Through The Breach - Penny Dreadful One Shot - A Night in Hallow [PDF]

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THROUGH THE BREACH BOOKS Core Rules Into the Steam Under Quarantine Into the Bayou Above the Law

THROUGH THE BREACH ADVENTURES In Defense of Innocence Northern Aggression A Night in Rottenburg Nythera The Bayou Games Fire in the Sky A Stitch in Time Northern Sedition The Obsidian Gate Days Without Accident

Wyrd Miniatures, LLC |

Customer Service - This book is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright ©2005-2020, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations, places, events, or actual persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental. Copies of materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve any associated copyrights, trademarks, or other notices. Wyrd Miniatures, LLC holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. You may not distribute copies to others for a charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only. MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2020. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through the Breach logo, the Penny Dreadful logo, and all related character names, places, and things are trademarks and copyright ©2005-2020 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. First published: October 2020. THROUGH THE BREACH - PENNY DREADFUL ONE SHOT: A NIGHT IN HALLOW

This text is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright © 2005-2020, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations, places, events, or actual persons - living or dead – is purely coincidental. Copies of materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve any associated copyrights, trademarks, or other notices. Wyrd Miniatures, LLC holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. You may not distribute copies to others for a charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purpose only. MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2020. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through the Breach logo, the Penny Dreadful logo, The Other Side logo, and all related character names, places, and things are trademarks and copyright © 2005-2020 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game system is patent pending, serial no. 12/821,427.


Nathan Caroland WRITING

Matthew Majarucon EDITING


Patrick Guinane ART

Edward Chee, Hardy Fowler, Nguyen Mai Diem, & Alyssa Menold GR APHIC DE SIGN & L AYOU T

John Cason


CONTENTS ADV EN T UR E One Month Ago...........................................................................................4 Prologue: Warm Welcomes..........................................................................5 Scene One: A Bewitching Entrance.............................................................5 Scene Two: Hauntings in Hallow..............................................................10 Scene Three: Haunted Houses..................................................................11 Scene Four: Priscilla’s Party.......................................................................17 Epilogue: Un-Hallowed Ground................................................................19 FAT EM A ST ER C H AR ACT ER S Harvestman................................................................................................22 The Carveling............................................................................................23 Carved Geist..............................................................................................24 Headless Girl (Candy)................................................................................25 Little Teddy (Kade)....................................................................................26 Priscilla, Witch of the Woes (Pandora).......................................................27



his adventure sees the Fated travel to the contract town of Hallow, just outside of Edge Point. The residents are celebrating the excellent harvest year and have invited outsiders to enjoy the festivities. What begins as a lighthearted evening of hearty food and good-natured scares quickly turns into a horrifying fight to stay alive. The Woes have come to play, and they greatly prefer tricks over treats.

One Month Ago Pandora strode into Hallow with the Box, Candy and Kade in tow. She had no intentions of disguising herself; within moments of stepping across Hallow’s threshold, she unleashed her Woes from the Box. Sorrows,


Poltergeists, and things much darker swarmed forth. The inhabitants of Hallow were massacred to the last. This, Pandora had decided, would be the stage on which her Carving Day celebration would be held. Woes dragged the bodies into cellars and storerooms to stuff them away. Stronger Neverborn were given the opportunity to take the position of Hallow residents; weaker Woes were gathered together and stuffed inside scarecrow decorations the town was preparing for its small harvest celebration. With the aid from the thinning veil separating Malifaux and the aether, Pandora crafted a great illusion to restore Hallow to more than its former glory. The town deteriorated around them, but the Woes cared not. With any luck, Pandora’s game was just getting started.



Warm Welcomes Carving Day is drawing near, which means Malifaux City is beginning to embrace the fears that lurk in its dark alleys and just outside its walls. All-hours parties are rising in frequency, and the Guild is on watch for undead and fouler things besides. Unfortunately, Malifaux City has earned itself a reputation for the inexplicable events that seem to happen around this time every year. People dismembered, entire households disappearing, and reports of shambling scarecrows all put a bit of nervous energy at the end of every conversation. Avoiding Malifaux City for a few days is likely a good idea. The Fated hear about a contract town called Hallow, just west of Edge Point. It’s in the Badlands, but a wellspring of groundwater has allowed the homesteaders there to flourish. The mayor has announced a celebration to show off the fruits (or vegetables) of Hallow’s harvest. The Fated manage to hear about the festival in some way (through a contact, a friend, or even advertising fliers). Food, drink, and entertainment will be plenty. Very few incidents are reported outside of Malifaux City on Carving Day, so Hallow seems like as good a place as any to endure the Rotten Harvest. If the Fated need more coaxing, the Fatemaster can imply that rumors indicate someone nefarious has holed up in Hallow and is using the town as a place to lay low for a while.

When the Fated reach Hallow (either by taking the train for roughly 5 Scrip or traveling to the town by other means), read the following: As the contract town comes into view, you can see that the occupants have put a lot of work into not only the celebration, but the appearance of Hallow itself. A small road leads up to the town entrance; ears of dried corn are stuck to the fencing, interwoven with small berries and leaves. Lanterns and scarecrows sit ready to light up the dusky evening. Laughter and conversation fill the air, along with the smells of fruity sugar and savory vegetables.


A Bewitching Entrance Pandora, in the guise of Hallow’s mayor Priscilla, invites the Fated to explore Hallow and its occupants before Woes attack in Scene Two. The Fated will have a chance to pick up on some odd occurrences in the town to tip them off that something about Hallow isn’t quite right…



When the Fated reach the end of Hallow’s main road, read the following: A woman dressed as a witch waves a hand as you approach. “Oh, you came!” she says, excited and cheery, walking up to meet you. “I’m so glad! Are you here for the fun?”

The woman introduces herself as Priscilla, the mayor of Hallow. She’s excited at the good luck the contract town has had, and happily invites the Fated in to explore the town. Priscilla (and the rest of the town) won’t take too much notice if any of the Fated aren’t human or Living; they’ll just get complimented on their costumes! She will also offer a treat to each Fated as a welcome present (See Treats, pg. 7).

Exploring Hallow Skills Allowed: Varies Target Number: 7 Duration: 10 minutes Success Requirement: 1 Failure Requirement: None

As most of the Fated have probably never been to Hallow before, Priscilla will offer some guidance and advice:

Hallow has many Strange Locations (pg. 7), which Fatemasters can include to turn each Duration of this Ongoing Challenge into a small scene. Alternatively, Fatemasters can simply use the information below to facilitate the Fated walking around Hallow.

What can we do around here? “Well, as I’m sure you’ve seen, there’s something for everyone! Let me show you around.” Proceed to Exploring Hallow (pg. 6).

Fated can use multiple Skills to take this Challenge. On a success, the Fated will earn different rewards based on the Skill used:

Costumes? “Something we borrowed from Malifaux City, I’ll admit, but it helps make things more fun, don’t you think?” A few people in Hallow are in costume, or at least have decorated their homes and businesses for the occasion. Non-human Fated won’t be identified as such but will draw positive attention for the accuracy and skillful execution of their costume.

• Goods (Art, Stitching, Homesteading): Gain the Satiated +1 (see Treats, pg. 7) Condition to represent eating delicious food!

What about you? “I’m afraid I need to play hostess and all that, to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. I’m having a small party later this evening at my home; if you’d like to stop by around 9 p.m., I’m sure it will be a wickedly good time!” Priscilla is hosting a celebration at her home (the largest one in town) at night, but will otherwise leave the Fated to their own devices until she reappears in Scene Two (pg. 10).

Exploring Hallow The Fated should have a chance to wander around Hallow and sample bits of what the town is most proud of. There are lighthearted games and tests of skill, hot cider and festive brews, as well as several small shops that are selling trinkets and meals made for the occasion. Some more observant Fated might be able to notice a few things that are off about Hallow, but these shouldn’t immediately raise suspicions. Providing an alternative explanation for some of the happenings (children moving a scarecrow, nerves and excitement


are making people behave strangely) can help keep the Fated away from the full truth. The Exploring Hallow Ongoing Challenge can help Fatemasters work through the town in a more organized manner if they so wish.

