TOOLFAB UT Procedure [PDF]

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard

Toolfab Engineering Industries (P) Ltd

Ultrasonic Testing Procedure Document No. : TF/NDT/UT/003 Rev. Date

Prepared By

Reviewed By



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Date: 24.08.2017


: 02 : 24/08/2017


Approved By(Level III-SUZLON) Name: Mr. Salai A.Katesan Sign :


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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard

List of changes Rev. No


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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard 10.0 SCOPE: This Ultrasonic Procedure outlines the minimum requirements of fusion welded joints in metallic material of equal or greater than 6 mm of wall thickness for Tubular Towers. This procedure intended for full penetration welded joints where both welded and parent materials are ferritic. 20.0


ASME Sec. V Art. 4&5 ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 Appendix 12 AWS D1.1 ASNT SNT – TC – 1A EN 2400:2012 : EN 17640 EN 9712 EN 11666:2010 : EN 10160 En 1993-1 Buildings EN 23279 EN 12668 – 1 : Equipment’s EN 16810:2014 : EN 16811:2014 : EN 16826:2014 : CQA: TTU: G-QAX 032 :

: :

Ultra sonic Examination Acceptance Criteria

: Structural welding of Steel : Personnel Qualification and Certification in Non Destructive Testing Ultrasonic Examination Specification for calibration block : Ultrasonic Testing on Welds : Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nick el, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections : Non-destructive testing — Qualification and certification of personnel Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing of welded joints — Acceptance levels : UT of Steel flat product ≥ 6mm (reflection method) : Euro code 3. Design of steel structures, General rules & rules for : Ultrasonic testing – characterization of indications in welds Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination General Principles Sensitivity and range testing Examination of discontinuities perpendicular to the surface NDT Procedure Manual

30.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION: Personnel performing ultrasonic testing in accordance with this procedure shall hold a valid certification to a minimum level II as per. ASNT SNT – TC – 1A or EN ISO 9712. 40.0 INSTRUMENT AND ACCESSORIES: 40.10 Flaw detector: Ultrasonic flaw detector shall be pulse echo “A “scan type and shall be calibrated annually and test certificate issued in compliance with recognized calibration standards. Equipment shall comply with the requirements of EN 12668-1 / ASME Sec.V Art. 4. 40.20 Transducers: Single or Twin Crystal Probes of 2.0 – 5.0 MHz frequency range shall be used. Probes shall comply with the requirements of EN 12668-1/ ASME Sec.V Art. 4. 45⁰, 60⁰, 70⁰ and 0⁰ probes as appropriates shall be used. Probe angles, frequency and index points shall be marked clearly. 40.30 Transducer Cables: Coaxial cable of maximum two meter length with suitable connectors shall be used. 40.40 Coupling Medium: Polycel water based cellulose paste, oil or grease shall be used as suitable to the surface to be scanned. Coupling medium used for Range and sensitivity setting and for the test shall be same. Coupling medium used for test shall comply in accordance with EN 16810 / ASME Sec. V Art. 4 Doc.No: TF/NDT/UT/003 Rev.02with Dt.:24/08/2017P a g e the | 3document or use this space to emphasize a key point. [Grab your reader’s attention a great quote from

Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard 40.50 Calibration and Reference Blocks: The calibration block shall be metallurgical similar or equivalent to that of the specimen under test. 40.60 The Side Drilled Hole shall be used as a Reference reflectors and shall have a minimum length of 38mm and size of the block and side drilled holes are as per following table as per ASME Sec V. Art. 4 Weld Thickness(t) in mm Up to 25 Over 25 through 50 Over 50 through 100 Over 100

