Total Spells For Fate Core [PDF]

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Minor Spells Path of Acupetra (Earth, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You summon forth small jagged bits of earth making footing treacherous in your current zone. You and your allies gain a situation Boost Treacherous Footing. Northern Dust (Earth, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You call upon your tie to the element of earth and feel its pulls, this allows you to Identify the cardinal directions and can provide a rough Idea how high you are above or below ground level. Hammer of Zenith (Earth, Cast Target 0, Free Action, Persistent) You shape mana into a large earthen rock hammer, in addition to serving as a tool it may also be used as a hand weapon. Lobin's Lift (Earth, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You call on the strength and endurance of earth, gaining the boost Lobin's Lift for use in Overcome actions involving pushing, pulling, and lifting feats of strength. Firebolt (Fire, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You summon forth a small blast of fire, you may attack using your ranged combat skill. OR. Firebolt (Fire, Cast Target 2, Free Action) You summon forth a small blast of fire, you may attack using your Arcane knowledge. Call Fire (Fire, Cast Target 0, Free Action, Persistent) You create a small fire roughly the size of a torch, this fire will burn for the duration of the scene without fuel. Smoke Screen (Fire, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You cause a nearby flammable item to smolder and produce a large amount of smoke, granting you and your allies gain a situation Boost Smoke Everywhere to use in situations involving sight or smell. Extinguish Flame (Fire, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You may call upon your command of fire and extinguish a large campfire’s worth of flame(s) that you can perceive. Shield (Creation, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You weave mana into an energy barrier, granting you the aspect Energy Shield once per scene you may invoke this aspect for free. You may cast this spell on an ally as a Full Action. The Boost from this spell maybe refreshed with a full turn Channel action by the caster. Wizard’s Pocket (Creation, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You create a small portal leading to a pocket dimension of your own creation. You have roughly 1.5 cubic ft of storage. Mystic edge (Creation, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You adjust the edge of a bladed weapon in a way only magic can do. You grant a bladed weapon a Boost Razor Sharp. A weapon can only be affected by this spell once a scene.

Mage Net (Creation, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You turn mana into an enchanted net. You gain a situation Boost Mage Net for grappling actions. Lightning bolt (Air, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You summon forth a small bolt of lightning, you may attack using your ranged combat skill. OR. Lightning bolt (Air, Cast Target 2, Free Action) You summon forth a small bolt of lightning, you may attack using your Arcane knowledge. Shock Sword (Air, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You empower a metal weapon in a way only magic can do. You grant a metal weapon a Boost Electrical Buildup. A weapon can only be affected by this spell once a scene. Wizard’s Vane (Air, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You attune to the element of air, allowing you to feel the ebb and flow of the weather. You know what the natural weather will be like in an area for the next several hours. Wind in the Sails (Air, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You temporally command a small gust of wind allowing you to help propel you or an ally forward. You or targeted ally gain a Boost Wind Pushed on overcome actions related to movement. Frost Hammer (Water, Cast Target 0, Free Action, Persistent) You summon forth ice into a large hammer. This frost hammer deals two additional stress but prevents you from going first in combat. You can cast this for an ally as a Full Action Spell. Create Water (Water, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You convert mana into a gallon of pure water. Frost Shield (Water, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You weave mana into an ice shield, granting you the aspect Frost Shield once per scene you may invoke this aspect for free. You may cast this spell on an ally as a Full Action. The free invocation from this spell maybe refreshed with a full turn Channel action by the caster. Mage Gills (Water, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You attune your internal mana with the element of water, for the next 20 minutes you may breathe normally in any aquatic environment.