• Games (Grace, Might, Athletics): Gain 1 Scrip and 1 treat, or the Fated can win a random item worth a handful of Scrip, though it appears to be taken from someone’s home and repurposed as a prize. • Treats (Barter, Bewitch, Convince, Culinary): Gain 2 treats, +1 for each Margin of Success (see Treats, pg. 7). • Strange Sights (Bureaucracy, Notice, Scrutiny): Learn a Strange Sight from one of the Strange Locations (pg. 7). Fatemasters are free to describe any of them in any order and are encouraged to include their own ideas. On a failure or Catastrophic Failure, the Fated learn a Strange Sight marked with a * as the illusion around Hallow briefly falters (see Strange Locations, pg. 7). Fatemasters can allow the Fated to explore Hallow as widely as they wish, or present locations by flipping four cards from the Fate Deck and selecting them based on suit and/or value, below. The locations chosen will affect which rooms the Fated encounter in Scene Two.


Town Square: Starting Location Dented Can: 1-2 or c Bakery: 3-4, Red Joker, or t Town Hall: 5-6 or m Farmer’s Market: 7-8, Black Joker or r General Store: 9-10 or c Mercantile District: 11-12 or m

Darker Sights are revealed when the Fated fail the Exploring Hallow Ongoing Challenge, or for Fatemasters that want to add a bit more horror into their game. To provide a more immersive experience, Fatemasters might also wish to read the italicized text under each entry to help set the scene.

When the Fated have gone through all of their locations, proceed to Scene Two (pg. 10).

T R E AT S Priscilla has purchased sweets from a trader, which the Fated can earn in the Exploring Hallow Ongoing Challenge. To add flavor, Fatemasters could give a physical treat (like a piece of candy) to a Fated when they earn it! One treat per turn can be consumed as a (0) Action to gain one of the following Conditions: Satiated +1: At the start of this character’s turn, if she is below her maximum allowance of Wounds, reduce this Condition by exactly 1; she heals 1 damage.

TOWN SQUARE Hallow’s square is illuminated with lanterns and carved turnips, each stuffed with a small, flickering candle. Their faces are a bit disturbing, but brightly wrapped sweets and costumed townsfolk help put the celebratory spirit back on. Scarecrows and dried ears of corn curl around poles as decoration, and a few carts are parked in the center, laden with candies and effigies with bodies made from pumpkins and straw. Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Treats, Games. The Fated can get themselves candy and sweets from the pumpkins situated around town, or participate in what appears to be a town-wide game of “pass the parcel”. Old and young converge here, but it’s hard to have a conversation with one person. Everyone keeps moving, running this way and that.

Strange Sights

Sugar Rush +1: This character may reduce the value of this Condition by exactly 1 to gain +1 to the result of any one duel they take. If a player consumes a treat in real life, they may gain either Satiated +1 or Sugar Rush +1 without using a (0) Action. As is usual for (0) Actions, this can still only be performed once per turn. Regardless of how many real-life treats a Fatemaster provides, a player can only receive the benefits of the treats their Fated character has acquired in-game.

Strange Locations Each Strange Location will list specific rewards Fated can receive if they take the Exploring Hallow Ongoing Challenge while there. Fatemasters can predetermine which locations the Fated can visit, Strange Sights can be read off as rewards for completing a Bureaucracy, Notice, or Scrutiny Challenge for Exploring Hallow, added in after each Duration for flavor, or revealed as the Fatemaster so chooses.

1. A few whispers between shop owners let you in on a secret: the mayor is planning something special, and everyone is very excited about when it will happen. 2. Some people toss clothing and jewelry to one another, and do dances, impressions, and mime general, boring activities. They’re doing menial tasks with such enthusiasm it’s like they’ve never worked a day in their life. 3. There’s cohesiveness to everyone’s moving. Different groups look to be playing a role, like they’re being hunted and fleeing. These folks have handfuls of heirlooms and other valuables, and scream while being chased. When caught, the “runners” plead and cry before being “killed”. When they die, the actors stand up and begin chasing others. Everyone is laughing, but the screams sound visceral and far too real.

THE DENTED CAN This inn appears to be a staple in Hallow, serving drinks to the weary and exhausted after a long day’s work. Today, they seem to have switched off their taps and changed over to a hearty apple cider. Adults and



children alike enjoy the warm, tasty drinks. The Dented Can’s proprietor is Roland Cains, an older gentleman wide in both gut and chest preoccupied with making sure every cup is full.

baking. If asked, Ms. Pell even laughs, saying she felt like she’d gone and died, forgetting the recipe for her famed apple pie. She’s sure whatever she cobbled together will pass for dessert.

Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Goods, Treats. The Dented Can is filled with patrons enjoying the literal fruits of the town’s harvest. Conversations are loud and generally boring, but Roland Cains is a good barman who listens raptly to anything the Fated tell him. The floor creaks and is a bit uneven in one area; patrons seem to avoid that far corner, so remain clustered around the bar and tables.

Strange Sights

Strange Sights

1. One of the children running about bumps into you; it’s just for a moment, but the child’s eyes flash black and its face splits open into a toothy grin. The child apologizes, though his face appears normal. He quickly runs off to catch up with his friends. 2. There’s a distinctive smell of rot coming up from the sticky, cider-covered floor. It’s faint, but definitely there. 3. *Looking at the floorboards in the corner of the bar reveals darker patches that appear very close to bloodstains. If any Fated can detect corpses, they will sense several dozen stashed away in the Dented Can’s basement. Bringing this to someone’s attention won’t get the Fated anywhere; the Hallow residents just laugh and ignore the Fated. If the Fated try to detect the bodies again, they won’t be able to sense the corpses (as the Woes reinforce the illusion, effectively making any corpse detection read as a false positive). Attempts to pull up the floorboards will automatically launch the Fated into Scene Two, starting at the Dented Can (pg. 7).

PELL’S BAKERY The smell of buttery crust, glazed pastries, and cooked apples wafts out of Pell’s Bakery, which has taken advantage of Hallow’s apple harvest. The owners happily offer up sugar-crusted slices of pie and spiced desserts to passersby for free… if they can successfully bob for one of the apples in the big tubs set outside the bakery windows! Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Goods, Treats, Games. The Fated can bob for apples under the careful eye of one of the Pell girls, Millie and Maisie, or go inside for delicious treats. The Pell matron, Marjorie, is also charming, but doesn’t get too into their process of


1. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a townsperson hold up an apple, and for a split second you swear its shiny red skin turns rotten and mushy. The person takes a big, juicy bite a moment later. 2. You notice one of the Pell daughters (Maisie or Millie, you can’t tell) staring at you, eyes dark and cold. Her dress looks torn and charred. A second later, she’s gone. 3. * The bakery is a blur of smells, noise, and people. For a few moments, if you turn quickly enough, you notice the place’s charming wallpaper is charred black. The area around the ovens is especially bad; it looks like there was a huge fire that tore through the bakery. If the Fated bring it up, one of the Pells furrows her brow and looks at the ovens. She slowly asks the Fated if they’re feeling okay; there’s no evidence anything was on fire, but the Fated can still smell burnt wood and scorched metal.

TOWN HALL Despite the cornhusk dolls and scarecrows stuffed with straw, this building seems to be the main place of business and bureaucracy in Hallow. Stacks of paper sit in little desks off to one side. A podium and some benches occupy the other half… or they would, if the center space hadn’t been cleared out so groups could dance to a small local band. Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Goods, Games. A secretary is present to make sure everything goes off without a hitch, and so far, things are going all right. Children and adults play games ranging from hide-and-go-seek to charades. Dancing is also in full effect, and anyone is welcome to join in.

Strange Sights

1. The celebration has caused a bit of bureaucratic backlog. Cabinets are jumbled, overflowing with papers, and a general feeling of disarray hangs over the place. There’s even a large wall with notices and fliers tacked up, which seems to be the temporary solution for good communication.


son must have pulled a prank and gotten a plate out of the trash bin. She offers a new plate before launching into a tirade of curses against her child; this time, the food is as delicious as ever.

2. A few of the papers tacked onto the wall are damaged. Some groups are waterlogged and runny, as though they’d been left outside for a while or exposed to rain. Others are sunbleached, torn, or simply illegible. 3. * You notice strange symbols and markings behind some of the papers tacked onto the walls. It definitely looks like they were intentionally covered up. If any Fated try to peel away the (quite literal) bureaucratic tape, the secretary immediately comes over and swats the offending hand away, asking what exactly the Fated think they’re doing. If the Fated explain what they saw, the secretary adjusts her glasses, squinting at the wall. She says there’s nothing there… and she’s right. The weird symbols are gone. The secretary sighs and asks the Fated keep their hands to themselves before heading back to her desk.