Calibration block thickness (t) in mm 19 or t 38 or t 75 or t t ± 25

Hole diameter in mm

Minimum Deep

2.5 3.0 5.0 *

38mm 38mm 38mm 38mm

*for each increase in weld thickness 50mm ,or fraction thereof over 100mm, the hole diameter shall increase 1.5mm * Reference for Sensitivity setting as per EN reference is a distance amplitude curve for side drill hole of dia 3mm shall be used. 50.0SURFACE CONDITION: 50.10 Surface Finish:The scanning surfaces shall be even and free from foreign matter likely to interfere with probe coupling (e.g. rust, loose scale, weld spatter, notches, and grooves). The maximum permitted gap between the probe and the scanning surface from which the evaluation of indications is to be carried out shall be 0.5 mm. Any unevenness in the test surface which exceeds 0.5 mm shall be dressed in order to ensure these requirements 50.20 Scanning Surface: Scanning surface shall be wide enough to permit test volume to be fully covered. In case the scanning area may be smaller, scanning shall be done both upper and lower surfaces of the joints Waviness of the test surface shall not result in a gap between the probe andtestsurfaces greater than 0.5 mm.

60.00 WELD EXAMINATION: 60.10 Single Sided Welds: Single sided welds with an undressed root, wherever possible, a separate scan shall be carried out from both sides of weld, in order to distinguish between echoes from normal features of the weld, such as root bead, and echoes from root cracks or incomplete root penetration. In addition, where the weld cap is Doc.No: TF/NDT/UT/003 Rev.02with Dt.:24/08/2017P a g e the | 4document or use this space to emphasize a key point. [Grab your reader’s attention a great quote from

Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard dressed sufficiently flat, a normal probe shall be used to measure the depth, bead penetration or root concavity, or to confirm the fusion on to the backing material. 60.20 Double -Sided Welds: The methods used to detect and measure the extent of the unfaced root face will depend on the joint configuration and material thickness. Since imperfections of this type behave as specular reflectors, particularly as their size increases, it is very important to achieve the optimum angles for retention. 60.30 Weld Scan with Normal Probes: Where this technique is to be applied, the weld cap shall be dressed flush to surface condition categories for in-line butt weld, or for non-linear welds. A normal probe shall be scanned over the surfaces of the weld in order to perform the following functions as appropriate to the type of weld under examination. 60.40 Weld Scan with Angle Probes: The methods intended to detect all linear and non-linear imperfections, which are predominately longitudinal with respect to the weld axis. The most critical part of the examination is that for imperfections lying along the fusion faces, such as lack of side wall fusion or heat affected zone (HAZ) cracking. Since these imperfection often behave as near specular reflectors, the probe angle(s) shall be chosen such that beam axis strike the fusion face as near to the normal as possible. Particular attention should be paid, when selecting probe angles for branch and node welds, to the marked changes in weld geometry at different positions around the circumferences. 60.50 Weld Scan for Longitudinal Imperfections: General: The methods are intended to detect all linear and non-linear imperfections, which are predominately longitudinal with respect the weld axis. The most critical part of the examinations is that for imperfections lying along the fusion faces, such as lack of sidewall fusion or heat-affected zone (HAZ) cracking. Since these imperfections often behave as near-specular reflectors, the probe angle(s) shall be chosen such that the beam axis strikes the fusion face as near to the normal as possible. Orientation of other discontinuities in the weld such as cracks, slag inclusions, etc., for higher level of examination shall be performed with multiple probe angles to ensure the prompt detection. In case of branch connections, T-joints etc. are required sufficient scanning area to attain the complete coverage with different probe angles. 60.60 Weld Scan for Transverse Imperfections: Transverse imperfections which may be small, isolated, across the whole weld are generally Orientated perpendicularly with respect to the weld surface and, as usually planar and therefore Behave as near specular reflectors, the choice of beam angle is particularly important.

60.70 Examination of Perpendicular Imperfections: Subsurface planar imperfections perpendicular to the examination surface are difficult to detect with single angle probe techniques. For such imperfections specific examination techniques should be considered, particularly for welds in thicker materials. Use of these examination techniques shall be by agreement between the contracting parties. 60.80Location of indications The location of all indications shall be defined by reference to a coordinate system, e.g. as shown in below Figure 1.A point on the testing surface shall be selected as the origin for these measurements. Where testing is carried out from more than one surface, reference points shall be established on each surface. In this case, care shall be taken to establish a positional relationship between all references points used, so that the absolute location of all indications can be established from any nominated reference point. In the case of circumferential welds, this may require the establishment of the inner and outer reference points prior to assembly for welding.

