Through The Breach - Penny Dreadful - One Shot - Jurassic Faux [PDF]

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Jurassic Faux

Jurassic Faux

This text is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright © 2005-2017, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations, places, events, or actual persons - living or dead – is purely coincidental. Copies of materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve any associated copyrights, trademarks, or other notices. Wyrd Miniatures, LLC holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. You may not distribute copies to others for a charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purpose only. MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2017. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through the Breach logo and all related character names, places, and things are trademarks and copyright © 2005-2017 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game system is patent pending, serial no. 12/821,427


Credits Creative Direction Nathan Caroland

Lead Design Mason Crawford

Writing David (Tanja) Ivey

TTB Logo Artist Patrick Guinane

Art Hardy Fowler, Alyssa Menold & Bram Sels

Graphic Design John Cason

Editing Mason Crawford & Aaron Darland


Contents Introduction................................................................................................ 4 Adventure..........................................................................................................6 Prologue: Higher Education................................................................................... 6 Scene 1: Malcolm Flanagan.................................................................................... 7 Scene 2: Railway Propositions.............................................................................. 10 Scene 3: Those Darn Nephilim........................................................................... 12 Scene 4: The Lost Town...................................................................................... 15 Scene 5: Welcome to the Jungle.......................................................................... 17 Scene 6: Malisaurus Rex...................................................................................... 26 Conclusion........................................................................................................... 28

Fatemaster Characters................................................................ 29 Professor Flanagan & University Undergraduate................................................. 30 Rougarou.............................................................................................................. 31 Bandersnatch........................................................................................................ 32 Waldgeist.............................................................................................................. 33 Bultungin.............................................................................................................. 34 Autumn Knight..................................................................................................... 35 Honeypot Creeper............................................................................................... 36 Podling................................................................................................................. 37 Malisaurus Rex..................................................................................................... 38


introduction Everything seemed on track until word arrived of creatures attacking settlements near the Wildlands. Claims of Neverborn, undead, and even stranger things spooked the university’s backers and almost put an end to the planning. It was only when rumors Enter the Wildlands. of a massive, prehistoric beast came in that one of When Nythera was opened and the Badlands sprung the professors, Malcolm Flanagan, used his clout to life around it, prospectors and explorers started and some of his own wealth to push the expedition to bring back stories of strange plants and creatures forward. that hadn’t previously been seen by human eyes. The It was clear that a group of academics wouldn’t university saw an opportunity: if they could gather last very long in the Wildlands on their own, and and study these new lifeforms, they could gain fame so the call went out for people who had the skills and prestige by publishing papers throughout the and willingness to accompany the expedition. After scientific community. taking the university up on their offer, the Fated The University of Malifaux opened its doors a year ago. While they’ve had some interest in enrollment, the university still isn’t very well known, much to the annoyance of the headmaster and professors.

Preparations for an expedition to the Wildlands began almost immediately. Travel was secured, supplies ordered, and professors and students were chosen to participate.


will travel to the Wildlands, where a number of potential encounters wait. Not all of these encounters are required, but they will allow the Fated and the university personnel to gather specimens and samples while hunting their true prey: the Malisaurus Rex.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Within These Pages Here's a list of what you'll find in this adventure.

Chapter 3:

FM CHARACTERS This chapter contains the stat blocks for the various adversaries the Fated might encounter over the course of the adventure, providing a quick reference to make it easier for the Fatemaster to run the game.

chapter 1:

INTRODUCTION This is the section you're reading now!

chapter 2:

FateD Name


curreNt Pursuit

The Fated are asked to join an academic expedition to the Wildlands, the primeval forest which sudden sprung up around the ruins of Nythera. On the way south into the Badlands, though, the train encounters trouble, which leaves the Fated in the unenviable position of having to walk across the Badlands. Things only get worse from there. Ultimately, the Fated will be forced to enter the Wildlands, either to recover scientific specimens or to scavenge for enough food to keep them alive. The Wildlands are filled with danger, though, and the leader of the expedition intends to risk his live in order to snatch a very dangerous - and very large - creature from the forest's grip.















Boxes like the box on the right are used to show dialogue or description. They are intended to be read by the Fatemaster aloud to the players. Be careful, though; some are only intended to be read if the Fated take certain actions or are successful at certain challenges.


SKILLS skill








These boxes have two main functions. Boxes like this one highlight rules or special notes for the Fatemaster.

DestiNy stePs FulFilleD



There are many call out boxes like this one scattered throughout the adventure.

GuilD scriP




Call Out Boxes


Player Name



reloaD caPacity



reloaD caPacity



reloaD caPacity







"Yeah, I was there." The drifter sighs, his shoulders slumping at the admission. "It only lasted a moment, and I still don't know how I lived through it. There was only the one Ortega, but she was so fast with that gun of hers..." He shakes his head. "Two of the bandits were dead before they even realized she had drawn on them." His gaze becomes distant as the memory comes back to him. "It was a ballet of death."

Chapter 1: Introduction


Jurassic Faux Prologue:

HIGHER EDUCATION The University of Malifaux has explored different methods of getting help for their expedition, from having undergraduates pass out fliers to asking the Guild for help. This should give the Fated multiple ways to have heard about the expedition.

Diaz answers any questions the Fated might have about the Wildlands, but the truth of the matter is that he doesn’t know much beyond what he’s already told them. He’s much more knowledgeable about the University, which he can talk about at length (praising the professors, the undergraduates, the campus, the benefactors, the curriculum… pretty much any aspect of the school is grounds for self-praise).

The Fated begin the adventure having already answered and accepted the University’s call for aid. Read the following text: When the Fated are willing to get back to talking about the expedition, read the following text: You hadn’t known that Malifaux City had a university until you arrived on its campus, a pair of tall stone buildings in the southern part of Downtown. Judging from the brand new furniture in the waiting room, the university has probably only been in existence for a year or two. Once Headmaster Diaz has finished his meeting, he invites you to walk with him. The old man is balding with a tight smile, and his handshake is firm. Just as you start to suspect that he is simply giving you a tour of the campus, the Headmaster shifts the conversation to the Badlands. “I’m unsure if you’ve heard or not, but the wasteland south of the city has begun to change. We haven’t heard anything other than fanciful rumors about its cause, but whatever the reason, the Badlands have been blossoming with all manner of life, plant and animal.” The Headmaster pauses as the tour brings you to a closed door. “We’ve received several reports of how quickly this flora and fauna are spreading, and we’ve taken to calling it the Wildlands. We, and by ‘we’ I mean the University, want to be the first to study the creatures and plant life that have appeared.”


“The expedition we have planned is dangerous, and in any case, our undergraduates are from wealthy families and can only be expected to do so much physical labor. Your job – if you decide to accept our offer, at any rate – will be to protect the University staff and provide any additional help in collecting samples and specimens. I’m sure Professor Flanagan – he’s the head of this little expedition – will have other work for you as well, but you’ll need to speak with him on that.” The Headmaster motions to the door next to you, which bears a plaque reading ‘Malcom Flanagan.’ “Speak of the devil,” Diaz continues, “the Professor should be inside. I will leave you in his hands to finish discussing the finer details, as well as payment.”

Headmaster Diaz offers the Fated another round of handshakes before retreating – rather quickly – from Flanagan’s door.

Chapter 2: Adventure

Scene 1:

MALCOLM FLANAGAN The Fated find the door to Professor Flanagan’s office closed but unlocked. If they knock, he will call for them to come in, but he’s not upset if they decide to just walk into his office without knocking. Either way, read the following text:

The room you enter seems to be a combination office and workshop. Tools and materials are strewn haphazardly across the tables and floor, and what space hasn’t been claimed by Artefacting tools has instead been layered with a number of maps, charts, and journals. Malcolm Flanagan is a middle-aged gentleman with long but well-maintained red hair. He has a similarly well-kept beard, though it has begun to turn gray in places. His shirt and trousers are dirtied with what appears to be grease or oil, as are his hands and forearms. As you enter, he looks up from a halfassembled construct arm. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asks, greeting you with a welcoming, if professional, smile.

Depending upon the Fated’s appearance, he either views them as potential students, academic rivals, or thugs sent to interfere with his expedition. Once the Fated mention that they are there to take part in the expedition, however, he becomes considerably more friendly and open. The Professor welcomes them into his office and apologizes for the mess and his lack of refreshments. He even makes a joke and asks the Fated if he can offer them “lubricating oils.” Should anyone actually take him up on his offer, however, he goes pale and sheepishly clarifies that he was only joking. The only exception is if one of the Fated is Invested, in which case he willingly hands over a container of lubricating oil if his offer is accepted. Once the Fated have warmed him up, Malcolm is more than happy to give them the details of the expedition. He begins by informing the Fated that the expedition crew, themselves included, will be leaving from the Southgate Station in one week. They will remain on board the train until it reaches Morgan’s Hope, a small mining town that is close to the Wildlands. Malcolm notes that they should be able to get most of their supplies at the town, but the Fated should bring their own weapons with them, as most Contract Towns have little in the way of firearms or ammunition.

From Morgan’s Hope, the Professor continues, the expedition will take a few days to reach the edge of the Wildlands. Once there, they will set Malcolm is initially polite and seemingly friendly up a base camp to allow excursions further into toward the Fated, albeit with something of a the wilderness. These excursions will focus upon professional detachment. gathering up whatever interesting flora and fauna they can find, preferably alive. All together, Malcolm expects the expedition to last “around two months.”