WESTERN NEIGHBORHOOD Hallow’s celebration is being had thanks to the excellent crop the town harvested this year. Everyone that had a hand has set up little tables outside their homes to sell their wares. Pumpkins, turnips, gourds, apples, grains, and more are available to pick up from baskets and barrels. Farmers stand behind carts laden with produce; craftsmen sell small carvings and artisanal works; a few stalls even offer cooked meals on the spot, with small tables and chairs to make the experience of savoring Hallow’s food all the more enjoyable.

GARRETTSON’S GENERAL STORE Joshua Garrettson and his family have been clever enough to import a few odds and ends specially for the occasion to entice customers to browse their shelves. Garrettson is a wiry, bearded man with an eye for making deals. He is fair, but isn’t against taking full advantage of a good situation. Thanks to his expansive inventory, Hallow residents and newcomers have gathered here to spend their Scrip. Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Goods, Treats. Garrettson’s is filled with lots of different things, most anything a frontier contract town could need. Everyone is gathered outside, where a sort of outdoor shopping experience has been set up. The four Garrettsons ( Joshua, his wife Willa, and their two children, Gregory and Robert) keep an eye on things. They’re knowledgeable about Malifaux City and enjoy talking with “city-folk”, but make sure to steer anyone away from actually entering the store.

Strange Sights

1. A few of who you assume to be the Garrettson family work inside the shop, tending to the shelves. Aside from them, nobody else is in the store.

Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Goods, Treats. The Fated are greeted by a colorful array of seasonal produce. There isn’t much to learn here, aside from hearing farmers, crafters, and artisans hawk their goods very loudly to any passerby, but candy and ears of corn are still given out with equal enthusiasm.

2. The interior of the store doesn’t have many things in the center. Shelves and tables stacked with goods all cluster around the edges. It’s certainly different than most shops in Malifaux City, but perhaps there’s something to this new arrangement?

Strange Sights

1. The Fated with the highest Willpower can take a TN 10 Willpower Challenge. If they succeed, the faint smell of rot reaches their nose. Anything they eat doesn’t taste particularly good, even though everyone else enjoys their food and drink.

3. * You notice some other visitors like yourselves wandering around, but there is definitely some nervous energy passing through Hallow’s people. A few townsfolk eye these people, and talk how they hope they got enough outsider attention to make “all this pretending” worthwhile.

2. You swear you see one of the scarecrow decorations move by itself.


3. * When a Fated bites into their food, the texture is slimy and immediately makes them retch. The stuff is not only old, but looks like gone moldy and rotten. The farmer that offered the food goes agape before quickly apologizing, insisting her

Hallow has many other small businesses, ranging from an undertaker and restaurants to a bank and even a bookstore. Priscilla has given a bounty of treats to each of the owners so guests can come by, browse, chat, and get a small sweet as thanks for stopping. Employees are standing around to enjoy the happenings. This naturally



generates conversation, whether it’s about the weather, food, or anything in between. Ongoing Challenge Rewards: Treats, Games. Hallow has a number of shops and small businesses, and each one caters to something a bit different: a bookstore, a cobbler, a seamstress, a carpenters, a shop for curios, a smithy, livestock supplies, and more. No matter their profession, the owners all have sort of an easy, removed air about their livelihoods and seem almost absentminded. Anyone with knowledge of a craft could easily tell the owners don’t really know exactly what they’re talking about.

Strange Sights

1. Goods in the stores are all of fine quality, but there are handfuls that are either obviously broken or strewn about. Any offending items are quickly scooped up and hidden away, or else appear normal and in perfectly good condition on a second look. 2. The shops switch; you weren’t sure the first time, but you’ve definitely passed that curio shop a few times. But it’s always in a different place… 3. * You hear a small commotion and then a wet gurgle; you turn, and a visitor has been cut across the midsection with several deep claw marks. One of the shopkeeps’ hands is covered in blood, and his eyes have gone fully black. His jaw starts to turn ghostly and distend, but he catches you watching. A moment later, it all disappears. There is no body, no blood, and the shopkeeper is nothing more than a hunched elderly man.

When the Fated enter the house (which is unlocked), read the following: The inside of the home is dark, but something is covering the ground. Smoky, ethereal magic carpets the floor, sending little flickers of light into the shadowy corners. There are obvious signs of a struggle: overturned chairs and a shifted table, a few broken plates, and a fallen coatrack. Another shriek comes from the other room. Visible just beyond the threshold is a man huddled in the corner, holding a broom to fend off the several figures looming over him. They seem to be the source of the mist enveloping the house. On a closer look, you realize the figures are scarecrows like the ones decorating the town. Their heads jerk up as you enter, hands forming into sharp claws or hefting bladed farming tools. The door behind you slams shut and the deadbolt locks into place.

The Fated must fight 2 Harvestmen (+1 per Fated, pg. 22). If they wish to try and escape the house, opening the front door requires a TN 13 Might Challenge. On a success, the door breaks and reveals something other than the town of Hallow; proceed to Haunted Houses (pg. 11). After the Harvestmen have been defeated, the Fated are free to investigate the house and their surroundings; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”.

Hauntings in Hallow

No Man: There is no sign of the man that was being attacked; he seems to have simply disappeared during the fight. The broom he used as an impromptu weapon is on the floor, but he is nowhere to be found.

At this point, the Fated should be a little concerned that Hallow’s festival is hiding something. When there is enough suspicion, read the following:

No Occupants: The house is completely silent and empty, save for creaking stairs and floors. It seems like nobody has lived here for a long time.

A blood-curdling scream suddenly tears through Hallow. It appears to have come from a nearby house, but none of the residents acknowledge the sound of someone in obvious peril; the Hallow residents keep going about their usual business, enjoying the celebration. Clattering and crashing softly echo from the home a few moments later, along with cries for help.

Dust Everywhere*: Dust is plentiful. It’s been awhile since anyone was last here.


If the Fated want to see what’s happening, proceed to Something Wicked. If the Fated are hesitant to investigate, the Fatemaster can play through Something Wicked when the Fated visit their next Strange Location.


Something Wicked

The Upstairs Letter*: If the Fated go upstairs, they will find a letter on a desk in one of the bedrooms. It has not been sent, but was addressed to one Miss Emma Heede in Malifaux City. The spidery handwriting says that Hallow’s crops weren’t as fruitful as the townsfolk had hoped, and things were looking a bit bleak. It also includes a request to move back to Malifaux City, if there is still room in the old home. The letter is dated about a month ago.


When the Fated have concluded their search of the abandoned house and wish to leave, read the following and proceed to Scene Three: The deadbolt on the door slides back, and the hinges creak as they open. But the festive decorations and rich smells of Hallow’s festival aren’t there to greet you. Instead, there is only a gloomy, cold room on the other side of the door.


Haunted Houses

Fated are in this task, the deadlier their final encounter will be. Each Hallow Resident saved will turn into a Harvestman that the Fated will need to defeat before they can leave Hallow. In this case, being good is actually a detriment to the group! Track how many Hallow Residents the Fated save; this will be important during Scene Four (pg. 17). Any Residents saved this way do not take up space, and should usually not be treated as subordinate or Fatemaster characters; they are pretending to be traumatized, and wait as far away from any conf lict as they possibly can.

