, and one of his henchmen are approaching the fallen victims with their swords. Three stand at the treeline with crossbows loaded and ready. The last bandit, Tarwin’s twin brother Albrecht, is some distance away in the woods, watching the rear. The bandit’s assault has been swift and merciless — only one Shallyan is still on his feet, and four bodies lie on the ground. Two of the victims are beyond help, though two still cling to life despite being shot. One of the survivors is Victor Hemmelman, the armoured warrior. Sonja Gerstein, a young woman in white robes, is also wounded and bleeding heavily. The standing Shallyan is pleading with Tarwin for his life. This is Rudolph Bram, an older priest in the cult of Shallya. The Characters will need to act fast to prevent a massacre. When first observed, the battle is 30 yards away. Once you have set the scene, ask the Players what they want to do.

The Fight

The bandits have a job to do — when the Party arrives, they’ll try to finish it and get away. If the Characters don’t act, events will unfold as follows: 0 Round 1 - The bandits are preoccupied and fail to notice the Characters rounding the bend. They could be Surprised! If the Characters act fast.


0 Round 2 - A bandit strikes a killing blow to Victor Hemmelman, the armoured warrior. One of the bandits on the treeline will spot the Characters on a successful Average (+20) Perception Test. If successful, he raises the alarm and shoots at the closest Character. Albrecht Fleischer flees into the forest unseen.

action. Against parties with especially fearsome warriors, priests of Sigmar, Ulric or Myrmidia, or spellcasters, they may fire a volley of crossbow bolts and then flee towards the camp. BANDITS - BANDITS (BRASS 2) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 38 35 35 30 30 30 27 30 30 12

0 Round 3 - Tarwin Fleischer engages and attacks Rudolph Bram. If the Characters pose a threat to Tarwin, he will use the Shallyan as a hostage instead.

Traits: Armour (Body) 1 (4), Ranged (Crossbow) +8, Weapon (Sword) +7

0 Round 4 - If Rudolph Bram is free, he rushes over to Sonja to tend to her wounds, using the Blessing of Tenacity to staunch the bleeding.

Trappings: Leather Jerkin, Sword, Crossbow

0 Round 5 - If she is not tended to with a healing draught, first aid or similar care to staunch at least one Bleeding Condition, Sonja Gerstein dies from her wounds. 0 Round 8 - If Victor Hemmelman is still alive but has not been healed to staunch at least one Bleeding Condition, he dies from his wounds.

The Bandit’s Reaction

Albrecht Fleischer is watching the fight from within the forest and flees immediately. He took the contract for this job, and he knows how important it is to keep the client a secret. Albrecht is not a coward, but he is wily and recognises that the Characters have the ability and numbers to turn the battle. Albrecht makes his way to the bandit camp, picks up his belongings and horse, and then heads to Hugeldal. He waits at the Bucket of Blood tavern in the hope that his brother and any other surviving bandits will meet rendezvous there. Tarwin Fleischer is a dangerously unhinged man who would rather die than run. As soon as the Characters reveal themselves, he focuses on them, calling the most formidable of the Player Characters to face him in combat. If he is shot or targeted with magic, he hides behind the wagon for cover, calling the Characters cowards for not engaging him in single combat. The other bandits are not very brave. They flee towards the bandit camp as soon as it looks like the fight is not going their way or when three or more bandits are out of


Skills: Melee (Basic) 45, Perception 40, Ranged (Crossbow) 48, Stealth (Rural) 35

Tarwin and Albrecht Fleischer

The bandits are led by the identical twins Tarwin and Albrecht. Both are tall and well-built men in their late 20s. They have shaven heads and wear cheerfully psychotic expressions. Those who know the two well say that Albrecht is more cunning, whilst Tarwin is more prone to violence. The twins smile in an unsettling manner, Albrecht turning the left side of his mouth up at the corner and Tarwin raising the right. Albrecht took a contract from Doktor Vorsatz to waylay the Shallyans. He arranged to meet the Doktor at 10 o’clock the same night to receive payment. The bandits are an opportunistic band of malcontents rounded up by the Fleischers whenever they need help to commit a robbery or other crime. They’re amoral and not too bright. TARWIN & ALBRECHT FLEISCHER - OULAWS (BRASS 2) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

43 43 42 45 43 35 30 35 38 35 15

Traits: Armour (Body, Arms, Legs) 1 (5), Ranged (Crossbow) +8, Weapon (Sword) +8

Skills: Athletics 40, Cool 51, Dodge 40, Endurance 50, Intimidate 47, Leadership 40, Melee (Basic) 51, Outdoor Survival 42, Perception 47, Ranged (Crossbow) 48, Stealth (Rural) 38 Trappings: Leather Jack, Leather Leggings, Sword, Crossbow





the bandits

Only Albrecht Fleischer knows why the bandits attacked the Shallyans — the others just know that they were hired to mete out some beatings. If captured and threatened, the bandits try to save their skins by explaining that the band was hired to kill the Shallyans and to make it look like a goblin attack. They even have two goblin corpses hidden nearby to leave at the scene. Any surviving Shallyans are prepared to forgive the bandits and will not want to see more bloodshed, though Victor Hemmelman and the pedlars are more grudging in this regard.


If the Characters get to Victor Hemmelman or Sonja Gerstein before they die, they can attempt to heal them. Sonja has a Bleeding Condition and four remaining wounds. Victor has a Bleeding Condition and six remaining wounds.


the survivors have to say

Any surviving Shallyans are grateful to the Characters for rescuing them. Assuming they are alive and conscious, Rudolph and Sonja do what they can to treat any illnesses or injuries that the Characters and other survivors have suffered. Both can use Blessings, the Heal skill and Sonja can invoke the Shallya’s Tears Miracle. Rudolph also has a healing draft. Sonja Gerstein is a young priestess with flushed features and pale skin. After the fight, she is weak from blood loss and covered in bruises and dirt from the road. If she is able, she does most of the talking — she is senior to Rudolph in the cult despite her age. Rudolph Bram is a priest of the cult. His hair is streaked with grey, as is his close-cropped beard. Despite his gentle features, his hands are heavily calloused, no doubt from the years of work he’s performed in Shallya’s name. Victor Hemmelman is a burly man dressed in sturdy but ramshackle armour and bearing several scars on his face and hands. He is also grudgingly grateful for the Characters’ rescue and a little ashamed that he couldn’t protect the Shallyans himself.


A CONVERSATION WITH SONJA AND RUDOLPH What happened? ‘We don’t know! We were just heading out from Hugeldal when those bandits fired at us from the edge of the woods and just charged! Merciful Shallya must have sent you to save us.’ Where are you going? ‘We’re headed for Ubersreik to petition High Priestess Altenblum for aid. We’ve been cast out of the temple hospice and forbidden from performing rites and blessings in the town. By order of Lady Agnetha herself!’ Why might she have done that? ‘There were rumours Shallya had forsaken us. This year we’ve had an epidemic of Ghoulpox in town and our blessings did nothing to halt the disease or cure the afflicted. Sadly, Lord Matthias succumbed to the illness, while Lady Agnetha and the infant Leos survived … but barely.’ So you think she holds a grudge? ‘Perhaps. We understand and forgive, of course. She must be wracked with madness and grief. But this can only end badly if she does not see sense,maybe she’ll be deposed or imprisoned for impiety. Would you go to Hugeldal and talk sense to her?’ But… you said something about Ghoulpox? I’m not sure I want Ghoulpox. ‘It seems to have subsided, thanks be to Shallya. There have been no new infections for some weeks, so you should be safe enough.’ Maybe we could escort you to Ubersreik? ‘It is more important you speak with Lady Agnetha. Besides, merciful Shallya protects us now — did she not send you to our aid?’

The pedlars are Augustin and Sabina Striganov, a pair of travellers who have been in Hugeldal trading with the townsfolk and their fellow Strigany. They express sincere thanks to the party and offer them goods at half price — kitchen implements, clothing and blankets. Augustin says very little and concentrates on picking up the pieces of paper and securing the driver’s body in the cart. Sabina does most of the talking.


A CONVERSATION WITH VICTOR What happened? ‘Classic ambush. There was nothing much I could do — we were outnumbered and they came at us like lightning.’ Why are you on the road? ‘I’m a soldier for hire, but I’m escorting the Shallyans to Ubersreik. They’ve been good to me over the years and I want to return the favour by protecting them on the road.’ What’s happening in Hugeldal? ‘Lady Agnetha’s gone out of her mind — grief, I reckon. And that engineer ... what’s his name? ‘Dwarfgardt’ they call him. The Lady’s got close with him and he talks a lot of dangerous nonsense about priests.’ Are you still going to Ubersreik then? ‘Aye. I’ll see the survivors there safe, then I’m going up to Neufaljung to pick up work from Graf Sigismund — he’s hiring anyone he can find apparently.’ What about these bodies? ‘Too many to carry. When you get to Hugeldal, tell Bernd at the Bucket of Blood to send a cart to pick them up. He’ll get them to the Garden of Morr.’


The papers are notices printed on cheap paper with woodblocks. See Handouts 1-3: 0 A declaration by General von Dabernick denouncing all who support the traitor Sigismund von Jungfreud. It issues a warning that disloyalty to the Emperor is punishable by execution. 0 A bill for Ubersreik’s Fleshmarket, notifying them of auction days for cattle, horseflesh, poultry, sheep and swine. Presenting the bill to the auctioneer entitles the bearer to a free pig’s eye with every auction purchase. 0 A bill for the Jolly Cavalcade, a travelling theatre troupe. It promises acrobats, clowns, and dramatic performances, both tragical and comical.

A CONVERSATION WITH SABINA Why are you on the road? ‘We travel — and live, thanks to you! Between Hugeldal, Ubersreik, Auerswald and Holgau, you know? We sell goods on the way.’ Are you with the Shallyans? ‘No, but we ride together for safety… much good that did us! The roads are so dangerous these days. Altdorf army. Ubersreik army. Now they’re saying beastmen are attacking farms outside Hugeldal.’ Who was the driver? ‘That was Augustin’s brother, Florin. It’s sad, although I didn’t like him much. Bad breath, liked to argue.’ What are all these pieces of paper? ‘We’re peddlers, we make money where we can. In Ubersreik the printer pays us a little to put these on wayposts on the road and hand them out to folk. I don’t know what they say. Have some.’




The Bandit


The bandits waited to ambush the Shallyans a few yards from the road, hidden by the foliage on the fringe of the forest. Characters who investigate the bandits’ position make two discoveries. First, there are two Goblin corpses in a ditch, wrapped in tarpaulin. The Goblins are clad in heavy black garments favoured by tribes that live under the mountains. One has a crude red moon stitched onto its hood — a successful Hard (-20) Lore (Reikland) Test reveals this is the emblem of the Bleeding Moon tribe who dwell under the mountains to the south. They are also missing their ears. A Character who passes an Average (+20) Heal or Lore (Medicine) Test can tell that they were killed with crossbow bolts.

A TOWN CALLED MALAISE As the characters get closer to the town’s main gate, they get a good view of Hugeldal and its surroundings. If they have played ‘Ash in the Wind’, they are familiar with the town. Otherwise, you may want to ask for Challenging (+0) Lore (Reikland) Tests and, depending on the degree of success, summarise the following description to share what their characters know about Hugeldal.


The second discovery requires an Average (+20) Perception Test. Success reveals a well-worn but narrow path leading into the forest. If the test fails, the Characters still find the path but struggle to follow it and run a high risk of stumbling into a caltrops trap. The path is several hundred yards long and ends in a small clearing with several tents and the remains of a campfire.

Hugeldal is a mining town 12 miles southwest of Ubersreik and situated on the slopes of the Grey Mountains. It was the seat of Baron Matthais von Jungfreund until his recent demise and remains loyal to the deposed Graf Sigismund. In more peaceful times, the town maintained a steady flow of trade from mining and the passage of prospectors and hunters seeking their fortunes. Where once there were around 500 folk residing in the town, there are now fewer than 180.

Caltrops trap


There is a trap on the path, and the Character leading a group must pass a Difficult (-10) Perception Test to avoid it. If they struggled to follow the path, the Test becomes Hard (-20). The trap is a tripwire stretched over the path, beyond which there are a number of caltrops scattered on the ground. If they don’t spot the trap, the leader of the group falls over the tripwire and may injure themselves on the spikes. Roll a Challenging (+0) Athletics Test. If they fail, the Character takes a hit on a random location and loses 1d10 Wounds modified by Armour Points and Toughness. The bandit camp consists of nothing more than a couple of well-made bivouacs and a fire pit. A makeshift hitching post suggests that a horse was kept here. From the camp, another path runs in a wide, looping arc for several hundred yards before joining the main road just in sight of Hugeldal’s main gates. The path is wide enough for a horse, and there are fresh hoof prints in the mud. One of the bivouacs contains a stash of 8 shillings and a healing draught in a dented tin flask.



Hugeldal was first settled around 300 IC when miners from Ubersreik hacked the first shafts into the cliffs which dominate the modern town. Over the centuries, the mining camp expanded into a trading post and later a village. The locals claim that Hugeldal expanded during the reign of Sigismund II to help meet his demand for chainmail and spearheads. Records in the temple of Sigmar state that the first shrine to the god was built around this time. In 1112 IC, the Black Plague ravaged the area, just as it did across the Empire. In the aftermath, the rulers of the Reikland realised just how important it was to keep sites of iron production running, and they sponsored the foundation of a Shallyan temple hospice in the town, for which it became well known. As Hugeldal attracted more passing trade, it became a destination for the Strigany. Nomadic pedlars regularly bought and sold goods in the town, and their colourful carts became a common sight on the road and outside the town.


The Shallyans came into conflict with the miners due to their unhygienic behaviour and drunken fights. The priests lobbied the ruling nobility to prohibit drinking, gambling and other dubious pursuits from the town. The Baron agreed. This pushed insalubrious behaviour outside the town palisade as the Strigany and other wandering traders began to offer spaces for gambling, licentious dancing, and rowdy drinking. Most townsfolk ventured out to enjoy themselves from time to time, although they would condemn it when in polite company. The Strigany were forbidden from entering the town itself, per charters and laws enacted in 1898 IC. This was largely driven by prejudice, as their presence has always been relatively harmonious. Recent events in Ubersreik have thrown the town into turmoil. Inevitably, Baron Mattias von Jungfreud declared for Graf Sigismund when the Altdorf State Army marched into the Duchy. Hugeldal is defensible, so a substantial militia of Ubersreik troops retreated to the town. Altdorf soldiers have not attacked Hugeldal, but trade links are broken, and patrolling troops in the hills have deterred merchants and others from coming to the town.

Hugeldal Today

A succession of tragic events has left Hugeldal a shadow of its former self. Conflict in the Duchy has increased the cost of living, exacerbated by limited trade and declining yield from the iron mines. The Ghoulpox killed almost 100 townsfolk and disfigured many of the


remainder, leaving them lame and sickly. Beastmen and blight are now devastating local farms and small mining communities, so refugees from the hinterland flock to the town with tales of woe and very little to their name. Father Holstein’s crusade gave a sense of purpose to many townsfolk, and many able-bodied fighters left, along with most of the remaining Ubersreik soldiers.

General Layout

Hugeldal stands in the shadow of a vertiginous mountainside, which forms a natural barrier on the northern edge of town. The rock face is perforated with mine entrances dating back thousands of years. Exhausted excavations are closed with stonework, while active shafts are surrounded by piles of spoil and carts full of ore. A small iron foundry processes ore close to the mineworks. The other town boundaries are surrounded by a tall wooden palisade, broken by one main gate. This still bears the von Jungfreud arms above the entrance — a silver stag rampant on a blue field. To the left of the gate is the Garden of Morr, and to the right is the Strigany camp. Within the palisade, the town slopes gently down from the mountainside into the valley. Buildings in Hugeldal have a ramshackle appearance, with streets winding down the slope in no regular pattern. Most dwellings in the town are constructed from timber planks and boards from nearby woods. The more important buildings, such as the Manor House and Temple of Sigmar, are constructed largely from stone. A small Dwarf quarter is likewise built from stone to a higher standard than the other buildings.







