Topic 1: Describe A Family Member or A Classmate [PDF]

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Topic 1: Describe a family member or a classmate 1. His/her personal information Let me tell about my best friend. He name is Duan. He 21 years old,He is a student and his hometown is Hanoi. He hobbies playing soccer with his friends in his free time. He is single 2. How do you describe his appearance (ngoại hình)? He is tall, back hair,big eyes and handsome 3. How do you describe his personality(tính cách)? He is a good and hardworking person. His neighbours like him 4. What are his/her hobbies? His hobbies playing computer games and soccer with me and our friends. 5. How are you and that person alike(giống nhau)? He and I, bouth really like playing soccer and basketball. We usually play soccer in the affernoon every week. 6. How are you and that person different? He hates study English because he finds it difficult. However, I love English, I like speak English with foreigner. 7. What do you and your friend/ your father usually do together? We usually play soccer in the affernoon every week. We often go out to eat at a restaurant. 8. When you are in trouble, do you share with him/ her? Why? Yes, We usually talk to each other. So, I will share my trouble with him 9. What do you love most about him/ her? He can spread positive energy to everyone (truyền năng lượng tích cực tới mn).So, I love him. Topic 2: Talk about your hobbies. 1.What are your hobbies? My hobby is playing soccer with my brother and my friends. 2. What is your favorite hobby? / what hobby do you usually enjoy in your free time? In my free time, I like playing soccer, watching TV, read books.Sometimes, I will go to meet my friends 3. How often do you do it? I will play soccer in the afternoon everyday. I read books before I go to bed at 11 o’clock pm

4.When do you usually do it? I will play soccer in the afternoon everyday. I read books before I go to bed at 11 o’clock pm. Sometimes, I go out to eat at a restaurant with my family. 5. Where do you usually do it? I usually play soccer at the football field near my house. 6.Do you do it alone or do you do it with someone else? I usually play with my friends or my brother. 7.Why do you like that hobby? It makes me feel better, healthier life (khỏe hơn và cuộc sống lành mạnh hơn) 8.What are the benefits of that hobby? It makes me feel better, healthier life 9.Ares there any disadvantages? Yes, if I particepate in a soccer game, then I will feel tired.