Pandora has woven an enchantment deep over the town of Hallow; the residents are actually Woes disguised as the very people they dispatched about a month prior. The festival was meant only to attract individuals the Woes could play with during Carving Day, when their strength is at its height. The Fated must make it to the end of the night while being faced with conundrums and choices. The Fated should be aware that something is quite wrong, but the Fatemaster should work to make sure the biggest secret of all is kept. Hallow citizens are trapped within this mental maze as well, and it falls to the Fated to help save them. In reality, these are Woes gathering together to finish the Fated off at the very end of their journey. This adventure punishes good behavior, so make sure to have every resident seem as innocent and helpless as possible. The Fated are trapped within an inescapable and shifting haunted house, crafted by Pandora and her Woes. As such, they must work through several terrifying challenges and uncover the mysteries therein. However, there are some unique qualities to this particular nightmarish attraction: Looping: The haunted rooms trap the Fated inside. Whenever a Fated character tries to leave or progress through the house, the door opens to reveal a new room they have not yet visited. No matter what they try to do, the Fated won’t be able to escape back out into Hallow proper until Scene Four (pg. 17). The Fated cannot return to a room they encountered previously. It’s Bad to Be Good: The Fated will be tasked with saving Hallow Residents as they work through the illusionary ruins of the contract town. In reality, these are Woes attempting to lure the Fated deeper into the trap they’ve set. Fatemasters should note that the more successful the



The Rooms The Fated should encounter rooms in the same order as they did locations during the Exploring Hallow Ongoing Challenge (pg. 6). Alternatively, Fatemasters can flip cards from the Fate Deck in order to determine room order: Town Square: Starting Location (if flipping, Red/Black Joker or r) Dented Can: 1-2 or c Bakery: 3-4, Red Joker, or t Town Hall: 5-6 or m Western Neighborhood: 7-8, Black Joker or r General Store: 9-10 or c Mercantile District: 11-12 or m

must be protected (the little girl will always stay within 1 yard of the most motherly Fated, and one Fated will need to hold the baby using at least one arm). The Fated actually save Candy and Kade, who will prove to be a dangerous detriment in Scene Four. See Evil Little Children for more information (pg. 18). If the Fated leave the girl behind or she is “killed”, Candy will not be present in the final Scene; if the Fated leave the baby behind or he is “killed”, Kade will not be present. Unlike other Hallow Residents, the children stick with the Fated as they progress through each room, but will never be attacked by any enemies. The Parents*: The parents’ bodies are not freshly killed; the bloodstains are dried, and the flesh appears to have dried. They have been dead for some time.

THE LITTLE CHILDREN (TOWN SQUARE) When the Fated enter this room, read the following: The door opens to a smaller room, with children’s drawings hung on the walls. A crib sits on one half of the room, and a tiny bed on the other. Two small children are holding onto each other tightly; it looks like a girl and her baby brother. You try to ignore the bodies of who you assume to be their parents in the corner, as several of the scarecrows are looming over the little ones. The straw-stuffed figures turn, eyes filled with ghostly magic as they temporarily forget about tormenting children.

CORPSES ‘NEATH THE FLOOR (THE DENTED CAN) When the Fated enter this room, read the following: The smell of sour alcohol and dirt washes over you the moment you force the door open. Its hinges creak loudly, sending small clouds of dust and grime onto the floor. One small oil lamp flickers on and off at the edge of the bar. The shadows it casts illuminates a few figures seated at tables in the furthest ends of the establishment. Nothing moves. Everything is quiet.

Despite normally attacking the innocents of Hallow, these Harvestmen seem to almost avoid getting too close to the toddling siblings. The room is roughly 8 yards by 8 yards; all Harvestmen begin opposite the Fated, while the children are behind them. The Fated must fight 2 Harvestmen (+1 per 2 Fated, pg. 22). Make a damage flip against each “child” a Harvestman begins its turn adjacent to, unless there is a Fated character within 1 yard. The children are considered to have 5 Wounds. If they perish, each one fades into ethereal mist with a raging, furious scream. After the Harvestmen have been defeated, the Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”. The Children: The Fated can pass a TN 10 Convince, Charm, Bewitch, or Leadership Challenge; on a success, the children sniffle and agree to come with. Both



As the local establishment in Hallow that serves alcohol, this bar and inn has had its share of depressing moments. The Woes gathered here, sipping on fear and misery instead of beer and wine. The Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”. Bar’s Closed: Even though the Hallow festival was getting on just a little while ago, it seems like The Dented Can has been out of business for some time. The floor is darker in places: evidence of spilled drinks and long-dried blood. There is no sign of the proprietor, Roland Cains. Last Call: Some tables and chairs still have people sitting in them. On a closer inspection, you realize someone has set up corpses to look like they’re still enjoying a night out on the town. All of them bear evidence of grisly wounds, from carved up chests to missing limbs and slashed throats. Every glass is empty, but most are broken and cracked. The Trapdoor*: A smear of blood leads to the kitchen and then stops suddenly. The Fated can pry the trapdoor open to reveal a cool, dark storage area. If they go down more than a few steps, the smell of rotting flesh hits them. Upon illuminating the space (which is roughly 5 yards by 5 yards), they find it is filled with roughly two-dozen bodies. All of them bear injuries similar to the ones upstairs in the bar, but appear to have just been dragged down here for storage.

SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION (THE PELL BAKERY) When the Fated enter this next room, read the following: The smell of rotting apples and old dough hits your nose, and you realize this must be the bakery. A large oven dominates the room, and preparation tables further push that this is the kitchen. A group of spectral creatures are closing in on a floured and tired looking woman wielding a rolling pin; when she sees you, her eyes light up and she swings at one of the scarecrowthings. It reels at her blow, and its allies quickly dissipate into mist. A second later, the oven begins to glow cherry red before exploding, sending flames racing across every available surface. The woman looks on as a thick band of fire races across the floor in front of her.

The Fated watch in horror as spectral flames explode to life. They’d better move fast if they want to find everyone! The Fated must save as many Residents as they can by taking a TN 14 Notice, Lockpicking, or Convince Challenge; on a success, they rescue one of the Residents, Marjorie. After the first successful Challenge, she will inform the Fated that her daughters need to be found, as they hid when the scarecrows attacked the bakery. This lowers the TN of all subsequent Challenges to find a resident to TN 10 (Millie fled upstairs, and Maisie locked herself in the pantry). Each time the Fated take this Challenge, the Fated that scored the lowest gains Burning +1. After four rounds, the fires suddenly disappear. The Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”. The Pells: There are three Pells: Marjorie Pell and her two twin daughters, Millie and Maisie. For each successful Challenge the Fated took, they save one Hallow Resident (to a maximum of three). The Ones Unsaved: The Fated can try and look for Millie and Maisie if they were unsuccessful in finding them during the Challenge. When they go upstairs or unlock the cabinet, neither of the girls are there; they seem to have disappeared. Old Burns: It does seem like there was a fire, but the damage seems quite old. Ash and soot show evidence of being washed away by rain and wind, and the charred



support beams appear broken and collapsed. This is far more damage than a quick or recent fire could have accomplished. The Locked Pantry*: The Pell bakery pantry, where Maisie said she locked herself in to avoid the Harvestmen, only locks from the outside; someone else must have been there to turn the key.

WRITING ON THE WALLS (TOWN HALL) When the Fated enter this room, read the following: The walls here are streaked with grime and mildew… and something else. Small symbols and words cover most available surfaces, starting on the floor and spiraling outwards. A very clear circle, etched in runes that hurt to look at, seems burned into the center of the floor and untouched by any of the additional scrawlings. From the gloom emerges a gentle muttering. A woman, disheveled and wild-eyed, traces the symbols with trembling fingers. She suddenly turns towards you.

The woman is Jennie Lang, the secretary from the town hall. She can be calmed with a successful TN 12 Centering, Leadership, or Bewitch Challenge; if the Fated try to attack her, Lang simply retreats and decries them, cursing them for what they did to the town. After being calmed, Jennie will reveal that this used to be her place of work, but something terrible happened. She can’t remember what, but has been trying to figure out the origins and purpose of the spell that clearly took place here. While in this room, the Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”. The Secretary: The woman is Jennie Lang, a secretary for the local government office, which handles the comings and goings of things. She doesn’t talk much, and has been exhausted by her ordeal. The Fated save 1 Hallow Resident. Secret Magic*: A quick look around a few bookshelves and a desk reveal Jennie was illegally practicing magic and acting as a liaison for agents of Oxford University. On a Margin of Success, the Fated find a heavy tome Grimoire with 2 Sorcery Magia and 2 Elemental Immuto. Otherwise, letters and other spellbooks are enough evidence to prove Lang’s involvement with magical affairs. If accused, Lang falters for a second, but eventually confirms she was involved with whatever the Fated are saying she was.