Chapter 2: Adventure


Once Malcolm has given the Fated the details of the expedition, he offers to answer any questions they might have. Some subjects the Fated might ask about include:

Specimens: Malcolm admits that he doesn’t really know what to expect from the flora and fauna in the Wildlands. There have been rumors of strange and unusual animals, plants, and “other things,” but that’s the main purpose of the Payment: In his excitement, Malcolm forgets to expedition: to discover what new life can be found tell the Fated about their payment. If asked, he in the Wildlands. apologizes for forgetting and says that the University will pay the Fated half a scrip per day of work, which If the Fated succeed on a TN 9 Scrutiny will equal out to around 30 scrip per character. He Challenge, they realize that Professor Flanagan admits that it isn’t a lot – the expedition is already isn’t telling them everything. If they call him out thin on funding – but he promises that the Fated on it, he apologizes and explains that he wanted will be mentioned in any scientific papers that to get a feel for the Fated before he mentioned come out due to the expedition. Additionally, they the specific creature for which he is searching. See will each receive a 1 scrip bonus for each unique “The Malisaurus Rex” section on page 9 for more specimen the expedition is able to gather. details. The Fated can attempt to negotiate for more pay and other benefits if they wish. Doing so requires a TN 10 Barter Challenge. On a success, Flanagan will add an extra 10 scrip to each of their pay. He mentions that this extra money will be coming out of his own savings, rather than the university’s coffers. If the Fated achieve 2 Margins of Success, he also promises to credit them as “associate researchers” in any resulting scientific papers. If they achieve 3 Margins of Success, he offers to pull some strings with the university in order to get each of the Fated a full-ride scholarship (either for themselves or someone else on their behalf).

Storage of Specimens: The university is sending “numerous” containers with the expedition to hold samples, both alive and dead. The containers range from small to large cages for living specimens, glass and metal containers for non-living samples, and even a few aquarium systems for any aquatic creatures they manage to capture.

Supplies: If the Fated inquire what supplies they should bring, Malcolm shrugs and tells them to bring whatever they feel is necessary for their job. He further clarifies that most of the supplies necessary for the expedition – specimen containers, wagons, food and water, transportation, and The University: Malcolm is quite pleased to be tranquilizer drugs – are covered by the university. a member of the university, though if the Fated As such, the Fated will only need to provide items succeed on a TN 9 Scrutiny Challenge, they note such as ammunition, any special dietary needs, that he doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic as he clothing, and the like. claims. If they push him on the matter, he reveals that he finds some of the other faculty members to If the Fated ask, Malcom is willing to advance them each 5 scrip to cover the cost of their supplies. be frustrating. This advance comes out of their final pay, which "Academia is a small bowl," he says, a bit wistfully. he makes clear. "It's invariable that one will continue to encounter the same fish over and over again." He's referring to Headmaster Diaz, with whom Flanagan has a longstanding grudge, though he will not admit this to the Fated; doing so would be very unprofessional.


The Malisaurus Rex Once the Fated are finished with their questions, Malcolm will have a few of his own. He starts asking the Fated how confident they are facing “dangerous beasts.” If the Fated ask what he means, he references Nephilim and Slateridge Maulers. He follows up by asking if the Fated feel they could take on something larger and meaner than even a Mature Nephilim. Should the Fated respond negatively, Malcolm sighs and says that maybe the Fated aren’t cut out for the expedition. He isn’t firing them, but it should be clear to the Fated that he’s rethinking their positions and pay. He even asks the Fated if they know anyone who will be willing to face such dangers head on.

If the Fated claim to be up to the task, however, he is positively giddy. He will then begin telling the Fated about the rumored Malisaurus Rex. Read the following text: “Good, good. I’m glad that you’re not afraid of a little bit of danger. See, we’ve had a number of reports from people fleeing the area: prospectors, outlaws, that sort. Fascinating tales of new flora and fauna… though we’ve already covered that, haven’t we? I believe so.” Malcolm rushes over to one of his work tables and rummages through the many papers scattered atop it. “There was one particular report that caught my eye… here we are!” He yanks a page up from the table with a triumphant grin. “A gentlemen belonging to the Exploration Society. He returned to Malifaux, broken and terrified. According to him, his camp was ambushed by a positively massive beast that devoured the rest of his party and shook off their attempts to kill it. Apparently it was large enough to consume his partner in a single bite.” “He went on to describe it as a ‘very big lizard’ with two heads, ‘teeth bigger’en a sword,’ and a ‘tail that could knock down a house.’ Now, I’m sure it’s possible that he was exaggerating, but I’ve seen a fossilized skeleton matching this description in the Malifaux Museum of Natural History. It is my belief that we may have a genuine, living dinosaur here in Malifaux! I’ve decided to call it the Malisaurus Rex.”

Malcolm is quite excited at the chance to study a living dinosaur. He believes that it will answer many of the questions they have about the beasts back on Earth. The prestige of finding a living dinosaur alone is enough to make him into an academic celebrity, and part of that fame will no doubt transfer to the Fated.

Chapter 2: Adventure


Scene 2:


Weaver will make his business quick and to the point. He wants the Fated to help him with a special request, but before he tells them what he needs, he insists on their secrecy. If they cannot promise him complete confidentiality whether they accept the job or not, he says that he will simply find someone else. If the Fated can’t agree to those terms, he apologizes for wasting their time and leaves peacefully.

One week after signing on with the expedition, the Fated find themselves on a train heading toward their first destination. The university has been kind enough to obtain a separate cabin for the group, affording them a bit of privacy and even comfort. The train ride starts out uneventful and gives the If the Fated agree to keep his secret, Andrew gives Fated some time to become acquainted with one them a hesitant smile. Although nervous, he doesn’t another if they weren’t already associates. make the Fated wait before he comes out with his request: he wants them to engineer Malcolm Their relaxation is eventually interrupted when Flanagan’s death. someone knocks on their door. The figure on the other side will wait for a few seconds before knocking Weaver doesn’t want the Fated to simply kill again if no one responds, but afterwards, he will give Professor Flanagan themselves. Instead, he wants up and leave. them to ensure that Malcolm is killed by one of the creatures or plants from the Wildlands. Then If the Fated invite their guest in, he will open the he wants the body brought back so that it can be door and step inside, as friendly as can be. Read the properly buried. following text: Initially, Weaver offers the Fated “whatever Malcolm is paying plus ten scrip,” but a TN 10 Barter Challenge can convince him to increase his Your guest flashes you a friendly smile. He’s offer by another five scrip per character. He also a well-dressed man with a well-maintained promises the Fated that he can secure them each a mustache, but his pale and thin features scholarship to the university. make you question just what he’s doing on a train headed into the Badlands. “Thank you for your time,’ he says as he offers a gloved hand. “Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Andrew Weaver, from the University of Malifaux. If you have the time, I have something I would like to talk with you about.”


Chapter 2: Adventure

If the Fated are curious about why he wants Flanagan dead, Weaver claims that he doesn’t have any particular ill-will toward his colleague. He nervously suggests that it would make for a romantic addition to the history books if Malcolm were to die in the pursuit of knowledge before his mind is claimed by senility. A successful TN 11 Scrutiny Challenge allows a character to realize that Weaver is lying, and if confronted, he spills the truth.

Informing Flanagan If the Fated inform Flanagan about Weaver’s request, he’s surprised but admits that he really should have seen it coming. He’s wary of the Fated from that point on, though they can attempt a TN 10 Convince or Deceive Challenge (as appropriate) to convince him that they have no intention of killing him. On a success, he returns to trusting the Fated unless given another reason to doubt them.

Read the following text:

Professor Weaver’s already pale features turn white as a ghost, and it’s not long before the man is trembling slightly. “Like I said, I don’t… I don’t want Malcolm dead. He’s my best friend, and I lo-” His voice cracks as he speaks. “I respect him as a colleague and a peer, but he and the Headmaster, they don’t… they don’t exactly see eye to eye. I don’t know why they hate each other, but the Headmaster… he’s been threatening me. He… he knows things, and he told me that if I don’t do what he says, I’ll be lucky if it’s just my career that is ruined.”

Having the truth drawn out of him will leave Weaver trembling. Calming him down requires a TN 10 Bewitch, Convince, or Leadership Challenge. This flip gains + if the Fated agree to arrange Flanagan’s death. Weaver will leave the Fated once he has their answer, no matter what it may be. If they agree to his request, he’ll leave somewhat reassured but also saddened. If they refuse, he actually thanks them for having courage when he did not. In either case, the Fated will be left to their own devices for a few hours before the train comes to a screeching halt. The scene then proceeds to “Scene 3: Those Darn Nephilim.”

Chapter 2: Adventure


Scene 3:

When the Fated step outside, read the following text:

THOSE DARN NEPHILIM Unbeknownst to the Fated – or anyone else on the train, for that matter – the rail line leading to Morgan’s Hope has been torn apart by a group of spiteful and bored Nephilim. Though the Nephilim themselves have long since left the area, the threat of an attack on the train is all too real. This scene should open as the Fated are relaxing with a meal, making plans, or simply polishing their weapons. Midway through whatever they are doing, a loud screeching fills the air as the train suddenly hits its breaks. The sudden shift in momentum is enough to throw one or two characters out of their seats, but it should be obvious that whatever happened was a controlled (albeit abrupt) stop, not a crash. If the Fated don’t immediately rush off to investigate, Malcolm Flanagan comes to their door to gather them. He’s in a mild panic and says only “We have a problem and need you outside” before hurrying off. Fated who leave before Flanagan comes for them find the other members of the expedition leaning out windows, cowering underneath dining tables, and generally staying put where they are. The train staff will pass on that they heard there was a problem outside, but they don’t know enough to clarify the situation any further.

The train tracks ahead of you are ruined as far as you can see. Most of the rail ties have been torn apart, and splintered remains of the wood can be seen several yards away, as if dragged or thrown. The rail segments themselves, at least those that still remain, have been broken or twisted beyond recovery. Even the rocky ballast has been thrown around and moved from the rail line, as if whoever destroyed it had an immense, and perhaps a touch petty, hatred of the railway. The locomotive partially derailed when it hit the damaged section of the tracks, but it’s the only car not on the rails, and it’s still upright and more or less straight. “Not often we see this much damage,” says the engineer, a blonde woman with an unmistakable southern drawl. “Any idea what could’a done it?”

While the engineer and her crew are investigating the train and its tracks, Professor Flanagan gathers the other members of the expedition to discuss what they’re going to do in light of this setback. If the Fated decide to help the train staff with their investigation, they will be welcomed. Investigating the tracks requires a TN 10 Notice duel. On a success, the Fated discover some tell-tale signs of Nephilim: dried, blackish blood where a Nephilim cut itself on a jagged rail segment, some clawed footprints, and so on. None of the train staff have seen the Nephilim attacking the rail lines, but a few mention that they’ve heard stories of Nephilim damaging tracks or placing obstacles on horse paths to ambush travelers.