Hugeldal is a disheartening place. The people have been through several difficult years with plague, the loss of their Graf and a popular Baron, and now frightening news from the local hill country. Refugees bring fresh fears, although they struggle to articulate precisely what blights the land nearby. When roleplaying the inhabitants, try to convey the sense of defeat and anxiety. Life has been tough, and they don’t feel that it’s going to get much better. If anything positive should happen — such as the appearance of a travelling troupe of entertainers — people will be especially pleased. Almost everyone in Hugeldal is loyal to the von Jungfreuds, so if the Characters have been working on behalf of the Altdorf occupiers of Ubersreik, they would do well to keep that quiet. It’s likely that the Characters will stay the night at the Bucket of Blood inn. If not, there is one other inn, the Pig & Drummer, which offers a barebones, draughty common room. There are also two doss houses for miners or prospectors — 3 pennies a night for a pile of mildewed straw and an Easy (+40) Endurance Test to avoid catching Itching Pox.


The witch scare only made things worse — mutant births, unexplained ailments and disembowelled livestock, and then a respected burgher was exposed as a witch. Townsfolk respect the returning Party for what they accomplished, but worry that their reappearance portends another upset… If Yves Plonta asked them to come to Hugeldal, he will meet them at the Manor House. They may also meet other familiar NPCs if they haven’t left town or met a grisly end. For example, Irmegard Hugelmann could still be burgomeister — if so, she is paranoid about the Characters return.

Asking about Ghoulpox

Fortunately for the Characters, Doktor Vorsatz has almost eliminated the epidemic. Only a handful of people are still afflicted, and they remain indoors under doctor’s orders. Survivors are curious why the Shallyans were unable to cure the disease. It was only when Doktor Vorsatz distributed his medicine that people found relief. If asking about Ghoulpox, different reactions will be along these lines: 0 ‘Terrible it was. Terrible. What a time for Shallya to forsake us! What have we done wrong? Why did she punish us like that?’ 0 ‘Well, I don’t want to offend the merciful goddess or her followers, and I certainly don’t enjoy paying physicians, but I must admit that it was Doktor Vorsatz that kept the sickness at bay — not the Shallyans.’ 0 ‘One day everyone’s right as rain, next day … dropping dead everywhere. Mother Sonja at the hospice didn’t know what to do, then this Doktor … well, I don’t like him much … eyes too close together, you see … but he did the trick. He gave us this grey tincture that actually works.’ When questioned about the original outbreak, various accounts point to the Bucket of Blood tavern, where the first cases appeared. This is not suspicious. After all, most diseases are brought in by travellers. People also comment on how the disease hit several families simultaneously.


If the Party spends time investigating the spread of the disease in this way, they may deduce something about its origins. Characters passing an Average (+20) Heal or Difficult (-10) Intuition Test will figure out that the disease must have infected a source that many people use regularly.


Running This Section

Hugeldal is a self-enclosed area for the Characters to explore and gather clues. This will likely lead them to suspect Doktor Vorsatz. Whilst the Characters are free to wander about the town as they wish, you are advised to help them experience the following encounters: 0 At the gate, the Characters learn that Lady Agnetha von Jungfreud has indeed banned the work of Shallyans in Hugeldal. 0 If the Characters want to talk with Agnetha von Jungfreud, she grants them a brief audience to justify her actions. The Characters may find a clue linking Agnetha von Jungfreud to Doktor Vorsatz during this interview. 0 The Characters will likely want to visit the Doktor. His private residence and surgery can be reached by passing the Temple of Sigmar (where a vagrant may provide another clue) and travelling down a street populated by Dwarfs (where a bounty hunter also provides clues.) 0 At the Doktor’s residence, the Characters find clues linking him to the schemes of Gul Proll and the Leechlord. If confronted, the Doktor flees, using some nasty tricks to cover his tracks. 0 The Doktor reconvenes with his bandit allies and plans to rid the town of the Characters once and for all. There are other optional encounters outlined below, and although Hugeldal is partly deserted, it is still a town with other characters, shops and other locations that Characters can visit. Consider carefully how you want to use the incidental NPCs. If the Characters are struggling to follow the trail of clues, it may not be a good idea to use a tangential character such as the Verenan priest. You could also move the location of NPCs, such as the vagrant or bounty hunter, to ensure the Characters meet them and hear what they have to say. On the other hand, if the Characters are hot on the Doktor’s trail and haven’t soaked up the ambience of Hugeldal, you may wish to add some NPCs to spice things up and help show that the town has a life of its own, with characters who are not involved in the plot.


A Startling Proclamation

The town gate is manned by two guards, Herman Vorst and his nephew Osk Hessel. Herman is a brittle-looking old man with gaunt features and thick white whiskers on his cheeks. His mind is sharp but he is embittered and spiteful. He focuses his anger on Altdorfers and the Strigany camped outside town. Herman is vociferous about keeping them out of Hugeldal. Osk is a slow-witted lummox with dull brown eyes and a constant smile. He merely parrots his uncle’s questions and adds nothing of his own. Herman questions the Characters whether their allegiances lie with Graf Sigismund or General Dabernick. If necessary, give Players an Easy (+40) Perception Test to notice the von Jungfreud arms above the gate. He will then ask whether they are connected to the ‘travelling folk’, giving the Strigany camp a venomous look. Both watchmen are feeling under the weather — they are rheumy-eyed and sluggish. Brandt continually wipes at a stream of mucus that runs from his left nostril. This is the work of Doktor Vorsatz. For more information, read The Town Watch on page 90. HERMAN VORST - GUARD (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 30 30 30 30 28 25 45 35 29 12

Traits: Armour (Body, Arms) 1 (4), Weapon (Halberd) +7 Skills: Cool 40, Consume Alcohol 35,

Dodge 33, Melee (Basic) 40, Melee (Brawling) 50, Perception 40 Trappings: Leather Jack, Halberd

Has one Fatigued Condition due to minor illnesses. OSK HESSEL - GUARD (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 30 40 40 25 32 30 24 30 23 15

Traits: Armour (Body, Arms) 1 (5), Weapon (Halberd) +7 Skills: Cool 32, Consume Alcohol 35,

Dodge 37, Melee (Basic) 40, Melee (Brawling) 50, Perception 40 Trappings: Leather Jack, Halberd

Has one Fatigued Condition due to minor illnesses. Pinned to the gate are several copies of the following notice (Handout 4: Public Proclamation)





locations in


The Von Jungfreud Manor

A massive townhouse dominates the eastern quarter of the town — the von Jungfreud manor. This imposing building housed the ruling family for generations and has all the conveniences and pomp of a typical noble manor; a well-stocked library, sumptuous withdrawing rooms, a wood-panelled dining chamber, a kitchen run by many staff, and a walled garden patrolled by well-armed, professional guards dressed in blue and silver Jungfreud livery. Sixteen guards working in teams of four patrol the grounds, rotating shifts throughout the day. Each patrol has a guard with a crossbow and silver horn, which they blow to alert the household if necessary. JUNGFREUD MANOR GUARDS - GUARDS (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 4

If none of the Characters can read, Herman paraphrases the wording, keeping a sharp eye out for their reactions. This is a shocking proclamation. If the Players don’t realise as such, a Very Easy (+60) Lore (Theology, History, Law) Test reminds the Characters that such a declaration could be deemed blasphemous. Indeed there are historical instances where similar acts of impiety have met with outrage, censure, and even execution. However, Lady Agnetha is a noble, so Characters will also realise that to take unilateral action against her could result in dire consequences, even if she is committing blasphemy. Asking people in Hugeldal about the proclamation will elicit responses along these lines: 0 ‘Poor woman’s gone mad with grief. Lost her husband, Morr protect his soul, then nearly lost her baby. This nonsense about the Shallyans could only come from an unsettled mind. She used to have her head screwed on right.’ 0 ‘She may be angry that the Shallyans couldn’t cure her family, but there’s no excuse for this … well, it’s blasphemy isn’t it? Wait ‘til they hear about it in Ubersreik! They’ll come down hard on this.’ 0 ‘I’m saying this in confidence, do you get me? I reckon she’s a witch. Who else has it in for the Shallyans? They’re not even allowed to hit yer!’




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

45 35 35 42 45 40 30 35 35 30 14

Traits: Armour (Body, Arms) 2 (6), Ranged (Crossbow) +8, Weapon (Sword) +7

Skills: Dodge 45, Melee (Basic) 55, Intuition 50, Perception 50, Ranged (Crossbow) 40 Trappings: Sleeved Mail Shirt, Longsword. In each patrol, one guard carries a Crossbow and a Silver Horn.

If the Party were summoned by Yves Plonta, he thanks them for coming and explains his concerns about the Lady of the Manor. Just like other townsfolk, her proclamation troubles him. As a loyal servant, he believes she has come under an undue influence which made her act out of character. He suggests they talk with her to see what they can discern. If Lady Agnetha is restored to her right mind, Yves assures them that she will reward them. If the Party has a letter from Ludmilla Aschaffenberg, they are ushered through to an audience with Lady Agnetha as soon as they announce their business. If they have no pretext for visiting, the Party may anticipate difficulty gaining an audience. On the contrary, Agnetha von Jungfreud is willing to speak with anyone who enquires about the Shallyans. She believes it is important to explain her reasoning and let her views spread by word of mouth. Merely mentioning the bandit attack or the proclamation will grant them access.


The Characters are asked to wait in a large study decorated with portraits, bookshelves, and a large writing desk. After a short wait, Agnetha enters and, with minimum pomp, sits down at the desk. She speaks in matter-of-fact tones, recounting well-rehearsed statements interspersed with coughing, the lingering effects of Ghoulpox. Lady Agnetha is dismissive of any arguments against her position, and if the Characters persist, she will summon the guards to escort them from the manor. If they offer to help her son, she will question their qualifications and, if convincing, will talk with Doktor Vorsatz about the Party the next time she sees him. He will dismiss the idea and use his hold over Agnetha to get her to forget about it. Any further attempts to see Lady Agnetha before Part 3 are rebuffed.

Lady Agnetha

von Jungfreud

Lady Agnetha is a young noblewoman, recently widowed and very insecure about her prospects of remaining in charge of Hugeldal. The beleaguered von Jungfreuds are in no position to help, and her relatives in House Bruner seem to have other matters on their minds. She feels very alone. Ghoulpox has left its mark on Agnetha, leaving her scarred, bereaved and cynical. She was once a beautiful woman, but the disease has ravaged her face and taken her confidence. She wears a black veil of mourning to hide her features. Behind it, her gaze is haunted and distant. She is grateful to Doktor Vorsatz for saving her life and that of her son, and so has listened to his suggestions that she outlaw Shallyan practices in Hugeldal.


A CONVERSATION WITH LADY AGNETHA Could you explain more about the proclamation? ‘Certainly. For the next week I’ve decided to grant an audience to anyone who needs to hear my case for closing the temple hospice. — COFF! — I have no need to justify myself to commoners, so I hope you appreciate my candour on the subject and I would appreciate it if you would provide an accurate report of my reasons if asked about them by others?’ We will. What is your case? ‘The Shallyan cult are a vestige of history and an expensive one at that. These days, we have advances in medicine that make their miracles redundant and the upkeep of their institutions financially wasteful.’ ‘Because Shallyans provide their ministrations free of charge, they encourage the worst kind of sloth in the poor — COFF! — they pander to known criminals and the righteous alike, and therefore promote immorality and vice. Their ‘miracles’ erode trust in the skill of professional physicians and undermine our understanding of natural philosophies. Their presence in the town — COFF! COFF! — excuse me — in the town attracts all manner of beggars, adventurers, Bretonnians, and people bringing contagion. Their pacifism makes them a liability during these turbulent times, when hostile armies, beastmen and goblins stalk the land. COFF! COFF! Excuse me.’ ‘At this point Agnetha draws a vial of dull grey liquid from a nearby drawer and takes a moment to swig liberally from the contents.’ What’s in the vial? ‘You’re quite impertinent, aren’t you? It is a tincture prescribed by Doktor Vorsatz to expunge the last vestiges of Ghoulpox from my body. This cough is all that remains of the illness that took my husband from me and almost killed myself and my son.’ Are you concerned about accusations of blasphemy? ‘As ruler of Hugeldal, it is my role to do what is morally and financially prudent. Remember that we are recovering from a plague which the Shallyans failed to treat. That is why I have proscribed the miracles of Shallya and handed the temple hospice over to professional physicians who perform an honest day’s work for an honest day’s fee.’ Shallyans on the road were attacked by bandits, Some of them were killed. ‘I’m very sorry to hear that — I certainly don’t wish them harm. Perhaps that’s proof that their pacifism is misplaced during these lawless times?’ We have a letter from Lady Ludmilla Aschaffenberg for you. F’inally, someone in Ubersreik remembers I exist. How kind. I shall take these empty words of concern and use them to nurse my infant son back to strength, shall I’







Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

38 32 25 36 42 39 37 32 22 41 10

Skills: Bribery 46, Charm 49, Gossip 46, Intimidate 30, Language (Classical) 36, Leadership 43, Lore (Heraldry) 37, Melee (Fencing) 43, Play (Lute) 42

Talents: Doomed (A tug of war between the Crow and Lord Morr), Etiquette (Noble), Noble Blood, Read/Write Trappings: Highest Quality Mourning Garb, Jewellry worth 60 GC, Manor House, Loyal Staff

The Vial

The Characters won’t be able to take the tincture from the desk, but there is an empty vial on a cabinet close to the door. Someone can palm the vial unnoticed on an Average (+20) Sleight of Hand Test. If they fail, Agnetha calls the guards to throw them out for stealing. A character with Second Sight who examines the vial sees a faint aura of dark magic about the dregs of liquid in the vial. A label on the vial reads “Doktor Vorsatz, Licensed Physician of Distinction, Member of the Honourable Altdorf Guild of Physicians, 17 Schuttstrasse, Hugeldal. Recommended dosage — half a spoonful each night before retiring to bed. Shake well before use.” On the bottom of the vial is an imprint of a stylised boat with sails and three oars. Characters who pass an Easy (+40) Lore (Heraldry) Test will recognise this as a device associated with Nordland.

The Bucket



The town square is in the middle of town. In the centre is the main well and a large coaching inn called the Bucket of Blood. It is a magnificent half-timbered building, and the bar is always busy serving drinks and food to miners and prospectors. A local legend suggests that Hugeldal was a site of religious strife during the infamous reign of Emperor Didrick the Unjust. During the turbulent years before Sigismund II became Emperor, the cults of Sigmar and Ulric were in open conflict. An Ulrican priest came to Hugeldal and was killed during a brawl with drunken


Sigmarites. They dropped his decapitated head down the well. The legend states that each Geheimisnacht, a bucket hauled from the well will brim over with blood. Locals don’t really believe the legend, but they don’t use the well on that particular night— just in case. By the inn is a hitching post for horses with a piebald stallion tied to it. This horse belongs to Albrecht Fleisher. The bandit is hiding in a room in the inn, waiting until ten bells for his rendezvous with Doktor Vorsatz. The inn provides fine fare at good prices — the Four Seasons coaching company that runs the place would have it no other way. The menu is mostly aimed at merchants, and a meal costs between two and ten shillings. However, a hearty farmer’s repast costs just six brass. The Bucket of Blood also offers entertainment from a lute-plucking minstrel who sits in the corner singing depressing folk songs such as Tomas Wanderer or The Reik Is Wide. Just before the Characters arrive at the Bucket of Blood, Bernd hears about them from Albrecht Fleischer. Now he’s extremely anxious. Victimising Strigany is one thing, but being party to murdering priests is quite another. He’s now involved in a conspiracy that’s gotten out of hand — he and Doktor Vorsatz both know that one another is compromised. Bernd is furious that Albrecht is in the inn but hasn’t had time to resolve matters, although he plans to have it out with the Doktor when he gets there at ten. Nevertheless, he greets the Characters as the model of an obsequious, welcoming landlord.

