Tutorial Questions [PDF]

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SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1). The actual production of a product R does not meet the demand of the market for which it has been necessary to do an appraisal in order to increase production. The reaction is in a liquid phase and is represented by the following elementary reaction. A


Three alternatives are presented here: (i)

The reaction will take place in a system consisting of two plug flow reactors of 1m3 volume each connected in series.


The reaction will take place in a system consisting of two flow reactors connected in series, first in a 1m3 CSTR followed by a 1m3 PFR.


Two CSTR of 1m3 volume each connected in series.

Which of the alternatives will give the highest quantity of the product R? Justify your answer mathematically. Data k = 2 x 10-3m3/kmol.S, υ = 2 x 10-3m3/S, CAO = 1kmol/m3 2). The actual product R does not meet the demand or necessities of the market, for which it has been necessary to do an exploratory study of the way of increasing the production. The reaction has the following Stoichiometry and is elementary in the liquid phase: 2A


Three alternatives are presented here: 1. The reaction will take place in a system formed by two reactors of plug flow of 1m3 of volume each connected in series. 2. The reaction takes place in a system formed by two reactors of perfect mixture connected in series, the first of 0.5m3 of volume and the second of 2m3. 3. The reactors of perfect mixture (CSTR) of 1m3 of capacity each connected in series. Data: K = 2 x 10 m3/kmol.s, υo = 2 x 10-3 m3/s, CAo = 1kmol/ m3 Which of the alternatives proportionate the greatest quality of the product R? Justify your answer mathematically.

3). The irreversible first-order reaction, A


is carried out isothermally at constant density in a 0.1m3 CSTR. The concentration of the feed A is CAO = 20 mol/ m3. The volumetric flow rate of the feed is 0.25m3/ min and the conversion of A from a CSTR is X= 40%. (a) Calculate the reaction velocity constant. (b) What would be the overall conversion of A if a second continuous flow reactor; (i) CSTR, of the same volume is added in series? (ii) PFR of the same volume is added in series? 4). The gas phase reaction A + 2B


which is first- order in A and first-order in B is to be carried out isothermally in a plug flow reactor. The entering volumetric flow rate is 2.5dm3/min, and the feed is equimolar in A and B. The entering temperature and pressure are 727oC and 10atm, respectively. The specific reaction rate at this temperature is 4.0 dm3/mol.min and the activation energy is 15,000cal/mol. (a) Calculate the volumetric flow rate when the conversion of A is 25%? (b) What is the rate of reaction when the conversion of A is 40%? (c) What is concentration of A at 40%conversion of A ? (d) Calculate the value of the specific reaction rate at 1227oC?

5). The first-order reversible liquid reaction

, CAo = 0.5 mol / liter, CBo = 0 takes place in

a batch reactor. After 8 mins, conversion of A is 33.3% while equilibrium conversion is 66.7%. Find the rate equation for this reaction. 6).

A reversible reaction is conducted in a constant volume batch reactor at 50oC:



with CBO = 0, CAO =4mol/(min)(dm3) lnK =17.2−

5800 , T

Where T is in degree Kelvin.

lnK e =−24.7+

9000 T

The rate equation is: −r A =

−dC A x =K C AO (1−x− ) dt Ke

(a) Determine the reaction time for 64% conversion of A. (b) Determine the fractional conversion of A at equilibrium. 7). In the presence of water (W) and hydrochloric acid (as a catalyst) the rate of esterification (E) in g-mol / (liter)(min.) of acetic acid (H) and ethyl alcohol (OH) at 100 oC is given by r1 = K1CHCOH , K1 = 4.76 x 10-4 liter / (g-mol)(min.). The rate of the reverse reaction, the hydrolysis of the ester in the same concentration of catalyst is r2 = K2 CE CW , K2 = 1.63 x 10 -4 liter / (min) (g-mol)

