Thrust in Time Susan Bratton [PDF]

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Thrust In Time

Secret Taoist Thrusting Technique Gives A Woman Orgasms From Intercourse

Dear Lover,

My name is Susan Bratton, “trusted hot sex advisor to millions.” I’m a

sexpert that shares passionate lovemaking techniques, bedroom

communication skills and sexual health advice.

I explain to people how to be excellent lovers. I rekindle

sexless marriages. I help virgins have the confidence to enjoy their first time. I show singles how to date safely. And best of all, I teach everyone across the gender spectrum to have all kinds of incredible orgasmic pleasure solo and together.

I call myself an “orgasmanaut.” I have gone

personally to the far reaches of pleasure to show you

have to have all the kinds of orgasms that are 2

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possible. I’ve read every book on orgasm that exists. I’ve studied the

ancients of Taoism and Tantra as well as reading the latest peer-reviewed

research on human sexuality. Orgasm is “my thing.” Passion is my passion. You

are in good hands now.

Did you know that male and female-bodied people can have at least 15 different

kinds of orgasms? Penetration orgasms from intercourse are just one of the many

kinds of climaxes available to us all. Contrary to what you might hear elsewhere, it doesn’t require clitoral stimulation for her to have them.

We are biologically made to fit together and co-create orgasmic pleasure from the

simple penis-in-vagina type of sex. And if you haven’t yet had or given this kind of climax, don’t worry! Trust me. It comes easy once you know what to do.

Have you heard the phrase, “The Orgasm Gap*?” Simply stated, men have more orgasms from intercourse than women. It’s a breeze for most men

to climax from a velvety vagina.

However, the majority of women struggle to achieve orgasms from penetration. Men find it easy and women don’t, over time she wants less and less sex with their partner. Add to this the fact that testosterone makes guys much hornier than women and it becomes easy for her to

just not want intercourse if she’s not having orgasms. Women, being estrogen dominant, are not horny all the

time like guys. They are more hormonally cyclical, so

they are horny when ovulating, but less so the rest of

the month. This creates a major frustration for both 3

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genders. He wants it every day. She wants it once a month. That’s an

exaggeration, and everyone falls along a bell curve, but it’s directionally accurate. That’s why it’s imperative to understand how to give and have orgasms from

intercourse. The longer you go without, the less likely frequent sex happens. What

I’m here to tell you is that intercourse orgasms are a learned skill. Intercourse is also a learned skill.

Yes, anyone can figure out how to make a baby. Being a great lover comes from

learning new techniques. Most men are woefully inadequate at penetration. They

push in too fast. They have tight hips. They bang like a piston. They watch too much porn which models NOT what women want but merely what men like to see. And

they come too fast.

One in four men across all sexually-active age groups reports that they come sooner than they’d like. Stamina is a much-needed practice. Between

performance anxiety and premature ejaculation, it becomes very hard for a woman to get the stimulation she requires to have not just

one, but many orgasms from intercourse. But that’s a subject for another day. Today I’m going to give you this Taoist

Thrusting Technique which will slow you down, help you have more stamina, and give her the kind of vaginal

stimulation that she needs to climax.

Every human being has the capability of being in orgasmic bliss the entire lovemaking session. You just need to know what to do. 4

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If you are a woman who has never had an orgasm from lovemaking, I can

relate. I was 45 when I finally started enjoying penetration orgasms. My

husband and I almost got divorced because I was sexually dissatisfied. We

vowed to learn how to have great sex. And we’ve been on an upward pleasure

spiral for going on 30 years now. It’s never too late to get good in bed. Sex can

keep getting better your whole life when you are open to learning and actively

seeking new skills.

If your woman doesn’t easily reach a full-on orgasm from intercourse, don’t worry.

It’s just a matter of time, skill, practice, and conditions being right. This powerful Taoist thrusting technique will go a long way toward helping her get over the edge. You can learn and start using tonight.

Now, if you’re a woman, you can show this book to your male partner, or you can keep this information for when you meet your next lover. Men love to

please us. They want nothing more than to totally satisfy us. Men get a bad reputation for being selfish in bed. But after having helped millions

of lovers learn new skills, I know from the heart that men are

driven to give us incredible pleasure.