Bernd Ensslin, Innkeeper

The innkeeper is a tall, pot-bellied man with an unkempt beard. Part of his right ear is missing — bitten off by a goblin, he claims. He originally comes from Altdorf and works for the Four Seasons coaching company. Doktor Vorsatz and he both come from the Empire’s capital and have formed a strong bond reminiscing about Altdorf over a glass, or two, of wine. He is also old friends with Jurgen Horst of the Halfway House in Geissbach. Bernd is a ruthless businessman and a bigot who will do anything to maintain the monopoly the Four Seasons has in Hugeldal. As such, he has entered into the conspiracy with Doktor Vorsatz, to a limited degree. Bernd wants to get rid of the Strigany camp that provides rival services to those he offers (such as haulage) and, in all honesty, provides far better entertainment of an evening.


The Doktor proposed a solution and provided the means — clothing from Ghoulpox patients. Bernd has been trading with pedlars from the camp and hopes that the sickness will either drive them off or kill them. Ironically, the Strigany and other wandering traders in the camp have built up resistance to Ghoulpox from life on the road. The hapless people who buy their goods are not so lucky, and there’s a real risk that the epidemic will spread from Hugeldal into the wider Reikland.

If the Characters stay the night at the Bucket of Blood, Bernd gives them a cut price rate whether they mentioned the Shallyans or not — he wants to keep them where he can see them. It’s only 6 shillings for a private room that sleeps the whole party. If this makes the Characters suspicious, a cynical drinker waits until Berndis out of earshot and comments, ‘He’s that desperate, see? Nobody comes to Hugeldal these days.’ BERND ENSSLIN - INNKEEPER (SILVER 1) M WS BS S

A CONVERSATION WITH BERND How’s business? ‘Good day! Hello hello! So good to see visitors here in Hugeldal. Such fine folk. How has your day been? I’m afraid we’re suffering a little these days. Trade is down, the roads aren’t as safe as they were. I blame the army down in Ubersreik. I’m from Altdorf myself, but even I can see that something’s not right in the Palace if Karl Franz sanctioned that mess.’ Why is the town so empty? ‘Ghoulpox mainly. Then Father Holstein from the Temple of Sigmar took a lot with him to sort out these beastmen attacks. We’ve not heard of them since. It’s a worry — but what isn’t these days?’ There are some bodies on the road to Ubersreik. Shallyans attacked by bandits. ‘Sigmar preserve us! It’s very sad times when even the poor Shallyans are waylaid. But you saved some of them? Such heroes! Who did it? The Strigany I expect. You must stay here, we’ll give you the best rooms at a very reasonable price.’ A Hard (-20) Intuition Test reveals that Bernd is feigning shock, but he is genuinely perturbed by the news. What do you think of Lady Agnetha’s proclamation? ‘A bad business. A very bad business. It’s all that engineer Thorsten Wolfgart — she shouldn’t have him in the house. He denies the gods, thinks everything is just cogs and pistons.’ Do you know Doktor Vorsatz? ‘Wilhelm? A gem of a man. Grew up just three streets from me in Altdorf, he did. What he’s done for this town … I don’t think we’ll ever be able to repay him. He was the one that cured the Ghoulpox.’





Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

31 33 29 30 35 33 35 33 30 35 11

Traits: Weapon (Axe) +6

Skills: Bribery 41, Charm 45, Consume Alcohol 40, Evaluate 39, Gossip 39, Haggle 45, Melee (Basic) 36, Intuition 43, Perception 39

Trappings: Beer-stained apron, Hand Axe (behind the bar), Guilty Conscience

The Well

The well supplies much of the town’s water, and there are often people milling around it with casks and bottles, waiting for their turn. The well is not deep, as this part of the Reikland receives regular rainfall and runoff from a nearby mountain stream. There are also numerous springs in the mountainside above, so the groundwater level is relatively high. A Character who draws water or looks down the well may spot something glittering on a Hard (-20) Perception Test. Retrieving the object requires someone to squeeze or stretch their way down with an Average (+20) Athletics Test, or concocting some clever plan. If this object is retrieved, it turns out to be a small glass vial, similar to the ones in Doktor Vorsatz’s surgery and the vials in Agnetha von Jungfreud’s study – though any label has long since disintegrated. This vial is the source of the original Ghoulpox infection.







The Garden of Morr stands outside Hugeldal’s palisade. It is ringed with a high, teetering, dry stone wall into which are placed reliquaries and small shrines for people to pay their respects to those interred within. The entrance to the Garden is a large gatehouse which symbolises the dead’s passage through Morr’s portal into the afterlife. The gatehouse is manned at all times by Jorgen Lauengram of the Town Watch. He prevents anyone from entering the Garden unless they are a member of the cult of Morr, though at times, people try to sneak past him to visit a family member’s resting place. The gatehouse is a different matter, and if they talk with Jorgen politely, they are permitted inside — where six dead bodies are laid out, ready for interment. The Garden itself is a beautiful, sombre location. Tangles of black roses grow between and up the walls of large mausoleums, where bodies are interred. There are no burials here, instead the dead are laid out on biers in the mausoleums and the catacombs beneath. Jorgen is a lean, lanky figure with long fingers, which twitch nervously along the haft of his halberd as he talks. As befits his station, he is a serious, reflective character. He currently looks a little bilious. Like his fellow watchmen, he is slightly unwell. See page 90 if you need an NPC profile for Jorgen.


A CONVERSATION WITH JORGEN Can we go into the Garden? ‘I’m afraid not, unless you’re one of Morr’s cult? If you are, you’ll no doubt have his symbol about your person?’ Who are these bodies? ‘Ah. It’s a sad tale. Three of them came to town just a week ago from the same farm. They were all from the same family, running from beastmen like the rest. Unlucky for them, they caught the pox soon after they arrived and didn’t get the cure in time. I’m told that the father survived. I expect he’d take some comfort from knowing they’re in Morr’s garden now. Would you tell him? He’ll be in the Temple of Sigmar with the others.’ What about the other bodies? ‘That’s Thal Lahrer — miner, died in a cave-in. She’s Gerda Baumann, 95 years old they say. That last one is Holger Frey. He tried to tell a joke to a horse and it kicked him in the head.’ Are you feeling well? ‘Not too good, a little nauseous, thank you for asking. It’ll pass — probably my wife’s goat pie. I’ve never enjoyed goat pie.’ There are some bodies on the road to Ubersreik ‘Morr comes for us all in the end. Tell Bernd at the Bucket of Blood and he’ll send a cart to bring them here.’


Strigany Camp

Outside the gates are 14 carts and caravans arranged in two meandering lines, presenting their rear doors to make a kind of temporary street. Each one is well-maintained and painted with colourful motifs — clear sources of pride for the owners. Men, women and children busy themselves in the camp and offer hospitality to miners, travellers, and all who are willing to pay. Despite the informal name for the camp, only half of the caravans belong to Strigany. The others are owned by various well-traveled pedlars, entertainers, and similar who know that there’s good business at Hugeldal. Some notable caravans: 0 Helga Knud runs a small gambling den —there are two tables in the caravan, one for cards and one for dice. 0 Zara, Hrod and Petru are Strigany entertainers who play wistful music from dusk to midnight. 0 Marek Axel sells spirits from a stall at the back of his caravan. He has barrels of rough Kislevan vodka, fortified Stirland wine and something supposedly from Albion called uisce. 0 The Magpie’s Caravan. Thief-Priest Valasta maintains a shrine of Ranald in the back of a covered wagon. She never stays longer than one night at a time. 0 Danior is a Strigany pedlar who deals in old weapons. He can buy or sell to the Characters at decent rates if they haggle successfully. He has nothing more unusual than swords, hand axes, spears and shields. 0 Timo Winkel buys and sells cloth. He has a very thick Wissenland accent. Winkel is Bernd Ensslin’s main trading partner, and some of the stock on his wagon is infected. He is wary of the innkeeper as everyone knows he’s a bigot, but he’s selling good quality cloth for very low prices.


Talking with people in the camp reveals little about the conspiracy within Hugeldal. After all, they’re not allowed into the town. Most saw the Shallyans leave and are concerned by news they were attacked — but with their departure, some speculate that Strigany may be able to bring their entertainments inside the town. If the Characters engage with people in the camp, take an Average (+20) Gossip Test for the character doing most of the talking, then tell them the following depending on their degree of success. The effect is cumulative, so for example, Character getting +3 SL or more hears all four pieces of information.

DEGREES OF SUCCESS Degree of success



We’ve seen Ghoulpox in other places and it rarely starts or ends so abruptly, Something strange was going on here in Hugeldal.

+1 SL

Bernd Ensslin would do anything to get rid of us because he hates the competition. It’s very odd that he’s trading with Timo Winkel.

+2 SL

These beastmen attacks on farms sound too organised, they’re certainly coordinated by someone or something

+3 SL (or more)

You meet some very strange people on the roads, including travelling bands who worship the Ruinous Powers in secret. The Strigany know how to spot them, but the authorities never listen.


The Strigany folk are a common sight in rural parts. Originating from beyond the Empire, the Strigany are nomads, never settling in one place for long but travelling the roads in colourful wagons or plying the waterways in barges. The Strigany are pedlars, entertainers, and mystics. Settled folk associate them with petty crime — although the proportion of thieves and con artists amongst the Strigany is no greater than amongst the settled population. Most Strigany are simply poor travelling folk, trying to earn their way as pedlars of cheap household goods or lucky charms. Unfortunately, they make easy and undeserving scapegoats whenever trouble occurs in their vicinity.




The Dwarf Quarter

The Dwarf Quarter is really just a single street. It is on the way to Doktor Vorsatz’s residence, so whether they want to visit it or not, the Characters will pass through. Most Dwarfs don’t feel comfortable living in wooden structures, so the quarter is distinguishable from the rest of the town by its stone buildings, a little more squat than surrounding human dwellings. The inhabitants here are either involved in mining or in related trades. A fair number of the Dwarfs left with Father Holstein on his crusade. Given nobody has heard from them since, the remaining dwarfs are conflicted. They feel vindicated that they didn’t run off on a fool’s errand, yet ashamed that they let their brothers meet an unknown fate. As a result, the handful of Dwarfs still in Hugeldal prefer not to talk about recent events in the town. On one side of the street is a substantial stone monument dedicated to the glory of Grungni. Sitting on the pedestal is a rough-looking man dressed in dirty leather travelling gear, giving the following sales pitch: Goblin ears! Get your genuine goblin ears! A souvenir of our struggle against the greenskin savages! Five pennies each, or five for twenty pennies. Great gift for children! Tie one ‘round your neck, and you’ll never suffer from the Blacklegge! Goblin ears! The man is a ragged bounty hunter named Klaus Manchdor. Klaus is tall, stout, and almost as foulsmelling as he is foul-mouthed. He recently claimed a bounty on four goblins he shot in the Grey Mountains and is trying to earn a few extra pennies by selling the ears as souvenirs.


The bounty hunter has five Goblin ears left. They have been pierced through the lobes, a common practice in this part of the Empire to show that a bounty has been claimed on them. They are of no help in alleviating Blacklegge or anything else.

A CONVERSATION WITH KLAUS What are you selling? Goblin ears? ‘That’s right. Killed ‘em meself. Nasty buggers.’ What happened to the rest of the goblins, after you’d removed the ears? ‘I got a good deal for the corpses. However, I am a consummate professional and known for my discretion. I will say no more.’ Klaus will say plenty more — he just wants a bribe. If the Players don’t realise that, give one of them an Average (+20) Bribery Test to get the hint. They can also use Intimidation or some other means to get him to talk. So — what happened to the corpses then? ‘I sold them to that doctor. Vorsatz, that’s ‘im. He cuts ‘em up so he can find out where their organs are and all that. Doctor stuff.’ What do you think of the proclamation about the Shallyans? ‘See, that’s not right. They were good folk. Bit soft, but they put me right when I caught a chill and almost died.’

The Temple



The temple is one of the larger buildings in town. It has a stone ground floor and a half-timbered bell tower. The temple is attended by two initiates while Father Holstein is away. It is now home to about a dozen refugees, poor farming folk from homesteads under the shadow of the hills surrounding Hugeldal. They have few possessions and sit on the steps leading up to the entrance of the temple, begging alms from passers-by.


Whether the Characters offer the refugees anything or not, a tall man with a grotty coat, battered hat, wild beard, and even wilder eyes grabs one of the Characters by the arm and loudly states, “Just give me ten brass pennies and I’ll tell you such a story!” If he is paid some money, he shares his story below.

The Temple Hospice

The Shallyan Temple hospice is a large building constructed of whitewashed wood, with a small bell tower projecting above the entrance. Inside is a shrine dedicated to the goddess with a wooden altar carved with dove and heart motifs.

If the Characters come from the Garden of Morr with news of the internment of the farmer’s family he will not be so mercenary. Instead, he introduces himself as Hans Bauer, thank the Characters for their kindness, and ask that they listen for a short while to the tale of how he lost his family.

The hospice is deserted aside from a young servant girl, Heidi Cranmer, who is looking after the building until the priests return. She will be very upset to hear the priests were harmed. If she is asked about the situation in town, her opinions will match those of the Shallyans on the road.


The building is otherwise empty. Leading from the shrine are dormitories for the staff and wards for the sick. There is a cellar containing four hessian-padded cells that have been used in the past to house the violently insane.

What happened? I ran a farmstead nine miles south or so. Every morning I got up at dawn, prayed to Rhya and set about my labours. I remember that there was thick fog on the hills that day and it was numbing cold. I was leading the horses up towards the old copse when I noticed that there was something there … all wrapped in a tattered robe. It turned, and it had a horrible wide face … all covered in sores. Next thing I knew, there was a circle of rotting freaks and beastmen coming towards me … singing something in a devil tongue. I won’t lie, I ran. The ground became a mire underfoot so I hid in the wheat field. The crop withered before my eyes so I hid in the barn. The stored grain became reeking silage so I ran to the house. When I told the wife what I’d seen she thought I’d eaten bad bread, but she could see I was panicking and soon the blight was inside too. Flies poured into the room, maggots started creeping out of the floorboards. Everything was rotting. What did you do next? We fled. Grabbed what we could and headed here. But we were sick. Three of the children soon met Morr. I left the rest of my family with the Shallyans. Ghoulpox they said it was. I never saw them alive again. Any idea what you saw in the copse? Some kind of man, but one so far gone that he barely looked human. He had the most terrifying smile. What I can’t understand is … why did he let me escape? Did you tell anyone when you got here? I told the priest and I regret that now. He got fired up and said he needed to ‘cleanse Sigmar’s lands’. I told him not to go, to send for help from Ubersreik or the Graf in Neufaljung or whatever. He was thinking about it, but that Doktor was in his ear all the time. That quack near enough called the holy man a hypocrite for not sallying out on a fool’s crusade.


Some medical equipment has recently been moved here. If Heidi is asked, she explains it belongs to Doktor Vorsatz, who is due to move his practice into the space. Despite the wording of the proclamation, there are no other physicians moving in.




The Shrine



High above the town, nestled into the steep mountainside, is a small shrine to the goddess Verena. It is little more than a domed roof held aloft by slender marble pillars over a marble statue of the goddess, dressed in a long robe and holding a sword and set of scales. The Characters may wish to talk to the Verenean priest, who is said to live a hermit’s life in the shrine. After all, who better to help solve the problems of the town than a follower of the Goddess of Wisdom? Reaching the shrine requires scrambling up a steep rocky slope that is nearly vertical in places. This requires a Challenging (+0) Climb Test. Failure results in a fall of 3 yards — and d10+9 Damage.

Kurt Henning – Maddened Disciple Of Verena

Kurt Henning is little help to the Characters. He watches the characters with large brown eyes staring down a long, aquiline nose. His insights into the nature of the ultimate truths behind existence, coupled with an undiagnosed malady of the brain have left him somewhat unhinged. As such, talking to the priest is very much like a bar room debate with a particularly irritating student of philosophy. You can’t have a proper conversation with Kurt. He listens to the Characters intently before uttering aphorisms along the following lines: 0 Well I certainly accept that the account you give seems tangible to you, but how are we to tell the so-called veridical experience from a delusion? 0 As Tarradasch himself once said, “the known world’s just a playhouse and we are merely mummers.” 0 As this life appears to be but a fleeting prelude to our time spent in Morr’s realm, who is to pity those that have made the journey earlier than others? 0 A great Cathayan sage once dreamt of being a giant beetle. When he awoke he exclaimed “Am I the great Cathayan sage who dreamt of being a giant beetle, or a giant beetle who is dreaming of being a great Cathayan sage?” Ahhh.





Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

31 25 28 34 34 40 35 42 38 18 11

Skills: Cool 43, Endurance 40, Language (Classical) 55, Lore (Theology) 46, Pray 50

Trappings: Weathered Blue Robes, Owl Amulet, Smug Expression If Characters can match his musings with some apt philosophical aphorisms of their own, he will smile knowingly and say, “As it seems to you.” However, he won’t be coaxed away from his meditations. The GM should award the party a Fortune Point if any Character comes up with a particularly good intellectual challenge for Kurt. Whilst Kurt himself is of little use, there is something here that may help the Characters. Not far from his shrine a small spring bubbles forth from a crevice in the edge of the cliff. Clear water trickles over the rock for a few feet before culminating in a muddy puddle. Kurt occasionally takes breaks from his musings to wash his hands and face, and take a drink. If he is asked about the spring Kurt proclaims that its pure waters are the reason for his rude health, and protect him from the ailments that have afflicted the folk of the town. In fact there is nothing special about the water, but the fact that Kurt drinks here, rather than from the well, has spared him from the ravages of Ghoulpox.


The Imperial Engineer’s House

Thorsten Wulfgardt is an engineer in town. While a proud Reiklander, his short stature, broad shoulders, and bristly beard have earned him the nickname Thorsten Dwarfgardt – though never to his face. He is an important figure in Hugeldal as his skills are often required to construct or repair mining equipment. Thorsten is a contradictory character. On the one hand he is respectful of the gods, but on the other, he has an intense disdain for their worldly delegates. He is free with his opinions, only keeping them quiet when in the presence of zealous characters such as priests and witch hunters. This has led to rumours within the town that he was behind the proclamation, and some people claim he is a heretic. If the party contains obviously religious characters, the Characters will not get much from Thorsten. THORSTEN WULFGARDT - ENGINEER (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 4



Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

34 37 33 41 29 35 33 52 32 30 14

Traits: Armour (Body) 1 (5), Melee (Sword) +7, Prejudiced (Priests), Ranged (Repeater Pistol) +9

Skills: Cool 38, Dodge 39, Endurance 46, Intuition 34, Melee (Basic) 38, Perception 36, Language (Guilder) 57, Lore (Engineer) 58, Ranged (Blackpowder) 45, Trade (Engineer) 38



What do you think of the proclamation? People know my opinion. I’ve no time for priests. It’s about time someone took a stand. I’m surprised it was Lady Agnetha though. We’ve heard that you deny the gods! What? Slander! Who said that? Bernd Esslin at the Bucket of Blood, for one. Him? He’s not so pious himself. Shall I tell you what I actually think? Do we have a choice? Now, there aren’t many who respect the gods more than I do. I pray to all the right ones. It’s priests I can’t stand. If it wasn’t for priests we wouldn’t have Sigmarites and Ulricans at each others’ throats. We wouldn’t have people relying on stupid superstitions and burning innocent people. We’d be hundreds of years further on in engineering and, yes, medicine. Take for example the College of Engineering. We’d have a lot more support if it wasn’t for the Ulrican disdain for gunpowder. I could go on. I think we get the idea. Did Lady Agnetha get these ideas from you? No. I’ve never talked with her about it and I’m sure she doesn’t care what I think. She’s seen sense of her own accord.

Trappings: Leather Jack, Sword, Repeater Pistol (affectionately named ‘Beatrice’) with 12 shots.




The Town Watch

The Hugeldal Watch number ten men. At any one time, half the watchmen will be off duty. Two of them man the gates, two patrol the town or sit in the watch house, and one guards the entrance to the Garden of Morr. HUGELDAL WATCHMAN - GUARD (SILVER 2) M WS BS S 4



Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 12


, Weapon (Halberd) +7

Skills: Melee (Basic) 40, Perception 40

Trappings: Leather Jack, Sword, Halberd

All Watchmen in Hugeldal have one Fatigued condition due to minor illness. The town watch are all employed directly by Agnetha and are loyal to their employer. They are not pleased by events in the town but will not make any moves against people like Doktor Vorsatz or Bernd Esslin unless they are provided with damning evidence of their complicity in an illegal plot.

The Watch And The Sickness

Doktor Vorsatz has treated the Watch professionally throughout the epidemic, and with his ministrations, none of them succumbed to Ghoulpox. However, he was sure to render the Watch ineffective, as he does not want them snooping into his plans. As a result, many of them are currently weakened through illness. If asked about their minor afflictions, the watchmen admit they have been given a new cure-all by the Doktor, which will stave off the continuing risks of contracting Ghoulpox. The Doktor did warn there would be some initial side effects and that they were to take things easy and get plenty of rest until these wore off.

The Doktor’s Surgery

The physician’s residence and surgery on Schuttstrasse is a site of some activity. Doktor Vorsatz is here until seven in the evening, when he locks the premises to meet Albrecht Fleisher and Bernd Ennslin at the Bucket of Blood. Until then, he receives patients with a variety of illnesses, including the few remaining people in the town with Ghoulpox.


If the Characters demand to see the Doktor while he is at work, his servant Ana Gurtung asks them to wait in the vestibule whilst he finishes with his patients. If they accept this, the servant leaves them to assist the Doktor. This gives them time to investigate. The building is a two-storey townhouse, with the surgery on the ground floor and the physician’s quarters upstairs. There are three doors leading out of the vestibule — the front door, one to the surgery, and one into the Doktor’s private study. The study is a cramped room filled with papers and shelves piled high with medical instruments and bottles of potions. It is dimly lit; there is a large window, but it is shuttered. On a table in the middle of the room is the body of a thoroughly dissected goblin, which is an awful sight. All Characters should take an Average (+20) Cool Test or become subject to Fear.

Dear Wilhelm,

This preparation is to be mixed with ten parts water. It proved most efficacious in curing an outbreak of Ghoulpox in Nordland some years ago. Prescribe this to the lady and the boy and any other afflicted townsfolk, but administer a placebo to her husband in its place. The bereaved often heed the counsel of their comforters and a noted side effect of this potion is a suggestible frame of thought. Whilst you are right to be concerned about the attentions of the Sigmarite priest, my associate in your vicinity tells me that there is a blight afflicting the land close to Hugeldal, spread by bands of beastmen. You may want to suggest to the priest that he ride out to thwart this threat to his god’s Empire?

Once he has departed, you must convince the lady to move quickly to censure the mountebanks who are retarding the advance of our healing arts. My pupil will come to Hugeldal to instruct you on what to do next. You will know his coming by the sound of pipes. Visit him at 9 o’clock for further instruction.

In fellowship, F



On one shelf is a small wooden crate containing a number of vials of dull grey liquid. Inside the crate are two pieces of paper. One is a delivery note giving details that a Four Seasons coach is to take one crate from the Moltke Arms tavern in Beeckerhoven – and deliver it to the Bucket of Blood in Hugeldal. The other piece of paper is a letter: There is another odd item in the room, a flask of pestilent vapour. However, unless a character with the Second Sight Talent specifies that they are looking for magical items and passes a Hard (-20) Perception Test, this flask appears no different to other alchemical and medical equipment strewn around the room. After five minutes or so of waiting, the Doktor finishes with his current patient. Characters will be able to hear him summing up his diagnosis and bidding the man goodbye. They will then have a chance to speak to the physician in his surgery.

Doktor Wilhelm Vorsatz — Devious Physician Wilhelm is a brilliant but corrupt individual. He is a cultured, handsome man with piercing grey eyes and a very serious demeanour. He has little time for fools or those without an academic frame of mind. Vorsatz ended his studies in Altdorf a decade ago. During his final year, he became involved in a secret society known as the Tinean Fellowship. Through correspondence with other members of this Fellowship, Vorsatz wrote of his frustrations at the small-minded limits that the cult of Shallya placed on his work. Such opinions soon came to the attention of the architect of the Tinean Fellowship — Doktor Festus, also known as the Leechlord. In turn, Festus put Vorsatz in contact with Gul Proll. Unbeknownst to Vorsatz, he became a tool for Proll and Festus’ schemes. Under guidance from Festus, Doktor Vorsatz travelled to Hugeldal, laced the well with a virulent strain of Ghoulpox and then enacted his miraculous cure. Acting on advice from Festus, he encouraged Father Holstein to leave town and Agnetha to proscribe the Shallyans. As far as Vorsatz is concerned, he has achieved his aims — he is now free to practice without meddling from the cult of Shallya. Little does he know that he was unknowingly preparing the ground for Gul Proll’s real machinations.




Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

35 25 37 40 35 34 44 57 47 44 15

Traits: Melee (Surgeons Knife) +5

Skills: Animal Care 60, Bribery 50, Charm 54, Cool 57, Endurance 50, Gossip 49, Haggle 50, Heal 63, Intimidate 43, Language (Bretonnian) 62, Language (Guilder) 64, Leadership 55, Lore (Anatomy, Medicine) 67, (Reikland) 60, Perception 45, Research 59, Sleight of Hand 49 Talents: Bookish, Coolheaded, Criminal, Etiquette - Physician Guilder, Field Dressing, Flee!, Savvy, Strike to Injure Trappings: Quality Clothes, Bandages, Surgeon’s Knife (treat as Dagger). Healing Draught, Trade Tools (Medicine)




How Doktor Vorsatz Reacts To The Characters

There are perhaps four possible outcomes from the Characters meeting with Doktor Vorsatz.

Wilhelm is currently very on edge and believes he may be under suspicion for his role in recent events. He does not know anything about the nature of Doktor Festus or Gul Proll and will be very distraught to learn that he was the unwitting pawn of sorcerers dedicated to the worship of Nurgle.

0 If the Characters make no accusations, Doktor Vorsatz is baffled but wary about who these strangers might be and why they visited him. He bids them farewell and plots to have them killed that night. Go to ‘Blades in the Night’ below.

A DIFFICULT CONVERSATION WITH DOKTOR VORSATZ Did you persuade Lady Agnetha to ban Shallyan practices? Of course not! She must be out of her mind to prevent the cult from working their miracles in Hugeldal. Why would you suspect me? I’m a healer too, albeit not a priest. Did you deliberately infect the town with Ghoulpox by putting a vial into the well? How could anyone do that? It’s a disease, not something we can control. I’ve never seen that vial before in my life. Quite seriously, if you have nothing better to do than throw around baseless accusations, I may call the Watch. Did you persuade Father Holstein to leave town on his crusade? I’m a doctor. Why would a priest of Sigmar listen to me on matters of faith? If the Characters make either of the above accusations, take a Hard (-20) Intuition Test after the first to recognise that Vorsatz is nervous and lying. After the second, they can retake it at Difficult (-10). These tinctures you’re using to cure Ghoulpox — do you realise they’re suffused with dark magic? I… that’s.. an outrageous accusation. But, if that’s true… I didn’t know. I really didn’t.

0 If the Characters make serious accusations, Doktor Vorsatz insists they visit Lady Agnetha together and bring the Watch along to set the matter straight and clear his name. He then heads into the study to fetch his hat and coat. See ‘The Doktor Escapes’ for what happens next. 0 If the Characters tell him that he’s using dark magic, the Doktor breaks down and confesses he had the same fears. Go to ‘The Doktor Broken’ below. 0 If the Characters attack the Doktor, he tries to dash into the study. He is close to the door, so give him an Easy (+40) Dodge Test. If successful, go to ‘The Doktor Escapes’. If the Characters catch him, he will immediately surrender and plead for mercy — go to ‘The Doktor Broken’.

The Doktor Escapes

If the Doktor gets into his study, he heads to the shelf and picks up a large glass flask filled with roiling green liquid. The Doktor unstops this flask, filling the room with billowing, pestilent green smoke. He then attempts to leave through the window. If he escapes, Vorsatz heads to the Bucket of Blood, where he tells Albrecht Fleisher and Bernd Ennslin of his troubles. Bernd, having already suspected the Characters of interfering, hatches a plot to have the Characters killed. Go to ‘Blades in the Night’ ENCHANTED MIASMA The flask is another gift from the Doktor’s secret patron, and contains an enchanted miasma. When unstopped, the flask releases a cloud of gas that fills the office before dissipating after three turns.

Anyone in the room suffers from one Blinded Condition and must pass an Average (+20) Endurance Test to avoid suffering from the Convulsions symptom for d10 turns.




in the


If the Characters fail to deal with Vorsatz and stay the night at the Bucket of Blood, they will be attacked that night. Bernd provides them with a very well-appointed room with a large fireplace. Characters entering the room may notice on a Very Hard (-30) Perception Test that the hinges and lock on the door are well-oiled and practically silent. Bernd, Albrecht, Wilhelm, and any surviving bandits wait 2 hours after the Characters turn in and then break into the Character’s room. This attack is a rather desperate last ditch effort by the conspirators, who will surrender once Bernd and Albrecht are disabled or killed. If the Characters have someone awake and on guard, give them an Average (+20) Perception Test to notice the door being opened. If everyone is asleep, this test becomes Very Hard (-30). If they fail, the conspirators have the drop on the Characters. Give them all a Suprised Condition.


If the Characters decide to sleep elsewhere, the conspirators can track them down and attack as best they can. They won’t get the advantage of stealth, and in a common room or doss house, other sleepers will be pulled into the fight. If the doktor is bested and survives, he surrenders — go to ‘The Doktor Broken’.

The Doktor Broken

If Vorstaz is captured or injured, he blubbers and begs for mercy. He has realised that he is a pawn of powers greater and darker than he had first imagined. Vorsatz suspects he has been helped by followers of Nurgle, the Fly Lord, and that he has brought great misery to the town. He will even go so far as to tell the Characters all he knows, though this isn’t much. For example, all he can tell them of “F” is that he is “a great physician from Nordland”.





THE CAVALCADE COMES TO TOWN The morning after the Characters arrive in Hulgedal, three brightly-coloured wagons come to town. They stop some distance away from the few Strigany wagons already there. Several acrobats and jugglers tumble from one of the caravans and start performing in front of the town gates. A strong man emerges from another, carrying a huge barrel over his head. Painted on its side is a grinning face and the words ‘The Jolly Cavalcade’ in yellow letters. Music emanates from one of the wagons, the piercing sound of a shawm accompanied by the pulsing rhythms of a tabor. The carnival has come to town! Children are running through the streets shouting excitedly about the show, and people in the bar of the Bucket of Blood are talking about things they have seen at carnivals and theatres in the past. One of the troupe steps lightly to the gates and proclaims in a cultured Reikland accent:

Ladies and gentlemen, for one night only, the townsfolk of Hugeldal will be blessed with the most spectacular show in the Reikland! Marvel at the feats of the tumblers! Gasp at the strength of Jonas, the Man Mountain! Stand enraptured by scenes from the great dramatists, comical, tragical, and romantical! Today, the Jolly Cavalcade shall enthral the good folk of this town! Tell your friends! Tell your families! The other performers hand around copies of the bill (Handout 3) to the assembled crowd and return to their wagons. The Characters should be expecting precisely this sort of thing by now, of course, having read the letter from the mysterious F.

The Carnival Master’s Plan

Thanks to the work of Doktor Vorsatz, the sorcerer Gul Proll can finally bring his plan to hideous fruition. He intends to bring the wagons into Hugeldal and put on a grand performance, during which the audience becomes part of an enchanted folk dance in celebration of Nurgle — the Festering Frolic. As the townsfolk cavort around the square, Beastmen from the nearby hills creep into the town and kill anyone who isn’t dancing. At the tolling of the seventh bell, the dancers all fall down, infected with Nurgle’s Rot and doomed to become a host of Plaguebearers, lesser daemons of Nurgle.