Chapter 2: Adventure

If the Fated decide to meet with Flanagan and the other expedition members, they find that the group is split on what to do. Most of the members either want to turn back or see no way that they can continue with the expedition. Others rightly point out that there’s so much invested in the trip that they have to see it to completion, lest the university go bankrupt, costing them their jobs and, possibly, their academic careers. The discussion quickly turns into a heated argument with a number of the expedition members trying to one-up the others with colorful, multi-syllabic insults.

Meanwhile, Flanagan will take the Fated, a group of five undergraduates, a pair of wagons, and “the MAU” onward. They will stop at Morgan’s Hope to inform the residents of the railway sabotage before pushing onward to the Wildlands to complete their journey. It’s not an ideal compromise, but it’s the best one he can come up with.

If the Fated disagree, Flanagan is adamant about continuing the expedition. He notes that they won’t be paid for their desertion if they remain behind. If he does go out on his own, Flanagan and his undergraduates will be eaten by Rougarou long before Professor Flanagan remains quiet for most of this, they have a chance to find his Malisaurus Rex. but he eventually interrupts the argument to suggest that the majority of the expedition staff remain If the Fated agree to Malcolm’s suggestion (or suggest behind to help repair the railway (an impossibility if it themselves!), he orders the rest of the expedition to the engineer is asked about it) or to rerail the train in load the wagons up with as many supplies as they will hold while he prepares “the MAU.” preparation for a return to Malifaux City.

The MAU If the Fated ask Flanagan about the MAU, he reveals that it is a construct he built to help with the expedition. He named it the Mobile Autonomous Undergraduate, or MAU for short. It’s designed to pull wagons carrying supplies and samples through the Badlands, help cut a path through the Wildlands, and aid in procuring samples from high branches. Read the following text:

With the help of some of the train crew, Professor Flanagan opens up one of the freight cars and coaxes the machine inside down onto the cracked and parched earth. It’s a fairly large creation of brass and steel with various tools and attachments jutting out from its two sets of articulated arms gleam in the bright sunlight. “This is the Mobile Autonomous Undergraduate,” he announces as he pats the construct’s side. “Like most undergraduates, it’s dumb as a brick, but it should get us to the Wildlands without too much of a fuss.”

Chapter 2: Adventure


Characters who choose to inspect the MAU can make TN 10 Engineering or Artefacting Challenges. On a success, the character is able to discern one of its features or parameters, plus one additional feature or parameter per Margin of Success.

The MAU has a Defense and Willpower of 2 (7), Armor +2, and 6 Wounds. Its tools, while potentially dangerous, are too slow and awkward to be used as combat weapons.

An Expedition Cut Short Features and Parameters (in no particular order):

After everything has been brought out and prepared, Professor Flanagan approaches the Fated. He convinced the engineer to return in two Mobility: The MAU uses wide treads for mobility. weeks’ time to collect them, but she’s concerned This provides it with more stability when crossing about the possibility of running into Nephilim. rough terrain. On the other hand, it also ensures that If they're not waiting for her when she arrives, he suspects that she will simply return to the city the construct is somewhat slow. rather than risk an attack. Storage: The MAU has a large number of storage compartments of varying size built into its chassis. Flanagan has only packed enough food to get them Some are obvious compartments, while others seem to Morgan’s Hope. He’s already arranged for dried goods to be shipped to the general store there ahead to have been intentionally hidden. of their arrival, so he’s not concerned with their food Equipment: The hands of the MAU’s pneumatic or water supplies. arms are removable and can be swapped out with a number of attachments strapped to the back of its Once the Fated are ready to leave the train behind, body. These tools include a pair of large circular proceed to "Scene 4: The Lost Town" (pg. 15). saws, scoops attachments, gripping pincers, large shears, and hooks. Intelligence: The MAU is a very stupid construct. It cannot function without regular orders, and even then, anything too complex will require someone to give it detailed instructions. Durability: The MAU is a curious mixture of delicate and durable. On the one hand, the construct has been built to withstand extensive use as a glorified pack mule and debris cleaner. On the other hand, its inner workings appear to be somewhat delicate, and it is not heavily armored. Weird Box Device: This medium-sized ivory box is etched with silver script depicting various arcane runes. It’s attached to its own, separate Soulstone power source, but it takes a separate TN 12 Necromancy + Intellect Challenge to discern that the box is a dimensional prison. Professor Flanagan refuses to speak very much about the device, as it’s still “quite experimental.” This is the TransDimensional Storage Apparatus that Flanagan hopes to use to imprison the Malisaurus Rex.


Tranquilizer Rifles In addition to mundane supplies, Professor Flanagan has brought two Tranquilizer Rifles and thirty rounds of ammunition to help pacify specimens. The rifles have the following stats: WEAPON (Long Arms)



Tranquilizer Rifle



Capacity 1, Reload 2. Special: Living characters damaged by this weapon become Slow and gain the following Condition for one hour: "Tranquil +1: This character's Walk and Charge Aspects, as well as its final duel totals, are reduced by -1. If this character's Walk and Charge Aspects are both 0, this character falls unconscious."

Chapter 2: Adventure

Scene 4:

The Fated have a short time to explore the area before they draw the attention of the Rougarou. THE LOST TOWN While all of the townsfolk are dead, the buildings are still fairly intact and can be scavenged for After two day of hard travel, made easier thanks supplies. There are three main things that the Fated to the MAU’s ability to tirelessly push forward, might attempt to investigate in town: the Fated arrive at Morgan’s Hope. It’s clear at a distance that things have gone horribly wrong. Read Buildings: The buildings of Morgan’s Hope are the following text: covered in moss and thorny vines, but inside and out, they’re still structurally sound. The saloon in the town square is in particularly good shape and, save for the saloon-style doors, could be fortified The MAU has certainly earned its keep over without too much trouble. The buildings closer to the past two days. Even with its assistance, the Wildlands, mostly a few houses and the general however, the trip from the train to Morgan’s store, are all but destroyed. They appear to have Hope has been less than pleasant. been demolished by some sort of siege weapon. As soon as Morgan’s Hope comes into view, Corpses: Not a single inhabitant of Morgan’s you can tell that something bad has happened Hope remains alive by the time the Fated arrive. to the town. The rampant, unchecked Most of the corpses show signs of having been growth of the Wildlands has overtaken the eaten to some extent or another, from small nibbles town, and many of the buildings are covered to entire limbs torn away. Many of the bodies are in thick, thorny vines. Professor Flanagan’s missing their heads, and a TN 10 Doctor Challenge lips tighten into a hard grimace at the sight, confirms that they were removed by a blade. These and the undergraduates following in your heads can be found in the center of the town, wake exchange concerned glances. placed upon thorny pikes. By the time you finally arrive at the town’s Supplies: With everyone in the town dead, there’s outskirts, you’ve already resigned yourself been nobody around to maintain the food supplies. to finding corpses instead of people. What Any perishable foodstuffs were either taken by the you actually find are pieces: the remains Fae during their attack, eaten by the scavengers of the townsfolk are scattered throughout that came after, or have gone bad. The drinkable the overgrown streets as if they had been water has gone stagnant and most of the alcohol torn apart by some manner of beast. Many was destroyed in the fight. Ammunition is similarly of the corpses are missing their heads, but in short supply, having mostly been used up by curiously, all of them have some manner the defenders in the attack. A successful TN 10 of sapling growing up through the holes in Culinary or Notice Challenge allows a character to their flesh. find (or prepare) enough food and drink to feed The buzzing of insects and distracted songs the expedition for one day, plus an additional day of birds can be heard to the south, where per Margin of Success. the vegetation of the Wildlands is thickest. Sometimes you can hear louder sounds from larger animals: rumbling growls and distant roars. The worst sound, however, is the laughter: faint, giggling sounds that seem to be both far away and uncomfortably close at the same time.

Chapter 2: Adventure


The other Rougarou attempts to engage with as many of the Fated as possible. It splits its AP between At some point, the Fated are noticed by a pair of attacking and taking Defensive Stances (if it has Rougarou as they investigate the lost town. One is enough Fate Points to do so). Stats for the Rougarou stalking through the buildings and outskirts while can be found on page 31. the other is chewing on the remains of townsfolk Neither Rougarou will flee the battle. Once they have who tried to defend the roof of a building. been defeated, the undergraduates will hesitantly The Fated can catch sight of the Rougarou on the collect samples from the creatures. roof with a successful TN 12 Notice Challenge. If they achieve a Margin of Success, they notice the Since the Wildlands have crept up to the edge of second Rougarou, the one outside town, as well. The Morgan’s Hope, Professor Flanagan suggests that undead beasts watch the group for a few minutes as they use the town as their base camp. they wait for its members to draw closer, but if they believe they have been spotted, the Rougarou will immediately leap into battle. Camping in the Forest

Le Pacte Des Rougarou

Read the following text:

Suddenly, a loud, blood-curdling roar rips through the air. The howl comes from a large animal that is perched atop a nearby building. At a glance, it resembles a massive wolf, but you can quickly see that it’s missing almost the entirety of its skin. The only pieces of its hide that remain are tattered bits of flesh and fur around its legs. Bare muscles tense as the creature focuses its eyes on you and leaps from the building in your direction!

The Rougarou are intelligent, clever hunters. One of them attacks whichever character looks the weakest while still being a threat (which removes any of the undergraduates from the running, as they start screaming and fleeing before the Rougarou has touched the ground). If it succeeds in killing its target or making them fall unconscious, it moves on to the next-weakest-seeming target. The only exception to this is if the Fated show a talent for fire magic or have a weapon like a flamethrower, in which case the Rougarou will avoid that character unless it has no other viable targets.


The Gathering the Specimens Ongoing Challenge assumes that the Fated return to Morgan’s Hope at the end of each Duration to drop off specimens and gather more specimen containers. If they brought the MAU, though, they have plenty of storage capacity within the machine and might decide to just stay in the forest overnight. Doing so lowers the TN of the next day’s Ongoing Challenge by -2, but it also runs the risk of attracting nocturnal predators. The Fatemaster should flip a card each night the Fated camp in the forest: On a C or M, nothing happens. On a t, they hear the sounds of a predator taking down a smaller animal at some point in the night. On a R, the Fated end up being the unfortunate prey and are ambushed by either Waldgeists (pg. 33), Bultungin (pg. 34), or a group of Autumn Knights (pg. 35). Every such group includes a number of creatures equal to two plus the number of Fated. Any characters who are not on watch during the night begin the battle asleep (effectively rendering them Paralyzed for the first two rounds of combat and Prone until they stand up).