I’m going to get right into this technique, but know that

there are a number of factors that contribute to her ability to orgasm from intercourse.

I’ve created a free series of videos that show you the

additional strategies you need to cross the ‘gasm

chasm. Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Better Lover channel.


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This Taoist Thrusting technique builds arousal slowly, at the perfect pace for

a woman. Not too fast. Not too slow. And never ceasing. That way her

arousal levels toggle from feeling and experiencing intense pleasure

to having massive, toe-curling anticipation for a man’s deep,

hard, pulsating thrusts.

Why does she require a “perfect pace?” Is there even such

a thing?

The answer is “YES!”

A woman’s arousal is like water. It ebbs. It flows. It rises. Then her cup runneth over. 6

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However, even when she’s in the mood for lovemaking, her arousal levels

are slow, smooth, and calm. Unlike a man’s arousal where when he’s turned

on, he desires to have sex right here, right now. Make it fast and explosive.

For a woman, she needs to slowly build up her arousal more and more, until she’s

finally full and about to burst in orgasmic bliss. It’s like she starts off as a little faucet, and ends up wild, wet, and splashing like a waterfall.


The BIG problem with lovers both reaching their orgasmic climaxes is two-fold. Men can easily have orgasms through intercourse. He just needs to thrust hard and fast. In a few minutes, he’s ready to blow up.

But women often don’t get to experience REAL orgasms because their

man climaxes too early and too soon… or he loses steam while he’s

getting there.

It’s so much easier for men to come during sex. For women,

it’s a learned skill. And unfortunately, many women don’t

get a chance to learn (and experience) that skill.

That’s why I’m telling you about this amazing Taoist

thrusting technique that will solve all that for you starting tonight.


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THE SOLUTION This technique slows men down to the “perfect pace.” Then it allows her to catch

up and get on the same hot and steamy wavelength as her man’s arousal levels. Doing this thrusting technique requires the man to take his time, not just blindly

thrusting in and out of the woman, but to switch between teasing and pleasuring. This is beneficial to both the man and the woman because:

1) The man isn’t going full speed ahead, and his arousal levels are managed. That means he won’t climax too soon, and he even feels more and more pleasure as

sex goes on longer and longer. And since he’s thrusting at a controlled pace, he also won’t lose steam as quickly.

2) The woman can surrender completely to the pleasure given to her by the man because she can relax into the pace of this technique. And

since the thrusting isn’t so fast and hard, she feels every inch of him go in and out of her. It’s not a blinding pace. It’s slow

and teasing. She feels the man’s penis in its entirety. This allows her to build up her arousal levels all the way to

her orgasmic ceiling. So she can smash through it.


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HOW IT WORKS This technique was created by the Taoists. And if you’ve heard anything about

their sex techniques for men, they revolve around semen retention and arousal


That’s why this works so well. The man is controlling his arousal and in turn

controlling when he climaxes — making for some extended lovemaking.

The man will be performing two kinds of thrusts with this technique. Deep “satisfying”

thrusts and shallow “teasing” thrusts. He will be following a simple pattern of

thrusting that has been proven to help control the man’s arousal while also building up the woman’s pleasure thrust by thrust.

From my own experience, the best position to thrust is with the woman’s

butt at the edge of the bed. Here is an illustration from my free report, 7 Stimulating Sex Positions.


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The man will be standing over the woman with his feet on the floor for

leverage and support. This way, the woman is totally relaxed and ready to

receive the man’s loving thrusts, fully supported with pillows underneath her

legs if she wants. Or he can hold her feet up, which is a

way to increase his masculine sexual leadership.

Anytime he’s moving her body, it increases polarity— the masculine-feminine magnetism that is needed in the bedroom.


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OFF THE EDGE POSITION When you’re first starting out, having her hold her favorite vibrator on her clitoris

while he’s thrusting will amp up her pleasure. This is not cheating! In sex, all

pleasure is good. The lower her performance anxiety, the easier it will be for her to

transition into coming from intercourse alone, without a vibrator whenever she wants to.

The two vibrators I recommend for intercourse are the DiGiT by Hot Octopuss and

the Volta by Fun Factory. Both are body-safe, super high-quality, with excellent motors and unique designs. They are low-profile and work well in missionary

position too.

