Training [PDF]

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TRAINING Concept of training Training is the process of increasing the know ledge & skills for doing a particular job. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job requirement & present competence of an employee. Training is job-oriented, short term & management initiated. Training is required as per the requirement of Job requirement, with the change in Technology and to make the employee fit for internal mobility. Training should be distinguished from education training is any process by which the aptitudes, Skills and abilities of employee, to perform specific job. On the other hand education is the process of increasing the general knowledge and understanding of employees. Education is person oriented while training is job-oriented. The old concept of training as the responsibility of the management has been changed as joint responsibility of management and the employee.

Importance of Training 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A well planned & well executed training program can provide the following advantages. Higher productivity: Training helps to improve the level of performance. Trained employees perform better by using better method of work. Better quality of work: In formal training the best methods are standardized and taught to employees. Improve the quality of product or service. Less training period: A systematic training program helps to reduce the time & cost involved in learning. Employees can more quickly reach the acceptable level of performance. They need not waste their time & efforts in learning through trial & error. Cost Reduction: Trained employees make more economical use of materials & machinery. Reduction in wastage & spoilage together with increase in productivity help in minimize cost of operation. Reduced supervision: Well-trained employees tend to be self confident & motivate. They need less guidance & control, Supervisory burden is reduced & the span supervision can be enlarged. Low Accident rate: Trained personnel adopt the right work method & make use of prescribed safety advice. The frequency of accident is reduced. High morale: Proper training can develop the attitudes among employees. Job satisfaction & morale are improved due to a rise in the earnings & job security of employees. Opportunities for internal promotion are available to well trained personnel. Personal Growth: Training enlarges the knowledge & skills of the participant. Well trained personnel can grow faster in their career. Training prevents obsolescence of Knowledge & skills. Organizational Climate: A sound training program helps to improve the climate of an organization. Industrial relations & discipline are improved. Decentralization of authority & participative management can be introduced. Training helps in reduction of employee turnover & absenteeism which gradually improve the organization Climate.

Training Process: The training process consists of the following steps a) Identifying training Needs: All training activities must be specific needs of the organization & the individual employees. A training program should be launched only after the training needs are assessed clearly & specifically. Training needs can be identified through organizational analysis through analysis of objectives, task and role analysis and manpower analysis. Training to a specific employee is required to fill the gap between the skills needed for doing a job and the present skill level of employee. b) Training objectives: Once the training needs are identified, the next step is to set training objectives in concrete terms & to decide the strategies to be adopted to achieve these objectives.



d) e) f) g)



Objectives of training express the gap between the present the desired performance level. Training objectives should be specific, measurable & time-bound outcomes. They can be in terms of skills to be taught, Changes in behavior or performance result sought Designing the training program: In order to achieve the training objectives, an appropriate training policy is necessary. A training policy represents the commitment of top management to employee training. The suitable nature of training method among OJT, off- the job training, class-room training, internship training should be choosed. Several methods are used to provide the organization should choose the suitability per employee capability & cost constraint. Select trainees & Trainers: In order to make the training fruitful, right kind of trainees & effective trainers should be selected otherwise they may break the program in between. Develop budget: As cost is most necessary things for training program, a good cost management should be made earlier to let the whole procedure go smoothly. Adequate budget is needed to do long duration training. Implement Training: As per the earlier informed time the training should be given to the target trainees. All trainers & trainees should follow the aforesaid schedule of training in order to get the necessary expectation from it. Evaluating Training: The outcomes of training should be evaluated. Performance factor can also be measured. Evaluation result provides feed back to improve current activities & plan future training programs.

Training Methods & Techniques: 1. O.J.T: In this method the trainee is placed on a regular job & taught the skills necessary to perform the trainee learns under the guidance and supervision of the superior or an instructor. The trainee learns by observing & handling the job. It is called learning by doing. Several methods are used to provide on the job training example Coaching, Job rotation, Job instruction training. The main advantage of OJT is that the trainee learns on the actual machine in use & in the real environment of Job. He gets a feel of the actual job. He is better motivated to learn there is no problem of transfer of training skill to the job secondly this method is very economical as no additional space equipments are required for training. In the same time disturbance in learning due to noise of workplace & possible damage to costly equipment & materials are demerits of this method. 2. Vestibule Training: In this method a training centre called vestibule is set up & actual job condition are duplicated or simulated in It. Expert trainers are employed to provide training with the help of equipment & machines which are identical with those in used at the works place. In this method the trainees get enough situations to concentrate to their training & also get the real job conditions but it is costly method use of additional investment in classroom & equipment. 3. Apprenticeship Training: In this method the trainee learn by working with those already skilled in their job. Theoretical instruction & practical learning are provided to trainees. This is an "earn when you learn" Scheme to employees. The duration for apprenticeship varies from job to job- generally from 2 to 5 years. A master worker guides the trainee. The examples are plumbers, electricians, accountants etc. The main advantage of this method is that the trainee acquires skills which are valuable in the job market but it is time consuming & most do not keep patience to finish the training. 4. Internship Training: It is joint program of training in which educational institute & business firms cooperate. The goal of this method is to combine practical experience with classroom-oriented theoretical knowledge Selected candidates carry on regular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge & skills. But it Involves a long time period due to slow process this method of training is used in professional work e.g. MBBS, CA, Nursing, and Secretaries etc. 5. Class-room training: Under this method, training is provided in company class rooms or in educational institutions. Lectures, Case studies, group discussions & audio visual aids used to explain knowledge & skills to the trainees. Classroom training is suitable for teaching concept &




problem solving skills. It is also useful for orientations & safety training program. Some Companies maintain their own training institutes for school. Small firms depend on outside schools & course.