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard

Key O origin NOTE For definitions of h, l, lx, ly, x, y, z, see Table A1 to A7 Figure 1 — Coordinate system for defining the location on indications. 70.00 CALIBRATION & SENSITIVITY REQUIREMENTS: 70.10 Calibration Blocks: The calibration blocks used shall be as per standard EN 12223 and EN 27963. The stability of calibration can be verified using the blocks above. 70.20 Reference Blocks: Where ever possible, the reference block shall be made from a material with acoustic properties which are within a specified range with respect to the material to be examined, and shall have a surface condition comparable to that of the object to be examined. If these characteristics are not the same, a transfer correction shall be applied. A method for determining the necessary correction is described in procedure EN 16811. The geometrical condition of the reference block and the object under examination shall be considered. The geometry of the reference block, its dimensions, and the position of any reflectors, should be indicated, on a case by case basis in the specific standards and codes. The position and number of reflectors should relate to the scanning of the entire examination zone. 70.30 Any one or combination of the following reflectors shall be used. a) b) c) d)

Large planar reflectors, compared to the beam width, perpendicular to the acoustic axis (e.g. back wall); Flat bottomed holes; Side drilled holes; Grooves or notches of various cross sections.

70.40 Setting of range and sensitivity shall be carried out prior to each test in accordance with EN 16811and EN ISO 17640. Checks to confirms these settings shall be performed every 4 hours interval and on completion of test. Checks shall also be carried out whenever the system parameters or settings are changed. 70.50 For examination in level A, B , C, sensitivity setting for the weld examination shall be referenced to a distance / amplitude correction(DAC) curve(see BS EN ISO 17640) for a series of 3mm diameter side drilled holes in a suitable test block. The curve shall be corrected where necessary for differences between the attenuation and surface condition of the material under test and the test block.

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard 70.60 The design of the test block, method of plotting the DAC curve and the application of correction factors are described in BS EN ISO 17640. If forms of test block are used where more convenient for ‘on the job’ setting, the sensitivity shall always be relatable to the 3 mm DAC curve for the probe in use. 70.70 Scanning sensitivity: The initial scanning sensitivity shall be set as sufficiently high to give a reasonable assurance that all significant discontinuities are detected, irrespective of type or orientation. This shall be checked at intervals during inspection. Note: -Alternative methods for setting sensitivity may be used provided they are referenced to the 3 mm sidedrilled hole block.

70.80 Parent metal examination (normal probes): The scanning sensitivity shall be set on the parent material in an area free from imperfections such that the second back wall echoes is displayed at full screen height. In the absence of a back wall echo due to non- parallel surfaces, the scanning sensitivity shall be set as above using a separate parallel-sided plate with the same thickness and attenuation characteristics. 70.90 Weld examination (normal and angle probes) 70.90.1 The minimum scanning sensitivity to be used for the weld examination will depend on the examination level to be applied , and the type of scan to be employed, i.e. whether using normal or angle probes and, if the later, whether searching for longitudinal or transverse imperfections. 70.90.2 For examination level A, the scanning sensitivity shall be set to show evidence of ‘grass’ up to the maximum testing range. This sensitivity shall be referenced to the DAC curve for 3mm diameter side drilled holes corrected for material attenuation or coupling losses, and shall be not less than the appropriate decibel value shown in table 2 of BS EN ISO 17640 70.90.3 For examination level B and C, the minimum scanning sensitivity shall be set by adjustment of the instrument gain to the value at which corrected DAC curve was plotted. Evaluation reference shall be as per the gain shall then be further increased by the appropriate decibel value shown in table 2 BS EN ISO 17640. 70.90.4 For examination level D, the minimum scanning sensitivity shall be by agreement. 70.90.5 No maximum scanning sensitivity is specified, it is recommended that a low level of ‘grass’ i.e. 2mm to 3mm above the baseline, should be visible up to the maximum testing range since this allows the operator visually to monitor the probe / work piece coupling during scanning. 80.00 Examination levels for various types of welded joints See figures A.1 to A.7 and tables A.1 to A.7 Key for tables: L-scan: scan for longitudinal indications using angle beam probes. N-scan: scan using straight beam probe. T-scan: scan for transverse indications using angle beam probes. p: full skip distance. SZW : scanning zone width.

