TPA - Manual Tpaedi32 Interface [PDF]

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Tpaedi32 Version 1.0

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32

Tecnologie e Prodotti per l'Automazione

This documentation is property of TPA S.p.A. Any unauthorized duplication is forbidden. The Company reserves the right to modify the content of the document at any time.


T able of Contents

Table of Contents 1

Structure of the program managed by Tpaedi32 1.1


Part Program ................................................................................................................................... 2 Logic bloc no.1 .......................................................................................................................................................... - Description of piece general param eters 3 Logic bloc no. 2 - Description of w orkings to be perform ed on the faces .......................................................................................................................................................... 3





Drilling ................................................................................................................................... 5


Mill setup ................................................................................................................................... 5


Linear................................................................................................................................... interpolation 6


Helicoidal ................................................................................................................................... interpolation 7


X Blade ................................................................................................................................... 8


Y Blade ................................................................................................................................... 9


XY Blade ................................................................................................................................... 10

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32

Structure of the program managed by T paedi32


Structure of the program managed by Tpaedi32 The piece can be worked on 6 faces, taking on the numeration and the reference systems, as follows: Face 1:

Face 2:

Face 3:

Face 4:

Face 5:

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32



T paedi32

Face 6:


Part Program The Part Program describing the workings to be performed on a piece is an Ascii-File, whose structure is described later. In the following example it is used a Part Program, containing a programmed hole for diameter in face 1:

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32

Structure of the program managed by T paedi32

PART PROGRAM : TPA\ALBATROS\EDICAD\01.00 $=Cad Interface ::UNm DL=600 DH=450 DS=18 SIDE#1{ $=Top Face W#81{ ::WTp WS=1 #8015=0 #1=101 #2=102 #3=-15 #1002=10 #1001=1 #2005=1.5 #2002=3300 #9012=-5 #9013=-10 }W }SIDE SIDE#2{ $=Bottom face }SIDE SIDE#3{ $=Frontal Face }SIDE SIDE#4{ $=Side Face }SIDE SIDE#5{ $=Back Face }SIDE SIDE#6{ $=Rear Face }SIDE


Logic bloc no.1 - Description of piece general parameters TPA\ALBATROS\EDICAD\ Program header 01.00 $=Cad Interface $=Comment to the program ::UNm DL=400 DH=300 unit of measurement and piece dimensions DS=40 UNm = millimeters, UNi=inches DL= piece length DH= piece height DS= piece thickness


Logic bloc no. 2 - Description of workings to be performed on the faces SIDE#1 {

Bloc of initial description of workings contained in a face. In this case in the face 1. $=Top Face Name of the face W#81{ ::WTp Retrieve of punctual (::WTp) active drilling (W#81) #8015=0 #1=300 #2=200 Parameters of active drilling #3=-10 #1002=30 #1001=1 }W }SIDE End of the bloc describing the workings in the face.

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32






Drilling The working can be applied on all the faces of the piece (parallepiped).

W#81{ ::WTp #8015=0 #1=101 #2=102 #3=-15 #1002=10 #1001=1 #2005=1.5 #2002=3300 #9012=-5 #9013=-10 }W W#81{ ::WTp #1002=10 #205=12 #1=101 #2=102 #3=-15 #8015=0

Drilling operation code of diameter or of tool Point working Tool diameter Tool number. X dimension of application on XY plane of face Y dimension of application on XY plane of face Dimension of depth perpendicular to the face plane X,Y and Z coordinates of application expressed in absolute value, if the set value is 0, expressed in relative value, if the set value is 1 #2005=1.5 Tool entry speed. #2002=3300 Tool rotation speed. (rev/m) #9012=-5 Slowdown dimension on entry #9013=-10 Slowdown dimension on exit #1001=1 Tool typology }W Label of end of working


Mill setup The working can be applied on all the faces of the piece (parallelepiped).

