The Moon and It's Energy Cycles [PDF]

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The Moon It’s Energy Cycles


Energy Cycles The Cycles in Nature are important when doing any kind of empowerment work. When working with the energy of natural cycles, you are likely to get better results. The cycles of the moon have great power when doing empowerment work. This influence is not a constant, unchanging thing, however, and an understanding of the basic lunar cycles can help us to understand how these cycles influence our lives. The moon orbits the earth about every 29 days, and this first cycle is the one most people are familiar with. The moon is illuminated by sunlight, the giver of all warmth, light, and life in our solar system, but we can't always see the part being lit. As the moon goes around the earth, we see the moon from different angles. When we see a full moon, the moon is directly opposite the sun, when we see no moon, its because the moon and sun are in the same direction. The moon goes from dark moon (no moon visible) through the waxing stage, to the full moon, to the waning moon stage, and then back to the dark moon stage. This first lunar cycle is one of the main factors controlling the amount of reflected light we get from the moon. The second lunar cycle is distance: the moon's orbit around the earth is not perfectly round, and so the moon is not always the same distance from the earth. This changing distance is what makes the moon seem bigger sometimes. The moon's power is up to 25% greater when it's at its closest point. This second cycle also effects the amount of reflected light we get from the moon. The third cycle is the height of the moon in the sky. The moon's orbit is not parallel to our equator, and so the moon "wobbles" in its path around us. This wobble makes the moon higher in the sky at some points of its orbit than it is at other times, and effects the quality of the light we get from the moon. Like all living things, we are closely tied to light and its effects.  

Though most people don't think about it, the amount and quality of light we get has a big impact on our lives. "Quality" is more than a sense of a light's "warmth" or "coolness." These terms are used to describe light that is either more towards the red end of the spectrum (warm) or towards the blue end (cool), and studies reveal that the "color"of light effects us greatly. But the moon does more than simply reflect sunlight, it also transmutes it, changing its energies slightly and adding its own subtle vibrations. Moonlight may be reflected sunlight, but, in being reflected, it takes on a character all its own. The three basic lunar cycles control both the amount and quality of light we get from the moon and its gravitational and magnetic effect on us, as well as all living things. All you have to do is learn to listen to the heartbeat of nature and begin to dance in time with its rhythms. Where the sun can be seen as life and spirit, the earth seen as body and physical, the moon can be seen as the successful combination of physical and spiritual. In it's dance through time and space, the moon is in balance with the forces around it... it is in harmony. "As without, so within". Knowledge of the basic cycles of life is an understanding of the forces that motivate and drive us; the forces that affect our lives. *When the moon is waxing, that is when it is growing toward a full moon, it is time to do empowerment work in manifesting, expanding and growth. *When the moon is waning, that is when it is shrinking after a full moon, it is time to do empowerment work in diminishing, decreasing and dissipating. It is important to work WITH the cycles of the moon. To do otherwise, would be to waste your valuable energy. Once you accustom yourself to the cycles of the moon, you will be able to  

use that energy for more than just empowerment work.  Waxing: : to show a progressively larger light surface, as the moon does in passing from new to full. Waning: : the period of the decrease of the moon's illuminated visible surface. Gibbous: : more than half but less than fully illuminated. Used of a celestial body, as the moon. Crescent: : the figure of the moon as it appears first quarter, with concave and convex edges terminating in points. Apogee: : the point in the orbit of the moon or an artificial satellite most distant from the earth. Perigee: : the point nearest the earth in the orbit of the moon or of a satellite.


The Cycles of Nature are also seen within the days of the week and times of day. By working within this framework, you are creating, to your greatest advantage, the most powerful intent possible.  Sunday: Ruler: Sun - Healing, Spirituality, Wish work. Monday: Ruler: Moon - Intuition, Creativity work. Tuesday: Ruler: Mars - Aggression, Passion, Power work. Wednesday: Ruler: Mercury - Communication work. Thursday: Ruler: Jupiter - Expansiveness, Adventure work. Friday: Ruler: Venus - Money, The Arts, Beauty work. Saturday: Ruler: Saturn - Responsibility, Task work.