The Writing on the Walls*: The weird marks on the walls are clearly some kind of ritual, but your eyes twist and betray you even as the words mix and meld together. Any Fated that fails this Challenge gains the Crazy +1 Condition. The Ritual*: Revealing this information requires a TN 12 Magical Skill Challenge. On a success, the Fated realize this is a spell intended to cast a very powerful spell. The exact nature and effects are unknown, but it seems to have ties to Necromancy and Prestidigitation; this is not magic used by Oxfordians or Guild-sanctioned mages. The runes are also foreign, and quite maddening to try and deduce. Whoever cast this spell was strong, and it definitely wasn’t Jennie Lang.

BARRICADED DOORS (WESTERN NEIGHBORHOOD) When the Fated enter this room, read the following: It takes a bit of effort to open the door, but it eventually splinters and breaks to reveal a room that’s nearly empty. The windows and another door at the far end have been boarded up. A couple is armed and ready; the man carries a heavy piece of wood, and the woman has a frying pan. They seem like reisdents that managed to barricade themselves inside their home before the nightmares started.

The Fated must break out of the room and free the pair from the impromptu bunker they’ve made for themselves. This requires passing 3 TN 12 Might or Athletics Challenges (or others, like Explosives and Sorcery, if the Fated suggest more unconventional ways of opening the doors). Alternatively, the Fated can deal 10 damage to the doors and windows to proceed (Defense 5, Armor +1). For an additional challenge, the Fatemaster can include Harvestmen clambering in through the windows (2 per Fated, pg. 22). The Harvestmen break into the house 3 rounds after the Fated start knocking the doors down. While in this room, the Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”. The Homeowners: The pair only say there were strange noises and happenings, and that’s what made them board up their little house. Both stick together, but show signs of some fresh injuries. The Fated save two Hallow Residents.


Signs of a Struggle: Despite there being nobody except the couple in the house, it seems like there was also a struggle here: overturned chairs, spilled cups, and even a few loose rounds of ammunition are scattered around. No gun is to be found. Home Cooked Mold*: What little food remains in the cabinets has gone moldy and bad; surely the residents couldn’t have been boarded up in here for that long?

THE CELLAR (GENERAL STORE) When the Fated enter this room, read the following: The room appears almost empty; a few vacant shelves and broken furniture sit pushed into corners. A group of Harvestmen creaks on the other side of the store, skulking near a door. They’re holding sickles, knives, and other weapons, and a bundle of them lurches towards you.

The first floor is 20 by 20 yards; there are 6 Harvestmen (+1 per 2 Fated). However, the Woes will avoid the center of the store. It is occupied by an enormous pit 10 yards wide. No light penetrates the darkness there, and the edges of the pit are sharp, ringed with splintered timbers and leading down to a basement. The pit is obscured by the spell over Hallow; it will only be revealed if one of the Fated steps onto it. After this happens, read the following:

is 10 feet deep; the Fated can pull up any Garrettsons (or their allies who have fallen) with a successful TN 10 Might or Athletics Challenge (increased appropriately for heavy Fated; constructs, heavy, or large Fated should increase this by between +2-5). See The Secret Passageway, below, if the Fated cannot escape.

S O M E T H I N G ’ S D OW N H E R E ! The Fatemaster can add the Carveling (pg. 23), additional Harvestmen, or any nefarious enemy they like if the Fated are trapped in the pit. Any Fated in the pit suffers the Blind Condition, but enemies in the pit do not. If the Fatemaster also wishes, they can have each successful attack target one of the Garrettsons instead of the Fated; the target Hallow Resident is snatched into the darkness and never heard from again. Each time this happens, the Fated reduce the total number of Hallow Residents they save by -1.

The Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”.

You see [FATED NAME] suddenly disappear through the floor. The original ground shimmers, and then peels away in sections. It reveals a pit that takes up most of the floor space, ringed with broken floorboards and leading down into darkness.

If the fallen Fated does not have the Flight Talent, they take 1/2/3 damage and become Prone as they drop into the Cellar. They will also notice the Garrettson family huddling in the Cellar; all four are frightened, but thankful that someone has found them. The pit



The Garrettsons: There are four Garrettsons: Joshua, his wife Willa, and their two children, Gregory and Robert. The Fated can save up to four Hallow Residents.

The Fated must fight 2 Harvestmen (+1 per 2 Fated, pg. 22). Each Harvestman will have the following Talent:

The Secret Passageway: If the Fated are unable to escape the pit, one of the Garrettsons remembers a hidden passage that leads back up to the general store. The Fated can spend a few moments clearing away the debris and chunks of brick to reveal a shoddy door. When they open it, proceed to the next Room.

Paranormal Actions: All enemy characters that move within a3 of this character must pass a TN 10 Walk Challenge. On a failure, this character may push the enemy character up to 4 yards in any direction and deal 1 damage to them. If the target ends this push in physical contact with an obstacle, both target and obstacle will suffer 1 additional damage.

General Store Stock*: The Fated are offered some supplies to prepare them for whatever else might be lurking in Hallow. Each Fated can gain the Satiated +1 or Sugar Rush +1 Condition, or make a healing flip. On a successful Notice Challenge, the Fated get a taste of rot or smell something off in the air. The Garrettsons wave it off as the side effects of storing goods in a slightly damp basement, and direct the Fated to tinned or dry goods that don’t expire as quickly. Digging the Pit*: There is definitely an unnatural darkness hanging around the Cellar. The pit is also quite enormous; the Garrettsons don’t know anything about how it got there. What’s more, it looks like the pit was started from the Cellar, meaning someone had to dig up from the basement to break through the floorboards. The family all seem to have dirt under their broken fingernails, but claim that was just from trying to escape the pit.

FLYING OFF THE SHELVES (MERCANTILE DISTRICT) When the Fated enter this room, read the following: The cool air sinks deep into your bones. Shelves and tables are scattered about. Odds and ends cover the floor; most are curios, smashed and broken. You see a small man huddled beneath a desk shoved into the corner. He yelps the moment he sees you, holding a book out as if to protect himself. You immediately see why: furniture, sharp objects, and all manner of bric-a-brac hover above scarecrow-creatures wrapped in ghoulish mist. They begin to float menacingly towards you.

Woes have cast a strange spell on this room, causing the gravity to fluctuate dangerously. The room is roughly 10 yards by 10 yards; all Harvestmen begin opposite the Fated, while the Hallow Resident is behind Hard Cover to the Fated’s left.


After the Harvestmen have been defeated, the Fated are free to investigate; the Fatemaster can reveal any of the following tidbits of information to help set the scene. Fated must succeed in a TN 10 Notice or Bureaucracy Challenge to learn any of the information marked with a “*”. The Old Merchant: The old man hiding behind the desk is the storeowner, but unwittingly locked himself inside with a bunch of Woes. He doesn’t talk much, but the Fated will recognize him as the man from the Mercantile District’s third Strange Sight (pg. 10). Even if pressed, he doesn’t know what the Fated are talking about if they accuse him of attacking a festival goer. The Fated save 1 Hallow Resident. Old Receipts*: If the Fated look around a bit, they’ll find the cash register full… but the last receipt was dated almost a month ago. When the Fated have rescued all the residents they can, proceed to Scene Four: Priscilla’s Party (pg. 17). In total, the Fated should have been able to save 13 citizens, plus Candy and Kade. They will all play a part in Scene Four.

T HE C ARV ELING If the Fatemaster wishes to add more suspense and panic into the adventure, they can introduce the Carveling (pg. 23) as an enemy. This will force the Fated to make choices about saving Hallow Residents or suffering damage while enduring hit-and-run ambushes from the shadows. Note that each Hallow Resident taken away actually makes the final encounter in Scene Four easier, so make sure to plan for that.



Priscilla’s Party The Fated have made their way through the illusions surrounding Hallow, and at this point, should have some idea that things are not as they seem. After the Fated open the door to the last Room they’ve cleared, read the following: The door opens to reveal warmth and a soft light. The smell of cinnamon and apples hits your nose, but it’s soured by a mixture of sweat and dirt. Clean walls and festive decorations fill the little alcove where you find yourselves peeking out from. The hall leads into a much larger living room, and the Hallow residents behind you rush to the safety of the warm, welcoming home. You even see a familiar blue hat. Priscilla catches your eye, and hers widen. She rushes over to you. “Oh my goodness!” she says, hugging [FATED NAME] tightly. “I’m so glad you made it!” She steps back for a moment and shakes her head. “I… don’t know what’s been happening, but those things came out of nowhere and attacked us. We…” Priscilla trails off before clearing her throat in a very mayoral way. “We escaped here. Anyone who could get here, anyway. We need to figure out what to do next.”

