The Essene Degrees AMOM Lesson-1 Study-2 [PDF]

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Lesson 1 Study 2

This Is A Sacred Document, Upon Which You Must Vow Silence. "The Pledge Of Silence" I Stand To Witness That The Documents I Am To Receive Are Sacred Documents Upon Which I Vow Silence. In All Honesty, I Vow Not To Reveal To, Duplicate, Disclose, Discuss, Tape Or Transmit These Documents To None! Neither Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Daughter Or Son. I Overstand That To Progress Spiritually On The Path Of Intellect, I Must Not Break My Vow Of Silence, Instead, I Must Help To Preserve These Sacred Documents In Their Pure Form. I Vow Not To Misinterpret And Incorrectly Practice The Teachings Taught To Me By My Spiritual Guide, And I Vow To Keep These Degrees Solely For Personal Use. In The Event That I Am No Longer A Member Of This Divine Order, I Vow To Return All Of The Sacred Tools In My Possession."

Having Taken Your Vow Of Silence You May Continue On! Beloved Keeper Of The Secrets This Is One Of The Secret Documents You Will Receive From The Ancient Mystic Order Of Melchizedek (A.M.O.M. Or O.M.) You Have Vowed Not To Reveal The Contents Of These Sacred Documents To Anyone, And Farther Along You Will Better Overstand The Reason Why. pagel_

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Lesson 1 Study 2

CHAPTER TWO lletoved Kosmosan,

The Self Realization Initiation That You Conferred Upon Yourself In Study 1 Was Your Initial Preparation For Your Journey Along The Path Of Overstanding. That Initiation Should Have Enhanced Your Receptivity, Awakened Your Subconscious And Alerted Your Most Perceptive Abilities. Now Kosmosan, You Are Prepared To Receive The Knowledge Contained Within The Pages Of "Study Two Of Lesson 1". Within This, You Will Learn How To Study Your Degrees. For Yes, There Is A Prescribed Manner In Which The Kosmosans Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek Study Their Degrees. You Will Also Learn That For A Seeker In Search Of Spiritual Perfection, The Greatest Hindrance That You Can Encounter Is The Confusion Between That Which Is Real And That Which Is An Illusion. What Is Illusion? Illusion Is Used To Denote Attachment And Ignorance. The Word Illusion Comes From The Latin Word Illusionem" Meaning "A Mocking, Jesting". The Nuwaubic Word For "Illusion" Is Xd.Tir»fc>3, Wahumim Which Means "Delusive Imagination, Erroneous Impression, Fancy Delusion"; And The Plural Is Xd,7u->4R>!Jd.d.;6 "Wahumimaat" (Holy Tablets Ch. 7 Tablet 23:89). The Greek Word For Illusion Is "Illayzian" Which Also Means "A False Impression Or Perception". niusion - A False Idea Or Conception, An Unreal Or Misleading Appearance Taken From Webster's Dictionary Second Edition

Just As A Container Creates The Illusion That The Space Inside It Is Separate And Smaller, So The Mind Creates Its Own Wall, And Hence, The Illusion Of Separation From The Self. Now This, Is A Method Of Analysis By Negation Or Denial. It Is A Means Of Approach By Finding Out What A Particular Subject Is Not Like, One Can Move Toward An Overstanding Of What It Is Like. Through This Process Of Negation, One Can Approach An Overstanding Of Real Happiness, By Realizing That It Does Not Lie In Wealth, Power, Fame. If You Trust Wholeheartedly In This Material World, Clearly You Have Trust In An Illusion. Do You Acknowledge Wealth, Fame, And The Spices Of Life? Well All Of These Are Merely Temporary. This World And All Of The Beauty i>uKc 2 _ 4-.» .0.» .

And Glamour With Which It Flatters You, Is As A Mirage On An Oasis In The Hot Burning Sands, "Unreal". Soon It Will Vanish And You With It, Unless You Free Yourself From It's Lure. Do Not Misoverstand Me, I Am Not Implying That You Should Live In Poverty. What I Am Saying Is That You Must Learn The Difference Between Possessing Wealth And Being Possessed By "Wealth". Beloved Kosmosan: Do Not Become As Those Who Spend Their Entire Lives In Pursuit Of Luxury, Only To Find That Life Has Passed Them By, And That They Neither Obtained The Wealth They Sought, And In Some Cases, Obtained The Wealth And Success, But Realized That With All Their Accomplishments They Failed To Acquire The Most Precious Jewel Of All: Knowledge Of And For The Spirit, Food For The Inner Self, The Soul, That Part Of You That Lives On After The Gasum (O-d-^lTa, Physical Body) Has Decomposed. The First, Is What People See You As Maduy (ad-Q IT-f, Physical), The Second, A'glu (^O« If, Mental) Is What You See Yourself As And The Third, Nafusal (Md-dlT^d-a .Spiritual) Is Who You Really Are: The Supreme Being In You, And That Is Who The Members Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek, Will Raise To Power Over The Other Two. For Each Being Is A Trinity, Meaning That There Are Three Beings In One: Yes, You Should Have Goals In Your Life That You Want To Reach. Goals That Will Help Unite Us, And Create A World That Is Safe For All Children, And If Along The Way, You See Something Beautiful That You Would Like To Own, By All Means Own It. Only Remember That You Should Not Allow Yourself To Become So Attached To Your Worldly Possessions Until You Forget Everything Else. In Order To Become Worthy Of The Journey Upon Which You Are To Embark, You Must Overcome The Trivialities Of The Physical Plane And Learn To Submit To The Feelings Of The Unknown; Those Feelings That Inspire Your Spirit And Elavate Your Soul. Feelings That You Have Known Since Birth, In Reality, They Are Only Your Senses Crying Out And Imploring You To Remove The Veil From Your Eyes. Those Feelings Are The Innermost Part Of You, That Part That Beckons You To A The Third Eye Which Is Awaken By Your Higher Senses; LAI Tajatur (d,o7

Each Level Will Have A Different Color Sash. The First Level Will Have White On A Red Sash, The Middle Level Will Have Black On A. White Sash, And The Third Level Will Have White On A Black Sash With Jewels On The Symbols. The Symbols That Will Be On The Sashes Each Have A Symbolic Meaning. (Read You And The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek) All Students Enrolled In The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek Wear The Same Sash But In Different Colors According To Levels: The Jacket With The Wings Of An Angel Is Worn (Holy Tablet 7 Chapter 1:195). El Sutur

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The Jacket The Long Jacket Represents The Ephod Worn By El Sem-Kahun (V