Crystal Associations with the Moon Embracing the energies of the moon can be a great tool when you are doing any kind of empowerment work. The moon has a powerful relationship to our lives. The moon's influence can be seen by its connection to the Earth's tides. There is a connection to the moon and the intuitive aspect of one's nature. The phases of the moon relate to seasons, color, menstrual cycles, life cycles and along with the sun, the moon's energy is a higher conductor and amplifier of our moods and emotions. Meteorite: Properties: are usually solid, dull, mottled, brownish to black. Non-iron varieties amplify thoughts/telepathic sending/receiving, greater awareness, some connection to extraterrestrial life. Odd/unusual energy, best used by those drawn to them. Some believe that since Meteorites are in tune with the energies of the cosmos and therefore more capable of raising our energies to a universal level. Others believe that that since they have no connection to Earth. Perhaps a reasonable way to approach this stone is to try and tune into its energy on an intuitive level and decide whether or not it would play a good role in your life. (This is a good rule for all stones or gems of the Earth as well). B  uy Meteorite Now * Order Other Forms of this Stone Moldavite: Properties: Variety of Tektite, but twice as rare! (fell to earth). Dull outside, deep clear green inside. Powerfully expands psychic abilities, channeling. On Heart Chakra. Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, crown: Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating from elsewhere to be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity, emotional intensity, epilepsy...)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground yourself after use and before driving). Fragile - Don't salt cleanse! More rare, expensive and powerful than "tektite." B  uy Moldavite Now * Order Other Forms of this Stone Moonstone: Properties: Feldspar (contains aluminum). Translucent with white, pink, yellow, soft sheen. Honors the Goddess in all women, Dieting, Gardening, Psychic Awareness, Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life.  

Connects 2nd and 6th Chakra and Pineal for emotional balance, gracefulness. Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. Used for protection against the perils of travel. Known to be of ancient spiritual significance in their connection to the moon and the intuitive aspect of one's nature. Helps cool, soothe, and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. Makes one conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. They open us up to the feminine and are associated with sensitivity, intuition, and clairvoyance. Beneficial for those involved in agriculture. Moonstone's effect upon the menstrual cycle is powerful. At the time of the full moon or menstruation, women should be aware of their sensitive emotional nature and remove these stones. May help all parts of the lower torso, which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs. It is recommended for farmers, artists, dancers and young men. B  uy Moonstone Now * Order Other Forms of this Stone Tektite: Properties: is a type of natural glass, chemically and structurally unique, of meteoric origin. Tektites are found on earth within a narrow equatorial belt 80 degrees wide. They have been found in Thailand, Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Tektites usually have a heavily pitted surface. Many have the appearance of being stretched while in a molten state. They appear black, but when held up to the light, you can sometimes see a golden tint in translucent areas around the edges. Assists one in attaining knowledge and learning lessons throughout the travels of life. Balances the feminine/masculine, provides insight, strengthens one's energy field. Can stimulate thought transmissions. B  uy Tektite Now * Order Other Forms of this Stone


Biorhythms Biorhythms are a method to predict three cycles in your life based on your birthday. These cycles are the physical, emotional and intellectual cycle. Each of these cycles goes through different phases: high, low and critical. The scientists Dr. Hermanna Swoboda and Dr. Wilhelm Fliess discovered biorhythms at the turn of the century. Both scientists weren't working together but discovered biorhythms at about the same time. At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Wilhelm Fliess noticed identical rhythms in the case histories of his patients. He observed active and passive phases in the physical, emotional and mental aspects of humans. From these observations he derived the principle of the biorhythms: The physical curve with its cycle of 23 days, the emotional curve with 28 days and the mental curve with 33 days. His interpretation of cycles are expressed when the curve of any cycle is above the midline, we experience a "high" in the corresponding field (physical, emotional or mental): 1. If it is the physical curve, you will feel bodily well and, for example, if you were to have an operation the body would be more resilent. 2. If it is the emotional curve, you will be in a good mood and your contact with other people will be positive. 3. If it is the mental curve, your thought processes will be sharper, concentration will be easier and you may have a lot of ideas and insights.  When the curve of any cycle is below the midline, we experience a "low" in the corresponding field: 1. If it is a physical low, you may feel weak and listless.


2. If it is an emotional low, you may feel miserable and out of sorts. 3. If it is a mental low, thinking can be foggy and concentration hard.  When any of the curves crosses the midline, this is a critical time in the corresponding field and if two curves cross the midline at the same point, this is a very critical time. Critical in the physical field means you may feel exhausted and it is better to avoid physical effort and operations. Critical in the emotional field means you may feel irritable and sad, and emotional outbreaks are likely so it is better to avoid conflicts and arguments. Critical in the mental field finally means sluggish thinking and it is better to postpone activities that demand a lot of concentration. Biorhythms can't predict or explain events, they can only suggest how we may deal with them. 