Given that (CH)o = 4.00 g-mol / liter, (COH)o = 10.8 g-mol / liter, (CW)o = 18.0 g-mol / liter, (CE)o = 0 (a). A reactor is charged with the above concentrations of an aqueous solution of acetic acid, ethyl alcohol and the same concentration of HCl as used to obtain the reaction-velocity constants. What will be the conversion of acetic acid to ester sfter 120 min of reaction time? (b) What is the equilibrium conversion 8). One hundred (100) moles of R are to be produced hourly from a feed consisting of a saturated solution of A. CAO = 0.1mol/liter) in a mixed flow reactor. The reaction is A → R, rR =(0.2hr-1)CA Cost of reactant at CAO = 0.1mol/liter is $A =$0.50/mol A Cost of reactor including installation, auxiliary equipment, instrumentation, overhead, labor depreciation, etc, is: $m = $0.01/hrliter. (a) Calculate the reactor size, feed rate, and conversion for optimum operations. b) What is the unit cost of R for these conditions if unreacted A is discarded?

9). A reactor is operational for 300days (7200h) in the year and produces 720 kilomoles of B from a feed consisting of a saturated solution of A with initial concentration

C Ao =0 .1 mol /litre in a continuous stirred tank reactor. The production is represented by an

elementary reaction as follows A→B Rate constant, K= 0.2hr-1. Cost of reactant at

C Ao =0 .1 mol / L is ₵ = ₵ 2.00 /mol A. Cost of A

reactor and it operation is ₵m = ₵ 0.04 /hr litre. a) Calculate conversion, the reactor size and feed rate for optimum operations. b) Determine the unit cost of B for these conditions if unreacted A is discarded. 10). The elementary liquid phase reaction is carried out in a constant volume flow reactor. A 3B The specific reaction rate at 323 K is 10-4mol/min and the activation energy is 85kJ/mol. Pure A enters the reactor at 1MPa and 400 K a molar flow rate of 2.5mol/min, R=8.314x10-3LMPa/mol.K= 8.314 J/mol.K a) Calculate the reaction rate constant at 400K b) Calculate the reactor volume and space time to achieve 90% conversion in (i) a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) (ii) a plug flow reactor (PFR) 11). The gas-phase reaction A

B + C is carried out in a pilot plant tubular reactor at about

2 atm and 300oC. The rate constant is 0.45 s_1, and the feed rate is 120 cm3/s. The feed consists of 80% A and 20% inert gas (N2). Neglecting the change in pressure and assuming isothermal operation, what reactor volume is needed for 95% conversion? (Take R= 82.057atm.cm3/mol.K) 12). Using the diagram and table below Calculate the individual volume as well as the total volume for cases when the intermediate conversion is a) 40% b) 60%


0.0 0.2 −r A ( mol / dm ) ( hr ) 0.0053 0.0050 3

0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0040 0.0025 0.00125

13). It is desired to size each of these reactors for two different sequences of reactors in series as follows: a PFR followed by a CSTR or a CSTR followed by a PFR. The volumetric flow rate to each sequence is 6.0dm3/min and CAO = 1.0mol/dm3. xA -rA

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0053 0.0052 0.0050 0.0045 0.0040 0.0033 0.0025 0.0018 0.00125

Using the above data, determine each reactor volume and the total reactor volume in each sequence for an intermediate conversion of xAi = 50%, if the total conversion in each case is xAf = 80%. Which sequence is preferred? Give reasons. 14. (a) An irreversible gas phase reaction is to be carried out isothermally in a constant temperature reactor. The molar flow rate of A in the feed is 3.2 mol/min. Laboratory data taken under conditions are as follows; X  rA i)

0.0 0.01

0 .2 0.005

0.4 0.002

0.6 0.001

Estimate the volume of PFR required to achieve 40% conversion. Estimate the volume of a CSTR required taking the effluent from the PFR above and achieving 60% total conversion.


What is the volume of a single CSTR necessary to achieve 40% conversion? What is the volume of a second CSTR required to raise a conversion from 40 to 60%.?