Chapter 2: Adventure


Scene 5:


Every day, the Fated can venture into the Wildlands The engineer agreed to return with the train in two in search of either food or specimens. weeks, which gives the Fated fourteen days to collect If they are looking for food and water, they can their samples and return. They spent two days remain on the outskirts of the Wildlands and make walking to Morgan’s Hope, so they only have twelve a TN 7 Wilderness Challenge. On a success, they days left to investigate… and that’s actually more like find enough food and water to feed the expedition ten days, once their travel time back to the train is for one day, plus one day per Margin of Success. taken into consideration. If they bring the Professor Flanagan with them, The more pressing limitation to the group’s they gain a + to this Challenge, and if they bring exploration, however, is their lack of supplies. Their any undergraduates (they arrived with five), each food and water runs out as they reach Morgan’s Hope, undergraduate provides them with a +1 bonus and if they didn’t find more supplies in the town, to their final duel total. The MAU counts as two they’re in dire straits. Some of the undergraduates undergraduates for this purpose. suggest foraging in the Wildlands, which Professor Any Fated that are not scavenging for food can Flanagan regrettably admits might be an option. instead attempt to press deep into the Wildlands in Each day, the expedition must expend enough search of specimens. If they choose to do so, this is supplies to feed all of its members (Professor handled with an Ongoing Challenge: Flanagan, the five undergraduates, and each Living Fated character). Professor Flanagan and the undergraduates are accustomed to a certain level Gathering Specimens of comfort and will not skip meals unless the Fated force them to do so (via either a TN 12 Convince or Skills Allowed: History, Track, Wilderness Intimidate Challenge). Target Number: 12 If Professor Flanagan or the undergraduates do not eat, their hunger proves to be too distracting for them to accomplish anything else (such as helping the Fated scavenge for food). If any of them goes more than three days without food, they sneak off into the Wildlands to scavenge and are never seen again.

Duration: 1 day Success Requirement: 14 Failure Requirement: 2

If the Fated bring Professor Flanagan with them, they gain a + to any Challenge made as part of this Ongoing Challenge. If they bring any undergraduates, Living Fated characters that go without food or water each undergraduate provides them with a +1 bonus are also distracted. After one day without eating, to their final duel total; the MAU counts as two they are considered to be Dazed. After three days, undergraduates for this purpose. they are both Dazed and Slow. For each success the Fated achieve on this Ongoing Challenge, they find one interesting specimen that they can secure for return to Morgan’s Hope. This might be an interesting new type of plant life, a small animal that’s never been seen before, or even just soil and water samples from a strange location. The Fatemaster can either gloss over these specimens in passing or come up with a series of interesting new discoveries for her Fated to find, depending upon her own inclinations or those of her group.

Chapter 2: Adventure


After each Duration, the Fated encounter one of The Leanan Sidhe the situations listed below (Fatemaster’s Choice). Each encounter also contains a few suggestions for Summary: The Fated stumble upon a beautiful samples that the Fated can bring back to Morgan’s Fae who offers them a tempting deal. Hope, though these are by no means the only Encounter: The expedition comes across a small samples that might be available. glade containing several wooden sculptures. The If the Fated succeed at the Ongoing Challenge, they creator of these sculptures is also present. Read the successfully locate the lair of the Malisaurus Rex. following text: See “Scene 6: Malisaurus Rex” for more details. If the Fated suffer a catastrophic failure, they end up wandering into a deadly hazard. See the “Hungry Plants” section on page 25.

Encounters (in no specific order): • The Leanan Sidhe • The Howling • Faerie Flowers • Hunting Shadows • A Tree By Any Other Name • Wildlands Fruit • Curious Snake • The Queen’s Hunters

The day passes quickly as you search through the Wildlands for interesting specimens. Just as you’re beginning to think you should turn back and return to Morgan’s Hope, you stumble – almost literally – upon a small glade. The trees give way to an open, grassy meadow filled with several wooden statues. Some of the statues depict humanoid figures, while others bear the shapes of animals you have never seen before. Amid the statues is a woman who is carving a half-completed statue with a wood carving chisel. She’s a fair, slight woman, no more than five feet tall with fiery red hair. She sings softly to herself as she works, and though her voice is lovely, the strange language of her song leaves an unusual prickling sensation on your skin.

If the Fated attack the woman, she shouts in surprise and attempts to flee into the forest. She has a Defense of 5 (12), a Willpower of 6 (13), and 6 Wounds. If the Fated choose to speak with her, she looks up from her work and favors them with a smile. She’s beautiful, save that in place of eyes, she has empty sockets that still weep flesh blood. If any of the Fated have any ranks in Art or Music (or a particularly creative flare with another Crafting Skill), she focuses the majority of her attention upon them.


Chapter 2: Adventure

The woman refuses to give the Fated her name, claiming that her kind does not care to reveal their names to outsiders, but she’s otherwise friendly, if not very helpful. She doesn’t know where they can find interesting plants or animals, because to her, they are all interesting. Even if the Fated ask about a specific sort of creature (such as the Malisaurus Rex), her directions all boil down to “it’s around here somewhere” with a vague gesture to the surrounding Wildlands. After a bit of conversation, the woman turns to the object of her attention (if possible) and offers them a deal. She promises that she can provide them with inspiration and push their talent to new heights and make them famous. All that she asks in return is that the Fated show her around the world. She has been gone for a long, long time, and she is curious about what humanity (or sentient robots, or Gremlins, or whatever) is like. She then holds her hand out to the character, as if waiting for them to take it.

If the character refuses, the woman is clearly disappointed, though she’s quick to smile again. She shrugs the matter off and returns to her sculptures, her interest in her visitors quickly waning. If the character accepts the woman’s offer and touches her hand, she vanishes, though the character will still feel her presence, as if she were looking out over their shoulder. The character increases her highest Rank of Art or Music by +1 (or Literacy or another Crafting Skill, if the Fatemaster deems it appropriate), but on the night of every New Moon, she gains Crazy +1 and her Wounds Aspect is permanently lowered by 1; characters whose Wound Aspect drop to 0 are killed. The only way to shake off the muse’s influence is for a character that has drawn her attention to be exceptionally, mind-numbingly boring and uncreative for an entire month (which is difficult to do, if the character is crazy), at which point the muse will abandon the character as a lost cause. The character loses the Rank they gained in their Skill, but her lost Wounds do not return.

The characters can perform a TN 11 Scrutiny Challenge. On a success, they get the feeling that the woman isn’t telling them something, but she refuses to say anything more. A successful TN 14 History or Literacy Challenge allows a character to remember a Suggested Samples: The Leanan Sidhe’s corpse, Celtic myth about a muse that drives poets mad. If the wooden sculptures. Fated bring it up, the woman admits that the attentions of her kind can sometimes inspire people “a bit too much,” but she’s certain that they will be different!

Chapter 2: Adventure


The Howling

Faerie Flowers

Summary: Once again, the Fated find themselves Summary: The Fated come across a field of various face to face with a pack of Rougarou. Seems they just flowers. can’t get away from the flea-bitten things, can they? Encounter: Throughout the day, the Fated Encounter: As the Fated are searching for samples, encounter a variety of interesting plants and small they hear a familiar and horrifying howl. Out of the animals, but nothing that is objectively dangerous. woods some twelve yards away stalk two Rougarou, plus an additional Rougarou for every four Destiny Read the following text: Steps the Fated have completed between them, rounded down. One of these Rougarou is an Alpha As you travel deeper and deeper into the and has a Rank Value of Henchman (9). Wildlands, the canopy grows progressively The Rougarou fight much like the first two did, thicker, making it difficult for the sun to with the Alpha throwing itself into combat and penetrate. The darkened forest has an assuming a Defensive Stance while the others try ominous gloom to it that is made all the to pick off weaker characters. These Rougarou will worse by the twisted trees. It’s amidst this target any undergraduates that might accompany gloomy shade that you notice a luminescent the Fated before they turn their attention to more hedgerow of flowers. They vary in size, but formidable prey. most are about the size of a man’s opened hand, bearing five large petals that are snow If the Alpha is defeated, the other Rougarou will white but transition to pink as they get closer attempt to disengage from combat and flee back into to the flower’s center. the forest. If the Fated encounter these Rougarou again, their numbers will be depleted as appropriate, and any damage they suffered in previous encounters has not healed. These are not just one but several types of flowers that bloomed when Titania escaped from Nythera. Stats for the Rougarou can be found on page 31. They are effectively “new” species that are being encountered for the first time, so judging their Suggested Samples: capabilities is a matter of guesswork, rather than Rougarou corpses knowledge. A successful TN 12 Wilderness or “living” Challenge allows a character to notice that one specimens. species of flowers bears a resemblance to the highly poisonous Foxglove from Earth. In fact, all of the flowers are poisonous to one degree or another, with effects ranging from stomach cramps to headaches to vomiting or even death if ingested. The flower bushes are quite thorny, and while picking them won’t cause any actual damage to characters, they will leave behind plenty of itchy scratches on the hands of anyone trying to harvest them without gloves. Possible Samples: Bioluminescent flowers and their thorny bushes.


Chapter 2: Adventure

Hunting Shadows Summary: One of the Fated draws the attention of a Bandersnatch which hides in their shadow. Encounter: While the Fated are distracted – perhaps while eating or relieving themselves – a Bandersnatch skitters toward a character’s shadow and leaps into it, where it lies in wait. Choose one of the Fated as the spider’s target and have them make a TN 13 Notice Challenge. On a failure, they hear something coming toward them, but when they turn to look, there’s nothing there. On a success, read the following text:

You turn your head just in time to see a large, spider-like creature the size of a large dog lunging toward you. Before you can do much more than cry out in startled surprise, the giant spider is gone, as if it had never been there at all.

