Tomb Dusk Queen PDF [PDF]

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Tomb of the Dusk Queen


Tomb of the Dusk Queen CREDITS Design Sersa Victory ( Cover Illustration Copyright © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

LICENSE Tomb of the Dusk Queen is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC. For more information, visit


ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Beneath a colossal tree of golden leaves lies a maze of root-choked catacombs. It is in these catacombs that the Dusk Queen of legend is entombed with her royal treasures. However, deathless guardians and devious tricks await any who would intrude on her sleep…

CHARACTER LEVEL Tomb of the Dusk Queen is a simple but deadly dungeon delve designed for 3rd-level characters.

DANGER LEVEL Unsafe. Check every 3 delving rounds for wandering monsters.




1d4 war-maiden skeletons rise from the rubble and attack


Oveus the Mirthful calls out for help from the pit in area 8


An NPC thief flees from a chamber further into the Dusk Queen’s tomb—roll reaction as normal


A cave creeper scuttles down from the shadowy ceiling


A mithril suit of animated armor reforms from the cobwebbed corners of the chamber and attacks


Golden roots snake down from the ceiling and seal off a passageway of the GM’s choice for 3 delving rounds


DUNGEON KEY 1. BURIAL MOUND Pillars: Covered in roots from aboveground, sickly yellow flowers bloom from the roots. Burial Mound: Nearly reaches the ceiling. •

Mound: Disturbing the mound causes five war-maiden skeletons to rise and attack.

Rotted Coffin: Buried in mound. Contains moldering bones, a mithril bracelet worth 50 gp, an enchanted mithril longsword, a potion of growth, a scroll of invisibility, and a scroll of fireball.

Phantom: Veiled Dusk Queen phantom mourns dead, wails if touched and raises dungeon Danger Level to Risky.




A venerable wizard went missing in the Tomb


A false scepter lures thieves to an agonizing death


A sarcophagus is rigged with a mithril-rusting gas trap


Those who harvest sacred wheat keep a secret


A curse befalls those who breach the Dusk Queen’s crypt


The gelatinous cube cannot harm someone carrying the Dusk Queen’s holy symbol



2. SEALING CORRIDOR Walls: Sagging and covered in roots. •

Pressure Plate: Obvious to characters, marked “T” on the map. Applying force or weight to pressure plate causes wall to slide shut over area marked “X” on the map.

Slow Grinding: Characters triggering trap have time to choose between staying in this area or jumping back to area 1.

3. RUINED IDOL Rubble: Toppled remains of a Dusk Queen idol. Centipedes: Pick at smaller vermin in rubble. Broken Down Wall: Leads north into cave. •

Mold-Covered Portcullis: Rusted shut and covered in yellow mold. Characters can see area 6 beyond. Characters disturbing mold must roll DC 18 CON or die after 1 delving round.

4. SUNLIT GROTTO Golden Light: Falls in dim shafts through cracks in ceiling. Bones and Feathers: Carpet ground. Silver Chest: In center of grotto. •

Owlbear Zombie: Lairs in this chamber and attacks.

Halfling Youth: Appear on round 2, throw rocks at characters, owlbear, or both.

Open Chest: Contains shiny stones, bird eggs, trinkets worth 25 gp, and mud-caked holy symbol bearing image of golden tree.


5. HEROINE’S TOMB Murals: Depicts an Elvish warrior-woman in scale armor riding a basilisk into battle. Sarcophagus: Atop raised tier, polished. •

Inspect Dark Ceiling: Mithril arrowheads embedded in ceiling.

Open Sarcophagus: Heavy, requires combined STR of 25. Magnetic arrows fire out at all opening sarcophagus unless specific precautions are taken. DC 15 DEX or 4d4 damage and magnetic arrowheads embedded in flesh until end of adventure.

Look In Sarcophagus: Empty, but hidden crawl at bottom of sarcophagus leading to area 6.

Magnetic Arrowheads: If lightning bolt is cast in presence of character with magnetic arrowheads embedded in flesh, there is a 50% chance the bolt will target them instead.

6. OBELISK AND SCEPTER Obelisk: Preserved body of Elvish warrior woman in scale armor stands within obelisk. She holds a scepter and wears a scarab. •

Reach into Obelisk: Blades scythe across opening, DC 15 DEX or 2d12 damage. If reduced to 0 hp, hands are severed and scuttle away through cracks in walls. Will return later at inopportune time (GM’s discretion) to steal item a character is about to use.

Inspect Ground: Withered and greedy severed hands in dirt.

Treasure: Scepter of the Dusk Queen, scarab of drain resistance, and a mithril signet ring worth 100 gp.


7. SCOURED PASSAGEWAY Corridor: Narrow with moist walls. Remarkably free of debris. Skeleton: Appears to float in midair halfway down passageway. •

Gelatinous Cube: Lurks invisible in middle of passageway.

Keepsake: Locket on skeleton inside gelatinous cube. Contains painted portrait of young woman. If returned to young woman, her well-connected family does a favor for characters.