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32



T paedi32

W#89{ ::WTs #8015=0 #1=300 #2=200 #3=-10 #201=1 #203=1 #205=121 #1001=100 #2005=2 #2002=18000 #40=1 #9020=12.5 #39=0 }W W#89{ ::WTs #1=300 #2=200 #3=-10 #8015=0

Setup milling cutter operation code WTs Setup Working (profile initialization) X dimension of application Y dimension of application Dimension of depth perpendicular to the face plane X,Y and Z coordinates of application expressed in absolute value, if the set value is 0, expressed in relative value, if the set value is 1 #205=121 Tool number. #9020=12.5 Compensation radius. It has to be set when a compensation different from the tool radius is required #40=1 Enables the compensation with side selection. Off= no compensation Left= left side Right= right side #201=1 Machine number #203=1 Group number on the machine #2005=2 Tool entry speed. (m/m) #2002=18000 Tool rotation speed (rev/m.) #1001=100 Tool typology }W Label of end of working


Linear interpolation The working can be applied on all the faces of the piece (parallelepiped).

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32


W#2201{ ::WTl #8015=0 #1=300 #2=250 #3=-22 #2008=6 }W W#2201{ ::WTl #1=300

Operation code of the interpolation Working of linear profile type X dimensions of the final point. It is the point of application. It is optional, if the final coordinate coincides with the initial coordinate Y dimensions of the final point. It is the point of application. It is optional, if the finale coordinate coincides with the initial coordinate Z dimensions of the final point. It is the point of application. it is optional, if the final coordinate coincide with the initial coordinate Movement speed (m/m) X,Y and Z coordinates of application, expressed in absolute value if the set value is 0, in relative value, if the set value is 1 End of end of working

#2=250 #3=-22 #2008=6 #8015=0 }W


Helicoidal interpolation The working can be applied on all the faces of the piece (parallelepiped).

W#2101{ ::WTa #8015=0 #1=500 #2=250 #34=0 #31=100}W W#2201{ ::WTa

Operation code of the interpolation Working of helicoidal profile type

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32



T paedi32

#1=500 #2=250 #3= #31=100 #32= #34=0 #2008=0 #8015=0 }W

X dimensions of the final point. It is the point of application. It is optional, if the final coordinate coincides with the initial coordinate Y dimensions of the final point. It is the point of application. It is optional, if the final coordinate coincide with the initial coordinate Z dimensions of the final point. It is the point of application. It is optional, if the final coordinate coincide with the initial coordinate X dimension of the arc center. Incremental against the starting point of the arc. A center dimension can be forced as absolute by indicating "a;" before the same dimension Y dimension of the arc center. Incremental against the starting point of the arc. A center dimension can be forced as absolute by indicating "a;" before the same dimension. Direction of rotation 0 = clockwise, 1 = counterclockwise Movement speed (m./min.) X,Y and Z coordinates of application expressed in absolute value, if the set value is 0, expressed in relative value, if the set value is 1 Label of end of working

Particular cases: the starting point of the arc (XI, YI) is distinguished from the final point (X,Y): · if both the center coordinates were set: 1. it verifies the consistency of the arc checking the equality of final radius and starting radius: if they differ for more than epsilon, it signals an error · if one of the two dimensions of the center is not set, it solves the arc calculating the center dimension that was not set; the starting point of the arc (XI, YI) is not distinguished from the final point (X,Y): · it sets the non-set dimension of the center as equal to the dimension of the starting point and it carries out the resulting circle Cases of Error: the starting point of the arc (XI, YI) is distinguished from the final point (X,Y): · if no dimension of the center is set, it carries out a linear segment up to the programmed point. The displayed message of error is no. 194:"Invalid arc" the starting point of the arc (XI, YI) is not distinguished from the final point (X,Y): · if the dimensions of the center coincide with the dimensions of the starting point (XI, YI) a null arc is carried out. The displayed message of error is no. 200:"Invalid arc (points are not distinguished)".


X Blade The working can generally be applied on the faces 1 and 2 of the piece (parallelepiped).