The Bandersnatch isn’t particularly smart and can be lured out of its host’s shadow with some fresh meat, at which point they can try to fight the spider. It’s an elusive fighter, though, and it’s not afraid to flee from a fight by leaping into its host’s shadow (or, failing that, the shadow of another host). If it feels like its host has provided it with sufficient sustenance and hasn’t attempted to kill it, the Bandersnatch might actually attack anything trying to harm its host. They are, in its eyes, a reliable source of food, and it won’t sit idly by and allow someone to kill its meal ticket. Of course, what the spider considers to be a threat and what a rational person considers to be a threat might be two very different things… Stats for the Bandersnatch can be found on page 32. Possible Samples: The Bandersnatch, either alive or dead. Keeping a living Bandersnatch in a cage, however, is very difficult, as it will attempt to leap into any shadow that passes into its cage and “ride it” out.

Nothing unusual happens for the rest of the day. The Bandersnatch lies in wait until nightfall when the Fated have returned to camp (or camped out in the woods), at which point it will start killing and feasting upon any live specimens the Fated have managed to collect. One or two specimens per night end up killed and partially or fully devoured before the spider sneaks back to its chosen shadow. If the character with the spider in their shadow ends up alone with an undergraduate, the Bandersnatch will dart out and grab the poor student, pulling them into the character’s shadow to be devoured. A TN 13 Notice Challenge allows characters to see the spider attack, but on a failure, they only hear a sudden cry of surprise and then the undergraduate is gone, with only a bloodstain on the ground to mark their passing.

Chapter 2: Adventure


A Tree By Any Other Name

Wildland Fruits

Summary: The Fated encounter a number of Waldgeists masquerading as trees.

Summary: The Fated find fruit trees laden with large, succulent fruit.

Encounter: During their exploration of the Wildlands, the Fated come to feel like they’re being watched by something. Despite their attempts to identify the threat, the only thing around them are trees… trees that soon animate and close in on the expedition group!

Encounter: As they explore, the Fated come across a number of trees bearing purple fruit large enough to make some of the branches hang. They can smell the succulent and ripe fruit long before they can see it, and the scent is quite appealing. If the Fated collect as much as they can carry, it will provide the expedition with an additional two days of supplies (sort of, see below).

There are two Waldgeists here, plus an additional Waldgeist for every Fated in the group. The nature spirits have no particular tactics that they employ when attacking the Fated; they simply wait until the expedition members are nearby and then spring to life. Characters who do not make a successful TN 10 Notice Challenge when the Waldgeists attack are considered to be Slow on the first round of Dramatic Time. Stats for the Waldgeists can be found on page 33. Possible Samples: Waldgeist corpses or living specimens.

The fruit isn’t poisonous, but it is both addictive and a strong euphoric. Any character who eats the fruit must attempt a TN 12 Carouse Challenge. On a success, the fruit just makes the character feel a bit woozy, as if it were partially fermented. Those who fail the Carouse Challenge are compelled to eat as much as they can until they’re completely full, and then some. If characters succumb in the Wildlands, they end up trying to devour all the fruit right then and there. If allowed to do so, they eat all of the provisions and then collapse to the ground, too full to move. Other characters can make Athletics Challenges (TN 8 + twice the collapsed character’s Height) to carry them out of the Wildlands. If they fail, the character significantly slows down the return and the group is forced to camp in the forest (see page 16). If they wait to eat the fruit until they return to Morgan’s Hope, any undergraduates who eat the fruit insist on accompanying the Fated on their next expedition (and refuse to forage for food or return to the train). Instead of providing a benefit during the Gathering Specimens Ongoing Challenge, however, each addicted undergraduate instead subtracts 1 from the total of every Fated, due to their frantic attempts to find the fruit trees continually leading the group astray. Fated characters who fail their Carouse Challenge behave in the same way, save that they must participate in the Ongoing Challenge and receive - to their Challenge flip. The addiction fortunately only lasts 24 hours before fading to manageable levels. Possible Samples: Wildlands fruit.


Chapter 2: Adventure

Curious Snake

The serpent remains polite toward the Fated even if they are rude, but if they turn hostile, the snake Summary: The Fated encounter a talking snake decides that they aren’t worth its time and leaves. that shows a genuine interest in them and what The serpent is curious about who they are, why they’re in the Wildlands, and where they came they’re doing. from. It also asks if they have any stories they can Encounter: While the Fated have been searching share, as it claims to be a creature of learning and for samples, a curious serpent has been following is eager to hear whatever it can. them. The snake isn’t hunting the group, nor does it have any malice toward them. Instead, the Should the Fated mention the university, the creature is simply interested in the group. They’re serpent will express delight at the idea. A repository not Titania’s Fae or the Neverborn that have been of knowledge, where others go to learn and share, coming from or going to the Queen’s Court, and how interesting! Eventually, the snake thanks them they seem capable of handling themselves, but they for the conversation and slithers off, unless they try to capture it or convince it to come with them. aren’t simply hunting game. The Fated can notice the serpent before it makes itself known with a TN 11 Notice duel. On a success, they notice that they’re being followed by a large, azure-scaled snake that is moving through the canopy overhead. On a failure, they remain oblivious to the serpent until it slithers down to speak to them.

The Fated can attempt TN 9 Scrutiny duels to determine whether or not the snake is being genuine. On a success, they realize that, perhaps surprisingly, the snake is not trying to deceive them in any way. On a failure, the snake remains as mysterious and unreadable as a talking snake should be.

When the snake makes its presence known, read The Fated can attempt to convince the snake to the following text: come with them with a TN 12 Barter or Convince Duel. If the Fated explain what a university is and try to upsell the snake on the knowledge it contains, A few leaves drift down from overhead as this flip gains a +. something rustles in the canopy above you. Alternatively, the Fated could attempt to catch the You catch a flash of glossy azure scales that snake. It has a Defense of 3 (8), a Willpower of 5 quickly reveal themselves to belong to a large (12), and 8 Wounds. On its turn, it spends its entire snake about as wide as a man’s waist. Boney turn slithering away at a rate of 5 yards per AP, and ridges protrude from its back, and three any disengaging strikes made to stop it from doing black eyes stare out at you from its strangelyso suffer a -. shaped face as it winds its way down a tree trunk and rises up in front of you. If the Fated successfully return to the snake to the university, it adapts well to its new home and may “Hello,” the snake hisses, its voice reminiscent even begin teaching classes, at the Fatemaster's of a wind chime in a gentle breeze. discretion. The snake doesn’t provide a name for itself, because it doesn’t have a name. If asked about that, the serpent will answer that it has never needed a name, but if the Fated want to give it a name, they may.

Possible Samples: The talking snake. If the Fated treat the snake well, it can give them a great deal of information about the Wildlands, which grants them + to any duel made as part of the Gathering Specimens Ongoing Challenge (but not to duels made during Encounters resulting from that Ongoing Challenge).

Chapter 2: Adventure


The Queen’s Hunters

There are three Autumn Knights, plus one Autumn Knight for every four completed Destiny Steps among Summary: The Fated encounter a patrol of Fae the Fated. The Autumn Knights attempt to “double up” on their opponents, relying upon outnumbering warriors. to subdue their opponents. Stats for the Autumn Encounter: As the Fated explore the Wildlands, Knights can be found on page 35. they can make TN 10 Notice Challenges. On a success, they hear faint conversation in a language If the Autumn Knights are victorious, they bring any they can’t understand. Should they decide to of the fallen back to Titania, who transforms them investigate the voices, they must succeed at a TN 11 into new (undead) Autumn Knights. Such characters Stealth Duel or be spotted by the subjects of their most likely become Fatemaster characters, but if the Fatemaster has access to the Nythera adventure and interest: a group of Autumn Knights. the Autumn Knight Advanced Pursuit it contains, If they notice the Fated, the Autumn Knights then such characters could continue adventuring as immediately move to attack. They begin the battle servants of Titania (who is certain to be interested in roughly ten yards away and move quickly through this university poking along “her” borders). the underbrush to catch their quarry. Possible Samples: Autumn Knight corpses or If the Fated do not investigate the noises (or do not “living” specimens (the Autumn Knight is highly hear them), they only attract the attention of the displeased to be a prisoner and regularly tries to goad Autumn Knights if they have the MAU with them (in the Fated into killing them). which case, the Autumn Knights spot the machine and move to investigate). Read the following text when the Fated catch sight of the Autumn Knights:

The lithe figures ahead of you are clad in wooden armor and leaf-like clothing. Their weapons are similarly natural: you can see thorny clubs and elegantly carved wooden swords clutched in their pale hands. Their every movement is graceful and delicate, as if their armor were no more burden to them than their bare skin. By far the most noticeable feature about the armored warriors is their eyes, or rather, their lack thereof: their eyes are ruined, empty sockets that weep bloody tears down their porcelain-white cheeks.


Chapter 2: Adventure

Hungry Plants

The plants are Honeypot Creepers, while the girls are Podlings. Their stats can be found on pages 36 If the Fated suffer a catastrophic failure on the and 37, respectively. Due to the heavy terrain and Gathering Specimens Ongoing Challenge, they end multiple trees, Hard Cover is plentiful, but the entire up wandering into a dangerous situation. Read the area counts as difficult terrain. following text: Unless everyone in the group succeeded on a TN 10 Stealth Challenge, the Creepers take notice of the Fated and attack them. There is one Honeypot You’re pressing through a particularly Creeper here, plus one Honeypot Creeper per three thick patch of underbrush when you hear completed Destiny Steps among the Fated. There the unexpected sound of a young girl’s are also two Podlings, which immediately run toward voice. “Help!” she cries out, a tone of the nearest character and attempt to grab onto them desperation in her voice. “I need scissors! with their CLING! action. Where are my socks!” Once the Fated have dealt with the plants, they The girl’s voice seems to be coming from can restart the Gathering Specimens Ongoing further ahead. Challenge, but if they choose to do so, all of their TNs are increased by +2. If the Fated press onward, read the following text:

Potential Podlings.




The shrubs and underbrush give way to thick vines as you catch sight of two young girls up ahead. They’re perhaps eight or nine years old, but their skin is a faint green color, and their hair has the shape and appearance of wet kelp. Neither is wearing so much as a stitch of clothing. One of the girls turns in your direction, and in that moment, you realize that her eyes are a strange, bulbous yellow. “Damned plant!” she shouts. “I need scissors!” Before you can properly respond, the vines around you snap to life and rise up, revealing large, bulbous pods that open up to reveal toothy maws.