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard

90.0 EVALUATION METHOD: 90.10 Requirements of BS-EN 17640 shall be considered for recording the indications -14dB (20% DAC) shall be recorded to meet the requirements of Examination level-B 90.20

Assessment of grouped indications shall be performed in accordance with Attachment- 1

90.30 Evaluation shall be performed as per Table A.1 of ISO 11666 Edition 2010 Refer Attachment- 2

100.0 SCANNING TECHNIQUES Scanning techniques shall be as per BS ENISO 17640

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard ATTACHMENT: 1 EVALUATION METHOD OF GROUPED INDICATIONS Group of Indications Grouping is based on the length and the separation of two individually acceptable indications having amplitudes above the recording level. The length of a group shall not be used for further grouping. For evaluation, a group of indications shall be considered as a single one if; a) The distance, dx, is less than twice the length of the longer indication (see the figure 1) b) The distance, dy, is less than half of the thickness but not more than 10 mm. c) The distance, dz, is less than half of the thickness but not more than 10 mm. The combined length is: l12 = l1 + l2+ dx (see the figure 2) The combined length, l12 , and the larger maximum amplitude of the two indication shall then be assessed against the applicable acceptance levels given in the table below

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard


Cumulative length of acceptable indications The cumulative length of all individually acceptable indications above recording level is given as sum of lengths of both single indications and linearly aligned indications of combined length within a given section of weld length. Figure-3

For any section of weld length, lw , the maximum cumulative length of all individually acceptable indications above the recording level shall not exceed 20 % of this length for acceptable level 2, or 30% of this length for acceptable level 3, where lw = 6t for t< 15 mm, and lw = 100 for t ≥ 15mm.

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard



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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard

Acceptance Criteria: As per ASME Sec.VIII Div. 1 These Standards shall apply unless other standards are specified for specific applications within this Division. Imperfections which produce a response greater than 20% of the reference level shall be investigated to the extent that the operator can determine the shape, identity, and location of all such imperfections and evaluate them in terms of the acceptance standards given in (a) and (b) below. (a) Indications characterized as cracks, lack of fusion, or incomplete penetrations are unacceptable regardless of length. (b) Other imperfections are unacceptable if the indications exceed the reference level amplitude and have lengths which exceed: (1) 1/4 in. (6 mm) for t up to 3/4 in. (19 mm); (2) 1/3t for t from 3/4 in. to 21/4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm); (3) 3/4 in. (19 mm) for t over 21/4 in. (57 mm). where t is the thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement. For a butt weld joining two members having different thicknesses at the weld, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet weld, the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in t .

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA AS PER AWS D1.1

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Ultrasonic Testing Procedure-EN standard 120.0 REPORTING: 120.10 Ultrasonic testing as per this procedure shall be reported on a standard ultrasonic examination report. Report forms shall contain the following information as a minimum. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t.

Client. Project. Job number. Job item. Report number. Date of test. Location of test. Instrument type /make. Probes used. Sensitivity setting. Surface condition. Couplant. NDT drawing number / line number. Material specification. Dimensions / thickness. Weld number. Welder’s name. Acceptance criteria. Limitations / restriction. Name of qualified technician and certification category.

120.20 Relevant indications have to be noted down on the report. 120.30 A detailed report and sketch showing the location along the weld axis, location within the weld cross section, size, orientation and classification of each discontinuity shall be completed for each weld in which significant discontinuities are found. 120.40 Areas for which complete inspection was not practical shall also be noted and restriction clearly indicated in the report.

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