The Role of Islamic Cooperatives in Developing Societies [PDF]

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:INTRODUCTION A.The Background of Problem B.The Formulation of Problem C.TheAims of Writing D.TheMethod of Writing



:General Description of Cooperatives A.Definition of Cooperatives B.Difference between Islamic and Conventional Cooperatives C.Management system of Islamic Cooperatives



:The Role of Islamic Cooperatives in Developing societies’ Economy A.The Role of Islamic Cooperatives B.Empowering Micro Busineses C.Promblems and Policies in Developing societies’



:CLOSING A.Conclusions B.Suggestion



A.The Background of problem Cooperative are one of the pillars of Indonesian economy builder that plays a role in the development of various trade sectors agricultural businesses sectors.Cooperatives are the teacher’s of national econonomy has a very strategic position









potential.Cooperatives are associtions of economic interest,these joint ventures are democtarycally supervised.Cooperative are economic oraganizatios,called organizations






them.Although,this organization is not arbitrary,because



it has a special

nature,namely as an economic organization.The organization carries out economic activies.The aim of the actifity is to achieve the welfare and prosperty of the members. Cooperative members have the same basic ambition,the basic aspirations of cooperative members are to achieve prosperty or affluence.Thisprosperty or affluence wants to be achieved together.This ambition want to be realized together.cooperatives have social character cooperative members don’t want to prosper themselves.Cooperative members help each other to improve the prosperity of each member.we can get the nature or social characters of cooperatives,which is to help weak member of cooperative.

Cooperative are very necessary in Indonesia because the welfare of the sosieteies’will increase if economic growth improvement,the growth of the developing economy is not in only determined by large economic actors,butalso by micro small not only be aimed at economic interest,but must also meet social aspects,culture and mutual cooperation,cooperative can develop by improving management,increasing human resource capabilities and provide capital/financial in accourdance with their feasibility and cabilities. The father of cooperative Indonesia is Bung Hatta,in order to explain the advantages of compete.cooperative should is distinguished from other economy organization,in terms of the purpose for the profit,in term of a cooperative minimal owned by members,while the other effort owned by the owner of the capital1.In managing cooperatives there are two main actors who play a role in dicision making namely members and management.Members are the owners of cooperative business entity.Management is person who can make dicisions based on fair principles and is responsible for developing cooperatives.In general business units that are not cooperatives are seeking maximum profits,while cooperatives other than seeking profit also perform services to their members. B.The Formulation of Problem As for the purpose and benefits of writing this paper is to know and explain how the role of Islamic cooperatives in developing societies’ economy.


Hendarkusnadi,ekonomikoperasi (fakultasEkonomi UI) hal.12

C.TheAims of Writing Cooperative aims are to advance welfare members in particular and community at large. D.The Method of Writing 1.Reading books and journals related to the topic. 2.Collect material from several raeading source such as books,articles and Journals related to the topic. 3.Outline journal book and articles related to the topic

CHAPTER II General Description of Cooperatives A. Definition of Cooperatives Cooperative in general comes from the word latin,from the word latin namely “cum” meaning with,and “apersi” meaning work.From these two words in English known by the term “co” and “operation”,which means work together.The word cooperation into the term economic as “cooperative” which means the organizations with the member ship of which is voluntary.Economics explain that the cooperative

is some thing the

assembly of the above equality as a human being with no distinction of religion and politics volunteered to become members and to meet the needs of the joint shall be borne together.2The definition of cooperatives according to law no.25 of 1992 articles 1 is :a business entity consisting of persons,or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on cooperative principles as well the people’s economy which is based on the principle of kinship. B.Difference between Islamic and Conventional Cooperatives 1.Understanding of Islamic Cooperation The understanding of Islamic Cooperative or Baitulqirath technically can be said aste cooperative principle,purpose and business activities based on Islamic sharia,namely the quran and as-sunnah.The general sense of the islamic is a cooperative business entity which is doing business with sharia principles.3

2 3

Syamsuddin Mahmud.Dasar-dasar Ilmu Koperasi dan Gerakan Koperasi,(Jakarta internusa,2000),hal.109 Buchori Nur S,Koperasi Syariah,(Sidoarjo:Kelompok Masmedia Buana Pustaka,2009),hal.27

Islamic cooperative are very much different from cooperative conventional,because on the hand cooperatives conventional to use a system of interest while the cooperative services of sharia using the system for result or sell buy. In the Islamic economy must be sourced to the alquran and hadist.justice, the prohibition on riba,compete in goodness please help give priority to buying and selling.4 2.The understanding of cooperatives conventional In general cooperatives conventional and Islamic cooperatives refers to the basic principles of cooperatives is the same,namely according to law no.25 1992 about cooperatives,namely : Among others,membership is voluntary and opened.5 Cooperative conventional in operations use the system interest in the service to members,bost in provide loans or in serve saving members.Cooperative conventional in Indonesia is very much,cooperative conventional in Indonesia is very much,but it’s been a lot to change the body is being cooperative developers,because many a cooperative began to realize that will be the meaning of verse in alquran.From the meaning of usury according to the Arabic language is more ( increased ),as is the definition of according to the term syarak is “a the extra in the transaction selling bought and an additional over financial capital/debt because of the factors time in absolute.


Lembaga Diklat Profesi Pinbuk Jakarta.2018.M121 UU No.25 Tahun1992 tentang Perkoperasian


C.Management system of Islamic Cooperatives Each of the organization has a done to develop the each other’s company. however,not all the financial have the same businessr,as for the businesses conducted by Islamic cooperative,namely : a.Thebusiness which is lawful,good and beneficial (thayyib) as well as favorable with the system for result or sell buy without usury or indefiniteness (gharar). b.The business must be in accordance with the provisions of national sharia board of committee mufti Indonesia. c.The business that make it at odds with applicable law. The laws of Islamic economy,can be defined as the branch of science that studies how humans meet needs that are limited by tool dissatisfaction needs limited. 6 The development of Islamic cooperative that exist around us centainly very help serving members of the community to get venture capital cheap and ablessing.Islamic cooperative can free up members of the public from the practice loan sharks (creditor) who overload their loan with high interest.A result of the practice for loan sharks such their effrorts are less developed,because it must pay interest on the loan that expensive.The Islamic economic system when implementedin the community is certainly a blessing for his efforts.In this case we


Muhammad,Ekonomi Mikro,dalam Perspektif Islam (Yogyakarta:BPTE,2005)hal.162

can see in the area about the presence of Islamic cooperative called Baitul Qiradh as institutions which channel financing (capital loans)to small businesses for example merchants who sell in the markets,which they do not have acces to banking will be served by the Islamic cooperative and made them as members of the cooperative.