When she’s first learning to come from penetration, doing orgasmic cross-training is helpful. Cross-training is where you orgasm in a way that is easier, such as with a vibrator, while you’re doing the other way you want to climax, in his case, intercourse. This cross-training is what you do the cross the ‘gasm chasm.


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BUT BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE… LOVERSPACE! However, before you begin the thrustage, the man must take care of one very important task. He must set up the Loverspace. What is Loverspace? My friend and mentor, Dr. Patti Taylor, invented the term to describe a higher level of “mood” for heart-connected lovemaking. It is a tiny little moment in space and time you set aside for each other when you’re about to make love and express limitless


The world stops. Everything is put on hold. Your focus is on you, your lover, and erotic pleasure ONLY.

Your Loverspace could include lighting, scented candles, music, water, towels, pillows, toys, trinkets, costumes, foreplay, and

whatever you want.

The man should take the time to warm up the woman’s whole body. Her face, skin, hair, arms, legs, stomach, breasts, back, butt, and especially her genitals. Turn her on first to the point where she really wants you inside. 12

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Do this with soft whispers of sweet nothings, kisses all over her body, light

flickering licks and touches on her most sensitive spots. Just soft, easy contact.

Get the woman wet and reaching for you. That’s when you know she’s ready. Here is an audio and another free ebook to my Orgasmic Fantastic Sex Date

technique. The warm up is MORE important than the thrust technique. The slow

arousal is what sets the foundation for the Thrust In Time technique. So if you found

yourself skipping over this part, go back and slow the heck down and take it in. You are rushing again. Rushing is what chases orgasms away!


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THRUST IN TIME It’s finally time to talk about the “Thrust In Time” technique. As I said previously,

it is a series of deep and shallow thrusts in a pattern. You do these thrusts slowly,

lovingly, and patiently in a pattern of 10. And you do them sloooowly… Then go

even more slowly. Then slow down from there. Now a little slower. Get it?


shallow shallow shallow shallow shallow shallow shallow shallow shallow

thrusts then 1 deep thrust thrusts then 2 deep thrusts thrusts then 3 deep thrusts thrusts then 4 deep thrusts thrusts then 5 deep thrusts thrusts then 6 deep thrusts thrusts then 7 deep thrusts thrusts then 8 deep thrusts thrust then 8 deep thrusts

By the time you get to the 5th cycle, it’s likely she will feel her

first tickle of an orgasm. She may want another round, or she

may be done before you get to the end. Just ask her to tell

you what feels good. See my Sexual Soulmate Pact

technique later in this book. It shows you how to talk to each other with ease in the bedroom.

But based on personal experience, the halfway mark is a common time for her to climax. By this time, you

can orgasm together. Or you can keep going and extend the pleasure even more.


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USE GOOD LUBE Always keep organic avocado and organic coconut oil available. Don’t use lubes

made with chemicals. If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on her genitals. A woman’s

vaginal tissue is like a sponge. It soaks up anything it touches. Here is a link to an

article with the exact lubes I’ve personally tested, use myself and recommend to my fans. Reapply liberally throughout the Taoist Thrusting experience.

Now here’s another “technique” that makes Taoist Thrusting even more successful.

WHAT MAKES THIS WORK BEST? PRESENCE. Yes, the arousal management and slow, sensual thrusting are key factors to how this thrusting technique will bring the woman closer and closer to orgasm from intercourse…

But what makes this technique extra special… and extra powerful is when the man practices PRESENCE.

Presence is the #1 skill women crave from men during sex. Read that line again. Presence is when the man is 100% present with his

lover, in the moment of erotic passion. Not thinking of “baseball stats” or “granny panties” to distract himself from early ejaculation. Not having to squeeze his groin

area to keep himself from getting too aroused. 15

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Just loving, thrusting, kissing and moving in the moment with the woman. Eye contact is key here. Know that you may be eye-shy. Or she may be eye-

shy. About 25% of people get a little overwhelmed by someone looking directly

at them. It takes practice to get used to it. Start small. Look at each other a bit,

then go ahead and soft-focus or close your eyes if you need to. The more you

connect the more you see into each other’s souls. Sexual soulmates are co-created

and presence and connection are the path to bliss.