Consciousness and Awareness Limited views and opinions are stifling. They detach us from reality, decrease our awarenss and shut down our mind. We all have a limited view of some areas of our lives. Gaining a broader perspective is self awareness. Being able to open up your mind, allowing a free flow of thoughts and ideas can be liberating. Welcoming a new opinion or way of doing something can bring new meaning to your life. If you give up your closed thouughts and make way for a different opinion, you may be suprised at the outcome. Striving to meet difficult goals has pushed us to stretch the horizons of what we think is possible. We share the ways in which obstacles and challenges have made us stronger, and given us confidence to continue setting goals and dreams in our adventures, our business, and in our day to day lives. This is conscious living. To start living in consciousness, we must start to experience the fourfold ordering principle as the four functions: sensations, thoughts, feelings and willingness. *Sensations Sensing means perception; observe; 5 senses; unprocessed information; intake; direct and immediate consciousness; discern; sensuality; left brain; sex and excretion; sense data; and waking consciousness. *Thoughts Thinking means: reason; relate; rational; logical; analytical; discursive; ratiocination; order; consider; reflect; ponder; cogitate; dialectic; symbolize; conceive; connect; deliberate; either-or; both-and; enumerate; hind brain; breathing; language; and reflection. *Feelings Feeling means the following: love; emotions; affects; drives; fun; intensity; enthusiasm; exhilaration; moods; imagination; force; power; passion; sentiment; strength; laughter; joy; humor; playfulness; right brain; metabolism; impulses; and dreams.



*Willingness Willing means the following types of consciousness, the following experiences: action of all kinds; decisions; doing; determining; controlling; yes-no; on-off; accomplishing; effectuating; carrying out; implementing; working; ordering; intuiting; forebrain; deep sleep and attention. 



Make a Self-Awareness Journal 1. For two weeks, make notations whenever you have a mood swing, emotional upheaval or change in energy (such as hyperactivity or lethargy). 2. Note the date and time of the event. 3. Note what actions you take to bring yourself back to balance. Do you sit down and do yoga, stretch, meditate. Do you recite an affirmation? Do you binge eat, purge, have a drink or do other actions revolving around food? 4. If you react with food, what do you eat? Find comfort in? 5. Note what you appeared to by unaware of, just 24 hours ago. 6. The Self Awareness Journal is NOT a judgment tool. It is a way for you to go back to it, AFTER a week is done and look at habits you may not even realize you are doing in response to change. 7. After committing to two weeks of journaling, take a look at the overall process. Was it somehow helpful to you? In retrospect, did you gain valuable information from it? 8. If so, consider writing in it for another week. 9. You can use this journal to write down "positive progress" as well. Did you make any changes after your first two weeks? 10. Your Self Awareness Journal can just be the tool you need to take you to a new plateau of understanding your emotional connection to either you lack of awareness or current state and how you can actually take control and do something about it! 



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References 1. Anderson, R.Y., Possible connection between surface winds, solar activity and the Earth's magnetic field, Nature, 358, 51-53, 1992. 2. Becker, Robert "Electromagnetic Forces and Life Processes". Technology Review, Dec. 1972 3. Cogan, L.Peter (1969). The Rhythmic Cycles of Optimism and Pessimism. New York. 4. Craig, Edward (1998). Metaphysics. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Retrieved February 12, 2003, from 5. Cycles of Nature: 6. Daily Biorhythms: 7. Dewey, Edward (1971). Cycles. Foundation For The Study Of Cycles. 8. Ellington, James, Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, trans. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1975. 9. Gregor, Mary, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. ed. Cambridge University Press, 1998. 10. Luce, Gay Gaer (1971). Biological Rhythms in Human & Animal Physiology. 11. Metaphysics by Aristotle Translated by W. D. Ross, eBooks@Adelaide The University of Adelaide Library University of Adelaide: 12. Plumwood, Val, 1993, Feminism and the Mastery of Nature, Routledge, London and New York. 13. Physics Today "Magnetic Fields of the Human Body". August 1975 14. Rescher, Nicholas, 1996, Process Metaphysics: An Introduction to Process Philosophy, State University of New York Press, Albany. 15. Today's Health "How the Heavens Influence Our Live"s. Oct.1971 16. Walford, David and Meerbote, Ralf , Theoretical Philosophy, trans. Cambridge University Press, 1992. 17. Willson, R.C., and H.S. Hudson, The sun's luminosity over a complete solar cycle, Nature 351, 42-44, 1991.