The Main Hall When the Fated look around the Main Hall, read the following: For a moment, everything seems quiet. A long table stacked with food, all from Hallow’s fields no doubt, dominates the room. A cheery fire burns in the fireplace behind the head seat, and a festive mixture of straw, pumpkins, and carved turnips has been arranged nearby. More scarecrows stand propped into corners or held up by bales of hay and barrels of apples. None of them move, much to your relief. The place isn’t small or terribly large, but the mayor clearly believes enough in Hallow to have invested some scrip into building herself a home. Several portraits also hang on the walls, depicting an older gentleman and his family. All are connected to the Guild in some fashion, based on the man’s ram’s head pin and the woman’s brooch. Paintings of their three children seem to put the youths in their mid or late teens, but the family resemblance is quite clear.

The Main Hall is roughly 20 yards by 15 yards, and is dually purposed as a dining room. A long table occupies

the center of the room, with 10 chairs on either side. The decorations are not as extravagant as the homes back in Malifaux City, but scarecrows, pumpkins, and ears of corn all share space with festive colors and boxes of treats. Residents mill about, talking in small groups. The Fated are free to investigate, but the Fatemaster should reveal these in order, and proceed to It’s Bad to Be Good (pg. 11). A Quick Snack: There is an array of foodstuffs set out for the party. None of the other Residents are eating, but the Fated can indulge in a quick bite. Each Fated can gain the Satiated +1 or Sugar Rush +1 Condition, or make a healing flip. Not Listening: The Fated eventually realize any time they make a plan or suggestion on how to escape their current predicament, none of the other Residents are really listening. They’ll pay attention for a few moments but eventually wander off or zone out. Priscilla’s Posing: There doesn’t seem to be any evidence that Priscilla is actually living in the house. The portraits are of other people; her image, as mayor, should be painted somewhere. A thin coat of dust lays on most of the furniture as well; it seems like nobody has lived here, or at least cleaned, for about a month. Staring Residents: All of the Residents are simply staring at the Fated. Some are wearing disturbing smiles, while others seem giddy and restless. A few grab knives from the dining table. Proceed to It’s Bad to Be Good.

Last House on the Block Priscilla reveals her trap: the Fated have actually been saving her Woes in disguise, and now must face the consequences of their good actions. Many things can happen at once depending on what the Fated did or didn’t do, primarily encountering Candy/Kade. Perform all applicable actions in the order they are presented below (including Evil Little Children and One Last Trick) and read the following: “You know,” Priscilla suddenly says, voice suddenly much clearer and… different, than it was a few minutes ago, “it would be a shame for the night to end before I get a chance to give everyone their final surprise.” She turns, ghostly power rushing off the broom suddenly in her hand. “Oh, I can’t tell you how fantastic this night has been! So much anguish, terror, hopelessness. And fear!



Magnificent! I’m almost sorry you have to settle for sugary sweets. Now!” Priscilla says, clapping her hands and rounding on you all. “Normally I would just kill all of you, but tonight is a special night.” A wave of ghostly magic spills from her hands, and you see the people you saved begin to fall to pieces; instead of flesh, scarecrows pull themselves out of the illusions. Priscilla laughs manically. “Isn’t this fun?” If the Fated saved Candy and/or Kade, read the following: Priscilla stops and cocks her head sweetly. “What do you think, children?”

Evil Little Children If the Fated saved Candy and/or Kade, each will each take a full turn as the Headless Girl and Little Teddy before Dramatic Time begins, targeting the Fated they are closest to. The Fated will all be surprised (and suffer Slow) unless they first pass a TN 18 Evade Challenge. The Fated must then fight Harvestmen equal to the number of Hallow Residents they saved (pg. 22). Additionally, they must face a Carved Geist (+1 per 2 Fated, pg. 24). The Harvestmen should appear in groups of 3-4 and be spaced about 5-10 yards apart from one another to give the Fated a fighting chance. These numbers can be altered based on how wounded the Fated are, how many Residents they saved, and so forth.

One Last Trick Depending on how strong the Fated are, the Fatemaster can choose what to do with Priscilla during this final Scene. If Priscilla will not be participating in the fight, read the following: Priscilla spreads her arms wide, becoming the center of a growing vortex of wailing spirits and spectral scarecrows. She sits gives a cheery wave to you all. “Toodle-oo! Have fun!” she says before stepping backwards. The other Woes engulf her, and a moment later she is gone. The other spirits in the town hall, unfortunately, have not followed. If the Fatemaster believes the Fated are strong enough to handle Priscilla, her stats have been provided (pg. 27) for inclusion in this adventure. Priscilla is not interested in fighting to the death. Unlike other Master-level characters, she can be “beaten” simply by reducing her to 0 Wounds. If the Fated can bring her down like a normal Master, feel free to have Priscilla stick around until she is killed. While the temptation to include Priscilla can be strong, Fatemasters should make sure their Fated are capable enough to handle her. She is a Master, and her presence in Scene Four hugely increases its difficulty.



Woeful Ends Fatemasters can read the following when Candy, Kade, or Priscilla “die”. Carving Day is a strange time, and it’s very unlikely the Woes will be brought down permanently… Read the following when Candy dies: The little girl balls up her fists in anger and screams, letting her head fall to the ground. Before it can touch the ground, her entire form vanishes into spectral mist. The echoes of her tantrum ring in your ears, but they quickly grow quiet. Read the following when Kade dies: The child drops his knife and explodes into a cloud of stuffing and tattered fabric. A maniacal giggle drifts away on the autumn breeze; the baby is gone for now, but something tells you he’s not wholly dead. If Priscilla is beaten, read the following: A pout comes across Priscilla’s face, and she looks around. “Well, it was time to get going anyways.” She broods for a moment longer before perking up. “But this was fun! It’s so nice to see that some of you can still put up a fight. You wouldn’t believe how boring it can get when people’s minds break the moment they get stressed. But you were all fantastic! I’ll have to invite you to next year’s party, even if you are a bit rude to your hostess. Don’t eat too many sweets!” A moment later the Woe disappears; trails of spectral magic are all that remains from the witch’s stay in Hallow... for now.

After defeating all of the enemies, the Fated see the spells woven into Hallow begin to dissipate. The Rotten Harvest has ended. Using the first bits of light from the dawn, the Fated can investigate the truth of what happened in the contract town. Proceed to the Epilogue. EPILOGUE

Un-Hallowed Ground When the Fated can see Hallow properly for the first time, read the following: You watch the once-inviting town of Hallow begin to degrade in front of your very eyes. A few weeds grow in the dirt roads while the buildings lose their shiny veneers of autumnal colors. In the place of pumpkins and candles are bloodstains and damaged houses. Claw marks have gouged out plaster in some places; stalls and awnings are coated in Badlands dust, left to flap and dry out in the wind. The wind cuts through broken glass, and a few broken

doors creak open on their split hinges. The entire place has a monochrome, drained appearance. If the sunrise is accurate, it seems you are the only beings left in Hallow.

Hallow’s original residents were killed by Woes and the town repurposed as a setting for Priscilla’s Carving Day “celebration”. The mixture of powerful illusions and altered perceptions helped convince everyone that Hallow was a thriving place innocently holding a celebratory festival. There are a few fresh bodies scattered around; a quick look will see the Fated recognize them as other outof-towners who had come town for the Hallow festival. The Fatemaster can reveal some additional information based on what the Fated decide to do and investigate: With a successful TN 12 Homesteading Challenge, the Fated can deduce that there actually is groundwater underneath the soil. Fields of untended, dried crops spread out quite far into the Badlands; at some point, Hallow was able to produce enough food to keep its residents fed, and likely have a bit extra left over for selling. With proper care and maintenance, the area could be revitalized into farmland. Should the Fated investigate the houses, they find evidence that humans did originally live here. Most are of simple and sturdy construction, with a few rooms. They are all in need of repairs but could make excellent shelter or camp for those Fated so inclined to spend some time here. The Fated find a mixture of functional items and tools worth between 5-7 Scrip in the smaller homes and more valuable trinkets worth 10-12 Scrip in the larger ones. This is also a great opportunity to include some additional adventure hooks and send some shivers down the Fated’s spines. Here are some examples: • One house is entirely pristine, as though someone had not been gone more than five minutes. A cup of tea sits on a kitchen table, still steaming. • The pit inside the general store leads to the basement that, when illuminated, is filled with mad ravings and scrawlings on the walls. A TN 9 Necromancy Challenge reveals these are rituals meant to summon the spirits of the dead… but the incantations don’t seem quite right. • A tiny jewelry box sits on a mantle in a larger home. It cannot be opened at all but exudes a powerful aura of magic. • There are six identical notes nailed to the doors of six different houses, with a time and date. The mentioned date was three days ago.