When the man is taking it slow like this technique requires, and his thrusts are moving the woman from anticipation to experiencing pleasure over and over again… He can practice giving his full presence during sex. And this is what women truly desire. Women want their men to be with them, looking into their eyes, talking dirty or

sweet, caressing their breasts, holding them tight and close.

Tell her she’s beautiful. Admire her vulva. Her juiciness and warmth. Circulate your breaths and become one loving being in your Loverspace.

This is what makes this thrusting technique truly magical.


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TIME TO ROCK IT EVEN MORE When you’ve tried the “Thrust In Time” technique once or twice, and when you’ve

gotten the hang of it, the man can try adding this hot variation to spice things up

even more.

Guys, try rocking your pelvis as you thrust in and out of your woman.

Imagine you’re rocking your hips

like Elvis.

To feel what this is like, get down on the floor on your hands and

knees for a minute.


Lift your head up, curve your back and stick your butt in the air. Next, arch your back up like the letter C while you drop your head down.

Do you feel your hips hinging? That’s the movement I want you to practice as your doing your shallow and

deep thrusts.

You’ll dive your penis in toward the lower, back wall of her vagina. Then you’ll thrust your hips forward

and draw the tip of your penis along the roof or upper

wall of her vaginal canal toward her abdomen. 17

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The angle of your penis as it is used during lovemaking can make a tremendous difference in her pleasure as a woman during coitus.

You can swivel and pivot your penis inside her. And you can swivel and pivot your hips outside her. Both swivel actions will cause you to hit the best spots inside her vagina during intercourse.

My friend, Billy wrote a penis thrusting book that uses excellent analogies to help you

understand that micro-movements produce macro results.

Have you ever played pool? The cue has a pivot point where it rests on your hand.

So does your penis.

“Swivel pivoting is much like a big gun on a fighting

ship. If you move the gun down twenty degrees and

to the left thirty degrees, the barrel will aim twenty degrees up and thirty degrees to the right.” 18

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This variation allows the tip of the man’s penis to graze the woman’s vaginal

walls as he thrusts. This makes it more pleasurable since you’re moving slow and steamy. And when you do the deep thrusts, it will feel fantastic to her.


To recap. You’re going to use the ten count and start with using more shallow thrusts

than deep thrusts at first. You’ll build on the ten count to help her relax and feel all

of the pleasure. You’ll use your hips and penis to vary the spots you stimulate inside her. You’ll take your time and create deep connection and eye contact with her. You’ll

set the loverspace first and get her into her body and up her arousal ladder with a good setting and lots of full-body touch. If she needs clitoral stimulation at first to achieve orgasm, use a tool! Vibrators are very helpful, they don’t make it harder for women to achieve orgasms without them, and they are not a sign of

weakness on anyone’s part. The more orgasms the better! There is no

shame in doing cross-training. That is how learning is done.

You will do best when you let go of goals. If you do this to MAKE HER COME, it will backfire. You must be loving, present and feel all of the sensation yourself.


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WHAT’S NEXT? The very best technique I can give you is

the gift of easy communication in the






technique explodes passionate lovemaking. You can download it here.

Men and women everywhere are sexually disconnected and turned-off. Relationships that lack passion can make us feel abandoned and inadequate. Most people stuck in a sexless marriage or relationship simply give up.

Frustrated women are typically afraid to ask for what they want in bed. Others

don’t even know what they want, they just know what they’re getting

isn’t it. So they suffer in silence to protect their partner’s ego. Being testosterone-dominant, men are hard-wired to

penetrate and conquer between the sheets. This causes

women to shut down sexually and hide emotionally.

In the process of my own journey to recover the passionate connection I’d lost with my husband,

along with thousands of conversations with men and women in sexual crisis, I discovered a specific

method that makes it easy for couples to experience the intimacy we all crave in the bedroom. 20

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The Sexual Soulmate Pact is a prescription for healthy sexual

communication we haven’t been given before. Our deepest sensuality begins

at the point of recognizing our origin as homo sapiens. Once we women learn

to speak from and for the “animal body” we live in… once we honor the cyclical

nature of our sexual desires… we become more confident lovers, able to

communicate what will give us pleasure in the moment.

When we communicate what our body needs as simple feedback, offered so our

partner can “win” in the bedroom, we can begin to ride the waves of ecstasy together.