Concept of Development Executive Development is a systematic process of learning & growth by which managerial personnel gain & apply knowledge, Skills, attitude to manage the work in the organization efficiently and effectively. Development consists of all the means by which executives learn to improve their behavior & performance. It is designed to improve the effectiveness of manager in their present job & to prepare them for higher jobs in future. Definition: management development includes the process by which managers & executive acquire not only skills & competency in their present jobs but also capabilities future managerial tasks of increasing difficulty end scope. Executive development is a long term process as managerial skill can't be developed overnight & it is on going & never ending exercise which aims at preparing managers for better performance helping them to realise their full potential.

Importance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Development is necessary for the following reasons. It is important to handle the problems of giant & complex organization to face increasing competition. To prepare the manager ready to perform, manage, control the organizational activities for present and future date. It is important as it helps managers to cope with the change of technological & social concept. Labour management relations are increasingly complex. Executive require new & better skills in union negotiation, collective bargaining, grievance handling etc. Workers are better education & more aware. More competent managers are needed to manage the modern workforce. Management of public utilities, state enterprises & Civic bodies is being professionalized in order to improve operational efficiency. No organizational can be successful in the long run without a planned approach to the development of its managerial persons. In the wood of peter Drucker, “an institute that can't produce its own manager will die. From an overall point of view the ability of an institute to produce manager is more important than its ability to produce goods efficiently & cheaply".

Methods of Managerial Development 1. On the Job Method a) Coaching: In this method, the superior guides instruct the trainee as coach. The coach sets mutually agreed upon goals suggests how to achieve these goals, periodically review the trainees progress & suggests changes required in behaviors & performance. Coaching can be effective if the coach is a good communicator, an able motivator & patient listener. b) Understudy: An Understudy is a person selected & being trained as the heir apparent to assume at a future time the full duties & responsibilities of the position presently help by his superior. In this way a fully trained person become available to replace a manager during his long absence or illness, on his retirement, transfer, promotion or death. The junior is generally assigned tasks which are closely related to the work in his section & he is deputed to attend executive meetings as a representative of his superior. c) Job Rotation: It involves movement or transfer of executives from one position or job to another on some planned basis. These persons are moved from one managerial position to another according to a rotation schedule. Position rotation is also called job rotation. The aim is to broaden the knowledge, skills & outlook of executives. Job rotation is often designed for junior executives.




d) Planned work assignment: In this method a manager is assigned with work women gives opportunity to gain experience & develop ability. The work can be project assignment, leadership role or decision making role. E) Selective Readings: managing has become a specialize job requiring a close touch with the latest development un the field. By reading selected professional books & journals, managers can keep in touch with the latest research findings, theories & techniques in management. Reading current management literature helps to avoid managerial obsolesces. Selective reading constitutes an individual self-development program for executives. Many organizations maintain libraries for their executives & managers are encouraged to continually read & improve their skills. 2. Off the Job Methods: a. Lectures/ Seminar: these are formally organized talk by an instructor on specific topic. Lectures are essential when technical or special information of a complex nature is to be provided. These can be supplemented by discussion case study, demonstrations, audio visual aids & film shows. Lecture method is a simple way of imparting knowledge to a large no of persons within a short time. It is very useful when facts concepts, principles, attitudes & problem solving skills are to be taught. More material can be presented with a given time than by any other method. Group discussion is the process in which paper is prepared & presented by one or more trainees on the selected topic which is followed by a critical discussion under the guidance of chairman of the discussion. Case study is the method in which a real or hypothetical business problem or situation demanding solution is presented in writing to the trainees where trainees identify & analyze the problem & suggest the most appropriate solution. b. Sensitivity training. Sensitivity training is a group experience designed to provide maximum possible opportunity for the individuals to expose their behavior, Give & receive feedback, experiment with new behavior & develop awareness of self & of others. The trainees are brought together in a free & open environment where participants discuss themselves. The discussion is lightly directed by behavioral expert who crates the opportunity to express their idea, beliefs & attitudes. c. Management games: Management or business games are designed to be representative of real life situations. These are classroom simulation exercises in which teams of individuals complete against one another or against an environment in order to achieve a given objectives. Management games usually consists of several teams which represent competing companies. Each team consists of 2 to 6 members. Teams take decision & attempt to maximize hypothetical profit in the simulated environment finally result are workout by each team & compared with those of others. Management games are indented to teach trainees how to take managerial decisions in an integrated manner. The participant learns by analyzing problems & by making trial & error decisions.