8. HALL OF PLASTER Ceilings: High and vaulted. Braziers: Cast iron, cage-like, hang at 10’ intervals from ceiling. Walls: Covered in plaster murals depicting women harvesting wheat by light of colossal golden tree. Sound: Faint sound of women singing harvest hymns. •

Secret Door: Behind image of throned Dusk Queen painted on plaster mural. Pressing hard-to-spot stone button in her crown causes secret door to rotate open, as does lighting all of the braziers hanging from the ceiling.

Collapsed Stairway: Through archway in southeast wall. The ghost of Oveus the Mirthful lingers 30’ down.

Oveus the Mirthful. Aged human male wizard. Relieved to see characters, calls each his “young protege”, offers his wand of magic missiles in exchange for a promise to give him any scrolls of resurrection they might find.

Dimension Door: Green misty portal leading to area 13. Cast by Oveus the Mirthful. He has knowledge of area 13’s layout.


9. FALSE CROWN Walls: Rounded, decorated with mithril plates depicting Dusk Queen on her throne. Ceiling: High above, crescent moon-shaped opening. Golden Light: Shines on crown on pedestal. Smell: Spoiled meat. •

Cave Creepers: Mated pair ambush characters taking crown.

Crown: A fake—it’s rotted wood painted gold.

10. ENCHANTED MOSAIC Walls: Mosaic of painted stones depicting robed woman facing mountain peaks, raising her arms in jubilation toward a colossal crescent moon rising above the horizon. •

Oracle of Dusk: If the mosaic is touched, the stones rearrange themselves to show the robed woman beckoning characters. She identifies herself as the Oracle of Dusk and offers to truthfully answer one “yes-or-no” question about the Tomb.

11. BONFIRE Cave: Cramped. Bonfire: Kindling nearly burnt out. •

Light Bonfire. Once per adventure, restores all hit points and expended spells.

Roleplaying. Ask each character what they are thinking about while resting in silence around the crackling fire.


12. CHARNEL BASILISK Stalagmites and Stalactites: Dot the chamber like the fangs of some great behemoth. Rainwater: Runs down in rivulets from the ceiling. Urns: Overflowing piles eroding in rainwater puddles. Smell: Reeks of lizard and rotten eggs. Sound: Crunching rock. •

Spilled Urns: Wedding bands worth 175 gp and a matched pair of rings of protection. Elvish marriage vows engraved on both rings.

Basilisk: Devours stone urns, defends nest.

Search Urns: If searching after defeating basilisk, characters find Crown of the Dusk Queen. Searching during battle takes an action, 1-in-6 chance of finding crown.

13. ROYAL HALL Statues: Armored Elvish women holding up holy symbols debossed with moon and colossal tree symbols. Double Doors: Sealed, no handles, engraved with stylized colossal tree and mourning Elvish women. Smell: Baking cinnamon. •

Dimension Door: Created by Oveus, leads back to area 8.

Sealed Door: Raise holy symbol found in area 4 to open doors.

Curse: Attempting to open doors without first raising the symbol causes the eyes of statues to glow a menacing gray. All characters must roll DC 18 WIS or suffer the curse of the basilisk for one cycle of the moon. While cursed, a character is turned to stone if they roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, spellcasting check, or ability check.


14. GRAND TOMB OF DUSK Ceiling: Stretches into gloom above. Columns: Massive, round, covered in shifting roots as thick as sea serpents. Roots: Glow from within with golden light that pulses like a heartbeat, motes flit like fireflies between roots. •

Well: Filled with brackish water, 20’ deep. Rusted iron door at bottom of well is locked.

Throne: Chiseled from coal-colored marble. Dusk Queen statue sits 10’ tall on throne, missing crown and scepter. Half-moon tapestries frame her artfully sculpted flowing hair and stern gaze.

Replace Scepter and Crown: Throne retracts to reveal Dusk Queen’s sarcophagus beneath. It is chiseled from onyx and glitters with the first stars of twilight.

Open Sarcophagus: Contains exquisite jewelry worth 750 gp, potion of extra-healing, scroll of lightning bolt, amulet of proof against poison, and the well-gaol key. Also contains Dusk Queen mummy, who rises and attacks.

ENDING THE ADVENTURE The Dusk Queen’s scepter and crown fetch 300 gp if sold as a pair. The locked steel door at the bottom of the well can be opened with the well-gaol key found in the Dusk Queen’s sarcophagus. Doing so causes the water in the well to drain away, rushing down a flight of spiral steps deeper into the mysterious underworld beneath the colossal golden tree…


MONSTERS WAR-MAIDEN SKELETON The animated remains of a warrior-maiden who served in the Dusk Queen’s royal guard. AC 13 (ring mail), HP 11, ATK 1 crescent moon sickle +1 (1d6), MV near, S +1, D +0, C +2, I -2, W +0, Ch -1, AL N, LV 2 Undead. Immune to morale checks. Pollen. If at least 3 war-maiden skeletons are present, roll 1d4 at the start of their turn. On a 1, near characters must roll DC 15 CON. On a failure, warn character that they are now “susceptible to the enchanting gaze of fey”.