Chapter 2: Adventure


Scene 6:

If the Fated did not think to make Stealth Challenges as they approached the nest (or did not meet MALISAURUS REX or exceed the TN of 13), they are spotted by the Malisaurus. Read the following text, omitting the If the Fated succeed on the Gathering Specimens last paragraph if everyone in the group succeeded in Ongoing Challenge, they discover the location of the hiding from the beast: Malisaurus nest. The nest is located deep within the Wildlands, where it’s hidden amidst a pile of fallen trees. The mother only leaves her eggs once every A huge shape blots out the trees as the few days to hunt when she can’t stand the hunger Malisaurus Rex comes into view. It’s a any longer; during her other waking moments, she is massive, reptilian beast with a thick, scaly patrolling the area around the nest. hide. Thorn-like protrusions form a prickly ridge of spikes along its back, and it walks Read the following text: on powerfully muscled hind legs that shake the ground with each step. The atmosphere in the depths of the Wildlands is oppressive. The forest canopy shrouds the forest in heavy shadows, and you can’t help but shake the feeling that the trees are watching you. The nearconstant birdsong grows quiet as you reach a path of freshly splintered and torn-apart trees. The path of destruction is wide and obvious, and strewn with worryingly large reptilian footprints.

As it notices you, the beast opens its mouth and lets loose a thundering roar that shakes leaves from the closest trees. It’s not the dagger-length teeth that draw your attention, though, but the mass of barbed tentacles that extend from its mouth in lieu of a tongue.

Taking on the King

If the Fated decide (or are forced) to face the If the Fated follow the path, it leads them directly to Malisaurus Rex head on, they’ll have quite the fight the Malisaurus nest. Read the following text: on their hands. The beast is tenacious and will fight tooth, nail, and tentacle until the Fated are dead, have fled, or the Malisaurus herself has been killed. Stealing one of the eggs from the nest is enough to The path leads you to a large mound of earn the full, undivided attention of the deadly beast, moist earth and splintered trees, about the even if the egg is returned, dropped, or destroyed: height of a man but several times wider. holding an egg hostage is not a viable strategy. An atrocious stench emanates from the mound, reminding you of both wet hair The Fated can try to bring down the Malisaurus with and dead fish. tranquilizer darts, but it will take a great many of the darts to sedate her. Alternatively, the Fated could try to stuff a bunch of meat with tranquilizers: it takes 5 days worth of rations and a successful TN 12 Alchemistry Challenge to poison the meat, followed by a TN 12 Wilderness Challenge to convince the Malisaurus to eat it. Within the hour, she is fully sedated. Stats for the Malisaurus can be found on page 38. Of course, moving a dead or sedated creature as large as the Malisaurus is a problem in its own right.


Chapter 2: Adventure

If Professor Flanagan and the MAU are accompanying the Fated, he reveals that he has planned for this very situation. He grins like a loon and declares that he has built a “trans-dimensional storage apparatus” into the MAU. He says that “it’s based on the coffins that the Death Marshals use, except less… death-y.”

Each time a character generates a Failure Requirement for this Ongoing Challenge, they are attacked by predators that have been attracted to the smell of the ripening meat-pile the Fated are dragging through the forest. These predators could be a pack of 2-3 Rougarou, 3-4 Bultungin, or even a group of 2-3 Autumn Knights seeking to investigate the situation.

The device works too slowly to have any sort of combat application, but when used on an unconscious or dead creature, it imprisons the creature in an extradimensional space, allowing for easy transport.

From the second Duration onward, flies and other insects become a serious problem. Living Fated increase the TNs of any Challenges made as part of this Ongoing Challenge by +1.

The Hard Way

At the end of each Duration, the Fated are forced to camp in the Wildlands, as described on page 16.

Professor Flanagan’s Solution

If the Fated don’t have the luxury of Professor Flanagan’s MAU to transport the beast, they will have to do so by hand. This is simply not an option if the beast is tranquilized; it simply wakes up in an hour and resumes its confused attack upon the characters.

If the Fated succeed on this Ongoing Challenge, they manage to successfully return to Morgan’s Hope with the corpse of the Malisaurus.

Leaving the Wildlands

Once the Fated have run out of exploration time (as described on page 14), they can leave Morgan’s Hope and return to the train. If they miss their Dragging the corpse of the Malisaurus is handled via evacuation window, they will have to trudge all the an Ongoing Challenge: way through the Badlands, a journey taking well over a week with very few opportunities for food or water. Death by starvation and dehydration are very real possibilities… and that’s assuming that Dragging a Dino-Corpse the expedition doesn’t attract the attention of the Neverborn. •Skills Allowed: Athletics, Engineering, Wilderness •Target Number: 13 •Duration: 1 day •Success Requirement: 10 A corpse is far less likely to wake up and start eating people.

•Failure Requirement: Special Dragging the corpse back to camp is a tiring and time-consuming process. Athletics allows characters to use brute force to drag the beast, Engineering lets them rig up a pulley or other sort of mechanical device to ease the burden, and Wilderness allows them to find game trails and other paths that allow for easier transport.

Chapter 2: Adventure



If Flanagan perished, then Headmaster Diaz puts on a good show of seeming disappointed before rewarding the Fated for their part in a “trying expedition” by granting them the rewards promised by Professor Weaver (even if the Fated “refused” the offer). The university has a small service in Professor Flanagan’s honor before things return to normal. Not long afterwards, Professor Weaver tenders his resignation and returns to Earth.

If the Fated return to the university - with or without Professor Flanagan – Headmaster Diaz will pay them the agreed upon rate. They only get paid for the actual length of the expedition, however, which will cut their expected pay in half. They will still get their bonus for returning with unique samples, and if they retrieved the Malisaurus, it will count as two specimens for the purposes of this bonus (even though the faculty is About three months after the Fated return to the disappointed that the dinosaur only has one head). university, and every three to four months after that, the Malisaurus eggs count as a total of four specimens. Fated will receive copies of published journals covering If Malcolm Flanagan survived, he ensures that the other information gained from the specimens they brought things he promised the Fated – up to and including back. True to the agreement, the Fated are mentioned paid scholarships at the university – will be paid out in by name as contributors to the research, though how full. He will be extremely thankful toward the Fated for prominently they’re named will depend upon how well their help on the expedition; so long as they haven’t they negotiated with Professor Flanagan. done anything to harm their relationship with the man, If the Fated brought Malisaurus eggs back to the they have a friend for life. university, they eventually hatch into a new generation of Malisaurus. The university personnel cares for and tames these creatures early on, earning the school a great deal of prestige in the city. Of course, the expedition might have ended in total failure. If the Fated fail to bring back any specimens or if the entire expedition gets wiped out, then the massive financial losses to the university (not to mention lawsuits and political pressure from the angry parents of dead undergraduates) force the school to go bankrupt within the year.


Chapter 2: Adventure

Fatemaster Characters If your Fated are truly dangerous in combat, however, then increasing the Rank Value of the Waldgeists by +2 and the Bultungin and Autumn Knights by +1 each might be a good idea. This will make each of these creatures an Enforcer, which will provide it with additional Fate Points and increased endurance (in that they will automatically succeed at Depending on the situation, Fatemasters more their Unconsciousness Challenges). familiar with Through the Breach may want to adjust some of these characters' Rank Values ahead of time Similarly, adding hazards to a battlefield such as to create more or less of a challenge for their players. Severe and Hazardous Terrain will make for more dangerous and memorable encounters. The overall In general, Fatemasters are cautioned against goal is to ensure that the players feel threatened on all increasing the Rank Values of the characters in this sides, but not to the point where the session becomes adventure by more than a few points; this adventure a grind. If their enemies employ battle tactics such as involves a fair amount of combat, and if the Fated using the focus, defensive stance, trick, and impose are facing off against the Malisaurus Rex, for actions, it will emphasize their cunning natures and instance, they're going to be in for a tough battle. put the Fated at a disadvantage. Increasing the Rank Value of that fearsome beast runs the risk of creating an encounter that the Fated can't overcome. The following pages contain the stat blocks for the Fatemaster characters that the Fated are likely to encounter over the course of the adventure. They have been created with an eye toward ease of use by the Fatemaster and include everything needed to run these characters in a combat situation.

Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters


Professor Flanagan & Undergraduates

Unfortunately, as soon as the expedition gets underway, his careful planning all starts to unravel at the seams. Between a torn up railroad, a destroyed town, murderous coworkers, and a gaggle of Professor Flanagan is the leader of the University of inexperienced and coddled undergraduates, he's in Malifaux's expedition into the Wildlands. He's spent well over his head. If the Fated aren't able to help months (and a good portion of his personal fortune) him, the university's first expedition - not to mention Professor Flanagan's life - is certain to end in tragedy. preparing for the trip.

Professor Flanagan Minion (5), Living Might 1

Grace 2

Speed 0

Resilience 1

Charm 0

Intellect 3

Cunning 2

Tenacity 2

Defense 2 (7)

Walk 4

Height 2

Initiative 1 (6)

Willpower 4 (9)

Charge 4

Wounds 5

Skills: Artefacting 3, Bewitch 1, Bureaucracy 3, Convince 2, Deceive 2, Engineering 2, History 1, Leadership 2, Literacy 2, Mathematics 1, Notice 1, Scrutiny 2. Annoying Distraction: When this character successfully uses the Trick or Impose Action against an opponent during Dramatic Time, that opponent becomes Dazed until the start of this character's turn. Erudition: This character may add her Intellect Aspect (+3) to the final duel total of every non-Magical Skill that is associated with a Mental Aspect. Rational Mind (Bureaucracy): When this character attempts to resist an act of manipulation (such as terror, mind control, or intimidation), he may add his ranks in Bureaucracy to the final duel total. (1) Weak Punch (Pugilism) AV: 1 (6) ============ Rg: y1 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 0/1/2 damage. (1) Axton & Co. Model 1842 (Pistol) AV: 2 (7) ========== Rg: z6 yards ====== Resist: Df Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.


The undergraduates that signed up to accompany the professor on his expedition are mostly the spoiled children of rich socialites or high-ranking Guild officers. None of them are truly prepared for the horrors of the Wildlands, and when trouble comes their way, they are more likely to scream and flee than to contribute to the survival of the expedition in any meaningful way. Frankly, if Professor Flanagan hadn't made participation in the expedition a mandatory requirement for graduation, most of these students would have stayed at home.