The Cavalcade

The cavalcade are not merely performers; they are dedicated to the worship of Nurgle. They wear gaudy garments of red and yellow, carefully tailored to hide the worst of the pockmarks, lesions and boils that cover their flesh. The members of the troupe are as follows:



Wagon 1: Lukas Gotter, Finn Sumpfer, Lara Piner, and Dev Krassner

These four performers are acrobats, able to perform impressive stunts of tumbling and juggling. Their gangly, lean bodies possess an unnatural fevered vigour. LUKAS GOTTER, FINN SUMPFER, LARA PINER, & DEV KRASSNER - ENTERTAINERS (BRASS5) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 34 26 38 34 50 47 34 32 46 11

Traits: Corruption (Minor), Infected, Ranged (Throwing Knives) +4, Weapon (Club) +6

Skills: Athletics 55, Climb 65, Cool 37, Dodge 52, Entertain (Acting) 52, Melee (Basic) 38, Perform (Acrobatics, Clowning, Juggling) 57, Play (Various Instruments) 51, Ranged (Throwing Knives) 38, Ride (Horse) 57, Sleight of Hand 53


Niklaus is not a performer. He is a mutant, a pitiful sight, his afflictions warping his body and robbing him of his reason. Knobbly growths cover his swollen body, and his hands are warped into huge bony clubs. His head is tiny, shrunken, and withered. He is kept concealed and manacled in Jonas’s wagon until the members of the cavalcade put their plan into action. NIKLAUS M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 10 60 45 35 20 20 20 35 15 17

Traits: Corruption (Minor), Infected, Stupid, Melee (Huge bony fists) +10 Skills: Melee (Fists) 38

Trappings: Mask, Outlandish Jester Outfit

Trappings: Gaudy garments, Wooden Juggling/ Fighting Clubs, Throwing Knives (5)

Wagon 2: Phineas Stein, Jonas and Lena Kenaron, and Niklaus

Phineas is the Master of Ceremonies and an actor. He has the same profile as the other acrobats, with the addition of Charm 52 and the Public Speaking Talent. Jonas and Lena are burly folk of the Kurgan tribes of the north with coarse, dark hair. Jonas performs a strongman act for the cavalcade whilst Lena tends to the horses. They are not really husband and wife but pose as such whilst in the Empire.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

38 33 40 45 32 32 40 31 35 34 15

Traits ( Jonas): Armour (Body) 1 (5), Corruption (Minor), Infected, Melee (Warhammer) +10 Traits (Lena): Armour (Body) 1, Corruption (Minor), Infected, Sword+8

Skills: Athletics 37, Cool 40, Dodge 39, Intimidate 47, Melee (Basic 48, Two-Handed 45), Melee (Brawling) 43, Perception 35, Ride (Horse) 45

Trappings: Leather Jerkin, Jonas: Warhammer, Lena: Sword




Wagon 3: Gurglegasp, Seeplasm, Foetorhack, Pneumoshudder The Mephitic, and Carnival Master Gul Proll

In the final wagon are Gul Proll and his daemonic servants, three grinning and capering Nurglings who play the piping music that emanates from this wagon. These are tiny diseased mites that spawn from the innards of Nurgle’s Greater Daemons. It is a sign of Nurgle’s favour that these three accompany Gul Proll. NURGLINGS M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

25 25 16 20 20 25 35 18 30 20

Skills: Melee (Brawling) 35, Play (Pipes) 55 Trappings: Cute Little Instruments

Pneumoshudder the Mephitic (he insists on the full title) is a morose and bureaucratic Plaguebearer who spends his time cross-referencing and annotating a number of ledgers while bemoaning some trifling accounting oversight or delay in the schedule. Plaguebearers are lesser daemons of Nurgle. They have one eye, a single horn, and horrendous, decaying flesh. PNEUMOSHUDDER 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

35 35 40 40 25 30 30 30 70 20 19

Traits: Champion, Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic 8+, Fear 2, Horn +5, Immunity to Psychology, Infected, Unstable, Weapon (Sword) +8 Skills: Play (Pipes) 55

Trappings: Abacus, Ledgers, Plaguesword (Difficult (-10) Endurance Test or inflicts Poisoned Condition)


Carnival Master Gul Proll is an accomplished sorcerer of Nurgle, and a formidable opponent. He learned his craft at the stinking, pustulent feet of Festus the Leechlord. Proll is a bulky man with sallow, rotting flesh. He wears thick robes decorated with stripes and an oversized carnival mask and hood, with just his wide, grinning mouth visible. Up close, you can see that where his eyes should be, there are pits of small, pale tentacles. These spill out of his eye sockets when Proll starts casting spells and writhe blindly in the air.


Traits: Corruption (Minor), Daemonic 9+, Immunity to Psychology, Infected, Size (Little), Unstable, Weapon (Claws) +3


Carnival Master Gul Proll Sorcerer of Nurgle




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

42 27 40 45 23 30 38 40 45 36 20

Traits: Corruption (Minor), Disease (Ghoulpox), Distracting, Hatred (Shallyans), Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Mutation (Hideous Appearance), Spellcaster, Painless, Weapon (Dagger) +6 Skills: Channelling 77, Charm 50, Cool 58, Endurance 48, Entertain (Acting) 46, Intuition 52, Language (Dark Tongue 53, Magick 64), Leadership 65, Lore (Chemistry 45, Medicine 47, Nurgle 87), Melee (Basic) 53, Perception 48, Research 56

Talents: Arcane Magic, Chaos Magic (Nurgle), Hardy, Magical Sense, Petty Magic, Pharmacist, Public Speaking, Read/Write Trappings: Colourful Robes, Symbol of Nurgle, Dagger

Spells: Arcane: Bolt, Drop, Engtangle, Fearsome, Ward, Nurgle: Stream of Corruption When Proll casts Arcane Magic spells, the effects are suitably disgusting and Nurglesque — for example, his bolts are gobbets of festering pus and he entangles with slimy, rotting intestines.



the plan into action

The Characters can choose to approach the troupe in a variety of ways. The following sections explore how events are most likely to unfold.

Where are the troupe?

Unless otherwise stated, Lucas, Finn, Lara, Dev, and Lena will be in the caravans until they get into town, when they start assembling a stage in front of Gul’s wagon for the night’s show. Every now and then, a couple of them will disappear into the first wagon in order to retrieve props or tools. Jonas spends his time as a lookout and watches Niklaus until he’s in the temple with Lena, who stays with him until evening. Jonas is not particularly vigilant and is regularly distracted by Niklaus moaning and banging about in the back of his wagon, so add +1 SL to any tests made to hide from him or otherwise escape his notice. Proll and the daemons remain in their wagon until the frolic begins. The Nurglings conceal themselves behind items of furniture whilst a curtained-off section towards the back of the wagon provides Pneumoshudder with a place to hide.

The Show Must Go On!

The Characters will act to stop the Carnival Master’s plan, so it’s unlikely events unfold as smoothly as presented in the table (pg.98). However, the cavalcade will not sit idle while their plans go to pieces — like any good performers they will improvise.

What If Doktor Vorsatz Is Dead?

Proll is half expecting the physician to have met with a messy end. He will continue with his plan even if the doktor does not meet him. Phineas requests to enter the town to promote the show, and the Watch permits him. He talks with townsfolk and persuades them to approach Lady Agnetha to ask if the show can happen in town. A delegation of folk approaches the manor and, after an audience with Agnetha, persuade her to relax the rules.


What If Doktor Vorsatz Has Turned?

Gul is not anticipating Doktor Vorsatz to see the error of his ways, and if the Characters have managed to convince him to act as an agent for their cause, he might be able to uncover some useful information. To see what he can find out when meeting Proll, give Vorsatz a Difficult (-10) Cool Test.




Vorsatz reports that within the caravan’s filthy interior he met a rank-smelling hooded stranger. The cavalcade consists of this person and 7 others, two of whom seem rather tough customers. The hooded stranger told him to arrange for them to admitted to the town and then meet in Shallyan hospice to take delivery of important medical supplies at one o’clock.

+1 SL

As above — and Doktor Vorsatz is able to get a look at some of the other members of cavalcade, and is able to report that they look ‘distinctly unhealthy’.

+2 SL

All above — and Doktor Vorsatz thinks there’s something hidden in the second wagon. He has no idea what, but he heard guttural moaning and scraping noises.

+3 SL (or more)

All above — and whilst talking with the hooded man, Doktor Vorsatz noticed a small, fat, green imp hiding behind a chair.





If the Characters do nothing to prevent their plans this is how the members of the Cavalcade spend their day: Time


10 o’clock

Proll expects to meet Doktor Vorsatz. Hearing the pipes referenced in Festus’ letter, Vorsatz heads out of the gates to meet the sorcerer. Proll tells him to see Lady Agnetha and ask her permission for the troupe to perform in Erzplatz, then meet in the temple hospice at 1 o’clock to receive more medical equipment

11 o’clock

Aided by the effects of the grey tincture, Doktor Vorsatz persuades Lady Agnetha to relax the restrictions to let the cavalcade into the town — they’re kept out by Shallyan-inspired rules after all, and the townsfolk need something to enjoy.


The cavalcade wagons roll in through the main gate to Erzplatz, where the troupe start setting up a stage. A crowd of excited townsfolk gather.

1 o’clock

Lena heads into the temple hospice with a heavy crate along with Niklaus, who is disguised in a mask as a freakish clown wearing an outlandish jester’s costume. They kill Vorsatz and Heidi Cranmer, and defile the Shallyan altar. They unpack a corrupted bell from the crate and hang it in the belltower.

2 o’clock

A group consisting of Phineas, Lara, Lukas, and Dev parade the streets to promote the show. They cavort around the town, performing impromptu bouts of tumbling and juggling. They visit the Bucket of Blood and other public places. The town is abuzz.

4 o’clock

The show begins! A large crowd have gathered. Phineas takes the stage and announces a succession of acts to follow: 0 Acrobatics and knife-throwing. 0 Jonas the Man Mountain lifting various objects, including members of the audience. 0 Folk songs from Phineas, Lara and Lukas.

5 o’clock

Lady Agnetha emerges from the manor with four guards to watch the performance — the first time she has been seen in the town since her bereavement. The acts continue: 0 Clowning by Finn and Dev. 0 Scenes from The Tragedy of Ottokar and Myrmidia, Hexenachtabend and To Wed A Mule. Phineas is a better MC than he is an actor. 0 Acrobatics and juggling. A band of 14 Pestigors creep towards the town.

6 o’clock Sunset

The troupe all take up instruments and start dancing around the square, playing a compelling catchy folk air. They invite the crowd to join them in the dance, led by Phineas. Under cover of the music, the Pestigors kill the Watch on the gates and stalk into town to slaughter anyone not in the audience.

The Festering Frolic

When Phineas next passes the belltower, Niklaus sounds the bell, which tolls a low, buzzing peal. 0 1st circuit around the square — many townsfolk join in. The bell tolls. 0 2nd circuit — most of the townsfolk join, with much laughter. The bell tolls. 0 3rd circuit — Lady Agnetha joins the dance to the surprise of all. The bell tolls. 0 4th circuit — the whole audience is now dancing around the square. The bell tolls. 0 5 th circuit — Gul Proll emerges from his wagon and starts chanting. The townsfolk don’t notice and seem magically compelled to continue dancing. The bell tolls. 0 6 th circuit — Pneumoshudder emerges from the wagon and sings in a deep baritone. The Nurglings join the dance as the music grows louder and more discordant. The bell tolls. 0 7 th circuit — The Pestigors join the dance. The dance is now a frenzied caper. The bell tolls for the final time and every dancer falls down unconscious.


During the night

The cavalcade packs up and leaves Hugeldal. The Pestigors disperse into the countryside.

The morning after

The dancers awaken, except those killed by the Beastmen. They feel tired but otherwise well. Nobody knows what happened.

The week after

The townsfolk gradually succumb to Nurgle’s Rot, expiring one by one in a mess of bloody phlegm. (see page 101). Their flesh bursts apart to birth a newborn Plaguebearer who joins his compatriots as Hugeldal plays host to a horde of Nurgle’s lesser daemons.


What if the Characters are making a nuisance of themselves?

If Gul Proll becomes aware of the Characters and the threat to his plans, he’ll try to take them out of action. Gurglegasp the Nurgling is despatched to follow them around and report back when they’re alone or vulnerable. If the other conspirators (Albrecht, the bandits, Bernd) attack the Characters (see below) then Jonas, Dev, Lara, and Lukas will turn up and join in. Otherwise, the troupe members will try to pick off the Characters when they are separated or vulnerable.

What if the Characters prevent Niklaus from ringing the bell?

If somehow Niklaus can’t ring the bell during the Festering Frolic, Finn, the acrobat climbs up the tower to take over — it’s a Difficult (-10) Climb Test. If there is no way to ring the bell during the dance, the troupe end with a disappointed final bow and attempts to leave as soon as possible.


If it comes to a fight, Proll won’t use overt magic or daemons, so he will not leave his caravan unless the situation becomes desperate. He leaves the actual fighting to his followers and will support them with a spell or two if he thinks such actions will go unnoticed. If the fight happens after half past five, the Characters will also need to deal with the Pestigors — Beastmen of Nurgle. These are filthy, bloated beasts with matted fur and countless suppurating wounds. PESTIGORS M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

45 30 35 48 30 30 25 25 30 20 14

Traits: Corruption (Minor), Horn +6, Infected, Infestation, Weapon +7 Trappings: Rusty Axes

What if the performance is prevented or halted?

If the Characters try to stop the Jolly Cavalcade from performing, Phineas plays the innocent and lobbies the townsfolk and makes a popular appeal — who are these strangers to deny them a little entertainment in these hard times? If the troupe have done nothing obviously wrong, make some opposed social tests using relevant Skills to see whether the Characters persuade the townsfolk, modified depending on the arguments used. If the performance isn’t happening, the troupe leave town in a sulk. Before leaving, Lukas will try to drop a bag of infected pus into the well. Make an Opposed Test between his Sleight of Hand (53) and the Perception of anyone watching. If not spotted, the water is contaminated with Black Plague.




The Characters may want to attack the troupe in the open. This first challenge is the townsfolk. Almost everyone in Hugeldal is desperate to see the show, and if the Characters attack without obvious cause, they risk a riot — or at least arrest by the Watch and Manor House guards. See What if the performance is prevented or halted? for how this can be resolved.





from townsfolk

The cavalcade are powerful, especially if the Pestigors join them. If the Characters attempt to gather any townsfolk to their cause, they will find it hard going — most of them want to see the show. The following NPCs are persuadable if the Characters treated them with respect. Make an appropriate difficulty Bribe, Charm, Intimidate or Leadership Test based on their arguments and what the Characters offer. 0 Klaus Manchdor, the bounty hunter, will be willing to accompany the adventurers on a trip to see what the cavalcade is about and will fight if forced. Use the same profile as a bandit. 0 Hans Bauer, the farmer at the temple of Sigmar, will accompany the Characters if they pay him at least one silver. He will grab a watchman’s halberd and fight bravely if combat occurs. Use the same profile as a watchman. 0 Thorsten Wolfgardt will help the Characters if they were respectful. He consents to join them in confronting the cavalcade if so. 0 The Strigany camp. If the Characters made friends in the camp, take a Challenging (+0) Leadership or Charm Test. Success means d10+SL people join them. Use the same profile as a bandit.



Any conspirators still at large (Bernd, Albrecht and any surviving bandits) still want to kill the Characters if they can. They won’t knowingly ally with the forces of Nurgle, and will give up their grudge against the Characters if the nature of the cavalcade becomes clear. Their priority will then be to escape justice.



Within a couple of days news about the proclamation against the Shallyans and other odd goings on in Hugeldal reaches Ubersreik, and a small regiment of soldiers arrives just over a week later with a Shallyan priestess to restore the hospice and a Sigmarite to attend to their temple. What they find depends on the Characters actions. They could march to their doom against a horde of diseased daemons from Nurgles realm. Or they might find a town subdued but intact, with various folk chastened by their actions. Those who plotted against the Shallyans will be punished severely. If still alive, Vorsatz, Bernd, and the bandits are hung, drawn, and quartered. With the Jungfreud loyalist soldiers long departed, the Altdorfers take over. Unless the Characters can prove she was controlled by dark magic, Agnetha von Jungfreud has her privileges stripped from her and lives out the rest of her life in a small country retreat in a remote part of the Reikland. If the Characters can prove she was controlled by dark magic, she may be pardoned — and duly rewarded. If the Characters prevented the plots of Doktor Vorsatz and Proll from reaching fruition, they will have earned the gratitude of the Shallyan cult and the people of Hugeldal. Unfortunately, neither group can offer much of a financial reward, though the Characters will probably never have to buy their own drinks in the town again. The Characters may want to investigate the mysterious ‘F’ from Vorsatz’s letter…




As well as the normal XP you offer for good roleplaying and having fun, you should apportion XP at the end of each session using the following guidelines: 0 20 points for saving the travellers from the bandits. 0 10 points for each of Hemmelman or Gerstein if they survive. 0 10 points for telling Hans Bauer about his family (sympathetically). 0 20 points for uncovering the truth about the Ghoulpox epidemic. 0 40 points for defeating Doktor Vorsatz. 0 10 points if they turn Doktor Vorsatz to working for them. 0 60 points if the Characters save Hugeldal from the Festering Frolic. 0 30 points if they defeat Gul Proll.