Failure is taken out of the equation; sex becomes an adventure. The circle of safety we co-create with this Sexual Soulmate Pact produces genuine intimacy, exquisite

pleasure and the soulful connection that is our birthright.

You are welcome to share this ebook and my free gifts with anyone. Pay it

forward. There’s always more to learn and sex can keep getting better your whole life long.

Email me anytime you have

questions. I’m here for you.

To Your Sexcess,

Susan Bratton

“Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To


[email protected]


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Susan Bratton is a champion and advocate for all who desire passionate relationships.

Considered the “Dear Abby of Sex,” Susan’s fresh approach and original ideas

have helped millions of people of all ages, and across the gender spectrum,

transform sex into passion.

Married to her husband Tim since 1993, Susan is an author, award-winning speaker,

and serial entrepreneur who teaches passionate lovemaking techniques to her fans

around the world. Susan has been featured in The New York Times and on CNBC and

the TODAY show as well as appearing on ABC, CBS, The CW, Fox, and NBC as the “Marriage Magician.”

Susan is Chair Emeritus of the ad:tech conference; she was both the CMO and a

member of the Board of Directors for an Anthony Robbins tech start-up as well

as serving on numerous boards throughout her career. In 2009, Susan was honored as a “Silicon Valley Woman of Influence” by The Business Journal

and as a “Top 10 Internet Pioneer” by AdAge Magazine. In 2010, Susan

was bestowed the Lifetime Industry Achievement award by dmg

World Media.

Susan’s straight-talking, fearless approach is rooted in her

personal experience of watching her sex life wither while

she and her husband pursued dynamic careers. When

their relationship hit a crisis point, the couple made a

fierce commitment to do whatever it took to keep their family together and revive the passion in their marriage. Today, she and her husband have the kind

of dream relationship most people long-since

stopped believing is even possible—until they

discover Susan’s teachings.


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Susan is CEO and co-founder (with her husband) of Personal Life Media.

Through her company, Susan has authored 33 books and programs including

Relationship Magic, The Passion Patch, and 30 Romance Tricks That Work Like

Magic, as well as her International #1 Amazon best-seller, Sexual Soulmates: The

6 Essentials for Connected Sex. She has also created and published numerous online

courses including her wildly popular Revive Her Drive and Steamy Sex Ed® DVD

Collection, as well as programs such as Seduction Trilogy, Expand Her Orgasm Tonight, The Multi-Orgasmic Lover for Men, Female Liquid Orgasm, and Keep Her Coming.

Millions of couples and singles have been touched by her TV appearances and Better Lover








at, Susan gives away, free of charge, countless MP3 audios, videos, articles, and ebooks.

Susan believes that shame-free, frequent sexual pleasure is every man and woman’s birthright:

“After 26 years of marriage, I know from experience that deep, passionate intimacy with my partner is priceless: a priority that tops my list of must-haves alongside good health and the love of family and friends. I have made it my mission to aid anyone who wants the kind of lovemaking that

improves with age.”

She and her husband split their time between their

home on Mt. Tamalpais in Mill Valley, California and








occasional trips to far-off lands to visit their globe-

trotting daughter.


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* Statistical data from Psychology Today, Dr. Laurie Mintz, “In one study examining

about 800 college students, a 52% orgasm gap was found. That is, 39% of women and

91% of men said that they usually or always experienced orgasm in partnered sex. Another

study with 15,000 college students found that the orgasm gap is larger in hookup sex than

relationship sex. Still in collect student committed relationships, there is still a 17% orgasm gap.

Strikingly similar statistics were found in a survey of about 3,000 single women and men in the

U.S. ranging from 18-65 years old. When having sex with a familiar partner, women said they have an orgasm 63% of the time; men said 85% of the time.”


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Get Early Access

Follow Susan for more free romance and sensuality advice for couples who want more passionate lovemaking.

If you dare, get Sloane’s sexy adventures and sensual musings by email.

Get more free Expanded Orgasm, Tantra and seduction skills advice for couples at Expand Her Orgasm Tonight or Seduction Trilogy.

Get more free advice on multiple orgasm and female ejaculatory orgasms (squirting) and on sexual healing at Female Liquid Orgasm.

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All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

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