The Hat of the Rotten Harvest can be included as an additional reward by reading the following: While walking down one of Hallow’s alleys, you notice something strangely colored in the dirt. It looks like a hat, smushed and covered with dusty footprints, but certainly of fine quality. It does look somewhat familiar…

H AT OF THE ROTTEN H ARV EST This witch’s hat is a bit stylized, even bordering on fashionable, but there’s something curious about it. When someone places it on their head, it imparts knowledge on how to make a perfect Rotten Harvest celebration: convincing others to attend, creating powerful illusions, moving things here and there, and summoning spirit-like energies to torment and tear apart enemies. That, and the hat almost seems to reward its user by offering little bits of candy and sweets after a particularly good bout of spellcasting. Magia: Beckon, Phantasm, Conjuring, Telekinetic Movement, Elemental Engulf

enemies of the Guild, and more. If the Fated have moved on, Hallow will either be reclaimed by the Badlands or razed to the ground. Avoiding the Guild agents is not easy, but will let the Fated exist unperturbed after this first visit if they can remain undetected. Alternatively, the Fated can use their knowledge of Hallow to earn some standing with whomever (or whatever) they ally themselves with. The Arcanists and Resurrectionists are always on the lookout for new hideouts; the Ten Thunders could easily clean up the town and use it as an outpost controlled entirely in secret by the crime syndicate. Reporting on the happenings directly to the Guild might earn the Fated rewards and accolades for their handling of the situation. Of course, there is the issue of Neverborn having wiped out the entire town and used it as their personal playground. The stigma around venturing into such a place is quite high, and Hallow could continue attracting attention as a source of entertainment for Woes, Nightmares, and even Nephilim. Perhaps there are also secrets beneath the dirt in Hallow that have yet to be discovered…

Immuto: Focus Object (-3 TN), Increased Duration, Location Genus, Spirit Elemental Immuto Special: To attune to this Grimoire, a character must simply wear it on her head. If she ever flips the Black Joker when making a Magical Skills duel to cast one of this Grimoire’s spells, she immediately gains the Crazy +2 Condition. Special: A character attuned to this Grimoire gains 1 treat (see Treats, pg. 7) per Margin of Success they achieve when casting a Magia provided by this Grimoire.

Hallow’s future depends on what the Fated decide to do. As a contract town, Hallow had communication with the Guild right up until a few days ago, when Priscilla’s Woes came in. When this lapses (which would take a couple of weeks to register with the Guild), agents will be sent out to check in and restore order if necessary. When they reach Hallow, the frontiersmen report back whatever they find. If the Fated are still there, they will likely be accused of numerous high crimes, including improperly requisitioning Guild property for personal use, suspected murder, participation in forbidden magic, conspiring with




he following pages contain the stat blocks for the Fatemaster characters that the Fated are likely to encounter over the course of the adventure. They have been created with an eye toward ease of use by the Fatemaster and include everything needed to run these characters in a combat situation.

Depending on the situation, Fatemasters more familiar with Through the Breach may want to adjust some of these characters’ Rank Values ahead of time to create more or less of a challenge for their players. In general, Fatemasters are cautioned against increasing the Rank Values of the characters in this adventure by more than a few points as it may create adversaries the Fated are unable to defeat.

f a t e mas t e r cha r ac t e r s


Harvestman The spectral Woes had a grand time cutting the citizens of Hallow apart on the eve of their harvest festival. Some of the stronger creatures were able to take on the forms of deceased residents and wander through the town like nothing had happened. The weaker Woes had to make do with possessing the many scarecrow decorations around the town. Priscilla told them to wait, and so they did. More and more guests came into Hallow and couldn’t tell the difference between human and Woe! Her spell was very strong indeed. When the time was finally right, the Harvestmen took great pleasure in being the instruments used to bring fear and misery to Hallow.

Harvestman Minion (6), Woe, Spirit Might

















4 (10) 6 (12)


-3 5 5






3 (9)


Skills: Melee 3, Notice 2, Wilderness 2, Track 2, Prestidigitation 2, Deceive 3, Centering 4, Evade 2, Stealth 4, Toughness 1 Just a Scarecrow: When not moving, this character is indistinguishable from a normal scarecrow. Misery: When an enemy character within 6 yards of this character fails a Willpower Duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current action. (1) Sickle Scythe (Melee) AV: 5 (11) Rg: y1 Resist: Df Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.

c Scared Stiff: After resolving, if the target had the Paralyzed Condition, it suffers 1 additional damage and this character heals 1 damage.

(1) Doldrums (Prestidigitation/Tenacity) AV: 4 (10) Rg: 6 Resist: Wp Target becomes Slow. If it is already Slow, it becomes Paralyzed. (0) Harvestman’s Fear One character within 3 yards and line of sight must take a TN 12 Horror Duel.


f a t e mas t e r cha r ac t e r s

The Carveling

The Carveling Minion (6), Woe, Spirit, Nightmare Might

















7 (13) 6 (12)

2 1

7 9






8 (14)


Skills: Melee 3, Notice 3, Wilderness 2, Track 2, Deceive 3, Intimidate 3, Centering 4, Evade 2, Stealth 5, Toughness 2

All in Malifaux know the legend of The Carver, limbs tipped with shears and pumpkin head alight with Woeful magic. But there are other creeps that crawl underneath the autumnal moons. The Carveling is one such being. A burlap homunculus of his larger brother, this little killer has a bit more nightmare in his body than one might expect. He sleeps all year ‘round within the corrupted realm of dreams. When Carving Day is close at hand, he wakes! Any and all that celebrate the hours leading up to that most fateful of days should be afraid, for they might draw the attention of a flame-eyed spirit lurking just beyond their sight. A quick scream quickly cut off is all that warns others about the Carveling’s approach. Oh, but wherever the Carver treads, his miniature dares not follow. Perhaps this murderous assassin feels uneasy around the larger scarecrow? Perhaps he feels something close to fear?

Just a Scarecrow: When not moving, this character is indistinguishable from a normal scarecrow. Misery: When an enemy character within 6 yards of this character fails a Willpower Duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current action. Pick One Off: A Fated character can elect to immediately kill one subordinate character or Hallow Resident instead of resolving damage taken from the Husking Claws Action; this character targets them instead. The subordinate character/ Resident is carried off when this character disappears from reality, never to be seen again. (2) Husking Claws (Melee) AV: 5 (11) Rg: y2 Resist: Df Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. After resolving, this character is immediately removed from reality and cannot be targeted with disengaging strikes. (0) Terror of the Rotten Harvest If this character is outside of reality at the start of its turn, it immediately emerges back into reality anywhere within 6 yards of an enemy character. All enemy characters within a 6 must take a TN 15 Notice Challenge or becvome unable to act until the end of this character’s turn.

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Carved Geist Humans have such a curious way of celebrating Carving Day, but Pandora has fully embraced their use of fire, gourds, and spooky lanterns. After taking a bit of inspiration from the Poltergeists, Pandora decided to give them a new look. She crammed them into a body made of straw and roots, placed a pumpkin on top, and thus the Carved Geists were born. Around the time of Carving Day, these Woes harness the flames within their bodies to produce a variety of effects. Their usual Prestidigitation magic ensures people are terrified by objects being flung about, but temporary Sorcery lets them mix ethereal magic with fire. Most Carved Geists use this newfound power as often as they can before it gutters out.