Ghoulpox is now rare in the Empire since a celebrated Nordland physician developed a cure. Sadly, its relative obscurity makes it unusual that an apothecary knows how to treat it should it arise. The patient’s skin turns pale and greyish as a rash of infected boils erupt across their whole body and they develop a wheezing cough. It damages bone structure and typically leaves sufferers pockmarked and emaciated. Contraction: If you fail an Average (+20) Endurance Test when contact is made with an infected individual or fail the same Test when an infected individual coughs near you (at a rate of about one Test per hour of exposure). Incubation: Instant Duration: 1d10+3 days Symptoms: Blight, Coughs and Sneezes, Lingering, Malaise, Pox.

Nurgle’s Rot

The Plague Father has lent his name to only one disease, and it is the crowning glory of all his fetid works. Nurgle’s Rot is a terrible and contagious ailment which wracks the body, mind, and even the soul of those who suffer from it. It is most commonly caught during encounters with powerful servants of Nurgle, though it has on occasion, spread like wildfire through a village, town, or entire region before vanishing. While those who suffer from it can only curse the Plague Lord’s name, the disease itself epitomises the ethos of Nurgle’s followers — that of enduring terrible suffering and emerging stronger for it.

EXPOSER TEST Source of Infection


Mortal sufferer with at least two symptoms

Easy (+40)

Nurgling, pool of Daemon bile

Average (+20)

Plaguebearer, Blightking

Challenging (+0)

Great Unclean One, Festering Frolic

Difficult (-10)




Contraction: Make an Endurance Test after coming into contact with an infected individual or servant of Nurgle. The Difficulty of this test varies depending on the source of infection — you should make one Test at the end of each day in which you are exposed to the disease. Characters who fail this test contract Nurgle’s Rot. Incubation: 1d10 –5 days, minimum 1 Duration: Until death Symptoms: Nurgle’s Rot presents differently in all who suffer from it. After incubation, the sufferer will appear jaundiced, with blotchy skin and yellow eyes. This has no negative effects beyond marking them as ill in some way. One week after this occurs, and at the end of each week thereafter, the victim makes a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. If they fail, they develop a new symptom, as below. Where two options are given, the GM may choose whichever they prefer.


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

First Failure: Coughs and Sneezes or a Fever. Second Failure: Pox or Malaise. Third Failure: Flux or Nausea. Fourth Failure: Buboes or Gangrene. Fifth Failure: Convulsions or Wounded. Sixth Failure: Blight. Seventh Failure: Death. A new Plaguebearer is born.

A potential victim of Nurgle’s Rot may spend a Fate Point to avoid contracting it. However, once infected, it is impossible to rid oneself of Nurgle’s Rot. Fate Points spent after the victim is infected merely delay the onset of new symptoms by a month. Should a victim of Nurgle’s Rot die from the disease, a new Plaguebearer is created in the Realm of Chaos, emerging from a pustule of filth on a tree in Nurgle’s Garden. If the GM prefers, then a Plague Bearer might instead erupt forth from the body of the victim, should that prove the more dramatic option.


Adventure Summary As power shifts and those that covet it allow their devious machinations to come to fruition, the Characters find themselves suddenly and unexpectedly involved in the affairs of several scions of the Ubersreik nobility. Mirror of Desire is an open-ended adventure in which the Characters find themselves embroiled in the attempts of three young nobles vying for the attention of Esmerelda Fenstermacher and are faced with the choice of either assisting their disapproving fathers attempts to prevent any such unrewarding unions or choosing to let true love prevail at the behest of Lady Ludmilla Ashscaffenburg. Those seeking Esmerelda’s hand include Leopold von Bruner, the youngest son of the troubled von Bruner family, Maximillian Aschaffenberg, the insufferably arrogant nephew to Lord Rickard and the apparently affluent Tomas von Karstadt, and all are eager for the Characters’ assistance in winning the hand of the Lady Esmerelda.

With Lord Heisman von Bruner having hoped on Leopold marrying into influence and wealth in an attempt to redeem the family name (especially after the shame of the revelations at Grunewald Lodge), these hopes now appear to be lost. Alfred Karstatd, having meticulously and carefully planned his own rise to power, would sooner see his son in the debtor’s gaol than face the loss of influence. Meanwhile, the aspiring Lord Rickard vehemently insists his nephew be wed only to someone worthy of his status. Yet whoever the Characters do choose to assist it quickly becomes clear that there is more at stake than simple dowries and dire love poems. Esmerelda, once a very close associate of the of the missing Andreas von Bruner, is in truth a cultist of the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye. She was gifted a rare and exquisite mirror, a mirror in which a powerful Daemon of Slaanesh, Kelsydra, is bound. Under instruction from the malevolent Kelsydra, they intend to manipulate the unwitting suitors into performing a profane series of rituals that will free the Daemon from its mirrored prison.




Mirror of Desire offers Characters investigation, confrontation and the opportunity for some engaging roleplay as they are pulled across the city in their attempts to either help or hinder the suitors’ efforts. The adventure is split into three parts which can unfold at a pace that compliments the Characters actions as they attempt to dissuade or prevent the potential suitors. Should they fail in this task or to realise the manipulations of Esmerelda and Kelsydra then they may unwittingly unleash a vengeful daemon into the upper echelons of Ubersreik society.

Part One

To Have Loved & Lost

In the first part this adventure The Characters will be recruited into the service of Heisman von Bruner and Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg to help in preventing their noble sons from continuing their very public pursuits of Esmerelda Fenstermacher, a minor noble and unsuitable match. The Characters are also approached by Ludmilla Aschaffenberg, a hopeless romantic who pleads with the characters to allow love to take its course. The Characters must then help, hinder, or bargain with each of the suitors, in a vain attempt to keep them out of trouble and away from each other’s throats. If they fail to do so then the escalating attempts to win Esmereldas affections may end up landing both the suitors and the Characters in serious trouble!

Part Two The Trials

of the


Having finally declared her interest in one of the suitors, Esmerelda beseeches them to undertake three heartfelt tasks to prove their love for her for all to see. Undertaking these tasks, the chosen suitor will work with a single minded determination to complete each trial and prove themselves in Esmeralda’s eyes. The Characters either work to provide assistance alongside the successful suitor or act against him, attempting to frustrate or foil their endeavours. It is during this part of the Adventure that the Characters begin to uncover the first real clues that Esmerelda may not be the innocent, lovestruck woman she so easily portrays and may be able to begin investigations into the truth of the matter.


Part Three Fragments



The Characters must stop Esmerelda and Kelsydra before their dark plans come to fruition and the city of Ubersreik is thrown into further turmoil. With the trials now complete Esmerelda declares her love for the suitor and the Characters are invited to witness Esmerelda accept the suitors formal intentions. It is now that her and Kelsydra’s plans are revealed and with the final step of the ritual complete the Characters and suitor find themselves either having to confront the devious cultist or find themselves trapped within the Mirror of Desire while the daemon is freed.

GETTING STARTED The adventure begins when the Characters are presented with an invitation to the von Bruner manor for discussions of a delicate nature. Should the Characters have already spent some time in Ubersreik or are returning to the city then they may already be known to or on favourable terms with the von Bruner family. Likewise if the party has recently completed the events of An Eye for an Eye then Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg may regard them highly enough to consider them to handle the delicate matter at hand. Characters new to Ubersreik may be approached by an emissary of Lord Heisman von Bruner provided they are of good standing and a reputation for competence and discretion proceeds them.

PART ONE: TO HAVE LOVED & LOST On arrival Characters passing a Average (+20) Perception Test notice the neglected and overgrown gardens and unkempt and surly staff as clearly indicative of a noble house fallen into hardship before they are hurried upstairs and into a private meeting with the waiting lords. Inside the book-lined study the gaunt and worried figure of Lord Heisman von Bruner paces behind a large oak desk while Lord Rickard gestures for the Characters to step forth before turning to look forlornly out the small latticed window.


Lord Heisman then turns to face the Characters, read or paraphrase the following; “I will come straight to the point, my youngest son Leopold is making an absolute fool of himself, proclaiming his love for a local girl, one Esmerelda Fenstermacher, an ill suited and unrewarding match, and, to be blunt, I wish you to end the affair without delay”

As they are being escorted from their meeting with Lord Bruner and Lord Aschaffenberg the Characters are approached by a noble woman who curtly dismisses any escorting staff and hurriedly ushers them into a small side room. Introducing herself as Lady Ludmilla Aschaffenberg; Read or paraphrase the following;

At this point Lord Aschaffenberg will speak;

“Shameful, honestly shameful, what business does that meddling cousin and my dim-witted husband have messing with affairs of the heart!?”

“The good Lord von Bruner is not alone in this predicament, Maximillian, my nephew, alongside the sons of several families of good standing have likewise become infatuated with this girl. Now, obviously we could never allow the noble sons of Ubersreik to marry on the whims of simple affections!” he scoffs.

“I’m well aware of the purpose of your clandestine meeting and I would bid you remember that the most noble lords are not the only ones with deep purses, or who wield influence within this fine city… All I ask is that you find it in your own hearts to let love run its course, free from interference…I’ll be watching… as will others.”

Lord Heisman interrupts “ You are to put a stop to this with the utmost urgency! Esmerelda Fenstermacher is an ill suited and quite frankly, disastrous match as far as I’m concerned, and she won’t be wed to one of our boys!” After stopping to compose himself he continues; “Of course any reasonable expenses, lodgings and appropriate financial remuneration are all to be expected, in return we would both ask for you to carry out our wishes with discretion.”

Lady Ludmila will briefly entertain questions from the Characters before sending them on their way. The situation unfolding will demand both tact and cunning from the Characters as they find themselves having to save the suitors both from each other and from the true dangers hiding behind Esmeralda’s new-found charms.

Finally, Lord Aschaffenberg will turn from the window and address the Characters directly; “I also can not stress the importance of discretion here and must insist you also abide by the laws of Ubersreik, for if you come into trouble, we will not interject to protect you from the authorities if you should be caught en- gaging in illegal activities.” The Characters will have time to ask questions of the Lords. They can inform the Characters on some of the background information relevant to Leopold and Maximillian (pages 106-109) yet both are diplomatic enough to not speak ill of each other’s children. Of Esmerelda Lord Rickard knows very little other than that she is some minor noble girl who until very recently was given little notice. Lord Heisman will mention her known association with Andreas prior to his removal to Grunewald Lodge. Beyond this however, neither of the noble Lords has the slightest idea of the presence of Kelsydra or her mirrored prison. At the conclusion of this meeting the Characters will be escorted out, either back out through the main entrance or to the aforementioned lodgings, a simple yet functional single room within the von Bruner estate.


Alternative ways to begin the adventure are also possible and it would require only a few minor adjustments to have a less scrupulous or renowned group of Adventurers approached by one of the Suitors themselves in attempts to recruit them to sabotage. Should one of the Characters be of noble descent then having them become increasingly infatuated by Esmerelda and becoming involved in the Suitors shenanigans could also provide an engaging introduction to the adventure.


The Characters may have to go to great lengths in order to dissuade the suitors from pursuing the affections of Esmerelda, and it is quite likely that during these endeavours, they will find themselves in trouble with the very noble families they are attempting to help. This should be a gradual sliding slope, allowing the Characters a few warnings, first from the nobles and then from the town watch, if they start breaking things or committing minor offences (of course, committing a crime undetected is another matter). Characters wishing to spend any further time within Ubersreik would do well to take into account the long-term implications of their meddling.




Esmerelda Fenstermacher

Esmerelda Fenstermacher was a shy and unassuming young woman, fading into the background of the Ubersreik nobility and largely unnoticed by her peers. A chance meeting that led to a blossoming romance with the now-missing Andreas von Bruner changed her fate entirely. Having followed Andreas into the Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye. When the von Bruner family became increasingly worried enough about the unwholesome proclivities of Andreas and had him sequestered away to Grunewald Lodge, it seemed to those unaware that Esmerelda was destined to die alone, a spinster overseeing the final days of the Fenstermacher line. In truth she remained in secretive contact with her fellow cultist.




Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

32 35 27 28 38 32 41 30 31 41


Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +4,

Skills: Bribery 46, Charm 46, Consume Alcohol 33, Gamble 35, Intimidate 32, Language (Bretonnian) 35,Leadership 46, Lore (Heraldry) 35, Melee (Basic 37, Fencing 37), Play (Lute) 51

Talents: Doomed, Etiquette (Nobles), Hardy, Luck, Noble Blood, Read/Write, Suave Trappings: Courtly Garb, Dagger, Jewellery worth 15 GC, Purse containing 10 GC

Prior to his disappearance, Andreas arranged for a gift to be delivered to the Fenstermacher manor, an ornately gilded, highly polished oval standing mirror. Sadly for Esmerelda, the mirror proved to be her last comunicae with Andreas von Bruner, and news of his disappearance filtered back to Ubersreik in the following months. Rather than let herself become crestfallen or withdraw into heartbreak, Esmerelda, in her grief over the loss of her fellow cultist and close companions’ mysterious disappearance, instead focused on revenge against those that would see him exiled. It was in this thirst for vengeance that Andreas’ gift first began to whisper to Esmerelda. The Daemon Kelsydra brokered a deal with the girl, promising terrible vengeance in exchange for her release. Esmerelda now burns with unbridled confidence and resolve that seems to radiate from her very being.


As a Character, Esmerelda exists to both torment the suitors and offer rewards for the excesses of their deeds. In the role of the suitors’ object of affection, she appears from time to time to remind them why they are fighting, shyly giggling over their jokes or swooning over their pronouncements of love.

The Lovestruck Fool: Leopold von Bruner

The GM should portray Esmerelda as fickle and flighty, smiling and swooning over one suitor only to be distracted by the deeds of another suitor moments later, acting oblivious to just how desperately the three youths seek to impress her.

The Characters can encounter Leopold pacing the halls of the von Bruner manor or in one of the many taverns of Ubersreik, roughly scribbling poetry in a leatherbound journal by himself at a table while slowly nursing a Bretonian wine.

This is, of course, all an act and behind the scenes both Esmerelda and Kelsydra are manipulating the young suitors in order to select one competent enough to complete the rituals needed to free the Daemon.

Leopold is warmly conversational and will actively engage the Characters, seeking their opinions on his atrocious poetry, and reading it aloud to the chagrin of the other patrons.


Once convinced to sit by the Characters he begins fawning stories of Esmerelda’s unmatched beauty. Should the Characters attempt to talk him out of his pitiable attempts at courtship, an Average (+20) Intuition reveals the endeavour to be pointless, as Leopold is utterly infatuated with Esmerelda. The Characters may attempt to enquire after Leopold further to reveal more information by asking around the staff of the von Bruner estate on an Average (+20) Gossip test. They learn more regarding the young noble’s recent and intense obsession with the lady Esmerelda and how he has almost filled his journal with gaudy poems professing his love. If the Characters somehow manage to surreptitiously view Leopold’s journal, they will most likely find the page after page of verbose love poems nauseating, however Characters that can persevere with a successful Challenging (+0) Perception test quickly notice a repeating theme of reflection and repeated mention to a mirrored realm in which their love blossoms unhindered.