Cost Spells Thunder Clap Transport (Air, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You transform yourself into a living bolt of lightning, allowing you to disappear in a flash of light and reappear at another location with a thunderous boom. You may move up to three zones regardless of present opposition. Chain Lighting (Air, Cost, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You Cast a crackling lightning bolt at any target you can see in your zone or an adjacent zone. If this attack succeeds with style, you may

choose to reduce the value of your hit by one and make another attack against a different target you can see; make a new attack roll vs. their defense. You may chain up to 4 total attacks this way. You also gain +2 to your ranged combat ability. Endure Elements (Air, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) Natural weather-related situation aspects may not be used against you or your allies in your zone. Major Path of Acupetra (Earth, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action, Persistent, Prereq-Minor Path of Acupetra) You summon large sharp stones adding a Situation Aspect Cutting Stones Underfoot with 2 free invocations for you or your allies on the current or adjacent zone. Major Lobin's Lift (Earth, Cost, Cast Target 0, Prereq-Minor Lobin's Lift) You call on the strength and endurance of Earth, using Arcane Knowledge instead of Physique for overcome actions involving pushing, pulling, and lifting feats of strength, and you gain the situation Boost Lobin's Lift. Stone Skin (Earth, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You call on the endurance of Earth to give you or your ally the Character Aspect 'Stone Skin' with 2 free invocations for use when Defending. Read Ashes (Fire, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) Using his Arcane Knowledge, a Fire mage may use the ashes of a fire to determine what caused the fire, when it burned, for how long, what was burned, and what was killed by the fire. While the mage is reading the ashes, his mind is taken back to the time and place of the fire, which makes him vulnerable in his current surroundings. Sacrificial Brand of Brotherhood (Fire, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action, Persistent) This spell sees little use outside of trusted circles of battle mages. By placing your hand on a willing target you place a mystic brand on them forming a sort of mystic shield allowing you to sacrifice yourself for their wellbeing. The branded target gains a Boost called Protected by _____ that maybe used in defense of an attack, any stress that is suffered from the attack is transferred to the mage who cast this spell. Fire Barrage (Fire, Cost, Cast Target 0, Free Action) You summon forth three large fireballs. You gain +2 to you ranged combat skill and if the attack deals stress the target receives the situation aspect Burning with one free invocation. Heal Wounds (Creation, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You can treat more lasting injuries with your healing magic. Touch someone and choose a physical consequence; rename that consequence to indicate that it’s healing and reduce its severity by one level (severe becomes moderate, moderate becomes minor, minor vanishes). A broken leg might become a bad limp, or a wounded arm might become aching muscles. The consequence remains, but it now heals normally from its new slot. In addition, clear all of the recipient’s physical stress. You can’t use this spell on an extreme consequence, and the recipient can’t have two consequences of the same type after you cast this spell (unless they’d otherwise be able to).

Mystic Restoration (Creation, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action, Persistent) Casting this spell allows you restore one mundane broken item to full functional status so long as you have a little over half the item using your arcane knowledge in a repair overcome action. Complex or large items may carry with them an additional difficulty to the overcome roll. Imitate (Creation, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You may cast this spell in order to attempt to imprint any object you can touch with an arcane knowledge based overcome action and add it to the library of items you can imitate, you can have up to 5 imprinted items at a time. By casting this spell you may create any one object from your imprint list for the entire scene. The difficulty to imprint and imitate an object is set by GM based on value/complexity/mystic nature. Drown (Water, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action) You summon water to fill the lungs of a target, You roll Arcane knowledge +2 vs. their Physique, if you succeed they gain the situation aspect Drowning with one two free invocations. This spell cannot be used on beings who lack lungs or a need for air and mages under the effect of Mage Gills. Creeping Frost (Water, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action, Persistent, Prereq- Frost Shield) This spell fortifies an existing Frost Shield adding an additional free invocation. When you use Frost Shield or Armor of Ice to defend against a close combat attack you freeze the limb(s) that attacked you preventing their use until the attacker succeeds in an overcome action difficulty 2. Freeze Liquid (Water, Cost, Cast Target 0, Full Action, Persistent) This spell allows you to use your arcane knowledge to solidify and shape any liquid (that at most could offer passive resestance) for the purpose of creating advantages.