Carved Geist Enforcer (7), Woe, Spirit Might















0 0


4 (11) 6 (13)


5 6

2 2


2 2

5 (12)


Skills: Notice 3, Prestidigitation 3, Sorcery 3, Bewitch 2, Intimidate 1, Centering 4, Evade 1, Toughness 2 Incorporeal: This character ignores, and is ignored by, other characters and terrain during any movement. Reduce all damage this character suffers from Ranged and Close Combat attacks by half. Misery: When an enemy character within 6 yards of this character fails a Willpower Duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current action. (1) Fling About (Prestidigitation/Tenacity) One character or object within 8 yards must pass a TN 10 Walk Challenge (objects automatically fail). On a failure, the target is pushed 4 yards in any direction by this character. If the target comes into physical contact with an obstacle, the target and the obstacle (if it is a Fated or Fatemaster character) both suffer 1/2/3 damage and become Prone. Objects might also break or become destroyed at the Fatemaster’s discretion.

c Spectral Flames: After resolving, the target gains Burning +1.

(1) Flickering Phantasms (Sorcery/Tenacity) AV: 5 (12) Rg: z6 Resist: Df Target suffer 2/3/4 damage and gains Burning +1. If the original target already had Burning, immediately resolve this Action against another enemy character within range that does not have Burning. (0) Haunting Flames Characters within 6 yards must reduce the result of all Willpower duels they take by an amount equal to their Burning Condition, to a maximum of +3.


f a t e mas t e r cha r ac t e r s

Headless Girl (Candy)

Headless Girl (Candy) Enforcer (8), Woe, Spirit Might















0 3

5 (13) 6 (14)

3 3

5 6

2 3


0 2

6 (14)


Skills: Melee 3, Art 1, Stitching 1, Notice 4, Necromancy 3c, Prestidigitation 3, Bewitch 3, Deceive 4, Centering 4, Evade 3, Stealth 3, Toughness 2 Don’t Mind Me (11): If this character did not take any offensive actions on its last turn, or if it is the first round of Dramatic Time and this character has not yet acted, enemies targeting this character must succeed on a TN 11 Scrutiny Challenge or be forced to choose a different target.

Nobody ever expects the child, the weeping orphan, the vulnerable weakling crying out for help. That’s always their mistake. Humans are so easy to manipulate. A few tears and a quivering lip are all it takes for them to completely ignore the darkness behind a Woe’s eyes. Nobody was better at that than Candy. Always cheerful and pleasant until her tantrums made everyone gouge their eyes out or turn on their loved ones. It’s their fault, really. But that was a long time ago. Carving Day and the Rotten Harvest always held a special place in Pandora’s heart, and she insisted Candy go along with her “fun idea”. Candy was cast as a newly orphaned sister to baby Kade, determined to protect her little brother against the evil scarecrows. It’s starting to get a little bit tiresome. Whenever she’s sure nobody is looking, Candy’s dark eyes and sneer return. She’ll play along. For now.

Disguised: This character may not be the target of the Charge Action. “Headless”: If this character suffers a Critical Effect to the Head, both the Critical Effect and damage are ignored. Incorporeal: This character ignores, and is ignored by, other characters and terrain during any movement. Reduce all damage this character suffers from Ranged and Close Combat attacks by half. Misery: When an enemy character within 6 yards of this character fails a Willpower Duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current action. (1) Doleful Grasp (Melee) AV: 3 (11) Rg: y1 Resist: Df Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.

c Negative Beacon: After resolving, one friendly Woe within 6 yards can push 3 yards towards the target.

(1) Dark Mood (Necromancy/Charm) AV: 6 (14c) Rg: 5 Resist: Wp If the target has a readied weapon, it deals the weapon’s damage to itself. The damage flip’s Fate Modifiers are determined by the results of this duel. (1) Paranormal Activity Every character within p 6 must succeed on a TN 12 Willpower duel or become Slow. This character may move any unattended objects weighing 200 lbs. or less within 6 yards to another location within 6 yards. This Action may only be declared once per turn.

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Little Teddy (Kade) When Priscilla saw how adorable Kade’s friendship with those giant, murderous Teddies was, she knew exactly what sort of outfit he’d look perfect in during the Rotten Harvest. Of course, Kade was put in charge of getting the materials. After infiltrating a few families, he found the perfect teddy bear to make into his costume. Some of the bloodstains were impossible to get out, but that was nothing new. After Pandora forced that sad, lonely tailor to stitch the suit up and do the exact opposite to himself, Kade had a new look! It fit perfectly. All it needed was a knife. Once he worked his insidious charms on Priscilla’s guests, Kade could finally pretend to be his most bestest friend in the world.

Little Teddy (Kade) Enforcer (8), Woe, Spirit Might















-2 3

5 (13) 6 (14)



4 4




-1 2

3 (11)


Skills: Melee 3, Notice 3, Bewitch 4, Centering 4, Evade 3, Stealth 3 Don’t Mind Me (14): If this character did not take any offensive actions on its last turn, or if it is the first round of Dramatic Time and this character has not yet acted, enemies targeting this character must succeed on a TN 14 Scrutiny Challenge or be forced to choose a different target. Disguised: This character may not be the target of the Charge Action. Pounce: When an enemy character ends a push or a move within this character’s engagement range that is not part of a Walk or Charge Action, this character may immediately take a (1) AP Close Combat attack against the enemy character. Flick of the Wrist: This character may use Grace in place of Might when making a Melee or Pugilism attack. Misery: When an enemy character within 6 yards of this character fails a Willpower Duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current action. (1) Carving Knife (Melee) AV: 5 (13) Rg: y1 Resist: Df Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. c Backstab: When damaging, if the target is Slow, this attack deals +2 damage. (1) Lure (Bewitch) AV: 7 (15) Rg: 18 yards Resist: Wp A Living target moves a number of yards equal to its Walk Aspect directly towards this character. This movement must end as close to this character as possible.


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Priscilla, Witch of the Woes (Pandora) Master (12), Woe, Spirit Might




















5 (17) 6 (18)


6 7




Priscilla, Witch of the Woes (Pandora) Note: The Witch of the Woes is not intended to be part of the encounter, but her statistics have been provided for those Fatemasters that want to give their stronger Fated a greater challenge.

7 (19)


Skills: Melee 1, Notice 4, Necromancy 3c, Prestidigitation 3m, Bewitch 4, Convince 3, Deceive 3, Intimidate 3, Acrobatics 1, Centering 3, Evade 2, Stealth 1, Toughness 3 Terrifying (Living) (12): Enemy Living characters must pass a TN 12 Horror Duel when they end their turn within this character’s engagement range or target this character with a harmful Action. Incorporeal: This character ignores, and is ignored by, other characters and terrain during any movement. Reduce all damage this character suffers from Ranged and Close Combat attacks by half. Df (m) Scared to Death: After failing, the attacker gains the following Condition until the end of Dramatic Time: “Scared to Death: This character cannot ignore Horror Duels caused by the character that applied this Condition, even if they would already be immune to them.” Doom and Gloom: When an enemy character within 6 yards of this character fails a Willpower Duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current action. Then, this character heals 1 damage. (1) Carving Specters (Prestidigitation/Charm) AV: 7m (19m) Rg: y3 Resist: Df Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. c Spectral Candles: When damaging, this attack adds +b to its Moderate and Severe Damage. c Fatal Distraction: After succeeding, a friendly character within 5 yards of this character may make a 1 AP attack against the target. (1) Dark Mood (Necromancy/Charm) AV: 7m (19c) Rg: 5 Resist: Wp If the target has a readied weapon, it deals the weapon’s damage to itself. The damage flip’s Fate Modifiers are determined by the results of this duel. (2) Straw Man’s Fear (Necromancy/Intellect) This character may discard a card to cause force all enemy characters within 6 yards to take a TN 13 Willpower Duel. For every duel failed, summon 1 new Harvestman within 1 yard of this character, to a maximum of 3. Any characters placed this way may not activate this round. Each subsequent time this Action is used, the TN of the Willpower Duel lowers by +1. (1) Carving Day Lights Until the beginning of this character’s next turn, all friendly Woe characters heal 1 damage after damaging a character that has the Burning Condition.

f a t e mas t e r cha r ac t e r s




arving Day in Malifaux is a time of both celebration and fear. Old things rise from their slumbers and trudge through the city streets, but festive jack o’ lanterns, candy, and all-night parties let the people enjoy fun and festivities. These same celebrations are happening in Hallow… so the Fated are led to believe. The contract town is not all it seems, and it will be up to the celebrating Fated to uncover the ghastly secrets right in front of their noses. A Night In Hallow is a One Shot adventure for the Through the Breach roleplaying game. It requires the Core Rules to play.

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