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32


W#1050{ ::WT2 #8020=-50 #8021=70 #8022=-8 #8513=-12 #8514=1 #8515=1 #8516=130 #8517=lf+50 #8521=0 #8522=8000 #8523=3 #8524=2 #8525=0 #8526=1 #8527=0 #8529=2.5 }W W#1050{ ::WT2 #8020=-50 #8517=lf+50 #8021=70 #8022=-8 #8521=0 #8513=-12 #8514=1 #8515=1 #8516=130 #8527=0 #8526=1 #8525=0 #8524=2 #8522=8000 #8523=3 #8529=2.5 }W


X - Blade operation code WT2 Working of Macro type X dimension of working start X dimension of working end Y dimension of sawing Z dimension of depth Branding angle Dimension of depth of the intermediate passage Machine number Group number on the machine Tool number If 1, it calculates the chord value on blade entry If 1, it enables the double passage of the blade Enables the compensation with side selection. Off= no compensation Left= left side Right= right side Tool entry speed (m/m) Tool rotation speed. (rev/m) Speed of interpolation (m/min.) Speed of interpolation of the intermediate passage (m/m) Label of end of working

Y Blade The working can generally be applied on the faces 1 and 2 of the piece (parallelepiped).

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32



T paedi32

W#1051{ ::WT2 #8021=-50 #8020=70 #8022=-8 #8513=-12 #8514=1 #8515=1 #8516=130 #8518=750 #8521=0 #8522=8000 #8523=3 #8524=2 #8525=0 #8526=1 #8527=0 #8529=2.5 }W W#1051{ ::WT2 #8021=-50 #8518=750 #8020=70 #8022=-8 #8521=0 #8513=-12 #8514=1 #8515=1 #8516=130 #8527=0 #8526=1 #8525=0 #8524=2 #8522=8000 #8523=3 #8529=2.5 }W


Y Blade operation code Working of Macro type Y dimension of working start Y dimension of working end X dimension of sawing Z dimension of depth Branding angle Dimension of depth of the intermediate passage Machine number Group number on the machine Tool number If 1, it calculates the chord value on blade entry If 1, it enables the double passage of the blade Enables the compensation with side selection. Off= no compensation Left= left side Right= right side Tool entry speed (m/m) Tool rotation speed. (rev/m) Speed of interpolation (m/m) Speed of interpolation of the intermediate passage (m/m) Label of end of working

XY Blade The working can generally be applied on the faces 1 and 2 of the piece (parallelepiped).

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32


W#1052{ ::WT2 #8509=2 #8513=-12 #8514=1 #8515=1 #8516=130 #8519=45 #8520=400 #8521=0 #8522=8000 #8523=3 #8524=2 #8525=0 #8526=1 #8527=0 #8529=2.5 #8531=0 #8532=0 }W W#1052{ ::WT2 #8020=0 #8021=0 #8022=0 #8517= #8518= #8519=45 #8520=400 #8521=0 #8513=-12 #8514=1 #8515=1 #8516=130 #8527=0 #8526=1 #8525=0 #8524=2 #8522=8000 #8523=3 #8529=2.5 }W

XY Blade operation code Working of macro type X dimension of working start Y dimension of working start Z dimension of depth X dimension of working end Y dimension of working end Angle of inclination of working against X axis. The value cannot be used is the final coordinate is set Length of the sawing segment. The value cannot be used if the final coordinate is set Branding angle Dimension of depth of the intermediate passage Machine number Group number on the machine Tool number. If 1, it calculates the chord value on blade entry If 1, it enables the double passage of the blade Enables the compensation with side selection. Off= no compensation Left= left side Right= right side Tool entry speed (m/m) Tool rotation speed. (rev/m) Speed of interpolation (m/m) Speed of interpolation of the intermediate passage (m/m) Label of end of working

Interface specifications for Tpaedi32


Tecnologie e Prodotti per l'Automazione s.p.a. Via Carducci 221 I - 20099 Sesto S.Giovanni (MI) Tel. +39 02.365.27.550 Fax. +39