Time Management [PDF]

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Time Management

At the end of the Session • You will learn: • What is real time management? • What steals away our time? • Time Management Tips • Action Plan

Young Man

• Hardworkin g • Sincere • Honest • Graduate

No Job…. !!!

Job of cutting trees Working Hard



Time and Productivity T R E E S C U T

Performance goes down as da go by.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 0 11 12 13 14

Number of Days

I don’t understand…?? Why is my performance is going down? Working Hard



Everyday 9 am to 6 pm.

Did you take the time to sharpen your axe?

Err! I was too busy working hard, sir!

How do we work? Hard working



Productivity, Performance, Profitability?

Are you taking the time off to sharpen your axe?

The truth about Time Management!

You cannot manage time!!

But you can manage yourself!

ou can sharpen our axe!

What does self management mean?

How would prioritize this list of daily tasks? Write the underlined word of the tasks which would be on your

“A” List “B” List “C” List

Buy laundry detergent. Write a eight page essay for English. Prepare for a Biology quiz. Dust the videos on the bookcase. Review for midterm test that counts for 50% of grade. Schedule an appointment with a Professor. Complete a journal entry. Email a high school friend on another campus. Shop for a new pair of athletic shoes. “Armor-al” the dashboard of the car.

Are you working your “A’s” Off? or Do You Have C-Fever?

“A” LIST 1 Midterm test that counts for 50% of grade. 2 Write a eight page essay for English. “B” LIST 3 Prepare for a quiz in Biology. 4 Schedule an appointment with a Professor. 5 Complete a journal entry. “C” LIST 6 Buy laundry detergent. 7 Dust the videos on the bookcase. 8 Email a high school friend on another campus. 9 Shop for a new pair of athletic shoes. 10 “Armor-al” the dashboard of the car.

Time Stealers Why can’t people manage time?

Unclear objectives Disorganizatio n Inability to say “no” Time Management


Time Stealers Interruptions More interruptions Periods of inactivity Time Management


Time Stealers Too many things at once Stress and fatigue All work and no play Time Management


How Time and Stress are related

Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix

Quadrant 1- Important and Urgent Quadrant Urgency


We need to spend time here. This is where we manage, we produce, respond to needs and challenges. Many important activities become urgent due to procrastination.

Quadrant II- Important but Not Urgent • • -

Quadrant of Quality This is where we do We do long range planning Anticipate and prevent problems - Empower others, increase our skills, broaden minds - Ignoring this Quadrant Enlarges Quadrant I - Creates stress burnout and deepens crises Investing here shrinks Quadrant I

Quadrant III – Urgent but not important Quadrant of deception • Noise of urgency creates illusion of importance This we are taken for granted difficulty saying “No” We live other people’s life If the activities are important they are important for others

Quadrant IV- Not Urgent –Not Important • Quadrant of Waste • When we are tossed around in Q 1 and Q 3 we often escape to Q IV for survival. • Quadrant IV is not about recreational activities or survival but it leads to deterioration.

The Answer to manage yourself! Quadrant of Quality Spending more time and attention in this quadrant will reduce stress and wastage of time.

Ask Yourself! • Decide: What’s your goal in life? • Watch your activities for the next 24 hrs. • Are your activities pushing you forward or pulling you away from the goal? • Next time ask: Whatever I am doing is it defining my goal?

Work Life Balance!

The true Art of Living consists not in living to

To Realize the Value of: ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed. ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train. ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident. ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Is The Jar Full?

The Moral of the Story:

Put the

Big Rocks in First

The best time is now; The best place is here & The best person is you! Joy be all yours