Event: The Grandest Inspirations

Once the Characters get talking with Leopold, he will eventually profess his pressing desire to compose a grandiose sonnet so breathtakingly beautiful that Esmerelda will fall lovingly into his arms. For such a grand gesture, the aspiring poet requires suitable inspiration, and the young noble intends to travel out of the city to a well-known, picturesque beauty spot. Should the Characters be on good terms with Leopold, then he will happily invite them along to witness him undertake his magnum opus. Almost two days walk from Ubersreik in the shadow of the Grey Mountains, the Characters come to a barren clearing. Overlooking the sprawling foothills with Ubersreik silhouetted against the horizon, the area is uncharacteristically beautiful, yet its isolated location puts it far beyond the regular patrols of the road wardens. Once they arrive, Leopold wastes no time in making camp and, after offering the Characters wine, begins the process of composing his masterpiece for Esmerelda.


Should the Characters be attempting to assist Leopold, then this presents an opportunity for them to make Hard(+20) Art or Entrain Tests in an attempt to help the young noble improve his dire poetry. Alternatively, should the Characters be attempting to prevent Leopold’s continuing infatuation, the trip from the city would make for an ideal opportunity to whisk the lovestruck Leopold off to Grunewald Lodge (provided it’s still standing if the Characters have played through An Eye for an Eye page 17) As GM, this event also provides an opportunity to introduce more direct combat to the adventure should you feel your players enjoy more martial pursuits. Isolated in the woods, far from the city, the young noble and Characters would make an attractive target for bandits, goblins or any of the untold horrors that lurk in the woods. LEOPOLD VON BRUNER — SCION (GOLD 1) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

26 28 32 34 33 35 33 35 28 38 11

Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +5, Skills: Bribery 46, Charm 46, Entertain (Speeches) 39, Gamble 38, Intimidate 34, Language (Bretonnian) 39,Leadership 46, Lore (History) 38, Melee (Basic 37, Fencing 37)

Talents: Doomed, Etiquette (Nobles), Hardy, Luck, Noble Blood, Read/Write, Suave Trappings: Courtly Garb, Dagger, Journal of terrible poetry, Purse containing 10 GC


Leopold believes the best way to express his love is via his poetry. Often reading his poems aloud on the streets of Ubersreik. As his obsession with Esmerelda worsens, so too does this poetry, often to the chagrin of the local populace resulting in the Characters having to come to his aid. Should the Characters attempt to dissuade Leopold from his pursuit of Esmeralda’s hand, they quickly find themselves the subject of some very unflattering limericks.




Difficult(-10) Charm or Intimidate Test, then in hushed tones, they get to the truth of Maximillian’s vicious and spiteful nature, well known among the common folk of Ubersreik for a plethora of cruel pranks and generally loutish behaviour.

Event: Exposing The Suitors

Maximillian is well known for his cruel pranks, usually at the expense of the poor common folk of Ubersreik. However, he now has his sights set on the other suitors for Esmerelda’s heart. Planning to humiliate his potential love rivals in front of Esmerelda herself and as many of the populace of the town as he can muster to witness his “hilarious” prank. Maximillian intends to disguise himself as Esmerelda and, having had both Leopold and Tomas invited to a tavern, intends to lure them into a state of undress before having his entourage proclaim fire, sending the naked suitors running into the street and into plain sight of Esmerelda. Convinced that Esmerelda shares his particular sense of humour, he is utterly sure this caper will prove him both much smarter and funnier than the other suitors in her eyes.

The Cruel Prankster: Maximilian Aschaffenberg The rambunctious nephew of Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg is easily located by the Characters. By following a trail of drunken revelry and boisterous shenanigans around the taverns of Ubersreik, they eventually come across Maximillian Aschaffenberg and his gurning entourage. He is openly hostile and derogatory towards any Characters not of noble birth and will only entertain those that are should they pass a Difficult (-10) Charm Test to further inflate his ego or if they can otherwise convince him they intend to assist him in his attempts to impress Esmerelda. However, should the Characters let slip that they are under instruction from his Uncle, he quickly dismisses them from his presence and instructs his entourage to keep them away, physically if required. Should the Characters decide to enquire after Lord Aschaffenbergs wayward nephew, a Challenging (+0) Gossip Test will reveal that people cannot speak highly enough of the young noble, openly praising his kind soul and generous nature, with worried glances over their shoulders as they say so. Characters following up on this with an Easy (+40) Intuition Test will quickly see through these charades, and if followed by a successful


Maximillian will only involve the Characters if they have won his trust. Alternatively, they may also overhear the details of the plot should they spend any time in a tavern. Maximillian and his entourage are drinking in as the roars of laughter at their own ideas only grow as the ale flows. Should the Characters already be on good terms with the other suitors, Maximillian may approach them directly, either to extend a sincere invitation to meet with Esmerelda, a ruse which the Characters will easily see through with a Challenging (+0) Intuition Test, or more likely, to involve them directly with the offer of a few silver. Maximillian will have the Characters hand deliver forged notes from Lady Esmerelda and have them vouch for their authenticity. Leopold is easy to convince, and unless the Characters give him reason for suspicion, he readily agrees to join them. Tomas is a significantly less trusting character, and the Characters will have to be resourceful in providing “proof ” of Lady Esmeralda’s invitation before he agrees to any rendezvous. Once the plan is in motion, it is only a matter of time before the complexity of it becomes its undoing, should the Characters become embroiled in it or not. As GM, there are several opportunities to complicate matters for the Characters here.



Should any of the Suitors spot one other, then a fight will quickly break out as they realise they have been deceived. Should Maximillian entrust the Characters with convincing the bar patrons of a fire, any attempts to fake smoke or flame quickly spiral out of control. Finally, should the prank proceed to plan, then the arrival of Lord Heisman, Lord Ashschaffernberg or even Lady Ludmilla as the exposed suitors run into the Ubersreik will definitely draw the ire of the noble lords. MAXIMILLIAN ASCHAFFENBERG SCION (GOLD 1) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

33 26 35 35 35 25 38 38 34 27 12

Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +5,

Skills: Bribery 44, Consume Alcohol 39, Entertain (Taunt) 39, Gamble 38, Intimidate 37, Leadership 39, Lore (Heraldry) 37, Melee (Basic 37, Brawling 33)

Talents: Doomed, Etiquette (Nobles), Hardy, Luck, Noble Blood, Read/Write, Suave Trappings: Fine Quality Clothing, Dagger, Small Box of Frogs, Bottle of good quaility wine, Purse containing 7 GC


Maximillian’s growing obsession with Esmerelda drives him to bigger and bolder pranks in the hope of impressing her. If the Characters choose to help Maximillian in his pursuit of Esmerelda, they will find themselves caught up in a escalating series of barely legal hijinks. However, he is not above having any other potential suitors warned off violently, nor against having hired thugs work on his behalf should the Characters act against him.

Wealth & Privilege : Tomas von Karstadt The only son of the successful Karstadt merchant family only frequents the type of upmarket establishments the Characters may have trouble proving themselves worthy of entering. However, the enterprising young man can also be found in the family warehouse or occasionally at the Merchants Guild buildings. Tomas is by far the most sharp-witted of Esmeralda’s potential suitors, and should he learn the Characters

have already met with Leopold or Maximillian, then he becomes suspicious of their intentions and questions them intensely. He is well aware of the others that seek to win Esmeralda’s favour and quickly pieces together why the Characters have sought him out. Instead of trying to convince the Characters of the veracity of his love and his sincerity, he instead offers a business proposition, just as one would expect from the son of a powerful merchant family. Should the Characters hear him out, the deal itself is simple — remove Leopold and Maximillian as competition for the hand of Esmerelda (Also fulfilling the Characters’ obligations to Lords Heisman and Rickard), and he will pay them well. He punctuates this statement by loudly and arrogantly jangling a coin purse. Should the Characters investigate Tomas further, they quickly find Tomas’ background. The Karstadt family is of good standing and well regarded within Ubersreik, and as such, only a brave few speak badly of Tomas, and even then, only as the result of a successful Challenging (+0) Intimidation or Charm test, revealing the younger Karstadt to have a reputation not only as a ruthless businessman but as a degenerate gambler with debt owed across the less savoury establishments of the city.




Event: Bad Debts, Worse Deeds

Once the young Karstadt is convinced the Characters are both trustworthy and competent, he approaches them to help him deal with a problem he is having. A local merchant and bookkeeper for a number of less savoury pursuits available across Ubersreik, Krebs Malrich has reached the end of his patience with young Tomas over unpaid debts. Should he be able to convince the Characters to assist him, he informs them about the Krebs favoured tavern and asks them to “take care” of the situation for him, and while being deliberately scant on details, his mannerisms and knowing winks make his intentions clear. Should the Characters be attempting to assist the other suitors, then they may see this as an opportunity to remove Tomas, either by seeking out Tomas’ father, Alfred, and informing him of the debt or by speaking with Krebs directly. Krebs and his men occupy a gambling den sequestered away in a back alley on the edge of the city of Ubersreik. Approaching Krebs’s den is dangerous, and the Characters will have to keep their wits about them. The back room they use for business is dingy and well tucked away, and the Characters could quickly eliminate the crime lord if they so choose to, however getting out unaccosted by Krebs men, avoiding the inevitable investigation of the watch and the potential repercussions for the city itself make this a less than ideal solution.


Krebs makes a living as a bookkeeper for various shoddy and often rigged card games and gambling opportunities across Ubersreik. However, his frustrations with Tomas are genuine, and the young noble owes him over 100GC. The Characters may find this of great opportunity. Finding a way to settle the outstanding debt would endear them to Tomas and the Karstatd family; however, delivering the wayward youth to the Debtor’s Gaol would remove him as a suitor and potential problem. TOMAS VON KARSTADT — MERCHANT (SILVER 5) M WS BS S 4



Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

36 35 36 28 31 41 30 42 42 41 11

Traits: Weapon (Dagger) +6, Skills: Animal Care 54, Bribery 46, Charm 52, Drive 48, Evaluate 48, Cool 46, Gamble 51, Haggle 46, Leadership 44, Language (Guilder) 49, Melee (Basic) 39 Talents: Blather, Briber, Doomed, Embezzle, Luck, Read/Write, Savvy, Suave Trappings: Fine Quality Clothes, Dagger, Notices of Payment Due, Purse containing 4 GC


In order to win Esmeralda’s hand, Tomas has besieged the Fenstermacher Manor with a variety of unique and exotic gifts. As his obsession worsens, the Characters will inevitably find themselves involved in the procurement of more lavish gifts and in keeping the growing list of Tomas’ creditors subdued.


PART TWO: THE TRIALS OF THE HEART During part One of this adventure, Esmerelda and Kelsydra take a largely passive role, refusing to commit to their dark plans until the suitors thin themselves out and present them both with the most appropriate candidate to affect the Daemons’ escape. If the Characters have been successful in their endeavours throughout Part One of this adventure, then they will most likely be invited to accompany the chosen suitor to the rundown Fenstermacher manor (or be attending themselves!), where they are met by the stern glare of Esmeralda’s maid, Hilda. She informs those gathered that Lady Esmerelda wishes the suitor to court her properly and, in keeping with tradition, must undertake three trials for her to prove that their love is true. In truth, both Esmerelda and Kelsydra intend to manipulate both the suitor and the Characters into completing the final steps required to free Kelsydra from their mirrored prison. To most observing, these tasks are rooted in romance, yet for those that scratch beyond their surface appearance, and it begins to become clear each of these trials serves to begin a much darker purpose.

The First Trial: A Lost Locket

The first of the trials the suitor is tasked with is the retrieval of a locket that Esmerelda claims to be very dear to her. A family heirloom long lost, the locket is an ornate gold oval with an intricate engraving of an eye centred with a glistening red ruby. The locket fetched only a measly sum when sold by her father during his vain attempts at upkeeping the crumbling Fenstermacher manor against the family’s ailing fortunes.

The Second Trial: An Ancestral Gift

Having completed the first trial, the Characters and the suitor must travel to the von Bruner mausoleum in order to honour an ancient relative of Esmerelda and retrieve their blessing alongside a simple gold wedding band. In truth, the theft and reading of the subtlety blasphemous poem is nothing but Esmerelda’s petty revenge, desecrating the von Bruner tomb in response to their treatment of Andres.


The Third Trial: Declarations of Love

When the Characters and the chosen suitor complete the second trial and return to Fenstermacher manor, Esmerelda provides details of her final trial. The Characters are to travel to four key locations around Ubersreik and publicly declare the upcoming betrothal between Esmerelda and the suitor.

The First Trial: The Fenstermacher Locket Once a beloved artefact of the Fenstermacher estate, the locket was sold by Rupert Fenstermacher, Esmeralda’s father, in an attempt to gather enough coin to prevent their once proud manor from falling further into disrepair. The locket is ornate and clearly not of Imperial origin, and more than one of those who have come into possession of it since have complained of feeling a strange aura and a sense of creeping dread. As such, no reputable jewelsmith would show interest in its purchase, and the intricate little locket ended up being bet on back alley games and used in settlement of distasteful debts. Enquiring after the locket will be met with confused looks by most and angry scowls by those aware of its existence. The Characters will have to explore some of the less reputable areas of Ubersreik, engaging in illicit gambling or following up on hushed rumours. Investigating the lockets’ whereabouts will require a successful Difficult (-10) Gossip or Intimidate Test. At each attempt, the GM should consult the below table and paraphrase an appropriate rumour; eventually, the Characters will be in no doubt of the lockets’ location. Once it becomes clear to the Characters who is in possession of the Fenstermacher Locket, they should make their way to the Debtor’s Gaol and ask after its warden.




LOCKET RUMORS TABLE Result +3 SL or better...

Information “Keep it down, will you! I know the locket you’re asking for, the Fenstermacher one! The old fool pawned it just to keep the fires burning. Last I heard, Old Rudi over at the Debtor’s Gaol had it locked away.”

+2 SL

“Nasty thing, that locket gave me shivers just having it in me pocket... Heard it ended up in the hands of Klumpenklug over at the debtor’s Gaol.”

+ 1 SL

“Aye I know the locket ye mean, fancy lil thing with a big ‘ol ruby. I was at the table when old Hausser lost it to the old Watch Sgt; what’s his name… Rudy? Rudi? “

0 SL

“Can’t say I’ve seen anything like that myself now, but I heard a rumour of a locket being used to settle a bad debt…”

-1 SL

“ I aint seen no locket, brooch or any of that kinda fancy stuff.”

-2 SL

“A locket you say! I’d heard word that they were cracking down on that sort of thing, making sure debts were paid with cold hard coin instead”

-3 SL or worse...

“Well, aint today yer lucky day!” –The Characters are offered the locket for 4 GC, passing a Difficult (-10) Perception reveals it is a rather crude forgery

The Ubersreik Debtors Gaol

An imposing stone block located in the north of the city, the Ubersreik Debtors Gaol for Scoundrels and Vagabonds is an imposing stone-fronted building, its windows covered with intricately patterned iron bars. The building itself seems to loom over the horizon, casting ominous shadows that keep the surrounding townhouses of the area in permanent shade. Previously those with unpaid debts would most likely find themselves pilloried or subject to a vicious beating at the hands of some hired antagonists, yet the growing influence of the merchant guilds has seen that change. Debtors now find themselves incarcerated in one of these new Debtor’s Gaols. Those that can afford it find themselves imprisoned on the lavish upper floors, paying a rate of gold per day to their warden to ensure their continued comfort and continuing good health until their outstanding debts are settled. Those less fortunate find themselves in the lower cells, surrounded by rats and the perpetual dampness that permeates the Gaol.


From these squalid cells, they are forced to work braiding rope, crushing insects for dye production or even being sent to beg on the streets in order to clear any unpaid balances before they are released. Yet, as the accumulation of costs from their incarceration leaves only a meagre amount to be paid towards their own debt itself and unscrupulous guards further exploit those within its walls, the system ensures some may never leave the miserable cells behind them.