OWLBEAR ZOMBIE The shambling corpse of a ferocious beast of the forests. AC 13, HP 25, ATK 2 claw +4 (1d8), MV near (climb) S +4, D +1, C +3, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV 5 Undead. Immune to morale checks. Crush. Deals an extra die of damage if it hits the same target with both claws.


GELATINOUS CUBE A translucent cube of slime that silently mows through cramped tunnels, slurping up debris. AC 11, HP 24, ATK 1 touch +4 (1d8 + toxin), MV near S +3, D +1, C +2, I -4, W +1, Ch -4, AL N, LV 5 Engulf. Absorbs paralyzed creatures in close range into its body, automatically hitting with touch attack on its turn. Rubbery. Half damage from stabbing weapons. Toxin. DC 15 CON or paralyzed 1d4 rounds.

CAVE CREEPER Chittering centipedes the size of horses with grasping tentacles. AC 12, HP 18, ATK 1 bite +3 (1d6) and 1 tentacles +3 (1d8 + toxin), MV near (climb), S +2, D +2, C +0, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 4 Toxin. DC 12 CON or paralyzed 1d4 rounds.

BASILISK A giant lumbering reptile that turns enemies to stone with its gaze. AC 15, HP 28, ATK 1 bite +5 (1d10) and 1 gaze (near), MV near (climb), S +3, D +2, C +2, I -2, W +0, Ch -2, AL N, LV 6 Gaze. DC 12 CON or be turned to stone. Characters averting their gaze roll attacks with disadvantage. 12

ANIMATED MITHRIL ARMOR An animated suit of mithril scale armor once worn by the Dusk Queen’s most faithful knights. AC 15, HP 11, ATK 1 longsword +3 (1d8), MV near, S +3, D -1, C +2, I -1, W +1, Ch +0, AL N, LV 2 Shatter. 1-in-6 chance non-magical weapons shatter against armor. Fey Step. May teleport to a nearby spot once per day.

DUSK QUEEN MUMMY The mummified remains of a legendary fey queen who once ruled the lands of the colossal golden tree. AC 17 (talisman), HP 33, ATK 1 slam +5 (1d10 + disease) plus 1 curse (near, life drain), MV near, S +3, D +0, C +1, I +0, W +1, Ch +2, AL N, LV 7 Greater Undead. Immune to morale checks. Only damaged by silver, mithril, or magical sources. Rotting Disease. Damage dealt cannot be healed until next rest. Life Drain. DC 15 WIS or 1d4 CON damage. Death if reduced to 0 CON. Charm. Usable once per day. DC 15 CHA or be charmed. Characters affected by war-maiden skeleton pollen automatically fail save. Mirror Image. Usable once per day. Creates 3 illusory copies of self. Sticks to Snakes. Summons a snake swarm [AC 13, HP 14, ATK 1 bite +3 (DC 12 CON or 2 STR damage), S -1, D +3, C +1, I -3, W +0, Ch -3, LV 3]. 13

TREASURE ENCHANTED MITHRIL LONGSWORD A rune-etched mithril longsword with an amethyst pommel. Bonus. Grants +1 to attack and damage rolls. Benefit. Amethyst glows when secret doors/hidden crawls are near.

POTION OF GROWTH A bubbling concoction that smells of tree roots. Benefit. Grow to large size for 3 combat rounds. Gain advantage on attack rolls and deal double damage.

SCROLL OF INVISIBILITY A rolled-up sheet of tree bark inked with arcane runes. Benefit. Become invisible until next hostile action or failed check.


SCROLL OF FIREBALL An infernal vellum scroll in a charred glass tube. Benefit. A group of up to 3 creatures within near range take 4d6 damage (half damage on a DC 15 CON).

SCARAB OF DRAIN RESISTANCE A polished jade scarab on a brass chain. Gifted to an Elvish knight from a far-away desert princess. Benefit. Wearer immune to life drain and curses.

RING OF PROTECTION A polished wedding ring decorated with a shield crest and gold tree. Benefit. Wearer gains +2 AC. May shatter the ring to cancel one attack made against them.

SCROLL OF LIGHTNING BOLT Anyone opening this scroll tube gets a static shock. Benefit. One creature within near range takes 6d6 damage (half damage on a DC 15 DEX).


POTION OF EXTRA-HEALING A glass bottle with a fizzy, lemon-vanilla liquid inside. Benefit. The imbiber of this potion regains 3d6 hit points.

AMULET OF PROOF AGAINST POISON Two crossed snakes decorate this tarnished brass talisman. Benefit. Wearer immune to diseases and poisons.

WAND OF MAGIC MISSILES This coiled iron wand is warm to the touch. Benefit. May cast the spell magic missile.