University Undergraduate Peon (4), Living

Might -1

Grace 1

Speed 0

Resilience -1

Charm 1

Intellect -3

Cunning -3

Tenacity 1

Defense 2 (6)

Walk 6

Height 2

Initiative 5 (9)

Willpower 3 (7)

Charge -

Wounds 4

Skills: Art 1, Artefacting 1, Bewitch 2, Carouse 1, History 1, Literacy 1, Mathematics 1. Better Part of Valor: This character's Walk has been increased by +2, but it has no Charge Aspect. (1) Incessant Questioning (Bewitch) AV: 3 (7) ============= Rg: 5 ========= Resist: Wp Target becomes Slow and Dazed until the start of this character's next turn.

Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters



Enforcer (7), Undead, Beast, Fae Might 4

Grace 2

Speed 2

Resilience 3

Charm -4

Intellect 2

Cunning 3

Tenacity 3

Defense 4 (11)

Walk 5

Height 3

Initiative 5 (12)

Willpower 5 (12)

Charge 7

Wounds 9

Skills: Acrobatics 2, Athletics 2, Centering 3, Deceive 2, Intimidate 3, Notice 3, Pugilism 2, Scrutiny 1, Stealth 2, Toughness 3, Track 4, Wilderness 3. Diving Charge: This character may declare Charge Actions while engaged. When this character moves as part of a Charge Action, it ignores intervening characters, is not slowed by terrain, and opponents engaged with it may not attempt Disengaging Strikes to prevent its movement. Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character suffer -. Rush +1: This character's Charge Aspect has been increased by +1. (1) Wulfen Claws (Pugilism) AV: 6 (13) =========== Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 2/4/6 damage. R Crushing Strike: When damaging, the damage flip gains + for each R in the final duel total.

These massive, undead wolves are the favored servants of Titania, the Autumn Queen of the Fae. They were some of the few members of her court that were deemed dangerous enough to be doomed to imprisonment in Nythera alongside her, but now that she is free, so are they. Despite their bestial forms, Rougarou are keenly intelligent and dangerously cunning. The Queen uses them to hunt down those who have displeased her, employing them as her assassins and enforcers, but when not serving her, they roam the Knotwoods, walking the old paths and hunting Neverborn and human alike. For a Rougarou, this hunting is merely entertainment; their rotting bodies require no physical sustenance, and often, the raw meat they devour rots in their gut or slips out between the bones of their skeletal ribcage. The memory of hunger, however, is sated by their feeding, and for most Rougarou, that is more than enough reason to kill. When needed, Rougarou can stand and walk on their hind legs, which has reignited superstitions about werewolves among those who have glimpsed them doing this. Unlike a werewolf, however, a Rougarou remains dangerous no matter the phase of the moon, and silver has no more effect upon them than it would a human.

(2) The Mauling (Pugilism) AV: 6 (13) =========== Rg: y1 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and suffers the effects of a Critical Hit of the appropriate severity. C Eat Anything: After damaging a Living or Undead character, this character heals 1 damage. (0) Howl to the Blood Moon (Intimidate) This character may discard a card to force every Living character within p10 to make a TN 13 Centering Challenge. Those who fail are shaken with fear and gain the following Condition until the start of this character's next turn: "Prey: This character may not take Charge Actions and while engaged in melee can only take Walk Actions."

Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters




Despite being living creatures with the appearance of a spider, Bandersnatches are actually nightmares that escaped the realm of dreams in the centuries leading up to the Tyrant War. They quickly made a home for themselves in Malifaux and became an elusive and dangerous threat. Their ability to hide in the shadows of other creatures makes them annoyingly difficult to catch and kill, and millennia later, the descendants of those first Bandersnatches to pull themselves free of the nightmares that spawned them are still creeping about in the dark corners of the world. Bandersnatches are ambush predators of the highest tier. They are patient and clever and will spend hours peering out of their host's shadow, waiting until they are within striking distance of a tasty meal. The shadow spider then lunges out, grabs their victim with their hooked claws, and drags them into their host's shadow to be devoured. They prefer to only target creatures of their own size or smaller, such as pets and small children, but they are still quite capable of making a meal out of sleeping or otherwise incapacitated prey.

Minion (6), Living, Nightmare Might 3

Grace 2

Speed 4

Resilience 1

Charm -3

Intellect -2

Cunning 3

Tenacity 3

Defense 6 (12)

Walk 6

Height 1

Initiative 7 (13)

Willpower 5 (11)

Charge 8

Wounds 6

Skills: Acrobatics 2, Athletics 2, Evade 2, Grappling 2M, Notice 3, Prestidigitation 3M, Stealth 4, Toughness 1, Track 2. Shadow Spirit: This character acts on its Initiative while not in reality, but it may only take the Dart Out Action. (1) Grab (Grappling) AV: 6M (12M) ======= Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. M Snatch: After succeeding, if a different character within p3 has the Shadow Lair Condition, this character and the target are removed from reality. At the beginning of this character's next turn, it must pass an opposed Willpower Challenge with the target or the target is freed and appears next to the character with the Shadow Lair Condition. If this character succeeds, the target suffers 2 damage; characters that fall Unconscious from this attack are never seen again. (1) Crawl Into Shadow (Prestidigitation/Cunning) AV: 6M (12M) ======== Rg: 4 ========= Resist: Wp After succeeding, this character disappears from reality, and the target gains the following Condition until this character takes this Action again: "Shadow Lair: The character that applied this Condition may see within a3 of this character." (1) Dart Out This action can only be taken if this character is currently not in reality. This character appears next to a character with its Shadow Lair Condition. This character gains the following Condition until the end of its turn: "Moving Shadow: This character cannot be targeted by disengaging strikes and gains + to its attack flips."


Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters



Minion (5), Living, Swampfiend, Beast Might 4

Grace 3

Speed 2

Resilience 3

Charm -2

Intellect 0

Cunning 3

Tenacity 3

Defense 4 (9)

Walk 5

Height 2

Initiative 5 (10)

Willpower 5 (10)

Charge 6

Wounds 7

Skills: Enchanting 4M, Evade 4, Notice 3, Stealth 2, Toughness 1, Track 3, Wilderness 4. Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this character by +2, to a minimum of 1. Walking Tree: This character is indistinguishable from a normal tree when not moving. Unimpeded: This character ignores penalties for terrain while taking Movement Actions. (1) Tangling Roots (Enchanting/Cunning) AV: 7M (12M) ======= Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. While this character is touching severe terrain, increase the range of this attack to y4. MM Entangle: After damaging, the target gains Slow. Mt Entrench: After damaging, the target gains the following Condition until the end of its next turn: "Rooted: This character may not take Walk or Charge Actions. If this character is pushed, this character suffers 3 damage, then end this Condition."

In Malifaux, the phrase "the trees have eyes" is not a metaphor. At times, the trees do have eyes, as well as hungry mouths and sharp claws. Typically non-violent, the Waldgeists have been roused to anger by their Neverborn brethren, who point to the destruction of the Waldgeists' forests by lumberjacks as a valid reason for marching to war against the encroaching threat of humanity. Even then, Waldgeists must frequently be coaxed into a battle by their more violent neighbors, often by calling upon eldritch magics to bind the tree spirits into service. Those without such powerful magic at their disposal frequently offer up living flesh to the ancient trees, who are more than happy to accept such offerings as nourishment for their roots. Once roused to battle, Waldgeists can be frustrating enemies, as their thick bark makes it difficult to deal any significant damage to their physical forms. They can also take control of the trees and other vegetation around them, forcing roots to burst from the ground to entangle the legs of their enemies. Even in urban settings, Waldgeists remain dangerous, as they are capable of causing young plants to pry their way out of the ground.

(1) Germinate This character creates an area of thick vegetation that counts as severe terrain anywhere within 8 yards. The area is 3 yards in diameter and lasts indefinitely.

Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters




When Titania's Fae were hunted to extinction, only a few races managed to escape the purge. The Bultungin were not among that number. Their entire race was wiped out and their bones were tossed at the base of Nythera as a warning to anyone else who might decide to side with the deposed queen. When Titania escaped her prison, plants and thorns pushed their way out of the cracked earth, creating the Wildlands. Far beneath the land, the bones of the ancient dead were infused with new vitality, and the resurrected Bultungin clawed their way free of the ground to suck in their first lungfuls of air in millennia. Bultungins are opportunistic hunters. They typically only hunt at night, when they can leverage their superior vision into a distinct advantage against their prey. Equally comfortable hunting in groups or alone, Bultungin will often stalk their prey for hours at a time, waiting for the right moment to pounce on their unsuspecting prey.

Minion (6), Living, Fae Might 2

Grace 1

Speed 3

Resilience 2

Charm -5

Intellect -4

Cunning 1

Tenacity 2

Defense 5 (11)

Walk 6

Height 2

Initiative 5 (11)

Willpower 5 (11)

Charge 7

Wounds 6

Skills: Athletics 2, Centering 3, Notice 2, Pugilism 3, Stealth 3, Toughness 1, Track 3, Wilderness 2. From the Shadows: When called upon to make an Initiative flip, if no enemy is aware that this character is an unfriendly combatant (either because they believe this character is an ally or are simply unaware of its presence), this character may immediately take one additional turn after the Initiative flip (but before characters begin resolving their turns in order) for each instance of this Talent that the character possesses. If multiple characters have this talent, resolve each in Initiative order. Hide in the Mud: Whenever this character takes the Pass Action, she gains Defensive +1. If it takes two Pass Actions on its turn, it also gains the following Condition until the start of its next turn: "Bulletproof +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this character from Ranged Combat attacks by +2, to a minimum of 1." Unimpeded: This character ignores penalties from terrain when taking Movement Actions. (1) Brutal Claws (Pugilism) AV: 6 (12) =========== Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. c Eat Anything: After damaging a Living or Undead character, this character heals 1 damage. (2) Savage Mauling (Pugilism) AV: 6 (11) =========== Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. If this attack deals Moderate or Severe damage, the target also suffers a Moderate Critical Effect.


Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters

Autumn Knight

Autumn Knight Minion (6), Undead, Fae

Might 2

Grace 1

Speed 2

Resilience 2

Charm 1

Intellect 0

Cunning 0

Tenacity 2

Defense 4 (10)

Walk 5

Height 2

Initiative 4 (10)

Willpower 5 (11)

Charge 6

Wounds 7

Skills: Acrobatics 2, Athletics 2, Centering 3, Enchanting 3, Heavy Weapons 4, History 2, Husbandry 1, Intimidate 2, Notice 2, Scrutiny 2, Toughness 2, Wilderness 3. Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character by +1, to a minimum of 1. Autumn's Curse: Enemy characters that begin their turn engaged with one or more characters with this ability must pass a TN 12 Walk duel or gain the following Condition until the start of their next turn: "Rooted: This character may not take Walk or Charge Actions. If this character is pushed, remove this Condition and the character suffers 3 damage." Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character suffer -.

Many centuries ago, the Autumn Knights serves as the champions of Titania, the Bloody Queen. They were her enforcers, executioners, and bodyguards, and each was fanatically loyal to his or her queen. When Titania betrayed the Fae and made a pact with the Grave Spirit allowing her to wield its power against the Tyrants, the Autumn Knights stood at her side. For their loyalty, they were rewarded with the privilege of sharing their queen's punishment and were hurled into Nythera after her. Proximity to the Grave Spirit corrupted Titania with undeath, and her knights were not spared this fate. Despite sharing the same scars as their queen their empty eye sockets constantly weep blood they can perceive the world in the same manner as a sighted creature. Subservience to Titania rewards the Autumn Knights with impressive control over the natural world.

Unimpeded: This character ignores penalties from terrain when taking Movement Actions. (1) Thorny Greatsword (Heavy Melee) AV: 6 (12) =========== Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. The damage flip gains + if this attack is not being made as part of a Charge. This weapon grants its wielder + to Intimidate Challenges. m Brambles: After damaging, the target gains the following Condition until the end of its next turn: "Rooted: This character may not take Walk or Charge Actions. If this character is pushed, remove this Condition and the character suffers 3 damage." (0) Thirsty Roots (Enchanting/Charm) This character may discard a card to turn a patch of ground 5 yards in diameter into Severe, Hazardous Terrain that deals 2/3/5 damage. Any non-Fae character within 3 yards of the affected patch of ground at the end of their turn must pass a TN 12 Walk duel or be pulled into the center of the patch by grasping tendrils. The ground returns to normal after 1 minute.

Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters


Honeypot Creeper Honeypot Creepers are carnivorous plants that draw in their prey using humanoid-shaped Podlings. The plant “births” these Podlings by growing them in one of its mouth-like pods until the little creature is fully grown, at which point the plant “vomits” it out. Podlings are humanoid in shape and capable of mimicking human behavior, but only in a vague manner; their language is mostly just whatever phrases the plant has heard, repeated without any knowledge of meaning or context. Generally speaking, a Podling wanders around the plant’s hunting area, looking weak and vulnerable in the hopes of attracting either a predator or someone concerned for the apparent child’s safety. Once the plant’s prey has arrived, the Podling grabs onto it, often suffering terrible damage as it holds the creature down long enough for the plant to devour it. A Podling generally only lives for a few weeks before withering up and perishing. Because a Honeypot Creeper cannot use a mouth that is growing a Podling to feed, only the largest plants have more than two or three Podlings accompanying them at any given time.

Honeypot Creeper Enforcer (7), Living, Beast

Might 4

Grace 1

Speed -2

Resilience 2

Charm -5

Intellect -4

Cunning 1

Tenacity 2

Defense 4 (11)

Walk 3

Height 3

Initiative 0 (7)

Willpower 4 (11)

Charge 3

Wounds 8

Skills: Evade 2, Flexible 4R, Notice 2, Pugilism 2, Stealth 1, Toughness 3, Wilderness 2. Df (t) Podling Sacrifice: After an attack action succeeds against this character, target friendly Podling that is within 2 yards of this character suffers the effects of the attack as if it had been the target, including any Triggers. Bulletproof +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character from Ranged Combat attacks by +1, to a minimum of 1. Hard to Wound +1: Damage flips against this character suffer -. Podling Spawn: This character is always accompanied by at least one Podling (pg. 37) (1) Snapping Pod (Pugilism) AV: 6 (12) =========== Rg: y2 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 2/4/5 damage. This action gains + to the attack flip if the target is within 1 yard of a friendly Podling. t Tossed Up: After damaging, place the target anywhere within 2 yards of this character. The target becomes Prone. (1) Lashing Vines (Flexible) AV: 5R (11R) ======= Rg: z8 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 1/2/4 damage. r Pull and Drag: After damaging, push the target towards this character a number of yards equal to this character's Might Aspect (minimum 1 yard).


Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters



Peon (4), Living, Beast Might -2

Grace 2

Speed 3

Resilience -1

Charm 2

Intellect -3

Cunning -3

Tenacity 1

Defense 4 (8)

Walk 6

Height 1

Initiative 5 (9)

Willpower 3 (9)

Charge 7

Wounds 4

Skills: Bewitch 4, Deceive 2, Grappling 3, Notice 2, Stealth 1, Wilderness 2. Bulletproof +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this character from Ranged Combat attacks by +1, to a minimum of 1. Harmless (Living): Living characters must discard a card to attack this character with an attack. (1) CLING! (Grappling) AV: 6 (10) =========== Rg: y1 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 1/1/2 damage. If this weapon deals Severe damage, the target is Paralyzed until the start of this character's next turn or until this character takes an action other than Pass, whichever comes first. M Leap on Chest: After damaging, the target becomes Prone and may not stand up while within this character's engagement range. (1) Lure (Bewitch) AV: 6 (10) ========= Rg: 10 yards ====== Resist: Wp A Living target moves a number of yards equal to its Walk Aspect directly toward this character. This movement must end as close to this character as possible.

Podlings are the semi-sentient seed pods that are produced by Honeypot Creepers. Their primary function is to lure predators or curious prey to their parent plant. To facilitate this, Podlings are shaped like human (or more accurately, Neverborn) children. The Podling wanders aimlessly in the area around its parent plant, appearing weak and vulnerable while repeating whatever nonsense phrases it was "born" knowing. These phrases are just whatever snippets of language the Honeypot Creeper has heard from its victims. This most often tends to be pleas for assistance, screams, or cursing, all of which work rather well in drawing in prey. When potential prey draws near, a Podling will throw itself at its would-be predator or savior, wrapping its arms around them to hold them in place. As the creature is ripping the Podling apart, the Honeypot Creeper snaps it up and devours it. The survival of the Podling is only an afterthought, as even a wounded Podling pulling itself across the forest's floor is capable of attracting prey. Podlings only live for a few weeks before they wither up and perish, but inside their bodies they contain the seeds for future Honeypot Creepers. If it is hungry, a Creeper will devour its offspring, preventing the pod's seeds from germinating. If sated, though, a Podling's corpse is allowed to rot away, allowing its seeds to take root and grow into a new Honeypot Creeper. If a Podling's parent plant is destroyed before it is, a Podling's instinct is to immediately flee into the surrounding forest. This flight mechanism ensures that the next generation of Creeper won't be undone by whatever killed the previous generation.

Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters


Malisaurus Rex The Malisaurus Rex is a massive and terrifying beast. It measures thirty feet from head to tail and stands nearly thirteen feet tall at its hips. Its general body shape brings to mind the Tyrannosaurus of pre-historic Earth, but the Malisaurus is clearly a different beast entirely. Perhaps the strangest difference between the Malisaurus and the dinosaurs of Earth is that the Malisaurus lacks a tongue. In its place, the creature has a mass of barbed tentacles that curl up in its mouth. Similar to the tentacles of a squid, these appendages are tipped with bony barbs that the Malisaurus uses to latch onto prey attempting to flee. This particular Malisaurus is a protective parent. Newly resurrected from ancient bones by Titania's magic, she rarely leaves her nest, and when she does, it's only to hunt for food. She keeps her nest clear of carcasses that could draw other predators or scavengers. She will always protect her nest, and anyone she senses as a threat such as the Fated - are in for the fight of their lives.

Malisaurus Rex

Henchman (9), Living, Beast, Defiant Might 4

Grace 0

Speed -1

Resilience 4

Charm -4

Intellect -2

Cunning 2

Tenacity 2

Defense 2 (11)

Walk 4

Height 4

Initiative 4 (7)

Willpower 4 (13)

Charge 7

Wounds 11

Skills: Athletics 3, Flexible 3M, Intimidate 3, Notice 2, Pugilism 3, Toughness 5, Track 2, Wilderness 3. Impossible to Wound: Damage flips against this character suffer - and may never be Cheated. Rush +3: This character's Charge Aspect has been increased by +3. Ruthless: This character automatically succeeds at any Willpower duel it attempts during its turn. Terrifying (Living) (12): Enemy Living characters must pass a TN 12 Horror Duel when they end their turn within this character's engagement range or target this character with a harmful action. Unimpeded: This character ignores penalties from terrain when taking Movement Actions. (2) CHOMP! (Pugilism) AV: 7 (16) =========== Rg: y1 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 4/6/8 damage. c Swallow Whole: After damaging a target with a lower Height than this character, the target must discard a card or be immediately killed and eaten. (1) Lashing Tentacles (Flexible) AV: 3M (12M) ======= Rg: y3 ========= Resist: Df Target suffers 2/2/3 damage. This action gains + to the attack flip. M Too Many Tentacles: After succeeding, take this action again against the same target. (1) Heavy Tail (Flexible) Up to two targets within 2 yards of this character and one yard of each other must make TN 12 Evade Challenges. On a failure, the character suffers 2 damage, is knocked Prone, and becomes Dazed until the start of this character's next turn.


Chapter 3: Fatemaster Characters

Welcome to the Wildlands The University of Malifaux is launching an expedition into the Wildlands, the primordial forest that sprang up around the ruins of Nythera when Titania was released from her prison. The purpose of the expedition is to gather biological samples for further research, but one of the professors has his eye on a specific prize: the fabled Malisaurus Rex. Unfortunately, the Wildlands are more dangerous that the University expected, and the Malisaurus Rex is very, very hungry...

Jurassic Faux is a challenging One Shot adventure for the Through the Breach roleplaying game. It requires the Core Rules to play.

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