Rudi Klumpenklug

A former Sergeant of the Ubersreik City Watch, Rudi Klumpenklug is a rotund man with a bushy grey beard, dirty leather eyepatch and a toothy grin that exposes a mouthful of yellowed teeth and singular shining gold surrogate. Having lined his pockets extensively from petty fines and bribery over his long career and with an unassumed sharpness when it comes to playing politics, Rudi has elevated himself to the position of warder of the Ubersreik Debtors Gaol and rules over it with an iron fist, wrapped in a silk glove. Depending on the Characters’ history, they may have encountered Rudi during his time in the Watch, and their previous interactions will definitely carry influence as Rudi has a long memory and the ability to hold a grudge that would rival some Dwarfs. Once the initial pleasantries of introductions are dealt with, the Characters will likely need to enquire after the Fenstermacher Locket. Rudi will quickly discern the importance of the locket to the Characters, and his face will split in a sly smirk, his singular gold tooth shining like a beacon in the murky room as he thinks over any proposition offered - before returning with one(or more!) tasks the Characters might be able to offer him assistance with in exchange for the locket instead


It is entirely possible that the Characters may have previously tried to have Rudi apprehended for his past misdeeds, come to blows over his less-than-orthodox policing methods or otherwise offend him in such a way that he refuses to entertain any request for the locket. Likewise, Characters may not be particularly keen on conducting the dirty work of a known villain such as Rudi. Looking for alternate ways to acquire the locket could include breaking into the Debtor’s Gaol, being deliberately imprisoned there or even attempting to goad Rudi into betting the locket himself!





Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

50 35 47 41 32 36 31 32 36 49 17

Traits: Armour (Body, Arms) 3 (7), Weapon (Dagger +6, Sword +8)

Skills: Athletics 51, Charm 59, Climb 62, Consume Alcohol 56, Cool 46, Dodge 51, Endurance 56, Entertain(Acting 54, Storytelling 54), Gamble 69, Gossip 59, Haggle 64, Intimidate 57, Intuition 42, Leadership 54, Lore (Law 37, Local 42), Melee (Basic) 65, Perception 47 Talents: Break and Enter, Criminal, Diceman, Doomed, Hardy, Luck, Suave, Tenacious

Trappings: Breastplate, Copper Badge, Dagger, The Fenstermacher Locket, Fine Clothes, Glass Eye, Half a bottle of Mootland Brandy, Helm, Keys to the Gaol, Lamp Oil, Lantern, Sword, Symbol of Rank



It may have transpired that Rudi has already met his demise in his previous encounters with the Characters. Or worse still, is festering in a cell somewhere in Ubersreik should more lawabiding Characters have previously exposed Rudi and managed to convince the Watch of his misdeeds. If this is the case in your game, the Characters might feel a great deal of unease when they encounter the devious watchman again. Depending on the events of your game, Rudi may be openly hostile, holding the Characters in contempt for their previous actions. He may be uncharacteristically forgiving, only for the Characters to find themselves watched from the shadows by an assortment of hired thugs. Alternatively, Rudi may completely deny the fact that he is Rudi, claiming instead to be an old gaoler from Altdorf, a retired soldier, or just about any other plausible cover story he can think of. The Characters may even be convinced to a point, yet will have any doubts reinforced when they catch the old watchman maliciously staring at them with his one remaining beady eye. If poor Rudi’s demise in a previous adventure is beyond any doubt, then there is no shortage of the ambitious and ruthless in Ubersreik ready to step into his shoes, and the GM should replace him with a suitably nefarious alternative NPC.




The Second Trial: An Ancestral Gift

Finding the Tomb

The bestowment of an ancestral wedding gift for their The Characters will have no problem finding the location union is the next undertaking Esmerelda wants the suitor of the von Bruner Mausoleum, yet this is only the to perform. She tells a romanticised tale of a distant rela- beginning of their search. Within the mausoleum, there tive, one Maritha Fenstermacher, that married into the are easily over one hundred independent Sarcophagi, and von Bruner family and whose memory she now seeks to the thick dust and low light make reading the engraved honour. The Characters must locate the appropriate grave plaques extremely difficult. within the von Bruner mausoleum and recite a poem Esmerelda has chosen to honour the relative before ulti- Characters working with Leopold can have the staff of the mately retrieving the wedding band from the long-dead von Bruner manor investigate the matter and return to the relative and returning it to Esmerelda. In order to provide Characters (after some time!) with the correct location of any necessary assistance and also witness the event, Es- the tomb within the complex before they even enter. merelda has the Characters and suitor accompanied by one of her servants, Jory Meilhaus, an unassuming and Characters not working with Leopold will find their simple girl who is utterly unaware of Esmeraldas’ true efforts further frustrated, and should word reach the intent. scorned young noble, then he will do everything he can to prevent the Characters from even gaining access to the While the ancient ring is required for the ritual, Esmerel- mausoleum. Should this occur, the Characters will need to da also takes great glee in knowing that the trial will des- be creative in finding a way to occupy Leopold’s attention ecrate the von Bruner tomb, a small and petty revenge in while they complete the trial. response to their treatment of Andres. The final resting place of Maritha Fenstermacher is a simple affair. A Plain stone casket, topped with a large stone slab that is engraved with both the crest of the von Bruner and Fenstermacher families. Moving the heavy stone lid will require +4 SL on an Extended Strength Test from the Characters working in unison unless they propose a viable alternative solution on how to gain access to the tomb.



The Poem

The poem selected by Esmerelda (Handout 1) is only a short two verses, designed to honour her ancestor and seek her blessing, Esmerelda explains. By contrast to the poetry of Leopold von Bruner that the characters may have already “experienced”, the poem is concise and to the point, if somewhat cryptic in its imagery. Should the Characters have any concerns, they may wish to have others read the poem or study its contents. There will be disagreement around the artistic merit of such a poem or if such readings truly honour the dead in the eyes of Morr. However, short of taking the poem to a member of the Eldritch Eye, its true meaning remains unclear.

Young love blossomed in the bosom of the prince,

A gift of gold, once hallowed now unbound,

To join together anew and young love convince, In sacred honour and beloved memory,


The blessings under purple skies and watchful eye.

As the last of the words resonate in the clacking hollow skull of the corpse, the chill in the room dissipates as the aged bones of Maritha collapse back into the sarcophagus just as suddenly as they sat up.

The Signet

With the ritual complete and the bones of Maritha Fenstermacher no longer animated, the Characters must now retrieve the ring from the sarcophagus. On removing the ring from the withered bones, the Characters find themselves holding a pristine gold wedding band. Unlike the other jewellery on the corpse, the ring shows no signs of tarnish or neglect, shining as if it was freshly polished. On inspection, Characters that succeed in a Difficult(+20) Lore Reikland Test will note that the seal on the outside of the ring is indeed that of the Von Bruner and Fenstermacher families. However, the inside of the ring is intricately detailed, with a singular eye on the reverse side of the signet. This belongs to no noble house the Characters are aware of.

“Under purple skies and watchful eye,

New love is crowned and with band none may decr


An Ancestral Warning

One Character should begin to read the poem aloud. The air around the tomb will noticeably chill, and characters that succeed in an Challenging (+0) Perception Test will hear the faint whispering and echoes of a rasping female voice before the bones within snap upright with a loud cracking that resonates throughout the tomb complex. Read or paraphrase the following; “Deceivers! Betrayers! How dare you come here! You are doomed fools if you believe von Bruners lies! To take that which betrayed me will only condemn you as it did I! Bound and broken under the eye!”

Should the Characters decide that the ring is cursed or otherwise tainted and choose to leave it, then Jory will make her way into the tomb to take the ring. Should the Characters advise against this, she dismisses their concerns as the result of the stale tomb air and returns the ring to Esmerelda.

The Third Trial: Declarations of Love

When the Characters and the chosen suitor complete the second trial and return to Fenstermacher manor, Hilda is outright dismissive of any outlandish claims of rituals or spirits rising from the grave. Should the Characters persist, she will eventually agree to pass along the entire tale to Esmerelda, albeit with a hint of sarcasm. News of the final trial may come as a relief to the Character and suitor, for Esmerelda has requested that they travel to six locations throughout the city and perform the verses of a love song she has written that proclaims their love.





-2 SL

0 SL


The watch are called to eject the loud rabble rousers.

A few passing glances but the Characters are otherwise ignored

A smattering of polite applause and well wishes follows the Characters proclamation.

Merchant Quarter

The Characters are accused of causing a distraction for thieves and chased from the Merchant Quarter

Several merchants pass on their congratulations and remind the characters where their businesses are located

Several local merchants approach the characters offering to provide services free of charge.


Pelted with vegetables and other rotten produce until they move along

A large crowd forms around the Characters and listens intently.

Loud cheers and a spirit of revelry spreads through the assembled crowds

Artisans Quarter

Several beggars surround the Characters drowning out their attempts with cries of their own.

Characters must fend off merchants offering their wares for the upcoming ceremony.

A group of artisans present the Characters with a small gift for the couple (1d10 Silver Shillings)

Public Proclamations

At the outset, the final trial may seem distinctly less arduous than the previous. In truth, Esmerelda simply requires time to make her final preparations before undertaking the ritual. The Characters must accompany the suitor to each of the four locations listed in the table below and undertake an Challenging (+0) Entertain or another appropriate test in order to capture the attention of passers-by and deliver their proclamations. At the outset, this may seem like an easy enough task, and should the Characters perform well at each location, then the local population will pay attention but take little notice of their announcements. Should the Characters fail by -2 SL or more, then they fail to impress those listening and should attempt a different location before returning and attempting again. Aside from the potential of the general public not taking kindly to the Characters making declarations of love on the busy cobbled streets of Ubersreik, this final trial gives the GM the opportunity to introduce some final complications for the Characters.


+2 SL

Those who have had their attempts to win Esmereldas’ hand spurned are still infatuated with the Fenstermacher girl and, at best, may arrange for the watch to disperse or interrupt the Characters before completing their task and, at worst, have them accosted by hired thugs. Similarly, public declarations of love and marriage are not what Lord Bruner or Lord Ashschaffenburg would deem as dealing with the situation discreetly, and should word get back to them or they witness such proclamations, then they may also look to arrange further disruptions.

And Now For Your Reward...

Once Esmerelda and Kelsydra are convinced the trials are complete, she deems it time to begin the final stage of the ritual and free Kelsydra from the bonds of the mirror. Should the Characters have uncovered elements of the truth regarding Esmerelda or the Suitors’ obsessions, then they may wish to spend some time preparing themselves before departing for the meeting. If not, then they will walk unsuspectingly into the final stage of the ritual


PART THREE: FRAGMENTS OF DESIRE The Characters and Suitors enter Esmeralda’s unremarkable sitting room to find the girl waiting for her suitor. As they step forward to profess their love, The Characters begin to notice the large number of mirrors hanging on the walls and standing in the corners... Esmerelda clasps the once-lost locket in one hand, her face glowing as the suitor kneels, taking her other hand into his. Then everything seems to shift like light moving over water, accompanied by a shrill screech and the sound of shattering glass. Looking around, the Characters should quickly notice the absence of their own reflections in the surrounding mirrors. Instead, they see the dull sitting room reflected back towards them. The Characters lay sprawled unconscious on the floor alongside the suitor. Esmerelda and the twisted androgynous form of Kelysdra smile wickedly as they observe the scene, out of reach beyond the shimmering glass. This shared comradery lasts only long enough for the figure to ensure the Characters witness the tip of their grotesque crab-like claw eviscerating the girl. Discarding the limp corpse of Esmerelda, the creature turns to face the Characters in the mirror, its lips twisting into a disturbingly captivating smile. Through sharpened teeth, Kelysdra hisses the following at the Characters…





Having allowed the Daemon to escape her mirrored prison, the Characters find themselves observing the scene in Esmerelda’s room from the other side of the mirror. Looking around will quickly reveal that the Characters’ vision is reversed, scars appear on the opposite side of their faces, book titles are reversed and barely readable and the whole room shimmers with an eerie silver light. Characters undertaking an Average (+20) Perception Test will quickly discover that two items in the room are unaffected by the mirror elements. These are the Fenstermacher Locket and the poem the Characters read at the von Bruner tomb during the trials. As the Characters take hold of these items, the mirror begins to crack and splinter. An Easy (+40) Intuition Test will reveal that these items are clearly related to the ritual binding them to the mirror and are somehow related to their escape. A Character must read out the poem in reverse with a successful Challenging (+0) Entertain Test to ensure the correct emphasis and pronunciations while holding the locket in order to reverse the ritual. Once the Characters have completed this final aspect of the ritual, the mirror itself shatters into untold silver shards that seem to drift in the air leaving the Characters and the unconscious suitor on the floor of Esmerelda’s chamber.

“ You have my sincerest thanks, my dearest playthings. To be free after all these years is simply beyond compare, and oh, what unfettered gratuity awaits…” Unless the Characters have previously alerted others to their suspicions or had taken steps to prevent Kelsydra from escaping the Fenstermacher Manor the daemon turns from the Characters and leaves them trapped in the mirror as she completes her escape.





Once the Characters have escaped the mirror, they will no doubt seek to ensure the rescued suitor is alive and well before making their reports to Lord Heisman and the Ashscaffenbergs. Following this, the Characters may be interested in tying up the remaining loose ends related to this adventure.


The Characters will certainly want to follow up on what has become of Kelsydra should they have inadvertently facilitated her escape. In the immediate aftermath, this will prove a fruitless task. Kelsydra, capable of mimicking and assuming the form of other souls, from lowly beggar to glamourous courtesan, could be anywhere. Having allowed her to escape, the Daemon has no reason to assume the Characters’ are capable of even escaping the mirror, let alone threaten her grandiose plans for the nobility of Ubersreik. Should the Characters have interrupted the ritual or confronted the Daemon in combat, then a severely weakened Kelsydra curses the Characters, vowing revenge as she flees Ubersreik. Characters that successfully confront Esmerelda prior to the ritual and prevent the Daemon from enacting their


escape will have made a powerful enemy and may find themselves subject to Kalsydra’s wrath should she ever break the bonds of her mirrored prison. Whichever of these outcomes befalls the Characters pursuing Kelsydra or being subject to her persecutions could act as the beginning of an entirely new adventure.

The Suitors

Following the events of Fragments of Desire, the suitor that had won Esmeralda’s hand and participated in the ritual will be left with only dim memories of the events but is reticent to believe inclined to believe that they have been subject to the manipulations of a daemon, this is assuming the Characters rescued their unconscious form from the mirror. The other suitors, who previously had been nursing their rejections and plotting revenge, find themselves freed from Esmerelda’s charms. As the influence slowly fades, they only have dim memories of their recent obsessions. Depending on the Characters’ actions, they may find themselves embroiled in the consequences of the suitors’ behaviour when courting Esmerelda, and the fallout could serve as the starting point for a new adventure… or a hasty exit from Ubersreik altogether!



Lady Ludmilla will have learned of the events surrounding Esmerelda from her own sources, and ashen-faced that she may have unwittingly encouraged her son into the arms of a cultist offers to match the monetary reward offered by her husband, providing, of course, that they never speak of the matter again.

Rewards The Von Bruners & Aschaffenbergs

A heavy coin purse and the favour of two powerful noble families of Ubersreik await the Characters, provided they have worked to avoid having either Leopold or Maximillian from becoming further involved with Esmerelda. Both Lord Heisman and Lord Rickard will be suitably impressed by the Characters, even more so should they have handled the matter discreetly and are more than happy to pay the reward. Characters that fail to prevent either Max or Leopold from further embarrassment, or worse, let them participate in the ritual, will be at the mercy of the lords’ wrath. Lord Heisman will be dismayed as the foul taint of Chaos further besmirches the family name.

As well as the normal XP you offer for good roleplaying and having fun, XP can be awarded at the end of this adventure using the following guidelines: 0 0 0 0

10 points for escorting Leopold on his Journey. 10 points for assisting Maximillian in his pranks. 10 points for helping Tomas deal with his debts. 20 points for uncovering the truth about Esmerelda and Andreas. 0 20 points for assisting a suitor through Trials of the Heart. 0 50 points if the Characters prevent Kelsydra’s escape. 0 20 points if they manage to keep the suitors from public spectacle.


Horror of Hugeldal: Handout 1: Perfidy Defeated!

An Eye for an Eye: Handout 1: Looking For Work?

Horror of Hugeldal: Handout 4: A Public Proclamation

Horror of Hugeldal: Handout 3: The Jolly Cavalcade

Mirror of Desire: Handout 1: A Poem

Horror of Hugeldal: Handout 2: Livestock Auction

An Eye for an Eye: Handout 2: Goose is Good

Map: Hugeldal

Grunwald Lodge: Main Floor

Grunwald Lodge: Upstairs

Grunwald Lodge: Hidden Rooms

Map: Ubersreik







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