15). (a) A first-order isomerisation irreversible reaction


R is carried out in the

liquid phase at 150oC in a batch reactor. Given that production of R per batch is 39.7 kg and the density of the mixture is 900kgm-3 and -rA= 2.6x1014e-125000/RT CA, in mol/m3.hr. Calculate the reaction time for a conversion of 90% and theoretical reactor volume. [R= 8.314J/mol.K]

(b) If the reaction in (a) is conducted in a flow reactor at the same temperature with a volumetric feed (A) flow rate of 1.88x10-3 m3/ hr entering the reactor at initial concentration of C = 4mol /m3. For the same conversion as in (a) above, calculate the volume of AO

(ii) Continuous stirred tank reactor required (ii) Plug flow required Comment on the values for volume calculated for the three reactors. 16). A first-order isomerisation reaction


B is irreversible and is carried out in the

liquid phase in a batch reactor. Calculate the reaction time, reactor volume and also the number of batches required for an annual production of 1 x 104kg of B. Assume that the plant is operational for 300days (7200h) in the year. Data = 150oC

Reaction temperature

K(first –order rate constant) = 2.6x1014e-125000/RT , h-1 XAF

= 0.9


= 10(filling)+16(heating) + 14(empting) + 30(cleaning) =70


= 8.314J/mol.K

Density of mixture

= 900kgm-3

(Assume the densities of the feed and product are similar) 17). Consider the irreversible first-order reaction that takes place in a CSTR of volume 0.06 m3, A


If the volumetric flow rate is 0.2 m3 / min entering the reactor at initial concentration (CAO) of 40 kmol /m3 and conversion of 55% is attained. Assume constant density and isothermal conditions in the reactor, (a) Calculate the reaction rate constant (b) What will be the overall conversion of A if a second identical reactor is added in series? (c) Determine the effluent composition from the second reactor. 18). The chlorination of dichlorotetramethylbenzene in acetic acid occurs at 30oC according to the equation C6(CH3)4Cl2 + Cl2

HCl + C6(CH3)3CH2CLCl2

The following data were obtained for the above reaction in a well-stirred batch reactor, Time, t(s) Fractional

0 0

48 0.21

85 0.32

135 0.44

171 0.52

223 0.60

257 0.64

conversion, (x) If the initial concentrations of dichlorotetramethylbenzene (B) and chlorine (A) were respectively CBo = 34.7 mol / m3 and CAo 19.2 mol /m3 (a). Use the batch reactor data to show that the reaction is second order (b). Calculate the plug flow reactor volume required to give 90% Chlorine conversion for a volumetric flow rate of 1.5 x 10 -4 m3s-1 using the same initial concentrations as above. 19). The chlorination of dichlorotetramethylbenzene in acetic acid occurs at 30oC according to the equation C6(CH3)4Cl2 + Cl2

HCl + C6(CH3)3CH2CLCl2

If the initial concentrations of dichlorotetramethylbenzene (B) and chlorine (A) were respectively CBO= CAO = 20.0 mol /m3, rate constant, k = 1.54 x 10 -4 sec-1 and the reaction is of second order. (a) Calculate the time required for 60% conversion of chlorine if the reaction occurs in a wellstirred batch reactor. (b) If the reaction is conducted in a continuous stirred tank reactor, calculate the volume and space time for 60% chlorine conversion for a volumetric flow rate of 1.5 x 10 -4 m3s-1 using the same initial concentrations as stated above. 20). Saponification for the formation of soap from aqueous caustic soda and glycerol stearate. 3NaOH(aq) + (C17H35 COO)3 C3H5 glyceryl stearate

3C17H35COONa + C3H5(OH)3 glycerin

Set up a stoichiometric table expressing concentration of each species in terms of its initial concentration and the conversion X of NaOH. If the initial mixture consists of NaOH at a concentration of 10mol/dm3 and glyceryl stearate at a concentration of 4mol/liter, what is the concentration of glycerin when the conversion of NaOH is 20%?

21). (a)

A liquid-phase reaction is performed in a CSTR, A


(i) What is the operating temperature if the reactor is adiabatic? (ii) What is the operating temperature if a cooling jacket surrounds the reactor with coolant at 300ºC? The heat transfer area, A, is 0.2m2 and the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is 500Wm-2K-1 ? Use the following data. Inlet concentration, CAO

10 mol L-1

Volumetric flow rate, υT

0.1 LS-1

Conversion, XA


Feed temperature, To


Heat of reaction, ∆HR

-100 KJ (mol of A)-1

Overall mean heat capacity, Cp

4.2 KJ L-1 K-1

22). (a) State five (5) types of catalysts used in heterogeneous catalysis (b) State the main steps involved in heterogeneous catalytic reaction (c) State two main ways of catalytic deactivation